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1、 BofA Merrill Lynch does and seeks to do business with issuers covered in its research reports. As a BofA Merrill Lynch does and seeks to do business with issuers covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a result, investors should be aware that t

2、he firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in ma

3、king their investment decision.their investment decision. Refer to important disclosures on page Refer to important disclosures on page 1818 to to 1919. . 11005 Global Fund Manager Survey Icarus takes flightIcarus takes flight Investment StrategyInvestment Strategy 14 February 201714 Febr

4、uary 2017 Icarus takes flight Icarus takes flight 1. FMS cash dips in Feb to 4.9% from 5.1%, but cash level high (10-year avg = 4.5%) we remain long stocks meanwhile 15% say “stagflation” (a 3-month low) and while 43% expect “secular stagnation” this figure down sharply from 88% one year ago. 3. FMS

5、 ranks most likely bear market catalysts as follows: protectionism = 34%, higher rates = 28%, financial event = 18%, weaker EPS = 15%. FMS says best protectionist investment (and thus barometer of protectionist risk) = gold. 4. FMS says most crowded trade = long US dollar (= big reason US$ down YTD)

6、. FMS asset allocation data since 2001 for everything else; note US$, EUR data since 2001 for everything else; note USD, EUR defensive = staples, telcos for “sell” signals, the median return for global equities would have been 5.8% loss over the subsequent three months with a hit-rate of 77%. Table

7、1: BofAML Global FMS Macro* Indicator and global equity backtest performance Buy signals and MSCI ACWI backtest performance +1m +2m +3m +4m +5m +6m Backtest median 1.7% 3.3% 4.5% 5.9% 5.2% 4.6% Backtest hit ratio 62% 66% 79% 72% 57% 61% # of backtest signals 29 Sell signals and MSCI ACWI backtest pe

8、rformance +1m +2m +3m +4m +5m +6m Backtest median 0.8% (3.0%) (5.8%) (8.1%) (7.4%) (4.9%) Backtest hit ratio 46% 77% 77% 77% 69% 69% # of backtest signals 13 * Inflation expectations, capex demand, risk appetite, cyclicals vs defensive sector positioning and equity vs bond positioning. Source: BofA

9、Merrill Lynch Global Investment Strategy, FMS, Bloomberg Backtesting is hypothetical in nature and reflects application of the screen prior to its introduction. It is not intended to be indicative of future performance. Past performance should not and cannot be viewed as an indicator of future perfo

10、rmance. 6 6 Global Fund Manager Survey | 14 February 2017 On MacroOn Macro Exhibit 10: What economic outcome do you expect new populist policies to induce? “Populist policies” would most likely induce 37% think inflation 36% think stagflation 7% think goldilocks Just 14% think recession or stagnatio

11、n Source: BofA Merrill Lynch Global Fund Manager Survey Exhibit 11: How soon do you expect tax reform to be passed in the US? The BofAML FX “goldilocks” = above-trend growth “stagflation” = below-trend growth “secular stagnation” = below-trend growth or (ii) a debt security (including equity preferr

12、ed and CDS), prices are indicative as of the date and time of the report and are from various sources including Bank of America Merrill Lynch trading desks. The date and time of completion of the production of any recommendation in this report shall be the date and time of dissemination of this repo

13、rt as recorded in the report timestamp. This report may refer to fixed income securities that may not be offered or sold in one or more states or jurisdictions. Readers of this report are advised that any discussion, recommendation or other mention of such securities is not a solicitation or offer t

14、o transact in such securities. Investors should contact their BofA Merrill Lynch representative or Merrill Lynch Financial Global Wealth Management financial advisor for information relating to fixed income securities Officers of MLPF MLI (UK): Merrill Lynch International, regulated by the Financial

15、 Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA); Merrill Lynch (Australia): Merrill Lynch Equities (Australia) Limited, regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission; Merrill Lynch (Hong Kong): Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Limited, regulated by the Hong Kon

16、g Securities and Futures Commission (HKSFC); Merrill Lynch (Singapore): Merrill Lynch (Singapore) Pte Ltd, regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS); Merrill Lynch (Canada): Merrill Lynch Canada Inc, regulated by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada; Merrill Lynch (

17、Mexico): Merrill Lynch Mexico, SA de CV, Casa de Bolsa, regulated by the Comisin Nacional Bancaria y de Valores; Merrill Lynch (Argentina): Merrill Lynch Argentina SA, regulated by Comisin Nacional de Valores; Merrill Lynch (Japan): Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co., Ltd., regulated by the Financia

18、l Services Agency; Merrill Lynch (Seoul): Merrill Lynch International Incorporated (Seoul Branch) regulated by the Financial Supervisory Service; Merrill Lynch (Taiwan): Merrill Lynch Securities (Taiwan) Ltd., regulated by the Securities and Futures Bureau; DSP Merrill Lynch (India): DSP Merrill Lyn

19、ch Limited, regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India; PT Merrill Lynch (Indonesia): PT Merrill Lynch Indonesia, regulated by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK); Merrill Lynch (Israel): Merrill Lynch Israel Limited, regulated by Israel Securities Authority; Merrill Lynch (Russia): OOO Merril

20、l Lynch Securities, Moscow, regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; Merrill Lynch (DIFC): Merrill Lynch International (DIFC Branch), regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA); Merrill Lynch (Spain): Merrill Lynch Capital Markets Espana, S.A.S.V., regulated by Comisi

21、n Nacional del Mercado De Valores; Merrill Lynch (Brazil): Bank of America Merrill Lynch Banco Multiplo S.A., regulated by Comisso de Valores Mobilirios; Merrill Lynch KSA Company, Merrill Lynch Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Company, regulated by the Capital Market Authority. This research report: has bee

22、n approved for publication and is distributed in the United Kingdom (UK) to professional clients and eligible counterparties (as each is defined in the rules of the FCA and the PRA) by MLI (UK) and Bank of America Merrill Lynch International Limited, which are authorized by the PRA and regulated by

23、the FCA and the PRA, and is distributed in the UK to retail clients (as defined in the rules of the FCA and the PRA) by Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited, London Branch, which is authorized by the Central Bank of Ireland and subject to limited regulation by the FCA and PRA - details about the

24、 extent of our regulation by the FCA and PRA are available from us on request; has been considered and distributed in Japan by Merrill Lynch (Japan), a registered securities dealer under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in Japan; is issued and distributed in Hong Kong by Merrill Lynch (Hon

25、g Kong) which is regulated by HKSFC (research reports containing any information in relation to, or advice on, futures contracts are not intended for issuance or distribution in Hong Kong and are not directed to, or intended for issuance or distribution to, or use by, any person in Hong Kong); is is

26、sued and distributed in Taiwan by Merrill Lynch (Taiwan); is issued and distributed in India by DSP Merrill Lynch (India); and is issued and distributed in Singapore to institutional investors and/or accredited investors (each as defined under the Financial Advisers Regulations) by Merrill Lynch Int

27、ernational Bank Limited (Merchant Bank) (MLIBLMB) and Merrill Lynch (Singapore) (Company Registration Nos F 06872E and 198602883D respectively). MLIBLMB and Merrill Lynch (Singapore) are regulated by MAS. Bank of America N.A., Australian Branch (ARBN 064 874 531), AFS License 412901 (BANA Australia)

28、 and Merrill Lynch Equities (Australia) Limited (ABN 65 006 276 795), AFS License 235132 (MLEA) distribute this report in Australia only to Wholesale clients as defined by s.761G of the Corporations Act 2001. With the exception of BANA Australia, neither MLEA nor any of its affiliates involved in pr

29、eparing this research report is an Authorised Deposit-Taking Institution under the Banking Act 1959 nor regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. No approval is required for publication or distribution of this report in Brazil and its local distribution is by Merrill Lynch (Brazil

30、) in accordance with applicable regulations. Merrill Lynch (DIFC) is authorized and regulated by the DFSA. Research reports prepared and issued by Merrill Lynch (DIFC) are done so in accordance with the requirements of the DFSA conduct of business rules. Bank of America Merrill Lynch International L

31、imited, Frankfurt Branch (BAMLI Frankfurt) distributes this report in Germany and is regulated by BaFin. This research report has been prepared and issued by MLPF periphery shorts make a new record low as sentiment gets ever more bearish In the UK, glass half full remains the consensus view, with mo

32、st investors confident in an eventual EU-UK transition deal Our survey was conducted on 03-08 February2017. A total of 81 Fund Managers responded, with USD 363.5bn AUM. Responses came from the UK, Continental Europe, Asia and 2) How is your portfolio structured in terms of duration exposure?” Respon

33、ses are weighted to create a Bull-Bear index from -100 to 100. There are five responses from which to choose: Heavily Overweight, Moderately Overweight, Neutral, Moderately Underweight, and Heavily Underweight. An index value of zero represents a neutral, or benchmark, weight. 1 The formula used to

34、calculate the Bull-Bear Index (B/B) is as follows: B/B= (% Heavy Overweight * 1.0) + (% Moderately Overweight * 0.5) + (% Neutral * 0) - (% Moderately Underweight * 0.5) - (% Heavily Underweight * 1.0). *BofAML makes no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the data and information provided

35、 in any referenced website and shall have no liability or responsibility arising out of or in connection with any referenced website. Merrill Lynch did not participate in the gathering of data for this survey. The content displayed on this site is the responsibility of Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS). An

36、alyst CertificationAnalyst Certification I, Ralf Preusser, CFA, hereby certify that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject securities and issuers. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, r

37、elated to the specific recommendations or view expressed in this research report. FX and Rates Sentiment Survey | 10 February 2017 1515 DisclosuresDisclosures Important DisclosuresImportant Disclosures BofA Merrill Lynch Research Personnel (including the analyst(s) responsible for this report) recei

38、ve compensation based upon, among other factors, the overall profitability of Bank of America Corporation, including profits derived from investment banking. The analyst(s) responsible for this report may also receive compensation based upon, among other factors, the overall profitability of the Ban

39、ks sales and trading businesses relating to the class of securities or financial instruments for which such analyst is responsible. BofA Merrill Lynch Global Credit Research analysts regularly interact with sales and trading desk personnel in connection with their research, including to ascertain pr

40、icing and liquidity in the fixed income markets. Other Important DisclosuresOther Important Disclosures Prices are indicative and for information purposes only. Except as otherwise stated in the report, for the purpose of any recommendation in relation to: (i) an equity security, the price reference

41、d is the publicly traded price of the security as of close of business on the day prior to the date of the report or, if the report is published during intraday trading, the price referenced is indicative of the traded price as of the date and time of the report; or (ii) a debt security (including e

42、quity preferred and CDS), prices are indicative as of the date and time of the report and are from various sources including Bank of America Merrill Lynch trading desks. The date and time of completion of the production of any recommendation in this report shall be the date and time of dissemination

43、 of this report as recorded in the report timestamp. This report may refer to fixed income securities that may not be offered or sold in one or more states or jurisdictions. Readers of this report are advised that any discussion, recommendation or other mention of such securities is not a solicitati

44、on or offer to transact in such securities. Investors should contact their BofA Merrill Lynch representative or Merrill Lynch Financial Global Wealth Management financial advisor for information relating to fixed income securities Rule 144A securities may be offered or sold only to persons in the U.


46、ho are not institutional investors or market professionals should seek the advice of their independent financial advisor before considering information in this report in connection with any investment decision, or for a necessary explanation of its contents. The securities discussed in this report m

47、ay be traded over-the-counter. Retail sales and/or distribution of this report may be made only in states where these securities are exempt from registration or have been qualified for sale. Officers of MLPF MLI (UK): Merrill Lynch International, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) an

48、d the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA); Merrill Lynch (Australia): Merrill Lynch Equities (Australia) Limited, regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission; Merrill Lynch (Hong Kong): Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Limited, regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Co

49、mmission (HKSFC); Merrill Lynch (Singapore): Merrill Lynch (Singapore) Pte Ltd, regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS); Merrill Lynch (Canada): Merrill Lynch Canada Inc, regulated by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada; Merrill Lynch (Mexico): Merrill Lynch Mexico, SA de CV, Casa de Bolsa, regulated by the Comisin Nacional Bancaria y de Valores; Merrill Lynch (Argentina): Merrill Lynch Argentin



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