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利用 SOA 通信中间件和 TSN 实现软件定义车辆.pdf

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利用 SOA 通信中间件和 TSN 实现软件定义车辆.pdf

1、TTTech-Auto-InternalLeveraging SOA Communication Middleware with TSN for Software Defined VehiclesTTTech Auto AGSeptember 28,2023Jakob Zwirchmayr Product InnovationShashank Gaur Pre-SalesETHERNET&IP AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY DAY19-20 September 2023|So Paulo,BrazilTypical single-ECU functionsControl loop

2、s with strict timing requirements(event-chains)September 28,2023Requirement A:vehicle stops within x ms at speed of y kph if event z happens(Sub-)System X needs to detect event z within a ms and trigger reaction of(sub-)system Y within b msSensor Input Pre-processing Compute Control Zonal Architectu

3、res and Software Defined VehiclesSeptember 28,2023 From single-ECU design to vehicle-wide multi-ECU designs Higher integration,no more isolated execution on SoCs/ECUs Cover distinct HW platforms,not just variants Consolidate and optimize hardware and communication paths Continuous updates to SW in a

4、 changing HW environmentUp-integration of legacy ECUFunctionality from domain controllers shifted towards ECUsZonal ArchitectureEvolutionSeptember 28,2023 Up-integration for new architectures:functionality increasingly realized in software Enables sharing of resources provided by different ECUs Enab

5、les optimization of communication flows and compute platforms Cloud/Edge connectivity becomes relevantSoftware DefinedVehicleSeptember 28,2023Realizing functionality mainly in Software enables evolution and consolidation of the Hardware platform and legacy systems!Same SW function Deployed in differ

6、entphysical architectures September 28,2023Consequences of Zonal ApproachesIntegration of applications from Classic AUTOSAR,POSIX,.Maintain real-time guarantees for communicationand FFI for safety-critical applications in a heterogenous and distributed mixed-criticalityenvironmentSoftware is continu

7、ously upgraded and improved:Embedded Applications&ToolingIncreased integration of off-board systemsMaintaining SW functionality in a changinghardware environment requiresdecoupling of SW provided functions fromphysical deployment=Location TransparencySwitching from Signal-oriented to SOA is just one

8、 aspectwith SOA,we gotthe worst of bothworlds.September 28,2023Technology Selection From Prototype to Series Deployment Frameworks like ROS2 are superb for prototyping;typically,such prototype systems must be re-implemented using series quality technology.With DDS/Zenoh there exists a clear and defi

9、ned path from prototype development to series deployment;no switch of design methodology or technology is needed.September 28,2023 DDS allows to seamlessly transition from loosely coupled to defined topology SW Functionality is not at all impacted by the transition Integrator and Developer can speci

10、fy/adapt application QoS(SW Constraints)and SW topology Guarantees(Timing,FFI)are configured in a fully automated scheduling stepTooling PerspectiveTransparent to application layerFinzi,A.,Craciunas,S.S.,&Boyer,M.(2022).A Real-time Calculus Approach for Integrating Sporadic Events in Time-triggered

11、Systems.arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.10264.SoC 0,Core 0SoC 0,Core 1SoC 1,Core 0Network SwitchSeries deployment September 28,2023September 28,2023Series deployment September 28,2023Series deployment Deterministic communication with DDS September 28,2023Prototype integration of DDS with Task and Network

12、Scheduling shows improved determinism Explicit scheduling of tx and rx threads on task level Mapping of DDS QoS Parameters to TSN Example:Stream isolation properties against low-prio/best-effort trafficBEST EFFORTDDS+TSNLost messagesDelayedexecutionvs.No lost messagesExecution delaysunder controlDet

13、erministic communication with DDS September 28,2023Scheduling Performance ResultsSeptember 28,2023Load 30%40%50%60%TASK+NETWORK SCHEDULERFREE RUNNINGSpikes in latency untildata is processedExecution time boundLoad 30%40%50%60%HQ,Vienna,Austriaofficetttech-|www.tttech-|+43 1 585 65 38-5000Copyright T

14、TTech Auto AG.All rights reserved.TTTech Auto AG Confidential and Proprietary InformationSeptember 28,2023The scheduling problemCopyright TTTech Computertechnik AG.All rights reserved.Assigning tasks/messages to both the time and space domain such that certain constraints are fulfilled,e.g.,non-over

15、lap,deadlines,precedences,chains,puting resourcetimecore 0core 128 September 2023TTTech Auto AG Confidential and Proprietary InformationSystem Definition-Number of Tasks-Periods-Host Affinity-ResourcesScheduling Suite ConfigurationTiming BudgetCore AffinityJitterCategory(Time/Event/Data Driven)Free Running AppComputational ChainsTask Mapping&Comp.Chain Scheduling ToolNetwork Scheduling ToolSwitch12345Network Schedule ConfigurationScheduling Core Configuration-AUTOSAR-RTOS-LinuxTask Schedule VisualizationECUTooling Workflow



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