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2020-2021全球呼吁报告 (英文版).pdf

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2020-2021全球呼吁报告 (英文版).pdf


2、HCRs mission with key facts and planning targets 6 Foreword by the High Commissioner and the Special Envoys message 10 Transformative initiatives UNHCRs initiatives to adapt its way of working, diversify its partnerships and better deliver on its mandate 10 The eight pillars of UNHCRs transformation

3、 12 The Global Refugee Forum 14 Risk management and integrity 16 Strengthening UNHCRs engagement in internal displacement situations 22 UNHCRs campaigns and Goodwill Ambassadors 24 Global Strategic Priorities Priority areas of concern for UNHCR in 2020-2021 30 UNHCRs 2020-2021 financial requirements

4、 50 Decentralization and regionalization RE G I ON AL SUM M ARI ES 52 East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes 60 Southern Africa 68 West and Central Africa 76 The Americas 84 Asia and the Pacific 92 Europe 100 The Middle East and North Africa THEMATIC CHAP TERS 108 Safeguarding fundamental right

5、s 110 Legal protection frameworks 112 Identifying international protection needs and national asylum systems 114 Protecting and promoting human rights 116 Addressing and responding to mixed movements 118 Preventing and ending statelessness 120 Registration, documentation and profiling 122 Community-

6、based protection 124 Child protection, youth engagement and empowerment 126 Gender equality 128 Persons at heightened risk 130 Responding with lifesaving support 132 Emergency preparedness and response 134 Global supply management 136 Prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence 138 C

7、ash-based interventions 140 Public health 142 Nutrition and food security 144 Water, sanitation and hygiene 146 Shelter and settlements 148 Building better futures 150 Local integration and voluntary repatriation 152 Resettlement and complementary pathways 156 Access to quality education 158 Livelih

8、oods and economic inclusion 160 Cities and urban refugees 162 Energy and environmental protection A NNEXES 164 Member States of UNHCRs Executive Committee and Parties to the Refugee and Statelessness Conventions 166 Acronyms This Global Appeal provides information for governments, private donors, pa

9、rtners and other readers interested in UNHCRs priorities and budgeted activities for the 2020-2021 biennium to protect and improve the lives of tens of millions of people of concern: refugees, internally displaced people, returnees, stateless persons, and others of concern. It highlights the challen

10、ges faced by UNHCR and its partners in attempting to respond to multiple life-threatening crises and ever-growing humanitarian needs. The Global Focus websitehttp:/reporting.unhcr.orgis UNHCRs main operational reporting platform for donors. Regularly updated, it complements and augments information

11、in the Global Appeal with greater detail on UNHCR operations, data on key operational themes and objectives, and in-depth information on UNHCRs budgets, funding and expenditure. It also contains a glossary of technical terms used throughout this publication. UNHCR GLOBAL APPEAL 2020-2021 54 UNHCR GL

12、OBAL APPEAL 2020-2021 MISSION The High Commissioner for Refugees is mandated by the United Nations to lead and coordinate international action for the worldwide protection of refugees and the resolution of refugee problems. As of November 2019, 149 States are parties to the 1951 Convention relating

13、to the Status of Refugees and/or to its 1967 Protocol. UNHCRs primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. In its efforts to achieve this objective, the Office strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, and t

14、o return home voluntarily. By assisting refugees to return to their own country or to settle permanently in another country, UNHCR also seeks lasting solutions to their plight. UNHCRs Executive Committee (102 Member States as of November 2019) and the UN General Assembly have authorized involvement

15、with other groups. These include former refugees who have returned to their homeland, internally displaced people, and persons who are stateless or whose nationality is disputed. As of November 2019, 93 States are parties to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and 74 to t

16、he 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. The Office seeks to reduce situations of forced displacement by encouraging States and other institutions to create conditions which are conducive to the protection of human rights and the peaceful resolution of disputes. In all of its activities

17、, it pays particular attention to the needs of children and seeks to promote the equal rights of women and girls. The Office carries out its work in collaboration with many partners, including governments, regional organizations, and international and non-governmental organizations. It is committed

18、to the principle of participation, believing that refugees and others who benefit from the Offices activities should be consulted over decisions which affect their lives. UNHCR IN 2020 Global presence (as of 31 October 2019) UNHCR is present in 134 countries with offices in 546 locations Mission Reg

19、istration 10 million individuals will be biometrically registered across 75 country operations. Statelessness 100,000 individuals will acquire nationality or have it confi rmed. Child protection 70% of unaccompanied or separated children will have a best interests process initiated or completed. Eme

20、rgency and core relief items 600,000 people of concern will receive core relief items, if needed, in countries afected by emergencies. Cash-based interventions $588 million in cash assistance will be delivered to people of concern across all operations. Health Under-fi ve mortality rate in refugee c

21、amps will be fewer than 1.5 deaths per 1,000 people a month. Food security and nutrition The prevalence of global acute malnutrition among children 6-59 months old in refugee camps will be under 10%. Water, hygiene and sanitation 45% of the assisted population will have access to at least 20 liters

22、of safe water per day. Shelter 250,000 people of concern in at least 40 countries will be living in a Refugee Housing Unit. Education 1.9 million children will be enrolled in primary education. 182,900 students will be enrolled in lower and upper secondary education. 12,800 people of concern will re

23、ceive tertiary education scholarships. Resettlement 1.44 million people will be in need of resettlement, 7% of the global refugee population. Energy and environmental protection 2.5 million people of concern will have access to a sustainable source of electricity. 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2019 Unit

24、: million PROJECTION in 2020-2021CURRENT 202020201320122011 82.5 million: planning fi gure for people of concern (end of 2020) $8.668 billion global budget Field 84% Global programmes 6% Headquarters 2% Reserves7% JPOs0.1% 12,7104,704 GLOBAL WORKFORCESTAFF MEMBERSAFFILIATE WORK

25、FORCE* 17,414 * UNVs, individual contractors and consultants hired through UNOPS or directly, deployees, secondees and interns. UNHCR GLOBAL APPEAL 2020-2021 7 OVERVIEW | FOREWORD BY HIGH COMMISSIONER FILIPPO GRANDI 6 UNHCR GLOBAL APPEAL 2020-2021 OVERVIEW | FOREWORD BY HIGH COMMISSIONER FILIPPO GRA

26、NDI The High Commissioners Foreword UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi meets young refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo at a safe space for girls in Mantapala settlement, Zambia, operated by UNHCRs partner, CARE International. Forced displacement owing to conflict, violen

27、ce and persecution continues to rise, with the number of people of concern to UNHCR increasing. Their plight is part of a broader flow of human mobility, driven by many overlapping elements: resource-based and other conflicts that often transcend borders; growing inequality; the exploitation of ethn

28、ic, religious and other divisions by unscrupulous political leaders; and collapsing eco-systems and weather-related disasters. Refugees emerge from these widening fault-linesa warning sign of things going wrong. And tackling forced displacement and its complex root causesfrom providing lifesaving su

29、pport, to safeguarding fundamental rights, and to building better futurescalls for a bigger, broader ambition than we have recently managed. This was the vision which shaped the development of the Global Compact on Refugees, and which is driving the application of the new comprehensive refugee respo

30、nse model. The Compact will be central to UNHCRs work, together with our partners, in the coming biennium. The new model recognizes that the most profound consequences of forced displacement are still in the countries neighbouring crisis zonesoverwhelmingly poor or middle income ones for whom the im

31、pact is particularly significant, especially as conflicts become protracted. Their efforts to uphold asylum must be matched through more substantial and sustained international support to bolster education systems, health facilities, infrastructure, and the economies of impacted countries, and build

32、 the resilience of host communities. Humanitarian action remains vital to saving lives and ensuring protection for those in need. But it must be complemented, from the outset, by development investments. Here, there have been enormous strides, not least through the engagement of the World Bank and s

33、everal others, but we should not underestimate the challenges in terms of modalities, timing, amount of resources, and other aspects. Looking ahead, this will continue to require dedicated attention, building on the important results already achieved. The question of how to advance voluntary repatri

34、ation and other solutions, particularly in the absence of political settlements and a definitive end to hostilities, remains a pressing concern. UNHCR will continue its ongoing dialogue with refugees on the complex factors that influence their decisions, as well as working with governments to help c

35、reate the conditions paving the way for returns. These must be voluntary and sustainable. And where we do see peace processes emerging, we will step up our work towards solutions for the displaced accordingly. Resettlement continues to save lives and offer stability to the most vulnerable refugees.

36、Yet, while some countries are stepping up their programmes, the overall number of places has regrettably dropped. Our new three-year strategy is designed to intensify efforts and expand private sector and community involvement. We will also continue to step up our engagement with the more than 41 mi

37、llion conflict-affected IDPs around the world, and to better align our efforts to advance solutions for refugees and IDPs. Our new policy on internal displacement reflects this firm and revitalized commitment, placing particular emphasis on protection leadership, and aligning our interventions with

38、those of our partners. Responses to “mixed flows” of refugees and migrants also continue to present complex challenges, and to generate divisive political debatesoften whipped up by those least ready to offer practical solutions. UNHCR will continue to work with governments, IOM and others to promot

39、e practical arrangements that preserve life and safeguard the dignity and rights of all those on the move, while ensuring access to international protection for those with valid claims. Public confidence in asylum and migration management must be reinforced through fast and fair procedures, investme

40、nts in integration for those with a right to stay, and arrangements for the return of those who do not qualify for international protection or other stay arrangements. Legal migration pathways can also help prevent the abuse of asylum systems as substitutes of migration channels. UNHCR/Will Swanson

41、UNHCR GLOBAL APPEAL 2020-2021 9 OVERVIEW | SPECIAL ENVOY 8 UNHCR GLOBAL APPEAL 2020-2021 OVERVIEW | FOREWORD BY HIGH COMMISSIONER FILIPPO GRANDI “Today we need that humanity more than ever, and rational thinking from people who are unafraid to take responsibility and show leadership.” Angelina Jolie

42、, UNHCR Special Envoy UNHCR/Andrew McConnell The Special Envoy With over 18 years of service to UNHCR and more than 65 field missions, Angelina Jolie remains steadfastly committed to refugees. In the coming year, she will remain one of UNHCRs staunchest advocates, with her support going beyond that

43、of regular field missions on behalf of UNHCR to include her role as a contributing editor on refugee issues in Time Magazine. Continuing her focus on the plight of Venezuelans, following their meeting with the President of Colombia, the Special Envoy and the UNHCR Deputy High Commissioner assessed t

44、he human impact of a mounting exodus for themselves. Speaking from Maicao, some ten kilometers from the Venezuelan border, at a center providing highly vulnerable people with emergency assistance, the Special Envoy appealed for greater leadership and humanity. “Leadership is about taking responsibil

45、ity, as generations before us took up their responsibility to address threats to peace and security and build a rules-based world order. We need that kind of leadership again now, urgently. “In the meantime, it is not possible to put a value on the support that Colombia and Peru and Ecuador are givi

46、ng to the people of Venezuela, because it is the core of what it is to be human. “The human response is to not turn a blind eye. It is to acknowledge your fellow men and women and their suffering. It is to work towards solutions, no matter how hard. And above all, the human response is not to blame

47、a victim of war or violence for their circumstances, or for their requests for help for their defenseless children.” UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie meets children who fled the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the Integrated Assistance Centre, in Maicao, Colombia. Climate-related causes are a

48、growing factor in todays population flows. UNHCR highlights relevant legal frameworks and the protection gaps that may result from climate-driven cross-border displacement, helps steer the legal and normative debate, and supports governments to provide protection-based responses. We will continue to

49、 reduce the environmental impact of refugee crises through renewable energy, reforestation, and access to clean fuels and technology for cooking, guided by our new energy strategy. Conscious that our own operational footprint has an environmental impact, we are taking action accordingly. As we enter the second half of UNHCRs ten-year #IBelong campaign to end statelessness, we will also work with States and other partners to accelerate efforts, building on the pledges made at the High-Level Segment of the 2019 Executive Committe



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