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1、2024 United States Consumer Trends IndexThe latest consumer insights into marketing channels,messaging engagement,brand loyalty,data privacy moreIN CONJUNCTION WITH ECONSULTANCY203 Methodology04 Introduction06 At a Glance:Key Themes&Stats08 Addressing the Economy12 Marketing Channels12 Email Remains

2、#114 Social Media Ads&Posts14 SMS16 Mobile18 Leverage Tech Consolidation to Your Benefit19 Messaging Frustrations and Engagement19 Frustrations21 Engagement by Message Type23 Brand Loyalty23 The Value of Loyalty25 Consumers Favorite Brands28 Loyalty Drivers30 The Art of the Win-Back34 Big L Loyalty3

3、7 Privacy,Zero-Party Data and the Value Exchange38 Brand Interactions:Creepy vs.Cool40 Consumer Behavior Regarding Data Privacy43 The Value Exchange45 Customer Surveys48 Navigating Social Media Pessimism48 Why the Pessimism Exists49 Consumer Response49 Why It Matters52 Industry Statistics55 Wrap UpT

4、able of Contents3MethodologyThe Consumer Trends Index is an annual research study designed to impart brands with consumer data and insights critical to developing effective relationship marketing strategies.For the 2024 United States iteration,Marigold,in conjunction with Econsultancy,surveyed a tot

5、al of 1,012 U.S.consumers.FIELD DATES:September 2023 November 2023Millennials Generation Y42.9%AGES 2742434 RESPONDENTSGen X Generation X19.5%AGES 4358197 RESPONDENTSBoomers Baby Boomers22.4%AGES 5977227 RESPONDENTSGen Z Generation Z15.2%AGES 1826154 RESPONDENTS4WE HAVE A VISION AT MARIGOLD:Find you

6、r people,get to know them and make them superfans.On face value,its a simple phrase.But looking deeper,its a series of steps that perfectly define relationship marketing.Your journey as a brand simply isnt complete without a strategy to forge genuine connections with customers.This idea isnt exactly

7、 a secret these days,but its easy to lose track of why efforts like relationship-building and loyalty cultivation are so important.Thats the beauty of the Consumer Trends Index.We ask the questions that matter and bring insights into the fold that you can use to guide your strategy for the coming ye

8、ar.The value of brand loyalty,for example,is considerable.Despite a turbulent economy,a staggering 78%of U.S.consumers will pay more to shop with the brands theyre loyal to a larger figure than the already impressive 63%observed among consumers globally.Much of this years consumer data suggests a po

9、sitive turn from previous years.In what should be welcome news to brands,U.S.consumers especially Millennials are growing more optimistic about the economic outlook.And while consumers are still weighing their purchase decisions carefully,its abundantly clear that price is not the end-all-be-all.Siz

10、able numbers of consumers rank factors like product/service quality,convenience and customer service above price.A theme that continues for 2024 is the balancing act brands must play with personalization and data privacy.Consumers want personalized experiences and feel frustrated when brands fail to

11、 deliver them.The favorite brands of consumers dont make this error nine in ten consumers cite that their favorite brand treats them like an individual.But the way this personalization is delivered matters.Circumventing consumers via indirect tracking tools,or even worse,providing personalized ads t

12、o consumers youve never interacted with,is an easy way to make them feel creeped out.The transparency of your data practices is paramount when 80%of consumers cite data privacy policies to be an important or critically important factor in maintaining their loyalty.5Elsewhere,the story of crumbling c

13、ookies finally meets its climax in 2024,with Googles third-party cookie phaseout slated for completion by the end of the year.Notably,Google Chrome is the most popular browser used among U.S.consumers.This dagger in the heart of cookies will undoubtedly change the landscape of retargeted advertiseme

14、nts,with brands forced to lean into contextual ads welcome news for the majority of consumers who are creeped out by third-party cookies.And on the topic of advertising,say hello to the 2024 election cycle an influence that will drive already soaring advertising costs even higher.Fortunately for bra

15、nds,there are ripe opportunities in 2024 to double down on proven communication channels like email(which is outperforming other marketing channels in consumer purchase frequency)and the value exchange(which consumers are willing participants in).Theres a lot to unpack for 2024.Now,lets dive in.6At

16、a Glance:Key Themes&StatsThe consumer desire for personalization is clear.91%of consumers say their favorite brand treats them like an individual.84%of consumers cite they are likely to engage with a personalized offer tailored to their interests.81%think personalized birthday offers are“cool,”while

17、 77%think the same about product recommendations based on past purchases.of consumersBrand loyalty is immensely valuable.Brands need to satisfy consumer desires in several key areas to maintain it.80%or more of consumers cite the following as either important or critically important to maintaining t

18、heir loyalty:customer service/support,data privacy policies,product/service quality,options and availability.In a similar fashion,67%of Gen Z and 73%of Millennials find brand purpose to be important or critically important to maintaining brand loyalty.This figure falls to 55%for Gen X and 46%for Bab

19、y Boomers.Economic optimism is growing,fueled largely by Millennials,and consumers are looking for more than just the lowest price.are optimistic about the economic outlook highest for Millennials at 65%and lowest for Baby Boomers at 31%.Sizable numbers of consumers cite product/service quality(65%)

20、,convenience(58%)and excellent customer service(53%)as factors more important than price when it comes to making a purchase decision.will pay more to shop with the brands theyre loyal to a rise from 72%a year ago.78%of consumershave made a purchase from an email in the last year,compared to 50%for s

21、ocial media advertisements,49%for social media posts,30%for SMS/MMS messages,and 21%for banner advertisements.51%of consumers50%of consumersof Millennialsof Gen Z77%&81%cite they are likely to engage with messages about brand purpose-related activities,compared to 62%of Gen X and 53%of Baby Boomers.

22、In a similar fashion,67%of Gen Z and 73%of Millennials find brand purpose to be important or critically important to maintaining brand loyalty.This figure falls to 55%for Gen X and 46%for Baby Boomers.Brand purpose resonates best with younger consumers.7The push for greater data privacy is making ze

23、ro-party data even more important.59%find ads based on indirect tracking tools,like third-party cookies,to be a“creepy”marketing tactic.of consumersIn fall 2024,Google Chrome will become the next major browser to disable third-party cookies.Consumer pessimism surrounding social media is hard to igno

24、re.dont trust the advertising they see on social media.58%of consumersare engaging with social media less for the sake of their mental health.56%of consumersFortunately,the value exchange is alive and well.discounts/coupons(90%),early/exclusive access to offers(88%),a chance to win something(84%),un

25、locking content(69%)and brand community(67%).When it comes to sharing their data in exchange for something,a majority of consumers find value in loyalty points/rewards(91%),The demand for loyalty programs continues to grow.Point/reward systems and discounts rank atop consumers desired loyalty progra

26、m components,but nearly a third of Gen Z and Millennials want the loyalty program to offer a sense of brand community,like the ability to connect with others who like the brand.are more likely to engage in a loyalty program this year compared to last,while only 9%are less likely to engage.50%of cons

27、umersAt a Glance:Key Themes&Stats8Economic turbulence is undoubtedly impacting consumer behavior.This year compared to last,more than half of consumers are doing more research before making purchases,with similar numbers waiting longer for sales and relying more often on loyalty program benefits.Non

28、etheless,consumer optimism regarding the economy is beginning to rise.Half of consumers indicate they are optimistic about the economic outlook a lift from 42%a year ago.This optimism is largely being driven by younger generations 55%of Gen Z and a whopping 65%of Millennials are reporting optimism w

29、ith respect to the economic outlook,falling to 36%for Gen X and 31%for Baby Boomers.Whats notable is that,even among the more economically pessimistic generations,there are a slew of factors consumers still deem to be more important than price when making purchases.Overall,more than half of consumer

30、s cite product or service quality(65%),convenience(58%)and excellent customer service(53%)as more important than price,with a considerable number(45%)placing a brands reputation over price as well.These figures are even higher for the economically pessimistic Baby Boomers in fact,more so than any ot

31、her generation,they place product/service quality(77%),convenience(66%),excellent customer service(56%)and brand reputation(54%)above price.Yes,price is important.But it isnt the end-all-be-all for adaptable brands.Addressing the Economy9How would you describe your feelings regarding the following?P

32、ESSIMISTICOPTIMISTIC%out of 100Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersUnited States Overall4429576536242224262739255256372923522555967604555769523660The rising cost of livingMy overall job securityThe economic outlookMy financial situation10Researching to ensure the product meets my needs

33、 before buyingWaiting for as long as it takes for the product I want to come on sale/offer462133Relying on loyalty program benefits481933Buying as quickly as possible regardless of how much it costs3Compared to last year,when buying a new product from my favorite brand ImDoing moreDoing l

34、essAbout the same1165%U.S.OverallThe quality of the brands products or services41%Gen Z66%Millennials69%Gen X77%Boomers58%U.S.Overalle.g.,availability,purchase,or delivery options Convenience44%Gen Z60%Millennials57%Gen X66%Boomers53%U.S.OverallExcellent customer service and support40%Gen Z55%Millen

35、nials54%Gen X56%Boomers45%U.S.OverallThe brands reputation32%Gen Z44%Millennials46%Gen X54%Boomers33%U.S.Overallincluding its stance on social/environmental issuesThe brands ethical values,32%Gen Z42%Millennials26%Gen X25%Boomers23%U.S.OverallA consistent digital experience27%Gen Z26%Millennials17%G

36、en X18%Boomers4%None of the above5%Gen Z5%Millennials4%Gen X2%BoomersWhich of the following are more important than price when making a purchase decision?12Marketing ChannelsEmail Remains#1Years go by,new social platforms enter the market,and yet it is email that continues its reign as the most popu

37、lar channel for driving consumer purchases.In the last year,more consumers have made a purchase from an email(51%)than from a social media advertisement(50%)or post(49%),SMS/MMS message(30%),or a banner ad(21%).13To those out of the loop,emails sustained performance may come as a surprise.But if you

38、 really take a step back and think about it,email inboxes are everywhere.Email has become a prerequisite for interacting with the digital world good luck creating an account,subscribing to a newsletter,or opting for paperless billing without email.Unlike social platforms where consumers can“detox”or

39、“unplug”for a while,checking email is an actual day-to-day necessity for many.Its accessibility and widespread consumer reliance make email an obvious choice for the savvy marketer to bring visibility to their messages but,of course,consumers can and will unsubscribe if these messages miss the mark.

40、Fortunately,advancements in technology have elevated emails ability to deliver hyper-relevant,masterfully segmented messages that resonate with consumers on an individual level.The desire for personalized messaging a critical component of relationship marketing is a recurring theme surrounding moder

41、n consumers.They seek timeliness,relevance and an individualized touch email continues to be the optimal channel for marketers to deliver on these fronts.14Social Media Ads&PostsWhile other marketing channels continue to trail email when it comes to purchases made,younger consumers especially Millen

42、nials are undoubtedly embracing social media to find new brands,products and offerings.Social media platforms have capitalized with expanded monetization efforts,demonstrated in recent history with the weaving in of new e-commerce opportunities like integrated shops on TikTok,Instagram and Snapchat.

43、Interestingly,social media ads and posts have an extremely similar level of purchase frequency among U.S.consumers(50%for ads vs.49%for posts).This is a distinction from global consumers,where a larger advantage for social ads is present(48%for ads vs.43%for posts).Ultimately,this is positive news f

44、or brands who want to lean into organic social growth amid soaring advertising costs.SMSNearly a third of consumers have made a purchase from a text in the last year.While it trails email and social media in terms of purchase frequency,its worth noting that SMS technology has continued to advance wi

45、th new personalization and real-time messaging capabilities of its own.Short of making a phone call,SMS is among the quickest methods for garnering the attention of your audience.This has made it a popular option for time-sensitive communications(like appointment reminders,restaurant seating updates

46、 and in-store pick-up notifications).Many brands are rethinking their customer journeys and how to incorporate both email and SMS in their promotions.15Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersUnited States OverallHave you made a purchase from any of the following in the last 12 months?EmailSocial Media AdSocial

47、 Media PostSMS/MMSBanner Ad3049505284434844116MobileIts 2024.The need for mobile optimization is a given at this point,which can be easier said than done depending on the capabilities of your organization.Just in case you still need convincing,heres the rundown.Remem

48、ber those 51%of consumers whove made a purchase from an email in the last year?Make it an email viewed via mobile and that number only falls to 38%.For perspective,of all people whove bought something from an email,roughly three-quarters have bought from an email they viewed in a mobile format.All t

49、he more reason to view every email as it will be seen on a mobile device before scheduling the send.Right now,youre probably within reach from your own mobile device and potentially reading this report from a tablet or phone.Since our mobile devices are on us everywhere we go,mobile unsurprisingly p

50、lays a significant role in on-the-fly in-store research as well.Just shy of half(48%)of consumers have used their phone in-store to research or otherwise help with purchase decisions.What relevance does this have for brands exactly?Well,pull out your phone,pretend as if youre a customer,and visit a

51、random product page on your website.Most website technology today is pretty good about mobile optimization for basic formatting,but navigation sequences and copy are a little trickier.How easy is the website to navigate with no mouse?And is the copy suitable for mobile(i.e.no walls of text,no TLDRs

52、necessary)?1717Which of the following have you done in the last 12 months?52%U.S.OverallReceived or sent money from my mobile phone 35%Gen Z57%Millennials63%Gen X44%Boomers51%U.S.OverallBought a product or service through a mobile app 34%Gen Z54%Millennials56%Gen X52%Boomers48%U.S.OverallUsed my mob

53、ile phonein-store to research or help me decide to make a purchase 41%Gen Z51%Millennials54%Gen X43%Boomers41%U.S.OverallBought digital content via my mobile phone 35%Gen Z52%Millennials37%Gen X25%Boomers40%U.S.OverallBrowsed for products in-store but purchased elsewhere 32%Gen Z44%Millennials37%Gen

54、 X40%Boomers38%U.S.OverallBought a product or service because of an email I viewed on my mobile phone 32%Gen Z48%Millennials35%Gen X26%Boomers37%U.S.OverallVisited and made a purchase in-store as a result of an email or SMS promotion received35%Gen Z41%Millennials31%Gen X34%Boomers18Leverage Tech Co

55、nsolidation to Your BenefitWith tightening budgets,tech consolidation initiatives have become a new normal as many marketers are tasked to maximize their efficiency.Over the past several years,advancements in marketing technology and corresponding brand efforts to ensure no stone is left unturned ha

56、ve caused brands to amass a variety of technologies from a variety of vendors,spanning SMS,email,push notifications,loyalty programs and beyond.Unintentionally,this has contributed to bloated infrastructure.And while marketing teams have stitched together technologies and“made things work,”a constri

57、cted economic environment has been the catalyst needed to reduce the bloat.Brands are now pressed to determine what is necessary,what isnt,and how the need to hit a multitude of channels can still be satisfied with tech consolidations.While the prospect of changing marketing technologies and process

58、es can be daunting,there is value that arises out of consolidation,beyond budgetary relief.How confident are you in your brands ability to provide consistent cross-channel messaging?A key advantage of tech consolidation is the ability to create more consistent experiences.As ideal as it would be for

59、 a consumer to see a promotion on a given channel,and follow immediately with a purchase,the buying journey isnt always so straightforward.Consumers will see a message or promotion,theyll ideate,theyll browse,theyll research,theyll interact with your brand,and eventually make a purchase decision.The

60、se actions often take place across platforms and devices,which begs the question:Using distinct platforms for distinct marketing channels elevates the risk of disjointed and inconsistent experiences.When you centralize and consolidate your messaging with a cross-channel platform,it becomes easier to

61、 provide a logical flow of communication,as does the ability to manage and integrate data no reconciling different customer IDs from different vendors to piecemeal together the right messaging cadences.If your brand hasnt already addressed tech consolidations,expect to see them soon.As the saying go

62、es,play with the cards youre dealt in this case,use consolidation as an opportunity to satisfy the longstanding consumer desire for consistent user experiences.19FrustrationsMessaging is the vessel by which brands connect and cultivate genuine relationships with customers.Its no secret optimized mes

63、saging is the core of any intelligent marketing strategy.And yet,messaging frustrations namely a lack of personalization persist among consumers.Nearly half(48%)have been frustrated by irrelevant content or offers in just the past six months,with the same number citing theyve been frustrated by mess

64、ages that failed to reflect their wants and needs.While these metrics are concerning from a high-level perspective,they also present an easy-win opportunity for brands if they make personalization a priority.It comes back to the idea of marketers shifting away from cast-and-blast promotions and putt

65、ing an honest effort into understanding consumers on a personal level.For your prospects,it can be as simple as updating your landing pages beyond standard form fields and collecting data on preferences and interests.For your current customers,it can be as simple as sending out surveys or polls that

66、 give them an opportunity to express their evolving needs.Then,it just comes down to leveraging the data effectively a challenge that has become easier with advanced marketing technology that can help you identify segments,expand campaigns and deliver triggered personalized messages.Messaging Frustr

67、ations&Engagement2020Have you experienced any of the following frustrations from brands in the last six months?48%U.S.OverallIrrelevant content or ofers 30%Gen Z45%Millennials51%Gen X67%Boomers48%U.S.OverallMessages that didnt reflect my wants and needs45%Gen Z53%Millennials46%Gen X39%Boomers38%U.S.

68、OverallMessages that didnt recognize my shopping or loyalty card history 43%Gen Z40%Millennials28%Gen X36%Boomers37%U.S.OverallMessaging based on information about me that I hadnt shared directly with the brand31%Gen Z40%Millennials33%Gen X36%Boomers32%U.S.OverallEmail sent at a time when I wasnt li

69、kely to see it29%Gen Z36%Millennials31%Gen X25%Boomers21Outside of offers and promotions,product announcements have proven to grab consumer attention,with more than eight in ten citing a likelihood to engage.Engagement levels begin to fall off with newsletters and brand purpose-related activities.Bo

70、th still have their place,but it is critical for brands to think about their audiences and segments when launching or re-imagining their newsletter strategy.Brand purpose-related activities in particular are highly situational just among age groups,there are clear differences between younger and old

71、er consumers.77%and 81%of Gen Zers and Millennials respectively are likely to interact with brand purpose-related activities,sliding to 62%for Gen Xers and falling to 53%for Baby Boomers.The relative Boomer apathy towards brand purpose(and other social-themed brand activities)is a recurring theme in

72、 our 2024 data,where they consistently poll the lowest among all age groups.Engagement by Message TypeTheres no shortage of campaign possibilities when it comes to resonating with consumers.Consumers are most likely to engage with messages containing discounts and coupon codes,loyalty program promot

73、ions,sale/holiday promotions and personalized offers all are message types ripe for personalization.Robust customer journey mapping plays a key role here different stages in the customer journey require different offers to really be enticing.Rather than universal promotions,isolate the various journ

74、ey stages among your customers,and create compelling offer sequences.It may take a bit more work upfront,but it can help alleviate frustrations with irrelevant content and offers experienced by over half of consumers.22How likely are you to engage with each of the following brand messages?89%U.S.Ove

75、rallDiscounts and coupon codes77%Gen Z91%Millennials88%Gen X94%Boomers88%U.S.OverallLoyalty program promotions82%Gen Z87%Millennials91%Gen X91%Boomers88%U.S.OverallSale promotions or holiday promotions 75%Gen Z91%Millennials90%Gen X88%Boomers85%U.S.OverallExclusive VIP ofers 73%Gen Z91%Millennials83

76、%Gen X82%Boomers84%U.S.OverallPersonalized emails that surprise you with ofers tailored to your interests73%Gen Z87%Millennials89%Gen X83%Boomers82%U.S.OverallProduct announcements82%Gen Z85%Millennials81%Gen X79%Boomers70%U.S.OverallBrand purpose-related activitiese.g.,social activism,environmental

77、 initiatives,etc.77%Gen Z81%Millennials62%Gen X53%Boomers67%U.S.OverallNewsletters71%Gen Z74%Millennials61%Gen X55%Boomers2323The Value of LoyaltyLoyalty remains incredibly valuable for brands in 2024.More than three-quarters(78%)of consumers will pay more to shop with the brands theyre loyal to a r

78、ise from 72%a year ago.The brands able to secure this loyalty are poised to benefit in a variety of ways loyalty opens the door for increased revenue opportunities among customers while reducing the pressure of acquiring new ones.Brands unable to secure loyalty,meanwhile,are at risk.Even when a bran

79、d has a suitable product or service that commands more than just one-off purchases,loyalty isnt a given.A considerable 70%of consumers say there are examples where they frequently buy from the same brand,but dont actually feel loyal.This delicate purchasing behavior reinforces the critical importanc

80、e of a dedicated loyalty strategy.Brand Loyalty24747677465883777669Are the following statements true or false?%answering“true”Im loyal to some brands,and Ill pay more to shop with themIm loyal to some brands,but Ill buy from competitors if its cheaper or more convenientThere ar

81、e examples where I frequently buy from the same brand,but I dont feel loyal to that brandIm not loyal to any particular brandsGen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersUnited States Overall25Consumers Favorite BrandsWhen crafting loyalty strategies,what better place to start than by looking to the brands whove ea

82、rned the“favored”status among their constituents?As it turns out,favored brands are getting quite a bit right.They are delivering consistent experiences across channels,practicing personalization and relationship-building,rewarding customers for their loyalty,and respecting data privacy.When combine

83、d,these brand efforts are a great representation of relationship marketing in practice a commitment to cultivating genuine connections,carried out by consistent,personalized messaging that makes customers feel like VIPs.Its a lot to account for.But when the end result is loyal customers who will pay

84、 more to shop with you,its worth the effort.26Uses my data in a way that makes me feel comfortable92%Surprises me with rewards I dont expect84%My favorite brand.Provides a consistent experience,regardless of where I interact with it95%Treats me like an individual91%Rewards me for my loyalty91%Strive

85、s to develop a relationship89%Makes me feel special,like a VIP88%Influences my life beyond the products and services that it provides81%27Yes7161687967No1719151325My favorite brand does not have a physical location12201788In another testament to the value of a loyal customer base,71%of consumers cit

86、e that if their favorite brands nearest location closed,they would go out of their way to continue shopping with them even if it meant a longer trip.Only 17%wouldnt continue shopping with the previously favored brand rising to a more substantial 25%of Gen Z consumers.Interestingly,12%of consumers ci

87、te their favorite brand doesnt have a physical location at all a reminder that some brands can thrive in a fully remote environment.If your favorite brands nearest location closed,would you still go out of your way to shop with them even if it meant a longer trip?Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersUnited S

88、tates Overall28Loyalty DriversWe know loyalty is valuable and we know consumers favorite brands are satisfying many of the areas key to relationship marketing.But what are some specifics your brand can do that will really keep your customers loyal?SPOILER ALERT:a Big L Loyalty program,while great,is

89、nt a necessity for driving loyalty.Simply optimizing your messaging to ensure your audience receives up-to-date,personalized information can check many of the boxes pivotal to customer loyalty.Think triggered messages for product availability,personalized offers and promotions based on previous acti

90、vity,and transparent explanations for how data is being used all easy messaging implementations that can dramatically improve customer perception of your brand.More broadly,there are several other factors that you can probably guess are important.When differentiating your brand from competitors,spea

91、k to these characteristics of your brand:the quality of your products or services,what sets your customer support and service apart,and the variety of products/services your brand offers.At Marigold,Big L loyalty programs are those that require investment into a dedicated loyalty solution.Big L Loya

92、lty programs include tech and services like currency management,earning systems,dynamic loyalty tiers,and a dedicated team which often sits outside of marketing to manage the program.2982%U.S.OverallCustomer service/support66%Gen Z82%Millennials85%Gen X90%Boomers82%U.S.OverallRange of options/produc

93、t choice74%Gen Z79%Millennials86%Gen X87%Boomers81%U.S.OverallAvailability online/in-store71%Gen Z82%Millennials81%Gen X85%Boomers80%U.S.OverallData privacy policies73%Gen Z79%Millennials80%Gen X87%Boomers79%U.S.OverallQuality of productor services63%Gen Z78%Millennials82%Gen X87%Boomers77%U.S.Overa

94、llOfers and promotions74%Gen Z80%Millennials76%Gen X78%Boomers73%U.S.OverallLoyalty programs 71%Gen Z77%Millennials69%Gen X73%Boomers71%U.S.OverallMobile app/website e.g.,functionality,user-friendliness60%Gen Z77%Millennials74%Gen X66%Boomers65%U.S.OverallThey work hard to build a relationship with

95、me63%Gen Z68%Millennials60%Gen X65%Boomers62%U.S.OverallBrand purpose e.g.,broader social aims67%Gen Z73%Millennials55%Gen X46%BoomersHow important are the following in keeping you loyal to your favorite brand?%answering“important”or“critically important”30The Art of the Win-BackWhile it may come as

96、 a concern for marketers that more than one in three consumers have burned their loyalty to at least one brand in the last year,the good news is that the overwhelming majority of these consumers cite they can be won back.The impact of inflation resurfaces here,where more attractive discounts or coup

97、on codes rise above the other strategies when it comes to most effectively winning back customers.But the effectiveness of financial incentives when pocketbooks tighten isnt exactly a secret finding the right way to increase the visibility of your offers is critical.As consumer inboxes become filled

98、 to the brim with 15%off this and 20%off that,the responsibility falls upon the shoulders of marketers to craft offers that really resonate with their audiences.This is where real-time personalization and dynamic content prove to be immensely valuable.Accounting for customer data,behavior and charac

99、teristics in real-time,and leveraging these data points to provide hyper-relevant,timely offers can help elicit customer attention.31 Triggered offers based on time(i.e.three months since the customer has made a purchase)or interactions(i.e.immediately after theyve viewed a particular product or ser

100、vice on your website).Interactive elements like click-to-reveal and scratch-off offers to increase engagement and help to gamify experiences.Live countdown timers accompanying the offer to drive a sense of urgency.Looking for win-back strategies other than monetary-centric offerings?Fortunately,more

101、 than a third of consumers cite they could be won back with better customer service,a broadened range of products/services and enhanced quality of products/services.If youre unsure of which area to target in your win-back messaging,consider asking your less engaged customers to share their thoughts

102、in a survey its a great way to demonstrate that you value their perspective and a key step in pinpointing your precise attrition contributors.When weaving discounts or coupons into your win-back messaging strategy,consider using the following:32Yes3726294250Yes7375737957Have you switched away from o

103、r become less loyal to any brand you previously liked to buy from in the past year?Given that youve shifted loyalty or stopped buying from a preferred brand,do you believe the brand could take actions to win you back or make you brand loyal?Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersUnited States OverallGen ZMille

104、nnialsGen XBoomersUnited States Overall3353%U.S.OverallProvide more attractive discounts or coupon codes44%Gen Z50%Millennials54%Gen X72%Boomers47%U.S.OverallBetter customer service40%Gen Z52%Millennials47%Gen X39%Boomers46%U.S.OverallEnhance the quality of products or services30%Gen Z53%Millennials

105、38%Gen X42%Boomers36%U.S.OverallBroaden its range of products or services37%Gen Z34%Millennials32%Gen X46%Boomers30%U.S.OverallRefine the digital user experience37%Gen Z34%Millennials29%Gen X11%Boomers29%U.S.OverallStrengthen data privacy policies25%Gen Z37%Millennials22%Gen X15%Boomers23%U.S.Overal

106、lReconsider its stance on societal issues26%Gen Z30%Millennials15%Gen X7%BoomersIf you believe a brand could win you back or make you more loyal,which actions could help?34When it comes to specific loyalty program desires,point/reward systems and exclusive discounts top the list for consumers.Loyalt

107、y programs can and should offer more than just financial incentives,but the allure of tangible rewards is undeniable.The key is constructing a loyalty program that appeals to the broad consumer affinity for cost-savings,while offering a personal touch that sets your program apart from the countless

108、others whose appeals start and end with points-for-purchases.As you can likely deduce from the variety of loyalty programs youve interacted with personally,not all are created equally.Theres a lot to balance in an advanced“Big L”program,from the technical demands of creating dynamic loyalty tiers an

109、d earning systems,to the strategic challenges of curating compelling loyalty sequences that truly resonate with customers.The solution is an intelligent system of program management that can dynamically segment customers into loyalty tiers,reward non-transactional(but still valuable)customer interac

110、tions(like survey participation),and offer robust reward management functionalities to keep customers actively engaged.CORE“BIG L”LOYALTY PROGRAM CAPABILITIES Currency management Digital punch cards Dynamic loyalty tiers Earning systems Loyalty status monitoring Personalized offers Reward management

111、Big L LoyaltyIf you arent currently leveraging a dedicated loyalty program,youre likely missing out on revenue opportunities.Half of consumers are more likely to engage in a loyalty program this year compared to last,while only 9%are less likely to engage(41%will be keeping their loyalty program par

112、ticipation constant).WORTH NOTINGis that more than a third of consumers find value in receiving exclusive access to products/events/services,while 30%find value in personalized product/service suggestions based on their loyalty program usage.Only 21%of consumers overall are interested in the ability

113、 to connect with other people who like the brand,but this desire for a sense of community rises to a more considerable 30%for Gen Z and 31%for Millennials.35Are you more or less likely to engage in brand loyalty programs this year compared to last year?50%U.S.OverallMore Likely44%Gen Z66%Millennials

114、43%Gen X30%Boomers9%U.S.OverallLess Likely22%Gen Z7%Millennials6%Gen X5%Boomers41%U.S.OverallNo Change34%Gen Z27%Millennials51%Gen X65%Boomers3636Thinking about rewards and loyalty programs,what should top brands offer to keep you coming back?49%U.S.OverallPoints/reward systems 31%Gen Z42%Millennial

115、s59%Gen X68%Boomers47%U.S.OverallExclusive product or service discounts 33%Gen Z38%Millennials53%Gen X66%Boomers34%U.S.OverallExclusive access to products/events/services for members33%Gen Z36%Millennials35%Gen X29%Boomers30%U.S.OverallRecommend products/services based on loyalty program usage31%Gen

116、 Z33%Millennials23%Gen X32%Boomers27%U.S.OverallAbility to take part in contests,sweepstakes,or challenges24%Gen Z28%Millennials28%Gen X23%Boomers27%U.S.OverallCommunicate with me on the channels I prefer e.g.,email,SMS,apps29%Gen Z30%Millennials23%Gen X25%Boomers21%U.S.OverallCommunity e.g.,the abi

117、lity to connect with other people who like the brand31%Gen Z30%Millennials10%Gen X6%Boomers13%U.S.OverallCommunity Recognition e.g.,badges,social posts12%Gen Z20%Millennials6%Gen X4%Boomers37Privacy,Zero-Party Data&the Value ExchangeProviding personalization while respecting the personal data of con

118、sumers is a balancing act for brands.Insufficient consumer data,stored across multiple systems of record,will negatively impact the ability of brands to deliver experiences that are timely and relevant.But trekking too far in the direction of sensitive personal data can leave consumers feeling outri

119、ght uncomfortable.For better or worse(better for forward-looking marketers),the demise of third-party cookies and the intensification of privacy and anti-spam efforts by tech leaders like Google,Yahoo and Apple requires a fundamental shift in the way brands collect consumer data.Optimizing personali

120、zation in a post-cookie environment where consumers,corporations and governments alike are placing heavier emphasis on data privacy will require a more direct-to-consumer approach,assisted with thoughtful messaging and a continued gravitation towards zero-party data acquisition.38Brand Interactions:

121、CREEPY VS.COOLThere are a variety of brand interactions that can satisfy the consumer desire for personalization without setting off alarms.Abandoned cart reminders,birthday offers,recommendations based on past purchases and interest-specific messages all resonate with a strong majority of consumers

122、.Contrarily,a sizable portion of consumers find ads based on indirect tracking tools and location-targeted ads from unknown brands as decidedly“creepy.”Of course,comfort levels with the utilization of personal data will vary,highlighting the importance of probing for consumer preferences early on in

123、 relationships.A simple preference form that covers opt-ins and outs for data usage and a checklist for the types of messages contacts would like to receive is always good practice.39Do you find these brand interactions creepy or cool?CREEPYCOOL%out of 100Offering promotions tailored to your activit

124、y within 2 minutes of visiting their website or appDisplaying ads based on indirect tracking tools,like third-party tracking cookiesReminding you via email about items you left in your online shopping cartRecommending products that align with your past purchasesAds from brands you dont recognize tar

125、geting you based on your geographic locationEmails that highlight a specific location youve visitedBrand messages that are interest-specifice.g.,how brands know that youre a runner,hiker,camper,etc.Personalized birthday offer404826052748Consumer Behavior Regarding PrivacyWhat a

126、re consumers actually doing on an individual level to protect their data privacy?In the last year,just shy of half have deleted unused mobile apps and browser extensions,while more than 40%have tightened the privacy settings on their online accounts and have decided to share less about themselves on

127、line.Deleting,tightening,sharing less.The universal consumer method for data privacy is simple:shield the world from their data.But with cookies crumbling,brands absolutely need the ability to convince consumers to impart their data behaviors,preferences,motivators and the like are all critical data

128、 points for delivering robust personalization.Notably,the Baby Boomer stereotype regarding tech-aversiveness certainly isnt present Boomers even rank first among age groups when it comes to using two-factor authentication(2FA).4141In the last 12 months,have you done the following on your mobile,tabl

129、et,or desktop PC?51%U.S.OverallCreated a strong,unique password and used two-factor authentication38%Gen Z50%Millennials55%Gen X58%Boomers49%U.S.OverallDeleted unused mobile apps and browser extensions34%Gen Z41%Millennials59%Gen X66%Boomers41%U.S.OverallShared less about myself online38%Gen Z42%Mil

130、lennials40%Gen X42%Boomers41%U.S.OverallTightened privacy settings across some of my online accounts30%Gen Z44%Millennials38%Gen X47%Boomers34%U.S.OverallSearched for an email from a favorite brand in my spam folder and moved it to my inbox25%Gen Z37%Millennials32%Gen X37%Boomers31%U.S.OverallBlocke

131、d search engines from tracking me or used privacy-centric search engines32%Gen Z28%Millennials33%Gen X38%Boomers28%U.S.Overalle.g.,Facebook,GoogleRevoked third-party app connections to my online profiles 31%Gen Z28%Millennials28%Gen X24%Boomers26%U.S.OverallBrowsed online via a virtual private netwo

132、rk(VPN)30%Gen Z33%Millennials22%Gen X16%Boomers42YesNo425825347Were you aware that cookies,which track visitor activity on websites,are being withdrawn soon?Gen ZMillennialsGen XBoomersUnited States Overall43The Value ExchangeYou need data.Consumers have it.Thankfully,the vast majority of

133、 consumers are willing participants in the value exchange.The challenge just lies in pinpointing the precise methods most successful at inspiring consumers to share said data.The allure of saving money makes financial incentives arise as a key contender.Nine in ten consumers say they find both disco

134、unts/coupons and loyalty points/rewards to be valuable exchanges for their personal data.The“value”in the value exchange doesnt have to be monetary,though.Data acquisition initiatives are a great opportunity to flex your relationship marketing muscles and make your audience feel like VIPs.Offer them

135、 exclusive content,like previews,eBooks,guides,recipes,whatever your niche may be,and make the“cost of entry”participation in a survey,poll or quiz designed to collect zero-party data.Elsewhere,cultivating a sense of community can be a powerful tool for data collection.When customers feel like theyr

136、e part of a community,they feel more willing perhaps even compelled to provide their input,opinions and perspectives.67%of consumers find community(like connecting with other people who like the brand)as a valuable exchange for their personal data,with exceptionally high levels of value observed amo

137、ng Gen Z(77%)and Millennial(79%)consumers.44Brands often provide something of value in exchange for personal data.Which types of benefits are the most valuable to you?%answering“very valuable”or“somewhat valuable”91%U.S.OverallLoyalty points/rewards82%Gen Z91%Millennials92%Gen X94%Boomers90%U.S.Over

138、allDiscounts or coupons72%Gen Z91%Millennials93%Gen X96%Boomers88%U.S.OverallEarly and/or exclusive access to ofers77%Gen Z90%Millennials88%Gen X90%Boomers84%U.S.OverallA chance to win something77%Gen Z90%Millennials83%Gen X79%Boomers69%U.S.Overalle.g.,exclusive videosUnlocking content 73%Gen Z79%Mi

139、llennials64%Gen X52%Boomers67%U.S.OverallCommunity i.e.,I want to connect with other people who like the brand77%Gen Z79%Millennials60%Gen X41%Boomers45Customer SurveysGreat surveys are the gold standard for zero-party data acquisition.Coming directly from the consumer,the data from a survey is free

140、 from much of the ambiguity that is part and parcel of third-party data.No assumptions,no stitching together narratives.Just straightforward data provided voluntarily by the consumer a win for data integrity.Surveys are versatile,and the use cases are extensive.Consider the following:New customer su

141、rvey:A pivotal moment in the early phase of the customers journey,this is an ideal time to enhance your customer knowledge.What are their product/service preferences?What are their communication preferences?Are they trying to achieve a particular goal?Could their career field,hobbies or lifestyle be

142、 useful information?A new customer survey can dramatically improve your ability to segment audiences.Customer experience survey:Whats working for customers,and what could use improvement?This could be the experience they have interacting with your brand online,or it could be their experience with yo

143、ur services.Future products/services survey:Determining which products or services you should develop?Trying to identify features that are worth the investment?Launch a product survey and let customers know its their chance to influence future offerings.To get more granular,send targeted surveys to

144、those personas that are most critical to resonate with these could be customers who use a particular product that is the greatest contributor to revenue or those who are the most actively engaged with your brand,as examples.Lapsed customer survey:Customers leave brands for a variety of reasons.Its a

145、 good idea to reach out and provide them an opportunity to state why they left.Leverage the information collected to bolster win-back efforts and dampen future attrition.46If youve dabbled in survey research before,youve likely heard of abandonment or drop rate.These refer to the act of respondents

146、exiting the survey prior to completion.We want customers to complete our surveys.So how do we do that?Seven in ten consumers cite they are more likely to complete a survey if its easy to take.This is simple enough to address make the instructions clear,ensure the interface is intuitive,and test the

147、survey via mobile to ensure its mobile-optimized.Another consideration is survey length.Once you begin building out a survey questionnaire,you realize there are a slew of questions that could yield valuable data.Its easy for a surveys length to get out of hand,fast.But consumers tend to be more rece

148、ptive to shorter surveys 58%say theyre more likely to complete a survey if it has fewer than ten questions.Try sticking to just a handful of questions this will reduce fatigue and make customers more open to participating in future surveys because they know the survey wont be a behemoth.Another good

149、 practice on this front is to have colleagues take the survey before going live ensure they take it through the actual interface respondents will be using,rather than just reviewing the document where the questions lie.This process can help measure the level of fatigue respondents may experience,whi

150、le also helping to reveal any quirky interface errors that may be present.NOTE:Make the surveys purpose clear from the outset.Its good practice to let respondents know why youre surveying them and how their responses will help to achieve something.Aside from just being transparent,this can also yiel

151、d more completions.For example,62%of consumers cite they are more likely to complete a survey if it will be used to inform product or service development.47Factors that make a consumer more likely to complete a survey70%U.S.OverallThe survey is easy to take e.g.,intuitive interface,mobile friendly54

152、%Gen Z71%Millennials72%Gen X77%Boomers62%U.S.OverallThe survey will be used to inform product or service development56%Gen Z64%Millennials63%Gen X63%Boomers58%U.S.OverallThe survey has fewerthan ten questions47%Gen Z59%Millennials58%Gen X62%Boomers50%U.S.OverallThe survey includes image-based questi

153、ons55%Gen Z58%Millennials44%Gen X39%Boomers41%U.S.Overalle.g.,only written questions,no visualsThe survey is text-only 41%Gen Z51%Millennials36%Gen X29%Boomers38%U.S.OverallThe survey has ten or more questions37%Gen Z50%Millennials31%Gen X23%Boomers48Why the Pessimism ExistsThere are a slew of facto

154、rs contributing to pessimism.Nearly half of consumers do not trust social media platforms with their data,while even greater numbers feel they have been manipulated by algorithms(61%),dont trust the advertising they see(58%),see a lot of content that doesnt interest them(72%),and dont believe these

155、platforms do enough to delete harmful content(66%).Navigating Social Media PessimismPessimism surrounding social media isnt a new phenomenon.Concerns ranging from data privacy to content moderation to mental health effects have long been closely tied to social media its immense value in marketing ha

156、s been undeniable through it all.The degree of consumer pessimism in 2024,though,is worth addressing.4949Consumer ResponseMore than half of consumers say theyre actively engaging with social media less for the sake of their mental health and 43%have closed or stopped using an account in the last yea

157、r in response to posts theyve seen.Put simply,there is safety in being able to communicate with your customers across multiple channels,like via email,SMS and mobile apps.Getting opt-ins for channels outside of social media gives you more control over your messaging and will dampen the blow in the e

158、vent of reduced social engagement.Why It Matters“Consumers have some negative feelings about social media.So what?Its not like we can just abandon our social media efforts thatd put us at a massive competitive disadvantage!”is what youre probably thinking.Its true.The bigger story here is the import

159、ance of maintaining direct communication with your brands audience in addition to your social media efforts.If consumer fatigue regarding social media does materialize into less interaction and engagement with your brands socials,how will your customers be impacted?The answer is that the impact will

160、 be minimal if youve got an intelligent,multi-channel messaging strategy in play.50Regarding social media platforms and the security of your personal information,which of the following statements best describes your attitude?34%U.S.OverallI trust social media platforms to use my data more responsibl

161、y moving forward37%Gen Z42%Millennials31%Gen X21%Boomers27%U.S.OverallI dont trust social media platforms with my data at all,but my behavior hasnt changed29%Gen Z23%Millennials28%Gen X35%Boomers22%U.S.OverallI dont trust social media platforms with my data at all,and Im changing my behavior17%Gen Z

162、15%Millennials27%Gen X36%Boomers16%U.S.OverallMy data is going to be out there no matter what,so I dont bother trying to control it17%Gen Z20%Millennials14%Gen X9%Boomers5172%U.S.OverallI see a lot of content these days which doesnt interest me63%Gen Z66%Millennials76%Gen X87%Boomers69%U.S.OverallIm

163、 concerned about the polarization of political opinion on social media62%Gen Z68%Millennials66%Gen X79%Boomers66%U.S.OverallI dont think social media platforms do enough to delete harmful content56%Gen Z60%Millennials70%Gen X81%Boomers66%U.S.OverallIm sharing less data with platforms becauseits too

164、hard to track how its being used63%Gen Z59%Millennials61%Gen X86%Boomers58%U.S.OverallI dont trust the advertising I see on social media58%Gen Z49%Millennials65%Gen X72%Boomers58%U.S.OverallI feel manipulated by the algorithms and rules which control what content I see48%Gen Z52%Millennials62%Gen X7

165、7%Boomers56%U.S.OverallIm actively engaging less with social media for the sake of my mental health51%Gen Z56%Millennials53%Gen X62%Boomers43%U.S.OverallI have closed or stoppedusing an account in thelast year because I have been upset by posts I have seen54%Gen Z43%Millennials35%Gen X42%BoomersThin

166、king about your opinions and use of social media channels%answering“agree”52Thinking about the brands youve made a purchase from in the last six months,were they based in any of the following industry sectors?Industry StatisticsOnlineIn-Person26222922302740594749202243499Financial Service

167、s&BankingTravel&HospitalityGaming&GamblingSports&EntertainmentFood&Grocery ShoppingBeauty&FashionHousehold AppliancesRestaurantsFurniture&Household GoodsHome Improvement,Garden,and Pets53TrustIndifferentDistrust4734730444083112Financial Services&BankingTra

168、vel&HospitalityGaming&GamblingSports&EntertainmentFood&Grocery ShoppingRestaurantsBeauty&FashionFurniture&Household GoodsHousehold AppliancesHome Improvement,Garden,and PetsHow much do you trust brands in the following industries to use your data to provide personalized marketing&services?54In the p

169、ast 12 months have you donated to any of the following after receiving an email or message?33%U.S.OverallCharitable Organization28%Gen Z39%Millennials21%Gen X36%Boomers21%U.S.OverallNonprofit Advocatingfor Social Causes29%Gen Z24%Millennials16%Gen X15%Boomers21%U.S.OverallMedical Research27%Gen Z28%

170、Millennials10%Gen X14%Boomers16%U.S.OverallUniversity/Higher Ed19%Gen Z22%Millennials10%Gen X6%Boomers17%U.S.OverallVeterans Organization21%Gen Z21%Millennials12%Gen X12%Boomers11%U.S.OverallCultural Institution10%Gen Z18%Millennials6%Gen X5%Boomers55Wrap UpFrom consumer demands for personalization

171、to the critical importance of loyalty strategy to the creation of truly compelling offers and promotions,the need for advanced marketing technology is imperative for modern brands.But with tech consolidation efforts growing,this marketing technology also needs robust multi-channel functionalities.Ma

172、rigold delivers just that.Email,SMS,push notifications,mobile wallets,loyalty programs,zero-party data acquisition our advanced solutions span across the areas that matter.And when you consolidate your tech with a single vendor,data across channels and platforms becomes more actionable and more mana

173、geable.Of course,advanced marketing solutions are only part of the story.Strategy is also deeply rooted in our relationship marketing approach.We offer a wide range of strategic support services,from loyalty insights to program management to tech implementation and beyond.If youre ready to take the

174、next step in optimizing your marketing efforts,connect with us today.56Where relationships take root.Marigolds approach to Relationship Marketing stands alone in a world of one-size-fits-all marketing technology companies.Our solutions are designed for your specific size,industry,and maturity,giving

175、 you the technology and expertise you need to grow the relationships that grow your business,from customer acquisition to engagement to loyalty.And,with a team of strategists that provide insights into whats working,whats not,and whats changing in your industry,youre able to maximize ROI every step of the way.Great marketing isnt just about conversion,but true connection.Learn why 40,000 businesses around the world trust Marigold to be the firm foundation they need to help relationships take root.Find out more at MeetM



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