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1、Copyright 2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. THE NIELSEN TOTAL AUDIENCE REPORT Q2 2018 2Copyright 2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. Technology is intertwined in how we all live our lives, but particularly so among younger generations. They have always bee

2、n early embracers and adopters of all technology from HiFi to WiFi. These days, smartphones, wireless headphones and other portable digital devices act almost as extensions of our appendages for many of us. They are perpetually by our side, accessible on a moments notice, and can be purchased nearly

3、 anywhere. If thats not enough, weve given not just voices to technology, but names as well. Now that the technology has been refined, consumers are getting comfortable talking to a machine and those machines are not just listening, but responding with their own voices, actions, and information. To

4、say the times have changed is an understatement. Point is, as the media landscape continues to evolve it provides consumers with a variety of options to customize their media use across television, radio and digital. Time spent with the television set is shifting, with consumers spending more time u

5、sing TV-connected devices to stream content in addition to traditional TV. Similarly, smart home devices are changing the way people interact with technology, whether its to listen to music, give directives, or get updates on the latest news. More media content is also being accessed across digital

6、platforms. Often, devices are used simultaneously with consumers choosing to multitask researching something they heard or saw, checking email, online shopping, or simply staying connected with others. This iteration of the Nielsen Total Audience Report provides a seasonal look at usage as we now ha

7、ve four full quarters of data based on a common methodology. It is important to note that seasonality plays a role across linear platforms, but less so for digital. Additionally, we outline what “prime time” is for each platform, giving us insight into time of day usage of different media devices. W

8、e also touch upon digital multitasking with linear platforms. HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS Q2 2018 SUMMARY INCLUDE: U.S. adults spend 10 hours and 24 minutes per day connected to media Adults 50-64 spend more time per day on media than any other age group Adults 18-34 spend more time on digital than TV and

9、TV-connected devices Black adults spend 2 hours and 22 minutes longer per day across all media than average TV and TV-connected device usage peaks during the 9pm hour Nearly three-quarters (73%) of media time spent at 11pm is consumed through the TV glass 92% of adults listen to radio during the ave

10、rage week, more than any platform 19% of U.S. adults listen to podcasts each week 24% of households own a smart speaker vMVPDs exist in 3.4% of all TV households as of June 2018 Over half of Asian American households have an enabled smart TV More details on sources and methodologies used within the

11、report can be found in the appendix. As a reminder, the data in this report reflects the expanded use of additional data sources and is not comparable to reports prior to Q1 2018; year-over-year comparisons will be made available on a going forward basis. We are thrilled to be sharing this next vers

12、ion of our Nielsen Total Audience Report where we continue to provide new insights into where technology, interests and the consumers media use intersect. Thanks, PETER KATSINGRIS, SVP AUDIENCE INSIGHTS 3Copyright 2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. AVERAGE TIME SPENT PER ADULT

13、18+ PER DAY BASED ON TOTAL U.S. POPULATION MEDIA CONNECTED CONSUMERS 2018 0:260:06 0:14 4:100:360:4711:060:391:462:22Q1 0:260:05 0:13 3:490:320:3210:242:191:450:43Q2 0:220:06 0:13 4:080:360:44 10:470:371:472:14Q4 0:210:06 0:13 3:540:310:43 10:300:401:482:14Q3 2017 Live TVTime-Shifted TVRadio Interne

14、t Connected Device Internet on a ComputerApp/Web on a SmartphoneApp/Web on a Tablet DVD/Blu-ray DeviceGame Console U.S. ADULTS SPEND 10 HOURS AND 24 MINUTES PER DAY CONNECTED TO MEDIA U.S. adults are spending 10 hours and 24 minutes per day interacting with media, whether that be watching, listening

15、 to, or reading content across all of their devices. While that time comprises 43% of the total minutes available in a day, it is very important to note that simultaneous usage does occur. It does, however, reflect that adults are engaged with at least one form of media for a significant portion of

16、their waking hours. From Q3 2017 to Q2 2018 time spent on media has fluctuated by as much as 41 minutes per day. Seasonality plays a large factor, with Live TV being the biggest contributor to the drop in total time from 11:06 in Q1 2018 to 10:24 in Q2 2018. Radio and Internet Connected Device usage

17、, which includes Smart TV apps, stayed the same during that time, while digital (computer, smartphone, tablet) remained at 34% of the total. Smartphones alone accounted for 65% of total digital usage, up from 62% in Q1 2018. Note: Some amount of simultaneous usage may occur across devices. Internet

18、Connected Device is inclusive of Smart TV app usage. 4Copyright 2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. Overall video usetime spent with a TV set, video on a computer, and using video focused app/web on smartphones and tabletsamong adults is 5 hours and 24 minutes per day. This is d

19、own from 5:57 in Q1 2018 but closer in line to the 5:27 in Q3 2017. Again, seasonality is a factor as high profile sporting events like the Super Bowl, Olympics, and March Madness occurred in Q1 2018. Despite that, time spent watching video on smartphones and tablets was equal to the previous quarte

20、r. Video on a smartphone and tablet only includes entities whose primary purpose is streaming video; there is a portion of video content (including viewing on social networking sites) not included here. AVERAGE TIME SPENT PER ADULT 18+ PER DAY ON VIDEO BASED ON TOTAL U.S. POPULATION Live+Time-Shifte

21、d TV TV-Connected Devices (DVD, Game Console, Internet Connected Device) Video on a Computer Video Focused App/Web on a Smartphone Video Focused App/Web on a Tablet 4:46 0:46 5:57 0:10 0:10 0:05 Q1 4:20 0:44 5:24 0:10 0:05 0:05 Q2 4:44 0:40 5:46 0:09 0:09 0:04 Q4 4:25 0:40 5:27 0:08 0:10 0:04 Q3 201

22、72018 AVERAGE TIME SPENT PER ADULT 18+ PER DAY ON SOCIAL NETWORKING BASED ON TOTAL U.S. POPULATION Computer Smartphone Tablet 0:05 0:34 0:45 0:04 0:34 0:44 0:05 0:32 0:43 0:05 0:35 0:060:06 0:06 0:06 0:46 Q1Q2Q4Q3 20172018 Social networking usage is not nearly as prone to seasonality as video usage

23、and has remained consistent since Q3 2017. Adults spent 44 minutes per day engaging with social media in Q2 2018, whether that be reading, commenting, or viewing video across various platforms. 5Copyright 2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. With the vast amount of device usage t

24、hat occurs throughout the day, it is inevitable that some of it is occurring simultaneously. TV viewing and digital device usage is naturally symbiotic. According to a custom survey of Nielsens Media Enthusiast Community, 45% of respondents watch TV while using digital devices very often or always.

25、Audio and TV are less correlated, as only 6% often watch and listen to different content at the same time. SIMULTANEOUS USAGE - TV AND DIGITAL How often do you watch TV and use a digital device simultaneously? SIMULTANEOUS USAGE - TV AND AUDIO How often do you watch TV and use an audio device simult

26、aneously? DIGITAL USAGE WHILE WATCHING TV In what ways have you used your digital device to engage with the TV content you were watching? DIGITAL USAGE WHILE LISTENING TO AUDIO In what ways have you used your digital device to engage with the audio content you were listening to? SIMULTANEOUS USAGE O


28、 SEEING SOMETHING ONLINE 51% 31% 25% 20% 14% 71% 41% 35% 28% 15% Digital devices are often used in tandem with TV and audio to augment users overall experience. 71% of respondents have looked up information related to the TV content they were viewing, while 51% did the same for audio. There are also

29、 e-commerce opportunities abound, as 35% of TV viewers and 25% of audio listeners have shopped for the products and services advertised on the main platform. 6Copyright 2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. When looking at total time spent and the distribution of time spent across

30、 media platforms by age some clear patterns emerge they just might not be exactly what you would expect. Adults 50-64 spend more overall time per day than any other group connected to media at 11 hours 49 minutes, including the most time on radio (2 hours 7 minutes). Younger consumers spend more of

31、their time using TV-connected devices and digital platforms, while older demos are still the most voracious consumers of linear television and radio. MEDIA TIME BY DEMOGRAPHIC Q2 2018 DAILY HOURS:MINS OF USAGE BASED ON TOTAL U.S. POPULATION ADULTS 18+A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ 4:21 1:45 0:44 0:32 2:1

32、9 0:43 10:24 6:55 1:44 0:23 5:38 2:07 0:30 0:33 3:41 1:48 0:50 0:38 2:00 1:23 1:10 0:30 0:19 0:33 2:31 2:51 0:46 11:49 8:08 10:35 2:14 0:47 1:28 0:46 11:35 Live+Time-Shifted TV Radio TV-Connected Devices (DVD, Game Console, Internet Connected Device) Internet on a Computer App/Web on a Smartphone Ap


34、LATION ADULTS 18+A18-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+ 42% 17% 7% 5% 22% 7%7%7%7%7% 60% 15% 3% 3% 48% 18% 4% 5% 35% 17% 8% 6% 25% 17% 14% 6% 31% 27% 19% 13% Live+Time-Shifted TVRadioTV-Connected Devices (DVD, Game Console, Internet Connected Device) Internet on a ComputerApp/Web on a Smartphone App/Web on a Tab

35、let There are also several notable patterns when examining the share of time spent on each platform by age. Adults ages 50-64, who spend the most overall time on media of any age group, spend 52% of their time watching TV and TV-connected devices and 31% on digital platforms. Conversely, adults 18-3

36、4 spend more time on digital (44%) than TV and TV-connected devices (39%). Regardless of age, radio consistently accounts for between 15-18% of daily media use and tablet usage is 7% across all groups. Copyright 2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. THE MULTICULTURAL CONSUMER The

37、increased racial and ethnic diversity across the U.S. is more prevalent than ever, and media usage is just one of the ways these differences and similarities are showcased. While every individual has uniquely personalized media habits, some patterns emerge by race and ethnicity just as they do by ag

38、e. Black adults spend 12 hours and 46 minutes per day on media, which is 23% more time than the average adult. They are the most avid consumers of media, spending more time on live TV, TV-connected devices, and smartphones than any other group. While Blacks spend over 3 and a half hours longer per d

39、ay than Hispanic adults on media, Hispanics still over-index on radio, TV-connected device, and smartphone usage. Asian-American adults spend more time than any other group on computers and tablets, and also over-index on smartphone usage. AVERAGE TIME SPENT PER ADULT 18+ PER DAY BASED ON TOTAL U.S.

40、 POPULATION Q2 2018 TOTALBLACKHISPANICASIAN AMERICAN Live TV3:495:392:551:58 Time-Shifted TV0:320:310:190:16 Radio1:451:501:50n/a DVD/Blu-ray Device0:050:060:040:03 Game Console0:130:150:140:09 Internet Connected Device0:260:300:280:31 Internet on a Computer0:320:270:210:41 App/Web on a Smartphone2:

41、192:472:202:23 App/Web on a Tablet0:430:410:370:45 Total10:2412:469:086:46* *Radio measurement includes Asian Americans but cannot be separated from the total audience at this time BLACK ADULTS SPEND 2 HOURS AND 22 MINUTES LONGER PER DAY ACROSS ALL MEDIA THAN AVERAGE 8 9Copyright 2018 The Nielsen Co

42、mpany (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. Black adults are spending the most time by far on total video use at 7 hours 31 minutes per day. They are spending the most time on Live+Time-shifted TV viewing, TV-connected device usage, and video focused app/web on a smartphone. Hispanics also over-index on T

43、V-connected devices, and Blacks, Hispanics, and Asian Americans all over-index on digital video as a whole. Asian Americans spend the least amount of time with video, but digital accounts for the highest percentage of their viewing at 11%. AVERAGE TIME SPENT PER ADULT 18+ PER DAY ON VIDEO BASED ON T

44、OTAL U.S. POPULATION Q2 2018 TOTALBLACKHISPANICASIAN AMERICAN Live+Time-Shifted TV4:206:103:142:14 TV-Connected Devices0:440:510:450:43 Video on a Computer0:050:060:050:07 Video Focused App/Web on a Smartphone0:100:190:150:09 Video Focused App/Web on a Tablet0:050:050:080:06 Total5:247:314:273:19 In

45、 stark contrast to video consumption, social media usage is more consistent across different races and ethnicities. Asian Americans are spending the most time on social networks at 47 minutes per day, with Hispanics at 45 minutes and Blacks slightly under-indexing at 43 minutes per day. Hispanics al

46、so spend the most time using social media on their smartphones at 39 minutes per day, which is 87% of their total usage and the highest of any group. AVERAGE TIME SPENT PER ADULT 18+ PER DAY ON SOCIAL NETWORKING BASED ON TOTAL U.S. POPULATION Q2 2018 TOTALBLACKHISPANICASIAN AMERICAN Computer0:040:03

47、0:020:05 Smartphone0:340:350:390:36 Tablet0:060:050:040:06 Total0:440:430:450:47 10Copyright 2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. MEDIA USAGE BY TIME OF DAY As noted earlier, U.S. adults spend 10 hours 24 minutes per day engaging with media across all platforms, but that usage is

48、 not necessarily uniformly distributed throughout the day. Access and convenience are two of the key factors that determine how people consume media at different times. So, is prime time still relevant in this era of device fragmentation? The answer is a resounding “Yes” as adults spend more time on

49、 media from 9-10 pm than any other hour throughout the day. Nearly 38 out of a possible 60 minutes are spent across Live+Time-shifted TV, TV-connected devices, radio, and digital (computer, smartphone, tablet) during that time. The 9pm hour is also peak viewing time for both TV and TV-connected device usage. Radio is more closely tied to traditional business hours. Listening time peaks at 12pm but radios share of total media time spent per hour is consistently at its highe



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