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EPO:2017年欧洲专利申请年度报告 (英文版)(9页).pdf

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EPO:2017年欧洲专利申请年度报告 (英文版)(9页).pdf

1、1 Annual Report 2017 - At a glance Annual Report 2017 Statistics at a glance Total European patent applications This graph shows the geographic origin of the European patent applications1 filed with the EPO. The geographic origin of the file is determined by the country of residence of the first app

2、licant listed on the application form (first-named applicant principle2). 200162017 US 26% JP 13% CN 5% KR 4% Others 5% +4.8%+3.2%- 0.4%+3.9%- 0.4% 165 590 EPO states3 47% Source: EPO. Status: 22.1.2018. 1 European patent applications include direct European applications and international

3、 (PCT) applications that entered the European phase during the reporting period. 2 In cases where several applicants are mentioned on the application form, the country of residence of the first applicant listed applies. 3 EPO states: the 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation, which in

4、cludes the 28 states of the EU. More information on 2017 statistics at www.epo.org/statistics-indicators2017 Annual Report 2017 - At a glance 2 Origin of the European patent applications This graph shows the geographic origin of the European patent applications1 determined by the country of residenc

5、e of the first applicant listed on the application form (first-named applicant principle2). Country Change20162017 DE1.9%25 49025 012 FR 0.5%10 55910 504 CH0.6%7 2837 241 IT4.3%4 3524 172 GB2.4%5 3135 188 NL2.7%7 0436 857 SE4.9%3 7283 555 Other EPO states36.8%14 53913 611 US5.8%42 30039 998 JP3.5%21

6、 71220 986 CN 16.6%8 3307 142 KR -8.2%6 2616 821 Others 5.5%8 6808 229 US 26% Other EPO States3 10% JP 13% KR 4% CN 5% Others 5% DE 15% FR 6% NL 4% CH 4% GB 3% IT 3% SE 2% More information on 2017 statistics at www.epo.org/statistics-indicators2017 Source: EPO. Status: 22.1.2018. 1 European patent a

7、pplications include direct European applications and international (PCT) applications that entered the European phase during the reporting period. 2 In cases where several applicants are mentioned on the application form, the country of residence of the first applicant listed applies. 3 EPO states:

8、the 38 member states of the European Patent Organisation, which includes the 28 states of the EU. 3 Annual Report 2017 - At a glance Top technical fields based on European patent applications This page shows the number of European patent applications1 filed with the EPO for the ten technology fields

9、2 with the largest number of applications in 2017. In 2017, these top ten fields represented 53% of the total number of European applications filed. Each technology field has its own page providing an analysis of the geographic origin of the files. The geographic origin is based on the country of re

10、sidence of the first applicant listed on the application form (first-named applicant principle3). The pages also rank the largest applicants4 in each field. More information on 2017 statistics at www.epo.org/statistics-indicators2017 Source: EPO. Status: 22.1.2018. 1 European patent applications inc

11、lude direct European applications and international (PCT) applications that entered the European phase during the reporting period. 2 The definition of the fields is based on the WIPO IPC technology concordance. The table is available at: http:/www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/ipstats/en/statistics/pat

12、ents/xls/ipc_technology.xls. 3 In cases where several applicants are mentioned on the application form, the country of residence of the first applicant listed applies. 4 This is the ranking in each technology field of the main consolidated applicants at the EPO in 2017. It is based on European paten

13、t applications filed with the EPO in each technology field. It includes direct European applications and international (PCT) applications that entered the European phase. Applications by identifiable subsidiaries, not necessarily located in the same country, are allocated to the consolidated applica

14、nts. Annual Report 2017 - At a glance 4 Ratio per million inhabitants based on European patent applications This analysis shows country ranking2 based on the ratio of number of European patent applications filed with the EPO1 per million inhabitants3. The ratio per million inhabitants is for countri

15、es with a population of at least 1 million inhabitants. Country Rank Applications1Population3 (mio inhabitants) Applications per mio inhabitants Switzerland Netherlands Denmark Sweden Finland Germany Austria Belgium Japan Israel France United Stetes Korea, Republic of Ireland Norway Puerto Rico Unit

16、ed Kingdom Singapore Italy Chinese Taipei 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 7 283 7 043 2 114 3 728 1 818 25 490 2 213 2 155 21 712 1 388 10 559 42 300 6 261 593 525 277 5 313 452 4 352 1 623 884.3 412.2 377.1 374.3 329.4 316.3 252.8 187.5 171.7 167.2 157.3 129.5

17、 122.3 118.3 98.7 82.6 82.0 76.8 70.0 69.0 8.236 17.085 5.606 9.960 5.518 80.594 8.754 11.491 126.451 8.300 67.106 326.626 51.181 5.011 5.320 3.352 64.769 5.889 62.138 23.508 More information on 2017 statistics at www.epo.org/statistics-indicators2017 Source: EPO. Status: 22.1.2018. 1 European paten

18、t applications filed include direct European applications and international (PCT) applications that entered the European phase during the reporting period. 2 In cases were several applicants are mentioned on the application form, the country of residence of the first applicant listed applies. 3 Sour

19、ce of population figures: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base. 5 Annual Report 2017 - At a glance Top 25 applicants with indication of origin This ranking shows the largest applicants1 at the EPO, indicating their country of origin2. More information on 2017 statistics at www.epo.org/statist

20、ics-indicators2017 Source: EPO. Status: 22.1.2018. 1 This is the ranking of the main consolidated applicants at the EPO in 2017 (first-named applicant principle). It is based on European patent applications filed with the EPO, which include direct European applications and international (PCT) applic

21、ations that entered the European phase during the reporting period. Applications by identifiable subsidiaries, not necessarily located in the same country, are allocated to the consolidated applicants. 2 The countries refer to the country of residence of the headquarters. 3 EPO states: the 38 member

22、 states of the European Patent Organisation, which includes the 28 states of the EU. 2 398 2 220 2 056 1 854 1 733 1 719 1 435 1 412 1 373 1 372 1 265 1 219 1 159 919 880 874 804 770 734 728 708 707 700 679 HUAWEI1. SIEMENS2. LG3. 2 016 SAMSUNG4. QUALCOMM5. ROYAL PHILIPS6. UNITED TECHNOLOGIES7. INTE


24、6 More information on 2017 statistics at www.epo.org/statistics-indicators2017 Applicants categories1 A breakdown by category of applicants requesting services from the EPO shows that 69% of them were large companies, 24% were SMEs and individual inventors, and 7% were universities and public resear

25、ch institutes. This shows that a significant proportion of applicants at the EPO are smaller entities. 7% 24% 69% Large enterprises69%66% 24%28% 7%6% 20172016 SMEs2, individual inventors Universities and public research Source: EPO. Status: 22.1.2018. 1 The evaluation is based on a representative sa

26、mple of patent applications treated by the EPO in 2017. 2 It refers to the European Commission definition of SMEs (2003/361/EC). Data available in government and commercial databases as well as on company internet sites are analysed to allocate the applicant to one of the four categories. Depending

27、on the company policy, the cross-ownership criteria can be difficult to evaluate. To ensure that the results remain statistically significant, no analysis per country or industrial sector is provided. 7 Annual Report 2017 - At a glance Granted patents over 5 years This graph shows the geographic ori

28、gin of the patents granted by the EPO1 based on the country of residence of the first patentee listed on the published patent2. 200162017 US 24% JP 17% CN 3% KR 4% Others 4% +5.9%- 3.1%+1.6%+10.1%+40.2% 105 635 EPO states3 48% More information on 2017 statistics at www.epo.org/statistics-

29、indicators2017 Source: EPO. Status: 22.1.2018. 1 The analysis is based on published patents granted by the EPO. 2 In cases where several patentees are mentioned on the published patent, the country of residence of the first patentee listed applies. 3 EPO states: the 38 member states of the European

30、Patent Organisation, which includes the 28 states of the EU. Annual Report 2017 - At a glance 8 More information on 2017 statistics at www.epo.org/statistics-indicators2017 Production Total products Searches, examinations, oppositions The graph below shows the number of products delivered by the EPO

31、 examiners by search, examinations and oppositions. The total number of products delivered by EPO examiners grew by 4.6% in 2017 to 414 269. Examinations2 162 694 147 119 2017 2016 10.6% Searches1 247 503 244 689 2017 2016 1.2% Total 414 269 395 910 2017 2016 4.6% Oppositions3 4 072 4 102 2017 2016

32、-0.7% Source: EPO. Status: 22.1.2018. 1 Searches completed by EPO examiners. 2 Examination communications dispatched by EPO examiners. 3 Opposition decisions communicated by EPO examiners. Oppositions must be filed at the EPO within nine months of the grant of the respective European patent. www.epo

33、.org/applying/european/oppositions. 9 Annual Report 2017 - At a glance Decisions in oppositions Anyone may oppose a European patent within a period of nine months from the publication of the grant. The opposition rate (proportion of patents which are opposed among those for which this nine months de

34、lay expired during the reported period) was 3,7%. In 2017 the EPO issued some 4 070 opposition decisions1, in 73% of the cases the patents were upheld either as granted or in an amended form. More information on 2017 statistics at www.epo.org/statistics-indicators2017 38% Decisions in opposition cas

35、es 28%40%32% 004000500 Patent revokedPatent upheld in amended formOppositions rejected 04500 2017 2016 27%42%31% 28%40%32%4 102 4 072 -0.7% Source: EPO. Status: 22.1.2018. 1 Opposition decisions communicated by EPO examiners. Oppositions must be filed at the EPO within nine months of the grant of the respective European patent. www.epo.org/applying/european/oppositions. 3.7% Patents not opposed 96.3% Patents opposed



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