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1、Design Patent System Statistics and Trends in China外观设计专利体系中国统计数据与趋势Design Examination Department of CNIPA国家知识产权局外观设计审查部Wuxi, Jiangsu May 26, 2019江苏无锡2019年5月26日1. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据Contents 目录2. Current Trends of the Patent Law Amendment (Design) 当前专利法修订(外观设计)的趋势3. Trends of Guidelines for Des

2、ign Patent Examination 外观设计专利审查指南的趋势21. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据Design Applications (2012-2018) 外观设计申请量(20122018)3 Domestic and Foreign Applications (2010-2018) 国内申请人与国外申请人申请量(20102018)41. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据Applications Granted Designs Valid Designs1. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据 General Informati

3、on (2018) 一般信息(2018)51. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据General Information (2018) 一般信息(2018)6Applications Granted Designs Valid Designs1. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据Service Inventions (2018)职务发明(2018)7Applications Granted Designs Valid Designs1. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据Applications8Service Inventions (2018)职务

4、发明(2018)1. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据Foreign Applications (2018) 国外申请人申请量(2018)Top 10 Countries( Applications)按申请量排名前十的国家Top 10 Countries(Valid Designs)按有效量排名前十的国家91. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据Domestic Granted Designs (2018) 国内申请人外观设计专利授权量(2018)Domestic companies with the Largest Applications in Differe

5、nt Categories 不同类别外观设计授权量最大的国内公司101. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据Requested / Completed Evaluation Reports (2010-2018)外观设计专利权评价报告请求量/完成量(20102018)111. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据 National Economic Classification (2018) 国民经济行业分类(2018)Top 10 Classifications按外观设计专利申请量排名的前10大类别121. Annual Statistics 年度统计数据Loc.

6、Classification (2018)洛迦诺分类(2018)Top 10 Classifications按外观设计专利申请量排名的前10大类别13 Establish Domestic Priority System 建立国内优先权制度 Extend the Duration of Protection 延长保护期 Amend the Evaluation Report System 修订专利权评价报告制度2. Trends of the Patent Law Amendment(Design related) 外观设计相关专利法修订的趋势14Establish Domestic Prio

7、rity System建立国内优先权制度Article 29 / Article 30第29条/第30条Amend priority system, establish design domestic priority system.修订优先权制度,建立外观设计国内优先权制度。152. Trends of the Patent Law Amendment(Design related) 外观设计相关专利法修订的趋势Extend the Duration of Protection延长保护期Article 42 第42条Extend the duration of Design Patent R

8、ight from 10 years to 15 years.将外观设计专利权的期限从10年延长至15年。162. Trends of the Patent Law Amendment(Design related) 外观设计相关专利法修订的趋势Amend Evaluation Report System修订专利权评价报告制度Article 61 第61条Amend evaluation report system, both parties may submit evaluation report on their own initiative.修订专利权评价报告制度,双方均可以自主提交评价

9、报告。172. Trends of the Patent Law Amendment(Design related) 外观设计相关专利法修订的趋势3. Trends of Guidelines for Design Patent Examination 外观设计专利审查指南的趋势181). Divisional Application 分案申请2). Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面3). Deferment of Examination 审查延迟1). Devisional Application 分案申请 Submission time of a furthe

10、r divisional application 再次分案申请的提交时间19The applicant shall file a further divisional application to meet the requirement of unity. The submission date of the further divisional applica-tion shall be examined according to the already filed divisional application.为满足单一性要求,申请人应再次提交一份分案申请。该分案申请的提交日期根据已提交

11、的分案申请确定。1). Devisional Application 分案申请 Applicant and inventor of divisional application 分案申请的申请人与设计人20When an applicant files a divisional applica-tion, the applicant of a divisional application shall be the same as that of the initial application.分案申请的申请人应该与原申请的申请人相同。The inventor of a divisional a

12、pplication shall be the inventor or part of the inventor of the initial application.分案申请设计人应当是原申请设计人或者原申请设计人的一部分。2. Graphical User Interface 用户图形界面21 Name of Product involving GUI 涉及用户图形界面的产品名称The name of product involving GUI shall indi-cate the main use of GUI and the products to which GUI has bee

13、n applied.涉及用户图形界面的产品名称应指出用户图形界面的主要用途以及已使用该用户图形界面的产品。2). Graphical User Interface 用户图形界面22 Drawings or Photographs 图纸或照片If the essential features of the design involve GUI only, the applicant shall submit the view of one side concerned GUI,indicating the size, posi-tion and scope of the GUI in the p

14、roduct.如果外观设计的主要特征仅涉及用户图形界面,则申请人应提交所涉及的用户图形界面的一个视图,说明用户图形界面在产品中的大小、位置和范围。2). Graphical User Interface 用户图形界面23 Brief Explanation 简要说明The applicant shall indicate the use of the GUI in a brief explanation, the use shall be in accordance with the use of the name of product.申请人应简要说明用户图形界面的用途,且应该与产品名称中体

15、现的用途相一致。3). Deferment of Examination 审查延迟24When filing an application for design, the a-pplicant may submit a deferred examination app-lication at the same time.在提交外观设计申请时,申请人可以同时提交一份延迟审查申请。The design application shall be examined in one, two or three years from the date of the defer-red examination application. 申请人可请求将对其外观设计申请的审查延迟一年、两年或三年。CNIPA may reject the deferred examination application.国家知识产权局可以驳回延迟审查申请。



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