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1、T H E A R T O F I N T E G R A T I O N A well executed multichannel campaign is a thing of beauty. You know one when you see it, effortless in its cohesion, with connected and complementary elements adding up to a greater whole. These campaigns feel harmonious; they draw us in, and make us want to le

2、arn more. So why arent all campaigns like this? Over one in four of the campaigns we measure are not well integrated, and consumers are much more critical than marketers are about campaign connectivity. Also, less than half of all campaigns take full advantage of different channels by properly custo

3、mising content to different contexts. The best campaigns see a substantial increase in effectiveness, so AdReaction set out to explore the secrets of their success. What can marketers learn from the campaigns which grow brands successfully while avoiding the dangers of fragmentation? What is the art

4、 of integration? Global Report Consumers feel overloaded so quality is key. People feel bombarded by the marketing content they see, and the number of places they see it. As we would expect, heavy media users and frequent online buyers feel the most overloaded, but they are also the most positive ab

5、out improved campaign integration and storytelling now possible across placements. People feel media fragmentation and an increasing pressure and intrusiveness of ads but some also say campaigns fit together better and tell better stories 81 74 69 59 51 36 % agree Ads are appearing in more places I

6、see more advertising now Ads are more intrusive now Advertising now fits together better across different formats Ads tell better stories now Ads are now more confusing How people feel today compared to how they felt 3 years ago: Follow our 5 principles for success. We know using more media channels

7、 can improve campaign effectiveness, but only if the channels work synergistically. So how can marketers develop successful, multichannel campaigns that build brands and avoid the pitfalls of fragmentation? Source: Kantar Millward Brown AdReaction global consumer survey 2017 THE ART OF INTEGRATION C

8、REATIVE IDEA PLACEMENT CUSTOMISATION INTEGRATION Integrate more campaign cues1. Start with a strong campaign idea2. Make each piece of content amazing3. Invest only in channels that have a clear role4. Customise content for each channel5. THE ART OF INTEGRATION While almost all marketers believe the

9、y have integrated strategies, consumers are less convinced that the multichannel campaigns they see fit together well. Theres room for marketers to improve campaign fit across all channels. This is not just an issue of traditional and digital silos; integration could be enhanced both across and with

10、in offline and online media. Currently one in four of the campaigns we measure are not well integrated Integrated AND most media were customised well Not very well integrated Integrated similar ads, but NOT well customised to individual media 46% 26% 29% Source: Kantar Millward Brown global CrossMed

11、ia database 1. Even without any customisation, integrated campaigns are 31% more effective at building brands, yet still one in four of the campaigns we measure are not well integrated. Integrate more campaign cues THE ART OF INTEGRATION There is a gap between how well marketers think they integrate

12、 strategies and what consumers see. Fit could be better across channels. Sources: Kantar Millward Brown Getting Media Right global marketer and AdReaction global consumer surveys 2017 Marketers view of strategy integration 89%58%54%59%56% Consumers view of campaign fit Desktop, mobile these differen

13、tiate the best campaigns. Source: Kantar Millward Brown Link for Campaign copy testing “The ads are linked by electronic music, similar ad scenes, Eason Chan and the message this Buds for you.” THE ART OF INTEGRATION Source: Kantar Millward Brown global CrossMedia database What works: Index of avera

14、ge contribution for campaigns featuring that cue versus campaigns with no integration cues (100) What happens: % of campaigns featuring the integration cue among campaigns tested Consistent use of characters or personalities differentiates the best campaigns. Hygiene factors such as logo and slogan

15、also help, but have less impact. Celebrity Social media hashtag Character (non-celebrity) Voiceover Website address Same voiceover Type of humour Creative idea Message Tone of voice Slogan Colour scheme Visual identity Logo What happens IMPORTANT DIFFERENTIATORS IMPORTANT HYGIENE FACTORS LESS IMPORT

16、ANT DIFFERENTIATORS LESS IMPORTANT HYGIENE FACTORS Music/soundtrack 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 200 180 160 What works Budweiser Bud Music 2017 2. While matching luggage is good, its not enough. Great campaigns need a strong central idea to cue the integration, and campaigns that have this perform b

17、etter across all brand KPIs (+64%), especially brand image associations (+91%), as well as across all channels. Why is this? Its partly because a strong campaign idea results in better executional discipline. These campaigns usually include a higher number of integration cues overall (7 cues on aver

18、age, as opposed to 5 cues for campaigns without a big idea), and they are also particularly likely to have a common message and visual identity. Campaigns with a strong central idea are also far more likely to remain integrated even when individual elements are customised for specific placements (th

19、e platform provides greater flexibility or elasticity). Idea-based campaigns can also help to redefine the creative development process, because its possible to distil a clear idea down to a short sentence. This may be an easier starting point for brands when designing outdoor or online display exec

20、utions, rather than working backwards from a longer piece of TV or video content. Start with a strong campaign idea There was a very strong campaign idea behind the award-winning Dive into Life campaign from Hornbach, a German home improvement retail brand. Dive into Life delivers the message that D

21、IY is a sensory experience, a moment of pure freedom, real and a bit painful, that reminds people: You are alive! (Du lebst!). All elements of the campaign were highly distinctive and involving, and all were strongly linked to the central idea, despite the use of slightly different visuals across th

22、e video and outdoor executions. The sensory elements on the website helped people feel themselves diving into life. Campaigns with a strong central idea perform better across all brand KPIs, especially image associations 164 Overall 133 Salience 191 Associations 150 Motivation Source: Kantar Millwar

23、d Brown global CrossMedia database Index of average contribution for campaigns with a central idea versus campaigns with no central idea (100) Campaign idea: The theme that will support all brand content over a set period of time 20 second YouTube adWebsite Static outdoor adStatic outdoor ad 60 seco

24、nd TV ad Source: Kantar Millward Brown Link for Campaign copy testing “.the idea of promoting the senses. If you have seen the whole story to the end, you will always have to smile a little when you see a poster” THE ART OF INTEGRATION Hornbach Dive into Life INVOLVEMENT PERCENTILES Campaign82 15 se

25、cond TV ad93 50 second YouTube ad92 Interactive digital Instagram ad72 Static digital ad72 Static magazine ad69 3. The strength of each element within an integrated campaign usually defines campaign success. Within our multichannel pretesting database we see a campaign is defined most closely by the

26、 average of all executions, even more so than the best or worst individual execution. Therefore, unless media spend will be heavily skewed towards one execution, every piece of content matters and contributes to overall success and brand building. Even with strong integration and an inspiring campai

27、gn idea, individual creative executions can still fail to engage. For this research we copy tested 12 integrated campaigns which seemed to have clear ideas behind them, yet still five of them scored below average in terms of their overall campaign impact. Qualitatively we have seen that how integrat

28、ion cues are incorporated can make a difference. Consumers seem to appreciate campaigns that use the same cues and slogans consistently across multiple pieces of content rather than taking a haphazard approach. So, attention to design details is important. Kantar Millward Brown has written a good am

29、ount about the importance of great creativity, and harnessing it to the brand. The more creative the material, the stronger the emotions its likely to generate, and the more memorable its likely to be. There are no hard rules for creativity; content simply needs to be original and different. But the

30、re are useful tips like: the use of powerful news can make static content more impactful; and its important to grab attention in the first few seconds when developing skippable video content. To successfully market anything, the brand needs to be structurally integrated into the content. This can be

31、 done in a variety of ways including, making the brand the focus of the story, or by using established branding cues or slogans. Leading a campaign with content that best establishes the link with the brand can be helpful, and can later be followed by content that focuses on communication. Make each

32、 piece of content amazing In a recent campaign from Toyota in Japan for its Vitz model, all individual executions (TV, online video, Instagram video, online banner and magazine) are highly enjoyable, involving and distinctive. Cleverly, the car is the star across the campaign even in content where i

33、t doesnt appear. All content builds on the cars distinctive design aesthetic, and adds layers of subtle humour and entertainment. As soon as people see the car and these executions, they know “This is Vitz.” Static magazine ad Static digital ad 50 second YouTube ad 15 second TV ad Interactive Instag

34、ram ad Source: Kantar Millward Brown Link for Campaign copy testing “front facial expressions of everything that appears are the same and emphasize the design” THE ART OF INTEGRATION Toyota Is this Vitz? 4. Through our ongoing partnership with EFFIE, and our analysis of Effie winning campaigns, we k

35、now what often sets apart the winners is that they have a specific reason for placing each creative execution in each channel. Advertisers will only achieve strong creative across multiple placements if they understand that attitudes to ads vary by channel and format, and different media have differ

36、ent inherent strengths. For example, we know TV has great reach and is best at building awareness, but it tends to be less cost effective for other metrics like purchase intent. Magazines are cost effective in multichannel campaigns, and point of sale can deliver strong brand building. Online also w

37、orks well cost effectively extending TV reach and building brand metrics from awareness through to purchase intent. However, all is not rosy in the online world. We know from our AdReaction studies that consumers attitudes are far more positive to traditional media than online advertising. Meanwhile

38、, the marketing industry does see cross- platform and cross-device marketing as best in class, but the focus beyond that is mainly on TV and online. Given there is higher receptivity to print and outdoor, some marketers may be underestimating the importance of secondary traditional media. The digita

39、l mismatch is partly explained by exploring attitudes to online targeting while most industry executives think its reliable (56%), less than half of consumers agree (45%). People are far more likely to recall negative online targeting experiences than positive ones. Even allowing for the fact that n

40、egative experiences may be amplified in recall, this clearly suggests that not enough advertisers are getting their online targeting right. There are some specific moments that make the lack of receptivity even worse. For example, people are even less receptive to mobile ads when theyre traveling. Y

41、et they are more responsive in other moments. People are more open to receive online advertising when they are researching products and services, and some campaign types do lend themselves stylistically to the online space. The recent campaign for Adidas Originals in the US was seen by consumers as

42、dark and edgy; primarily for young people; interesting. . . trying to fit in with new social movements, and hardcore. This added up to a campaign which people felt was far better placed online than on TV (which is the usual default response). APPROPRIATENESS %TVBEFORE YOUTUBE VIDEO Stormzy2642 Women

43、3746 Mirrors4046 Launch3746 Invest only in channels that have a clear role People are far more likely to recall a negative online targeting experience in the past week than a positive one Ads that were personalised based on my interests Any positive 38% Any negative 61% 22 13 12 31 23 20 Source: Kan

44、tar Millward Brown AdReaction global consumer survey 2017 Ads that were helpful in the precise moment they were delivered Ads that I found helpful in a precise location Ads I have seen too many times Ads that were not at all relevant for me Ads for something I already purchased 14 Ads that made me f

45、eel someone was stalking me Women 30 second Twitter video ad Mirror 15 second Twitter video ad Stormzy 15 second twitter video ad Launch 90 second TV ad Source: Kantar Millward Brown Link for Campaign copy testing “they want to be hardcore, and stand out from others. But not in a bad way” THE ART OF

46、 INTEGRATION Adidas Original is Never Finished Opel Crossland X launch, Handbag Once a campaign is integrated, marketers must think about customisation for each placement to further boost effectiveness. Integrated and customised campaigns are 57% more effective than non-integrated campaigns, but les

47、s than half of the campaigns we measure are both integrated and customised. Launch campaigns seem to benefit most from integration and customisation, likely because marketers and their agency teams view the job of creating a new campaign as a bigger, more exciting challenge so everyone tries a littl

48、e harder. This emphasises the need to develop a durable creative platform that has the legs to support multiple executions that will remain interesting over a long period of time. Integration and customisation are most critical when a campaign plan involves more media channels. And, while customisat

49、ion will further help effectiveness across channels, its especially important for TV and online video. Customise content for each channel 5. A pitfall to avoid is that not all customisation makes things better. For example, using edgier content that is disconnected from the campaign carries the risk of reducing overall effectiveness. So, if youre not genu



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