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COVID9: 建设智能企业以创造敏捷性和弹性 -埃森哲(英文版)(22页).pdf

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COVID9: 建设智能企业以创造敏捷性和弹性 -埃森哲(英文版)(22页).pdf

1、NOWNEXTCOVID-19: What to do Now, What to do Next April 2020 Building the Intelligent Enterprise Learning from COVID-19 to create lasting agility and resiliency 2 Were all in this together COVID-19 has turned into a global crisis, evolving at unprecedented speed and scale. It is creating a universal

2、imperative for governments and organizations to take immediate action to protect their people. It is now one of the biggest global eventsand challengesof our lifetime. As such, it is changing human attitudes and behaviors today and forcing organizations to respond. However, the need to respond wont

3、end when the viruss immediate threat eventually recedes. 3 The COVID-19 crisis has created an imperative to accelerate corporations adoption of agile ways of working, and value chain transformation. These new ways of working and transformations offer a chance to fundamentally reimagine the nature of

4、 work, workforce and workplace. The Intelligent Enterprise has never been more critical and meaningful than it is today. BUSINESS MODEL (Products they are flexing intelligent characteristics they built over the past two to three years, built in response to the increasing pace of change. Accenture re

5、search shows 75% of businesses feel the pace of disruption has increased over the past three years,193% of companies say their very existence is jeopardized by operating models that cant keep pace 2, and 63% of executives cite slow decision-making as a barrier to agility.3 Learning from fast respond

6、ers 7 In a nutshell The measures companies are putting in place to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic are forcing the adoption of Intelligent Enterprise trends. Companies should consider more than just the urgent needs of the NOWthey should accelerate the build of an Intelligent Enterprise for the NEX

7、T and to outmaneuver uncertainty in the new normal or, more accurately, the NEVER NORMAL. 8 Building an Intelligent Enterprise to withstand the test of time 9 CEOs should focus on three foundational elements to build an Intelligent Enterprise If CEOs are playing it right, their companies can emerge

8、stronger. How can I make my enterprise agile and resilient? How can I rethink my end-to-end value chains? How can I reimagine the way we work and partner? 10 01010202 0303 Agile operating models that help enable rapid responsiveness and ensure their people feel safe, connected, and seen. Many compan

9、ies are quickly standing up crisis command centers to enable the virtual, digital workforce and agile, multi-disciplinary teams to focus on critical business issues. Many capabilities built now will endure to be scaled in the future. End-to-end value chains to ensure continuity now and to structure

10、for greater resiliency. Short-term, customer and supply channels are being shored up and ecosystem partners are rapidly being called upon for surge capacity or business survival. As business leaders take the lessons from NOW to prepare for NEXT, they are refreshing their ecosystems and alliances, di

11、stribution channels and integrated planning, and forecasting capabilities to de-risk, diversify, and localize in the interest of more resilient value chains. They are also evaluating and increasing their technology systems resilience. The white space that now exists for the reimagination of work and

12、 business processes. The crisis is challenging our assumptions of what work is critical, what work requires proximity to products, customers and/or business leaders, and who of our ecosystem and alliance partners are resilient and prepared for crises. Companies responses during the crisis will redef

13、ine the speed at which organizations can move to innovate, pivot, invest, decide, and reorganize. All of these learnings will form the foundations for the future of work in the NEVER NORMAL. ENTERPRISE AGILITY AND RESILIENCE RETHINK END-TO-END VALUE CHAINS REIMAGINE THE WAYS WE WORK AND PARTNER Ente

14、rprise Agility and ResilienceEnterprise Agility and Resilience Create an environment where people feel safe, connected, and seen Equip and enable safe and secure workers and teams Now (physical distancing, NOT social distancing). The immediate reaction to ensure enterprise resiliency should be estab

15、lishing adequate tooling, network bandwidth, and cyber-security to enable remote working for close to 100 percent of the organization. The ability of organizations to put this in place quickly, or leverage existing technology and cloud-based systems, especially in the services industries, can create

16、 a large chasm between winners and losers. Sustain a culture of empathy and collaboration in the Next and Never Normal. Leaders should be empathetic. Connected. Actively supporting and encouraging new ways of working. New cultures of collaboration are forming, leveraging the best thinking and skills

17、 regardless of where they reside, in a more inclusive way than ever before. This will likely force a shift in leadership behaviors, yielding positive long-term results for cultures of innovation and collaboration. Scale flexible working in the Next and Never Normal to become a more human, liquid ent

18、erprise. Today people are balancing working remotely with schooling their children, preparing food for their families, and taking care of relatives. All intertwined in the workday. Some people will perform work outside the standard business day. Carrying forward this culture of flexible, personalize

19、d working can empower people and build trust and agility. Our research shows that workers share two overarching needs that take precedence over all else: A leadership team that is focused on compassion and the care of its people Confidence in their companys capabilities to navigate the future5 45% o

20、f U.S. employees strongly agree that their organization cares about their overall well-being 39% strongly agree that their employer has communicated a clear plan of action in response to COVID-194 Accenture research shows that only Leaders being compassionate, visible, and transparent is critical no

21、t only to keeping the business going during the crisis, but to full recovery after things stabilize.6 11 0101 12 Convert your crisis command center to a productivity analytics center in the Next and Never Normal The focus for Intelligent Enterprises Now is the mobilization of command centers to mana

22、ge the impact of COVID-19 on the business including safe and secure people, movement of goods and services and management of liquidity These capabilities assembled with urgency should evolve into a productivity analytics center capable of using leading indicators to predict and react to future crise

23、s that may come with greater frequency Post-COVID productivity analytics center capabilities include: Monitoring productivity by running process mining and other business process management tools as employees perform daily work tasks Providing digital tools and training to improve employee experienc

24、es, promote collaboration, and enable rapid reskilling Redistributing workload across the ecosystem based on better matching work volumes with the competencies and capacity across the global network Identifying tasks that can be eliminated/automated Using organizational analytics to establish contin

25、uous org hacking-as-a-service, using an analytics partner like Microsofts Workplace Analytics To keep customers connected, a large telecommunications company launched six new Command Centers leveraging collaboration tools and automation. These centers met new demand for the fast delivery of increase

26、d bandwidth, new circuits, and unified communication services. Technology-enabled productivity command centers,used by organizations like Accenture to manage their global delivery network, will become more commonplace as Intelligent Enterprises manage the performance of work across all offices and e

27、nsure resilient performance in times of crisis. Enterprise Agility and ResilienceEnterprise Agility and Resilience0101 13 Based on Accentures research with the World Economic Forum, organizations of the future are less hierarchical, more liquid, and increasingly project- or task-based. They bring mu

28、lti-disciplinary teams together in a fluid manner around customer experiences, products, and market growth. This agility has clear benefits: agile organizations have 16% long-term EBITDA growth compared with 6% for non-agile ones.7 Our research showed that operational agility is an outcome when the

29、right combination of intelligent characteristicshuman, living, enhanced, liquid, and modularis applied to an organization.8The COVID-19 crisis is proving that these organizing constructs can quickly assemble and businesses can move faster than they previously imagined. Build agile, issue-based teams

30、, then scale to focus on business outcomes Focus Now on establishing issue-based pods: multi-disciplinary, agile teams focused on addressing specific and timely business issues. Launch pods on topics like liquidity management, supply chain fulfillment, working capital, cash conversion, and demand su

31、rge capacity A large Multiple System Operator pulled together cross-functional teams to focus on building and managing chatbots to address increased demand and answer basic questions In the Next and Never Normal, scale teams into ongoing agile pods focused on business outcomes and organized by marke

32、t or product. Scale agile teams and ecosystems enabled by technology to adopt new ways of working, bringing teams together across industries, functions, and domains to focus on the achievement of strategic business outcomes Examples could include customer experience redesign, new go-to-market produc

33、t and channel ideation, customer issue resolution process, policy and technology development Working through agile pods helps break down functional silos, organizational hierarchies, and corporate bureaucracies and can drive profitability, innovation and engagement Enterprise Agility and ResilienceE

34、nterprise Agility and Resilience0101 76% of business leaders agree that current business models will be unrecognizable in the next 5 yearsecosystems will be the main change agent10 94% of Fortune 1000 companies experienced supply chain disruptions11 Rethink EndRethink End- -toto- -End Value ChainsEn

35、d Value Chains 14 Evaluate your partners and lean into your ecosystem for rapid insight and innovation The crisis is proving overall ecosystem strategies should be adjusted Now and Next to better balance risk and drive innovation. Companies diagnosed why current ecosystem strategies struggled to res

36、pond to COVID-19. Too singly dependent? Too diversified? Too global? Too complex? Now is the time to reconsider traditional ecosystem partners like supply chain and distribution partners who failed to meet business needs and seek to build new partnerships with those that stepped up to the challenge

37、to minimize disruption (e.g., revising order minimums, reducing SKUs, speeding up delivery) The most resilient organizations expanded ecosystem partnerships to provide new value to their customers: leveraging partners to offer curb-side pick-up or expanded delivery platforms, or providing data about

38、 consumer spending habits to better meet demand Consider more creative partnershipsunexpected partnerships are emerging, such as between manufacturing firms and academia to aid the production of ventilators and other protective equipment, or coopetition relationships used to share talent and capacit

39、y Executives believe that ecosystem participation allows businesses to9: INNOVATE INCREASE REVENUE GROWTH ASSESS NEW MARKETS ACCESS NEW CUSTOMERS 63% 58% 55% 55% 0202 15 Many organizations have taken actions to build agility into their value chains: A microchip manufacturer introduced new suppliers

40、in January based on early news of COVID-19, to build a surplus inventory that has helped mitigate disruption A multi-national fast food company shifted its marketing and promotional strategy a week into the COVID-19 crisis to target delivery services and options to tie better to changing customer de

41、mands A major benefits and insurance provider is developing a real-time response system, supported by AI, which will continuously scan job boards, credit reporting services and social media for insights on more than 25 million customers Build an agile value chain Develop and execute an agile supply

42、chain strategy that uses demand sensing intelligence, localization, and product flow optimization to become more fluid Bolster business continuity planning by diversifying across the supply chain and distribution channels, modes of transportation, ecosystem and alliance partners, and becoming increa

43、singly localized The holistic value chain (including marketing, sales, and support functions) should embrace new and existing data streams to sense and adapt to changing market dynamics faster (e.g., shifts in buying patterns and channels) Sharpen insights by connecting different data across sales a

44、nd operations for the Never Normal Integrating sales and operations will allow demand and supply planning to be powered by predictive and prescriptive analytics, and a team empowered to bring forward critical business insights Many organizations are identifying and integrating new data streams (e.g.

45、, social media, web posted job boards, application usage and location data) to better sense the market, as traditional demand signals have proven unreliable Leveraging enterprise analytics platforms can make insights more readily available. This capability is required for successwe call it “sensors

46、at the edges” Rethink EndRethink End- -toto- -End Value ChainsEnd Value Chains0202 Reimagine the Ways We Work Reimagine the Ways We Work and Partnerand Partner 16 AB InBev, Dyson, Ford, General Electric, LVMH, and 3M are among many organizations that pivoted a majority of their capabilities to produ

47、ce healthcare PPE for hospitals around the globe.12, 13, 14, 15 Some shifts have the potential to be more permanent. Pfizer is opening up all of their labs and R&D to the industry to reimagine themselves as an R&D platform company, allowing their broader ecosystem access to their tools and publishin

48、g all results publicly.16 Ford is looking to bring the same speed and agility they brought to ventilator production into their next-generation automobile production.17 Re-baseline speed to market COVID-19 united organizations around a common purpose that allowed them to move with remarkable speed as

49、 they redirected manufacturing capabilities, rerouted distribution networks, leveraged technology and accelerated innovation to produce needed healthcare supplies (sometimes in a matter of days) These experiences have shown the creativity and pace that is possible, with large companies behaving more like start-ups (launching first, then perfecting) In the future, companies should hold themselves to a new standard for pace, risk tolerance, and experimentation, where agile models with distributed decision making, powered by technology (e.g., cloud, enhanced intellig



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