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1、索引IDC中国企业级研究部研究经理中国服务器市场概述, 20212 IDC |X86服务器市场概述PRC Quarterly Provincial Server TrackeryX8VlXnWkZlXmYoZnV8O8QbRsQpPmOsQlOoOqMfQnMxO7NmMuNMYnRqQuOmNrP3 IDC |2021年全球x86服务器市场出货量同比增长3.6%USA37%PRC33%Others30%WW X86 Server Market Unit Shipment by Region, 2021Q4Total 3.50Total 3.50MM3.50 21.8%20.6%17.2%4.

2、5%-4.7%-8.8%-3.1%12.9%1.0%19.7%3.9%0.4%7.3%0.2%3.3%4.4%-15%-10%-5%0%5%10%15%20%25% Shipment(M)WW X86 Server Market Overview, Unit Shipment(M), 2018Q1-2021Q4Unit ShipmentGrow

3、th Rate4 IDC |1,144 1,144 32.1%38.9%27.9%10.0%-0.6%-14.7%-4.8%5.2%-5.1%28.6%7.5%13.7%19.7%0.0%8.0%6.9%-20%-10%0%10%20%30%40%50%02004006008001,0001,2001,400Unit Shipment(K)PRC X86 Server Market Overview, Unit Shipment(K), 2018Q1-2021Q4Unit ShipmentGrowth Rate2021年中国x86服务器市场出货量和厂商销售额分别同比增长7.7%和12.4%7,

4、167.0 7,167.0 65.7%68.6%61.3%34.6%15.4%-8.3%1.1%6.4%0.0%47.1%14.6%22.8%26.6%3.6%14.6%10.5%-20%-10%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,000Vendor Revenue($M)PRC X86 Server Market Overview, Vendor Revenue($M), 2018Q1-2021Q4Vendor RevenueGrowth Rate5 IDC |10.7%25.9%1.1%18.4%7

5、.5%3.6%25.8%-0.9%-1.8%7.7%4.7%5.5%0.4%3.6%8.5%WWAPeJCWEUSPRCX86 Server Market Growth Rate Forecast by Region, Unit Shipment(M)5 Year CAGR21/20 GR22Q1 GRPRC x86 server market will grow at a CAGR of 8.5% in next 5 years3.553.553.823.825.305.304.4%24.0%34.1%5.9%12.6%20.6%21.0%10.0%10.8%26.0%-3.7%11.5%7

6、.7%6.4%10.4%8.5%8.7%-10%-5%0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%01234562009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025Unit Shipment (M)PRC X86 Server Market Forecast, Unit Shipment(M), 2009-2025Unit ShipmentAnnual Growth Rate6 IDC |13.2%41.6%1.7%15.4%16.9%5.5%29.2%2.8%-1.8%1

7、2.4%8.3%9.1%1.3%8.8%12.5%WWAPeJCWEUSPRCX86 Server Market Growth Rate Forecast by Region, Value($B)5 Year CAGR21/20 GR22Q1 GRPRC x86 server market will grow at a CAGR of 12.5% in next 5 years (value view)25.3 25.3 28.3 28.3 40.7 40.7 3.8%30.7%40.9%19.8%12.8%30.5%28.6%17.4%29.9%53.7%2.6%19.7%12.4%12.2

8、%14.5%12.2%11.7%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%05540452009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025Value ($B)PRC X86 Server Market Forecast, Value($B), 2009-2025 ValueAnnual Growth Rate7 IDC |竞争格局PRC Quarterly Provincial Server Tracker8 IDC |中国x86服务器市场竞争分析1,145

9、.6524.0407.4303.9300.2226.3196.8158.3138.7106.137.3273.26.3%11.8%13.6%6.1%68.1%-64.8%87.9%11.4%72.5%-0.6%7.7%7.7%-100%-80%-60%-40%-20%0%20%40%60%80%100%02004006008001,0001,2001,400Unit Shipment (K)PRC X86 Server Market Competitive Landscape, Unit Shipment(K), 2021/202020202021YoY GrowthAverage Growt

10、hInspur (-0.4%)30.0%H3C (+0.5%)13.7%Dell (+0.6%)10.7%Lenovo (-0.1%)8.0%Huawei (-12.2%)5.9%Others31.7%PRC X86 Server Market Competitive Landscape, Unit Shipment, 2021Total 3,818KTotal 3,818K9 IDC |主要厂商动态Strategic Movement: JDM model in internet industry achieved great success. Also invest on traditio

11、nal industries to gain market share. Focus on AI R&D and provide more AI solutions to server market.Key Industries: Kept advantage in internet industry and have higher share from Alibaba, Tencent, ByteDance, Baidu and Kuaishou. Some traditional industries, such as finance, services, resources and Co

12、nstruction showed 30%+ growth respectively in 2021.Strategic Movement: Investing on R&D of local model, the share of H3C branding continue to increase, prompting H3C brand rather than HPE brand in most internet, SOE and government cases.Key Industries: Internet showed high growth in 2021 with gain s

13、hare from BAT.Internet, Finance and Services showed about 20% growth respectively in 2021.Strategic Movement: Huawei has been impacted by China-US trade war. After selling x86 server business, Huawei will focus on the ARM server market.Intelligent Computing BU will turn the business focus to acceler

14、ate card for AI workload.Key Industries: Due to supply chain problem, Huawei withdrew from the x86 server market in 21Q4.10 IDC |主要厂商动态Strategic Movement: Internet industries is still Dells key industries with focus on tier 2-3 internet accounts. Dell kept competitive advantage in finance, manufactu

15、ring, services, distribution, etc.Shipped many tower servers driven by the demand from cryptocurrency mining.Key Industries: Almost all industries showed positive growth in 2021.Its major industries manufacturing, services and finance showed about 20%+ growth respectively in 2021.Strategic Movement:

16、 Adjusted strategies and returned to the competition of the internet. Shipped many tower servers driven by the demand from cryptocurrency mining.Key Industries: Internet showed 7.0% growth with gained shares from some key internet accounts, especially from Baidu and Kuiashou. Finance, manufacturing,

17、 resource and construction showed 20%+ growth in 2021.Strategic Movement: Focus on ODM business when it established and The ODM/JDM strategy helped Nettrix gained more shares from hyperscalers.Invest on AI server as the target customers are internet companies.Key Industries: More than 70% business c

18、ame from internet industry in 2021, customers include tier 1 and tier 2 internet companies.Services is another main industry showed significant growth in 2021. 11 IDC |行业趋势PRC Quarterly Provincial Server Tracker12 IDC |2021年,传统行业需求旺盛1,67340437734233725240301614.1%1.3%18.0%-13.8%17.0%13.2%

19、-22.6%-0.1%1.1%13.6%29.2%5.1%-16.8%10.4%7.7%7.7%3.2%3.2%-40%-20%0%20%40%60%80%100%02004006008001,0001,2001,4001,6001,800Unit Shipment (K)PRC X86 Server Market by Vertical, Unit Shipment(K), 2021/202020202021 YoY growthAverage GrowthAverage growth-exclude Internet Industry43.8%10.6%9.9%9.0%8.8%5.5%2.

20、9%2.3%2.0%1.6%1.4%1.0%0.8%0.4%13 IDC |46.8%52.9%62.8%51.8%15.8%16.0%12.6%15.7%25.1%20.1%15.7%22.1%12.3%11.1%9.0%10.3%0%20%40%60%80%100%20021Market Size of Internet Accounts New BATKuaishou&BaiduTOP50(ex.BATKB)OthersNew BAT include ByteDance, Alibaba, Tencent.Top 5 internet accounts took 7

21、2.2% share in 2021. They are Alibaba, Tencent, BytDance, Kuaishou and Baidu. Since 21Q4, the supply chain problem of ODM has become more serious, which will slow down the growth of ODM in 2022. However, in the long run, due to the trend of cloud deployment, the growth of ODM in the next five years i

22、s still expected to exceed the average growth rate of the total server market.AMDs shipments began to decrease in 21H2 due to supply problems. However, more internet companies will adopt AMD based server for public cloud and video streaming applications in 2022.Some tier2 internet companies showed v

23、ery high growth in 2021 with it became a new normal driven by pandemic. Especially the demand from Kuaishou and Meituan grow quickly.In 2021, with the decline of Alibaba and Tencent, Inspur lost a little share in internet, but it continue hold largest share with JDM model.Inspur41.8%ODM Direct17.0%H

24、3C11.4%Nettrix8.3%Lenovo8.2%Dell5.4%Huawei4.3%Others3.7%PRC X86 Server Market Competitive Landscape in Internet Account, Unit Shipment, 2021Total 1,673KTotal 1,673KTop 5互联网公司占70%左右服务器出货量市场份额14 IDC |142021年,部分传统行业需求旺盛Inspur20.8%H3C15.5%Dell14.8%Lenovo7.8%Huawei7.2%Others33.8%PRC X86 Server Market Com

25、petitive Landscape in traditional industry, Unit Shipment, 2021Total 2,146KTotal 2,146KThe government continues to spend more budget on epidemic prevention/control and economic recovery, significantly reduced the budget invested in IT infrastructure and tend to subscribe to cloud services instead of

26、 purchasing Server directly. The public security and local government showed -14.0% YOY growth while the central government showed -10.3% growth. Government users encourage the purchase of local brand. Such as H3C, Inspur, Powerleader and Tongfang.GovernmentDue to the shortage, some purchases have b

27、een postponed to 21H2, part of delivery will be delayed to 2022, making the growth of Telecom in 2021 lower than expected.ZTE, H3C, Inspur, Huawei and FiberHome took more than 80% share in 2021. In 2021, The main contribution to the growth of Finance came from Banking. Banking showed 17.9% YOY growt

28、h in unit, accounting for more than 80% of the overall shipment of Finance. Securities and insurance showed 13.8% and 13.6% YOY growth respectively in 2021.Most of banking accelerated to build internet+ and AI application platform, especially state-owned banks and shareholding commercial banks, whic

29、h account for more than 70% of the overall shipment of Banking.The planning of digital currency drives banks to increase their investment in IT infrastructure in 2021.Some large financial institutions have purchased additional servers to deal with the negative impact of shortage in the future.Inspur

30、, H3C, Dell, Lenovo and Huawei took more than 90% share in 2021. Inspur and ZTE gained shares most.TelecomFinance15 IDC |2021年,部分传统行业需求旺盛Inspur23.2%H3C19.7%Dell10.6%Huawei8.1%Lenovo6.7%Others31.8%PRC X86 Server Market Competitive Landscape in traditional industry, Vendor Revenue, 2021Total 13.3BTota

31、l 13.3BResource and Utilities showed stable growth in 2021, especially the growth of edge purpose-built servers.Inspur, H3C, Huawei and Dell took more than 70% share in 2021. Inspur, H3C and Dell gained shares.Resource & UtilitiesManufacturing Health showed 13.6% YOY growth in 2021, which mainly cam

32、e from hospitals. In the next few years, driven by policies and accelerated informatization, although the Health industry is expected to maintain stable growth.Dell, H3C, Lenovo, Inspur and Huawei took nearly 80% share in 2021. Dell, Lenovo and Inspur gained shares.ServicesHealthNearly 90% of servic

33、es are IT services providers, including software providers, data center providers, AI solution providers and etc.Some retailers and SI have purchased additional servers to deal with the negative impact of shortage, making the growth in 2021 higher than expected.Inspur, Dell, Huawei and Powerleader t

34、ook nearly 70% share in 2021. Huawei loss shares.All manufacturing segments showed growth in 2021. Electronic manufacturing accounts for more than 40% of the overall shipment. AI+ manufacturing and IoV(Internet of vehicles) are the main drivers of manufacturing growth in the next few years.Dell, H3C

35、, Inspur and Lenovo took nearly 80% share in 2021. Dell, Inspur and Lenovo gained shares.16 IDC |CPU竞争分析PRC Quarterly Provincial Server Tracker17 IDC |2021年服务器市场份额 (根据CPU类型划分)94.4%95.4%91.3%91.7%89.0%88.5%87.9%90.1%1.1%2.2%4.6%3.8%5.5%6.9%6.1%4.1%1.4%0.6%1.5%2.0%1.9%1.6%2.2%2.4%2.8%1.6%2.3%2.3%3.3%2

36、.9%3.4%3.2%0.2%0.2%0.3%0.3%0.3%0.2%0.4%0.2%80%82%84%86%88%90%92%94%96%98%100%2020Q12020Q22020Q32020Q42021Q12021Q22021Q32021Q4Market Share by CPU Type, Unit ShipmentIntelAMDARMX86 OthersEPIC&RISCCPU2021 UnitIntel3,477,802AMD216,694 ARM81,148X86 Others125,525 EPIC&RISC10,704 Grand Total3,911,873 IDC p

37、redicts that the CPU architecture will become more diversified in the future. X86 architecture will still be the mainstream server, and AMD server is expected to increase market share in 2022 due to the increasing demand in internet. ARM server will deepen the application in more industry scenarios

38、and is expected to grow rapidly. EPIC/RISC server market will keep shrinking and more applications will migrate to x86 or arm architecture.18 IDC |2021年,互联网行业占80%左右AMD服务器出货量市场份额171. Shipment(

39、K)X86 AMD Server Market by Vertical, Unit Shipment(K), 2021/202020202021YoY GrowthAverage YOY Growth94101.1%163.2%16.4%89.5%142.0%113.9%98.7%98.7%0%20%40%60%80%100%120%140%160%180%005006007008009001,000Vendor Revenue($M)X86 AMD Server Market by Vertical, Vendor Revenue($M), 202

40、1/202020202021YoY GrowthAverage YOY Growth19 IDC |2021年,政府占50%左右ARM服务器出货量市场份额40.326. Shipment(K)ARM Server Market by Vertical, Unit Shipment(K), 2021/202020202021YoY GrowthAverage YOY Grow

41、th27384.1%67.2%382.9%360.7%-20.7%271.3%85.4%85.4%-50%0%50%100%150%200%250%300%350%400%450%0500300Vendor Revenue($M)ARM Server Market by Vertical, Vendor Revenue($M), 2021/202020202021YoY GrowthAverage YOY Growth20 IDC |RISC/EPIC服务器市场逐渐萎缩81.181.159.359.353.353.324.

42、. -36.5%36.5%-70%-60%-50%-40%-30%-20%-10%0%10%20%30%40%0500FinanceInternetTransportationGovernmentManufacturingTelecomOthersVendor Revenue($M)PRC RISC/EPIC Server by Vertical, Vendor Revenue($M), 2021/202020202021 YoY growthAverage Growt

43、h38.1%27.4%11.2%9.5%9.2%3.2%1.3%21 IDC |加速计算服务器市场概述PRC Quarterly Provincial Server Tracker22 IDC |122,972 129.1%73.7%42.3%50.0%66.5%96.9%94.5%36.3%0%20%40%60%80%100%120%140%020,00040,00060,00080,000100,000120,000140,0002018H1 2018H2 2019H1 2019H2 2020H1 2020H2 2021H1 2021H2Unit ShipmentPRC Accelerat

44、ed Server Market Overview, Unit Shipment, 2018H1-2021H2Unit ShipmentGrowth Rate中国加速计算服务器市场概况, 2018H1-2021H23178.4175.6%108.8%54.1%61.9%53.7%52.2%71.8%66.4%0%20%40%60%80%100%120%140%160%180%200%05001,0001,5002,0002,5003,0003,5002018H1 2018H2 2019H1 2019H2 2020H1 2020H2 2021H1 2021H2Vendor Revenue($M)

45、PRC Accelerated Server Market Overview, Vendor Revenue($M), 2018H1-2021H2Vendor RevenueGrowth RateThe accelerated server market reached US$3178.4M in China in 2021H2, with growth rate 66.4% (21H2/20H2).The accelerated server unit reached 123k in China in 2021H2, with growth rate 36.3% (21H2/20H2). 2

46、3 IDC |23金融业AI应用典型场景营销, 56%风控, 26%运营, 18%金融业应用场景AI服务器需求占比,2021营销:用户画像,产品推荐(主动营销-非实时推荐,被动营销-实时推荐),智能客服,客服质检,开户(身份认证,证照识别),智能投顾等银行业:用户画像和产品推荐等,以经典ML为主,10%的用户(工行、招行、建行)会尝试使用深度学习做营销,推荐场景下,如果具备一定数据量,可以使用深度学习;未来2年内,互联网公司的推荐类AI将会推荐给传统金融机构,一定程度上也会带动加速方案的落地保险业:基于CV的核保、理赔,以及智能客服等证券业:智能客服、智慧营业厅、智能投顾、投资预测、量化投资等

47、运营:监管报送,财务票据识别,智能合规管理,经营数据分析,AI数字员工等内部票据、证件识别,以DL模型为主AI数字员工等场景仍处于研究或者POC阶段银行、券商与基金、保险行业在AI上的投资都可以分为三大板块:营销,运营,风控;支出规模领先的场景包括,营销中的产品推荐、智能客服;风控中的反欺诈;运营中的智能流程自动化相关场景; AI数字员工,视频分析等其他场景仍处于研究或者测试阶段。风控:零售风控,信贷风控,信用卡反欺诈,预警催收,贷后资金监控等数据源:征信数据,CRM系统数据外部数据源:电商,运营商,社交媒体以经典ML为主,8%的银行用户(工行、招行、建行、浦发)会尝试使用深度学习做风控,深度

48、学习的可解释性,数据的积累,是限制深度学习推广的瓶颈。Source: IDC China, 2021Q224 IDC |24能源&制造行业AI应用典型场景工业质检/巡检, 35%流程运营自动化, 18%预测性维护, 13%供应链管理, 10%其他, 24%能源制造业应用场景AI服务器需求占比,2021工业质检/巡检应用:基于2D/3D视觉识别分析技术进行生产车间的产品外观检测、设备点检、输送电线路巡检等因ROI清晰已成为工业智能领域较为成熟的应用,目前工业质检应用最为拥挤的领域当属电子制造、汽车、半导体和PCB等行业,未来如钢铁、食品、化纤、服装、电力等领域还会在具体场景中持续迭代创新;部分场


50、并不涉及核心生产环节及专业OT知识,对OCR、NLP等通用AI技术需求大,具有相对明确的ROI产出。其他:智能驾舱、车外环境感知与识别、车内语音助手,智能家居中的智能助手、智能相册分类、图像增强主要是在线服务类场景,对云计算服务需求较大。Source: IDC China, 2021Q225 IDC |25医疗行业AI应用典型场景AI辅助医疗影像诊断, 36%AI辅助临床决策, 17%医患交互式医疗服务, 12%诊疗记录语音转文字, 5%其他, 30%医疗行业应用场景AI服务器需求占比,2021AI辅助医疗影像诊断:把AI集成到临床工作流程中作为辅助医生的工具,可以更准确和可重复性的进行放射学



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