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Marketing Evolution:2018营销测量和优化的现状报告(英文版)(17页).pdf

1、A Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership Paper Commissioned By Marketing Evolution September 2018 The Current State Of Marketing Measurement And Optimization How And Why Organizations Are Re-Evaluating Their Marketing Measurement To Achieve Business Goals Table Of Contents Executive Summary In A Po

2、st-Digital World, Marketers Need Timely, Accurate, And Granular Data Marketers Have Made Progress On Data Initiatives, But They Must Make More Person-Level Data Can Help Propel Marketing And Business Priorities Forward Key Recommendations Appendix 1 2 3 8 13 14 ABOUT FORRESTER CONSULTING Forrester C

3、onsulting provides independent and objective research-based consulting to help leaders succeed in their organizations. Ranging in scope from a short strategy session to custom projects, Forresters Consulting services connect you directly with research analysts who apply expert insight to your specif

4、ic business challenges. For more information, visit 2018, Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. Information is based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. Forrester, Technographics, Forr

5、ester Wave, RoleView, TechRadar, and Total Economic Impact are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. For additional information, go to . 1-163Y12J Project Directors: Nick Phelps, Senior Market Impact Consultant, and Sophia Christa

6、kis, Market Impact Consultant Contributing Research: Forresters B2C Marketing research group 1 | The Current State Of Marketing Measurement And Optimization Executive Summary Marketers must evolve their attitude away from passively reviewing post-campaign reports toward actively analyzing results fo

7、r the purpose of guiding future plans. And the stakes will only continue to rise in the age of the customer, as empowered customers develop an expectation of seamless, real-time, and relevant brand experiences and content across all touchpoints. 1 In Spring 2018, Marketing Evolution commissioned For

8、rester Consulting to evaluate the state of person-level data adoption among marketers. Forrester conducted an online survey with 200 respondents and conducted five interviews with decision- makers in marketing, advertising, and customer insight roles at US organizations to explore this topic. We fou

9、nd that organizations understand they must master customer data at the person-level, yet challenges, including disconnected marketing measurement and optimization approaches, are holding many firms back from realizing the chief benefits of person-level data. KEY FINDINGS Customer obsession must driv

10、e strategy and be driven by customer data. Organizations are focused on business objectives like growing revenue and addressing rising customer expectations, as well as on marketing objectives like increasing brand influence and reach and driving more efficient marketing ROI. Executing against these

11、 initiatives requires that firms leverage timely, accurate, and highly granular customer data. While marketers are making progress, more work is required to master customer data goals. While its encouraging that seven in 10 are looking to expand their existing customer data capabilities, 72% are str

12、uggling to connect their marketing tools into a more cohesive approach. Furthermore, less than one third of marketers are able to meet all the standards of a mature marketing measurement practice. A person-level data approach will help drive marketing excellence. Organizations that use person-level

13、data perform better on their business and marketing goals and show stronger revenue growth than firms who do not. Furthermore, what differentiates organizations today will become a business requirement in the near future. Eighty-four percent of respondents agree that rising customer expectations wil

14、l make person-level data a critical capability within five years. The age of the customer is a 20- year business cycle in which the most successful enterprises will reinvent themselves to systematically understand and serve increasingly powerful customers. In A Post-Digital World, Marketers Need Tim

15、ely, Accurate, And Granular Data To grow, businesses must engage customers through lasting and profitable relationships. But serving todays empowered customers is harder than ever. As they embrace web, mobile, and social technologies, the lines that once separated their offline and digital experienc

16、es have blurred. These digital interactions have raised the bar for businesses that now must remove friction across a variety of touchpoints. But digital channels also leave a trail of valuable data that can be used to drive more meaningful customer moments, which, in todays post-digital world, must

17、 go beyond traditional personalization. Instead, marketers must deliver both personalized and contextual experiences in their customers exact moment of need and do so at scale. 2 To execute on this vision, organizations must put the customer not the products at the center of all decisions. They need

18、 to fully understand the complex journey of their customers and find ways to deliver across those journeys holistically. Success hinges on their access to and ability to act on timely, accurate, and increasingly granular data. Decision makers in our study recognize these needs and are placing a high

19、 priority on developing customer- and data-focused capabilities across both business and marketing use cases (see Figure 1). “Being able to better mine, understand, and utilize data in a meaningful way will be a requirement over the next five years. The consumer is getting smarter, and the marketer

20、needs to get smarter with them. That can only be done through data.” VP of marketing, financial services Figure 1 “What priority is your organization placing on the following objectives over the next 12 months?” BUSINESS OBJECTIVESMARKETING OBJECTIVES Base: 200 professionals with responsibility or i

21、nfuence over their frms marketing, advertising, or customer insight strategy Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Marketing Evolution, March 2018 Grow revenue Critical priorityHigh priority 40%90%50% Address rising customer expectations 32%87%55% Improve our ab

22、ility to innovate36%84%48% Improve our products and services 36%82%46% Increase operational effciency 34%82%48% Improved ability to respond to changes in our environment 27%81%54% Increase our brands infuence and reach in the market 36%88%52% Improve our marketing effciency/ROI 36%88%52% Rapidly con

23、vert data into insights aligned to customers real-time needs and behaviors 32%86%54% Better understand our customers attitudes and behaviors 32%84%52% Develop a 360-degree customer view 30%82%52% Deliver personalized, contextual, and consistent experiences across online/offine channels 34%82%48% Bet

24、ter leverage data and analytics in business decision making 35%80%45% 2 | The Current State Of Marketing Measurement And Optimization Marketers Have Made Progress On Data Initiatives, But They Must Make More Companies have made real progress on initiatives to support their customer and data goals. O

25、ver 70% have already implemented or are expanding efforts to enhance existing customer data with external sources, create a repository, and invest in business-friendly, self-service data systems. While these efforts are encouraging, a closer look at respondents marketing measurement techniques and m

26、aturity signals that marketers have more work to do to catch up with the needs of a post-digital environment. Seventy- one percent of respondents are most often using disconnected measurement tools, i.e., either a provider that only supports a tactical approach (focused on better understanding the a

27、udience through attribution), one that only supports a strategic approach (where insights are turned into decisioning and action as in a marketing mix model), or one that offers both approaches but through unlinked models (see Figure 2). Optimizing marketing effectiveness will be difficult without a

28、 unified marketing measurement foundation. Marketers need unified tools that: Provide a holistic view of marketing impact. Marketers are under pressure to understand and optimize their decisions in an environment of expanding media choices and consumer touchpoints. To do that, they need one source o

29、f truth about performance across channels. Tools that link top-down and bottom-up marketing actions allow for more complex analyses, including those focused on understanding cross-channel effects and customer journeys. 3 | The Current State Of Marketing Measurement And Optimization Figure 2 “What ty

30、pe of provider does your organization rely on the most to support your marketing measurement/optimization initiatives?” (Select one) Base: 200 professionals with responsibility or infuence over their frms marketing, advertising, or customer insight strategy Source: A commissioned study conducted by

31、Forrester Consulting on behalf of Marketing Evolution, March 2018 Unifed marketing measurement is a blend of statistical techniques that assigns business value to each element of the marketing mix at both the strategic and tactical level. 17% A provider that only supports a tactical measurement appr

32、oach (e.g., digital attribution, cross-channel attribution) 71% are most often using a disconnected approach 28% A provider that only supports a strategic measurement approach (e.g., marketing mix models) 26% A provider that supports both tactical and strategic measurement approaches, but with unlin

33、ked models 28% A provider that supports both tactical and strategic measurement approaches in a unifed model Support agility. To reach customers in their moment of need, marketers need access to real or near real-time data and tactical insight. Only then can they identify opportunities for action an

34、d ways to make mid-course corrections to campaigns already in flight. Offer future-focused guidance. Marketers need data-backed rationale for making strategic marketing investments. Access to models that use data from past campaigns to predict which marketing actions are most likely to yield the des

35、ired customer response, or to forecast the effects of changes in spending, are invaluable for optimizing marketing budgets and resources. 3 TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF UNIFIED APPROACHES, MARKETERS MUST DEVELOP THEIR MEASUREMENT MATURITY To evolve to a unified measurement approach, companies must develop s

36、ix competencies that Forrester considers important to customer centricity and measurement maturity (see Figure 3): Culture. Company culture must promote customer-focused philosophies, including putting customers at the center of decisions and delivering seamless, differentiated experiences. Governan

37、ce. Governance involves using measurement to understand the impact of aligned marketing strategies through a comprehensive planning process. Organization and resources. The support a firm has from within, across, and outside to effectively manage and execute a measurement framework is key to executi

38、ng on marketing initiatives. Technology and data. Companies need modern, self-service infrastructure to accurately manage, measure, and share insights across channels, campaigns, and teams. Measurement. To ensure standards are met in both the short and long term, companies need advanced models that

39、can measure leading, diagnostic, and outcome-focused metrics. Optimization and activation. Marketers need a feedback mechanism powered by predictive models that informs future marketing budgets, media planning, and marketing strategy. 4 4 Figure 3: Fewer Than One Third of Organizations Meet Maturity

40、 Competency Standards We meet all these standards. We meet most of these standards. We meet some of these standards. We meet none of these standards. “Please rate the extent to which your firm is meeting the standards associated with each of these marketing measurement areas.” Putting customers at t

41、he center of all decisions Using insights to anticipate and delight customers Moving fast to outpace competitors and disruptors Connecting functional areas to support the delivery of seamless, differentiated customer experiences 28% 38% 28% 5% Alignment between measurement insight and business strat

42、egy Effective use of measurement insights to align and shape customer experience strategy A comprehensive measurement planning process 26% 42% 28% 4% CULTURE GOVERNANCE Support from a C-level evangelist Access to business analysts with the skills to interpret marketing results and identify future op

43、portunities A strong network of partners that can help build and execute marketing initiatives Cross-functional collaboration on marketing measurement and insights 22% 40% 34% 4% ORGANIZATION AND RESOURCES Base: 200 professionals with responsibility or infuence over their frms marketing, advertising

44、, or customer insight strategy Note: Respondents that had implemented the greatest number of standards were classifed as mature. Data Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Marketing Evolution, March 2018 Content Source: “Evaluate Your Marketing Performance Measu

45、rement Maturity,” Forrester Research, Inc., August 16, 2017 5 6 Figure 3: Fewer Than One Third of Organizations Meet Maturity Competency Standards (Cont.) We meet all these standards. We meet most of these standards. We meet some of these standards. We meet none of these standards. Base: 200 profess

46、ionals with responsibility or infuence over their frms marketing, advertising, or customer insight strategy Note: Respondents that had implemented the greatest number of standards were classifed as mature. Data Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Marketing Evo

47、lution, March 2018 Content Source: “Evaluate Your Marketing Performance Measurement Maturity,” Forrester Research, Inc., August 16, 2017 Use of predictive models that automatically recommend optimized marketing plans Scenario planning tools that evaluate the effect of shifting budgets and forecast t

48、he potential impact Systems that provide actionable recommendations based on marketing initiative performance Sharing of insights across the organization, tailored to the needs of each department 24% 42% 26% 7% Use of advanced analytic models to measure marketing value across all channels, campaigns

49、, and tactics Use outcome metrics (sales conversions, revenue, proftability, customer value) Use of diagnostic metrics (viewability rates, response rates) Use of leading indicators (brand preference, requests for more information) 22% 41% 31% 6% OPTIMIZATION AND ACTIVATION MEASUREMENT Data collection tools that support comprehensive measurement across channels, campaigns, and platforms Comprehensive data management standards to ensure that all marketing performance data is clean Measurement tools that



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