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1、The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai 2017 Trade Environment Satisfaction Survey Report 上海美国商会2017贸易环境满意度调查报告 About The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (AmCham Shanghai), known as the “Voice of American Business” in China, is one of the la

2、rgest American Chambers in the Asia-Pacific region. Founded in 1915, AmCham Shanghai was the third American Chamber established outside the United States. As a non-profit, non-partisan business organization, AmCham Shanghai is committed to the principles of free trade, open markets, private enterpri

3、se and the unrestricted flow of information. About AmCham Shanghais Trade Facilitation Taskforce AmCham Shanghais Trade Facilitation Taskforce engages Shanghai Customs (Customs) and the China Inspection and Quarantine Services (CIQ) regularly on key issues related to import and export business. In M

4、arch 2007, the Chamber launched the Customs Taskforce to improve communications between AmCham Shanghai members and Shanghai Customs. In 2012, the Taskforce was renamed the Trade Facilitation Taskforce because of the inclusion of CIQ. Each year, AmCham Shanghai invites companies from the manufacturi

5、ng, logistics and trade sectors to participate in the “Trade Environment Satisfaction Survey.” 关于上海美国商会 上海美国商会成立于1915年,被称为在华“美国商业之 声”,是亚太地区规模最大的美国商会。上海美国商会作 为一个非盈利、无党派的商业联合组织、为持续营造积极 健康的中美商务环境发挥着桥梁纽带作用。我们坚持以贸 易自由、开放市场和信息流通为原则,致力于提供优质高 效的商业信息和资源以助推会员企业的发展。 关于上海美国商会贸易便利化工作组 上海美国商会贸易便利化工作组就进出口业务相关问题与 上

6、海海关和中国检验检疫局定期接洽。2007年3月,上海 美国商会成立海关工作组,旨在改善上海美国商会会员与 上海海关之间的沟通。2012年,工作组更名为“贸易便利 化工作组”,将检验检疫业务囊括在内。上海美国商会每 年都会邀请制造、物流和贸易领域的企业参加“贸易环境 满意度调查”。 AmChAm ShAnghAi 2017 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .1 II. SURVEY DEMOGRAPHICS .4 III. TRADE FACILITATION CONSIDERATIONS : OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY, TRANSPARENCY AND COLLA

7、BORATION .5 (I) Operational Efficiency (Customs/CIQ) .5 (II) Transparency (Customs/CIQ) .6 (III) CIQ-Customs Collaboration .8 IV. KEY REGULATIONS/REFORMS: SHANGHAI FTZ, NATION-WIDE CUSTOMS CLEARANCE INTEGRATION REGIME, SELF-COMPLIANCE AND E-CIQ IMPLEMENTATION .9 (I) Shanghai Free Trade Zone .9 (II)

8、Nation-Wide Customs Clearance Integration Regime .9 (III) Self-Compliance .10 (IV) E-CIQ Implementation .11 V. LOOKING FORWARD: RECOMMENDATIONS .12 I. 执行摘要 .14 II. 受访者构成 .16 III. 贸易推进考虑因素:运营效率、透明度、CIQ与海关的协作 .18 (I) 运营效率 .18 (II) 透明度 .19 (III) 上海CIQ与海关的协作.21 IV. 改革:自贸区、全国通关一体化改革、自主遵约、电子检验检疫系统 .22 (I)

9、 自贸区 .22 (II) 全国通关一体化改革 .22 (III) 自主遵约 .23 (IV) 电子检验检疫系统 .24 V. 前景展望:建议 .25 Trade environmenT SaTiSfacTion Survey Contents I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The American Chamber in Shanghai (AmCham Shanghai) is pleased to provide the results of the 2017 Trade and Environment Satisfaction Survey. This years surve

10、y was conducted in late March, and had responses from 67 companies. The report is an integral part of AmCham Shanghais Trade Facilitation Taskforce (TFT) dialogue with Shanghai Customs and Shanghai China Inspection and Quarantine Services (CIQ). AmCham Shanghai has had a dialogue with Shanghai Custo

11、ms since 2007 and started a parallel dialogue with Shanghai CIQ in 2012. The Trade Environment Satisfaction Survey provides concrete feedback and recommendations to improve the trade facilitation environment in Shanghai. Shanghai Customs and Shanghai CIQ value the report and companies may refer to t

12、he report in their own internal planning processes. The main findings of the report show: Customs and CIQ Enterprise Ratings: Sixty-four percent are classified as Advanced Certified/General Certified in the Customs rating system. This percentage should improve as companies continue to undergo the re

13、-evaluation process. Some companies may also pro-actively look to upgrade their rating given the increasing importance of enterprise rankings in the China trade facilitation environment. Efficiency, Costs and Time: Similar to last years survey, 74% of respondents agreed that the payment of duties to

14、 Shanghai Customs is electronic, secure and efficient. However, only 25% of respondents agreed that the payment guarantee process was working well, compared with 42% in 2016. One-third of respondents agreed that costs due to clearance time uncertainties in Shanghai were lower than elsewhere in China

15、. Transparency: Fifty-one percent of respondents agreed that their routine dealings with Shanghai Customs were transparent, predictable, and consistent. Similarly, 47% of respondents agreed that their routine dealings with Shanghai CIQ were transparent, predictable, and consistent. Collaboration: On

16、ly 36% of respondents agreed that Shanghai Customs and Shanghai CIQ were cooperating functionally. Forty-eight percent agreed that different Customs authorities across China are willing to work together, an increase of 16% from last year. Reform Initiatives: Fifty percent of respondents were aware o

17、f “the Nation-wide Customs Clearance Integration Regime”, which is a key reform for Shanghai Customs. Respondents appeared to be confused by the new E-CIQ implementation but eager to learn more about how it would impact other reforms initiatives. Recommendations for Customs and CIQ: Over the past 10

18、 years, AmCham Shanghai has seen steady progress in the trade facilitation environment. In 2015, China ratified the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and pledged to expedite the release and clearance of goods, improve coordination, provide better technical assistance and capacity building, and reduce

19、 import and export fees. 1 AmChAm ShAnghAi 2017 Shanghai Customs and Shanghai CIQ have also been more active in engaging with the foreign business community. AmCham Shanghai offers the following recommendations to help the agencies meet their reform goals: 1. Further CIQ and Customs Collaboration: A

20、mCham Shanghai notes the improvement in this area, but urges that Shanghai Customs and Shanghai CIQ redouble their efforts in order to decrease confusion and simplify the clearance process. 2. Fully Implement the Customs Nationwide Clearance Regime: This reform has the potential to decrease clearanc

21、e time and costs and provide more uniform treatment at different customs offices. However, companies are still confused as to how the regime may impact them and would appreciate more guidance during the transition period. 3. Clarify E-CIQ Implementation: AmCham Shanghai urges that Shanghai CIQ incre

22、ase its outreach to companies on the E-CIQ program to help them better prepare to comply with the system. (FYI: The system is a centralized single window platform allowing companies to complete Shanghai CIQ related declarations and apply for licenses and permits online.) Recommendations for AmCham S

23、hanghai Member Companies: For the first time, AmCham Shanghai is providing recommendations to companies to help them navigate the trade facilitation environment. The recommendations are: 1. Understand and Upgrade Your CIQ and Customs Enterprise Ratings: Obtaining a higher CIQ and Customs ratings pro

24、vides companies with access to better services and build stronger relations with the agencies. 2. Develop a Self-Compliance Program: As Shanghai Customs shifts toward an after clearance supervision and audit system, companies should have in place strong internal audit and self-compliance systems to

25、manage problems that could arise after audits. Trade environmenT SaTiSfacTion Survey 2 This year, 67 companies participated in the survey, the majority of which are in the import/export trading, or manufacturing sectors. More than half of respondents have spent over 10 years working with the Shangha

26、i Customs and Shanghai CIQ, and are mostly from senior management. Most respondents received a Customs Enterprise Rating of “Advanced Certified Enterprise” and “General Certified Enterprise”. In 2014, China adopted a new classification system to conform with the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) sy

27、stem. The system is part of the World Custom Organizations SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (SAFE Framework). Under this system, companies that are certified as AEO enterprises can receive preferential treatment from countries that have mutual recognition agreements.

28、 China has mutual recognition CUSTOMS ENTERPRISE RATING 2015 2016 2017 Advanced Certified Enterprise General Certified Enterprise General Credit Enterprise Discredited Enterprise Do not know 43% 26% 15% 38% 42% 49% 3% 16% 21% 3% 0% 0% 16% 16% 12% II. SURVEY DEMOGRAPHICS: INDUSTRY Cross-border e-comm

29、erce 6% Import/Export Trading or Manufacturing 70% Third-party logistics provider (3PL) 9% Other 15% Import/Export Trading or Manufacturing Third-party logistics provider (3PL) Cross-border e-commerce Other What industry does your company operate in? 3 AmChAm ShAnghAi 2017 agreements with a growing

30、number of countries including EU members, Switzerland, Singapore and Australia. Companies that receive the Advanced Certified Enterprise Rating and a General Certified Enterprise qualify for AEO certification and, therefore, have access to preferential treatment including faster clearance times and

31、fewer physical and document inspections. There were 43% with AEO status in 2015, and the number dropped to 26% in 2016 and 15% this year. This percentage is higher than the nationwide average of 1%. As Shanghai Customs is planning to re-certify most enterprises that were granted the “Advanced Certif

32、ied” status as a transitional measure when the AEO system was introduced, member companies will need more education to assess and improve their readiness to meet certification criteria. In general, companies are re-evaluated every three years and Shanghai Customs often helps some companies in the re

33、-evaluation process. Shanghai CIQ also has an enterprise rating system, although the system only applies domestically as there are no AEO like systems for CIQ. The Shanghai CIQ enterprise system was adjusted in 2014. Companies with a higher rating receive beneficial treatment and priority for certai

34、n Shanghai CIQ services. Similar to the Customs system, the rating system is periodically evaluated and companies can be downgraded if they violate Shanghai CIQ rules or fail multiple inspections. According to this years results the largest percentage of respondents are in the Grade AA and Grade A l

35、evels, while almost one-third do not know their rating. CIQ ENTERPRISE RATING Grade C (Class No.3) 2% Grade D (Class No.4) 0% Grade AA 16% Grade A (Class No.1) 31% Grade B (Class No.2) 21% Do not know 30% Grade AA Grade A Grade B Grade C Do not know The largest percentage of respondents are in the G

36、rade AA and Grade A levels and almost one- third do not know their rating. Trade environmenT SaTiSfacTion Survey 4 III. TRADE FACILITATION CONSIDERATIONS Operational Efficiency: Respondents seemed pleased overall with Shanghai Customs and Shanghai CIQ operational efficiency. Seventy- four percent ag

37、reed that the payment of duties to Shanghai Customs is electronic, secure and efficient. Fifty-three percent agreed that sufficient automation and use of Information Technology is taking place for routine import/ export transactions. These numbers are similar to last years results. The biggest chall

38、enge appears to be acceptance of payment guarantees such as bonds instead of cash deposits. Only 25% of survey respondents agreed that the process was working well, compared with 42% in 2016. Companies that wish to use bank deposits should proactively communicate with Shanghai Customs. Having an ongoing trans



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