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1、The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America1 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies:Research Shows Advancing CX Maturity Is a Mission-critical MandateLearnings from North

2、American-based Respondents in the Midsize and Enterprise Market SegmentPREPARED BY ESG FOREnterprise Strategy Group | Getting to the bigger truth.The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America2 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsResea

3、rch Objectives and Methodology 3Highlighted Findings 4Research Overview and Maturity Framework 5Service Excellence: Champions deliver superior customer experiences 8The Agent Experience: Champions put their teams in the best position to succeed 15Business Operations: Three ways Champions treat CX di

4、fferently 24Business Outcomes: Why becoming a Champion should matter to your business 30Demographics 35contents3 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.1 Respondents were anonymous and not informed ESG was conducting the survey.3The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Find

5、ings in North AmericaObjectives:This eBook discusses how, and to what degree, an organizations adoption of customer service best practices improves its ability to deliver superior customer experience (CX) and better support its service teams. It also explores how improved capabilities are correlated

6、 with dramatically better business outcomes. Finally, it covers observed year-over-year CX trends. MethOdOlOgy: In the second quarter of 2021, ESG conducted a double-blind survey1 of 3,250 line-of-business decision makers who were responsible for ensuring and enhancing the customer service at their

7、organization. Organizations represented spanned all market segments, from small businesses to large enterprises, and multiple industry verticals like retail, consumer and corporate services, financial services, healthcare, education, and technology companies, among others. Unless otherwise noted, da

8、ta in this eBook represents the findings from the N=456 respondents in the survey based in North America and employed at organizations with 100 or more employees (US N=310, and Canada N=146).Research Objective and MethodologyBack to ContentsThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Compa

9、nies Findings in North America4 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsAn organizations CX maturity is an assessment of the people, processes, data, and technology in place to service customers. Organizations in North America have significantly improved their CX maturity in the pa

10、st year.2 The proportion of midsized and enterprise-sized companies in North America that are Champions in the survey has more than doubled year over year (from 6% to 14%).Highlighted FindingsChampions achieve greater business success. Relative to their peers, midsized and enterprise-sized North Ame

11、rican Champions are: High CX maturity organizations optimize the agent experience. Relative to their peers, midsized and enterprise-sized North American Champions:Midsized and enterprise-sized North American Champions:High CX maturity is correlated with improved service metrics. Relative to their pe

12、ers, midsized and enterprise-sized North American Champions: 10.8x more likelyAre 7.7x more likelyAre 2.5x more likely35% faster.38% faster.72% more pete and succeed 84% of their customers.3.3x more likely6.4x more likelyAre 3.7x more likelyto exceed customer satisfaction goals. to have excellent cu

13、stomer visibility.to have accelerated major CX projects throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.Respond to customers Resolve problems Have agents that are Are in a better position toas macroeconomic conditions recover. Make getting service easy, according to to have grown their customer base.to have increa

14、sed per-customer spending significantly in the past 6 months.to rate their agent retention as excellent.BUSINESS OUTCOMESTHE AGENT EXPERIENCEBUSINESS OPERATIONSSERVICE EXCELLENCE2 Click here to review last years researchThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in Nort

15、h America5 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to Contents 2020 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Research Overview and Maturity Framework 2021 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Compa

16、nies Findings in North America6Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.6 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsSeven characteristics of a ChampionPeOPlePrOcessdata and technOlOgy Service teams get the appropriate amount of training to do their jobs. The organiz

17、ation effectively uses learnings from service interactions to evolve business processes. The organization has visibility into all the service data needed to run the business. The organization maintains staffing levels to ensure teams are rarely or never overwhelmed. The organization is able to quick

18、ly evolve business processes based on learnings from service interactions. The organization can report on service data in real time or near-real time. Service tools provide agents with an excellent experience.ESG created a data-driven model that segments respondents organizations into four levels of

19、 service maturity: Champions, Risers, Emerging, and Starters. The model uses seven questions from the survey as inputs to determine an organizations service maturity. Each of these seven questions represents a characteristic of a CX Champion (i.e., the adoption of a customer service best practice) i

20、n terms of the organizations team, processes, or the data and technology they have at their fingertips to serve customers. The more characteristics that are in place, the more mature the organization is.Segmenting organizations in terms of customer service maturityregiOnal differences:Midsized and e

21、nterprise-sized companies in North America are ahead of their peers in the rest of the world where 11% achieve Champion status. However, the data also shows that Canadian organizations trail their US counterparts, perhaps due to a healthier macroeconomic environment in the US and/or greater investme

22、nts in CX in the past. Canadian organizations would benefit from driving adoption of the characteristics of CX Champions. cOUntry MatUrity ranKing:United States (17% Champions, up from 7%)Canada (7% Champions, up from 4%)| Maturity distribution of Midsize and enterprise organizations in the uK & eur

23、ope today versus a year ago.Increasing Maturity36%33%24%6%29%30%27%14%StartersEmergingRisersChampionsPercent of organizationsOrganizations maturity level20202021The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America7Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights

24、 Reserved.of respondents agree CX innovation is required to protect their business from competitors. 89%Improving customer experience matters. Nearly all respondents surveyed agreed that without continuous CX innovation their business will lose customers to more customer-centric competitors. While o

25、rganizations are clearly maturing their CX capabilities, every organization must evaluate whether it is transforming its customer service teams fast enough to keep pace with customer expectations. For those organizations stuck in either the Starter or Emerging segment of the market, this data is a c

26、lear warning that CX stagnation will lead to customer loss and competitive displacement.The existential importance of improving CX| agree or disagree: Continuous CX innovation is needed to prevent losing CustoMers to CoMpetitors.regiOnal differences:Midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in the

27、 US appear to place more emphasis on CX innovation as a way to protect their business: 51% strongly agree versus 42% of respondents in Canada.Strongly agree, 48%Agree, 41%Neither agree nor disagree, 8%Disagree, 3%The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North Ameri

28、ca8 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsService Excellence: Champions deliver superior customer experiencesThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America9 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsLaying the groundwork

29、for service excellenceChange how service teams communicate with customers: 97% of Champions are focused on a transition away from transactional interactions and toward relationship-building conversational experiences.Anticipate how customers preferences related to service are changing and prepare: 7

30、3% of organizations anticipate chat and social channels will be heavily used by customers in the future, up from 59% today. Meet your customers where they are: Champions engage customers in 2.3 more channels, on average.Three actions Champions take that every CX leader should implement at their orga

31、nization in order to achieve market-leading service performance:What Champions achieve:35% faster 79% 84% 38% shorter average first response time.of all their customer issues are resolved in a single interaction.of their customers agree Champions make getting service easy.total resolution times.The

32、State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America10Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.of Champions agree that pivoting to a more conversational experience with customers is a key goal for their teams.97%Service, when done right, lets your c

33、ustomers know they are heard and valued. A conversational experience conveys empathy, builds rapport, and helps the service team have a productive interaction with the customer. Organizations recognize this and have made transitioning away from traditional transactional experiences a key goal for th

34、eir teams.However, while 87% of all respondents agree they have this goal, those at Champions are much more likely than Starters to strongly agree (68% vs. 25%). Said another way, Champions are 2.7x more likely to prioritize delivering conversational customer experiences.The imperative to transition

35、 away from transactional interactions | agree or disagree: our serviCe teaMs goal is to MaKe CustoMer serviCe feel More Conversational and less transaCtional. (perCent of ChaMpions) regiOnal differences:Midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in the US are more focused on the pivot to conversati

36、onal service experiences: 47% strongly agreed this was a goal versus 39% of respondents in Canada.Strongly agree, 68%Agree, 29%Neutral or disagree, 3%The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America11 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to Contents

37、6.28.5Starters (N=133)Champions (N=63)How a customer wants to engage with your brand varies wildly on a number of factors. This means organizations need to provide a variety of ways for customers to engage them, and Champions outstrip their peers in this respect. Champions offer an average of 2.3 mo

38、re channels to customers than Starters. While providing flexibility in how customers engage with your business is important, customer preferences change over time. It is important to anticipate these changes so support teams are best positioned to deliver service in the future. While 63% report emai

39、l or phone are among the channels where they see the highest conversational volume today, 50% of organizations expect those channels to still be among customers most used channels three years from now. Conversely, chat and social are expected to rise as dominant customer conversation channels.Champi

40、ons offer 2.3 more channels to customers to interact with their brands.Meet your customers where they are and prepare for their changing preferences| the average nuMber of Channels organizations use to deliver serviCe. | the perCent of organizations reporting eaCh Channel is aMong their Most used (C

41、urrent state and three years froM now). Among customers most used channels todayWill be among customers most used channels 3 years from nowyear-Over-year differences:Midsized and enterprise-sized North American businesses in the aggregate have increased the number of channels offered to customers in

42、 the last year from an average of 6.6 to an average of 7.7.63%59%50%73%Email or PhoneOnline chat, video chat, chatbots, or socialThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America12Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.8.65.3Starters (N=127

43、)Champions (N=63)3.72.4Starters (N=128)Champions (N=63)Agility is a core tenet of customer service. When a customer has a question or a problem, one of the worst mistakes a business can make is not responding quickly. Our research shows that Champions in the midsize and enterprise market segment in

44、North America are outperforming their peers: Champions average first response time is 35% (nearly 1.5 hours) faster than Starters.And while providing customers with a fast response is critical, reaching a satisfactory resolution quickly is an even more important capability. Once again, our research

45、shows that Champions are outperforming their peers in this area: Champions average total resolution time is 38% faster than that of Starters (and about 3 hours faster in absolute terms).With better trained staff, using effective service tools, and with the data at their fingertips needed to assess c

46、ustomer outcomes, Champions deliver results.Champions respond to and resolve customer issues faster| average first response tiMe (hours) by CustoMer serviCe Maturity.| average total resolution tiMe (hours) by CustoMer serviCe Maturity.Champions average first response time is 35% faster than Starters

47、.Champions average total resolution time is 38% faster than Starters.regiOnal differences:In the aggregate, midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in North America are slower to respond than their peers globally: their average first response time is about a half hour slower.The State of CX Matu

48、rity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America13Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.75.6%79.3%Starters (N=126)Champions (N=63)While speed matters, another critical component of delivering optimal CX is efficacy. One-touch resolutions can be viewed as a p

49、roxy for agent efficacy. If solving a customers issue requires multiple escalations, that is a clear indication that the service team does not have the tools needed to maximize efficacy. Champions are able to resolve 79.3% of their call volume with a single customer interaction, an improvement of ne

50、arly 4 percentage points relative to Starters.It should be noted that the percent of one-touch resolutions may not be a perfect reflection of efficacy. As organizations employ more automation and chatbots to solve simple customer problems, agents may spend more of their time focused on more complex

51、customer issues.Champions are not only faster, but more effective at resolving customer issues| average perCent of one-touCh resolutions, by Maturity.Champions resolve 5% more inquiries in a single customer interaction.The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North

52、 America14Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.74%79%82%84%Starters (N=88)Emerging (N=132)Risers (N=124)Champions (N=63)Customer effort score (CES) is a metric to assess how well an organization is servicing its customers, and this research included a proxy to measure customer

53、effort. We asked respondents what percentage of their customers would agree that the organization has “made it easy” to resolve their issue. On average, Champions believe 84% of their customers would agree their company is making the service experience easy. Starters believe 74% of their customers w

54、ould agree with that sentiment. Said another way, customers of Champions are 14% more likely than those of Starters to say the company is minimizing customer effort.Champions reduce customer effort| perCentage of CustoMers that agree the CoMpany is MaKing serviCe an easy eXperienCe for theM.Champion

55、s customers are 14% more likely to agree the service experience requires little customer effort.regiOnal differences:Midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in the US require the least customer effort: 26% report that more than 90% of their customers say they make service “easy,” a significantly

56、 higher percentage than their counterparts in Canada (16%).The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America15 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsThe Agent Experience: Champions put their teams in the best position to succeedThe State of

57、 CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America16 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsGiving your team the tools to be successfulGain 360-degree visibility over your customers: Customers interact with your brand numerous times, through many channel

58、s (phone, email, chat, etc.), over what could be many years. 77% of Champions are able to stitch these brand interactions together across silos to best position agents to deliver exceptional service. Prepare for remote work scenarios to continue. On average, organizations expect an 8% increase in th

59、e number of remote agents after the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer an issue. Organizations will need to maintain tools and technologies needed for remote productivity and performance management in the coming years.Give agents the agility and intelligence they need to provide omnichannel service: Age

60、nts are increasingly expected to use many service channels. Champions are 5.5x more likely to provide a seamless channel-switching experience to agents.Three actions Champions take that every CX leader should implement at their organization to optimize the agent experience:What Champions achieve:19%

61、 more efficientThey are 3.7x more likely Superior team agility: 72% highercustomer interactions on the phone and 11% more efficient chat sessions.to have excellent agent retention.Champions estimated it would take 61% less time to expand and ramp their team and 57% less time to add a brand-new servi

62、ce channel to their mix.agent throughput. The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America17Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.10%26%62%30%50%20%68%30%2%77%22%2%Very strong our customer profiles can be viewed as a single source of trut

63、h when it comes to service recordsStrongAdequate (but room to improve) or belowStarters (N=69)Emerging (N=105)Risers (N=119)Champions (N=60)To deliver the best CX, agents need to be informed about the brand-customer relationship. This information helps an agent do their job better, and Champions are

64、 far better at delivering it. In fact, 77% of Champions report their organization provides customer profiles, combining interactions in any channel with CRM and database records, which can be viewed as a “single source of truth.” More simply, Champions are 7.7x more likely than Starters to provide a

65、gents with excellent customer visibility.Champions deliver a 360-degree view of customers to their agentsyear-Over-year differences:Larger North American businesses in the aggregate have increased customer visibility in the last year, with 47% saying they have achieved a “single source of truth” whe

66、n it comes to customer profiles versus 27% a year ago.| what is your organizations ability to build 360-degree views of your CustoMers?Champions are 7.7x more likely to deliver excellent customer visibility to agents.regiOnal differences:In the aggregate, midsized and enterprise-sized organizations

67、in North America have more customer visibility than their peers globally: 47% rate customer visibility as very strong, a statistically higher percentage than their peers in the rest of the world (38%).0%The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America18Back t

68、o Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.95% of midsize and enterprise organizations in Europe employ agents across multiple channels. This creates two key requirements:1. The organization must be able to assess demand across channels to determine the right level of staffing in each chan

69、nel at any point in time.2. Agents must be able to quickly and easily switch channels to meet demand.Champions are 6.6x more likely than Starters to have excellent cross-channel visibility in terms of customer inquiry volume. Similarly, Champions are 5.5x more likely than Starters to provide their a

70、gents with a seamless service channel switching experience.Champions empower agent agility| how good is your organizations visibility when it CoMes to assessing the need to refoCus agents froM one Channel to another to Meet deMand? | Can agents easily switCh between the Channels on whiCh they are in

71、teraCting with CustoMers?Champions are 6.6x more likely to have excellent cross-channel visibility.Champions are 5.5x more likely to provide a seamless channel-switching experience to agents.regiOnal differences:In the aggregate, midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in North America have more

72、 cross-channel visibility than their peers globally: 39% rate visibility as very strong versus 29% in other regions surveyed.year-Over-year differences:Larger North American businesses in the aggregate have improved their ability to switch service channels on the fly, with 48% reporting the experien

73、ce is seamless versus 38% a year ago.10%31%62%66%Very strong we have perfect/near perfect cross-channel visibilityStarters (N=119)Emerging (N=131)Risers (N=121)Champions (N=62)Starters (N=119)Emerging (N=131)Risers (N=121)Champions (N=62)14%43%73%77%Yes, customer service staff can switchchannels sea

74、mlesslyThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America19Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.36%39%Percentage of customer service and support agents orrepresentatives who worked from home prior to theCOVID-19 outbreakPercentage of custo

75、mer service and support agents orrepresentatives who will primarily work from home oncethe COVID-19 pandemic is no longer an issueMany respondents we surveyed anticipate the COVID-19 pandemic will have a long-term impact on where service teams work. Respondents at larger organizations in North Ameri

76、ca reported, on average, 36% of their staff were remote workers prior to the outbreak. As we emerge from the pandemic, respondents anticipate the percent of remote service staff will increase to 39%.The implications for organizations are clear: With 8% more of their staff working remotely, investmen

77、ts in collaboration technologies, employee monitoring solutions, cloud-based applications, and other technologies to enable remote work will need to persist.Organizations expect remote work scenarios to continue| reMote serviCe agents before and after the Covid-19 pandeMiC.Respondents expect an 8% (

78、or 3 percentage point) uptick in the number of remote service agents. .The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America20Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.11.410.2Starters (N=104)Champions (N=60)Efficiency is an important benchmark, b

79、oth for customers and agents. It is a proxy for the ease with which an agent can get a customer to a solution, and as the time taken is reduced, both customer and agent satisfaction increases.Regardless of channel, the research shows that Champions are having more efficient customer interactions, us

80、ing handle time as a proxy (i.e., the time taken to complete a customer interaction). Agents at Champions are 19% more efficient when speaking with customers on the phone and have 11% more efficient chat sessions (relative to Starters).While this equates to just a few minutes per engagement, as thos

81、e engagements scale, the cumulative savings add up.Champions have more efficient customer interactions| average handle tiMe on the phone (Minutes).| average handle tiMe during CustoMer Chat sessions (Minutes).Champions are 19% more efficient on the phone.Champions are 11% more efficient in chat sess

82、ions.regiOnal differences:Midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in Canada tend to have more efficient handle times in chat sessions: average handle times are 11% shorter than reported by US respondents.11.79.5Starters (N=102)Championss (N=52)The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterpris

83、e Companies Findings in North America21Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.36495362Starters (N=634)Emerging (N=549)Risers (N=319)Champions (N=169)Efficiency breeds productivity, which comes across clearly in the research data. We asked respondents how many full-time customer s

84、ervice agents are in place (both in-sourced and out-sourced) at their organization and the total customer issues resolved per month.*Dividing the average call volume by the average number of agents, we derive throughput (resolutions per agent, per month). Champions achieve 72% higher agent throughpu

85、t than Starters. *Both questions were optional write-in questions, which not all respondents answered. Aggregate data is presented.Champions achieve greater agent throughput| average agent throughput (inquiries per-agent, per-Month), by Maturity.year-Over-year differences:A year ago, the gap between

86、 these cohorts was 50%, meaning that Champions are widening the advantage over their peers.Champions have 72% higher agent throughput than Starters.regiOnal differences:Agent throughput by country at midsize and enterprise organizations:1. Canada (9 inquiries per agent)2. United States (38 inquiries

87、 per agent).The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America22Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.6%19%74%8%18%74%19%25%57%22%25%52%Not a challenge we have excellent service and support staff retentionNot very challengingNeutral/challen

88、gingStarters (N=133)Emerging (N=136)Risers (N=124)Champions (N=63)Giving agents the best tools, customer visibility, and information to do their jobs not only helps them be more effective, but it is correlated with higher satisfaction, less burnout, and ultimately improved retention. When asked to d

89、escribe the turnover within their service teams, Champions were 3.7x more likely than Starters to report having excellent agent retention. Champions see less agent churn| agent turnover, by Maturity.regiOnal differences:US companies tend to struggle most with agent retention: 16% report this as “ver

90、y challenging” compared to 8% in Canada.regiOnal differences:In the aggregate, midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in North America struggle with service agent retention more often: 12% report this is not a challenge versus 19% in all other regions surveyed.Champions are 3.7x more likely to

91、have excellent agent retention.The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America23Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Efficiency and effectiveness within the service team provide the organization the opportunity to spend more time planni

92、ng and thinking strategically. The research attempted to quantify the advantage Champions have in this area, and the results were noteworthy. We asked respondents how quickly they could grow their service teams by 50% and fully onboard the new hires. Measuring the average calendar time, Champions es

93、timated it would take 61% less time to ramp their team (18 days versus 46 days for Starters). We also asked how long it would take to add a brand-new service channel and skill up the team in its use. Measuring the average calendar time, Champions estimated it would take 57% less time to add a new ch

94、annel (15 days versus 35 days for Starters). Champions are best positioned to adapt and thrive| how long would it taKe to grow the serviCe teaM by 50% and fully onboard new hires?| how long would it taKe to add a brand-new serviCe Channel and fully train the teaM?11%26%58%24%44%29%36%40%24%40%44%16%

95、DaysWeeksMonths or LaterStarters (N=133)Emerging (N=136)Risers (N=124)Champions (N=63)14%37%45%28%46%23%46%41%12%49%40%10%DaysWeeksMonths or LaterStarters (N=133)Emerging (N=136)Risers (N=124)Champions (N=63)The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America24

96、2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsBusiness Operations: Three ways Champions treat CX differentlyThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America25 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsA different CX mindsetAccelera

97、ting CX innovation despite macroeconomic uncertainty: In the face of a global pandemic, Champions were 2.5x more likely than Starters to have accelerated major CX projects. As a result, Champions are 10.3x more likely to believe they made the right decisions during the pandemic to maximize their res

98、iliency.What isnt measured and monitored cant be effectively improved: Business leaders at Champions are 4.4x more likely to review CX metrics and key performance indicators daily.Recognizing an opportunity to create and widen a competitive edge: Business leaders at Champions are 2.4x more likely th

99、an Starters to view the service team as a competitive differentiator, not a cost center.In both approach and perception, Champions have a dramatically different approach to CX than less mature organizations. Most organizations would benefit from a cultural shift when it comes to CX.The State of CX M

100、aturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America26Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.The research makes it clear that Champions view CX in a fundamentally different way than their peers.One element of that is their propensity to have accelerated CX inv

101、estment in the past 12 months, despite the high degree of macroeconomic uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Champions were 2.5x as likely as Starters to have accelerated major CX projects over the past 12 months.The implication is clear: Champions believe CX investment should increas

102、e, not remain flat or decrease, when organizations face economic headwinds.CX investment acceleration in the face of uncertainty| how has your organization treated Major CX projeCts over the past 12 Months?regiOnal differences:71% of midsized and enterprise-sized companies in the US have accelerated

103、 CX initiatives in the last 12 months, a significantly higher percentage than their counterparts in Canada (53%).regiOnal differences:In the aggregate, midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in North America have prioritized CX investments more over the last year than their peers globally: 65%

104、have accelerated projects versus 59% in other regions surveyed.32%56%12%79%21%0%We have accelerated these projectsWe have not changed our project plansWe have delayed these projectsStarters (N=133)Champions (N=63)The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North Ameri

105、ca27Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.In addition to leaning into CX investments, there are several other ways Champions reacted to COVID-19 differently than their peers. When asked whether their organizations adopted policy changes in response to the pandemic, the majority

106、of Champions said they increased the utilization of public cloud services, adopted more flexible remote work policies, and deployed new collaboration tools to improve communication between teams early in the pandemic. Champions exhibited market-leading agility in the shifting macroeconomic and socie

107、tal landscape.The payoff? Between accelerating CX investments and adapting service policy changes earlier in the pandemic, Champions are 10.3x more likely to believe they made the right investment and policy decisions during the pandemic to maximize their resiliency.Spotlight: What can be learned ab

108、out how organizations reacted to COVID-19?| did your organization MaKe any of the following poliCy Changes early in the Covid-19 pandeMiC?| did your organization MaKe the right CX investMent deCisions and poliCy adjustMents to MaXiMize its resilienCy during the Covid-19 pandeMiC?regiOnal differences

109、:In the aggregate, midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in North America were more likely than their global peers to institute more flexible work policies (56% versus 46%), more flexible scheduling policies (50% versus 43%), and increased mental health initiatives (45% versus 37%) early in th

110、e pandemic.6%18%60%62%Yes, in all casesStarters (N=133)Emerging (N=136)Risers (N=124)Champions (N=63)23%46%26%34%23%13%27%26%62%56%56%54%54%52%51%46%Increased utilization of public cloud servicesMore flexible remote work policiesDeployed new collaboration tools to help teams communicate betterMore f

111、lexible working hoursIncreased mental health/employee wellbeing initiativesIncreased usage of performance monitoring solutionsChanged default employee device form factorsIncreased usage of mobile devices by agents to interact with customersStarters (N=133)Champions (N=63)The State of CX Maturity Amo

112、ng Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America28Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.8.1%10.2%Percentage of IT budget this FYPercentage of IT budget next FYMoving past COVID-19 specific data, it is clear that in absolute terms, organizations expect greater invest

113、ment in CX over time. Respondents representing midsized and enterprise-sized businesses in North America expect to increase their CX-related spending by 26% from this fiscal year to next.Beyond capital investments, Champions invest more executive attention on optimizing CX. C-suite executives at Cha

114、mpions are 4.4x more likely than Starters to review CX performance metrics daily, and over half of Starters report leadership only reviews these metrics monthly or less often.Investment and executive engagement| average perCentage of teChnology budgets alloCated to CX tools and teChnologies.| how of

115、ten C-suite leaders review CX-related MetriCs and Kpis.Organizations plan to increase spending by 26%.Business leaders at Champions are 4.4x more likely to review CX performance daily.regiOnal differences:Midsized and enterprise-sized companies in the US (10.6%) expect to spend more of their technol

116、ogy budgets on CX next FY when compared to their peers in Canada (9.3%). .9%31%55%17%52%29%40%42%18%40%43%17%DailyWeeklyMonthly or less oftenStarters (N=133)Emerging (N=136)Risers (N=124)Champions (N=63)The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America29Back t

117、o Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Finally, the perception of the service team is markedly different when comparing organizations with a high level of maturity to those that are less mature. Business leaders at Champions are 2.4x more likely to view the service team as a competitiv

118、e differentiator.The data backs this view, as Champions service teams consistently help their organizations stand out from the crowd in terms of CX.Recognition that service is a differentiatoryear-Over-year differences:Larger North American businesses in the aggregate view their service teams in a f

119、ar better light than one year ago: 51% are seen as competitive differentiators today compared to 40% in last years research.| how do senior business leaders view your serviCe organization?regiOnal differences:Midsized and enterprise-sized companies in the US were more likely to say they see service

120、as a differentiator (57%), a statistically significant higher percentage than their counterparts in Canada (38%).29%40%31%13%44%43%12%19%69%6%21%73%3 - Neutral or below45 - Customer service is viewed asa competitive differentiatorStarters (N=133)Emerging (N=136)Risers (N=124)Champions (N=63)Business

121、 leaders at Champions are 2.4x more likely to view the service team as a competitive differentiator.The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America30Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Business Outcomes: Why becoming a Champion should

122、matter to your businessThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America31Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.5%59%30%5%54%41%5%0%Scores generally exceed ourgoals/expectationsScores are in line with ourgoals/expectationsScores are genera

123、lly below ourgoals/expectationsWe do not formally measureStarters (N=133)Champions (N=63)The goal of the service team is to delight customers. All else being equal, we would expect organizations with the most mature service practices to perform better in terms of customer satisfaction, and that is e

124、xactly what the data shows. Champions are 10.8x more likely than Starters to generally exceed their customer satisfaction goals. ESG believes Champions ability to deliver faster, more effective, and more conversational service experiences is one of the key reasons they outperform their peers in term

125、s of customer satisfaction.Champions outperform their customer satisfaction goals | how does your organization generally perforM relative to its CustoMer satisfaCtion targets?regiOnal differences:36% of midsized and enterprise-sized companies in the US typically exceed their satisfaction goals, a si

126、gnificantly higher percentage than their peers in Canada (20%).regiOnal differences:In the aggregate, midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in North America exceed satisfaction goals more often (31%) than their peers globally (18%).Champions are 10.8x more likely to exceed satisfaction goals.

127、The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America32Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Customer satisfaction should serve as a leading indicator to business results. Happy customers help the brand grow its customer base with recommendati

128、ons and positive word of mouth. This is a trend we observe in the data: Champions are 3.3x more likely than Starters to report having grown their customer base in the last 6 months.Similarly, happy customers tend to show their appreciation with their wallets, buying additional products and services

129、from brands that have delighted them. Again, the data backs this up: Champions are 6.4x more likely to report their per-customer spending has increased significantly in the past 6 months.Champions broaden their customer base while increasing customer spending| how has your organizations CustoMer bas

130、e Changed in the last 6 Months?| how has CustoMer spending Changed in the last 6 Months?23%53%17%75%25%0%We have added more customersfrom our competitors than theyhave taken from usWe have had no change in numberof customers relative to ourcompetitorsOur competitors have taken morecustomers from us

131、than we haveadded from themStarters (N=133)Champions (N=63)9%43%44%58%31%12%We have seen a significant increase inaverage spending per customerWe have seen a moderate increase inaverage spending per customerFlat/decreasingStarters (N=111)Champions (N=62)regiOnal differences:In the aggregate, midsize

132、d and enterprise-sized organizations in North American are ahead in the market share battle: 54% have seen a net positive change in customers in the last 6 months versus 46% in other regions surveyed.regiOnal differences:In the aggregate, midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in North American

133、 were more likely to report an increase in average spending per customers (36% versus 20% in the rest of the regions surveyed).The State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America33Back to Contents 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.The traditional view of

134、 the service organization is that of a cost center, a department where operational costs exceed contributions to the bottom line. Our research shows this perception is changing, particularly for Champions. Nearly four out of five Champions say their service team is a profit center from which direct

135、revenues exceed costs. But not all organizations see this benefit: Champions are 3x more likely than Starters to operate a profitable service team.For Champions, service teams are profit drivers | how does the serviCe teaM iMpaCt the CoMpanys finanCial perforManCe?regiOnal differences:In the aggrega

136、te, midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in North America are increasing profits with service more often (57%) than their peers globally (51%).regiOnal differences:Midsized and enterprise-sized organizations in the US were more likely to report the service team at their organization is a prof

137、it center (61% versus 48% in Canada). 25%59%11%76%22%2%It is a profit center i.e., it directly drives more revenue than it costs to operateIt is cost neutral i.e., direct costs and revenues driven are comparableIt is a cost center i.e., direct costs exceed revenuesStarters (N=133)Champions (N=63)The

138、 State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America34 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsConclusionWhether in terms of their ability to serve customers efficiently and effectively, their ability to deliver an agent experience that empowers an

139、d engages staff, or the impact of customer service to the business, the case that all organizations should strive to reach CX Champion status is clearly and consistently made by the data. Depending on where your organization is today, this journey may seem daunting, but the first step is understandi

140、ng where you stand: Are your service teams adequately trained and staffed to meet demand? Does your organization have processes in place to continuously and quickly evolve how you serve customers based on an ongoing feedback loop from the service team? Is the data created and captured by the service

141、 team operationalized or is your organization blind to those insights? And do your teams have the best-in-class tools to help your customers and build advocacy?If your answer to any of these questions is “no,” Zendesk wants to help. From customer case studies, to a dynamic self assessment to help yo

142、u better understand where you are today, to an ROI calculator, Zendesk has created a host of assets to help your organization take its first step down the path to becoming a CX Champion.LEARN MOREThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise Companies Findings in North America35 2021 TechTar

143、get, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Back to ContentsDemographicsThe data in this report was derived from a survey fielded between April 27 and May 22, 2021. The figures that follow detail the demographics of respondents to the survey located in the US and Canada and employed at organizations with 100+ emp

144、loyees (N=456). Totals in figures and tables throughout this report may not add up to 100% due to rounding. The margin of error for a sample size of 456 at the 95% confidence level is + or - 5 percentage points.resPOndents by jOb fUnctiOn.resPOndents by cOMPany size.resPOndents by seniOrity.resPOnde

145、nts by indUstry.C-level executive responsible for multiple functional groups, 47%Sales, 18%Customer service, 12%Marketing, 9%Customer experience, 7%eCommerce, 4%Field service & support, 3%Executive management, 55%Senior management, 27%Management, 17%12%17%9%11%18%17%6%10%100 to 249 250 to 499 500 to

146、 749 750 to 9991,000 to2,4992,500 to4,9995,000 to9,99910,000 ormore20%13%11%7%6%6%5%4%4%4%3%3%3%2%2%2%1%1%1%2%Retail, wholesale, and distributionConstruction and building materialsFinancial servicesIndustrial manufacturing and servicesConsumer productsHealthcare equipment and servicesComputer softwa

147、re and servicesAerospace and defenseEducationGovernment and non-profitChemicals, metals, and miningConsumer servicesCorporate servicesComputer hardwareTelecommunicationsTransportationAutomotiveEnergy and environmentalMedia and entertainmentOtherThe State of CX Maturity Among Midsize and Enterprise C

148、ompanies Findings in North America 2021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.abOUt esgEnterprise Strategy Group is an integrated technology analysis, research, and strategy firm providing market intelligence, actionable insight, and go-to-market content services to the global technology community. 2

149、021 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved.abOUt zendesKZendesk started the customer experience revolution in 2007 by enabling any business around the world to take their customer service online. Today, Zendesk is the champion of great service everywhere for everyone, and powers billions of conversati

150、ons, connecting more than 100,000 brands with hundreds of millions of customers over telephony, chat, email, messaging, social channels, communities, review sites and help centers. Zendesk products are built with love to be loved. The company was conceived in Copenhagen, Denmark, built and grown in

151、California, taken public in New York City, and today employs more than 5,000 people across the world. Learn more at .All product names, logos, brands, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information contained in this publication has been obtained by sources TechTarget, Inc. c

152、onsiders to be reliable but is not warranted by TechTarget, Inc. This publication may contain opinions of TechTarget, Inc., which are subject to change. This publication may include forecasts, projections, and other predictive statements that represent TechTarget, Inc.s assumptions and expectations

153、in light of currently available information. These forecasts are based on industry trends and involve variables and uncertainties. Consequently, TechTarget, Inc. makes no warranty as to the accuracy of specific forecasts, projections or predictive statements contained herein.This publication is copy

154、righted by TechTarget, Inc. Any reproduction or redistribution of this publication, in whole or in part, whether in hard-copy format, electronically, or otherwise to persons not authorized to receive it, without the express consent of TechTarget, Inc., is in violation of U.S. copyright law and will be subject to an action for civil damages and, if applicable, criminal prosecution. Should you have any questions, please contact Client Relations at cresg-.



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