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2030战略:实现繁荣包容弹性和可持续的亚太地区 - 亚洲开发银行(英文版)(48页).pdf

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2030战略:实现繁荣包容弹性和可持续的亚太地区 - 亚洲开发银行(英文版)(48页).pdf

1、STRATEGY Achieving a Prosperous, Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable Asia and the Pacific JULY 2018 STRATEGY 2030 VISION ASIA AND THE PACIFIC PROSPEROUS INCLUSIVE RESILIENT SUSTAINABLE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK STRATEGY Achieving a Prosperous, Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable Asia and the Pacifi

2、c JULY 2018 2018 Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines Tel +63 2 632 4444; Fax +63 2 636 2444 www.adb.org All rights reserved. Published in 2018. ISBN 978-92-9261-284-9 (print), 978-92-9261-285-6 (electronic) Publication Stock No. TCS189401-2 DOI: http

3、:/dx.doi.org/10.22617/TCS189401-2 ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ADB in

4、 preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term “country” inthis document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area

5、. ADB encourages printing or copying information exclusively for personal, educational, and noncommercial use with proper acknowledgment of ADB. Users are restricted from reselling, redistributing, or creating derivative works for commercial purposes without the express, written consent of ADB. Plea

6、se contact pubsmarketingadb.org if you have questions or comments with respect to content, or if you wish to obtain copyright permission. Notes: In this publication, “$” refers to United States dollars. ADB recognizes “China” as the Peoples Republic of China and “Korea” as the Republic of Korea. Cor

7、rigenda to ADB publications may be found at http:/www.adb.org/publications/corrigenda. About the Cover: Fibonacci Sequence Fibonacci was a medieval mathematician who introduced a sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two previous numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on. This

8、 number sequence manifests itself in nature, such as in the arrangement of leaves around a stem. The Strategy 2030 design concept is based on the Fibonacci sequence. It represents the thoughtful and dynamic new direction that Strategy 2030 sets for ADB. CONTENTS Abbreviations iv Executive Summary v

9、I. Introduction 1 II. Changing Landscape and Challenges 3 III. ADBs Vision and Value Addition 9 IV. Guiding Principles for ADBs Operations 11 V. Differentiated Approaches to Groups of Countries 12 VI. Operational Priorities 14 VII. Expanding Private Sector Operations 20 VIII. Catalyzing and Mobilizi

10、ng Financial Resources for Development 22 IX. Strengthening Knowledge Services 24 X. Delivering through a Stronger, Better, and Faster ADB 26 XI. One ADB 28 Appendix: Stocktaking of ADB Operations and Summary of Consultations 29 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank ADF Asian Development Fund ASE

11、AN Association of Southeast Asian Nations CPS country partnership strategy CSO civil society organization DEfR development effectiveness review DMC developing member country FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FCAS fragile and conflict-affected situations GHG greenhouse gas I

12、CT information and communication technology IED Independent Evaluation Department Lao PDR Lao Peoples Democratic Republic OCR ordinary capital resources PBL policy-based lending PPP publicprivate partnership PRC Peoples Republic of China RCI regional cooperation and integration SDG Sustainable Devel

13、opment Goal SIDS small island developing states SMEs small and medium-sized enterprises SOE state-owned enterprise TA technical assistance UMIC upper middle-income country UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ASIA AND THE PAC

14、IFIC has made great strides in poverty reduction and economic growth in the last 50 years. However, there are unfinished development agendas. Issues such as poverty and vulnerability, rising inequality, climate change, growing environmental pressures, and large infrastructure deficits remain to be a

15、ddressed. Emerging trends, such as technological advancements, urbanization, and changing demo- graphics, present opportunities and challenges. Given the size of Asia and the Pacific, achieving major global commitmentssuch as the Sustainable Development Goals, the related Financing for Development a

16、genda, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reductionwill depend critically on the success of the region. Strategy 2030 sets the course for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to respond effectively to the regions changing needs. Under Strategy 2030, ADB wil

17、l sustain its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty and expand its vision to achieve a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific. ADBs aspirations are aligned with major global commitments. ADB will play an important role in supporting the global agenda of infrastructure

18、development as a source of global growth. Infrastructure will remain a key priority to promote social and economic development. ADB will promote quality infrastructure investments that are green, sustainable, resilient, and inclusive. At the same time, it will expand interventions in social sectors,

19、 such as education, health, and social protection. ADB will also seek to integrate its expertise across sectors and themes to address more complex development challenges. As a trusted development partner, ADB will add value to its developing member countries (DMCs) by combining finance, knowledge, a

20、nd partnerships. ADB will continue to be a reliable financier and catalyzer of finance. As a knowledge provider, it will focus on practical value that fits local conditions, identify lessons, and replicate good practices across the region and beyond. As a convener of partnerships, ADB will promote d

21、ialogue and collaboration among diverse partners and stakeholders and seek to maximize the impact of the international financial institutions system as a whole. ADB will also increase its function as a project developer. The ambitious global development agenda must be tailored to specific local circ

22、umstances. ADB will strengthen its country-focused approach using the country partnership strategy as the main platform to define customized support, promote the use of innovative technologies, and deliver integrated solutions by combining expertise across a range of sectors and themes and through a

23、 mix of public and private sector operations. ADB will be selective at the country levelbuilding on its comparative advantage, specific country demands, and the potential for value addition within ADBs capacity and resource envelope. Given the significant diversity across countries, ADB will apply d

24、ifferentiated approaches to various groups of countries. It will prioritize support for the poorest and most vulnerable countries in the region, including fragile and conflict-affected situations and small island developing states. ADB will tailor its business processes and strengthen its human reso

25、urces and field presence in these countries. It will provide predictable and substantial long-term financing to support low-income and lower middle-income countries. ADBs support in upper middle-income countries will be selective, focusing on areas where it can add the most value. Across these count

26、ry groups, ADB will prioritize support for lagging areas and pockets of poverty and fragility. ADB will continue to apply its current graduation policy, while also reviewing the effectiveness of the policy. Graduation from regular ADB assistance will involve close consultation with the country, incl

27、uding an analysis and assessment of the key elements of vi the graduation policy. As part of its differentiated approaches, ADB will conduct detailed analyses and discuss with various stakeholders the possibility of diversifying the financing terms of its products and instruments. ADB will direct it

28、s concessional finance to support its poorest and most vulnerable members and will consider additional support for countries graduating from concessional assistance. ADB support (including public and private sector operations, advisory services, and knowledge) will focus on the following key operati

29、onal priorities. i. Addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities. ADB will increase the emphasis on human development and social inclusion to address the non-income dimensions of poverty. It will help facilitate quality job creation, including by small and medium-sized enterprises and incl

30、usive businesses. ADB will support DMCs to improve education and training outcomes, achieve better health for all, and strengthen social protection systems and service delivery for those in need. ii. Accelerating progress in gender equality. ADB will support targeted operations to empower women and

31、girls, gender mainstreaming that directly narrows gender gaps, and operations with some gender elements that incorporate a few gender equality actions in the design and implementation of ADB projects and programs. At least 75% of the number of ADBs committed operations (on a 3-year rolling average,

32、including sovereign and nonsovereign operations) will promote gender equality by 2030. iii. Tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability. ADB will scale up support in these areas. ADB will ensure that 75% of the number of its committed

33、 operations (on a 3-year rolling average, including sovereign and nonsovereign operations) will be supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation by 2030. Climate finance from ADBs own resources will reach $80 billion cumulatively from 2019 to 2030. iv. Making cities more livable. ADB will prov

34、ide integrated solutions to help build livable cities that are green, competitive, resilient, and inclusive. It will pursue crosscutting projects to promote urban health, urban mobility, gender equality, and environmental sustainability. ADB will help cities explore new and expand existing sources o

35、f funding, enhance inclusive and participatory urban planning, and integrate climate resilience and disaster risk management considerations into urban planning processes. v. Promoting rural development and food security. ADB will support efforts to improve market connectivity and agricultural value

36、chain linkages. It will help DMCs increase agricultural productivity and food security by boosting farm and nonfarm incomes, promoting the adoption of advanced technologies and climate-smart agricultural practices, and supporting the improvement of natural resource management standards. It will also

37、 help DMCs enhance food safety. vi. Strengthening governance and institutional capacity. ADB will support public management reforms to help DMCs improve governance and create an enabling environment for sustainable growth. It will help countries build resilience and respond to economic shocks, stren

38、gthen service delivery, and improve capacity and standards. ADB will uphold environmental and social safeguards, adhere to fiduciary standards, and implement anticorruption measures in all its projects and programs. vii. Fostering regional cooperation and integration. ADB will enhance connectivity i

39、n the region and the competitiveness of DMCs. It will increase support for regional public goods and collective actions to mitigate cross-border risks such as climate change, pollution, energy and water security, and communicable and infectious diseases. ADB will also enhance financial sector cooper

40、ation and strengthen subregional initiatives, including through facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration, and working with emerging initiatives. vii ADB will expand its private sector operations, to reach one-third of its total operations in number by 2024. ADB will pursue development impact

41、 as the key objective of its private sector operations. It will also ensure profitability and commercial sustainability. ADB will expand and diversify its private sector operations in new and frontier markets, such as fragile and conflict- affected situations and small island developing states. ADB

42、will use private equity funds to extend its reach and scale up support for publicprivate partnerships. It will also increase the number of its private sector staff in the field. ADB will catalyze and mobilize financial resources for development. ADB will strengthen collaboration with multilateral, b

43、ilateral, and private sector partners. It will seek finance from commercial and concessional sources. ADB will target a substantial increase in long- term cofinancing by 2030, with every $1 in financing for its private sector operations matched by $2.50 of long-term cofinancing. To catalyze investme

44、nts, it will use publicprivate partnerships, improve the business environment in DMCs, and enhance DMCs domestic resource mobilization. ADB will strengthen its role as a knowledge provider. ADB will work closely with DMCs to identify their needs and produce the most relevant knowledge products and s

45、ervices. It will incentivize staff to integrate the best available knowledge with financing and institutional capacity building throughout the operational cycle. ADB will proactively engage in research, provide high- quality policy advice to DMCs, strengthen DMCs institutional capacity in addressing

46、 development issues and delivering projects, and expand its knowledge partnerships. It will also promote knowledge generation and sharing across the organization and the region. ADB will continue to strive to be stronger, better, and faster. It will ensure a robust resource base to support its futur

47、e operations. ADB will strengthen its human resources and deepen its country presence, through stronger resident missions. It will improve its products and instruments. ADB will pursue dramatic modernization of its business processes (including timely and value-for-money procurement and greater use

48、of country systems) and accelerate its digital transformation. It will strengthen collaboration with civil society organizations in designing, implementing, and monitoring projects. To operationalize the strategy, ADB will develop operational plans for the seven priority areas to articulate the stra

49、tegic focus, specific areas of engagement, approaches, and broad skills requirements. Country partnership strategies will further refine priorities at the country level. The work program and budget framework process will be strengthened and used to align the annual work plan and resourcing with operational priorities. A new corporate results framework will be developed and updated to monitor and measure implementation progress. ADB will continue to report annually on institutional performance using the results framework. ADB will institute a “One ADB”



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