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1、 Argentina Edition In Association with the Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial de la Argentina The global economys continued weakness;rising operating costs;labor challenges;trade tensions between the US,China,and Europe;wars in the Middle East and Ukraine;threatening events in the Pacific;and

2、political uncertainty in Latin America all make for a volatile and unsettling global picture for 2024.Our 2024 C-Suite Outlook survey finds CEOs in Argentina citing inflation,an economic downturn and possible recession,and more regulation as the top three external factors likely to have the highest

3、impact on their business operations in the coming year.Since 1999,The Conference Board has surveyed CEOs and later C-Suite executives across the globe to identify the most critical issues they face and the strategies they are developing to meet them.Our latest survey,conducted between October 24 and

4、 November 24,2023,asked 1,247 C-Suite executives(20 in Argentina)including 630 CEOs globally(61 in Argentina),for their views on external and internal stress points,emerging AI technology,geopolitical risks,human capital management,and sustainability through an environment,social,and governance(ESG)

5、lens.Their responses may help business leaders to win through all the chaos and disruption and become tomorrows leaders with future-ready organizations.This years research was conducted in association with the Instituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial de la Argentina(Idea).The Conference Board C-Suit

6、e Outlook 2024 Leading for Tomorrow Winning Through Change and Disruption 2 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Setting the Global Economic Context:Slow Growth Ahead Global real GDP was forecast to grow by 2.9%for 2023,down from 3.3%in 2022.We expect furth

7、er slowing to 2.5%in 2024.Economic growth has been weighed down by persistent inflation and monetary policy tightening.Looking ahead,we expect relatively subdued economic growth over the next 6 to 12 months.The Conference Board forecasts Argentinas real GDP to contract by-0.9%in 2024 and grow by 1%i

8、n 2025.To get inflation under control,the new administration will have to depress domestic demand and rely on exports to prevent a deeper economic contraction next year.If the policy works,a modest rebound in GDP growth in 2025 looks possible.Overall,we see the key risks to the global economic outlo

9、ok still skewed to the downside.Growth forecasts for 2024 are generally strongest in emerging Asian economies and weakest in Europe and the US.Our 10-year economic outlook continues to point to a prolonged period of declining vitality in the global economy.Trusted Insights for Whats AheadTM External

10、 factors CEOs in Argentina see inflation,an economic downturn/recession,and domestic regulation as the top three external factors expected to impact their businesses in 2024.Almost three-quarters of the CEOs in our survey(73.8%)cite inflation as the number one high impact issue for the coming yeara

11、valid concern with inflation estimated to be at more than 120%in 2024.While The Conference Board believes a global recession is unlikely in 2024,we do expect slower growth in the wake of tighter monetary policy by governments to tackle inflation.Declining trust in government and regional political u

12、ncertainty round out the top five high-impact issues for CEOs in Argentina in 2024.Just outside the top five are corporate tax rates and social and civil unrest.Compared to their global peers,CEOs in Argentina see less of an impact in 2024 from higher borrowing costs(17th in Argentina but 4th global

13、ly)and rapidly advancing AI technology(tied 10th in Argentina but 6th globally and in Europe,and 3rd in the US),though AI does factor into their longer-term growth strategies.3 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition CEOs in Argentina rank inflation and an eco

14、nomic downturn/recession as high-impact issues for 2024;internally they are focused on talent,innovation,and improving the customer experience Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow Internal focus and growth drivers CEOs in Argentina say their internal organizational p

15、riorities for 2024 center around talent,technology,and keeping the customer satisfiedwhile keeping an eye on costs.Even with unemployment hovering near 7%in the past year,CEOs in Argentina cite attract and retain talent as their number one internal priority for the coming year.Other focus areas incl

16、ude enhancing product and service innovation,improving the customer experience,and accelerating digital transformation(including AI adoption),while looking to hold the line on costs.Developing new products and services and controlling costs while investing in new technology and their workforce are c

17、onsidered by CEOs in Argentina as critical components to drive short-term profit growth in 2024.More than one quarter of CEOs(26.2%)are also focusing on price increase to drive profits with the same number looking to their marketing functions to boost sales to help the bottom line.CEOs in Argentina

18、cite three broad areas of investment to fuel longer-term growth in the next three to five years.They plan investments in 1)innovation and digital transformation,including AI and AI-driven automation;2)new lines of business;and 3)their workforces,including upskilling,re-training their existing workfo

19、rces,and building a corporate culture that allows their workforce to thrive.4 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Global risks CEOs in Argentina cite mushrooming national debt levels,foreign investment restrictions,and export controls as the top three geop

20、olitical risks their organizations face in the coming year.The potential for increased cyberattacks and import tariffs complete the top-five risk list.Four of the top five cited by CEOs in Argentina are closely related to the financial,fiscal,trade,and economic situation specific to Argentina with c

21、oncern that excessive national debt may contribute to inflationary pressures.CEOs globally have a broader view of the risk environment.For example,they cite higher energy prices,increase cyberattacks,the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine,and import tariffs/trade wars as the top five geopolitical r

22、isks for 2024.More than three-quarters of CEOs in Argentina say the transition to renewable energy will be significantly positive for their organizations.Another 19.6%say the transition will have no significant impact on their organizations.Despite conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine being star

23、k reminders that fossil fuels are highly vulnerable to geopolitical risks and the anticipated positive impact of the transition,investment in renewable energy remains a relatively low priority for now.Just 4.9%of CEOs in Argentina cite it as an important long-term growth investment.Embracing artific

24、ial intelligence CEO expectations of a positive payback from artificial intelligence are extremely high.Well over 95%of CEOs in Argentina see AI increasing the efficiency/productivity of labor and the firm overall as well as producing gains in innovation and creativity.But there is work to be done t

25、o create an organizational culture and governance structure to maximize AIs productivity.More than 95%of CEOs say the adoption of AI will require new investments in upskilling and training their existing workforces.A total of 79.6%say it will require new capital expenditures.Managing human capital C

26、EOs in Argentina say their top human capital management priorities in 2024 will be developing leadership and workforce capabilities,strengthening organizational culture,and accelerating the pace of digital transformation with the goal of retaining and attracting talent.Other human capital management

27、 priorities include improving the employee experience,emphasizing adaptability and innovation skills within the organization,and supporting diversity,equity,and inclusion(DEI)programs.5 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Setting ESG priorities When it com

28、es to setting environment,social,and governance(ESG)priorities for their organizations,CEOs in Argentina are heavily focused on social issues(the“S”in ESG).Four of the top five ESG priorities cited by CEOs deal with social concerns.The top three include:education and gender equality,with carbon and

29、other GHG emissions being the outlier among the top five.Marketing&communications CEOs say they will focus their marketing investments on improving customer service and the customer experience as well as data and analytics.More than half of CEOs in Argentina say they are planning to increase their b

30、udgets for AI in both marketing and communications.The same number also plan to boost spending on new product development along with customer acquisition over the next 24 months.Turbulent Times:The High-Impact External Factors and Areas of Internal Focus for 2024 Concerns about inflation and a slowi

31、ng global economy with the potential of recession remain elevated both globally and in Argentina.For the second year in a row,CEOs in Argentina cite inflation as the top external issue likely to have the greatest impact on their organizations in the coming year.Recession/economic downturn is second.

32、Globally,CEOs have these two in reverse order with an economic downturn number one and inflation second.(While The Conference Board believes there will be slower global economic growth in 2024,a global recession remains unlikely.)Adding to their broad concerns about the impact of an economic slowdow

33、njust 33.3%of CEOs in Argentina believe their organizations are adequately prepared to navigate a recession.However,they are much more confident about their ability to deal with high inflation.Almost two-thirds of CEOs(63.6%)say their organizations are well prepared to handle an inflationary environ

34、ment.Domestic regulation,along with declining trust in government and regional political uncertainty where their companies operate,are seen by CEOs in Argentina as having a significant impact on their organizations in 2024.All three of these issues were cited as top-five impact issues in 2023.Histor

35、ically Argentina has had a regulatory framework that can be complex and subject to frequent changes.Concern about domestic regulation also features prominently for CEOs in the US,Europe,and Chile.6 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Figure 1 CEOs in Argen

36、tina see inflation,an economic downturn/recession,and domestic regulation as the top three external factors expected to impact their businesses in 2024 Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow Internal focus In addition to fighting the war for talent,CEOs in Argentina sa

37、y their organizations will also be internally focused on enhancing product and service innovation,improving customer service,accelerating digital transformation,and reducing costs.One concern about a cost reduction focus is that a company may lose sight of the long term and find itself unprepared to

38、 take advantage of an earlier-than-expected economic rebound due to a shortage of labor or lack of capital investment.7 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Additional investment in technology,automation,and upskillingthree issues that feature highly on CEO

39、s list of internal prioritiesare viable solutions to ongoing labor shortages.Leaders must look ahead and consider how the nature of work will change to get ahead of the talent shortage.This longer-term view will necessitate a continuous reevaluation of the skills needed for people to perform their j

40、obs and drive the creation of new roles that may not exist today but will be essential in the future.Figure 2 CEOs in Argentina cite innovation,customer satisfaction,and digital transformation as their top internal priorities for 2024 Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomo

41、rrow Most CEOs globally and in Argentina say supply chain adjustments are necessary.Concerns over supply chain disruptions have receded both in Argentina and globally in the past year.A top-five,high-impact issue for CEOs in Argentina in 2023 drops from 5th to 17th in 2024.Likewise,globally the issu

42、e drops down to 18th in our current survey from 5th in 2023.The lessening of concern is a sign that barring a flare-up in the Middle East or a black swan event elsewhere,supply chains may be close to returning to prepandemic normalcy.Nonetheless,more than two-thirds of CEOs globally and in Argentina

43、(68.9%)are either planning to alter their supply chains in the next three to five years or have already done so.The 8 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition top two supply chain adjustments CEOs in Argentina plan to make are 1)introducing AI and digital techn

44、ology to improve performance and 2)finding alternative sources of supply.Figure 3 Most CEOs globally and in Argentina say they have already made or plan to make supply chain adjustments in the next three to five years Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow Lowering dis

45、ruption risk is the primary reason CEOs in Argentina give for altering supply chains.Some 48.8%of CEOs in Argentina cite risk reduction as their main motivation for altering supply chains.Other key motivators cited include lower costs,proximity to customers,and regulations/policies by the local gove

46、rnment,9 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Figure 4 The primary motive to readjust supply chains for CEOs in Argentina is lower disruption risk;lower costs,proximity to customers,and regulation are also key factors Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Out

47、look 2024:Leading for Tomorrow Risk Factors:Whats Keeping CEOs Up at Night The concern CEOs in Argentina have over increased national debt levels an issue that can threaten local and global growthis also shared by CEOs in Chile where it ranks third and Europe where it ranks sixth.Interestingly,US CE

48、Os cite their own US national debt and deficits as the number-one threat to their business operations.The top risks cited by CEOs in Argentina including foreign investment restrictions,export controls,and import tariffs;all bring additional expense in the way of compliance.Also,these risks are not o

49、nly making it hard for businesses to plan ahead with any degree of confidence,but they are also acting as accelerators,speeding up strategy refinement and innovation,especially around cyber risk,and supply chains.One area of concern:while potential for an increase in cyberattacks is ranked as tied f

50、or number four among geopolitical risks by CEOs in Argentina,just 8.2%percent of CEOs cite cybersecurity as a critical investment choice for longer-term growth.However,more than 60%of CEOs(62.3%)state their organizations are prepared to handle a cybersecurity crisis,which makes them one of the most

51、confident CEO groups in our survey when it comes to cybersecurity.10 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Figure 5 CEOs in Argentina are more focused on local fiscal,trade,and regulatory issues as high risk compared to CEOs globally Source:The Conference Bo

52、ard C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow CEOs outside of Argentina have significant war worries.The primary geopolitical risk concern for CEOs in Europe and Chile is the war in the Middle East.It is number three for CEOs in the US.CEOs in Europe,the US,and Chile also rank an expansion of the co

53、nflict in Ukraine as a top-five geopolitical risk.CEOs are not expecting an immediate impact on their businesses from these conflicts:war in the Middle East ranks 16th globally and 20th in Argentina as an external,high-impact event,and war in Ukraine ranks 24th globally and 21st in Argentina.Instead

54、,concerns are primarily focused on the risk potential for escalation of these conflicts,which could seriously threaten global growth and reignite a rise in energy prices.However,the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the war in the Middle East is a mixed picture for Argentina.High agricultura

55、l commodities prices may boost export earnings,but a higher energy import bill could offset this.Higher food and energy prices may further drive inflation.Even though accelerating a shift to renewable energy sources is not a major internal focus for CEOs in Argentina in 2024,76.7%of them say the tra

56、nsition to renewable energy will be significantly positive for their organizations.The current global crises in Europe and the Middle East are clear reminders that fossil fuels are highly vulnerable to geopolitical risks.While governments and business leaders may turn to a greater share of fossil fu

57、els in the near term to supplement their energy needs,if and when current crisis ease,an accelerated transition to renewable energy is likely.More than a third of CEOs in Argentina 11 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition (33.9%)say their organizations are a

58、lready making major renewable energy-related adjustments to business operations,and another 19.6%say they are in the planning stage.Figure 6 More than three-quarters of CEOs in Argentina see the transition to renewable energy as significantly positive for their organizations Source:The Conference Bo

59、ard C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow Investing for the Future:How CEOs Plan to Grow Organizations CEOs in Argentina plan to drive short-term profit growth in 2024 through a mixture of investing in new product development,technology,and their workforces,in addition to cutting costs.CEOs will

60、 also be looking to enter new markets and increase prices to improve their bottom lines.More than 30%of CEOs in Argentina(31.1%)plan to invest in human capital as a top strategy to drive profits,making it clear that they recognize the importance of the relationship between investment in people and p

61、roductivity(a driver of profitability),which leads to better bottom-line performance.12 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Figure 7 For CEOs in Argentina the keys to short-term profit growth in 2024 include new products and services,greater use of technol

62、ogy,and cutting costs Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow To ensure business growth over the next two to three years,CEOs in Argentina are looking to technology,including artificial intelligence;innovation;and a corporate culture that allows talent and innovation to

63、 thrive.A total of 41%of CEOs in Argentina cite digital transformation,including AI as the primary driver of longer-term growth,while another 34.4%cited investing in innovation as a growth priority.Also high on their list of growth drivers are corporate culture and upskilling and retaining of existi

64、ng workforces.13 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Figure 8 Digital transformation,including AI,innovation,new business lines,and a strong corporate culture are seen by CEOs in Argentina as keys to longer-term business growth Source:The Conference Board

65、C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow Embracing AI:CEOs are Excited by the Possibilities but May Be Underestimating the Risks CEOs in Argentina are eager to move ahead with integrating artificial intelligence into their business operations.Just over 20%of CEOs in Argentina say they have already

66、adopted AI into their business operations and another 44.4%say they have immediate plans to integrate AI into some or all of their business units.Another 27.8%say their organizations are in an exploratory phase of AI adoption.Just 7.4%say they have no plans to employ AI in their businesses 14 C-Suit

67、e Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Figure 9 CEOs in Argentina are moving ahead with AI adoption plans Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow Expectations of the ROI on AI are helping to fuel the frenzy.Well over 90%of CEOs in Arge

68、ntina see AI increasing the efficiency/productivity of labor and the firm overall.A similar number also see big gains in innovation and creativity.More than 80%expect AI to improve their marketing function and increase sales,revenue,and profits.CEOs in Argentina realize that maximizing AIs potential

69、 will require more cross-functional collaboration,significant business model transformation,as well as new capital expenditures and investment in upskilling their workforces.More than 85%of CEOs believe AI will require more cross-functional collaboration and significant business model transformation

70、.There are also some red flags that indicate under recognition of AIs potential downside.Only 50%of CEOs in Argentina expect that AI will add risk to the firma view that may be overly optimistic.For example,AI elevates the risks of cyberattacks through malicious use of AI tools by bad actors.It also

71、 introduces new layers of risk related to intellectual property and other legal,ethical,and reputation issues.A total of 36.7%believe that AI will displace labor in their organizationan issue that can create significant challenges and risks for talent management and human resources down the road.Sur

72、prisingly,considering the hype around highly publicized efforts by government and the private sector to develop international AI governance standards and regulations,just 24.5%of CEOs in Argentina believe AI will add to their regulatory burden.15 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceB

73、oard.org Argentina Edition Figure 10 CEOs in Argentina have high expectations of AIs positive impact but realize more investment and organizational changes will be needed Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow Talent Retention:Human Capital Focuses on the Employee Expe

74、rience To achieve their talent goals of attracting and retaining workers,the top human capital management priorities for CEOs in Argentina in 2024 include developing leadership and workforce capabilities and strengthening both organizational culture and the employee experience,while at the same time

75、 accelerating the pace of digital transformation.All these actions can lead to increased employee engagement,enhanced productivity,more innovation,and improved employee well-being.CEOs also recognize that investment in digital technology is only a piece of the digital transformation puzzle.It is org

76、anizational culture,enlightened leadership,and talent that will ultimately create a sustainable competitive advantage in the digital age.The benefits of digital transformation can never be fully achieved without a concurrent investment in the human capital aspect of transformation and innovation.16

77、C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Figure 11 Developing leadership and workforce capabilities and strengthening organizational culture while accelerating the pace of digital transformation are among the top HCM priorities for CEOs in Argentina in 2024 Sou

78、rce:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ESG Priorities:A Focus on Social Issues Four of the top five ESG priorities for CEOs in Argentina deal with social issues,including education and gender equity.Carbon and other GHG emissions is ranked third and the first of their env

79、ironmental concerns.On the social issues side,CEOs are also focused on providing economic opportunity and security.Investment in high-quality early education can yield a range of long-term economic and social benefits,such as higher wages,less crime,and higher graduation rates.Capitalism,in order to

80、 be sustainable,must be capable of creating economic opportunity for individuals and communities.The journey of creating and fostering a great company and building a more civil and just society starts with creating equal opportunities in education,upward mobility,wealth creation,and advancement in t

81、he workplace.17 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Figure 12 Four of the top five ESG priorities for CEOs in Argentina are related to social issues.Gender equality is getting special attention Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for T

82、omorrow When it comes to integrating ESG into their businesses,handling ESG-related risk,seizing ESG-related business opportunities,and effectively communicating ESG strategy to stakeholders,CEOs in Argentina believe they and their organizations are high performers.CEOs say their organizations are d

83、oing“somewhat well”or“very well”handling ESG-related risks(96.4%),integrating ESG into business operations(96.2%),taking advantage of ESG-related business opportunities(94.6%),and communicating ESG policies and strategy(83.3%).18 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentin

84、a Edition Figure 13 Compared to CEOs globally,CEOs in Argentina express more confidence in their ability to handle ESG-related risk Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow Growth Drivers:CEOs See Marketing and Communications as Critical to Growth CEOs in Argentina are r

85、elying on their marketing and communications functions as important drivers of both short-term profits and longer-term growth over the next three to five years.When it comes to short-term profit growth in 2024,26.2%of CEOs cite“increase sales via marketing”as a top five driver.For longer-term growth

86、 over the next three to five years,13.1%of CEO cite“marketing and promotions”as a top-ten investment priority.Generally,CEOs in Argentina plan on holding their marketing and communications budgets at their current levels over the next 24 months,but there are exceptions.More than 70%of CEOs say they

87、are planning to increase budgets for improving the customer experience.More than half plan higher budgets for new product development,data and analytics,new customer acquisition,and AI for both marketing and communications.19 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Ed

88、ition Figure 14 More than half of CEOs in Argentina plan to increase their budgets for artificial intelligence in both marketing and communications Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow What Next:Who Is Ready for What May Come Next?The admitted lack of preparedness by

89、 CEOs in all regions,including Argentina,may raise questions among stakeholders,especially investors,about the resilience and agility of many organizations.The measures that a company takes to prepare for future shocks,such as having a climate change strategy or a strong cybersecurity and business c

90、ontinuity plan,signal to stakeholders,especially investors,that it has an informed and comprehensive approach to responding to future disruptions,either natural or man-made.While companies and countries are constantly adapting to past shocks and crises,there is a need to shift to predicting future s

91、hocks and creating resiliency to mitigate their impacts.More CEOs in Argentina say their organizations are prepared to deal with high inflation and another global health crisis,compared to their peers in other regions.CEOs in Argentina are the most confident in their organizations ability to deal wi

92、th high inflation not surprising,20 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition considering the countrys recent economic environment.They are also more confident than their global peers in dealing with a pandemic or global health crisis.Figure 15 More than half of

93、 CEOs in Argentina plan to increase their budgets for artificial intelligence in both marketing and communications Source:The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow 21 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Resources from The Conference Bo

94、ard Research reports AI in the Era of ESG:Nine Steps Boards Can Take Now,June 2023 AI:Regulations Rising,November 2023 CEO Confidence Deteriorated Further Heading into Q4,October 2023 CEOs at the Helm of ESG:Leading the Sustainability Transformation,December 2023 Global Economic Outlook 2024 to 2036

95、,October 2023 Globalization,Global Trade,and Value Chains,December 2021 How Companies Can Address ESG Backlash,August 2023 How Companies Can Address ESG Backlash,August 2023 Israel at War,October 2023 Job Satisfaction 2023,May 2023 Opportunities and Challenges of AI and its Impact on Cybersecurity,O

96、ctober 2023 Policy Backgrounder:FY2023 Spending on Debt Interest Explodes to Exceed Defense,November 2023 Renewable Energy,March 2022 Reshoring Trend Boosts US Manufacturing Growth,December 2023 Survey:65%of HR Leaders Expect AI to Benefit Their Profession,May 2023 The Debt Crisis Is Here,November 2

97、023 The Impact of Corporate Citizenship on Shareholder Value,February 2023 The Reimagined Workplace 2023:Striking a Delicate Balance,July 2023 The Roles of the Board in the Era of ESG and Stakeholder Capitalism,September 2022 Transitioning to a Skills-Based Organization:First Steps(Overview),Septemb

98、er 2022 Winning in the New AI Landscape,October 2023 22 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition Podcasts CEO Perspectives is a series hosted by our President&CEO,Steve Odland.This weekly conversation takes an objective,data-driven look at a range of business t

99、opics aimed at executives.Listeners will come away with what The Conference Board does best:Trusted Insights for Whats Ahead.About The Conference Board C-Suite Outlook The anonymous survey was carried out between October 24 and November 24,2023,with 1,247 C-Suite executives responding,including 630

100、CEOs from around the world.This is the 25th annual survey coordinated by The Conference Board.We are grateful for the collaboration with nine organizations globally that invited their members and contacts to take the survey.Since 1999,The Conference Board has fielded an annual survey asking CEOs acr

101、oss the globe to identify the most critical issues they face.The survey was expanded in 2020 to include the C-Suite.While CEO and C-Suite priorities certainly vary by company,we believe this report can serve as an idea prompter for decision-makers within organizations by offering insights into chall

102、enges shared by many of their peers,and the strategies and tactics being considered to compete in a global marketplace.Profile of respondents Among major regions or economies,28%of CEO and other C-Suite respondents are based in companies headquartered in the US,24%in Latin America,12%in Europe,and 1

103、1%in Japan,with another 24%of responses coming from the rest of the world.By sector,45%of CEO respondents are based in business and professional services,34%in manufacturing industries,and 14%in financial services.By size,42%of CEOs are based in businesses with average annual revenue of less than$10

104、0 million,25%averaging up to$1 billion,and 33%averaging$1 billion and above.Methodology To provide a more representative view of respondents from around the world,we weighted the responses in aggregates(such as global and major regions)by the square root of the respondents country share in global ou

105、tput(GDP)divided by the respondents share in the total number of responses from their country.23 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition About The Conference Board Founded in 1916,The Conference Board is the member-driven think tank that delivers trusted insig

106、hts for whats ahead.Our agenda is simple:to help leaders navigate the biggest issues facing business and better serve society.We believe in innovative approaches that make you thinkand actdifferently.And everything we do reflects the input of our members and their real-world challenges.We do this by

107、 delivering business insights.We connect senior executives across industries and geographies to share ideas,and our experts create fact-based research and consensus-driven policy statements to help leaders address their most important business issues.Because we are independent,nonpartisan,and nonpro

108、fit,our work is trusted.If you learned it at The Conference Board,you can count on it.About IDEA IDEA Instituto para el desarrollo empresarial de la Argentina es la organizacin con mayor prestigio en el mbito empresarial que promueve el crecimiento y la competitividad de las empresas del pas.Es un m

109、bito no sectorial cuyo objetivo es contribuir con el progreso econmico y social,incidiendo directamente a travs del debate y la ejecucin de propuestas.IDEA(Institute for Business Development of Argentina)is the most prestigious organization in the business field that promotes the growth and competit

110、iveness of organizations in the country.It is a nonsectoral organization whose objective is to contribute to economic and social progress,that has a direct impact through debate and the execution of proposals.Acknowledgments We would like to thank our partners and respondents,without whom this repor

111、t would not have been possible.We are grateful to colleagues at The Conference Board,including Dr.Lori Esposito Murray,President of the Committee for Economic Development;Ivan Pollard,Center Leader,Marketing&Communications;Denise Dahlhoff,Director,M&C Research;Alfredo Montufar-Helu,Head of the China

112、 Center;John Metselaar,Center Leader of the Economy,Strategy&Finance Center,Europe;and Robin Erickson,Vice President,Human Capital,for their invaluable contributions.Special thanks also go to Jeanne Shu,Director of Labor Markets and Project Manager for this report;Barbara J.Isenberg,Managing Editor

113、for her editorial advice;and Judit Torok,Research Associate,and Lawrencia Teris,Survey Research Analyst,for their assistance in compiling the data.24 C-Suite Outlook 2024:Leading for Tomorrow ConferenceBoard.org Argentina Edition About the Authors Charles Mitchell,Senior Director,Content Quality at

114、The Conference Board,is responsible for the development of member-generated content and ensuring the objectivity,independence,accuracy,and business relevance of the organizations research.In recent years he has spent considerable time in Asia-Pacific,working with our Councils to develop region-speci

115、fic content and grow our programs there.Mitchell is also the author of several books dealing with international business cultures,customs,and etiquette published by World Trade Press.Dana M.Peterson,Chief Economist and Leader,Economy,Strategy&Finance Center at The Conference Board.Peterson joined Th

116、e Conference Board from Citi,where for many years she served as a North America Economist and later as a Global Economist.Her wealth of experience extends to the public sector,having also worked at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington,DC.THE CONFERENCE BOARD is the member-driven think tank that delivers trusted insights for whats ahead.Founded in 1916,we are a nonpartisan,not-for-profit entity holding 501(c)(3)tax-exempt status in the United States.2024 The Conference Board,Inc.



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