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1、Marketer Outlook Survey APAC Region (excluding Japan) Data collected June 2020 | Adobe PR 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Highlights Work From HomeWork From Home Currently seven-in-ten marketers are working from home (nearly half worked 1+ days a week from home prior to COVID-19

2、). Among them, one- third feel they cannot work from home and be fully effective. To work more effectively from home, the greatest needs are for faster internet, access to specific servers/documents, and fewer distractions. Email is deemed to be the least effective way to communicate when working fr

3、om home; video conferencing/calls and phone are most preferred. Organisations will generally allow more work from home once restrictions end, expect that more in their organisation will do so long- term, and are set up effectively to enable long-term remote work. Less than one-quarter have concerns

4、or challenges about long-term remote work. Brand CommunicationBrand Communication Nearly three-quarters of organisations currently have a COVID-19 task force to manage messaging/marketing. Most organisations have shifted their imagery or language in recent campaigns. Overall spending on marketing ca

5、mpaigns and advertising has slightly increased due to COVID-19 (in all countries). However, marketing spending for the remainder of this year will decrease due to COVID-19. The FutureThe Future A slight majority expect to proactively advertise/push out messaging within a week of stay-at-home orders

6、ending, and expect to return to pre-COVID levels of investment in marketing within a quarter or sooner. Most organisations are seeing increases in online traffic. There will be a widespread transformation in long-term strategy and a new approach to future marketing efforts. Country DifferencesCountr

7、y Differences Fewer are working from home in China (30%), with about 79%-88% working from home in other APAC countries. And those in Japan (43% effective) and Singapore (54%) work less effectively from home than in other APAC countries. Compared to the US, APAC workers have greater needs to help the

8、m work effectively from home and have made more significant adjustments. Video conferencing is the most favoured work from home communication method in China This survey was also conducted in Japan and the US. To qualify, must: be employed full time or a consultant, contractor, or self-employed; be

9、in advertising, business operations and services, consulting, design or creative services, marketing, product management, sale, IT, R be directly involved in their brands marketing activities; and have an analyst role or higher within their organisation. Participants were recruited from an actively

10、managed online panel - this should be considered a non-probability sample; Participants were incented using rewards points offered by their online panel; Research was conducted between June 2ndand June 16th, 2020. Quotas were set for gender, and age was monitored. No weighting of data was required.

11、Margin of error for aggregate is +/- 2.8 percentage points at the 95% CL Additional results can be found at Advanis is a member of the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) and confirms that this research fully complies with all CRIC Standards including the CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards

12、 and Disclosure Requirements. This research was sponsored by Adobe and conducted by Advanis. For information about data collection, please contact Lori Reiser (lori_ 519.340.0125) Icon Source: Participant Profile 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. A

13、dobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 36% 16% 15% 9% 7% ITC-Suite/Co mpany ExecutiveBusiness operations and servi cesPro duct managementSales 33% 25% 24% 12% 6% Executive/VPSenior managerMan agerDirectorAn aly st / In divi d ual Contributor Demographics Marketer Out

14、look Survey APAC region (June 2020) S0, S1, S3, S5 Job LevelTop Departments Work StatusCountry 27%23% ChinaSingapore 26%25% IndiaAustralia Employed FT/PT Freelancer / consultant / contractor / self- employed Executive / VP Senior Manager ManagerDirectorAnalyst / Individual Contributor ITC-Suite/ Exe

15、cutive Business Ops/ Services Product Mgmt Sales 6%94% 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Firmographics Marketer Outlook Survey APAC region (June 2020) D1, D3, D4, D5, S2, D6 3

16、2% 10% 11% 18% 14% 12% 3% Less than 25 million per year 25-49 million per year 50-99 million per year 100-499 million per year 500-999 million per year 1-9 billion per year 10 billion or more per year Company Income (per year) China: 25 M 25-49 M 50-99 M 100-499 M 500-999 M 1-9 B 10+ B 23% 10% 15% 2

17、0% 16% 12% 3% Less than 25 million per year 25-49 million per year 50-99 million per year 100-499 million per year 500-999 million per year 1-9 billion per year 10 billion or more per year 25 M 25-49 M 50-99 M 100-499 M 500-999 M 1-9 B 10+ B 11% 13% 17% 34% 17% 8% 2% Less than 200 million per year 2

18、00-350 million per year 351-700 million per year 701 million to 3.5 billion per year 3.5 billion to 10 billion per year 11 billion to 69 billion per year 70 billion or more per year 200 M 200-350 M 351-700 M 701 M to 3.5 B 3.5 B to 10 B 11 B to 69 B 70+ B 17% 15% 18% 17% 20% 11% 2% Less than 1 billi

19、on per year 1 - 5 billion per year 6 - 10 billion per year 11 - 50 billion per year 51 - 100 billion per year 101 - 999 billion per year 1 trillion or more per year 1 B 1 - 5 B 6 - 10 B 11 - 50 B 51 - 100 B 101 - 999 B 1+ T Singapore:Australia:India: Local only Regional NationalIntl Company Reach 14

20、% 22% 40% 24% TechManufact -uring Retail/ CPG Prof. services Top Industries 18% 26% 43% NET Less than 50 0NET 500 to 4,999Net 5,000 or more 500 (Small) 500- 4,999 (Medium) 5,000+ (Large) Employees 24%24% 12% 8% Technolo gy (B2B Q4a - Do you think your organisation will allow work from home once rest

21、rictions are lifted? / Q4b - Do you think that more people in your organisation will work from home long term? Q4c - Do you think your organisation is set up effectively to work remotely for long periods of time? / Q4d - Do you have any concerns or challenges about working remotely for a long period

22、 of time? 21% Have concerns or challenges about long-term remote working 90% Think their organisationis set up effectively for long-term remote working 77% Think more people in their organisation will work from home long-term 71% Think their organisationwill allow work from home once restrictions ar

23、e lifted Organisational Long-Term Remote Working Capability (Base: Currently working from home) Detailed Findings: Brand Communication 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Market

24、er Outlook Survey APAC region (June 2020) Q11 - Do you have a COVID-19 task force or specific team working on how to manage messaging and marketing campaigns? Base: All respondents (1,200) Q5 - Has your brand sent marketing messages in the past 2-3 weeks? Base: All respondents (1,200) Q6 - What type

25、s of messages are you sharing with your customers? Base: Shared messages (548) Brand Messages Shared 71% (48% in Japan & US) currently have a COVID-19 task force or specific team working on how to manage messaging and marketing campaign. Those in Australia (55%) & Singapore (67%) are less likely to

26、have a task force, while those in China (81%) and India (80%) are more likely. Over the past 2-3 weeks, most have sent brand messaging related to COVID-19 (76%), unrelated to COVID-19 (63%), and sales promos (76%). Organisations have most commonly sent company responses to COVID-19 for customers (84

27、%) and updated company policies for staff/stores (69%). Sent Brand Marketing Messages in Past 2-3 Weeks (Base: All respondents) 63% Unrelated to COVID-19 76% Sales Promotion 76% Related to COVID-19 Types of Messages Being Shared (Base: Sharing messages with customers) 84% 69% 61% 60% 59% Company res

28、ponse to COVID-19 for customers Company policies for staff/stores in response to COVID-19 Community support General brand affinity messaging Helpful tips on adjusting to difficult times Company response to COVID-19 for customers Company policies for staff/stores in response to COVID-19 Community sup

29、port General brand affinity messaging Helpful tips on adjusting to difficult times 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Authenticity, Resonance, and Brand Duty The vast majority

30、feel that organisational marketing/ communications have been both authentic (94%) and have resonated with customers (92%). There is a general sense that brands have a duty to proactively offer help or provide special offers to customers at this time. This sense of duty is strongest in China (94%) an

31、d India (94%), and weakest in Australia (82%). In the US, 78% say brands have this duty. Organisational Marketing/ Communications Have Marketer Outlook Survey APAC region (June 2020) Q8a - Do you think your organisations marketing/communication has: Been authentic / Resonated with consumers? Base: A

32、ll respondents (1,200) Q8 - Do you feel brands have a duty to be proactive in offering help (or providing special offers) to customers during this time? Base: All respondents (1,200) Brand Duty 94% 92% 6% 8% Been authenticResonated with customers YesNo 90% Feel brands have a duty to proactively offe

33、r help (or provide special offers) to customers at his time 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Changes in Messaging 56% have had to shift imagery or language in a recent market

34、ing campaign due to COVID-19, with larger organisations being much more likely to shift. Those in Australia (39%) were less likely to have shifted messaging, with those in China (67%) & India (65%) being more likely. Significantly less US organisations (39%) have shifted messaging. The most commonly

35、 shifted elements are visuals of people touching (71%) and language that describes close interactions (67%). Marketer Outlook Survey APAC region (June 2020) Q12 - Have you had to shift imagery and language with a recent campaign? Base: All respondents (1,200) Q12a - What have you had to shift? Base:

36、 Shifted imagery or language in recent campaign (670) Messaging Shifts (Base: Shifted imagery/language in recent campaign) 71% 67% 50% 41% 1% Visuals of people touching (i.e. high fiving, hugging) Language that describes close interaction Visuals of crowds Visuals of travel Other Visuals of people t

37、ouching (i.e. high fiving, hugging) Language that describes close interaction Visuals of crowds Visuals of travel Other 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 6%7% 21%19% 20% 26% 3

38、8% 35% 14% 11% Marketing campaigns Advertising Significant increase Modest increase No change Modest decrease Significant decrease +24%+24%+ +18%18%NET ChangeNET Change Changes in Spending Change in Spending Due to COVID-19 Marketer Outlook Survey APAC region (June 2020) Q11a - How has your spending

39、 changed in response to COVID-19 for: Marketing campaigns / Advertising? Base: All respondents (1,200) Q16 - How is COVID-19 changing your marketing spending for the remainder of the year? Base: All respondents (1,200) COVID-19 Impact on Marketing Spending For Remainder of Year 12% 35% 21% 26% 7% To

40、tal Significant increase Small increase No change Small decrease Significant decrease - -15%15% NET ChangeNET Change Nearly half have increased spending on marketing campaigns and advertising due to COVID-19. There has been a NET increase in each APAC country, with the largest increases in China & I

41、ndia and smallest increases in Australia. Spending for both has been flat both in the US and for smaller APAC companies. In addition, marketing spending for the remainder of this year will decrease (in all APAC countries) due to COVID-19. The smallest NET decrease will be in China. NET decreases in

42、spending for the remainder of the year are smaller in APAC countries than in the US & Japan. Detailed Findings: The Future 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Timeframe for Retu

43、rning to Normal Nearly two thirds (62%) expect to proactively advertise/push out messaging within a week of stay-at-home orders ending. Just over one quarter (28%) will wait a few weeks to a month. India (73% within a week) & China (65%) will be significantly quicker in returning to normal messaging

44、 than those in Singapore (57%), Australia (51%), the US (47%), and Japan (45%). 59% say they will return to pre-COVID levels of investment in marketing with a quarter or sooner. China (65% within a quarter) & India (75%) will be significantly quicker in returning to normal investment than those in A

45、ustralia (49%), Singapore (43%), the US (43%), and Japan (38%). Time Between Stay-Home Orders and Restarting Messaging Marketer Outlook Survey APAC region (June 2020) Q14 - After the requests for stay-at-home/self-containment end, how long until you proactively advertise or push out marketing messag

46、es again? Base: All respondents (1,200) Q15 - How long do you think it will take to bounce back to pre-virus levels of investment in marketing/advertising? Base: All respondents (1,200) Time Before Returning to Pre- COVID Investment in Marketing 6% 13% 19% 28% 20% 10% 1 Within a week Within a month

47、Within a quarter Within two- quarters Within a year Longer than a year 5% 10% 18% 29% 24% 9% 1 Within a day Within a few days Within a week Within a few weeks Within a month No change in messaging 62%62% Within a week Within a week or earlieror earlier 59%59% Within a quarter Within a quarter or soo

48、neror sooner 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. 2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Changes in Online Traffic There has been a NET increase in traffic in each APAC country, with most organisations seeing their on

49、line traffic increase (67%). Only 22% have seen decreases in online traffic. The largest increases have been seen in India (77%) and for large companies (73%), while the smallest increase has been in Australia (57%). The NET increase in APAC countries is larger than that seen in the US & Japan. Marketer Outlook Survey APAC region (June 2020) Q10 - Are you seeing a change in online traffic during this time? Base: All respondents (1,200) Recent Change in Online Traffic 4% 18% 11% 40% 27% 1 Large increase (50%+



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