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1、Email Marketing:A Recession-proof Strategy for 2023 and BeyondBenchmarks and Insights from 10.9 Billion B2C Emails Sent WorldwideL A T I N A M E R I C A E D I T I O NOpenedYour curated playlist01Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital communication utilized by brands to communicate wit

2、h their customers.Emails have existed since before the invention of mobile phonespredating push notifcations,in-app messages,WhatsApp,and SMS.However,being older doesnt mean being slower(or outdated!).In fact,as our study of 10.9 billion emails demonstrates,email marketing is still more robust and e

3、fective than ever.In an era where brands are scaling back their paid and digital marketing eforts due to severe budget cuts and a looming recession,email marketing continues to deliver.This economical channel provides a high return on investment(ROI),enables brands to send mass and personalized comm

4、unications simultaneously,and provides immediate,measurable results.Personalization is the only way to stand out amid the barrage of messages customers receive from brands.Emails allow you to personalize every aspect of your communication.In this report,well examine how personalization impacts cruci

5、al email marketing metrics,such as open rates,click rates,and conversion rates.Additionally,well analyze how diferent types of personalization work for various industries in your geography.IntroductionThis report analyzesThe aim is to identify industry-based benchmark open rates,click-to-open rates(

6、CTORs),conversion rates,delivery rates,and unsubscribe rates for this recession-proof,sustainable marketing channel.About the Report10.9 billion emails sent over the past 12 months.Email Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and BeyondWhats InsideHow to Read This ReportThe Types of Emails Co

7、mpared03About MoEngage11Conclusive Insights09Email Marketing Benchmarks for Diferent Industries in Latin America05You can either read this report sequentially or jump to the industry of your choice from the“Whats Inside”section.In this report,weve compared the efects of personalization against those

8、 of generic broadcast emails.Weve also analyzed the impact of three types of personalization:Attribute-based,Behavior-based,and Customer Journey-based.Weve added an explainer about each type below.Email Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and Beyond02Click to navigate Retail&E-commerce Ban

9、king&Fintech03Types of Emails ComparedBroadcast EmailsBroadcast emails are email blasts sent out to a large audience base.Often,theres no form of segmentation or personalization involved.This means that customers receive irrelevant emails or emails theyre not interested in.Such emails typically deli

10、ver low numbers across most metrics.Attribute-based PersonalizationPersonalization is the holy grail of efective marketing,going far beyond simply addressing a customer by their frst name.The most fundamental aspect of personalization is Attribute-based Personalization.This involves identifying attr

11、ibutes and demographics that distinguish each customer,and creating a tailored experience that matches these attributes.Hey Sofa,Wondering what investments your peers are making?Check out this detailed report where weve split investment habits based on age group,income,and locality.Theres a section

12、weve highlighted for consumers just like you!investigoCheck it out nowEmail Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and Beyond04Journey-based PersonalizationNow that you understand the signifcance of each email type and itspotential impact on metrics,lets examine industry-specifc benchmarks.Wi

13、th Journey-based personalization,you can design fexible,multi-step customer journeys that send out various message versions across diferent channels and at diferent times based on the customers lifecycle stage.Emails that utilize this strategy perform better than any other type of email.This is beca

14、use Journey-based emails allow brands to address specifc customer needs and meet their precise requirements.Behavior-based PersonalizationWith this approach,you can personalize your emails based on individual customer preferences,actions,purchase trends,and overall behavior.Imagine reminding custome

15、rs to refll their wallet balance before it runs out during an important purchase.Or a campaign telling customers about their favorite Sushi restaurant that has opened up around the corner!Behavior-based personalization allows you to reach customers within the right contextwhen the chances for email

16、opens,clicks,and conversions are at their highest.to AudiokastPlaylists as unique as you.AudioKastHey Carlos,Weve curated a new playlist just for you!It combines new and old songs from your favorite artists.Its everything you love,in one place.What are you waiting for?Listen to it nowAto TechnoBuzzP

17、ending payment.THey Elena,It looks like you still need to make the payment for your cart item!No worries.You can just click on this link to complete the payment and confrm your order.Do it nowEmail Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and BeyondEmail Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for

18、 2023 and Beyond 99.91%Delivery RateOpen Rate150CTORThe Impact of Personalization for theRetail and E-commerceIndustry050.97%Broadcast3.5%Attribute-based3.6X7.77%Behaviour-based8X13.81%Journey-based14X45030.58%Broadcast40.87%Journey-based1.3X39.55%Behaviour-based1.3X31.48%Attribute-based1.1X 99.91%D

19、elivery Rate050Conversion RateUnsubscribe RateUnsubscribe RateThe Impact of Personalization for theRetail and E-commerceIndustryEmail Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and Beyond061.72%Journey-based9.6X0.18%Broadcast3%Behaviour-based16X0.55%Attribute-based3.1X301.95%Broadcast0.52%Attribu

20、te-based0.3%Behaviour-based0.2%0.43%Journey-based0.2%0.3%99.04%Delivery Rate500Open Rate450CTORThe Impact of Personalization for theBanking and Fintech IndustryEmail Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and Beyond0739.44%Behaviour-based11X11.1%Broadcast13.69%Attribute-based1.2X44.37%Behavio

21、ur-based4X35.83%Journey-based 3.2X34.5%Journey-based22.17%Attribute-based6.4X3.45%Broadcast 10XConversion Rate10Unsubscribe Rate99.04%Delivery RateThe Impact of Personalization for theBanking and Fintech IndustryEmail Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and Beyond081506.1%Journey-based7.4X

22、0.82%Broadcast10.7%Behaviour-based13X2.4%Attribute-based2.9X0.27%Behaviour-based0.3%0.41%Journey-based0.5%0.62%Attribute-based0.7%0.88%BroadcastGet started with email personalization todayWhat are you waiting for?Across the world and industries,email has remained a focal point of marketing communica

23、tion.Brands use email for the most mundane messagessuch as a new social media follow or a review confrmation email.They also leverage email for the most exciting,cut-throat communication,such as big sale days,special discounts,payment reminders,tax invoices,travel tickets,and itineraries.Emails have

24、 survived the budget cuts,and brands arent putting any brakes on their email strategyeven during sudden economic slowdowns.This is because email is a sustainable growth channel,allowing brands to leverage multiple forms of personalization that resonate with customers.Brands that personalize their em

25、ails are clearly winning.All metrics are higher for personalized emails,regardless of the level or form of personalization they deploy.This translates directly into improved engagement,growth,and retention,evident from the higher open,click,and conversion rates for personalized emails.Brands are lev

26、eraging diferent personalization techniques to improve the most important email metrics and,in turn,boost ROI.Email is Here to StayHeres a quick summary of the email metrics for four of the most popular industries:At a GlanceEmail Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and BeyondOpen RateCTOR

27、Conversion Rate00%50%40.87%44.37%10.7%39.44%13.81%3%09Retail&E-commerceBanking&FintechHow Can MoEngage Help YouPersonalize Email Communications?Email Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and Beyond10MoEngage,the worlds leading insights-led Customer Engagement platform,hosts a suite of produ

28、cts and features that help customer-centric brands personalize customer experiences.Here are some ways MoEngage can help you improve your email metrics by sending relevant communication:Advanced Analytics SuiteUsing MoEngage,you can gather valuable insights about your customers.You can learn about t

29、heir behavior,preferences,interests,where they drop of in their journey,and how they respond to diferent campaigns all in a single dashboard!These insights can then be immediately actioned by creating relevant email campaigns and driving better conversions.Unique Segmentation CapabilitiesMoEngages C

30、ustomer Engagement Platform hosts powerful segmentation capabilities that allow you to group customers based on their afnity,preferences,interests,behavior(Recency,Frequency,and Monetary scores),and propensity to perform a specifc action on your website or mobile app.These unique capabilities help y

31、ou identify the right audience that needs email communication(so youre not spamming them unnecessarily!)and drive higher ROI because of personalized subject lines or email copies.Behavior Chart A.App/Site Opened AndriodB.App/Site Opened WebA.Opened with Andriod239A.Opened with Web60HoursDaysWeeksMon

32、thsSongs you might likeGO TO ALBUMListening to DuaPOP SHOTSEmail Marketing:A Recession-Proof Strategy for 2023 and Beyond11Connected OmnichannelJourneysWith MoEngage,you can add email to a seamless and connected customer journey that spans multiple channels such as SMS,social media advertisements,Go

33、ogle Ads,mobile push notifcations,website banners,and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.Thanks to MoEngages automation capabilities,you can orchestrate customer journeys and let the platform automatically direct customers to the best-performing paths to drive maximum ROI.EmailPushS

34、MSBuyTo learn more visit About MoEngage MoEngage is an insights-led customer engagement platform trusted by over 1,200 global consumer brands such as Ally Financial,McAfee,Flipkart,Dominos,Nestle,Deutsche Telekom,OYO,and more.MoEngage empowers marketers and product owners with insights into customer

35、 behavior and the ability to act on those insights to engage customers across the web,mobile,email,social,and messaging channels.Consumer brands across 35 countries use MoEngage to power digital experiences for over 1 billion customers every month.With ofces in 13 countries,MoEngage is backed by Gol

36、dman Sachs Asset Management,B Capital,Steadview Capital,Multiples Private Equity,Eight Roads,F-Prime Capital,Matrix Partners,Ventureast,and Helion Ventures.MoEngage was recognized as a Customers Choice Vendor in the 2022 Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer for the Multichannel Marketing Hubs Report and a Strong Performer in the Forrester Wave:Cross-Channel Marketing Hubs,Q1 2023 Evaluation.Order Now



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