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1、This looks like a good spot to check my email. Email Addiction Research Report As an email marketer spending hours working on email, it is easy to stop seeing email the way consumers see it. You hear claims from industry people of marketing and email overload, yet see people happy to sign up for you

2、r list. And you might see email being one of the strongest marketing channels and bringing in revenue. You work hard to create great emails, yet might find 70% or even 80% of your audience ignored them. So why is that? And is it good or bad? Hence the Email Addiction report. During many years of hel

3、ping Brands with their email strategy, we have found that knowing how your customers interact and perceive your emails is key for successful email marketing. But you need to ask the right questions to gain those insights. This study is the result of a consumer survey. A research taking a unique angl

4、e by asking the questions not previously asked. So what did we discover? The reason why many of your subscribers do not open your emails is probably not what you expect. An often cited statistic says 71% of people delete emails on mobile that are broken. But how often is that happening? We found the

5、 real issue in mobile email today. If you are looking at growing your email list, now might be the right time to reconsider your tactics. As you go through the research, you can find an insight like that on every next page. Thank you for your interest in the Email Addiction Research Report. We hope

6、you find it insightful and that it sparks some reconsideration of your previous conceptions, Jordie and Tim. As an email marketer. . . Zettasphere EmailMonday How often do you The odds of an email being seen on a timely basis are high. This makes last minute urgency driven emails attractive, emailin

7、g a few hours before a closing sale or starting webinar will still be seen before the event. Does timing matter? In terms of the email being seen, timing is less important than used to be the case. Timing test gains can be marginal. However keep in mind when people are likely to act rather than when

8、 they might read. For example reading news in the morning and shopping in the evening. 28% of people are strong email addicts 65% people are checking email more than 3 times a day Number of times checked per day check your emails? Less than daily 7-9 Times 4-6 Times 10+ Times 1-3 Times 4% 13% 28% 24

9、% 32% Email Addiction Research Select one answer When have you checked your emails ? If there is one thing thats clear, that there is no normal. There is little you can assume about the context of the reader, they could be out shopping or just bored when they read your email. 70% checks their emails

10、 in bed and almost equally as many immediately when waking up. They could even be in Church, hopefully waiting for a service to start and not during. When Im bored On weekends Whilst watching TV Whilst waiting for someone In bed Immediately when I wake up In the bathroom On vacation At the meal tabl

11、e Whilst commuting Whilst shopping In restaurants In church Select all that apply What would you exchange your email Free shipping and a $5 gift card persuade more than 2/3 of consumers to give an opt-in. As suspected, direct ways to get or save money sound attractive to a lot of people. The researc

12、h shows that Competitions or Prize Draws are still interesting to 31% of consumers. So if your target audience are likely to be “competition-fans” this is not a bad idea per se. Once we change Prize Draw (generic) for A Chance to win a vacation (Specific) the interest is a bit less. The key learning

13、 here is not to give generic prizes from here on, but rather pick the right prize(s). A prize that excites but still has a tie in to your brand and audience. Interestingly a $5 gift card could capture more subscribers than 10% discount. If your average order value is over $50 this might mean not onl

14、y do get more subscribers but it costs you less. address for with a reputable brand ? Free Shipping A $5 gift card A dinner out 10% off your next purchase Brand loyalty points Upgrade of your purchase Receive future promotions Prize draw Exclusive content youd find interesting A chance to win a vaca

15、tion Donation to charity by a brand Select all that apply Why dont you unsubscribe from brand emails Brand engagement rather than email engagement are big factors in the decision to unsubscribe. Very possibly the classic question that is asked when doing win-back or before removing long term dormant

16、s of “Are you still interested in our emails?” should be “are you ever going to buy from us again?” The 11% in the dont trust and dont know how are more troubling. The unsubscribe process needs to be better signposted and language used to build trust. you opted-in for and mostly ignore? I dont know

17、how I dont trust unsubscribing I might miss service notifications Cant be bothered I might shop with the brand again 5% 6% 21% 7% 24% 37% Sometimes the email offers are of interest Select one answer What are reasons for you to not open brand newsletters ? If the importance of subject lines was ever

18、in doubt then this shows just why its so important. But what is less considered is the impact of previous emails and use of open bait subject lines. Using subject lines that are exciting might get someone to open but if the email contents dont honour and satisfy the reader there is a negative kicker

19、 to future campaigns. Abuse peoples time too often and your next email will be ignored, not because it was bad but because the last one was. Other If Ive had a bad experience with the brand When the previous emails from the brand were uninteresting When the subject line doesnt excite me When Im too

20、busy 1% 23% 44% 39% 44% 59% When I dont currently need the brands products Select all that apply How often do you want If youre sending emails less than weekly you might want to consider increasing your frequency. Within the limits of a survey its not possible to include the context of the brand and

21、 product in the question, so factor this into your thinking. If youre selling cars the perfect frequency will look very different to selling coffee. Only 4% didnt want to get emails at all, showing an extremely high acceptance rate for marketing emails. offers from brands from whom you buy ? Never Q

22、uarterly Daily 2 or 3 times a week Twice a month 4% 6% 7% 7% 18% 22% Monthly 36% Weekly Select one answer Brands often say “ Dont reply to our newsletter emails”. 73% of subscribers indicate that a brand indicating “dont reply” doesnt matter to them and 5% isnt even aware that such practice exists.

23、In some countries the reply address and send email address is required to work technically (not bounce) according to law, but it doesnt say anything about replying. A sizable portion (22%) of people do sometimes want to reply, but a different method like a contact form or chat, for instance, should

24、work for that. There is no technical challenge to offer email replies, many Email Systems will be able to put the replies into a separate mailbox or ticket system. A brand should ask itself if they want to stimulate replies and which kind. Because if you stimulate and ask for replies, youll increase

25、 the number of replies you get. How do you feel about that ? Other I wasnt aware I cant reply I want to be able to reply sometimes Doesnt really matter to me 0% 5% 73% 22% Select one answer Is reading email newsletters on your smartphone generally easy ? 16% indicate that the frequency of trouble wi

26、th reading is limited to once or twice a month and 54% cant even remember when last having trouble reading email on a mobile device. Considering the average email volume people receive, that is quite astounding. With 9% of people saying they have trouble frequently, for what we can assume are variou

27、s reasons, email rendering on mobile seems to be no longer a big problem. Most mobile inboxes automatically scale and present proper rendering. A part of your subscribers might have trouble with their eyesight, so make sure your emails confirm accessibility standards. With email rendering on mobile

28、no longer a big problem, Mobile email optimisation should now be all about the whole journey and conversion optimisation. Other I frequently have difficulty reading My eyesight makes using mobile hard I dont read emails on my mobile Just once or twice a month an email is hard to read 2% 9% 14% 10% 1

29、6% 54% I dont remember that last time I had difficulty Select one answer What new email innovations would interest you ? With 38% rooting for product ratings and 35% on offers based on past purchases consumers are looking for qualification and relevance to help the decision to click. Surprisingly th

30、e enthusiasm for location based email is high with 31%. There isnt a big concern of brands being too intrusive. Native video in email, with 14% is generally not thought of as most interesting innovation. Email marketers have been raving about video being the trend. But compared to a good relevant of

31、fer with supporting information it is not a winner. Have a computer voice assistant speak out your emails Videos that play within the email rather than clicking through to a website My inbox automatically decides what is interesting and deletes all other emails Ability to buy within an email without

32、 going to the brand website Have long emails automatically summarized for me Get emails with offers depending on your location e.g. nearby a shop Products and offers featured based on items you purchased See product ratings for products featured in the email Other Select all that apply What do you e

33、xpect after you sign up to receive emails ? People are expecting Offers and Saving with almost three quarters ticking that in their mental checklist of what to expect. News (35%) and advice related to brand products (23%) however, are less often expected. Inform people what they can expect and it co

34、uld be a way to stand out. Competitions are at the bottom of the expectancy arc with only 15% indicating theyd find it logical to show up in their inbox. Subscribers expect offers and brands to sell to them. So offer it. If you have savings and offers, but not a newsletter yet: get to work! Explain

35、to new subscribers what they can expect. The chance to enter competitions Articles and advice related to the brand products News about the brand The brand to try and sell things to me The brand to send me emails 15% 23% 41% 35% 44% 44% New product information 74% Offers and savings Select all that a

36、pply Which channels do you prefer Email is #1, standing above all other channels with 83% saying it is one of their preferred methods of communications with brands. Facebook is accepted as well, with 38% as is postal mail still, with 27%. Remarkable is the top three all being direct media which can

37、have a one-to-one character. Phone is not preferred, but Instant messaging (for instance WhatsApp) is not in grace either, with only 4% preferring that as a channel. We suspect the interruptive nature of those channels, demanding almost direct response is why these are bottom of the list. LinkedIn s

38、cores surprisingly low as well. Email is often referred to as the digital passport, because it is a personal Identifier and used for logins, to group together profile data and even creating accounts on social media. Going from these results, the email is a solid channel to invest in. Cross promotion

39、 between Facebook and email could be a good idea for many trusted brands and an email as ID gives to option to re-target your email audience on Facebook. to get promotions from brands you trust ? Email Facebook Postal Mail TV SMS Twitter Instant message (Whatsapp) Telephone LinkedIn Select all that

40、apply We hope you found this research enlightening. Research like this gives helpful pointers. To really understand your audience, research your own customers and prospects looking for the conversion blockers. If youd like our help improving your email marketing wed be delighted to hear from you. We

41、 provide consultancy on all aspects of email marketing. From strategy to deliverability, from automation to technology selection. Go ahead and reach out to either, or both, of us. What next? Zettasphere EmailMonday This research was based on a survey of 417 predominately North American consumers sampled at random and representing all demographics. The survey was conducted using Centiment (https:/www.centiment.co/). Methodology



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