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2、善社会认可与反馈59公司基本信息60独立鉴证报告61报告编制说明64附录652830323336384040444546474950社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录2016 年是中国“十三五”开局之年,是中国全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的开局之年, 也是推进结构性改革的攻坚之年。2016 年还是建设银行砥砺改革,向着“综合性经营、多功能服务、集约化发展、创新型银行和智慧型银行”五大转型目标奋进的一年,也是成效卓著的一年。面对严峻的经营形势,全行上下同欲,勠力同心,推进改革发展,各项业务发展稳中向好、稳中见强,实现了规模、质量和

3、效益的协调发展,市场竞争力和价值创造力进一步提升,在促进经济、环境和社会可持续发展方面体现了大型银行的责任担当。我们持续密切跟踪、研究国家“十三五”规划、供给侧结构性改革以及长江经济带、京津冀一体化、 “一带一路”等战略实施带来的商业机遇,发挥基础设施建设、工程造价咨询、综合化牌照等方面的优势,为国家重大项目提供优质高效的综合化金融服务。截至 2016 年末,我行资产总额达到 20.96 万亿元,全年基础设施行业领域贷款新增1,883.71 亿元,向国家上缴税收 802.94 亿元。致力于服务实体经济,积极支持国家发展战略。我们持续完善普惠金融支持机制,重点服务于新型城镇化、 “三农” 、小微

4、企业、 “双创” 、保障性住房、教育、医疗卫生等民生领域。不断提高客户服务质量,提升客户体验,采取有效措施切实保护消费者权益。截至 2016 年末,涉农贷款余额 16,939.68 亿元;小微企业贷款余额 14,418.92 亿元,较上年新增 1,640.13 亿元;为 3.46 万户中低收入家庭投放保障房个人住房贷款 97.96 亿元。致力于发展普惠金融,积极促进社会经济协调发展。我们持续打造“低碳环保的银行” ,制定绿色信贷发展战略,把绿色信贷作为全行重要业务来发展。截至 2016 年末,绿色信贷余额 8,892.21 亿元。大力发展电子银行业务,为客户降低成本,为社会节约资源。网上银行个

5、人用户达2.4 亿户,手机银行客户达 2.23 亿户,微信银行用户达 3,623 万户。同时积极采取低碳运营,在经营管理过程中尽量降低能源消耗减少碳排放,并倡导员工厉行节约。致力于生态文明建设,积极关注全球气候变化。04社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息董事长致辞王洪章 董事长Wang Hongzhang CHAIRMAN展望 2017 年,挑战与机遇仍将错综交织。一方面,中国经济下行压力依然存在,金融变革大浪淘沙。另一方面,供给侧结构性改革、经济结构调整和产业优化升级,将带来新的更大机遇;新技术、新业态、新需求,将拓展新的发展空间。我们将坚定信念,满

6、怀信心,继续保持变革创新的活力,凝心聚力,众志成城,持续推进转型发展,不辜负广大利益相关方的信赖和支持,努力将建设银行打造成为最具价值创造力的国际一流银行集团,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”做出积极的贡献。我行制定了 “十三五”金融扶贫工作规划,加大贫困地区信贷资源倾斜,派驻基层扶贫干部,切实推进金融扶贫工作。截至 2016 年末,我行金融精准扶贫贷款余额 948.24 亿元,比年初新增 173.24 亿元,增速 22.35%;通过信贷支持贫困地区企业及个人,带动建档立卡贫困人口实现就业和增收约 8.63 万人次;定点扶贫捐赠 4,290 万元。持续在教育助学、医疗卫生、扶贫济困、灾害救助

7、等领域开展公益慈善活动,全力打造建行公益品牌。致力于精准扶贫,积极投身扶贫攻坚战。05独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录06社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息王祖继 行长Wang Zuji PRESIDENT 07独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录郭友 监事长Guo You SUPERVISORY08社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息社会责任管理企业战略与社会责任管理企业愿景、使命与核心价值观建设最具价值创造力的国际一流银行集团。诚实 公正稳健 创造为客户提供更好服务,为股东创造更大价值,为员工搭建广阔的发展平台,为社会承

8、担全面的企业公民责任。使命愿景核心价值观09独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录企业社会责任战略与实施企业社会责任战略立足实体经济,以客户为中心,不断创新产品和服务,在实现各项业务稳步健康发展的同时,努力成为一家:关注大众客户的体验和诉求,不断创新和改进业务流程,积极开拓消费金融市场,努力提升服务质量和服务能力;服务大众的银行积极履行环境责任,大力支持低碳经济和环保产业,加大企业节能减排力度,积极推行电子银行、手机银行等网络金融服务,倡导低碳运营,降低自身能源消耗;低碳环保的银行提升企业价值创造力, 为股东提供持续稳定的回报;关注员工利益, 努力为员工创造更好的工作氛围、 提供更好的职业发展机会;关注

9、社会需求, 积极参与公益慈善事业, 关注社区建设和发展, 努力回报社会, 为推动社会的和谐发展做出贡献。可持续发展的银行将业务发展与支持国家经济发展、促进民生改善相结合,优先发展小企业金融业务,努力为“三农”、西部大开发等民生领域提供更好的金融服务;促进民生的银行10社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会认可与反馈公司基本信息基础管理我行积极建立和完善利益相关方参与机制,充分关注利益相关方的期望和诉求,通过与利益相关方定期沟通,持续改进企业社会责任基础管理工作。我行聘请外部专业机构梳理出社会责任指标 489 个,并依据 GRI 4 的要求进行实质性分析,先后对客户、股东、监管机构、员工、供应商、媒体、

10、CSR 专家、公益机构等进行了访谈,识别出我行社会责任的重要议题,包括支持绿色信贷、提升客户满意度、推行普惠金融、实施员工激励、保持运营连续性等。提高了编制社会责任报告的规范性、科学性,同时也为未来建立严格的管理体系奠定了基础。战略推进与实施聘请外部专业机构梳理出社会责任指标489个不同议题对本行的影响利益相关方对不同议题重要性的判断分析结果重要议题支持绿色信贷提升客户满意度实施员工激励推行普惠金融保持运营连续性社会责任管理社会责任业绩11独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录团队建设我行建立了较为完善的社会责任管理体系,管理范围包括高级管理层、总行各相关部门、各一级分行及各营业网点以及各海外分行及子公

11、司。总行公共关系与上海品茶部社会责任处负责组织开展相关工作,工作团队涉及总行相关部门以及境内外分行、子公司。信息披露我行自 2005 年 10 月在香港上市以来,已连续 11 年发布社会责任报告,向社会公众披露我行的企业社会责任理念、企业社会责任战略推进与实施的成效,以及我行依据与各利益相关方交流与沟通的情况,在更好地履行企业社会责任方面所进行的改进和完善。我行自2005年10月在香港上市以来,已连续发布社会责任报告11年12社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会认可与反馈公司基本信息公司治理我行管理架构图社会责任管理社会责任业绩13独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录股东大会是我行的权力机构。2016年6月





16、明先生、莫里洪恩先生。2016年,社会责任与关联交易委员会共召开4次会议,完善关联交易管理制度体系, 优化新一代关联交易管理系统,强化关联交易审计成果运用,推动集团关联交易管理水平不断提升;监督绿色信贷、消费者权益保护和公益捐赠等社会责任履行情况。董事会 有关我行公司治理详细内容,请参阅我行同期发布的2016年 年报中公司治理报告。社会责任业绩1THE BANK THATSERVES THE PUBLIC服务大众的银行16我行着眼大局,紧密配合国家政策,支持经济社会转型,提高服务实体经济的质量和水平。持续密切跟踪、研究国家“十三五”规划、供给侧结构性改革以及长江经济带、京津冀一体化、“一带一路


18、亿元社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息建设银行支持建设的惠罗高速公路根据环球银行金融电信协会 (Swift) 对人民币的追踪, 英国在 2016 年 3 月份取代东南亚金融中心新加坡, 成为大中华区以外最大的人民币清算中心。 英国 金融时报 中文网在4月28日的一篇题为 英国成为第二大离岸人民币清算中心的报道中称: “Swift 负责英国、爱尔兰和北欧地区的主管斯蒂芬 吉尔德代尔 (Stephen Gilderdale) 将人民币清算业务的稳步增长归功于中国建设银行英国分行” 。建设银行于 2014 年 6 月正式获任伦敦人民币清算行, 凭借高效、 安

19、全的跨境和离岸人民币清算系统和网络, 为人民币参加行和离岸人民币市场提供公平、 及时、 准确、 专业的人民币清算及结算服务。 伦敦人民币清算行正式开业以来运营稳定有序 , 清算量稳步提高, 2016 年 12 月 1 日突破 12 万亿元, 已经发展成为亚洲地区以外最大的人民币清算行。建设银行助推英国成为第二大离岸人民币清算中心CASE9月8日,中国建设银行举办“CCB2020:善建者 新活力”转型发展宣传推介会,王洪章董事长、王祖继行长就媒体关心的问题回答现场提问17提升客户满意度个人客户总体满意度深入开展 “优质服务年” 活动, 围绕服务质量、 服务效率、 服务创新能力和服务示范效应 “四

20、提升” 目标, 开展了 “温馨大堂”“服务体验”“服务提速”“客户排队等候时间超长网点治理”“物理渠道转型创新” 、服务明星示范等 10 大类专题活动,不断提升网点大堂的人性化程度, 优化服务流程, 激励各级机构积极创新, 有效发挥自助设备的客户分流效用, 降低客户等待时间, 从多维度提升全行营业网点文明规范服务水平。 持续组织员工实施网点服务体验式检查, 委托第三方市场调查公司, 聘用真实客户开展神秘人调查,及时改进并不断提高对社会公众的服务水平。 截至2016 年末,客户服务从业人员 5,806 人 , 当年通过客户服务热线人工受理客户问题数量 2,876 个。创新产品和服务, 不断满足客

21、户金融需求, 全年完成产品创新 1,900 余项。 推进智慧化服务, 自主研发智慧柜员机, 开创客户服务新型物理渠道, 已完成 4.3 万台智慧柜员机投放。 运用大数据分析技术, 差异化定制产品, 满足客户投资理财需求, 受到客户欢迎。 如针对代发工资客户、 新客户、 县域客户、 老年客户、 房贷客户分别推出专享理财产品。坚持 “综合性、 多功能、 集约化” 战略发展方向, 全面实施综合金融服务, 实体网点和电子渠道协调发展, 综合服务水平不断优化和提升。 发挥集团优势, 通过商业银行、投行、 信托、 期货、 租赁、 基金、 保险、 养老金等业务联动, 为企业和个人提供全方位现代金融服务,持续

22、提升价值创造力。 全球范围共计 14,985 个营业机构。 国际化发展进程不断提速, 已在全球 29 个国家和地区设立境外机构, 跨时区、 跨地域、 多币种, 24 小时不间断的全球金融服务网络体系已初步建成。76.9%76.9%75.3%客户总体满意度监测结果对公客户总体满意度93.3%94%93.5%客户总体满意度监测结果2016年2015年2014年2016年2015年2014年独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录11 月 9 日, 我行正式宣布推出 “龙支付” , 这是建设银行运用互联网思维、 打造金融生态系统、 围绕客户体验推出的统一支付品牌, 也是同业首个融合 NFC、 二维码、 人脸识别

23、技术, 覆盖线上线下全场景的全新支付产品组合, 受到业内外高度关注。 建行龙支付在整合现有网络支付、 手机支付、 移动支付等全系列产品功能的基础上, 新推出了 “建行钱包” 和 “二维码支付” 两个全新产品,是人民银行 条码支付业务规范 正式发布后业内首款开通二维码支付功能的革新产品, 具备了建行钱包、 全卡付、 建行二维码、 龙卡云闪付、 随心取、 好友付款、 AA 收款、 龙商户等八大功能, 并拥有更开放的用户体验, 更多样的支付方式, 更丰富的支付场景, 更安全的支付环境四大优势。建行龙支付正式发布再掀潮流支付新风尚CASE挤压18推行普惠金融服务社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社

24、会认可与反馈公司基本信息挤压智慧银行(个)12电话银行客户数量(万户)24,196网上银行客户数量(万户)24,162自动柜员机数量(ATM)(个)97,534手机银行客户数量(万户)22,321自助银行数量(个)27,872智慧银行(个)12电话银行客户数量(万户)20,567网上银行客户数量(万户)21,280自动柜员机数量(ATM)(个)91,500手机银行客户数量(万户)18,284自助银行数量(个)24,694截至2015年12月31日截至2016年12月31日服务渠道建设情况社会责任业绩19独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录作为业内首推的个人网上自助贷款服务, “快贷”贷款门槛低至 1,

25、000 元,最大限度地扩大了贷款客户覆盖面,惠及民生消费;稳健开办个人助业贷款业务,满足个体工商户生产经营融资需求。全年为超过 144 万客户提供建行“快贷”服务,累计发放 529 亿元;为 5.86 万客户发放个人助业贷款497 亿元;为近 6,000 名学生提供助学贷款,发放金额 4,236 万元,覆盖全国 29 个省、区、市。助力教育事业发展,不断加强“互联网 +”系列金融产品的创新与应用,为广大师生提供便捷服务;与教育部联合发起设立中国高校双创产业投资基金,将通过有效投融资模式,引导社会资本支持高校科技成果转移转化和大学生创新创业项目的发展,培育一批真正具有竞争力的高校创新创业群体,促

26、进大学生创业和就业。注重为弱势群体提供金融服务,进一步规范全行 55 项营业网点服务标识和设施,在网点入口设置无障碍通道标识、服务电话标识、停车位、通道紧急呼叫按钮和导盲犬可入标识;在网点摆放助盲卡、婴儿车、雨伞架、眼镜、点验钞机等便民设施;在等候区设置爱心座椅专用标识,在柜台设置爱心窗口;各电子渠道已实现基本金融服务的无障碍化。截至 2016 年末,8,164个营业网点设置无障碍通道,12,964 个网点设置爱心窗口。贵州贵安新区是第八个国家级新区, 涵盖 20 个乡镇和 73 万人口, 是内陆开放型经济示范区, 西南地区跨越式发展的重要经济增长极。 贵州贵阳花溪支行为做好为贵安新区的普惠金

27、融服务, 专门设立物理网点及综合团队服务贵安新区广大群众, 形成一股专业的流动服务力量。在以民房为基础建成的狭小营业环境里, 7 名青年员工秉承 “根植贵安、 服务贵安” 的信念和艰苦奋斗、 攻坚克难的 “板房精神” , 走进湖潮乡、 马场镇、 党武乡的村寨开展 “流动在村寨的建行服务” 先后 30 余次;进校园、 进社区开展 “防假识骗” 、 反洗钱等普惠宣传活动 40 余次, 为代发征地拆迁资金超过 9 亿元, 将 “建行服务” 真正送到乡亲们的家门口。普惠金融服务闪耀贵州贵安新区CASE建设银行四川双流分行携手区政府举办青春创业建行专场推介会建设银行裕农通在现场服务村民20社会责任实践亮

28、点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息消费者权益保护及金融知识普及教育强化董事会专门委员会的统筹规划和指导,将消费者权益保护工作纳入上海品茶建设和年度业务发展指引中。2016 年,成立消费者权益保护部,保证了消费者权益保护工作开展的独立性和权威性,持续完善消费者权益保护工作管理体系。积极组织开展“金融知识普及月” 、 “金融知识进万家”宣传教育活动。活动期间,全行 1.4 万多个营业网点、超过 15 万员工参与,组织专项活动约7,000 次,发放宣传材料约 650 万份,现场服务消费者约 350 万人次,发送公益短信、微信和微博超过 400 万条。宣传教育活动的成功组织赢得了社会的

29、广泛赞誉,并荣获银监会组织开展的“金融知识进万家”宣传服务月活动“先进单位”称号。开展防范打击非法集资宣传教育、整治银行卡网上非法买卖专项行动、第二届国家网络安全宣传周、普及金融知识万里行等活动,自主创新开展“315”专项宣传教育、基金服务万里行、贵金属服务万里行等投资者教育活动。成功组织“普及金融知识万里行”活动,荣获 2016 年度中国银行业普及金融知识万里行活动最佳成效奖。全行1.4万多个营业网点、超过15万员工参与1.4万多个社会责任业绩7 月,客户庄先生持港澳通行证到厦门市分行税保支行办理电子银行业务。柜员审核证件时发现庄先生的通行证已经更换,需要先核查新旧证件的一致性并办理证件号码

30、更新后方可办理相关业务。如按照正常流程处理需要较长时间,但庄先生急需离开厦门,且再次往返大陆成本较高。该支行立即联系分行,请求加急处理客户开户时的原始凭证查询调取工作,并在拿到查询结果后第一时间通知客户办理后续业务。庄先生对我行的办事效率表示赞扬。尽心为客户 尽责做服务CASE建设银行广西区玉林分行开展“我当小小理财家”主题金融知识普及活动21独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录采取有效措施,确保消费者个人金融信息安全。 制定 中国建设银行个人客户信息管理应用操作规程 (试行) , 进一步明确个人客户信息的使用原则、管理流程及安全使用等要求。 建立完善审批机制, 加强信息科技外包风险管控。强化客户投诉

31、的监督管理,持续监测服务质量,督促产品服务改进优化和创新,推动客户服务水平的提升。 建立起投诉监督管理机制,及时受理和处理消费者因对业务投诉处理不满而进行的再投诉。 加强对投诉处理结果的跟踪和回访, 做到 “件件有着落” , 力争让每个投诉客户感到满意。 同时, 坚定奉行 “以客户为中心” 的经营理念,2007 年以来逐步建立起国内同业领先的客户服务质量监测评价体系, 通过对客户满意度的持续监测, 有针对性地推进产品和服务改进, 促进服务品质的不断提升。 调查结果显示, 2016 年, 全行个人客户总体满意度与上年持平, 高出同业平均水平 3.3 个百分点。案例1:1月,湖南省分行长沙中医药大


33、码,随即便有陌生人打电话告诉其在网上消费购物2万多元,在客户表示没有消费后,对方又以退款名义询问验证码信息。客户想要将验证码告诉对方但被我行工作人员及时阻止。柜员在了解事情经过并协助客户查询交易明细后,初步断定这是诈骗行为,诈骗分子基于被泄露的客户信息破解账户密码,远程将客户资金转入卡内保证金账户,制造资金转出假象从而实施诈骗。柜员随后及时协助客户将资金转回。客户对我行工作人员的快速反应和热情帮助表示感谢。切实保障客户资金安全CASE建设银行湖潮支行员工深入村寨举办金融知识讲座建设银行到社区开展金融知识普及活动建设银行四川分行开展金融知识进校园活动2促进民生的银行THE BANK THAT P

34、ROMOTESPEOPLE S LIVELIHOOD24社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息服务 “三农”研究制定 “三农”营销指导意见 ,发挥我行基建领域传统优势,创新推出新农村贷款、 城镇化贷款、 PPP 模式系列贷款、 政府购买服务贷款等产品,加大对农村地区基础设施和公共服务支持力度;在合法合规前提下,探索运用农业机械设备、运输工具、承包土地收益权等为标的的新型抵押担保方式,创新推出农村承包土地经营权抵押贷款、农村集体经营性建设用地使用权抵押贷款,加强与涉农融资担保、保险机构等的合作,探索多层次信用担保体系建设。截至 2016 年 12 月 31

35、日,涉农贷款余额 16,939.68 亿元,新农村建设贷款余额 568.38 亿元。推进支农贷款创新,逐步完善小额支农贷款流程,全年为近 2.4 万农户发放个人支农贷款 66 亿元。截至2016年12月31日,涉农贷款余额新农村建设贷款余额568.38亿元亿元黑龙江素来在我国粮食安全上占有重要地位。在我国重要的 “粮仓” “北大仓” , 如何解决农村地区 “融资难,融资贵”的问题显得尤为重要。由于农村金融体系建设不完善与金融产品的单一,以农信社和地方性商业银行为主体的金融机构的信贷规模,供给总量上严重不足。为满足当地农民发展规模化种养殖业和农产品加工等产业化经营需求,黑龙江省分行依托黑龙江“大

36、农业”的特点,确定了“一链两翼”三农业务发展模式。其中, “一链”是指以农业产业链为主线,以农业产业化经营为核心,实施从农产品种植到农产品收储、加工、销售等多环节全产业链信贷支持模式。 “两翼”一方面是指以黑龙江北大荒农垦集团为核心,为黑龙江省垦区发展建设提供全方位金融服务支持 ; 另一方面是以农村土地经营权抵押为主要担保方式的业务产品为核心,为省内农村新型经营主体提供信贷资金支持,以促进农村新型经营主体逐步发展壮大。服务“北大仓”CASE16,939.68建设银行员工深入农村为农民客户提供金融服务25独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录扶持小微企业我行始终保持服务小微企业的战略定力,创新服务模式,优

37、化业务流程,完善服务渠道,持续提升小微企业金融服务能力,以一池金融活水浇灌小微企业实体经济之树。2016 年, 我行将服务小微企业作为支持实体经济、 助力服务“双创”的重要领域,加强大数据、互联网技术在精准满足小微企业融资需求中的应用,推广科技金融、“七贷一透”等大数据产品,探索建立小微企业互联网金融服务生态圈,为小微企业提供更加便捷高效的服务,持续扩大客户服务覆盖面, “小企业 大事业”品牌获社会各界广泛赞誉。案例 1:广东一家主要研发生产超高洁净度耗材的国家级高新技术企业,各类创新产品通过业内多项权威机构测试。“我们公司是专业的超高洁净度耗材研发企业,这 几张纸 的专利就是我们公司最大的资

38、产,但没有银行看到它的价值, 而且现在这种经济形势下, 没有房产哪会有银行愿意借钱给我们?” 面对纷至沓来的订单, 公司张董事长喜忧参半。 针对轻资产、 高成长的科技型小微企业, 广东省分行为企业量身定制专属信贷产品, 对公司产品发明专利进行评估后质押, 提供专利权质押贷款, 公司发展逐步驶入快车道。“接触过这么多银行, 只有你们建行明白这 几张纸 的价值!” 董事长的感激之辞, 也代表了建设银行众多科技型小微企业客户的心声。案例 2:福建某 IT 企业主要从事数字安防技术、 产品及应用软件的研发服务, 拥有 5 项专利。 近两年来, 随着当地住宅小区对安全及信息通信及时性需求不断增强,该公司

39、掌握的专利技术服务拥有较大的市场空间,但也面临技术研发资金短缺的问题。 该公司负责人了解到建行推出的 “小微快贷” 产品可利用企业现有可查询信息,无须提供申贷材料, 便捷进行全流程网银自主操作, 以其个人名下在建行的金融资产作质押, 申请了 “小微快贷” 。客户在短短 5 分钟之内完成贷款审批、 合同签约、 支用及付款。 客户不禁感叹,“这么快, 几乎就是 秒 贷啊!你们的这款产品一定有市场。 ”扶持小微企业CASE小微企业贷款客户数(万户)扶持小微企业情况表小微企业贷款余额(亿元)30.8925.1924.21截至2016年12月31日截至2015年12月31日截至2014年12月31日14

40、,418.9212,778.7911,429.28截至2016年12月31日截至2015年12月31日截至2014年12月31日注:统计口径按照新四部委企业划型标准(含个体工商户、小微企业主)建设银行客户经理走访小微企业客户26社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息支持百姓自住安居积极落实国家宏观调控政策,重点支持百姓合理住房消费需求,不断优化业务流程,提升服务质量。全年共为近 253 万客户提供了商业性个人住房贷款服务,为近 140 万客户提供了公积金个人住房贷款服务,为 3.46 万中低收入家庭投放保障房个人住房贷款 97.96 亿元。响应国家公积金支持保障性住房

41、建设项目贷款试点工作要求,积极承办公积金项目贷款业务,在坚持风险可控、商业可持续经营的原则上,大力支持经济适用住房、棚户区改造项目、公共租赁住房等保障房项目建设。截至 2016 年末,累计发放公积金支持保障房建设贷款 527.33 亿元。累计发放公积金支持保障房建设贷款亿元527.33个人住房贷款余额(亿元)公积金个人住房贷款余额(亿元)保障性住房项目开发贷款余额(亿元)35,856.44截至2016年12月31日18,534.89截至2016年12月31日355.02截至2016年12月31日27,738.95截至2015年12月31日15,104.23截至2015年12月31日446.98


43、农民养老保障需求,填补了我国现阶段农村商业养老保障产品的空白。建信养老金公司开展“尊老爱老、服务养老”主题活动3低碳环保的银行A LOW-CARBON ANDENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY BANK制定中国建设银行绿色信贷发展战略 ,并经董事会审议通过,发展战略提出 4 项指导思想、2 项战略目标、15 项具体任务和 10 项保障措施。出台绿色信贷实施方案和业务发展指导意见,建立绿色信贷信息系统,推进绿色信贷评价管理,将绿色信贷纳入 KPI 考核。30支持绿色信贷社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息建设银行贵州分行大力支持黔中水利枢纽工

44、程,图为黔中水利枢纽一期工程中的平寨水库截至2016年12月31日8,892.212,633.155,958.8420.292.3918.863.49103.88绿色信贷余额(亿元)折合减排标准煤(万吨)减排二氧化碳当量(万吨)减排COD(万吨)减排氨氮(万吨)减排二氧化硫(万吨)减排氮氧化物(万吨)节水(万吨)4,870.771,969.584,653.3914.231.3313.081.6289.91截至2014年12月31日7,335.632,285.245,298.7415.381.8512.391.7090.32截至2015年12月31日类别绿色信贷情况表31 独立鉴证报告报告编制说

45、明附录践行绿色发展理念,将清洁能源、清洁交通、节能减排、节能环保服务、资源节约与循环利用、生态保护和适应气候变化、污染防治、采用国际惯例或国际标准境外项目、节能低碳园区建设确定为鼓励支持的 9 大领域,加大绿色信贷投放力度,逐步提高全行绿色信贷业务占比。严格控制存在环境违法违规行为、不符合当地环境保护规划、落后产能项目、环境与社会风险较高的客户和项目授信。南宁市竹排江上游那考河流域治理项目,是广西首个采用政府和社会资本合作模式(PPP)的建设项目,也是申报国家PPP示范项目的第一批重点项目,建设银行是该项目独家支持银行。目前,南宁竹排江上游植物园段的那考河已“华丽变身”,昔日臭水沟,如今已被截


47、产品创新和服务创新力度,引领绿色信贷业务发展。履行责任:倡导全行低碳运营,打造和谐用人环境,加强专业人才培养,积极有效履行我行社会责任和义务。短期目标:建立绿色信贷发展保障体系,增强全行环境和社会风险防控意识,力争通过2年时间初步完成传统经营理念向绿色经营理念的转变,逐步提升绿色信贷对全行经营效益的贡献水平。长期目标:将全行经济效益、社会效益和生态效益有机统一起来,最终实现我行向绿色银行的发展与转变。 中国建设银行绿色信贷发展战略CASE建设银行支持的广西南宁北排那考河项目32社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息我行致力于将发展电子银行业务和保护环境相结合,加大电子

48、银行渠道建设,不断丰富电子银行产品和服务,降低客户成本,节约社会资源,减少对环境的负面影响。截至 2016 年末,网上银行个人用户 2.37 亿户,网上银行企业用户 486 万户,手机银行用户 2.23 亿户,微信银行用户 3,623万户。手机银行、微信银行的广泛应用,极大地满足了广大客户随时随地通过移动端办理银行业务的金融需求。2016 年,智能小微累计服务用户突破 3 亿人次。我行自 2013 年首次在微信银行推出智能小微服务以来, 不断拓宽智能小微服务渠道, 全力打造“无所不在”的小微服务。目前,用户通过网银、网站、微信、短信、手机银行客户端、易信等渠道,均可享受智能小微带来的 724



51、定总行机关后勤工作勤俭节约十项措施的通知CASE践行低碳运营我行关注全球气候变化,着力降低自身对环境的影响。积极采取低碳运营,在日常经营管理过程中,通过尽量减少人员出差、提倡以视频会议代替现场会议、控制办公区域室内温度、降低能源消耗减少碳排放。响应国家号召,遵守国家节能减排相关法律法规,推广节能减排成熟技术。按照关于制定总行机关后勤工作勤俭节约十项措施的通知 ,厉行节约,降低能耗,督促落实,责任到人。洋桥数据中心加装气候补偿装置,实现供热系统温度自动调控,避免产生室温过高而造成能源浪费。通过多次实验调整,使洋桥 UPS 机房环境温度由 22提高到 25。总行本部继续逐步将节能灯更换为 LED

52、灯,降低办公大楼电量消耗。在办公场所使用节能节水设备,推行无纸化办公及双面打印,全年柜面业务凭证印制 6,016.39 吨。积极倡导员工节约能源,绿色出行,低碳生活。34社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息2016年10.3397.69530.59113,779.0868,722.56天然气消耗量(万立方米)柴油消耗量(吨)范畴一 直接温室气体排放总量(吨二氧化碳)外部购电消耗量(兆瓦时)范畴二 能量间接温室气体排放总量(吨二氧化碳)2014年7.6127.49565.34114,495.7369,155.402015年9.0997.77503.96114,071.

53、0168,898.89类别一般烟煤消耗量(吨)天然气消耗量(万立方米)柴油消耗量(吨)液化石油气消耗量(吨)范畴一 直接温室气体排放总量(吨二氧化碳)外部购电消耗量(兆瓦时)范畴二 能量间接温室气体排放总量(吨二氧化碳)2015年1,45036.561.6717.693,162.8159,453.1535,909.702016年1,75034.33011.253,569.6061,419.6537,097.47类别备注:1.由于总行本部运营范围包含供全行使用的后台数据中心,大量设备需要全天24小时不间断运转以满足全球范围内的金融服务不间断,因此耗电量较大。2.根据北京市发展改革委员会发布的北京



56、志愿者与客户共植生态树建设银行四川分行邀请客户参与“还绿自然”植树活动建设银行厦门分行开展员工义务植树活动建设银行秦皇岛分行组织开展义务植树活动社会责任业绩备注:1.根据重要性分析,废弃办公用品仅包含使用量较大的签字笔、曲别针、钉书针,废弃交通工具仅包含报废汽车,废弃电池仅包含使用量较大的干电池。2.由于1万多个机构统计量较大,此次仅披露总行数据,未来披露范围将陆续扩展至全集团。37 独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录21.67电子信息产品废弃物(吨)10.76其中:微机(主机)7.79其中:显示器1.21其中:笔记本电脑1.79其中:打印机0.12其中:服务器0.29废弃办公用品(吨)0废弃交通工

57、具(吨)387废弃硒鼓墨盒(件)0.14废弃电池(吨)2016年总行废弃物情况表4A BANK FORSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT可持续发展的银行 截至2016年12月31日员工情况表362,48240围绕总体发展战略, 进一步加强全面风险管理。董事会、 监事会、 高级管理层、员工共同参与,依托队伍建设、系统工具、风险文化及全面风险责任制,对集团所有机构、业务、经营管理流程中所承担的各类风险进行了有效的识别、 评估、 计量、 监测、 控制、 报告, 确保资产质量平稳, 各类风险基本可控。已建立“贯穿全行、 衔接密切、 反应迅速、 应对有力”的管理体系及工作机制,业务连续性管理

58、各项工作取得显著成效,在业界处于相对领先位置。目前生产系统在运行“安全、稳定、高效”的前提下,正稳步推进以南湖、稻香湖为重心的“两地三中心”建设和新一代系统建设。我行已建立保障网络与信息系统安全稳定运行的连续性运营保障机制,建立应急管理体系,当发生突发性生产应急事件时,可快速组织恢复生产。全年共建成信息技术类应急预案 1,640 个, 开展技术类应急演练 2,940 次,其中,本地高可用演练 2,592 次,灾备演练 348 次。保持运营连续性社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息81,008人中部地区占比占比22.35% 19,433人人人少数民族员工员

59、工总人数另有劳务派遣用工5,093人5.36%占比853海外0.24%166,241人男性员工45.86%196,241人女性员工54.14%根据中华人民共和国劳动法 、 中华人民共和国劳动合同法相关规定,所有在岗劳动合同制员工均与我行签订了劳动合同。在用工管理上,依法制定了劳动合同管理办法 、 员工休息休假办法 、 员工离职管理办法等内部规章及相关实施细则,依法保障员工各项劳动权利。依法为员工缴纳基本养老、基本医疗、失业、工伤、生育等基本社会保险,并建立住房公积金以及企业年金、补充医疗保险等员工福利制度,提高员工的养老、医疗保障。致力于加强绩效与薪酬管理的激励约束作用,坚持薪酬增长向基层机构

60、、业务一线和直接创造价值的岗位倾斜,不断提升绩效与薪酬管理的集约化水平。严格避免聘用童工,杜绝强制劳动现象。逐年按计划推进员工教育培训工作,制定下发关于 2016 年全行教育培训工作的意见 ,全年全行共举办现场培训 28,215 期,培训经费支出7.25 亿元, 培训 158.1 万人次, 人均培训 7.8 天 ; 网络培训 800 万人次(课次) ,折合培训工作量 133 万人天。保护员工权益占比68,530人西部地区18.91%36,685人东北地区占比41 独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录97,38280,51430岁以下31-40岁26.86%22.21%139,37041-50岁38.4

61、5%45,04451-59岁12.43%17260岁以上0.05%10.12%59,710人环渤海地区占比16.47%占比15,116人总行4.17%55,143人长江三角洲占比15.21%45,437人珠江三角洲占比12.53%人人人人人42社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息2016年96429,4131,550,35138410,112337,1271,12332,4571,638,6694019,674341,6612,52342,0341,850,8163487,983318,560现场培训 一级分行行级和总行部门级(人次) 二级分行行级、一级分行部门级和

62、总行处级(人次) 业务经理级及以下(人次)网络培训 一级分行行级和总行部门级(人次) 二级分行行级、一级分行部门级和总行处级(人次) 业务经理级及以下(人次)2014年2015年类别全行员工接受培训情况表各级分行建立了不同形式的职工代表大会,广大员工通过职工代表大会制度参与业务经营。会议审议涉及职工切身利益的制度办法;职工代表建言献策,包括经营管理、人力资源管理、薪酬分配、福利保障等多个方面,总行职能部门的综合回复率达 100%。持续开展“温暖工程” ,对遭遇重大疾病的员工给予特困救助,对受极端恶劣天气影响,发生大面积洪涝灾害,受灾比较严重分行启动了总行级救助。各级工会走访慰问一线员工、困难员

63、工和劳动模范,共筹集送温暖资金5,816.10 万元,各级员工互助资金发放救助款 3,860.82 万元。以文化体育活动为牵引,积极营造快乐工作、健康生活的良好氛围。2016 年,我行仍保持较低员工流失率。筹集送温暖资金万元5,816.10社会责任业绩建设银行网点员工健身操亮中央国家机关职工运动会43独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录5.按年龄划分 25岁以下(%) 26岁-35岁(%) 36岁-45岁(%) 46岁-54岁(%) 55岁以上(%)

64、6.120按地区划分 长江三角洲(%) 珠江三角洲(%) 环渤海地区(%) 中部地区(%) 西部地区(%) 东北地区(%) 总行(%) 海外(%)2015年2016年类别员工流失率情况表备注:总行包含总部、信用卡中心、客户服务中心、直属中心及培训中心。44社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息重视员工工作环境安全和职业安全 , 把保障员工人身安全作为重要目标,放在重要位置。 组织开展 “安全宣传月” 活动, 全面提升员工安全防范意识;持续深化 “平安建行” 创建活动, 开展安全生产大检查, 消除职业安全隐患;指导开展反恐防暴和消防安防应急处置演练,提升防汛抗洪、防震减

65、灾、防风抗潮等防灾减灾意识;向全行转发银监会关于切实加强消防安全管理工作的通知 ,要求做好消防安全管理工作;针对巴西、澳大利亚等国家发生的涉华安全事件,下发关于加强海外机构员工人身安全保护的提示的安全预警,强化海外员工安全。不断完善自上而下、独立有效、责任明晰的内控合规工作机制,加强内控制度、业务流程和标准化建设,增强干部员工的责任意识、底线意识、红线意识;推进规章制度梳理规范与内控标准化建设,制定发布个人信贷、个人存款、渠道与运营、结算与现金管理、财富管理与私人银行等领域内控标准。制定关于严格把握客户准入工作中反洗钱反恐怖融资等合规要求的通知、中国建设银行洗钱风险自评估管理办法、中国建设银行

66、涉及恐怖活动资产冻结工作管理办法,明确客户准入环节的反洗钱、反恐怖融资合规要求,制定完善机构洗钱风险自评估指标体系及工作方法,建立涉恐资产冻结的工作流程,在全行范围内规范业务操作。由总行组织的全行性反洗钱培训6次。坚持合规运营因公死亡人数(人)因公死亡比率(%)因工伤损失工作日数(天)2015年2016年40.00113,573100.00332,428项目类别员工工伤情况表社会责任业绩45独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录印发中国建设银行员工违规处理办法、关于开展员工违规违纪行为排查的通知、关于防止利益输送 深入开展自查自纠和报告工作的通知,制定了对员工腐败行为的惩戒措施,防范腐败行为,消除潜在风

67、险隐患。内外部组织机构和人员可通过信函、网上举报、电子邮件、传真、电话、走访等形式,对我行有关组织机构及其工作人员检举控告。我行十分重视知识产权管理工作,注重知识产权的创造、运用、保护和管理,按照本行知识产权管理办法相关规定,及时申请专利、商标等知识产权权利,依法维护我行各项创新成果享有的合法权益;同时,我行也充分尊重他人智力劳动成果相关的知识产权权利,在业务发展和经营管理中注重防范知识产权侵权风险,本年度内未发生重大知识产权侵权事件。制定中国建设银行广告管理办法,对广告的制作、发布以及知识产权保护等事宜作出规范。回报投资者我行十分重视股东利益,平等对待全体股东。2016 年,我行继续加强与投

68、资者的沟通交流,通过定期业绩发布会与路演(年度、中期及季度) 、企业开放日、大型投资者论坛、公司来访会谈、投资者关系网页专栏、热线电话及电子邮箱等多种方式,向市场及时解释说明我行发展战略与经营业绩,听取采纳投资者的意见和建议,获得市场和社会各界认可。截至报告期末,我行股东总数 426,488 户,其中 H 股股东 47,926 户,A股股东 378,562 户。根据 2016 年 6 月 17 日召开的 2015 年度股东大会决议,我行已向 2016 年 6 月 29 日在册的全体股东派发 2015 年度现金股息每股人民币 0.274 元(含税) ,合计约人民币 685.03 亿元。2016

69、年,我行每股社会贡献值 2.73 元,比上年减少 0.22 元。注:计算公式:每股社会贡献值=每股收益 + 每股增值额每股增值额=(年内上缴税收+支付员工工资+向债权人给付的借款利息+公司对外捐赠额因环境污染等造成的其他社会成本)股份其中:因我行2016年未发生重大环境污染事件,“因环境污染等造成的其他社会成本”指标为零。 有关我行详细财务信息,请参见同期发布的我行2016年年报。合计约人民币我行已向2016年6月29日在册的全体股东派发2015年度现金股息每股人民币0.274元(含税)0.274685.03亿元元46社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息供应商管理截



72、(%)外聘专家参与率(%)开展供应商社会责任培训次数(包括约谈及业务交流)(次)类别供应商管理情况表备注:采购合同履约率、外聘专家参与率、开展供应商社会责任培训次数(包括约谈及业务交流)仅为总行数据。社会责任业绩47独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录精准扶贫我行扎实开展金融精准扶贫工作,分别制定我行“十三五”金融扶贫工作规划、 2016 年金融扶贫工作计划和总行定点扶贫工作方案, 组织召开全行扶贫工作会议, 切实加强金融扶贫组织推动工作。加大贫困地区信贷资源和定价策略倾斜。 对分行因扶贫贷款带来的经济资本需求予以支持;落实国家对贫困地区减免金融服务费用的要求,加大贫困地区分行存贷款业务定价政策倾斜和

73、中间业务收费减免力度。 截至 2016 年末,我行金融精准扶贫贷款余额 948.24 亿元,比年初新增173.24 亿元,增速 22.35%。 通过信贷支持贫困地区企业及个人,带动建档立卡贫困人口实现就业和增收约 8.63 万人次;通过信贷支持农田水利、生态环境改造、 交通基础设施、 学校建设等项目, 惠及众多建档立卡贫困人口。截至2016年末,我行金融精准扶贫贷款余额22.35%亿元948.24建设银行金融扶贫创新举措CASE创新政府购买服务贷款、新农村贷款、城镇化贷款、PPP模式系列贷款等产品,加大对贫困地区基础设施和公共服务金融服务支持力度;创新特色业务小微企业“助农贷”产品,依托合作的


75、行慰问建档立卡贫困户建设银行四川遂宁分行扶贫工作组向贫困村民分发建行员工捐款购置的鸡苗48社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息2016 年,全行定点扶贫捐赠 4,290 万元,并首次将分行定点扶贫捐赠额度实施年度预算管理,由分行在预算额度内自行审批安排,有效提高了扶贫项目实施的时效性。扶贫捐赠项目主要包括道路硬化及修路、危房改造及校舍修建、引水工程及排水系统、亮化工程及村容治理、修建文体活动场所及老年活动中心、慰问困难户及购买生产机具等。创新整合资源,将全行长期公益项目的落实重点放在定点扶贫工作上, 如建行母亲健康快车,资助贫困高中生“成长计划” , 贫困英模母亲资

76、助计划, 资助三亚百年职校,希望小学教师培训等建行长期品牌公益项目在实施过程中,重点向定点扶贫村倾斜。建设银行在安康扶贫点28年的坚守CASE1988 年,建设银行响应国家扶贫号召,率先开始在陕西省安康市开展定点联县扶贫。 28 年来, 我行始终认真贯彻落实中央扶贫工作的各项要求, 坚持 “真扶贫、 扶真贫” , 累计派出 87 名扶贫干部驻点扶贫。 从修建厂房到帮助企业打开销路,从修路到改变村容村貌,从帮助村民发展生产到奔小康一代代建行人在安康挥洒着汗水, 奉献着青春。 如今, 行走在秦巴山区, 穿梭于汉江两岸, “建设银行”始终与这块贫瘠而美丽的土地如影随形, 它出现在一块块烫金的“希望小

77、学”招牌上,嵌刻在纵贯秦岭的交通枢纽上,伴随着山区老乡奔跑在脱贫致富的小康之路上,更多的是当地人民、政府发自内心的感激之情,彰显了一个国有大型银行的社会责任与担当。 今天的安康-建设银行捐建的希望小学今天的安康-建设银行为希望小学配备电脑教室今天的安康-建设银行帮助当地村民养蜂脱贫社会责任业绩49独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录员工志愿者我行拥有众多热心公益、从事志愿活动的优秀员工,他们都是普普通通的建行人,既有刚入行的青年员工、也有工作数十年的中坚力量,更有离退休的老干部,他们在日常生活中认真践行建行核心价值理念的要求。这些真实鲜活、感人至深的故事,汇总形成了建行员工热心公益的美丽画卷,在当地为

78、建行赢得了美名和声誉。在全行组织开展的“建行公益、 有你最美”公益主题宣传活动中,共收集 420 多个员工公益案例和故事,感人至深。收集员工公益案例和故事420多个贵州省分行 | 刘文谦退休后离开广州、离开家庭,孑然一身远赴贫穷落后的故乡,修筑水库造福乡邻。他用了一生的积蓄,用了退休后颐养天年的黄金八年,凿出一段月亮湾的传说。昔日的山东章丘到处布满裂缝,一片荒滩,在他的努力下,如今碧波荡漾、果树成林,鸟语花香,成了城市后花园。广东省分行 | 朱乐春20多年来风雨无阻、身体力行地参与社会组织和公司开展的各类义工活动,探访和帮助过的自闭症儿童、残障人士及孤寡老人达上千人,忙碌的身影遍及香港各区,还

79、深入内地。十六年如一日照顾患有脑瘫的女儿,在建行和社会的帮助下,通过不懈的康复训练让丧失行动能力的女儿站了起来。同时,刘文谦发起残疾人康复之家的动议,成立了贵州省第一家社区残疾人康复中心,帮助近60名类似患者进行康复治疗,成为康复之家的临时负责人和志愿者。在她的感召下,金阳支行的员工和爱心人士都加入到志愿者的行列之中。自小开始游泳并获得救生员、教练员资格证。他乐于助人,对于游泳爱好者,悉心指导。他见义勇为, 置生死于度外, 亲手挽救了 8 条鲜活的生命。建行(亚洲) | 方志琴湖北省分行 | 闵可胜社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息公益慈善1,036援建 45 所

80、希望小学,配备图书室、电脑室、运动场,资助培训教师近500 人次截至2016年12月31日合作机构中国青少年发展基金会项目期限1996-至今捐款金额(万元)1.35发放 1.35 亿元资助款, 资助高中生8.85 万人次截至2016年12月31日合作机构中国教育发展基金会项目期限2007-至今捐款金额(亿元)建设未来中国建设银行资助高中生成长计划支持建行希望小学1,000每年捐赠 200 万元用于学校办学费用截至2016年12月31日合作机构中国青少年发展基金会、北京百年农工子弟职业学校项目期限2011-至今捐款金额(万元)350发放 207 万元资助款,资助西藏地区贫困学生 990 人次截至

81、2016年12月31日合作机构中国扶贫基金会项目期限2007-至今捐款金额(万元)3,700购置247辆母亲健康快车, 在新疆、西藏、 甘肃、 青海等 17 个省、 区贫困乡县投入使用截至2016年12月31日合作机构中国妇女发展基金会项目期限2011-至今捐款金额(万元)资助三亚百年职校情系西藏-中国建设银行与中国建投奖(助)学金“母亲健康快车”中国建设银行资助计划社会责任业绩50 独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录2005年上市以来,我行开始有计划地组织开展公益捐赠工作,先后实施了100多个重要公益项目,主要集中在教育、医疗、扶贫、灾害救助、环境保护等领域,累计捐款8亿元人民币。2016年,我行

82、公益捐赠总额7,442万元。其中,用于定点扶贫村帮扶项目4,290万元。此外,还着重实施了多个长期公益项目。5,000发放 4,556 万元资助款,资助英模母亲 (妻子) 14,504 人次截至2016年12月31日合作机构中国妇女发展基金会项目期限2007-至今捐款金额(万元)217为贫困地区中小学捐建 87 所音乐教室,配备音乐教学设备,覆盖 29个省、 区、 市截至2016年12月31日合作机构中国青少年发展基金会项目期限2012-至今捐款金额(万元)40培训 200 余人次截至2016年12月31日合作机构中国文学艺术基金会项目期限2013-至今捐款金额(万元)中国贫困英模母亲建设银行

83、资助计划积分圆梦希望工程快乐音乐教室积分圆梦乡村音乐艺术教师培训计划 5152社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息“母亲健康快车” 中国建设银行资助计划2016 年 12 月 27 日, 由我行捐赠 800 万元购置的 54 辆“母亲健康快车”在北京发车。至此, 我行已累计捐款3,700万元, 购置247辆母亲健康快车,在新疆、 西藏、 甘肃、 青海、 陕西、 宁夏、 内蒙古、 四川、 云南、 广西、 贵州、 湖北、湖南、安徽、河北、辽宁、吉林 17 个省、区的贫困乡县投入使用。由我行捐赠的 “母亲健康快车” 上配有病床、 氧气、 超声诊断仪和心电分析仪。在经济落后

84、、交通不便的贫困山区,健康快车提供的健康咨询、义诊、免费健康检查、药品及健康资料发放、孕产妇住院分娩免费接送、基层医务工作者培训以及特殊病例救助等服务逐渐深得人心,成为村民们的“流动医院” ,被当地群众称为“救命车” 。已累计捐款万元3,700社会责任业绩2016年12月27日,建设银行在京举行“母亲健康快车”捐赠暨发车仪式53独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录建行希望小学乡村教师培训计划7 月、11 月,我行先后资助全国 45 所“建行希望小学”百余名校长、教师及我行定点扶贫村小学教师参加教学管理、美术、体育培训班。早在1996 年,我行就设立了“中国建设银行爱心基金” ,通过全行 30 万员工自

85、愿捐款筹集资金 3,256 万元,每年支出固定利息用于在贫困地区援建“建行希望小学” 。11 月 1 日,我行组织策划了主题为“20 年,我们在一起”的建行援建希望小学座谈会,我行相关行领导、董事、监事、总行部门代表、分行代表,中国青少年发展基金会主要负责人,45 所希望小学校长和教师代表,31 所定点扶贫村村属小学代表参加座谈会。 “援建建行希望小学 20 年”被人民网评为第十一届人民企业社会责任最佳案例奖。通过全行30万员工自愿捐款筹集资金3,256万元建设银行援建希望小学20年座谈会现场54社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息向河北省严重洪涝灾害捐款60万元7

86、 月,河北省中南部及北部沿海地区突发连续强降雨,局部特大暴雨,造成了十分严重的洪涝灾害,给人民群众生命财产造成重大损失。我行紧急捐款 60 万元,切实帮助灾区群众渡过难关,重建家园。 向台湾南部地震捐款300万新台币针对 2016 年 2 月 6 日台湾南部 6.4 级地震,台北分行迅速向“台南市政府社会局社会救助金专户”捐款 300 万元新台币,用于罹难丧葬慰问金、伤者慰问金、伤者照护补助、截肢重建补助、生活急难补助、心理照护等各项灾后救助。承办西藏优秀青年农牧民北京访问活动7 月 25 日至 29 日,我行成功承办由中央金融团工委主办的“融情夏令营西藏优秀青年农牧民北京访问活动” 。通过参

87、观考察特色农牧业企业,与北京优秀青年创业企业家进行深入的座谈和交流,使 30 位西藏青年农牧民代表吸取了农牧业企业创业与经营的经验。我行向河北洪涝灾害紧急捐款60万元我行向台湾南部地震紧急捐款万元新台币300建设银行承办西藏优秀青年农牧民北京访问活动建设银行河北邯郸分行紧急向洪涝灾区运送物资社会责任业绩55独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录开展 “积分圆梦 微公益” 积分捐助活动联合多家公益机构共同建立积分捐赠公益平台,通过积分捐赠方式汇集龙卡信用卡持卡人爱心,重点帮助贫困地区学生启智圆梦。2013年至今,在全国29个省、市、区捐建音乐教室87所,对乡村中小学艺术教师进行了两批次、总计200余人次的

88、艺术专业技能培训。组织员工参加 “恒爱行动百万家庭亲情一线牵” 公益编织活动总行本部连续3年组织员工参加“恒爱行动百万家庭亲情一线牵”公益编织活动, 累计136人次参加了编织活动,共完成246件爱心织品,其中,毛衣94件,毛裤70件,围巾帽子等82件。所有织品定向捐助新疆阿克苏地区贫困百姓,为他们送去建行人的温暖。建设银行积分圆梦活动组织孩子们进行乐器表演建设银行积分圆梦活动捐建的快乐音乐教室建设银行员工为新疆阿克苏地区贫困百姓编制的衣物组织员工向贫困地区中小学进行 “善心慧思” 爱心图书文具捐赠活动建立“教育慧思”图书室,期望能通过分享阅读感受、传递书本智慧的方式,帮助孩子们“启迪智慧,点亮

89、思想”,累计向陕西安康、甘肃兰州、新疆阿图什地区学校捐赠4,000余本图书及100余套文体用品。56社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息各分行与子公司积极参与当地公益活动开展“情系山区,爱心筑梦”扶贫夏令营主题活动,组织员工子女到定点扶贫村朝阳凌源沟门子镇北沟村,向村小学捐赠价值 8,000 元的推拉式黑板等学习用品。连续三年推进“爱心图书馆”项目,购买优秀书籍,向贫困学校捐赠爱心图书馆,每年捐赠书籍 1,000 余册。辽宁省分行上海市分行组织员工开展“登岘山清垃圾环保志愿服务”活动,以环走岘山绿道为线路,全程约 3 公里,对视线内的地面纸屑、塑料袋、饮料瓶等逐一拾

90、入垃圾袋,并分类放入垃圾箱。组织员工到琼山区社会福利院开展爱心公益活动,为院里 32 名因身体有缺陷被父母遗弃的孩子送去爱心礼物,并与他们开心互动。海南海口琼山支行湖北襄阳分行30 余名志愿者与客户家庭共同开展“还绿自然蓝丝带志愿公益植树活动” ,在唐昌镇西北村柏条河旁水源涵养地上又种下一片银杏林。四川省分行建设银行上海分行捐赠爱心图书馆持续开展“员工爱心基金”募捐活动,汇集员工的爱心做公益。分行营业部在全辖91个营业网点设立“环卫爱心驿站”,为环卫工人提供免费使用的椅子、饮水机、微波炉和小药箱。安徽省分行建设银行安徽分行在网点设置环卫工人爱心驿站社会责任业绩57独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录与

91、中国青少年发展基金会合作,为建行希望小学和贫困地区小学的儿童捐资建设 10 所 “建信基金希望图书室” ,为当地儿童送去优质图书。为我行捐赠的 247 辆“母亲健康快车”随车司机及医务工作者捐赠人均保额 10 万元的人身意外险。连续五年参与世界自然基金会发起的“地球一小时”活动,2016 年参加香港环境局推出的户外灯光约章 ,承诺在晚间指定时间关掉户外广告灯。支持联合国儿童基金会慈善跑,宣扬健康生活理念,关爱儿童健康成长。该慈善跑自 2006 年起,已吸引逾98,000 名跑手参与,为联合国儿童基金会累积筹得超过港币 9,550 万元。组织员工参加荷兰阿姆斯特丹金融区慈善长跑活动,募资捐助阿姆

92、斯特丹自由大学儿童癌症研究中心。阿姆斯特丹分行与西班牙当地高等院校艾赛德ESADE商学院开展交流活动,近40名在校学生参观巴塞罗那分行,并与员工代表座谈。建行欧洲巴塞罗那分行建行(亚洲)建银国际建信基金公司建信人寿公司建设银行巴塞罗那分行与当地高校学生开展交流活动建设银行阿姆斯特丹分行参加当地金融区慈善长跑活动组织员工集体义务献血,吸引众多社会人士也加入献血队伍,共 115 人参加,献血量达 28,600 毫升。厦门分行建设银行厦门分行组织员工义务献血58社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会认可与反馈公司基本信息10 月 24 至 26 日,我行联合中国妇女发展基金会,采取实地调研、现场

93、采访、参与志愿服务等方式,深入内蒙古呼伦贝尔市阿荣旗查巴奇乡中心卫生院、音河乡中心卫生院进行回访调研,考察建行捐赠的“母亲健康快车”运行情况,入户慰问受益者,并参加音河乡中心卫生院义诊活动。我行 10 多名员工志愿者,以及中央和当地媒体参加活动。查巴奇乡中心卫生院院长郑玉兰说:因为有了“快车” ,大大提高了当地妇幼卫生保健知识普及率,近年来孕产妇住院率普遍提高,孕产妇及婴儿死亡率明显下降。查巴奇乡村民隋成慧,46 岁,二胎高龄产妇并伴有糖尿病。2015 年 4 月的一天,查巴奇乡卫生院接到其丈夫的电话后,驾驶“快车”立即赶往其住处,随车医生对隋成慧做相应检查后,确定已经动产,将其火速送往人民医

94、院,途中始终用胎心监护仪监测胎心。隋成慧当日剖宫产娩出健康男婴。如今, 男孩已经满地跑了。谈及此事, 隋成慧含泪说 : “如果没有这台 快车 ,我们真不知道怎么办好了 , 现在能不能有小俊涵都不好说呢!”音河乡村民王会玲,60 岁,是当地建档立卡贫困户,家庭年收入不足 1 万元。2016 年 3 月,她的腹部突发剧烈疼痛,由于情况紧急,子女不在身边,又无交通工具,情急中打通音河乡卫生院急诊电话。医院快速启动“快车” ,入户为其检查,初步诊断为急性阑尾炎后,迅速送至卫生院治疗。当王会玲得知“快车”救命还不用支付费用时,非常激动,逢人便说,建设银行的“快车” ,是我们的救命车!建设银行志愿者内蒙古

95、阿荣旗公益行CASE社会责任业绩建设银行志愿者考察“母亲健康快车”在阿荣旗运行情况建设银行慰问“母亲健康快车”受益百姓建设银行志愿者在“母亲健康快车”义诊现场开展志愿活动建设银行志愿者考察“母亲健康快车”在阿荣旗运营档案59独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录在 CDP 气候变化报告发布会暨颁奖典礼上,被CDP 全球环境信息研究中心和中国质量认证中心授予“应对气候变化企业优秀奖” 。 建设银行成为 4 家获奖企业之一, 并作为金融业唯一代表。民政部下发关于表彰第九届 “中华慈善奖” 获得者的决定,授予中国建设银行提名奖最具爱心捐赠企业,以表彰建行为慈善事业发展所作出的突出贡献。“援建建行希望小学 20

96、 年”被人民网评为第十一届人民企业社会责任最佳案例奖。社会认可与反馈正式被纳入香港恒生可持续发展企业指数系列成份股,并于 2016 年 9 月 5 日开始生效。 能成为该指数系列的成份股,反映企业在环境、社会及管治三个范畴表现卓越。中国银行业协会在京举办2015 年度中国银行业社会责任报告发布暨社会责任工作表彰会,中国建设银行蝉联“年度最具社会责任金融机构奖”大奖。 另外, 辽宁盘锦分行张爱民、 四川分行成都第四支行康顺荣获 “年度最佳社会责任管理者奖” ,甘肃庆阳分行华池支行、西藏日喀则分行营业部荣获“年度最佳社会责任特殊贡献网点奖” ,建行三亚百年职校资助项目荣获 “年度公益慈善优秀项目奖

97、” 。在 2016 中国企业可持续竞争力年会上 , 在中国企业 200 强公众透明度评价研究的基础上,以优异成绩荣获 “最佳社会沟通创新奖” 。被 2016 中国公益年会评为“影响中国公益100 家企业” 。60社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息公司基本信息中文注册名称:中国建设银行股份有限公司英文名称:China Construction Bank Corporation香港联合交易所上市交易股份代号:939上海证券交易所上市交易股票代码:601939注册地址:中国北京西城区金融大街 25 号邮政编码:100033法定代表人:王洪章公司总部所在地:北


99、4社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息报告编制说明报告编制依据:本报告根据香港联合交易所环境、社会及管治报告指引 (简称“ESG 报告指引” ) ,上海证券交易所上海证券交易所上市公司环境信息披露指引 、 公司履行社会责任的报告编制指引 (统称“上交所指引” ) ,及全球报告倡议组织(Global Reporting Initiative,简称为“GRI” )发布的可持续发展报告指南编写。同时满足中国银监会关于加强银行业金融机构社会责任的意见 、中国银行业协会中国银行业金融机构企业社会责任指引的相关要求。报告保证方法:普华永道中天会计师事务所(特殊普通合

100、伙)对我行根据香港联合交易所 ESG 报告指引、上交所指引的披露要求和 GRI 发布的可持续发展报告指南所编制的本报告进行独立有限鉴证。报告获取途径:印刷版报告备置地点为我行公共关系与上海品茶部,电子版报告可在我行网站(http:/)下载。报告以中文编写,附英文翻译文本,若有差异以中文版本为准。联系方式:中国北京西城区金融大街 25 号,中国建设银行股份有限公司公共关系与上海品茶部,邮编:100033,传真:86-10-66212659中国建设银行股份有限公司(以下简称我行)每年发布年度社会责任报告,时间范围为每年的1月1日至12月31日,报告范围包括总部及境内外附属分支机构。报告于2017年

101、3月28日经公司董事会审议通过。我行董事会及全体董事保证本报告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。本年度报告数据的获取和计算方法与以往年度报告相比没有重大改变,报告财务数据来源于经审计的年度A股财务报告。65独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录附录66社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息67 独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录68社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公司基本信息69独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录70社会责任实践亮点董事长致辞社会责任管理社会责任业绩社会认可与反馈公

102、司基本信息71独立鉴证报告报告编制说明附录Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility Management 78Strategies and Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility 79Strategies of Corporate Social Responsibility 79Progress and Implementation of Strategies 80Corporate Governance 82Shareholders General Meeting 83Board of

103、 Directors 83Board of Supervisors 84Senior Management 84Social Responsibility Performance 85A Bank that Serves the Public 85Supporting the Countrys Real Economy 85Enhancing Customer Satisfaction 86Promoting Inclusive Financial Services 87Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests and Promoting Fina

104、ncial Education 89A Bank that Promotes Livelihoods 91Serving the “Three Rurals” 91Supporting Small and Micro Enterprises 92Supporting Improvements in Housing Conditions 94Pension-Related Financial Services 94747678Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityChairmans StatementSocial Res

105、ponsibility ManagementA Low-Carbon and Environmentally Friendly Bank 95Supporting Green Credit 95Expanding E-banking Business 96Low Carbon Operations 97Waste Treatment 99A Bank for Sustainable Development 100Maintaining Operational Continuity 100Protecting Interests of Employees 101Commitment to Com

106、pliant Operations 104Investor Returns 105Supplier Management 106Targeted Poverty Alleviation 107Staff Volunteers 108Public Welfare and Charity Work 109Social Recognition and Feedback 114Corporate Information 115Independent Assurance Report 116About the Report 120Appendix 12174Highlights of the Imple

107、mentation of Social ResponsibilityChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate InformationHighlights of the Implementation of Social Responsibility75Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendixHighlights of the I

108、mplementation of Social ResponsibilityChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information76Chairmans StatementCommitment to serving the real economy and actively supporting the national development strategy. We cont

109、inued to closely follow and study the prospective business opportunities brought by the implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan, supply-side structural reform and strategies such as the integration of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration and the Belt and Road initiati

110、ve. CCB has provided quality and efficient integrated financial services for major national projects by utilizing its strengths in infrastructure construction, project cost consulting and comprehensive licenses. As of the end of 2016, the Banks total assets amounted to RMB 20.96 trillion. Loans to t

111、he infrastructure sector increased by RMB 188.371 billion and tax payments amounted to RMB 80.294 billion.Commitment to promoting inclusive financial services and coordinated social and economic development. CCB has continued to improve the support mechanism for inclusive financial services, which f

112、ocuses on serving such fields concerning peoples livelihoods as the new type of urbanization, the “Three Rurals”, the small and micro enterprises, “mass entrepreneurship and innovation”, affordable housing, education and health-care. The Bank also continued to improve its customer service quality an

113、d customer experience, and has taken effective measures to ensure the protection of consumer rights and interests. As of the end of 2016, the Banks agriculture-related loans balance amounted to RMB 1,693.968 billion. Balance of loans to small and micro enterprises amounted to RMB 1,441.892 billion,

114、an increase of RMB 164.013 billion on the previous year. The Bank also provided affordable individual housing loans of RMB 9.796 billion to 34,600 low- and middle-income families.Commitment to promoting ecological civilization and assigning great importance to global climate change. We have continue

115、d to build a “low-carbon and environmentally-friendly bank” by formulating a green credit development strategy and developing green credit as the focus of our business. As of the end of 2016, the Banks green credit balance amounted to RMB 889.221 billion. We were also committed to developing electro

116、nic banking operations in order to lower costs for customers and save resources for the community. The Bank has 240 million online banking personal customers, 223 million mobile banking customers and 36.23 million WeChat banking customers. At the same time, the Bank adopted a low-carbon operation by

117、 minimizing energy consumption, reducing carbon emissions in daily management and operation, and advocated energy saving fulfilled by staff.2016 marked the first year of the implementation of Chinas 13th Five-Year Plan and of the decisive stage in building a moderately prosperous society in all resp

118、ects. It was also a crucial year in carrying out structural reform. During the year, China Construction Bank (“CCB”, “the Bank” or “the Group”) achieved outstanding results by forging ahead with reforms and striving towards the transformation in five aspects to build a bank featuring integration, mu

119、lti-functional service, intensive development, innovation and smartness. Confronted with tough environment, CCB and all its staff pushed through reforms and promoted development with concerted efforts, achieving steady, stable and strong progress in all lines of business and the coordinated developm

120、ent of scale, quality and profitability, and in the meantime further enhancing its market competitiveness and value creation ability and undertaking the responsibilities of a large banking institution in driving the sustainable development of the economy, environment and society. Independent Assuran

121、ce ReportAbout the ReportAppendix77Commitment to poverty alleviation through targeted measures and active participation in poverty alleviation. CCB formulated the “13th Five-Year” work plan for financial services for poverty alleviation, providing easier access to credit of poverty-stricken areas, d

122、eploying poverty alleviation staff to provide assistance at the grassroots level and effectively advancing financial services for poverty alleviation. As of the end of 2016, the Banks loans balance for poverty alleviation through targeted measures amounted to RMB 94.824 billion, registering an incre

123、ase of RMB 17.324 billion or 22.35% from the beginning of the year; 86,300 registered poor secured employment and saw increases in income as a result of the support provided for enterprises and individuals in poverty-stricken areas through credit; targeted poverty alleviation donations amounted to R

124、MB 42.90 million. CCB continued to carry out charitable activities in such fields as education, health-care, poverty relief and disaster relief and promoted its corporate brand strategy for public good.Looking ahead to 2017, challenges and opportunities remain intricately interwoven. On the one hand

125、, downward pressure still exists for the Chinese economy and changes and uncertainties still exist in the financial sector. On the other hand, Chinas supply-side structural reform, economic restructuring and industrial upgrading will bring new and greater opportunities as new technologies, business

126、landscape, and demands create room for new development. We will remain committed to the spirit of innovation with the utmost passion, confidence and determination. The Bank will continue to move forward with its transformation, live up to the trust and support that our stakeholders have placed in us

127、 and remain dedicated to build a world class banking group with top value creation capability, while striving for greater contributions to the realization of the “Chinese Dream”.Wang HongzhangChairman China Construction Bank CorporationChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Respon

128、sibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information78Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilitySocial Responsibility ManagementCorporate Strategy and Social Responsibility ManagementThe Banks mission is to provide better service to its customers and increase value

129、 for shareholders; build a broader career path for its employees; and fully assume the role of a responsible corporate citizen.The Banks vision is to build a world class banking group with top value creation capability.Integrity, Impartiality, Prudence, Creation.VisionCore ValuesMissionCorporate Vis

130、ion, Mission and Core ValuesIndependent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix79Strategies and Implementation of Corporate Social ResponsibilityStrategies of Corporate Social ResponsibilityWhile focusing on the real economy and maintaining a customer-centric strategy, CCB has continuously engaged

131、in the innovation of its products and services. By achieving steady and sound development in all its business segments, CCB is transforming into:Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information80Highlights of the

132、 Implementation of Social ResponsibilityProgress and Implementation of StrategiesBasic Management: The Bank has a stakeholders participation system in place and continuously seeks to improve it in order to meet the expectations and needs of its stakeholders. Through regular communication with its st

133、akeholders, the Bank has continued to improve the basic management of its corporate social responsibility work.The Bank commissioned an external professional organization to compile 489 social responsibility indicators and conducted substantive analysis in accordance with the requirements of GRI 4.

134、By interviewing clients, shareholders, regulatory bodies, staff, suppliers, media, CSR experts and NGOs, the Bank identified important social responsibility topics, including support for green credit, increasing customer satisfaction, promoting inclusive financial services, implementing staff incent

135、ive programs and maintaining operation continuity. While adopting a more standardized and scientific approach to compiling a corporate social responsibility report, the Bank also laid the foundation for establishing a stringent management system in the future.Independent Assurance ReportAbout the Re

136、portAppendix81Team building: The Bank has built a sound social responsibility management system covering senior management, all relevant departments at the Banks head office, all tier-one branches, all operating entities, overseas branches and subsidiaries. The Social Responsibility Office of the Pu

137、blic Relations & Corporate Culture Department at the head office is responsible for organizing and implementing the work, with a working team comprising departments at the head office, branches and subsidiaries in China and abroad. Information disclosure: The Bank published the Corporate Social Resp

138、onsibility Report for the eleventh consecutive year since its listing in Hong Kong in October 2005 to disclose to the public its philosophy on corporate social responsibility, the progress and effectiveness of implementing corporate social responsibility strategies, and the improvements the Bank has

139、 made based on the feedback it has obtained from stakeholders on how to better fulfill its corporate social responsibilities.Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information82Highlights of the Implementation of S

140、ocial ResponsibilityCorporate GovernanceThe management structure of the BankIndependent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix83Shareholders General MeetingThe shareholders general meeting is the Banks organ of power. On June 17 in 2016, the Bank convened the 2015 shareholders annual general meeti

141、ng, during which proposals regarding the following subjects were considered and approved, including the 2016 report of the Board of Directors, the report of the Board of Supervisors, the final accounts report, profit distribution plan, budgets for fixed asset investments in 2016, remuneration policy

142、 for the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors for 2014, the election of members for the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, the appointment of external auditors for 2016 and the amendment to the impact of diluted immediate return from preference share issuance and measures to make up

143、 the return. Board of DirectorsThe Board of Directors is the executive body of the shareholders general meeting and is accountable to it. There are five committees established under the Board: the strategy development committee, audit committee, risk management committee, nomination and compensation

144、 committee and social responsibilities and related-party transactions committee. As of the end of 2016, the Board of Directors consisted of thirteen directors, including four executive directors, three non-executive directors and six independent non-executive directors. Mr. Wang Hongzhang is Chairma

145、n of the Board of Directors. In 2016, the Board of Directors duly carried out the resolutions of the shareholders general meeting and proposals authorized by the shareholders general meeting. The Board of Directors convened a total of seven meetings respectively on January 19, March 30, April 29, Ju

146、ne 16, August 25, October 27 and December 20. During the meetings, proposals were deliberated and passed, including budgets for fixed asset investments, financial statements, profit distribution, nomination of director candidates, and appointments of senior management. Information was disclosed in a

147、ccordance with the requirements of relevant laws and listing rules of the place where the Bank is listed.The Social Responsibilities and Related-party Transactions Committee is composed of four directors: the independent non-executive director Mr. Zhang Long is the chairman and the committee members

148、 include one executive director Mr. Zhang Gengsheng and two independent non-executive directors Mr. Zhong Ruiming and Mr. Murray Horn. In 2016, the Committee convened four meetings, with a view to improving management systems and techniques for related-party transactions, optimizing a new generation

149、 of related-party transaction management system, strengthening the application of related-party transaction audit results, pushing forward the continuous improvement in the Groups management of related-party transactions. The Committee also monitored the Banks fulfillment of social responsibilities

150、relating to green credit, protection of consumer interests and rights, and contributions to public welfare.Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information84Highlights of the Implementation of Social Responsibili

151、tyBoard of SupervisorsThe Board of Supervisors is the supervisory authority at the Bank and is accountable to the shareholders general meetings. A supervising committee and a financial and internal control supervising committee were established under the Board of Supervisors. As of the end of 2016,

152、the Board of Supervisors consisted of seven supervisors, including three shareholder representative supervisors, three staff representative supervisors and one external supervisor. There were five male and two female supervisors. Mr. Guo You is Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.In 2016, the Board

153、 of Supervisors convened eight meetings respectively on January 29, March 10, March 30, April 29, June 28, August 25, October 27 and December 20. Major resolutions were deliberated and approved at the Board of Supervisors meetings, including reports from the Board of Supervisors, performance apprais

154、als reports, periodic financial reports, profit distribution plans and work plans for supervision.The Board of Supervisors supervised the Banks financial status, internal control and risk management by reviewing its financial reports and profit distribution plans, off-site analysis, on-site investig

155、ations, and listening to keynote presentations. The Board of Supervisors supervised the performance of the Board of Directors, senior management and its members by sitting in their meetings, verifying information, reviewing performance reports, and conducting performance evaluations and face-to-face

156、 meetings.Senior ManagementThe senior management is the executive body of the Bank and is accountable to the Board of Directors and supervised by the Board of Supervisors. The Banks senior management, which comprises the President and other members of the senior management, exercises its functions a

157、nd powers to organize and carry out operation management activities in accordance with the law, regulations, the Articles of Association, and the authorization of the shareholders general meeting and the Board of Directors. As of the end of 2016, senior management at the Bank consisted of ten member

158、s, including one president, five vice presidents, one secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, one chief risk officer, one chief financial officer, and one secretary to the Board of Directors. Mr. Wang Zuji is the President of the Bank.Senior management organizes and carries out operat

159、ion management activities in accordance with the Banks Articles of Association and authorization by the Board of Directors. Senior management also devises integrated operation plans according to the strategies and targets set by the Board of Directors; reports regularly to the Board of Directors on

160、strategy implementation status; analyzes and evaluates internal and external conditions; develops operation strategies and management measures and makes timely adjustments based on market changes. Senior management also invites directors and supervisors to join important meetings to hear their opini

161、ons and suggestions; and maintains close contact with the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors to enhance operation and management capabilities and efficiency.For details on the Banks corporate governance, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report in the Banks 2016 Annual Report issued

162、during the same period. Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix85Social Responsibility PerformanceA Bank that Serves the PublicSupporting the Countrys Real EconomyKeeping focused on the overall interest, CCB closely aligned with national policies to support Chinas economic and social tr

163、ansformation by raising the quality of services provided to support the countrys real economy. The Bank continued to closely follow and study the business opportunities brought about by such national strategies as the 13th Five-Year Plan, supply-side structural reform, the integration of the Yangtze

164、 River Delta Economic Zone and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the Belt and Road initiative. CCB leveraged its advantages in infrastructure construction, project cost consulting and possessing a comprehensive operating license to effectively serve the real economy and provide quality and effic

165、ient integrated financial services for major national projects. The Bank formulated targeted and differentiated credit policies and non-credit based financing policies to serve national strategic needs and the going global of enterprises. At the same time, CCB answered the call to lower fees and pro

166、vide better rates by reducing swipe fees, effectively easing the burden on businesses and providing inclusive financial services for the benefit of the people. As of the end of 2016, CCBs total assets amounted to RMB 20.96 trillion. Loans to the infrastructure sector increased by RMB 188.371 billion

167、 and tax payments amounted to RMB 80.294 billion. The Bank also contributed to trade facilitation and RMB internationalization, achieving continuous rapid growth in its cross-border business with cross-border RMB settlement amounting to RMB 2.53 trillion.According to the Society for Worldwide Interb

168、ank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), the UK replaced the Southeast Asian financial hub of Singapore in March 2016 to become the largest clearing center for the renminbi outside greater China. The Chinese edition of the UK-based Financial Times reported on April 28 in an article titled UK becomes

169、 second-largest offshore RMB clearing center that Stephen Gilderdale, managing director for UK, Ireland and Nordics at Swift, credited China Construction Banks UK branch with the steady growth in renminbi clearance. CCB officially became the London renminbi clearing house in June 2014. It has since

170、provided fair, prompt, accurate and professional RMB clearing and settlement services for RMB participating banks and offshore RMB markets via its efficient and safe cross-border and offshore RMB clearing system and network. Since the London renminbi clearing house officially opened, it has seen smo

171、oth and orderly operations with a steady increase in processing volume, which topped RMB 1.2 trillion on December 1, 2016, making it the largest renminbi clearing house outside Asia. UK becoming second-largest offshore RMB clearing center with CCBs backingChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility Man

172、agementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information86Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityCCB has carried out a slew of activities under the theme of Quality Service Year with the aim of enhancing service quality, efficiency, innovation ca

173、pability and service demonstration effect. Special events under ten sub-themes were held, including friendly lobby, service experience, service acceleration, long customer waiting time management, transformation and innovation of physical channels and quality service demonstration. CCB has continuou

174、sly improved on its delivery of people-oriented service and service procedures by encouraging outlets at all levels to actively innovate and utilize self-service equipment for more effective customer flow management in order to reduce customers waiting time, and to improve the quality of service acr

175、oss the Banks branch network through multiple dimensions. CCB continued to organize staff to participate in customer service tryouts, and commissioned third-party market research companies and employed real customers to carry out undercover inspections in order to continuously improve its service de

176、livery to the public. At the end of 2016, CCB had 5,806 customer service staff, and addressed 2,876 customers problems through customer service hotline in the year of 2016. The Bank has continued to promote innovation in its products and services, realizing more than 1,900 items of product innovatio

177、ns in the year in order to meet customers ever-evolving financial needs. CCB has promoted smart services, conducted independent R&D on smart ATMs, launched new physical customer service channels and completed the installation of 43,000 smart ATMs. By employing big data analytics, differentiated and

178、customized product offerings, the Bank has met its customers investment and wealth management needs and won their confidence. CCB has launched specialized wealth management products for different groups of customers such as payroll processing customers, new customers, county-level customers, senior

179、customers and mortgage customers. Committed to driving its “comprehensive, multi-functional and intensive” strategic development, CCB implemented integrated financial services with physical outlets and electronic channels to supplement each other in order to optimize and improve overall service stan

180、dards. Leveraging the Groups strengths in commercial banking, investment banking, trusts, futures, leasing, funds, insurance Item201620152014Overall satisfaction of personal customers (%)76.976.975.3Overall satisfaction of corporate clients (%)93.394.093.5Results of Overall Customer Satisfaction Mon

181、itoringEnhancing Customer SatisfactionIndependent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix87Promoting Inclusive Financial Servicesand pensions, the Bank offered comprehensive modern financial services to both corporations and individuals, and continued to strengthen its value creation capabilities.

182、CCB has 14,985 business institutions in the world. The Bank has accelerated the internationalization of its operations, setting up overseas institutions in 29 countries and regions and providing cross-region, and multi-currency financial services to customers globally with 24/7 access. Officially la

183、unched on November 9 by CCB, DragonPay is a uniform payment brand aiming at creating a financial ecosystem based on internet thinking and centering upon customer experience. As the first ground-breaking payment service portfolio in the banking sector integrating NFC, QR code and face recognition tec

184、hnology, covering all online and offline scenarios, DragonPay came into the limelight immediately since its release. Based on an integration of all existing functions including online payment, smart phone payment and mobile payment, CCB DragonPay has launched two new products, namely CCB Wallet and

185、QR code Payment, making it the first innovative product enabling QR code payment in the banking sector since the official release of Regulations on Barcode Payment Business by Peoples Bank of China. Integrating eight major functions, namely CCB Wallet, All Card Payment, CCB QR Code, Dragon Card Clou

186、d Quickpass, Flexible Withdrawal, Payment by Friend, AA Payment, Dragon Business Owner, it features more open user experience, more diversified payment method, more enriched payment scenarios and safer payment environment as four major advantages. CCB Creates New Payment Service Trend with Official

187、Release of DragonPayOverview of Service Channel ConstructionCategoryUp toDecember 31, 2016Up toDecember 31, 2015 Number of online banking customers (10,000)24,16221,280Number of telephone banking customers (10,000) 24,19620,567Number of mobile phone banking customers (10,000)22,32118,284Number of se

188、lf-service banks 27,87224,694Number of automatic teller machines (ATM)97,53491,500Number of smart banks1212Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information88Highlights of the Implementation of Social Responsibili

189、tyAs the first individual online self-service loan in the banking sector, the minimum amount for Express Loans is as accessible as 1,000 RMB, hence maximizing the coverage of loan applicants while meeting consumption needs in daily life; on the other hand, prudent progress has been made in personal

190、loan for entrepreneurship to meet the needs of individual business owners for financing. Within the year, CCB has granted Express Loan service for over 1.44 million customers at a total amount of RMB 52.9 billion, personal loan for entrepreneurship for 58,600 customers at a total amount of RMB 49.7

191、billion as well as student loan for nearly 6,000 students in 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China at a total amount of RMB 42.36 million. To contribute to the development of education, CCB is making constant effort in innovation and application of “Internet Plus” financial pr

192、oduct series to make life easier for students and faculty. Co-establishing Investment Fund for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Universities with the Ministry of Education of China, CCB helps to channel social capital into the transfer and commercialization of scientific research achievements made

193、 in universities and innovation and entrepreneurship projects launched by university students through effective investment and financing models, hence developing a number of highly competitive innovators and entrepreneurs on campus, supporting entrepreneurship and creating jobs for university studen

194、ts. CCB stresses the accessibility of financial services for the disadvantaged by further standardizing service signs and facilities of 55 kinds in all branches, including placing signboards for accessible passageway, service hotline, parking space, emergency call button and permission for guide dog

195、 at the entrance, implementing user-friendly facilities such as aid card for the visually-challenged, baby strollers, umbrella stands, eye glasses, cash counters and counterfeit detectors, etc. at our branches, attaching signs for courtesy seats in the waiting area, and opening up courtesy counters

196、for those with special needs. Full accessibility is now guaranteed for basic financial services in all electronic banking channels. By the end of 2016, accessible passageway was made available in 8,164 CCB branches and courtesy counters in 12,964 branches.Independent Assurance ReportAbout the Report

197、Appendix89As the 8th new district on the national level, Guian New District in Guizhou Province covers 20 townships with a population of 730,000. It is an open economy pilot zone in the interior region and an important pole for economic growth for leapfrog development of Southwest China. Huaxi Branc

198、h in Guiyang, Guizhou Province has set up a physical branch and a comprehensive team to serve the residents of Guian New District, ensuring the quality of inclusive financial service in this area provided by a professional and flexible team. In the narrow space for daily operations taking place in w

199、hat used to be a residential house, our crew of seven young people has been faithful to their commitment of “based in Guian and serve Guian”, persevering in a challenging environment and refusing to be daunted by difficulties, which they call “the plate house spirit”. The team has organized “CCB ser

200、vice on the wheel” for over 30 times in villages in Huchao Township, Machang Town and Dangwu Township and public educational campaigns such as “Watch out for counterfeit bills and guard against frauds” and “Anti Money Laundering” for over 40 times, as well as distributing over RMB 900 million in lan

201、d requisition compensation, making CCB service available at the doorstep indeed. Inclusive Financial Services Shine in Guian New District, GuizhouProtection of Consumer Rights and Interests and Promoting Financial EducationWith the coordinated planning and guidance by the special committee of the Bo

202、ard of Directors, the protection of consumer rights and interests is on CCBs agenda of corporate culture building and annual business development guidelines. In 2016, Department of Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests was established to guarantee the independent and authoritative status of co

203、nsumer rights protection, which constitutes a major move in improving the management system for protecting consumer rights and interests. CCB has been active in educational campaigns such as “Month of Financial Basics Popularization” and “Financial Literacy for All Households”, during which over 150

204、,000 staff from more than 14,000 CCB branches participated in approximately 7,000 special events, distributing 6.5 million brochures or flyers, provided on-site service for nearly 3.5 million consumers and posted over 4 million messages on Wechat, Weibo and SMS. The success of these educational camp

205、aigns have won positive response from the public and earned CCB the “Award for Excellent Organization” in “Financial Literacy for All Households” in educational campaign month organized by CBRC. CCB organized many other activities, such as educational campaigns on cracking down illegal fundraising,

206、special action against illegal online transaction of bank cards, 2nd National Internet Security Campaign Week, Ten Thousand Mile Journey for Financial Literacy, and March 15 Special Campaign on Consumer Rights as well as investor education programs including Ten Thousand Mile Journey for Fund Servic

207、es, Ten Thousand Mile Journey for Precious Metal Services. The success of Ten Thousand Mile Journey for Financial Literacy has won CCB “2016 Achievement Award for Ten Thousand Mile Journey for Financial Literacy in Banking Sector in China”. Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial R

208、esponsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information90Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityEffective measures are taken to secure the personal banking information of customers. Operation Guidelines of Personal Banking Customer Information Management of Ch

209、ina Construction Bank (Trial) has been formulated to further clarify the principles for use, management procedures and secured access of personal customer information, with the review and approval mechanism built and improved and risk management strengthened for IT outsourcing. Improvements have als

210、o been witnessed in the supervision and management of customer complaint settlement, with consistent service quality monitoring and optimization, renovation and innovation of products and services in order to enhance the quality of customer service. A supervision and management mechanism is now in p

211、lace to receive and handle complaints and secondary complaints from customers unsatisfied with the handling of their claims. More efforts are put into follow-up and return visits of the outcome of complaint handling, making sure that a response is finalized for every complaint case and aiming to ach

212、ieve 100% satisfaction. Meanwhile, CCB has been sticking to the business philosophy of “customer-centeredness”, securing our leading position in Chinas banking sector in terms of the supervision and evaluation system for customer service quality, which is being built gradually since 2007 and enables

213、 us to precisely target our product and service improvement as well as enabling consistent improvement of service quality through constant monitoring of customer service quality. Survey results show that in 2006, the overall satisfaction of CCBs personal customers remains on the same level as the pr

214、evious year, 3.3% higher than average in the banking sector.In July, a CCB customer Mr. Zhuang presented his Hong Kong and Macau Pass for e-banking service at Shuibao Sub-branch, Xiamen Branch of CCB. After verifying his ID at the counter, it was found that Mr. Zhuang had replaced his pass and the c

215、onsistency of the two passes had to be verified and the pass number needed to be renewed before his request can be processed. Handling all these procedures would normally be a rather time-consuming process, but Mr. Zhuang was scheduled to leave Xiamen for some urgent matters and the costs for anothe

216、r round trip would be quite high. The sub-branch contacted the branch office immediately, sent an urgency request for retrieval of original ID documents at the opening of the account, and immediately notified the customer once the information retrieval was completed for follow-up service. Mr. Zhuang

217、 gave very positive comments on the efficiency of this entire process in CCB. Aiming for Premium Quality Customer Care with Sincerity and ResponsibilityIndependent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix91Case 1: In January, Changsha University of TCM Sub-branch, Hunan Branch of CCB foiled an attem

218、pted criminal case of fraudulent use of identity. The criminal claimed to be a customer reporting the loss of password and requesting cash withdrawal. The bank teller found him suspicious and contacted the owner of the account, Zeng, and sought assistance from the police, who eventually detained the

219、 criminal. Case 2: In March, an elderly man almost in his 70s requested a bank transfer at the counter of Xiongzhou Road Sub-branch, Xiong County Branch of Hebei Province. The duty manager became alerted as the elderly man told him that the money was to be transferred to a stranger, and tactfully st

220、arted a conversation. Knowing that the man was being persuaded to pay an immediately refundable amount of RMB 10,000 for a free gift of home appliance, the duty manager patiently explained for one hour, finally convincing the man that the entire matter was an attempted fraud, and possible economic l

221、oss was eventually avoided. Case 3: In August, a panicking customer was received at Daguang Road Sub-branch, Jiangsu Branch of CCB, claiming that he had received an SMS notice that an amount was deducted from his bank account together with a verification code, followed by a telephone call informing

222、him that he had spent over RMB 20,000 on an online shopping website. As the customer explained that the order did not exist, the caller inquired him of the verification code under the pretext of refund. The customer was about to disclose his verification code when he was stopped by our staff just in

223、 time. The teller was informed of what happened and assisted the customer to check the transaction details, concluding that it was a fraud attempt, where the swindler deciphered the account password based on leaked customer information and transferred the balance from the savings account into the ma

224、rgin account, creating a falsified impression of outbound transfer in an attempt to defraud. The teller then promptly helped the customer to transfer the amount back to his savings account, and was thanked for quick response and readiness to help. Protecting Customers Banking Assets A Bank that Prom

225、otes LivelihoodsServing the “Three Rurals”In addition to releasing Opinions on Guiding the “Three Rurals” (agriculture, rural area and farmers) Marketing, CCB leverages on the existing competitiveness in infrastructure and launched numerous innovative financial products including New Countryside Loa

226、n, Urbanization Loan, PPP Model Loan Series, Loan for Government-Purchased Services, etc., providing stronger support for rural infrastructure and public services. Under the precondition of legitimacy and compliance, CCB explores into new collateral models with agricultural machinery, means of trans

227、portation, income right of contracted farmland, etc. as subject matters, and has innovatively designed contracted farmland managing right mortgage and rural collective construction land use right mortgage. CCB has strengthened cooperation with agriculture-related financing assurance and insurance in

228、stitutions, seeking to construct a multi-layer credit guarantee system. Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information92Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityAs of December 31, 2016, agricult

229、ure-related loans amounted to RMB 1,693,968 million and loans to new countryside construction were RMB 56,838 million. CCB has been actively engaged innovating supportive loans for the agricultural sector and gradually improved procedures for such loans. A total of RMB 6.6 billion in supportive loan

230、 for agricultural sector has been granted for nearly 24,000 rural households throughout the year.Heilongjiang Province is one of the key regions in ensuring food security in China. In this breadbasket of Northern China, the availability and affordability of financing in rural area stand out in parti

231、cular. Due to imperfections in rural financial system and limited diversity of financial products, severe shortage is observed in the scale and total supply of credit granted by financial institutions such as rural credit cooperatives and local commercial banks. To meet the needs for industrialized

232、agriculture including scaled-up farming and animal husbandry and agri-product processing, Heilongjiang Branch of CCB has defined a “Three Rurals” business development model featuring “one chain and two wings” based on the local characteristics of Heilongjiang Province of large-scale agricultural pro

233、duction. “One chain” refers to credit support for the entire industrial chain integrating planting, procurement, storage, processing and distribution of agricultural products with agricultural industrial chain as the backbone and industrialized operation of agriculture as the center. “Two wings” ref

234、er to supporting the development of Heilongjiang reclamation area centered upon BeiDaHuang Farms & Land Reclamation Group with comprehensive financial services; on the other hand, it includes credit support for new rural business entities in the province, centering upon financial products with rural

235、 land management right as collateral for credit, aiming at promoting the development of new rural business entities. For the Breadbasket of Northern China Supporting Small and Micro Enterprises Overview of Support for Small and Micro EnterprisesProject CategoryUp toDecember 31, 2016Up toDecember 31,

236、 2015 Up toDecember 31, 2014 Number of small and micro enterprise loan customers (10,000)30.8925.1924.21Loan balance for small and micro enterprises (RMB 100 million)14,418.9212,778.7911,429.28Note: Statistical calculation based on the new categorization criteria for enterprises by four ministries (

237、commissions) (including individual business owners and small/micro enterprise owners) Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix93CCB sticks to the strategic commitment to serving small and micro enterprises. By innovating service models, optimizing business procedures and improving servic

238、e channels, we constantly build our financial service capacity for small and micro enterprises, making financial resources available for their ever-growing dynamism in real economy. In 2016, CCB has identified serving small and micro enterprises as a key area in boosting real economy and contributin

239、g to innovation and entrepreneurship. Through strengthening the application of big data and internet technology in precisely meeting the financing needs of small and micro enterprises and promoting technology-enabled finance and big data products such as “seven loan plans and one overdraft plan”, CC

240、B has been exploring into building an internet financial service ecosystem for small and micro enterprises so as to provide more convenient and efficient services while expanding the availability of customer services. Our brand of “small enterprise, ambitious business” has earned much acknowledgemen

241、t and recognition from the public.Case 1: A national-level high-tech enterprise for the R&D and production of consumables of ultra-high cleanliness, with multiple innovations having passed tests by competent authorities, this company based in Guangdong is now facing a challenge, “Our company is dedi

242、cated to R&D of consumables of ultra-high cleanliness and our most valuable asset is these sheetsour patent certificates, whose value goes unrecognized by all banks. Worse still, given the current economic situation, it would be unrealistic to expect a bank loan without real property as collateral.”

243、 Mr. Zhang, chair of the board of directors, expressed with a mixed feeling as orders flooded in. In this context, CCB Guangdong Branch has tailored special credit products for small and micro high-tech enterprises featuring light asset and high growth, i.e. patent right pledge loan based on assessm

244、ent of invention patents of the enterprises products. This has gradually ushered the company onto a fast track of development. “We have been in contact with many banks, and CCB is the only one recognizing the value of these sheets!” These remarks by the chair of the board of directors have represent

245、ed the feelings of numerous small and micro high-tech enterprises as customers of CCB. Case 2: An IT company in Fujian specializing in R&D of digital security technologies, products and application software owns five patents. During the past two years, tremendous market potential is expected for the

246、 patented technologies and services owned by the company as the need for security and timeliness for information and communication in local residential communities; while the company is challenged by shortage of research funds at the same time. Knowing that “Quick Loan for Small and Micro Enterprise

247、s” offered by CCB may use the existing retrievable information of the company without further application files, while allowing whole-process online self-service, the owner of the company pledged the financial assets in CCB under his personal account as he applied for the “Quick Loan for Small and M

248、icro Enterprises”, of which all processes of approval, contract signing, pledge and payment were completed within a matter of five minutes. The customer exclaimed, “This is utterly efficient! Surely the market potential of this product is promising.” Cases of Support for Small and Micro Enterprises

249、Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information94Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilitySupporting Improvements in Housing ConditionsOverview of Support for Improvement in Housing Conditions Pr

250、oject CategoryUp toDecember 31, 2016Up toDecember 31, 2015 Up toDecember 31, 2014 Balance of personal housing loans (RMB 100 million)35,856.4427,738.9522,538.15Balance of personal housing loans from provident fund (RMB 100 million)18,534.8915,104.2311,833.33Balance of loans for social housing develo

251、pment (RMB 100 million)355.02446.98709.48CCB actively implements the countrys macro regulation and control policies, identifying support of residents reasonable housing needs as a key area, constantly optimizing operational procedures and enhancing service quality. Throughout the year, CCB has grant

252、ed commercial personal housing loan for nearly 2.53 million customers and housing provident fund loan for nearly 1.4 million customers, while providing RMB 9.796 billion for personal social housing loan for 34,600 low-income families. In response to the central governments requirement for pilot proj

253、ects of social housing construction project with the support of provident fund, CCB is strongly involved in provident housing fund loan services. On the basis of controllable risk and sustainable business operations, CCB takes initiative in supporting social housing construction including affordable

254、 housing, shanty area rebuilding and public rental housing. By the end of 2016, a total loan of RMB 52.733 billion was granted for social housing supported by provident housing fund. Pension-Related Financial ServicesWith “faithful to entrusted mission, operating in the service of pension” as its bu

255、siness philosophy, CCB Pension Management Co., Ltd. provided one-stop comprehensive pension-related financial services based on its qualifications as enterprise annuity trustee, account manager and investment manager. Qualified for releasing pension-related financial products, CCB Pension Management

256、 has developed closed-end pension products, floating-rate and fixed-income open-ended products and group pension products, forming a comparatively well-structured portfolio system to meet customers need of value retention and increment of funds. The company provides support for strengthening the fir

257、st pillar of Chinas pension system with innovative products as well as investment and credit models. Meanwhile, the needs for old-age pension of rural residents have never been neglected by the company, which has launched suitable products to make up for the absence of commercial pension-related fin

258、ancial services in rural China. Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix95 A Low-Carbon and Environmentally Friendly BankSupporting Green CreditGuided by the principle of “awareness generation, capacity building, innovation driven and responsibility fulfillment”, CCB green credit acceler

259、ates business development in eco-friendly fields, prevents environmental and social risks and enhances awareness and performance of social responsibility, known as the three major missions. -Awareness generation: bear in mind the concept of green credit development, identify the development of green

260、 credit as a strong guarantee for sustainable development over the long term, constantly optimize asset structure and build up risk withstanding capacity. -Capacity building: enhance capacity of business operations and management, improve the prospective insight and effectiveness in risk management,

261、 adapt to the banks need of green credit development. -Innovation driven: remain close to the market, broaden the mindset, take more proactive steps in product and service innovation, lead the business development of green credit. -Responsibility fulfillment: promote low-carbon operations throughout

262、 the entire CCB, create a friendly working environment, improve training for professionals and fulfill CCBs social responsibility and duties dynamically and effectively. Short-term goal: build a safeguard system for green credit development, develop the awareness of environmental and social risk con

263、trol throughout CCB, strive to undergo the shift from a traditional business philosophy to a green business philosophy within 2 years, gradually increase the contribution of green credit to the business profitability of CCB. Long-term goal: integrate economic benefit, social benefit and ecological b

264、enefit and seek evolution and transformation into a green bank. Green Credit Development Strategy of China Construction BankOverview of Green CreditProject Category Up toDecember 31, 2016Up toDecember 31, 2015Up toDecember 31, 2014Balance of green credit (RMB 100 million)8,892.217,335.634,870.77Emis

265、sion reduction of standard coal equivalent (10,000 tons) 2,633.152,285.241,969.58Emission reduction of carbon dioxide equivalent (10,000 tons) 5,958.845,298.744,653.39Emission reduction of COD (10,000 tons) 20.2915.3814.23Emission reduction of ammonia nitrogen (10,000 tons) 2.391.851.33Emission redu

266、ction of sulfur dioxide (10,000 tons) 18.8612.3913.08Emission reduction of NOx (10,000 tons) 3.491.701.62Reduction of water consumption (10,000 tons)103.8890.3289.91Green Credit Development Strategy of China Construction Bank has been developed and approved by the board of directors. The Strategy in

267、cludes 4 guiding concepts, 2 strategic goals, 15 specific tasks and 10 safeguard measures. CCB has issued Green Credit Implementation Scheme and Opinions on the Guidance of Business Development, built green credit information system, continued with green credit evaluation management and integrated g

268、reen credit into the KPI matrix. Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information96Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityCCB puts the concept of green development into action, identifying nine

269、areas to firmly implement the idea of “green development” by promoting and supporting the nine major areas of clean energy, clean transport, energy conservation and emission reduction, services related to energy conservation and environmental protection, resource conservation and recycling, eco-prot

270、ection and climate change adaptation, pollution prevention and control, overseas projects complying with international practice or international standard, construction of energy-saving and low-carbon industrial parks. More proactive steps have been taken in granting green credit and the percentage o

271、f green credit services has been gradually increasing throughout CCB. In addition, credit extension is strictly controlled for customers and projects violating environmental laws and regulations, unsuited for local plan for environmental protection, with outdated industrial capacity or incurring hig

272、h environmental and social risks. Nakao River Basin reconstruction project on the upstream of Zhupai River in Nanning is the first PPP construction project (integrating governmental and social capital) in Guangxi, ranking among the first batch of key projects applying for national PPP demo project.

273、CCB is the exclusive supporting bank of this project. Now, a major transformation is seen on Nakao River along the botanical garden on the upstream of Zhupai River, where the view along the riverbank is refreshing and pleasant, and discharge of wastewater has been curbed from what used to be a sever

274、ely polluted river giving off a foul smell. This project has integrated river basin management and the concept of building a sponge city, functioning as a sponge that prevents waterlogging besides meeting practical needs of the residents, which is much more than capacity expansion of pipelines. CCB

275、Guangxi Branch Supports Nakao River Project on Zhupai River, NanningExpanding E-banking BusinessCCB focuses on integrating e-banking services with environmental protection, strengthening channel building of e-banking, constantly diversifying e-banking products and services, reducing cost for custome

276、rs and economizing on social resources, while reducing negative environmental impact. Up to the end of 2016, there have been 237 million personal users and 4.86 million corporate users of online banking, 223 million users of mobile phone banking and 36.23 million users of Wechat banking. The widely

277、adopted mobile phone banking and Wechat banking have effectively met the customers need of access to banking services via their mobile devices anywhere at any time. In 2016, online AI customer service SmartWei has served over 300 million users. Since its first launch in 2013 as part of Wechat bankin

278、g service, SmartWei has witnessed constant broadening of service channels which aims at making the service ubiquitous. Now, users are granted access to 724 professional and efficient service inquiry and chatting service with zero waiting time via online bank, CCB official website, Wechat, SMS, mobil

279、e app, EasyForex, etc. Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix97Low Carbon OperationsCCB is much aware of global climate change and makes every effort to reduce its own environmental impact. Proactive steps have been taken in terms of low-carbon operations; energy consumption and carbon

280、 emission are reduced in daily business management by cutting business travels, encouraging staff to replace on-site meetings with videoconferencing and controlling the indoor temperature in offices. Acting in response to the central governments requirements and in accordance to relevant laws and re

281、gulations, CCB endeavored to promote the application of mature technologies in reducing energy consumption and carbon emission. The Notice on Ten Measures to Save Energy in Logistics Work in CCB Head Office helped to lower energy consumption, strengthen implementation and supervision of energy reduc

282、tion, and urge individuals to shoulder the responsibilities. Specifically, Yangqiao Datacenter was equipped with weather compensation utilities for automatic temperature control of the heating system; it aimed to prevent indoor temperature from going too high and hence reduce energy waste. A few exp

283、eriments were carried out to increase the ambient temperature of the UPS computer room inside the Yangqiao Datacenter from 22 to 25 degrees Centigrade. In addition, CCB Head Office continued to replace compact fluorescent lamps with LED lamps, reducing energy consumption in the office building. Furt

284、hermore energy conservation and water saving utilities are installed in office area, and paperless office work and double-sided printing are promoted. Throughout the year, a total of 6,016.39 tons of transaction documents and vouchers have been printed. Employees were also encouraged to save energy,

285、 opt for eco-friendly means of transportation and live a low-carbon life.Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction: In group activities, the use of cars should be arranged with one accord for the coordination of shuttle service, and CCB advocates car-sharing to avoid car running without passengers.

286、 During the waiting that lasts for over 5min, engine of cars should be turned off to cut down fuel consumption and automobile exhaust.Electricity Conservation: Energy-efficient lighting is promoted and CCB will install power saving fluorescent lamps in batches. Lights and computers should be turned

287、off after working hours, and the consumption of office equipment in standby including computers, printers and copiers should be reduced, and CCB will also intensify relevant inspection. During the holidays, power of the electrical outlet should be turned off. Property management staff should check t

288、he electric equipment twice a week, and should record and notify CCB of the cases of waste of electricity and lack of standardization in power consumption management. Paper Conservation: CCB advocates paperless office work by making full use of OA system and intranet, reduction of paper-printed mate

289、rials, as well as paper-files control. All must be double-side printed (or photocopied), exceptional requirement excluded. Waste paper is recycled by types and single-printed (or photocopied) paper should be re-used except for confidential content.Water Conservation: CCB emphasizes the daily mainten

290、ance of water equipment, water-saving taps and sanitary wares are to be changed by batch to avoiding water loss. Barrel water for office should be replaced after drinking up before the expired date to avoid the waste of “Less than half-barrel-water”. Waste Reduction: Food and dish should be supplied

291、 in a scientific way to reduce any leftovers. Different meal times should be tailor-supplied scientifically as well. “Clear your plate” Campaign is pro-actively promoted to remind staff of food-saving by less food in once and more times to get. “Clear plate” access is set up to collect the clear pla

292、te after meal to reward the good behavior. Business meal should be simplified and controlled on staff attendance. Notice on Taking Ten Measures in CCB Head Office to Save Cost and Energy in Logistic WorkChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recogn

293、ition and FeedbackCorporate Information98Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityOverview of Greenhouse Gas Emission at Head OfficeOverview of Greenhouse Gas Emission at Beijing Branch20162015General bituminous coal consumption (tons)1,7501,450Natural gas consumption (10,000 cubic m

294、eters)34.3336.56Diesel consumption (tons)01.67LPG consumption (tons)11.2517.69Category I direct greenhouse gas total emission (tons of carbon dioxide)3,569.603,162.81Consumption of procured power (MWh)61,419.6559,453.15Category II energy indirect greenhouse gas total emission (tons of carbon dioxide

295、)37,097.4735,909.70201620152014Natural gas consumption (10,000 cubic meters)10.339.097.6Diesel consumption (tons)97.6997.77127.49Category I direct greenhouse gas total emission (tons of carbon dioxide)530.59503.96565.34Consumption of procured power (MWh)113,779.08114,071.01114,495.73Category II ener

296、gy indirect greenhouse gas total emission (tons of carbon dioxide) 68,722.5668,898.8969,155.40Note: 1. As the scale of operation of Head Office includes the background datacenter used throughout the entire CCB system, many pieces of equipment are in non-stop operation 24 hours a day to ensure uninte

297、rrupted financial service across the world. This explains the high energy consumption at the Head Office. 2. Calculations are made based on Guidance on Calculation and Report of Carbon Dioxide from Enterprises in Beijing released by Beijing Development and Reform Commission, and results have been ve

298、rified by related professional agencies.3. Due to voluminous statistical work for over 10,000 branch offices, the data disclosed in this report are only data from CCB Head Office and Beijing Branch; the scope of disclosure will gradually expand to the entire group in the future. Independent Assuranc

299、e ReportAbout the ReportAppendix99Overview of Resources Used at Head Office Overview of Waste at CCB Head OfficeNote: 1. Based on analysis of significance, water consumption data include only utility water and drinking water, and office paper data includes only A3 and A4 printing sheets which are us

300、ed in larger quantities. 2. Due to voluminous statistical work for over 10,000 branch offices, the data disclosed in this report are only data from CCB Head Office; the scope of disclosure will gradually expand to the entire group in the future. Note: 1. Based on analysis of significance, disposed o

301、ffice supplies include only roller ball pens, paper clips and staple pins which are used in larger quantities; disposed means of transportation include only scrapped vehicles; disposed battery includes only dry batteries which are used in larger quantities. 2. Due to voluminous statistical work for

302、over 10,000 branch offices, the data disclosed in this report are only data from CCB Head Office; the scope of disclosure will gradually expand to the entire group in the future. Category 2016Natural gas (10,000 cubic meters)10.33Gasoline (tons)101.78Diesel (tons)97.69Procured power (MWh) 113,779.08

303、Procured heating (MKJ)20,729Water consumption (tons)246,859Including: Utility water (tons)244,944 Drinking water (tons) 1,915Office paper (tons)35.83Waste TreatmentCategory 2016Disposed electronic products (tons)21.67Including: computer (mainframe)10.76 Display screen 7.79 Laptop1.21 Printer1.79 Ser

304、ver 0.12Disposed office supplies (tons)0.29Disposed means of transportation (tons)0Disposed toner cartridge and ink box 387Disposed battery (tons)0.14Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information100Highlights

305、of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityCCB is fully aware of the environmental impacts of its operations and has implemented rigorous cost control measures, encouraging staff to economize on office supplies, batteries and electronic goods. The disposal of scrapped electronic equipment is hand

306、led by professional operators appointed by environmental protection authorities with qualification in recycling scrapped electronic appliances, ensuring safety and environmental friendliness, effectively in compliance with green operation requirements. The partner company then categorizes, dismantle

307、s, cleans and tests the recycled appliances, and components meeting the requirements for reuse are put into secondary use as spare parts or components, hence extending the actual service cycle of electronic appliances concerned and reducing the negative environmental impact of electronic goods manuf

308、acturing. A Bank for Sustainable DevelopmentMaintaining Operational ContinuityCentering upon the overall development strategy, CCB has further strengthened comprehensive risk management in which the board of directors, the board of supervisors, senior executives and staff are jointly engaged. Relyin

309、g on team building, system tools, risk culture and comprehensive risk accountability, CCB effectively identifies, assesses, measures, monitors, controls and reports various types of risks in all institutions, businesses and operation processes, ensuring stability of asset quality and basic controlla

310、bility of all types of risk. A management system and working mechanism featuring consistency throughout the bank, strong cohesion, quick response and effective solution have been established, resulting in visible effect in business continuity management and securing the leadership position in the ba

311、nking sector. Under the precondition of security, stability and efficiency in production system operation, CCB is steadily pressing ahead with “two locations and three centers” construction with Nanhu and Daoxianghu at the core as well as new-generation system construction. CCB has established a bus

312、iness continuity securing mechanism which guarantees the security and stability of network and system running, together with an emergency management system, which enables rapid recovery in the case of sudden operative emergency event. Throughout the year, 1,640 IT-related emergency response plans ha

313、ve been developed and 2,940 technical emergency response drills organized, including 2,592 local high availability drills and 348 disaster recovery drills. Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix101Protecting Interests of Employees According to relevant provisions in Labor Law of the Pe

314、oples Republic of China and Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, CCB has signed labor contracts with all on-the-job staff of contractual employment. In terms of employment management, CCB has formulated internal regulations including Measures of Labor Contract Management, Regulations

315、 on Leave and Vacation for Employees, Regulations on Management of Termination of Employment Contract as well as detailed guidelines for their implementation to protect labor rights of employees according to the law. CCB covers basic social insurance for employees including basic pension plan, basic

316、 medical insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternal insurance based on legal provisions, while providing bonus package including housing fund, enterprise annuity, supplementary medical insurance, etc. to build a stronger safety net for employees. Besides, job performance and remuneration

317、management have their roles consolidated in motivating or disciplining employees, with more opportunities for pay rise offered to grass-root level offices, front-line business operation and positions Employee Information by December 31, 2016Category Number of StaffPercentage Total number of staff (P

318、lus 5,093 labor dispatch staff)362,482100.00%Staff of ethnic minorities 19,4335.36%By gender Male staff 166,24145.86%Female staff196,24154.14%By age group Aged below 3097,38226.86%Aged 31-4080,51422.21%Aged 41-50 139,37038.45%Aged 51 -59 45,04412.43%Aged over 601720.05%By region Yangtze River Delta5

319、5,14315.21%Pearl River Delta 45,43712.53%Bohai Sea Rim Area59,71016.47%Central China 81,00822.35%West China 68,53018.91%Northeast China 36,68510.12%Head Office 15,1164.17%Overseas8530.24%Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and Feedba

320、ckCorporate Information102Highlights of the Implementation of Social Responsibilitydirectly generating value. Level of intensive management of performance and remuneration is constantly enhanced, and strict measures have been taken to eliminate child labor and forced labor.Staff education and traini

321、ng has been progressing year on year according to schedule, with the issuance of Opinions on CCB Education and Training in 2016. Throughout the year, CCB has launched 28,215 sessions of on-site training with a total attendance of 1.581 million, with each employee receiving 7.8 days of training, incu

322、rring a total expenditure of RMB 725 million. The total attendance in online training reached 8 million, equivalent to 1.33 million training man-days. Workers Assembly in various forms has been established on all levels of branches, which allows staff to participate in business operations. Regulatio

323、ns and measures concerning personal interests of workers are reviewed and discussed during the Assembly; representatives may contribute their insights and vocalize their opinions in various areas such as business operation and management, HR management, remuneration, bonus package and employee care,

324、 etc. Overall percentage of reply by functional departments at the Head Office is 100%. “Care Project” operates on a consistent basis, aiming at providing special relief fund for employees struck by major diseases. Head-office-level relief is offered for branches severely damaged in disaster-stricke

325、n areas such as floods due to extreme weather. Trade unions of all levels conduct home visits to front-line staff, staff from financially disadvantaged households and model staff, raising RMB 58.1610 million in special care fund. RMB 38.6082 million from staff mutual fund was granted to employees as

326、 relief fund. Besides, cultural and sports events were organized for staff to create an atmosphere of positive mentality in work and caring for health in life. Staff churn rate remained low in 2016.201620152014On-site Training Bank level for Class I branches and department level for Head Office (num

327、ber of attendance) 9641,1232,523Bank level for Class II branches, department level for Class I branches and division level for Head Office (number of attendance) 29,41332,45742,034Business manager and below (number of attendance) 1,550,3511,638,6691,850,816Online TrainingBank level for Class I branc

328、hes and department level for Head Office (number of attendees)384401348Bank level for Class II branches, department level for Class I branches and division level for Head Office (number of attendees)10,1129,6747,983Business manager and below (number of attendees)337,127341,661318,560Overview of CCB

329、Staff TrainingIndependent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix103CCB cares about working environmental safety and vocational safety for staff, with ensuring personal safety of staff as an important goal, which deserves much attention. “Month for Safety Education” was organized to enhance employe

330、es awareness for safety and security; “Creating a Safe CCB” campaign has been progressing at a deeper level with safe production inspection and removal of vocational safety hazards as key actions. Anti-terrorism, violent crime prevention, fire and safety incident drills for emergency response were l

331、aunched and staff awareness was enhanced for disaster prevention and reduction in terms of flood, earthquake, hurricane and tidal water. Notice on Conscientiously Strengthening Fire Safety Management issued by CBRC was forwarded throughout CCB, requiring for effective measures for fire safety manage

332、ment. Notice on Strengthening Personal Safety Protection for Overseas Employees was published as safety alert in the aftermath of safety incidents involving Chinese nationals in Brazil and Australia to better secure the personal safety of overseas staff. Overview of Staff Churn RateOverview of Work-

333、related InjuryNote: CCB Head Office includes Headquarter, Credit Card Center, Customer Service Center, Operation Center under Direct Management of CCB and Training Center.Category20162015By Age groupAged under 25 (%)5.04.71Aged 26-35 (%)4.34.12Aged 36-45 (%)1.11.19Aged 46-54 (%)0.40.44Aged over 55 (

334、%)00.12By RegionYangtze River Delta (%)4.03.59Pearl River Delta (%)3.13.64Bohai Sea Rim Area (%)1.41.16Central Regions (%)1.71.40West Regions (%)1.72.06Northeast Regions (%)0.80.84Head Office (%)6.16.12Overseas (%)00Category20162015Number of deaths in service (person)410Death-in-service rate (%)0.00

335、10.003Workday loss due to work-related injury (day)13,57332,428Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information104Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityCommitment to Compliant OperationsCCB has

336、 been constantly optimizing the internal control and compliance mechanism featuring top-down management, independence, effectiveness and clearly defined responsibility, strengthening the construction of internal control system, service procedures and standardization, and further arousing the respons

337、ibility, bottom line and “red line” awareness of executives and employees. Progress has been made in sorting out rules and regulations and in standardization of internal control, with internal control standards formulated for personal credit, personal savings, channel and business operation, settlem

338、ent and cash management, wealth management and private banking, etc. Notice on Rigorous Compliance with Requirements for Anti-Money-Laundering and Anti-Terrorism-Funding in Customer Access, Measures for Management of CCB Self-Assessment of Money-Laundering Risk and Measures for Management of Freezin

339、g Assets Related to Terrorist Activities have been formulated, clarifying requirements for compliance in anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorism-funding in customer access, designing a well-structured self-assessment indicator system and working methods for money-laundering risk, establishing worki

340、ng procedures for freezing terrorism-related assets and standardizing the business operations throughout CCB. Six training sessions on anti-money-laundering have been organized by CCB on the entire bank level. CCB has published Measures for Dealing with Staff Violating Rules and Regulation, Notice o

341、n Inspection for Staff Behaviors Violating Regulations or Disciplines, Notice on Deepening Self-Inspection and Rectification for Prevention of Tunneling, in which disciplinary and punitive measures for staff corruption are designed in order to prevent corruption and remove potential risks. Internal

342、and external agencies or personnel are able to make reports or charges against CCB-related institutions and staff via letters, online report, email, facsimile, telephone or visit. CCB attaches great importance to the application and protection of its intellectual property rights (IPR), focusing on t

343、he creation, use, protection and management of IPR. According to relevant provisions in the measures of IPR management of CCB, IPR applications for patents and trademarks are submitted in a timely manner to safeguard legitimate rights and interests concerning innovation achievements of CCB. Meanwhil

344、e, with respect to the intellectual property rights of others, CCB undertook measures to prevent risks of IPR infringements during the course of business development and management. No major cases of intellectual property right infringement were reported during the year. CCB has formulated Measures

345、for Advertising Management of CCB, providing requirements for the production and release of advertisements and IPR protection. Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix105Investor ReturnsCCB attaches much importance to the interests of shareholders and treat all shareholders with equality

346、. In 2016, CCB has further strengthened communication with investors, illustrating its development strategies and business performance as well as listening to feedback and suggestions from investors through regular results briefing and road show (annual, mid-term and quarterly), open day, major inve

347、stors forum, company visits and meetings, investor relations column on CCB official website, hotline and email. These efforts have been well received by the market and the general public. Up to the end of report period, CCB has a total of 426,488 shareholders, including 47,926 H shareholders and 378

348、,562 A shareholders. According to the resolution of 2015 shareholders meeting convened on June 17, 2016, a dividend of RMB 0.274 (tax included) per share was paid to all shareholders registered by June 29, 2016, totaling at approximately RMB 68.503 billion. In 2016, the social contribution of CCB pe

349、r share registered at RMB 2.73, a year-on-year decrease of RMB 0.22. Note: formula for calculation: social contribution per share=earnings per share + value added per share Value added per share = (tax paid within the year + amount paid in staff salary + loan interests paid to creditors + donations

350、- other social cost incurred by environmental pollution, etc.) shares In which the indicator “other social cost incurred by environmental pollution, etc.” was zero as no major environmental pollution incidents happened in CCB in 2016.For detailed financial information of CCB, please refer to 2016 An

351、nual Report of China Construction Bank released in the meantime. Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information106Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilitySupplier Management Overview of Supplie

352、r Management Category Up toDecember 31, 2016Up toDecember 31, 2015Up toDecember 31, 2014Number of suppliers in Yangtze River Delta 388352292Number of suppliers in Pearl River Delta 230200181Number of suppliers in Bohai Sea Rim Area 1,3931,2311,137Number of suppliers in Central China 625247Number of

353、suppliers in West China363326Number of suppliers in Northeast China 292821Percentage of procurement expenditure from local suppliers (%)99.4999.2899.9Procurement contract performance rate (%)100100100Participation rate of external specialists (%)9.183.9612.6CSR training for suppliers (including meet

354、ings and business-related workshops) (number of sessions)282723Note: All data concerning procurement contract performance rate, participation rate of external specialists and number of CSR training sessions for suppliers (including meetings and business-related workshops) are only based on the data

355、from CCB headquarter. By the end of 2016, CCB had a total of 2,276 potential headquarter-level suppliers, among which 462 supplied CCB with products and services in the same year, incurring approximately RMB 4.142 billion in payment to suppliers.CCB has revised normative documents including CCB Guid

356、elines for Suppliers Management, with stricter control over items for centralized procurement. Establishing the system of procurement decision-making committee, collective decision-making in procurement items has been put in place. More efforts are made in survey and inspection of supplying market a

357、nd suppliers; in particular, market survey is conducted for 29 types of procured goods including banking and cash equipment so as to prevent risks from the source. Monitoring of external negative messages is strengthened, especially negative messages concerning environmental and social risks. The co

358、ncept of green procurement is implemented to encourage suppliers to produce and supply green, eco-friendly and energy-saving products, such as stricter requirements for environmental friendliness in the reexamination of office furniture for all CCB institutions and other items. Representatives of 14

359、2 suppliers were invited to the suppliers meeting for in-depth communication and discussion concerning the effective fulfillment of environmental and social responsibility in the procurement relations.Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix107Targeted Poverty AlleviationCCB has been eng

360、aged in targeted financial poverty alleviation with down-to-earth actions, mapping out work plan for targeted financial poverty alleviation during the 13th 5-year plan period, 2016 work plan for targeted financial poverty alleviation and work plan for fixed-point poverty alleviation on head office l

361、evel. Work meetings on poverty alleviation have been convened throughout the bank with steady steps in the organization and motivation of financial poverty alleviation. Favorable treatment is expanded for poverty-stricken regions in terms of credit resources and pricing strategies. CCB provides supp

362、ort for capital needs arising from poverty alleviation, follow the requirement of the central government to reduce or cancel financial service fees for poverty-stricken regions, and offers more effective favorable treatment for pricing policies for deposit and loan services while making bigger reduc

363、tions and exemptions of intermediary services for poverty-stricken regions. Up to the end of 2016, the loan balance for targeted poverty alleviation amounted to RMB 94.824 billion, an increase of RMB 17.324 billion compared to the beginning of the year at an increase rate of 22.35%. By providing cre

364、dit support to enterprises and individuals in financially disadvantaged areas, the registration in employment and income increase by the financially disadvantaged population has increased 86,300. A large registered population struggling in poverty have benefited from credit-supported projects includ

365、ing farmland irrigation, eco-environmental renovation, transportation infrastructure and school building.Innovative products such as governmentally purchased service loans, new rural loans, urbanization loans, PPP serial loans, etc. to offer more financial support for infrastructure and public servi

366、ces in poverty-stricken regions; As an innovative special service, “Agriculture Aid loan” for small and micro companies provide credit support for impoverished farmers, specialized farmers cooperatives or agriculture-related small and micro companies. The innovative business model of “aided guarante

367、e loan” has enhanced the availability of loans in poverty-stricken regions; With personal agriculture aid loan as the platform, innovative products focus on supporting small-amount credit for poverty alleviation for farming households to be granted to financially challenged farming households. Based

368、 on the transformation and development of CCB, comprehensive services including credit, wealth management, bonds, funds, trust and financial leasing for key projects; Innovative poverty alleviation model leveraging on e-commerce platform known as BuyCCB.com helps marketing products from poverty-stri

369、cken regions, creating jobs for the impoverished population and increasing the income of impoverished households, hence contributing to poverty alleviation and wealth creation; Through establishing sub-branches and self-service banks as well as deploying equipment in poverty-stricken regions, CCB is

370、 enthusiastic about expanding its functions and service network. “Cash withdrawal offices for farmers convenience” have been set in cooperation with trading cooperatives and tobacco retailers in poverty-stricken townships and towns where financial services are hardly available. CCBs Innovations in F

371、inancial Poverty AlleviationChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information108Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityIn 2016, CCB budgeted RMB 42.9 million for fixed-point poverty alleviation u

372、ndertaken by the entire Bank, which was the first time that annual budget management was implemented for donation to fixed-point poverty alleviation on the branch level, which allows CCB branches to independently approve and arrange the donation funds within the budget, hence effectively enhancing t

373、he timeliness of implementing poverty alleviation projects. Donation projects for poverty alleviation mainly include road reinforcing and repairs, renovation of dilapidated houses and construction of school buildings, water supply and drainage systems, lighting projects and environment improvement f

374、or villages, construction of venues for art and sports activities and senior citizen centers, relief for impoverished households and purchase of production equipment. Innovation is also seen in resource integration, focusing on fixed-point poverty alleviation in long-term philanthropy projects of CC

375、B. For instance, villages included in fixed-point poverty alleviation plan receive more support in the implementation of long-term key philanthropy projects of CCB brand including CCB Health Express for Mothers, Growth Plan for senior high students from financially disadvantaged families, financial

376、aid plan for impoverished model hero mothers, financial support for Century-Old Vocational School in Sanya and training for Hope School teachers. In 1988, in response to the central governments call for poverty alleviation, CCB has taken the initiative in fixed-point poverty alleviation, partnering

377、with Ankang in Shaanxi Province. For the past 28 years, CCB has been consistent in fulfilling various requirements of the central government in poverty alleviation, with “poverty alleviation with genuine actions, offering help to the truly poverty-stricken” as the motto as it sent out a total of 87

378、officials for fixed-point poverty alleviation. From building factories to helping companies in marketing and distribution, from road repairs to environmental improvement in villages, from helping villagers to develop production to enhancing their livelihoodgeneration after generation of CCB staff ha

379、ve toiled with sweat and dedicated the prime years of life in Ankang. Now, in the mountains of Qinling and Daba, along the banks of River Han, CCB has faithfully remained on this beautiful yet poverty-stricken land. The name appears on the signboards of hope primary schools, is literally carved on t

380、he transportation hubs through Qinling Mountain and accompanies the residents in the mountainous region on their way towards a better life free from poverty. The heart-felt gratitude of local people and government is a manifestation of the social responsibility and duty of a major state-owned bank.

381、CCB: 28 Years of Commitment in Poverty Alleviation in AnkangStaff VolunteersMany CCB staff are enthusiastic about philanthropy and are actively engaged in volunteerism. From young employees at the beginning of their career to veterans working for decades, even retired senior executives, they have fa

382、ithfully fulfilled the core values of CCB, writing chapters of real and moving stories in the beautiful scroll of CCBs passion for philanthropy, building up favorable reputation and positive image for CCB wherever they serve. In the philanthropy awareness Independent Assurance ReportAbout the Report

383、Appendix109Public Welfare and Charity WorkSince 2005 when publicly listed, CCB has been donating to philanthropy with planning and coordination, and has enabled over 100 key philanthropy programs mainly in the areas of education, medical care, poverty alleviation, disaster rescue and relief, environ

384、mental protection, etc., donating a total of RMB 800 million. In 2016, CCBs donation for philanthropy amounted to RMB 74.42 million, among which RMB 42.90 million was dedicated to aid programs in villages included fixed-point poverty alleviation program. Another focused area covers, in the meantime,

385、 a number of long-term philanthropy programs. campaign themed “CCB Engagement in Philanthropy, Join Us and Shine”, over 420 impressive stories of philanthropy activities undertaken by CCB staff were collected. Liu Wenqian from CCB Guizhou has been taking care of her daughter with cerebral palsy for

386、the past 16 years. With the help of CCB and social workers, her paralyzed daughter managed to stand up with persevering rehabilitation efforts. Meanwhile, Liu Wenqian made a proposal for creating “Rehabilitation Home for People with Disability”, which resulted in the establishment of the first commu

387、nity rehabilitation center for people with disability in Guizhou Province helping nearly 60 people with similar physical challenge in their rehabilitation, and she herself became the responsible person ad hoc and a volunteer for the center. Moved by her story, many employees of Jinyang Sub-branch an

388、d other social workers have joined her as volunteers in this undertaking of love and care. Zhu Lechun from CCB Guangzhou Branch left Guangzhou and his family to return to his poverty-stricken hometown all alone, building a water reservoir to benefit the local residents. Investing his savings through

389、out life and eight years since his retirement, he has literally carved out a legend of the Moon Bay. With his efforts, what used to be barren and desolate with cracked soil in Zhangqiu, Shandong is now reborn as the back garden of the city with clear water, lushly growing orchards, chirping songs of

390、 birds and heart-gladdening fragrance of flowers. Min Kesheng from CCB Hubei Branch has been a swimmer since childhood and is a qualified lifeguard and swimming instructor. Always ready to offer help, he patiently offers instructions for those who love to swim, and have courageously saved eight live

391、s from drowning. Fang Zhiqin from CCB (Asia) has been enthusiastically involved in various volunteering activities organized by social organizations or CCB for over 20 years. She has visited and helped over 1,000 children with autism, people living with disability and senior citizens with no family

392、in various districts in Hong Kong and parts of Chinas mainland. Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information110Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityOverview of Major Philanthropy Programs

393、Implemented Project Name Partner Donation AmountProject Duration Up to December 31, 2016 Supporting for CCB Hope Primary SchoolChina Youth Development FoundationRMB 10.36 million 1996 up to present Funded the establishment of 45 Hope Schools equipped with reading rooms, computer rooms and playground

394、, funded training for nearly 500 teachersConstructing the FutureCCB Financial Aid for Senior High School Students China Education Development Foundation RMB 135 million 2007 up to present Granted RMB 135 million in financial aid for 88,500 senior high students Funding for Bainian Vocational School,

395、SanyaChina Youth Development Foundation, Beijing Bainian Vocational School for Migrant ChildrenRMB10 million 2011 up to present Annual donation of RMB 2 million to the school Love for TibetCCB and China Jianyin Investment Limited Scholarship (Student Grant) China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation R

396、MB3.5 million 2007 up to presentProvided 2.07 million RMB in financial aid for 990 students from disadvantaged families in Tibet “Health Express for Mothers” CCB Financial Aid Plan China Womens Development Foundation RMB37 million 2011 up to presentPurchased 247 vehicles for “Health Express for Moth

397、ers”, which are put into use in impoverished counties and townships in 17 provinces and autonomous regions including Xinjiang, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, etc. CCB Financial Aid Plan for Impoverished Mothers of Heroes China Womens Development Foundation RMB50 million 2007 up to present Granted RMB 45.56

398、million in financial aid for 14.504 hero mothers or wives Points for DreamHope Project Happy Music Classroom China Youth Development FundRMB2.17 million 2012 up to presentDonated to the construction and equipment of 87 music classrooms in primary and secondary schools in impoverished regions in 29 p

399、rovinces, autonomous regions and municipalitiesPoints for DreamTraining Plan for Music and Art Teachers in Village Schools China Literature & Art FoundationRMB0.4 million 2013 up to presentTraining for over 200 teachers “Health Express for Mothers” CCB Sponsorship ProgramOn December 27, 2016, 54 “He

400、alth Express for Mothers” vehicles, purchased with CCBs RMB 8 million donation, set out their journey from Beijing. Back then, CCB had already donated RMB 37 million in total for the purchase of 247 health express vehicles which have been put into use in poor counties and villages across 17 province

401、s and regions, including Xinjiang, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix111Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Hebei, Liaoning, and Jilin.The “Health Express for Mothers” donated by CCB are equipped with bed,

402、 oxygen, diasonograph, and ECG analyzer. Health express have become villagers “moving hospitals” by providing services including health consultation, charity clinics, free health check-up, distribution of medicines and health materials, free pick-up of pregnant women for childbirth, training to loca

403、l medical staff, and special aid etc., which are highly recognized by local villagers and they call it “life-saving expresses”.CCB Training Program for Rural Teachers of Hope Primary School In July and November, CCB sponsored over 100 principals and teachers of the 45 “CCB Hope Primary Schools” as w

404、ell as primary school teachers of designated poverty-stricken villages to join trainings on education management, art, and physical education. Since 1996, CCB has set up “CCB Love Fund” which has raised RMB 32.56 million by voluntary donation from 300,000 CCB staff. The annual fixed interest income

405、of this fund is used to build “CCB Hope Primary School” in poverty-stricken areas. On November 1, CCB organized a CCB hope primary school seminar themed on “Together for 20 Years”. CCBs leaders, board directors, supervisors, HQ department representatives, branch representatives, main leaders of Chin

406、a Youth Development Foundation, representatives of principals and teachers of the 45 hope primary schools, and representatives of 31 primary schools in designated poverty-stricken villages attended the seminar. “CCBs 20 Years of Effort in Building Hope Primary Schools” won the 11th Peoples CSR Best

407、Practice Award issued by .Donated RMB 0.6 million to Hebei Province Hit by Severe FloodIn July, continuous heavy rainfall in the middle, southern and northern coastal areas as well as extreme rain storms in certain areas of Hebei Province led to severe flood disaster which brought heavy loss to peop

408、les lives and properties. CCB immediately donated RMB 0.6 million to support flood relief efforts and help rebuild homes.Donated NTD 3 Million to earthquake-stricken Southern TaiwanAn earthquake of magnitude 6.4 struck southern Taiwan on February 6, 2016. Taibei Branch immediately donated NTD 3 mill

409、ion to Social Assistance Fund Account of Social Affairs Bureau of Tainan Municipal Government to comfort the injured and families of the deceased, as well as help with post-disaster rescue such as injury recovery, amputation rehabilitation, life subsidy and psychological care etc.Chairmans Statement

410、Social Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information112Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityOrganizing Tibetan Famers and Herdsmens Visit to BeijingFrom July 25 to 29, CCB successfully undertook the “Summer Camp-Exc

411、ellent Tibetan Famers and Herdsmen Visit to Beijing” hosted by the Youth Committee of Central Financial Work Commission. By visiting characteristic farming and husbandry-related companies and communicating with excellent youth entrepreneurs in Beijing, 30 Tibetan youth farmers and herdsmen learned r

412、ich business operation experience.Donating Credit Card Points Through “Building Dreams with Points Micro Charity” DriveCCB, together with several charity organizations, built a credit card point donation platform which allows “Dragon Card” Credit card holders to convert their card points into a publ

413、ic welfare fund to help students in poverty areas. From 2013 until now, the donation has been used to build 87 music classrooms in 29 provinces, cities and districts, and to organize 2 batches of rural primary and middle school teachers (totaling 200+ people) for artistic skill training. Organizing

414、Staff to Donate Books and Stationeries to Primary and Middle Schools in Poverty-stricken Areas CCB set up “Wiser Mind by Education” library in the hope to “enlighten the mind” by sharing books. As of now, over 4,000 books and 100+ sets of stationeries have been donated to schools in Ankang of Shaanx

415、i Province, Lanzhou of Gansu Province, and Atux of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Organizing Staff to Participate in Charity Knitting Activity “Love Forever ActionConnecting Millions of Families with A Thread”CCB head office has organized staff to participate in the charity knitting activity “Lov

416、e Forever ActionConnecting Millions of Families with A Thread” for 3 years in a row. Accumulatively, 136 person times have participated in the knitting activity in which 246 pieces of work have been completed, including 94 sweaters, 70 woolen pants, and 82 scarves and hats. All knitted works are don

417、ated to the poor in Aksu in Xinjiang Province.Active Participation in Local Charity Campaigns by Branches and Subsidiaries Liaoning Provincial Branch organized “Love to Mountainous Areas” summer camp by organizing staffs children to visit Beigou Village, Goumenzi Town, Lingyuan, Chaoyang City and do

418、nated stationeries worthy of RMB 8,000 including push-pull blackboards etc.Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix113Shanghai Branch carried out the “Love Library” projects for 3 years in a row by donating quality books to love libraries. Over 1,000 books are donated every year.Anhui Pr

419、ovincial Branch continuously organized the “Staffs Love Fund” donation campaign. The Branch set up “Stations for Sanitation Workers” at 91 outlets, providing free chairs, water dispensers, microwaves, and medical kits for use.Xiangyang Branch of Hubei Province organized staff in the “Volunteer Garba

420、ge Collection on Xianshan Mountain” by collecting paper scraps, plastic bags and beverage bottles, and classifying the garbage along the 3 km of green pathways on the mountain. Qiongshan Sub-branch in Haikou, Hainan Province organized staff to visit the social welfare homes at Qiongshan District by

421、sending gifts to the 32 orphans who were abandoned because of their physical defects, and playing with the children. Sichuan Provincial Branch, 30 branch volunteers together with families of customers, organized the Blue Ribbon voluntary tree planting activity in the name of “Returning Green to Natu

422、re”, and planted a ginkgo forest at the water source reserve along Baitiao River in Xibei Village, Tangchang Town.Xiamen Branch organized staff to voluntarily donate blood, which also attracted many people from the society for blood donation. Altogether, 115 people donated 28,600 ml of blood. CCB Pr

423、incipal Asset Management, together with China Youth Development Foundation, donated to build 10 “CCB Fund Hope Library” for CCB Hope Primary Schools and primary schools in poor areas, bringing quality books to local children.CCB Life donated personal accident insurance with an insured amount of RMB

424、10,000 to every driver and medical staff on the 247 “Health Express for Mother” vehicles. Amsterdam Branch organized staff to participate in the charity long-distance running activity in the financial zone of Amsterdam to raise fund for the Childrens Cancer Research Center of Vrije Universiteit.CCB

425、Barcelona Branch in Europe organized exchanges with the ESADE Business School in Spain. Nearly 40 students visited the Branch and communicated with staff representatives. CCB (Asia) participated in WWFs “Earth Hour” activity for 5 years in a row. CCB (Asia) joined the Charter on External Lighting in

426、itiated by Hong Kong Environment Protection Department and promised to turn off outdoor advertisement lighting in the designated time at night.CCB International supported the charity run organized by UNICEF to promote healthy life concept and care for childrens healthy growth. Since the beginning in

427、 2006, the charity run has attracted over 98,000 runners and raised over HKD 95.5 million. Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information114Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilitySocial Recogn

428、ition and FeedbackCCB was officially included into the constituent stocks of Hong Kong Hang Seng Sustainable Development Company Index, which took effect on 5 September, 2016. The index reflects the included companys excellent performance in environmental, social and governance.CCB was awarded with

429、“Excellent Company in Tackling with Climate Change” by CDP Global Environment Information Research Center and China Quality Certification Center on the CDP Climate Change Report Launch Event and Awarding Ceremony. CCB is one of the 4 companies winning this award, and the only one from the financial

430、industry.CCB won the title of “Annual Most Socially Responsible Financial Institution” once again on the Launch of 2015 Social Responsibility Report on Chinas Banking Industry & Award Event at Beijing organized by China Banking Association. Besides, Zhang Aimin from Panjin Branch in Liaoning Provinc

431、e, Kang Shun from Chengdu 4th Sub-branch of Sichuan Branch won the “Annual Best Social Responsibility Manager” award. Huachi Sub-branch of Qingyang Branch in Gansu, and Shigatse Branch in Tibet won “Annual Best Social Responsibility Contribution Branch” award. CCBs Sanya Bainian Vocational School Gr

432、ant Project won the “Annual Excellence Charity Project”.The Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the notice on awarding the 9th “China Charity Award”, and CCB was nominated for the “Most Loving Donator” as a reward to its outstanding contribution to the development of public welfare.According to the res

433、ult of public transparency evaluation of Chinas top 200 companies, CCB won the “Best Social Communication Award” on 2016 Annual Meeting on Sustainable Competitiveness of Chinese Companies. CCBs 20 Years of Effort in Building Hope Primary Schools” won the 11th Peoples CSR Best Practice Award issued b

434、y P.CCB was awarded “Top 100 Companies Influencing Chinas Public Welfare” by Chinas Public Welfare Annual Meeting.Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix115Registered Title in Chinese: 中国建设银行股份有限公司Title in English: China Construction Bank CorporationStock Code on Hong Kong Stock Exchang

435、e(HKEx): 939Stock Code on Shanghai Stock Exchange(SSE): 601939Registered Address: No.25, Finance Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.China Postcode: 100033Legal Representative: Wang HongzhangCompanys head office location: BeijingBusiness Features:CCB is leading the market in many core operation i

436、ndicators. While maintaining its advantages in infrastructure, housing finance and other traditional businesses, CCB is making effort to develop investment banking, credit card, e-banking, private banking, consumer finance and other emerging businesses, optimizing its business and management process

437、, making more investment into IT and other basic systems, and continuously improving risk prevention and control, and market competitiveness. Membership in:CCB is the council member of the China Banking Association, Red Cross Society of China, China Foundation for Development and Research of Financi

438、al Education, China Centre for International Economic Exchanges and the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits.Internet Website: Wireless Website: Customer Service Hotline: 86-10-95533Corporate InformationChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility Performan

439、ceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information116Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityEnglish Translation for Reference OnlyIndependent practitioners assurance report To the Board of Directors of China Construction Bank Corporation We have been engaged to perform a limite

440、d assurance engagement on the 2016 Social Responsibility Report (“SR Report”) of the China Construction Bank Corporation (“the Bank”).Responsibilities of the Board of DirectorsThe Board of Directors of the Bank is responsible for the preparation of the 2016 SR Report based on the Environmental, Soci

441、al and Governance Reporting Guide (“ESG Reporting Guide”) issued by Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited (“HKEx”), Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”)s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (“G4”) and Guidelines on Environmental Information Disclosure by Companies Listed on the Shanghai Stock Excha

442、nge (“SSE”) and Guidelines on Preparation of Corporate Report on Performance of Social Responsibilities (collectively known as the “SSE Guidelines”). This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation of the 2016 SR Report that is free f

443、rom material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Board of Directors is also responsible for setting the Banks objectives in respect of social responsibility performance and reporting, including identification of stakeholders and material issues that are relevant to these stakeholders.In

444、dependent Assurance Report2017/SH-108 (Page 1 of 4)Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix117Our Independence and Quality Control We have complied with the independence and other ethical requirement of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the International Ethics St

445、andards Board for Accountants, which is founded on fundamental principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour. Our firm applies International Standard on Quality Control 1 and accordingly maintains a comprehensive system of qual

446、ity control including documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.Practitioners ResponsibilitiesIt is our responsibility to express a conclusion on whether we are aware of any matter that w

447、ould materially affect the SR Report based on our work. We conducted our work in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (Revised) “Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information”. This standard requires that we plan and perfor

448、m our work to form the conclusion. 2017/SH-108 (Page 2 of 4)Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information118Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilityThe procedures performed in a limited assura

449、nce engagement vary in nature and timing from, and are less in extent than for a reasonable assurance engagement. Consequently the level of assurance in a limited assurance engagement is substantially lower than the assurance that would have been obtained had a reasonable assurance engagement been p

450、erformed. Accordingly, we do not express a reasonable assurance opinion on any matter that would materially affect the 2016 SR Report. Our work involves assessing the risks of material misstatement in the 2016 SR Report whether due to fraud or error, and responding to the assessed risks. The extent

451、of procedures selected depends on our judgment and assessment of the engagement risk. Within the scope of our work, we have performed the following procedures in the Head Office of the Bank and the following domestic branches: Qinghai Branch Fujian Branch Beijing BranchThe procedures we performed co

452、mprised:(i) Interviews with relevant departments involved in providing information in the SR Report; (ii) Analytical procedure;(iii) Examination and recalculation, on a test basis, of documentary evidence relating to the relevant data disclosed in the SR Report on which we report; and(iv) Other proc

453、edures deemed necessary.2017/SH-108 (Page 3 of 4)Independent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix119Inherent Limitation We remind the users to note that, the absence of a significant body of established practice on which to draw to evaluate and measure non-financial information allows for differ

454、ent, but acceptable, measures and measurement techniques and can affect comparability between entities.ConclusionBased on the procedures performed and evidence obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the 2016 SR Report is not prepared, in all material respects, bas

455、ed on the ESG Reporting Guide, the GRIs Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (“G4”) and the SSE Guidelines. Restriction on UseOur report has been prepared for and only for the Board of Directors of the Bank and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any o

456、ther person for the content of this report.PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLPShanghai, China29 March 20172017/SH-108 (Page 4 of 4)Chairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information120Highlights of the Implementa

457、tion of Social ResponsibilityChina Construction Bank Corporation (“CCB” or “the Bank”) issues an annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report (“CSR Report” or “the Report”) covering the period from 1 January to 31 December every year. The scope of the Report covers the Head Office of CCB, its domes

458、tic and overseas branches, sub-branches and subsidiaries.This report has been reviewed and approved by the board meeting held on March 28th, 2017. The Board of Directors and all directors of CCB guarantee that there are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions in the contents of

459、 the Report, and will assume individual and joint responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents.For the Report this year, there is no major deviation from previous years in how data is obtained and calculated. The financial data in the Report is from the audited annu

460、al A-share financial statements of the Bank.Compilation guidelines: The Report is prepared by CCB in accordance with the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (“the ESG Reporting Guide”) issued by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“SEHK”); the disclosure requirements of the gui

461、delines issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange (“SSE”), which include “Guidelines on Environmental Information Disclosure by Companies Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange” and “Corporate Report on Performance of Social Responsibilities” (the above are collectively known as the “Guidelines of the Sh

462、anghai Stock Exchange”); and Global Reporting Initiatives (“GRI”) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4). The Report also meets the relevant requirements of the China Banking Regulatory Commissions “Opinions on Strengthening Corporate Social Responsibility of Banking Financial Institutions” and th

463、e China Banking Associations “Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility for Banking Financial Institutions in China”.Certification method: To ensure the fulfilment of the ESG Reporting Guide by SEHK, the disclosure requirements set by SSE and GRIs Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, Pricewaterh

464、ouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP has provided independent and limited assurance for the Report.Access channel: The printed version of the Report is available at the Public Relations and Corporate Culture Department of China Construction Bank Corporation, while the electronic edition can be downloaded in P

465、DF format from CCBs website (http:/). The original version of the Report is in Chinese, and is subsequently translated into English. If there is any discrepancy, interpretation should be made in accordance with the Chinese version.Contact information:Public Relations and Corporate Culture Department

466、, Head Office,China Construction Bank CorporationAddress: No. 25, Finance Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.ChinaPostcode: 100033Fax: 86-10-66212659About the ReportIndependent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix121AppendixSerial#Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guideline, Hon

467、g Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)NotesA1Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to air and greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water and land, and generation of hazardous and non-ha

468、zardous waste.AdoptedA1.1The types of emissions and respective emissions data.To-be-adoptedA1.2Greenhouse gas emissions in total (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).AdoptedA1.3Total hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropria

469、te, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).AdoptedA1.4Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).AdoptedA1.5Description of measures to mitigate emissions and results achieved.AdoptedA1.6Des

470、cription of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, reduction initiatives and results achieved.AdoptedA2Policies on the efficient use of resources (including energy, water and other raw materials).AdoptedA2.1Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil)

471、 in total (kWh in 000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).AdoptedA2.2Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).AdoptedA2.3Description of energy use efficiency initiatives and results achieved.AdoptedA2.4Description of w

472、hether there is any issue in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water efficiency initiatives and results achieved.AdoptedA2.5Total packaging material used for finished products (in tonnes) and (if applicable) with reference to per unit produced.N/AA3Policies on minimizing the issuers significan

473、t impact on the environment and natural resources.AdoptedA3.1Description of the significant impacts of activities on the environment and natural resources and the actions taken to manage them.AdoptedB1Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a

474、 significant impact on the issuer relating to compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working hours, holidays and vacations, equal opportunity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and other benefits and welfare.AdoptedB1.1Total workforce by gender, employment type, age group and geographi

475、cal region.AdoptedB1.2Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and geographical region.AdoptedB2Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to providing a safe working environment and protecting empl

476、oyees from occupational hazards.AdoptedB2.1Number and rate of work-related fatalities.AdoptedB2.2Lost days due to work injury.AdoptedB2.3Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, how they are implemented and monitored.AdoptedB3Policies on improving employees knowledge and skill

477、s for discharging duties at work. Description of training activities.AdoptedChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information122Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilitySerial#Environmental, Social

478、 and Governance Reporting Guideline, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)NotesB3.1Percentage of employees trained by gender and employee category (e.g. senior management, middle management).AdoptedB3.2The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category.Adopte

479、dB4Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to preventing child and forced labour.AdoptedB4.1Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced labour.To-be-adoptedB4.2D

480、escription of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discovered.To-be-adoptedB5Policies on managing environmental and social risks of the supply chain.AdoptedB5.1Number of suppliers by geographical region.AdoptedB5.2Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of suppliers w

481、here the practices are being implemented, how they are implemented and monitored.AdoptedB6Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to health and safety, advertising, labelling and privacy matters rel

482、ating to products and services provided and methods of redress.AdoptedB6.1Percentage of total products sold or shipped subject to recalls for safety and health reasons.N/AB6.2Number of products and service related complaints received and how they are dealt with.AdoptedB6.3Description of practices re

483、lating to observing and protecting intellectual property rights.AdoptedB6.4Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures.N/AB6.5Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, how they are implemented and monitored.AdoptedB7Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) com

484、pliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the issuer relating to bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering.AdoptedB7.1Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against the issuer or its employees during the reporting period and the ou

485、tcomes of the cases.To-be-adoptedB7.2Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented and monitored.AdoptedB8Policies on community engagement to understand the needs of the communities where the issuer operates and to ensure its activities take into conside

486、ration the communities interests.AdoptedB8.1Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental concerns, labour needs, health, culture, sport).AdoptedB8.2Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area.AdoptedIndependent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix123Serial#Indicato

487、rs of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 4.0)s Sustainability Reporting GuidelinesNotesG4-1Statement from the most senior decision makers of the organization (such as CEO, chairman, or equivalent seniors) on the relevance of sustainability to the organization and the sustainable development strate

488、gies of the organization.AdoptedG4-2Description of the major influences, risks, and opportunities.AdoptedG4-3Name of the organization.AdoptedG4-4Primary brands, products, and services.AdoptedG4-5Location of the organizations headquarter.AdoptedG4-6Number of countries where the organization operates,

489、 and names of countries where either the organization has significant operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability topics covered in the report.AdoptedG4-7Nature of ownership and legal form.AdoptedG4-8Markets served.AdoptedG4-9Scale of the organization.AdoptedG4-10Total number

490、of employees by employment contract, gender and region.AdoptedG4-11Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.AdoptedG4-12Description of the organizations supply chain.AdoptedG4-13Significant changes during the reporting period regarding the organizations size, structu

491、re, ownership, or its supply chain.AdoptedG4-14Whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization.AdoptedG4-15List externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or which it

492、 endorses.AdoptedG4-16Membership of associations (such as industry associations) and national or international advocacy organizations in which the organization joins.AdoptedG4-17a. List all entities included in the organizations consolidated financial statements or equivalent documents.b. Report whe

493、ther any entity included in the organizations consolidated financial statements or equivalent documents is not covered by the report.AdoptedG4-18a. Explain the process for defining the report content and the Aspect Boundaries.b. Explain how the organization has implemented the Reporting Principles f

494、or Defining Report Content.AdoptedG4-19List all the material Aspects identified in the process for defining report content.AdoptedG4-20For each material Aspect, report the Aspect Boundary within the organization.AdoptedG4-21For each material Aspect, report the Aspect Boundary outside the organizatio

495、n.AdoptedG4-22Report the effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports, and the reasons for such restatements.AdoptedG4-23Report significant changes from previous reporting periods in the Scope and Aspect Boundaries.AdoptedG4-24Provide a list of stakeholder groups engaged by

496、 the organization.AdoptedG4-25Report the basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.AdoptedG4-26Report the organizations approach to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group, and an indication of whether any of the eng

497、agement was undertaken specifically as part of the report preparation process.AdoptedG4-27Report key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting. Report the stakehol

498、der groups that have raised each of the key topics and concerns.AdoptedG4-28Reporting period for information provided.AdoptedG4-29Date of most recent previous report.AdoptedChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate In

499、formation124Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilitySerial#Indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 4.0)s Sustainability Reporting GuidelinesNotesG4-30Reporting cycle.AdoptedG4-31Provide the contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents.AdoptedG4-32Repor

500、t the in accordance option the organization has chosen. Report the GRI Content Index for the chosen option. Report the reference to the External Assurance Report, if the report has been externally assured.AdoptedG4-33Report the organizations policy and current practice with regard to seeking externa

501、l assurance for the report.AdoptedG4-34Report the governance structure of the organization, including committees of the highest governance body.AdoptedG4-35Report the process for delegating authority for economic, environmental and social topics from the highest governance body to senior executives

502、and other employees.AdoptedG4-36Report whether the organization has appointed an executive-level position or positions with responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics, and whether post holders report directly to the highest governance body.AdoptedG4-37Report processes for consultat

503、ion between stakeholders and the highest governance body on economic, environmental and social topics. If consultation is delegated, describe to whom and any feedback processes to the highest governance body.AdoptedG4-38Report the composition of the highest governance body and its committees.Adopted

504、G4-39Report whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer.AdoptedG4-40Report the nomination and selection processes for the highest governance body and its committees, and the criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governance body members.AdoptedG4-41Repor

505、t processes for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided and managed. Report whether conflicts of interest are disclosed to stakeholders.AdoptedG4-42Report the highest governance bodys and senior executives roles in the development, approval, and updating of the organi

506、zations purpose, value or mission statements, strategies, policies, and goals related to economic, environmental and social impacts.AdoptedG4-43Report the measures taken to develop and enhance the highest governance bodys collective knowledge of economic, environmental and social topics.AdoptedG4-44

507、Report the processes for evaluation of the highest governance bodys performance with respect to governance of economic, environmental and social topics. Report actions taken in response to evaluation of the highest governance bodys performance with respect to governance of economic, environmental an

508、d social topics, including, as a minimum, changes in membership and organizational practice.AdoptedG4-45Report the highest governance bodys role in the identification and management of economic, environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities. Report whether stakeholder consultation is us

509、ed to support the highest governance bodys identification and management of economic, environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities.AdoptedG4-46Report the highest governance bodys role in reviewing the effectiveness of the organizations risk management processes for economic, environmen

510、tal and social topics.AdoptedG4-47Report the frequency of the highest governance bodys review of economic, environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities.AdoptedG4-48Report the highest committee or position that formally reviews and approves the organizations sustainability report and en

511、sures that all material Aspects are covered.AdoptedG4-49Report the process for communicating critical concerns to the highest governance body.AdoptedG4-50Report the nature and total number of critical concerns that were communicated to the highest governance body and the mechanism(s) used to address

512、 and resolve them.AdoptedG4-51Report the remuneration policies for the highest governance body and senior executives.AdoptedG4-52Report the process for determining remuneration. Report whether remuneration consultants are involved in determining remuneration and whether they are independent of manag

513、ement.AdoptedG4-53Report how stakeholders views are sought and taken into account regarding remuneration, including the results of votes on remuneration policies and proposals, if applicable.AdoptedIndependent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix125Serial#Indicators of the Global Reporting Initi

514、ative (GRI 4.0)s Sustainability Reporting GuidelinesNotesG4-54Report the ratio of the annual total compensation for the organizations highest-paid individual in each country of significant operations to the average annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual) i

515、n the same country.AdoptedG4-55Report the ratio of percentage increase in annual total compensation for the organizations highest-paid individual in each country of significant operations to the average percentage increase in annual total compensation for all employees (excluding the highest-paid in

516、dividual) in the same country.AdoptedG4-56Describe the organizations values, principles, standards and norms of behavior such as codes of conduct and codes of ethics.AdoptedG4-57Report the internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behavior, and matters related to orga

517、nizational integrity, such as helplines or advice lines.AdoptedG4-58Report the internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as escalation through line management, whistleblowing mechanisms or hotli

518、nes.AdoptedG4-EC1Direct economic value generated and distributed.AdoptedG4-EC2Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organizations activities due to climate change.AdoptedG4-EC3Coverage of the organizations fund of fixed-income pension.N/AG4-EC4Financial subsidy received fr

519、om government.To-be-adoptedG4-EC5Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation.To-be-adoptedG4-EC6Proportion of senior management hired from the local community at significant locations of operation.To-be-adoptedG4-EC7Development a

520、nd impact of infrastructure investments and services supported.AdoptedG4-EC8Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts.AdoptedG4-EC9Proportion of spending on local suppliers at significant locations of operation.AdoptedG4-EN1Materials used by weight or volume.AdoptedG4-EN

521、2Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials.To-be-adoptedG4-EN3Energy consumption within the organization.AdoptedG4-EN4Energy consumption outside the organization.To-be-adoptedG4-EN5Energy intensity.AdoptedG4-EN6Reduction of energy consumption.AdoptedG4-EN7Reductions in energy re

522、quirements of products and services.N/AG4-EN8Total water withdrawal by source.AdoptedG4-EN9Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water.N/AG4-EN10Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused.N/AG4-EN11Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected a

523、reas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.N/AG4-EN12Substantial influence of the institutions activities, products and services on the biodiversity aspect of protected areas or areas of high biodiversity value.N/AG4-EN13Habitats protected or restored.N/AG4-EN14Total number of

524、 IUCN red list species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk.N/AG4-EN15Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1).AdoptedG4-EN16Energy indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 2).AdoptedChairmans StatementSocial R

525、esponsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information126Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilitySerial#Indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 4.0)s Sustainability Reporting GuidelinesNotesG4-EN17Other indirect green

526、house gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 3).To-be-adoptedG4-EN18Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity.AdoptedG4-EN19Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.AdoptedG4-EN20Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS).To-be-adoptedG4-EN21NOx, SOx, and Other Significant Air Emissions.To-be-adoptedG4-EN2

527、2Total water discharge by quality and destination.To-be-adoptedG4-EN23Total weight of waste by type and disposal method.AdoptedG4-EN24Total number and volume of significant spills.N/AG4-EN25Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Conv

528、ention2 Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage of transported waste shipped internationally.N/AG4-EN26Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by the organizations discharges of water and runoff.N/AG4-EN27Extent of impac

529、t mitigation of environmental impacts of products and services.AdoptedG4-EN28Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category.N/AG4-EN29Monetary value of significant fines and total number of nonmonetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and

530、 regulations.N/AG4-EN30Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials for the organizations operations, and transporting members of the workforce.To-be-adoptedG4-EN31Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type.AdoptedG4-EN32Percentage

531、 of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria.AdoptedG4-EN33Significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken.AdoptedG4-EN34Number of grievances about environmental impacts filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance

532、 mechanisms.To-be-adoptedG4-LA1Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region.AdoptedG4-LA2Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by significant locations of operation.AdoptedG4-LA3Return

533、 to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender.To-be-adoptedG4-LA4Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes, including whether these are specified in collective agreements.To-be-adoptedG4-LA5Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint managementworker health an

534、d safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs.N/AG4-LA6Type of work injury and rates of work injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender.AdoptedG4-LA7Workers with high in

535、cidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation.N/AG4-LA8Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions.AdoptedG4-LA9Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by employee category.AdoptedG4-LA10Programs for skills management and lifelong lea

536、rning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings.AdoptedG4-LA11Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender and by employee category.AdoptedG4-LA12Composition of governance bodies and breakdown o

537、f employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group, and other indicators of diversity.AdoptedIndependent Assurance ReportAbout the ReportAppendix127Serial#Indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 4.0)s Sustainability Reporting GuidelinesNotesG4-LA13Ratio of ba

538、sic salary and remuneration of women to men by employee category, by significant locations of operation.To-be-adoptedG4-LA14Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using labor practices criteria.To-be-adoptedG4-LA15Significant actual and potential negative impacts for labor practices in the s

539、upply chain and actions taken.To-be-adoptedG4-LA16Number of grievances about labor practices filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms.To-be-adoptedG4-HR1Total number and percentage of significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that

540、underwent human rights screening.To-be-adoptedG4-HR2Total hours of employee training on human rights policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained.To-be-adoptedG4-HR3Total number of incidents of discrimination

541、 and corrective actions taken.To-be-adoptedG4-HR4Operations and suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be violated or at significant risk, and measures taken to support these rights.To-be-adoptedG4-HR5Operations and suppliers identifi

542、ed as having significant risk for incidents of child labour, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child labour.AdoptedG4-HR6Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the eliminat

543、ion of all forms of forced or compulsory labour.AdoptedG4-HR7Percentage of security personnel trained in the organizations human rights policies or procedures that are relevant to operations.To-be-adoptedG4-HR8Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples and actions

544、 taken.N/AG4-HR9Total number and percentage of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments.To-be-adoptedG4-HR10Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteria.AdoptedG4-HR11Significant actual and potential negative human rights impacts i

545、n the supply chain and actions taken.AdoptedG4-HR12Number of grievances about human rights impacts filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms.To-be-adoptedG4-SO1Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs.

546、To-be-adoptedG4-SO2Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities.To-be-adoptedG4-SO3Total number and percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruption and the significant risks identified.To-be-adoptedG4-SO4Communication and training on anti-c

547、orruption policies and procedures.AdoptedG4-SO5Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken.N/AG4-SO6Total value of political contributions by country and recipient / beneficiary.N/AG4-SO7Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, antitrust, and monopoly practices and their

548、outcomes.To-be-adoptedG4-SO8Monetary value of significant fines and total number of nonmonetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations.To-be-adoptedG4-SO9Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using criteria for impacts on society.AdoptedG4-SO10Significant actual and potentia

549、l negative impacts on society in the supply chain and actions taken.AdoptedG4-SO11Number of grievances about impacts on society filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms.To-be-adoptedG4-PR1Percentage of significant product and service categories for which health and safety i

550、mpacts are assessed for improvement.N/AChairmans StatementSocial Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility PerformanceSocial Recognition and FeedbackCorporate Information128Highlights of the Implementation of Social ResponsibilitySerial#Indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 4.0)s S

551、ustainability Reporting GuidelinesNotesG4-PR2Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by type of outcomes.N/AG4-PR3Type of product and service information required by th

552、e organizations procedures for product and service information and labeling, and percentage of significant product and service categories subject to such information requirements.N/AG4-PR4Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service

553、information and labeling, by type of outcomes.To-be-adoptedG4-PR5Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction.AdoptedG4-PR6Sale of banned or disputed products.N/AG4-PR7Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, includin

554、g advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, by type of outcomes.To-be-adoptedG4-PR8Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data.AdoptedG4-PR9Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the p

555、rovision and use of products and services.AdoptedFS1Policies with specific environmental and social components applied to business lines.AdoptedFS2Procedures for assessing and screening environmental and social risks in business lines.AdoptedFS3Processes for monitoring clients implementation of and

556、compliance with environmental and social requirements included in agreements or transactions.AdoptedFS4Process(es) for improving staff competency to implement the environmental and social policies and procedures as applied to business lines.AdoptedFS5Interactions with clients/investees/business part

557、ners regarding environmental and social risks and opportunities.AdoptedFS6Percentage of the portfolio for business lines by region, size and sector.Refer to Corporate Annual ReportFS7Monetary value of products and services designed to deliver a specific social benefit for each business line (broken

558、down by purpose).AdoptedFS8Monetary value of products and services designed to deliver a specific environmental benefit for each business line (broken down by purpose).AdoptedFS9Coverage and frequency of audits to assess implementation of environmental and social policies and risk assessment procedu

559、res.To-be-adoptedFS10Percentage and number of companies held in the institutions portfolio with which the reporting organization has interacted on environmental or social issues.To-be-adoptedFS11Percentage of assets subject to positive and negative environmental or social screening.To-be-adoptedFS12

560、Voting police(ies) applied to environmental or social issues for shares over which the reporting organization holds the right to vote shares or advises on voting.AdoptedFS13Access points in low-populated or economically disadvantaged areas by type.AdoptedFS14Initiatives to improve access to financial services for disadvantaged people.AdoptedFS15Policies for the fair design and sale of financial products and services.AdoptedFS16Initiatives to enhance financial literacy by type of beneficiary.Adopted



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