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1、 作为中国首个聚焦地产与地产金融领域的行业联盟,国际金融地产联盟(IFFRE)致力于打造全球金融地产 交流对话的中国舞台,并推进国内实践接轨国际标准。 联盟会员均为来自地产与地产金融行业的专业人士, 汇聚了中国金融地产全产业链的中坚力量。 联盟本着专注、 专业、 创新、 诚信、 共赢的精神,整合国内外行业 顶尖资源,联合各大国际权威专业协会,成为中国金融地产标准化的领航者。 As the first professional federation in China focusing on real estate and real estate finance sector, Internati

2、onal Federation of Finance the other hand is to inherit the biological environment, social structure, history and culture, resident emotion. Urban regeneration is rooted on optimization of urban function layout and improvement of urban spatial quality. The ultimate purpose of urban regeneration is t

3、o achieve sustainable development of urban community, to enhance comprehensive competitiveness, to realize land value, and to achieve social and economic benefits through transformation and upgrading of decadent urban area and properties. Across the world, industrial cycle and economic rise and fall

4、 have great impact on the urban development periods. The first and second industrial revolution greatly accelerated urbanization procedure. Plenty of labour poured into the industrial developed areas. Many cities expanded rapidly and resulted in population crowd, traffic jam, and environment polluti

5、on. After World War II, many cities in Europe and the United States were badly damaged. In some cities urban population and industries gradually moved to the suburbs, and the original downtown declined. In this context, urban regeneration campaign started firstly in these cities. Firstly, they remov

6、ed and rebuilt the slums. Then, they expanded this campaign into other urban area for functional transformation and property reconstruction. The basic philosophy back urban regeneration in western cities transformed from large-scale remove and rebuilt excessively perusing market efficiency into mult

7、i-objective planning and diversified communities aiming at the balance of culture gene, citizen participation, social equality by small-scale and gradual urban regeneration and community development. Experience of Urban Regeneration: A UK journey Reconstruction: Restore Cities after War Renewal: An

8、era of Stock After the first industrial revolution, the British economy rapidly changed from agriculture to industry, and the population of whole country migrated to the city. In the 1850s, the British urban population exceeded the rural population. Due to the imperfect urban planning, with the conc

9、entration of the population and the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, many urban problems such as the city slums have emerged. These problems prompted the government to take actions, they improved the living conditions of the urban poor people by repairing houses and improving

10、 environmental sanitation. The government intervention of this period is to adjust the urban development through the building of the planning system, the urban renewal has not been formed. Since the 1920s, with the development of traffic system and the application of automobiles, the process of de-u

11、rbanization appeared. The outflow of talents and capital led to the decline and hollowing out of some parts of the city. Meanwhile, the serious destruction of the major cities in World War II further led to the urban decay. Under this background, the Britain began its first urban renewal in 1945, it

12、 focused on reconstruction to achieve the purpose of clearing up slums, restoring the post war cities and promoting economic growth. The period between 1945 and 1951 is under previous labour administrations,the urban planning policy has clear function: rebuilding the destroyed cities, meeting the gr

13、owing demand for housing, setting up a series of national standards. In addition to plan and rebuild the city, the planning policy needs to solve the problem of unbalanced regional development as well. From 1970s to 1990s, with the industrial upgrading, technological change and the development of fa

14、ctory automatic system, the manufacturing industry of old British industrial cities has fallen sharply. The cities based on manufacturing suffered serious economic and unemployment problems, especially the inner city. In this context, British urban planning policy placed more emphasis on reversing t

15、he inner-city recession, and the urban planning guideline also shifted from the government-dominated plan to the market dominated implemention. In 1979, the conservative party which was led by Margaret Hilda Thatcher was in power, and it advocated neoliberalism economic policy, therefore the real es

16、tate development enterprises were involved in urban renewal as well. The British government advocated the establishment of urban development coporations which are independent of the local government, they are specially responsible for the planning and development of specific areas. These official or

17、 semi official institutions have been given several authorities which include land acquisition, management of real estate development and infrastructure improvement. Most of the members are representatives of the local business communities, its goal is to encourage the private sector to update the d

18、eclining inner city through the market oriented and real estate driven approaches. This model can quickly achieve the effect of urban renewal because it can avoid complicated local auditing routine. Regeneration:Rise of Humanism Although the urban renewal driven by the real estate has played a great

19、 role in the improvement of the British inner city, the private sector based urban entrepreneurialism is widely criticized for lots of reasons, such as conflicts between central and local governments, the lack of national coordination and the neglect of social equity and community welfare. Since the

20、 1990s, the urban renewal policy of Britain has begun to focus on the partnership between private sectors, public institutions and consciousness of community, and it also reshapes the policy directive framework at the same time. The allocation of urban renewal funds of the central government adopts

21、the competitive bidding process which could help the import of innovative strategic ideas and practical measures. Meanwhile, the concept of sustainable development is widely adopted, therefore social equity and environmental protection become the important goals of urban renewal, and community organ

22、izations and local residents are brought into the decision-making system as well. Chapter 1 Overview of Urban Regeneration JLL12132018 China-UK Urban Regeneration White Paper Evolution of Urban Regeneration: A Chinese Path With the development of urbanization progress, urban regeneration in China go

23、es further along with renovation of old cities, transformation of villages, industrial transformation, and regional escalation driven by industrial upgrade. PRC implemented a planned economy in its early years, resources were mostly allocated on the development of heavy industry, and higher producti

24、vity was the sole intention for urban construction, which is completely undertaken by the government. Due to the limitation of capacity and resources, renovation of old cities was only applied to dilapidated houses, minor construction of municipal infrastructures, and can improve residents well-bein

25、g at a basic level. With the development of industries, shortage of residential properties was emerging. Meanwhile, as a considerable number of aged properties lack renovation, deterioration was extensive and severe. In the 1980s, cities included Beijing and Shanghai attempted an old-property renova

26、tion led by state-owned development companies. But due to a lack of mature market mechanism, most of these companies were in short of fund. At such stage, renovation of old city means a simple “refill” blanks, instead of an extensive makeover that improves urban style, development structure, and urb

27、an morphology of a city. Since the 1990s, Chinas economy has been boosted and contribution from the tertiary industry has grown continuously. The policy of paid use urban land was introduced and hence, the market force and private capital was introduced to the renovation of city. Therefore, the mark

28、et vitality was released and commercial house market was boosted into a new peak. At this stage, local government and market force formed a combo and promote a large-scale, high-speed urban renovation and expansion. Nevertheless, such an intense progress reveal many problems, such as an insufficient

29、 attention to the history of city, which evanished some cultural characteristics during renovation. After the millennium, China joint WTO and its economy grew even more rapidly under a market-oriented operation. Developers of city renovation appreciated the growth potential of the area, and at the s

30、ame time, more attention were paid to factors such as transformation of old industrial areas and cultural industries to the old urban renewal. A new round of city regeneration began around 2010. In 2009, Guangzhou tried a regeneration themed on “three old transformation”, Shenzhen promulgated and im

31、plemented the Regulation of Urban Regeneration in Shenzhen along with a series of measures. In 2015, Shanghai introduced implemented the Regulation of Urban Regeneration in Shanghai and its implementation detail, and form a leading office. In order to develop an excellent global city, Shanghai initi

32、ated a urban regeneration programme focusing on: sharing community, innovation park, charming style, and leisure network, explore a new path with experiment via “example” and “pilot” projects. In 2011, Beijing emphasized protection of old city, population dispersal, and “policy protection zone” esta

33、blishment in its Regulation of Protecting and Developing Historic Cultural Famous Cities. And policies transformed from the rigid “overall relocation, plan and construction” to the soft “systematic concern, microcirculation, and organic renewal” which, meanwhile, accelerated reconstructing of the sh

34、anty areas and renovating environment led by the government, operate through the market. Urban regeneration starts closely incorporation with industrial upgrade, historic cultural protection, and regional comprehensive treatment .etc. Multi-participation, coordination led by government, interest and

35、 demand balances between different parties such as developers and residents, start to seek institutional innovation to achieve the goal of a long-term development in the city. Practices of Urban Regeneration: Diversity and Inclusion The core value of urban regeneration is change, which roots in the

36、evolution of industrial growth and urban function. Economic demand is backed and driven by humans needs. Human-oriented principle guiding urban regeneration become the keystone of global city future vision such as London, New York and Tokyo. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist

37、Party of China also said that the peoples longing for a better life is the goal of the partys struggle. Human-oriented urban regeneration upholds the principle of respecting culture diversity and inclusion, protects historic culture tradition, improves resident space and environment, improves the ur

38、ban infractructure system, enhances the urban operation efficiency, encourages technology research and innovation, cultivates new economic growth drivers, impels the sustainable development of cities, and promote the fashion and vitality. Respectively, urban regeneration practices can be clarified i

39、nto different types including historic area reservation, shantytowns transformation, infrastructure renewal, conversion of property use, industrial heritage regeneration, upgrading of innovation sharing, urban function refill, and green ecologic renewal. Historic Area Reservation Balance between pro

40、tection and development of historic area is the ultimate target among mingled issues. On one hand population intensity should be reduced, on the other hand the native surroundings should be maintained. Style and features of the historic blocks require conservation meanwhile infrastructure and enviro

41、nment need improvement. Modern function shall be introduced moderatedly so that the cultural gene is kept from over-commercialisation. In the short-term public fund is needed to preserve the style and texture of the blocks, while in the long-term private fund should be injected in order to implement

42、 a sustainable developing mechanism. Innovation and charateristics shall be encouraged but a strict entry regime is needed to protect craftsmanship. Styles of historic buildings shall be maintained and the style of whatever remains shall be well managed for a harmonic neighbourhood. Hardwares such a

43、s relics and buildings require a proper care and software such as enviorment, art and international communication demand improvement. UK established a sophisticated legal system in order to preserve its historic blocks. Take London as an example, in 1967, “Conservation Area”was introduced in the Civ

44、ic Amenities Act 1967, and in the 1972 and 1974 amendments of Town and Country Planning Act 1972, activities in the conservation area is restricted. In 1978, Londoners starts to rebuild and protect the old city via the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978. In The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Ar

45、eas) Regulation1990, definition and legal procedure of listed building and conservation area were clearly stated. Procedural legality ensure the protection of public interest, interests of government, firms, residents, and other parties are involved so that the protection of historic blocks is well

46、balanced in both long and short term. Conservation areas such as Covent Garden and Soho area combine cultural conservation and innovation organically, become the polit of 881 conservation area in the city. Real sage found in wilds, good sage found in town. In historic blocks of Beijing, imperial pal

47、aces, city halls, temples, birth place of celebrities, hutongs, messuages, time-honoured brands, meseums, and theatres, softly tell the cultural heritage and native Beijing tales. During modernisation, international organisations, financial institutions, design studio, pilot theatres, experience com

48、merce, independent book stores, themed bars, homestay and inn, health spa, bar and caf, themed resturants, and local snacks gradually infiltrate and embed in the blocks, which rebuild the genuis loci and release the gushing vitality, meanwhile bring conflicts and challenge. Chapter 1 Overview of Urb

49、an Regeneration JLL14152018 China-UK Urban Regeneration White Paper Shantytowns Transformation In the process of rapid urbanization, the city boundary has been expanding with the urban sprawl, which also formed the urban village both in the inner city and urban fringe area. Urban villages, in terms of institution, are subject to the Chinese dualistic land system (state-owned and collectively owned) and lag way behind in the aspect of urban functions and image. Those villages in the city are also outreach of the urban public management and servive system and maintain a relati



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