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1、2010Sustainability Report可持续发展报告奉献精品工程 营造和谐家园我们正在努力成为全球建筑 地产业的领先者Dedicated to excellent projects, building harmonious homes We aim to become a global leader in building real estateTo Do中国建筑 服务跨越五洲过程精品 质量重于泰山China Construction provides excellent construction services across five continents, with prod

2、uct quality as a top priority获国务院国资委中央企业第二任期考核“业绩优秀企业”称号和2009年度经营业绩考核A级荣誉在财富“2010年度全球500强企业”中排名187位在财富杂志推出的“最受赞赏中国公司”评选中,中国建筑位列建筑业第一名入选英国品牌价值咨询公司Brand Finance发布的“全球最有价值500品牌”荣获第五届中国投资者关系年会“IPO最佳投资者关系奖”荣获人民网2010年度“人民社会责任奖”入围财富中国企业社会责任100排行榜中国本土公司50强荣获“全国厂务公开民主管理先进单位”称号Awarded the title of “Enterprise

3、 with Excellent Business Performance” in the second term of examinations for state-owned enterprises, and the Class-A Prize in the Examination of Business Performance for 2009 by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.Ranked No. 187 in the Fortune Globa

4、l 500 2010.Rated among “Chinas Most Admired Companies” and ranked first in the construction industry, in the “Chinas Most Admired Companies” awards by Fortune magazine.Listed among the most valuable brands in the Brand Finance Global 500, by Brand Finance, a leading British brand valuation consultan

5、cy.Awarded “Best Investor Relations for an IPO” in the fifth China Investor Relations Annual Conference & IR Awards.Won the “People and Social Responsibility Award” from Peoples Daily Online, the leading online newspaper in China.Listed on the Fortune China Enterprise 100 of Social Responsibility an

6、d also among the Top 50 Socially Responsible China Enterprises. Received the “Advanced Unit of Open and Democratic Management of National Factory Affairs” award.One Most: most international competitive building real estate groupTwo Entries: by 2015, aiming to enter the top fifth of the Top 500 Globa

7、l Enterprises, and one of the worlds three strongest construction and real estate groups一最:最具国际竞争力的建筑地产集团两跨:2015年前 跨入世界500强前百强 跨入全球建筑地产集团前3强中国建筑可持续发展模式China Constructions Sustainability Model中国建筑通过透明和道德行为,为自身决策、活动给社会和环境带来的影响承担责任。中国建筑致力于成为全球建筑、地产业的领先者,追求与利益相关方合作共赢,可持续发展是我们取得不断成功,创造更大价值的最佳路径选择。By emph

8、asising corporate transparency and corporate ethics, China Construction is responsible for the impacts of its business decisions and activities on society and the environment. We are committed to being the leading construction and property development enterprise worldwide. We pursue win-win cooperat

9、ion with our stakeholders. Furthermore, sustainability is the best option to achieve continuous success and create greater value.产品责任环境责任安全责任经济责任社会责任环境方针绿色建造 环境和谐为本EnvironmentOur environmental construction practice is based on the principle of harmony with the environment安全方针生命至上 安全运营第一SafetyHealth

10、and safety are top priorities经营方针品质保障 价值创造产业协同 合作共赢OperationGuaranteed quality, value creation, business collaboration and win-win cooperation企业宗旨诚信经营 创造财富回报社会 福利员工ObjectivesOperating with integrity, wealth creation, contributing to society, and competitive staff benefitsProduct responsibilityEnviro

11、nmental responsibilitySafety responsibilityEconomic responsibilitySocial responsibility使命Mission奉献精品工程,营造和谐家园Delivering excellent construction projects and creating harmonious homes核心价值观Core values敬业爱人,秉正图新Dedication to the profession, caring for the people, upholding our principles to strive for ne

12、w achievements战略目标Strategy新一最两跨“New One Most, Two Entries”发展策略Development strategy专业化、区域化、标准化、信息化、国际化Professionalise, Regionalise, Standardise, Inform, Internationalise质量方针中国建筑 服务跨越五洲过程精品 质量重于泰山QualityChina Construction provides excellent construction services across five continents, with product qu

13、ality as a top priority浩荡而来的全球企业社会责任浪潮,是对企业发展目标本源和发展方式的深刻反思,既带来社会对企业的全新认识,重新定位企业的价值,也为企业发展带来全新的视角和机遇。企业对社会的影响和价值已成为评价其成功与否的重要标尺。企业对商业伦理的参悟和修炼,对引领行业道德和行业发展的贡献,对社会责任的认同和践行,将成为走向世界并赢得尊重、实现可持续发展的必由之路。建筑是人类文明的重要象征,中国建筑作为一家中央重要骨干企业,致力于成为全球建筑、地产业领先者的上市公司,肩负着“奉献精品工程,营造和谐家园”的崇高使命。中国建筑用七色光诠释自己的责任,用责任凝聚成阳光一样的力


15、营业收入达3704多亿元人民币,同比增长42.3%。中国建筑抢抓国家投资机遇,推动企业经营结构的转变。房屋建筑、房地产投资、基础设施建设三大主业收入所占比重更趋合理。中国建筑整合资源,推动企业商业模式的转变。与多个省市签订战略合作协议,与北京门头沟区签订滚动投资500亿元人民币合作协议,推进“四位一体”的城市综合体开发建设业务。中国建筑强化资本运作,推动企业竞争地位的转变。全年总投资达到900亿元人民币,以投融资带动总承包,致 辞Chairmans Message通过参与地方政府经济发展战略,创造更加广阔的发展空间。中国建筑深化“三大”市场策略,推动企业经营质量的转变。通过强力推进“大市场、大


17、伟蓝图,在新的征程中引领行业实现新跨越和新发展。责任需要透明,责任也需要沟通。我们希望藉此阳光报告,与各利益相关方坦诚沟通,共创美好未来!董事长ChairmanCorporate social responsibility is a major trend across the world. This involves an in-depth review of the fundamental objectives of enterprise development and modes of development, provides the community with a new unde

18、rstanding of enterprises, re-positions the values of enterprises, and results in new visions and new opportunities for enterprise development. The impacts of an enterprise on society and its value to society are the important benchmarks to evaluate its success. The understanding and practice of busi

19、ness ethics, contributions to guiding industry codes and promoting the development of the industry, and the recognition and implementation of social responsibility will be the path to sustainability that all enterprises must choose, in order to achieve global development and command respect from the

20、 public worldwide.The construction industry is pivotal to human civilisation. As an important state-owned enterprise, China Construction is committed to its role as a leading listed enterprise in global architectural construction and property development. We are committed to the great mission of “Pr

21、oviding excellent construction projects and creating homes in harmony.” We have employed the seven colours of light to interpret our responsibilities, and consolidated them into power like sunshine. With the vision to lead development of the industry, China Construction recognises the significant ro

22、le social responsibility can play in enhancing the Company and industrys core competitiveness, and achieving sustainability. We will actively explore improved management, and practice social responsibility in our operations, seeking ways to integrate our social and environmental concerns into our bu

23、siness strategies, management and daily operations. The aim is to maximise the Companys economic, social and environmental benefits, and lead the whole industry towards sustainability. In 2010, China Construction enjoyed another stellar year of implementing our strategy based on local and internatio

24、nal experience. We have “Five changes” as our guiding principles, including: strengthening enterprise management and operation, political responsibility, and social responsibility. In all these, we achieved new progress and new developments.China Construction pursues quality assurance and promotes r

25、eforms in enterprise development. In 2010, we achieved especially high growth in three operational benchmarks: value of new contracts signed, operating revenue, and net profits. The value of signed contracts was 801.5 billion RMB, 74.5 percent higher than in the previous year. Operating revenue incr

26、eased by 42.3 percent, to 370.4 billion RMB.China Construction seizes national investment opportunities and promotes structural change in enterprise operations. As a result, we achieved a better balance between our three major sources of revenue: building construction, real estate investment, and in

27、frastructure development.Chairmans MessageChina Construction consolidates resources to promote new changes to our business model. We have signed agreements for strategic cooperation with various provincial and municipal governments. For instance, we signed a cooperation agreement valued at 500 billi

28、on RMB with the district authority of Beijing Mentou Gou. This is to promote the “Four in One” integrated construction and development of the city.China Construction strengthens our operating capital, to raise our competitiveness. Our total annual investment is 90 billion RMB. Together with financin

29、g, the investment can leverage the advantages of ensuring general contracting of projects. By participating in strategic development by local governments, we can broaden our scope for development.China Construction extensively promotes our three major marketing strategies, to improve the quality of

30、enterprise operations. Guided by the sales strategy of “Big market, big developer, big projects”, we significantly enhance our product portfolios.The past five years proved a most fruitful half-decade for China Construction. We steadfastly upheld the concept of scientific development, restructuring

31、of asset ownership, optimisation of asset restructuring, progressive business planning, enhanced integrated management, a results-focused corporate culture, the development of the Communist Party, and our management team and talented staff. When the Company grows by 2.1 times, our cost-effectiveness

32、 will increase five times over, together with strong growth in staff remuneration. We shall fully reach the energy-efficiency and emission reduction targets of the Eleventh Five-year Plan, and follow the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Councils recommendatio

33、n for enterprises to reduce consolidated energy consumption by 20 percent compared with 2005. We shall pioneer development of the industry, and set new benchmarks for other enterprises.Looking ahead, China Construction is entering an era of invaluable development opportunity. We will adopt scientifi

34、c development as a key principle, advance along the route towards expediting enterprise development reforms, and follow the ways of thinking in terms of upgrading, innovation, open-mindedness, learning, pioneering, and harmony to draw up the great master plan of “Becoming the most competitive enterp

35、rise in China and entering the list of top 500 enterprises worldwide and top 10 building contracting enterprises worldwide”together with the practice of scientific development. In this new expedition, we are committed to leading the industry to achieve new heights and development.Responsibility requ

36、ires transparency and communication. We wish to openly communicate with our stakeholders through this sunshine report in order to create a better future.报告导读关于我们可持续经营科技创新质 量安 全环 境员 工社 会展 望专家点评GRI指标索引反馈意见表ContentsIntroductionAbout UsSustainable OperationTechnology InnovationQualitySafetyEnvironmentSt

37、affSocietyOutlookExpert CommentsGRI IndexFeedback Form目 录098687682848893报告目的本报告为中国建筑股份有限公司正式发布的第二份可持续发展报告。报告旨在对公司可持续发展的理念、实践和绩效与利益相关方进行坦诚沟通,引领行业可持续发展。上年度报告于2010年4月20日正式对外发布。报告范围报告披露2010年1月1日-12月31日期间中国建筑股份有限公司及所属五大业务板块的31个全资公司和15个控股公司在经济、环境和社会责任方面的信息,相关典型案例来自公司所属单位。编写依据报告遵循国务院国资委关于中央企业履行社

38、会责任的指导意见、上海证券交易所公司履行社会责任的报告编制指引等规定要求,参照全球报告倡议组织可持续发展报告指南(GRI G3.1)、国际标准化组织ISO26000:社会责任指南(2010)、中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS-CSR 2.0)等编制。报告承诺本报告由中国建筑社会责任管理团队组织编制,由公司相关高管审核,经公司董事会、监事会审议批准。中国建筑保证报告内容不存在任何虚假、误导性陈述。报告改进在理念上,坚持引领和推动行业发展作为公司对全球可持续发展的基本责任;在形式上,遵行可持续发展报告的一般规范,充分体现可持续发展报告的一般要求;在结构上,延续2009年度阳光报告的基本框架,

39、并增加科技创新议题;在内容上,扩大社会责任指标披露的覆盖面,加大社会责任核心指标的披露深度,并首次以责任专题形式披露报告年度公司广受各利益相关方关注的重大社会责任实践。称谓说明为表述方便,中国建筑股份有限公司在报告中简称“中国建筑”或“公司”。获取方式报告语言为中英文,以印刷品和PDF电子文件两种方式发布,欢迎登陆公司网站获取。联系方式中国建筑股份有限公司地址:中国北京三里河路15号中建大厦邮政编码:100037电话:(8610)88082888传真:(8610)88082789网址:http:/报告导读IntroductionObjectivesThis is the second sust

40、ainability report to have been officially released by China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited. The report aims to openly share our sustainability ideals, practices and results with our stakeholders, and lead the industry to achieve sustainable development in business operations.The

41、Sustainability Report 2009 was released on 20 April 2010.ScopeThis report covers economic, environmental and social responsibility news and information for China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited, its 31 wholly owned subsidies and 15 holding companies in its five business sectors, a

42、s well as related case studies from group members, for the year from 1 January to 31 December 2010.ReferencesThis report has been developed according to the requirements of the Advice on the Guidelines for State-owned Enterprises to Undertake Social Responsibility, released by the State-owned Assets

43、 Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the Guidelines for Compiling Reports of the Practice of Social Responsibilities by Enterprises, released by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and references international reports including the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (GRI G3.

44、1) from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and ISO 26000:2010, Guidance on social responsibility from the International Organization for Standardization(CASS-CSR 2.0).UndertakingsThe report is developed by the Taskforce of the Management of Social Responsibilities of the Company, examined by the

45、senior management and approved by the Board of Directors and the Supervision Committee. China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd promises that the report contains no false records and misleading information.Progress and ImprovementsThe major improvements in this report include:Principles

46、 we continue to uphold the tenet of pioneering and driving the development of the industry, to achieve our goal of undertaking basic responsibility for global sustainability; Business model we follow the general regulations and fully meet the general requirements of sustainability reporting; Structu

47、ral aspects we extend the framework of Sunshine 2009, and add technology innovation as a topic; Content we expand the coverage and depth of the report to disclose our social responsibility benchmarks. Additionally, this is the first time the Company has presented our major contributions to social re

48、sponsibility under various themes for the year. This change is in response to stakeholder concerns.Notes on AbbreviationsFor the convenience of presentation, China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited will be hereafter called “China Construction” or “The Company”.Chinese and English el

49、ectronic accessThis report is released in two formats print and electronic and in Chinese and English editions. You are welcome to visit the Company website to download the report at: .Contact UsChina State Construction Engineering Corporation LimitedAddress: CSCEC Mansion, NO.15 Sanlihe Road, Beiji

50、ng, ChinaPostcode: 100037Telephone: (8610) 88082888Fax: (8610) 88082789Website: http:/Contents中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited10关于我们About Us公司概况 业务板块可持续发展背景社会责任管理利益相关方责任专题Company ProfileBusiness SegmentsBackground Information on SustainabilityManagement of Social Re

51、sponsibilityStakeholdersMajor Responsibilities22010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201011关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society公司概况 Company Profile中国建筑股份有限公司(股票代码:601668)是由国务院国有资产监督管理委员会直接管理的大型国有重要骨干企业中国建筑工程总

52、公司、中国石油天然气集团公司、宝钢集团有限公司、中国中化集团公司等4家世界500强企业共同发起,于2007年12月10日正式创立的国有控股建筑地产综合集团企业,并于2009年7月29日在上海证券交易所成功上市。中国建筑传承中国建筑工程总公司的全部资产和上海品茶,主营业务包括房屋建筑工程、国际工程承包、房地产开发与投资、基础设施建设与投资以及设计勘察五大领域,遍及世界5大洲,是中国最大的建筑房地产综合企业集团和全球最大的住宅工程建造商。China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (Stock Code: 611668) is

53、a backbone enterprise directly under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and was jointly established by four leading enterprises among the Fortune Top Global 500 Enterprises: China State Construction Engineering Corp (CSCEC), China National Petroleu

54、m Corporation (CNPC), Baosteel Group Company Ltd. and Sinochem Corporation. The state-owned construction and real estate conglomerate was formally established on 10 December 2007, and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on 29 July 2009. China Construction inherited all the assets and corporate cul

55、ture of China State Construction Engineering Corporation. Its major businesses are in five sectors, across five continents: building construction, international contracting services, real estate development and investment, infrastructure construction and investment, and architecture and site investi

56、gation. China Construction is now the worlds largest consolidated construction and real estate enterprise, and the worlds largest builder of residential units.中国建筑股份有限公司 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGRG . CORP . LTD中国建筑工程总公司 54.07%China State Construction Engineering Corporation中国石油天然气集团公司 1.12%China

57、National Petroleum Corporation宝钢集团有限公司 1.12%Baosteel Group Corporation中国中化集团公司 1.12%Sinochem Group社保基金 4%Social security fundA股机构及公众投资者 38.57%A share institutional & individual investors房屋建筑工程板块Building construction国际工程承包板块International contracting房地产开发与投资板块Real estate development & investment基础设施建设

58、与投资板块Infrastructure & investment设计勘察业务板块Design & geological investigation其他Other深圳市中海投资管理有限公司 100%China Overseas Investment Management Co. Ltd.中建人才有限责任公司 100%CSCEC Human Resource Co., Ltd.上海灵昭实业投资有限公司 100%Shanghai Lingzhao Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. 中建财务有限公司 80%CSCEC Financial Co. Ltd.中建财务咨询顾问有

59、限公司 100%CSCEC Financial Consulting Co. Ltd.中建国际劳务有限公司 100%CSCEC International Labor Service Co., Ltd.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited12房屋建筑工程Building Construction房地产投资与开发Real estate investment and development基础设施建设与投资Infrastructure construction and investment设计勘察Arc

60、hitecture and site investigation国际工程承包International contracting service全球最大的住宅工程建造商和中国最大的房屋建筑承包商The worlds largest builder of residential units, and Chinas largest building construction contractor中国最大的综合性建筑、市政勘察设计企业集团之一We are one of the largest enterprises engaged in integrated buildings and municip

61、al site investigation and design中国国际工程承包业务的开拓者与领导者,中国最大、最早从事国际工程承包业务承包商Pioneering and leading international contracting services in China, as the countrys first and largest international construction contractor中国最大的房地产企业集团之一,中国土地储备面积最大的公司之一We are one of the largest real estate enterprises, boasting

62、one of the largest land reserves, in China中国基础设施建设和投资领域成长最快的企业之一We also enjoy the fastest growth of any infrastructure construction and investment business in China无房建不稳Building on solid foundations无设计不优Every design is sophisticated无海外不亮Every overseas project shines无投资不富Every investment reaps substa

63、ntial returns无基建不强Every infrastructure project boasts the highest quality业务板块 Business Segments2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201013关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society行业地位Industry Presence全球最大的住宅工程建造商和中国最大的房屋建筑承

64、包商,连续13年被评为全球十大房屋承建商。中国建筑引领中国房屋建造领域发展和创新,以承建“高、大、精、尖、新”工程著称于世,承建大量中国及其他国家或地区的地标性建筑,创造了中国乃至世界建筑史上多项“第一”。The worlds largest builder of residential units, and Chinas largest building construction contractor. We are rated as the largest housing construction contractor in the world for 13 years.We are pi

65、oneering the development of and innovations in the building construction sector in China, with the tenets of “High quality, large-scale, excellent architecture, advanced technology and innovation”, in order to secure contracts to build a substantial number of landmark architectural projects in China

66、 and elsewhere. We have created several projects rated “Number One” in the history of architecture, both in China and around the world.发展战略Development Strategy无房建不稳房屋建筑工程业务是中国建筑各项业务的基础和保障。继续保持行业绝对领先优势,提升超高层、大跨度等高端业务竞争力,稳定中国建筑业务规模;发挥好各项业务领头羊的作用,加快向技术密集型转型,并为其他建筑板块和地产业务提供管理、人才、技术等方面的支持。Building on sol

67、id foundationsBuilding construction is the foundation and guarantee of all the businesses of China Construction. We are maintaining positions of absolute advantage in the industry, enhancing already strong competitiveness in high-end business in terms of vision and international reputation, and effe

68、ctively managing the expansion of the Company;Construction plays a flagship role for our other business sectors, expediting the transformation to technology-driven production models, and providing support to other construction and real estate businesses in terms of management, expertise and technolo

69、gy.房屋建筑工程Building construction中国建筑一局(集团)有限公司 100%China Construction First Building (Group) Corporation Ltd.中国建筑第二工程局有限公司 100%China Construction 2nd Engineering Bureau Ltd. 中国建筑第三工程局有限公司 100%China Construction 3rd Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.中国建筑第四工程局有限公司 100%China Construction 4th Engineering Divisi

70、on Co., Ltd.中国建筑第五工程局有限公司 100%China Construction 5th Engineering Division Co., Ltd.中国建筑第六工程局有限公司 100%China Construction 6th Engineering Bureau中国建筑第七工程局有限公司 100%China Construction 7th Engineering Bureau中国建筑第八工程局有限公司 100%China Construction 8th Engineering Bureau中国建筑装饰集团有限公司 50%China Construction Decor

71、ation Co., Ltd.中建工业设备安装有限公司 50%CSCEC Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd.中建钢构有限公司 50%China Construction Steel Structure Co., Ltd.中建商品混凝土有限公司 50%CSCEC Concrete Co., Ltd.中国建筑发展有限公司 100%China Construction Development Co., Ltd.中建大成建设有限责任公司 50%CSCEC-Taisei Construction Co., Ltd.中建镇江建设发展有限公司 100%CS

72、CEC Zhenjiang Construction & Development Co., Ltd.中建惠泰无锡建设发展有限公司 100%CSCEC Huitai Construction & Development Co., Ltd, Wuxi中建济南西区城市建设发展有限公司 70%CSCEC Jinan West District Urban Construction & Development Co., Ltd.中建京西建设发展有限公司 100%CSCEC West-Beijing Construction & Development Co., Ltd.2008年2009年2010年16

73、0618272654营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating revenue (100 million RMB)2008年2009年2010年249332466378新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of new contracts signed (100 million RMB)中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited14行业地位Industry Presence中国国际工程承包业务的开拓者与领导者,中国最大、最早从事国际工程承包业务承包商,连续27年进入世界最大225家国际承包商和环球承包商行列。

74、2010年,中国建筑在225家最大国际承包商排名中排名第22位。中国建筑在很多国家和地区承建标志性的建筑,树立了“中国建筑-CSCEC”的优良品牌。Pioneering and leading international contracting services in China, as the countrys first and largest international construction contractor; listed among the worlds top 225 international contractors for 27 consecutive years ra

75、nking 22nd in 2010.Iconic buildings built under contract by China Construction in many countries and regions have helped establish the prestigious “China Construction CSCEC” Brand.发展战略Development Strategy无海外不亮国际工程承包业务是建筑领域“走出去”的排头兵,维系着中国建筑的政治地位和品牌形象;吸收国外先进理念、经验,持续提升中国建筑的管理能力,增强参与国际竞争的实力。Every overse

76、as project shines The Companys international contracting business leads the way in realising our strategy of “Reaching-out”, helping to reinforce China Constructions industry presence and brand image. By learning from advanced ideas and experience overseas, China Construction will constantly improve

77、 its management capacity and strengthen its role as a player in the highly competitive international market.国际工程承包International contracting service中国建筑(南洋)发展有限公司 100%China Construction (South Pacific) Development Pty. Ltd中建俄罗斯有限责任公司 100%China Construction Russia Co., Ltd.中建(哈萨克斯坦)有限责任公司 100%China Co

78、nstruction Kazakhstan Co., Ltd. 中国建筑博茨瓦纳有限公司 100%China Construction Botswana Co., Ltd.中国建筑南非有限公司 100%China Construction South Africa Co., Ltd.中建纳米比亚有限公司 100%China Construction Namibia Co., Ltd.中国建筑(菲律宾)有限公司 100%China Construction Philippines Co., Ltd.中建中东有限责任公司 100%China Construction Middle East Co.

79、, Ltd.中建企业(新加坡)有限公司 100%CSCEC Enterprise(Singapore) Pty, Ltd.中国建筑工程(泰国)有限公司 100%China Construction Thailand Co., Ltd.中建美国有限公司 100%China Construction American Co., Ltd.中建阿尔及利亚股份公司 100%China Construction Algeria Co. Ltd.中建刚果(布)有限公司 100%China Construction Congo Co., Ltd.中建赤道几内亚有限公司 100%China Constructi

80、on Equatorial Guinea Co., Ltd.博昂建筑贸易简易股份公司 100%Bo-ang Construction Trade Co., Ltd.中建股份卡塔尔有限公司 100%CSCEC Ltd. (Qatar)2008年2009年2010年65.360.352.61新签合同额(亿美元)Value of new contracts signed (100 million US$)2008年2009年2010年364443营业收入(亿美元)Operating revenue (100 million US$)2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2

81、01015关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society行业地位Industry Presence中国最大的房地产企业集团之一,中国土地储备面积最大的公司之一。旗下中国海外是中国房地产行业的领军企业,在中国房地产开发中始终居于领先地位,也是中国最具价值的房地产品牌之一。旗下中建地产以“家国天下”为核心价值,依托集团优势,成为“大地产模式”的创新者、实践者和领导者。We are one of the

82、largest real estate enterprises, boasting one of the largest land reserves, in China.China Overseas, the Companys Chinese real estate business arm, maintains a leading position in Chinas real estate development sector and is the highest valued Chinese real estate brand.Another Company operation, Chi

83、na State Construction Land, rides on our strengths and core values of “HomeCountryThe World” and has pioneered, realised and led large-scale real estate development in China.发展战略Development Strategy无投资不富房地产投资与开发是实现利润最主要的途径。促进公司产业结构调整,实现在中国地产业绝对领先战略定位;通过综合地产开发,推进地产板块与其业务他板块的联动协同效应。Every investment re

84、aps substantial returnsReal estate investment and development is a major path to realising profits. Through modifications to the Companys industry structure, we will increase the robustness of our strategic leadership position in Chinas real estate industry. Our integrated approach to real estate de

85、velopment will promote joint activities between the real estate business and other business sectors, realising our synergy.房地产投资与开发Real estate investment and development中国海外集团有限公司 100%China Overseas Holdings Co., Ltd.中国中建地产有限公司 100%China Zhongjian Real Estate Co., Ltd.中国国际建设有限公司 100%China State Cons

86、truction International Co., Ltd.上海中建投资有限公司 40%Shanghai Zhongjian Investment Co., Ltd.2008年2009年2010年188383456营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating revenue (100 million RMB)2008年2009年2010年241440587新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of new contracts signed (100 million RMB)中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Lim

87、ited16行业地位Industry Presence国内唯一拥有房屋建筑、公路工程和市政公用三个总承包特级资质的工程建设企业,中国基础设施建设和投资领域成长最快的企业之一。We are the only general contractor and construction enterprise in mainland China to have been certified across all three categories of housing construction, highway construction and public utilities work. We also

88、enjoy the fastest growth of any infrastructure construction and investment business in China.发展战略Development Strategy无基建不强基础设施建设与投资成为新业务和利润增长点。实现业务超常规发展,努力成为中国基础设施领域一流投资商和优质承建商;加强专业领域的培育,掌握专业技术,在专业领域具有稳定市场能力与品牌影响力,保障业务发展的延续性;在新领域寻求商业机会,强化抵御传统业务行业周期风险能力。Every infrastructure project boasts the highest

89、 qualityInfrastructure construction and investment has become our new business and new source of growth. We will strive to promote new development of the Companys business, in order to become Chinas top infrastructure investor and contractor. We will enhance our professionalism in terms of knowledge

90、 and skills, to increase market stability and our brand influence, and maintain business sustainability. We will also seek business opportunities in new sectors, to enhance our ability to survive industry life cycle risks faced by traditional businesses.基础设施建设与投资Infrastructure construction and inves

91、tment中国建设基础设施有限公司 100%China Construction Infrastructure Construction Co., Ltd.中建铁路建设有限公司 92%CSCEC Railway Construction Co., Ltd.中建市政建设有限公司 50%China Construction Municipal Construction Co., Ltd中建电力建设有限公司 50%China Construction Power Co., Ltd.中建筑港集团有限公司 51%China Construction Port Engineering Co., Ltd.

92、中国通达建设有限公司 34%China Tongda Construction Co., Ltd.中建唐山基础设施开发建设有限公司 50%CSCEC Tangshan Infrastructure Development Co., Ltd.中建武汉投资有限责任公司 20%CSCEC Wuhan Investment Co., Ltd.南宁中建邕申城市建设投资有限公司 30%CSCEC Yongshen Urban Construction & Investment Co., Ltd.南宁中建信和基础设施投资有限公司 30%CSCEC Nanning Xinhe Infrastructure I

93、nvestment Co., Ltd.中建青岛董家口港口项目管理有限公司 30%CSCEC Qingdao Dongjiakou Port Project Management Co., Ltd.中建铜陵投资开发有限公司 40%CSCEC Tongling Investment & Development Co., Ltd. 中建桂林基础设施投资建设有限公司 40%CSCEC Guilin Infrastructure Investment & Construction Co., Ltd.中建怀化基础设施开发建设有限公司 30%CSCEC Huaihua Infrastructure Deve

94、lopment & Construction Co., Ltd.中建济南基础设施投资建设有限公司 40%CSCEC Jinan Infrastructure Investment & Construction Co., Ltd.中建重庆基础设施投资发展有限公司 30%CSCEC Chongqing Infrastructure Investment & Development Co., Ltd.2008年2009年2010年08年2009年2010年378867992新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of new contracts signed (100 millio

95、n RMB)营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating revenue (100 million RMB)2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201017关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society行业地位Industry Presence中国最大的综合性建筑、市政勘察设计企业集团之一。2010年位列ENR全球最大150家设计公司第71位,为中国同行之首。高端专业人才储

96、备量居行业前列。We are one of the largest enterprises engaged in integrated buildings and municipal site investigation and design.We ranked 71st on Engineering News Records Top 150 Global Design Firm list in 2010 ahead of all our competitors in China. Our wealth of high-end professionals keeps us at the top

97、 of the industry.发展战略Development Strategyl无设计不优通过高端服务促品牌,实现规模倍增;打造行业标准,保证国内最大房建设计企业地位;实施业务转型,加大在基础设施领域的设计占比;对产业链上下游的业务实施集成,向综合国际型工程公司方向发展。Every design is sophisticatedWe aim to double our size through brand promotion coupled with high-end services. We will set industrial standards and maintain our p

98、osition as mainland Chinas largest building construction design company. We will also modify our business structure, to increase the proportion of design in our infrastructure business. By integrating our upstream and downstream businesses along the industrial chain, we aim to gradually position our

99、selves as a comprehensive international construction company.设计勘察Architecture and site investigation中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司 100%China Northeast Architectural Design & Research Institute中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司 100%China Northwest Architectural Design & Research Institute 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司 100%China Southwest Architect

100、ural Design & Research Institute中国建筑西南勘察设计研究院有限公司 100%China Southwest Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying Institute 中国建筑上海设计研究院有限公司 100%CSCEC Shanghai Architectural Design & Research Institute中国市政工程西北设计研究院有限公司 65%China Northwest Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute中国中建设计集团有限公司(含直营总

101、部)贵州中建建筑科研设计院有限公司 100%CSCEC Guizhou Architectural Design & Research InstituteChina CSCEC Design Group Co., Ltd. (Including business operated by HQs)2008年2009年2010年3741582008年2009年2010年242638新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of new contracts signed (100 million RMB)营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating revenue (100 million RMB)中国建筑股

102、份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited18可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainability中国建筑正处于战略发展机遇期。作为国内最大的建筑地产综合企业集团,中国建筑保持高度的紧迫感和敏感性,系统分析自身及行业面临的机遇和挑战,在实现自身可持续发展的同时,引领建筑和地产行业转变发展方式,进一步提升国际竞争力。China Construction has entered a period of strategic development opportunities. A

103、s the largest comprehensive construction and real estate enterprise in mainland China, we are highly alert and sensitive to the opportunities and challenges we face, and we maintain systematic analysis of them. We strive not only to achieve sustainability in our business, but also to lead the way fo

104、r the construction and real estate industry to shift to a new development approach, and so boost our international competitiveness.机 遇中国经济的高速发展推动建筑市场持续增长城市化进程带来的城镇综合建设需求国家政策和立法推进绿色建筑技术的推广风 险房地产市场不规范和不稳定性建筑行业的竞争日趋激烈资源成本上升世界经济形势仍不明朗,地区动荡优 势拥有国内同行业中最具影响力的两大品牌拥有国际化视野的管理团队和专业化、国际化的人才队伍在国际承包商排名中名列前茅在市场营销、

105、项目管理、质量管理、成本控制等方面具有管理优势劣 势产业结构不合理公司内部发展不平衡与国际标杆企业相比存在差距应对策略实施“走出去”战略,打造公司海外经营核心竞争力实施管理与组织创新战略,提高质量安全管控能力,推进区域化、专业化改造实施科技兴企战略,发展绿色、节能、环保技术,增强自主创新能力实施人才战略,完善人才政策和激励机制,优化人力资源结构加大保障性住房的参与力度加大投资力度,以融投资快速进入基础设施高端领域,并带动工程总承包加强内外部资源整合重组,稳步扩大房地产经营规模积极参与扶贫救助和慈善捐助事业创建“和谐中建”,真正成为“诚信经营、创造财富、回报社会、福利员工”的优秀企业2010可持

106、续发展报告Sustainability Report 201019关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 SocietyOpportunities The rapid economic development of Chinas economy drives the constant growth of the construction market. Urbanisation gives rise to

107、the need for comprehensive and integrated urban development.State policies and legislation help promote green architecture and technologies.Risks The real estate market lacks some requisite standardisation in its practices and has a tendency to instability.Competitiveness in the construction industr

108、y is increasing by the day.Costs of resources are constantly increasing.Clouds hang over the global economy, as a result of regional turmoil.AdvantagesWe possess the two most influential brands in the industry in mainland China.A management team with global vision, and a professional, international

109、elite team.High on lists ranking international contractors.Strengths in marketing, project management, quality control and cost control.DisadvantagesImperfect industry structure.Unbalanced intra-company development.Lagging behind international benchmark enterprises.SolutionsImplement the “reaching-o

110、ut” strategy and build the Companys core competitiveness in overseas operations.Implement new management and organisational strategies; increase quality control capability; promote regional development and professionalism through transformation.Implement the strategy of technology-led enterprise dev

111、elopment; develop green, energy-saving and environmentally friendly technologies; increase both autonomy and capacity in driving innovation.Implement personnel strategies by improving policies and incentive systems, as well as optimising the human resources structure.Increase participation in low-in

112、come housing development.Increase investment to quickly enter the high-end infrastructure development sector, and boost general contracting of construction work.Enhance integration and restructuring of internal and external resources; steadily expand the real estate business.Active participation in

113、poverty relief work, and charitable donation.Achieve operational harmony within China Construction; build a truly excellent enterprise that operates with integrity, generates wealth, serves the community, and benefits our employees.应对策略Solutions 机 遇Opportunities风 险Risks优 势Advantages劣 势Disadvantages

114、中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited20社会责任工作办公室Social responsibility office成员单位Business units监事会办公室Office of the board of supervisors董事会办公室Office of the Supervision Committee办公厅General Administration Office企业管理与策划部Planning Department人力资源部Human Resources Department财务部Fin

115、ance Department资金部Fund Department投资部Investment Department法律事务部Legal Affairs Department市场与项目管理部Market and Project Control Department科技部Science & Technology Department上海品茶部Corporation Culture Department审计局Audit Bureau监察局Supervision Bureau老干部局Retired-Staff Administration综合管理部General Administration Depa

116、rtment设计勘察业务部Design and Surveying Department海外事业部Overseas Business Department基础设施事业部Infrastructure Department建筑事业部Construction Department房地产事业部Real Estate Department社会责任工作体系中国建筑高度重视社会责任工作,完善社会责任管理,建立涵盖公司总部和成员单位的社会责任工作体系。公司成立社会责任委员会,负责领导公司整体社会责任工作,审批公司社会责任工作规划及管理制度,审议公司社会责任管理重大事项。社会责任委员会在董事会领导下,由公司高级

117、管理层和职能部门负责人组成。社会责任委员会下设社会责任工作办公室,由总部相关部门工作人员组成,主要负责编制社会责任工作规划、管理制度,组织实施社会责任实践、对外开展社会责任交流,编制发布社会责任报告。System of social responsibility initiativesChina Construction attaches great importance to social responsibility and constantly strives to enhance the social responsibility component of our management

118、. We have established a system of social responsibility initiatives encompassing the headquarters and all business units, and have set up a social responsibility committee that is responsible for steering the Companys overall social responsibility initiatives, reviewing and approving plans and manag

119、ement systems, and considering major aspects of the Companys social responsibility management. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the social responsibility committee comprises the Companys senior management and functional heads. Under the social responsibility committee is the social responsibilit

120、y office, comprising executives of relevant departments from our headquarters. The office is mainly responsible for developing plans to implement social responsibility initiatives, arranging management systems, organising the fulfilment of social responsibility and external exchanges, as well as com

121、piling relevant reports.委员会主任 董事长Director Board Chairman委员会执行主任 总经理Executive Director General Manager(s)副主任 分管领导Deputy Director Divisional head(s)委员 各部门负责人Committee Members Functional head(s)社会责任管理Management of Social Responsibility中国建筑社会责任委员会组织架构Organisation of the Social Responsibility Committee20

122、10可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201021关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society利益相关方Stakeholders期望与要求Expectations and requests沟通与反馈方式Methods for communication and feedback政府Government遵纪守法 Legal compliance 资产保值增值 Preserve

123、 and increase the value of assets 依法纳税 Fulfilment of tax obligations 合规管理 Compliance management 执行国家政策 Implementation of government policies接受监管 Supervision and appraisal 工作汇报与意见听取 Performance reports and public consultation完善治理结构 Improve governance structure主动纳税 Timely tax payments 股东(投资方)Sharehold

124、ers (Investors)收益回报 Revenue and returns 满意市值 Satisfaction with the Companys market value 权益保护 Interests protected了解经营状况 Clarity regarding operating conditions提高盈利能力 Increase profitability 加强市值管理 Enhance management of market value及时披露经营信息 Timely disclosure of operational information 金融机构Financial org

125、anisations 诚信履约 Integrity and fulfilment of promises风险防控 Risk control and prevention坚守信誉 Maintain trustworthiness合作共赢 Win-win cooperation合同执行 Implementation of contracts 高层互访 Mutual visits by senior management 战略合作 Strategic cooperation定期沟通 Regular communication 员工Employees 共同成长 Shared growth工资与福利保障

126、 Salaries and benefits 健康与安全 Health and safety人文关怀 Caring for people权益保障 Protection of interests劳动合同 Labour contracts 民主沟通 Democratic approach to communications合理化建议 Rational proposals 教育培训 Education and training劳动保护 Labour protection客户Customers 诚信履约 Integrity and fulfilment of promises 信息透明 Informa

127、tion transparency 保守商业秘密 Protection of proprietary business knowledge高质量产品 High-quality products 高品质服务 High-quality services合同执行 Fulfilment of contracts需求调查 Research needs满意度调查 Surveys of satisfaction levels 日常沟通 Daily communications建议与反馈 Propose and provide feedback战略合作伙伴Strategic partners合作互赢 Win-

128、win cooperation共赢发展 Win-win development资源共享 Sharing of resources协议执行 Fulfilment of agreements高层互访 Mutual visits by senior management 定期会议 Regular meetings多渠道合作 Multi-channel cooperation 前瞻性研究 Forward-thinking research and studies 供应链Supply chain共同发展 Mutual development公开、公平、公正采购 Open, fair and just p

129、rocurement 信守承诺 Fulfilment of promises 付款保障 Secure payments 建议与支持 Recommendations and support 公开采购信息 Disclose procurement information 合同执行 Fulfilment of contracts 接受反馈意见 Listen to feedback谈判与交流 Negotiations and information exchanges社区与公众Community and public带动当地产业发展Boost development of local industry

130、 推动社区公共事业发展 Promote development of community public services 促进就业 Boost employment 教育培训 Education and training公益慈善 Public welfare and charities 社区参与 Participate in the community 支持与引导 Support and guidance需求调查 Research needs培训与宣传 Training and promotional activities沟通活动 Communication activities公益行动 Pu

131、blic welfare initiatives 利益相关方Stakeholders为利益相关方创造最大价值,与利益相关方共同成长,是中国建筑不懈努力的方向。公司不断完善沟通与反馈方式,努力打造畅通沟通的平台,真诚回应利益相关方期望和要求,与利益相关方实现和谐共发展。China Construction is committed to maximising value for all stakeholders as well as to achieving mutual growth. The Company constantly seeks to improve its two-way co

132、mmunication to build an effective communication platform, and sincerely responds to stakeholders expectations and requests, in order to realise harmonious mutual growth.利益相关方分析表A table of stakeholder analysis中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited22责任专题Major Responsibiliti

133、esCommitting to well crafted architecture and exemplary fulfilment of corporate social responsibilityThe Expo 2010 Shanghai, with the theme “Better City, Better Life”, was a magnificent celebration of the economic, cultural and technological achievements of mankind. The Expo pavilions were created w

134、ith architecture a universal language embodying ethnic cultures and technological innovations, and were the largest exhibits in the event. As the “China team” in the architectural industry, undertaking the construction of Expo pavilions with a commitment to expertly executed architecture was both a

135、challenge for Chinas architectural design, execution, management and servicing capacity, and gave responsibility to China Construction to earn a reputation for the country and the industry.前所未有的挑战中国建筑作为首家进入世博园区施工、承建外国馆最多的施工企业,面临着前所未有的挑战。Unprecedented challengesChina Construction took on unprecedente

136、d challenges as the first enterprise to execute construction work in the Expo Park, and as the enterprise undertaking the most construction work for foreign pavilions.中国建筑 让世博更美好以“城市让生活更美好”为主题的2010年上海世博会,是人类在经济、文化、科技领域的盛会。世博场馆是用建筑语言反映民族文化和技术创新的载体,也是世博会的最大展品。作为建筑领域的“国家队”,承建世博场馆,奉献精品工程,既是对中国建筑设计、施工、管理

137、和服务能力的考验;更是中国建筑为国家、行业争光添彩义不容辞的责任。压力大 Great pressure任务重 Important mission世博场馆备受世界各国瞩目,建设的品质直接影响中国建筑行业的国际形象。Expo pavilions are in the global spotlight, and the construction quality has a direct impact on the international image of Chinas construction industry.同时承建、参建数十个场馆,需要在合同期内、世博开展前全部完成。Undertake t

138、he simultaneous construction & participating in building dozens of pavilions by the contract deadline the opening of the Expo. 严格贯彻国际设计理念,准确展现每个场馆的主题和参展理念,应用大量新型工艺和新技术。Strictly following international design standards and precisely demonstrating the theme and exhibition values of each pavilion; empl

139、oying many new crafts and new technologies.世博承建工程涉及全球50多种文化风格,文化差异巨大,要求各不相同。The Expo construction project involved more than 50 cultural styles from around the world, with great cultural differences and differing requirements. 挑战Challenge多文化 Multiculturalism要求高 High requirements2010可持续发展报告Sustainabi

140、lity Report 201023关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society艰苦卓越的付出中国建筑积极迎接挑战,加强组织管理,应用世界建筑前沿技术,精心组织施工,所有承建工程如期、高质量完工。严密组织中国建筑成立由公司主要领导组成的世博专项工作小组,优化资源配置,全面协调各项工作。组建以中建八局为主力军,中建一局、中建三局、中建装饰、泛华建设、中建设计集团上海设计院等单位共同参与的世博工程建设


142、预压固结技术、双层钢管偏心支撑桁架,及空间异形结构、异形玻璃幕墙、呼吸式三维吊顶、大面积藤条装饰技术。摩洛哥馆应用解决挂板固定的次结构施工技术。太空家园馆应用超大不锈钢异形柱施工技术。新加坡馆应用钢筋混凝土倒锥体施工技术、雨蓬不规则钢柱施工技术。丹麦馆应用数螺旋体施工技术。中南美洲联合馆应用老框架梁柱穿越新展馆形成的梁柱接点防渗漏技术等等。真情服务公司制定周密保障措施,成立专职领导机构和300余人参与的服务保障队伍,设置24小时通畅的红色电话。参与“为世博奉献一小时”志愿服务活动,开展志愿者维持交通秩序、清洁城市活动,为各方提供优质服务。Hard work, dedication and ex

143、cellenceChina Construction never fails to face up to challenges. By constantly enhancing organisational management, use of high-end architectural technologies, and meticulous care in construction execution, all of its construction projects were completed on time, to the highest standard.Structured o

144、rganisationChina Construction established a dedicated Expo working group comprising key members of the Companys senior management. With a view to optimising resource allocation and coordination, the Company formed an Expo construction team headed by the eight engineering bureaux, comprising a number

145、 of business units that included China Construction First Bureau, China Construction Third Bureau, China Construction Decoration Engineering, Pan-China Construction, and China Shanghai Architectural Design & Research Institute.Meticulous care in executionUpholding the value of “Serving the five cont

146、inents and putting quality first” and driven by devotion to the Expo, China Construction applied energy-saving and ecologically friendly architectural technologies to the construction of the pavilions, realising the themes of “Green Expo” and “High-tech Expo”.China Construction actively conducted ex

147、ternal communications to fully understand the themes and exhibition values of the pavilions, strictly followed design plans, and devised highly detailed construction solutions. During construction, we put quality and safety first, and closely managed progress, in order to deliver the highest standar

148、ds of expertly crafted architecture for the Expo.High-end technologiesChina Construction highly values innovation. By exploration and learning, it strived to apply high-end architectural technologies, turning novel designs into reality in the Expo Park.For the United Arab Emirates Pavilion, China Co

149、nstruction adopted the long-span reticulated shell node construction method together with five-axial machining technology, to represent sand dunes in the wind using a new type of steel panels.For the Spain Pavilion, we adopted the heaped load pre-compression method for consolidation, and employed a

150、double-layered steel tube eccentric chassis, special-shaped spatial structures, shaped glass curtain walls, a “breathing” three-dimensional suspended ceiling, and expansive rattan decoration.The Morocco Pavilion was finished with a secondary structure as a solution to fixing ceiling panels.The Space

151、-Home Pavilion was built with super-large, specially shaped stainless-steel columns.The Singapore Pavilion employed a reinforced concrete inverted cone structure, and a rain cover made of irregular steel columns.The Denmark Pavilion employed the helicoid construction method.The Joint Pavilion of Cen

152、tral and South American Countries employed beam-joint anti-leaking technology for the traditional beam-and-column framework that formed a network across the pavilion structure.Service-orientedThe Company set up a dedicated steering organisation leading a service team of over 300 people, and a 24-hou

153、r emergency hotline, to ensure comprehensive services for the Expo. It also contributed to particular services by taking part in the “Devoting one hour to the Expo” volunteer programme, organising teams of volunteers for traffic control and keeping the city clean.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction E

154、ngineering Corporation Limited24举世瞩目的成绩 在世博园中,中国建筑承建了18个场馆,建筑面积计238,617平方米;参与建设50多个场馆,奉献了一批精品工程。中建的工地一天一个样,三天大变样。 中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记 俞正声承建的西班牙馆荣获“2010年英国皇家建筑师协会国际建筑大奖”,是上海世博园中两个获奖建筑之一。中国建筑装饰集团公司中建三局东方装饰设计工程有限公司、中国建筑第八工程局有限公司总承包公司荣获“中央企业参与2010年上海世博会荣誉集体”称号。中国建筑青年设计师的“七彩之心”设计方案在全球征集中脱颖而出,中选“上海世博会城市志愿服务站

155、”实施方案,成为志愿者为中外游客提供服务的主要工作场所。Renowned achievements worldwideIn the Expo Park, China Construction presented a wealth of expertly crafted architecture through undertaking the construction of 18 pavilions that covered a total building area of 238,617 square metres, and participating in construction of m

156、ore than 50 pavilions.“The construction sites of China Construction look different each day, and are completely transformed within just three days.”Yu Zhengsheng, Politburo member of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee We built the Spain Pavilion, which wa

157、s one of two pavilions at Shanghai World Expo that won the Royal Institute of British Architects Lubetkin Prize.Dongfang Decoration and Design Engineering Co. Ltd of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau and China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd which belong to China Constru

158、ction Decoration Group Co. Ltd were named “Honorary Group for State-owned Enterprises Participating in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo”.Designed by young China Construction designers, “Rainbow Heart” stood out from other submissions from around the world, and was adopted as the design of the Expo City

159、Voluntary Service Station, where volunteers served tourists from other parts of China and overseas.The Youth Special Brigade of the Spain Pavilion was selected as the organiser of State-owned Enterprises Greet the World Expo and be a good host service unit. Ma Xiaoyun of China Construction Second En

160、gineering Division Corp. Ltd (Shanghai), and Zhang Nengxun of Decoration Co. Ltd of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau (Shanghai) were each recognised as “Honorable Individual for State-owned Enterprises Participating in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo”.西班牙馆青年突击队荣获中央企业“迎世博、展风采”优秀服务窗口青年文明号创建活动创

161、建单位。中国建筑第二工程局有限公司(沪)马骁赟、中建三局装饰有限公司(沪)张能训荣获“中央企业参与2010年上海世博会荣誉个人”。2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201025关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society总体援建任务中国建筑玉树灾后援建内容包括玉树结古镇城北片区和安冲乡的居民住房、公共服务、基础设施、生态修复、特色产业和服务业、和谐家园以及省道309

162、、312干线公路等方面的恢复重建项目。Spreading the iron army spirit, and dedication to rebuilding YushuOn 14 April 2010, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred in Yushu, Qinghai Province. Many residential buildings collapsed, and public facilities such as schools and hospitals were seriously damaged. China Construction

163、actively responded to the call from the Central Government, and spread the spirit of the iron army of China Construction, in fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities as a state-owned enterprise. With the spirit of “Maintaining morale even without oxygen” and “The higher the altitude, the hig

164、her the morale”, and a strong sense of political responsibility and nationalist feelings, China Construction was determined to overcome all obstacles in rebuilding Yushu after the disaster, and commenced a three-year reconstruction programme in Yushu.中国建筑 情系玉树2010年4月14日,青海省玉树地区发生7.1级强烈地震,造成居民住房大量倒塌,

165、学校、医院等公共服务设施严重损毁。中国建筑积极响应国家号召,弘扬中建铁军精神,认真履行中央企业社会责任,以“缺氧不缺精神,海拔高精神更高”的气魄,以高度的政治责任感和深厚的民族情感,克服玉树灾后重建中的重重困难,揭开三年玉树援建的胜利开篇。Mission of assisting the overall reconstructionChina Constructions reconstruction programme in Yushu includes constructing residential buildings, public facilities and infrastructu

166、re, recovering the ecology, reviving prominent and tertiary industries, rebuilding a harmonious homeland, as well as repairing Provincial Road 309 and Highway 312 in the north of Gyegu and Anchong.承建了结古镇城北片区,如红旗小学、州医院、一完小、民主村、解放片区等的重建任务。In Gyegu, China Construction is responsible for reconstruction

167、work in the north, including rebuilding Yushu Red Flag Primary School, Yushu County Hospital, Yushu No.1 Primary School, Minzhu Village and the liberated areas.承担了安冲乡吉拉、拉则、叶吉、布朗、莱叶五个村子及通村公路、安冲乡寄宿小学等项目的重建任务。China Construction is responsible for the reconstruction of five villages in Anchong Jila, Laz

168、e, Yeji, Bulang and Yecai; as well as Village Highway and Anchong Primary Boarding School.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited26援建实施工作高度重视玉树地震发生后,中国建筑快速响应,投身抗震救灾之中,并迅速召开灾后重建紧急会议,对灾后重建工作进行具体部署。公司成立由董事长任总指挥、各有关部门和单位共同组成的中国建筑玉树灾后重建总指挥部,全面负责灾后重建的组织及实施;成立由中建八局、市政西北院、西南院、西北办事

169、处、西南办事处组成的前线指挥部。中国建筑明确目标,举全集团之力全力以赴做好玉树灾后重建工作,勇争央企玉树援建的排头兵。周密布置中国建筑周密布置援建工作,投入以中建八局为主的单位8个、管理人员160余人,组建6个项目部,组织进场施工队伍12支,人员约2,200人,进场机械设备百余台,自建混凝土搅拌站、实验室、砂石料场等。各参建单位加强内部协调沟通,团结一致,确保品牌、品质最好,在援建项目上树立中国建筑旗帜。 Implementing the reconstructionHigh importanceChina Construction responded promptly to the eart

170、hquake in Yushu, and started relief work at once. An emergency meeting was immediately called, to discuss the post-disaster reconstruction work and formulate specific strategies. We established a disaster relief headquarters comprising different departments and units, with the Company President as c

171、ommander-in-chief, responsible for organising and implementing the reconstruction work. A frontline headquarters comprising the eight engineering bureaux, Northwest Municipal Institute, Southwest Municipal Institute, Northwest Office and Southwest Office of China Construction was also set up. China

172、Construction was determined to be in the vanguard amongst the state-owned enterprises, and pioneer the post-disaster reconstruction work in Yushu, sparing no effort.Detailed and comprehensive arrangementsChina Construction carefully arranged the reconstruction work. All eight Engineering Bureaux and

173、 more than 160 managers were engaged in the organisation of six special project departments and 12 on-site construction teams, comprising 2200 staff members and over a hundred machines. Concrete mixing stations, laboratories, and sand and gravel sites were also built. Coordination and communication

174、between different participating units was strengthened. Together, these units played their part in the reconstruction project on behalf of China Construction, to ensure the best quality of the brand.援建项目部Reconstruction Programme Department指挥长 Commander党委书记Secretary of Party Committee副指挥长Deputy Comma

175、nder总工程师Chief Engineer总经济师Chief Economist总会计师Chief Accountant工会主席Chairman of Labour Union纪委书记Secretary of Discipline Committee团委书记Secretary of Youth League committee安全总监Director of Safety技术质量部Technical quality department物资管理部Material Management Department工 程 部Engineering Department财 务 部Finance Depar

176、tment合 约 部Contract Department规划设计部Planning and Design Department党委工作部Party Committee Department综合办公室Integrated Office中国建筑玉树灾后重建前线指挥部组织机构Disaster Relief Frontline Headquarters of China Construction at Yushu2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201027关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology

177、Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society倾情奉献玉树平均海拔4,000米以上,含氧量仅为海平面的40%-60%,气候高寒,灾后重建工作环境恶劣。中国建筑提出“海拔高,追求更高、标准更高、激情更高”、“风雨强,斗志更强、作风更强、团队更强”的玉树精神,确立“科学重建、品质重建、高速重建、爱心重建、绿色重建”五大方针,各级领导带队亲赴施工一线进行现场指挥和安排,强化施工组织、增加人力投入、确保材料供应,高强度、满负荷、快节奏地连续作战,保障施工生产的顺利进行。中国建筑以劳动竞赛活动为载体,充分激发工人队伍主


179、工被评为玉树州、县优秀共产党员,11名员工被评为玉树灾后重建先进个人,6个集体被授予党员先锋号、工人先锋号、青年突击队荣誉称号。Unreserved sacrificeThe average altitude in Yushu is over 4,000 metres, and the level of oxygen is only 40%-60% of that at sea level. Temperatures are also extremely low, making the conditions for post-disaster reconstruction very diffi

180、cult. China Construction proposed the slogans of “The higher the altitude, the higher the aspiration, the higher the standard, the higher the passion” and “The stronger the rainstorm, the stronger the will, the stronger the actions, the stronger the team”, and established the five guiding principles

181、: “Scientific reconstruction, quality reconstruction, rapid reconstruction, loving reconstruction and green reconstruction”. Leaders of different levels went to the construction sites in person to give direction and make arrangements, in order to strengthen the organisation, raise morale, and ensure

182、 the supply of materials. They worked energetically, rapidly and non-stop to ensure smooth progress of the construction work.China Construction used labour competitions and campaigns such as “Working 50 days”, “The Battle of October” and “Pioneering Worker” competition to encourage the teams of work

183、ers to devote themselves to the reconstruction work in Yushu, with the determination and courage of “Fighting till the end”.Results of the reconstructionWith the hard work and effort from all frontline workers, China Constructions post-disaster reconstruction work in Yushu has reached the first stag

184、e of success. The gross output value of construction was worth 120 million RMB. A total of 77 residential buildings were completed; they housed the farmers and herdsmen of Anchong, while another 410 buildings were topped out. These residential buildings for the farmers and herdsmen won four “Number

185、one” positions: in terms of the completion and handover time, the number of buildings completed and handed over, the number of buildings topped out, and the speed of construction. Moreover, the main building of Yushu Red Flag Primary School was also topped out, and 30 kilometres of road foundation w

186、ere laid on Village Highway.Honours receivedFour party organisations of China Construction, including the Party Committee of the frontline headquarters, were named Yushu Advanced Grassroots Party Branch and Qinghai Worker Pioneer, while 10 members of the team responsible for the Yushu Red Flag Prima

187、ry School Project received the honour of becoming Yushu Distinguished Communist Party Members, and another 11 members of the same team were named Advanced Individuals of Yushu Post-disaster Reconstruction. Moreover, six groups received the titles of Pioneer Party Member, Pioneer Worker and Youth Sho

188、ck Brigade.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited28可持续经营公司治理发展策略营销策略精益管理依法合规合作共赢持续盈利能力Corporate GovernanceDevelopment StrategySales StrategyLean ManagementCompliance with Laws and ReguationsWin-win CooperationSustainable Profitability29303132323638Operation2010可持续发展报告Sust

189、ainability Report 201029关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society公司治理Corporate Governance中国建筑建立职权明确、协调运转、有效制衡的股东大会、董事会、监事会、独立董事、董事会秘书等制度,并在董事会下设战略与决策委员会、人事与薪酬委员会、审计委员会等三个专门委员会。公司股东按照公司章程和股东大会议事规则的规定行使权利。2010年,公司董事会继续

190、探索解决问题的有效途径,针对国家对房地产业严厉的调控政策,公司召开董事会房地产业务发展战略研讨会,研究和探讨公司地产业务发展模式与方向,明确在宏观调控大背景下的政策和措施。股东大会董事会董事会秘书监事会总经理副总经理战略与决策委员会人事与薪酬委员会审计委员会职能机构Shareholders General MeetingBoard of DirectorsBoard SecretariatSupervision CommitteeGeneral ManagerDeputy General ManagerFunctional OrganisationsStrategy and Decision-

191、making CommitteeAudit Office Personnel and Pay Control Committee公司治理结构Corporate governance structureChina Construction established management systems with clear functions, effective coordination and a balance of powers, including a Shareholders General Meeting, Board of Directors, Supervision Commit

192、tee, Independent Directors and Board Secretary. Three special committees the Strategy and Decision-making Committee, Personnel and Pay Control Committee and Audit Office were also established under the Board of Directors. The Company shareholders exercise their rights according to regulations set ou

193、t in the Articles of Association of the Company and Rules of Procedures of Shareholders General Meetings.In 2010, the Board of Directors continued to explore effective ways to solve problems. In response to the central governments stringent adjustments to and management policy of the real property m

194、arket, the Company promptly held a board meeting to discuss its development strategy for the real estate business. All directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company and all leaders of the subsidiary companies participated in meetings and seminars to study and examine together the policie

195、s and measures to adopt in the light of the states macroeconomic control policies.实现永续经营和基业长青是中国建筑一以贯之的追求。中国建筑通过完善公司治理架构,优化组织基础,依法合规经营,实施“专业化、区域化、标准化、信息化、国际化”发展策略,确保公司实现可持续发展。To achieve sustainable operation and long-lasting business is the constant goal of China Construction. Through perfecting the

196、 corporate governance structure and improving the organisations foundation in compliance with laws and regulations, “Professionalised, regionalised, standardised, informed and internationalised” development was conducted, to ensure sustainable development of the Company.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Constru

197、ction Engineering Corporation Limited30五化WE ARE GLOBAL 国际化Internationalise信息化Inform专业化Professionalise区域化Regionalise标准化Standardise顺应全球化趋势,在全球范围内配置资源,开拓市场,学习先进经验,不断提升集团的国际化程度。In line with the trend of globalisation, we will allocate resources in globalised areas, open up new markets, learn from advanc

198、ed experiences, and continuously increase the groups level of globalisation.国 际 化Internationalise以适量的投入为原则,将信息技术与先进管理理念相融合,以此提升企业生产方式、经营方式、业务流程、管理方式和组织方式,获取最佳效益。With “appropriate investment” as the principle, integrate information technologies with advanced management concepts, to improve the modes

199、of production, operation, management and organisation, as well as the business flow of the enterprise, to achieve the greatest benefits. 信 息 化Inform在施工领域内选定若干细分市场和下游产业,以内部整合和外部并购的方式,组织优势资源打造一批占领高端市场的专业公司,使之成为公司的效益支撑和品牌支撑。We will select several specific markets and downstream industries within the sc

200、ope of work, and through internal integration and mergers and acquisitions, organise resources advantageously to create professional companies that target the high-end market, and will become pillars supporting the Companys profits and brand name.专 业 化Professionalise在施工领域内选定重点经营区域,强化对重点区域资源的配置强度,并保证

201、这些资源在区域层面实现区域的效益最大化和可持续发展。We will select major sectors within the scope of work, strengthen the allocation of resources in these sectors, and ensure that the allocation of resources is unified and has reasonable mobility, to lower operating costs and maximise benefits and sustainable development.Reg

202、ionalise区 域 化推动各经营管理领域的流程再造、体系梳理工作,在集团层面建立体系完整、统一受控的管理体系,实现提高管理效率、降低机构成本、塑造统一企业内涵的目标。We will promote the re-creation of procedures and the re-organisation of systems in different areas of operational management, and establish comprehensive, unified and controllable management systems in the group, t

203、o achieve the goals of increasing management efficiency, reducing costs, and consolidating internal systems.Standardise标 准 化The strategic target of China Construction in 2010 was “Among the most competitive international construction and real estate groups. By 2015, aiming to enter the top fifth of

204、the Top 500 Global Enterprises, and one of the worlds three strongest construction and real estate groups” (One Most, Two Entries). With enhancing quality as the main focus, China Construction made use of the relevant government policies and seized market opportunities. The Company held fast to the

205、strategy of “Professionalised, regionalised, standardised, informed and internationalised”, and opened up scientific ways to realise strategic targets, so that various projects could reach new heights.发展策略Development Strategy2010年,中国建筑围绕“一最两跨”战略目标,以提高发展质量为主线,抢抓政策和市场机遇,坚持“五化”发展战略,为实现战略目标开辟科学途径,推动各项工作

206、再上新台阶。2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201031关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 SocietyIn 2010, China Construction put forward the sales strategy of “Big market, big proprietor, big projects”, and promoted upgrading t

207、he structure of the industry, including through consolidating and magnifying the result of “Occupy the high end without giving up the middle and abandoning the low end”.China Construction carried out 98 housing construction projects, with a total value of more than 1 billion RMB and representing 48.

208、4% of the total value of the newly signed contracts. Overseas projects with a value of over US$30 million accounted for nearly 80% of the total value of overseas contracts. A single infrastructure project had a contract value of more than 1.6 billion RMB. There were 21 projects worth more than 2 bil

209、lion RMB, showing that both the number and value of very large projects had significantly increased, and that we have effectively and firmly occupied the high-end market.The effects of customer management of the subsidiary companies of China Construction were significant. In 2010, the total contract

210、 value of the top ten customers of China Construction Second Engineering Division Corp. Ltd was 32.1 billion, accounting for 53.3% of the divisions total contract value. In all, there were six projects worth over 1 billion RMB.新签合同一高一低One “high” and one “low” of the newly signed contracts合同额增长Value

211、of contracts increased 合同个数仅增长Numbers of contracts rose88.4%4.2%营销策略Sales Strategy 2010年,中国建筑深入推进“大市场、大业主、大项目”营销策略,促进产业结构升级,巩固并扩大“占领高端、兼顾中端、放弃低端”的成果。中国建筑承接10亿元人民币以上房建项目98个、占新签合同额的48.4%;境外3,000万美元以上项目占境外承包工程合同额的近八成,基础设施事业部平均单体合同额超过16亿元人民币;承接20亿元人民币以上的项目共计21个,超大项目的数量和金额均显著提高,有效站稳高端市场。中国建筑各子企业大客户管理成效显著

212、。2010年,中建二局十大客户合同总额321亿元人民币,占全局合同总额的53.3%,超过10亿元人民币的项目6个。大项目标准由1亿元提高到2亿元The average value of big projects increased from 100 million to 200 million RMB十大项目金额占比提高10个百分点10% increase in the 10 biggest project10亿元以上金额占比达到42%42% of the projects had a value of over 1 billion RMB第十大项目金额由23亿元提高到39亿元The valu

213、e of the tenth biggest project increased from 2.3 billion RMB to 3.9 billion RMB房建平均单体高达2.8亿元The average value of a single housing construction project was 280 million RMB大项目出现五个提高Five fold increase in major projects, or big projects中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited3

214、2Centralised managementChina Construction upholds the management concept of “Consider the future and think about the present, strive for perfection and take care of the details, standardise the regulations and advocate implementation”, and establishes the role of the Company headquarters as serving

215、the three functions of “Leading, supervising and serving”. The Company also strengthens the establishment of the three management abilities, covering strategies, personnel and investment, and re-structures the organisation. With a focus on “Centralised management of capital, centralised purchasing o

216、f materials required in large projects, and centralised requests for labour services”, the Company establishes standardised business flows to strengthen control over the group. Regarding centralised purchasing of materials required in large projects and centralised requests for labour, the Company c

217、omplies with the principle of “Corporate project management”, and centralises the purchasing of materials at the corporation level, and regulates the purchasing procedures by strengthening the information-based management of purchasing. A purchasing information platform for the group was also develo

218、ped, in order that purchasing information can be shared, and the qualities of purchasing and information management can be enhanced.Project managementChina Construction conducts daily, integrated management of authorised projects, and prevents avoidable risks and undesirable effects in executing con

219、tracts by insisting on dynamic and focused supervision, and strengthening follow-up management. The Company also exercises dynamic control over information transfer as a follow-up to a project, the filing of documents, and the return visit conducted by the constructor.In 2010, in order to implement

220、the Project Management Manual, China Construction organised promotion and training to advance standardised management of projects. More than 35,000 people from the headquarters and different units of the Company participated in these activities. All newly commenced projects conducted standardised dy

221、namic management of the entire procedures, according to the Project Management Manual.China Construction will comply with laws and regulations, as well as social norms and business ethics, and will operate honestly and accept supervision by the Government and the public as a basic operating principl

222、e. In order to safeguard the sustainable operation of the Company, risk management and internal control will be consolidated, effective supervision will be developed, corruption prevention will be strengthened, and punishment mechanisms, contract execution mechanisms and self-discipline mechanisms w

223、ill be perfected.Risk managementTo effectively enhance our ability to avoid major risks, China Construction conducts risk identification assessments and supervises and improves risk management based on the existing management system, and expands the comprehensive risk management system to cover all

224、subsidiary enterprises in addition 精益管理Lean Management集中管理 中国建筑秉持“虑远思近、精益入微,标准规范、崇尚执行”的管理理念,明确公司总部“引领、监控、服务”三大职能定位,强化战略、人事、投资三大管理能力建设,梳理组织架构,以“资金集中管理、大宗材料集中采购、劳务集中招标”为重点,建立标准业务流程,增强集团管控。在大宗材料集中采购、劳务集中招标中,遵守法人管项目原则,将采购权集中在法人层面,加强采购信息化管理,规范采购流程。开发集团采购信息平台,实现采购信息共享,全面提升采购及资源管理水平。项目管理中国建筑对授权项目实施日常综合管理,坚

225、持动态重点监控,强化后续管理,防范项目履约过程的风险和不良影响,对工程后续的资料移交、档案归档及客户回访进行动态控制。2010年,以项目管理手册施行为契机,组织项目管理手册宣贯及培训,推进项目标准化管理,公司总部和所属各单位共有35,000多人次参加。新开工项目按照项目管理手册实现全过程标准化动态管理。依法合规Compliance with Laws and Regulations中国建筑将遵守法律法规,遵守社会公德、商业道德,诚信经营,接受政府和公众监督作为公司经营的基本原则。公司强化全面风险管理和内部控制,深入开展效能监察,健全腐败预防与惩治机制,完善合同履约机制和自律机制,为公司的持续经

226、营提供坚实保障。风险管理中国建筑以有效提升重大风险防范能力为导向,依托现有管理体系,在公司系统组织进行风险辨识评估和风险管理监督与改进,将全面风险管理体系从总部扩大到各2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201033关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society子企业。根据国务院国资委中央企业全面风险管理指引要求,编制中国建筑2010年度全面风险管理报告并呈报国务


228、险评估等进行系统性规定。为增强对房地产投资项目的法律业务指导,颁布了房地产国有建设用地使用权业务法合规管理Compliance Management建章立制Establishment of a new system规范合同管理Management of standardised contract项目法律管理Management of project-related laws注册商标管理Management of registered trademarks海外法律法规库Database of overseas laws催收清欠Settlement of inbound and outbound

229、paymentsto the headquarters.Produce Comprehensive Risk Management Report of China Construction 2010 and submit it to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) for record purposes, according to the requirements in the Comprehensive Risk Management G

230、uideline for State-owned Enterprise of SASAC.Formulate plans to control the six major risks and seven important risks identified at the beginning of the year. These plans will be implemented and the Comprehensive Risk Management Report of China Construction 2010 will be produced by the departments r

231、esponsible and the departments providing assistance.Compile Collected Information on China Construction Comprehensive Risk Management and China Construction Electronic Quarterly on Risk to create an atmosphere of risk management and a corporate culture of comprehensive risk management within China C

232、onstruction.Compliance managementThe Company is focused on establishing a centralised corporate legal consultation system. Through preventive measures at the source of operations, a comprehensive corporate legal risk management mechanism is established. In addition, a legal affairs management mechan

233、ism applicable to the whole operation process has also been established, with management authorisation.Establishment of a new systemRegarding the rapid growth in investment business: more emphasis should be placed on legal risk prevention and management in this area. By promulgating the Legal Practi

234、ce of the Investment Business in China State Construction Engineering 中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited34律操作指引。规范合同管理对各类经济合同进行统一归口管理,规范合同管理行为。合同专用章用印审核率100%,严格合同评审会签、批准签字、联签等方面的审核程序。项目法律管理在符合开展项目法律顾问条件的在施工程项目设置项目法务管理岗位,覆盖率达92%。2010年举办合约商务(法务)人员的集中培训597次,培训24,408人次。催收


236、组和工作小组为核心,构建由“各有关职能/业务单位法律事务部审计局”组成的“三道防线”风险管理机制与管理架构。 2010年,公司严格遵循相关法律法规、上交所股票上市规则及公司信息披露管理办法,以内部控制为主线开展各项审计工作,独立行使对内部控制体系的专门监督和评价。全年完成审计项目607项,提出审计建议2,381条,促进节约5,074万元人民币。效能监察中国建筑开展效能监察,针对管理漏洞,提出监察Internal ControlThe Company has established an internal control system that is centrally led by the b

237、oard of directors. The board of supervisors supervises the internal control work determined and implemented by the board of directors. The Companys core units are the Comprehensive Risk Management Leading Group and Working Group, and there is a “Three-tier” risk management mechanism and management s

238、tructure comprising “Individual operations/business units Legal Affairs Department Auditing Department”.In 2010, the Company strictly followed related laws and regulations, the Rules & Regulations for listing companies set out by the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Administrative Measures on Informa

239、tion Disclosure. Many audits were conducted, based on the internal control principle, independently supervising and evaluating the internal control mechanism. A total of 607 auditing projects were completed during the year, and auditors made 2,381 recommendations, which saved 50.74 million RMB.Corpo

240、ration (Pilot), systematic regulations are implemented regarding legal procedures at every stage of investment projects, the legal assessment content, as well as legal risk assessments for legal consultations and projects. The Legal Practice Guidelines on the Right to Use State-owned Construction-us

241、ed Land in the Real Estate Business was promulgated, to strengthen legal affairs consultations on real estate investment projects.Management of standardised contractUniform and standardised management of all kinds of economic contracts is enforced to regulate contract management practices. Usage of

242、the contract authorisation chop is 100% monitored, to make the assessment of contract signing by reviews, endorsement and joint signing more stringent.Management of project-related lawsManagerial positions on legal affairs are opened for construction projects, for situations suitable for employing a

243、 project legal consultant. The coverage rate is as high as 92%. In 2010, a total of 597 training sessions were organised on “Contract Business (legal affairs)”, and 24,408 people were trained.Settlement of inbound and outbound paymentsInbound and outbound payments are efficiently settled, to bolster

244、 the Companys operational quality. Unsettled outstanding income balance decreased to 4.2% of the total turnover volume, which was the lowest in five years.Database of overseas lawsAn overseas laws database has been established with laws and regulations from 27 countries and regions, essentially cove

245、ring all the jurisdictions where China State Construction currently has operations. In 2010, the special legal portfolios on Russian and US laws were completed.Management of registered trademarksIn addition to the effective management of registered trademarks “CSC” and “CSC + CSCEC”, “China Sate Con

246、struction” and “China State Construction +CSCEC” were successfully registered in 88 trademarks in 45 categories. Another two categories, “CSC Properties” and “CSC Properties + CSCEC”, were also registered.2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201035关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technologic

247、al Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society建议。2010年,开展工程成本、分包采购、工程结算等方面的效能监察,立项453项,提出效能监察建议1,763项,监察决定62项,形成监察报告464份,完善改进制度117项,新建制度106项,增加经济效益4,128万元人民币。围绕“重大事项决策、重要干部任免、重要项目安排、大额资金使用”(“三重一大”)集体决策,开展党务效能监督。全年党务效能监督立项81项,提出效能监督建议187项,监督决定6项,形成监督报告104份,完善改进制度39项,新建制度28项,产生经

248、济效益6,008万元人民币。腐败预防与惩治中国建筑加强反腐倡廉建设,健全腐败预防与惩治机制,构建廉洁文化,落实抓源头、抓关键、抓惩处,杜绝权钱交易,避免不正当竞争。加大对惩防体系的检查考核力度,与各二级单位签订党风廉政建设责任书,将党风廉政建设纳入对各子企业班子整体考核,推动惩防体系在基层单位落实。Monitoring efficiencyThe Company has begun to monitor efficiency, by closing management loopholes and implementing recommendations arising from monito

249、ring. In 2010, the efficiency monitoring system was implemented in areas spanning construction costs, distribution and procurement and construction costing. In all, 453 items were established and 1,763 recommendations were made based on efficiency monitoring; 62 endorsements of monitoring were sough

250、t, resulting in 464 reports; 117 system improvements were made, with 106 newly established rules resulting in a financial gain of 41,280,000 RMB.Group endorsements were required on “Decisions on major issues, appointments for major positions, arrangements for major projects, and deployment of large

251、amounts of capital” (“3 Majors 1 Large”) to facilitate monitoring the efficiency of the partys affairs. During 2010, 81 items were established on monitoring the annual efficiency of the party s affairs, and 87 recommendations were made; 6 endorsements were sought, resulting in 104 reports; 39 system

252、 improvements were made with 28 newly established rules, resulting in a financial gain of 60.08 million RMB.Corruption prevention and penaltiesThe Company has strengthened its anti-corruption measures and improved mechanisms to prevention corruption and impose penalties. A corruption-free culture ha

253、s been fostered, to promote identifying any source and penalise wrongdoers. The wrongful use of authority in exchange for payment is strictly prohibited, to avoid inappropriate competition. The checking and assessment processes of the prevention and penalty system were strengthened. A Letter of Resp

254、onsibility on Building a Corruption-free Culture was signed by all second-tier units. The corruption-free measures became one of the assessed items in the overall appraisals of each unit, to advance the implementation of the prevention and penalty mechanism in lower-level units.廉洁文化建设具体行动Solid measu

255、res on building a corruption-free culture范围/规模 Scope/Scale廉洁文化建设示范点立项Items demonstrating the importance of building a corruption-free culture188个188 items学习国有企业领导人员廉洁从业若干规定和党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations for Senior Management of State-owned Enterprises and the Anti-corruption Rule

256、s & Regulations on Political Practices for Party Leaders17,764人次person-time警示案例教育Education with warning cases29,243人次person-time签订党风廉政责任书Signing the “Letter of Responsibility on Building a Corruption-free Culture”3,523份letters各级领导人员实行廉洁承诺Leaders of all levels3,688人次person-time领导人员述廉议廉 Discussions am

257、ong leaders on the promotion of an anti-corruption culture2,589人次person-time领导人员任职谈话Briefings for senior positions1,294人次person-time中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited36合作共赢Win-win Cooperation中国建筑本着开放和互利共赢原则,与政府机构、战略伙伴广泛开展高端战略合作,积极引领和带动民营企业发展,推动行业、社会的整体发展,拓展公司发展空间。政府合作


259、部、迪拜路政交通局紧密合作,先后完成多项当地基础设施建设和公共事业政府合作项目。战略伙伴中国建筑与企业、金融机构和知名高校等开展高端战略合作,实现行业、社会整体发展的综合价值最大化。与中粮集团、中国海油、宝钢集团、中国电信、大连万达等企业签署战略合作协议,搭建高层对接、市场开拓和业务互补等方面的双赢合作平台。2010年,以战略合作方式承接大连万达项目19个,合同额259亿元人民币。与金融机构签订战略协议,拓展公司融资渠道。继与中国农业银行、中国工商银行、中国进出口银行、招商银行、北京银行等建立战略合作关系以来,2010年,又新On an open and mutually beneficial

260、 basis, the Company was strategically allied with governmental bodies and strategic partners to actively lead and promote the development of private enterprises, foster the overall development of the industry and society, and explore future expansion for the Company.Cooperation with the governmentTh

261、e Company has innovatively proposed the “City operator” concept, which brought together four integrated services: planning and design, investment and development, infrastructure construction, and housing construction. The concept contributed to facilitating regional urbanisation, and led the industr

262、y in a new direction. The company signed a cooperation agreement involving a sustainable investment of 50 billion RMB with Mentougou in Beijing. Strategic cooperation agreements were signed with regions including Henan province; Xinjiang Autonomous Region; Putung New District in Shanghai; Binhai New

263、 District in Tianjin; Western Jinan; Fuzhou; Guiyang; and Zhuhai, to advance the development of the construction of integrated city complexes. In 2010, the total investment value of projects in collaboration with different levels of government totalled 90 billion, and 39 BT and BOT projects were rev

264、iewed and approved.Regarding overseas business, the Company actively sought sincere communications with the local governments to establish rapport. Contributions were made for the development of the local real estate industry in the cooperation. In 2010, our Dubai branch was in close cooperation wit

265、h the Public Utilities Department, the Military Affairs Command of the UAE as well as the Land Administration and Transport Department of Dubai. Numerous joint infrastructure and public utilities construction projects in the region were successively completed.Strategic partnersThe Company was strate

266、gically allied with other enterprises, financial institutions and prestigious academies, to optimise the integrated value of overall development of the industry and society.Strategic cooperation agreements were signed with the COFCO, the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, the Baosteel Group, C

267、hina Telecom, and Dalian Wanda, creating win-win collaboration platforms for high-level exchange, market development, and complementary services. In 2010, a total of 19 projects were contracted by Dalian Wanda under the strategic cooperation, with contract values totalling 25.9 billion RMB.We signed

268、 strategic agreements with financial institutions, to explore capital-raising channels for the Company. We established strategic alliances with the Agricultural Bank of China, the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, the Export-Import Bank of China, the China Merchants Bank and the Beijing Bank of

269、 China; 2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201037关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society增两家战略合作银行交通银行和广东发展银行;同时,与中国工商银行的战略合作规模扩大至800亿元人民币。探索以企业为主体、各方广泛参与的产学研用科技创新模式,利用社会资源开展校企合作。联合清华大学等6家单位共同发起“中国低碳与绿色建造产业技术创新联盟”;与哈尔

270、滨工业大学、大连理工大学签署战略合作框架协议。引领民企发展中国建筑自改革开放以来,使用了成千上万支劳务队伍,许多劳务队伍在与公司的长期稳定合作中,管理能力、技术能力和市场能力显著提升。与公司合作的部分民营企业已获得总承包资质,发展成为大型建筑企业或大型开发企业。and in 2010, we formed strategic alliances with two more banks: the Bank of Communications and the Guangdong Development Bank. The scale of cooperation with the Industri

271、al & Commercial Bank of China was increased to 80 billion RMB.We are exploring the use of innovative technologies for industrial-scale construction and building development, centred on enterprises and with participation by all sectors, in order to utilise social resources to commence cooperation bet

272、ween academic institutions and the construction industry. The China Innovation Alliance on Low Carbon and Green Construction Industrial Technology was formed by six units including Tsinghua University. Strategic cooperation framework agreements were signed with Harbin Industrial University and Dalia

273、n University of Technology.Leading the development of private enterprisesSince the introduction of the national Open Door policy, the Company has worked with thousands of private businesses, whose management capability, technical skills and market abilities were enhanced during our long-term partner

274、ship and cooperation. Some of the private enterprises connected with the Company became capable of independently fulfilling contracts, and could grow into major construction enterprises or developers.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited38归属上市公司净利润92.4亿元人民币The Company ma

275、de a net profit of 9.24 billion RMB可供股东分配利润24亿元人民币With 2.4 billion RMB of profit attributable to shareholders2008年2009年2010年320345938015新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of new contracts signed (100 million RMB) 2008年2009年2010年202126043704营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating revenue (100 million RMB)2008年2009年2010年145.61229.33347.

276、60利税总额(亿元人民币)Gross revenue (100 million RMB)2008年2009年2010年67129196.4利润总额(亿元人民币)Gross profits (100 million RMB)持续盈利能力Sustainable Profitability中国建筑加快产业结构调整、推进增长方式和盈利模式转变,构建科学、健康、良性的产业结构,增强平衡和抵御风险的能力;创新商业模式,探索投资、开发、设计、施工一体化模式,实现项目内部有效联动,强化资本市场运作,提升回报股东的能力。The Company has accelerated progress with indu

277、stry restructuring and fostered changes to profit growth and profit modes. A scientific, healthy and positive industrial structure was created, to strengthen the Companys ability to minimise and manage potential risks. The innovative business mode was implemented, while investment, development, desi

278、gn and construction were combined into a one-stop service chain. Effective internal interaction was realised within the projects, which enhanced the functioning of capital marketing, and created expansive room for the sustainable development of the Company. 主要盈利能力表现Profitability performance2010可持续发展

279、报告Sustainability Report 201039关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society2008年2009年2010年2496累计施工面积(万平方米)Accumulated construction Area (10,000 m2)2008年2009年2010年77921011816105累计新开工面积(万平方米)Accumulated new cons

280、truction area (10,000 m2)2008年2009年2010年354552695822累计竣工面积(万平方米)Accumulated completed area (10,000 m2)2008年2009年2010年437356726237年度施工设计面积(万平方米)Annual construction and design area (10,000 m2)2008年2009年2010年212429437年度开发入伙面积(万平方米)Annual development area (10,000 m2)2008年2009年2010年355246235365期末土地储备(万平方

281、米)Term-end land reserve (10,000 m2)中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited40System for Technology InnovationPromoting Business DevelopmentPromoting Industry DevelopmentAchievements in Technology InnovationTechnology 科技创新科技创新体系服务公司发展引领行业发展科技创新成果4可持续发展报告Sustainabi

282、lity Report 201041关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 SocietyTechnology 中国建筑从公司与行业实际出发,围绕行业发展主题,以“培育技术优势服务企业发展、推行绿色技术引领行业进步”为宗旨,构建完备的科技创新体系,提供有力的科技创新保障,将自主创新理念贯穿于集成技术研究和工程项目实施中,服务于公司发展的需要,引领行业发展方向,带动行业进步,增强企业和行业的可持续发展能力。F

283、rom the Companys and industrys practical perspective, the Companys philosophy is to “Foster the development of service providers with technical advantages, facilitate industrial advancement by promoting green technology”, for the development of the industry. We aim to establish a sound basis for tec

284、hnological innovation, to ensure the provision of all the latest technologies. This independent and innovative concept is woven into the research on assembling technology and the implementation of construction projects. The Companys developmental needs are catered for, leading the direction of the i

285、ndustry, pursuing industrial advancement, and strengthening the sustainability of enterprises and the industry.The Company established a comprehensive system for technological innovation, which covers areas such as decision-making mechanisms, implementation mechanisms, consulting units, capital infl

286、ows, management processes, results assessment and employee incentives, to ensure the smooth operation of the system and adherence to the innovation objectives.公司建立完善的科技创新体系,从决策机制、实施体系、咨询机构、资金投入、过程管理、业绩考核、人才激励等方面,保障创新体系的运转和创新目标的落实。体系/机制建设 Establishment of System/Mechanism服务公司发展Contributions to the Co

287、mpany服务行业发展Contributions to the Industry 以企业第一管理者为首Spearheaded by the Companys senior management 以专家委员会为载体Expert committee as the conduitf 各级科技研发实体配备专职研究人员Research and development hardware is coupled with professional researchers at all levels各企业技术中心根据研发需要配备专职研究人员Technical centres in all enterprises

288、 staffed by professional researchers, according to research needs 投入大量工程技术人员研究解决实际工程的技术难题Deploy large numbers of engineering technical staff to research and solve practical and technical construction problems明确资金投入保障机制;提供配套自筹经费Standardised capital inflow protection mechanism: supporting measure for

289、independent fundraising 以企业总工程师为首,以企业技术中心为核心,涵盖总部技术中心、直属企业技术中心以及重点工程项目研究组Led by chief engineers and with the support of technical centres of enterprises. The technical centre at the headquarters, the enterprises technical centres and major construction projects research taskforces are included总部技术中心

290、承担超前的、解决重大工程的技术问题The technical centre at the headquarters will pioneer technical developments and resolving issues in major projects子企业技术中心主要解决工程实践中遇到的普遍技术问题,为公司发展储备技术Technical centres at branches are mainly responsible for resolving general technical problems in projects, to develop new problem-sol

291、ving techniques for the company重大工程研究组针对工程中的具体技术难题,解决工程实施中的问题The major construction research taskforce will focus on substantial technical problems during construction考核企业科技进步、技术投入等关联指标Associated indicators for assessing enterprises technological advancement and technology involvement 将科研成果直接应用于项目Di

292、rectly apply research findings to the projects承担标准制定,推广行业新技术、新工法的开发和应用Taking the initiative to participate in establishing state and industry standards, exploring innovative technologies and new approaches, promoting new industrial techniques and the application of technology within the industry科技创新

293、体系System for Technology Innovation中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited42服务公司发展Promoting Business Development中国建筑的科技创新与工程项目紧密结合,实践“科研进项目,项目促科研”的理念,将科研成果直接应用于项目。通过科技创新提高房屋建筑核心技术能力(包括高端项目技术方案能力、深化设计能力、系统调试能力等),力求达到国内领先水平;确立“技术创效”和“技术为经营服务”的技术发展理念,提升技术管理水平,提高科技对公司经营的贡献率。在工程

294、投标阶段:将科技创新成果融入济南万达广场、大连郁景广场、长沙机场等多项重大工程的投标过程中,提高工程中标率。在工程实施阶段:科技创新为项目实施提供可行的技术支持,为多个重大工程提出优化方案,在保证质量安全和工期的前提下,实现施工成本有效降低。例如在重庆粉房湾长江大桥工程中对大桥大件吊装和高塔横梁模架的优化方案,取得经济效益800万元人民币。引领行业发展Promoting Industry Development中国建筑在国家施工类标准方面居行业领先水平。公司着眼于行业持续健康发展,主动承担和参与国家标准及行业标准的制定,进行行业新技术、新工法的开发,推动新工艺、技术在行业的应用,为行业发展做出

295、应有贡献。在行业中率先开展绿色建筑研究,承接和参与国家、地方和行业协会的绿色建筑课题,引领行业绿色发展。2010年,编制完成国家标准建筑工程绿色施工评价标准,获得国家标准建筑工程绿色施工规范主编权;参与编制重庆市绿色建筑评估标准、绿色建筑设计标准和中国房地产研究会低碳住宅技术体系框架及减排指标;编制绿色住区建筑技术标准华东篇,提倡采用适合区域特点、低成本、高效能的绿色建筑技术、工艺、材料和设备,提高建筑能源利用效率与环境友好性。中国建筑在行业新技术、新工法方面取得新进展。The Companys technological innovation and construction project

296、s are closely integrated by directly applying technology research findings to projects, realising the principle of “Technological Advancement for Projects, Projects to Enhance Technological Advancement”. Our core housing construction techniques are enhanced through technological innovation (includin

297、g the ability to implement high-end technical solutions for projects, ability to enhance design, and ability to adjust systems) to attain the highest standards in the country. The technological development themes “Technology for Effectiveness” and “Technology for Service Operation” were established,

298、 to elevate technological management standards and enhance the contribution that technological advancement makes to the Companys operations.At the project tendering stage: Apply the technological innovations into the tendering process for multiple major projects, such as Jinan Wanda Square, Dalian Y

299、ujing Square and Changsha airport, to increase the proportion of tenders we win.At the project implementation stage: technological innovations provide practical technical support to projects, offering solutions to optimise numerous major constructions. Construction costs were significantly trimmed,

300、with quality, safety and on-time work schedules guaranteed. For instance, solutions that optimised the lifting of massive components and the high-rise tower and crossbeam frame of the Chongqing Fenfangwan Yangtze River Bridge saved 8 million RMB.The Company has always attained advanced standards in

301、Chinas construction field. We focus on the healthy and sustainable development of the industry, proactively contributing to the establishment of both state and industry standards, exploring innovative technologies and new approaches, and promoting new industrial techniques and the application of tec

302、hnology in the industry.The Company has pioneered research into green construction. Together with the national, regional and industry associations, the Company is concerned with topics in this field, and leads the development of a greener industry. In 2010, the company formulated the Green Construct

303、ion Implementation Assessment Standards and was the chief editor of the Green Construction Implementation Regulations, both of which became national benchmarks. The Company was also involved in formulating the Chongqing Green Construction Assessment Standards, the Green Construction Design Standards

304、, as well as the Low Carbon Residential Technology System Framework and Low Emissions Benchmark for the China Real Estate Research Association. In addition, the Green Residential Construction Technology Standards Eastern China was formulated where there was a proposal to use low-cost and highly effi

305、cient 科技发展委员会科 协科 技 部子企业技术中心Technology Development CommitteeScience Association专家委员Expert CommitteeTechnology DepartmentTechnical Centre at Branch Office总部技术中心Technical Centre at Headquarters 重点工程研究组Major Projects Research Taskforce科技创新体系组织架构图Organisation Chart of the Technological Innovation System

306、2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201043关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technology Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society科技创新成果Achievements in Technology Innovation行业标准2010年,公司受住房和城乡建设部委托完成主编或修编国家行业标准18部,其中主编10部,参编8部。专 利2010年,获得专利授权516项,其中发明专利51项;被受理专利651项,其中发

307、明专利136项。科技奖项张锦秋院士荣获2010年度何梁何利基金科技最高奖项“科学与技术成就奖”。在研科研课题275项,完成“十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题4项。取得国家科学技术进步奖二等奖3项,省部级科技进步奖48项。完成科技成果鉴定与评估62项,其中7项成果达到国际领先水平,19项成果达到国际先进水平。 公司牵头完成建筑业10项新技术(2010版),并通过住建部审定;组织所属企业参加2009-2010年度铁路建设工程部级工法申报,其中2项工法获评通过。中国建筑积极开展行业交流,推动行业新理念、新标准、新工艺和新技术的传播和应用,有力推动行业的发展。全年组织并参加“第三届全国钢结构工程技术交流会

308、”、“2010年中国国际隧道与地下工程技术展览会”、“全国建筑施工新技术暨世博园工程施工创新技术、新工艺研讨交流会”等多项行业交流活动。中国建筑对所属企业提出发明专利数量底线要求、开展优秀专利评审等措施,积极引导专利申请向科学性、实用性和先进性转变,使专利成果更好应用于主业和生产经营,增强行业持续发展能力。案例:中建西北院设计的综合性超大型室外舞美工程“白云之帆”,采用世界首创的新技术,具有高度创意性和创新性。舞动亚运的白云之帆“The Sail of Clouds” dancing in the Asian GamesIndustrial standardsIn 2010, the Comp

309、any was appointed by the China Construction Ministry to edit or revise 18 national industrial standards. The Company was the chief editor of 10 of these standards, and co-edited the other eight.Patents for inventionsIn 2010, a total of 516 patents were granted, of which 51 related to new technologie

310、s; and 651 patent applications were registered, of which 136 related to new technologies.Technology awardsZhang Jinqiu, Academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, received the highest honour in the technology industrys “Science and Technology Achievement Awards”, by the Heliang & Heli Fund i

311、n 2010.During 2010, there were 275 research projects in progress, including four components of the national technology pillar programme of the 11th Five Year Plan that were completed.The Company received three second-class State Scientific and Technological Progress Awards and 48 provincial technolo

312、gy progress awards.During 2010, a total of 62 assessments and evaluations of findings on technology were conducted, seven of which met leading international standards, and 19 met advanced international standards.green construction technology according to different regional characteristics, industria

313、l techniques, materials and equipment, to enhance the efficient utilisation of construction resources and make construction more environmentally friendly.The Company has achieved breakthroughs in innovative technologies and approaches in the industry. The Company spearheaded 10 New Construction Tech

314、nologies (2010 edition), which was approved by the Department of Housing. The Company also guided its subsidiary enterprises to apply the Departmental Engineering Methods of Railway Construction Projects in 2009-2010; in the process, two innovative methods were approved.The Company proactively comme

315、nced exchanges in the industry to promote the development and application of the new concepts, new standards, new industrial techniques and new technologies within the industry. A number of exchange initiatives were organised in 2010, including the “Third National Steel Structure Construction Techno

316、logy Conference”, the “China International Tunnel and Underground Construction Technology Expo 2010”, the Conference on National New Construction Technology-cum-Innovative Construction Technology of the Shanghai World Expo and New Industrial Techniques, the “Fourth China International Tunnel and Und

317、erground Innovative Construction Technology Expo”.The Company has set a minimum requirement for the number of patents registered for inventions, and initiated the evaluation of outstanding patents by its subsidiary enterprises. The Company is proactively leading the patent applications to a scientif

318、ic, practical and advanced change, which ensures the patented discoveries will be better applied in business operations, and production that enhances the sustainability of the industry.Case study: The mega integrated outdoor stage-art project “The Sail of Clouds”, by the CSC Northwestern Architectur

319、al Design Institute, was the first in the world to adopt an innovative technology that demonstrated immense creativity and innovation.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited44质 量质量管理理念品质采购质量控制优质服务Quality Management ConceptQuality ProcurementQuality ControlQuality Services4

320、5454850Quality 2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201045关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society质量管理理念Quality Management Concept中国建筑秉承“中国建筑,服务跨越五洲;过程精品,质量重于泰山”的质量方针,持续深化质量管理体系建设,在勘察、设计、采购、建造、服务等环节严控质量,持续打造“过程精品”。 Adhe

321、ring to the quality principle “A best brand is based on quality, and only the best are recognised worldwide”, China Construction continues to improve its quality management system and strictly control quality of various facets of the business, including site investigation and surveying, design, proc

322、urement, construction and services, to ensure we offer high-quality products and services.品质采购Quality Procurement建筑领域中国建筑采用“总部集中采购与区域集中采购”相结合的模式,明确供应商和分包商的要求,加强对供应商、分包商的评价,建立黑名单制度,持续提高采购质量。2010年,中标供应商资质审核率100%,建筑材料检验合格率100%;组织供应商、分包商培训约70,000次,覆盖约2,000,000人次;组织采购人员培训150次,累计培训15,000人次。Scope of constr

323、uction sectorChina Construction adopts a collaborative system of central procurement and regional procurement, to identify requirements for and enhance evaluation of suppliers and subcontractors; establish a blacklist system; and continuously improve procurement. In 2010, suppliers with successful t

324、enders achieved an audit rate of 100%, and the pass rate for construction material inspection was 100%. We have conducted about 70,000 training sessions for suppliers and subcontractors, including approximately two million people, as well as 150 training sessions for 15,000 procurement staff.建筑领域品质采

325、购图Flowchart for Procurement in the Construction Sector明确建筑材料原料配比、制造工艺、制造工序及各项性能标准明确建筑材料运输与入库验收要求Specify ratio of raw materials for construction, manufacturing technology, manufacturing processes, and various performance standardsSpecify logistics and requirements for acceptance of construction mater

326、ials资质齐全,人员素质能够满足施工需要Fully qualified workers to meet construction requirements对于首次投标的供应商、分包商进行资质审查对于参与竞标的供应商、分包商,从建筑材料的质量、价格,服务能力等方面进行考察对于已合作供应商、分包商,从合同履约、服务质量等方面评价将评选合格的供应商、分包商编入公司供应商/分包商名册,作为今后采购优先选择的对象Inspect quality of new bidders, including suppliers and subcontractorsInspect bidding suppliers

327、and subcontractors, in terms of quality of construction materials, price and servicesEvaluate suppliers and contractors, in terms of contract compliance and service quality after the projectCompile a list of qualified suppliers and subcontractors, and give priorities to these companies for future pr

328、ocurement根据公司要求,组织供应商、分包商开展工程建筑质量要求、施工工艺等方面培训Organise training on construction quality and processes for suppliers and subcontractors, according to our requirements建筑材料加工过程控制:对建筑材料的原材料成分、性能进行检验,监督原材料加工的工艺和工序,检查建筑材料的成分和各项性能建筑材料进入施工现场控制:根据施工要求,运用检查(书面检查、外观检验、理化检验)方法对建筑材料进行抽检或全检Inspect construction mat

329、erial manufacturing processes and quality of end productsConduct sampling or full inspection on construction materials upon delivery to construction site by written examination, visual inspection and testing according to construction requirements监督管理分包商的施工质量、施工进度Supervise and manage construction qua

330、lity and progress of subcontractors编制建筑材料采购教材,组织采购人员开展建筑材料方面的培训Prepare teaching materials and organise training for procurement staff on construction materials procurement组织培训Training分包商过程控制Subcontracting process control建筑材料控制Construction material quality control组织培训Training考察与评价Inspection and evalu

331、ation分包商要求Requirements for subcontractors建筑材料要求Requirements for construction materials采购要求Procurement requirements供应商分包商管理Management of suppliers and subcontractors过程控制Process control能力提升Capability enhancement中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited46物资供应商考察评估流程Flowchart fo

332、r Inspection and Evaluation of Material Suppliers项目部Project Division分公司器材部Branch Equipment Division分公司供应商考察小组Branch Supplier Inspection Team分公司分管领导Branch supervisor分公司经理Branch manager公司项管部Corporate Management提出考察要求Raise inspectionrequest考察供应商Inspect suppliers编制考察评价Compile an inspection evaluation re

333、port物资供应商考察报告Inspection report on material suppliers物资供应商评价报告Evaluation report on material suppliers签署意见Sign and comment签署意见Sign and comment过程考核Process inspection物资供应商评价报告Evaluation report on material suppliers合格供应商名册和不合格名册List of qualified and unqualified suppliers审批Approval审批Approval纳入合格供应商名册Add t

334、o list of qualified suppliers供应商评估结果汇总Evaluation of suppliers results备 案Put on file结 束Completed是Yes否No否No是yes是Yes1232010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201047关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society地产领域中国建筑明确承建商/供应商的选择

335、与评价标准,加强承建商/供应商的考察与评价。将评价合格的承建商/供应商,列入承建商/供应商名册-合格分册;将不合格的承建商/供应商备案,2年内禁止参加公司项目分项投标活动。Scope of real estate sectorChina Construction specifies selection and evaluation standards for contractors and suppliers, enhances inspection and evaluation of contractors and suppliers, and compiles the List of Qu

336、alified Contractors and Suppliers. Unqualified contractors and suppliers are prohibited from tendering for any corporate projects within two years.考察设计理念、设计人员专业素质、建造技术的研发应用能力以及与项目相关的设计成果Inspect design concepts, professional qualifications of designers, application of construction technology innovati

337、on and achievements relating to the project考 察Inspection考 察Inspection考 察Inspection考 察Inspection评 价Evaluation评 价Evaluation评 价Evaluation评 价Evaluation工程建筑结束后,从住宅的宜居度、节能减排绩效等方面展开评价 After construction, evaluate aspects including liveability and energy efficiency考察承建商的资质、设备、人员素质、设计理念、方案的贯彻、执行等考察承建商已承建或正在承

338、建的项目 Inspect corporate qualifications, equipment, staff qualifications, protection of intellectual property, proposal implementation, and contract executionInspect contractors completed and current projects从材料应用、工程质量、工期及后期服务情况等方面展开评价 Evaluate aspects including use of materials, construction quality,

339、 construction period, and post-construction services考察材料供应商原材料的使用、加工技术、加工能力 Inspect raw materials, manufacturing technology and capability of suppliers从供应材料的性能、供应及时性等方面展开评价 Evaluate quality, supply and punctuality of material supplies 考察证件资料、专业人员素质、执业资格、运营模式以及与投标类似的服务项目 Verify staff information, qua

340、lification and licensing, and inspect the business model and other service projects similar to the tender从服务质量、服务绩效等方面展开评价Evaluate quality and achievements of services勘察设计公司Survey and design companies承建商Contractors材料供应商Material suppliers咨询营销服务供应商Consultation and marketing service suppliers地产领域承建商/供应

341、商考察评价图Flowchart for Inspection and Evaluation of Contractors/Suppliers in the Real Estate Sector中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited48建筑领域中国建筑依据ISO9001:2008质量管理体系要求,结合公司各板块的业务特点,在建筑材料采购、施工过程质量检验和控制、竣工验收各环节实施全过程质量控制。2010年,质量管理体系覆盖率100%,竣工验收一次通过率100%、质量评价合格率100%,客户满意率90%;

342、获“国家优质工程奖”15项、“鲁班奖”15项,“海外鲁班奖”1项、詹天佑大奖3项。案例:支撑世界最高速的动车2010年3月,中建二局土木公司承建松江轨道板场通过沪杭公司标准化工地验收。支撑试运行达416.6公里/小时的沪杭动车,必须保证轨道板承轨台高程误差小于0.3Construction sectorAccording to the requirements for ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems certification and the features of various business sectors in the Company

343、, China Construction has implemented comprehensive quality control for various processes, including construction material procurement, quality inspection and quality control during construction, as well as acceptance upon completion. In 2010, we achieved 100% coverage of the quality management syste

344、m, a 100% pass rate of completion acceptance, and a 90% customer satisfaction rate. Also, we won 15 National High Quality Project Awards, 15 Luban Awards, an Overseas Luban Award, and a Zhan Tianyou Grand Award.质量控制Quality Control建筑领域质量控制体系图Chart of Quality Control in the Construction SectorCase stu

345、dy: Supporting the fastest train in the worldIn March 2010, the Song Jiang railway Civil Engineering Company of China Second Engineering Bureau Ltd, passed the standardised site inspection of Zhejiang Expressway Co. Ltd. The railway was able to support a train travelling at 416.6 km/hr on a trial ru

346、n, and it guaranteed that the difference in elevation of the rail-bearing blocks 设置组织机构Organisation structure完善制度Comprehensive system施工准备阶段Preparation phase质量管理推广Quality management promotion施工阶段Construction phase考察内容Assessment content考核办法Assessment method竣工阶段Completion phase设置质量管理机构,在公司各级配备质量管理人员,落实

347、质量管理责任制,加强监控工程质量Set up a quality management team, allocate quality management staff at all levels, implement quality management accountability system, and enhance construction quality control编制项目管理手册、施工企业质量管理条例、施工资料编制规程,规范工程质量管理Compile the Project Management Manual, Construction Quality Management O

348、rdinance and Procedures for Construction Material Preparation, to standardise construction quality management采取宣传、会议、组建QC(质量)小组、现场培训等多种形式开展质量管理培训,提高人员质量意识,推进质量管理标准化进程Adopt various quality management training measures including promotion, meetings, setting up a QC team and on-site training, to enhanc

349、e awareness and promote quality management standardisation结合工程质量、工期、预算要求,编制项目策划方案组织设计图纸复核,编制测量控制方案,进行技术交底有针对性地组织员工开展工程特点、技术要求及施工方法等方面培训Incorporate quality requirements, construction period and construction budget into project proposalReview the design, compile a proposal for survey management and pe

350、rform technological testsOrganise targeted training for workers regarding construction characteristics, technological requirements, and construction methods按照工艺操作规程组织施工,实时监控技术要求高、施工难度大的结构部位,定期向客户汇报工程质量、进度等情况,加强对成品的保护和管理Organise the construction according to the technological procedures, closely moni

351、tor work on challenging structural parts that requires advanced technology, regularly report the construction quality and progress to the customer, strengthen the protection and management of end-product按照合同进行自检、预验收,整改发现的质量问题组织客户、咨询工程师验收 Perform self assessment and pre-acceptance according to the co

352、ntract, and rectify problems that are identified Meet with customers and consulting engineers for acceptance 从质量管理制度、人员和资质管理、技术质量管理、过程质量管理和质量管理效果等5个方面考核Assessments cover five areas: the system of quality management; quality management of human resources, technology and process; and the achievements

353、of quality management制定施工企业质量管理工作考核评价办法Formulate the Assessment Method for Construction Quality Management2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201049关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society地产领域中国建筑追求细节完美,将质量控制融入项目立项、规划设

354、计、建造、入伙移交等全过程,全力铸造精品工程,为客户提供高品质的住宅。案例:为客户打造精品住宅中海地产对项目入伙前质量检查的时间、方法、要求、成果提出要求。明确各项目入伙前要通过自查、复查、验收等三道检查;将检查过程中暴露的问题录入、整改、销项。2010年共入伙3.6万余户。Case study: Offer high-quality residences to customersChina Overseas Property has a management department and a customer relations department, to monitor the sche

355、dule of quality inspection, methods, requirements and achievements before handover. All projects must pass three inspection phases: self-inspection by the project department, re-inspection by the development and management department, and acceptance by the property management department. All problem

356、s found during the inspection process must be recorded, rectified and checked. In 2010, more than 36,000 new households completed the handover of their residences.地产领域质量控制体系图Quality Control in the Real Estate SectorReal estate sectorQuality construction is a matter of process control. China Construc

357、tion values the pursuit of perfection, and incorporates quality control into the entire process including project initiation, planning and design, construction, and handover to clients. We strive to produce high quality construction, and provide high quality residences to customers.毫米。在工程建造中,公司编制松江轨

358、道板场标准化管理手册、无砟轨道板生产工艺细则、无砟轨道板生产作业指导书,规范质量标准;引入5S现场管理,加强对现场材料、设备管理规范化管理。实行过程控制标准化,一次性通过铁道部上道认证审查。树立“客户至上”的服务理念,将房屋及钥匙交给客户,并针对客户的疑问进行回复Establish a customer-oriented service philosophy, hand over the apartments and keys to customers, and clearly answer customers queries依据工程竣工质量验收移交工作指引,督促承建商开展自检根据交房标准组织

359、二次检查,结合物业要求实施逐户模拟收房专项检查 Advise contractors to perform self-inspection according to the Guidelines for Construction Completion Acceptance of Occupation TransferOrganise a secondary inspection according to handover standards, perform a mock apartment-to-apartment handover special inspection correspond

360、ing to the property requirements组织勘察设计公司考察项目所在地的自然环境、地质构造等特点Specify the market position, nature and resource requirements of the project.向承建商贯彻设计理念,根据设计方案监督承建商施工依据工程质量管理前期策划工作指引,监督承建商的施工工艺、材料应用;实时监控工程质量和进度Present the design concept to the contractor, and supervise construction by the contractor, acc

361、ording to the design conceptSupervise the construction technology and process, as well as use of materials, and closely monitor construction quality and progress according to the Guidelines for Preliminary Planning of Construction Quality Management根据使用需求、经济状况,在预算范围内确定工程质量等级和水平组织设计公司编制设计方案 Organise

362、surveys of features such as natural environment and geological structure by site investigation and surveying companiesCall for the surveyor to compile a design proposal within the budget, according to user needs and economic conditions while ensuring construction quality编制、申报、审批项目可行性研究报告Develop, pre

363、sent and approve the feasibility study选定项目,签订合作意向书初步确定开发方案,申报规划要点Confirm project selection and sign the letter of intentConfirm the preliminary development plan, and present the main points in the planning stage立项Initiation 可行性研究Feasibility study 地质勘探Project planning 方案制定Site inspection and surveyin

364、g 施工阶段Construction phase 竣工验收阶段Completion acceptance phase 客户服务Customer Services would not exceed 0.3 mm.Regarding construction work, we have published the Manual for Standardised Management of Song Jiang Rail Work, Ballast-free Track Production Specifications and Ballast-free Track Operation Guide,

365、 to specify quality standards. We have also introduced 5S site management, to enhance standardised management of on-site materials and equipment. Regarding implementation of standardised process control, we passed the Ministry of Railways inspection for the railway certificate.中国建筑股份有限公司China State

366、Construction Engineering Corporation Limited50建筑领域合同履约是企业诚信经营、优质服务的主要表现。中国建筑优化资源配置,有效监控项目进程,提高合同履约能力。2010年,未发生建筑合同履约投诉情况。中国建筑保护客户权益,加强客户商业秘密的管理,对客户信息、合同条款、设计方案严加保密,未经客户允许,不向第三方透露信息。全年未发生因违反相关服务法规受到制裁的事件,未接到侵犯客户隐私、遗失资料方面的投诉。优质服务Quality ServicesConstruction sectorContract compliance is the major conce

367、rn of corporate integrity and quality services. China Construction optimises resource allocation, effectively monitors project progress, and enhances the capability for reasonable contract compliance. In 2010, no complaints were received regarding construction contract compliance.China Construction

368、continuously protects customer interests; strengthens management of confidential business information; keeps strictly confidential all customer information, contract terms and design proposals; and will not disclose information to third parties without the customers permission. Throughout 2010, no v

369、iolations of related laws and regulations were found, and no complaints were received regarding violation of customer privacy and information loss.地产领域中国建筑从客户体验出发,加强客户关系管理,秉承“信心服务人文(CSC体系)”的理念,在为客户服务过程中体现出坚持以人为本,客户至上的原则,为客户提供专业、无忧、贴心的服务。中海地产品牌价值155.85亿,连续6年蝉联内地房地产商业品牌价值之冠。国家工商行政管理总局商标局在不动产管理、商品房销售服务

370、上认定“中海地产”商标为“中国驰名商标”。Real estate sectorFocusing on the customer experience, China Construction continuously strengthens our customer relationship management and adheres to the concept of “Confidence, Service, Culture (CSC)”. Our customer service reflects our adherence the customer-oriented principle

371、, through providing professional, worry-free and caring services to our customers.The China Overseas Property brand is worth 15.585 billion RMB, and has been highest among all mainland China real estate businesses for six years.The State Administration for Industry and Commerce recognised the “China

372、 Overseas Property” trademark as “Chinas Famous Brand” in real estate management and sales services.加强客户沟通渠道建设,主动了解客户关于施工工艺、材料变更等要求,积极采纳客户意见Enhance communication channels, take the initiative to understand customers requirements for construction technology and material changes, positively absorb cus

373、tomers opinions真实、公正、完整的向客户披露建造过程信息 Disclose construction information to customers in a true, fair and integral way 沟通渠道Communication channels信息披露Disclosure of information施工过程During construction主动回访客户,了解客户意见和建议,组织处理客户提出的质量问题Re-visit customers, to understand their views, and suggestions, and to handl

374、e customers queries regarding quality主动拜访客户,了解防水与建筑安装设备使用功能和安全寿命,受理客户发现的问题 Visit customers to understand the functions and safety life of waterproof and construction installation equipment, and handle customers problems 工程交付3个月内3 months after completion工程保修期内Within warranty period就客户提出的工程维修要求进行回访,与客

375、户共同制定维修方案Re-visit customers upon their request for construction maintenance services, and formulate maintenance plan together with customers工程保修期外After warranty period工程交付后After construction2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201051关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质

376、量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society安心购房中国建筑主动向客户披露房产项目信息。依据合同会签、评审程序规定,选择广告公司、媒体及礼品制作单位,审查广告文字内容、核实图片。采用网站、销售现场、电话、公告栏等形式,向客户公披露项目及周边有利和不利因素。广告宣传合规率为100%。中国建筑保障客户购房权益。制定合同内容评审制度,保障合同内容的平等性;落实客户监督机制、投诉处理流程制度等管理制度,提高客服人员的服务能力与效率。案例:购房公证2010年10月15日,中建地产扬州运河壹号公馆项目邀请公证处为现场购房做全过程的公证。这使项


378、例:中建地产建立三级客户服务体系2010年,中国建筑以“诚意、正心、善至于家”的核心价值观打造物业服务中心、城市分公司、物业公司总部三级客户服务体系。其中物业公司总部负责服务理念、服务标准的制定,城市分公司负责服务标准培训与检查,物业服务中心执行服务标准。Purchase assuranceChina Construction always takes the initiative to disclose information on housing projects to customers. Also, we select advertising agencies, advertising

379、 media and souvenir companies, review advertisement content and verify photos in accordance with contract conditions and assessment provisions. Favourable and unfavourable factors relating to a project or its surrounding environment are disclosed on websites, at points of sale, by telephone, and on

380、notice boards. A 100% advertising compliance rate was achieved.China Construction protects the interests of customers purchasing real estate. We have established a contract evaluation system, to guarantee fairness of contract content, and implemented various management systems including the Customer

381、 Monitoring System and Procedures for Handling Complaints to enhance the ability and efficiency of our customer service staff.Case study: Notary for real estate purchaseOn 15 October 2010, CSC Lands residential project, River 1, Yangzhou, invited the notary office to be a witness for the whole purch

382、ase process, so that different processes of the project, such as initial offering, drawing lots, result announcement and property selection were monitored. In this way, transparency of real estate purchase information is enhanced, and customers can have confidence in purchasing property.Comfortable

383、residencesChina Construction comprises various business resources, including housing architecture, real estate investment and infrastructure development; extends the service value chain; and has established a property service group, to provide value-added services to customers.China Construction fol

384、lows the service principle, “Striving to provide quality services to enhance our quality of life”, to integrate the modern concept of property services, provide high-quality property services, enhance user comfort and add value to properties. The customer satisfaction rate was 98.9%, and 100% of cus

385、tomer complaints were handled in a timely manner.The company keeps a clean and hygienic environment, maintains green public space, manages car parking, and ensures community security in common areas and related areas. Also, we raise customer awareness to enhance community facilities, encourage custo

386、mers to participate in community management, promote standardised management by community committees, and assist customers in promoting renovation of community buildings, public facilities and infrastructure.Case study: Establishment of a three-level customer service system in CSC LandIn 2010, China

387、 Construction adhered to its core values of “Sincerity, honesty and goodwill” to create a three-level customer service system comprising a property service centre, a city branch and a property headquarters. The responsibilities of the property headquarters, the city branch and the property service c

388、entre are to establish the service concept and standards, to organise service training and inspections, and to implement service standards, respectively. 中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited52安 全安全管理体系安全制度安全检查安全教育安全文化安全绩效Saftety Management SystemSafety SystemSafety Insp

389、ectionsSafety EducationSafety CultureSafety Performace Results535454555657Safety 2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201053关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society安全管理体系Safety Management System中国建筑坚持“安全第一,预防为主”的原则,以安全生

390、产责任制为核心,建立健全覆盖生产经营各环节的安全生产八大体系,包括组织保障体系、安全责任体系、管理制度体系、技术标准体系、监督检查体系、培训教育体系、安全投入体系和安全应急管理体系,为公司安全生产提供全方位保障。中国建筑秉持“生命至上,安全运营第一”的安全方针,树立全员参与安全管理的思想,健全安全管理体系,建立安全制度,组织全员开展安全教育和培训,提升员工安全意识和技能,形成浓厚的安全文化氛围,确保公司安全稳定生产和运营。2010年,国务院副总理张德江考察中国建筑,对中国建筑在安全生产管理方面的作法给予肯定。By attaching importance to healthy and safe

391、 operations, China Construction encourages all staff to participate in safety management, optimises the safety management system, establishes safety systems, offers safety education and training to all staff, enhances workers safety awareness and skills, and creates a strong safety culture, to ensur

392、e safe and stable company operations.In 2010, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang visited China Construction, and complimented our work on production safety management.安全责任体系Safety responsibility system安全应急体系Safety contingency system培训教育体系Training and education system组织保障体系Assurance of operational effectiven

393、ess监督检查体系Supervision and inspection system技术标准体系Technical standards system管理制度体系Management system安全投入体系Safety investment systemAdhering to the principle of safety and accident prevention, we established a production safety responsibility system, together with eight production safety systems covering

394、 different production and operational processes assurance of operational effectiveness, safety responsibility, management, technical standards, supervision and inspection, training and education, investment in safety, and contingencies regarding safety to comprehensively ensure safe production throu

395、ghout the Company.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited54安全制度Safety System中国建筑重视安全制度建设,推进安全生产标准化建设,使公司安全生产有据可依、有规可循。2010年,进一步完善安全规章制度,起草中国建筑安全生产奖惩管理暂行办法,对奖励条件和标准以及安全生产问责做出明确规定;发布实施安全生产管理手册,为公司安全生产提供系统指导。公司根据国家安监管理规定,与所属企业签订安全生产责任书,落实责任,使安全施工在控、可控。在全国安全生产月期间,公司与各工程局、事业部和设

396、计院等单位签订2010年度安全生产责任书,明确二级单位安全生产目标、管理目标和工作职责,并进行量化考核。各二级企业与下属300家企业签订安全生产责任书,各企业与所属近7000个项目签订安全生产责任书,将安全生产责任制落实到每个项目、每个岗位和每个环节,做到安全生产重点负责、人人参与。China Construction stresses the establishment of safety systems, and vigorously promotes standardised production safety, as to ensure there are sufficient gui

397、delines and rules concerning production safety. In 2010, we further enhanced our safety regulations and drafted the Interim Measures for Production Safety Rewards and Punishments within China Construction to clearly specify the conditions for rewards and punishments, as well as accountability for pr

398、oduction safety. We also published and implemented the Production Safety Management Manual, to provide systematic guidelines on production safety.We abide by the provisions of the State Administration of Work Safety, and sign agreements concerning safe production with all levels of the Company, to e

399、nsure that each level is given appropriate responsibilities, and all work is controllable and under control. During National Safety Month, we signed the 2010 Production Safety Responsibility Agreement with various engineering bureaux, departments and design institutes, to specify production safety o

400、bjectives, management objectives and job responsibilities of class-two units, and performed quantitative assessments. All class-two enterprises signed production safety responsibility agreements with 300 affiliated enterprises, which signed production safety responsibility agreements for almost 7000

401、 projects, to ensure that the production safety responsibility system covers every project, every post and every process. Hence, we achieved full responsibility for and full participation in safe production. China Construction plans and performs focused safety inspections, establishes safety inspect

402、ion plans in accordance with individual project needs, specifies inspection objectives and requirements, and focuses on the less secure process and key problems during inspections. Inspection can enhance production safety through immediate rectification of hidden dangers and prevention of accidents.

403、In 2010, the headquarters organised two general production safety inspections and five specific production safety inspections. A total of 160 projects and over 80 construction enterprises (companies and organisations) were inspected. Over 200 notifications regarding rectification of hidden dangers w

404、ere sent. More than 1,000 recommendations regarding rectification and management of hidden dangers were made.安全检查Safety Inspections中国建筑有计划、有重点地进行安全检查,从实际情况出发制订安全检查计划,明确检查的目的和要求,把安全生产中存在的薄弱环节和关键问题作为检查重点。通过检查实现整改隐患、预防事故发生并促进安全生产。2010年,公司总部组织2次安全生产大检查工作和5次专项安全生产检查工作,共检查项目160多个、施工企业(公司、机构)80多家,下发隐患整改通知书

405、200余份,提出整改管理隐患1,000余条。2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201055关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society安全教育Safety Education中国建筑建立安全生产教育制度,定期举办各级各类安全生产知识和技能培训。全年组织安全教育培训120次,参与培训人员达220,000人次。公司开展以安全生产管理手册为重点的安全生产知识宣贯和培

406、训,公司组织由40名经验丰富的专家组成的培训讲师团到二级单位统一展开宣贯培训,参与培训的各级管理人员达40,000余人;组织安全生产高级管理人员培训,200余人参加。严格做好劳务、分包入场三级教育等常规培训,开展针对特殊工种、特殊人群、特殊环境的教育培训,未经施工安全生产教育的人员不得上岗作业。海外项目组织各种安全教育,项目各项安全教育由安全部门统一组织、指导,各分包单位有关人员配合完成,并留存教育记录。全年近百万农民工接受相关培训。China Construction has established an education system regarding production safet

407、y, and organises regular training sessions on production safety knowledge and skills for various staff levels. In 2010, we organised 120 safety training sessions for 220,000 staff.Through the Production Safety Management Manual, the Company publicises production safety knowledge and organises releva

408、nt training. The Company forms a trainer group comprising nearly 40 experienced professionals, to provide training to class-two units. Over 40,000 management staff of different levels participated in the training, and more than 200 people participated in production safety training for senior manager

409、s.Regular training is strictly organised to provide three levels of education for staff and subcontractors. Educational training is provided on specific types of work, workers and environments. Staff who have not received any construction safety education are not allowed to report for duty. Overseas

410、 projects provide safety education, which is organised and presented solely by the safety department. Relevant staff from each subcontracting unit must complete training courses, and mark their attendance in the education records. Nearly a million rural migrant workers received relevant training dur

411、ing the year.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited56安全文化Safety Culture中国建筑以“安全生产月”和“安全生产年”为契机,广泛开展形式多样、主题突出的系列宣传教育活动,提高全员安全生产意识,共同营造安全文化。中国建筑各级企业、项目经理部通过在办公场所、公共区域等地悬挂宣传横幅,张贴宣传资料,制作黑板报、挂图、事故案例等多形式、多渠道加大宣传力度,营造安全氛围;开展安全生产咨询日活动,举办事故预防措施、安全知识漫画、施工中主要事故类型等科普知识图片展览;发放安全生产宣传材料


413、次。China Construction took the Production Safety Month and Production Safety Year as opportunities to organise a series of publicity and education campaigns, which included various activities and prominent themes, to raise awareness of production safety and create a safety culture.All enterprises and

414、 the project management department of China Construction hung banners in offices and public areas, posted promotional materials, and made use of a variety of communication channels including blackboards, wall charts and case studies to enhance publicity and help create a safe atmosphere. On Safety C

415、onsultation Day, we held a science exhibition and introduced accident prevention measures, safety knowledge comics, and major categories of construction accidents. We also distributed promotional materials on production safety, to raise safety awareness among all staff. An essay writing activity was

416、 held under the theme of Production Safety Month. Enterprises and project departments invited their staff to write articles, the best of which were published, to exchange and promote good experiences and practices. The company headquarters, class-two enterprises and project departments held producti

417、on safety knowledge tests under the theme of “Be responsible and knowledgeable regarding production safety”. Nearly 30,000 managerial personnel participated in the tests, and some 10,000 rural migrant workers participated in oral tests. Safety activities are organised for overseas projects. Activiti

418、es include posting slogans, safety inspections, safety knowledge competitions, speeches, commendations and safety conferences. In 2010, more than 400 safety activities were organised by branches of China Construction in countries and regions including Congo (Brazzaville), Singapore, Thailand, Korea,

419、 United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, the United States and Algeria. Up to 250,000 people participated2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201057关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society安全绩效Safety Performance Results2010

420、年,事故数量同比2009年下降21.7,“十一五”与“十五”期间同比,事故数量、死亡人数、亿元产值死亡率分别下降了20.7、12.1、50。中国建筑安全生产稳定的局面和制度创新、方法创新等受到国家有关部委的好评。2010年,中宣部等国家七部委联合为公司安全生产月活动颁发荣誉奖牌。中国建筑是20家获奖单位中的唯一一家建筑企业。公司获住建部安全质量标准化工地5项;中建协3A文明安全标准化诚信工地及企业36项;省部级以上文明安全工地300余项。三项获奖数均为全国同行业之首。案例: “平平”和“安安”中国建筑安全生产宣传形象大使公司制作中国建筑施工现场安全防护标准图集,首次推出两个具有鲜活动感形象和宣

421、传感召力的安全生产宣传形象大使“平平”和“安安”。“平平”和“安安”图牌形象、颜色、尺寸等按标准图集要求制作,共有安全理念、临边防护、机械防护、消防等22 个场景。公司要求各场景在按标准图集设置安全防护设施时,须按图集要求配套张挂“平平”和“安安”图牌。Case study: Pingping and Anan China construction production safety ambassadors In our Construction Site Safety Protective Standard Atlas, we introduced the two lively and at

422、tractive production safety ambassadors, Pingping (peaceful) and Anan (safe), for the first time. The images, colours and sizes of the display cards featuring Pingping and Anan are designed according to the guides requirements. The guide includes 22 scenes, such as safety concepts, edge protection, m

423、echanical protection and fire control. The display cards are required to be displayed at the safety protection facilities, in the scenes mentioned in the guide.In 2010, the number of accidents dropped by 21.7% compared with 2009. Comparing the period of the Eleventh Five Year plan to that of the Ten

424、th Five Year plan, the numbers of accidents and deaths, and the death rate per output value of 100 million RMB, dropped by 20.7%, 12.1% and 50%, respectively.China Construction was complimented by relevant state ministries for its stable situation, innovative systems and approach to production safet

425、y.In 2010, seven national ministries including the Central Propaganda Department jointly awarded a medal of honour to the Company for Production Safety Month. China Construction was the only construction enterprise among the 20 units that received awards.The Company received five awards for quality

426、safety standards at construction sites from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; 36 awards for 3A modern, safe, standardised and honest construction sites and enterprises from Zhong Jian Xie Certification Centre Co Ltd; and more than 300 awards for modern and safe construction sites

427、at provincial level or above. The Company received more of these awards than any other construction industry enterprise in the country.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited58环 境环境管理绿色设计绿色采购绿色建造绿色办公Environmental ManagementGreen DesignGreen ProcurementGreen ConstructionGre

428、en Office5960636367Environment2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201059关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society环境管理Environmental Management中国建筑以“推进绿色技术引领行业进步”为宗旨,根据ISO14001标准要求,建立环境管理体系,提高环境管控水平,持续推进环境管理的规范化、系统化、精细化。2

429、010年,环保总投资近亿元人民币。组织施工现场环境控制规程师资培训班3期,覆盖900人次。中国建筑秉承“绿色建造,环境和谐为本”的环境方针,将“节能环保、生态建设”全面融入到管理、设计、采购、施工与服务环节中,引领建筑和地产行业的低碳发展。China Construction adopts the environmental policy of “Green Construction based on Environmental Harmony”, incorporating the principle of “Energy-saving, environmentally friendly,

430、and ecological construction” into its management, design, procurement, construction and services, leading low-carbon development in the construction and real estate industry.环境管理体系图Environmental Management SystemChina Construction adheres to the principle of “Promoting green technology and leading i

431、ndustry advancement”. In accordance with ISO1400 standards, we have developed an environmental management system to improve the quality of environmental control; and we will continually improve the standardisation, systematisation, and specialisation of environmental management.In 2010, our investme

432、nt in environmental protection was close to 100 million RMB.Three terms of the training course on Environmental Control Procedures for Construction Sites were conducted, with participation totalling 900 placements.组织保障Organisational Setting规范标准Standardisation Criteria能力提升Improvement of Capability过程控

433、制Process Control环境考核Environment Assessment设置组织机构Establishing a department to organise environmental protection work完善制度Improvement of the system环保管理标准推广Promotion of environmental management standards环境管理标准应用Application of environmental control standards考核机制Assessment mechanism建立三级环境监控体系,推进环境保护的系统化De

434、velop a three-tier Environmental Control System, to promote the systematisation of environmental protection组织编制环境管理条例、节能减排手册、施工现场环境标准,规范公司环保行为Compile the Environmental Control Act, Guide to Energy-saving and Emission-reduction, and Construction Site Environmental Standards to standardise the company

435、s environmental protection strategies采用集中培训、讲座、沙龙、现场参观等形式,组织环保培训,提高员工环保意识,落实环境管理制度Organise training programmes on environmental protection with centralised courses, seminars, forums, and field studies to enhance environmental awareness among employees and promote the environmental management system加

436、强环保技能技术的推广与应用,实施绿色设计、绿色采购、绿色建造,打造绿色地产Strengthen the promotion and application of environmentally friendly skills and technologies; implement green design, green procurement, green construction and green real estate完善环境管理科学考核机制Improve the assessment mechanism for environmental management science环境管理协

437、调工作小组EnvironmentalManagementCoordination Unit环境管理部门EnvironmentalManagementDepartment三级环境监控体系Three-tier Environmental Control System环境管理工作人员EnvironmentalManagement Staff公司总部Headquarters子企业Subsidiary项目Project中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited60案例:鄂尔多斯金地智能大厦项目应用低碳科技、智能化系

438、统,综合节能65%Case study: Erdos Gemdale intelligent building projectApplying low-carbon technologies, with intelligent system achieving 65% energy savings.绿色设计Green Design绿色建筑是指在建筑的全生命周期内,最大限度节能、节地、节水、节材,保护环境,减少污染,提供健康、适用和高效的使用空间,创造与自然和谐共生的建筑。设计是绿色建造的源头,主导后续建筑活动对环境的影响和资源的消耗。中国建筑在国内率先开展绿色建筑设计研究,在工程设计中全面融入

439、绿色设计3R原则(减少污染、减少能耗、材料回收),利用绿色建筑技术、环保建材,采用计算模拟方法,从场地与室外环境保护、建筑材料与室内环境、建筑材料、给水排水、暖通空调、建筑电气等方面进行设计规划。节约能源公司围绕项目所在地的地形地貌、气候、工程地质等自然条件,运用节能围护结构、太阳光能系统、风能运用系统等节能技术、设备,有效利用自然环境中阳光、地热、风能等可再生资源,减少二氧化碳排放。设备/技术名称Name of Equipment/Technology作用Function外围护结构节能Energy-saving building envelope通过对建筑体型系数控制、屋顶与外窗材料及窗户开

440、洞大小等方面设计,达到节能To save energy by controlling the coefficient of the building shape, and planning the rooftop and windows materials, as well as the size of the window openings太阳能光伏系统Solar photovoltaic system利用太阳能电池光伏效应将太阳辐射直接转换成电能的发电系统To convert solar radiation into electricity, through the solar photo

441、voltaic effect地源热泵Ground source heat pump利用大地岩土层中的可再生热能,实现地下管道与大地之间的换热To achieve heat transfer between the underground pipes and the earth with the renewable heat energy in the earth soil layer户式新风系统Ventilation system以较低能耗将室外的新鲜空气引入室内To draw in fresh air from outdoors with lower energy智能节电装置Intellig

442、ent power-saving device提高电力素质和用电效率,使整体用电设备减少电力损耗To reduce the overall power consumption of electrical equipment, by improving the quality and efficiency of electricity use through the basic principle of electromagnetic balance.重力蓄能发电电梯Elevator and power generator with gravitational energy storage利用电

443、梯垂直下降时的重力,将其收集并存储以带动发电机发电To generate electricity by making use of the effect of gravity on descending lifts. The energy is collected and stored, to supplement electricity generation.Green architecture refers to saving energy, land, water, and materials; protecting the environment; and reducing pollu

444、tion to the maximum extent within the lifespan of a construction. The aim is to provide users with healthy, user-friendly and efficient space, creating architecture that can be in harmony with nature.As the origin of green architecture, design guides how forthcoming construction activities will affe

445、ct the environment and consume energy. China Construction has initiated studies in green architecture, the first of the kind in the country, and we have incorporated into our construction design the 3R principles of green design (Reduce pollution, Reduce energy consumption, and Reuse materials). Mak

446、ing use of green architecture technologies and green materials, along with simulations, designs are created in areas such as environmental protection at the construction site and outdoors, construction materials and indoor environment, construction materials, water supply and drainage, heaters and a

447、ir-conditioning, and the electrical system for construction.Energy conservationTaking into account the natural conditions such as topography, climate and geology surrounding the project site, we have deployed different technologies and equipment to conserve energy. Examples include energy-saving bui

448、lding envelopes, solar energy systems, and wind energy systems to efficiently utilise the renewable resources in the surroundings including solar, geothermal and wind energy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.上表为公司部分节能技术工艺Some of the companys energy conservation technologies2010可持续发展报告Sustainability

449、 Report 201061关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society设备/技术名称Name of Equipment/Technology作用Function中水回用系统Grey water recycling system 将生活用水集中处理后,用于绿化浇灌、车辆冲洗、道路冲洗、家庭坐便器冲洗等To process used water in daily life with centr

450、al treatment and reuse it in green irrigation, car-washing, road-washing, and toilet-cleaning.雨水收集系统Rainwater collecting system将雨水作为新的水源,与浇灌系统、冲厕系统连接,增加自来水的替代量To use rainwater as a new source of water, with connections to irrigation and flushing systems, to increase the volume of water replacing tap

451、 water.节水灌溉系统Water-saving irrigation system通过采用微喷灌、滴灌的方法达到节水目的To save water using mini spray cans and drip irrigation.透水混凝土路面技术Pervious concrete pavement technology使用透水混凝土做路面,使雨水流入地下,保护地下水资源To build roads with pervious concrete, allowing rainwater to percolate underground, to conserve the undergroun

452、d water resource.多段多级AO除磷脱氮反应系统研究Reaction system studies on AO Note to client: Pls give details phosphorus and nitrogen removal in multiple stages污水生物处理高效除磷脱氮技术,适用于城市污水处理的新建和改造项目A highly efficient nitrogen removal technology involving biological waste water treatment, applicable to new projects and

453、reconstruction projects that entail urban sewage treatment 技术措施Technological measure年节电量(千瓦时)Electricity conserved per year (kWh)年减CO2(吨)CO2 emissions reduced per year (tonne)年减SO2(吨)SO2 emissions reduced per year (tonne)年减TSP(吨)TSP Note to client: Pls give details reduced per year (tonne)节能围护结构Ener

454、gy-saving building envelope404,000451.414.03690.21188太阳光伏系统Solar photovoltaic system159,000162.981.9570.00965风能运用系统Wind energy system34,00043.6650.38520.02564汇总Total597,000658.056.3790.2472节约用水公司利用项目所在地的气候、水文情况,应用中水回用系统、雨水收集系统、节水灌溉系统及透水混凝土路面技术等,有效地利用雨水、废水,保护地下水。Water conservationTaking advantage of

455、the on-site climate and hydrology, we have deployed a grey water recycling system, rainwater collecting system, water-saving irrigation system, and pervious concrete pavement technology, to efficiently use rainwater and waste water, thus protecting underground water sources.上表为公司部分节水技术工艺Some of the

456、companys water-saving technologies技术应用及经济效益分析:Analysis of the application of technology and its economic benefits:案例:中海地产苏州中海国际社区233-2地块高科技示范项目Case study: China Overseas international community in Suzhou, by China Overseas Property; Block 233-2 , High-tech demonstration project中国建筑股份有限公司China State

457、Construction Engineering Corporation Limited62环保建材名称Name of green construction material作用Function调湿涂料Humidity-adjusting coating在高湿度环境下吸湿,在低湿度环境下放湿To absorb moisture in a high humidity environment, and release moisture in low humidity environment.固废再生绿色建材Green building materials recycled from solid-w

458、aste主体结构全部采用高性能再生骨料混凝土,利用脱硫石膏生产的轻质石膏板隔墙,可节约50%以上的建材Save more than 50% of building materials by using high-efficiency recycled aggregate concrete in the main structure, with gypsum partition walls manufactured from desulphurised gypsum.相变材料墙体Phase Change Material Wall将能量以相变潜热的形式储藏起来,实现能量在不同时空的转换,以便减少

459、供热FromChina. From the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China toe hav节约建材公司加强环保节能建筑材料的研发与应用,持续推进住宅工业化的进程,实现节能环保目标。上表为公司部分节材技术工艺Some of the companys conservation technologies for building materials案例:中国建筑东北院设计的万科沈阳项目采用工业化方法建造的万科沈阳公司,建筑可回收材料占60%,产生的建筑垃圾比传统模式减少83%;钢筋损耗是传统模式的75%;混凝土损耗是传统模式的65%;省去外墙脚

460、手架。Building material conservationStrengthening the development and application of green building materials, the Company has continued to integrate industrial production processes into the construction of residential units to achieve energy saving and environmental protection.案例:会呼吸的建筑以“会呼吸的城市. 会呼吸的建

461、筑”为指导方针,以打造智能高效、绿色生态、节能环保的典范建筑为目标的设计方案,使第十二届全运会中心二氧化碳的排放量将降低30%,达到最高三星级绿色建筑标准。Case Study: Shenyang Vanke Metropolitan Tower designed by Northeastern branch of China Construction Shenyang Vanke Metropolitan Tower was constructed using industrial methods. The building contains 60% recyclable materials

462、, with construction producing 83% less waste than if traditional construction methods had been employed; the steel used is 75% the amount required by traditional methods; the concrete used is 65% the amount required traditional methods; and the external scaffolding could be omitted. Case study: “Bre

463、athing architecture”The schematic design adheres to the principle of “Breathing city and breathing architecture”, aiming to construct a distinctive building that is intelligent, efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Upon its completion, the centre will produce 30% lower carbon dioxi

464、de emissions than commercial centres built by traditional methods, meeting the highest standard of three-star green architecture. 2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201063关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society节约用地公司

465、围绕项目的规划和功用,开展节地研究,减少建筑物的占地面积,提高土地的使用率,增加建筑物内部空间容积率。绿色采购Green Procurement中国建筑采购节能环保材料,向供应商传递环保理念,推动供应商实施环保措施,共同打造绿色供应链。2010年,环保产品采购比率100%。公司编制绿色采购制度,将绿色采购纳入合同,明确建筑材料环保要求,在同等条件下优先选择对环境影响较小的供应商,购买带有环境标志产品。明确建筑材料在运输过程和进入施工现场的环保要求。供应商审核监督在供应商的选择阶段,公司将供应商环境管理体系建设情况、产品的环境友好性作为考核指标;在与供应商合作阶段,对供应商在采购、生产及成品储存

466、等环节的环境行为进行监督。推进供应链环境管理公司鼓励供应商开展环境管理体系建设和认证管理,组织供应商开展低碳环保方面的培训。Land conservationThe Company conducts studies on land conservation based on the planning and functions of its projects, with the aim of reducing the area occupied by the construction in order to increase the proportion of usable land and

467、the plot ratio. This measure has proved highly effective.绿色建造Green Construction中国建筑在国内率先开展绿色施工技术研究与推广,提高资源利用率,减少废弃物产生,推进生态保护恢复进程,打造绿色人居。China Construction has adopted a policy of green procurement. By procuring energy-saving green materials, the Company passes on the green concept to its suppliers,

468、and encourages them to implement green measures, so a green supply chain can be linked together. In 2010, 100% of our procurement was green products.The Company has established a green procurement system. This includes integrating green procurement into contracts, explicitly stating the green requir

469、ements for building materials. All else being equal, the Company gives priority to suppliers that make minimal impact on the environment, and procure products with environmental ratings. Green requirements regarding the transportation of building materials and their entry into construction sites are

470、 also explicitly stated.Examination and supervision of suppliersWhen selecting suppliers, the Company sets examination standards covering whether the suppliers have established environmental management systems to acquire certification and how environmentally friendly their products are; when working

471、 with suppliers, the Company monitors their environmental behaviour in procurement, production and product storage.Promoting environmental management in supply chainThe Company encourages suppliers to establish environmental management systems and certification management. Training is also organised

472、 for suppliers on maintaining a low-carbon footprint in their operations.China Construction pioneered studies and the promotion of green construction technology in mainland China, aiming to increase resource usage rates, reduce waste production, promote nature protection, and create a green human ha

473、bitat.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited64提高资源利用率中国建筑加强精细化管理,增强人员节约意识,推广节能技术与工艺的应用,配备节能设备,提高材料使用效率,减少能源和水的消耗。节约材料中国建筑在施工中遵循“精益入微”的管理理念,明确材料配比,制定精准用料计划;推广7S现场管理,对材料、设备进行“三定”管理(定名称,定位置、定数量),提高材料和设备的使用效率,避免不必要的浪费及建筑垃圾产生。案例:精细管理 节约材料中建二局天隽峰项目推广精细化管理,从细节入手,加强材料规范管理。砼实际成本节约


475、、居民、生态环境、绿化的影响。环评通过率100%。Increasing resource usage ratesChina Construction has strengthened our specialised management, increased conservation awareness among our staff, promoted the application of energy-saving technologies, installed energy-saving equipment, increased utility rates of materials, a

476、nd reduced the consumption of resources and water.Saving materialsChina Construction adheres to the management principle of “Lean and nuanced” in its construction. Setting definite ratios of materials and devising precise plans for use of materials, we have promoted 7S on-site management and applied

477、 “Fixed Three” Management (Fixed Name, Fixed Position, and Fixed Quantity) to our materials and equipment, which can increase the utility rates of materials and equipment, and avoid wastage and construction waste.Case study: Specialised managementThe Vista Panorama Project of China Construction Seco

478、nd Engineering Bureau Ltd has promoted specialised management for detailed strengthening of standardised materials management. The actual cost of concrete has been reduced by 10%; the actual cost of formwork by 23%; the actual cost of cement by 45.6%; and the actual cost of pull screws by 77.2%. The

479、se cost reductions resulted in a total saving of 2.25 million RMB.Energy conservationChina Construction is a pioneer in utilising energy-saving, efficient and green construction equipment. The Company promotes construction technologies with low energy-consumption, enhancing the application of renewa

480、ble resources such as solar power, geothermal power and wind power. In 2010, the overall energy consumption was reduced by 4.5% compared with last year.Water conservationChina Construction has separated the measurement of water usage in daily life and water usage in construction, establishing an acc

481、ount for construction water usage. The water utility rate has been increased by installing rainwater collecting systems and water recycling systems. The Company has also employed water-saving technologies to protect roof concrete, such as covering with membranes and using sacks to retain moisture.Em

482、issions reductionChina Construction has followed environmental licensing procedures stipulated by law for its construction projects, organising environmental evaluation. The Company has standardised the public appearance of our construction sites, enhanced control and management of waste products, a

483、nd reduced our impact on urban amenities, residents, the natural environment and existing green facilities. The pass rate of the environmental evaluations is 100%.2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201065关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Envi

484、ronment员 工 Staff社 会 Society施工管理现场CI建设Construction site under CI management降低噪声中国建筑成立噪声监督小组,配置噪声监控设备,定点监测施工现场。加强噪声管理,明确电动工具或切割器的使用范围,禁止夜间运输车辆进入现场后鸣笛。根据环保噪声标准(分贝)日夜要求的不同,协调安排施工时间。在混凝土浇筑施工过程中,采用低噪音振动器,降低噪音污染。降低粉尘中国建筑成立粉尘监督小组,制定粉尘监测制度,定点监测粉尘浓度。采用湿法作业开挖土方,用安全网覆盖土方并定期洒水;用幔布覆盖运载土方的车辆并在其离开工地时及时冲洗;安排专人对施工现场、

485、生活区、出入口、主干道进行打扫、洒水。美化施工现场中国建筑在行业中率先推行施工现场CI战略,引领行业施工现场管理的发展。组织开展CI创优活动,将CI管理融合在施工生产中,实行“四同步管理”(同步安排、同步实施、同步检查、同步考核),重点对大门、围墙、塔吊、旗杆、楼面形象、安全帽等多项内容进行检查管理,实现施工现场与周围环境的完美融合。Enhancing the image of the construction siteChina Construction is the first in the industry to adopt the construction site CI strate

486、gy, leading the development of construction site management. We organise CI optimisation activities and incorporate CI management into construction and production. The “Four Management Synchronisations” (Synchronisation of operation, implementation, inspection, and examination) have been implemented

487、, focusing on the inspection and management of items including the main entrance, walls, cranes, flagpoles, site image and helmets. The result is harmony between the construction site and its surroundings.Noise reductionThe Company has noise monitoring units, and installs noise-monitoring facilities

488、 to carry out fixed-point monitoring at construction sites. Noise management has been strengthened; areas where electrical tools or cutters can be used are defined; the use of horns is prohibited for vehicles entering construction sites at night. The times for working on different phases of construc

489、tion are arranged according to differing noise standards for environmental protection (in decibels). When pouring concrete, low-noise vibrators are used to reduce noise pollution.Dust reductionThe Company has established the Dust Monitoring Unit and formulated a dust monitoring system to monitor the

490、 dust concentrations at fixed points. Wet work is used for soil excavation; safety nets are used to help cover earth with constant water sprays; fabric curtains are used to cover earth-loading vehicles, which are promptly washed when leaving construction sites; staff are specially assigned to clean

491、and water the construction sites, residential areas, entrances, exits, and main roads.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited66生态保护中国建筑减少施工对环境的影响,注重对生态系统的保护与修复,开展保护生态系统的宣传活动。公司积极参与植树造林、地球一小时、香港环保百万行等社会生态环保活动。案例:树木的保护与复位中建南洋公司圣淘沙项目在施工开始前,将树木移植到与施工现场环境近似的地方。在竣工后,将树木作为绿化的一部分重


493、或破碎机将大块混凝土等建筑垃圾破碎至直径100毫米以下,用石料粉碎机进行粉碎至建筑所需的石子、砂子,再通过多层分级筛分成粗石子、细石子、粗砂子、细砂子,以及泥砂等再生材料。Construction waste reductionChina Construction adheres to the principle of “The producer is the disposer”; we have established construction waste disposal projects to arrange the backfill of different construction

494、waste. The waste products from construction and decoration are sorted, collected, and disposed of at designated sites.The Company has deployed large hammer breakers or crushers to shatter construction waste such as mass concrete into pieces smaller than 100 millimetres in diameter; these pieces are

495、then sorted at multiples levels into different renewable materials, such as rough stones, fine stones, coarse sand, fine sand, and sediment.Case study: Dust reductionDuring construction of the first phase of New Century One Project by China State Construction Land, an automatic car-washing machine w

496、as installed at the construction site entrances and exits. The sensor-activated high-pressure spray nozzles were responsible for washing the dust on incoming and outgoing vehicles, reducing the impact of dust on urban amenities. The water used was recycled to reduce water consumption.Nature protecti

497、onChina Construction has reduced the impact of its construction work on the environment. Emphasising ecosystem protection and restoration, we have organised various promotional activities on ecosystem protection. The Company actively participates in various environmental protection campaigns, includ

498、ing planting days, afforestation programmes, Earth Hour, Cycle for Millions and others.Case study: Protection and restoration of treesBefore the commencement of the Sentosa Project by China Construction (South Pacific) Development Co., trees at the site were transplanted to an environment similar to

499、 the construction site. Upon completion of the project, the trees were re-planted at their original positions, as part of the greening process. To ensure their survival, the trees were nourished with organic fertilisers, under the supervision of specialists .Case study: Restoration of grass vergesIn

500、 November 2010, China Construction Equatorial Guinea Co. cooperated with local environmental departments to enhance the environment on both sides of the new airport roadway. With the help of four mowers and 50 workers, weed-trimming and waste removal work was conducted over an area of 20,000 square

501、metres, restoring the grass verges on both sides of the airport roadway.2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201067关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society绿色办公Green Office中国建筑提出“勤俭节约、低碳办公”理念,从用电、用水、办公用品、公务招待、电话费和车辆使用等方面

502、开展绿色办公。制定办公设备管理规定和使用要求,严格控制接待、车辆维修、加油等日常支出,在公司内部形成“节约光荣、浪费可耻”的良好氛围。2010年,总部推广视频会议,共召开28次视频会议,减少赴京参会3,304人次,减少碳排放724吨。推广电子文档发文,平均每年度发电子文档文件900份,节约纸张约10万张。China Construction has put forward the concept of a “Hardworking, thrifty, energy-saving and low-carbon workplace” that applies green concepts to e

503、lectricity usage, water usage, office accessories, business hospitality, phone usage and vehicle usage. By establishing management rules and usage requirements for office facilities, we strictly control our daily expenses for items such as reception, vehicle repairers and gas refuelling, creating an

504、 atmosphere within the Company that hails energy-saving and condemns wastage.In 2010, the headquarters promoted the use of video conferencing and held a total of 28 video conferences, reducing business travel to Beijing by 3,304 trips and lowering carbon emissions by 724 tonnes. By using electronic

505、documents for announcements, we have saved about 100,000 sheets of paper, through dispensing an average of 900 electronic documents per year.绿色物业中国建筑将“环保”理念融入物业管理,采取多种形式,引导客户自觉维护小区环境,与客户携手打造绿色社区,提高住宅宜居度。开展生活垃圾的分类收集、废旧电池的回收、宠物粪便收集等环保工作;推进社区绿化建设,提高社区公共绿化率;改造灌溉系统,推广使用地插式浇灌系统,采用多种景观布置方式,减少水系换水频次,提高水资源利用

506、率;编制发放宣传资料,增强客户节能意识。Green propertiesChina Construction has incorporated the concept of “Environmental protection” into property management. In multiple ways, we guide our clients to take the initiative in protecting the environments of small communities, joining hands to create green communities and

507、 improve the living quality of residences. Environmental work such as separate waste collection, recycling of waste batteries and collection of pet droppings are organised; community green construction is promoted to raise the public greening rate; irrigation systems are modified and the use of fixe

508、d-land irrigation systems are promoted to increase the water usage rate; multiple landscape layouts are employed to reduce the frequency of water replacement, increasing the water usage rate; promotional leaflets are distributed, to raise our clients awareness of energy-saving.中国建筑股份有限公司China State

509、Construction Engineering Corporation Limited68员 工人才队伍薪酬福利民主管理职业健康培训与发展人文关怀Human ResourcesRemuneration and BenefitsEmployee Participation in ManagementOccupational Health and SafetyTraining and DevelopmentA Caring Culture697071727274Staff2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201069关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Susta

510、inable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society人才队伍Human Resources中国建筑贯彻落实中华人民共和国劳动合同法和劳动合同法实施条例,依法与员工签订劳动合同,劳动合同签订率100%。截至2010年底,公司在岗员工123,579人,其中男性比例76.6%,女性比例23.4%。员工来自内地、港澳及东南亚、北非、北美等20多个国家和地区,海外雇员15,765人,占公司在岗员工的12.7 %。员工中博士占0.06%,硕士占2.4%,本科

511、占39.51%,大专占25.64%。中国建筑积极营造海纳百川、追求卓越的氛围,广泛吸引凝聚海内外各类优秀人才,通过员工本地化和国际化,优化人才队伍结构,创造多元和谐的上海品茶,打造企业与员工共同成长的平台。China Construction has proactively established an inclusive, excellence-favouring environment that attracts talented people from the mainland and abroad alike. Through localisation and globalisatio

512、n, improved personnel standards and teambuilding, China Construction has created a harmonious corporate culture that forms a platform to promote the development of the Company and the staff.China Construction concludes labour contracts with its employees with a signing rate of 100%, while contracts

513、comprehensively follow the Labour Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Implementation Regulations of the Labour Contract Law.At the end of 2010, the company comprised of 123,579 employees, of which male staff made up 76.6% and female staff 23.4%. Employees come from more than 20 reg

514、ions of the world including the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, South-east Asia, North Africa and North America. There are 15,765 staff members from overseas, constituting 12.7% of all staff. Of the entire employee population, PhD, masters, bachelors degree and associate degree holders account for 0.

515、06%, 2.4%, 39.51% and 25.64% respectively.Staff男性员工Male staff女性员工Female staff海外员工Overseas employee本土员工Local employee本科Bachelor大专Tertiary graduate硕士Master博士PhD其他Others2.4%0.06%76.6%23.4%25.64%39.51%32.39%87.3%12.7%中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited70薪酬福利Remuneration an

516、d Benefits中国建筑根据政策法规,对所有与公司建立劳动关系的在岗员工均足额缴纳各项法定社会保险,社会保险覆盖率100%。建立企业年金制度,制定年金管理的相关配套制度,确定年金管理机构,保障企业员工退休后的养老保险水平。探索实施股权激励,建立短期激励与中长期激励相结合的激励约束机制。完善企业工资收入的正常增长机制,使员工工资能够随着企业效益的增长而增长,分享企业发展成果。公司员工人均工资年均增长率13%。中国建筑重视业绩考核,在岗位设置、绩效考核、薪酬分配等方面实现规范化、标准化管理,提高薪酬分配的外部竞争性和内部公平性。为外派人员制定薪酬、休假、配偶随任、职业发展、回国安置等相关规定和

517、优惠政策。According to policies and regulations, China Construction fully pays all social security insurance for all on-duty employees with whom the company has established labour relationships. Social security coverage amongst staff is 100%. The company has established a corporate annuity policy, and su

518、pports programmes that oversee the annuity authority to safeguard the pensions and insurance of Company employees. China Construction is studying the establishment of an employee share scheme to provide short-term incentives, and an incentive and restraint system that aligns with medium- and long-te

519、rm incentives. The Company will further enhance the comprehensive wage growth mechanism that raises wages of employees in proportion to profits, in turn sharing the achievements of corporate development. The average growth in employee remuneration is 13% per year.China Construction values the import

520、ance of performance evaluations and establishes work performance appraisals, remuneration allocations that achieve standardised management, which in turn increases external competition and internal equality of salary distribution. The company also sets polices regarding the salaries, holidays, right

521、s of spouses to accompany partners overseas, career development and home-return for expatriates.专家委员会委员53人中国工程院院士和全国工程勘察设计大师10人有突出贡献的中青年专家5人享受政府特殊津贴专家185人英国皇家特许建造师119人具有高级专业技术职称人员10200人注册建造师及注册造价工程师8134人注册建筑师和注册结构工程师2249人53 Member of Expert Committee10 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineeri

522、ng and China Engineering Survey & Design Masters 5 Middle-Age & Young Specialists with outstanding contributions185 Specialists who enjoy special governmental allowance119 CIOB Members10200 senior technical personnel8134 Registered Builders & Registered Cost Engineer2249 Registered Architects and Re

523、gistered Structural Engineers2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201071关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society民主管理Employee Participation in Management中国建筑鼓励员工参与民主管理。24个二级企业全部成立工会组织,建会率100%。员工入会率98%。公司有专职工会干部230人,兼职工会干

524、部2,414人。公司获得“全国厂务公开民主管理先进单位”称号。注重发挥职代会的作用。公司领导向职代会报告工作,重大工作提交职代会审议。同时,就企业改革发展、经营管理和职工关心的重大问题,广泛征求职工的意见和建议。经过整理汇总有党建、经营管理、薪酬福利、科技进步、群众工作、上海品茶等39条提案,并通过书面形式报公司决策机构。开展以精细管理降本增效为内容的合理化建议“金点子”活动,经子企业在600个合理化建议金点子中筛选报送到公司总部,精细管理语录157条、合理化建议金点子100个,调动员工参与企业管理的积极性。合理化建议金点子、采纳率达80%以上。China Construction activ

525、ely encourages employee participation in management. Each of the Companys 24 level-two corporations has established a labour union, an establishment rate of 100% and with an employee participation rate of 98%. There are 230 full-time labour union cadre members and 2,414 part-time members. The compan

526、y is proudly known as a “national open and democratically advanced management in factory affairs”.Emphasising the roles of trade unions, the Company management reports work outcomes to trade unions and produces trade union audits for major projects. Meanwhile, for corporate reform and development, m

527、anagement systems and care for employees, the Company seeks the opinion and recommendations of employees. Through 39 varied proposals regarding party construction, operational management, salaries and benefits, technological advances, teamwork and corporate culture, the company reports to the policy

528、making body in writing.Under the “Golden ideas” scheme, subsidiaries submitted 600 management improvement proposals to the company headquarters, suggesting detailed cost-reduction and efficiency enhancement proposals, including 157 specialised management quotations and 100 improvement recommendation

529、s. This encourages employee participation in corporate management. Over 80% of these golden ideas for improvement have been implemented.建会率 100%专职工会干部 230人兼职工会干部 2414人精细管理语录 157条合理化建议金点子 100个合理化建议金点子、采纳率达 80%以上100% establishment rate of labour union230 full-time labour union cadre members2,414 part-

530、time members157 specialised management quotations 100 improvement recommendations Over 80% of golden ideas for improvement have been implemented中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited72培训与发展Training and Development中国建筑致力于打造一支具有一流职业素养、一流业务技能、一流工作作风、一流岗位业绩的“四个一流”员工队伍;培养一批以项目

531、经理为核心的专门人才队伍,培育一批以管理和技术人才为主体的拔尖创新人才队伍。中国建筑针对员工的差异,开展继续教育、岗位专业培训、理论学习、e-learning网络学习平台等多种方式的培训,供全体员工自行选择。全年共举办各类培训班47期,培训10908人次。发布总部员工职级管理办法,打破职级论资排辈,择优晋升,调动优秀骨干的积极性。加大公司总部人才交流与培养力度,注重与基层企业的双向互动。2010年,参加公司总部双向挂职及实习锻炼20人,其中二级企业来总部挂职13人。加强后备队伍建设,为公司未来发展提供领导保证。集中在国内15家、海外5家所属机构建立正职后备队China Construction

532、 aspires to form a “quadruple top-rated team” of top-rated business conduct, top-rated work abilities, top-rated aptitude and top-rated performance. Developing a specialised team mostly of project managers, the company trains them to establish an elite cohort of management and technical specialists.

533、China Construction focuses on the needs of employees and provides extensive training for all staff, who can choose from comprehensive continuing education, professional training, academic study, and e-learning platforms. There are 47 different training courses annually and undertaken by 10,908 parti

534、cipants.The Management System of Promotion for Headquarters Staff was distributed to reduce hierarchy, favour meritocracy and enhance the morale of key staff. To increase the interaction and training of headquarters experts and to focus on the two-way interaction between the company and all employee

535、s, 20 staff members participated in internship training, while 13 staff members of subsidiary companies went to headquarters.To strengthen the development of the next generation of management teams and to assure the future development of management, the company focused on 15 local and five foreign s

536、ubsidiaries and has developed a full-time back-up team. Selected members of the team include more mature individuals born after 职业健康Occupational Health and Safety中国建筑建立职业健康安全管理体系,制定职业健康安全的程序和操作规程,加强对员工职业监控的管理。公司积极开展员工职业健康监护和职业病防治工作,坚持防治结合,定期组织员工开展体检,建立健全员工职业健康档案,努力创造有利于员工健康的工作环境和劳动条件。组织专人小组对工期紧张的项目人

537、员进行心理疏导,全面启动“职工健康关爱工程”,在部分项目建立心理咨询室,引导广大员工自主缓解工作和生活压力。根据各基层单位实际情况,组织开展有益于员工身心健康的专题讲座,通过“促进科学发展、塑造阳光心态、提升员工素质”的系列讲座,使职工树立良好理念、加强凝聚合力。China Construction has established a management system for occupational health that defines procedures and operational protocols for occupational health, which in turn

538、strengthens occupational monitoring of employees. The company developed a health monitoring and occupational illness prevention programme that periodically provides body checks and establishes occupational health profiles for employees, developing a work environment that benefits everyones health.Th

539、e Company has formed teams of experts that provide psychological counselling to staff attached to especially intensive projects and implement our Occupational Healthcare Programme. There are counselling centres at certain project sites that advise employees on how to reduce the stress from their wor

540、k and daily lives. Depending on the local conditions, the company conducts seminars that support employees physical and mental health. And through a series of seminars aimed to “propel scientific development, create a pleasant state of mind and improve staff quality”, the company works to encourage

541、positive thinking and strengthen bonds among employees.2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201073关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society以岗位培训和青年员工职业发展培训为重点,努力开展全员培训,倡导终身学习Emphasising on-the-job training and the develo

542、pment of young professionals, the programme aims to provide training for all and encourages lifelong learning.人才计划Human resources programmes以满足公司经营结构调整为出发点,持续加强专业骨干和紧缺人才培训To satisfy adjustments in the companys operational structure, this programme aims to strengthen the professional backbone and to

543、fill vacancies.以培养造就优秀企业家为重点,抓好企业领导人员培训These programmes focus on the development of excellent corporate leaders and are intended for management personnel.以打造中国建筑特色的职业化项目经理队伍为目标,抓好项目经理培训Aiming to enhance professionalism at China Construction, this programme specialises in training project managers.以加

544、速国际化人才培养为方向,抓好海外人员培训To rapidly develop international integration, this programme provides training for overseas staff.群星计划 StarsProgramme高端科研人才培养计划Hightechnologypersonneltrainingprogramme领导人才培养计划Managementtrainingprogrammes项目经理资质认证计划Projectmanagementqualityassuranceprogrammes海外人才发展计划Overseashumanres

545、ourcesdevelopmentprogrammes伍。遴选包括60后的成熟型人选、70后的培养使用型人选和80后的潜力型人选在内,近200名所属机构正副职后备领导人员队伍。发布驻外机构人力资源管理总则及海外人员回国工作安排实施细则,建立海外人员回国统一安排渠道,稳定现有海外人才。落实“3+2”人才策略,提出在公司总部工作的员工,要具有3年项目工作经验和2年海外工作经验,逐步提高总部人员基层和海外工作经历比例,提升总部人员“专业化、职业化、国际化”水平。1960, backbone generation born after 1970 and individuals full of pote

546、ntial, born after 1980, forming a management back-up team of nearly 200 members.The Company has announced an Expatriate Human Resources Management Policy and Homeland Work Arrangements for Expatriates Implementation Guidelines, under which the company established a unified system to handle staff ret

547、urning from overseas and stabilises current overseas staff. A policy of “3+2” has been adopted, in which headquarters staff are required to have three years project experience and two years overseas experience, increasing the extent of work experience at headquarters and overseas and elevating the l

548、evel of professionalism and internationalism among headquarters staff.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited74人文关怀A Caring Culture中国建筑注重人文关怀,关心丰富员工生活,帮助员工解决后顾之忧,使所有员工感受到公司的温暖。公司秉持“以人为本”的理念对员工实施多元化管理,尊重当地员工的风俗习惯。丰富生活公司积极倡导“健康生活、快乐工作”的理念,推进上海品茶建设,增强员工的归属感,丰富员工业余文化生活,满足员工多层次

549、的需求。举办以“魅力体育、活力中建”为主题的首届职工运动会。各级工会组织成立职工兴趣协会或爱好小组167个,开展各类文体活动如球类、登山、休闲等3,786次。关爱离退休老职工,组织离退休老同志免费体检、过集体生日、“看京郊美景”游览、赴沪观世博等活动,与他们共享企业发展成果。慰问员工公司建立定期慰问制度。2010年元旦、春节期间,公司领导对体弱多病的老干部、劳动模范和职工,以及几十个公司项目团队进行新春节日走访,发放慰问资金China Construction attaches much importance to its caring culture and is concerned abo

550、ut and strives to enrich the lives of employees, helping them in times of need and showing the companys compassion. The company has a “people first” approach that encourages management diversity, fully respecting local customs and staff practices.Balanced and full lifeThe Company supports the concep

551、t of “healthy lifestyle means happy at work”, while promoting a strong corporate culture, strengthening employees sense of belonging, enriching their cultural lives outside work and meeting the varied neChina Construction held its first sports programme for employees on the theme “attractive physica

552、l exercise for an active China Construction”. Employees from all tiers formed 167 clubs or interest groups that set up a total of 3,786 recreational events from ball games to mountaineering.Showing its care for retired staff, the company has established free health check-up programmes, group birthda

553、y celebrations, scenic tours of rural Beijing, trips to Shanghai Expo and other programmes to share the Companys bounty with them.Support for employeesThe Company has established a system of regular support under which, during the 2010 New Year holiday and Spring Festival, management visited elderly

554、 retired executives, model labourers and staff and dozens of project teams. The Company 2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201075关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society荣获全国五一劳动奖章5人荣获省部级先进个人113个荣获全国模范职工之家10个荣获全民健身活动先进

555、单位优秀组织奖10个荣获“全国亿万职工健身活动月”先进单位优秀组织奖10个荣 誉Awards5 recipients of the “National 1st May Labour Award”113 recipients of the “Provincial Advanced Individual Award”10 “National Model Homes of Workers”10 recipients of the “Advanced Fitness Activities Excellent Workplace Award”10 recipients of the “Hundreds

556、of Millions of Workers Fitness Month” Excellent Workplace Award122万元人民币;二级单位两节发放慰问金1,780万元人民币。其中中建四局筹措资金近700万元人民币,为11,000名离退休职工发放节日慰问金、购买慰问品。金秋助学开展“金秋助学”活动,投入资金27万元人民币,对系统内收入较低家庭的学生给予一次性资助,帮助135名学子圆大学梦或完成学业。distributed the special allowance of 1,220,000 RMB. Secondary-level affiliates distributed an

557、 allowance of 17.8 million RMB over the two seasonal festivals. Among these, the China Construction 4th Engineering Bureau raised seven million RMB to distribute allowances and gifts to 11,000 retired staff.Jinqiu scholarshipThe Company established the “Jinqiu Scholarship” programme with 270,000 RMB

558、 in funding for students from lower income families, giving each of them a one-time sponsorship and fulfilling the dreams of 135 students to finish school or university.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited76社 会促进就业社区建设公益慈善抗灾赈灾志愿者活动全球责任Promoting EmploymentCommunity Build

559、ingCharitable ActivityDisaster ReliefVoluntary WorkGlobal Responsibilities777878798080Society2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201077关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society促进就业Promoting Employment “没有务工人员一砖一瓦的辛劳,没有他



562、求项目实施与所在社区社会环境的和谐,企业与社会的和谐,树立负责任的企业形象。China Construction, being in the vanguard of a significant industry, always takes to heart its social role as a backbone state-owned enterprise. By proactively encouraging sustainable growth around the globe, fostering social harmony in the communities where our

563、 projects are located, and promoting harmony between the industry and society, China Construction strives to build an image as a responsible enterprise.Without the efforts of our workers, who put everything together brick by brick, tile by tile, without their steadfast hard work, the many imposing b

564、uildings would not exist, and China Construction would not have achieved the success it today enjoys. Caring for our fellow workers, helping them, and leading them to live relatively well-off lives are social responsibilities that China Construction must accept.China Construction provides around 800

565、,000 positions to migrant rural workers, helping around 800,000 families or 2.5 million people to strive towards relatively prosperity. The Company cares deeply about its workers, putting into action the slogan: “Respect them as individuals, care for their lives, build close relationships with them,

566、 and give direction in their lives”. China Construction shares the rights to healthcare, education, remuneration for work, and credits with the workers we employ, by buying the three forms of basic insurance for them, providing safe equipment, depositing wages to their accounts, building night-schoo

567、ls, and providing technical training.In 2010, China Construction conducted health examinations for over 160,000 workers. Through the “Safety and Health Cup” competition, around 70,000 workers participated in the Administrative Manual of Safe Production training. On large construction sites and impor

568、tant project locations, 3,298 staff libraries and 3,078 night-schools for workers were built. Moreover, 784 movie nights were held in 2010.The ongoing expansion of the Companys overseas business led to many contractors and service providers heading abroad, thereby achieving a win-win situation for t

569、he service industry and workers. In 2010, the Overseas Department made 12,688 positions available to workers, invested 3.18 million RMB in training for workers, and sent 17,148 people abroad.To meet demand for human resources arising from rapid development and restructuring, as well as to help fresh

570、 graduates facing challenges in finding employment, in 2010 we recruited 12,245 fresh graduates from colleges and universities. Of these, 87.8% have undergraduate or higher degrees, and more than 800 graduated from renowned universities such as Tsinghua and Tongji.Case study: I will marry you in Bei

571、jingThe five departments of China Construction strive to build a corporate culture of “Trust and Harmony”, putting “Trust as the 中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited78主流文化,对农民工“政治上同对待、工作上同要求、素质上同提高、利益上同收获、生活上同关心”,力求达到农民工“五有”,即:有保障、有希望、有收获、有前途,有归属感。2010年6月10日,中建五局安装公司在北京

572、天安门为9对新人举办“情定北京,缘于中建”集体婚礼。农民工新郎向新娘实现了“等工作不忙了,我带你去天安门,我要在北京娶你进门!”的承诺。社区建设Community Building中国建筑积极参与和支持社区建设,努力实现与当地社区共同发展。在项目所在地社区广泛开展社区共建活动。发挥工程技术专业优势,支持社区交通、通讯、饮水、卫生等公共基础设施建设,改善社区生活和发展环境。参与经济适用房、限价房、廉租房、公租房等各类保障住房的投资和建设,为中低收入人群提供高性价比的住房。承接四川汶川安置房项目、面积超过100万平方米的重庆两江名居公租房项目、近90万平方米的重庆沙坪坝公共租赁项目、成都市和都江堰

573、的保障性住房项目。参与地方旧城改造。在贵阳,由公司实施的大营坡旧城改造项目已进入拆迁程序,该项目总拆迁面积21万平方米,总建筑面积95万平方米,建设用地面积10.5万平方米,项目改造计划分3期,改造期为3至5年,计划总投资40亿元人民币。China Construction proactively participates in and supports community activities. to realise the goal of growing together with local communities.These efforts include partnering wit

574、h local communities where construction work is taking place, to build up these communities. Utilising China Constructions professional expertise in engineering, we provide support to infrastructure such as roads, telecommunications, water supplies and sewers, thereby helping raise local living stand

575、ards and developmental conditions. China Construction also invests in and participates in building various forms of low-income housing, such as affordable housing, fixed-price housing, low-rent housing and public rental housing, providing quality homes to people with average or below average income.

576、 We are undertaking interim shelter projects in Wenchuan, Sichuan. We are launching launch public rental housing projects, such as a development covering one million square metres in the Liangjiang New Area in Chongqing and another in Shapingba, Chongqing, which covers close to 900,000 square metres

577、. Other low-income housing projects in Chengdu and Dujiangyan have been assigned to the Company.China Construction is also involved in urban redevelopment projects. In Guiyang municipality, the redevelopment of the old city, Dayingpo, has entered the stage of demolition and relocation. The project h

578、as cleared an area of 210,000 square metres, resulting in gross floor area of 950,000 square metres, and building area of 105,000 square metres. The redevelopment project will span five years and is divided into three phases. The total investment in this project is estimated at 4 billion RMB.公益慈善Cha

579、ritable Activity中国建筑积极参与社会公益事业,认真开展社会帮扶,用关爱回报社会。公司组织向北京、上海等地公益慈善机构开展多次捐赠活动,举办公益金百万行筹款活动,用于改善及发展公益金会员社会福利机构的安老服务。2010年,公司在对已建成的希望小学继续关爱共建的同时,新建3所希望小学。案例:资助当地教育中 建 赤 道 几 内 亚 公 司 向 当 地 儿 童 援 助 委 员 会China Construction is active in charitable activities, because we sincerely hope that by supporting peopl

580、e in need, we can repay society with our care.We have organised many fundraising activities for charitable organisations in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. We supported Walk for Millions, to raise funds for services for the elderly offered through agencies supported by the Community Chest of Ho

581、ng Kong.In 2010, in addition to continuing to support the existing “Project Hope” primary schools, we built another three “Project Hope” primary schools.Case study: Sponsoring local educationChina Construction Equatorial Guinea Co. donated resources including 10 computers, 100 schoolbags, 100 statio

582、nery sets and foundation and harmony as the priority”. China Construction “Treats its workers with equality and standardised work requirements, strives for improvements, and shares profits with them, and cares for their lives”, so that they can acquire the five must-haves: protection, hope, reward,

583、career, and sense of belonging.On 10 June, 2010, the CCFEB Installation Co., Ltd. held a group wedding for nine couples in Tiananmen, Beijing, helping the workers to fulfil their promises to their brides: “When I am less busy at work, I will bring you to Tiananmen. I will marry you in Beijing”2010可持

584、续发展报告Sustainability Report 201079关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society抗灾赈灾Disaster Relief中国建筑在灾难发生后,积极捐款捐物,帮助灾区人民渡过难关。大力发扬中建铁军精神,主动参与灾后重建,把对灾区人民的深情厚意、对灾后重建的社会责任融化入到灾后重建工作中,帮助灾区人民恢复正常的生产和生活。汶川灾后重建中,公司共建设项目46个,合同额近

585、50亿元人民币。到2010年9月,所有灾后重建学校、医院、民居、农宅及安置房等项目都按照要求顺利完成。汶川一小被评为国家优质工程。2010年,公司向西南特大旱灾灾区、玉树地震灾区、舟曲重大泥石流灾害灾区积极开展捐款活动,仅以总部名义捐款达18,512,725元人民币。案例 雪中送炭,情系万家8月14日汶川映秀镇发生泥石流灾害,西南办事处在第一时间组织抗洪救灾工作。组织驻川各单位捐款75万元人民币,调派四台挖掘机参与到重灾区都江堰龙池镇的(CANIGE)捐赠10台电脑、100个书包及100套文具和20个足球等物品,用以改善学校的办学条件和学习条件。案例:共融之旅2010(中国海外)内地香港学生夏

586、令营在四川都江堰举行“共融之旅2010(中国海外)内地香港学生夏令营”活动,为希望小学儿童构筑一个互助、友爱、平等的环境,为参与者提供一次开拓视野、启迪身心、关助他人的经历,增强正常儿童的个人自立能力和团队协作能力,提升特殊儿童自信心、自我形象及社交技巧,同时增强各希望小学校际间的沟通互动,丰富师生暑期生活和学校办学形式。20 soccer balls to a local agency, Equatorial Guinean Child Aid Committee (CANIGE), to improve teaching conditions and study environments

587、in local schools.Case study: Integration journey 2010 - china overseas summer camp for mainland and hong kong youthThe summer activity, Integration Journey China Overseas Summer Camp for Mainland and Hong Kong Youth 2010, was held in a “Project Hope” primary school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan. It gave lo

588、cal children a chance to build mutually supportive, friendly and equitable relationships with the visiting students. For the visitors, it was an eye-opening experience that inspired them and encouraged them to care for other people.Through the camp, the independence and teamwork skills of all the ch

589、ildren, as well as the self-confidence, self-image, and social skills of the children with special needs, were improved. Communication between “Project Hope” primary schools was strengthened. The summer holiday of the participating teachers and students was greatly enriched, giving the participating

590、 schools an excellent option for summer activities.China Construction is very involved in fundraising and donation-collecting activities whenever calamities happen, helping the victims at their times of need. Manifesting our patriotic spirit, we volunteered for rebuilding projects after disasters. T

591、hrough our efforts to rebuild communities after various disasters, our devotion to the people and commitment to social responsibility was expressed, helping the disaster victims to get back on their feet and return to their normal lives.When participating in the reconstruction of Wenchuan after the

592、devastating earthquake, we took on 46 construction projects with a contract total of almost 5 billion RMB. In September 2010, all the rebuilding projects such as schools, hospitals, residences, farm residences, and interim shelters were satisfactorily completed. One of them, the Wenchuan No. 1 Prima

593、ry School, received a State Quality Award.In 2010, the company organised many fundraising campaigns for areas affected by the severe drought in southwest China, the earthquake in Yushu, and the deadly mudslide in Zhougqu County, Gansu. Donations made in the name of the Company headquarters alone amo

594、unted to 18,512,725 RMB.Case study: Timely assistance that bonds thousands of familiesOn 14 August 2010, a mudslide disaster occurred in Yingxiu town, within Sichuans Wenchuan County. China Constructions southwestern office immediately organised a disaster relief campaign, calling 中国建筑股份有限公司China St

595、ate Construction Engineering Corporation Limited80全球责任Global Responsibilities作为全球最大的国际工程承包商之一,中国建筑努力树立全球责任观念,积极开发驻外机构在当地的优秀资源,通过授权管理,鼓励并支持有条件的机构进行属地化经营,在全球共设有26家分支机构,在30余个国家和地区开展业务。通过当地采购、分包选择等方式拉动当地经济,带动当地就业,参与社区建设,促进当地的发展。中国建筑积极参与中国对外承包工程行业社会责任建设推进工作,选派相关专家参加中国对外承包工程行业社会责任指引的编制,为行业社会责任建设提供建议,并成为中国

596、对外承包工程行业社会责任指引首批实践企业。中国建筑荣获中国对外承包工程商会颁发的“2009对外承包工程企业社会责任金奖”。属地化运营中国建筑在全球发展涉及到多种文化的融合,只有承担责任才能融入到不同的市场,才能在发展中化解各种志愿者活动Voluntary Work中国建筑在履行社会责任的过程中重视每一位员工的力量,大力支持员工开展志愿者活动,在全系统启动以“十百千万”工程为重点的关爱农民工子女志愿服务行动。案例:关爱农民工子女志愿服务行动中国建筑关爱农民工子女志愿服务行动受到团中央高度肯定。公司与同心实验学校达成志愿服务协议,为学校修补地面,并维修校舍电路、检修电风扇等,参加该校组织的“新公民

597、儿童文化艺术节”,同时邀请北京儿童医院医生为该校学生进行免费体检;组织去武汉市儿童福利院慰问,为孩子们送去书本,学习用品,玩具等物品。清淤工作之。经过近一个月的努力工作,圆满完成清淤工作,收到当地政府“雪中送炭,情系万家”的锦旗。As one of the worlds largest international project contractors, China Construction endeavours to be accountable to the world. We take the initiative to develop outstanding local resourc

598、es in places where our overseas offices are located. Through delegating management roles, we encourage and support localisation of competent branch offices. Outside China, we have 26 branch offices around the world, supporting expansion of our business to over 30 countries and regions. Through appro

599、aches such as local procurement and careful selection of subcontractors, the Company drives local economies forward, increases local employment rates, gets involved in community building, and promotes local development.China Construction actively participated in programmes to promote social responsi

600、bility among the China contractors of overseas construction and engineering projects. The Company assigned experts to participate in the compilation of the Guidelines of Social Responsibility for China Overseas Contractors in the Construction and Engineering Industry for which they provided recommen

601、dations to promote social responsibility in the industry. We were also one of the first construction enterprises in China to implement the guidelines and were awarded the Gold Prize for Social Responsibility among China International Contractors by the China International Contractors Association.Loc

602、alised managementChina Construction engages with many different cultures in the process of global development. Only by embracing our responsibilities to these cultures can we be integrated into the disparate markets and resolve the array of conflicts and resistance upon its offices in Sichuan to rai

603、se 750,000 RMB, and to allocate four excavators to participate in the mud clearance in the seriously hit area, Longchi town of Dujiangyan. After a month of round-the-clock work, the task was successfully completed. To express their gratitude, the local government gave the Company a silk banner, on w

604、hich was written “Timely Assistance that Bonds Thousands of Families”.China Construction values the contribution each staff member makes to fulfilling our social responsibilities. We greatly encourage our staff to organise volunteer activities. Caring about the well-being of our migrant rural worker

605、s children, we launched a system-wide volunteer activity, campaigning to mobilise our staff to visit rural areas and provide community services.Case study: Voluntary work by china construction third engineering bureau co. ltdChina Constructions caring programme for the children of migrant rural work

606、ers in the villages is recognised by the central government. The Company concluded an agreement with Tongxin Experimental School to provide maintenance services, such as floor repairs, circuit maintenance, and upkeep of electric fans. The company participated in the “New Citizen Childrens Culture an

607、d Arts Festival”, organised by the school, and invited Beijing Childrens Hospital to provide free physical examinations for the schoolchildren. The company also organised a group of representatives to visit the Wuhan Children Welfare House, taking books, study materials, toys and other materials to

608、the children there.2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201081关于我们 About Us可持续经营 Sustainable Operation科技创新 Technological Innovation质 量 Quality安 全 Safety环 境 Environment员 工 Staff社 会 Society矛盾和阻力,从根本上保障企业发展,才能实现和谐、共赢的发展。中国建筑遵守项目所在国法律,依法运营,诚信经营,带动当地经济发展和社会进步。通过当地分包等方式带动当地就业,促进当地的发展。海外有近3,000名不同国籍的管理人员。公司在阿尔



611、所,解决当地人的疾病治疗等难题,为刚果人民身体健康提供有力保证;为施工沿线居民修建许多便民设施,村庄里的人行道盖板、行车盖板、交叉路口拓宽等工程,同时也在萨哈村、木屋地镇等地方为当地政府修缮便道30,000多米,改善当地居民出行条件。that may arise in our development. To achieve our goals of mutual development and win-win cooperation, we must protect sustainable growth from the root.China Construction observes the

612、 laws of the countries where we have construction projects. We help to drive local economies forward through law-abiding operations and honest management. By subcontracting work to local companies, local development is encouraged. China Constructions employs over 3,000 management staff of a variety

613、of nationalities.In Algeria, the Company subcontracts to almost 500 local professional companies, hiring almost 1000 Algerian management and technical staff and over 20,000 workers, greatly relieving local unemployment problems. Another project, the No.1 National Highway of the Republic of Congo, pr

614、ovides around 30,000 seasonal and permanent positions to local workers.China Construction Equatorial Guinea Co. works with local labour and social protection organisations to provide professional training to local youth, preparing local plastering workers, carpenters, plumbing workers, electricians

615、and tile workers, and raising local labour skill levels.Guiding the development of local industriesChina Construction introduces advanced management and technology to these countries, guiding the development of local construction and related industries. After taking into consideration local conditio

616、ns, the nature of the projects, and the various project requirements, the Company normally strives to maximise the proportion of raw materials procured locally. In regions such as the Middle East, up to 80% of procurements come from the site country or another nearby.Case study: Procurement of local

617、 materials and equipmentChina Construction Equatorial Guinea Co. directly contributed added value of 789,041,900 CFA francs (about 115 million RMB) to local industries, through paying for services such as customs clearance, procurement of materials (including sand, rubble, wood, sand, and gravel), p

618、urchasing machinery and equipment rental. China Construction Equatorial Guinea Co. utilised local procurement platforms to purchase major machinery worth around US$3.38 million (about 22.28 million RMB).Overseas community buildingBesides its focus on overseas projects, China Construction strives to

619、get involved in local community building. Utilising its professional expertise, the Company provides support for infrastructure such as roads, water supply and sanitation, thereby helping improve the living conditions of local residents.Case study: The Company engages in overseas community buildingT

620、he Company built wells for more than 20 villages along the construction route of No.1 National Highway of the Republic of Congo, giving them access to clean water. Three medical clinics were built along the highway, to reduce local residents difficulties in seeking healthcare, thereby protecting the

621、 health of Congolese people. China Construction also built a variety of amenities along the construction route, such as pavement covers, road covers, and larger intersections. The Company also helped several municipalities to repair over 30,000 metres of roads, giving local residents better roads to

622、 travel on.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited82央企一流 行业排头A first-rate state-owned enterprise The industry leader2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2010832011年是“十二五”开局之年,我们将在新的发展起点,贯彻落实中央战略部署,以科学发展为主题,进一步创新发展方式,围绕提升六大能力,重点推进六项工作,加快战略性经营结构调整,努力做强做优。我们将深化改革,注重价值创造,以组织机构调整、功


624、们将同心同德,奋发进取,创先争优,为全面完成“十二五”开局之年各项工作任务而努力!2011 is the first year of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. From this new starting point of development, we will implement the central governments strategic plans, further advancing our development. Focusing on improving our six core capabilities, we will push fo

625、rward our work in the six major fields, accelerate the process to restructure strategic operations, and strive for excellence.We will carry out in-depth reforms in the organisation, to focus our strengths for creating value. Through organisational restructuring and functional structure optimisation,

626、 we will strengthen our strategic management capability.We will put equal emphasis on production and raising and management of capital, so that they can become the Companys two drivers. Taking our management capability to new heights, we will continue to improve our management and operating efficien

627、cy, striving to build on our heritage while encouraging innovation.We will strengthen the implementation of localisation. Utilising our advantages as a major corporation, we will optimise the allocation of resources.We will put great effort into the development of overseas business, raising our cont

628、rol over profit and risk management, striving to improve the Companys overall competitiveness in overseas markets.We will create a specialised, professional, and internationally competitive team of talent, further increasing the quality of our staff.We will attach great importance to safety, quality

629、, environmental protection and social welfare contribution, further fulfilling our integrated roles in society.In the vanguard of the industry, we will strive to become “A first-rate state-owned enterprise and the industry leader”. It is incumbent on us to lead the industry in terms of innovation an

630、d development. We understand that our responsibilities are as heavy and difficult as they are honourable. In unity, we will work hard for excellence, striving to complete our many duties and tasks in this first year of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. 中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corp

631、oration Limited84专家点评Expert Comments中国建筑业协会副会长 吴涛Zheng Yijun, Vice President of China Construction Industry Association改革开放以来,我国建筑业持续快速增长,为国民经济和社会发展做出了巨大贡献。建筑业的发展,大大改善了城乡面貌和人民居住环境,加快了城镇化进程,带动了相关产业发展。对于中国这样一个幅员辽阔、人口众多、经济发展不平衡的发展中国家,建筑业的发展对于实现宏观调控目标、解决社会就业、消除穷困、缓解社会矛盾、建设和谐家园,意义极为重大。作为中国建筑行业的领军企业,中国建筑不



634、救灾的重要力量,报告披露了汶川、玉树地震灾害发生后,中国建筑积极响应党中央、国务院的战略部署,率先进入灾区抢险救灾,为保障人民生活,为灾后重建做出的突出贡献;同时,报告也展现了中国建筑在科技创新、质量服务、树立全球责任观念等方面所取得的突出业绩。报告总体上印证了中国建筑在可持续发展道路上的足迹,也是中国建筑行业追求可持续发展的缩影。希望中国建筑在发布可持续发展报告的基础上,继续发挥行业领军企业作用,加快发展方式转变,进一步加强在行业内的沟通与交流,加强对建筑行业可持续发展的整体研究,为中国建筑行业的进步和建筑企业的发展做出更大贡献。2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Repor

635、t 201085Expert CommentsSince the introduction of economic reforms and the Open Door policy, the construction industry has maintained a rapid rate of growth and made great contributions to the national economy and society. The development of the construction industry has changed the face of urban and

636、 rural living environments, accelerated urbanisation across the country, and promoted the development of related industries. For a developing country with such an expansive territory, the worlds largest population and unbalanced economic development, the development of the construction industry is a

637、 significant contributor to reaching the targets of the states macroeconomic control policies, improving unemployment, solving poverty, relieving social conflict and building homes in harmony.As the premier enterprise in the Chinese construction industry, China Construction not only achieves outstan

638、ding results in its business, but also makes significant contributions to the advancement of the industry, the environment and society. In the China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited Sustainability Report 2010 (hereafter called “The Report”), readers can clearly understand the commi

639、tment, measures and initiatives and results the Company has achieved for all its stakeholders including governments, shareholders, financial institutions, staff, customers, strategic partners, supply chain partners, communities and the public. The readers will also be impressed by the proactive acti

640、on that the Company has taken to serve as a leading international construction and real estate enterprise for sustainable development.The Report highlights the important topic of sustainability in the construction industry, emphasising the responsible operation and management essential to the sustai

641、nable success of its business operation and the commitment to the sustainable development of society and the natural environment. Only if society, the economy and the environment become sustainable can China Construction succeed in its plans for a sustainable future. This is both the tenet of sustai

642、nability for China Construction and a paramount topic in the sustainability of the whole construction industry in China.The Report links environmental and social issues, disclosed the advanced management concept, great achievements and gratifying results of China Construction, highlighting the domin

643、ant status of China Construction in the development of the industry and society. At present, energy-saving construction technology is critical to building an energy-saving society, and this requires immediate attention. The Report provides a highly comprehensive overview of the Companys performances

644、 in environmental management, green design, green procurement and green construction, which is valuable to the industry in the promotion of an energy-saving society. With regard to the promotion of employment, the Report shows China Construction has created numerous job opportunities in society and

645、absorbed the labour force generated by the urbanisation in rural areas and restructuring of rural villages. The Company has helped ease the pressure of unemployment and given solid support to the development of new village model under socialism. These are very helpful to the resolution of the issues

646、 of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The construction industry is also an important force in the handling of unexpected incidents and disasters. The Report reveals that China Construction actively responded to the strategic arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China a

647、nd the State Council after the serious earthquake in Wenchuan and Yushui. The Company was in the vanguard of the relief operation in the affected areas to save victims lives and made an exceptional contribution to the post-disaster reconstruction work; In the meantime, the Report showcases the remar

648、kable performances of China Construction in technology innovation, quality service and the undertaking of global social responsibility.In general, the Report reveals the footprints of China Construction on the road of sustainability and the microcosm of the China construction industry in the pursuit

649、 of sustainability. I sincerely hope that China Construction continues to play the leading role in the industry in its sustainability reporting, to accelerate the transformation of business development, to enhance communication and exchange among industry members, to strengthen the study of sustaina

650、bility throughout the construction industry, to promote the advance of the industry and lastly to make even greater contribution to the development of the construction business.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited86中国对外承包工程商会会长 刁春和Diao Chunhe, Chairman of China Internat

651、ional Contractors Association 随着经济全球化的发展,国际社会对中国对外承包工程企业履行社会责任提出了更高要求,履行社会责任已成为对外承包工程企业转变发展方式、实现可持续发展的新途径。中国建筑是最早“走出去”的中国工程企业之一,业务涉及多个专业领域,多年来取得了良好的经营业绩。作为中国对外承包工程业务的开拓者和领跑者,中国建筑在一直以来积极践行企业社会责任,在行业内表现突出,在2009年我会开展的“中国对外承包工程企业社会责任评选”活动中荣获金奖。中国建筑还积极参与行业的社会责任建设工作,在中国对外承包工程行业社会责任指引制订工作中发挥了重要作用,并成为了首批实践企


653、责任建设方面树立典范。In line with increasing globalisation, the international community is raising its expectations of Chinese international contractors to demonstrate social responsibility. By making social responsibility a core part of their businesses, international contractors can now change the mode of t

654、heir development and achieve sustainability.China Construction was one of the first enterprises to implement the strategy of “reaching-out” to overseas markets. The Company continues to perform at the highest level, in all professional areas. As a pioneering and leading Chinese international contrac

655、tor, China Construction actively fulfils its corporate social responsibilities, giving it prominence within the industry. In 2009, it was awarded the Gold Prize for Social Responsibility among China International Contractors by the China International Contractors Association. China Construction has

656、also played an active role in promoting corporate social responsibility across the industry. It was active in the formulation of the Guidelines of Social Responsibility for China Overseas Contractors in the Construction and Engineering Industry, and was also one of the first enterprises to implement

657、 the guidelines. China Constructions initiative to issue a sustainability report over the past two years also shows that it pursues the promotion of socially responsible management and sustainability.The 2010 Sustainability Report of China Construction covers the major sustainability issues for inte

658、rnational contractors, which include the seven aspects of “sustainable operation, “technological innovation”, “quality”, “safety”, “environment”, “staff” and “society”, through which its effects on and value to the economy, society and environment are presented. The Company undertakes the social res

659、ponsibility of driving local economies forward and encouraging harmonious development by maximising the proportion of raw materials procured locally, subcontracting work to local companies, and participating actively in community building. The Report is an important and valuable reference for stakeh

660、olders from the mainland and abroad to better understand China Construction.The China International Contractors Association sincerely hopes that China Construction will continue to build on this foundation acting as a role model for and promoting social responsibility to other Chinese constructors t

661、hat implement the strategy of “reaching-out”.2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201087中国社会科学院经济学部企业社会责任研究中心主任 钟宏武Zhong Hongwu, Director of the Research Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, Economics Department, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences中国建筑股份有限责任公司2010年可持续发展报告(以下简称报告)以“奉献精品工程,营造和谐家园”为理



664、及生动的案例相互融合,形式活泼,条理清晰,语言简洁,可读性较强,让读者在阅读报告的同时,对中国建筑的社会责任实践感同身受。希望公司在今后的报告中进一步增加核心指标的披露,深化披露内容,并加强与公司以往绩效及同行绩效的对比,打造中国建筑行业的领先报告。期待中国建筑的下一份报告更加精彩。With the concept of “providing excellent construction projects and creating homes in harmony”, China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited Sustai

665、nability Report 2010 (hereafter called “The Report”) is quite comprehensive in presenting the sustainable measures and results of China Constructions commitment to its role as a leading listed enterprise in global architectural construction and property development. It is an excellent sustainability

666、 report that fully reflects the characteristics of the industry and the features of the enterprise.The report fully explains the content and mode of the sustainable development of China Construction. Through the seven sections of “Sustainable operation, “Technological innovation”, “Quality”, “Safety

667、”, “Environment”, “Staff” and “Society”, it reveals the concepts, processes and results of China Constructions fulfilment of its corporate social responsibility as a state-owned enterprise, its active promotion and leadership of the development of the industry, as well as its pursuit of the sustaina

668、ble development of the company, the environment and society.The structure of the Report is an extension of the framework of Sunshine 2009. Following the general regulations and meeting the general requirements of sustainability reporting, it highlights the Companys fulfilment of responsibilities in

669、2010. With a focus on seven topics related to social responsibility, it fully reveals the accountability of China Construction to stakeholders including the government, shareholders, financial organisations, employees, customers, strategic partners, supply chain, the community and the public.The con

670、tent of the Report has been expanded in its coverage and depth to disclose the Companys social responsibility benchmarks and present its major contributions to social responsibility under various themes for the year in response to stakeholder concerns. The Companys contribution of quality projects t

671、o Shanghai World Expo and active participation in assisting the reconstruction of the areas hit by the earthquake in Yushu shows that China Construction, as a state-owned enterprise, has the courage to stand up and take up its responsibilities when the state faces a major event. In addition, as one

672、of the first enterprises to implement the strategy of “reaching-out”, China Construction acts as a role model that fulfils its social responsibilities, complies with laws, respects customs, protects the environment, safeguards employee interests and actively participates in community building. It bu

673、ilds a positive image as a responsible enterprise by contributing to the development of the local economy and society.In a clear, simple and readable style, the Report integrates sustainability ideals, practices and results with vivid descriptions of real cases. This enables the reader to identify w

674、ith China Constructions implementation of its social responsibility initiatives.It is hoped that the Companys coming reports will further increase its coverage to include more in-depth disclosure of its core benchmarks, as well as strengthen the comparison with performance results in the past and th

675、ose of the industry, so as to create a leading report in the construction industry in China.We look forward to seeing an even more outstanding report next time.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited88GRI指标索引GRI IndexGRI报告指南G3.1版指标列表Table of benchmark sustainability report

676、ing guidelines (G3.1) from the Global Reporting Initiative序号NO.GRI指标内容GRI Content Index披露程度在报告中的位置战略及分析Strategy andAnalysis11.1机构最高决策者就可持续发展与机构及其战略关系的声明Statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organizationP6,721.2主要影响、风险及机遇的描述Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunitiesP18,19机构简介

677、OrganizationalProfile32.1机构名称Name of the organizationP11,1742.2主要品牌、产品及(或)服务Primary brands, products, and/or servicesP11,1752.3机构的营运架构,包括主要部门、营运公司、附属及合营机构Operational structure of the organization, including main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint venturesP11,1762.4机构总部的位置Locatio

678、n of organizations headquartersP972.5机构在多少个国家营运,在哪些国家有主要业务,哪些国家与报告所述的可持续发展事宜特别相关Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the reportP8082.6所有权的性质及法律形式Nature of own

679、ership and legal formP1192.7机构所供应的市场(包括地区细分、所供应的行业、客户受惠者的类型)Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served,and types of customers/beneficiaries)P11-17,30,36,37102.8汇报机构的规模Scale of the reporting organizationP12112.9汇报期内机构规模、架构或所有权方面的重大改变Significant changes during the reporting period

680、regarding size, structure, or ownershipP11,12122.10汇报期内所获得的奖项Awards received in the reporting periodP3,24,27,4348,57,71,75报告规范ReportParameters133.1信息汇报期(如财政年度/西历年)Reporting period (e.g., fiscal/calendar year) for information providedP9143.2上一份报告的日期(如果有的话)Date of most recent previous report (if any)P

681、9153.3汇报周期(如每年、每两年一次)Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc.)P9163.4查询报告或报告内容的联络点Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contentsP9173.5界定报告内容的过程Process for defining report contentP9183.6报告的界限(如国家、部门、附属机构、租用设施、合营机构、供应商)Boundary of the report (e.g., countries, divisions, subsidiaries,

682、 leased facilities, joint ventures, suppliers). See GRI Boundary Protocol for further guidanceP9193.7指出有关报告范围及界限的限制State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the reportP9203.8根据什么基础,汇报合营机构、附属机构、租用设施、国外采购业务及其它可能严重影响不同汇报期及(或)不同机构间可比性的实体Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiarie

683、s, leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities that can significantly affect comparability from period to period and/or between organizationsP9213.9数据量度技巧及计算基准,包括用以编制指标及其它信息的各种估计所依据的假设及技巧Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations, including assumptions and techniques

684、underlying estimations applied to the compilation of the indicators and other information in the report. P9223.10解释重整旧报告所载信息的结果及原因(例如合并/收购、基准年份/年期有变、业务性质、计算方法)Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement (e.g. merger

685、s/acquisition, change of base years/periods, nature of business, measurement methods)P9233.11报告的范围、界限及所有计算方法与以往报告的重大分别Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the reportP9243.12表列各类标准披露在报告中的位置Table identifying the location of the S

686、tandard Disclosure in the reportP87-91253.13在可持续发展报告附带的认证报告中列出机构为报告外寻求外部认证的政策及现行措施。如没有列出,请解释任何外部认证的范围及根据,并解释汇报机构与验证者之间的关系Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, explain the s

687、cope and basis of any external assurance provided. Also explain the relationship between the reporting organization and the assurance provider(s).N说明: 表示完全披露 表示部分披露 表示没有披露 N 表示不适用。Note: Fully disclosed Partly disclosed Not disclosed N Not applicableWhere Reported(Catalog of Report)Extent ofDisclosur

688、e2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201089序号NO.GRI指标内容GRI Content Index披露程度在报告中的位置管治、承诺及参与度Governance,Commitments, andEngagement264.1机构的管治架构Governance structure of the organization, including committees under the highest governance body responsible for specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organ

689、izational oversightP29274.2指出最高管治机关的主席有否兼任其他行政职位Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer.( (and, if so, their function within the organizations management and the reasons for this arrangement). 284.3如机构属单一董事会架构,请指出最高管治机关中独立及(或)非执行成员的人数及性别For organization

690、s that have a unitary board structure, state the number and gender of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members 294.4股东及雇员最高管治机关提出建议或经营方向的机制Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance bodyP

691、30,31304.5对最高管治机关成员、高层经理及行政人员的赔偿(包括离职安排),与机构绩效(包括社会及环境绩效)之间的关系Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers and executives (including departure arrangements), and the organizations performance (including social and environmental performance) 314.6避免最高管治机关出现

692、利益冲突的程序Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoidedN324.7如何决定最高管治机关及委员会成员应具备什么资格及经验Process for determining the composition, qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest governance body and its committees,including any consideration of g

693、ender and other indicators of diversity. N334.8机构内部订定的使命或价值观、行为守则及关乎经济、环境及社会绩效的原则,及其实施现况Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental and social performance and the status of their implementationP5344.9最高管治机构对汇报机构如何确定和管理经济、

694、环境及社会绩效(包括相关的风险、机遇),以及对机构有否遵守国际公认的标准、道德守则及原则的监督程序Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the organizations identification and management of economic, environmental and social performance, including relevant risks and opportunities, and adherence or compliance with internationally ag

695、reed standards, codes of conduct, and principlesP29,32-35354.10评估最高管治机关本身绩效的程序,特别是有关经济、环境及社会绩效Processes for evaluating the highest governance bodys own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental and social performanceP29364.11解释机构是否及如何按谨慎方针或原则行事Explanation of whether and how t

696、he precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organizationP32-35374.12机构对外界发起经济、环境及社会约章、原则或其他倡议的参与或支持Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or endorsesp9384.13机构加入的一些协会(如业界联会)及(或)全国/国际倡议组织Me

697、mberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national/international advocacy organizations in which the organization: Has positions in governance bodies; Participates in projects or committees; Provides substantive funding beyond routine membership dues; or Views membership as st

698、rategicP43394.14机构引入的利益相关者群体清单List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organizationp21404.15界定及挑选要引入的利益相关者的根据Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engagep21414.16引入利益相关者的方针,包括按不同形式及组别引入利益相关者的频密程度Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by

699、 type and by stakeholder groupp21424.17利益相关者参与的过程中提出的主要项目及关注点,以及机构如何回应,包括以报告的回应Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reportingp21经济Economic43EC1创造和分配的直接经济价值,包括总收入、利润

700、、营运成本、员工薪酬、捐助和其它社会投资、留存收益、向政府和资本提供者支付的资金Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governmentsP38,3944EC2机构因气候变化而采取的行动所带来的财务成本及其它风险和机会

701、Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organizations activities due to climate changeP5145EC3机构固定福利计划的覆盖范围Coverage of the organizations defined benefit plan obligationsP69-75,77,7846EC4政府给予机构的重大财务支持Significant financial assistance received from government 47EC5在主要经营场所,按性别划分

702、的工资的标准起薪点与当地最低工资标准的比率范围Range of ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation 48EC6在主要经营场所对从当地供应商采购的政策、制度和比例Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at significant locations of operationP45-47,63,814

703、9EC7在主要经营场所雇用当地员工的程序和聘用当地高级管理人员的比例Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community at significant locations of operationP69,80,8150EC8通过商业活动、提供实物或免费专业服务而开展的主要面向大众福利的基础设施投资与服务及其影响Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided p

704、rimarily for public benefit through commercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagementP79,8151EC9对其间接重大经济影响的理解与说明,包括该影响的程度和范围Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impactsP81Where Reported(Catalog of Report)Extent ofDisclosure中国建筑股份有限公司China State Constr

705、uction Engineering Corporation Limited90序号NO.GRI指标内容GRI Content Index披露程度在报告中的位置环境Environmental52EN1按重量或体积细分的原料总用量Materials used by weight or volumeN53EN2所用原料中可循环再生材料的百分比Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materialsP62,6454EN3使用一次能源资源的直接能源消耗Direct energy consumption by primary energ

706、y sourceN55EN4使用一次资源的非直接能源消耗Indirect energy consumption by primary sourceN56EN5 通过采取节能措施和提高利用效率而节省的能源Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvementsP62,P6457EN6为运用节能或可再生能源的产品和服务所进行的倡议活动,以及由于这些活动带来的能源需求减少量Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and serv

707、ices, and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiativesP66,6758EN7减少间接能源耗用的措施,以及措施所取得的成效Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achievedP62,6459EN8按源头划分的总耗水量Total water withdrawal by sourceN60EN9因耗用水而严重影响到的水源Water sources significantly affected by withdr

708、awal of waterN61EN10可循环再利用水所占的百分比和总量Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reusedN62EN11 机构在环境保护区或保护区毗邻地区及保护区之外生物多样性丰富的区域拥有、租赁或管理的土地地理位置和面积Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areasN63EN

709、12描述机构活动、产品和服务对保护区内及保护区之外生物多样性价值高的地区的生物多样性的重要影响Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areasN64EN13受保护或已恢复的栖息地Habitats protected or restoredP6665EN14管理影响生物多样性的战略、当前采取的行动和未来的计划St

710、rategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversityP6666EN15按照生物濒临绝种的风险,依次列出处于受机构经营活动影响的、被列入国际自然及自然资源保护联盟濒危物种红色名录(IUCN Red List)和国家保护名录的物种数量Number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of e

711、xtinction riskN67EN16按重量计算的直接或间接温室气体的排放Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weightP61,6268EN17按重量计算的其它相关间接温室气体排放Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weightN69EN18减少温室气体排放的措施,以及其成效Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achievedP60-62,64,6770EN19按

712、重量计算的臭氧消耗物质的排放Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weightN71EN20按照类型和重量计算的氮氧化物、硫氧化物以及其它对环境有重大影响的气体排放量NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions by type and weightP6172EN21按质量和目的地统计的总排水量Total water discharge by quality and destinationN73EN22按种类和处理方法统计的废物总量Total weight of waste by type and di

713、sposal methodP6174EN23重大溢漏的总次数及漏量Total number and volume of significant spillsN75EN24 按重量计算的根据控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约附录I、II、III、VIII条款被视为危险废弃物的运输、进口、出口或处理数量,及国际范围内运输废弃物的百分比Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, I

714、II, and VIII, and percentage of transported waste shipped internationallyN76EN25受报告机构排放水和径流严重影响的水体以及相关栖息地的特征、规模、受保护状态和生物多样性价值Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by the reporting organizations discharges of water and run

715、offN77EN26 减轻产品与服务对环境影响的措施及影响减轻的程度Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigationP65,6678EN27 可分类回收的售出产品及其包装材料Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by categoryN79EN28因违反环境法律法规所受到重大经济罚款的数额和非经济制裁的次数Monetary

716、value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations80EN29 机构经营活动中的产品、其它货品和原材料运输和劳动力运输对环境造成的重大影响Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials used for the organizations operations,

717、and transporting members of the workforceP65,6681EN30按类型计算的环境保护的总支出和总投资Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by typeP59Where Reported(Catalog of Report)Extent ofDisclosure2010可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201091序号NO.GRI指标内容GRI Content Index披露程度在报告中的位置社会劳工措施和合理工作Labor Practices a

718、ndDecent Work82LA1按雇用类型、雇用合同、地区及按性别划分的员工总数Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region, broken down by genderP6983LA2按年龄组别、性别及地区划分的新员工及员工流失总量和比例Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender, and regionP69,7084LA3 按主要业务划分,提供给予全职员工的而临时或兼职

719、员工享受不到的福利Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by significant locations of operation.P7085LA4 受集体谈判协议保障的员工比例Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreementsP69,7086LA5向员工通报重大业务变化的最短通知期,包括指出该通知期是否在集体协议中订明Minimum notice p

720、eriod(s) regarding operational changes, including whether it is specified in collective agreements87LA6 在协助监管和咨询职业健康与安全计划的正式的管理劳资健康与安全委员会中,劳方代表的比例Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational heal

721、th and safety programsN88LA7 按照地区、性别划分的工伤率、职业病率、误工率(损失工作日比例)、缺勤率,以及工伤事故和职业疾病死亡人数Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities by regionP57,7289LA8 为帮助员工及家人或社区成员而推行的,关于严重疾病的教育、培训、咨询辅导、预防和风险控制的项目Education, training, counseling, preventi

722、on, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseasesP7290LA9与工会达成的正式协议中涵盖的健康与安全议题Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unionsP51-56,7291LA10根据性别、员工类别划分,每位员工每年接受培训的平均时数Average hours of training p

723、er year per employee by gender, and by employee categoryP55,72,7392LA11支持员工提高继续受聘能力,以及帮助员工处理好退职事宜的技能管理和终生学习计划Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endingsP72,7393LA12按性别划分的接受定期绩效和职业发展考评的员工比例Percen

724、tage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews by genderP7094LA13按照性别、年龄组别、少数族裔成员及其他多元化指标划分,说明各管理机构的成员和每类员工的组成细分Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indic

725、ators of diversityP6995LA14按员工类别、重要运营地划分,男性与女性员工的基本工资比例Ratio of basic salary and renumeration of women to men by employee category, by signifi cant locations of operationP7096LA15 按性别划分的育婴假后员工返岗率Return to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender.人权Human Rights97HR1 包含关注人权的条款或已经通过人权审查

726、的重要投资协议与合同的总数及比例Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements and contracts that include clauses incorporating human rights concerns, or that have undergone human rights screening98HR2 已通过人权审查的重要供应商、承包商和其它商业伙伴的比例,及机构采取的行动Percentage of significant suppliers, contractors and other b

727、usiness partners that have undergone human rights screening, and actions taken99HR3 员工在工作所涉人权范围的相关政策及程序方面接受培训的总时间,包括受培训的员工比例Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trainedP72

728、,73100HR4歧视个案的总数,和机构采取的改正行动Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken101HR5已发现可能严重侵犯、危害结社自由和集体谈判权的运营活动及重要供应商,以及保障这些权利所采取的行动Operations and signifi cant suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be voilated or

729、 at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights102HR6 已发现可能会发生严重危害童工的运营活动及重要供应商,以及有助于消除使用童工的措施Operations and signifi cant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the eff ective abolition of child labor103HR7 已发

730、现可能会导致严重的强迫或强制劳动的运营及重要供应商,以及有助于消除所有形式的强迫或强制劳动的措施Operations and signifi cant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor104HR8 保安人员在作业所涉人权范围的相关政策及程序方面接受培训的比例Percen

731、tage of security personnel trained in the organizations policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations105HR9 涉及侵犯土著人包括本地员工权利的个案总数,以及机构采取的措施Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and actions taken106HR10 取决于人权评审及/或影响评估的

732、运营活动比例和总数Percentage and total number of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews and/or impact assessments107HR11通过正式不满处理机制被提及并解决的人权方面不满情况数Number of grievances related to human rightsfiled, addressed, and resolved through formalgrievance mechanisms Where Reported(Catalog of Report)E

733、xtent ofDisclosure中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited92序号NO.GRI指标内容GRI Content Index披露程度在报告中的位置社会Society108SO1评估管理机构经营对社区所造成影响(包括进、出社区及营运)的任何项目及行为的性质、范围及有效程度Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development progra

734、ms. P59,66109SO2已作腐败风险分析的经营单位的总数和比例Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruptionP34,35110SO3 已接受机构的反腐败政策及程序培训的员工比例Percentage of employees trained in organizations anti-corruption policies and proceduresP35111SO4 回应腐败所采取的行动Actions taken in response to incident

735、s of corruptionP35112SO5 对公共政策的立场,以及参与公共政策的制定及游说的情况Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbyingP42,43113SO6 按国家划分,对政党、政治家和相关组织做出财务及实物捐献的总值Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by countryN1

736、14SO7 涉及反竞争行为、反托拉斯和反垄断措施的法律诉讼的总数及其结果Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomesN115SO8 因违反法律及法规而被严重罚款的总额,以及非罚款的制裁总数Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and re

737、gulationsP65,66116SO9 对本地社区具有重大潜在或实际负面影响的运营活动Operations with signifi cant potential or actualnegative impacts on local communitiesP65,66117SO10 在运营活动中为预防和减轻对本地社区产生的重大潜在或实际负面影响所采取的措施Prevention and mitigation measures implementedin operations with significant potential or actualnegative impacts on loc

738、al communitiesP65,66产品责任ProductResponsibility118PR1为改良而评估产品及服务在其生命周期各阶段对安全和健康的影响,以及必须接受这种评估的重要产品和服务类别的比例Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement, and percentage of significant products and services categories subject to such procedure

739、sP48,49,51119PR2 按结果划分,在产品和服务的生命周期中,在健康和安全方面违反法规和自愿性守则的事件总数Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by type of outcomesP51120PR3 按照程序要求的产品及服务的信息种类,以及属于此类信息规定的重要产品和服务的比例Type

740、of product and service information required by procedures and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirementsP48,49,51121PR4 按结果划分,违反产品及服务信息和标签的法规及自愿性守则的事件总数Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product an

741、d service information and labeling, by type of outcomesN122PR5 有关的措施,包括客户满意度的调查结果Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfactionP49,51123PR6 为符合与市场沟通(包括广告、推销和赞助)相关的法律、标准和自愿性守则而开展的措施Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes

742、 related to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorshipP51124PR7 按结果划分,违反与市场沟通(包括广告、推销及赞助)相关的法规和自愿守则的次数Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorsh

743、ip by type of outcomesP51125PR8已被证实的关于侵犯客户隐私权及遗失客户资料的投诉总数Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer dataP50126PR9违反涉及产品和服务的提供与使用的相关法律及规定所受到的重罚金额Monetary value of signifi cant fi nes for noncompliance with laws and regulations concerning the

744、 provision and use of products and services.P50Where Reported(Catalog of Report)Extent ofDisclosure反馈意见表Feedback Form为了改进中国建筑社会责任工作,我们希望得到您的反馈,这将成为我们改善和提高的重要依据。希望您在百忙中对本报告和我们的工作提出宝贵意见。We hope to hear your feedback, which will help us to better fulfil the social responsibilities of Chinas constructio

745、n industry. We depend on your input to make improvements in our work. Thank you for your time and your valuable comments.您认为报告总体上:In your opinion, the report is, over all: 很好Very good 较好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very poor您认为报告披露的社会责任信息:In your opinion, the information on social responsibilities di

746、sclosed in this report is: 很有价值 Very valuable 价值较高 Valuable 一般 Average 价值较低 Of low value 没有什么价值 Of no value您认为报告在结构上:In your opinion, the structure of the report is: 很合理 Very good 较合理 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very poor您认为报告的可读性: In your opinion, the report is: 很高 Very readable 较高 Readable 一般 Avera

747、ge 较差 Hard to read 很差 Unreadable您对中国建筑社会责任工作的意见和建议,请在此提出:If you have other comments on the social responsibilities of Chinas construction industry, please write in the following space:本报告采用进口高级专业性环保纸。源自100%环保林(PEFC)并经以非氯漂白(ECF)技术制造的环保化学纸浆。使用荧光增白剂及燃料皆采用欧美安全认证(FDA & SEGA),用于食品包装用途。添加剂量符合健康安全规范。涂料所使用的各

748、种添加物成分,不含重金属、二恶英、甲醛等致癌物质,可回收分解。The Report is printed on high quality imported recycled paper. The paper pulp is 100% environmentally friendly. It comes from a forest under the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and is produced with Elemental Chlorine-Free (ECF) technology.T

749、he fluorescent whitener and the fuel used in the production of the paper comply with the safety standards for food packaging of the FDA in the United States and SEGA in Europe. The level of addictives also meets the health safety standards.The addictives in the ink are recyclable and biodegradable, and do not contain any carcinogenic substances such as heavy metals, dioxin or formaldehyde.2010Sustainability Report可持续发展报告



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