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2、y for its goods or services. And in this day and age, customers are more demanding than ever before. They have a near infinite choice of organizations to choose from when making purchasing decisions, and as a result, it is becoming quicker and easier for them to stop buying from one and start buying

3、 from another. This trend is only set to continue. Simply put, if a customer is not happy with the experience that is being offered to them by a vendor then they will leave. Many wont even hesitate, they will simply take their business elsewhere. And that might be the best-case scenario. Some will s

4、hout about their bad experience from the rooftops, deterring others from using that vendor in the future. Unfortunately, it doesnt even have to be a bad experience that deters them - it can just be the lack of a good one. But it works the other way too - if your organization can provide customers wi

5、th an incredible, personalized experience, it could tempt competitors customers into making the switch to your brand. So, it is absolutely crucial that organizations can create and maintain a fantastic customer experience (CX) journey - one which not only leaves customers satisfied now, but also ens

6、ures that they will keep coming back, time and time again. However, as we will go on to see, enhancing the cus- tomer experience is not easy. It is not good enough to simply have customers, and for them to experience your service or product, by default. Real thought and effort needs to go into the e

7、xperience to make it per- sonal, relevant and ultimately irreplaceable to those customers. This suggests not just an investment in better experience design, but also in the technology and operational processes that enable that journey. This requires a strategic end-to-end perspective of the customer

8、 experience, and a sophisticated understanding of the role marketing technologies play in connecting that experience to business objectives. This is where many organizations fall short. IF YOUR ORGANIZATION CAN PROVIDE CUSTOMERS WITH AN INCREDIBLE, PERSONALIZED EXPERIENCE, IT COULD TEMPT COMPETITORS

9、 CUSTOMERS INTO MAKING THE SWITCH TO YOUR BRAND. SOLVING FOR CX 2018 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE SURVEY02 And its not just about stopping your organization from losing customers and falling behind the competition. It works both ways. If you are able to ensure that your organization takes steps to optimize i

10、ts customer experience journey then its likely that you will get a serious advantage over your competitors. In todays highly competitive market, this could be a real game-changer. For this research, 200 senior US-based decision makers with involvement in the customer experience journey in their orga

11、nization were interviewed between November 2017 and January 2018. Respondents organizations had a median size of approximately 500 global employees and $250-$500 million in revenue, and operated in one of six key industries. Business and professional services Financial Services Healthcare and life s

12、ciences IT, technology and telecoms Manufacturing and distribution Travel and tourism METHODOLODY SOLVING FOR CX 2018 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE SURVEY03 Around nine in ten see the CX journey as being very important or crucial to their organizations strategic priorities 88% The vast majority of respondents

13、 agree that personalization, in particular, is a crucial element of a good commerce experience 92% The areas where organizations most commonly need to improve in terms of CX personalization are: more real-time data/insights gathering more customer data greater analysis of customer data 40%38%46% are

14、 already witnessing advanced tech enabling their organization to provide a better CX journey 34% of respondents believe that a fully optimized CX journey would result in tangible business benefits 100% say that this would definitely be the case 45% Only of those who currently work with a CX partner

15、have complete confidence in their capacity to help with fulfilling all CX-related needs 35% agree that the potential of customer experience personalization has not yet been fully realized 84% Almost all of respondents anticipate advanced technology being a huge help when it comes to solving complex

16、CX challenges 94% Using machine learning is expected to assist organizations in: building accurate pricing models processing huge amounts of customer data provision of real-time data analysis 49%49%49% $ The benefits that are most likely to be expected upon CX journey optimization are: greater custo

17、mer satisfaction increased revenue 61%52%58% competitive advantage over rivals 46% $ $ $ increased sales SOLVING FOR CX SOLVING FOR CX 2018 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE SURVEY04 THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY The vast majority (88%) of respondents say that they consider the customer experience to be either very import

18、ant or crucially important to their organizations strategic priorities. They already have a good appreciation of how much significance this has to overall organizational success, and generally, they would consider their organization as a whole to share this view. While slightly lower, it is still 64

19、% of respondents who believe that their organization views CX as very or crucially important, cementing its place at the boardroom table. Analysis of respondents whose organization partners with an external agency or organization to assist with delivering a better customer experience (CX) journey fo

20、r its customers. Asked to all 200 respondents, split by organization industry FIGURE 1. Almost all (97%) respondents from IT, technology and telecoms organizations consider CX to be either very or crucially important, while those from the manufacturing and distribution industry are the least likely

21、(68%) to appreciate the importance. Many (61%) respondents organizations are already seeking assis- tance in regards to their customer experience by using an external partner to - in theory - deliver a better experience to their customers. Those from IT, tech and telecoms organizations are way ahead

22、 of the curve here too, with around nine in ten (88%) using a partner already. Meanwhile, manufacturing organizations are off the pace again - only half (50%) currently leveraging a partner. 61% TOTAL 88% IT, TECHNOLOGY AND TELECOMS 69% TRAVEL AND TOURISM 56% BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 55% F

23、INANCIAL SERVICES 50% HEALTHCARE AND LIFE SCIENCES 50% MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION SOLVING FOR CX 2018 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE SURVEY05 Organizations need all-encompassing assistance when it comes to the consumer journey; a true end-to-end customer experience partner. These agencies should be able to

24、 ensure their clients have full line of sight into every touchpoint of the customer experience, while ensuring that everything is optimized, from strategy to design to build. Yet, only 35% of those that already have a partner have complete confidence in their ability to deliver on this. This begs th

25、e question - are the partners that organizations are using at present actually providing them with the help that they really need in order to realize their potential? In amongst this apparent disconnect between help and good help, there is also a lack of clarity and cohesion within organizations as

26、to where ownership of and responsibility for the customer experience should even sit. This perhaps reflects the challenges that are now faced where traditionally siloed roles are having to collaborate to provide and develop the customer experience. At present in respondents organizations, three diff

27、erent C-level employees have involvement and five different departments are involved to some extent, on average. The situation becomes even more complex as the size of organizations increases. This feeds further into the idea that organizations would benefit from better external guidance so that the

28、y ensure that they are getting the right mix of C-level leadership and departmental involvement, in order to make their customer experience journey as good as it can be. Or perhaps, instead, they need help with defining a single champion of customer experience in their organization. Many (28%) respo

29、ndents organizations are already making this move with the introduction of a Chief Experience Officer (CXO) role, and this looks like it would be on the rise, with around four in ten (37%) respondents saying that there should be a CXO in charge of the CX in their organization. This rises to 57% for

30、respondents from the largest organizations. The expertise that they would bring in terms of experience optimization would prove a vital addition to organiza- tions, providing them with a key differential. Looking beyond who is involved in the development of the CX journey and whether they need help,

31、 what are the specific areas of customer experience that organi- zations need to work on? SOLVING FOR CX 2018 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE SURVEY06 PERSONALIZATION Have you ever experienced the positive reaction that you get from a customer when you use their name in a digital interaction? Or when you tailor

32、 recom- mendations for products or services to them based on previous contact or online searches? Personal- ization is an essential part of the customer journey and its absolutely critical that organizations are de- livering a true one-to-one experience to customers. The vast majority (92%) of respo

33、ndents agree that this is a crucial element of the customer experience. Customer satisfaction is one of the most obvious outcomes of a good customer experience, so it is no surprise that over half (55%) of respondents con- sider personalization to be crucially important for improving this. And while

34、 getting customers to pay for your goods or services is one thing, getting them to keep coming back is just as important - 51% agree that personalization is crucial for retention of customers. The bottom-line impacts are evident too, with around four in ten seeing personalization as crucially import

35、ant for increasing sales (42%) and revenue (38%). However, it is not quite that straightforward. Orga- nizations might not be enjoying these outcomes yet because they are actually really struggling with person- alization. Over four in five (84%) agree that the potential of CX personalization has not

36、 yet been fully realized, and as such, there is still a lot of work to be done in this area - and this is particularly true for smaller organiza- tions, with 98% of those from organizations with 100- 249 employees admitting that they havent fully realized their personalization potential. 84% 81% 79%

37、 78% 98% TOTAL 100 - 249 EMPLOYEES 250 - 499 EMPLOYEES 500 - 999 EMPLOYEES 1000 + EMPLOYEES Analysis of respondents who agree that the potential of customer experience (CX) personalization has not been fully realized so far. Asked to all 200 respondents, split by organization size FIGURE 2. SOLVING

38、FOR CX 2018 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE SURVEY07 As a result, many (47%) respondents acknowledge that their organization definitely needs to improve what it is capable of in terms of personalization (and a further 32% report that this is probably the case), and for those from manufacturing organizations thi

39、s rises to 81% saying definitely. What is particularly worryingly in terms of the impact on customers is that over half (51%) admit that their organization often fails to deliver the degree of personalization that its customers crave. This finding widens the gap between those doing it right and thos

40、e doing it very wrong - effective personalization is crucial to improving customer satisfaction for 55%, but a similar proportion are disappointing customers by not being able to keep up with their personalization de- mands. The huge amount of improvement needed becomes even more apparent when delvi

41、ng deeper into the success of organizations in specific areas of personalization. Only around one in five claim that their organization cannot improve in terms of making it faster and more convenient to interact with customer data (20%), using analytics to identify individual customer trends (21%) a

42、nd/or reacting to real-time customer interactions (23%). This suggests a fundamental problem when it comes to dealing with the data of customers in rela- tion to personalization, and all of these aspects are areas in which an all-encompassing customer experi- ence partner, and the right technology m

43、ix, should be helping organizations to flourish. And yet, remarkably, only around one in ten (12%) respondents think that engaging with a service provider could assist them in CX personalization. Of those from the manufacturing industry - arguably amongst those most in need of Analysis of respondent

44、s who believe that their organization definitely needs to improve its personalization capabilities when it comes to the customer experience (CX). Asked to respondents from organizations that are not very successful at personalizing the customer experience (CX) in all areas (196), split by organizati


46、tead, organizations believe they should be collecting more real-time data/ insights (46%), more customer data generally (40%) and analyzing customer data (38%) in order to improve the personalization they offer - all tasks they are seemingly looking to undertake internally, and all tasks which could

47、 be made easier by the use of an external partner. This highlights that there may be a fundamental lack of awareness and understanding of the options that are out there in terms of customer experience partnerships and what a true customer experience agency ought to be offering. They should have expe

48、rtise in all elements of the CX journey - everything under one roof - including personalization, as well as a clear view of every touchpoint on the customer journey. They should also be able to support organizations with implementation of marketing technologies (MarTech) that allow them to fully emb

49、race and use customer data to enable better experiences, rather than see it as a stumbling block. As companies battle every day to find an edge over their competitors, optimization of the customer experience should be viewed as an invaluable differentiator that can separate them from the rest of the pack. More to the point, without an investment in better CX, organizations risk not



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