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1、Guangdong CO2 Utilization Technical Report广东省二氧化碳利用技术及潜力2014/D05讨论待修改稿 Draft for Discussion and Further Revision2009 年,中国国务院提出 2020 年温室气体排放行动目标,并在 2010 年把广东省列为低碳试点省份。英国能源与气候变化部与广东省发展及改革委员会在广东省省长朱小丹的见证下于 2013 年 9 月在伦敦签订了推动低碳合作的联合声明, 以深化双方合作,其中强调了开展碳捕集与封存(CCS)合作的重要性。2013 年 12 月 18 日中英(广东)碳捕集,利用与封存产业促进

2、与学术交流中心,即中英(广东)CCUS 中心正式成立。中心致力于推动大型 CCUS 项目的示范,应对人类面临的温室气体排放的挑战,为中国面对的雾霾、水污染的问题提供国际合作平台,催化清洁化石能源技术产业化,以及培养相关专业人才。支持单位:中心发起机构:CCUSCCUSIn 2009, Chinas State Council proposed its 2020 goal for greenhouse gas emissions, and then in 2010 made Guangdong a low carbon pilot province. Guangdong has made rem

3、arkable achievements in greenhouse gas emission control to which the UK-China low carbon cooperation has contributed significantly. In September 2013 the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) signed a joint statement in London with the Guangdong Development and Reform Commission, witness

4、ed by governor Zhu Xiaodan of Guangdong Province, to strengthen low carbon cooperation. The joint statement highlights the importance of collaborating in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Supported by the Guangdong and UK governments, the UK-China (Guangdong) Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage

5、Industry Promotion and Academic Collaboration Centre (the “Centre”) was officially founded on December 18th, 2013. The Centre is committed to promoting the demonstration of large-scale CCUS projects to tackle greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the Centre will also provide an international c

6、ollaboration platform for solutions to other local pollution problems (such as haze, water pollution) caused by coal utilization, and to accelerate the industrialization for clean fossil energy technologies and to train qualified professionals.SUPPORTING INSTITUTESFOUNDING MEMBERSAcknowledgements &

7、DisclaimerThis report is jointly produced by Ms.Yi Chen, Mr.Tiejun Zhang and Ms.Yutong Shu, researchers of the UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre and students at The University of Edinburgh, Dr. Xi Liang, Senior Lecturer at The University of Edinburgh and Secretary General of the UK-China (Guangdong)

8、CCUS Centre, Prof Li Pengchun at South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (SCSIO), and Prof Wei Ning from Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics (IRSM), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Our deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Di Zhou, deputy chair of the advisory board of UK-China (Guang

9、dong) CCUS Centre and researcher in the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for her effort to build a communication platform for CO2 utilization technologies and to provide some of the technical materials for this report. We would also like to express our heartfelt

10、gratitude to Prof. Wenzhou Xiang and Dr Tao Li from South China Sea Institute Of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof.Yuezhong Meng from Sun Yat-Sen University, Prof.Xiaochun Li from Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Dong Liu from Guangdong Electric

11、Power Design Institute for the technical research materials they provided. Thanks to Mr Bill Senior for reviewing the report. Special thanks to support by Guangdong Development and Reform Commission and British Consulate General to Guangzhou for support the project. Yi Chen1,2, Tiejun Zhang1,2, Yuto

12、ng Shu, Xi Liang1,2 , Pengchun Li 1,3, Ning Wei 1,4(1UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre, Guangzhou, China, 2Uiniversity of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 3South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)Acknowledgement

13、s & Disclaimer致谢与声明致谢与声明本报告由中英(广东)CCUS 中心秘书长、爱丁堡大学梁希副教授,中英(广东)CCUS 中心实习生、爱丁堡大学研究生陈弋女士和张铁骏先生,以及舒宇彤女士,中科院南海海洋研究所李鹏春教授,中科院武汉岩土所魏宁共同编写。特别感谢中英(广东)CCUS 中心顾问委员会副主席、中科院南海海洋研究所周蒂教授对二氧化碳利用技术交流平台的搭建以及对部分技术总结材料的提供。感谢中国科学院南海海洋研究所向文洲教授和李涛博士,中山大学孟跃中教授,中科院武汉岩土力学研究所李小春教授和广东省电力设计研究院刘东博士为相关技术提供总结材料。感谢 Bill Senior 先生对报

14、告的审阅和建议,感谢叶碧涵女士协调报告的排版和美工。感谢广东省发改委和英国领事馆对项目的支持。陈弋1,2,张铁骏1,2,舒宇彤2,梁希1,2 ,李鹏春1,3,魏宁1,4(1 中英(广东)CCUS 中心;2 爱丁堡大学,爱丁堡,英国;3 中科院南海海洋所;4 中科院武汉岩土所)目 录1. 引言 11.1 CO2 利用技术简介 11.2 当今政策环境下 CO2 利用技术的意义 31.3 本报告的研究方法及结构 42. 第 2 章传统商业化 CO2 利用技术 62.1 传统 CO2 利用技术介绍 62.2 CO2 商业化应用的市场供求概况 83. 第 3 章 CO2 地质利用技术 153.1 CO2

15、 驱油技术 153.2 CO2 增强地热系统技术 224. 第 4 章创新型 CO2 利用技术 264.1CO2 合成可降解塑料 264.2 CO2 合成汽油添加剂 294.3 微藻养殖耦合 CO2 减排技术 314.4 太阳光催化转化 CO2 技术 365. 结论与讨论 39 参考文献 43目录1. Introduction 11.1 Brief introduction to CO2 utilization technologies 11.2 The significance of CO2 utilization technologies under current policy sett

16、ings 41.3 Methodology and structure of the report 52. Traditional commercial CO2 utilization technologies 62.1 Introduction to traditional commercial CO2 utilization technologies 62.2 Market supply and demand situation of commercial CO2 utilization 83. Geological CO2 utilization technologies 153.1 C

17、O2 Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2-EOR) 153.2 CO2 Enhanced Geothermal Systems (CO2-EGS) 224. Innovative CO2 utilization technologies 264.1 CO2 synthetic biodegradable plastics 264.2 CO2 synthetic gasoline additives 294.3 Microalgae culturing coupling CO2 emission reduction technology 314.4 Solar catalyti

18、c conversion of CO2 365. Conclusion and Discussion 39References 43ContentsContent1. 引言Introduction211.1 CO2 利用技术简介近年来,气候变暖已严重威胁到人类可持续发展,应对气候变化成了全球共同面临的重大挑战。政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)评估报告指出大气中CO2 浓度的增加是气候变化的最大推手(IPCC, 2013)。原则上,至少有三种方法可以减少大气中 CO2:在源头减少CO2 排放;CO2 的捕获、封存(CCS);CO2的利用 (Wang et al., 2014) 。 其中,对已

19、经产生的 CO2 进行捕集与封存已经逐渐被公认为一项可以实现 CO2 大规模减排的方法,然而这项措施目前还存在着成本高,部分地区缺乏封存能力有不确定性等局限(Sridhar and Hill, 2011),制约着 CCS 技术的应用和发展。CO2的利用技术可以作为一个过渡方案,将捕集到的 CO2 附加价值,带来经济效益,补偿 CCS 的成本,逐渐受到人们的关注。目前,尚未有成熟的利用技术能够为人类大幅度减排二氧化碳。除了二氧化碳提高石油采收率等地质利用,其他利用能够经济地减排二氧化碳量非常有限。具体来说,通过对排放的 CO2 回收利用至少可从四种途径缓解气候变化问题(Aresta, 2010;

20、 Audus and Oonk, 1997):一是二氧化碳的地质利用,如提高石油采收率,提高水的采收率;二是通过对 CO2 的利用直接减少 CO2 的排放, 例如以CO2为原料生产化工商品;三是通过将 CO2 重新还原为碳氢燃料(例如,微藻养殖生成柴油技术等),循环对碳原子的利用,减少其它来源的化石燃料的燃烧, 最终减少CO2的排放;四是通过开发新的反应路径以 CO2 为反应试剂替代传统对气候变化有更大影响的物质,间接地缓解气候变化问题,例如在干洗业,用液体 CO2 替代氯化物溶剂(相同质量情况下,氯化物造成全球暖化的能力是 CO2 的数百至数千倍)。Sridhar 教授估计,理论上,如果各种

21、 CO2 利用技术得到广泛应用,可通过前 2 种途径减少至少 3.7 Gt/y 的CO2 向大气中的排放(相当于现在每年排 放 CO2 的 10%)(Sridhar et al., 2011)。需要注意的是,即使 CO2 利用技术可以得到广泛地应用,它的减排潜力也是很有限的,且并不能有效抑制大气中 CO2的积累,只可以减少 CO2 的向大气中的排放(Aresta, 2010)。尤其在现阶段,典型的利用技术中 CO2 被利用的周期只有数天到数月,被利用的 CO2 储存在工业产品中,很快又会被分解、释放到大气中,很难起到减排的效果(Mikkelsen et al., 2010)。另外,一些转化过程

22、需要消耗能源,可能会导致 CO2 的排放,而许多较有减排潜力(对 CO2 固定时间长,能耗小)的利用技术还处于 R&D 或者示范阶段,未能扩大规模充分发挥减排作用。除此之外,CO2 技术的发展也受到多种因素的制约(Song , 2010):(1) CO2 的捕集、纯化、运输费用高;(2)一些 CO2 的化学转化需要消耗大量能量; (3) 市场相对较小,缺乏投资激励;(4)缺乏发展 CO2 利用技术社会经济推动力。尽管 CO2 利用技术的直接减排作用小,且受到多种因素的制约,发展缓慢,CO2 利用技术仍是应对气候变化问题的潜在重要措施。国际社会已经开始对CO2 利用技术进行积极探索和发展。美国政

23、府已经投资 10 亿美元于 CO2 的捕集和利用的研究;德国政府仅对一个利用 CO2 作为原材料的项目就投资了 1.18亿欧元(Styringet al., 2011)。中国政府早就有对 CO2 利用相关技术开发利用的扶持,但从缓解气候变化问题的引言1.1 Brief introduction to CO2 utilization technologiesThe sustainable development of human beings has been greatly threatened by global warming, and the world is confronted wi

24、th a big challenge to tackle climate change. The assessment report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicated that the increase of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is the biggest driver of climate change (IPCC,2013). In principle, there are at least three ways to

25、reduce CO2 in the atmosphere: CO2 emission reduction from source; CO2 capture and storage (CCS); and CO2 utilization (Wang et al., 2014). Amongst these, CO2 capture and storage is recognized as a technology that can realize drastic emission reductions, though its deployment and development is constr

26、ained due to its relatively high cost and limit of CO2 storage in certain regions (Sridhar and Hill, 2011). CO2 utilization technology, however, as a potential transition mechanism, is gradually attracting peoples attention because it can add value to the captured CO2, bringing economic benefits and

27、 compensating for the cost of CCS. So far, there is not yet a mature utilization technology that could contribute to a deep cut of greenhouse gas emissions of human being. Apart from CO2 utilisation through geological utilization such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR), other utilization methods could o

28、nly reduce or consume very limit amount of CO2 compared to the total amount of anthropogenic emissions. In detail, there are four pathways which help mitigate climate change issue by reusing recovered CO2 (Aresta, 2010; Audus and Oonk, 1997): 1.CO2 geological utilization, such as enhance oil recover

29、y (EOR), enhance water recovery (EWR). 2.CO2 utilization can directly cut CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. for example, CO2 are converted to industrial chemicals and “stored” in such products; 3.The CO2 can be reduced to hydrocarbon fuels through some utilization technologies (such as microalgae bre

30、eding coupled with CO2 emission reduction technology), by which carbon is recycled, therefore reducing or replacing the use of fossil fuels, and indirectly reducing CO2 emissions.4.By developing new reaction paths with CO2 as the reaction reagent to replace traditional chemicals which has greater in

31、fluence on climate change, CO2 utilization may have an indirect contribution to mitigating climate change. For example, in the dry cleaning industry, chlorinated solvent and congeners are substituted with liquid CO2 (with the same mass, chloride has a climate change power many thousand-fold that of

32、CO2) It is estimated that a theoretical potential of 3.7 Gt CO2 could be prevented from entering the atmosphere every year through the first two pathways (accounting for 10% of the annual total CO2 emission) (Sridhar et al., 2011)It should be remembered that, even if the CO2 utilization technology c

33、an be widely used, its emissions reduction potential is limited. The use of CO2 will not solve theChapter 134视角专门对 CO2 利用技术进行评估、总结和支持还是近些年的事。需要提出的是本报告中 CO2 利用技术既指利用化学和生物的方法将 CO2 转化为其它分子形态的物质并从而带来附加价值的技术,也指利用 CO2 自身的物理化学性质协助或强化其他过程(有时可以同时将 CO2封存)的技术。特别需要注意的是,在实际发展 CO2 利用技术的过程中,需要对技术进行综合的评估,包括整个生命周期过程

34、中的减排潜力,能耗,环境影响,成本,原料等(Singh et al., 2014;Angunn et al., 2014;),同时还需根据 CO2 利用技术对地理位置,CO2 利用规模与纯度的要求,选择与相当的 CO2 排放源相结合,以实现真正的减排或其它社会经济收益。由于时间和专业知识的限制本报告仅对广东省几个典型的 CO2 利用技术进行初步的介绍和分析。改革委员会于 2011 年 10 月底,批准 7省市开展碳排放权交易试点工作。广东省作为 7 省市之一于 2013 年 11 月正式启动碳交易市场。与此同时,国家发改委和科技部在推动 CCUS 技术和政策文件均强调二氧化碳利用的重要性。在此

35、政策环境和趋势下,可以同时兼顾经济和社会效益的 CO2 利用技术的优势将越来越明显。这是因为,一方面 CO2 利用技术是 CO CO22 潜在的“汇”,这意味着 CO22 技术的收益可能会增加,而另一方面碳市场的建立如果推动了 CCS 的发展,CO2 利用技术作为是弥补 CCS 高成本的一项方法,也可能会得到进一步的促进,但目前尚不清楚碳市场能够支持哪种利用技术。problem of atmospheric CO2 accumulation, it might contribute to such an issue by reducing the volume of CO2 produced

36、(Aresta, 2010). Especially at present the typical lifetime of the CO2 currently used in chemical applications is only days to months. The stored carbon is then degraded to CO2 again and emitted into the atmosphere. With such short lifetimes it is difficult to contribute significantly to the mitigati

37、on of the CO2 problem by the industrial utilization of CO2(Mikkelsen et al., 2010). In addition, some conversion of CO2 consume large amount of energy, which may introduce new CO2 emissions, and many CO2 utilization technologies with promising potential to reduce emissions are still in the R&D and d

38、emonstration stage, and have not been able to be applied on the large scale. What is worse, the barriers for CO2 utilization include(Song , 2010): (1) costs of CO2 capture, separation, purification, and transportation to user site; (2) energy requirements of CO2 chemical conversion (plus source and

39、cost of co-reactants); (3) market size limitations, little investment-incentives and lack of industrial commitments for enhancing CO2-based chemicals; and (4) the lack of socio-economical driving forces.Despite CO2 utilization technology leads to limited CO2 emission reduction, and its development i

40、s restricted by many factors, it is an important measures to tackle climate change. CO2 utilization technology has been actively explored and developed throughout the world. The U.S. Government has invested 1 billion US dollars in research into CO2 capture and utilization; Germany spent 118 million

41、euros on one project using CO2 as the raw materials with (Styring et al., 2011). The development and deployment of CO2 utilization technology have long been supported by the Chinese government, while the assessment, support and conclusions concerning CO2 utilization technology from the perspective o

42、f mitigating climate change only started in recent years. Please note that the CO2 utilization technologies set out in this report refer not only to using chemical and biological methods to convert CO2 into other molecules and thus bring additional value of technology, but also using the chemical an

43、d physical properties of CO2 to assist or strengthen other processes (sometimes involving CO2 storage at the same time). It should be noted that, in real practices, before developing CO2 utilization technologies, the technologies should be evaluated comprehensively, including the emission reduction

44、potential, energy consumption, environmental impact, the cost and raw materials etc. in the entire life cycle (Singh et al., 2014; Angunn et al., 2014); At the same time, in order to realize the real emission reduction and other social and economic benefits, it is better to match the specific CO2 ut

45、ilization technologies applications with appropriate CO2 emission points or CCS infrastructures based on its location, scale and purity of emitted CO2. Because of the limitation of time and knowledge, this report will only carry on the preliminary introduction and analysis of typical CO2 utilization

46、 technologies in Guangdong province. 1.2 当今政策环境下 CO2 利用技术的意义近些年来, 中国一直努力推进低碳经济,循环经济以及二氧化碳的减排工作。2008 年通过的循环经济促进法积极推进资源利用减量化、再利用、资源化,从源头和生产过程减少温室气体排放(Li and Wu, 2014)。CO2 利用技术可以将温室气体资源化,是促进循环经济和减排的典型技术。随着全球对气候变化问题的日益重视,中国也加紧了对 CO2 的控制。在2009 年的哥本哈根峰会上 , 中国承诺于 2020 将 CO2 排放强度较 2005 年减少40%-45%。 而现阶段, “十二

47、五规划纲要”规定国家在 2011-2015 期间减少 17% 的排放强度 (Yan and Fang, 2015) 该纲要还明确提出逐步建立全国碳排放交易市场,使控制温室气体排放从单纯依靠行政手段逐渐向更多地依靠市场力量转化(Zheng, 2014)。为此国家发展和1.3 本报告的研究方法及结构本报告通过现场调查、访问专家和文献收集的方法对广东省 CO2 利用技术进行了调查和总结,并根据技术发展的阶段(基础研究,技术研发,中试,示范,工业化)对未商业化的技术的成熟度进行评估,同时从减排潜力等其他方面对技术进行综合评价。本报告共分为 5 章。第 1 章主要对 CO2利用技术进行简单的介绍并分析其

48、在当今政策环境下的重要意义。本报告的主体部分对广东省典型的 CO2 利用技术的进行了介绍和总结。这些技术根据商业化程度、学科领域和创新度差异分以下三章进行描述:商业化 CO2 利用技术(第 2 章),CO2 的地质利用技术(第 3 章)以及创新型 CO2 利用技术(第 4 章)。其中第 2 章着重对 CO2商业化应用的市场供求情况进行了介绍。第 3、4 章则主要从技术本身、技术成熟度和发展潜力方面进行阐述。最后,第 5 章将对未商业化的技术进行了成熟度进行比较,结合技术特点试揭示出不同技术在广东省的发展潜力。1.2 The significance of CO2 utilization tec

49、hnologies under current policy settingsChina has been working for some time 引言Chapter 156China has been working for some time on a low carbon and circular economy, and CO2 emission reduction. The Circular Economy Promotion Law passed in 2008 actively promotes the reduced use, reuse and recycling of

50、resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the source and the production process (Li and Wu, 2014). CO2 utilization technology is a typical method to boost the circular economy and emission reduction at the same time as utilizing greenhouse gases as a resource. Chinese government has put stro



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