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1、Putting Things Together:Building a Students Success DashboardBenjamin CostelloIthaca CollegePrivate,Primarily Undergraduate,4-year college in Upstate,NY.Ithaca CollegeUG4,818Grad421EnrollmentOur DepartmentSituated InEnrollment ManagementStaffing3 FTE focusing on Customer Experience(CX)RoleSlate impl

2、ementers,builders,designers,and consultantsConstituent Engagement Strategy(CES)MarketingPersonalization and Campaign Design and AnalyticsPortalPortal Experience from Admission to StudentFinaidPricing&ValueTransparentFinancial AidPackageChecklistPersonalized New Student ChecklistSocialConnect with Yo

3、ur New ClassmatesOrientationEvent Management and SMS CampaignsAccountsSet up your new Ithaca AccountSuccessStudent Success Dashboard&PortalTutoringTutor and Peer Success Coach matching and session trackingResLifeRA 1:1 Meetings Logs and auto referralsConcernsAcademic Concerns Interventions and Early

4、 Alert SystemLOA/WLeave of Absence Counseling and WorkflowsWhat is the Success Dashboard?A holistic and comprehensive view of information about a specific student to assist IC faculty and staff in providing the best support possible.OriginsOrigins:Where we were Data-rich,and information-poorSiloed s

5、ystems and data ownership Lack of integrationsNo consistent processes across departments and schools We believe in our peopleThey lack context and visibility Empower them with information!Stakeholder Input-Focus groupsDedicated and collaborative faculty instructors and advisorsSkeptical,tired,and le

6、ss-cooperative faculty instructors and advisorsCase management,Coaches,Mentors,and Student Affairs professionalsStudents,Student Governance CouncilOrigins:Getting meaningful inputUser-Story Format(who,what,why)As a _,I would like to be able to _ so that I can _.As a faculty advisor,I would like to b

7、e able to see more information about my advisees interests so that I can connect them with courses and opportunities that will resonate.Origins:What did we learn?What did we learn?Too many systems/cant remember what is where/takes too much time.Information limited to academicsNo view into academic c

8、oncerns,tutoring,other service utilizationDifficult to determine if advising,referrals,or academic alerts ever worked-no feedback loop.Limited information access for support staff(like Case Management).People are concerned about privacy and making sure we are thoughtful about how we build things.The

9、 Design ProcessDesign ProcessPre-visualizationMockup portal and establish rough design.Get feedback from participants.Determine data needsReverseengineer whatpeople want tosee into datapoints.Prioritize them.Negotiate viewing rightsDevelop a matrix of different user types and what data is available.

10、We chose to use a portal instead of Slate backend“Please dont make me learn a new system”Mockup was static just to get feedback.Even some sketched wireframes or a list of information they can see will help generate useful feedback.Design Process:PrevisualizationDesign Process:Data Excellent collabor

11、ation with IT It helped to have a clearly articulated plan with specific asks,prioritized.Guiding questions:Does that data exist?Where?Can we access it?If not,can Slate help to track things/facilitate processes?How often does the data change and how time-critical is it?Is the information 1-to-1 with

12、 the student(like birthdate),or 1-to-many(like courses)?Design Process:DataPerson-scoped fields and entities PersonCurrent CoursesEmploymentUser AssignmentsAid AwardsStudent OrgsContact SheetsIs First GenerationHas Registration HoldEnrollment StatusMajorDesign Process:DataFlatten Things for Simplici

13、tyCourseSectionInstructorScheduleGradesReg StatusCatalogCurrent CoursesTermMeeting TimeDescriptionCreditsFinal GradeInstructor NameInstructor EmailCRNIdentifierDesign Process:Data Banner(our SIS)is authoritative for most things academic.There is a freedom in this!No system existedTutoring(Peer Succe

14、ss Coaches and Learning coaches)Interaction trackingRA interviews with residentsAcademic Concerns(early alerts)HEOP case managementDesign Process:PrivacyPrivacy FirstOnly show active students.Hide withdraws,grads,etc.Limit access based on role and relationship to studentRequire a training and usage

15、agreementDesign Process:PrivacyDesign Process:PrivacyDesign Process:PrivacyThe full training and agreement are included in the appendixDesign Process:PrivacyDesign Process:PrivacyDesign Process:PrivacyDesign Process:PrivacyDesign Process:PrivacyStudent Version:My Success DashboardViewing ControlsDow

16、nload an example html page with the markup needed to recreate this functionality.Privacy PreferencesDynamic Content BlocksMaintenance of multiple portals was made manageable using dynamic content blocks.Content blocks to centralize display HTMLQuery library to centralize export names and logicFacult

17、y/Staff Version(user portal)Student Version(person portal)OutcomesFocus GroupsInput from faculty,staff,and studentsBuildMockups and Iterative feedback,privacy,and data discussionsPilotA small group that grew to 70 by launch.Iterative improvementsLaunchAll faculty and select staff in Student Affairs

18、and SuccessJune 2021Nov 2021April 2022Mar 2023Usage OverallUsage Since LaunchStudent Version UsageDistinct students,not visits.Each of these students visited an average of 2.5xStudent Version UsageFeedback“Before the Student Success Dashboard,we were constantly playing catch-up in our support of stu

19、dents and piecing together parts of their stories from different sources.Students were falling through the cracks and student advocates werent operating as a team.We were a field of players throwing the ball to ourselves instead of to others.Now we react in a timely manner,students are responding to

20、 our outreach,and faculty and staff are cooperating to maximize student success and well-being.”Associate DeanFeedback“To have all this data in one place is a game-changer.Before the dashboard,we used to spend so much time delving into different systems,to extract and collate data.The Student Succes

21、s Dashboard allows us to meet students where they are,when they need us.”Staff in Tutoring Services“Wow,this looks like a great tool for students!I wish I had access to something like this as a freshman instead of now”Graduating Senior“The Student Success Dashboard has improved time efficiency in th

22、e Office of Access,Opportunity,and Achievement,allowing us to access information from multiple systems in one convenient location.It has also provided a way to connect quickly with the students success network and centralize our internal notes while preserving student privacy.Overall,the SLATE Dashb

23、oard has improved our ability to support students quickly,manage data to find trends among our populations,and reduce redundant student support conversations.”Director,HEOP and Achievement ProgramsFeedback“I really like how you set up the“user agreement”on the dashboard the way it was worded and seq

24、uenced demonstrated rhetorical empathy.”Faculty in Writing“The new training/agreement is SO well done.Its easy to navigate through,is written clearly,and evidences such a strong commitment to how we use and share student data.”Staff in Student Success“The dashboard has changed the way we do our work

25、 and dramatically reduced the time it takes for us to pull together a more holistic idea of a students wellbeing.Instead of swapping between 3-4 different systems,the relevant information is all in one place.This has allowed us to be better supports to our students and better community members to ou

26、r fellow staff and faculty.”Staff in Case Management“The new Student Success Dashboard is AMAZING!”Faculty in GerontologyLessons Learned In the past,we didnt always license the API option on software and services,but now we always do.The success portal is user-scoped,which means we must add all facu

27、lty and staff as users.If we were starting over,we would probably load them into a custom dataset instead.When loading this much data about students into your Slate instance,work with your IT department to try to find a way to only load incremental changes and not everything every time.It will slow

28、the system down.Loading only the records that changed is fast and you can do it more often.What the infrastructure enables us to do going forward:Early Alerts(know if a student dropped the class)Forms(show and hide sections based on data)Reporting slice and dice by just about anythingLooking for pat

29、terns in the chaosNext and FutureThank youQuestions?#SlateSummitAppendixA.Entity Data StructuresB.Full Training and Agreement for Faculty and StaffC.All possible people added to the success networkD.Default headshot image trickE.Helpful Javascript/JQuery librariesAppendix AEntity Data StructuresEnti

30、ties:Financial Aid AwardsIDNamePrompt Keyaward_fa_first_yearAward Financial Aid Year(First)award_fa_proc_yearAward Financial Aid Year(Effective)award_fund_codeAward Fund Codeaward_fund_has_requirementAward Has Requirementbitaward_fund_requirementAward Requirementaward_fund_titleAward Fund Titleaward

31、_merge_keyAward Merge Keyaward_statusAward Statusaward_statusEntities:Leave of Absence RequestsIDNamePrompt Keyloa_createdLOA Request Createdloa_effective_semesterLOA Effective Semesterloa_effective_start_dateLOA Effective Start Dateloa_effective_yearLOA Effective Yearloa_final_codeLOA Finalized Rea

32、sonwithdrawal_codeloa_merge_keyLOA Merge Keyloa_modifiedLOA Request Modifiedloa_statusLOA Statusloa_statusloa_typeLOA Typeloa_typeEntities:Student EmploymentIDNamePrompt Keystudent_emp_asgn_deptStudent Employment Departmentstudent_emp_asgn_endStudent Employment End Datestudent_emp_asgn_keyStudent Em

33、ployment Assignment Keystudent_emp_asgn_noStudent Employment Assignment Numberstudent_emp_asgn_orgStudent Employment Organizationstudent_emp_asgn_startStudent Employment Start Datestudent_emp_asgn_statusStudent Employment Assignment Statusstudent_employment_statusstudent_emp_asgn_super_nameStudent E

34、mployment Supervisor Namestudent_emp_asgn_super_unameStudent Employment Supervisor UsernameuserEntities:Current Course RegistrationsIDNamePrompt Keycurreg_academic_periodCourse Academic Periodacademic_periodcurreg_academic_period_currentCourse Is Current Academic Periodbitcurreg_academic_period_temp

35、oCourse Academic Period Temporalityacademic_period_temporalitycurreg_creditsCourse Creditscurreg_crnCourse CRNcurreg_final_gradeCourse Final Gradecurreg_identifierCourse Identifiercurreg_instructor_emailCourse Instructor(E-Mail)curreg_instructor_nameCourse Instructor(Name)curreg_match_idCourse Match

36、ing IDcurreg_mid_gradeCourse Mid Term Gradecurreg_narrativeCourse Narrativecurreg_reg_statusCourse Registration Statusregistration_statuscurreg_titleCourse TitleEntities:Student Org Memberships 1IDNamePrompt Keystudent_member_org_activeMembership is Activebitstudent_member_org_catsOrganization Categ

37、oriesstudent_interestsstudent_member_org_contactStudent Organization Primary Contactuserstudent_member_org_contact_eStudent Organization Primary Contact Emailstudent_member_org_contact_nStudent Organization Primary Contact Namestudent_member_org_dbshowShow Student Org on Success Dashboardbitstudent_

38、member_org_directoryStudent Organization Visible in Directorybitstudent_member_org_idStudent Organization IDstudent_member_org_imageStudent Organization ImageEntities:Student Org Memberships 2IDNamePrompt Keystudent_member_org_is_activeStudent Membership Org is Activebitstudent_member_org_mtypeStude

39、nt Organization Membership Typestudent_member_org_nameStudent Organization Namestudent_member_org_pnameStudent Organization Parent Namestudent_member_org_posPositionstudent_member_org_shortOrganization Short Namestudent_member_org_updateUpdated Datestudent_member_org_urlOrganization URLAppendix BFul

40、l Faculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/St

41、aff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementFaculty/Staff Training and AgreementAppendix CAll Possible Success Network MembersSuccess NetworkHere is a list of all the possible members that could be included on a students success network.Advisor(s

42、)including major,minor,specialCoach(es)including head and assistant for any sports teams the student participates onTutoring contactAssigned HEOP counselorProgram Coordinators for any scholarship programs the student is part ofFirst Generation program coordinatorEmployment supervisor(s)International

43、 Programs CounselorResidence DirectorAssociate Dean and Academic Services Coordinator from the students schoolAnyone the student adds themselvesAppendix DHeadshot Image TrickHeadshot Image TrickYou can use this to pull from a directory of headshots and use a default in case there isnt one present.Se

44、t up a folder in the image library.Upload headshots using the user-username as the file name(ie.bcostello.jpg).Use this code to embed the photo:Appendix EHelpful Javascript LibrariesHelpful Javascript LibrariesDataTablesThis library can take a very simple html table and convert it into a highly dyna

45、mic one with sorting,searching,filters,pagination,and more.Powerful!Difficulty:Mediumhttps:/ Javascript LibrariesChart.jsThis library can create gorgeous charts and visualizations.You need to create queries that output JSON to be the data source.Difficulty:Advancedhttps:/www.chartjs.org/Helpful Java

46、script LibrariesFontAwesomeThis allows you to draw from a huge database of beautiful icons.They can go a long way to improving your portal pages design.Difficulty:Easyhttps:/ Javascript LibrariesOther Awesome JQuery Tools!JQuery NailThumbAllows you to dynamically crop images to square for a consiste

47、nt and sharp looking list.Difficulty:EasyJQuery MatchHeightTake elements in multiple columns and ensure they are all the same height regardless of content.Difficulty:EasyJQuery CollapserTake a long text field(like a note)and auto-truncate it to a shorter length with a link to expand or read all.Difficulty:EasyTippy.jsA comprehensive library for creating tooltips on your elements great for instructions or explanation.Difficulty:Easy



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