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1、12345用户篇共创美好生活行业篇共荣美好行业About the IndustryCreating a Prosperous Industry Together社会篇共建美好社会About SocietyCreating a Harmonious Society Together责任护航发展Taking Responsibility to Promote Development美团企业社会责任理念 04Corporate Social Responsibility Philosophy of Meituan美团公司简介 86About Meituan关于本报告 82About this rep

2、ort美团与联合国 2030 年可持续发展目标(SDGs) 84Meituan &United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)美团十周年大事记 06A Chronicle of Key Events in Meituans First Decade12 一老一小,生活更好16 从好吃到吃好,从品味到品位22 保护用户隐私安全28 推进供给侧数字化,老店焕新、新店更好32 助力餐饮全链条经营36 政企共治让“小餐饮”有证经营38 帮助外卖小哥有成长,被尊重48 带动就业,培育新职业52 大数据助力城市精细化治理54 让夜经济更红

3、火56 为脱贫攻坚出份力60 带动百万商户参与公益70 企业管治76 环境管理78 员工发展与关怀A better life for seniors and childrenSafeguarding consumer privacyFrom good taste to great qualityEmpowering the full value chain of the catering industry Refined urban governance empowered by big dataEnvironmental managementHelping delivery riders i

4、mprove career development, and earn respectContributing to poverty alleviationMerchants participation in public welfareDigitalization of the supply side makes old stores new and new stores betterIncreasing employment and fostering new jobs Corporate governanceSmall catering businesses licensed throu

5、gh government-enterprise co-governance Injecting vitality into the nighttime economyEmployee growth and care08446624About UsersCreating a Better Life Together for Users目录 Contents67社会责任体系建设在美团的整体战略规划中占有重要地位。我们致力于在整个生态系统中共享我们的社会责任理念,以促进所有参与者的发展和进步,不断地为用户、行业和社会创造价值。美团企业社会责任理念美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告以客户为中心客户

6、需求是公司所有策略、行动的最重要的输入,帮客户解决问题,借此创造价值,公司才有存在的理由。追求卓越我们的业务需要我们持续改进的卓越服务赢得客户口碑,低毛利的行业特点要求我们极致的追求流程改进及效率优化以构筑成本领先的竞争壁垒,这些都需要我们用精益求精的产品和技术提供支撑。合作共赢我们的业务,相比绝大多数互联网公司,业态复杂多样,流程环节多,只有各平台及各业务线,线上线下各团队,包括生态链上的合作伙伴,一起高效合作才能服务好我们的客户。正直诚信诚信经营是公司持续发展的根本。在原则问题面前,我们宁愿牺牲短期利益,来换取长期的成功。“德才兼备,以德为先”也是公司干部选拔任用的导向。美团的价值观 Me

7、ituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility ReportThe development of the social responsi-bility system plays an important role in the overall strategic planning of Meituan. We are committed to sharing our social responsibility philosophy across the whole ecosystem to promote the development

8、and progress of all stakeholders to con-stantly create value for users, the industry and society.Corporate Social Responsibility Philosophy of MeituanValues of Meituan Customer-centricThe customers demands are the most impor-tant source of all strategies and actions for our company, and helping cust

9、omers to solve their problems and create value is the fundamental purpose of our company.Striving for excellenceOur business calls for continuous improvement of excellent services to win praise from our cus-tomers, and as an industry with a low gross mar-gin, it requires our ultimate pursuit of work

10、flow improvement and efficiency optimization to main-tain our cost advantage amid market competition, both of which should be achieved through the provision of excellent products and technologies.IntegrityHonest operation and management is the corner-stone of our companys sustainable development. As

11、 a matter of principle, we would rather sacri-fice short-term interests for long-term success. We hold the principle of “equal focus on integrity and ability with integrity as the priority” in ap-pointing executives for our company.Win-win cooperationCompared with the vast majority of internet compa

12、nies, our business is complex and di-verse with many workflow links. Only through efficient cooperation among all platforms and business lines, online and offline teams, and partners in the ecosystem, can we serve our customers better.89美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Respon

13、sibility Report美团十周年大事记A Chronicle of Key Events in Meituans First Decade1011用户篇About Users121312In 2019, the per capita service expenditure in China accounted for 45.9% of the total consumption, and became the “ballast” of consumption growth for its high frequency and sustainability. Meituan, as a

14、leading e-commerce platform for local services, found that in 2019, services for seniors and children be-came new territories for service consumption growth. People showed higher expectations for the overall quality of consumption. They want their meals to be not only tasty but also healthy. People

15、are becoming increasingly eager for excellent and stylish products. At the same time, with the further popularization of consumption digitalization, people became more aware of the importance of privacy protection in the process of consumption. Following these trends and its corporate mission of “We

16、 help people eat better, live better”, Meituan has made continuous efforts to meet the diversified needs for the quality life of its 450 million users through technology innovation, service innovation and product innovation.2019 年居民人均服务性消费支出占比已达到 45.9%,服务性消费因为其高频率、可持续的特点已经成为消费增长的“压舱石”。 作为生活服务电子商务平台,

17、美团洞察发现:这一年,一老一小,成为了服务性消费增长的新领域;这一年,人们对消费质量的要求越来越高,不仅要好吃,更要吃好,对消费的综合体验越来越期待,不仅要品味,还要品位;这一年,随着消费数字化的进一步普及和深入,人们开始更加关注消费过程的个人隐私保护。紧随这些趋势, 秉承着 “帮大家吃得更好, 生活更好” 的企业使命, 美团通过技术创新、 服务创新、 产品创新, 为满足4.5亿用户多样化、品质化的美好生活需求不断努力。共创美好生活Creating a Better Life Together for UsersMeituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Re

18、sponsibility Report1415一老一小,生活更好2019 年,美团见证了银发族和儿童两大新兴群体的服务消费变迁,并针对他们的消费习惯不断优化服务品质,让新老一族感受到便捷的数字化生活。中国60周岁以上定义为老年人。美团外卖解决老人做饭难、吃饭难问题,2019年银发族外卖订单量同比增长近30%。数字化丰富了老年人业余生活,据媒体统计,北京等地白天时段KTV客户中老年人群占比70%-90% 。2019年1月国家统计局数据显示,“银发族”数量达到2.5亿。“数说”银发族 60岁2.5亿30%70-90%美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告今年 68 岁的李爷爷是一名拉丁舞教师,爱做饭

19、的他是家里的“大厨”,也是打理五口之家生活的主力。自从学会了点外卖,他发现自己不用再每天围着灶台和小孙女转,有了自己的闲暇时间,偶尔还能尝尝鲜,点一些没吃过的味道,享受一种特别的“时尚生活”。68岁老人的时尚生活 爱做饭也爱点外卖案例A better life for seniors and childrenIn 2019, Meituan witnessed the changes in service consumption by two emerging groupsseniors and children, and continuously optimized its service

20、quality according to their consumption habits, so that seniors and children could enjoy the convenience of digital life.Silver-haired consumers by the numbers60In China, people over 60 years old are defined as the elderly.30%Meituan Waimai helps solve the difficulties in cooking and dining faced by

21、the elderly. In 2019, the number of delivery orders from the elderly increased by nearly 30% over that of the previ-ous year.250 millionAccording to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of members of the “sil-ver-haired generation” in China reached 250 mil-lion by January 2019.70-

22、90%Digitalization enriches the recreational lives of the elderly. According to media reports, 70-90% of KTVs daytime (9:00 - 17:00) customers in cit-ies like Beijing are elderly people.Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility ReportMr. Li, 68, is a Latin dance teacher in Beijing. He lov

23、es cooking and is the “chef” and housekeep-er of his family of five. Ever since he learned to order food through a smartphone app, he has been freed from chores in the kitchen.The fashionable life of 68-year-old Grandpa Li as a fan of cooking and food deliveryStory1617“数说”儿童经济 美团数据显示,2019年七夕期间,全国亲子型

24、餐厅交易额相较于去年翻番,环比七夕前三日均值增长34%,其中,上海、深圳的亲子餐厅环比增长均在60%以上。2019年,美团“亲子主题酒店”的用户评论数同比增长114%。截至2019年9月30日过去的12个月,美团低龄段学习者增长迅猛,素养启蒙类访问量增长高达349%。34%349%114%家住北京朝阳区的蓝女士是个 80 后职场妈妈。自从朝阳大悦城开了一家“Ours 树朵家亲子餐厅”,蓝女士便经常在周末带儿子来这里。亲子餐厅里有很多孩子喜欢的娱乐设施,在这里,蓝女士可以一边工作一边陪伴孩子,或者与朋友们聚会,在繁忙的生活中享有舒适闲暇的时光。亲子餐厅家长遛娃社交新选择案例美团点评 2019 企

25、业社会责任报告Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility ReportThe childrens economy by the numbers34%According to data released by Meituan, during the period of the Chinese Val-entines Day (or the Double-Seventh Festi-val, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month) of 2019, the transaction

26、volume for child-friendly, family restaurants in China doubled compared with that of last year, with an increase of 34% over the daily av-erage for the three days ahead of the Chi-nese Valentines Day. The transactions at family restaurants in Shanghai and Shen-zhen grew by at least 60% over the aver

27、age for the three days ahead of the Chinese Valentines Day. 114%In 2019, the number of user reviews of “child-friendly hotels” on Meituan increased by 114% year-on-year.349%Over the 12 months ended September 30, 2019, Meituan witnessed a rapid growth in the number of young students, and the number o

28、f visits to literacy en-lightenment courses increased by 349%.Ms. Lan, who lives in Chaoyang District, Beijing, is a post-80s working mother. Since the opening of OURS PREMIUM KIDS CAFE in the Chaoyang Joy City mall, Ms. Lan and her son have become regular customers on weekends. While her son enjoys

29、 himself in the restau-rants child-friendly play space, Ms. Lan can do her business or chat with friends, and snatch a moment of leisure in her busy life.Child-friendly, family restaurants are a new option for social gatherings of parents with their childrenStory1819从好吃到吃好,从品味到品位通过深入洞察消费者的需求, 美团为用户提

30、供便捷、 高品质、 可信任的消费参考, 帮助用户实现从 “好吃” 到 “吃好” ,从“品味”到“品位”的消费升级。美团通过严谨公正的评审体系,为所有热爱美食的消费者打造了一份“精选中国味蕾”的权威美食指南。“黑珍珠餐厅指南”首次提出涵盖烹饪水平、体验感受、传承创新三个维度的中国美食标准。甄选品质生活 2019年“黑珍珠”线上套餐订单量年同比增长69%。2019年“黑珍珠”线上订单销售金额年同比增长190%。美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告69%69%190%190%Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility ReportFro

31、m good taste to great qualityBased on its deep insights into consumers needs, Meituan provides users with convenient, quality and trustworthy consumption references, helping them meet their higher expectations for the overall quality of consumption.Through a rigorous and impartial assessment system,

32、 Meituan presents an authoritative food guide for all gourmets with “Selected Chinese Delicacies”. For the first time, the “Black Pearl Restaurant Guide” presents Chinese food standards covering the three aspects of cooking, customer experience, inher-itance and innovation.Living a quality life In 2

33、019, the number of online orders for set meals at “Black Pearl” restaurants rose 69% from the previ-ous year, and the total online sales volume went up 190% year-on-year.2021引领健康生活 2019年,轻食、减脂餐、减肥餐、健康餐四个关键词在美团App搜索次数同比去年分别增长235.8%、200.6%、186.4%、116.0%。订购饮品时的“减糖”的功能也受到非常多用户的青睐。2019年,运动健身品类的订单量同比增长35.

34、5%,交易额同比增长42.3%。健身馆、瑜伽室、舞蹈室等健身休闲场所成为了人们运动和社交的新去处。2019年美团消费医疗品类线上交易额年同比增长达110%,口腔品类的年同比交易额增长超过180%。吃得更健康吃动平衡医疗健康通过丰富服务品类,美团致力于提升社会大众对膳食营养、运动健康等的重视,倡导健康生活新方式。2019 年 10 月 16 日是第 39 个世界粮食日,主题为“行动造就未来 - 健康饮食实现零饥饿”。当天,美团与联合国世界粮食计划署共推“拒绝隐性饥饿”健康饮食倡导行动,联动美团平台上超五十家餐饮连锁品牌,倡导健康饮食,推动全球“零饥饿”可持续发展目标实现。与联合国世界粮食计划署共

35、推“拒绝隐性饥饿”健康饮食倡导行动案例美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility ReportLeading a healthy lifeEat more healthilyIn 2019, the number of searches for the four keywords light meals, low-calorie meals, diet meals, and healthy meals on the Meituan App increased by 235.8%, 200.6%,

36、 186.4%, and 116.0% respectively compared to the previous year. The choice of “less sugar” is much fa-vored by many users when they are ordering drinks.Balance between diet and exerciseIn 2019, orders in the sports and fitness category grew by 35.5% year-on-year and transactions grew by 42.3% over t

37、hat of the previous year. Fitness and leisure venues such as gymnasiums, yoga centers, and dance rooms are becoming new places for people to exercise and socialize.HealthcareIn 2019, the online transaction volume of con-sumer medical services on Meituan grew by 110% year-on-year, and the year-on-yea

38、r growth rate of oral healthcare transaction volume ex-ceeded 180%.October 16, 2019 marked the 39th “World Food Day” with the theme “Our Actions Are Our Fu-ture Healthy Diets for a Zero Hunger World”. On the same day, Meituan and the World Food Programme of the United Nations jointly launched the “N

39、o Hidden Hunger” healthy diet initi-ative. More than 50 catering chain stores on Meituan platforms joined in the action to advo-cate a healthy diet for the realization of the sustainable development goal of a “zero hunger” world.Meituan and the World Food Programme of the United Nations jointly prom

40、oted the “No Hidden Hunger” healthy diet initiative.StoryBy enriching its service offerings, Meituan is committed to raising public awareness of the importance of dietary nutrition, regular workouts and health through advocating a new way of healthy living.2223丰富文化生活“数说”文化生活在消费中融入文化,尤其是中国传统文化也正在成为一种

41、新趋势。美团不断拓展消费内容,全方位满足消费者对文化消费的需求。2019年美团App文化博物馆相关品类销售量同比增长近50%。文化相关的民宿订单量同比增长204.1%,客栈主题民宿订单量增长135%。2019年,在美团平台上的汉服相关品类订单量增长1028.3%,商户数增长659.5%。传统文化与现代消费的结合越来越受到消费者的喜爱。博物馆民宿与特色酒店传统文化兴起美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility ReportEnriching cultural lifeCultural life b

42、y the numbersMuseumsIn 2019, the sales of culture and museum-relat-ed services over the Meituan App rose nearly 50% year-over-year. The rise of traditional cultureIn 2019, the orders of Hanfu (a form of traditional Chinese clothing) products and services on Meituan platforms increased by 1028.3%, an

43、d the number of merchants increased by 659.5%. The combination of traditional culture and modern consumption is becoming increasingly popular with consumers.B&Bs and specialty hotelsCulture-related B&B orders rose by 204.1% year-on-year, and inn-themed B&B orders in-creased by 135%.Integrating cultu

44、re, especially traditional Chinese culture, into consumption is becoming a new trend. To this end, Meituan continues to expand its consumer services to meet the various demands for cultural consumption.2425美团用户在点外卖下单时,在订单详情下的列表可以看到“号码保护”功能。“号码保护”功能默认开启,商家和骑手只能通过临时生成的虚拟电话号码联系用户。订单完成后,虚拟号码自动作废,从技术上避免了

45、用户信息的泄露风险。“号码保护” 为用户隐私保驾护航案例保护用户隐私安全美团始终践行“以客户为中心”的价值观,将用户权益置于首位,严格遵守相关法律法规要求,参照国家标准和行业最佳实践,落实用户隐私保护工作。美团信息安全管理举措制定隐私政策专门团队建立用户账户授权及管理机制在网络传输中加密用户数据制定一系列备份管理程序与雇员签署保密协议并提供持续的信息安全培训美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility ReportSafeguarding consumer privacy“Customer-cen

46、tric” is one of Meituans core values, and Meituan has always put the users rights and in-terests first. Meituan strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations, and implements user privacy pro-tection in accordance with national standards and industry best practices.Meituans measures on information

47、 security management Formulating the privacy policyEncrypted user data in network transmissionsDedicated teamA series of backup management proceduresUser account authorization and management mechanismConfidentiality agreements with employees and on-going data se-curity trainingWhen a Meituan user pl

48、aces an order for food delivery, the “phone number protection” button can be seen in the menu under the order details. The “phone number protection” function is activated by default, and merchants and delivery riders can only contact users through tem-porarily generated virtual phone numbers. After

49、the completion of the order, the virtual num-ber will be automatically voided, thus avoiding the risk of user information disclosure through technology.“Phone number protection” for user privacyStory2627行业篇About the Industry2829The service industry has become the backbone of the Chinese economy. Ove

50、r the past decade, Meituan has been committed to promoting the digital transformation of the local service industry and injecting new impetus into Chinas economic development.In 2019, the number of active merchants on Meituan reached 6.2 million, including “time-honored brands” that have been operat

51、ing more than a century, newly-opened “online popular stores”, listed catering companies with a market value of tens of billions of RMB and “small household shops” hidden deep in alleys. Meituan provides diverse product solutions to help these businesses lower costs and improve operational efficienc

52、y through digital transformation. Meituan also participates in government-enterprise co-governance to strengthen system support for industry optimization. At the same time, Meituan provides multifaceted support for the personal development of delivery riders.服务业已成为我国经济的支柱产业。十年来,美团一直致力于推进生活服务业的数字化升级,

53、为我国经济发展注入新动力。2019 年,美团服务的商家已达到 620 万。他们中有经营百年的中华“老字号”,也有开业不久的“网红新贵”,有百亿市值的上市餐饮公司,也有藏于深巷的“夫妻小店”。美团提供丰富的产品解决方案,助力这些商家完成数字化升级、实现降本增效,并积极参与政企共治,推动行业优化制度保障。同时,美团还为外卖骑手的个人发展提供多方面支持,帮助他们更好地融入城市。共荣美好行业Creating a Prosperous Industry TogetherMeituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report3031Meit

54、uan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告推进供给侧数字化,老店焕新、新店更好老字号搭上数字快车“数说”老字号为了帮助老字号餐饮品牌加快数字化建设步伐,进一步适应消费升级趋势和市场需求,美团从经营、管理、供应链、人才培养、品牌营销等层面提供全方位的战略支持,助力老字号企业升级焕新。全国餐饮老字号品牌门店约有3100家,覆盖全国246个城市开通外卖业务的门店达到49%开通团购、预订业务的门店达到19.3%开通扫码收银的门店达到23.5%3100家49%19.3%23.5%建于光绪三十二年(1

55、906 年)的云南百年老字号米线店“建新园”,为满足消费者日益多样化、个性化的餐饮消费需求,于 2016 年正式接入美团外卖,根据消费者的新兴需求转变经营思路。从前只专注于味道的大厨,开始通过学习外卖相关数据分析,更好地开展线上经营。针对线上外卖客群的新需求,“建新园”开发了专门针对外卖设置的套餐和新品;结合所在商圈消费者的口味分析,在主打产品米线保持不变的情况下,调整更适合客人口味的小吃品类。同时,还开始尝试新的营销方式,吸引年轻群体。如今,“建新园”外卖日均单量已经突破 2500 单,数字化让“建新园”的经营焕发了新的生机。百年老字号“建新园”借互联网升级案例Digitalization

56、of the supply side makes old stores new and new stores betterIn order to help time-honored restaurants accelerate their digital transformation to further adapt to the trend of consumption upgrading and market demands, Meituan provides a full range of strategic support in the aspects of the operation

57、, management, supply chain, personnel training, and brand marketing to help upgrade and rejuvenate those long-established enterprises.Digitalization accelerates the development of “time-honored brands” 3,100 Chinas “time-honored catering brands” operate a total of about 3,100 restaurants, covering 2

58、46 cities across the country. 49%restaurants provide delivery services.19.3%restaurants offer group purchase and reservation services.23.5%restaurants accept QR code payments.Established in 1906, the 32nd year of Emperor Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty, the centu-ry-old Yunnan rice noodles restaur

59、ant Jianxinyuan changed its way of operation based on the emerging needs of consumers and officially joined Meituan Waimai in 2016 to meet consumers increasingly diversified and personalized demands in catering consumption.Chefs who previously focused only on taste started to learn and analyze data

60、related to food delivery services for better online operations. Set meals and new products were designed for delivery services in response to the new demands from online customers. Based on the analysis of frequent consumers in the commercial area, the restaurant adjusted the categories of food for

61、delivery services to better satisfy the demand of customers while keeping rice noodles as their main offerings. At the same time, new marketing methods have also been applied to attract young consumers. Today, the average daily volume of delivery orders of Jianxinyuan has exceed-ed 2,500, and digita

62、lization has injected new vitality into the operation of the restaurant.Century-old Jianxinyuan Restaurant upgraded by embracing the internetStory“Time-honored brands” by the numbers3233Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告新店更具竞争力数字化给了新商户快速发展的机会。据中国餐饮报告2019显示

63、,餐饮门店每年以超过23%的速度在增长。美团提供的营销、管理等一系列数字化服务,可帮助商家快速开展线上营销,获得客源,同时实现数字化管理,提升经营效率。成立于 2013 年的烤鱼品牌探鱼,在美团外卖的帮助下,创新性地开发出了烤鱼外卖,实现了接近堂食的体验。仅用 1 年时间,探鱼外卖单量从全国第七做到全国第一,外卖业务在两年间实现销售破亿元。有戏电影酒店成立于 2015 年,是一家很受年轻人群喜欢的电影主题酒店。酒店的核心团队基本都是 80 后,日常管理也深度结合年轻群体的关注来开展,店主会根据美团平台上的用户评论,来规划酒店的服务,提升客人的入住体验。目前酒店入住率达到 92%,北京门店在美团

64、平台上的综合评分达到了最高的 5 分。探鱼借力“第二门店”实现飞跃数字化夯实创业基础,有戏电影酒店创造不一样案例1案例2Digitalization gives new merchants the opportunity for rapid de-velopment. According to China Catering Industry Report 2019, joint-ly released by Meituan and trade media, the number of catering merchants in the country is growing at a rate

65、of more than 23% year-on-year. The series of digital services provided by Meituan can help merchants to quickly promote online marketing and gain customers, while improving their operational efficiency through digital management.New merchants are more competitiveWith the help of Meituan Waimai, Tany

66、u, a grilled fish restaurant chain founded in 2013, has developed innovative delivery services that offer a consumer experience similar to dining in. Its total revenues from food delivery exceeded RMB100 million within two years after it intro-duced delivery service on Meituan.Established in 2015, Y

67、ouxi Film Hotel is a movie-themed hotel popular with young people. The hotels core team members are mostly from the post-80s generation, and its daily manage-ment is also designed to meet the demands of young customers. The hotel owner plans ser-vices to enhance guest experience based on user review

68、s published on Meituan platforms. By the end of 2019, ratings of its Beijing store on Meituans platforms had achieved the top rank of five points.A leap forward for Tanyu through delivery services Youxi Film Hotel makes a difference through digitalization-empowered innovationStory1Story23435Meituan

69、Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告助力餐饮全链条经营美团六大服务餐饮行业是我国民生相关的重要行业。 美团持续面向广大餐饮企业提供数字化解决方案, 通过营销、 配送、 IT、 供应链、经营及金融服务,打通餐饮商户从原材料采购、生产、门店管理、市场开拓、物流配送及融资等各个经营环节,实现对餐饮业经营全链路的覆盖,帮助它们更好地实现数字化升级。依托美团平台的巨大流量以及多重交易营销产品组合,助力生活服务业商家开拓市场。依托于业界领先的智能调度系统、智能化装备以及全球范围内规模最大的实时配送网络,

70、增强生活服务业商家产品送达能力。为商家输出IT基础能力,自主研发餐饮管理系统(RMS)、酒店管理系统(PMS)等系统,提升生活服务业商家信息化水平。营销服务配送服务IT服务Empowering the full value chain of the catering industry The catering industry is essential to peoples livelihood. Through services in marketing, delivery, IT support, supply chain, operation and financing, Meituan

71、 continuously provides digital solutions to ca-tering enterprises, connecting various business links from raw material procurement, production, store management, market development, logistics and delivery, and financing, so as to realize the cov-erage of the entire value chain of the catering busine

72、ss, and help them better upgrade through digitali-zation.Six major merchant services from MeituanMarketing serviceLeveraging its advantages in online traffic and multiple transaction marketing portfolios, Meituan helps merchants in the service industry explore the market.IT serviceIn addition to bas

73、ic IT support for merchants, Meituan independently developed RMS (Restaurant Man-agement System) for catering merchants and PMS (Property Management System) for hotel owners to improve the digital capabilities of the local service industry.Delivery serviceRelying on its industry-leading intelligent

74、dispatch system, intelligent delivery equipment and its mas-sive real-time delivery network, Meituan enhances the delivery capacity of businesses in the local ser-vice industry.3637Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告截至2019年12月底,美团生意贷覆盖全国2591个县城,其中包括391个贫困县,

75、累计申请客户超过500万。500万针对传统中小微企业普遍面临的经营管理难题,为商家提供选址租赁、采购耗材、招聘培训等全流程服务,并与其分享产业趋势、管理方法,提高生活服务业商家经营管理效率。通过深耕大数据应用,以真实场景触达客户,用行为数据反应信用,精准扶持小微商家,提供无担保、方便快捷的信用贷款,解决其贷款难、贷款贵的核心痛点,服务实体经济,共建普惠金融新生态。经营服务降低成本申请客户超金融服务5%-10%美团依托旗下快驴进货平台,解决中小餐厅在食材及餐饮相关产品上的一站式采购需求,优化生活服务业商家供应链管理。供应链服务Supply chain serviceWith Kuailv Jin

76、huo, Meituans B2B supply chain service, the Company provides one-stop procurement of food ingredients and catering-related products for small and medium-sized restaurants, thus helping to optimize their supply chain management. As of the end of 2019, Kuailv is available in 22 provinces, 45 cities an

77、d 350 districts and counties nationwide, serving more than one million merchants and helping them reduce costs by 5%-10% on average.Financial serviceBased on its user insights powered by big data, Meituan can reach customers in real-life scenarios, and evaluate customers credit with behavioral data.

78、 Meituan offers customized support to small and micro businesses by providing unsecured, convenient and fast credit loans to solve their difficulties such as high financing costs, so as to boost the real economy and contributing to creating an ecosystem of inclu-sive finance.By the end of December 2

79、019, Meituan Shengyidai (“美团生意贷” or Meituan Business Loans) had cov-ered 2,591 counties across China, among which 391 are poverty-stricken, with over 5 million merchant applicants.Operation serviceIn response to the operation and management problems commonly faced by traditional micro, small and med

80、ium-sized enterprises, Meituan provides them with turnkey services such as site selection and renting, procurement of consumables, and personnel recruitment and training, and shares with them industry trends and management know-how to improve the operational efficiency of local service busi-nesses.2

81、2个省45座城市350个区县2591个县城391个贫困县截至2019年底,快驴进货覆盖全国22个省、45座城市、350个区县,服务超过百万商家,平均为商户降低成本5%-10%。3839Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告政企共治让“小餐饮”有证经营生活服务业供给侧升级, 需要数字化, 也需要制度层面的新供给。 为进一步释放小餐饮活力, 美团积极推进政企协同,与各地方政府深入合作,协助监管部门进一步深化“放管服”改革,在放宽许可及备案门槛、压缩证照办理时限、简化证照办理程序等方

82、面开展相关探索。2019年,上海、浙江、湖北、河南、广东、黑龙江等29个省区市均通过制定地方食品安全立法和监管政策等方式,推进小餐饮登记备案制管理,将小餐饮依法纳入食品安全治理的轨道。其中22个省市允许或试点允许小餐饮依法开展线下、线上经营。29个省市推进小餐饮登记备案制管理美团积极配合地方监管部门举办餐饮证照“小升大”培训,帮助解决小餐饮商户的“办证”疑惑。2019 年,美团联合多省市场监管部门开展网络订餐平台安全培训会,给各地商户培训办证流程和关键点,指导商户相关材料的准备及注意事项等,提升小餐饮商户资质证照合规率。美团协助小餐饮商户换证升级案例Small catering busines

83、ses licensed through government-enterprise co-governance The upgrade of the supply side of local services requires both industry digitalization and developments from regulators. In order to further release the vitality of small catering businesses, Meituan actively promotes government-enterprise col

84、laboration. Joining hands with local governments, Meituan assists regulatory authorities further deepen the reforms “to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services”. These efforts help in lowering market access thresholds, cutting the approval and examination time

85、, and simplifying the procedures for licensing.Small catering merchants used to face challenges in obtaining business certifications. In 2019, a total of 29 Chinese provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, including Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hubei, He-nan, Guangdong and Heilongjiang, promoted a l

86、ocal registration system to help small catering business-es get easier access. Through relevant pilot reforms, 22 provincial-level regions in China have allowed small catering businesses to carry out offline and online operations in accordance with the law.In 2019, Meituan joined hands with market s

87、upervision authorities in multiple provinces, offering train-ing programs among catering merchants to guide them in the process of business licensing. This helped improve the compliance rate of small catering merchants qualification certificates.4041Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibil

88、ity Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告帮助外卖小哥有成长,被尊重多维度助力外卖骑手成长工作保障外卖骑手在平凡的岗位上传递着正能量,是美好生活的参与者与建设者。当前,外卖骑手以“网约配送员”的官方名称正式进入国家职业大典,成为数字化劳动大军中重要的一员。2019年,美团升级系列措施,为骑手提供更好的工作保障和职业成长机会。智能电动车、智能安全头盔、智能语音助手等骑手智 能 装 备 , 保 障 骑 手 安全、提升送餐效率。推出“骑手关怀计划”,为因疾病身故或罹患100种特定大病的骑手提供关怀基金。推 出 “ 袋 鼠 宝 贝 公 益 计划”,为全行业骑手家庭提供帮助。2019年日常

89、安全培训覆盖全国骑手、站长、合作商人员、美团员工超过400万人次。截至2019年12月,骑手关怀计划已为29个家庭拨付关怀基金125万。截至2019年12月底, “袋鼠宝贝公益计划”已帮扶33个孩子不幸罹患大病的外卖骑手家庭,为他们提供紧急医疗救助金。400万125万Helping delivery riders improve career development, and earn respect Delivery riders, as participants and creators of a better life, deliver positive energy in their

90、daily roles. Now delivery riders have officially been included in the Classification of Professions of the Peoples Repub-lic of China under the name of “delivery personnel for online orders”. They have become an important part of Chinas labor force powered by digital platforms. In 2019, Meituan upgr

91、aded a series of measures to provide better jobs and career growth opportunities for delivery riders.Measures to support delivery riders Rider health and safety33个4 million Intelligent safety equipments, including helmets and voice assistants, help safeguard delivery riders and improve their deliver

92、y efficiency.In 2019, Meituan offered regular safety training covering more than 4 million people, including delivery riders, rider station administrators, courier partners and Meituan employees nationwide. RMB1.25 millionMeituan launched the Rider Care Plan, a healthcare fund for delivery riders wh

93、o suffer from critical diseases.As of December 2019, the Rider Care Plan allocated RMB1.25 million care funds to support 29 affected families.33 families Meituan has launched the Baby Kangaroo Charity Project to provide medical funds to the families of de-livery riders.By the end of December 2019, t

94、he Baby Kangaroo project provided funds to 33 families of delivery riders whose children suffered from serious illnesses. 4243Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告学习发展美团外卖骑手成长计划,为骑手提供完善的线上线下学习发展平台,按照骑手成长的四个阶段,提供不同的培训课程体系:美团发布行业首份外卖骑手心理服务指南,关注骑手心理健康。“骑手心理热线”为全

95、行业外卖骑手提供包括骑手心理树洞、骑手心理舒缓、骑手心理咨询的三大层次的心理热线服务。基础必学知识配送技巧提升个人综合提高职业能力提升文化培育举办骑手篮球赛、717骑士节、各类节日关怀等,提升骑手职业认同,帮他们更好地融入城市。Training and personal developmentRider community activities Meituans Delivery Rider Growth Plan provides well-designed online and offline courses for riders to im-prove their work skills

96、 and further career opportunities. To ensure the psychological health of delivery riders, Meituan launched the industrys first guidelines on providing riders with psychological health support. Meituan has opened up a rider hotline, offering free online counseling services to help with their stress r

97、elief.Meituan has been hosting various activities to promote better rider care and enhance delivery riders professional identity.4445Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告717 骑士节自 2018 年开始举办,是国内首个外卖骑手的专属节日。2019 年第二届骑士节期间,美团配送在全国 84 个城市搭建了 2000 多个防暑降温补给站,联合全国 7

98、9 城市的 727 家餐饮商家门店为骑手们准备了丰盛的节日大餐,并在全国数千个配送站点发放骑手专属节日大礼包,为感谢骑手群体一直以来对美好生活的守护提供专属节日福利。骑手高丰是一名退伍军人。2019 年新中国成立 70 周年之际,高丰接到通知,要选拔群众游行人员,他激动地报了名并最终入选,成为国庆阅兵期间人民群众游行方阵的 14 名美团骑手之一,以另一种形式圆了自己的“阅兵梦”。2017 年,来自甘肃的白玮加入美团外卖,成为北京国贸站的一名骑手。刚加入时,美团提供了一系列系统的培训,再加上他自己的钻研努力,很快白玮就成为了站内的“单王”,完成订单数量高居榜首。日复一日穿行在国贸的楼宇间,每一栋

99、楼都烙刻在白玮的脑子里,他在自己脑中画出了一幅国贸区域地图,一看地址就能立刻在脑海中对应到具体的位置,甚至能快速规划出送达的最佳路线。此外,他还善于总结接单规律、按照每栋楼宇的电梯情况规划自己的路线,最大程度节约配送时间。他用巧干代替了蛮干,不仅自己在业务上做到了“单王”,也体现出了职业骑手的专业精神。美团骑手受邀参加了国庆阅兵庆典国贸“单王”白玮,专业骑手的养成之路案例1案例2717 Riders DayThe 717 Riders Day was first held in 2018 as the first festival dedicated to delivery riders in

100、 China. On Riders Day in 2019, Meituan set up more than 2,000 booths in 84 cities across China for delivery riders, providing drinks and a place to rest and take a break from busy delivery schedules. The company, joined by hundreds of catering businesses, provided riders with holiday meals and speci

101、al gift packs to express gratitude to delivery riders for their contributions.Meituan riders were invited to participate in the National Day Parade on October 1st 2019, which marked the 70th anniversary of the founding of PRC.In 2017, Bai Wei from Gansu Province joined Meituan Waimai as a delivery r

102、ider at its Guomao Delivery Station in Beijing. Meituan provided rider training programs with Bai, a hard-working rider, and he soon became the “delivery rider king” of the Guomao neighborhood, topping all of his colleagues in the number of orders delivered.Riding through the buildings around the Wo

103、rld Trade Center, day in and day out, Bai has become so familiarized with the neighborhood that he has every building and street marked clearly in his mind. Bai is also good at studying order dispatching patterns and planning the most efficient routes accordingly, for example, taking into account th

104、e usage of elevators in each building to save delivery time.Meituan Delivery Riders Join Chinas National Day ParadeBai Wei: The Road to becoming a “Delivery Rider King”Story1Story24647社会篇About Society4849Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report社会篇:共建美好社会About Society:Creating a H

105、armonious Society TogetherInternet platform enterprises have become an important force in the construction of a better society, bringing convenience to peoples daily life with help with digital tools, contributing to a digital economy.As a platform enterprise in the local service industry, Meituan i

106、s committed to building a more open social enterprise that develops in coordination with the whole society for greater social value. In the past year, Meituan has been expanding the coverage and practices of social responsibility through active exploration in areas like employment, urban governance,

107、 poverty alleviation and public welfare to help address social problems and build a dynamic and sustainable digital life experience together with its partners.从数字化生活到数字化生产,从数字化经济到数字化社会,互联网平台型企业在美好社会建设中已成为纽带和重要力量。美团作为生活服务业平台型企业,正在积极发挥企业的服务优势和技术优势,致力于建设更加开放合作、与全社会协调发展的社会企业,释放更大的社会价值。过去的一年,我们不断拓展社会责任的内

108、容及实践,围绕就业促进、城市治理、扶贫攻坚、社会公益等方面积极探索,助力更多社会问题的解决,携手合作伙伴,共同构建充满活力的、可持续发展的美好数字生活。共建美好社会Creating a Harmonious Society Together5051Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告带动就业,培育新职业2019 年,我国数字经济迅速发展。生活服务业因领域宽、范围广、涉及人民群众生活的方方面面,随着数字化程度的不断提高而成为新职业诞生的摇篮,日益成为吸纳与稳定就业市场的重要力量

109、。美团就业数据 美团新职业人群画像 2019年通过美团获得收入的骑手总数达到399万人,同比增长了23.3%,有效带动了社会就业。 2019年共有56.8%的外卖骑手实现本省就业,总占比接近六成。河南、山西、广西、江西、安徽、黑龙江六个省份的本省就业率最高,均超过90%。据测算,美团平均每个餐饮经营单位吸纳就业5人。调查结果还显示,上线后25.16%的业主招聘了专门负责网络运营的人才。外卖运营规划师、酒店收益管理师、民宿房东、心理咨询师、电竞顾问80、90后成主力军,92%以上年龄40岁以下72%的人经过专业培训24. 6% 的新职业从业者月收入过万74%的人因爱好选择自己工作超过68%的人拥

110、有大专及以上学历,本科及硕士学历超过33%399万5人更多样更年轻更专业更高收入更为兴趣更高学历56.8%Increasing employment and fostering new jobsIn 2019, Chinas digital economy developed rapidly. The local service industry, which covers every aspect of peoples lives, has become the cradle of new professions and an important force to absorb labore

111、rs and stabilize the employment market.Meituan employment dataPersonas of “new professions” created with help of Meituan3.99 millionIn 2019, the total number of delivery riders who obtained income through Meituan reached 3.99 million, an increase of 23.3% year-on-year.56.8%In 2019, 56.8% of delivery

112、 riders were employed in their home provinces. Six provinces, including Henan, Shanxi, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Anhui and Heilongjiang, witnessed the highest rates with over 90% of delivery riders coming from their own provinces.5 jobsIt is estimated that each catering merchant on Mei-tuan provided five jo

113、bs on average. The survey also showed that 25.16% of business owners recruited personnel dedicated to online store operations.The development of online platforms like Meituan has helped create millions of jobs. New professions are emerging in the local services industry, including delivery operation

114、 planners, hotel revenue managers, B&B business owners, eSports consultants, etc. Many of them are people born post-80s and post-90s, and over 92% of them are under 40 years old. Theyre well educated, with more than 68% of those engaged in new professions having a college degree or above, and more t

115、han 33% holding a bachelors or a masters degree. Some 72% of new professions practitioners have received professional training, and they also have a decent salary: 24.6% of them earn more than RMB10,000 per month. 5253Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告美团大学

116、助力新职人数字化升级2019年10月, 美团宣布成立美团大学。 美团大学下设餐饮学院、 袋鼠学院、 美酒学院、 美业学院、 配送学院、 闪购学院、结婚学院等多个学院,致力于成为生活服务业数字化人才的大本营,通过“提升职业技能、助力行业发展、促进产教融合、扩大社会就业”,让每一位生活服务从业者与数字时代同行。“数说”美团大学拥有超过1400位专业讲师覆盖全国455座城市开发了实操、运营、管理、行业动态等2000多门课程七成受训商户为中小型商户已累计培训超过3000万人次在未来十年内,美团大学将与国内1000所职业院校达成合作累计输出课时已超过500万小时在未来十年内,带动1亿生活服务从业者数字化

117、发展455城2000+1400+70%3000万1000所500万小时1亿Meituan University empowers digital transformation of employees in new professionsIn October 2019, Meituan University, a training project for Meituan ecosystem workers and partners, was inaugurated. The university consists of multiple colleges, such as Kangaroo S

118、chool for food delivery mer-chants, Hospitality School for hotel owners, and Beauty School for medical aesthetic institutions. Meituan University is committed to building a base camp to cultivate talents for better digitalization of the local ser-vices industry. 1,400+professional lecturers2,000+cou

119、rses on practical operations, management, in-dustry trends, etc. 70%70% of trained merchants are small and medi-um-sized businesses. 30 millionpeople received training. 1,000In the next decade, Meituan University will cooper-ate with 1,000 vocational schools in China. 5 million hoursProviding course

120、s totaling more than 5 million hours100 millionEnhancing the digital development of 100 million local service professionals in the next decade. 455 citiesCovering 455 cities nationwideMeituan University by the numbers5455Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告大

121、数据助力城市精细化治理城市是人类经济社会发展繁荣的主要载体,美团的诞生与发展得益于中国的城市化进程。与此同时,美团正在与政府监管机构开展广泛合作,充分发挥技术优势,助力城市精细化治理。“美好生活驾驶舱”数字化治理平台“天网”、“天眼”推进食品安全社会共治2019 年 4 月,美团研发的“美好生活驾驶舱”1.0 版本首批接入北京市领导驾驶舱,通过大数据实现对城市运行态势的实时量化分析、预判预警和直观呈现。其主要功能包括夜间经济指数、餐饮质量监控及便民服务设施舆情把控等。截至 2019 年 12月底,美团已与北京、天津、重庆等地方政府、委办局展开了领导驾驶舱的合作,为城市管理者提供城市治理决策支持

122、。“天网”“天眼”系统是美团自主研发的“入网经营商户电子档案系统”和“餐饮评价大数据系统”。“天网”系统通过“入网审核、在网监管、退网追踪”三大环节,对入网餐饮商户建立电子档案 , 进行全生命周期管理,将商家的餐饮服务许可证、营业执照等档案全部电子化,并进行及时跟踪比对,确保平台商户信息真实可靠。“天眼”系统则将消费者输出的评价数据通过智能分析形成负面信息线索库 , 作为食品安全监管的重要线索,让政府的抽查有的放矢。美团通过与政府部门信息共享、资源对接,利用大数据分析等新技术,成为推进食品安全社会共治的新生力量。天网系统的构架入网审核在网生命周期流程图在网监管退网管理上传许可证图片通过送餐员对

123、餐厅地址真实性进行实地核验,对超范围经营、许可证即将过期情况进行预警通知,对消费者食品安全投诉反馈进行登记退出原因登记驳回原因登记OCR读取许可证信息政府数据接口核验初审Refined urban governance empowered by big dataIn 2019, Meituan helped local governments in cities like Beijing, Tianjin and Chongqing with better digital governance, providing big-data powered insights in local serv

124、ices and consumption patterns.Cities are the witness of the history of economic and social development, and Meituan owes its emergence and development to Chinas urbanization. At the same time, Meituan is cooperating with government regula-tory authorities to advance refined urban governance by lever

125、aging its technological advantages.Meituan big data helps with digital governanceMeituan helps promote food safety co-governanceMeituan has developed the “Sky Net” electronic archives system for online merchants and the “Sky Eye” big data system for restaurant reviews.With Sky Net, Meituan sets up e

126、lectronic files of catering merchants, conducting qualification reviews and supervision of online stores. With Sky Eye, Meituan leverages big data on consumer reviews and helps with food safety supervision. 5657Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告让夜经济更红火夜间经济

127、发展水平能够直观反映出一个城市的经济实力水平。2019 年,美团通过多项平台服务,培育发展夜间消费新业态、新模式,满足人们多样化的消费需求,助力提升城市经济活力。2019 年,美团研究院依托平台大数据,对北京、上海、广州等16个城市夜间经济发展情况进行研究, 从旅游、 餐饮、文娱、住宿等方面分析当地“夜经济”发展水平,并给出发展壮大夜间经济的政策建议,为当地政府决策提供参考。在到店场景中,美团利用平台必吃、必逛、必住、必玩榜的线上曝光,提高商户夜间经营能力和营业收入,形成夜间经济线上线下融合互动、双向繁荣的局面。在到家场景中,美团外卖、美团闪购、美团跑腿等已经成为城市市民特别是年轻人夜间消费的

128、新选择,把方便快捷的夜间服务直接送到消费者家中,进一步扩大了传统夜间经济的服务范围,挖掘夜间消费潜力。美团研究院发布十六城“夜经济”研究报告到店+到家场景齐发力,让夜经济更红火Injecting vitality into the nighttime economyIn 2019, based on the big data from its platform, Meituan Research Institute studied the development of the nighttime economy in 16 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, a

129、nd Guangzhou. In a report, Meituan analyzed their local “nighttime economy” from perspectives like tourism, catering, entertainment and hotels, and provided suggestions as references for the government to formulate relevant policies to develop the nighttime econo-my.The development of the nighttime

130、economy can directly reflect the economic strength of a city. In 2019, through several platform services, Meituan fostered and developed new nighttime consumption formats and modes to meet peoples diversified demands and enhance urban economic vitality.In terms of in-store consumption, Meituan lever

131、aged the publicity of a series of online Must Lists (Must-Eat List, Must-Shop List, Must-Stay List, Must-Visit List) on its platforms to improve the nighttime operation abil-ity and revenues of the merchants for the integration and prosperity of both the online and offline nighttime economy.For on-d

132、emand delivery services, Meituan Waimai, Meituan Instashopping and Meituan Paotui have become the new nighttime consumption options for urban citizens, especially for young people. The convenient and timely nighttime delivery services have further expanded the scope of the traditional nighttime econ

133、omy, tap-ping greater potentials for nighttime consumption.Meituan Report on the “nighttime economy” of 16 cities Boosting the nighttime economy through a combination of in-store consumption and on-demand delivery services5859Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会

134、责任报告为脱贫攻坚出份力2019 年是全面建成小康社会关键之年,也是打赢脱贫攻坚战的重要之年。美团依托平台优势,联合生态伙伴,探索高质量、可持续的精准扶贫模式。就业扶贫截至2019年底,累计约有720万外卖骑手通过美团平台实现就业增收。2019年,通过美团点评平台获得收入的外卖骑手中,有25.7万骑手来自国家建档立卡贫困户。据统计,25.7万来自国家建档立卡贫困户的骑手中已有25.3万人通过劳动带动家庭增收实现脱贫,脱贫比例达到98.4%。720万25.7万98.4%Contributing to poverty alleviationThe year 2019 was crucial to

135、completing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, as well as for winning the battle of poverty alleviation. Leveraging its platform resources, Meituan joined hands with ecosystem partners to explore high-quality and sustainable modes for targeted poverty alleviation.Poverty allevi

136、ation through employment 7.2 millionAs of the end of 2019, the accumulated number of delivery riders who had earned income through Meituan had reached 7.2 million.98.4%Statistics indicate that, among the 257,000 delivery riders, some 253,000 were able to help their families out of poverty because of

137、 the increased income from their employment as delivery riders, for a poverty al-leviation rate of 98.4%.257,000In 2019, 257,000 delivery riders who earned income through Meituan were from state-registered poor house-holds.6061Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社

138、会责任报告公益扶贫消费扶贫旅游扶贫作为民政部指定的互联网公开募捐信息平台,美团公益致力于通过“互联网 + 公益”的模式,为慈善组织提供均等化的信息发布和募捐服务,推动中国公益慈善事业发展,助力脱贫攻坚。美团通过“必吃榜 助力高远”美食消费扶贫项目,以及服务餐饮商户的“快驴进货”供应链业务,探索“在贫困地区与消费者之间搭建消费直通平台”的有效路径,通过把贫困地区食材带出深山,倡导餐厅采购贫困地区的优质食材并制成菜品,鼓励消费者前往餐厅消费,形成多方共赢的扶贫模式。美团通过特色农产品售卖、互联网宣传营销及贫困地区品牌提升推广等方式,形成地方土特产“走出去”与游客“引进来”的双向互动,实现落地有效的

139、扶贫。Poverty alleviation through public welfare Poverty alleviation through consumption Poverty alleviation through tourismAs an online public fundraising information platform designated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Meituan Charity is committed to providing equalized information dissemination and

140、 fundraising services for charity organizations through the mode of “Internet + Charity” to promote the development of charity and poverty al-leviation in China.Through a food consumption poverty alleviation project to help remote impoverished areas, and with support from its B2B supply chain busine

141、ss Kuailv, Meituan developed a way to establish a direct consumption plat-form connecting impoverished areas with consumers. These poverty alleviation efforts have helped encour-age consumers to dine in restaurants where dishes are made of quality ingredients from the impoverished regions.Meituan ha

142、s been pushing forward poverty alleviation through tourism, facilitated by sales of agricultural products in poverty-stricken areas, coupled with its platform support in marketing and brand promotions to boost local tourism.培训扶贫美团开展“新青年追梦计划”,围绕餐饮、外卖运营、民宿服务、酒店管理、乡村旅游、互联网营销等核心课程,为贫困地区的餐饮民宿创业者、生活服务业从业者

143、提供扶贫创业就业培训。截至2019年末,已完成26场实操性现场教学共培训学员4194人次26场4194人次The “New Youth Dream Chasing Plan” launched by Meituan provides core training courses on catering, op-eration of delivery services, B&B service, hotel management, rural tourism, internet marketing and others for B&B and catering startups and pract

144、itioners of local services industry in poverty-stricken areas.Poverty alleviation through industry education 26 sessions By the end of 2019, 26 practical on-the-spot training sessions were completed.4,194 people received training6263Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 20

145、19 企业社会责任报告带动百万商户参与公益商业组织是社会公益事业的重要力量。2019 年,美团致力于发挥平台优势,带动平台上的百万商户参与公益,让生活服务业商户成为公益事业的新兴力量。2019 年 9 月,美团正式推出“美团公益商家计划”,旨在依托美团自身丰富的生活服务场景优势及能力,搭建桥梁,提供工具,带动百万生活服务商家参与公益,将公益融入到商家日常的经营行为当中。正式推出“美团公益商家计划”截至2019年12月底,“美团公益商家计划”已覆盖美团旗下餐饮、酒店、外卖、门票、教育培训、亲子等业务,累计参与商户超过13万家。 13万2019 年 9 月 5 日中华慈善日期间,美团酒店携手温德姆

146、、碧桂园等知名酒店集团旗下近 5000 家酒店,共同发起酒店行业首个关注留守儿童问题的公益行动“伴爱入住”。商户通过美团平台上完成的每笔订单捐赠小额善款, 用以资助留守儿童相关专业公益项目。 截至2019年底,已有超过 10000 家酒店商户加入行动。“伴爱入住” 酒店商家关注留守儿童困境案例1Merchants participation in public welfareCommercial organizations are an important force of social public welfare. In 2019, Meituan, together with milli

147、ons of merchants on its platform, contributed to the the local services industry by bringing a new force for public welfare undertakings.In September 2019, Meituan officially launched the Meituan Merchant Charity Pro-ject, providing channels and tools to motivate millions of local services merchants

148、 to par-ticipate in public welfare activities.Meituan Merchant Charity Project officially launched130,000By the end of December 2019, the project had more than 130,000 participating merchants from catering, hotel, delivery services, ticketing, education and train-ing and parent-child businesses.On S

149、eptember 5, 2019, Meituan Hotel, together with nearly 5,000 brand hotels including Wynd-ham Hotels & Resorts and Country Garden, jointly launched the “Staying with love” campaign to help left-behind children. Merchants donate a small amount of money through each order com-pleted on the Meituan platf

150、orm, and each donation goes to public welfare projects for children left behind. By the end of 2019, more than 10,000 hotels had joined the initiative. “Staying with Love”, a charity program by hotel merchants for childrenStory12019 年 3 月 30 日,国际自闭症日前夕,美团门票、美团公益与公益伙伴海昌海洋公园、壹基金宣布启动“与星星同闪烁 - 孤独症家庭关怀计划

151、 ”,向孤独症家庭提供免费入园机会,组织亲子公益跑等互动活动,推动公众对孤独症群体的全面了解。海昌海洋公园关怀孤独症家庭案例2On March 30, 2019, approaching the World Autism Awareness Day, Meituan Tickets and Meituan Charity joined hands with public welfare partners Haichang Ocean Park and One Foundation to launch the “Twinkle with the Stars” project. The proje

152、ct aims to help families with children who suffer from autism by providing them with free entry to Haichang Ocean Park, and by organizing interactive activities to promote public understanding of autistic people.Haichang Ocean Park supports kids suffering from autismStory26465Meituan Dianping 2019 C

153、orporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告作为外卖行业首个行业环保项目, “青山计划” 由美团外卖于2017年发起设立, 旨在从环保理念倡导、 环保路径研究、科学闭环探索、环保公益推动四个方面,携手外卖商户,共同推动外卖行业环保化进程。超十万商家通过“青山计划”为环保助力青山计划 “美团外卖环保日”上线28期,线上活动触达10亿人次与麦田音乐节合作“青山就业局”,与喜茶合作“灵感再生实验室”,与青年日合作“青山盒作社”等线下活动,倡导环保理念,参与用户达18万人次环保理念倡导科学闭环探索环保公益推动上线环保行为能量捐功能,倡导

154、用户选择无需餐具订单投放便携环保筷套装近万双向上海商户投放100万淋膜纸餐盒在北京、广州、上海等地开展超200个垃圾分类回收试点在上海为1000余辆美团单车替换成餐盒循环再生挡泥板在北上广深和海口等城市投放可降解塑料袋超1700万个联合中华环境保护基金会设立“青山计划专项基金”,发起青山公益行动,已有12万余商家加入累计超过1.2亿用户在“青山公益商家”完成近5亿订单,商家捐出善款635万元支持甘肃、云南种植5片生态经济林,总面积超过1200亩环保路径研究与高校、研究机构达成深入合作,推动产业链各主体共同探索行业环保解决方案,参与制定系列行业标准,发布外卖包装科普报告6667Meituan D

155、ianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告The Blue Mountain Project, the first environmental protection initiative in the food delivery industry, was launched by Meituan Waimai in 2017. It aims to bring together efforts from merchants and industry partners to drive sustain

156、ability and reduce the environmental impact of the food industry. So far, more than 120,000 businesses have joined the project.Meituan initiated 28 sessions of the “Meituan Waimai Environmental Protection Day” campaign online, reaching 1 billion impressions.Meituan hosted offline activities with par

157、tners like Heytea and around local festivals to help raise awareness of environmental protection, attracting a total of 180,000 participants.Blue Mountain Project for environmental protectionBlue Mountain ProjectRaising awareness of the importance of environmental protectionWorking together with uni

158、versities and research institutions, Meituan has participated in the formulation of a series of technical standards concerning food delivery packaging.Meituan encourages users to choose the “opt-out for disposable cutlery” feature when plac-ing a food delivery order. Users who opt out for disposable

159、 tableware will receive reward points that can be turned into virtual donations for charitable projects. The company has distributed nearly 10,000 sets of portable environmentally-friendly chop-sticks to merchants nationwide, and handed out 17 million degradable plastic bags in cities such as Beijin

160、g, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Haikou.To advocate a green lifestyle, Meituan started more than 200 waste recycling pilot projects in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. It is also recycling food packaging materials, with over 1,000 Meituan Bikes in Shanghai streets now equipped with bike fenders made from

161、recycled food boxes.Meituan joined hands with China Environmental Protection Foundation to set up the Blue Mountain Foundation, and brought together over 120,000 merchants to join its charitable campaigns. More than 120 million users placed nearly 500 million orders to merchants join-ing the Blue Mo

162、untain project, and donations from merchants totaled RMB 6.35 million.In Chinas Gansu and Yunnan provinces, Meituan has supported in planting five ecologi-cal-economic forests covering more than 1,200 mu (80 hectares).Researching roadmaps for environmental protectionAdvancing scientific explorationP

163、romoting public welfare projects for environmental protection6869美团 2019 年度企业社会责任报告责任护航发展Taking Responsibility to Promote Development7071Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report社会篇:共建美好社会About Society: Creating a Harmonious Society TogetherMeituan has long embraced technological

164、development and market transformation to create value for users, the industry and society. The company has constantly improved its methods and practices for social responsibility management, as well as social responsibility management mechanisms to protect the long-term interests of the company and

165、its stakeholders.长期以来,美团始终拥抱科技及市场的变化,努力为用户、行业和社会创造价值,同时不断完善社会责任管理方法与实践,完善社会责任管理机制,保障公司和利益相关方的长远利益。责任护航发展Taking Responsibility to Promote Development7273Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告美团一贯坚持高标准的商业道德操守和公司治理,严格遵守香港联交所上市规则中有关公司治理的相关规定,确保决策过程体现信任与公平的原则,以及信息披

166、露的及时、透明。公司董事会负责领导和管控美团的决策及运营,确保本公司遵循高水平的企业管治。董事会下设四个委员会,分别为审核委员会、薪酬委员会、提名委员会及企业管治委员会。截至 2019 年 12 月 31 日,公司董事会共有 8 位董事,包括 3 位执行董事、2 位非执行董事及 3 位独立非执行董事。美团重视反舞弊工作,严格按照国家关于反贪污贿赂及反不正当竞争相关法律法规,加强反舞弊管理,宣扬廉正,防微杜渐,塑造廉正文化,保障企业健康发展。我们内部设有阳光职场行为规范,适用于公司全体雇员。阳光委员会负责腐败治理工作,捍卫廉正价值观。同时,我们建立了三道防线机制以降低舞弊风险,持续提高风险管理的

167、有效性。335场2019年,我们共开展廉正培训335场,廉正培训覆盖率100% 详见美团点评 2019 年度报告中的企业管治报告 For details, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report in the 2019 Annual Report of Meituan Dianping企业管治公司治理风险管控Corporate governanceMeituan has always adhered to high standards of business ethics and corporate governance, and str

168、ictly complied with the relevant provisions of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Rules on corporate govern-ance. Meituan prides itself on compliance with the principles of trust and fairness in the decision-making process, and the disclosure of information in a timely and transparent manner.The c

169、ompanys Board of Directors is responsible for leading and controlling the decision-making and op-erations of Meituan to ensure a high standard of corporate governance. The Board of Directors consists of four committees, namely the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee and Cor

170、-porate Governance Committee. As of December 31, 2019, the companys Board of Directors had eight direc-tors, including three executive directors, two non-executive directors and three independent non-executive directors.Meituan attaches great importance to its anti-fraud practices, and strictly abid

171、es by the relevant laws and regulations of the state that aim to curb corruption, bribery and unfair competition. Meituan consistently works to strengthen its anti-fraud management, to spread awareness of the importance of integrity and hon-esty in the defense against corruption, and the need to sha

172、pe a culture of honesty and integrity in order to ensure the companys healthy development.We have formulated and implemented the Code of Conduct for “Sunny Workplace” , which is applicable to all of the employees in our company. The Committee for Code of Conduct is responsible for fighting corruptio

173、n and promoting the value of integrity. At the same time, we have established a mechanism to reduce the risk of fraud and improve the effectiveness of risk management.Corporate governanceRisk control335In 2019, we conducted 335 training sessions on integrity, covering all of Meituans employees.7475M

174、eituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告为更好地践行社会责任理念,我们构建了社会责任管理体系。董事会负责把控公司社会责任工作的战略方向和重大决策,同时对相关社会责任实践的表现进行考察评估;公司设有企业社会责任部,对公司的社会责任相关工作进行整体上的协调管理;相关职能部门及事业群负责环境、员工、社区等具体领域社会责任实践的实施落地。我们根据业务及运营特点, 识别出主要的利益相关方群体, 并通过多种沟通渠道积极倾听并回应利益相关方的诉求。社会责任管理利益相关方沟通利益相关方Stakeh

175、oldersUsersMerchantsEmployeesDelivery ridersSocial responsibilities of major concern quality service, user experience, custom-er protection, healthy lifestyles and green consumptionemployment, growth, and rider benefitsemployment, growth, benefits, health and safetyemployment, growth, and public wel

176、fareWe adhere to the “customer-centric” value to pro-vide users with convenient and quality products and services. Through multiple channels such as customer service hotline and social media, we follow the advice and suggestions of customers to improve the consumer security system. We help the suppl

177、y-side digitization and grow together with the merchants through six catego-ries of services. A mechanism is established for close communication and cooperation with our merchant partners through meetings, visits and industry conferences.Our human resources department coordinates the labor security

178、system, the Internet+University to provide timely training for employees on-de-mand. We have various internal communication channels to listen to and respond to employees demands, suggestions or opinions, and several employee clubs to enrich their cultural lives after work.We provide job opportuniti

179、es and career devel-opment for delivery riders, and have established multiple security and charitable initiatives to offer better care and benefits for riders.Communications and practices of responsibilities用户员工外卖骑手商户品质服务、用户体验、消费保障、健康生活、绿色消费就业发展、福利保障、健康与安全产业升级、行业生态就业发展、福利保障坚持“以客户为中心”的价值观,为用户提供便捷、高品质

180、的产品与服务。通过客户服务热线、社交媒体等多种渠道倾听客户声音,完善消费保障体系。设立专门的人力资源部,统筹劳动保障体系;设立互联网+大学,为员工提供随时、随地和随需的培训;建立多种内部沟通渠道,使员工提出的诉求、建议或意见得到及时聆听和回应;成立多个员工俱乐部,丰富员工的业余文化生活。提供就业和发展的机会。推出骑手关怀计划、袋鼠宝贝公益计划等举措,为骑手消除后顾之忧。通过六大服务助力供给侧数字化,携手商户共同成长。建立定期沟通机制,通过会议及商户考察、举行产业发展大会等形式,与商户伙伴建立良好的沟通合作关系。主要关注的社会责任议题责任沟通与实践To better practice the c

181、oncept of social responsibility, we have built a social responsibility management sys-tem. The Board of Directors is responsible for the strategic direction and major decisions concerning the companys social responsibility, and it reviews and evaluates the performance of relevant social responsibili

182、ty practices. The companys Corporate Social Responsibility Department coordinates in overall social respon-sibility efforts, and the relevant functional departments and business groups are responsible for the imple-mentation of social responsibility in specific fields such as the environment, our em

183、ployees and the commu-nities in which we operate.We identify the main stakeholder groups according to the characteristics of our business and operation, and listen to and respond to the demands of stakeholders through various communication channels.Social responsibility managementCommunications amon

184、g stakeholders 7677Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告利益相关方政府及监管部门媒体及非政府组织社区供应商/合作伙伴股东及投资者就业发展、公共治理、行业生态、社会公益、供应链管理环境管理、健康生活、绿色消费、社会公益、供应链管理环境管理、健康生活、绿色消费、扶贫济困、社会公益、供应链管理公司治理、资产保值增值产业升级、行业生态设立政府事务部,通过政策咨询、事件汇报、信息披露及参与政府机构会议等形式,建立与政府及监管部门的良好沟通机制。通过社交媒体、官方网站、

185、新闻发布会、交流会及专线客服等多种形式,建立良好的沟通机制;搭建网络募捐平台,为具备公开募捐资格的慈善组织提供慈善募捐信息发布服务。严格管理自身的环境影响;通过产品、技术和运营活动倡导积极健康的生活方式;结合业务优势开展精准扶贫;通过网络募捐平台传播公益文化。建立明确的采购流程和管理制度,对采购全流程进行规范管理;定期进行供应商考察及供应商会议,建立合格供应商数据库,确保良好的协作关系和产品服务的高质量交付。建立完善的董事会,定期举行股东大会,并通过定期公告及官方网站,积极与股东和投资者交流。主要关注的社会责任议题责任沟通与实践供应链管理 美团重视采购期间各项活动所涉及的道德风险管理,建立了明

186、确的采购流程。自 2019 年起,我们每月对采购员所有采购项目进行合规检查,并每月对采购部门全体人员进行考试和测验,加强合规意识。 我们关注供应商的环境及社会风险。在供应商准入过程中,我们要求供应商提供相关产品或服务资质及无违法违纪证明,并对重要供应商进行现场考察与审核。StakeholdersGovernment and regu-latory departmentsShareholders and in-vestorsSuppliers/partnersMedia and NGOsCommunitiesSocial responsibilities of major concern emp

187、loyment, growth, public governance, industry ecosystem, social welfare, sup-ply chain managementcorporate governance, asset preservation and appreciationenvironment management, healthy life, green consumption, social welfare, sup-ply chain managementenvironment management, healthy life-styles, green

188、 consumption, poverty alle-viation, social welfare, supply chain man-agementindustrial upgrade and industry ecosys-temA government affairs department has been estab-lished to create a good communication mecha-nism with the government and regulatory author-ities through policy consultation, event rep

189、orting, information disclosure, etc.We have a well-functioning Board of Directors, hold regular shareholders meetings, and com-municate with shareholders and investors through regular announcements and official websites.A good communication mechanism has been es-tablished using social media, officia

190、l websites, press conferences, meetings and special custom-er services. An online fundraising platform has been built to provide charity fundraising informa-tion services for qualified charity organizations.We take strict measures to control environmental impact, advocate positive and healthy lifest

191、yles through products, technology and operation ac-tivities, carry out targeted poverty alleviation leveraging business advantages, and spread pub-lic welfare culture through online donation plat-forms.Weve set up a definite system to regulate the procurement management process. Regular sup-plier vi

192、sits and supplier meetings are conducted for a qualified supplier database to ensure good cooperation and quality delivery of products and services.Communications and practices of responsibilitiesMeituan attaches great importance to the management of moral hazards involved in various activities duri

193、ng procurement, and has established a clear procurement process. Since 2019, we have carried out monthly compliance inspections on all procurement projects by purchasers, and carried out monthly examinations and tests on all personnel of the procurement department to strengthen compliance.We also pa

194、y great attention to the environmental and social risks of our suppliers. In the process of supplier qualification, we require all suppliers to provide relevant product or service qualifications and proof that they have no violations of relevant laws or regulations. We conduct on-site inspections an

195、d audits of important suppliers.Supply chain management7879Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告美团在办公场所采取了一系列措施,以减少对资源和能源的消耗:美团把数据中心布局及运行方面的环境影响及资源消耗纳入考量范围。2019 年,我们在宁夏回族自治区中卫市租用的绿色数据中心已全面投入使用。宁夏中卫数据中心是目前已投入规模化使用的大型自然冷却数据中心, 采用高效直接自然冷却及间接蒸发冷却 (Free Cooling) 技

196、术, 并采用风墙系统, 在机房内形成冷风通道和热风通道, 从而提高制冷效果。 宁夏中卫数据中心在机房构造、服务器布局、温度控制、热量回收等方面达到了较高技术水平,与传统大型数据中心的制冷方案相比,节能优势明显。环境管理绿色办公绿色数据中心安装应用LED节能灯具;安排人员定期巡查以避免无人办公区域“长明灯”现象;张贴“及时关灯”等提示,从细节处培养员工节能习惯;逐月分析用电数据以持续改善。安装应用感应式节水洁具;在洗手台张贴“节约用水”提示;安排人员定时巡查,杜绝“长流水”现象;逐月分析用水数据以持续改善。要求双面打印,将所有打印机默认设置为双面打印模式。在部分办公区安装直饮水系统,代替桶装水,

197、减少塑料使用。节电节水减耗减塑注:美团环境相关数据请详见美团点评2019年度报告中的环境、社会及管治报告。Note: Please refer to the Environmental, Social and Governance Report in the Annual Report of Meituan Dianping 2019 for relevant data on environ mental management of Meituan.Environmental managementMeituan has taken a series of measures in its off

198、ices to reduce the consumption of resources and energy.Meituans offices are equipped with LED energy-saving lights, and water-conserving appliances. The com- pany encourages employees to print on both sides of paper for office materials, and has been using potable water systems in some offices to re

199、duce the use of plastic water barrels.Meituan took into account environmental impact and resource consumption when designing the layout and operational mode of its data center. In 2019, the green data center that Meituan rented in Zhongwei City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was put into full use.Th

200、e data center in Ningxia is a large-scale natural cooling facility. It adopts the technologies of efficient direct natural cooling and free cooling, and uses a wind wall system to form the cold air channel and hot air chan-nel in the server room, so as to improve the cooling effect. The data center

201、has reached a high technical level in terms of server room structure, layout of servers, temperature control, and heat recovery. Compared with the cooling system of traditional large data centers, it has obvious advantages in energy saving.Eco-friendly working environmentGreen data center8081Meituan

202、 Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告美团致力于营造多元化及平等的工作氛围,不因种族、性别、年龄或宗教信仰等理由而歧视任何人。同时,严格遵守相关法律法规处理雇员离职事宜,并设有离职管理办法,有关终止雇佣之说明详列于劳动合同及员工手册中。美团提供有竞争力的薪酬和福利以吸引及保留人才。我们为员工提供补充医疗保险和各类补贴等。此外,我们还在中秋节等节日举办佳节主题活动,提升员工幸福感。我们建立爱心基金,并制定爱心基金管理办法,为有困难的员工及其家庭提供帮助。美团为员工提供法定年假及福利年假与全薪病

203、假等假期。同时还组建了员工俱乐部,员工可自由加入各类俱乐部并参与员工活动,舒缓工作压力,丰富业余生活。美团关注员工的身心健康,已在部分办公场所设立健身房,提供免费健身器械,提倡员工适量运动和劳逸结合。员工可在部分办公场所设置的健康驿站获得健康咨询服务及基础药品。我们每年为员工提供福利体检和体检报告解读,并不定期举办健康讲座以提高员工健康意识。我们与外部专业机构合作设立心理健康咨询热线并举办定期心理健康培训,帮助员工疏导压力。员工发展与关怀招聘与离职薪酬与福利工作生活平衡职业健康与安全Employee growth and careMeituan is committed to creating

204、 a diversified and equal working environment free from any discrimination against anyone in terms of race, gender, age or religious belief. At the same time, the company strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations to deal with its employees resignation, and has formulated its Resignation Manage

205、ment Measures, with the instructions on termination of employment detailed in the labor contract and employees handbook.Meituan provides competitive compensation and benefits to attract and retain talent. We provide employees with supplementary medical insurance and various subsidies. In addition, w

206、e also hold themed activities on holidays such as Mid-Autumn Festival to enhance the employees happiness.We have established an employee care fund and formulated the Care Fund Management Measures to help employees and their families out of difficulties.Meituan provides employees with statutory annua

207、l leave, incentive annual leave and fully-paid sick leave. At the same time, interest clubs have been set up for our employees to freely participate in activities to relieve work pressure and enrich their lives in their spare time. Meituan pays attention to the physical and mental health of its empl

208、oyees. It has set up gyms in some of-fices, providing free fitness equipment to promote the balance between work and rest. Employees can get health-consulting services and basic medical supplies at the health stations. We provide physical exami-nations and medical examination report explanation as w

209、elfare for employees every year, and hold health lectures to improve their health awareness. We cooperate with external professional institutions to set up a mental health consultation hotline and hold regular mental health sessions to help employees relieve stress.Recruitment and resignationCompens

210、ation and benefitsWork-life balanceHealth and safety 8283Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告我们致力于为员工提供随时、随地和随需的培训。通过搭建“互联网 + 大学”,并制定“学习全景地图”,我们从文化、通用力、专业力及领导力四方面搭建培训体系,完善各类学习发展项目,开展面授课、网络课以及各类实践活动,覆盖不同岗位、职级和发展阶段。截至2019年末,我们有内部课程1,754门,内部讲师2,563人。2019年,每名雇员的

211、平均内部培训(含网络学习及面授学习)时数为 24.8小时。员工培训及发展领导力培训专业力培训通用力培训融入力培训新员工项目说明在线学习平台、课程库、讲师库、案例库面向各级管理者的领导力培训面向技术、产品、设计、BI、销售等各职位序列的专业技能培训面向实习生、应届生、社招新员工的新人融入培训面向全员的通用技能培训经典项目常青计划(总经理培养项目)播种计划萌芽计划(社招)萌芽计划 (应届生)茁壮计划超级分享家新树计划成荫计划繁盛计划成荫计划繁盛计划业界技术交流会We provide employees with training on a regular basis. Through our in

212、ternal training program “Internet + University” and other employee growth projects, weve built a training system that covers corporate culture, general skills, professional skills and leadership. Weve created various training and career development projects, and carry out face-to-face teaching, onli

213、ne courses and various activities, covering different posi-tions, ranks and stages of the growth of our employees.By the end of 2019, we opened 1,754 employee training courses and employed 2,563 internal lecturers.In 2019, the average internal training hours (including online learning and face-to-fa

214、ce lectures) for each em-ployee was 24.8 hours.Employee training and career development8485Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告本报告的时间范围以2019年1月1日至12月31日为主,部分内容也涵盖一些此范围之外的数据和案例。报告中的数据来源于美团内部相关统计报表、公司文件及报告、第三方调查及访谈等资料。本报告不存在虚假信息、误导性陈述,美团保证报告内容的真实性、准确性和完整性。本报告披

215、露的数据如与公司年报有出入,以年报数据为准。如无特别说明,报告披露的金额均以人民币计量。本报告以电子版和纸质版两种形式发布。电子版可在美团网站 https:/ 下载浏览。若需获取纸质版报告,或对本报告有任何建议和意见,您可按以下方式联系我们:联系部门:美团公司事务平台企业社会责任部电子邮箱:本报告是美团发布的第二份企业社会责任报告。报告时间范围报告数据说明报告内容说明报告获取方式关于本报告This report is the second Corporate Social Responsibility Report released by Meituan.About this reportTh

216、e time span of this report is primarily from January 1 to December 31, 2019, and some of the content also covers data and cases that are beyond the period.The data in the report is derived from Meituans internal statistics, corporate documents and reports, third-party surveys and interviews, etc.Thi

217、s report is free from false information and misleading statements, and Meituan guarantees the truthful-ness, accuracy and completeness of its content. In the event of any discrepancy between the data disclosed in this report and the Companys annual report, the annual report data shall prevail. Unles

218、s otherwise indicat-ed, the amounts disclosed in the report are measured in RMB.This report is published in both electronic and printed forms. The electronic version is available on the Meituan website at https:/ To obtain a hard copy of the report or if you have any suggestions or comments, please

219、feel free to contact us at:Corporate Social Responsibility Department, MeituanE-mail: About the time span of this reportAbout the data of this reportAbout the content of this reportGet a copy of this report:8687Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告美团与联合国 2030

220、 年可持续发展目标(SDGs)SDGsThemeAbout Users: Creating a Better Life Together for UsersAbout the Industry: Creating a Prosperous Industry TogetherAbout Society: Creating a Harmonious Society TogetherTaking Responsibility to Promote Development用户篇:共创美好生活行业篇:共荣美好行业社会篇:共建美好社会责任护航发展主题SDGsMeituan & United Nations

221、 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)8889Meituan Dianping 2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report美团点评 2019 企业社会责任报告The mission of Meituan is “We help people eat better, live better”. As Chinas leading e-commerce plat-form for local services, Meituan operates several mobile apps popular with

222、 consumers in China, includ-ing Meituan, Dianping, Meituan Waimai and others. Meituan offers over 200 service categories, including catering, on-demand delivery, car-hailing, bike-sharing, hotel and travel booking, movie ticketing, and other entertainment and lifestyle services, and covers 2,800 cit

223、ies and counties across China. For the 12 months ended December 31, 2019, the total annual numbers of transacting users and active merchants of Meituan reached 450 million and 6.2 million, respectively, with an average of 27.4 transactions per transacting user. Meituan Dianping (stock code: 3690.HK)

224、 was officially listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEX) on September 20, 2018. With “eating” as its core business, Meituan is focusing on its “Food + Platform” strategy to build a tech-nology-driven service platform, covering both the demand side and the supply sid

225、e in peoples daily lives. Meanwhile, Meituan strives to become a socially-responsible enterprise, with the goal to build smart cit-ies and create a better life for people through in-depth cooperation with government agencies, universi-ties and research institutes, media organizations, public welfare

226、 organizations and ecosystem partners.美团的使命是“帮大家吃得更好,生活更好”。作为中国领先的生活服务电子商务平台,公司拥有美团、大众点评、美团外卖等消费者熟知的 App,服务涵盖餐饮、外卖、打车、共享单车、酒店旅游、电影、休闲娱乐等 200 多个品类,业务覆盖全国 2800 个县区市。截至 2019 年 12 月 31 日止十二个月,美团年度交易用户总数达 4.5 亿,平台活跃商户总数达 620 万,用户平均交易笔数为 27.4 笔。2018 年 9 月 20 日,美团点评(股票代码:3690.HK)正式在港交所挂牌上市。当前, 美团战略聚焦 Food +Platform, 正以 “吃” 为核心, 建设生活服务业从需求侧到供给侧的多层次科技服务平台。与此同时,美团正着力将自己建设成为一家社会企业,希望通过和党政部门、高校及研究院所、主流媒体、公益组织、生态伙伴等的深入合作,构建智慧城市,共创美好生活。 美团公司简介About Meituan



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