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1、二零一三年度年報Annual Report 20131公司資料2Corporate Information集團架構3Group Structure全國布局4Nationwide Presence重點投資物業7Major Investment Properties主席報告22Chairmans Statement管理層討論與分析26Management Discussion and Analysis董事及高層管理人員簡歷36Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management企業公民責任報告44Corporate Social Respo

2、nsibility企業管治報告52Corporate Governance Report董事會報告67Report of the Directors獨立核數師報告書89Independent Auditors Report綜合收益表91Consolidated Income Statement綜合全面收益表92Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income綜合財務狀況表93Consolidated Statement of Financial Position財務狀況表95Statement of Financial Position綜合股本變動表

3、96Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity綜合現金流量表98Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows綜合財務報表附註100Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements主要物業概要174Schedule of Principal Properties財務概要188Financial SummaryContents目錄二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013公司資料Corporate Information2董事執行董事 吳向東(主席) 唐 勇(董事總經理)

4、王宏琨(副主席)(於二零一四年四月二十二日辭任)非執行董事 閻 飈 杜文民 丁潔民 魏 斌 黃道國 陳 鷹獨立非執行董事 王 石 閻 焱 何顯毅 尹錦滔 馬蔚華公司秘書 羅志力核數師 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所股份過戶登記分處 卓佳標準有限公司 香港灣仔 皇后大道東二十八號 金鐘匯中心二十六樓 (至二零一四年三月三十日止) 香港皇后大道東 一八三號合和中心二十二樓 (二零一四年三月三十一日起)註冊辦事處 Ugland House South Church Street Post Office Box 309 George Town Grand Cayman Cayman Islands Briti

5、sh West Indies總辦事處 香港灣仔港灣道26號 華潤大廈46樓網址 .hkDirectorsExecutive Director Wu Xiangdong (Chairman) Tang Yong (Managing Director) Wang Hongkun (Vice Chairman) (Resigned on 22 April 2014)Non-Executive Director Yan Biao Du Wenmin Ding Jiemin Wei Bin Huang Daoguo Chen YingIndependent Non-Executive Director

6、Wang Shi Andrew Y. Yan Ho Hin Ngai, Bosco Wan Kam To, Peter Ma WeihuaCompany Secretary Lo Chi Lik, PeterAuditor PricewaterhouseCoopersBranch Share Registrar Tricor Standard Limited 26th Floor, Tesbury Centre 28 Queens Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong (Until 30 March 2014) Level 22, Hopewell Centre, 183

7、Queens Road East, Hong Kong (From 31 March 2014)Registered Office Ugland House South Church Street Post Office Box 309 George Town Grand Cayman Cayman Islands British West IndiesHead Office 46th Floor, China Resources Building 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong KongWebsite Address .hk二零一三年度年報Annual Repo

8、rt 2013集團架構Group Structure367.96%華潤(集團)有限公司CHINA RESOURCES (HOLDINGS) COMPANY LIMITED華潤置地有限公司CHINA RESOURCES LAND LIMITED開發物業Property Development投資物業Investment Properties增值服務Value-added Services二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013全國布局Nationwide Presence4二零一三年度年報Annual Report 20135全國布局 Nationwide PresenceDevel

9、opmentproperties開發物業投資物業InvestmentpropertiesProvince withpresence業務覆蓋省份2013年簽約額Contracted salesin 2013 人民幣663.06億元RMB 66,306 million運營的持有投資物業總建築面積為Total GFA of operational investmentproperty reached 229萬平方米2.29 million square meters6二零一三年度年報Annual Report 201367重點投資物業Major Investment Properties深圳萬象城S

10、henzhen the MIXc杭州萬象城Hangzhou the MIXc瀋陽萬象城 Shenyang the MIXc成都萬象城Chengdu the MIXc南寧萬象城Nanning the MIXc北京五彩城Beijing Hi 5二零一三年度年報Annual Report 201378二零一三年度年報Annual Report 201389萬象城都市綜合體系列The MIXc UrbanComplex Series五彩城區域商業中心Hi 5 RegionalCommercial Centre二零一三年度年報Annual Report 20139二零一三年度年報Annual Repor

11、t 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex series10深圳萬象城於2004年開業,位於羅湖寶安南路,總建築面積逾20萬平方米,集零售、餐飲、娛樂、休閒、文化等諸多元素為一身,包羅萬象、應有盡有,為消費者帶來全新的消費概念和生活體驗,是真正意義的 一站式消費中心。萬象城一期擁有200多個大小不一、功能各異的獨立店鋪,包括Rel時尚生活百貨、Ol高端生活體驗超市、嘉禾深圳影城、冰紛萬象滑冰場、順電等主力店鋪,以及Gucci、Prada、Burberry、Fendi、Bottega Veneta、Valentino、Miu Miu、Boss、MaxMara、

12、Alfred Dunhill、Emporio Armani、Givenchy等眾多國際頂級奢侈品牌。深圳萬象城Shenzhenthe MIXcOpened in 2004, Shenzhen MIXc is located in Baoan Nan Road in Luohu District with a total GFA of over 200,000 square meters. Shenzhen MIXc is a mixed-use commercial complex comprising of retail, dining, entertainment, leisure and

13、 culture elements. Customers can experience a brand new consumption and lifestyle concept through this “one-stop” shopping solution.Shenzhen MIXc Phase 1 houses more than 200 highly differentiated shops, including anchor tenants such as Reel Department Store, Ol high-end Supermarket, Golden Harvest

14、cinema, World Ice Arena, Sundan, as well as international luxury brands like Gucci, Prada, Burberry, Fendi, Bottega Veneta, Valentino, Miu Miu, Boss, MaxMara, Alfred Dunhill, Emporio Armani, Givenchy etc.二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex series111,117租金收入Rental income港幣百萬元H

15、K$ Million9,865評估值The appraisal value港幣百萬元HK$ Million萬象城二期在定位上更加高端,在空間上由室內延伸至室外、強調室外步行商業的特色,通過園林綠化和創意小景,進一步貼近與消費者之間的距離。二期租戶包括Louis Vuitton、Herms、Dior、Ermenegildo Zegna、Salvatore Ferragamo、Dolce & Gabbana、Cartier、Bvlgari、Tiffany & Co.、Mont Blanc等國際頂級奢侈品牌,以及生活創意、娛樂、餐飲等特色組合。Shenzhen MIXc Phase 2 has an

16、 even higher-end positioning. It has a creative landscape plan in the space extending from indoor to outdoor, with the greenery and interior design further closing the distance between the shops and the consumers. Tenants include top international luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Herms, Dior, Er

17、menegildo Zegna, Salvatore Ferragamo, Dolce & Gabbana, Cartier, Bvlgari, Tiffany & Co., Mont Blanc etc., as well as lifestyle, entertainment, dining elements.租戶構成 (面積佔比) / Tenant Mix (by GFA)租戶期滿情況 (面積佔比) Lease Maturity Profile (by GFA)29.4%18.2%52.4%時尚品牌 Fashion餐飲 F&B其他 Others30.1%15.2%36%10.8%2014

18、年到期Mature in 20142015年到期Mature in 20152016年到期Mature in 20162017年及以後到期Mature in 2017 or after二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex series12杭州萬象城於2010年開業,位於杭州CBD中心區錢江新城,彙集眾多世界頂尖品牌,潮流時尚在此繽紛呈現,豐富的商品選擇,舒適的購物環境,顧客無不盡興歡顏;各式饕餮美食餐廳,不僅能品嘗到杭州本土家常口味,更讓您足不出戶就可以吃遍世界美食;在商業物業中做到奧林匹克真冰標準的冰紛萬象滑冰

19、場、百老匯電影院、多次被評選為香港與新加坡 最佳書店的PageOne等多方位休閒服務設施,為顧客帶來前所未有的生活消費體驗。杭州萬象城Hangzhouthe MIXcOpened in 2010, Hangzhou MIXc is located in the CBD of Qianjiang New City. The complex brings together many of the worlds top brand names, presenting fashion trends and a rich selection of merchandise. It offers a com

20、fortable shopping environment and a variety of gourmet restaurants. It also houses an Olympic-standard ice-skating rink, Broadway cinemas, PageOne (voted the “Best Book Store” in Hong Kong and Singapore on numerous occasions) and so on, which brings unprecedented lifestyle experience to its customer

21、s.二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex series13租戶構成 (面積佔比) / Tenant Mix (by GFA)租戶期滿情況 (面積佔比) Lease Maturity Profile (by GFA)27.6%17.9%54.5%時尚品牌 Fashion餐飲 F&B其他 Others17.5%11.2%58.1%7.7%2014年到期Mature in 20142015年到期Mature in 20152016年到期Mature in 20162017年及以後到期Mature in 2017 or

22、after469租金收入Rental income港幣百萬元HK$ Million3,590評估值The appraisal value港幣百萬元HK$ Million二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex series14瀋陽萬象城於2011年開業,位於瀋陽金廊核心區域,是繼深圳、杭州之後,華潤旗下第三座萬象城;建築面積近25萬平方米,容納近200家各類店鋪;同時擁有地下兩層停車場、地上四層停車樓,可提供近2,000個停車位。瀋陽萬象城集合品牌零售、特色餐飲、娛樂休閒等功能於一體,擁有眾多國際一線品牌店鋪,包括H

23、erms、LV、Prada、Miu Miu、Tods、Fendi、Bvlgari、Burberry、MaxMara、Hugo Boss、Ermenegildo Zegna、Cartier等;其中,Herms是目前瀋陽唯一店,LV是全國經營面積第二瀋陽萬象城Shenyang the MIXcOpened in 2011, Shenyang MIXc is located in the prime area in Jinlang and is the third MIXc projects after Shenzhen and Hangzhou MIXc. With a GFA of nearly

24、 250,000 square meters, it houses nearly 200 shops. There is also a 6-storey carpark with nearly 2,000 parking spaces.Shenyang MIXc comprises of retail, specialty dining, and entertainment elements. Major tenants include many top international brands including Herms, LV, Prada, Miu Miu, Tods, Fendi,

25、 Bvlgari, Burberry, MaxMara, Hugo Boss, Ermenegildo Zegna, Cartier etc. In particular, Herms is the only shop in Shenyang; LV is the second largest in China in terms of operating GFA and is 二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex series1529%16.5%54.5%時尚品牌 Fashion餐飲 F&B其他 Others18

26、.2%2.8%67.1%11.9%2014年到期Mature in 20142015年到期Mature in 20152016年到期Mature in 20162017年及以後到期Mature in 2017 or after租戶構成 (面積佔比) / Tenant Mix (by GFA)租戶期滿情況 (面積佔比) Lease Maturity Profile (by GFA)大店、東北地區旗艦店,Prada是瀋陽營業面積最大的店鋪,Miu Miu更是東北第一店;Ermenegildo Zegna全球概念店,也成為東北面積最大的店。同時,還擁有眾多時尚品 牌, 包 括 引 進 東 北 地 區

27、 第 一 家 買 手 店Sammy Collections,以及Novo、7 for all Mankind等品牌新面孔。the flagship store in North Eastern China; Prada is the largest shop in Shenyang in terms of operating GFA; Miu Miu is the only shop in North Eastern China; and Ermenegildo Zegna is the largest shop in North Eastern China in terms of opera

28、ting GFA. Moreover, the complex is home to a variety of fashion brands including the first Sammy Collections in North Eastern China, Novo, 7 for all Mankind etc.474租金收入Rental income港幣百萬元HK$ Million4,711評估值The appraisal value港幣百萬元HK$ Million二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex

29、series162012年開業,成都萬象城位於成華區,彙聚了包含Hugo Boss、Armani Collezioni、Coach等 上 百 家 國 際 品 牌, 及Central尚泰百貨、NOVO潮流新概念店。同時亦彙集多面時尚生活元素,從以進口食品為主的高端超市Ol到享譽全國的冰紛萬象真冰滑冰場,從百老匯電影院,到以閱讀體驗聞名的西西弗書店,及充滿快樂與童趣的玩具反 鬥城,營造時尚、歡聚生活新會場。從王品台塑牛排,到時尚特色餐廳,從精緻甜品到地道地方小吃,多達三十多家全球美食品牌,為您帶來舌尖上的饕餮之旅。成都萬象城Chengdu the MIXcOpened in 2012 and is

30、 located in Chenghua District, Chengdu MIXc is home to a variety of world-leading luxury brands including Hugo Boss, Armani Collezioni, Coach, Thailands Central Department Store, and Novo Conceptual Store. Chengdu MIXc also features multi-faceted lifestyle elements including Ol high-end Supermarket

31、which focuses on imported food, World Ice Arena, Broadway cinemas, Sisyphus Bookstore which is famous for great reading experience, as well as Toys “R” Us that is full of joy and playful toys.From Wangs Steak to stylish specialty restaurants, and from desserts to authentic local snacks, more than 30

32、 global dining brands in Chengdu MIXc will bring customers on a gluttonous trip.二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex series17231租金收入Rental income港幣百萬元HK$ Million4,302評估值The appraisal value港幣百萬元HK$ Million22.1%13.2%64.6%時尚品牌 Fashion餐飲 F&B其他 Others0.0%5.3%63.1%31.6%2014年到期Mature

33、 in 20142015年到期Mature in 20152016年到期Mature in 20162017年及以後到期Mature in 2017 or after租戶構成 (面積佔比) / Tenant Mix (by GFA)租戶期滿情況 (面積佔比) Lease Maturity Profile (by GFA)二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex series18南寧華潤萬象城位於清秀區,於2012年開業,首日人流逾21萬人次。在這個28萬平米的時尚殿堂裡,彙聚國際奢品名店、世界各地特色美食、奧賽水平冰

34、紛萬象真冰場、百盛百貨以及專營高端進口商品的Ol超市、含全球第五塊巨幕影廳的沃美影院等,將購物、餐飲、娛樂、休閒、文化諸多元素融於一城,包羅萬象,應有盡有。開業一年即獲2013 CCFA購物中心金百合獎,是首個獲此殊榮的廣西商業體。已成為廣西購物首選地,成為廣西人民的一種生活方式。南寧萬象城Nanningthe MIXcNanning MIXc is located in Qingxiu District and was opened in 2012, attracting traffic of more than 210,000 shoppers on the first day of it

35、s grand opening. This 280,000 square meters shopping mall is home to a variety of world-leading luxury brands, specialty dining from around the world, an Olympic-standard ice-skating rink, Parkson department store, Ol high-end Supermarket that focuses on imported goods, Womei Theater with the worlds

36、 fifth DMR hall, and encompassing shopping, dining, entertainment, lifestyle and culture elements. Nanning MIXc was awarded 2013 CCFA Golden Lily Award after its first year of operation, and is the first commercial entity in Guangxi that won the award. The trendy and diverse shopping space brings un

37、precedented shopping and lifestyle experience to customers in Guangxi.二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013萬象城都市綜合體系列 The MIXc Urban complex series19411租金收入Rental income港幣百萬元HK$ Million2,439評估值The appraisal value港幣百萬元HK$ Million租戶構成 (面積佔比) / Tenant Mix (by GFA)租戶期滿情況 (面積佔比) Lease Maturity Profile (by GFA)25.5%

38、19.4%55.0%時尚品牌 Fashion餐飲 F&B其他 Others10.6%13.4%71.5%4.5%2014年到期Mature in 20142015年到期Mature in 20152016年到期Mature in 20162017年及以後到期Mature in 2017 or after20二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013五彩城區域商業中心 Hi 5 Regional Commercial Centre北京五彩城是全國範圍內的第一個五彩城,是本集團傾力打造城市區域購物中心。位於北京市海澱區北五環外的清河,總建築面積約20萬平米。主力店有沃爾瑪、冰酷冰場、韓國

39、CGV影院、Snoopy樂園等。她致力於營造一個歡樂、溫馨、時尚、充滿節日氣氛的一站式生活廣場,將成為集時尚購物、特色餐飲、娛樂休閒、文化運動為一體的多功能、多主題、引領嶄新生活方式的區域商業旗艦。北京五彩城Beijing Hi5Beijing Hi5 Living Mall is a regional commercial center and is Groups first venture in China. Located at the north 5-ring road of Haidian District in Qinghe District, Beijing Hi5 Living

40、 Mall has a GFA of approximately 200,000 square meters. Major tenants include Wal-Mart and an Olympic-standard ice-skating rink, Korean CGV Theater and Snoopy Garden. The Group is committed to creating a happy, warm, stylish, and festive one-stop living mall. The multi-faceted flagship mall comprise

41、s fashion, shopping, dining, entertainment, leisure, culture and sports elements, which brings unprecedented lifestyle experience to its customers. 21二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013五彩城區域商業中心 Hi 5 Regional Commercial Centre170租金收入Rental income港幣百萬元HK$ Million2,755評估值The appraisal value港幣百萬元HK$ Million21.5

42、%23.2%55.4%時尚品牌 Fashion餐飲 F&B其他 Others6.1%11.1%72.9%4.1%2014年到期Mature in 20142015年到期Mature in 20152016年到期Mature in 20162017年及以後到期Mature in 2017 or after租戶構成 (面積佔比) / Tenant Mix (by GFA)租戶期滿情況 (面積佔比) Lease Maturity Profile (by GFA)二零一三年度年報Annual Report 2013主席報告Chairmans Statement22229萬平方米2.29 運營的持有投資

43、物業總建築面積為Total GFA of operational investmentproperty reached 二零一三年,受強勁剛性需求的拉動,中國房地產行業全年保持了 產銷兩旺的良好局面, 實現了投資和銷售的同步大幅增長。Driven by strong fundamental demand, Chinas real estate market boomed in both investment and sales throughout the year of 2013.million square meters二零一三年度年報Annual Report 201323主席報告 Ch

44、airmans StatementAfter baptism of years of intense market competition, the Groups business strategy has gone through a continued process of refinement, adjustment and optimization and is now better adapted to evolving market conditions. The Groups differentiated business model of “residential develo

45、pment + property investment + valued-added services” brings strong competitive advantages. The Groups efforts in adjusting product mix in response to changes in market demand, strengthening internal management for optimized cost controls, and enhancing execution to improve development efficiency are

46、 fully reflected in the annual results of 2013. During the year, the Group achieved satisfactory growth in contracted sales, booked revenue, rental income, and core profit contribution, and reached their historical highs in all those parameters.Results ReviewIn 2013, the Groups consolidated turnover

47、 and profit attributable to the owners of the Company reached HK$71,389 million and HK$14,696 million, up by 60.9% and 39.1% respectively when compared with the prior year. Specifically, turnover from the residential development business reached HK$64,818 million, up by 68.3% year-on-year; rental in

48、come from investment property business and hotel operations totalled HK$4,622 million, representing a year-on-year growth of 27.4%.As of 31 December 2013, the Groups earnings per share increased by 38.6% year-on-year to HK252.1 cents, and net assets per share increased by 22.6% from HK$11.86 to HK$1

49、4.54. The Board recommended a final dividend of HK36.4 cents per share. Together with the interim dividend of HK7.3 cents per share, the full year 2013 dividend amounted to HK43.7 cents per share, representing an increase of 30.1% over the full year dividend of the year ended 31 December 2012 (“Year

50、 2012”) which was HK33.6 cents per share.Residential DevelopmentBenefiting from favorable market supply and demand situation and a strong growth of the Groups saleable resources, the Groups contracted sales reached RMB66,306 million with a contracted gross floor area (“GFA”) of 5.78 million square m



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