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1、A Research Study Conducted by R3 and SCOPEN since 2006 该研究始于2006年,由胜三和SCOPEN联手开展 8th edition, 2020 第八版,2020年 China Agency Scope 中国营销趋势研究 2020 nMpQqQrPnMsOqRpNrMqPmRaQ9R7NmOnNoMoOkPoPpNkPmNnO7NpOqOwMmMzQNZqQnP ZERO-BASED BUDGETING AGENCY SCOPE is a biennial research on trends shaping marketer-agency

2、relationships and the perception and image of those agencies. This R3-SCOPEN 2020 AGENCY SCOPE report is the 8th edition for China, and in this edition, we interviewed professionals from 242 different companies. The primary value of AGENCY SCOPE is to provide agencies with first-hand information reg

3、arding the needs of their clients. The report acts as a reference point for agencies to improve and provide new services as it covers trends in the communications and marketing sector and compares the perception and image of their agency to other Chinese agencies. AGENCY SCOPE is conducted in 12 mar

4、kets around the world (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, and the United Kingdom), which enables us to include global benchmarks in some key aspects. introduction 营销趋势研究是一项两年一度的趋势研究,旨在通 过了解市场主-代理商关系,深入分析代理商的市 场看法和实际表现。2020中国营销趋势研究是在 中国

5、发表的第八版,此次在中国开展的调研中, 我们共采集到了来自242家不同企业的市场营销专 业人士的意见。 营销趋势研究的主要价值是向订阅代理商提供关于 其客户需求的第一手信息。 作为一项独特的工具,本研究能够帮助代理商优化 服务和开拓新的业务。报告涵盖了营销传播的核心 发现及市场趋势,体现了市场主对代理商的看法, 并与其竞争对手进行比较。 类似的调研也在全球范围内的其他12个市场同步开 展(包括阿根廷,巴西,智利,中国,哥伦比亚, 印度,墨西哥,葡萄牙,新加坡,南非,西班牙及 英国),因此我们在一些关键指标上会与全球市场 的表现进行比较。 GREG PAULL Principal, R3 包贵革

6、 胜三总裁 CSAR VACCHIANO CEO, SCOPEN 万盛安 SCOPEN 总裁/首席行政官 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS therefore, open and honest feedback is critical. With an effective evaluation process in place, there should be a mechanism to identify issues and put into place plans for improvement. The agency should be give

7、n feedback and a fair chance to improve performance. When all else fails and a pitch is inevitable, our most valuable learning is time. Dont underestimate the time and complexity of the pitch process, and if a pitch is called, be open and transparent with current partners. R3-SCOPEN 最佳实践 代理商面临的最大挑战始

8、终是如何满足市场主的期望,我们的研究显示, 市场主满意度有待提高。但即便是最稳定的关系,也会面临各种问题的威 胁,因此开放,坦诚的反馈至关重要。 建立有效的评估流程后,应该设立“发现问题”的机制,并制定相应的改 进方案。市场主应该向代理商提供反馈,并给予他们提升表现的机会。 如果各种努力及尝试皆无效,不得不进行比稿时,最需要注意的就是时间, 不要低估比稿流程所需的时间及复杂程度,如果确实要比稿,请务必对当前 的合作伙伴做到公开透明。 7 Knowledge, Strategic Planning & Creativity-Innovation Are Qualities Marketers M

9、ention Most When Defining the Ideal Agency 当定义 “理想” 代理商时, 专业知识, 策略规划及创新能力是首要能力要求 When a pitch is called, marketers at the shortlist stage list specific criteria for creative agencies, including: creativity, expertise and reputation, all of which are ranked highly in the 2020 wave of the study. For i

10、ntegrated agencies, 30.4% of respondents mentioned creativity and innovation as a reason to add an agency to the shortlist, an increase from 20% in 2018. They also mentioned the agencys expertise or experience, and reputation and prestige (10% and 9.6%, respectively). Previous working relationships

11、has seen a decrease in importance, signifying the increasing importance of capabilities and reputation when creating a shortlist. 当发起比稿的时候,市场主应该在短名单阶段为入围的创意代理商列清 具体评估标准,包括:创意性,专业性和声誉。以上是2020年研究中 被提及频次最高的属性。对于整合营销代理商,30.4%的受访者提到创 意和创新能力是代理商入围短名单的因素之一,这个比例相较2018年 的20%有所提升。 市场主同样提及了代理商的专业性和经验性,以及声誉(10%


13、CIES 媒介代理商 #1 Strategic Planning 策略规划 Implementation, Execution 执行力 Digital Expertise 数字专项能力 Knowledge (Market, Client, Brand) 知识和理解力(市场,客户, 品牌) #2 Knowledge (Market, Client, Brand) 知识和理解力(市场,客户, 品牌) Professional Team Knowledge (Market, Client, Brand) 专业团队 知识和理解力(市场,客户, 品牌) Creativity / Innovative I

14、deas 创新/革新想法 Strategic Planning 策略规划 #3 Creativity / Innovative Ideas 创意/革新想法 Professional Team Knowledge (Market, Client, Brand) 专业团队 知识和理解力(市场,客户, 品牌) Digital Knowledge 数字营销知识 Good Media Negotiations 良好媒体谈判能力 When probed on their communication agency selection criteria, knowledge of market, client

15、 and brand topped the list of key attributes marketers wanted. For the ideal media agency, 33% of marketers surveyed rank knowledge of the brand, media and client most highly, whilst 32% of marketers rank strategy media planning as a good characteristic. Marketers expected BTL agencies to offer stro

16、ng implementation and execution, as was mentioned by 45.8% of respondents. Digital agencies needed strong allround digital capabilities, as scored by 28.4% of respondents, a significant decline from 46.7% in 2018 as research/data/tools and expertise in social media showed an increase in importance.

17、When asked to list the criteria in an ideal integrated agency, marketers also ranked: Creativity/Innovation, Agency Size, Efficient Implementation and Execution, as well as Account Servicing Capability key demands. 当问到受访客户对于营销传播代理商的选择标准时,对于市场及品牌的知识与理解是最关键的能力。当问到理想媒介代理商时,33%的受访客户更看重对于品牌、 媒介和客户业务理解能力,

18、32%受访客户将媒介策略规划列为优良的特质。 45.8%的市场主期待线下/市场营销服务代理商能够有扎实的执行力, 对于数字专项代理商,只有28.4%的受访客户表示需要全方位的数字营销能力,这一比例, 相较于2018年,下降了18.3%, 主要因为客户越来越关注调研/数据/工具以及社交媒体的专项能力。 当受访者被要求列出一个理想整合营销代理商标准时,我们发现创造力/创新能力,适当的规模,有效的实施和执行力,以及客户服务是关键需求。 23 china agency Scope 2020 AGENCY SELECTION 选拔代理商 Characteristics of the Ideal Comm

19、unication Agency “理想”营销传播代理商特质 Knowledge (Market, Client, Brand) 对市场、客户及品牌的了解 Creativity / Innovation 创新/革新 Good Implementation and Execution 良好的执行力 Strategic Planning 策略规划 Good Account Service 优秀的客户服务 Digital Capabilities 数字营销能力 Good Professional Team 优秀专业的代理商团队 Adequate Agency Size 代理商规模 ROI (Effi

20、ciency / Effectiveness) 投资回报率(效率及效果) Internal Processes / Working Methods 内部流程/工作方式 Integrated Services Offering 全方位整合营销服务 Research, Data, Tools 调研、数据分析、工具 Agencys Previous Experience and Expertise 过往经验及专业知识 Branded Content Expertise 品牌内容营销能力 Social Media 社交媒体 Meeting Deadlines 及时交付成果 Good Value for

21、 Money / Reasonable Fee, Cost 物有所值/合理的报 价及成本 Other 其他 DK/NA 不知道/无答案 0554045 Only figures 5% in 2020 are shown Bases: MARKETING & PROCUREMENT PROFESSIONALS WORK WITH COMMUNICATION AGENCIES in 2020 (282/36). Spontaneous Question. Data in Percentages (%). AVERAGE OF MENTIONS 平均提及数: 1.7/2.3 M

22、ARKETING 市场部 PROCUREMENT 采购部 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 24 AGENCY SELECTION 选拔代理商 Characteristics of the Ideal Media Agency “理想”媒介代理商特质 MEDIA AGENCIES 50 25 0 GLOBALMEXICOUKCHINAINDIASOUTH AFRICA Good Media Negotiations 良好的谈判能力 Strategic Planning 策略规划 Knowledge (Media, mar

23、ket) 知识(媒介,市场) Media Planning 媒介规划 Account service 客户服务与团队 Research, Data, Tools 调研、数据分析及 工具 ROI 投资回报率 Creativity / Innovation 创新/革新 Honesty / Transparency 透明度 AGENCY SELECTION 选拔代理商 Characteristics of the Ideal Media Agency “理想”媒介代理商特质 Bases: MARKETING PROFESSIONALS WORK WITH MEDIA AGENCIES intervi

24、ewed in MEXICO, UK & INDIA in 2019. CHINA (97) & SOUTH AFRICA in 2020. Spontaneous Question. Data in Percentages (%). PROCUREMENT (MEDIA AGENCIES) Knowledge (Market, Client, Brand) 对市场、客户及品牌的了解 Strategic Planning 策略规划 Good Media Negotiations 良好的媒介谈判力 Adequate Agency Size / Resources 代理商规模/资源 Researc

25、h, Data, Tools 调研、数据分析、工具 Media Planning 媒体策划能力 Good Professional Team 优秀专业的代理商团队 Creativity / Innovation 创新/革新 ROI (Efficiency / Effectiveness) 投资回报率(效率及效果) Good Account Service 优秀的客户服务 Branded Content Expertise 品牌内容营销能力 Innovation (Digital / Business Transformation)革新(数字营销/业务转型) Integrated Service

26、s Offering 全方位整合营销服务 Agencys Previous Experience and Expertise 过往经验及专业知识 Honesty / Transparency 财务透明度 Other 其他 00 MARKETING 市场部 PROCUREMENT 采购部 Only figures 5% in 2020 are shown 25 china agency Scope 2020 R3-SCOPEN BEST PRACTICE Agency pitches are expensive and time-consuming, a pitch pro

27、cess can take up to 12 months or even more, and should be a last resort when all else has failed. Evaluate where you are, set measurable goals and benchmark for a successful pitch outcome. Define agency selection criteria in consultation with key stakeholders and include these in the agency RFP. R3-

28、SCOPEN 最佳实践 比稿需要耗费大量金钱和时间,比稿流程有时会持续12个月甚至更久, 应该作为在尝试其它措施均失败后的最后解决方案。 为使得比稿取得预期成果,我们需要评估品牌的现实状况,制定可衡量的 目标和基准,与相关内部团队共同商定代理商选择标准,并在比稿简报资 料中清晰说明要求。 8 Agency Pitch Remains The Most Popular Method for Selecting An Agency 比稿仍然是市场主甄选代理商伙伴的主要方式 Amongst those deciding to review their current agency relations

29、hips, 91.5% of respondents would use a pitch process to find a communications agency and 87.6% to source a media agency. 10.6% would use a workshop or chemistry sessions as part of the pitch process. Marketers confirm that direct assignments are more frequent in China than our 6-market global benchm

30、ark. 91.5%的市场主表示会通过比稿方式来甄选营销传播代理商,87.6%的 受访客户表示通过此方式来寻找媒介代理商。10.6%会通过研讨会或见 面会的方式来委任新的合作伙伴。不用比稿,直接委任的方式在中国也 越来越普及,这一比例高于全球其他六大市场的基准值。 AGENCY SELECTION 选拔代理商 WHAT METHOD DO YOU USE TO APPOINT A NEW AGENCY? 您会使用哪些方式来委任新的代理商? Communications Agencies 营销传播代理商 Media Agencies 媒介代理商 PITCH 比稿 WORKSHOP / CHEMI

31、STRY SESSION 与代理商的讨论会 NO PITCH (GLOBAL DECISION) 不用比稿 (直接委任/全球性决定) SELECTION BY CREDENTIALS 通过代理商的资历来选择 CONSULTANTS 通过咨询顾问公司进行挑选 TRIAL ASSIGNMENT / PROJECT 通过试验性的工作/项目 DK/NA 不知道/无答案 0255075100 91.5 10.6 8.5 7.47.4 2.5 0.7 1.4 PITCH 比稿 WORKSHOP / CHEMISTRY SESSION 与代理商的讨论会 NO PITCH (GLOBAL DECISION)

32、不用比稿 (直接委任/全球性决定) SELECTION BY CREDENTIALS 通过代理商的资历来选择 CONSULTANTS 通过咨询顾问公司进行挑选 TRIAL ASSIGNMENT / PROJECT 通过试验性的工作/项目 DK/NA 不知道/无答案 0255075100 87.6 11.3 8.2 7.2 3.1 2.1 1.0 2020201820202018 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 26 Communications Agencies 营销传播代理商 Media Agencies 媒介代理商

33、 DO YOU PAY AGENCIES PARTICIPATING IN A PITCH? 您会支付代理商比稿费吗? BASES: PITCH in 2018 (172) & 2020 (258). Data in Percentages (%). YES, ALWAYS 一定会 YES, BUT ONLY CREATIVE AGENCIES 只限创意代理商 NEVER 从来不会 88.6 4.1 7.3 0255075100 20202018 0255075100 YES, ALWAYS 一定会 NEVER 从来不会 87.7 12.3 20202018 R3-SCOPEN BEST PR

34、ACTICE Agency pitches involve a lot of work from the agency side, for which they are rarely reimbursed. If an agency is going to make a presentation, it has to be relevant and focused to stand out. For marketers, that means giving a clear brief and expectations, as well as having transparent selecti

35、on criteria. For agencies, that means taking the time to really understand the problem and to keep ideas and the solutions focused on the brands, otherwise it wont get the attention it deserves. R3-SCOPEN 最佳实践 在比稿过程中,代理商需要筹划许多工作,但他们很少得到报酬。 若代理商要竭尽全力做好提案,他们必须紧扣主题、切中要点。对于市场 主而言,这意味着他们需要提供清楚的需求简报及期望,同时

36、有透明清晰 的选择标准。代理商则需要花精力去真正了解核心问题,提供与品牌紧密 相关的创意和解决方案,否则就无法得到应有的关注。 27 china agency Scope 2020 9 Project-Base Remuneration Is Gaining Popularity, As Fee-Based Remuneration Continues To Find Less Favor 当项目制的合作关系越来越获得青睐, 选择年费制收费模式的品牌则日益稀少 Less than half of marketers remunerate their communications agencie

37、s with a fee retainer (48.7%), preferring to compensate agencies on a project basis. This reflects the decreasing popularity of the fee retainer model since the 2016 edition of this study. The data is different when we analyse media, integrated, BTL and digital agencies. Most marketers remunerate th

38、eir media agencies with fee retainers (68.2%), followed by remuneration on project basis (23.4%) and commission (10.3%). BTL agencies accounts are above total market average in terms of remuneration on a project basis (67.2%). Fee based remuneration for integrated agencies is higher than other agenc

39、ies (58.2% compared to 48.7% for all communication agencies). Only one third of marketers who work with BTL agencies remunerate them based on fee (34.3%). Digital agencies are also still remunerated on a project basis in China (58.3%). 有不到一半的(48.7%)市场主以年费合作方式支付其代理商,但他们更愿意以项目制方式付费给代理商。自2016年研究以来,年费模式

40、的受欢迎 程度不断下降。 当具体分析各类型代理商(媒介,整合营销,线下和数字专项)时,发现与媒介代理商合作上,68.2%的受访客户采用年费制,23.4%采用项目制以 及10.3%采用佣金制。 线下/市场营销服务代理商的合作模式大多是项目制,高于市场总体平均水平(67.2%),而整合营销代理商多以年费为基础,比例高于其他类型代理商 (58.2%)(全部代理商平均值为48.7%)。 仅有1/3的市场主与线下/市场营销服务代理商合作以年费为基础(34.3%). 在中国,数字专项代理商主要仍以项目制为主(58.3%) CLIENT-AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS 客户与代理商关系 Remun

41、eration Model (Fee-Commission-Project Based) 代理商薪酬模式 120 80 40 0 48.7 52.1 58.2 46.0 34.3 67.2 47.7 58.3 44.653.332.840.4ONLY FEE 只年费 0.40.3-0.7ONLY COMMISSION 只佣金 47.941.165.751.0ONLY PROJECT BASED 只项目 MODELS 混合形式 5,207,0005,513,9004,750,0005,056,800AVERAGE FEE (RMB) 平均年费 3,923,70


43、 PRACTICE Fees / Retainers are increasingly the standard method of agency remuneration based on a clearly defined scope of work. Clearly defining the agency role and workload becomes critical to ensure fair and reasonable payment. Setting clear, measurable objectives that contribute to business grow

44、th underpin both base payment and incentives. R3-SCOPEN 最佳实践 基于明确工作范畴为基础的固定年费制逐渐成为代理商付费的标准方式, 明确地界定代理商职责及工作范围,对于保证公正合理的付费非常关键。 设定清晰、可衡量、且能帮助品牌达成业务增长的目标,并以此作为薪酬 和奖金制度的基础。 10 88.9% of Procurement Teams Are Involved In the Entire Pitch Process 88.9%的采购部全程参与比稿及比价流程 Procurement is becoming increasingly i

45、nvolved in the agency selection and negotiation process, with 88.9% of respondents in China stating that procurement is involved in the entire pitch process in some way, making China the only market with a higher level of procurement involvement than the UK. Procurement departments felt that their c

46、ontributions to the pitch and negotiation process would be improved with better understanding of marketing needs, knowledge of agency experience and expertise, as well as overview of the agency ecosystem. 采购越来越多地参与到代理商的选择和谈判过程中,88.9%的受访者表示,采购在某种程度上参与了整个比稿过程。较2018年略有增加,中国是采 购部参与比稿管理最多的国家,位列第一,高于英国。 采

47、购同时表示,为了更好的进行比稿管理,采购同仁需要加强对于市场和代理商的经验,专项能力以及传播行业生态的理解。 NEGOTIATION PROCESS (SELECTING COMMUNICATION & MEDIA AGENCIES) 谈判过程(甄选营销传播和媒介代理商) IS YOUR AREA INVOLVED IN THE NEGOTIATION WITH YOUR AGENCIES? 作为采购人员,您是否参与和代理商的谈判过程 WHO MAKES THE DECISION TO BEGIN THE PITCH PROCESS? 哪个部门来决定启动一项比稿流程? 11.1 88.9 13

48、.9 YES, THROUGHT THE ENTIRE PROCESS 是的,我参与完整的比稿流程 YES, BUT ONLY IN THE NEGOTIATION 是的,只参与了谈判过程 MARKETING 市场部 PROCUREMENT 采购部 BOTH 两个部门同时参与 29 china agency Scope 2020 AGENCY SELECTION 选拔代理商 Negotiation Process (Selecting Communication Agencies) 谈判过程(选拔营销传播代理商) IS PROCUREMENT INVOLVED IN THE NEGOTIATI

49、ON WITH AGENCIES? 您的采购部会参与代理商合作的谈判过程吗? 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% GLOBAL 58.3 29.9 5.9 BRAZIL 54.5 29.9 3.4 MEXICO 10.0 26.0 45.9 UK 7.2 24.6 68.1 CHINA 4.3 14.2 77.7 INDIA 50.0 50.0 SOUTHAFRICA 34.7 53.6 10.4 YES 是 NO 否 WE DO NOT HAVE 我们没有采购部 DK/NA 不知道/无答案 R3-SCOPEN BEST PRACTICE Procurement departments often use many different agencies or suppliers. Managing these agency and supplier relationships is a core function for procurement teams and doing so successfully remains a significant challenge. Marketing sourcing team leaders need to understand the dynamics of the marke



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