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1、 Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati September 2022 Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 1 ABOUT CETAS AND THE OXFORD INTERNET INSTITUTE 2




5、ligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 2 About CETaS and the Oxford Internet Institute The Centre for Emerging Technology and Security(CETaS)is a policy research centre based at The Alan Turing Institute,the UKs national institute for data science and artificial intelligence.The Ce

6、ntres mission is to inform UK security policy through evidence-based,interdisciplinary research on emerging technology issues.Connect with CETaS at cetas.turing.ac.uk.The Oxford Internet Institute founded in 2001 is a multidisciplinary research and teaching department of the University of Oxford,ded

7、icated to the social science of the Internet.The Institute aims to shape the development of our digital world for the public good,operating at the cutting edge in both quantitative and qualitative methodologies that cut across disciplines and topics.All views expressed in this report are those of th

8、e authors,and do not necessarily represent the views of The Alan Turing Institute,the Oxford Internet Institute,or any other organisation.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 3 Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to The Alan Turing Institute and CETa

9、S for having supported the research presented in this report with both funding and expertise.We are also grateful to the many colleagues with whom we discussed the content presented in this report,their feedback helped us to refine several crucial aspects.We also would like to thank the reviewers,wh

10、ose comments enabled us to sharpen our analysis and ensure clarity.We remain the only ones responsible for any remaining mistakes.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 4 Executive Summary This report focuses on the risks related to the potential lack of predictabil

11、ity of AI systems referred to as the predictability problem and its implications for the governance of AI systems in the national security domain.Predictability of AI systems indicates the degree to which one can answer the question:what will an AI system do?The predictability problem can refer both

12、 to correct and incorrect outcomes of an AI system,as the issue is not whether the outcomes follow logically from the working of the system,but whether it is possible to foresee them at the time of deployment.There is growing concern that the use of unpredictable AI systems to inform high-stakes dec

13、isions may lead to disastrous consequences,which would undermine public trust in organisations deploying these systems and potentially erode the reputations of governments.In the national security domain,the use of AI introduces a new source of uncertainty that can hinder risk management procedures

14、and potentially muddy the chain of accountability.In this domain,the implications of the predictability problem could lead to security risks for critical infrastructure,risks to the rights and well-being of individuals,conflict escalation or diplomatic fallout.In this report,we first analyse the pre

15、dictability problem from technical and socio-technical perspectives and then focus on relevant UK,EU and US policy to consider whether and how they address this problem.From a technical perspective,we argue that given the multi-faceted process of design,development,and deployment of an AI system,it

16、is not possible to account for all sources of errors or emerging behaviours that could result.Moreover,even in an ideal scenario where no errors at design or development stage can be assumed or detected,once deployed an AI system may still develop formally correct(but unwanted)outcomes,which were no

17、t foreseeable at the time of deployment.We analyse the socio-technical implications of the predictability problem by focusing on human-machine teams(HMT-AI).These teams represent an increasingly common mode of Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 5 deploym

18、ent of AI systems.In HMT-AI,humans consult,coordinate with,rely on,develop and exchange tasks with AI agents.As HMT-AI combine human and artificial autonomy,they exacerbate the predictability problem by multiplying the number and types of interactions between artificial and human agents and their en

19、vironment.We identify three main sources of the predictability problem in this context:human-machine interfaces,training of personnel,and(over)trust.Human-machine interfaces may foster unpredicted outcomes,insofar as they can conceal,distort or detail excessively the workings of AI systems,and train

20、ing programs may not account for the learning capabilities of AI technologies and long-term convention building in HMT-AI.In the same way,over-trust dynamics whereby human agents in an HMT-AI accept uncritically the outcomes of AI systems may also lead to unpredicted results.Having identified some o

21、f the root causes of the predictability problem,we analyse UK,EU and US policies,to assess whether these causes are covered in relevant policy documents and,if so,how and to what extent.We identified four main themes and a gap.These are:control,oversight,and value alignment;the resource boosting app

22、roach;the development of trustworthy AI;and the lack of focus on risk management measures to curtail the impact of the predictability problem.Our policy analysis includes eight recommendations to mitigate the risks related to the predictability problem.The key suggestions are to centre governance ap

23、proaches on HMT-AI rather than only AI systems and to conceptualise the predictability problem as multi-dimensional,with solutions focussed on shared standards and criteria for the composition of HMT-AI.Among these standards and criteria,requirements of trustworthy AI are particularly relevant and s

24、hould be coupled with standards and certification schemes assessing the predictability of AI systems and procedures to audit HMT-AI.Cost-benefit analyses and impact assessments underpinning the decision to use HMT-AI in national security should account for the predictability problem and its potentia

25、l impact on human rights,democratic values,and risk of unintended consequences.To ensure sufficient risk management when Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 6 deploying potentially unpredictable AI systems,we suggest adapting the ALARP principle as low as reasona

26、bly practical as a foundation for developing an AI-specific risk assessment framework of the predictability problem in HMT-AI.The proposed ALARP-based framework would offer useful practical guidance,but alone would not be sufficient to identify and mitigate the risks posed by the predictability prob

27、lem.Additional policy,guidance and training is required to fully account for the risks presented by the AI predictability problem.The higher the impact of the decisions that an AI system supports,the greater is the duty of care on those designing,developing,and using that system,and the lower the ac

28、ceptable risk threshold.The analysis and recommendations should be read as actionable insights and practical suggestions to support relevant stakeholders to foster socially acceptable and ethically sound uses of AI in the national security context.Recommendations Recommendation 1.Government research

29、 funding should be allocated to develop public-private collaborations and longitudinal studies on HMT-AI.This research should focus on old and new models for decision-making in HMT-AI to assess the impact of team conventions building and training on performance and control measures.Focus should be d

30、rawn on defining new training protocols for HMT-AI specific dynamics,and on accelerating the development of risk management standards and HMT-AI performance assessments.Recommendation 2.A dedicated certification scheme for HMT-AI should be established,to promote industry consensus on the design requ

31、irements and evaluation of AI systems designed for HMT-AI.Generalising between tasks,effective communication,performance consistency,and adapting to new teammates should all be included within such a certification scheme.Building on under-developed ISO standards,this certification scheme should also

32、 extend to the traceability of processes and decision accountability as well as auditing mechanisms to evaluate levels of trust in HMT-AI.This is necessary to disincentivise Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 7 over-trust and complacent attitudes in HMT-

33、AI that maintain or amplify the predictability problem.Recommendation 3.Policy responses to the predictability problem in the national security domain should focus on governing HMT-AI teams,rather than AI systems alone.Recommendation 4.Cost-benefit analyses(CBA)of HMT-AI in the national security dom

34、ain should include an assessment of the predictability of AI systems and of the related ethical risks along the technical and operational dimensions.To facilitate coherent assessment across security agencies,a standard scale to assess predictability of AI systems should be defined,where the choice o

35、f using(or not)AI should be justified on this scale with respect to a contextual CBA as well as the consideration of public attitudes towards the risks and the benefits involved.The definition of this scale should be within the remit of an independent third-party actor,i.e.,a different public office

36、 than the one deploying the HMT-AI.Recommendation 5.Rather than“more”or“less”predictability,policy proposals should focus on predictability trade-offs,making clear which aspect of the predictability problem specific proposals aim to tackle and in which way,as well as which aspects they risk exacerba

37、ting,and which mitigating measures will be put in place.Policies should recognise that predictability is a multi-dimensional concept,where gains in predictability on one level can come at the expense of losses on another.Recommendation 6.Policies on the problem of AI predictability in national secur

38、ity should address the link between trustworthiness and unpredictability,both at a formal and operational level.For example,AI systems should be given an amendable predictability score,which should be included in the assessment of the trustworthiness of the system.The trustworthiness of an AI system

39、 should include a cost-benefit analysis to assess the risks that unwanted behaviour may pose in different contexts of deployment.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 8 Recommendation 7.Risk thresholds should be established for unpredictable AI which map the severi

40、ty of risks around unpredictable behaviour to their own level of predictability(e.g.,division into known knowns,known unknowns,etc.).These thresholds will in turn inform the development of risk management processes,allowing risks to be prioritised based on their predictability and their impact.Recom

41、mendation 8.An ALARP-based framework should be developed to assess the risks of unpredictable AI and HMT-AI,and establish the maximum acceptable degree of unpredictability for any given context.This framework should include:A quantitative assessment of the level of predictability of a given AI syste

42、m and HMT-AI;An assessment of the traceability of the design,development,and/or procurement steps leading to deployment of the AI system;An assessment of the conditions of deployment,e.g.,HMT-AI,level of training of operators(or HMT-AI members),level of transparency of the interface,level of human c

43、ontrol over the AI system;A cost-benefit analysis of the potential risks and intended benefits of deploying the system(as per Recommendation 4);An analysis of hypothetical scenarios to consider how exposure to risk or the effectiveness of mitigating measures may vary with context of deployment;Proto

44、cols for human overriding of the system and redress mechanisms.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 9 1.Introduction Artificial Intelligence(AI)is becoming a key element of contemporary security organisations.1 Recent advances in AI,such as deep learning(D

45、L),have triggered a wave of research and development in the field,and an uptake in experimentation with AI systems in various security settings.2 AI is now considered a key technology for maintaining advantage over adversaries and protecting against threats.3 The UK Government Communications Headqua

46、rters(GCHQ)has recently stated that AI capabilities will be at the heart of our future ability to protect the UK.4 In the USA,the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence stated that AI will revolutionize the practice of intelligence,and that there may be no national security function

47、 better suited for AI adoption than intelligence tradecraft and analysis.5 There are several potential uses of AI across different national security contexts,including but not limited to:the use of AI for the automation of administrative and organisational processes;the use of AI for cybersecurity p

48、rocesses;and the use of AI for intelligence analysis otherwise known as augmented intelligence,which could include automated analysis of text,image or audio data,filtering of content derived from bulk collection,or behavioural analytics at the individual person level.These uses pose similar ethical

49、challenges to those emerging in other domains(Figure 1).Problems concerning attribution of responsibility,lack of transparency,fairness and bias,assessment of justified,proportionate and necessary uses,and control over AI systems,for example,have been 1 Lewis,Larry.Resolving the Battle over Artifici

50、al Intelligence in War.The RUSI Journal 164,no.56.pp.62-71.19 September 2019.;Stevens,Tim.Knowledge in the Grey Zone:AI and Cybersecurity.Digital War 1,no.1.pp.164-170.1 December 2020.2 Morgan,Forrest E.,Benjamin Boudreaux,Andrew J.Lohn,and Christian Curriden.Military Applications of Artificial Inte

51、lligence:Ethical Concerns in an Uncertain World.RAND Corporation,2020.3 Taddeo,Mariarosaria,Three Ethical Challenges of Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity.Minds and Machines 29,no.2.pp.187-191.June 2019.4 GCHQ,Pioneering a New National Security:The Ethics of Artificial Intellig

52、ence.p.4.2021.5 NSCAI.Final Report.Washington DC:National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.p.23.2021.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 10 reported and analysed in defence,6 healthcare,7 finance,8 and all remain relevant when considering the use of

53、 AI for national security purposes.Figure 1.The ethical and security challenges coupled with the use of AI systems,figure from Yang et al.(2018).9 In this report,we focus on the risks of the potential lack of predictability of the outcomes of AI systems referred to as the predictability problem-and

54、its implications for the governance of AI systems in the national security domain.The predictability problem is conceptually preeminent to the challenges described above.Unpredictable AI systems pose challenges for anticipating their effects whether intended or not,for ensuring control,protecting hu

55、man autonomy and judgement when interacting with AI systems,and for ascribing responsibility and accountability for the decisions made on the basis of AI outputs.10 When unpredictable 6 Taddeo,Mariarosaria,David McNeish,Alexander Blanchard,and Elizabeth Edgar.Ethical Principles for Artificial Intell

56、igence in National Defence.Philosophy&Technology 34,no.4.pp.1707-1729.1 December 2021.7 Morley,Jessica,Caio C.V.Machado,Christopher Burr,Josh Cowls,Indra Joshi,Mariarosaria Taddeo,and Luciano Floridi.The Ethics of AI in Health Care:A Mapping Review.Social Science&Medicine 260:113172.September 2020.8

57、 Svetlova,Ekaterina.AI Ethics and Systemic Risks in Finance.AI and Ethics.13 January 2022.9 Yang,Guang-Zhong,Jim Bellingham,Pierre E.Dupont,Peer Fischer,Luciano Floridi,Robert Full,Neil Jacobstein,et al.The Grand Challenges of Science Robotics.Science Robotics 3,no.14.p.10.31 January 2018.10 Taddeo,

58、Mariarosaria,and Alexander Blanchard.Ascribing Moral Responsibility for The Actions of Autonomous Weapons Systems:A Moral Gambit.SSRN Electronic Journal.2022.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 11 AI systems are used to inform high-stakes decisions,such a

59、s those concerning national security,uncertainties inherent in the systems may jeopardise individuals and groups fundamental rights.11 In turn,this could undermine public trust in organisations deploying these systems and,when organisations belong to the public sector,erode the reputation of governm

60、ents.In the national security domain,the use of AI systems in intelligence operations,12 counterterrorism,13 law enforcement,14 computer network operations,15 and military activities16 introduces levels of uncertainty that may hinder risk management procedures or muddy chains of decision-making acco

61、untability.17 In this domain,the implications of the AI predictability problem may lead to security risks for critical infrastructure,risks to the rights and well-being of individuals,and could also lead to conflict escalation and diplomatic fallout.Crucially,the problem of predictability entails a

62、necessary and unavoidable degree of uncertainty with respect to possible outcomes of an AI system.Reducing this uncertainty is key when considering the use of AI systems to inform high-impact decisions.The higher the impact of the decisions that an AI system supports,the greater the duty of care of

63、those designing,developing,and using that system,and the lower the acceptable risk threshold.11 Tsamados,Andreas,Nikita Aggarwal,Josh Cowls,Jessica Morley,Huw Roberts,Mariarosaria Taddeo,and Luciano Floridi.The Ethics of Algorithms:Key Problems and Solutions.AI&SOCIETY.20 February 2021.12 Baber,Chri

64、s,Ian Apperly,and Emily McCormick.Understanding The Problem Of Explanation When Using AI In Intelligence Analysis,2021.13 UNCCT,United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism.Countering Terrorism Online With Artificial Intelligence,2021.14 Babuta and Oswald,Data Analytics and Algorithms in Policing in E

65、ngland and Wales.p.62.2020.15 Stevens,Tim.Knowledge in the Grey Zone:AI and Cybersecurity.Digital War 1,no.1.pp.164-170.1 December 2020.16 Morgan,Forrest E.,Benjamin Boudreaux,Andrew J.Lohn,and Christian Curriden.Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence:Ethical Concerns in an Uncertain World

66、.RAND Corporation.2020.17 NATO,ed.NATO Code of Best Practice for Command and Control Assessment=Code OTAN Des Meilleures Pratiques Pour l?Valuation Du Commandement et Du Contr?Le.Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex,France:North Atlantic Treaty Organisation,Research and Technology Organisation,2004;Parra-Arnau,J

67、avier,and Claude Castelluccia.Dataveillance and the False-Positive Paradox.April 2018.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 12 The analysis and recommendations offered in the following sections should be read as actionable insights and practical suggestions to supp

68、ort relevant stakeholders to this end.This report is structured as follows.Section 2 defines the predictability problem.Sections 3 and 4 analyse some of its root causes by exploring both technical and socio-technical aspects of the predictability problem.The reader not interested in these aspects ma

69、y go directly to Section 5,where we analyse UK,EU,and US policies focusing on the use of AI for national security and assess whether and how they address the predictability problem,and offer recommendations to fill relevant gaps in the existing governance approaches.Section 6 concludes our analysis.

70、The Appendix provides a glossary defining key terms used in this report.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 13 2.The Predictability Problem Predictability of AI systems indicates the degree to which one can answer the question:what will an AI system do?Un

71、predictable systems are not a new issue.They are common in mathematics and physics,and limits on the ability to predict the outcomes of artificial systems have been proven formally since the 1950s.18 Wiener and Samuel debated over the predictability of AI systems in a famous exchange in 1960.19 Wien

72、er attributed the lack of predictability to the learning abilities of these systems,noting,“as machines learn they may develop unforeseen strategies at rates that baffle their programmer”.20 Developments in AI research have proved Wiener correct.Consider,for example,reward hacking,which is reported

73、in current literature as one of the factors that can make an AI system unpredictable:“Autonomous agents optimize the reward function we give them.When designing the reward,we might think of some specific training scenarios,and make sure that the reward will lead to the right behavior in those scenar

74、ios.Inevitably,agents encounter new scenarios(e.g.,new types of terrain)where optimizing that same reward may lead to undesired behavior”.21 18 Rice,H.G.On Completely Recursively Enumerable Classes and Their Key Arrays.Journal of Symbolic Logic 21,no.3.pp.304-308.September 1956;Musiolik,Thomas Heinr

75、ich,and Adrian David Cheok,eds.Analyzing Future Applications of AI,Sensors,and Robotics in Society:Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics.IGI Global.2021.19 Wiener,N.Some Moral and Technical Consequences of Automation.Science 131,no.3410.pp.1355-1358.6 May 1960.20 Wiener,N.Some Moral an

76、d Technical Consequences of Automation.Science 131,no.3410.p.1355.6 May 1960.21 Hadfield-Menell,Dylan,Smitha Milli,Pieter Abbeel,Stuart Russell,and Anca Dragan.Inverse Reward Design.ArXiv:1711.02827 Cs.7 October 2020.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 14 Current

77、ly,predictability of AI systems is debated both at a technical and an operational level.Some AI researchers focus on the technical features of a system,22 while others consider predictability a function of the system and its context of deployment,i.e.,operational predictability.23 From a technical s

78、tandpoint,predictability of an AI system is assessed in terms of the degree of consistency between its past,current,and future behaviours.24 Key aspects monitored here are data and concept shift;how often and for how long the outputs of a system are correct;and whether the system can scale up to ela

79、borate data that diverge from training and test data.25 26 Predictability also depends on properties such as interpretability,transparency,explainability and trustworthiness27 of an AI system(discussed further in Section 3).Predictability also refers to the degree to which the actions of a system ca

80、n be anticipated once it is deployed in a specific context.In this sense,all autonomous systems exhibit a degree of inherent operational unpredictability,even if they do not fail or the outcomes of their individual action can be reasonably anticipated.28 Operational predictability is impacted by a l

81、arge set of variables:the technical features of the system(e.g.whether it is an online or offline 22 International Committee of the Red Cross,ICR.Autonomy,Artificial Intelligence and Robotics:Technical Aspects of Human Control.2019;Boulanin et al.,Limits on Autonomy in Weapon Systems:Identifying Pra

82、ctical Elements of Human Control;DIB,AI Principles:Recommendations on the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Department of Defense-Supporting Document.23 International Committee of the Red Cross,Autonomy,Artificial Intelligence and Robotics:Technical Aspects of Human Control;Docherty,Bonn

83、ie.The Need for and Elements of a New Treaty on Fully Autonomous Weapons.Human Rights Watch.1 June 2020.24 Holland Michel,Arthur.The Black Box,Unlocked|UNIDIR.2020.25 Boulanin et al.,Limits on Autonomy in Weapon Systems:Identifying Practical Elements of Human Control;Collopy,Paul,Valerie Sitterle,an

84、d Jennifer Petrillo.Validation Testing of Autonomous Learning Systems.INSIGHT 23,no.1.pp.48-51.March 2020;DIB,AI Principles:Recommendations on the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Department of Defense-Supporting Document.26 It is important to note that predictability is not reliability

85、(the degree of failures of a system)nor is it robustness(the capacity of a system to behave as expected even when it is fed with erroneous data);Heaven,Douglas.Why Deep-Learning AIs Are so Easy to Fool.Nature 574,no.7777.pp.163-166.10 October 2019.27 Holland Michel,The Black Box,Unlocked|UNIDIR.2020

86、;Rudin,Cynthia,Caroline Wang,and Beau Coker.The Age of Secrecy and Unfairness in Recidivism Prediction.Harvard Data Science Review 2,no.1.31 March 2020.28 Holland Michel and Holland Michel,The Black Box,Unlocked5.2020.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 1

87、5 learning system),the characteristics of the context of deployment,interactions with other systems,the level to which the operator understands the way in which the system works and,in the security domain,the behaviour of adversaries.These variables may change and interact in different ways making i

88、t problematic to predict all possible actions that an AI system may perform and their resulting effects.In this report we define the predictability problem as follows:Maximally,given the multi-faced processes of design,development,and deployment of AI systems,the opaqueness of these systems,their ad

89、apting capabilities,and the possible complexities of the environment of deployment,it is neither possible to account for all sources of errors and manipulation of a system nor for all possible emerging behaviours whether beneficial or not of an AI system that these errors may prompt.Minimally,given

90、an ideal scenario where no errors at design and development stages can be assumed or detected,once deployed an AI system may still develop correct(and yet unwanted)outcomes,which were not foreseeable at the time of deployment.This definition allows us to stress that the predictability problem refers

91、 both to correct and incorrect outcomes,as in both cases the issue is not whether the outcomes follow logically from the working of an AI system,but whether it is possible to foresee them at the time of deployment.It is also important to note that the unpredictability of an AI system is not boundles

92、s,rather it is limited by the system affordances the set of hardware and software specifications that determine the range of possible actions of a machine.For example,an unsupervised system designed and developed to distinguish pictures of horses from those of dogs will be unpredictable with respect

93、 to the elaboration of visual inputs it will consider,the execution strategy,and the final selection of pictures.There is no concern that the system will develop an unpredicted behaviour outside its affordances and produce a new type of outcome,like Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The

94、Predictability Problem 16 drawing a picture of a horse or a dog.It follows that given an operational context,the more complex the affordances of a system,the wider the range of unpredictable behaviours that it may show upon deployment.In the following sections,we describe some of the root causes of

95、the predictability problem looking first at its maximal and then at the minimal definition.The reader interested in the governance implications of the predictability problem for the use of AI in national security may move directly to Section 5.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gi

96、lli and Shalini Kurapati 17 3.Root Causes of the Maximal Predictability Problem The predictability problem impacts different types of AI in different ways depending on the type of learning model considered.For example,AI systems based on offline models are more predictable than AI systems based on o

97、nline learning models.This is because offline models are trained with data in batches,while online models are continuously re-trained with live data.In this section,we offer a high-level description of the key aspects of AI systems that may lead to unpredictable outcomes.We refer to them as to the r

98、oot causes of the predictability problem as described in the maximal definition in Section 2 and summarise them in Section 3.Our aim is not to provide an exhaustive list of root causes but to bring the readers attention to a range of factors that affect the predictability of AI systems.An AI system

99、is built from different technology blocks,the set of which is referred to as the AI stack.There is no one-size-fits-all technical stack.Different use cases and contexts have different requirements and determine different stacks.Table 1 below offers an example of an AI stack and its main building blo

100、cks.For each block,it also provides a list of the main root causes of the predictability problem.The following subsections focus on some of these causes related to the type of machine learning(ML)used,the data,and the practices underpinning the design and development of an AI system.Artificial Intel

101、ligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 18 AI Stack Component Description Examples of root causes of the predictability problem Computational Power Virtual machines,physical servers,serverless options,and specialised hardware and container options.These may be self-hosted on-premise

102、s or cloud-based.All computational platforms are vulnerable to hacking to some degree.Computer hardware,firmware,operating systems,and cloud infrastructure may all be vulnerable to bugs which may cause incorrect results.They are also reliant on stable power and internet connectivity and can be taken

103、 offline if one of these fails.Input Data Crucial input to ML systems.Data quality issues such as correctness,timeliness,and adequate coverage of the problem domain impact the outcomes and suitability of the ML model.Data may be affected by data scarcity,label ambiguity and the inability to represen

104、t real-world scenarios and social bias replicated by humans.Processes such as data cleaning are resource intensive and laborious.There are no efficient data quality control and governance mechanisms for big data.Machine Learning Platforms Platforms necessary for developing machine learning capabilit

105、ies.Many ML frameworks and libraries are available,supporting different ML algorithms and programming languages(Subramanian 2018).Cloud ML services are also available,such as Amazon Rekognition,SageMaker and Google Clouds Vertex AI.Machine learning platforms allow users to mix and match ready-made t

106、ools,models,datasets,or libraries that developers would then depend on,regardless of their ability to understand,modify or fix them when specific issues emerge.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 19 Machine Learning Algorithms/Types of Learning Supervised

107、 learning-Algorithms predict outputs based on a training dataset of labelled examples(usually labelled by humans).From dataset-related biases to specification gaming to brittleness and adversarial examples.Explored more in the following section.Unsupervised learning-Algorithms do not rely on human l

108、abelling of training data.They are mainly used for exploring datasets,finding anomalies,patterns or clusters,and for determining features to be used in supervised learning applications.From dataset-related biases(beyond labelling)to specification gaming to brittleness and adversarial examples.Explor

109、ed more in the following section.Semi-supervised learning-Algorithms rely on a dataset in which only a subset of the training data is labelled.This type of ML relies heavily on the human labelling and the approval of the unknown data labelling.From dataset-related biases to specification gaming to b

110、rittleness and adversarial examples.Explored more in the following section.Reinforcement learning-Algorithms are concerned with maximising some objective function subject to constraints.Reward hacking or specification gaming,in which the agent produces an unexpected behaviour to maximise the objecti

111、ve function.The agent generates a solution that strictly abides by the stated objective in a way unintended by the human developer.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 20 User Interface Interactions between the system and the end user/operators.This may range from

112、 simple displaying of output to a more sophisticated process that allows expert users to modify the systems configuration in response to its performance.Depending on the features of a given interface,it can foster different levels of mismatch between system behaviour and user practice.Discussed furt

113、her in Section 4.1.Monitoring Solution Essential for ensuring that the data used to train the model appropriately represents the live data.The monitoring module should quantify data and concept drift,prevent repeated prediction errors,and define re-training strategies.Alignment problems.Failing to d

114、etect data and concept drift might make the model operate in conditions outside its design space,causing unpredictability.Table 1.Main technology components of an AI Stack and examples of root causes of the predictability problem.3.1 Machine Learning ML can be defined mathematically,statistically or

115、 algorithmically.29 Unifying these,ML corresponds to building complex functions to create a mechanism for pattern searching,by which a system can learn to identify patterns when presented with unseen data or scenarios.One of the main issues associated with the best performing families of ML models(l

116、ike networks and boosted trees)is that their complexity makes it increasingly difficult to assess whether models are generalising appropriately on data outside training distributions.Model confidence is the most common approach in modern ML to deal with uncertainty associated,among other things,with

117、 generalisation.It assesses the different uncertainties characterising the model and its operational environment.30 However,model confidence is often not 29 Gollapudi,Sunila.Practical Machine Learning.Packt Publishing Ltd.2016 30 Hllermeier,Eyke,and Willem Waegeman.Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertaint

118、y in Machine Learning:An Introduction to Concepts and Methods.Machine Learning 110,no.3.pp.457-506.March 2021.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 21 statistically robust.Deep neural networks,for example,have been proven to be overconfident,possibly leadin

119、g to high-confidence mistakes and/or accidently concealing adversarial attacks being conducted on the model.31 Confidence levels will have to be adjusted to outputs,and this complicates(and may perturbate)subsequent processes.At the same time,even for the best performing AI models,training outcomes

120、are not necessarily indicative of the capabilities of a system in the real world,where deployment conditions will diverge from training conditions,and new data falls outside the training datasets distributions.Examples showing deep neural network models failing to generalise appropriately outside tr

121、aining conditions are extensively reported in the literature.For example,in computer vision a popular application of AI it is difficult to analyse images where there is a noisy context or contextual confusion of extraneous pixels or light.AI systems have been shown to be susceptible to minor changes

122、,down to pixel level,with minor variations leading a system to misidentify 3D printed turtles as rifles 32 or stripes as school buses.33 These limitations have been shown to be exploitable in high-stakes situations,like industrial settings where AI-enabled robotic arms have been tricked into harming

123、 human operators or in AI-enabled multi-domain defence operations.34 31 ENISA,Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Challenges.Report/Study.2020.32 Athalye,Anish,Nicholas Carlini,and David Wagner.Obfuscated Gradients Give a False Sense of Security:Circumventing Defenses to Adversarial Examples.ArXiv

124、:1802.00420 Cs.1 February 2018.33 Nguyen,Anh M.,J.Yosinski,and J.Clune.Deep Neural Networks Are Easily Fooled:High Confidence Predictions for Unrecognizable Images.2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR).2015.34 Jia,Yifan,Christopher M Poskitt,Jun Sun,and Sudipta Chatto

125、padhyay.Physical Adversarial Attack on a Robotic Arm.p.8.2022;Savas,Onur,Lei Ding,Teresa Papaleo,and Ian McCulloh.Adversarial Attacks and Countermeasures against ML Models in Army Multi-Domain Operations.In Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications II,1141

126、.SPIE.pp.235-240.2020.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 22 3.2 Data Data is fundamental for training and deploying AI models.If data is fuel for AI,a data pipeline consists of the various processes ranging from data acquisition,transformations and storage befor

127、e feeding into AI models.In this pipeline,data preparation or curation is a crucial step.Labelling is a key aspect of AI data curation when considering the predictability problem.Labels or tags35 attach meaning to the data,enabling a machine to learn from it.For example,raw data can be labelled acco

128、rding to their type(e.g.,photo)and their content(e.g.,photo of a horse).Different methodologies are available for labelling,with important limitations that may lead to unpredicted system outcomes.When labelling requires human intervention,this introduces risks.For example,in-house or outsourced data

129、 labellers may reproduce bias,36 creating skewed training which will impact the performance of the AI system and lead to unpredicted outcomes.Other forms of labelling,like consensus voting labelling,may improve overall labelling quality but at higher costs than other forms of labelling.In some cases

130、,it may be possible to create synthetic labelled data.Synthetic data may be created either from scratch using simulation techniques or can be generated based on real world seed data with generative AI models.This often requires vast processing power and comes with elevated error potential.Errors may

131、 be introduced through(human)expert opinions in case of simulations,while bias and imbalances from the real-world seed data are propagated through generative models Although synthetic data is modelled on real-world distributions,the sample used for generation may not be representative.The resultant

132、synthetic data may inherit any underlying biases or skew present in the sample data,and any 35 Godwin,Jamie,and Peter Matthews.Robust Statistical Methods for Rapid Data Labelling.Chapter.Data Mining and Analysis in the Engineering Field.IGI Global.2014.36 Bekele,Esube,Cody Narber,and Wallace Lawson.

133、Multi-Attribute Residual Network(MAResNet)for Soft-Biometrics Recognition in Surveillance Scenarios.In 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face&Gesture Recognition(FG 2017).Washington,DC,DC,USA:IEEE.pp.386-393.2017;Bekele,Esube,Wallace E Lawson,Zachary Horne,and Sangeet Khemlani,Hum

134、an-Level Explanatory Biases for Person Re-Identification.p.2.2018.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 23 downstream supervised learning process may then learn and replicate those unrepresentative distributions leading to unpredictable outcomes.Data cleani

135、ng is another form of curation.It removes duplicates,missing values,uninformative features,and outliers from a dataset under the assumption that they represent incorrect data or an error.37 The goal is to improve model performance.However,data cleaning introduces a risk of removing meaningful data p

136、oints which may be important in the application phase.Removing this data may lead to unforeseen and unintended outcomes since the resulting clean data set may be stripped of important information,useful for testing model behaviour.When datasets are constructed from multiple sources,some of which may

137、 be incompatible,the data commingling problem emerges.This is the case,for example,when different sensors may be used without having been calibrated or normalised to produce the same values.This may lead to inconsistent,incomplete,or inaccurate datasets,and in turn to unreliable outcomes.Data shift(

138、also referred to as data drift)is the extent to which system outcomes have moved off-course due to external factors leading to a change in data distribution.38 Building an AI model requires identifying predictable relationships between input and target variables.The expectation is that the same data

139、 distribution would elicit similar results.However,real-world examples rarely show this to be the case,39 where various unpredictable factors can change input,dataset quality,data capture(for example polling frequency),or even the underlying patterns forming relations between input and output data.3

140、7 Tobin,Donal.What Is Data Cleansing and Why Does It Matter?Integrate.io.2022.38 Sarantitis,George.Data Shift in Machine Learning:What Is It and How to Detect It.Georgios Sarantitis(blog).16 April 2020.39 Sarantitis,George.Data Shift in Machine Learning:What Is It and How to Detect It.Georgios Saran

141、titis(blog).16 April 2020.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 24 In addition to introducing unwanted errors in the outputs of an AI system,data curation steps present two important operational challenges that may increase the likelihood of errors leading to unpre

142、dictable behaviour of the system.The first is the operational pay-off(efforts vs efficiency)of conducting data curation;the second emerges from the lack of standards and automated mechanisms to evaluate data quality.Key dimensions of data quality include completeness,accuracy,uniqueness,timeliness,c

143、onsistency,and validity(see Glossary).However,these dimensions and their relative importance may vary depending on the context of use and the related purpose.While data quality standards and governance mechanisms are relatively uncontested for structured data,this is not the case for unstructured da

144、ta,40 which accounts for the majority of data used in AI models.41 While the amount of data available continues to grow,there is a lack of agreed standards,tools and mechanisms42 to evaluate data robustness continuously,and check whether it is fit for purpose.Limits in assessing data quality could l

145、ead to noise,errors,and inconsistency in data sets,and these may lead to unpredicted behaviour at the system level.These data-related errors and uncertainties,if unchecked,can continue to accrue and propagate across the various elements of the AI stack,as shown in Table 1.This brings us to issues re

146、lated to technical debt.3.3 Technical Debt In software development,technical debt is a metaphor used to refer to long-term software issues and costs stemming from forgoing best practices at the development stage in favour of easier and quicker solutions.Best practices commonly implemented in modern

147、software development like version control and unit and system testing are not so easily translated to the AI domain due to a lack of standard procedures and frameworks,and the inherent 40 Further information:https:/arxiv.org/abs/1803.09010s 41 Further information:https:/fra.europa.eu/sites/default/f

148、iles/fra_uploads/fra-2019-data-quality-and-ai_en.pdf 42 Further information:https:/datacentricai.org/data-in-deployment/Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 25 difficulty of defining robust tests for AI models.43 Mitchell et al.,44 among others,have propos

149、ed solutions such as packaging and shipping production models using model cards,which describe quantitatively the models design space,key metrics,and known limitations,but these have yet to see widespread adoption.The lack of commonly accepted versioning and testing tools in the AI domain generally

150、translates into a scarce adoption of Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery(CI/CD)practices,commonly used in software development to ensure that frequent code changes do not interfere with other changes made by developers working in parallel.Reliable CI/CD pipelines require,for example,extensive

151、 versioning.Not being able to version an AI system reliably can cause robustness issues in deployment phases and is a cause of the predictability problem in its maximal definition.At the same time,the numerous and interrelated components of an AI system make its abstraction boundaries hard to contro

152、l.These aspects become more pressing when ML models continue to evolve upon deployment.When it occurs,technical debt hinders the reliability and traceability of the behaviour of an AI system,and in turn limits the ability of an observer to predict its outcomes.43 Sculley,D.,Gary Holt,Daniel Golovin,

153、Eugene Davydov,Todd Phillips,Dietmar Ebner,Vinay Chaudhary,Michael Young,Jean-Franois Crespo,and Dan Dennison.Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,Vol.28.Curran Associates,Inc.2015.44 Mitchell,Margaret,Simone Wu,Andrew Zaldivar,Parker

154、 Barnes,Lucy Vasserman,Ben Hutchinson,Elena Spitzer,Inioluwa Deborah Raji,and Timnit Gebru.Model Cards for Model Reporting.Proceedings of the Conference on Fairness,Accountability,and Transparency-FAT*19.pp.220-29.2019.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 26 4.Roo

155、t Causes of the Minimal Predictability Problem This section explores the socio-technical implications of the predictability problem through a focus on Human Machine Teams(HMT),where machines are AI systems(HMT-AI).Here,our analysis centres on the minimal definition of the predictability problem(see

156、section 2).That is,we assume that the AI systems in question have been designed and developed to be as performant and robust as possible,and that unwanted outcomes hereinafter can be explained in view of the operational and human realities of deployment.To do so,we embrace a socio-technical approach

157、,that is we focus on both technical and non-technical factors,i.e.,cultural,ethical,legal and cognitive,to map the causes of the predictability problem,minimally defined.45 46 HMT-AI mark a pivot from previous approaches to AI deployment,which assumed a clear division of labour between human and art

158、ificial agents(machines,including AI agents),rested on low levels of automation,and ascribed the processing of multiple sources of information 45 Ehsan,Upol,and Mark O.Riedl.Human-Centered Explainable AI:Towards a Reflective Sociotechnical Approach.In HCI International 2020-Late Breaking Papers:Mult

159、imodality and Intelligence,edited by Constantine Stephanidis,Masaaki Kurosu,Helmut Degen,and Lauren Reinerman-Jones.pp.44966.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.Cham:Springer International Publishing.2020.46 Andras,Peter,Lukas Esterle,Michael Guckert,The Anh Han,Peter R.Lewis,Kristina Milanovic,Terry

160、Payne,et al.Trusting Intelligent Machines:Deepening Trust Within Socio-Technical Systems.IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 37,no.4.pp.76-83.December 2018;Chopra,Amit K.,and Munindar P.SIngh.Sociotechnical Systems and Ethics in the Large.In Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI,Ethics,

161、and Society.pp.4853.AIES 18.New York,NY,USA:Association for Computing Machinery.2018;Ehsan,Upol,and Mark O.Riedl.Human-Centered Explainable AI:Towards a Reflective Sociotechnical Approach.In HCI International 2020-Late Breaking Papers:Multimodality and Intelligence,edited by Constantine Stephanidis,

162、Masaaki Kurosu,Helmut Degen,and Lauren Reinerman-Jones.pp.44966.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.Cham:Springer International Publishing.2020;Makarius,Erin E.,Debmalya Mukherjee,Joseph D.Fox,and Alexa K.Fox.Rising with the Machines:A Sociotechnical Framework for Bringing Artificial Intelligence into

163、 the Organization.Journal of Business Research 120.pp.262-273.November 2020;NIST,AI Risk Management Framework:Initial Draft.2022.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 27 only to humans.47 Today,research on HMT-AI focuses on producing such joint-intelligence

164、 systems,whereby the tasks of human experts and AI systems are distributed to create flexible team processes and facilitate emergent capabilities.48 HMT-AI characterise the deployment of AI systems in several domains49 from warehouse facilities,50 urban search-and-rescue teams and advanced surgical

165、operations teams,51 to cybersecurity52 and defence operations.53 As HMT-AI combine human and artificial autonomy,they exacerbate the predictability problem by increasing the amount and types of interactions(and sources of perturbations)between artificial and human agents,and their environment.54 In

166、this section we analyse three 47 Shaw,Tyler,Adam Emfield,Andre Garcia,Ewart de Visser,Chris Miller,Raja Parasuraman,and Lisa Fern.Evaluating the Benefits and Potential Costs of Automation Delegation for Supervisory Control of Multiple UAVs.Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annu

167、al Meeting 54,no.19.pp.1498-1502.September 2010;Walliser,James C.,Ewart J.de Visser,Eva Wiese,and Tyler H.Shaw.Team Structure and Team Building Improve HumanMachine Teaming With Autonomous Agents.Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 13,no.4.pp.258-278.December 2019;Woods,D.D.,E.S.Pat

168、terson,and E.M.Roth.Can We Ever Escape from Data Overload?A Cognitive Systems Diagnosis.Cognition,Technology&Work 4,no.1.pp.22-36.1 April 2002.48 ONeill,Thomas,Nathan McNeese,Amy Barron,and Beau Schelble.HumanAutonomy Teaming:A Review and Analysis of the Empirical Literature.Human Factors:The Journa

169、l of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.22 October 2020.49 Lavin,Alexander,Hector Zenil,Brooks Paige,David Krakauer,Justin Gottschlich,Tim Mattson,Anima Anandkumar,et al.Simulation Intelligence:Towards a New Generation of Scientific Methods.ArXiv:2112.03235 Cs.6 December 2021;Scherrer,Nino,Ole

170、xa Bilaniuk,Yashas Annadani,Anirudh Goyal,Patrick Schwab,Bernhard Schlkopf,Michael C.Mozer,Yoshua Bengio,Stefan Bauer,and Nan Rosemary Ke.Learning Neural Causal Models with Active Interventions.ArXiv:2109.02429 Cs,Stat.5 March 2022.50 Stowers,Kimberly,Lisa L.Brady,Christopher MacLellan,Ryan Wohleber

171、,and Eduardo Salas.Improving Teamwork Competencies in Human-Machine Teams:Perspectives From Team Science.Frontiers in Psychology 12.24 May 2021:590290.51 You,Sangseok,and Lionel Robert.Emotional Attachment,Performance,and Viability in Teams Collaborating with Embodied Physical Action(EPA)Robots.2016

172、.52 Stevens,Tim.Knowledge in the Grey Zone:AI and Cybersecurity.Digital War 1,no.1.pp.164-170.1 December 2020.53 Konaev,Margarita,and Husanjot Chahal.Building Trust in Human-Machine Teams.2021.54 Lavin,Alexander,Ciarn M.Gilligan-Lee,Alessya Visnjic,Siddha Ganju,Dava Newman,Atlm Gne Baydin,Sujoy Gang

173、uly,et al.Technology Readiness Levels for Machine Learning Systems.ArXiv:2101.03989 Cs.29 November 2021 Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 28 aspects of HMT-AI that have an impact on the predictability problem:human-machine interfaces,training,and trust.4.1 HMT-

174、AI and Human-Machine Interface Human machine interface is one of the main areas of research in the field of HMT.It is a crucial area of development for defence agencies,and has been listed as a key priority for the DoD.55 It is an area of research particularly relevant in the national security domai

175、n.An example is the use of AI for augmented intelligence,56 where effective human-machine interfaces for bulk data analysis and predictive analytics may allow human agents to search and understand high dimensional data that would otherwise remain untapped.57 The design of human-machine interfaces ai

176、ms to foster interactive,bi-directional processes.It structures information to give human operators situational awareness and can enable real-time human contributions to the AI agents inferences or post-operation calibration.Effective human-machine interfaces leverage expert feedback,labelling and o

177、ther types of human input to improve the AI agents performance in real-time or in batches.For example,human feedback can help a deep reinforcement learning system train for complex and novel behaviours,necessary to navigate real-world environments.58 In cybersecurity,researchers combine experts expe

178、rience and intuition with machine learning techniques to create a system capable of detecting and defending against unseen attacks.59 55 Lopez,Todd.Simplified Human/Machine Interfaces Top List of Critical DOD Technologies.2022.56 Babuta,Alexander,Marion Oswald,and Ardi Janjeva.Artificial Intelligenc

179、e and UK National Security:Policy Considerations.Occasional Paper.London:Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies.April 2020.57 National Academies of Sciences,Engineering,and Medicine,Committee on Human-System Integration Research Topics for the 711th Human,Performance Wing of the Air For

180、ce Research Laboratory,Board on Human-Systems Integration,Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education,and Board on Human-Systems Integration.Human-AI Teaming:State-of-the-Art and Research Needs.Washington,D.C.:National Academies Press.2022.58 Christiano,Paul,Jan Leike,Tom B.Brown,Miljan

181、 Martic,Shane Legg,and Dario Amodei.Deep Reinforcement Learning from Human Preferences.ArXiv:1706.03741 Cs,Stat.13 July 2017.59 Veeramachaneni,Kalyan,Ignacio Arnaldo,Alfredo Cuesta-Infante,Vamsi Korrapati,Costas Bassias,and Ke Li.AI2:Training a Big Data Machine to Defend.p.13.2016.Mariarosaria Tadde

182、o,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 29 Human-machine interfaces may either contribute to address the predictability problem if interfaces allow for better understanding,overseeing,and control of the AI system or exacerbate it,for example,if interfaces make an AI system les

183、s understandable or visible to the humans interacting with it.Interface limitations,like transparency requirements leading to information overload or not enabling memory of past interactions with users,can increase the cognitive overhead of the human operators or reduced situational awareness.60 4.2

184、 Training Training and experience-building programs can help operators to calibrate their expectations of an AI system,and form more accurate representations of the systems general behaviour to overcome interface issues.They can also lead to the improvement of interfaces altogether through iterative

185、 design based on end-user feedback and user stories.These training programmes require novel concepts,methods,and standards especially when considering HMT-AI.61 To a large extent,HMT-AI literature has built on structures developed for more traditional HMT with lower levels of automation.It has also

186、built on an understanding of human teams in which successful coordination depends on agents abilities to“share representations,to 60 Paleja,Rohan,Muyleng Ghuy,Nadun Ranawaka Arachchige,Reed Jensen,and Matthew Gombolay.The Utility of Explainable AI in Ad Hoc Human-Machine Teaming.In Advances in Neura

187、l Information Processing Systems,34.pp.610623.Curran Associates,Inc.2021.61 Laird,John,Charan Ranganath,and Samuel Gershman.Future Directions in Human Machine Teaming Workshop,2019;Lavin,Alexander,Hector Zenil,Brooks Paige,David Krakauer,Justin Gottschlich,Tim Mattson,Anima Anandkumar,et al.Simulati

188、on Intelligence:Towards a New Generation of Scientific Methods.ArXiv:2112.03235 Cs.6 December 2021;National Academies of Sciences,Engineering,and Medicine,Committee on Human-System Integration Research Topics for the 711th Human,Performance Wing of the Air Force Research Laboratory,Board on Human-Sy

189、stems Integration,Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education,and Board on Human-Systems Integration.Human-AI Teaming:State-of-the-Art and Research Needs.Washington,D.C.:National Academies Press.2022.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 30 predict oth

190、er agents actions,and to integrate the effects of these action predictions”.62 However,aspects and dynamics of these teams do not map perfectly to the characteristics of HMT-AI.From assigning dynamic roles and objectives in new contexts of deployment,to developing“shared mental models”(or representa

191、tions)and trust,to the assignment of responsibility,HMT-AI require different and new approaches,which are currently underexplored.63,64 Consider for example the utility of explainable AI(xAI)techniques,like decision trees,that can provide humans with insight into the AI agents behaviour policies and

192、 limitations to enhance the situational awareness of the human operator and improve the development of shared mental models.Recent research suggests that the advantage of using xAI techniques to improve“team fluency”in HMT-AI can vary greatly depending on the team composition and levels of domain ex

193、pertise of human teammates,potentially leading to performance degradation for experts 77,p.6.HMT-AI should involve regular training exercises that introduce uncertainties and perturbations,to help both humans and artificial agents construct well-rounded representations of each others decision-making

194、 criteria and capabilities,as well as team-specific conventions.65 For example,studies on trust in emergency guide robots66 have highlighted the potential benefit for humans in HMT-AI to experience wrong behaviour from 62 Paleja,Rohan,Muyleng Ghuy,Nadun Ranawaka Arachchige,Reed Jensen,and Matthew Go

195、mbolay.The Utility of Explainable AI in Ad Hoc Human-Machine Teaming.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,34.pp.610623.Curran Associates,Inc.2021;Sebanz,N,H Bekkering,and G Knoblich.Joint Action:Bodies and Minds Moving Together.Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10,no.2.pp.70-76.February 2

196、006.63 McNeese,Nathan J.,Beau G.Schelble,Lorenzo Barberis Canonico,and Mustafa Demir.Who/What Is My Teammate?Team Composition Considerations in Human-AI Teaming.ArXiv:2105.11000 Cs.23 May 2021.;ONeill,Thomas,Nathan McNeese,Amy Barron,and Beau Schelble.HumanAutonomy Teaming:A Review and Analysis of t

197、he Empirical Literature.Human Factors:The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.22 October 2020.64 Consider for example decision tree explanations of AI agents hierarchical policies for action or inferring teammates actions Paleja et al.,The Utility of Explainable AI in Ad Hoc Human-Ma

198、chine Teaming.65 Niu,Yaru,Rohan Paleja,and Matthew Gombolay.Multi-Agent Graph-Attention Communication and Teaming,2021.10;Shih,Andy,Arjun Sawhney,Jovana Kondic,Stefano Ermon,and Dorsa Sadigh.On the Critical Role of Conventions in Adaptive Human-AI Collaboration.ArXiv:2104.02871 Cs.6 April 2021.66 Ro

199、binette,Paul,Ayanna M.Howard,and Alan R.Wagner.Effect of Robot Performance on HumanRobot Trust in Time-Critical Situations.IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47,no.4.pp.425-436.August 2017.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 31 the robot prior to

200、any use in real situations,so that the human can gain some awareness of and adapt to the machines imperfections.At the same time,improved mental models developed by human agents during training sessions can be used to improve the performance of collaborative artificial agents or the interface that f

201、acilitates communication between agents,creating a feedback loop.67 This approach has been suggested for,inter alia,HMT-AI in real time strategy games,68 military war-gaming,69 autonomous flight teaming,70 and cybersecurity.71 It is equally relevant in the context of intelligence analysis.Security a

202、gencies in both the UK and the US72 have stressed that developing effective training programs tailored to HMT unpredictability will require:building new simulation environments;figuring out when to train for perturbation/adaption versus standardisation;better machine models of humans and alignment m

203、echanisms;and the reduction of over-trust.Further 67 Klamm,J.,C.Dominguez,B.Yost,P.McDermott,and M.Lenox.Partnering with Technology:The Importance of Human Machine Teaming in Future MDC2 Systems.In Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications,11006.pp.25966.S

204、PIE.2019.68 Anderson,Andrew,Jonathan Dodge,Amrita Sadarangani,Zoe Juozapaitis,Evan Newman,Jed Irvine,Souti Chattopadhyay,Matthew Olson,Alan Fern,and Margaret Burnett.Mental Models of Mere Mortals with Explanations of Reinforcement Learning.ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 10,no.2.

205、pp.1-37.30 June 2020.69 Schwartz,Peter J.,Daniel V.ONeill,Meghan E.Bentz,Adam Brown,Brian S.Doyle,Olivia C.Liepa,Robert Lawrence,and Richard D.Hull.AI-Enabled Wargaming in the Military Decision Making Process.In Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications II

206、,11413.pp.118134.SPIE.2020.70 Tossell,Chad,Boyoung Kim,Bianca Donadio,Ewart de Visser,Ryan Holec,and Elizabeth Phillips.Appropriately Representing Military Tasks for Human-Machine Teaming Research.pp.24565.2020.71 Buchanan,Ben,and Andrew Imbrie.The New Fire:War,Peace,and Democracy in the Age of AI.2

207、022;Ding,Wen,Sonwoo Kim,Daniel Xu,and Inki Kim.Can Intelligent Agent Improve Human-Machine Team Performance Under Cyberattacks?In IHSI.2019;Gomez,Steven R.,Vincent Mancuso,and Diane Staheli.Considerations for Human-Machine Teaming in Cybersecurity.In Augmented Cognition,edited by Dylan D.Schmorrow a

208、nd Cali M.Fidopiastis,11580.pp.15368.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.Cham:Springer International Publishing.2019.72 National Academies of Sciences,Engineering,and Medicine,Committee on Human-System Integration Research Topics for the 711th Human,Performance Wing of the Air Force Research Laborator

209、y,Board on Human-Systems Integration,Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education,and Board on Human-Systems Integration.Human-AI Teaming:State-of-the-Art and Research Needs.Washington,D.C.:National Academies Press.2022;Laird,John,Charan Ranganath,and Samuel Gershman.Future Directions in

210、 Human Machine Teaming Workshop.2019.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 32 research is needed to understand how to achieve these results in practice.This leads us to the following two recommendations.Recommendation 1.Government research funding should be allocat

211、ed to develop public-private collaborations and longitudinal studies on HMT-AI.This research should focus on old and new models for decision-making in HMT-AI to assess the impact of team conventions building and training on performance and control measures.Focus should be drawn on defining new train

212、ing protocols for HMT-AI specific dynamics,and on accelerating the development of risk management standards and HMT-AI performance assessments.Recommendation 2.A dedicated certification scheme for HMT-AI should be established,to promote industry consensus on the design requirements and evaluation of

213、 AI systems designed for HMT-AI.Generalising between tasks,effective communication,performance consistency,and adapting to new teammates should all be included within such a certification scheme.Building on under-developed ISO standards,73 this certification scheme should also extend to the traceabi

214、lity of processes and decision accountability as well as auditing mechanisms to evaluate levels of trust in HMT-AI.This is necessary to disincentivise over-trust and complacent attitudes in HMT-AI that maintain or amplify the predictability problem.Understanding the nature of trust and its implicati

215、ons for the predictability problem is the goal of the next section.73 ISO.ISO/IEC 38507:2022 Information Technology Governance of IT Governance Implications of the Use of Artificial Intelligence by Organizations.ISO.2022;ISO/IEC DIS 23894 Information Technology Artificial Intelligence Guidance on Ri

216、sk Management.ISO.2022.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 33 4.3 Trust and Trustworthiness Trust is a facilitator of interactions among members of a system or team,whether human agents,artificial agents,or a combination of both,as in HMT-AI.74 There are

217、many definitions of trust.Often,these are domain-specific and focus on ethical,psychological,economic,societal,and security aspects of trust.However,when considering the nature of trust from a philosophical point of view,it becomes clear that occurrences of trust are related to,and affect,pre-existi

218、ng relations.Examples include purchasing,negotiation,communication,and delegation.75 In this sense,trust is not a relation itself but something that qualifies relations.It is a property of relations.As a property of relations,trust changes the way relations occur by making it convenient for the agen

219、t who decides to trust(the trustor)to engage in the relation.It does so by minimising their efforts and commitments(e.g.,time and resources)for the achievement of a given goal.The trustor saves efforts and commitments in two ways.First,they can delegate an action necessary to achieve their goal.Thus

220、,they avoid performing the action themselves,because they can count on the trustee to do it.Second,the trustor can decide not to supervise(or to supervise less)the trustees performance.Delegation without(or with limited)supervision is the mark of an ideal relation of trust.76 It is because of this f

221、acilitating role that trust is crucial for any system to work.Without trust,delegation would be much more problematic as it would require a constantly high level of supervision.And this,in turn,would encroach upon the distribution of tasks necessary for most systems to function.Imagine not trusting

222、the GP,the 74 Primiero,Giuseppe,and Mariarosaria Taddeo.A Modal Type Theory for Formalizing Trusted Communications.Journal of Applied Logic 10,no.1.pp.92-114.March 2012.75 Taddeo,Mariarosaria.Modelling Trust in Artificial Agents,A First Step Toward the Analysis of e-Trust.Minds and Machines 20,no.2.

223、pp.243-257.15 June 2010;Taddeo,Mariarosaria.An Informationbased Solution for the Puzzle of Testimony and Trust.Social Epistemology 24,no.4.pp.295-299.October 2010.76 Taddeo,Mariarosaria.Modelling Trust in Artificial Agents,A First Step Toward the Analysis of e-Trust.Minds and Machines 20,no.2.pp.243

224、-257.15 June 2010.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 34 childrens teacher,or the mechanic.This would imply spending a significant portion of time and resources monitoring the way they perform their tasks.Trust comes in levels(Alice may trust Bob more than she tr

225、usts Charles,for example).Levels of trust can be assessed based on the level of supervision over the trustee performing a given task:the higher the level of supervision the lower the level of trust.The level of supervision depends(for rational,non-gullible,economic agents)on the level of trustworthi

226、ness of the trustee.This is assessed considering past performances of the trustee(their reputation)as well as the risks that the trustor will face if the trustee behaves differently from what is expected(risk/benefit analysis).When the probability that the trustees expected behaviour will occur is e

227、ither too low or not assessable,the risk is too high,and trust is unjustified.The predictability problem,along with the lack of transparency and vulnerability of AI systems,77 makes it hard to evaluate whether the same system will continue to behave as expected in any given context.This impairs the

228、assessment of its trustworthiness,both in terms of the reputation of the trustee and in terms of risks/benefit analysis.Coming back to AI,HMT-AI,and the predictability problem,this is not to say that we should not trust the teams with high-impact decisions and tasks,especially when HMT-AI can perfor

229、m them efficiently and efficaciously.On the contrary,delegation can and,in appropriate cases,should still occur.However,some forms of supervision are necessary to mitigate the risks linked to the predictability problem.The level of supervision should be proportionate to the level of trustworthiness

230、of HMT-AI systems and the risks that unpredicted behaviour would entail(discussed further in sections 5.4 and 5.5).Policy strategies focused on eliciting users trust without considering appropriate forms of supervision or monitoring in HMT-AI will fail to address this crucial issue,and exacerbate th

231、e risks linked to the predictability 77 Taddeo,Mariarosaria,Tom McCutcheon,and Luciano Floridi.Trusting Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity Is a Double-Edged Sword.Nature Machine Intelligence 1,no.12.pp.557-560.December 2019.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalin

232、i Kurapati 35 problem.To avoid these risks,it is crucial to foster the right level of trust in AI systems for any given decision-making context.4.4 Levels of Trust in HMT-AI In an ideal scenario,the level of trust is proportionate to the trustworthiness of the trustee.Thus,over-trust occurs when the

233、 trustor has a high level of trust in a trustee whose trustworthiness is low.Similarly,under-trust happens when despite the high trustworthiness of the trustee,the trustor disproportionately oversees their behaviour.Human agents in HMT-AI are exposed to the risks of over-trusting the artificial agen

234、ts with which they work(automation bias).For example,a 2016 study describes an experiment involving 42 volunteers in a simulated fire emergency with a robot guide tasked to lead them to safety.78 Nearly 90%of the participants followed the robot blindly as it committed several fatal mistakes for whic

235、h it never provided explanations nor warnings.When occurring in high-stakes decision-making contexts,over-trust aggravates the risks of unpredictability and can lead to adverse outcomes.Over-trust generates trust and forget dynamics,79 whereby the trustor has the highest level of trust in the truste

236、e and does not supervise its performance,to the extent of overlooking its(potentially erroneous)actions,disregarding its capabilities and limits,and accepting uncritically its outcomes.Usually,these dynamics stop when something goes(badly)wrong and recalls our attention to the trustworthiness of the

237、 trustee.78 Robinette,Paul,Wenchen Li,Robert Allen,Ayanna M.Howard,and Alan R.Wagner.Overtrust of Robots in Emergency Evacuation Scenarios.In 2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction(HRI).pp.101108.Christchurch,New Zealand:IEEE.2016.79 Taddeo,Mariarosaria.Trusting Digit

238、al Technologies Correctly.Minds and Machines 27,no.4.pp.565-568.1 December 2017.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 36 Over-trust can be a consequence of automation bias in AI i.e.the tendency of human agents to over-rely on AI outcomes as these are perceived as

239、more accurate or better than human-driven solutions.80 As Stru argues,this bias and the risk of over-trust become more problematic as the complexity of an AI system increases(deep automation bias).This is because the artificial and the human agent in HMT-AI have different decision-making processes,a

240、nd the human agents may be unable to scrutinise or understand how the artificial agent reaches its decisions,but still decide to rely on it due to the effects of the automation bias.81 When over-trust and trust and forget dynamics occur in HMT-AI involved in high-stakes decisions,they risk leading t

241、o negative consequences for the human-machine team,organisations or societies at large.In the security context,these dynamics coupled with the predictability problem could lead to severe risks for citizens rights and real-world security risks.Avoiding these risks requires defining and developing way

242、s to identify the right levels of trust within an HMT-AI and discourage over-trust.The training measures described in section 4.2 and recommendations 1 and 2 will help address this issue.80 Goddard,Kate,Abdul Roudsari,and Jeremy C Wyatt.Automation Bias:A Systematic Review of Frequency,Effect Mediato

243、rs,and Mitigators.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 19,no.1.pp.121-127.January 2012.81 It is worth noting that every application of AI will have different data models or ML approaches(from supervised learning to reinforcement learning),or sensors,and this will affect the level

244、of automation embedded in the AI system.In turn,the level of automation in the system will affect the ability for human agent to scrutinise and understand its outputs.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 37 5.Addressing the Predictability Problem with Good

245、 Governance Taking stock of the analysis of the root causes of the predictability problem identified in the previous sections,we shall now analyse which of these causes are covered in relevant policy documents,and if so how and to what extent.In this section,we focus specifically on UK policies rele

246、vant to the national security community,but also consider EU and US policies in the same domain(Table 2).Region Type of document UK policies UK National Al Strategy 89 UK National Cyber Strategy 90 Policy report of the Government Communications Headquarters(GCHQ)91 Policy report of the Royal United

247、Services Institute(RUSI)92 Policy report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Al(2019)Policy report of The Alan Turing Institute 94 Policy report of Chatham House 95 Policy report of the National Cyber Security Centre(NCSC)96 Policy report of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl,

248、2020)97 Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 38 EU policies EU Ethics Guidelines on AI 98 The proposed EU AI Act 99 Policy report from the EU Joint Research Centre 100 Policy report from the EU Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems 101 Po

249、licy report from the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity 102 US policies US Department of Defence Data Strategy 103 The final report from the US National Security Commission on AI(NSCAI,2021)Table 2.The list of policy documents analysed in this report and the related geographical origin.When rev

250、iewing these policy documents,we identified four themes and a gap.These are:control,oversight,and value alignment;the resource boosting approach;the development of trustworthy AI;and the lack of focus on risk management measures to curtail the impact of the predictability problem.We analyse each of

251、these in turn and identify points of improvement and recommendations,to inform future policy responses focused on addressing the predictability problem.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 39 5.1 Control,Oversight and Value Alignment Policy documents and p

252、roposals on balancing human and machine decisions often focus on control and oversight,82 framed as a series of responses to the human inability to predict fully the behaviour of AI systems.For example,the Joint Research Centre(JRC)report identifies the complexity of AI models as a challenge to insp

253、ection and control by human operators.83 The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom,Security and Justice(EU-LISA)proposes developing multiple tools that can be used for system failure detection and prediction,according to the availabilit

254、y and quality of data sets.84 Other policies focus on defining control and oversight standards for testing and verification.85 Some documents propose approaches such as securing“human-in-the-loop”,86“human-on-the-loop”87 and“human-in-command”deployment parameters.88 Others call for the imposition of

255、 operational constraints on the system at the design phase.Often these documents mention human oversight89 to refer to different modalities of human control at different stages of the AI lifecycle.82 Babuta,Alexander,Marion Oswald,and Ardi Janjeva.Artificial Intelligence and UK National Security:Pol

256、icy Considerations.Occasional Paper.London:Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies.April 2020;GCHQ,GCHQ|Pioneering a New National Security:The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.2021.83 JRC.Robustness and Explainability of Artificial Intelligence:From Technical to Policy Solutions.LU:Publ

257、ications Office.2020.84 EU LISA,and Aleksandrs Cepilovs.Artificial Intelligence in the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems:Research and Technology Monitoring Report:Perspectives for Eu LISA.LU:Publications Office of the European Union.2020.85 McAleese,Madison Jones.Will AI Prediction Te

258、chnology Impact National Security?Pacific Council on International Policy.7 August 2018.86 GCHQ,GCHQ|Pioneering a New National Security:The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.2021.87 Stumborg,Michael,and Becky Roh.Dimensions of Autonomous Decision-Making.Mark.2021.88 European Commission,and Directora

259、te-General for Communications Networks,Content and Technology.Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.LU:Publications Office of the European Union.2019.89 European Commission,and Directorate-General for Communications Networks,Content and Technology.Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.LU:Publications

260、Office of the European Union.2019;McKendrick,Kathleen.Artificial Intelligence Prediction and Counterterrorism.Chatham House,The Royal Institute of International Affairs.2019.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 40 Value alignment the need for AI systems to be cohe

261、rent with values and responsibilities of humans is another aspect covered in this context.90 Proposals of standards and certification procedures to foster an ecosystem where there is alignment between AI goals and human values also abound.91 This derives from concerns around unpredictability in the

262、face of increasing levels of automation92 or complexity of systems,like the black box problem.93 More automation increases the stakes of unpredictability,demanding more stringent alignment mechanisms.Whether they refer to control,human oversight or value alignment,the proposals outlined in these doc

263、uments assume a clear separation between humans and the systems with which they work.However,the relationship between the two is arguably more organic and bi-directional than what most documents assume.As discussed previously,AI systems are increasingly embedded in HMT.94 This reframes the scope of

264、the problem,extending it to the realm of interactions between human agents and their environment.Building policies with HMT-AI at the centre,rather than at the periphery,would lead to more effective governance and design mechanisms.By focusing on HMT-AI,national security policy documents would chara

265、cterise AI systems as parts of a system broadly understood,one consisting of human as well as AI agents with respect to their relevant dimensions for the predictability problem.In contexts where human-90 JRC.Robustness and Explainability of Artificial Intelligence:From Technical to Policy Solutions.

266、LU:Publications Office.2020.91 JRC.Robustness and Explainability of Artificial Intelligence:From Technical to Policy Solutions.LU:Publications Office.2020;McKendrick,Kathleen.Artificial Intelligence Prediction and Counterterrorism.Chatham House,The Royal Institute of International Affairs.2019;Schwa

267、rtz,Reva,Apostol Vassilev,Kristen K.Greene,Lori Perine,Andrew Burt,and Patrick Hall.Towards a Standard for Identifying and Managing Bias in Artificial Intelligence.15 March 2022.92 Boardman,Michael,and Fiona Butcher.An Exploration of Maintaining Human Control in AI Enabled Systems and the Challenges

268、 of Achieving It.STO-MP-IST-178.2019;Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.Building Blocks for AI and Autonomy:A Dstl Biscuit Book.GOV.UK.2020.93 Holland Michel,The Black Box,Unlocked|UNIDIR.2020.94 Stumborg,Michael,and Becky Roh.Dimensions of Autonomous Decision-Making.Mark.2021.Mariarosaria Ta

269、ddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 41 machine interfaces are used to tackle security threats,e.g.in cybersecurity,this would amount to framing human behaviour(e.g.human intuition in the detection of threats or their reactions to an AI systems inferences)as an integral

270、aspect of the predictability problem,rather than a solution to an AI systems unpredictability.While prior elements of unpredictability were attributed mostly to machines,this framing would allow for the mapping and integration of human and environmental factors that can be sources of unpredictabilit

271、y in human-machine interactions.These factors include policy changes or cognitive aspects of decision-making within the set of risks that need to be monitored and managed.This shift in approach would stand as a bridge between the maximal and the minimal definition of the predictability problem,as it

272、 allows us to frame problems that were likely to be attributed to the former(e.g.technical problems in AI design and development)and those likely to be attributed to the latter(e.g.human over-trust of an AI system after deployment)as transversal and interacting issues.At the same time,integrating co

273、ncerns around control and oversight,such as autonomy or complexity of AI systems,as part of the wider“team”dynamics can help in the process of matching strengths and weaknesses of human and machine agents,which is a key aim of HMT-AI.95 Shifting the policy focus towards HMT-AI would lead to more hol

274、istic and realistic policy strategies to mitigate predictability-related risks of HMT-AI failures,risks to citizens rights and security,as well as risks of reputational damage to institutions.This leads us to the following recommendation:95 Stumborg,Michael,and Becky Roh.Dimensions of Autonomous Dec

275、ision-Making.Mark,2021.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 42 Recommendation 3.Policy responses to the predictability problem in the national security domain should focus on governing HMT-AI teams,rather than AI systems alone.5.2 The Resource Boosting Approach:Th

276、e Risk of Overlooking Predictability Trade-offs Several policy documents and proposals suggest responding to risks related to the predictability problem through a resource boosting approach:they embrace a logic of more data,96 more coordination and collaborations,97 skills upgrading,98 and more fund

277、ing.99 If not coupled with measures considering context of deployment and societal impact,this approach is problematic and risks narrowing the policy focus on techno-centric and cumulative solutions,and overlooking ethical and social risks.Better predictability of the outcomes of both AI systems and

278、 HMT-AI are a necessary requirement when considering whether to deploy AI for national security purposes.This is,however,only one of the criteria that should be factored into the risk/benefit analysis driving the decision to use,or not use,AI technology in this domain.For instance,in the national se

279、curity context,some applications of AI have the potential to impact significantly on human rights,most notably Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights(ECHR),the right to respect for ones private and family life.As any activity that has the potential to impact on such rights must be asse

280、ssed as both necessary and proportionate in the interests of national 96 McKendrick,Kathleen.Artificial Intelligence Prediction and Counterterrorism.Chatham House,The Royal Institute of International Affairs.2019.97 Desouza,Gregory S.Dawson and Kevin C.How the U.S.Can Dominate in the Race to Nationa

281、l AI Supremacy.Brookings(blog).3 February 2022;HM Government,National Cyber Strategy.2022.35;Babuta,Alexander,Marion Oswald,and Ardi Janjeva.Artificial Intelligence and UK National Security:Policy Considerations.Occasional Paper.London:Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies.April 2020.9

282、8 GCHQ,GCHQ|Pioneering a New National Security:The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.2021;Gorman,Christopher.Recent Developments in AI and National Security:What You Need to Know.Lawfare.3 March 2022;HM Government,National Cyber Strategy.2022.99 HM Government,National AI Strategy.2021;HM Government,

283、National Cyber Strategy.2022.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 43 security,100 so decisions as to whether to use AI need to be made by weighing up the potential benefit offered,balanced against the potential risk to individual rights.Existing frameworks

284、 regarding the respect of fundamental rights as well as risk assessment in national security are already in place,and The European Convention on Human Rights,the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,and the United Nations Siracusa Principles offer guidance when specify

285、ing necessity,proportionality and scientific validity as the criteria to restrict any measure that might impinge on human rights.101 With regards to risk assessment,cost-benefit analysis(CBA)and necessity and proportionality considerations are already in place.102 However,further guidance is require

286、d regarding adapting these frameworks to the AI predictability problem,focussing on which aspects are more(or less)relevant and how these calculations should be made in practice for HMT-AI.It is also problematic that,where guidance is offered for this decision,the interpretation and application of t

287、his guidance is,at times,expected to be self-administered.As it is likely that oversight and scrutiny in this area may not be public,it is even more important that the CBA is conducted by independent bodies,which should be enabled and supported to develop an objective,in-depth assessment and should

288、be accountable to the public for their assessment.Recommendation 4.CBA of HMT-AI in the national security domain should include an assessment of the predictability of AI systems and of the related ethical risks along the technical and operational dimensions.To facilitate coherent assessment across s

289、ecurity agencies,a standard scale to assess predictability of AI systems 100 European Parliament,Council of the European Union.Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic

290、 communications sector(Directive on privacy and electronic communications),201 OJ L.2002;Gov UK,Investigatory Powers Act 2016.101 Morley,Jessica,Josh Cowls,Mariarosaria Taddeo,and Luciano Floridi.Ethical Guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 Digital Tracking and Tracing Systems.SSRN Scholarly Paper.Rochester,NY

291、.22 April 2020.102 Gov UK,Investigatory Powers Act 2016.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 44 should be defined,where the choice of using(or not)AI should be justified on this scale with respect to a contextual CBA as well as the consideration of public attitude

292、s towards the risks and the benefits involved.The definition of this scale should be within the remit of an independent third-party actor,i.e.,a different public office than the one deploying the HMT-AI.Ideally,the CBA should also be run by an independent body,or at the very least it should be indep

293、endently scrutinised.The resource boosting approach often leads to calls for more data and more complex AI models to mitigate the predictability problem,under the assumption that these would lead to greater accuracy.Several documents consider data as a strategic asset and they exhort to make data se

294、cure,trustworthy,and interoperable.103 The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity(ENISA)talks about data augmentation techniques when training datasets are too small.104 In terms of more complex AI systems,the UK National Cyber Strategy proposes to“scale up and develop law enforcement technical cap

295、abilities”,105 which can be deployed against threats.In the same vein,while urging caution,the UK Royal United Services Institute considers the use of augmented intelligence techniques,106 such as cognitive automation of human sensory processes with NLP and audio-visual analysis and behavioural anal

296、ytics.107 Others urge the use of more complex models such as neural networks,combined with symbolic reasoning e.g.neuro-symbolic AI108 to increase the accuracy of results without excessively sacrificing explainability.103 Norquist,David L.DOD Data Strategy.2020.16.104 ENISA,Artificial Intelligence C

297、ybersecurity Challenges.Report/Study.2020.105 HM Government,National Cyber Strategy.2021.106.106 Babuta,Alexander,Marion Oswald,and Ardi Janjeva.Artificial Intelligence and UK National Security:Policy Considerations.Occasional Paper.London:Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies.April 20

298、20;GCHQ,GCHQ|Pioneering a New National Security:The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.2021.107 Babuta,Alexander,Marion Oswald,and Ardi Janjeva.Artificial Intelligence and UK National Security:Policy Considerations.Occasional Paper.London:Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies.April 2020

299、.108 European Commission,AI Act Proposal.2021.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 45 However,as discussed previously,the sharing and constant accumulation of large datasets to improve technical predictability is also a contributor to increased unpredictab

300、ility,as data sources and labelling become harder to validate and large datasets become attractive targets for malicious actors.109 Additionally,if more data is added incrementally,the AI system will require updating and re-tuning.As the UK National Cybersecurity Centre states,updates to the system

301、will change the performance of the tool,which may cause it to become unpredictable(NCSC,2019,p.6).More data and more complex models might decrease concerns around predictability at a superficial level,while affecting other system properties or mechanisms that may compromise predictability more indir

302、ectly.As stressed at the beginning of this report,there is a minimal and a maximal understanding of predictability.More data and complexity can work in favour of one and yet against the other.For example,while choosing a more complex AI model might extend its capacity to respond to a set of differen

303、t scenarios and decrease unpredictability in terms of its ability to respond reliably to external factors(as described in the maximal interpretation of the problem),it might also increase unpredictability in terms of our capacity to understand a systems internal behaviour after deployment and thus p

304、redict it(as described in the minimal interpretation of the problem).Recommendation 5.Rather than“more”or“less”predictability,policy proposals should focus on predictability trade-offs,making clear which aspect of the predictability problem specific proposals aim to tackle and in which way,as well a

305、s which aspects they risk exacerbating,and which mitigating measures will be put in place.Policies should recognise that predictability is a multi-dimensional concept,109 Ananny,Mike,and Kate Crawford.Seeing without Knowing:Limitations of the Transparency Ideal and Its Application to Algorithmic Acc

306、ountability.New Media&Society 20,no.3.pp.973-989.March 2018;ENISA,Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Challenges.Report/Study.2020.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 46 where gains in predictability on one level can come at the expense of losses on another.We

307、do not mean to suggest that predictability is a relative concept,but rather a multi-dimensional one,and policy proposals for more data and complexity should be assessed against their differential impact on these multiple dimensions.5.3 Trustworthiness:Unjustified Trust in the Face of the Predictabil

308、ity Problem Trustworthiness of HMT-AI is a property that needs to be assessed over time,across multiple metrics and agents.It is problematic when trustworthiness is presented as tantamount to predictability,misleading readers to think that if its predictable then its trustworthy,or when predictabili

309、ty is described as a criterion for the use of AI alongside trustworthiness,as if predictability and trustworthiness were independent.This confuses any attempt to formalize the relation between trustworthiness and its assessment criteria,and risks misleading the assessment of trustworthiness of AI.To

310、 this end,it does not help that trustworthiness is paired to a host of elements in policy documents that can affect predictability.Most documents and policy papers discuss robustness,110 reliability,111 safety,112 and security113 as elements of trustworthiness but do not consider their impact on the

311、 predictability of AI systems.These elements are related to predictability to the extent that they may lead to unpredictable outcomes.For example,110 ENISA,Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Challenges.Report/Study.2020;European Commission,and Directorate-General for Communications Networks,Conte

312、nt and Technology.Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.LU:Publications Office of the European Union.2019;JRC.Robustness and Explainability of Artificial Intelligence:From Technical to Policy Solutions.LU:Publications Office.2020.111 Holland Michel,The Black Box,Unlocked|UNIDIR.2020;Taddeo,Mariarosar

313、ia,Tom McCutcheon,and Luciano Floridi.Trusting Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity Is a Double-Edged Sword.Nature Machine Intelligence 1,no.12.pp.557-560.December 2019.112 ENISA,Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Challenges.Report/Study.2020.113 ENISA,Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Ch

314、allenges.Report/Study.2020.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 47 problems of security are not the same as problems of predictability.However,a system whose security is weak or compromised is more exposed to attacks which,in turn,make the system more like

315、ly to show unpredictable behaviours.In the same vein,the EU Ethics Guidelines on AI present Trustworthy AI as a product of lawful,ethical and robust properties.114 Other policy documents list trustworthy AI as a distinct property alongside other elements such as reliability and robustness.For exampl

316、e,in relation to cybersecurity of AI,ENISA states that it is crucial that a system is“trustworthy,reliable and robust”(ENISA,2020a,p.30).JRC states that the European Commission has committed itself to a“trustworthy and secure use of AI”(JRC,2020,p.1).This approach inflates the concept of trustworthy

317、 AI and may lead to over-trusting a system once it has been labelled“trustworthy”.Consider,for example,a possible use of behavioural analytics for counterterrorism;over-trusting a system could entail using unreliable inferences about alleged threats,possibly leading to a disproportionate escalation

318、and undue breaches of individual rights.Policy documents have attempted to operationalize the values and elements cited above.In this respect,some documents go as far as to provide check-lists,115 self-assessment tools116 or guidance for the use of AI tools.117 While these are important,the lists of

319、ten consist of series of questions and lack the specification of priority or hierarchy among elements and the definition of processes and assessment criteria.114 European Commission,and Directorate-General for Communications Networks,Content and Technology.Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.LU:Pub

320、lications Office of the European Union.2019.115 European Commission,and Directorate-General for Communications Networks,Content and Technology.Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.LU:Publications Office of the European Union.2019.116 UKSA,Ethics Self-Assessment Tool.UK Statistics Authority,2019.117

321、NCSC,Intelligent Security Tools.2019.Artificial Intelligence for National Security:The Predictability Problem 48 If left unaddressed,this approach might turn“trustworthiness”into a blue-washing label118 rather than a solid basis for deciding whether to rely on an AI system.For example,a company migh

322、t declare a certain product trustworthy after a partial fulfilment of the checklist,after self-administered guidance or by fiat.For trustworthiness to become a reliable criterion driving the decision to use an AI system,the gap from“what”to“how”119 needs to be filled through conceptually sound,opera

323、tionally feasible,and accountable solutions.Recommendation 6.Policies on the problem of AI predictability in national security should address the link between trustworthiness and unpredictability,both at a formal and operational level.For example,AI systems should be given an amendable predictabilit

324、y score,which should be included in the assessment of the trustworthiness of the system.The trustworthiness of an AI system should include the CBA to assess the risks that unwanted behaviour may pose in different contexts of deployment.5.4 A Notable Absence:Risk Thresholds for Unpredictable AI and t

325、he Predictability of Risks Often,policy documents treat unpredictability as an element that can increase risks.However,they do not categorise these risks.To this end,we argue that it is important to recognize that some unpredictable scenarios or behaviours are riskier than others.At the same time,so

326、me risks are more predictable than others,leading to a meta-level of overall risk.Let us focus first on the risks related to the predictability problem:the risks of unpredictability.118 Floridi,Luciano.Translating Principles into Practices of Digital Ethics:Five Risks of Being Unethical.Philosophy&T

327、echnology 32,no.2.pp.185-193.1 June 2019.119 Babuta,Alexander,Marion Oswald,and Ardi Janjeva.Artificial Intelligence and UK National Security:Policy Considerations.Occasional Paper.London:Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies.April 2020;Morley,Jessica,Luciano Floridi,Libby Kinsey,and A

328、nat Elhalal.From What to How:An Initial Review of Publicly Available AI Ethics Tools,Methods and Research to Translate Principles into Practices.Science and Engineering Ethics 26,no.4.pp.2141-2168.1 August 2020.Mariarosaria Taddeo,Marta Ziosi,Andreas Tsamados,Luca Gilli and Shalini Kurapati 49 Once

329、a certain unpredicted scenario occurs,the consequences can be highly problematic,and when national security is involved,potentially devastating.Consider,for example,the“automatic mode”(management by exception)of the US Patriot Missile system which generated false targets and engaged in friendly fire

330、 as a result.120 As mentioned previously,relevant policy papers discuss catastrophic consequences of AI in terms of fatal errors and failures.121 At the same time,it is possible that the realization of an unpredicted scenario can be harmless,or even lead to new positive outcomes and discoveries.This

331、 may depend,for example,on whether the sector itself is high-risk(e.g.national security,defence,healthcare,transport)and whether the intended use involves high-risk decisions or actions(e.g.injury,death,restriction of liberty,significant material/immaterial damage).122 Policy proposals that focus on

332、 risk related to AI-based solutions or HMT-AI123 do not provide criteria to define risk-thresholds for unpredictable AI.That is,identifying a level of unpredictability that makes the deployment of a given solution too dangerous.Criteria for this assessment should encompass technical as well as ethic

333、al,legal,and social considerations around what counts as“risky”or“more/less risky”in the face of unpredictability.Focusing now on the meta-level of risk(plainly,on how risk itself might suffer from a predictability problem),policy papers rarely elaborate on how some risks are more predictable than others,with some being not predictable at all.124 Admittedly,identifying all possible risks in a cont



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