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1、1 2018 Ipsos. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OUTBOUND TRAVEL FROM RUSSIA 2016 Ipsos. All rights reserved. Contains Ipsos Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ipsos. Prepared for MITT 2018 13 March 2018 OUTCOMES OF 2017 OUTLOOK FOR 2018

2、 2 2018 Ipsos. Largest Russian nationwide research into consumers of goods and services 400 categories 3000 brands 300 lifestyle related statements Target group Russian population aged 10 - 75 Geography 50 Russian cities with a population of over 100,000 people Sample 25 700 respondents (13 700 hous

3、eholds) per year MethodOffline survey Read more at our web site BIG TRAVEL BLOCK (16+) Trips within Russia and outbound Trips abroad: Type of trips Number of trips and duration Travel agencies services usage. Travel companies Destinations Hotels Means of transport Expenses per person Travel as lifes

4、tyle RusIndex quarterly survey DATA SOURCE 3 2018 Ipsos. Ipsos Globaldvisor DATA SOURCE 27 countries around the world: Argentina, Belgium, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, Hungary, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, India

5、, Italy, Japan, Spain, United States, Peru, Chile, Malaysia and Serbia. 20 000 adults aged 18-64 in the US, Israel and Canada, and age 16-64 in all other countries, were interviewed. 1000+ individuals per country, with the exception of Argentina, Belgium, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa,

6、South Korea, Sweden Turkey, Hungary, Peru, Chile, Malaysia, and Serbia where each have a sample 500+. Ipsos Online Panel system GLOBAL SURVEY SAMPLE IN RUSSIA: AGE 16-64, N=500* *Due to Online method Russia produces a national sample that is more urban 3* hotels decreased -3pp Usage of 5*hotels, 2*

7、hotels and hostels didnt change 11 2018 Ipsos. Outlook for 2018 Trends and environment 12 2018 Ipsos. Financial Self-Estimation Financial situation self-estimation scale Target Audience for Outbound Travel Have no financial difficulties YES Have enough money for everything except for real estate pur

8、chase YES Have enough money for large household appliances YES Have enough money for food and clothing but not for large household appliances no Have enough money for food but not for clothing no Hardly have money for food no 45 46 45 44 38 36 32 36 32 33 2013 H1 2013 H2 2014 H1 2014 H2 2015 H1 2015

9、 H2 2016 H1 2016 H2 2017 H1 2017 H2 TOP3 fin. self-estimate In 2016/H2 financial situation of Russian households stopped falling and is stable for two years in a row Russian Households. Financial elf-estimation TOP3 (Have no financial difficulties or Have enough money for everything except for real

10、estate purchase or Have enough money for large household appliances) Source: RosIndex, 2013-2016 13 2018 Ipsos. % Much Stronger / Somewhat Stronger 22% 19% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Feb14 Mar14 Apr14 May14 Jun14 Jul14 Aug14 Sep14 Oct14 Nov14 Dec14 Jan15 Feb15 Mar15 Apr15 May15 June15 July15 Aug15

11、Sep15 Oct15 Nov15 Dec15 Jan16 Feb16 Mar16 Apr16 May16 Jun16 Jul16 Aug16 Sep16 Oct16 Nov16 Dec16 Jan17 Feb17 Mar17 Apr17 May17 Jun17 Jul17 Aug17 Sep17 Oct17 Nov17 Dec17 Jan18 Feb18 17% 23% 29% 23% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Feb14 Mar14 Apr14 May14 Jun14 Jul14 Aug14 Sep14 Oct14 Nov14 Dec14 Jan15 Feb1

12、5 Mar15 Apr15 May15 June15 July15 Aug15 Sep15 Oct15 Nov15 Dec15 Jan16 Feb16 Mar16 Apr16 May16 Jun16 Jul16 Aug16 Sep16 Oct16 Nov16 Dec16 Jan17 Feb17 Mar 2017 Apr 2017 May 2017 Jun 2017 Jul 2017 Aug 2017 Sep 2017 Oct 2017 Nov 2017 Dec 2017 Jan 2018 Feb 2018 Six Months From Now. Russia Assessing The Ec

13、onomy in Local Area. Russia % Strong (Top 3 5-6-7) Russia. Economic Pulse Rate the current state of the economy in your local area using a scale from 1 to 7, where 7 means a very strong economy today and 1 means a very weak economy. Looking ahead 6 months from now, do you expect the economy in your

14、local area to be much stronger, somewhat stronger, about the same, somewhat weaker, or much weaker than it is now? The survey is conducted monthly in 26 countries around the world via the Ipsos Online Panel system. Sample size in Russia = 500+, aged 16-64 14 2018 Ipsos. NowClose Future Trends to Inf

15、luence Travel Russians refuse from Dachas GenZ: “I want to see a happy face in the mirror” Active aging: “I deserve good rest or I continue working and have money to travel” Real-time translation by Google Babel-Fish Earbuds 15 2018 Ipsos. 50% Having a good education 20% Having a secure job 44% Havi

16、ng a successful career 37% Having enough money to live well 83% Having access to information 84% Having access to entertainment like film, music, books 74% Being able to travel abroad 42% Being able to own their own home 20% Being safe from crime or harm 24% Being able to live comfortably when they

17、retire from work Which of these do you think is or will be better or worse for todays youth than for their parents? Russia, % better 38% Ipsos Global Trends 2017. Sample size in Russia = 500+, aged 16-64 16 2018 Ipsos. -17 -1 -3 -1 +1 = +3 +6 -3 +1 -2 -1 47 35 33 16 9 5 26 37 17 17 16 14 Turkey Germ

18、any Great Britain Spain Japan China TerrorismCrime and violence What Worries the World? Source: Globaldvisor, Dec 22nd 2017 - Jan 5th 2018 Read the report “What Worries the World”, Jan 2018 Q Safety in Numbers Which three of the following topics do you find the most worrying in your country? vs May1

19、7 17 2018 Ipsos. 41 33 33 29 29 28 26 20 8 5 4 6 4 4 8 4 Turkey Thailand Spain Germany Great Britain Vietnam China Japan Negative impactPositive Impact Impact on Travel Plans of Russians to Various Destinations Source: Globaldvisor, Apr-May 2017 Russians 16-64, N=500 Read the report “Recent Events I

20、mpact on International Travel Plans” MAX (Neg) MIN (Neg) Q Any Positive News? Have recent events you have SEEN OR READ IN THE NEWS made you more likely or less likely to travel to the following countries? 18 2018 Ipsos. Mila Novichenkova Marketing and Communications Director Tatyana Gerasimenko Associate Client Service Director



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