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1、China agency Scope 2016中国营销趋势研究A Research Study Conducted by R3 and SCOPEN since 2006该研究始于2006年,由胜三和SCOPEN联手开展6th edition 第六版 AGENCY SCOPE 2016Methodology 方法论研究概述UNIVERSE1Our 2016 Survey comprises marketing leaders responsible for: marketing, communications and advertising in China. Each respondents

2、 company must be currently working with at least one creative or media agency in China. The professionals interviewed in each company had to be involved in the decision-making process for selecting agencies and approving the work of their agencies. They also had to interact with creative, media, dig

3、ital and marketing service agencies on an on-going basis. In addition to R3-SCOPENs own database, the leading China agencies were asked for a list of their most important clients, who were collectively approached by our interviewers.2016年度的研究对象为中国市场营销、传播与广告行业的市场营销领导者。每位受访者的公司都必须与至少一家中国创意或媒体代理商正在合作。每

4、家公司的受访者必须直接参与,选择代理商和核准代理商的决策过程。他们必须与创意、媒介、数字和线下市场营销服务代理商有着长期的互动。除了R3和SCOPEN的自有数据库之外,中国首屈一指的代理商们也提供了其重要客户的名单,此次研究中涵盖了对于这些客户的访谈。研究样本SAMPLE2405 individuals working in 251 companies with 703 client-agency relationships were part of our analysis (creative agencies: advertising, marketing services and dig

5、ital, as well as media agencies). In addition to individuals in marketing departments of client companies, we also interviewed: agency professionals (242 individuals), Trade Press Editors (14 individuals) and Procurement Directors (28 individuals).本次研究的样本来自于251家公司的405位专业人士,703个客户/代理商关系(创意代理商:创意广告、线下

6、市场营销服务、数字以及媒介代理商。除了客户公司的市场营销专业人士,我们还采访了:代理商专业人士(242人)、行业刊物编辑(14人)和采购总监(28人)。IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES3研究问卷QUESTIONNAIRE3The methodology used a semi-structured questionnaire: a mix of predetermined and open-ended questions allowing inter-viewees to provide

7、 in-depth answers and opinions. The average duration of these interviews was 55 minutes.本次研究采用半结构式问卷,结合封闭式问题及开放式问题,使受访者能够深入解答并提供意见。采访的平均时长为55分钟。采访类型TYPE OF INTERVIEW4Face-to-face interviews were held using a closed questionnaire (with CMOs). 60% of interviews were done face-to-face in the offices of

8、 the respondent client companies.On-line interviews were conducted to interview agency professionals and procurement.采用封闭式研究问卷进行面对面采访(对象为首席营销官)。60%的采访在受访客户公司内完成。 在线采访用于代理商专业人士和采购部。采访日期DATES OF FIELDWORK5Interviews with marketers were conducted from September to December 2015.Interviews with Procurem

9、ent Directors, agency professionals and trade press were conducted from December 2015 to January2016.市场营销专业人士受访日期:2015年9月 - 12月。采购总监、代理商专业人士及行业刊物编辑受访日期:2015年12月 - 2016年1月。AGENCY SCOPE 2016Agency Scope Around the World 营销趋势研究在全球范围的开展200820097820005Profile of Marketers

10、 Interviewed 受访广告主概况受访公司性质PROFILES OF COMPANIES BY OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE1The 2016 survey covered a broad spectrum of 251 companies with a strong focus on multinational marketers, who account-ed for 77.5% of all respondents. In this edition we had more than 20 Chinese born companies that identified the

11、mselves as multinationals in 2016 due to their international scale and operations.2016年度研究涵盖251家公司,重点关注跨国企业,占受访总数的77.5%。其中,有20多家国内本土企业,介于其全球业务及企业规模,称其为跨国企业。MULTINATIONAL 国际型企业LOCALLY-OWNED 国内本土企业STATE-OWNED国营单位NGO / CHARITY 慈善机构Sample Profile 访谈概况Type of Company 公司分类Most of our interviewees were fro

12、m multi-national companies (77.5%). The number of multinational companies has increased by 10.1 perceptual points compared with 2 years ago. The percentage of locally-owned compa-nies in the sample is very similar to 2014. The percentage of state-owned companies has been reduced.多数的受访者来自于国际型企业(77.5%

13、),与两年前比较国际企业的数量增加了10.1个点。国内本土企业的受访情况与2014年相似。国营企业有所减少。MARKETERS 2012: 215, 2014: 261 AND, 2016: 405. DATA IN %.201220142016+10.1 pp. THE EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES5受访公司的营业额和营销预算分布PROFILES OF COMPANIES BY TURNOVER AND MARKETING

14、BUDGET2Respondents were drawn from different sized companies, with 40% of respondents managing a marketing budget of RMB 100m or larger.受访者来自不同规模的公司,40%的受访者所管控的营销预算至少在1亿人民币左右。Sample Profile 访谈概况Marketing Budget/Company Turnover Ratio 公司营业额与市场营销预算受访公司的地理分布Profiles of Companie

15、s By Geography3Interviews were conducted in three major cities: Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. 58.3% of respondents were based in Shanghai, reflecting the citys commercial importance.采访地点为三大城市:北京、上海和广州。58.3%的受访公司位于上海,这体现出上海在商业市场的重要地位。Sample Profile 访谈概况City Location 受访者地区分布58.3% of the interviews

16、were conducted in Shanghai (9.6 perceptual point increase com-pared with 2014); Beijing represents 24.9% and the rest of the interviews were conducted in Guangdong (8.1%) or in other regions in China (16.8%).58.3%的访谈是在上海进行(与2014年相比,积累了9.6个点)。24.9%的访谈在北京进行,8.1%在广东和16.8%在国内其它城市。MARKETERS 2012: 215, 20

17、14: 261 AND, 2016: 405. DATA IN %AGENCY SCOPE 2016受访者的工作职能和职位 Respondents By Job Function and Role4Respondents were drawn from a cross section of job functions and roles to ensure balance. 66.2% operate at the Director level, with 43.8% defining their role as Marketing Director/Manager. 我们挑选了众多不同类型的

18、职能和职位的受访者,以确保研究的平衡。66.2%的受访者为总监级别,43.8%的受访者为营销总监/经理。Sample Profile 访谈概况Interviewee Particulars 受访者信息 总营/ 市参与访谈的广告主Participating Marketers5Sample Profile 访谈概况251 companies interviewed. 150 (60%) agreed to be included as participants 251家被访企业,150(60%)家企业同意公开 MARKETERS 2012: 215, 2014: 261 AND, 2016: 4

19、05. DATA IN % AND AVERAGE.IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES710 Key Trends & best practice 十大主要趋势与最佳实践The R3-SCOPEN 2016 Agency Scope Study focuses on the TRENDS of the Advertising Industry and the PERCEPTION and PERFOR- MANCE of agencies in China. We interviewed

20、405 marketing leaders responsible for: marketing, communications and advertising in China, working across 251 different companies, managing 703 marketer-agency relationships. Here we highlight just 10 key trends; the detailed report contains many more. We also summarize our best practice recommenda-

21、tions to help marketers and their agencies leverage these trends.R3-SCOPEN2016年中国营销趋势研究重点关注广告行业的发展趋势,针对中国代理商的看法及表现评估,共采访了405位营销领导者,他们在中国市场负责营销、传播和广告方面的工作,分别来自于251家不同公司,管理着703个广告主-代理商关系。本文将着重说明该关系的十大主要趋势,详细报告则包含更多细节。我们还总结了最佳实践的建议,旨在帮助广告主及其代理商抓住这些趋势,得到进一步的提升。25.4 % of marketing budget now spent on dig

22、ital media. This has had a major impact on internal marketing team structures, budget allocation, creative platforms and data analytics. But ATL continues to take a fair slice of the marketing budget. For marketers and their agencies, this means even more diverse and fragmented ways to communicate w

23、ith consumers. Given the complexity of the market, marketers are developing relationships with fewer and more trusted agency partners and stick-ing with them for longer. Marketers work with an average of 6.4 agency partners (down from 8.2 agencies in2014), and the average relationship is 3.8 years (

24、up from just over 3 years in 2014).目前,25.4%的营销预算用于数字媒体。这对内部营销团队结构、预算分配、创意平台和数据分析具有重大影响。但传统媒体仍占据不小的营销预算。对于广告主及其代理商而言,这意味着更多样、更分散的消费者沟通方式。鉴于市场的复杂性,广告主倾向与少数且更值得信赖的代理商合作,以建立并保持更长期的合作关系。广告主的合作代理商平均数量为6.4个,比2014年的8.2个有所下降,平均合作时间则为3.8年(超出2014年的3.35年)。87.1% of strategic development is led in-house, with 64.

25、1% of marketers saying their preferred ideal agency model is a one-stop-integrated agency partner that can meet all their communication needs. Yet relatively few marketers have gone down this route, opting instead to strengthen internal resources to manage their communications and agency relationshi

26、ps. Agencies in turn continue to strengthen their offerings; hence, they are rewarded with longer and more stable contracts as a result.87.1%的策略制定工作由客户内部主导,64.1%的广告主表示,他们理想中的代理商模式是能够满足其全部传播需求,一站式的代理商合作伙伴。不过,真正能够选择该模式的广告主相对较少,大多数广告主会转而通过强化内部资源,从而有效管理与代理商之间的沟通传播。相应地,代理商则应继续强化服务范围,来赢得更长久稳定的合作。Creativit

27、y/innovation scored by 67.3% of marketers as their key requirement when drawing up an advertising agency short-list, with market knowledge, strength of agency network, transparency and value for money all having high scores.67.3%的广告主将创意/创新作为拟定创意广告代理商入选名单的关键要求,其中市场知识的掌握、代理商网络的优势、透明度和物有所值均获得了较高的评分。Pro

28、curement is involved in 70.7% of agency negotiations, most often leading with marketing in the negotiations with agency partners.70.7%的代理商谈判采购部都有参与,大多数情况下,采购部与市场部共同协商选择代理商。Finally, we asked respondents what challenges they think they face in the future. For marketers, 35.2% saw the challenges coming

29、 from informed consumers with new habits and 23.5% from media diversity and multi-channels. 29% of respondents said the top challenges facing creative agencies will be delivering bigger creative ideas and better understanding of the mar-ket and consumers. The main challenges facing media agencies wi

30、ll be understanding different communication platforms and channels, mentioned by 37.8% of respondents, followed by 28.9% better understanding of digital and 27.4% proving ROI effectiveness, results and metrics.最后,我们询问受访者,他们认为未来会面临哪些挑战。35.2%的广告主认为挑战来自于已经被大量信息充满的消费者以及新的消费习惯,23.5%的广告主认为挑战来自媒体的多元化和多渠道。2

31、9%的受访者表示,创意代理商面临的最大挑战是提供更出色的创意概念,并更好地了解本土市场与消费者。37.8%的受访者表示,媒介代理商面临的主要挑战是了解不同的传播平台和渠道,28.9%的受访者表示主要挑战是洞悉数字营销的趋势,27.4%的受访者表示关键在于提供ROI有效性、结果与衡量指标。AGENCY SCOPE 201610 Key Trends 十大主要趋势1Digital media takes 25.4% of Chinese marketing budgets.1数字媒体开支占中国营销预算的25.4%。2Best-in-class specialist agency model pre

32、dominates, but two thirds of marketers would choose an integrated agency model if it met their needs.3Marketers have on-going relationships with an average of 6.4 agency partners, down from over 8.2 agencies in 2014.4Agencies appointed for longer, with the average relationship now 3.8 years, up from

33、 just over 3 years in 2014.5Agency partners are highly valued but in-house resources are taking the lead role across marketing disciplines.6Most marketers are satisfied with their current agency partners but a third might occasionally consider a pitch.767.3% of marketers score creativity/innovation

34、as their most demanded characteristic of their ideal advertising agency.8Agency pitch is still the most popular process for selecting a new agency partner, but pitches often lack tailor-made ideas.9Fee / retainer and project basis is most used agen-cy remuneration model.10Client procurement teams ar

35、e involved in 70.7% of creative agency negotiations and 69.4% of media agency negotiations.2345678910专项型代理商模式占据着主导地位,但三分之二的广告主希望在将来选择整合型代理模式,前提是该模式能够满足其需求。持续合作的代理商数量从2014年平均8.2个降至6.4个。广告主与代理商合作时间有所延长,从2014年的3.35年至现在的3.8年。代理商依然受到重视,但在不同营销领域中,客户内部资源逐渐发挥主导作用。大多数广告主对其当前的合作代理商感到满意,但三分之一的广告主仍经常进行比稿。67.3%的

36、广告主认为创意/创新是理想的创意广告代理商该具备的首要特质。比稿仍是广告主挑选新合作代理商时最受欢迎的方式,但代理商展示的提案演示往往缺乏量身定制的内容。服务费用/年费和按项目计费是最常使用的报酬模式。70.7%的创意代理商谈判以及69.4%的媒介代理商谈判,客户采购部皆有参与。IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES9Top 10 Key Trends and Best Practice summary十大主要趋势与最佳实践总结数字媒体开支占中国营销预算的25.4%。Digital Media

37、 takes up to 25.4% of Chinese marketing budgets.1Spending on digital marketing now accounts for 25.4% of the average marketing budget, up from 18.6% two years ago. Below-the-line continues to perform strongly, account-ing for 40.3% of the budget putting pressure on ATL spend-ing which has seen its s

38、hare of marketing budgets cut from 35.9% two years ago down to 34.3% in 2016.But China still lags behind markets such as the UK where digital now takes 31.3% of marketing spending, which means even stronger growth potential over the next couple of years.目前,数字营销开支占平均营销服务预算的25.4%,比两年前的18.6%有所提高。线下市场营销

39、服务表现依然强劲,占预算的40.3%,这使传统广告面临压力,后者的开支从两年前的35.9%削减至2016年的34.3%。 但中国仍然落后于英国等市场,数字媒体在这些市场占营销开支的31.3%,这意味着接下来的几年内仍有更大的发展潜能。Market Trends 市场趋势Marketing Budget 市场营销预算 22.3MARKETERS 2014 (BRAZIL), 2015 (MEXICO, UK) AND 2016 (CHINA). DATA IN %AGENCY SCOPE 2016R3-SCOPEN 最佳实践Best PracticeMeasuring marketing ROI

40、 seems to have been pushed down a little on the list of marketers priorities as they struggle to manage the massive amount of big data generated from digital activity. Measuring consumer engagement from a so-cial media campaign seems to be preferred over developing a robust marketing ROI model.Media

41、 budget allocation remains a major challenge for all marketers - digital is now a critically important component, but ATL still accounts for the bulk of media spending. We would argue that measuring overall marketing return on investment and the contribution from each media has never been more impor

42、tant.Work closely with each agency partner to develop clear busi-ness goals, how they contribute to meeting those goals, and putting in place measurement criteria to judge how they are being met. Accountability should underpin media spending decisions. Set goals collaboratively with agency partners

43、and build these into agency remuneration.由于广告主竭力管理数字营销活动中生成的大量“大数据”,因此衡量ROI在广告主的优先事项列表中的排名似乎略有下滑。相对开发稳健的营销ROI模型,如今广告主更注重通过社交媒体宣传活动,来衡量消费者参与度。媒体预算分配仍是所有广告主面临的重大挑战 数字媒体如今已成为重要组成部分,但传统媒体仍占据大部分的媒体开支。我们认为,衡量投资的总体营销回报率和不同媒体的贡献率在如今显得尤其重要。与各合作代理商共同制定清晰的业务目标,如何帮助广告主实现这些目标,以及如何设置衡量标准以判断目标实现程度。媒体开支决策应以可靠度为基础。与

44、合作代理商共同设定目标,并将其纳入代理商报酬之中。2BEST-IN-CLASS SPECIALIST AGENCY MODEL PREDOMINATES, BUT TWO THIRDS OF MARKETERS WOULD CHOOSE AN INTEGRATED AGENCY IF MET THEIR NEEDS.专项型代理商合作模式占据着主导地位,但三分之二的广告主希望在将来选择整合型代理商合作模式,前提是该模式能够满足其需求。The most common agency relationship model, cited by 61% of respondents, is structu

45、red around working with multiple best-in-class agencies working in parallel with the marketing team.The market is moving towards greater integration, with 33.9% of marketers appointing a lead agency to provide direction at brand level and help manage their inter-agency coordination. 6% use an agency

46、 model based on a hold-ing company with a sibling agency solution that provides a single agency contract but leverages multiple specialist resources. 4.3% work with a holding company that creates a custom agency to meet their specific needs.When pressed on their future needs, 64.1% of respondents wo

47、uld choose a fully integrated agency model if it met all my communication needs specifically to deliver a big brand campaign that requires multiple disciplines. Given the already inbuilt complexity of the Chinese market, its no surprise the preference for an integrated solution is signifi-cantly hig

48、her amongst Chinese marketers than our global benchmark.61%的受访者提到最常见的代理商关系模式,是围绕多家专项型代理商展开,采取与营销团队平行作业的方式。随着广告市场不断整合,33.9%的广告主委任一家主导代理商,负责提供品牌层面的指导,并帮助统筹各代理商之间的协作。6%的广告主采用与集团控股公司所属代理商合作模式,这类集团控股公司设有联合代理方案,提供单一的代理合同,并同时调配所需专家资源。4.3%的广告主则与集团控股公司所属,专门为客户项目而成立的代理商合作模式。被问及未来的需求时,64.1%的受访者表示他们会选择整合型的代理商模式

49、,“前提是这种模式能够满足我所有的传播需求”,在展开覆盖多个传播目标的大型品牌宣传活动时,尤为如此。鉴于中国市场固有的复杂性,中国广告主对整合型解决方案的偏好并不令人感到意外,他们对这种解决方案的偏好程度远远高于我们的全球基准。IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS & EFFICIENCY OF MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES11Market Trends 市场趋势Way of working with agencies (Integration vs. Specialisation) 与代理商的合作模式(整合型与专项代理商比对) IN WHAT SIT

50、UATIONS WOULD YOU WORK IN AN INTEGRATED MODEL WITH YOUR AGENCIES?在什么情况下您会用整合营销模式与代理商合作?覆盖多个传播目标当单一传播渠道需要在不同媒体平台上,使更有效地分配资源新/MARKETERS THAT WORK WITH CREATIVE AGENCIES 2016: 351. DATA IN %.Market Trends 市场趋势Way of working with agencies (Integration vs. Specialisation)与代理商的合作模式(整合型与专项代理商比对)IN THE FUTU



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