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1、2020 The State of Remote Work Unlocking Opportunity: From hiring to onboarding, insights that are shaping the way we work 2020 State of Remote Work Report 2 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired Rem

2、ote work has quickly gone from buzzword to reality for many professionals especially those in the tech industry. Alongside rapid changes in the way we work, organizations have begun to reconsider what matters most for both business continuity and giving their teams the flexibility they require to do

3、 their best work. The perception of this once “nice to have” company perk is shifting towards becoming a new standard. As companies grapple with how to move their operations entirely online, we decided to dig deeper into how tech professionals feel about working remotely - from the initial interview

4、 process to onboarding, daily workflow and virtual collaboration. At Hired, were committed to helping everyone find a job they love, and while the world is shifting, we know innovative companies recognize the importance of staying ahead of the curve, especially when it comes to one of their most val

5、uable assets: their people. Through this report, we want to empower employers with valuable insights into how they can establish an effective remote hiring process, foster a supportive virtual work environment and create a flexible remote culture aligned with their company needs. Armed with these in

6、sights, both tech talent and companies will be better positioned to navigate and adapt to the changes that lie ahead. This report represents insights from over 2,200 tech workers (software engineers, product managers, designers, and data scientists) across North America and the United Kingdom. In ad

7、dition, we surveyed 300 companies to understand how they believe remote work will shape their companys hiring strategy both short and long term. METHODOLOGY Introduction 2020 State of Remote Work Report 3 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Tea

8、m Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired 0%25%50%25%50%75% Todays most innovative companies know that investing in attracting and hiring strong teams is foundational to not only business continuity but continued success. Thats why, whether youre building a distributed team or pivoting towards a

9、fully remote workforce, the benefits will definitely outweigh the challenges. As Stripes jobs page calls out, their remote positions expand economic access across the globe and Invisions completely distributed company gives their workforce permission to do great work from an environment youre comfor

10、table in. Moreover, 57% of employers we recently surveyed said they believe remote work policies will continue to be more flexible even after COVID-19. As companies become more familiar with the benefits that remote work provides to their business, they will begin to define what “remote” means to th

11、em. When it comes to tech talent, we recently asked them how the pandemic will impact their interest in remote work going forward. Interestingly, we discovered that nearly half (48%) of tech professionals in North America are even more interested in remote work than they were before, and only 5% are

12、 less interested in remote work. Its clear that although many may not have the most ideal work environments right now, their desire to have more flexibility is stronger than ever before. Remote work: From buzzword to reality The desire to work remote has skyrocketed How does the pandemic impact your

13、 interest in remote work going forward? North America United Kingdom Less interestedIncreased interestSame as before 48% 50%47% 46%5% 3% 2020 State of Remote Work Report 4 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading

14、About Hired 43% 0%25%50%25%50%75% North America United Kingdom While there are industries that are experiencing a slowdown, 68% of employers we surveyed said they are still actively hiring, and certain verticals such as e-commerce, cybersecurity, and delivery services are experiencing massive demand

15、 they are striving to meet. Since the technology infrastructure of many of these services are mission critical to business success, there is still a strong demand for tech talent. In our recent analysis, we found that 43% of tech professionals are actively searching for a new job, and a full 35% are

16、 open to new opportunities. Tech talent in the UK shares the same sentiment with more than two thirds (70%) stating that they are very or moderately open to a new role. Employers have access to more top tech talent than ever before Has the pandemic impacted your willingness to consider new job oppor

17、tunities? Very open, actively searching Not openModerately open, willing to take a call 36%34% 35%23% 30% 2020 State of Remote Work Report 5 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired As employers look t

18、o diversify their talent pools and have access to more tech workers that better align with their business needs, this presents a huge opportunity for employers looking to attract and hire strong candidates. More diverse candidates Candidate preference Access to a larger volume of top tech talent Div

19、ersity is a top benefit of hiring remote employees What do you consider to be the benefits of hiring remote employees? 1 2 3 2020 State of Remote Work Report 6 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired

20、To fully understand the experience of todays job seekers, we asked them to share how the recent transition to remote work has impacted their job search. While there are positive experiences for some, an overwhelming majority of tech talent reported a lack of remote job opportunities as a critical ch

21、allenge. This challenge represents a huge opportunity for employers to set themselves apart by leaning into remote work, which gives them access to a much larger talent pool and expedites the hiring process. 2020 State of Remote Work Report 7 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtua

22、l Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired Employers are adapting: Reimagining the interview process Remote hiring works, but it is not without its challenges What are the top recruiting challenges your team is facing right now? 30% 40% 20% 10% Number of inter

23、views 39612+ Before diving into the nuances of remote hiring from a candidate perspective, we wanted to gain an understanding of how hiring managers feel about the process. While remote interviews and onboarding can be challenging to adapt to, its still possible to develop a world-class r

24、emote hiring process that can be just as effective as in person interviews, without sacrificing a companys candidate experience. To capitalize on this opportunity and close top candidates, hiring managers should invest in establishing an effective remote interview process that aligns with their comp

25、any. Not only will this allow employers to streamline the hiring process in the short-term, but it also positions them for long-term success by eliminating the geographical constraints that have impacted recruiting and hiring efforts for far too long. Instilling confidence in candidates during remot

26、e hiring How many remote interviews have you participated in during your career? North America United Kingdom 1. Onboarding new hires remotely 2. Conducting remote interviews 3. Convincing candidates to take a position without meeting in person 2020 State of Remote Work Report 8 Intro Buzzword to Re

27、ality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired 7% 4% 16% 18% 43% 43% 25% 24% 9% 11% Despite their limited experience with remote interviews, tech talent dont seem to be overtly stressed about the prospect of doing them. For emp

28、loyers, there are a variety of strategies to ensure that candidates are set up for success and provided the guidance they need to seamlessly go through your companys interview process. I consider a video interview to be more stressful than an in-person interview. 0%25%50%25%50% North America United

29、Kingdom Strongly disagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly agree Video interview sentiment 2020 State of Remote Work Report 9 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired 3% With less than 20% of tech talent con

30、cerned about video interviews, this is a very positive signal for employers, as it shows that tech professionals are not inherently stressed by the idea of remote interviewing and how it may impact their decision. When it comes to their video conferencing platform of choice, Zoom reigns supreme abov

31、e all others. Tech talent disportionately prefers Zoom What is your preferred video conferencing platform? 4% 53%23%10%6% 1%47%29%12% North America United Kingdom 2020 State of Remote Work Report 10 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conc

32、lusion Recommended Reading About Hired Although tech talent may not be overly stressed about video interviews, we wanted to further understand what some of their general concerns are. We found that regardless of how many years of experience they have, their main concern is not gaining a true underst

33、anding of a companys culture while interviewing remotely. The good news for hiring teams is that all of these concerns can be addressed with thoughtful planning. Taking the time to create digital resources that illustrate company culture will go a long way with making candidates feel confident that

34、theyve gotten a true picture of what it entails. In order to ensure interviewers have the ability to build rapport, we recommend running mock interviews with various team members and coaching them on how to put candidates at ease and keep conversations flowing organically. This will pay dividends wi

35、th On their mind: Top 3 video interview concerns What are you most concerned about during remote video interviews? 1. Not gaining a true understanding of a companys culture 2. Difficulty building rapport with interviewers 3. Running into technical issues not only making candidates feel comfortable,

36、but also ensuring your teams are effectively communicating during video calls outside the hiring process. And when it comes to avoiding technical issues, hiring managers should provide candidates with a document that outlines all of the system checks they should do to avoid any issues, and ensure th

37、ey have the phone number for everyone theyll be speaking with in case they lose the connection and have to call back. Establishing and executing strong remote interviews might seem daunting, but we encourage companies to view this as an opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and take advantage of be

38、nefits unlocked by hiring remote tech talent. 2020 State of Remote Work Report 11 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired Closing remote talent: Taking a virtual leap of faith Aside from your life par

39、tner, choosing where you work and invest your time is one of the most important decisions that you can make for both yourself and your family. So, as companies invest in establishing remote hiring processes, we wanted to take a pulse on how candidates feel about taking that virtual leap of faith wit

40、hout meeting anyone face to face. Our survey found that contrary to what you might assume, todays tech workers are open to joining a new company after an entirely remote interview process. This is a great signal for employers, as the investment in the recruiting process should be focused on recruiti

41、ng the best candidate and ensuring you are able to close them regardless of physical location when the time comes. Championing your company culture, remotely With the right insights (photos, videos, culture interviews), how likely are you to accept a job without visiting the office? 77%18%5% Very li

42、kelyNot likelyUnsure North America 72%23%5% United Kingdom 2020 State of Remote Work Report 12 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired This sentiment holds true when it comes to accepting a job withou

43、t meeting their future coworkers in person for tech talent in both North America and the UK. Accepting remote job offers I would be comfortable accepting a job without meeting any of the team in person (only via remote video calls). 73%16%10% Strongly agreeStrongly disagreeNeither North America 70%1

44、8%13% United Kingdom 2020 State of Remote Work Report 13 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Reading About Hired With regards to remote onboarding, 97% of respondents said they are either very open or somewhat open t

45、o remote onboarding at a new company, so long as they have the right resources and support. This should give employers peace of mind knowing they dont have to halt tech hiring for fear of pushback or hesitancy from tech talent. Willingness to on board remotely How open are you to being remotely on b

46、oarded to a new company if provided the right resources and support? 64%33%3% Very openNot openSomewhat open North America & United Kingdom 2020 State of Remote Work Report 14 Intro Buzzword to Reality Interviewing for Success Virtual Leap of Faith Nurturing a Remote Team Conclusion Recommended Read

47、ing About Hired When asked what would constitute the right resources and support, tech talent commonly shared the following: Comprehensive onboarding plan that includes timelines and topics Training session with the IT department Role specific onboarding Designated mentors or an onboarding buddy Pro

48、ject management tools and best practices Documentation in a company wide wiki Internet and workspace allowance While recruiting especially when remote its important to have a strong understanding of what matters most to tech talent beyond the interview process. Because as the workforce becomes more

49、flexible in the way it works, a successful and productive workday means something different for everyone. So, we asked tech professionals what being productive while working remotely means to them, and heres what they shared. Staying connected and aligned with my team Having a healthy work- life balance Meeting all my deadlines



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