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1、An R3 White Paper ENHANCING EXPERIENCE MARKETING DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS set up event goals and define your audience. 市场主明确内部活动预算和想要 达到的目标和触及的目标人群 Set up event KPIs according to the type of activity. 根据活动的类型不同,确立好活 动评估纬度 Reduce unnecessary communication cost and finance cost via a stand

2、ardized working procedure. 通过标准的化的流程减少不必要 的沟通成本和物力成本 Visualize each part and make sure everyone involved is on the same page. 可视化活动各个环节,有效联动 活动各部门和外部代理商 Carefully monitor critical points to ensure an a smooth event process. 在活动关键节点做有效地把控, 确保活动进行环环相扣 Set up timelines and keep everyone informed; have

3、back-up plans for areas with the most potential risk. 建立有效时间表,确定各部门信 息透明。针对有风险步骤,提前 做好预备方案 Review the event performance with aligned KPIs. 根据活动类型制定的KPI进行活 动事后评估,对活动表现进行分 析和总结 Provide suggestions for areas that need further improvement and to maintain competitive edge. 针对活动中出现的问题和不足进 行下一步提升和反思,对优势环 节

4、j进行保持 Strategy Consultancy, Branding Agency, Creative Agency, PR Agency, IMC Agency 策略咨询、品牌代理商、创意代理商、公关代理商、 整合营销代理商 Creative Agency, Event Agency, PR Agency, Event Management Software, Data Integration 创意代理商、活动营销代理商、公关代理商、数字代理 商、活动管理软件、数据整合代理 Content, Presentations, Visual, Tech/Equipment/ Installat

5、ion, Logistics Management, Attendee Activation, 3rd Party Managment, External Affairs 内容、演示、视觉、技术/设备/装置、接待管理、 嘉宾互动、第三方管理、对外事务 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 6 1 2 Event Marketing Trends From One-stop to Industry Expertise 线下营销趋势 从一站式代理商到 专项代理商的转变 With the increasing scale of e

6、vent marketing and professionalism of internal teams, todays brands have the ability to interface with multiple external agencies. This allows marketers and agencies to close the loop between online and offline activities and meet targets. 随着活动营销的规模的日益扩大和品牌方内部人员配备的完整性和专业度不断提升,如今的品牌方有足够的 能力去对接不同类型专项的

7、代理商来确保整个营销战役一个从线上传播到线下引流的完整闭环,满足营销需 要。 Phase 1: Objective Marketer needs to internally discuss event objectives. 阶段1: 活动需求w市 场主内部沟通活动需求和 目标。 Phase 1: Objective Marketer needs to internally discuss event objectives. 阶段1: 活动需求 市场主内部沟通活动需求 和目标。 Phase 2: Planning Agency to plan event according to brief.

8、 阶段2: 活动策划 市场主对外部代理商下达 需求,代理商提出策略和 执行方案。 Phase 2: Planning Event planning by lead agency.In the meantime, the social/digital/event/ construction agency provides an action plan under the overall strategy. 阶段2: 活动策划 活动策划由主导代理商负 责活动策略和规划,由数 字、社交、活动等代理商 分别依照主策略提出执行 方案 。 Phase 3: Implementation Agency to

9、 coordinate with a 3rd party on execution to ensure the event will be delivered. 阶段3: 活动执行 代理商负责执行方案,并 对接活动各方,确保活动 顺利进行。 Phase 3: Implementation Marketer to connect both online and offline agencies to ensure online communication brings traffic to the offline event. 阶段3: 活动执行 市场主需同时兼顾线上传 播线下引流,保证线上流

10、量到线下活动的转化 。 Phase 4: KPI Measurement Agency to provide event wrap-up report with figures and data. 阶段4: 绩效考核 代理商提供活动数据表现 报告。 Phase 4: KPI Measurement Agency to provide event wrap-up report with figures and data. 阶段4: 绩效考核 代理商提供活动数据表现 报告。 Phase 5: Event Evaluation Marketer to evaluate event performan

11、ce and suggest areas for improvement. 阶段5: 活动评估 市场主通过代理商的活动 表现报告对活动进行评 估,提出改进建议。 Phase 5: Event Evaluation Marketer to evaluate event performance and suggest areas for improvement. 阶段5: 活动评估 市场主通过代理商的活动 表现报告对活动进行评 估,提出改进建议。 1 2 INTERNAL TEAMexternal agencies 7 ENHANCING EXPERIENCE MARKETING Event Ma

12、rketing by IndustrY 针对各行业的活动营销布局 Depending on marketing objectives and type of business, event marketing can be roughly categorized as Brand Events, Product Launch Events, Consumer Engagement Events, Sales-driven Events, PR-driven Events, Conferences, and Exhibitions. The form of events preferred by

13、 marketers vary between industries. 活动营销根据其目的及活动形态大体上可分为品牌活动、发布会、消费者主题活动、销售导向 活动、公关传播活动、会议、展览七大类;不同行业根据其业务形态和产业特点均有一定的活 动类别的偏好及常用模式。 Event Marketing Category 活动营销类别 Automobile 汽车 3CFMCG 快消品 Sports/ Fashion 运动& 时尚 Luxury 奢侈品 Healthcare 健康 Travel/ Tourism 旅游 Internet 网络服务 B2B Brand Events (Strategy La

14、unch, Brand Launch, Gala, Brand Exhibition, Brand Evening) 品牌活动 (战略发布、 品牌发布、 庆典、 品牌展览、 品牌之夜) Product Launch Events (Product Launch, Fashion Show) 产品发布会 (产品发布、 时装秀) Consumer Engagement Events (Offline Experience, Pop-up Store, Playground, Party, Roadshow, Game) 消费者主题活动 (线下体验、 快闪店、 嘉年华、 派对、 路演、 竞技赛事)

15、Sales-drive Events (Product Experience, Promotion, Roadshow) 销售导向活动 (产品体验、 促销派发、 路演) PR-driven Events (Press Conference, Press Trip) 公关传播活动 (媒体发布会、 媒体探访) Conferences (Industry Conference, Seminar & Workshop, Brand Conference, Summit) 会议 (行业大会、 研讨会、 品牌大会、 峰会) Exhibitions (Trade Show, Brand Exhibition

16、) 展览 (专业展览、 品牌展览) DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 8 Event Marketing Trends A Combination of online and offline marketing 线下营销趋势 线上与线下营销结合 For marketers, there is no clear line between ATL and BTL marketing. They are both inseparable parts through the whole campaign. Some market

17、ers prefer to drive in-store customers to their online stores to trigger purchase, as the cost of customer acquisition is much lower. On the other hand, some marketers encourage those who visit their websites to complete purchases in physical stores. 对于市场主来说,线上与线下营销再也不是拆开的两个单 独个体,而是整个营销战役中密不可分的一部分。一

18、部分 市场主愿意把到店的门客变为在线消费力,且获客成本远 低于电商平台。另一部分市场主则希望在线上了解产品的 群众,可以莅临门店完成购买。 Pros & Cons 优劣势分析 Media 媒介载体 Cost 成本 Consumer Experience 消费群体体验感 Online 线上营销 Pros 优势 TV and internet-based media, with wider reach and is not subject to time and geographical constraints 使用电视、网络等媒介作为 载体,受众面广且不受时空 与地域的限制 No direct

19、manpower cost 相比较线下活动,人力成本 及实际花费低 No need to queue up or wait to experience products 不需要排队或者等待就可以 体验产品 Cons 劣势 Weak direct experience with products 消费者很难直观体验产品 Low transparency on cost 成本透明度低 Weak direct experience with products 对产品直观体验感弱 Offline 线下营销 Pros 优势 In-store and on site displays for an int

20、uitive customer experience 采用门店或者现场为消费者 展示,直观体验感强 High transparency on cost 需要大量人力、财力和物 力,成本高且花费时间较长 Multi-sensory experience for consumers 有直观的感官体验 Cons 劣势 Limits with geography, time, and venues 受地域、时间和场地限制 比较大 Requires high manpower and financial resource, time consuming and expensive 成本透明度高 Expe

21、rience duration and opportunities are not guaranteed 体验时长和机会很难把握 9 ENHANCING EXPERIENCE MARKETING Event Marketing Trends SALES RESULTS ORIENTED MARKETING 线下营销趋势 以销售结果为导向 的活动营销 Traditional event marketing, like road shows, PR events, or novelty launch events, have specific indicators to effectively m

22、easure event performance. In the last year, according to R3s Agency Scope study, a growing number of marketers have voiced concern around performance and would like to evaluate event results based on actual sales. How to manage and improve sales results is a key focus in event pre-planning and durin

23、g implementation for most marketers. 在传统的线下活动中,例如传统的路演、公关活动、新品发布等,针对不同的的活动类型都有 各自的活动指标去衡量和评测活动的有效性。而在近期的胜三Agency Scope调研报告中,越来 越多的市场主愿意以销售表现力作为线下活动营销从初期策划到实际执行期的衡量指标。如何 实现销售数字的提升,是市场主在策划和执行活动营销时所重点关注的一个指标。 Consumer Events Visitors, sales leads, experience 消费者活动 访店人数、销售线索、宾客体验等 PR Events Media exposu

24、re, media value, PR value, clippings 公关活动 媒体曝光度、媒体价值、公关价值、剪报数等 Road Shows Attendee numbers, participant interaction 路演 出席宾客人数、宾客互动等 Novelty Launch Media attendees, VIPs and guest invitations 新品发布 出席媒体、VIP宾客、邀请数量、 口碑及传播度 Consumer Events Visitors, sales leads, experience 消费者活动 访店人数、销售线索、宾客体验等 PR Event

25、s Media exposure, media value, PR value, clippings 公关活动 媒体曝光度、媒体价值、公关价值、剪报数等 Road Shows Attendee numbers, participant interaction 路演 出席宾客人数、宾客互动等 Novelty Launch Media attendees, VIPs and guest invitations 新品发布 出席媒体、VIP宾客、邀请数量、 口碑及传播度 Sales Result 销售结果 Sales Result 销售结果 Sales Result 销售结果 Sales Result

26、 销售结果 Marketers expectations of sales results will vary depending on the type of event marketing being executed. 如今对于活动营销的表现,市场主都会倾向于看到有销售数字的直接体现 但针对活动类型的不同,市场主对于销售表现力的期待也会有所不同。 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 10 Case: 2018 Beijing COCO CRUSH Exhibit 2018北京香奈儿COCO CRUSH体验展 Apri

27、l 2018. CHANEL held its Coco Crush exhibition at Guardian Art Center which was a five minute drive from its CHANEL Peninsula Beijing Boutique Store. In addition, CHANEL provided a shuttle service to its nearest boutique store for customers who voiced interest in making purchases during the exhibitio

28、n tour. 香奈儿将Coco Crush线下活动放在了王府井1号的嘉 德艺术中心,距离其王府半岛精品店只有驱车不到5分 钟的路程。 同样在体验展览的消费者如果有购买意向,品牌方会 将消费者直接送至王府半岛的专门店进行体验和 购买。 2018 CHANEL COCO CRUSH Exhibition in Beijing 11 ENHANCING EXPERIENCE MARKETING Diversified Value Chain 价值链更加多元化 As event marketing transparency increases, the traditional marketing v

29、alue chain - usually in a focused single chain format - has diversified to include different models where marketers are working with more agencies on a single marketing event. As a diversified value chain provides greater cost efficiency, it requires marketers to be equipped with greater marketing m

30、anpower and higher standards of professionalism. Traditional single value chains are still able to provide marketers with efficient event management, yet costs tend to be higher. 传统的活动营销结构以单一链条式合作模式为 主,层层递进;随着如今活动营销的信息越发 透明,市场主将更多业务归至内部开展,活动 营销价值链的产生了更加多元化的布局,活动 营销市场由单纯的甲、乙、丙、丁的线性链条 发展为了以市场主为中心的发散型结

31、构。价值 链条越发散,资金效率越高,这要求市场主具 有高度专业的人员及紧跟市场趋势的资源管 控;反之,价值链条越聚合,市场主对于人员 和资源的管控越便捷,相应地,资金效率相对 下降。 Marketer 市场主 B r a n d & C o m m s S t r a t e g y 品 牌 策 略 & 传 播 策 略 C r e a t i v e & P l a n n i n g 创 意 & 策 划 P ro du ct i on & E x ec ut io n 制 作 & 执 行 Marketer 市场主 B r a n d & C o m m s S t r a t e g y 品

32、 牌 策 略 & 传 播 策 略 P ro du c ti on & E xe cu ti o n 制 作 & 执 行 C r e a ti v e & P l a n n i n g 创 意 & 策 划 Traditional Event Marketing Value Chain 传统活动营销价值链 Diversified Event Marketing Value Chain 多元化的活动营销价值链 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 12 Ultimately achieve online conversion o

33、f offline traffic 最终达成线下流量的 线上转化 The saturation of online traffic has increased the cost of traffic acquisition. As a result, marketers are returning to the basics to acquire offline traffic. In the past, event marketing was quite distant from ATL marketing due to the lack of connectivity between on

34、line and offline platforms. As data integration has become inevitable, it is important to the digitalize the offline traffic produced by event marketing in order to increase marketing effectiveness. 在线上流量日益饱和、流量获取成本过高的大趋势下,线下引流再次成为了市场主关注的 热点。 传统的营销将线上营销和包含活动营销在内的线下营销作较大区别,主要原因在于线下场 景难以与线上传播产生高效桥接,线下

35、流量难以数字化。而随着营销技术的快速变更迭代 及商业模式的变化,活动营销所产生的流量数字化成为不可忽视的重要趋势,同时这也成 为了提升活动营销有效性的重要方式 Digitalization of Offline Traffic 价值链更加多元化 Offline Traffic Digitalization Procedure 活动营销线下流量数字化路径 Data Collection 流量收集 Data Analysis 信息分析 Reach / CRM 触达/CRM Conversion 流量转化 Engaged consumers Loyal customers Celebrity fol

36、lowers KOL followers 互动消费者 品牌忠实粉丝 名人粉丝 KOL粉丝 Data comparison and structuring Develop differentiated reach strategies 信息比对及重组 制定有区别的触达 策略 Targeted CRM based on different groups and reach strategies 根据不同组别及触达 策略进行针对性的消 费者触达 13 ENHANCING EXPERIENCE MARKETING The development of technologies like mobile

37、internet, Big Data, and A.I. has accelerated the application of marketing technology in areas such as sales, branding, and consumer communications. As part of the overall marketing technology ecosystem, event martech has witnessed apid growth over the last few years. According to Cramers Event Techn

38、ology Landscape 2019, compared with 2018, event martech companies expanded by 82% and will continue to see a rapid growth with further segmentation. For marketers, this presents the challenges of keeping track of the latest martech applications and applying them in a way that raises the effectivenes

39、s of event marketing. 传统的信息技术在企业中主要是用于产品创造、管理流 程、效率优化等环节。而随着互联网、移动互联网的快速 迭代,大数据、人工智能等技术的快速发展,营销实现了 在线化及数字化。因此,企业和消费者之间、企业与企业 之前都要用大量的技术以解决适用于各场景的问题,包括 销售场景、品牌塑造场景、消费及企业沟通场景。营销科 技(Martech)则是在这些场景中所运用到的技术解决方 案。 作为营销生态的一部分,活动营销相关的营销科技也 呈告诉成长之势。根据Cramer发布的2019 Event Technology Landscape, 相比2018年,全球的活动营销

40、 科技公司增长了82%,且仍然呈高速增长及专业细分的趋 势。对于市场主来说,如何紧跟活动营销科技的趋势,如 何利用最新科技以优化活动营销,如何理清错综复杂的活 动营销科技代理商关系将会是接下来活动营销中的重要挑 战之一。 Attendee Activation Immersive Technology Photo/Video Social Booth Event Management Data Integration Event Management Software Event Marketing Software Event Production Software Presentation

41、 Management Solutions Venue Sourcing Onsite Solutions Attendee Tracking POR (Point of Registration) Check-in & Badging Attendee Collaboration SystemsContent Presentations Attendee Tools Event Apps Digital Signage Attendee Tools Networking & Social External Communities Virtual Events Live Social Live

42、 Stream Production Platform Streaming Platform Virtual Event Platform Chat BotsTouchscreens & Kiosks Wearables Device Charging Stations Internal Communities Social Media Curation & Visualizations 2019 Event Technology Landscape Additional Information Download as a spreadsheet: Suggest new event tech

43、 providers: Subscribe to get updates: Attendee Networking Evolving Event Martech 活动营销的线下流量数字化 Source 来源: Cramers Event Technology Landscape for 2019 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 14 Micro-manage Event Marketing via Community Management 社区化运营, 打造 “微” 体验营销 Compared with online

44、community management, offline community management through event marketing can establish stronger consumer connections and higher levels of consumer loyalty which drives conversion. With reasonable incentive, community members can play the role of messenger, receiver and media. Traditional marketing

45、 starts from building awareness and develops into brand image and consumer loyalty. Community management marketing goes the other way around, from building up consumer loyalty through micro-managing event marketing, to formulating brand image via loyal consumers, and finally brand awareness. New bra

46、nds tapping into mature markets can take inspiration from this, yet it requires the brand to have a solid product to back up the strategy. 社区化运营可看作线上社群运营的线下模式。与社群运营相比,社区运营能建立更强力的情感 连接,形成更高的品牌忠诚度,进而带来更高的转化率。社区化运营活动营销的优势在于,消 费者不仅是信息的单纯接触方,通过合理的激励机制更可称为内容的创造中心及传播媒介。 传统的市场营销策略,打造品牌的路径是:知名度、美誉度、忠诚度,而社区化运

47、营的思路则 反其道而行,先通过“微”体验营销,一小部分人群培养初步忠诚度,再通过用户及培养出的 KOL的影响力形成品牌美誉度,最后扩大品牌知名度。如此的反向策略较为契合当前的数字化营 销的环境,可为初入局者提供非传统的营销灵感,但品牌首先有主打产品或服务,并进一步让 更多圈层消费者成为自己的忠实顾客。 Traditional Marketing 传统营销策略 Community Management 社区化运营思路 Awareness 知名度 Image 美誉度 Loyalty 忠诚度 15 ENHANCING EXPERIENCE MARKETING Cross-CATEGORY Colla

48、boration Empowers Marketing Event Experience 跨界合作赋能活动营销体验 As cross-category cases are becoming increasingly popular in marketing, it has become essential for marketers to consider the effectiveness of such collaborations. Event marketing can, however, be problematic in this area. Event marketings pr

49、essured timelines can be unconducive to cross-category collaborations. On the flip side, event marketings “quick and impactful” characteristics resonate with cross-category activity, which has greater potential to attract high-levels of consumer attention. With the right chemistry and clear relevance, cross-category collaboration can upgrade the consumer experience and encourage self-motivated consumer advocacy. 跨界合作并非新话题,如何进行更有效的跨界合作成为了市场主重要的思考,而线下活动实际 呈现结果的“短、平、快”特性,为策划及执行周期需求相对较高的跨界合作营销带来了一定 的难度。而从另一个角度来说,



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