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1、2011Sustainability Report/CSR Report可持续发展报告/社会责任报告我们正在努力成为全球建筑地产业的领先者We aim to become a global leader in building real estateTO DO MORE本报告采用进口高级专业性环保纸。源自100%环保林(PEFC)并经以非氯漂白(ECF)技术制造的环保化学纸浆。使用荧光增白剂及燃料皆采用欧美安全认证(FDA & SEGA),用于食品包装用途。添加剂量符合健康安全规范。涂料所使用的各种添加物成分,不含重金属、二恶英、甲醛等致癌物质,可回收分解。The Report is prin

2、ted on high quality imported recycled paper. The paper pulp is 100% environmentally friendly. It comes from a forest under the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and is produced with Elemental Chlorine-Free (ECF) technology.The fluorescent whitener and the fuel used in the

3、production of the paper comply with the safety standards for food packaging of the FDA in the United States and SEGA in Europe. The level of addictives also meets the health safety standards.The addictives in the ink are recyclable and biodegradable, and do not contain any carcinogenic substances su

4、ch as heavy metals, dioxin or formaldehyde.VALUE品质保障 价值创造Quality assurance and value creation 国务院国资委2010年度中央企业负责人经营业绩考核A级荣誉, “2010年度经营业绩考核工作先进单位” 称号。财富“2011年度全球500强企业”排名第147位。中国500强企业排名第12位。ENR225全球最大国际承包商排名第20位,ENR全球承包商排名第3位,ENR全球顶尖150家设计公司排名第67位。Awarded Class-A Prize in the Examination of Business

5、 Performance for 2010, and the title of “Advanced Enterprise with Excellent Business Performance” by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC).Ranked No. 147 among the Fortune Top 500 Global Companies in 2011.Ranked No.12 among China Top 500 Enterp

6、rises.Ranked No. 20 on Engineering News Records (ENR) Top 225 Global Contractors list, No.3 on ENRs Global Contractors list, and No.67 on ENRs Global Top 150 Design Firm list.财富中国企业社会责任100强排行榜排名第10位。爱再生,在都江堰,我们一起重建!项目入选国务院国资委“2011中央企业优秀社会责任实践”。在第三届“上市公司社会责任报告高峰论坛暨授牌典礼”上,中国建筑2010年可持续发展报告名列A股上市公司第11位,

7、被授予最高等级评价,是建筑行业唯一一家获此荣誉的企业。中国建筑2010年度可持续发展报告获“金蜜蜂2011优秀企业社会责任报告领袖型企业”。中国建筑2010年度可持续发展报告获中国社会科学院企业社会责任研究中心四星评级,位列17位,列建筑行业第1位。Ranked No. 10 in the list of Fortune Top 100 China Enterprises of Social Responsibility.Our project of Rebuilding our home together at Dujiangyan was selected as a 2011 Best C

8、SR Practice of Central Enterprises by the State-owned Assets Supervision Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC).At the third Listed Company CSR Report Summit Forum and Unveiling Ceremony, our Sustainability Report 2010 ranked No. 11 among all A-share companies, and was given the high

9、est evaluation. China Construction is the first company to achieve such an honor from the construction industry.Our Sustainability Report 2010 was awarded the title of 2011 GoldenBee Excellent CSR Report Leader Enterprise.Our Sustainability Report 2010 was given a four-star rating by CSR Research Ce

10、nter of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, ranking No. 17 among rated reports, and the first place in the construction industry.中国建筑 服务跨越五洲过程精品 质量重于泰山China Construction provides excellent construction services across five continents, with product quality as a top prioritySTRIVING你们接受这个任务是光荣而艰巨的, 你们

11、的贡献是巨大的。 感谢你们为建设保障房做出的努力,沈阳市民不会忘记你们, 国家不会忘记你们。中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理 温家宝非盟会议中心竣工落成, 是中国政府和人民赠送给友好的非洲国家和人民的又一份珍贵礼物, 是新世纪中非关系深入发展的标志和缩影。 新落成的非盟会议中心凝聚着建设者的心血和汗水, 我们对辛勤的建设者们表达诚挚的敬意和感谢。中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席 贾庆林大营坡片区是一个典型的棚户区, 你们要用足政策, 加快改造进度、 尽快实施, 让员工早日住上好房子, 实现职工群众的住有所居、 安居乐业。中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理 李克强马拉博国际会议中心是中国建筑为赤道几

12、内亚打造的一项精品工程, 赤几以拥有这样的建筑工程感到自豪, 赤几政府和人民感谢你们。 希望中国建筑今后能为赤几建造更多、 更好的精品工程。赤道几内亚总统 奥比昂我完全认可并十分满意这座壮观、 美丽的酒店。 在下榻这座酒店后, 我对这座建筑的所有设施感到十分满意, 这座建筑可喻为 “镶嵌在特莱姆森皇冠上的一颗璀璨珍珠” 。 阿尔及利亚总统 布特弗利卡感谢中国建筑积极参与阿住房和基础设施建设以及为阿中友好合作做出的贡献、 在促进当地人就业方面做出的努力, 阿方将最大可能地为中国建筑在阿提供各种便利。 阿尔及利亚总理 乌亚海亚It is a glorious but arduous task th

13、at you undertake, but you have made great contributions. I thank you for your efforts in indemnificatory apartments. Shenyang citizens will not forget you, and neither will our country. Wen Jiabao, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Premier of the S

14、tate Council The construction of the Conference of African Union is not only a precious gift that Chinese government and people presented to friendly African countries and their people, but also a sign of the deep relationship between China and Africa in the new century. The newly completed conferen

15、ce is the result of the builders efforts and sweat, I give my sincere respect and gratitude to all hard-working builders. Jia Qinglin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Chairman of CPPCC National Committee Daying Slope is a typical shanty town, so

16、you should make the most of our policy, speeding up its transfor-mation and building it as quickly as possible, so that all of workers and masses can live in peace and enjoy their work. Li Keqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of

17、the State CouncilMalabo International Conference Center is an excellent project that CSCEC for Equatorial Guinea. We are proud of the construction project in Guinea. Our government and people appreciate you. We hope China Con-struction can build more and better projects for Guinea in the future. Obi

18、ang, President of Equatorial GunieaI really recognize and admire this spectacular and beautiful hotel. Staying in this hotel, I am quite satisfied with all of its facilities. It can be likened to be “a bright pearl in the crown of Tlemcen”. Bouteflika, President of AlgeriaThanks to CSCEC for its act

19、ive participation in housing and infrastructure construction in Algeria and for its contribution to Algeria-China cooperation, as well as for its efforts in promoting local employment. Algeria will, to the best of its ability, offer conveniences to China Construction projects in Algeria.Ouyahia, Pri

20、me Minister of AlgeriaOne Most: most international competitive building real estate enterprise integration groupTwo Entries: by 2015, aiming to enter the top fifth of the Top 500 Global Enterprises, and one of the worlds three strongest construction and real estate groups一最:最具国际竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团两跨:2015

21、年前 跨入世界500强前百强 跨入全球建筑地产集团前3强GOING可持续发展模式Sustainable Development Model中国建筑以可持续发展为核心,以履行社会责任为载体,将社会责任全面融入公司运营,通过透明和道德行为,为自身决策、活动给社会和环境带来的影响承担责任,致力于经济、社会和环境的和谐发展,创造最优综合价值。Focusing on achieving sustainable development through the implementation of its social responsibility activities, CSCEC fully integr

22、ates CSR into its business operations and assumes responsibility for the impact of its business decisions on society and the environment. It does this by emphasizing corporate transparency and ethics and committing to achieving harmonious economic, social and environmental development and creating t

23、he best overall value.?StakeholdersOne Most and Two Entries?Professionalization?Regionalization?Standardization?Informatization?Internationalization?EconomicResponsibility? Product Responsibility?EnvironmentalResponsibility?SafetyResponsibility?SocialResponsibility中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction

24、Engrg. Corp. Ltd0082011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 20110092011年,是中国建筑取得辉煌成就、实现“十二五”靓丽开局的一年。在宏观经济调控政策频频发力、基础设施投资负增长以及欧债危机蔓延、中东和北非地区政局动荡的不利形势下,中国建筑迎难而上,主要经济指标逆市增长,再创历史新高。在中央建筑企业中,中国建筑是唯一在新签合同额和利润上均取得较大增长的企业。这一年,中国建筑的社会形象和品牌美誉度进一步提升。在财富2011年度全球500强企业排名中,中国建筑名列147位;在国务院国资委2010年度央企负责人经营业绩考核中,中国建筑再次被评为A级




28、信、精效、创新、争先,以无愧于中国建筑、无愧于伟大时代的辉煌成就,迎接中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会、迎接中国建筑组建三十周年!中国建筑连续多年发布了公司可持续发展报告,坦诚回应利益相关方的关切和期望,努力获得利益相关方的理解和支持。我们希望藉此报告,继续与各利益相关方真诚沟通,不断提升公司运营的透明度,在新的征程中引领行业实现新跨越和发展! 董事长 CSCEC Chairman Yijun致 辞Chairmans MessageChina State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd had a hugely successful year in 2011, the

29、 first year of the 12th Five-Year Plan. Even against the backdrop of stricter macroeconomic control policy, negative growth of investment in infrastructure, pervasive European debt crisis, and political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa. China Construction was the only company among centra

30、l construction enterprise to achieve greater growth in newly signed contractors and ranked number one in the achieving its profit targets.In 2011, China Construction further enhanced its social image and brand reputation, ranking 147th on the list of Fortune Top 500 Global Companies, and won the Cla

31、ss-A Prize in the Examination of Business Performance for 2010 as awarded by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council. The Company also maintained its leading position brand development, winning 13 “Luban Prizes” and 4 “Zhantianyou Prizes”. The Co

32、mpany was awarded the National First-grade Prize for Progress in Science and Technology for its Technological Innovation and Practice in the Construction of National Aquatics Center (Water-Cube) following the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Project.In 2011, China Construction solidified its commitme

33、nt to innovation and development and excelled in its implementation of the A-Good Campaign. The Company strengthened its “One most and two entries” strategic objectives to become the most internationally competitive building real estate group and seeks to become a top 100 company in the Top 500 Glob

34、al Enterprises by 2015, and one of the worlds three strongest construction and real estate groups. We adhered to our development concept of “Quality assurance, and value creation”, and pressed ahead with our “PRSII strategy”. In the A-Good Campaign, we responded to the call of the CPC Central Commit

35、tee, creating ideas and methods and establishing our goal of “being a first-class central enterprise and the flagship in the construction industry” in accordance with the deployment of SASAC. We also made considerable progress in production and operations, achieving our goal of “four industry-leadin

36、g positions, and one great progress” in each of our five major business sectors house building, overseas operations, real estate investment, infrastructure, and planning and design. Furthermore, we further strengthened the Groups governance system, its human resource strategy and the overall impleme

37、ntation of its social responsibility.In 2011, we experienced tremendous and historical events. In February, China Construction organized the evacuation of Chinese-funded enterprises in eastern Libya, evacuating 10,241 CSCEC employees and 957 staff from Bangladesh and Vietnam in a timely, safe and ef

38、ficient way. The Company achieved its goal of ensuring that “no one went missing and no injuries occurred in the evacuation of thousands of people within ten days from thousands of miles away”. In June, Chen Chaoying, the former Deputy Party Secretary, Secretary of Discipline Committee and Chairwoma

39、n of Trade Union of the Civil Engineering Company under the China Construction 5th Engineering Bureau, died in a car accident. She was an outstanding representative of 100,000 CSCEC employees and an excellent example of how hard work and dedication can contribute to the reform and development of Chi

40、na Construction. Her spirit will spur us to continue to grow our country and society with greater passion and outstanding peformance.In 2012, the Company expects to face more severe and complex situations. We anticipate the world economy will gradually recover, but we also expect to face many unstab

41、le factors, including far-reaching impacts from the international financial crisis and the changing structure of world economy. The central government has outlined that economic development will be about “making progress while maintaining stability”, and that it will continue to implement a proactiv

42、e fiscal and prudent monetary policy. As a central enterprise, China Construction shoulders heavy responsibilities and will work to ensure stability and promote growth. In 2012, we are confident that we will continue to be successful. The Company will achieve this because we have a well-experienced

43、team and thirty years experience successfully facing challenges and tackling difficulties. We have also instilled an advanced corporate culture that supports our development and have established clear goals and ideals to help us create a positive future.All employees of China Construction will unite

44、 to achieve our long-term goal of “One most and two entries”. We will meet the 18th National Peoples Congress and the 30th anniversary of the founding of China Construction by honoring the principles of “integrity, precision and high efficiency, innovation, and excellence”, and acknowledging the bri

45、lliant achievements that make China Construction a successful company.China Construction has released several sustainability reports to date. We always candidly respond to the expectations and requests of our stakeholders, and strive to obtain their understanding and support. We wish to sincerely co

46、mmunicate with stakeholders and improve the transparency of the our operations through this report in order to achieve a new leap forward. 中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd0102011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011011Introduction目 录CONTENTS报告目的本报告为中国建筑股份有限公司正式发布的第三份可持续发展报告。报告旨在与利益相关方


48、G3.1)、国际标准化组织ISO 26000:社会责任指南(2010)、中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS-CSR2.0)等编制。报告承诺本报告由中国建筑社会责任管理团队组织编制,由公司相关高管审核,经公司董事会、监事会审议批准。中国建筑保证报告内容不存在任何虚假、误导性陈述。保证方法报告由德国汉德技术监督服务有限公司进行第三方验证,并提供独立的验证证明。报告特色在结构上延续阳光报告的基本框架,用七色光诠释公司的社会责任,寓意公司将责任凝聚成阳光一样的力量,推动全球可持续发展。报告创新以独立板块形式系统披露公司全产业链发展的实践和绩效,突显公司将引领和推动行业发展作为对全球可持续发展的基本

49、责任。在报告主体部分增加荣誉及利益相关方评价,充分发挥报告作为利益相关方沟通交流、提升公司运营透明度的平台作用。在内容方面扩大社会责任指标披露的覆盖面,加大社会责任核心指标的披露深度。称谓说明为表述方便,中国建筑股份有限公司在报告中简称“中国建筑”、“公司”或“我们”。获取方式报告语言为中英文,以印刷品和PDF电子文件两种方式发布,欢迎来函或登陆公司网站获取。联系方式中国建筑股份有限公司地址:中国北京三里河路15号中建大厦邮政编码:100037电话:(8610) 88082888传真:(8610) 88082789网址:http:/报告导读Reporting ObjectivesThis is

50、 the third sustainability report officially released by China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd. The report aims to openly share our sustainability concepts, practices and performances with our stakeholders.Reporting CycleOur sustainability report is published annually. Our last report was release

51、d on April 21st 2011.Reporting ScopeThis report covers economic, environmental and social responsibility news and information from 1 January to 31 December 2011 for China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., its 31 wholly owned subsidies and 10 shareholding companies across five business sector

52、s, as well as related case studies from the Groups subsidiary companies.Reporting DataThe financial data in the report are taken from the Companys Financial Report 2011 and all calculations are consistent with previous reports. All amounts are in RMB unless otherwise specified.Compilation Conformanc

53、eThe report is compiled in accordance with the Guideline on Performing Social Responsibility by Central Enterprises, released by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council, and the Guidelines for Compiling Reports of the Practice of Social Responsib

54、ilities by Enterprises, released by the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The report is also line with the Guideline on Sustainability Report (G3.1) from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), ISO 26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility (2010) by the International Organization for Standards, and the Guideli

55、nes on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR 2.0).Reporting CommitmentThe report is prepared by the Taskforce of the Management of Social Responsibilities of the Company, examined by senior management and approved by the Board of Directors and the Supervision Co

56、mmittee. China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. assures that the report contains no false records or misleading information.Reporting AssuranceThe 2011 Sustainability Report received third party verification and was given an independent verification certification from TUV Nord.Reporting Char

57、acteristicsThe 2011 Sustainability report continues to adopt the basic framework and structure, and interprets corporate social responsibility through the Companys seven-color light framework. The framework symbolizes China Constructions efforts in pooling its responsibility into powerful sunlight t

58、hat promotes global sustainable development.Innovation in ReportingThe report systematically discloses the practices and performance of the Company in the industrial chain and highlights our basic responsibility for global sustainability and our goal of leading and driving the industry.The main part

59、 of the report includes our honorary awards and comments from our stakeholders, utilizing the role of our stakeholder communication platforms to enhance operational transparency.The contents section of the report discloses our social responsibility benchmarks.References to CSCECIn this report, CSCEC

60、, “China Construction”, “the Company” or “we” refer to China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited. Online Access to the ReportThe report is prepared and released in two formats print and electronic and in Chinese and English. Please visit to download the report or contact us. Contact

61、UsChina State Construction Engrg. Corp. LtdAddress: CSCEC Mansion, NO.15 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, ChinaPostcode: 100037Telephone: (8610) 88082888Fax: (8610) 88082789Website: http:/IntroductionAbout UsSustainable OperationInnovation Throughout the Industry ChainQualitySafetyEnvironmentStaffSocietyRespo

62、nsibility TopicsOutlookExpert CommentsRating ReportVerification of the Third PartyGRI IndexFeedback Form报告导读关于我们可持续经营全产业链创新质量安全环境员工社会责任专题展望专家点评评级报告第三方验证GRI指标索引反馈意见表00420540640760840947108113中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd012全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the I

63、ndustry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011013关于我们ABOUT USCompany ProfileBackground Information on Sustainable DevelopmentResponsibility ManagementInvestor RelationshipStakeholders公司概况可持续发展背景责任管理投资

64、者关系利益相关方0019公司概况Company profile公司基本情况中国建筑股份有限公司(股票代码:601668)是一家国有控股建筑地产综合企业集团,由中国建筑工程总公司、中国石油天然气集团公司、宝钢集团有限公司、中国中化集团公司等4家世界500强企业共同发起,于2007年12月10日正式创立,并于2009年7月29日在上海证券交易所成功上市,总部设在北京。中国建筑传承中国建筑工程总公司的全部资产和上海品茶,拥有技术研发、勘察设计、工程承包、地产开发、设备制造、物业管理等完备的建筑产业链条,是中国最大的建筑房地产综合企业集团和全球最大的住宅工程建造商。公司主营业务包

65、括房屋建筑工程、国际工程承包、房地产开发与投资、基础设施建设与投资、设计勘察等五大领域,业务遍及全球20余个国家和地区,覆盖国内除台湾省外所有省、自治区和直辖市。 中国建筑具备施工、勘察、设计、工程监理、工程造价等经营资质共计723个,其中特级资质18个,是中国各类高等级专业资质及特级资质最多的建筑企业集团,也是中国建筑业唯一拥有房建、市政、公路三类总承包特级资质的企业。2011年,公司新增建筑工程设计行业甲级资质,进一步增强了在高端市场的竞争优势。Brief IntroductionChina State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd (Stock Code:

66、611668) is a state-owned construction and real estate conglomerate, jointly established by four leading Fortune Top Global 500 Enterprises. These are: (1) China State Construction Engineering Corp (CSCEC) (2) China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) (3) Baosteel Group Company Ltd., and (4) Sinoch

67、em Corporation. The Company is headquartered in Beijing, and was officially established on December 10th 2007, CSCEC was first listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on July 29th 2009.CSCEC inherits all the assets and corporate culture of the China State Construction Engineering Corporation, and its

68、construction industry chain includes technical development, project contracting, real estate development, equipment manufacturing, and property management. The Company is Chinas largest construction and real estate enterprise and the worlds largest builder of residential units. Its major businesses

69、cover the following five sectors: (1) building construction (2) international contracting services (3) real estate development and investment (4) infrastructure construction and investment, and (5) architecture and site investigation. Its businesses are spread to all of municipalities, provinces and

70、 autonomous regions in China except Taiwan and morn than 20 countries worldwide.CSCEC possesses the largest number of high-grade professional and specialist qualifications. These include 723 operational qualifications and 18 specialist qualifications that cover construction, survey, design, project

71、supervision, and project cost, among others. China Construction is also the only general contractor and construction enterprise in the Chinese construction industry to be certified in housing and highway construction and public utilities work. In 2011, the Company achieved a Class-A qualification fo

72、r its work in the building design industry, further enhancing its competitive advantage in high-end markets.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd014全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 So

73、ciety2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011015组织机构Organizational Structure办公厅General Administration Office企业策划与管理部Planning Department人力资源部Human Resources Department财务部Finance Department资金部Fund Department投资部Investment Department法律事务部Legal Affairs Department市场与客户管理部Market and Client Management Departme

74、nt安全质量环境部Safety, Quality and Environment Department科技与设计管理部Sci-tech and Design Department上海品茶部Corporate Culture Department信息化管理部Information Management Department审计局Audit Bureau监察局Supervision Bureau总部事务管理局Headquarter Administration Bureau老干部局Retired-staff Administration海外事业部General Administration Dep

75、artment房地产事业部Real Estate Department基础设施事业部Infrastructure Department城市综合建设部General Urban Construction Department技术中心Technological Center管理学院Management Institute股东大会Shareholders General Meeting董事会 Board of Directors经理层Managers监事会办公室Supervision Committee Office监事会Supervision Committee战略与决策委员会Strategy a

76、nd Decision-making Committee人事与薪酬委员会Personnel and Remuneration Committee审计委员会Auditing Committee董事会办公室Office of the Board of Directors中国建筑一局(集团)有限公司China Construction First Building (Group) Corporation Ltd.中国建筑第二工程局有限公司China Construction 2nd Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.中国建筑第三工程局有限公司China Construction

77、 3rd Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.中国建筑第四工程局有限公司China Construction 4th Engineering Division Co., Ltd.中国建筑第五工程局有限公司China Construction 5th Engineering Division Co., Ltd.中国建筑第六工程局有限公司China Construction 6th Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.中国建筑第七工程局有限公司China Construction 7th Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.中国建筑第八工

78、程局有限公司China Construction 8th Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.中国建筑股份有限公司阿尔及利亚分公司China Construction Algeria Co., Ltd.中国建筑(南洋)发展有限公司China Construction (South Pacific) Development Pty. Ltd中建美国有限公司China Construction American Co., Ltd.中建中东有限责任公司China Construction Middle East Co., Ltd.中建刚果(布)有限公司China Construc

79、tion Congo Co., Ltd.中建赤道几内亚有限公司China Construction Equatorial Guinea Co., Ltd.中建企业(新加坡)有限公司CSCEC Enterprise(Singapore) Pty, Ltd.中国建筑巴巴多斯公司China Construction Barbados Co., Ltd.中国建筑股份有限公司驻塞舌尔经理部CSCEC Manager Department in Seychelles中建纳米比亚有限公司China Construction Namibia Co., Ltd.中国建筑工程(泰国)有限公司China Const

80、ruction Thailand Co., Ltd.中国建筑股份有限公司驻巴基斯坦代表处CSCEC Representative Office in Pakistan中国海外集团有限公司China Overseas Holdings Co., Ltd.中国海外发展有限公司 0688.HKChina Overseas Development Co., Ltd.中国海外宏洋集团有限公司 0081.HKChina Overseas Grand Ocean Group Ltd.中国建筑国际集团有限公司 3311.HKChina Construction International Group Ltd.

81、中国中建地产有限公司China Zhongjian Real Estate Co., Ltd.深圳市中海投资管理有限公司China Overseas Investment Management Co. Ltd.中国建筑装饰集团有限公司China Construction Decoration Co., Ltd.中建铁路建设有限公司CSCEC Railway Construction Co., Ltd.中国建设基础设施有限公司China Construction Infrastructure Construction Co., Ltd.中建筑港集团有限公司China Construction P

82、ort Engineering Co., Ltd. 中建市政建设有限公司China Construction Municipal Construction Co., Ltd.中建电力建设有限公司China Construction Power Co., Ltd.中建钢构有限公司China Construction Steel Structure Co., Ltd.中建商品混凝土有限公司CSCEC Concrete Co., Ltd.中建工业设备安装有限公司CSCEC Industrial Equipment Installation Co., Ltd.中建财务有限公司 CSCEC Financ

83、ial Co. Ltd.上海办事处Shanghai Office广东办事处Guangdong Office东北办事处Northeast Office西北办事处Northwest Office西南办事处Southwest Office中国建筑(菲律宾)有限公司China Construction Philippines Co., Ltd.中国建筑股份有限公司驻印尼代表处CSCEC Representative Office in Indonesia中建股份卡塔尔有限公司CSCEC Ltd. (Qatar)中国建筑股份有限公司利比亚分公司China Construction Libya Co.,

84、Ltd.博昂建筑贸易简易股份公司Bo-ang Construction Trade Co., Ltd.中国建筑巴林分公司China Construction Bahrain Co., Ltd.中建俄罗斯有限责任公司China Construction Russia Co., Ltd.中建(哈萨克斯坦)有限责任公司China Construction Kazakhstan Co., Ltd. 中国建筑股份有限公司驻越南代表处CSCEC Representative Office in Vietnam中国建筑股份有限公司毛里求斯分公司China Construction Mauritius Co.

85、, Ltd.中国建筑博茨瓦纳有限公司China Construction Botswana Co., Ltd.中国建筑南非有限公司China Construction South Africa Co., Ltd.中国中建设计集团有限公司(含直营总部)China CSCEC Design Group Co., Ltd. (Including business operated by HQs)其他Other中国建筑东北设计研究院有限公司China Northeast Architectural Design & Research Institute中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司China Nort

86、hwest Architectural Design & Research Institute 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司China Southwest Architectural Design & Research Institute中国建筑西南勘察设计研究院有限公司China Southwest Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying Institute 中国建筑上海设计研究院有限公司CSCEC Shanghai Architectural Design & Research Institute中国市政工程西北设计研究院有限公司China Nort

87、hwest Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute中国建筑股份有限公司组织机构图 Organizational Structure of CSCEC中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd016全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Soci

88、ety2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011017可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development中国建筑以“一最两跨”为目标,立足于国内外两个市场,系统分析自身及行业面临的机遇和挑战,审慎制定各种应对策略,促进公司可持续发展,引领行业的发展方向。China Construction focuses on “One most and Two Entries”, based on both domestic and foreign markets, conducted a systematic a

89、nalysis of the opportunities and challenges that the Company faces in order to prudently develop countermeasures to promote sustainable development and its leading position in the industry.责任管理Responsibility Management中国建筑以构建实施和谐发展战略的长效机制为着眼点,深化社会责任工作体系建设,积极推进社会责任管理工作,不断提高履行社会责任的能力和水平。社会责任工作体系公司建立涵盖

90、公司总部和成员单位的社会责任工作体系,建立由高管和部门负责人组成的社会责任委员会,负责领导公司整体社会责任工作。社会责任委员会下设社会责任工作办公室,主要负责制定社会责任工作规划、管理制度,组织实施社会责任实践、对外开展社会责任交流,编制发布社会责任报告等。China Construction takes a long-term approach to building and implementing its harmonious development strategy, deepening the construction of its social responsibility sys

91、tem, actively promoting the management of social responsibility, and constantly enhancing the Companys social responsibility capacity and performance.System of Social Responsibility InitiativesWe have established a social responsibility system that covers all business units including our headquarter

92、s, and have set up the Social Responsibility Committee which is comprised of top management and department heads. The Committee is responsible for steering the Companys overall approach to social responsibility.The Social Responsibility Committee has established the Social Responsibility Office. The

93、 Office is mainly responsible for the planning and implementation of all social responsibility initiatives, formulating management systems, and carrying out the Companys social responsibility practices and external exchanges, as well as compiling and releasing relevant reports.中国建筑社会责任委员会组织架构Organiz

94、ational Structure of the Social Responsibility Committee?Director Board Chairman?Executive Director General Manager(s)?Deputy Director Divisional head(s)?Committee Members Functional head(s)?Office of the Board of Directors?Sci-tech and Design Department?Real Estate Department?General Urban Construc

95、tion Department? Infrastructure Department?Overseas Business Department?Retired-staff Administration?Headquarter Administration Bureau?Supervision Bureau?Audit Bureau?Information Management Department?Corporate Culture Department?Safety, Quality and Environment Department?Market and Client Managemen

96、t Department?Legal Affairs Department?Investment Department?Fund Department?Finance Department?Human Resources Department?Planning Department?General Administration Office?Office of the Supervision Committee? Social Responsibility Office?Business Units?China implements stable but progressing economi

97、c policy;China promotes green building technology;China increases investment in the construction of indemnictary apartments and infrastructure.Demand on construction increases in the course of urbanization and industrialization;China supports strong central enterprises to carry out the policy of “go

98、ing global”.?Perisist in our commitment to strategic management and control, and focus on upgrading our intensive management approach;Persist in the pursuit of the three major operational strategies, and focus on the overall quality of our development;Persist in the pursuit of our five major develop

99、ment strategies, and focus on our optimization and upgrading;Persist in making optimal investments, and focus on ensuring economic returns;Persist in our pursuit of scientific progress, and focus on intensifying our support for this approach;Persist in nurturing talent within the Company, and focus

100、on the improving employee quality;Persist in making the most of political advantage,s and focus on harmonious development.?Sustained global economic downturn;Political turmoil in some countries of Middle East and North Africa;Constantly increasing cost of resources;Stricter control over domestic mac

101、roeconomy;?Possessing the two most influential brands in the field of construction and real estate;A professional and elite international team;Rich and accumulated management experience;Stronger capacity to deal with risks.?Unbalanced industrial structure;Unbalanced internal development within the c

102、ompany;Lagging behind international enterprises and benchmarks.?Opportunities?Challenges?Advantages?Disadvantages中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd018全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社

103、 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011019社会责任培训公司社会责任管理人员参加国务院国资委、中国对外承包工程商会组织的社会责任专业培训,不断提升社会责任管理专业素质和能力。 公司聘请专家对总部员工进行社会责任培训,介绍企业社会责任本质、发展趋势、社会责任信息披露、社会责任报告编制等方面的知识。责任研究与专业机构合作开展公司和行业社会责任研究,参考GRI、CASS等社会责任报告编制指南,初步构建公司可持续发展报告指标体系,指导公司编制可持续发展报告、开展社会责任实践。责任沟通经公司董事长、监事会主席审核、董事会审议通过后,发布2010可持

104、续发展报告,向利益相关方系统传播公司社会责任理念与实践。公司领导参加中央企业社会责任工作会议等相关活动,交流公司社会责任工作的成效和经验。Training on Social ResponsibilityOur social responsibility management team participated in a professional training on social responsibility that was organized by SASAC of the State Council and the China International Contractors As

105、sociation in order to continuously enhance their professional quality and capacity in social responsibility management.We also invited experts to conduct social responsibility trainings for staff at our headquarters, introducing the concept and trends of corporate social responsibility, the role and

106、 value of disclosing social responsibility information, and the basic processes for compiling social responsibility reports and other publications.Responsibility ResearchWe have cooperated with professional organizations and conducted research on corporate and industry-level social responsibility, a

107、nd referenced the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and other guidelines in order to establish our own sustainability report index system so as to guide us to compile sustainability report and conduct social responsibility practice.Responsibility Co

108、mmunicationUpon the examination of the Chairman of Board of Directors and the Supervision Committee, and after a discussion among the Board of Directors, we released Sustainability Report 2010. The Report systematically communicates our social responsibility concepts and practices to our stakeholder

109、s.Our leaders participated in the Working Conference on Social Responsibility of Central Enterprises and other relevant activities and exchanged our achievements and experiences conducting social responsibility initiatives.投资者关系Investor Relationship中国建筑以“对资本市场负责,对投资者负责”为出发点,及时、公平地披露公司信息,并保证所披露信息的真实、

110、准确、完整。公司不仅通过业绩路演、接待来访、主动拜访、参加券商策略会和投资者见面会等方式,还通过反路演等创新形式,建立与投资者的双向沟通渠道,积极了解和回应投资者的期望和要求,提高公司的透明度和治理水平,优化与投资者关系。案例:反路演公司创新与投资者沟通形式,积极探索“请进来”的反路演模式,组织国内外各大投资机构进入公司实地考察,加深投资者对公司的了解。2011年,公司安排投资机构亲临项目现场调研,加强资本市场对公司行业特征、生产经营的直观认识,营造与投资者之间的良性互动关系。Using the notion of being “responsible to the capital marke

111、t and investors” as the starting point, we disclose our information in a timely and fair way, and ensure to disclose it truly, exactly and completely. We have established effective two-way communication channels with our investors, responding to their expectations and requests through performance ro

112、adshows, by receiving visitors, and participating in strategy meeting for securities traders and meeting for investors as well as through innovative channels like reverse roadshows (see below). We do this to improve the governance and transparency of the Company, and to optimize our relationship wit

113、h investors.Case Study: Reverse RoadshowThe Company has used innovative techniques to communicate with its investors, actively exploring reverse roadshows such as the “Invite In” initiative, and inviting major domestic and foreign investors to participate on fact-finding trips to the Company to deep

114、en their understanding of China Construction. In 2011, we also made arrangements for investors to conduct on-spot investigations. This intensified the intuitive understanding of the capital market on China Constructions production, operation and industry features, and facilitated positive relations

115、between the Company and its investors.?Protection of rights and interestsDemocratic approach to communicationEducation and trainingLabor protection Enhance profitabilityStrengthen management of market valueDisclose operational information timelyFulfillment of agreementsMutual visits by senior manage

116、mentRegular meetings Multi-channel cooperation?Compliance managementImplementation of state policiesSupervision and regulationPerformance reports and public consultation?Fulfillment of contractsSurvey on demands Daily communicationsSuggestions and feedbackRecommendations and supportDisclose procurem

117、ent informationFulfillment of contractsNegotiations and exchangesImplementation of contractsMutual visits by senior managementStrategic cooperation Regular communicationSupport and guidanceTraining and promotional activitiesCommunication activitiesPublic welfare initiativesPromote employment, educat

118、ion and trainingConduct public welfare and charities, and participate in the communityBoost the development of local industryPromote the development of community public servicesHonor commitments with integrityControl and prevent risks Maintain trustworthinessMake win-win cooperationCommon growthSala

119、ries and benefitsHealth and safetyCaring for peopleAbide by laws and regulationsPreserve and increase the value of assetsPay taxes by lawsWin-win cooperationMutual developmentSharing of resourcesMutual developmentOpen, fair and just procurementFulfillment of promisesSecure paymentsRevenue and return

120、sSatisfaction with the Companys market valueProtection of rights and interestsUnderstanding of operating conditionsFulfillment of promises with integrityInformation transparencyKeeping business secretsHigh-quality productsHigh-quality services? ? ?Community and Public?FinancialOrganizations?Governme

121、nt?Employees?Customers?StrategicPartners?Shareholders?Supply Chain五个信息披露视角Information disclosure from five perspectives每年四次定期报告 Four regular reports each year每月经营简报 Monthly business in brief每月重大项目公告 Monthly announcement of major projects公司战略合作协议 Companys agreement on strategic cooperation“三会决议”Resol

122、ution of “Three meetings”利益相关方Stakeholders中国建筑从生产经营实际出发,围绕自身产品和业务,识别和定位公司的利益相关方,建立健全沟通渠道,了解和回应利益相关方的期望和要求,不断提高社会责任工作绩效,实现与利益相关方的共同发展。Looking at our actual production and operation needs, and focusing on our own products and business activities, China Construction identified its stakeholders, establi

123、shed and improved its stakeholder communication channels, and took every effort to understand and respond to their expectations and requests in order to continuously improve its social responsibility performance and mutually development with its stakeholders.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg.

124、 Corp. Ltd020全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011021SUSTAINABLE OPERATION公司治理Corporate Governance中国建筑按照 公司法 、 证券法 等法律法规要求,建立了由股东大会、 董事会、 监事会构成的法人治理结构,并在董事会下

125、设立战略与决策委员会、 审计委员会、 人事与薪酬委员会三个专门委员会。 公司股东大会、 董事会和监事会均制定了明确的议事规则和工作程序, 运作机制规范, 机构运转协调。 公司高管由建筑及相关行业资深人士组成, 具备高等级学历, 大部分具有海外从业经历。2011年,公司制定发布上市公司基本守则(试行),集中规定资金往来、关联交易、信息披露、内幕交易等重大事项,提高了上市公司相关制度的执行效率,确保了上市公司的独立性,公司总部及所属公司治理进一步规范。公司治理结构Corporate Governance StructureIn accordance with Company Law, Securi

126、ties Law and other regulations, China Construction has established its corporate governance structure which consists of the Shareholders General Meeting, the Board of Directors, and the Supervision Committee, and we have also set up three special committees: the Strategy and Decision-making Committe

127、e, the Auditing Committee, and the Personnel and Remuneration Committee under the Board of Directors. The Company has formulated clear rules of procedure and working processes for the Shareholders General Meeting, and the Board of Directors and Supervision Committee so as to standardize their operat

128、ing mechanisms and coordinate their operating practices. The Companys management team is consisted of senior professionals in construction and other related industries, who have high-level education degrees and most of whom have overseas work experience. In 2011, the Company formulated and promulgat

129、ed the Basic Code of Listed Companies (Trial Version), which focuses on the provisions of financial transactions, related party transactions, information disclosure, insider trading and other important matters. We have done this to improve the efficiency of implementing relevant systems of listed co

130、mpanies, to ensure the independence of the listed companies, and to further standardize the governance of our headquarters and subsidiary companies.中国建筑追求企业的永续经营和基业长青,以增强企业核心竞争力为中心,从公司实际出发,制定“五化”发展策略和“三大”营销策略,完善公司治理结构,优化管理流程和机制,与利益相关方携手共同发展。China Construction pursues sustainable and long-term busine

131、ss operations. Focusing on the enhancement of its core corporate competitiveness, the Company continues to develop its SRIPI (Standardization, Regionalization, Informatization, Professionalization and Internationalization) development strategies and three major marketing strategies, improves the str

132、ucture of its corporate governance, and is optimizing its management process and mechanisms in order to achieve mutual development with stakeholders.公司治理发展策略营销策略精细管理依法合规合作共赢持续盈利能力荣誉及利益相关方评价Corporate GovernanceDevelopment StrategyMarketing StrategyDetailed ManagementCompliance with Laws and Regulatio

133、nsWin-win CooperationSustainable ProfitabilityHonors and Stakeholders Comments0224027029031可持续经营?Shareholders General MeetingBoard of DirectorsSupervision CommitteeManagement LevelFunctional OrganisationsStrategy and Decision-making CommitteeAuditing CommitteePersonnel and Remuneration Co

134、mmittee中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd022全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011023发展策略Development Strategy2011年,中国建筑坚持“五化”策略,以优化升级为重点,巩固并扩

135、大“专业化、区域化、标准化、信息化、国际化”的阶段性成果,持续将“五化”策略向纵深推进。“五化”策略目标In 2011, China Construction held fast to the “PRSII Strategy”, a strategy of “Professionalization, Regionalization, Standardization, Informatization, and Internationalization”, and consolidated and expanded its initial results while continuously pr

136、omoting the Strategy in depth.营销策略Marketing Strategy中国建筑坚持品质保障、价值创造理念,将战略合作和大客户营销作为实施战略营销的重要内容,通过与战略伙伴和大客户合作,继续深入推进“大市场、大业主、大项目”营销策略。2011年,公司合同质量显著提升,大项目数量明显增加,境外3,000万美元以上项目占境外承包工程合同额的91.7%;房建项目境内平均单项合同额为2.23亿元,境外平均单项合同额为5.1亿元,同比增长68%。案例:承接两座摩天大厦深圳平安金融中心项目,塔楼最高118层,主体结构高度558.45米、塔尖高度660米,合同额56.5亿元。

137、武汉绿地中心项目,塔楼最高119层,主体结构高度606米,合同额105亿元。Case Study: Undertaking the Construction of Two SkyscrapersShenzhen Pingan Financial Center is a 118-storeyed tower. Its main structure is 558.45 meters high with a spire height of 660 meters. The contract value of this project is 5.65 billion Yuan.Wuhan Greenla

138、nd Center is a 119-storey tower. Its main structure is 606 meters high. The contract value of the project is 10.5 billion Yuan.Adhering to the principles of “Quality assurance, value creation, and win-win cooperation”, China Construction takes strategic cooperation and key customer marketing as an i

139、mportant part of its strategic marketing implementation. Through its cooperation with strategic partners and key customers, the Company continues to develop its “Big market, big proprietor, and big projects” marketing strategy.In 2011, we significantly increased the quality of our contracts and the

140、number of big projects. Overseas projects with a value of over USD 30 million accounted for 91.7% of our overseas contracts. The average value of a single domestic housing construction project was 223 million Yuan, and a single foreign construction project was 510 million Yuan, an increase of 68% ov

141、er the previous year.?Internationalization?Informatization?Professionalization?Regionalization?Standardization?Ensuring the maximized benefits and sustainable development of resources at all sectors?Creating a number of professional companies that support the Companys profits and brands? ? ? ?Alloca

142、ting resources in global areas, opening new markets, learning from advanced experiences, and continuously enhancing the Groups level of globalization.? ? ? ? ?Improving the production, operation, management and organization models, as well as the business processes, to achieve the greatest benefits?

143、Increasing management efficiency, reducing costs, and consolidating internal systems?PRSII Strategy创新公司董事会运作方式公司创建独立董事研讨会形式,积极推动独立董事参与同业竞争、关联交易等重大事项的研究和论证工作,有效规避决策风险,提高决策效率。2011年,公司以独立董事专题会议方式,研究讨论了公司与新疆建工之间发生关联交易、托管及后续收购等重大事项,确保了交易的合理与公平公正,保障了上市公司及中小股东的利益。Innovation of the Board of Directors Operat

144、ional modelThrough our innovative independent seminar for directors, the Company actively encouraged independent directors to participate in the research and demonstration of intra-industry competition, related party transactions and other important matters in order to effectively avoid decision-mak

145、ing risks and improve efficiency in decision-making. In 2011, the Company held a special meeting for its directors in order for them to discuss transactions and custody related to the acquisition of Xinjiang Construction Company as well as other important matters. The special meeting protected the i

146、nterests of listed companies and minority shareholders and ensured the all transaction were reasonable and fair.Objectives of PRSII Strategy中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd024全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Ope

147、ration质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011025精细管理Detailed Management中国建筑秉承精益入微、标准规范、崇尚执行的管理理念,引入新的管理要素,持续改善管理方法和流程,全面推进精细化管理,提升运营效率。启动区域化试点工作公司变革区域管控模式,以西南、西北、东北三个重点经营区域为试点,优化资源配置,降低运营成本,解决特大型传统建筑企业资源分散、内部无序竞争的问题,实现区域效益最大化。建立AB角联签制度公司建立并启动基于补位、协同支持和监控于一体的“AB角制度体系”,为实现

148、标准化管理奠定基础。Adhering to the management concept of striving for perfection and taking care of the details, standardizing the regulations and advocating implementation, China Construction has introduced new element of management and improved its management methods and processes to increase operational e

149、fficiency.Establishing Regionalization PilotsWe reformed our regional management model by creating three pilot projects in key business areasthe southwest, northwest and northeast. Through this we optimized the allocation of resources and reduced operational costs, solved problems such as scattered

150、resources and internal disorderly competition in the large traditional construction enterprises, and maximized regional benefits.Establishing a Joint Signing System of Double PositionsChina Construction established and implemented its “System of Double Positions”, which integrates complementing resp

151、onsibility, offering collaborative support and performing a supervisory role. The approach provides a solid foundation for improved and standardized management.中国建筑遵守国家法律法规,强化内部控制,加强风险管理,实施效能监察,开展反腐倡廉建设,积极推进诚信企业建设。2011年,公司积极履行纳税义务,未发生偷税漏税现象。China Construction abides by state laws and regulations, st

152、rengthens internal controls, enhances risk management, implements performance monitoring, carries out the construction of anti-corruption culture, and actively promotes the construction of enterprises with integrity. In 2011, the Company actively fulfilled its tax obligations, and no tax evasion occ

153、urred.依法合规Compliance with Laws and Regulations风险管理公司坚持务实求效的原则,加强重大风险、重大事件和重要流程的管控,努力将风险管控融入到公司运营的各个环节,全面推进风险管理。创建项目法律顾问制度,建立健全覆盖一线项目的法律事务工作体系,全面推行项目法律事务工作,从源头控制重大法律风险。Risk ManagementWe persist in the principle of pragmatism and efficiency, strengthen our management and control of significant risks,

154、major events and important processes, and strive to integrate risk management and control into all aspects of our corporate operations in order to promote enterprise-wide risk management.We created legal consultation system, established and improved a legal affair system covering the first-line proj

155、ects, and fully promote the legal affairs of the projects so as to control the significant legal risks from the source.合规管理公司健全企业总法律顾问制度,完善公司主营业务中各环节法律风险防范机制,保障公司合规经营,降低经营风险。全年未发生重大违规事件。培育合规文化公司将合规思想作为上海品茶的重要内涵,通过普法教育、合同管理培训、日常管理、标准化建设,全力打造合规体系,推进合规文化融入公司管理。健全合规制度编制法律事务管理手册和合同管理手册,规范法律事务、合同签订履行等环节的工

156、作,建立合规管理工作标准;出版海外法律法规汇编新加坡分卷和阿尔及利亚分卷,为公司在海外合法经营提供制度保障。控制合规风险在法律与合同管理信息系统增加“投资项目法律管理”模块,实现从立项、决策、合同评审、项目实施的全Compliance ManagementWe improved our centralized corporate legal consultation system and worked to perfect our legal risk prevention mechanism in our main businesses so as to ensure compliance

157、throughout our operations and reduce business risks. In 2011, no significant violations occurred in the company.Cultivating a Culture of ComplianceCompliance is an important part of our corporate culture and we have established a strong compliance system that promotes the integration of a “complianc

158、e culture” in our approach to management, legal education, daily management, construction as well as in our contract management trainings.Improving Compliance SystemWe prepared the Legal Affairs Management Manual and Contract Management Manual, standardized legal affairs as well as the process to si

159、gning and fulfilling contracts and other links. We also established standards for compliance management and published sub-volumes of Compilation of Overseas Laws and Regulations in Singapore and Algeria to provide an institutional guarantee for legitimate overseas operations.Controlling Compliance R

160、isksAfter adding the “Legal Management of Investment Project” module to our laws and contracts management system, we outlined a full legal management process for our approach to project determination, decision-making, contract reviews and project ?Between leaders and main positions?Among the departm

161、entsand projects?A concrete job?Base on complementingresponsibilityA?Position AB?Position B?Base on cultivation of talents?Base on service and support, constraint and supervision?Fulfill the duty and assume the responsibility with full powers?Experienced to assume job responsibility?Aussme full resp

162、onsibility and exercise decision-making rights?Partial involvement upon agreement of systems?Assistance and indirect supervision?Provide service and support, conduct supervision and examination?Solution to risk management?Enterprise-wide risk management system?Strategy of risk management?Risk evalua

163、tion?Organizational system?Processes and mechanism?Culture of risk management?Supervision and improvementDetailed Rules and Assessment Methods of Legal Affairs in the Engineering Projects?Legal consultant of project?Examination of contracts?Management of project legal document?Engage in fulfilling c

164、ontracts and planning?Contract risks, and process management?Subordinated enterprises at all levels?All links of project?中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd026全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员

165、工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011027过程法律管理;推行合同归口管理机制,规范各级企业合同评审会签、审核用印程序。全年合同专用章用印审核率100%。内部控制公司坚持深入业务、重点突出、重视整改的原则,设立由董事会统一领导的内部控制组织架构,创建内部控制评价标准,建立以风险为导向的内部控制体系。2011年,公司完成审计项目596项。效能监察公司以提高业务流程的运行效能为主线,采用检查指导、统一立项、培训、成果评审、设立示范项目等方式,加强公司核心业务流程管理,深入推进效能监察体系建设。2011年,实际立项448项,提出

166、效能监察建议7,288项,监察决定210项,形成监察报告430份,完善改进制度875项,新建制度244项,增加经济效益1.79亿元。腐败预防与惩治公司坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防的方针,开展腐败预防和惩治工作,使企业廉洁文化深入人心。2011年,公司处理违纪违规案件23起。31个全资子公司全部开展腐败风险分析,员工接受反腐败培训率100%。implementation. We also enforced standardized management to all kinds of contracts in order to regulate the review process

167、 for contracts and joint company contracts at all levels. Moreover, China Construction inspects 100% of the Companys contracts and stamps them once they are approved.Internal ControlUpholding the principles of plunging into business, highlighting the focus and paying attention to rectification, the

168、Company has built an internal control structure that is centrally led by the Board of Directors, developed evaluation standards for internal control, and established a risk-oriented internal control system. In 2011, the Company completed a total of 596 auditing projects.Monitoring EfficiencyTaking i

169、mproving the operational performance of business processes as a corporate edict, we strengthened the management of our core business processes by means of inspection and guidance. We also unified project determination, training, evaluation of achievements, demonstration projects among others, so as

170、to deeply press ahead with the construction of performance monitoring system. In 2011, we established 448 items, received 7,288 suggestions on monitoring efficiency, and made 210 supervisory decisions. This resulted in 430 supervision reports, improvements to 875 systems and 244 newly established ru

171、les and regulations. The result was a financial gain of 179 million Yuan.Corruption Prevention and PenaltiesAdhering to the principles of seeking both temporary and permanent solutions, carrying out comprehensive control, taking measures of prevention and punishment, and paying attention to preventi

172、on, we carried out anti-corruption activities on prevention and punishment in order to facilitate a corruption-free culture among our employees.In 2011, the Company handled 23 cases of violations of disciplines and regulations, and analysis of corruption risks was made in 31 wholly-funded subsidiary

173、 companies. 100% of employees received the training on anti-corruption.案例:赴巴黎参加G20反腐败研讨会2011年4月26日至28日,二十国集团政府和企业联合打击腐败研讨会在法国巴黎召开,会议内容包括跨国商业贿赂治理,重点领域、重点行业的腐败治理等议题。公司作为唯一一家中央企业,出席会议并做主题发言,与主持人、有关国家与会代表围绕反腐倡廉展开广泛深入交流。Case Study: Participating in G20 Anti-Corruption Seminar in ParisFrom April 26th to 2

174、8th 2011, the Seminar of G20 Businesses and Governments on Joining Forces against Corruption was held in Paris, France. At the event participants discussed the treatment of multinational commercial bribery and solutions to anti-corruption challenges in key fields and industries. As the only Chinese

175、central enterprise to present at the seminar, China Construction gave a keynote speech and made extensive exchanges on anti-corruption with the host and delegates from all concerned countries.廉洁文化建设具体行动Solid Measures on Building a Corruption-Free Culture范围/规模Scope/Scale廉洁文化建设示范点立项Items demonstrating

176、 the importance of building a corruption-free culture245个245 items学习国有企业领导人员廉洁从业若干规定和党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则Studying the Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations for Senior Management of State-owned Enterprises and the Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations on Political Practices for Party Leaders12,410人次12410 perso

177、ns警示案例教育Education with warning cases20,521人次 20521 persons签订党风廉政责任书Signing “Letter of Responsibility on Building a Corruption-free Culture”35份35 copies各级领导人员实行廉洁承诺Anti-corruption commitments of leaders at all levels678人次678 persons领导人员述廉议廉Discussion among leaders on the promotion of an anti-corrupti

178、on culture3,950人次3950 persons合作共赢Win-Win Cooperation中国建筑本着开放和互利共赢的原则,与各利益相关方精诚合作,推动企业、行业和社会的共同发展。公司深化与政府、金融机构和科研单位等利益相关方的战略合作,不断提高合作层次,扩大合作领域。On an open and mutually beneficial basis, China Construction was faithfully allied with various stakeholders to promote the common development of enterprises,

179、 the industry and society.The Company deepened its strategic cooperation with governments, financial institutions, scientific research units and other stakeholders to improve and expand its cooperation levels and areas.? Extend overseas publicity and exchanges?Effectively and realistically discuss t

180、he laws according to specific cases?Expand influence of education and supervision?Press ahead with corruption-free cultural education in all subsidiary companies?Integrate supervision processes and promote its efficiency?Promote standardized working processes? Guard against business risks?Carry out

181、special action against corruption?Improve systems and regulations?Strengthen learning and communication on anti-corruption work? Carry out construction of corruption-free demonstrations?Strengthen education and supervision for leaders?Establish a supervision system and create an inspection system?Ca

182、rry out warning education?Corruption prevention and penalties中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd028全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011029类别

183、Classification战略合作伙伴Strategic Partners合作领域Cooperation Field地方政府Local Governments湖南省政府Government of Hunan province“两型社会”和新型城镇化建设Construction of resource-saving and environmentally friendly society, and new urbanization.山东省政府Government of Shandong province进港口、水务工程配套铁路、公路等基础设施工程投资建设Ports and water work

184、s, investment and construction of supporting railways, high roads, and other infrastructure.广西自治区政府Government of Guangxi Autonomous Reigion房地产开发、基础设施投资建造Real estate development, investment and construction of infrastructure.金融机构Financial Organizations中国银行Bank of China授信服务、现金管理服务、投资银行和保险服务等Credit and

185、 cash management services, investment banking and insurance services.中国建设银行China Construction Bank境内外的授信业务、现金管理及结算、理财业务、中间业务及金融顾问业务等Crediting business at home and abroad, cash management and clearing, wealth management business, intermediate business and financial advisory business.高等院校Colleges and

186、Universities清华大学Tsinghua University科技研发、成果转化、人才培养、国际工程管理Scientific and technological research and development, transformation of scientific findings, personnel training, and management of international projects.其他企业Other Enterprises海航集团Hainan Airlines Group工程承包、现代物流等Contracting of projects, modern l

187、ogistics中关村发展集团Zhongguancun Development Group高端产业功能区基础设施投资建设及经营、区域综合开发等Investment, construction and operation of infrastructure, and regional integrated development in the functional areas of high-end industry美国铁狮门公司Tishman Speyer工程总承包、城市综合体开发及基金募集等General contracting of projects, development of urb

188、an complexes, fundraising and others中国建筑2011年重要战略合作(部分)Key Strategic Partners of CSCEC in 2011(segment)公司秉持“在公平竞争中共享市场”理念,在开展海外业务时,维护当地市场经营秩序,防止恶性竞争,与同行企业共享优势资源,实现合作共赢,推动行业健康发展。参加主要社会组织(部分)List of Main Social Organizations CSCEC Involved in (segment)Upholding the “sharing the markets in a fair compe

189、tition” concept, the Company honors its business orders in local markets and avoids vicious competition in the development of overseas businesses in order to share resource advantages with its counterparts, achieve win-win cooperation and promote the healthy development of the industry.参加社会组织名称 Name

190、 of Social Organizations 参与形式 Joining Forms 中国建筑业协会 China Construction Industry Association副会长单位 Vice-Chairman Unit中国对外工程承包商会 China International Contractors Association副会长单位 Vice-Chairman Unit 中国施工企业管理协会 China Association of Construction Enterprise Management副会长单位 Vice-Chairman Unit中国投资协会 The Inves

191、tment Association of China 副会长单位 Vice-Chairman Unit中国土木工程学会 China Civil Engineering Society常务理事长单位 Standing Director持续盈利能力Sustainable Profitability中国建筑积极推进增长方式和盈利模式转变,不断加强自主创新、科学管理和风险管控,提高经济运行质量,增强经营能力。2011年,在国内外经济政治环境的不利形势下,公司主要经济指标呈现合同额、营业收入、利润持续增长的良好态势。2011年归属上市公司净利润135.4亿元人民币,年末母公司可供股东分配利润33.6亿元

192、人民币,资产负债率76.6%。China Construction changed its profit growth models, strengthened independent innovation, scientific management and risk control, improved the quality of its economic operations, and enhanced its overall operational capability. In 2011, under unfavorable economic and political conditi

193、ons at home and abroad, the Company gained momentum economic indicators by increasing the value of its contracts, its operating revenue, and its profits, and decreasing its overall expenditure. In 2011, the Company achieved a net profit of 13.54 billion RMB, with 3.36 billion RMB of profit attributa

194、ble from the parent company to shareholders at the end of 2011, and an asset-liability ratio of 76.6%.归属上市公司净利润135.4亿元人民币The Company made a net profit of 13.54 billion RMB年末母公司可供股东分配利润33.6亿元人民币With 3.36 billion RMB of profit attributable from the parent company to shareholders at the end of 20112009

195、年2010年利润总额(亿元人民币)Gross Profits (100 million RMB)2011年258.9196.4133.02009年2010年新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts(100 million RMB) 2011年9307801545932009年2010年利税总额(亿元人民币)Gross Revenue(100 million RMB)2011年448.5347.6229.32009年2010年营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating Revenue(100 million RMB)2011年482837072604中

196、国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd030全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011031荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments在由全球最权威的投资者关系评级机构IR Gl

197、obal Rankings组织的2011年度中国及大中华区投资者关系大奖评选中,公司被评为最佳投资者关系A股上市公司,公司董事长被评为中国最佳投资者关系首席执行官,公司董秘入围中国最佳投资者关系经理人。在第四届“中国上市公司最佳董事会评选”中,荣获“中国上市公司创造价值最快董事会10强”、“2011年中国央企(控股)上市公司最佳董事会20强”双项大奖,是建筑行业唯一一家获此荣誉的企业。在第七届中国上市公司董事会金圆桌奖评选中,公司董事会荣获董事会建设特别贡献奖,公司董秘荣获最具创新力董秘奖。公司董秘在上海证券交易所20102011年度考核优秀。在中央企业落实法制工作第二个三年目标完成情况通报表

198、中, 公司得分96分, 位列第四。公司荣获20062010年全国法制宣传教育先进集体称号。The Company was awarded the prized “A-share Company with Best Investor Relations”, and the Chairman of the Board was granted the title of “China CEO with Best Investor Relations”. In addition, the secretary of the Board was nominated for “China Manager wi

199、th Best Investor Relations” in the selection of “China and Greater China Investor Relations Award” organized by IR Global Rankings, the worlds most authoritative investor relations rating agency.The Company received two awards, the “Top 10 Board of Directors with Fastest Value Creation among China L

200、isted Companies”, and the “2011 Top 20 Board of Directors among Listed Companies of China Central Enterprises”, at the fourth Selection of Best Board of Directors Among China Listed Companies. China Construction was the only enterprise to achieve this honor in the industry.Our Board of Directors was

201、 given the “Special Contribution Prize for the Construction of Board of Directors”, and its secretary was granted the “Prize for the most Creative Secretary” award in the Seventh Selection of Golden Round Table Prize for Board of Directors of China Listed Companies.The Secretary of the Board receive

202、d an “Excellence” evalution in the 2010-2011 annual evaluation of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Company received 96 points and ranked 4th in the reporting of its the second three-year goal accomplishments in legislative affairs for central enterprises. The Company was awarded the title of an “Adv

203、anced Collective of 2006-2010 National Legal Publicity and Education”.估值非常低廉,而大量在手合同确保业绩的稳定增长,巨额银行授信为业务发展提供充足保证,公司当前股价具有较高安全边际。 国信证券 邱波While its valuation is quite low, a large number of in-hand contracts have ensured the steady growth in its performances. The huge bank credit has provided adequate

204、assurance to its business development, so the current share price of the Company has higher safety margins.Qiu Bo, from Guoxin Securities2009年2010年年度竣工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated Completed Area (10,000 m2)2011年63009年2010年年度施工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated Construction Area(10,000 m2)2011年49788

205、38496284042009年2010年地产年度入伙面积(万平方米)Annual Real Estate Delivered Area(10,000 m2)2011年4254374292009年2010年年度施工设计面积(万平方米)Annual Construction and Design Area (10,000 m2)2011年8275623756722009年2010年年度新开工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated New Construction Area(10,000 m2)2011年01182009年2010年期末土地储备(万平方米)Term

206、-end Land Reserve(10,000 m2)2011年6中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd032全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011033理念创新管理创新科技创新服务创新全产

207、业链发展荣誉及利益相关方评价Innovation in ConceptsInnovation in ManagementInnovation in Science and TechnologyInnovation in ServicesDevelopment in Entire Industry ChainHonors and Stakeholders Comments033034035037038041中国建筑作为行业排头兵,站在“央企一流、行业排头”创先争优的高度,在“做强做优”中注入“品质保障,价值创造”科学发展内涵,充分发挥产业链最全和技术力量最强的行业优势,从理念、管理、科技和服务四

208、个维度,积极推进从项目策划、规划开发、勘察设计、施工建造到物业服务全产业链各环节的全方位创新,努力成为行业科学发展的引领者、行业转变模式的引领者、行业科技创新的引领者、行业实施“走出去”的引领者、行业人才兴企的引领者、行业和谐建设的引领者。China Construction is first-class and flagship central enterprise, and sits at the forefront of the industry. The Company adheres to scientific development and has integrated “qual

209、ity assurance and value creation” in order to get stronger and better while also utilizing advantages within its industry chain and technical forces”. The Company has promoted innovative management approaches, science and technology, and a wide array of services across the entire industry. These cov

210、er project planning, planning and development, surveying and design, and project construction. China Construction also strives to be a leading company in scientific development, transforming the development model, implementing a “going global” policy, “developing enterprise by talents”, and facilita

211、ting harmonious construction.理念创新Innovation in Concepts中国建筑全产业链创新始于理念。公司在传承中创新,丰富和深化了“一最两跨,科学发展”战略,致力于从战略层面引领行业发展,以国际化的视野、站在引领行业发展的高度,为公司实现全产业链创新明确了方向。公司积极变革经营和发展理念,争做行业转变模式的引领者。由传统投标报价建房向规划设计、投资开发、基础设施建设、房屋建筑工程四位一体建城的转变;提出以城市综合体建设为平台的理念,有针对性地为地方政府提供综合建设方案,加强公司各业务板块和资源间联动,以充分发挥全产业链协同效应;倡导行业内强强联合,将中国

212、建筑城市综合体建造概念打造为企业群与城市之间的桥梁,携手国内外相关领域的一流企业、集成社会资源,共同打造四位一体的城市综合建设平台。China Construction innovated the entire industry chain by creating, enriching and deepening its “One most and two entries, and scientific development” strategy. The Company has strategically led the development of the industry with in

213、ternational competitiveness and international vision. The Company reformed its operations and development concept, and is striving to be a leader in the transformation of the industrys development model. It is doing this by shifting from the traditional bidding approach to construction to an approac

214、h that offers a four in one model covering planning and design, investment and development, infrastructure construction and house building. The Company put forward the idea of taking the construction of urban complexes to provide targeted construction plans for local governments. China Construction

215、strengthened its interaction between various business sectors and resources to synergize the entire industry chain. While advocating association between strong enterprises, China Construction has built the urban complex construction concept. The concept bridges enterprises and cities, fosters cooper

216、ation with first-class enterprises at home and abroad and integrates social resources to build a comprehensive four in one urban construction platform.?Concept?Management?Science & technology?Service?Project planning?Planning and development?Surveying and design?Building and construction?Property se

217、rviceINNOVATION THROUGHOUT THE INDUSTRY CHAIN全产业链创新中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd034全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011035管理创新Innovati

218、on in Management中国建筑积极推进管理创新,完善科技管理制度,推进管理标准化,深化科技资源数据库建设,参加行业基础工具书编写,不断提高公司管理能力和运营效率,为行业提升管理水平提供经验和借鉴。China Construction has actively promoted innovation management, improving its science and technology management system, pressing ahead with management standardization, deepening the construction of

219、 its scientific resource database, and participating in the compilation of reference books for the industry in order to improve the Companys management capacity and operational efficiency and to provide experiences and lessons that improve management in the industry.中国建筑坚持走技术效益型持续发展的道路,将科技与经济、市场紧密结合

220、,以科技创新培育技术优势,服务企业发展,推进绿色研究,引领行业进步。2011年,公司研发人员占员工总数20%以上。科技创新领域公司聚焦于建筑节能减排、建筑产业化、重大技术研发三大技术领域,积极推进科技创新,努力树立绿色中建、数字中建的企业品牌形象。China Constructions pursuit of sustainable development is guided by technology and efficiency, and the Company has closely connected science and technology with the economy and

221、 the market, fostering technological advantages through these efforts, offering services to enterprises, promoting green research, and contributing to the progress of the industry.In 2011, the number of employees engaged in research and development accounted for 20% in the total number of employees.

222、Fields of Scientific and Technological InnovationThe Company is focused on three major technical fields. These are energy conservation in buildings, architectural industrialization, and major technical research and development. It actively promotes scientific and technological innovation, and strive

223、s to foster the “Green CSCEC and digital CSCEC” brand and image.项目策划环节At the stage of project planning项目开发环节At the stage of project development规划设计环节At the stage of planning and design施工建造环节At the stage of construction物业服务环节At the stage of property service利用BIM数字化信息技术手段,在产业链的各个关键环节推广“数字化移交”技术,通过产品开发

224、前置模拟和全程数字化控制,实现对房地产产品开发全生命周期的精细化管理。Making use of BIM digital information technology to promote “digital transfer” technology across the key links of industry chain, and realizing detailed management in the full life cycle of real estate products through the preliminary simulation of product developm

225、ent and full digital control.适应投资主题多元化与服务方式多元化需求,引入全新理念,在保证工程设计主导地位前提下,向工程建设全过程拓展,实现生产经营模式转型,服务工程建设全过程。Adapting to the needs of diversified investment subjects and service models, introducing new concepts, and extending it to the full process of project construction under the premise of ensuring the

226、 dominant position of engineering design to realize the transformation of the production and operation model and to serve the full process of project construction.注重引入主营业务及相关专业领域的重大新产品、新技术、新材料、新工艺、从源头确保“品质保障,价值创造”的科学发展内涵落实。Focusing on the introduction of new products, new technology, new materials,

227、and new technical processes that is related to major businesses and relevant sectors to ensure the implementation of the scientific development of “Quality assurance and value creation” from the source.牢固树立“一切以客户为中心”的优质服务理念,不断创新服务内容和服务模式,努力为客户提供满意贴心的物业服务。Firmly establishing the concept of customer-c

228、entric quality services, constantly innovating service items and models, and striving to provide customers with satisfying and considerate property services.重点围绕支撑建筑业可持续发展的有关资源节约、环境保护等的行业研究热点,注重基于市场潜在需求与单位战略规划要求所实施的超前或储备性科技研发,努力将创新理念融入项目策划工作中。Centering on resource conservation, environmental protect

229、ion and other key issues that support sustainable development in the construction industry, focusing on research and development and advanced technology for potential market demands and the strategic planning requirements of the company, and making efforts to integrate innovative concepts into the p

230、roject planning.总结科技设计工作经验,以增强自主创新能力为核心,强化引领、监督与服务,完成中建股份科技管理手册(初稿),推动科技管理工作标准化,提高工作质量与效率。制定并颁布实施中建股份设计勘察业务CAD制图标准,统一中国建筑所属各设计勘察企业的CAD制图标准,推动设计业务技术标准化进程。Sum up the experience of science and technology and design work, view enhancing the capacity for independent innovation as a core activity, intensi

231、fy leadership, supervision and services, and complete the preparation of the CSCEC Science and Technology Management Manual (Draft), to promote the standardization of science and technology management, and improve working quality and efficiency. Develop, promulgate and implement the CSCEC CAD Drawin

232、g Standards for Surveying and Design Works, and unify CAD drawing standards for all of CSCEC surveying and design companies, and promote the standardized process of design technology.研发 “中国建筑科技文献数据库” , 系统、 有序、 永久存储公司优秀科技资源。 该数据平台通过信息化技术手段, 为员工提供全新的信息交流、 学习、 沟通、 查询的渠道, 实现中建系统企业间信息共建共享的新管理模式。Research

233、and develop the “CSCEC Science and Technology Literature Database”, and permanently store scientific and technological resources in a systematic and orderly way. By means of information technology, the data platform should provide employees with a new channel for exchange, communication, learning an

234、d queries, so as to realize a new management model of sharing information in all subsidiary companies of CSCEC.公司作为核心编写单位参与我国建筑图书体系中最典型工具书建筑设计资料集(第三版)的编写,为行业的发展贡献经验。As the key compiler, the China Construction helped prepare the Architectural Design Data Set (3rd edition)a typical reference book in t

235、he architectural library systemand contributed the Companys experiences to the development of the industry.完善科技管理制度 推进管理标准化Improving the Science and Technology Management System, and Advancing Standardized Management参加行业基础工具书编写Participating in the Compilation of Reference Books for Basic Industry推进科

236、技资源数据库建设Promoting the Construction of Scientific Resource Database发挥产业布局优势,聚焦建筑节能减排领域Utilize industrial layout advantages, and focus on the fields of energy conservation and emissions reduction in construction.顺应主业成长需求,聚焦重大技术研发Comply with the needs of developing main businesses and focus on the rese

237、arch and development of major technologies.顺应产业结构调整,聚焦建筑产业化领域Conform to readjustments to industrial structure, and focus on architectural industrialization.科技创新Scientific and Technological Innovation科技创新Innovation in Science and Technology全产业链理念创新示意图Innovation concept diagram of the entire industry

238、chain注Note: BIM: 建筑信息模型是以建筑工程项目的各项相关信息数据作为模型的基础,进行建筑模型的建立,具有可视化,协调性,模拟性,优化性和可出图性等特点。BIM: Building Information Model (BIM) is based on the relevant information and data of construction projects to model the building, with the features of visualization, coordination, simulation, optimization and drawi

239、ng generation.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd036全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011037科技创新体系公司从决策机制、 实施体系、 咨询机构, 到资金投入、 过程管理、 业绩考核、 人才激

240、励等方面, 建立起适应公司发展需要、 符合行业特点的产学研用一体化科技工作体系。System for Scientific and Technological InnovationThe Company established a scientific and technological innovation system for its decision-making mechanism, its implementation system, and its consulting agencies to fund injection, process management, performa

241、nce assessment, and employee incentives in order to meet its development objectives to integrate production, study and research aspects into one body.科技项目研究与开发公司参与科技项目研究与开发,建立起多层次的科研项目体系,满足国家、行业和公司发展的需要。Research and Development of Scientific and Technological Projects The Company is involved in the

242、research and development of scientific and technological projects and established a multi-level system for these projects in order to meet the needs of our country, industry and companies.科技创新成果公司科技创新取得丰硕成果。2011年,公司完成66项科技成果鉴定工作,其中16项达到或部分达到国际领先水平。专利受理数量1004项,授权专利数量738项,其中发明专利受理数量185项、授权数量83项,分别同比增长

243、54%、43%、36%和63%。完成主编国家和行业标准8项,参编22项,获评国家级工法43项,相关工艺技术以规范、标准的形式推广至全国,为我国建筑业科技进步做出了突出贡献。Achievements in Scientific and Technological InnovationThe Company has achieved huge success in scientific and technological innovation. In 2011, we completed the appraisal of 66 scientific and technological achiev

244、ements, of which 16 reached or partially reached the international advanced level.A total of 1,004 patents were registered and 738 were granted; 185 of the registered patents were for invention and 83 of these were granted, an increase of 54%, 43%, 36% and 63% respectively.China Construction prepare

245、d 8 national or industry standards, and participated in a further 22. Forty-three standards were included in National Construction Methods. Our technology has been spread across the entire country by means of standards or norms, and has contributed to the scientific and technological progress of the

246、 construction industry in China.案例:“国家游泳中心(水立方)工程建造技术创新与实践”获国家科技进步一等奖 “国家游泳中心(水立方)工程建造技术创新与实践”获国家科技进步一等奖,是唯一的土木工程类成果,也是中国建筑在科技领域获得的最高奖项。中国建筑一局采用特殊的膜材料、钢结构以及室内环境设计,首创世界多面体空间刚架结构体系、世界最大ETFE气枕围护结构体系,填补了国际建筑施工科技领域的多项空白。工程获国家授权发明专利5项和国家授权实用新型专利7项,国家级工法2项。Case Study: “Technological Innovation and Practice

247、 in the Construction of the National Aquatics Center (Water-Cube)” awarded a National First-grade Prize for Progress in Science and TechnologyChina Construction was awarded a National First-grade Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, the only achievement in the field of civil engineering, an

248、d our highest award in the field of science and technology. The China Construction 1st Bureau used special membrane materials, and adopted a special steel structure and indoor design. It created the first world polyhedron space frame structural system and the worlds largest ETFE cushions for the bui

249、lding envelope system, which filled a number of gaps in the filed of international construction technology. For this project, we achieved five national authorized invention patents, and seven national authorized utility model patents, and two national construction methods.以企业第一管理者为首的科技管理决策体系The deci

250、sion-making system for science and technology management headed by the senior management of the Company以企业总工程师为首,以科技与设计管理部及企业技术中心为核心,以专家委员会为技术支撑的企业科技管理实施体系The implementation system for science and technology management led by chief engineers, with Sci-Tech and Design Department and corporate technic

251、al center at the core, and with technical support from expert group.以党组织为主导的群众性科学工作创新体系The system for popular scientific innovation led by the Party organizations.科技创新工作的三条主线Three main lines of scientific and technological innovation实施体系的三个层次Three levels of implementation system技术中心运作管理层次Operation a

252、nd management levels of technical center中央研究院(技术中心本部)Central research institute (Headquarters of technical centers)直属企业技术中心 Technical centers of enterprises directly affiliated to CSCEC重点工程项目Key engineering projects战略决策层Strategic decision-making strata组织管理层Organization and management strata实施操作层Impl

253、ementation and operation strata积极申请承担国家自然科学基金项目、“十二五”国家科技支撑计划、国际科技合作计划、科技部院所专项资金等。2011年公司承担了各类国家课题21项,获得国家财政经费8,022万元人民币。国家课题研究方向主要是国家大力发展的绿色建筑技术、节能减排技术、新型建筑材料开发、高效施工设备开发等。China Construction actively applies for the projects supported by the National Natural Science Fund, the 12th Five-Year National

254、 Science and Technology Support Program, the international scientific and technological cooperation program, or special funds from the institutes of the Ministry of Science and Technology. In 2011, we undertook 21 national tasks, and obtained total national funds of 80.22 million Yuan. The national

255、tasks mainly include green building and energy conservation technology, the development of new building materials, and the development of high-efficient construction equipment, among others.总部2011年立项课题53个,课题经费10,253万元人民币。课题研究主要集中在绿色住宅、住宅产业化、BIM技术、大跨度建筑结构等产业导向和行业热点领域。In 2011, our Group company outlin

256、ed 53 tasks and obtained the funds of 102.53 million Yuan. The majority of tasks focus on green building, housing industrialization, BIM technology, large-span building structures, and key topics in the industry.注重结合重大工程项目的研究,及时解决生产中的具体技术问题。Focus on research in combination with major projects, and s

257、olve specific technical problems in production in a timely manner.承担国家级科研计划课题Conduct Research for Projects in National S&T Plan开展各级企业科技研发计划课题立项Carry Out Tasks in National S&T Plan in Enterprises at All Levels结合工程项目开展研究Conduct Research in Combination with Projects and Engineering服务创新Innovation in Ser

258、vices中国建筑坚持以客户为中心,不断完善工程服务创新制度,持续创新服务模式、服务内容和服务形式,将“品质保障”体现在服务的每一个细节,将精细、专业、诚信、和谐的服务文化,融入员工的日常服务中。We uphold the principle of customer-orientation, constantly improve the innovation system of our engineering services, and continuously make innovation to our service models, content and forms. Not only

259、 have we reflected “Quality Assurance” in every detail of our services, but we have also integrated a “considerate, professional, integrity, and harmonious” service culture into the daily services of our employees.科技创新及实施体系结构图Structural chart scientific and technological innovation and implementatio

260、n system中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd038全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011039房屋建筑中国建筑引领中国房屋建造领域发展和创新,以承建“高、大、精、尖、新”工程著称于世,承建大量中国及其他国


262、自己的服务,检验所有服务环节的衔接是否顺畅,是否存在服务盲区,服务环节是否周到,推动员工不断的提高服务意识。Housing buildingWe are pioneers in the development of and innovations in the building construction sector in China. Since China Construction took over the construction of a large number of landmark buildings in China and other countries, we have

263、become famous for our high-quality, large-scale, excellent architecture, and our advanced technology and innovation. The Company has created projects that have been given a “Number One” rating in architecture, both in China and around the world.In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts was 722.3

264、billion Yuan, and our operating revenue was 367.9 billion Yuan.房地产投资与开发中国最大的房地产企业集团之一,中国土地储备面积最大的公司之一。旗下“中海地产”是中国房地产行业的领军企业,在中国房地产开发中始终居于领先地位,也是中国最具价值的房地产品牌之一。旗下“中建地产”依托集团优势,成为“大地产模式”的创新者、实践者和领导者。2011年新签合同额742亿元、营业收入483亿元。Investment and Development of Real EstateChina Construction is one of the larg

265、est real estate enterprises, and also one of the largest land reserves in China. As the championship enterprise among Chinas real estate enterprises, China Overseas has maintained its leading position in Chinas real estate development sector and is the highest valued real estate brand in China. Chin

266、a State Construction Land, our subsidiary company has created, practiced and led the large-scale real estate development in China.In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts reached 74.2 billion Yuan, and the operating revenue was 48.3 billion Yuan.Case Study: Helping Our Customers with “Going Glob

267、al”China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (Hereinafter referred as CGN) is committed to the “going global” business strategy but initially did not have adequate overseas resources and management experience. China Construction gave full play to its own advantages and provided considerable consulting ser

268、vices to CGN, to help the company analyze the political, economic and cultural environment of its targeted market. This gave CGN valuable information to help implement its “going global” strategy and won the trust and respect of the Guangdong Nuclear Power Group.Case Study: Being a Customer Putting

269、Ourselves in Customers ShoesThe goal of China Construction Property Company is to allow our customers to feel pleased and satisfied in the process of receiving our services. In order for our service personnel to better understand and relate to the feelings of customers, we have introduced the “Being

270、 Customer” activity, which gives our service personnel the opportunity to examine our services from the perspective customers, examining how they interact with customers and where improvements can be made, in order to raise their awareness of their service level.全产业链发展Development of Entire Industry

271、Chain2009年2010年营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating Revenue(100 million RMB)2011年3679265618272009年2010年新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts(100 million RMB) 2011年7223632632462009年2010年营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating Revenue(100 million RMB)2011年4834563832009年2010年新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts(100 million

272、RMB) 2011年742587440国际工程承包中国国际工程承包业务的开拓者与领导者,中国最早从事国际工程承包业务的承包商,连续28年进入世界最大225家国际承包商和环球承包商行列。中国建筑在很多国家和地区承建标志性的建筑,树立了“中国建筑-CSCEC”的优良品牌。2011年新签合同额460亿元、营业收入281亿元。International Engineering ContractingAs the pioneer and leader of international contracting services in China, and the first and largest int

273、ernational construction contractor in the country, China Construction has been listed among the worlds top 225 international contractors for 28 consecutive years. The Company has taken over the construction of landmark buildings in many countries and regions, and established the prestigious “China C

274、onstruction CSCEC” brand.In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts reached 46 billion Yuan, and the operating revenue was 28.1 billion Yuan.2009年2010年新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts(100 million RMB) 2011年4604284122009年2010年营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating Revenue(100 million RMB)2011年281309293中国建

275、筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd040全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011041荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments“国家游泳中心(水立方)工程建造技术创新与实践”

276、获国家科技进步一等奖。“广州西塔智能化平台及模架体系”获国家科学技术发明二等奖。“北京国贸三期工程综合施工技术”获2010年度中国施工企业管理协会科学技术奖技术创新成果特等奖。Our Technological Innovation and Practice in the Construction of the National Aquatics Center (Water-Cube) was awarded the National First-grade Prize for Progress in Science and Technology.Guangzhou West Tower In

277、telligent Platform and Mold System was awarded the National Second-grade Prize for Science and Technology Invention.“Comprehensive Construction Technology in Phase III of the Beijing World Trade Center Project” was granted a “Special Prize for Innovation in Science and Technology” in 2010 by China C

278、onstruction Enterprise Management Association.作为建筑行业的排头兵,中国建筑要扛起建筑业科技创新的大旗。要将科技作为实现企业战略目标的重要支撑。同时,中国建筑要保持科技创新工作走在中央直属大型建筑企业前沿的领先地位,并在推动行业科技创新中承担引领责任。国有企业监事会主席 时希平中国建筑与门头沟区政府达成协议,投资建设公益事业及社会项目,并将其移交政府,政府再分期还款或给予约定的投资回报。按照这种模式,区文化馆、图书馆、博物馆、少年宫、中医院改造、民生综合服务楼建设呼吁多年却一筹莫展的事儿,而今逐一实现。北京日报2011年7月4日At the van

279、guard of the construction industry, China Construction should carry the banner of innovation in architectural science and technology, and use science and technology to achieve corporate strategic objective. In addition, China Construction should maintain its leading position among large-scale constr

280、uction enterprises directly under the central authorities on the road to scientific and technological innovation, and take the responsibility to promote scientific innovation in the industry.Shi Xiping, Chairman of Supervisory Board of State-owned EnterprisesChina Construction has reached an agreeme

281、nt with the government of Mentougou District, which agreed that the former will make investments in public welfare and the construction of social projects, and then transfer them to the latter, who will return the investment in installments or give an agreed return on investment. Under this model, s

282、everal things that were unable to be solved will be realized such as transforming the districts cultural centre, library, museum, Childrens Palace, and hospitals, and building General Service Building, among others.Beijing DailyJuly 4th 2011设计勘察中国最大的综合性建筑、市政勘察设计企业集团之一。高端专业人才储备量居行业前列。通过高端服务促品牌,实现规模倍增

283、;打造行业标准,保证国内最大房建设计企业地位;实施业务转型,加大在基础设施领域的设计占比;对产业链上下游的业务实施集成,向综合国际型工程公司方向发展。2011年新签合同额77亿元、营业收入53亿元。Design and Site InvestigationChina Construction is one of the largest enterprises engaged in integrated buildings and municipal site investigation and design. Its high-end professionals rank at the for

284、efront in the industry. Through brand promotion and high-end services, we aim to double our size, set industrial standards and maintain our position as mainland Chinas largest building construction and design company. We will also modify our business structure to increase the proportion of design in

285、 our infrastructure business. By integrating our upstream and downstream businesses along the industry chain, we aim to gradually position ourselves as a comprehensive international construction company.In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts came to 7.7 billion Yuan, and the operating revenue

286、was 5.3 billion Yuan.2009年2010年营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating Revenue(100 million RMB)2011年5338262009年2010年新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts(100 million RMB) 2011年775841基础设施与投资中国基础设施建设和投资领域成长最快的企业之一。实现业务超常规发展,努力成为中国基础设施领域一流投资商和优质承建商;加强专业领域的培育,掌握专业技术,使专业领域具有稳定的市场能力与品牌影响力,保障业务发展的延续性;在新领域寻求商业机会,增强抵御传统业

287、务行业周期风险能力。2011年新签合同额1,207亿元、营业收入581亿元。Infrastructure and InvestmentChina Construction enjoys the fastest growth of any infrastructure construction and investment business in China. We will realize super-conventional development in our business, and strive to be the number one infrastructure investor

288、 and contractor in China. We will continue to strengthen our professional training in terms of knowledge and skills in order to increase market stability and our brand influence, and to maintain business sustainability. We will also seek business opportunities in new sectors to enhance our ability t

289、o survive industry life cycle risks faced by traditional businesses.In 2011, the value of newly signed contracts reached 120.7 billion Yuan, and the operating revenue was 58.1 billion Yuan.2009年2010年营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating Revenue(100 million RMB)2011年58年2010年新签合同额(亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signe

290、d Contracts(100 million RMB) 2011年1207992867中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd042全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011043建筑领域Scope of Constr


292、决策提供数据支持。分采购平台:所属企业建立的集中采购平台,直接参与采购。主要负责组织开展分包商、供应商的考察与评价,选择适宜供应商/分包商;监督建筑材料加工、进入施工现场的整个过程,严控分包商施工进度、质量。China Construction carried out quality control in its entire industry chain, offering high-grade engineering to customers to create a harmonious home, providing quality standards for the construct

293、ion industry to better explore upgrades to quality, and building high-quality housing projects to shape the image of the construction industry and make the country powerful.Quality ProcurementProcurement of high-quality raw materials and services is a requirement of China Construction. In line with

294、the unified planning, implementation step by step, and experiment in pilot areas principles, the Company built a centralized procurement platform covering our headquarters and subsidiary companies. The platform centralizes the funds and the procurement rights of the building materials and labor forc

295、e to the legal person responsibile and provides an open and transparent procurement process to ensure the quality of the procurement of building materials and labor force. In 2011, we achieved a 100% responsible procurement rate.Central Procurement Platform: established by the Group Company and not

296、directly involved in procurement. The platform is primarily responsible for improving the centralized procurement system process, promoting the information platform, monitoring procurement activities of subsidiary companies, recording, collecting and analyzing procurement data, and providing data su

297、pport for subsidiary companies in order to better enable procurement decisions.Regional Procurement Platform: established by subsidiary companies and directly involved in procurement. The platforms main responsibilities include inspection and evaluation of subcontractors and suppliers, selection of

298、suitable supplier/subcontractor, supervision over the full manufacturing and delivering building materials process, and strict control of subcontractors construction progress and quality.中国建筑四局采购中心信息管理平台Information Management Platform of Procurement Center in China Construction 4th Bureau Co., Ltd.案

299、例:集中采购中国建筑四局成立采购中心,建立信息管理平台,完善集中采购管理制度,开展集中优选、统一采购,进一步提高采购质量与效率,方便承建商/供应商的款项能够及时Case Study: Centralized ProcurementChina Construction 4th Bureau establishing a procurement center, building an information management platform, improving the management systems for centralized procurement, and making pr

300、ioritized selection and uniform procurement, to further enhance the 质 量QUALITY 品质采购质量控制优质服务荣誉及利益相关方评价Quality ProcurementQuality ControlQuality ServicesHonors and Stakeholders Comments043044046047建筑领域Scope of Construction品质策划品质采购质量控制优质服务荣誉及利益相关方评价Quality PlanningQuality ProcurementQuality ControlQual

301、ity ServicesHonors and Stakeholders Comments048048050051053地产领域Scope of Real Estate中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd044全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainab

302、ility Report 2011045制定中国建筑股份有限公司建筑工程施工资料编制管理规程,统一施工技术资料编制质量标准。Develop the CSCEC Management Procedures on Compiling Construction Materials of Projects to unify the quality standards for construction material preparation.全方位质量控制公司从机构建设、制度建设、项目管理、质量考核等方面入手,严控质量,全方位地保障工程质量。An Overall Quality ControlStar

303、ting with institution building, institutional improvement, project management and quality assessment, China Construction has strictly enforced quality control measures to ensure the quality of projects.全过程质量控制精品工程源于过程控制。公司将质量控制融入准备阶段、施工阶段、竣工阶段,全力打造精品工程。Full-process Quality ControlHigh-grade projects

304、 stem from process control. China Construction incorporates quality control into the entire construction covering preparation process, from construction and completion, to create fine works.开展内部质量、技术专项培训邀请外部行业专家传授质量管理经验组织参观学习其他企业的先进做法专职质量管理人员培训率100%Conducting special internal training on quality and

305、 technology;Inviting experts to introduce quality management experience;Organizing visits to other enterprises to learn advanced practices;Achieving 100% training rate among quality professionals;组织为期两周的集中培训新员工培训率为100%Organizing two-week centralized training;Achieving 100% training rate among new em

306、ployees;提高普通员工质量意识Enhancing awareness of quality control of general staff提升新员工质量意识Enhancing awareness of quality control of new staff提升专职质量管理人员业务能力Enhance business capability of quality professionals新员工培训Training for New Staff普通员工培训Training for General Staff专职质量管理人员培训Training for Quality Professiona

307、ls全员培训All-employee Training全方位质量控制An Overall Quality Control建立三级质量管理组织体系,在公司总部设立质安部、在所属企业设置质量管理机构、在工程项目配置专职质量管理人员。2011年,公司专职质量管理人员1,800人。Establish a three-level quality management system, setting up a quality assurance department at headquarters, and a quality management department in all subsidiary

308、 enterprises, and equipping projects with quality management professionals.In 2011, the number of our quality management professionals came to 1,800 persons.按照 施工企业质量管理工作考核评价办法 (试行) 的要求, 组织所属企业开展质量管理考核评价工作, 提出质量体系运行的改进建议。According to the Assessment Method for Construction Quality Management, organiz

309、e subordinated companies to carry out assessment on quality management, and put forward suggestions to improve the performance of the quality system.开展项目管理标准化考核,宣贯与完善项目管理手册,加强项目管理信息系统建设,推进项目管理标准化。Carry out standard evaluations on project management, promote and improve the Project Management Manual,

310、 strengthen the construction of project management information, and press ahead with standardized project management.制度建设Institutional Improvement机构建设Institution Building质量考核Quality Assessment项目管理Project Management制定项目质量目标, 根据项目施工特点与难点, 编制质量策划书与质量管理计划。组织复核设计图纸, 编制施工方案, 进行技术交底; 组织施工人员开展技术要求、 施工方法培训。E

311、stablish the quality goal of the project, and prepare a quality planning and management plan according to the characteristics and difficulties of the project.Review design drawings, prepare a construction program, and perform technical clarifications, and organize relevant training on technical requ

312、irements and construction methods.准备阶段Preparation Phase落实 “样板引路制” 、 “三检制” 、 “质量例会制”等制度。在技术要求高、 难度大的工程预先设计样板, 作为后续施工参照标准。自检、 互检、 专职人员巡视等全方位覆盖。定期召开质量管理会议, 优化施工工艺, 解决质量问题。Implement template guiding system, three-inspection system and regular quality meeting system, among others.Design a template for ch

313、allenging aspects of construction that requires advanced technology, and use template as reference standard for the follow-up construction.Conduct a self-inspection of all operators, mutual inspection of employees, and carry out an inspection tour of all professionals to fully control the quality of

314、 construction.Hold regular quality management meetings to optimize the construction process and solve problems related to quality.施工阶段Construction Phase开展内部验收, 重点查隐蔽工程的施工质量。组织客户、 监理单位等各方共同验收。Perform internal acceptance, and focus on examining the construction quality of hidden projects.Organize clie

315、nts, supervisory agencies and other parties to perform acceptance together.竣工阶段Completion Phase结算,实现双方共赢。自2011年11月采购中心正式运营以来,中国建筑四局拥有80余家合格材料供应商,其中上市公司5家。质量控制公司遵循目标管理、过程控制、阶段考核、持续改进质量控制理念,实施全员、全方位、全过程的质量控制。2011年,公司质量管理体系覆盖率100%、验收一次交验合格率100%。全员培训公司通过召开会议、组建质量小组、开展质量创优活动等方式,为普通员工、质量管理专职人员、新员工提供质量培训,提

316、高公司全员质量意识和能力。efficiency and quality of procurement, promote the timely payment to the contractors / suppliers and achieve a win-win outcome. Since the official operation of the procurement center, China Construction 4th Bureau has had more than 80 qualified material suppliers, of which 5 suppliers a

317、re listed companies.Quality ControlAdhering to our targeted management, process control, phased evaluation, and continuous improvement quality control concept, China Construction conducts company-wide full-process quality control. In 2011, we achieved 100% coverage of the quality management system a

318、nd achieved a 100% pass rate for completion acceptance.All-employee TrainingBy holding meetings, setting up quality teams, and carrying out the A-Good Quality Campaign, the Company provided training on quality for general staff, quality professionals and new employees to enhance their quality awaren

319、ess and capability.开展QC小组活动开展QC小组成果评选举办QC小组诊断师培训班Carrying out QC group activities;Organizing the selection of quality achievements of QC groups;Organizing trainings sessions for diagnosis specialists of QC中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd046全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry

320、 Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011047案例:岭澳核电站二期工程在岭澳核电站二期建设中,中国建筑二局吸收大亚湾核电站、岭澳核电站一期的承建经验,坚持以质量确保进度,实施质量工作“全过程管理”,建立“两级质保、三级质检”的质量控制体系,严格按照核安全质量保证要求控制工程建设质量,使核电站土建施工质量达到了国际先进水平。Case Study: Buildin

321、g Phase II Project of Lingao Nuclear Power StationIn the construction of Phase II of the Lingao Nuclear Power Station Project, China Construction 2nd Bureau utilized the experiences of building the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station and Phase I of the Lingao Nuclear Power Station Project. This ensured t

322、he projects progress and quality and allowed the project to be implemented quickly and qualified. A quality control system with “two-level quality assurance, and three-level quality inspection” was also established. In addition, learning from previous experiences helped to control the quality of pro

323、ject construction and ensured that it was in accordance with the quality assurance of nuclear safety requirements and was in line with international advanced levels in civil construction quality.案例:阿尔及利亚外交部新办公大楼项目阿尔及利亚外交部新办公大楼工程建筑面积88,000平方米,设计造型复杂、质量要求高、工期短。中国建筑在施工中,开展质量评比活动,收集保障质量的金点子;在装修施工中,组织分包商

324、进行进场前质量培训,派专人协调分包商间的进度,明确各自责任,严格执行质量检查,保障装修质量。Case Study: Building a New office building for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of AlgeriaThe office building had a construction area of 88,000 square meters. The building had a complicated design, high quality requirements, and a short construction perio

325、d. China Construction therfore conducted quality assessment activities, and collated a number of good ideas to ensure all aspects of quality were maintained during construction. During the decoration period, the Company organized subcontractors to conduct quality trainings before work began, assigne

326、d a person to coordinate the progress between subcontractors, clarified the responsibilities of each party, and performed strict quality inspections to ensure the quality of the decoration. 优质服务客户的理解和支持是实现企业可持续发展的原动力。中国建筑加强合同履约管理,保障客户隐私,为不同客户提供差异化、全过程的服务。2011年,公司房建客户满意度90分,建筑合同履约率100%(会签评审率100%、合同交底

327、率100%、合同履行策划率100%)。合同履约是中国建筑持续发展的根本。公司建立业务标准体系,实现合同履约的全过程管控;在施工过程中,成立重点工程督导组,按照合同要求严控项目进度、质量,增强合同履约能力。公司加强客户隐私管理,严格保密客户信息、合同条款、设计方案。全年未发生因违反相关法规受到制裁的重大事件,未接到侵犯客户隐私、遗失资料方面的重大投诉。Quality ServicesThe understanding and support of an enterprises customers is a driving force for sustainable development. Ch

328、ina Construction strengthens the management of its fulfillment of contracts, protects customers privacy, and provides differentiated and comprehensive services for different customers. In 2011, we achieved 90 points in house building customer satisfaction and 100% fulfillment rate of construction co

329、ntracts.(100% joint signing rate, 100% contract disclosure rate, and 100% contract implementation and planning rate)协助客户找地、拿地,帮助业主进行结构验算、设备选型、材料品牌比选。帮助客户办理规划报建手续,解决报建难题。向客户提供类似工程的含量指标、经济指标对照表,协助客户进行投资测算与控制。Assist customers to look for and obtain land, and help them with structural checking, and comp

330、arison and selection of equipments and materials.Help customers to declare the building and solve relevant problems.Provide customers with content and an economic indicator list of similar projects, and assist them to make budget and control their investment.规划设计阶段During Planning and Design施工建造阶段Dur

331、ing Construction及时向客户披露工程建造中的变更信息,将客户需求反馈到工程建造中。推广建筑业新技术、新材料及新工艺,优化施工组织结构,在保障工程质量的前提下降低工程造价、缩短工期,为客户节约项目资金。编制工程使用说明,方便客户。Disclose changes to the construction project to the customer in a timely manner, and feedback their needs to the construction of project.Promote new technology, new materials and

332、new technical process in the construction industry, optimize the organizational structure of construction, reduce the cost of project, shorten construction periods, and save funds for customers under the premise of ensuring project quality.Compiling the Recommendations for Use for the convenience of

333、 customers.建立工程质量售后服务体系,设立专职售后服务部门,为处于保质期内工程提供专业售后服务。采取走访、问卷回访等方式了解客户诉求,受理客户发现的质量问题。组织开展工程质量、服务情况客户满意度调查。Establish an after-sales service system to ensure project quality, set up a special after-sales service department, and assign professionals for large-scale projects within the warranty period to

334、 timely solve quality problems.Understanding customers demands by visiting them, offering a questionnaire, and handling customers problems.Carry out customer satisfaction surveys on project quality and service.工程交付后After Project Completion荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments获鲁班奖13项,占全国鲁班奖的13.5

335、%。获国家优质工程奖15项,占全国国家优质工程奖的9.55%。获詹天佑奖4项。获全国工程建设优秀项目管理成果一等奖13个,是建设行业中获得一等奖最多的企业。Awarded 13 Luban Awards, accounting for 13.5% of all such prizes in China.Granted 15 Awards for National Excellent Project, accounting for 9.55% of all such prizes in China.Awarded 4 Zhantianyou Awards.Received 13 First Pr

336、izes for Excellent Project Management, and was the largest winner of all such prizes in the construction industry.Contract compliance is fundamental to the sustainable development of China Construction. The Company has established a standardized business system and controls the fulfillment of contra

337、cts. We have set up a supervisory group for major construction projects and strictly control the project schedule and quality in line with contract requirements to enhance our capacity for contract compliance. The Company has also strengthened its management of confidential business information, and

338、 strictly keeps all customer information, contract terms, and design programs confidential. Throughout 2011, laws and regulations were violated, and no serious complaints were received regarding the violation of customer privacy or information loss.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd

339、048全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011049地产领域Scope of Real Estate中国建筑坚持精品理念,将客户需求导入地产策划、建造全过程,为客户铸造人文社区,并以专业精神和精细标准,为客户提供具有国际品质的物业产品和服务,持续提升客户居住舒适度。品质策划公司考

340、察项目所在地的自然环境、人文环境,确定项目的质量目标和等级;主动了解客户需求,将客户要求预先融入项目策划中,提升客户未来入住舒适度;明确招标技术、技术交底、实测实量、验收及工序控制等要求,保障工程建造质量。品质采购公司完善承建商/供应商选择标准,加强承建商/供应商的考察与资质评审,严控物资、劳务队伍的质量,积极打造高品质供应链。公司将承建商/供应商对经济社会的影响作为重要选择标准,通过建立监督检查制度、组织开展承建商/供应商培训、建立信息交流平台等方式,提高承建商/供应商履行社会责任的能力,打造负责任的供应链。2011年,责任采购率100%。Adhering to the concepts o

341、f best quality, China Construction incorporates the customers needs into its real estate planning, builds a caring community for customers, and offers them property products and services with international quality so as to continuously enhance their living comfort.Quality PlanningWe inspect the natu

342、ral and human environment at the project site to determine its quality objectives and grade; we take the initiative to understand customers needs, and integrate them into the project planning in advance to enhance their living comfort in the future. We also define the requirements for bidding techno

343、logy, technical explanation, actual tests and measurements, acceptance and process controls to ensure the quality of project construction.Quality ProcurementThe Company continuously improves its selection standards for contractors/suppliers, strengthens its investigation of contractors/suppliers and

344、 the inspection of their qualifications, and strictly controls the quality of materials and labor force so as to actively create a high-quality supply chain.The Company sees the impact of contractors/suppliers on the economy and society as an important selection criterion. By establishing a supervis

345、ion and inspection system, carrying out training for contractors/suppliers, and building an information platform we have enhanced the capacity of our contractors/suppliers to implement social responsibility and created a responsible supply chain. In 2011, we achieved a 100% responsible procurement r

346、ate. 在项目的建设过程中,贵司按我司的要求组织施工,确保了本项目的施工进度、质量及安全要求,为我司生产公益设备的按期搬入和顺利量产做出了贡献。我司特此对贵司在本项目中做出的努力及贡献表示衷心的感谢。合肥京东方光电科技有限公司没有中国建筑四局的发展,就没有下游供应商的发展。希望与四局的合作向更大、更广的范围拓展。相信通过双方的共同努力,双方的合作范围更深更广,战略伙伴关系更加巩固,双方共赢的效果更加凸显。贵阳海螺盘江公司打造责任供应链Create a responsible supply chain将建筑施工安全写入合同中,并设立员工安全保护等相关条款。Incorporate constru

347、ction safety into the contract, and formulate relevant provisions on safety measures.安 全Safety坚持公正、公开、透明的采购,与承建商/供应商签订廉洁协议。Make fair, open and transparent procurement, and sign an agreement on anti-corruption with contractors/suppliers;反腐败Anti-corruption在合同中设立防治扰民条款和费用计划,监督承建商/供应商施工过程中的扰民情况。Formulat

348、e provisions against harassment of residents and a cost plan in the contract, and ensure supervision over it in the construction of contractors/suppliers;社 区Community监督承建商/供应商改善农民工居住条件、工作条件,要求开设农民工工资保证金账户,并保证账户有相应的资金。Supervise the contractors and suppliers to improve the living and working condition

349、s of migrant-workers, and request that they open a deposit account for the wages of migrant-worker, and retain appropriate funds.农民工管理Management of Migrant-Workers考 察 公 司 的 设 计 理念、业绩、业务能力以及以往类似项目经验等。Inspect their design philosophy, performances, business ability and experiences in similar projects;考

350、察供应商原材料的使用、加工工艺、供货能力等。Inspect their raw materials, manufacturing processes, and delivery capacity.考 察 承 建 商 人 员 素质、执行设计理念与方案的能力、正在承建或完成的项目等。Inspect their personnel quality, capability to implement the design concepts and programs, and their previous or current projects.考察咨询服务团队构成、类似项目经验、人员素质等。Inspec

351、t the composition of the consulting service team, their experience in similar projects, and the quality of their personnel;选择承建商/供应商的标准 Selection Criteria for Contractors / Suppliers选择设计公司的标准Selection Criteria for Surveying and Design Companies选择材料供应商的标准Selection Criteria for Material Suppliers选择承建商

352、的标准Selection Criteria for Contractors选择咨询服务供应商的标准Selection Criteria for Consulting Service SuppliersIn the process of project construction, your company carried out construction in accordance with our requirements, and ensured the progress, quality and safety of the projects; you made great contribu

353、tions to our moving-in on schedule and smooth volume production of public equipments. We hereby express our heartfelt thanks for your efforts and contributions in this project.Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Without the development of the China Construction 4th Bureau, there would be n

354、o development of our downstream suppliers. We kindly hope to make larger and broader cooperation with it. Through our joint efforts, we believe we will have deeper and wider cooperation field, a closer strategic partnership that resulted in a prominent win-win outcome.Guiyang Conch Panjiang Company中

355、国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd050全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011051施工准备阶段: 组织承建商会审图纸, 审查承建商专项施工方案, 了解承建商向项目工程师、 施工人员进行技术交底的情况。施工阶段:

356、 推行 “样板先行制” 、 “旁站监理制” , 不定期地开展项目巡检及专项检查,监控项目进程与关键工序质量。竣工阶段: 联合承建商、 监理单位、 客户共同验收工程的重要部位及关键工序; 结合交房标准、 物业需求实施逐户模拟收房专项检查。Preparation phase: organize contractors to review drawings, inspect their special construction programs, and ensure project engineers understand the technical clarifications of contr

357、actors .Construction phase: implement the “making template in advance” and “side-standing for supervision” systems, conduct occasional tours and special inspections of the project, and monitor its progress and the quality of key processes.Completion phase: meet contractors, supervisory agencies and

358、customers to ensure acceptance of the key procedures and important aspects of the project, and carry out house-to-house checks on simulated acceptance of house according to standards for handing in houses and the needs of properties.施工过程质量控制Quality control in construction施工准备阶段: 整合全国性媒体、 模型制作、 宣传片制作

359、、 物料印刷等外部资源, 持续更新营销资源库。竣工阶段: 加强对咨询服务商的营销方案审核, 考察咨询服务商服务质量。Preparation phase: integrate national media and external resources who cover the design of architectural models, video production, material printing and others, and continuously upgrade the marketing resource library.Completion phase: strengt

360、hen inspections of the marketing programs of consulting service providers, and inspect the quality of their services.咨询服务方面质量控制Quality control in consulting services设计方面质量控制Quality control in the design施工准备阶段:审查、优化设计方案。竣工阶段:开展客户满意度调查,了解客户对项目设计的满意程度。Preparation phase: inspect and optimize the design

361、program;Completion phase: carry out surveys on customer satisfaction to have an understanding of their satisfaction with the project design.材料供应方面质量控制Quality control in material supply施工准备阶段: 建立与材料供应商的沟通渠道, 明确建筑材料原料配比、 制造工艺、 各项性能。施工阶段:考察供货及时性、供应材料的质量以及售后服务承诺的履行情况。Preparation phase: establish a commu

362、nication channel with material suppliers to specify the amount of raw materials needed for construction, the manufacturing process, and various performances;Construction phase: inspect the quality and timeliness of the supplied material, and the fulfillment of commitment in after-sales services;案例:实



365、供应商合同履约能力与服务能力,并将考核结果作为评价承建商/供应商合格的主要标准,持续更新承建商/供应商名册合格分册。2011年,项目工程质量目标实现率100%。Quality ControlThe Company converts customers needs into the requirements of the project, and promotes quality throughout the entire project management system. We also supervise and evaluate contractors/suppliers ability

366、 to fulfill contracts and services, use the results of evaluation as key criteria in their evaluation, and constantly update the List of Qualified Contractors/Suppliers. In 2011, we achieved a 100% realization rate in our project quality goals.Case Study: Actual Test and MeasurementChina Overseas Pr

367、operty carried out an actual test and measurement every month in Jinan. The company strictly tested the concrete structure, the secondary structure, the plastering and other items, and collated the results with data that was measured by the contractors and supervisory agencies in order to discover a

368、ny weak links in quality in the projects construction. Contractors were then requested to make targeted quality control checks in all subsequent construction activities. In 2011, we achieved a 100% pass rate in the project of Jinan Aolong Residence.Quality ServicesWe strengthen our management of con

369、tract review, and continue to improve our customer service system so as to allow customers to purchase houses and live comfortably.Purchase House PeacefullyStrictly abiding by the relevant rules and regulations, we inspect various types of advertising programs. We have established a contract evaluat

370、ion system to examine contract content and to protect the interests and rights of customers purchasing real estate. We also take the initiative to disclose unfavorable factors relating to a project or its surrounding environment in order to protect customers right to know. Furthermore, some preferen

371、tial policies for signing contracts and making payments on time, as well as bank loans have been introduced to customers to encourage them to promptly sign the contract. After customers purchase their houses, we establish a two-way communication channel with them to timely disclose the progress of p

372、roject construction. In 2011, we achieved a 100% advertising compliance rate. Case Study: Sending the Purchase Contract to Customers homeIn the purchase process, some customers are too busy to sign the contract on time, which often causes them to miss purchasing houses that they love. For this reaso

373、n, the China Construction Beijing Company has taken adopted a “Door-to-door Service” system in which a salesman takes contracts to the customers and then takes it back to be processed after they have signed the contract. This method saves time and ensures that customers purchase the house they desir

374、e.Living ComfortablyWe take the initiative to consider customers property requirements in the planning and design stage in order to improve the customer service system, and perfect the communication channels so as to provide them with considerate services. In 2011, we handled 100% of customer compla

375、ints and honored 100% of our commitment to them, and achieved a 100% training rate of security personnel in professional knowledge.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd052全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量

376、 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011053中海地产品牌价值连续6年蝉联内地房地产商业品牌价值之冠。“中海地产” 商标被国家工商行政管理总局商标局认定为 “中国驰名商标” 。中国海外发展连续两年入选恒生可持续发展企业指数成份股。中国海外发展第八次蝉联“中国房地产行业领导公司品牌”。湖南中建大厦获评“全国物业管理示范大厦”。5月6日,我在网上反映的中海城香克林封顶延期,致贷款不能如期发放之事,经贵部关注得以解决,目前我们的贷款已发放。中海客服对待客户认真负责、工作高效,为我们避免了损失。感谢中海客服! 北

377、京中海城项目 尚先生我认购之后由于太忙没有去签约,以为这套房子又买不上了。咱们的工作人员带着购房合同主动到我的公司来签约,大大节省了我的时间。衷心感谢中建地产的工作人员,希望你们事业蒸蒸日上!中建国际港项目 王先生案例:送你去香港深圳中海怡瑞山居物业了解到客户去香港存在转车频繁、耗时较长等困难,与香港旅游公司合作,推出免费包车服务活动,每月定期包车拉载客户赴港购物,使客户赴港耗时减少了一半。自2008年起至2011年12月,提供免费包车服务40余次,服务覆盖近2,000人次。The brand value of China Overseas Property has been ranked t

378、he highest among the value of real estate business brands in China for six consecutive years.The trademark “China Overseas Property” was recognized as a “China Famous Trademark” by the Trademark Office of State Administration for Industry and Commerce.China Overseas Development has been included int

379、o the constituent stock of Hang Seng Sustainable Development Enterprise Indicator for two consecutive years.China Overseas Development has been the “Leading Brand in China Real Estate Industry” eighth consecutive times.Hunan China Construction Building was awarded the title of a “Model Building of N

380、ational Property Management”.On May 6th, I reflected that China Overseas Property delayed the topping in the project of Zhonghai Shanklin Town, so that our housing loans couldnt be granted on schedule. Upon your attention and care, our loans have been issued now. Your responsibility to customers and

381、 highly-efficient work helped us avoid losses. Thank you for your kind service.Mr. Shang, a customer of Beijing Zhonghai Town ProjectAfter the subscription, I was too busy to sign the purchase contract on time. I thought I had missed this opportunity. To my delight, the staff took the contract to my

382、 company so that I could sign it, saving much of my time. I hereby express my heartfelt thanks to your staff, and kindly wish your business continues to flourish.Mr. Wang, a customer of CSCECInternational Harbor Project Case Study: Taking You to Hong KongAfter understanding that people in Yirui Moun

383、tain Residence have to frequently interchange to Hong Kong, the Property Company of China Overseas offered free charter service in cooperation with the Hong Kong Tourism Company, regularly transporting customers to Hong Kong for shopping each month. The new transportation system cuts the time spent

384、travelling by half. From 2008 to December 2011, the Company offered more than 40 free charter services, servicing nearly 2,000 people.在规划设计阶段开展卖场客户需求调查,了解客户物业服务需求,配备相应设施。Carry out customer requirement surveys at the point of sale and in the stage of planning and design to better understand customers

385、 demand on property service, and equip them with corresponding facilities.物业管理前置Consider Property Management in Advance修订和完善物业管理手册,细化物业品质目标和服务标准,完善客户服务标准体系。搭建客户关系管理(RCM)信息平台,主动了解并回应客户的物业需求。Revise and improve the Property Management Manual, work out specific property quality objectives and service st

386、andards, and improve the standard of customer service;Build an information platform for the management of customer relations, and take the initiative to understand and respond to customers demands.体系建设Establishment of System组织开展“物业经理接待日” 、“设备机房开放日” 、 “财务经营账务公开” 等活动, 主动披露物业运营管理相关信息, 保障业主的知情权。Carry ou

387、t activities like “Reception Day of Property Managers”, “Open Day of Equipment Room”, and “Transparent Financial Operations”, and proactively disclose information with regard to property operations in order to protect proprietors right to know.沟通渠道建设Construction of Communication Channels为业主提供基础办公服务、

388、便利支援服务、咨询服务、代办服务、家居特约有偿服务、家庭秘书服务等,满足客户家居生活基本需求与高层次需求。加强小区安保人员的培训管理,配备高科技安全防卫装置,打造立体交叉防卫体系,保障小区安全。Offer proprietors basic office services, convenient support services, consulting services, agent services, home special paid services, home secretarial services, and other services to meet their basic an

389、d high-level demands on home life.Strengthen management training for security personnel, install high-tech security and defense equipment, and build a comprehensive defense system to protect the safety of the residence.基础服务Basic Services推出房屋租赁业务服务、委托代办服务、网络通信系统工程服务等服务项目。搭建社区客户联谊平台,组织开展亲子乐园、传统节日文化、足球

390、赛等活动,扩大客户交际圈。Provide house rental services, commission businesses, engineering services of network communication systems, among others;Build a friendship platform for customers, and organize various activities such as the construction of a family garden, traditional culture and festivals, and footba

391、ll matches to expand their social circle.增值服务Value-added Services荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments?Safety responsibility system?Safety contingency system?Training and education system?Assurance of operational effectiveness?Supervision and inspection system?Technical standards system?Managem

392、ent system?Safety investment system中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd054全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011055中国建筑树立安全重于泰山意识,秉持安全第一、预防为主、综

393、合治理的安全方针,有效转变监管方式,将安全管理工作由定性向定量推进。公司深入落实安全生产责任和措施,构建“三位一体”安全落实机制,大力推进安全生产标准化建设,持续打造企业安全文化,保障公司安全稳定生产和平稳运营。Awareness that Safety is extremely important to China Construction as is upholding the principles of safety first, prevention crucial and comprehensive treatment. As such, the Company has change

394、d its regulatory approach, promoting safety management from both the qualitative and quantitative perspectives. We have implemented new production safety measures, established a “three in one” safety implementation mechanism, pressed ahead with standardized production safety, and strengthened our ef

395、forts to foster a culture of corporate safety that will ensure safe and stable production and operations in the company.安全管理体系Safety Management System安全管理体系公司以保证安全生产为目标,建立健全安全管理体系,通过强化培训教育、过程督查、总结反馈、持续改进等措施,实现安全工作闭环管理,保障体系有效运行。Safety Management SystemIn order to ensure production safety, we have est

396、ablished and improved our safety management system. Through intensive training and education, the supervision of processes, summary and feedback systems and the continuous improvement of other measures we have achieved a closed-loop safety management system and ensured the effective operations of ou

397、r safety system.安 全SAFETY 安全管理体系安全落实安全文化安全绩效荣誉及利益相关方评价Safety Management SystemSafety ImplementationSafety CultureSafety PerformancesHonors and Stakeholders Comments055057061063063?Headquarters?Categories of onsite disposal program for accidents?Secondary Units?Subsidiary Companies?Manager Department

398、 of Project?Falling from heightHit by objectsCollapseElectric shockMechanical injuryOther types of accidents?Core elements of overall emergency rescue plan?Members of emergency rescue leaders groupResponsibilities of departments concernedEmergency warningEmergency response Emergency recovery中国建筑股份有限

399、公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd056全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011057安全应急体系公司以完善应急体系,提高应急能力为主线,坚持事后救援与事前预防并重的原则,加强应急救援队伍和装备建设,强化应急处置,持续提升应急管

400、理水平。Safety Emergency SystemThe Company takes the “improvement of its emergency system, and enhancement of its emergency capability” as its principal goal, and persists in paralleling the rescue afterwards with the prevention beforehand. It strengthens the building of emergency rescue teams and equip

401、ment, and intensifies emergency disposal to continuously improve its emergency management.公司通过开展应急培训、指导督促开展预案演练等,不断增强应急处置和保障能力。2011年,公司组织应急演练8,530余次,覆盖人数420,000余人(含劳务分包队伍),有效提高员工防范和快速应对处置事故灾难和安全生产突发情况的能力。By conducting emergency trainings, formulating emergency plans and making emergency drills, the

402、Company continues to enhance its emergency disposal and protection capacity. In 2011, the China Construction organized 8,530 emergency drills for 420,000 staff (including the labor force of subcontractors), effectively improving their ability to prevent, and quickly handle accidents, fire disasters

403、and safety emergency situations.安全落实Safety Implementation中国建筑建立三位一体的安全落实机制,通过责任落实、培训落实、检查落实三个环节的工作,加强安全工作的落实和执行力度,提高企业安全管理水平,增强公司的本质安全性。责任落实公司按照统一领导、落实责任、分级管理、分类指导、全员参与的原则,建立四级管理,层级负责的安全管理体系,明确规定职能部门、关键岗位安全生产管理职责。公司按照一岗双责,岗岗有责的原则,努力将安全生产责任覆盖公司全体员工、全部岗位、生产管理全过程。公司所属企业上下级之间签订安全生产责任书,通过责任分解、责任履行、责任考核的闭

404、环管理,全面落实安全生产责任制。China Construction has established a responsibility implementation system featuring the three in one concept. Through the implementation of responsibility, trainings and inspections the Company strengthened the implementation and enforcement of work safety, improved its safety manage

405、ment and enhanced its intrinsic and overall safety. Implementing ResponsibilityAccording to the unified leadership, responsibility implementation, graded management, classified guidance, and all-employee participation principles, the Company established a safety management system featuring four-leve

406、l management and level-to-level responsibility to clearly define the production safety management responsibility of functional departments and key positions. In accordance with the principles of dual responsibility in one position and safety responsibility in every position, the Company has conveyed

407、 production safety responsibility to all employees including information on the entire production and management process. In order to fully implement its production safety responsibility system, the Company signed the Production Safety Responsibility Management with subsidiary companies covering res

408、ponsibility decomposition, responsibility implementation and responsibility evaluation.安全制度体系公司积极贯彻落实国家有关安全生产的法律法规和政策方针,建立规范公司安全生产责任、监督、流程和评价等方面的制度和标准,形成权责明确、全面覆盖、自上而下的安全制度体系。2011年,公司制定和完善安全管理制度和标准480多项。公司大力推进安全生产标准化建设,制订企业开展安全生产标准化达标评价实施方案,要求所属企业制定安全生产标准化达标评价的实施办法,建立评定标准,逐步逐级开展安全生产标准化达标评价工作。Safety

409、SystemsChina Construction implements all national policies, laws and regulations with regard to production safety, has established a system and standards for production safety responsibility, supervision, process and evaluation in order to form a top-down safety system with clearly outlined responsi

410、bilities. In 2011, the Company formulated and improved more than 480 safety management systems and standards.The Company made great efforts to promote standardized production safety, and formulated the Application Program for Evaluating Standardized Production Safety in the Enterprises, requesting t

411、hat subsidiary companies develop their own evaluation method, establish evaluation standards, and develop a step-by-step evaluation in the enterprises.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd058全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sust

412、ainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011059检查落实公司制定完善的安全生产检查制度,以落实安全生产责任制为重点,围绕重点项目和关键环节,组织开展安全检查,努力做到安全生产检查制度化、标准化、常态化。Inspection and ImplementationThe Company has implemented and established a production safety inspection system, and organized safety in

413、spections for its major projects to effectively institutionalize, standardize and normalize the inspection of production safety.国家安全生产法律法规、标准安全生产专业知识安全生产应急管理知识职业危害及预防典型事故案例分析National laws, regulations and standards with regard to production safetyProfessional knowledge of production safetyKnowledge

414、of emergency management in production safetyOccupational hazards and preventionAnalysis of typical accident cases公司安全生产管理基本制度施工现场安全注意事项安全操作规程工作环境及危险因素防护用品使用要求安全应急基本知识施工现场作业人员Workers on Construction Site各级管理人员Management at All LevelsBasic production safety management systemSafety precautions on const

415、ruction siteRules for safety operationWorking environment and risk factorsUsage requirements for protective appliancesBasic knowledge of safety emergency2011年,公司共签订6,820余份安全生产责任书,将安全生产目标层层落实到各个岗位和项目,形成横向到边、纵向到底的责任落实网络。In 2011, the China Construction signed 6,820 copies of the Production Safety Respo

416、nsibility Agreement, and designated production safety objectives to each position and each project, forming a complete responsibility implementation network.培训落实公司建立安全生产教育培训制度,分层次、多渠道、有针对性地制定安全教育培训计划,将安全生产教育和培训工作贯穿于生产经营的全过程。公司严格做好管理人员和施工现场作业人员的培训教育,积极开展岗前教育、日常教育、季节性施工教育、年度继续教育等。全年安全教育培训共投入43,890万元,组

417、织管理人员培训教育230余次,参与培训人数34,500余人;培训施工现场作业人员近60,000余次,参与培训人数逾百万。Conducting TrainingThe Company has established a safety education and training system, and developed a hierarchical, multi-channel and targeted training plan to put production safety education and training into the entire production and ope

418、ration process.The Company conducts trainings and education for managers and workers on its construction sites, and actively carried out pre-job training, daily education, seasonal construction education, and annual continuing education. Throughout 2011, the Company invested 438.9 million Yuan in sa

419、fety education and training, organizing over 230 training sessions for more than 34,500 staff, and conducted nearly 60,000 trainings for more than one million workers on construction sites.?Subsidiary Companies?Manager Department of Project?Secondary Units?Headquarters?Signing the Responsibility Agr

420、eement on Production safety Objectives ?Signing the Production safety Responsibility Agreement? Signing the Production safety Responsibility Contract公司以内部找亮点,树标杆,开现场会的方式进行安全教育:召开以安全生产标准化为重点的项目现场交流会,学习企业安全生产标准化等相关文件。组织召开安全监管负责人联席工作会议,总结公司安全监管工作情况,研讨企业开展安全生产标准化达标评价实施方案。案例:安全生产培训进工地公司始终坚持把农民工安全生产培训作为安全

421、生产活动的重要内容,通过规范农民工的早会制度、利用短信和开办夜校等方式开展安全生产知识培训;精心收录了150道现场安全知识题,编写了农民工施工现场安全生产知识问答题手册。手册内容实用易懂,形式精致小巧,携带方便,被农民工称为“口袋书”。By looking for internal strong points, setting up a benchmark, and holding on-site meetings, the Company conducted safety education.Learning about relevant papers and making an on-si

422、te exchange on projects that focused on standardized production safety.Holding a joint working conference for those responsible for safety supervision to sum up their work, and discuss the program for evaluating and implementing standardized production safety in the company. Case Study: Conduct On-s

423、ite Construction Safety Training China Construction has always focused on production safety training for migrant workers and conducting trainings in morning meeting, short messages, and evening classes, among others. The Company collected 150 knowledge points on on-site safety, and compiled the Manu

424、al on On-site Safety Knowledge Questions for Migrant Workers. The Manual is practical, easy to understand and compact and is called the “pocket book” by migrant workers.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd060全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Env

425、ironment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011061案例:项目安全引入“中医疗法”在承建重庆市两江名居公租房项目时,中国建筑二局西南分公司创造性地提出了“望闻问切”的工作方式:望检查安全隐患、检查工作人员精神状态;闻加大宣传、强化意识;问加强教育,预防为主;切通过班前提示、班后总结,及时发现并消除安全隐患。通过在安全管理中引入“中医疗法”,确保了项目安全生产。Case Study: Introducing “Traditional Ch

426、inese Medical Therapy” into Project SafetyWhile building public rental housing in Chongqing, the Southwest Branch Company of China Construction 2nd Bureau drew from the diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, and put forward the “look, listen, question and feel”, method. This means: to l

427、ook inspecting hidden dangers and enhancing the working spirit of employees; to listen increasing publicity and enhancing awareness; to question strengthening education and focusing on prevention; and to feel finding out and eliminating hidden dangers in a timely manner by warning in advance and sum

428、marizing afterwards. This innovative approach ensured the safety of the project.安全文化Safety Culture中国建筑充分发挥文化的引导和塑造作用,积极开展安全文化建设活动,利用文化影响提升员工的安全意识和能力,促进员工从“要我安全”到“我要安全”安全思想观念的转变。安全文化理念公司不断升华丰富安全文化,提出生命至上,安全运营第一的安全文化理念。理念融入了公司对员工和社会的强烈社会责任感,集中体现了公司以人为本、珍重生命和科学发展、构建和谐企业的文化思想。安全文化建设公司将宣传教育作为安全文化建设的基本方法,

429、通过报刊、挂图、横幅、板报、读本等多种媒介进行全方位的宣传教育和知识普及,营造浓厚的安全文化氛围,将安全理念转化为员工的自觉行动。China Construction gives full play to the guiding and shaping role of culture, actively conducts activities that facilitate a culture of safety, and enhances employees awareness and capacity by influencing the corporate cultural and tr

430、ansforming employees from a “want me safe” approach to a “I want to be safe” approach.Concepts of Safety CultureWe have constantly sublimated the culture of safety and put forward the life supreme, and safe operation first concept. The concept integrates our responsibility to our employees and socie

431、ty, and facilitates cultural thinking that focuses on humanity, treasuring life, scientific development, and building a harmonious enterprise.Construction of Safety CultureWe use publicity and education to construct our safety culture. Through media activities that include newspapers, magazines, fli

432、p charts, banners, blackboard newspaper, and public readings, we have publicly promoted our safety concept and educated our staff and society on the benefits of creating a strong safety culture. We have also translated the safety concepts into the conscious actions of employees.2011年,公司组织安全检查280余次,检

433、查项目约5,000余个,发现和整改隐患20,000余条,并按照定人、定时间、定措施的原则及时整改,整改率100%。In 2011, the Company organized over 280 safety inspections, inspecting about 5,000 items, and finding and rectifying over 20,000 hidden dangers. According to the principles of “making rectification by assigned responsible persons at stated tim

434、e with specified measures”, the Company made timely rectifications and achieved a 100% of rectification rate.2011年公司安全检查活动(部分)Our Main Safety Inspection Activities in 2011 (segment)时间Time目的/内容Purpose / Content项目Items检查项目数(个)Number of Inspected Items2月3月From February to March节后复工、两会期间安全生产检查Inspection

435、 of production safety after Spring Festivals and during two conferences (i.e., the National Peoples Congress and the Chinese Political Conference)在京项目Projects in Beijing164月初In early April检查安全生产管理手册的贯彻情况和有关工程项目管理标准化情况Inspection on the implementation of Production safety Management Manual and the sta

436、ndardized management of relevant projects东北区域项目及对应分公司Projects in Northeast and their companies94月中下旬In the middle and late April安全生产抽查,万达项目在安全、质量、成本方面面临的特殊情况Sample inspection of production safety;Special situation that Wanda faced in the aspect of safety, quality and cost.7个省和地区的万达项目Wandas projects

437、in seven provinces and regions158月份In August全系统安全督查工作 Safety supervision and inspection in all subordinated companies以房屋建筑和基础设施建设项目为主Focusing on housing and infrastructure construction24专项检查Special Inspection深基坑高大脚手架大型起重设备隧道施工桥梁施工等Deep foundationHigh and large scaffoldingLarge lifting equipmentTunne

438、l construction Bridge construction, and others高处坠落物体打击触电机械伤害起重伤害等事故隐患Falling from height Hit by objectsElectric shock Mechanical injuryLifting injuries and other construction hazards公司以查思想、查制度、查方案、查隐患、查整改等为主要内容,通过访谈、查阅记录、现场查看等方式,对施工生产中易发生伤亡事故的施工部位、施工过程、现场防护设施、施工机械防护装置等进行检查,及时消除安全隐患,保障公司生产运行的本质安全性。Th

439、e Company utilizes a range of safety inspection ideas, systems and programs to uncover hidden dangers and rectify problems. Through interview, checking records, on-site inspections and other approaches, the Company has inspected those aspects that are prone to accidents, covering construction links,

440、 construction processes, protection facilities at sites, and the protective devices of construction machinery so as to eliminate hidden dangers in time and ensure the safety of the companys production and operations.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd062全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout t

441、he Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011063安全绩效Safety Performance2011年,公司系统安全生产费用投入约87.78亿元,同比增长23.9%;安全生产事故死亡人数和亿元产值死亡率同比分别下降25%和37.5%。In 2011, the Company and its subsidiary companies inve

442、sted about 8.778 billion Yuan in safe production, an increase of 23.9% over the previous year. The numbers of accidents and deaths, and death rate per output value of 100 million Yuan dropped by 25% and 37.5% respectively. 荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments获省部级以上安全文明工地450余个,约占已开工项目总数的15%。获国家

443、级AAA安全文明标准化诚信工地38项,约占全国获奖总数的10%,获奖数位居同行业首位。Received more than 450 awards for safe and civilized construction sites, accounting for 15% in the total number of operated projects.Won 38 national 3A Safe awards for having civilized, standardized and honest construction sites, accounting for 10% of all p

444、rojects. China Construction took first place in total number of such awards in China.国家安监总局党组成员、中央纪委驻总局纪检组长周福启视察中国建筑承建的福州软件园项目时,对简洁美观、结实耐用的安全防护栏给予高度肯定,并对项目的安全管理给予高度评价。天津市委副书记、滨海新区区委书记何立峰率滨海新区人大和政协代表团赴中国建筑承建的天津市第五中心医院改扩建项目视察指导时,称赞工程安全达标、质量过硬。Zhou Fuqi, Head of the Inspection Discipline Group of Centr

445、al Commission for Discipline Inspection and Member of Party Group of the State Administration of Work Safety, approved the simple and beautiful, strong and durable safety rails, and gave a high evaluation for the safety management of the project when he inspected the Fuzhou Software Park built by Ch

446、ina Construction.He Lifeng, Deputy Secretary of Municipal Party Committee of Tianjin and Secretary of District Committee of Binhai New Binhai New Area, spoke highly of the safety standards and quality of the projects, when he led a delegation of the Peoples Congress of Binhai New Area and CPPCC to i

447、nspect the expansion project of Tianjin 5th Central Hospital, which was built by China Construction.案例:打造安全文化长廊在杨浦区154街坊就近安置动迁配套商品房(保障性住房)项目C块中,针对项目特点,打造贯通办公区、施工现场、生活区安全通道为主轴线的安全文化长廊,将安全生产文明施工与上海品茶融为一体。安全文化建设活动的主要种类和形式Main Kinds of Activities to Build a Safety Culture Case Study: Building a Safety C

448、ulture GalleryIn the Block C of our relocation package housing (affordable housing) project, which is for residents of Block 154 in Yang Pu District, a safety culture gallery was built in the office area, the construction site, and in living areas. The gallery highlighted production safety, civilize

449、d construction and corporate culture into one concept. 周一安全活动Safety Activities on Monday安全生产月活动Production Safety Month Activity百日安全无事故活动No Safety Accidents within 100 Days安全竞赛活动Safety Competitions每周一On Mondays每年6月份In June, each year每年10-12月份From October to December each year不定期组织In irregular time中国建

450、筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd064全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011065环 境ENVIRONMENT环境管理绿色开发绿色设计绿色采购绿色建造绿色办公荣誉及利益相关方评价Environmental Mana

451、gementGreen DevelopmentGreen DesignGreen ProcurementGreen Construction Green OfficeHonors and Stakeholders Comments065066067069070074075实施绿色建造,重在观念转变、技术突破、行动参与。中国建筑坚持“绿色建造,环境和谐为本”的环境方针,致力于成为绿色建造的倡导者、绿色技术的开发者、绿色工程的建造者、绿色办公的践行者、绿色产业的推动者,努力探索行业发展新路径,促进行业走向低碳环保。To construct green buildings, we must chan

452、ge peoples concepts, make breakthroughs in technology, and allow all employees to participate in green development. China Construction pursues an environmental policy of constructing “Green buildings that are based on environmental harmony”, and is devoted to advocating green buildings and developin

453、g green technology, building green engineering and being a practitioner of green offices. The Company strives to promote green development and is exploring a new path for industry development, and championing a low-carbon and environmentally friendly industry.环境管理Environmental Management中国建筑以推进绿色技术引

454、领行业进步为宗旨,持续完善环境管理体系,不断提升员工环保意识,创新环境管理模式,提高环境管控能力。深化体系建设公司推进环境管理组织制度建设,推广环境管理方法,优化环境策划管理,推行绿色建造,保障环境管理体系有效运行。2011年公司环保总投入近2亿元,环境管理体系认证通过率100%。Adhering to the principle of promoting green technology and leading industry advancement, China Construction continues to improve its environmental management

455、system and the environmental awareness of its employees, continuously innovates its environmental management model, and enhances its capacity for environmental control.Deepening the Construction of SystemsThe Company advances the construction of its environmental management system, extends environme

456、ntal management methods, optimizes environmental planning, and develops green building to ensure the effective operation of its environmental management system. In 2011, the Company invested 200 million Yuan in environmental protection and achieved a 100% pass rate for its environmental management s

457、ystem certifications.机构建设Institution Building总部:安全环境管理委员会Headquarters: Safety and Environmental Management Committee所属企业:环境管理部门Subsidiary Enterprises: Environmental Management Departments项目:环境管理人员Project: Environmental Management Staff安全质量环境部Safety, Quality and Environment Department环境管理Environmenta

458、l Management绿 色 理 念 贯 穿 规 划 设计、施工建造、竣工服务全过程Include green concepts throughout the full planning and design, construction, and completion services processes组织编写节能减排指导书、环境管理岗位人员制度、环境交底制度,环境绩效检查制度Prepare a guide on energy conservation, and systems for environmental management staff, environmental techno

459、logy clarifications, and environmental performance inspections制度建设Institutional Improvement制定环境管理目标指标、环境管理方案Develop the goals, targets and programs for environmental management环境策划Environmental Planning结合项目所在地环境特点,采用适宜的绿色施工方法,推进环境管理体系建设Adopt suitable green building methods in combination with the fe

460、atures of the project location, and drive the construction of the environmental management system绿色建造Green Building中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd066全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staf

461、f社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011067提升员工环保意识和能力公司制定员工环保培训制度,编制节能减排培训教材,将环境保护列为基础课程纳入培训计划,采用集中培训、视频讲座、现场宣传等方式,有针对性地组织项目管理人员、技术人员、普通员工进行环保培训。2011年,公司组织培训150次,覆盖2,000人次。绿色开发Green Development中国建筑作为中国最大建筑地产综合企业集团,在国内率先尝试将绿色理念融入到开发建设全过程,探索行业绿色开发建造新路径,推动行业提升绿色开发建造水平。围绕低碳节能产业化的主题,公司启动研发绿色产品开

462、发技术数据库,建立中国建筑绿色产品实施标准,创建绿色产品开发集成应用平台,建设绿色开发示范项目。案例:“开元国际广场”绿色开发“开元国际广场” 项目是以5栋国际甲级标准写字楼为主的大型城市综合体, 位于北京奥林匹克中心商务区。 中国建筑在该项目开发中, 将其定位为推动绿色节能理念和技术的综合建筑群, 使用绿色建材、 应用适宜绿色技术、 循环利用建筑垃圾, 最大限度节约水资源、 减少温室气体排放和土地开发对环境的影响。绿色设计Green Design设计是绿色建造的源头,主导后续建筑活动对环境的影响和资源的消耗。中国建筑在国内率先开展绿色建筑设计研究,在设计规划中全面导入3R原则(减少污染、减少

463、能耗、材料回收),从源头上最大限度地减少建筑物整个生命周期内的能源消耗和对环境的不利影响。公司将绿色理念作为基本原则,贯穿到设计规划、方案制定、图纸绘制的全过程,并将其作为检验技术应用的重要标准,综合考察各项节能技术的适用性和局限性,结合项目所在地自然环境及项目自身要求,选择适宜的绿色技术,采用计算机模拟方法,对建筑工程的环境影响进行提前量化分析,全力打造绿色人居。节能技术/设备公司围绕项目所在地的地形地貌、气候、工程地质等自然条件,选择适宜技术充分利用太阳能、风能、地热等可再生能源,应用节能暖通空调、节能灯等设备,提高能源利用效率,减少二氧化碳排放。Enhancing Environment

464、al Awareness and Capability of EmployeesThe Company has formulated a system for training staff on environmental protection, prepared training materials on energy conservation, and incorporated environmental protection in the all basic training programs. Through centralized training, video lectures,

465、and on-site publicity, the Company carried out targeted environmental training for project managers, technicians and general staff. In 2011, the Company organized 150 training sessions for 2,000 staff.As the largest construction and real estate conglomerate in the country, China Construction takes t

466、he lead integrating green concepts into the development and construction process, and explores new paths for green development and construction in the industry so as to promote the green building to a higher level in the industry.Centering on low carbon growth and energy conservation in the industry

467、, the Company began research and development on a green product technology database, and established standards for green products. The Company also created an integrated application platform for the development of green products and built a green development demonstration project.Case Study: Green D

468、evelopment of Kaiyuan International PlazaThe Plaza, located in business district of Beijing Olympic Center, is a large city complex mainly consisting of five internationally Class-A standard office buildings. In the development of the project, China Construction positioned it as a comprehensive buil

469、ding group aiming to promote green concepts and technology. The Company used green materials, adopted appropriate green technology, recycled construction waste and maximized water conservation and reduce the emission of greenhouse gas and the impact of land development on the environment.As a cradle

470、 of green architecture, the design will guide how the forthcoming construction activities affect the environment and the consumption of resources. China Construction has taken the lead in initiating studies in green architecture. We have incorporated the 3R principles of green design (reduce polluti

471、on, reduce energy consumption, and recycle materials), so that we can minimize energy consumption throughout the life cycle of the buildings and its adverse impact on environment. China Construction integrates green initiatives in its planning and design processes, program development, and drawings,

472、 and sees green concepts as important criteria when testing technology. After conducting a comprehensive survey on the applicability and limitations of various energy-saving technologies, we select the most appropriate green technology and then conduct a quantitative analysis of the environmental im

473、pact of our projects to ensure a healthy and green habitat.Energy-saving Technology and EquipmentTaking into account the natural conditions that surround the project site, such as topography, climate and geology, we select appropriate technology in order to make full use of renewable resources such

474、as solar, wind and geothermal energy, and energy-saving equipment like energy-saving HVAC and lamps to improve the energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emission.利用太阳能获得的热水供建筑使用To heat water with solar radiation for the building太阳能热水技术Solar Water-heating Technology冬季通过热泵将大地的低品位热能转化为高品位热能对建筑供暖;夏季通过热泵将建筑物内

475、的热量转移到地下,对建筑物进行制冷To convert the low-grade heat energy into high-grade one with heat pump for building heating in winter; To transfer the heat within the building to ground for cooling buildings地源热泵Ground-source Heat Pump利用光伏发电系统,将太阳能转化为电能,为建筑物提供电量To convert solar radiation into electricity with phot

476、ovoltaic system for building use太阳能发电技术Solar Power Generation Technology利用风光互补技术进行发电,用于路灯照明To generate electricity with the complementary technology of wind and solar power for street lighting风光互补技术Complementary Technology of Wind and Solar Power节能技术/设备Energy-saving Technology and Equipment注NOTE:绿色建

477、筑:在建筑的全寿命周期内,最大限度地节约资源(节能,节地,节水,节材) ,保护环境和减少污染,为人们提供健康,适用和高效的使用空间,与自然和谐共生的建筑。Green building: maximizing the conservation of resources (saving energy, land, water, and materials) within the entire life cycle of building, to protect the environment and reduce pollution, while providing a healthy, appl

478、icable and efficient space, and creating a building in harmony with the nature.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd068全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainabilit

479、y Report 2011069节水设计公司根据项目所在地的气候、水文等条件,应用中水回收系统、雨水收集系统、透水混凝土路面技术,高效收集利用雨水、废水,保护地下水资源;推广节水器具,使用高效灌溉技术,安装独立水表控制计量各单元用水,有效地节约用水。绿色采购Green Procurement中国建筑综合考虑环境保护和经济效益,将物资环保要求写入采购合同中,优先选择带有环保标志的产品;组织开展供应商环保评级,将供应商通过环境管理体系作为重要标准,制定供应商环保合格名录;加强物资运输管理,最大限度地降低运输过程中对环境的不利影响。2011年,绿色采购比率100%。公司以提升产业环境管理水平为己任,

480、建立环保技术共享平台,与供应商分享绿色环保技术;组织供应商开展环保培训,督促供应商建立健全环境管理体系,通过认证审核,与供应商共同打造绿色供应链。案例:西藏军区营房节能改造示范工程青藏高原环境恶劣,建筑材料、化石能源匮乏,生产、运输、工程施工极为艰难。中国建筑西南院在西藏军区营房节能改造中,首次大面积利用地下水源热泵系统,采用太阳能采暖系统,使营房室内温度达到16摄氏度。官兵对本次工程的满意率99.7%。该工程为今后西藏地区的建筑物采暖与节能提供了示范,荣获全国工程勘察设计行业一等奖。Case Study: Energy-saving Demonstration Project Rebuild

481、ing the Barracks in Tibetan Military CommandOwing to the harsh environment and a lack of raw building materials and fossil fuels in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a number of difficulties related to the production, transportation and construction existed. For this reason, the China Construction Southwes

482、t Architectural adopted heat pump systems for the first time to transform the barracks, and used a solar radiation heating system to ensure a room temperature in the barracks of up to 16. 99.7% of soldiers were satisfied with the project. In the Tibetan regions, the project is used as an energy-savi

483、ng demonstration project for building heating, and it received the National First Prize for Surveying and Design of Project.Water-saving DesignTaking advantage of the on-site climate and hydrology, China Construction has deployed a grey water recycling system, a rainwater collecting system, and perv

484、ious concrete pavement technology to efficiently use rainwater and wastewater and to protect underground water resources. We have also promoted water-saving appliances, efficient irrigation techniques, and the installation of separate water gauge for the measurement of each unit and to effectively s

485、ave water.节材设计公司优化设计方案,采用高性能、低材耗、耐久性好的结构体系,应用和推广绿色建材,持续推进住宅的工业化,最大限度地节约用材。节地设计公司围绕项目的规划和功用,开展节地研究。充分利用旧建筑和废弃场地,提高土地的使用率;减少建筑物的占地面积,合理开发建筑物地下空间。Material-saving DesignWe have optimized our design program, adopted a high performance structure system with low material consumption and good durability, an

486、d spread green building materials in order to continuously push forward the industrialization of housing and maximize material conservation.Land-saving DesignThe Company conducts land conservation studies based on the planning and functions of its projects, making the most of old buildings and aband

487、oned sites to improve its utilization rate of land, reducing the area occupied by the building and rationally developing an underground space of the building.Taking into account environmental protection and economic efficiency, China Construction has incorporated environmental requirements for mater

488、ials into its procurement contracts, giving priority to the products with environmental markings. The Company has also conducts an environmental evaluation of its suppliers, and views environmental management system certifications as an important standard. China Construction has also developing a Li

489、st of Qualified Suppliers in Environmental Protection and has strengthened its transportation management to minimize any adverse impact on environment. In 2011, 100% of our procurement was green products.The Company believes it is its duty to improve the environmental management in the industry, and

490、 has established a platform to share green technology with suppliers. The Company also carries out environmental trainings for suppliers, urging them to establish an environmental management system and get environmental certifications in order to build a green supply chain together.Case Study: Makin

491、g full Use of Tailings Resources and Jointly Creating a Green Supply ChainCSCEC Concrete Co., Ltd. has conducted research on tailings resource utilization technology and demonstrated applications. It signed a strategic cooperation agreement on comprehensive utilization of tailings resources with Wuh

492、an Iron and Steel Mining to jointly invest in and build a demonstration project. It is predicted that the former will digest about 20 million tons of tailings resources in the latter period of the 12th Five-year Plan, which will not only decrease the production cost of concrete and the consumption o

493、f sand and gravel resources, but will also reduce the use of land and handling charges related to piling up tailings resources, as well as reduce environmental pollution.节水型水嘴Water-saving Faucet手动或自动启闭,控制出水口水流量,节约用水To control the water flow by manually or automatically opening and closing faucets to

494、 save water高效灌溉技术High-efficient Irrigation Technique采用喷灌、微灌和滴灌的方式,最大限度节约用水To adopt mini spraying cans and dripping irrigation technique to maximize water conservation中水回用技术Grey Water Recycling Technique集中处理生活用水,用于绿化浇灌、道路冲洗等To process used water in daily life with central treatment facilities and to

495、reuse it in green irrigation and road-washing低水量冲洗便器Water-saving Flush Toilet采用3L/6L双档节水坐便器,提高用水效率To use 3L/6L double-range water-saving toilets to increase water efficiency透水混凝土路面技术Pervious Concrete Pavement Technology透水混凝土路面使雨水流入地下,保护地下水资源To build a road with previously used concrete, allowing rai

496、nwater to percolate underground, to conserve the underground water resources雨水收集系统Rainwater Collection System收集地面、建筑屋面雨水用于绿化浇灌和道路冲洗To collect rainwater from the ground or the roof of building for green irrigation and road-washing.节水技术/设备Water-saving Technology/Equipment案例:充分利用尾矿资源,合力打造绿色供应链中建商砼开展尾矿资

497、源利用技术研究和示范应用研究,并与武钢矿业签订综合利用尾矿资源战略合作开发协议,合作投建尾矿资源综合利用示范项目。预计在“十二五”期间,中建商砼消化利用武钢矿业尾矿资源将累计达到2,000万吨。这将降低中建商砼生产成本,减少砂石资源的消耗,也能减少武钢矿业尾矿资源堆放的土地占用和处理费用,降低环境污染。中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd070全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sus

498、tainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011071提高节能意识:在员工中收集节能金点子,组织员工开展节能培训。减少能源消耗:编制施工临电方案,分区分路供电,分路装表计量;选购能耗低、效率高的机械设备,实施大型设备专路供电计量,核定耗电量。生活区宿舍推广节能灯具,采取低压供电照明,安装限电自控装置控制使用大功率电器,推广使用太阳能热水器。Enhancing awareness of energy conservation: collecting golden ideas

499、 of energy conservation from staff, and organizing trainings .Reducing energy consumption: preparing the program for temporary power supply on construction sites, supplying electricity for separate routes and regions, and installing separate electricity gauges; purchasing energy-saving and high-effi

500、ciency mechanical equipment, and supplying electricity to large-scale equipment along a special route to measure power consumption; using energy-saving lamps in dorms and low-voltage power supply for lighting, installing power rationing devices to control the use of high-power electrical appliances,

501、 and promoting solar water heaters.提高节能意识 节约能源消耗Enhancing Awareness of Energy Conservationand Reducing Energy Consumption提高节水意识 节约建造用水Enhancing Awareness of Water Conservationand Saving Water in the Construction案例:节约用材中国建筑三局承建的全国最大的工业化住宅深圳龙华0008地块保障房顺利封顶。该项目通过“工业化”生产,采用预制混凝土整体装配式工艺、组合大钢模、高层施工升降平台三大新

502、技术,使建筑垃圾减少80%、材料损耗减少60%、建筑节能50%以上。美化施工现场公司在施工过程中开展项目环境影响评价和CI创优工作,推进施工现场与周围环境的完美融合。2011年,公司环境影响评价通过率100%。绿色建造Green Construction中国建筑将循环经济、低碳经济融入到施工建造中,提高人员节约意识,推广环保技术,提高能源、资源综合利用效率,减少废弃物排放,保护生态系统。2011年未发现环境违规事件。提高资源利用率公司加强节约宣传与培训,实施材料精细化管理,循环使用拆建材料,推广环保设备,减少施工建造过程中的物耗、能耗、水耗。“十一五”期间,公司万元产值综合能耗下降4.5%,超

503、额完成国资委下达的4%指标。基于公司行业特点,国资委对公司水耗、物耗及废水废物循环使用率等相关指标不做硬性要求。China Construction has integrated a circular economy and low-carbon economy into the construction process, improving staff awareness of conservation, promoting environmental technology and increasing the utilization efficiency of energy and res

504、ources to reduce waste emissions and protect the ecological system. In 2011, no environmental violations found in the Company.Increasing Utilization Rate of ResourcesThe Company has strengthened its publicity and training on conservation, implemented a detailed material management systems, recycled

505、construction and demolition materials, and promoted environmentally friendly equipment to reduce the consumption of materials and energy and water usage in the construction. During the 11th Five-year Plan, the Companys overall energy consumption per output value of 10,000 Yuan was reduced by 4.5%, e

506、xceeding the target of 4% issued by SASAC.Based on the characteristics of the construction industry, SASAC has not put forward mandatory requirements for the consumption of water and materials, or the recycling rate of wastewater and waste materials.Case Study: Saving MaterialsThe affordable houses

507、in the Longhua Block 0008 of Shenzhen, the largest industrialized housing unit in China, were successfully finalized. The project was built by the China Construction 3rd Bureau. The project adopted an integrated pre-cast concrete structure, the assembly of a large steel mould, and a lifting platform

508、 for high-rise construction. These three new technologies reduced 80% of construction waste and 60% of material loss, and saved 50% of energy.Enhancing the Image of Construction SiteChina Construction has conducted an environmental impact assessment of its construction activities, actively carrying

509、out CI A-Good activities in order to harmonize the construction site with its surroundings. In 2011, the Company achieved a 100% pass rate for environmental impact assessments.结构材料:制定精准用料计划,做好施工现场储存,加强材料领用管理,做好模板的拆除、清理和储存,以便循环使用。维护材料:选择保温隔热材料,减小墙体、屋面保温隔热层的厚度及材料用量。装饰材料:合理控制抹灰厚度,减少砂浆用量;控制地面垫层厚度,节约用料。S

510、tructural materials: developing a precise material plan, doing on-site material storage well, strengthening usage management, controlling the spacing of steel banding, reinforcing supervision of the amount of concrete, and doing a good job of dismantling, cleaning and storing templates for recycling

511、.Maintenance materials: selecting quality heat insulation materials to reduce thickness in the wall and on the roof.Decorative materials: ensuring reasonable plastering thickness, reducing the amount of mortar, and controlling the ground bedding thickness to save materials.提高节水意识:加强节约用水宣传,在水源张贴节水标志。

512、开展节水实践:积极开展基坑封闭降水,引导业主主动保护地下水资源;建立施工用水台帐,将生活用水、施工用水分开计量;建立废水回收处理池,收集雨水与生活用水;将节水定额指标作为考核项目管理人员的重要内容。Enhancing awareness of water conservation: strengthening public awareness on water conservation, and posting water conservation signs at the source.Conducting water conservation: carrying out dewaterin

513、g in closed foundation pits, and guiding proprietors to protect groundwater resources; keeping a record of construction water, and separately measuring the amount of living water and construction water; building a wastewater recycling treatment pond, and collecting rainwater and living water; and in

514、corporating the fixed water savings targets into the evaluation of management performance.分类管理 减少材料消耗Classified ManagementReducing the Consumption of Materials节约材料 Saving materials节约能源Saving energy节约用水Saving water美化施工现场Enhance the image of construction site积极开展CI管理Actively conduct CI management全方位落实

515、CI建设Implement CI construcion comprehensively规划设计品牌墙、文化墙、内围挡、旗杆、文明施工图牌、绿化带,突出CI整体效果。加强办公室、标志牌、安全帽的CI建设,将CI建设融入到细节。积极开展CI创优评选,不断推进公司CI建设。Plan and design a brand wall, a cultural wall, an interior enclosure wall, flagpoles, civilized construction signs, and a green belt to highlight the overall CI effe

516、ct.Strengthen the CI construction of offices, signs, and helmets, and integrate CI into the details.Carry out the selection of the CI A-Good Award, and constantly drive CI construction in the Company.成立CI创优工作小组,开展CI总体策划,将CI建设任务分解到相关部门、岗位。积极组织员工开展CI创优培训,提高员工CI创优意识和实施能力。编制2011新版企业形象视觉识别规范,细化CI建设的标准和要求

517、。Set up a working group for CI A-Good activities, conduct CI planning, and designate CI tasks to relevant departments and positions.Organize CI A-Good training for staff, and enhance their overall awareness and practical abilities.Prepare the 2011 New Specification on Corporate Image Visual Identifi

518、cation to refine the standards and requirements of CI construction.粉房湾长江大桥双塔双索面半漂浮体系斜拉桥,全长为897米。原架设方案为整节段拼装,但耗材大、吊装及运输风险高。项目部通过开展专家研讨会优化施工方案,将原方案改为散拼方案,大大降低钢材使用量,仅在P1-P2墩、P4墩搭设支撑胎架,节约钢管支架约4,000吨。The Yangtze Rive Bridge at Fenfang Bay is a semi-floating, cable-stayed bridge with double towers and dou

519、ble cable planes and is 897 meters long. The original erection scheme was to assemble the bridge in one piece. However, this consumes a large amount of materials and also bears high hoisting and transporting risks. The Project Department therefore organized experts to optimize the construction proce

520、ss in seminars, changing the original plan to accommodate a piece-by-piece assembly scheme. The new scheme greatly reduced steel consumption by 4,000 tons by reducing the need for steel pipe scaffolds in the supporting frame of P1 P2 pier and P4 pier.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. L

521、td072全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011073减少光污染Light pollution reduction减污减排公司坚持控制减量再利用环保路线,完善“三废”治理排放制度,努力将废弃物排放控制在国家标准以内,推广环保新技术,减少废弃物排放,推进废弃物的资源化。案例:零排


523、筑垃圾的分类回收。勿洛商业中心平均耗电量减少569,697千瓦时/年;平均耗水减少36,989方/年,荣获新加坡建设局“绿色标志-金奖”。控制:在施工过程中配置粉尘监控人员,定点监测粉尘浓度,将粉尘控制在国家标准以内。减量:推广降尘作业,采用黑色防尘网封闭覆盖土方,使用密闭的绿标车运输土方;在施工现场大门出入口设置洗车槽,清洗绿标车的灰尘,减少绿标车对市容的影响。Control: assign staff for dust monitoring in construction sites and monitor dust concentration at designated places a

524、s well as control it within the scope stipulated in national standards.Reduction: promote dust reduction in construction, use black dust net to cover earthworks, transport earthworks with green label trucks, set up truck washing ponds at the construction gates to the site to clean dust and lessen im

525、pact on the city.控制:在夜间施工时,严格遵守国家相关规定,合理布置现场照明,调整灯光照射方向,透光集中在施工范围,减少对周围居民生活的干扰。减量:加强光污染管理,在高处电焊作业时采取遮挡措施,避免电弧光外泄。Control: strictly abide by state regulations regarding night construction, use a reasonable layout of lighting on construction sites, and adjust the direction of light to the construction

526、 area so as to reduce its impact on the life of the surrounding residents.Reduction: strengthen the management of light pollution, and use screens when welding at height to avoid the exposure of the arc.控制:配置噪声监测人员,实时监测与控制施工现场;做好施工计划,将施工作业时间控制在6:00-22:00,错开噪声大的作业,避免噪声集中排放。减量:制定控制人为噪声的管理制度,推广使用低噪音、低振

527、动的机具,采取隔音与隔振措施,避免或减少施工噪音和振动。Control: assign staff to monitor noise, conduct real-time monitoring and control on construction sites; design good construction plans, control the working time between 6:00 and 22:00, stagger operations with high noise to avoid concentrated noise emissions.Reduction: for

528、mulate management systems to control artificial noise, promote the use of low-noise and low-vibration devices, and take noise and vibration isolation measures to avoid or reduce its impact.控制:在施工现场设置建筑垃圾堆放点,分类放置、及时清运生活垃圾与建筑垃圾。减量:加强建筑材料的使用管理,减少建筑垃圾的产生。循环利用:利用相关设施将大块混凝土、土方、碎石等建筑垃圾加工成粗沙沙子、细沙子、泥沙等可再生材料,

529、推进建筑垃圾资源化;执行“领出多少材料,交回多少包装”的规定,统一收集、集中储存水泥袋、胶桶包装,通知供应商及时回收。Control: designate a place to pile up on site waste, make classifications, and timely clear and remove waste garbage and construction.Reduction: strengthen the management of building materials to reduce the generation of construction waste.R

530、ecycling: deploy related equipment so as to process mass concrete, earthworks, and gravel construction waste into different renewable materials like coarse sand, fine sand and sediment to promote the recycling of construction waste; carry out the uniform collection of packaging materials, store ceme

531、nt and transport packaging, and notifying the supplier of its timely recovery.降低噪声Noise reduction减少建筑垃圾Construction waste reductionCase Study: Zero Emission in Concrete Mixing PlantIn order to change the poor image of the concrete mixing plant and reduce its environmental pollution, CSCEC Concrete C

532、o., Ltd invested nearly 60 million Yuan to build a green mixing plant with zero emissions in Tianjin. The plant was built using a full enclosed steel structure, equipped with sand separators, wastewater treatment equipment and installed 12 precipitators. The equipment reduced the dust and noise gene

533、rated by gravel feed, and put an end to the pollution of wastewater and residue to the soil and groundwater, and transformed the dirty, chaotic and poor image of traditional concrete mixing plant. The plant can now treat 800 tons of residue and 20,000 tons of wastewater annually.Reducing Pollution a

534、nd EmissionAdhering to environmental protection and “control reduction recycling”, China Construction has improved its emissions systems for the “three wastes” (wastewater, waste gas and waste residue), and strives to control waste emissions within the scope stipulated in national standards. The Com

535、pany has also expanded its new environmental technology to reduce the waste emissions and promote the recycling of wastes.降低粉尘Dust reduction生态保护公司在工程建设的过程中预先考虑生态环境承载能力,完善生态保护制度,严格遵守项目所在国的相关法律和国际公约,积极开展地质影响评价、气候风险评估和生物多样性管理,保护固有的生态系统,实现项目工程与周边生态和谐共生。Ecological ProtectionThe Company has anticipated th

536、e carrying capacity of ecological environment in the process of construction, improved its ecological protection system, and strictly abides by the laws of the country and international conventions where the project exists. The Company also actively conducts geological impact assessments, climate ri

537、sk evaluations and manages biodiversity to protect the ecosystem and achieve harmony between the project and the surrounding ecological environment.Case Study: Management in Green ConstructionChina Construction integrated the green concept into the entire design and construction process of Bedok Bus

538、iness Center in Singapore. In terms of design, the company used double-layer glass in the glass curtain wall, an energy-saving air-conditioning system, lifts and escalators, and water-saving bathroom facilities. In the process of construction, the Company strengthened detailed management in building

539、 materials, promoted the use of green building materials, and classified its garbage collection. The average power consumption of Bedok Business Center was reduced by 569,697 KWh per year, and average water consumption was reduced by 36,989 meters per year. The project was awarded a BCA Green Mark-G

540、old by the Singapore Construction Bureau.在施工实施阶段At the stage of construciton在施工准备阶段At the stage of preparation回植植物并安排专人定期施肥、养护,分类袋装生活垃圾和废弃物,努力将生态环境恢复到施工前。Replant the plants and assign individuals to conduct regular fertilization and conservation, bag all classified garbage and waste, and ensure that

541、 the ecological environment is restored to pre-construction levels. 在施工后After construction做好施工计划安排,避免在野生动植物保护区内、野生动物繁殖季节时施工,并列出受工程建筑影响的动植物名单。Avoid construction in the protected areas of animals and plants and during the breeding season of wildlife, and list out the plants and animals affected by the

542、 construction.组织开展野生动植物保护宣传,标识出工程区域内的珍稀植物,将需要移植的植物交予专人就近养护。Carry out public initiatives for wildlife protection, label rare plants within the project area, and transfer plants that need to be transplanted to the nearest conservation.案例:生态保护培训中国建筑在承建巴哈马大型海岛度假村项目前,举办保护生态系统专题讲座,详细介绍巴哈马关于环境和野生动物保护相关的法律法

543、规,特别是关于鱼类、鸟类、海龟等动物保护相关规定和惩罚措施,提高中外员工生态保护意识。Case Study: Training on Ecological ProtectionBefore building the Bahamas Island Resort project, China Construction organized a special training on protecting the ecosystem, offering a detailed introduction to all laws and regulations related to environmenta

544、l and wildlife protection in Bahamas, especially relevant provisions and penalties related to the harm or destruction of fish, birds and other protected animals in oder to raise awareness on ecological protection among Chinese and foreign employees.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd

545、074全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011075绿色物业公司将低碳理念引入物业服务中,积极开展低碳宣传,推广应用各类环保技术,为客户营造绿色、和谐的生活环境,引导客户践行低碳生活。公司编制发放节能资料,开展植物认养活动,增强客户的环保意识;推进社区绿色建设,提高社区公共绿化率

546、;应用中水处理系统、太阳能照明系统,提高资源利用率;倡导垃圾分类定点投放,设置宠物粪便收集箱和废旧电池回收箱,加强废弃物的回收管理。案例:绿色兑换中海物业携手京华时报、“绿芽”环保公益组织开展“绿色兑换低碳生活”的社区环保活动,以废旧书籍报纸兑换绿色植物。这项活动能够帮助客户处理掉杂物,使客户获得美化家庭的绿色植物,提升客户的环保意识,有利于打造环保社区。客户们希望物业公司能建立长期资源回收的途径和机制,或经常性组织类似的环保公益活动。荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments“十一五”期间,公司万元产值综合能耗下降4.5%,超额完成国资委下达的4%指

547、标,获得国家节能减排专业资金4,824万元。9个项目被列为第二批全国建筑业绿色施工示范工程。承担国家“十二五”科技支撑计划课题“建筑空调及热水系统输送环节能效提升关键技术”。During the 11th Five-year Plan, the Companys overall energy consumption per output value of 10,000 Yuan was reduced by 4.5%, exceeding the target of 4% issued by SASAC, and received 48.24 million Yuan of national

548、funds for energy conservation.The Companys nine projects were listed into the second national demonstration projects for green construction.The Company has undertaken research on one of subjects in the National Technology Support Program during the 12th Five-year Plan: “key technology of improving t

549、he transferring efficiency of building air-conditioning and hot water system”.Green PropertiesThe Company has incorporated a low-carbon concept into its property services, actively publicizing low carbon growth and expanding its application of environmental technologies in order to create a green an

550、d harmonious living environment for customers and guide them to practice low-carbon life.We distributed promotional leaflets on energy conservation, and carried out plant adoption activities to enhance customers awareness of environmental protection. The Company promoted greening construction in the

551、 community to increase its public greening rate and adopted a grey water treatment system and a solar lighting system to improve the utilization rate of resources. Furthermore, China Construction advocated garbage classification and collection in designated places, and set up waste collection boxes

552、and waste battery recycling boxes to strengthen the management and recycling of waste.Case Study: Green ExchangeChina Construction carries out “green exchange low carbon life” community environmental activities in association with the Beijing Times, and “Green Shoots” a public environmental organiza

553、tion, exchanging green plants with old newspapers and magazines. This activity has helped customers to dispose of their debris and beautify their families with green plants, and enhanced their environmental awareness and helped to build an environmentally friendly community. Customers hope the prope

554、rty company can establish a long-term mechanism to recover these resources, or organize a similar environmental charity from time to time.绿色办公Green Office中国建筑制定办公设备管理规定和使用要求,从用电、用水、办公用品、公务招待、电话费和车辆使用等方面推进绿色办公,严控接待、车辆维修、加油等日常支出。2011年,公司仅总部节水3,908吨,节燃气19,954立方米,节油7,595升,植树绿化15亩。China Construction has

555、formulated management rules and usage requirements for office facilities, applied green concepts to electricity usage, water usage, office supplies, business hospitality, phone usage and vehicle usage, and strictly controls its daily expenses for items such as reception, maintenance of vehicles and

556、gas refueling. In 2011, the headquarters saved 3,908 tons of water, 19,954 cubic meters of gas, and 7,595 liters of fuel, and planted 15 acres of trees.案例:中建员工林公司建立植树造林基地,给新入职的员工划定区域,鼓励新员工从入职当年起种下属于自己的绿树,引导他们在空闲时间和植树活动日,修剪维护,共同建造中建员工林,提高员工的环保意识。Case Study: CSCEC Staff ForestThe Company established a

557、 tree-planting base and designated a planting area for new recruits. The Company encouraged them to plant their own trees in the year when they started working for the Company, and guided them to prune the trees in their free time or during tree planting activities so as to establish a CSCEC staff f

558、orest and raise staff awareness of environmental protection.按需采购办公设备, 规范办公用品的配备、 采购、 领用Purchases office equipment on demand, and standardizes the supply, purchase and use of office supplies提倡员工用水后随手关门水龙头, 改造水耗超标设施Advocates closing the faucet after washing, and transforming facilities with excessive

559、water consumption设立 “绿色办公日” , 培养员工的环保意识Established a Green Office Day to foster environmental awareness among staff.核定公车编制, 加强公车用油考核管理,优先选用低能耗、 低污染的车辆Checks the organization of official vehicles, strengthens the evaluation and management of oil consumption, and gives priority to energy-saving and en

560、vironmentally friendly vehicles遵守国家空调室内温度控制规定, 充分利用自然通风Abides by national provisions on the temperature of air-conditioned room, and takes full advantage of natural ventilation.精简会议数量, 应用视频会议系统, 推广视频会议, 减少人员赴京参会Reduces the number of meetings, utilizes video conferencing systems, promotes video confe

561、rences and reduces the number of staff that go to Beijing for meetings推广高效节能照明灯具, 淘汰高耗能设备Promotes energy efficient lighting and eliminate high energy-consuming equipment倡导纸张双面打印, 推进无纸化办公; 设置分类垃圾箱, 定期回收废纸Advocates double-sided printing, promote a paperless office, set up separate trash cans, and regu

562、larly collects waste newspapers中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd076全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201107745.8%24.1%30.1%49.7%25.8%17.7%6.

563、8%员 工STAFF 人才队伍薪酬福利民主管理职业健康培训与发展人文关怀创先争优荣誉及利益相关方评价Human ResourcesRemuneration and BenefitsEmployees Engagement in ManagementOccupational HealthTraining and DevelopmentCaring CultureA-Good CampaignHonors and Stakeholders Comments 077078078079079080082083中国建筑积极营造海纳百川、追求卓越的氛围,广泛吸引凝聚海内外各类优秀人才。通过员工本地化和国际

564、化,优化人才队伍结构,创造多元和谐的上海品茶。坚持以人为本、关注个体,努力实现考核评价、职业生涯设计和教育培训的三个全员覆盖,全力打造员工与企业共同成长的平台。China Construction has proactively established an inclusive, excellence-driven environment that attracts talented people from the mainland and abroad. Through local and global expansion and the hiring of improved personn

565、el standards and teambuilding, China Construction has created a diverse and harmonious corporate culture. The Company focuses on people and their individuality, strives to involve all employees into the performance evaluation, career planning, education and training, and creates a platform to promot

566、e the development of the Company and its staff.人才队伍Human Resources中国建筑围绕“一最两跨、科学发展”战略,实施“专业化、职业化、国际化”的人才策略,建设一流职业素养、一流业务技能、一流工作作风、一流岗位业绩的人才队伍,努力成为中国建筑与地产业优秀人才的培育者。公司遵守劳动法等法律法规,公平、公开招聘不同国籍、种族、性别、宗教、文化背景的员工,抵制雇佣童工,禁止强迫劳动,积极促进残疾人就业。2011年,劳动合同签订率100%,员工流失率7.1 %。2011年,公司在岗员工147,856人。其中,男性员工占77.7%,女性员工占22

567、.3%;少数民族5,784人,占3.91%;海外雇员2,419人,占1.64%。Focusing on the “One most and two entries, scientific development” straegy, China Construction has implemented a specialized, professionalized, and globalized human resource system, formed a talented team of top-rated employees with business skills, a strong a

568、nd positive working style and excellent performances in order to be the cradle of excellent talents in the construction industry.Abiding by the Labor Laws and other applicable laws and regulations, the Company makes fair and open recruitment to all people regardless of their nationality, race, sex,

569、religion, and cultural background, boycotts child labor, prohibits forced labor and actively promotes the employment of the disabled. In 2011, the rate of signing labor contracts was 100%, and the staff turnover rate was 7.1%.In 2011, the Company was comprised of 147,856 employees, of which male sta

570、ff accounted for 77.7%, and female staff 22.3%, with 5,784 ethnic minority employees accounting for 3.91%, and 2,419 overseas staff accounting for 1.64%.大学本科及以上University graduate or above大学专科College graduate高中、中专及以下High school or technical school graduate or below女性员工Female staff男性员工Male staff30岁及以

571、下30 or below31至40岁31-4041至50岁41-5051岁及以上Above 51经营管理人员Business management工程技术人员Technical staff专业管理人员Professional management服务和操作人员Service staff and operators13.4%42.7%27.2%16.7%22.3%77.7%中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd078全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About U

572、s安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011079薪酬福利Remuneration and Benefits中国建筑重视发挥薪酬分配的激励作用,完善基于岗位性质的业绩考核机制,逐步实现由多种薪酬分配制度并存向统一的薪酬分配制度转变。 公司严格执行国家带薪休假制度,全年人均带薪休假10天;为在岗员工足额缴纳社会保险,社保覆盖率100%;落实企业年金工作,建立员工年金账户,提高员工退休后的养老保障水平;

573、制定并实施股权激励计划,促进管理者和重要骨干共享公司发展成果。公司在福利待遇方面向长期服务于海外的员工倾斜,制定休假、配偶随任、职业发展、回国安排工作等相关规定和优惠政策,并为员工家属提供生活、工作等方面的关心和帮助。民主管理Employees Engagement in Management中国建筑鼓励全员参与民主管理,加强工会组织建设,建会率99%,员工入会率97%,公司还组织和吸引分包人员参与民主管理,外施队伍建会率56%,农民工入会率67%。各级工会深入开展厂务公开工作,制定了厂务公开工作考核办法等相关制度,逐项公开涉及企业重大决策、职工切身利益的问题。公司健全员工代表大会制度,充分发

574、挥职代会作用,建立行政与员工代表对话、员工代表巡视等制度,切实保障员工的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权。公司重视与员工的日常沟通,通过基层调研、定期座谈会、设意见箱等方式,及时了解员工的意见和建议。职业健康Occupational Health中国建筑不断完善职业健康安全管理体系,规范职业健康安全操作程序,加强员工职业健康监护和职业病防治工作,开展员工职业安全健康培训,定期组织员工体检,完善职业健康档案,跟踪员工职业健康情况。公司自有员工以管理人员为主,2011年未发现明显的职业病发病案例。公司关心员工心理健康,组织专人小组对工期紧张项目的人员进行心理疏导,引导员工自主缓解工作和生活压力;成立

575、心理咨询室,帮助求助员工化解心理问题,提高员工应对挫折能力;开展有益于员工身心健康的专题讲座,普及心理健康知识,帮助员工树立正确的健康意识。案例:建立健康心理立体维护体系中国建筑卡塔尔有限公司以工人营地为服务中心,建立工人与公司管理人员谈心制度,通过心理咨询室、热线电话等渠道,帮助员工正确认识自身心理特点,增强员工对情感纠纷、环境变化、人际关系、工作生活压力的调节能力。培训与发展Training and Development中国建筑不断推进教育培训、考核评价、职业生涯设计的全员覆盖,促进员工发展。公司以岗位培训和青年培训为重点,建立具有公司特色的培训体系。公司制定关于加强和改进教育培训工作的

576、意见,明确培训目标、经费来源等事项,保障培训工作顺利进行。China Construction attaches great importance to incentive-based remuneration and benefits, and has improved its evaluation mechanism based on job performance, gradually shifting from using a diversified salary distribution system to a uniform remuneration system. The Com

577、pany has strictly implemented a national paid leave system, and offers an average of 10 days paid leave to all employees annually. We pay social security insurance to all on-duty employees, and our social security coverage among staff is 100%. We have established a corporate annuity policy, and open

578、ed annuity accounts for employees to improve the pensions and insurance of Company employees. We have also developed a share incentive scheme that allows management and backbones to share in the fruits of the Companys development.In terms of benefits, we have formulated relevant provisions and favor

579、able policies for employees who have been working abroad for long time regarding holidays, rights of spouses to accompany partners, overseas career development, repatriation, and provide care and living and working assistance for employees families.China Construction continuously improves its occupa

580、tion health and safety management system, and standardizes its operating procedures. We strengthens health monitoring and occupational disease prevention, conducting relevant trainings, providing regular medical examination, perfecting occupation health files, and tracking the occupation health of o

581、ur employees. Most of our employees are management staff, and no obvious cases of occupational disease found in 2011.The Company cares about the mental health of its employees, organizing a professional team to provide psychological counseling for those who worried about the short construction perio

582、ds, and guiding employees to release stress related to work and life independently. We have established a psychological counseling center to help employees deal with mental problems and enhance their ability to cope with frustration. We have also organized various lectures that are beneficial to the

583、 mental health of our employees in order to popularize psychological health and foster the correct sense of health.Case Study: Establishing an All-round Protection System for Psychological HealthChina Construction Qatar Co., Ltd focused on its services in its workers camp, and established a dialogue

584、 system between workers and managements. Through its psychological counseling center, hot lines and other channels, the Company helped employees to correctly understand their own psychological characteristics, and enhanced their ability to release the stress from emotional disputes, environmental ch

585、anges, interpersonal relations, working and life.专业化Professional training领导岗位培训For leaders专业骨干培训For specialists紧缺人才培训For badly-needed professionals专题培训Special training职业化Occupational training应届生入职培训Induction training for graduates项目经理培训Training for project manager国际化International training海外员工培训Train

586、ing for overseas staff外语培训Foreign language training中国工程院院士和全国工程设计勘察大师10人 有突出贡献的中青年专家6人享受政府特殊津贴专家196人 教授级高工992人具有高级专业技术职称人员13,364人10 Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and China Engineering Survey and Design Masters6 Middle-age and Young Specialists with outstanding contributions196 S

587、pecialists who enjoy special government allowance992 Professorate senior engineers13,364 senior technical personnelChina Construction encourages its employees to engage in management and strengthens its management of trade unions. The Company has a 99% establishment rate and the employee participati

588、on rate in trade unions is 97%. The Company also organizes and attracts subcontractors and migrant workers to engage in management and participate in trade unions. The participation rate is 56% and 67%, respectively. Trade unions at all levels have made factory affairs transparent, formulating the E

589、valuation Methods on Transparent Managerial Affairs in Factory, and disclosing issues in the major decisions of enterprises and the rights and interests of employees.China Construction has improved its system for the employee representative congress, and given full play to its role. The Company has

590、also established a series of systems that cover dialogue between the administration and employee representatives, tour inspections of employee representatives, among others, to earnestly protect employees rights to information, participation, expression and supervision.China Construction emphasizes

591、daily communication with its employees, and responds to their opinions and suggestions in a timely manner through grassroots investigations, regular seminars, and suggestion boxes.China Construction persists in its human resource concepts of “Focusing on people and their individuality” and constantl

592、y promotes the full involvement of its employees in education and training, performance evaluations, and career planning so as to drive their development.By focusing on job and youth training, we have formed our training system with characteristics. We formulated the Opinions on Strengthening and Im

593、proving Education and Training, and outlined our training goals, sources of funding and others issues to ensure the smooth training.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd080全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质

594、量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011081公司系统整合教育培训资源,充实壮大管理学院,采用继续教育、试点E-learning网络学习等方式,不断提高员工业务水平。全年投入培训经费1.13亿元,培训298,370人次,人均学时31.18小时。公司全力推进员工职业生涯设计,为员工提供项目经理、建筑原创、科技研发等七个发展方向,逐步建立各专业管理人才职业发展通道,不断推进职业生涯设计全员覆盖。公司启动了项目经理职业生涯设计,制定职业发展指引,明确岗位序列,由高到低分为总监级、副总监级、一级、二级、三级项目

595、经理等五个层级。公司坚持“制度先行、总部先行”的原则,加大轮岗交流和竞争性选人用人力度,修订完善了以领导人员管理办法为核心的1+N领导人员管理制度体系,明确提出重要关键岗位定期轮换等新举措。2011年,36名总部部门负责人中有15人调整后新任职,新提任的4名部门正职、1名部门副职均为系统内选调。人文关怀Caring Culture中国建筑注重人文关怀,关爱员工,丰富员工业余生活,建立员工帮扶机制,形成了“企业关心员工、员工支持企业”的和谐局面。女工保护公司重视保障女性员工在怀孕、哺乳期间的合法权益,提供休假、生育保险等福利待遇,其中总部育婴返岗率99.7%;倡导男女平等,同工同酬;关注女性员工

596、发展,为女性员工提供平等的晋升渠道,仅公司总部高级经理以上的女性管理者25名。丰富生活公司倡导健康生活,快乐工作,开展登山、郊游、运动会等多种文体活动,组织员工成立读书、摄影、书画等各种协会和兴趣小组,平衡员工工作和生活。公司关心离退休老员工,开展文艺汇演、茶会、健康讲座等活动,丰富老员工的精神生活,拉近与老员工的距离。为庆祝建党90周年,公司举办了“离退休老同志建党90周年文艺汇演”和“与党同呼吸、共命运、心连心”征文活动,得到离退休老同志的积极响应。China Construction has integrated its education and training resources

597、and enriched and expanded its school of management. Through our continuing education programs and the pilot e-learning network, among others, we work to continuously improve the business acumen of our employees. In 2011, we invested 113 million Yuan in the training for 298,370 persons, with an avera

598、ge training time of 31.18 hours.We promote career planning among out employees, and provide them with seven options for development including project manager, construction design, research and development of science and technology, among others. We do this to establish occupational development chann

599、els for professionals and to promote the full involvement of career planning among our employees. China Construction launched the Career Planning for Project Managers program, developed the Guide on Occupational Development, and classified five corporate levels: Director, Deputy Director, Level-I, L

600、evel-II and Level-III project manager. Adhering to the principles of “systems first, headquarters first”, the Company has intensified its efforts in job rotation and competition for positions, revised and improved its 1+N leaders management system with the “Management Rules for Leaders and Cadres”,

601、and established clear and regular rotations for key positions and new initiatives. In 2011, 15 of the 36 leaders at the Companys headquarters were rotated to new positions. This included the selection and rotation of four chief positions and one deputy position at the departmental level.China Constr

602、uction pays close attention to developing a caring culture, caring about its employees, enriching their work-life balance, and establishing a support mechanism that reflects how the Company cares for its employees and how the employees support it.Protection of Woman EmployeesWe attach significant im

603、portance to the protection of legitimate rights and the interests of female employees in pregnancy or lactation, offering them maternity leave, maternity insurance and other benefits. To date, 99.7% of women at headquarters returned to work after childbirth. China Construction advocates gender equal

604、ity and equal pay for equal work. The Company also pays close attention to the development of its female staff, and provides equal opportunities and promotion channels for them. At the Companys headquarters there are 25 female senior managers.Colorful LifeWe advocate the concept of a healthy life an

605、d happy work, organizing various recreational activities like climbing mountains, hiking and sports event, and call on our employees to set up associations and groups for reading, photography, painting and other leisure time activities so as to balance their work and life.2011年,公司摄影协会获批成为中国摄影家协会团体会员

606、。7名员工经公司协会推荐,获批成为中国摄影家协会新一批个人会员。组织“第二届和美摄影比赛”,出版中国建筑廉洁文化摄影作品集。与中国摄影家协会联合组织中国首次建筑摄影的官方大展首届中国建筑摄影艺术大展。In 2011, the China Construction Photography Society was approved as a group member of the Chinese Photographers Association, and seven employees were approved as individual members. The Company also o

607、rganized “the Second Hemei Photo Contest”, published the CSCEC Corruption-free Culture Photo Collection, and organized the First Chinese Architectural Photography and Art Exhibition in association with Chinese Photographers Association, which was the first official exhibition of architectural photos

608、 in China.The Company is concerned about retired employees, and organizes various activities such as art shows, tea parties, and health lectures for them so as to enrich their spiritual life. To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the Company organized an art show and an ess

609、ay contest, which received positive response from our old and retired staff.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd082全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability R

610、eport 2011083金秋助学公司持续开展“金秋助学”活动,对困难员工子女入学情况进行摸底调查,确定重点帮扶对象。2011年投入资金34万元,帮助140名员工子女继续学业。创先争优A-Good Campaign中国建筑以创先争优促进公司科学发展。公司成立创先争优领导小组,以争创央企一流、行业排头的精神,全方位开展创先争优“十百千工程”活动。公司加大对创先争优活动的宣传力度,使员工及时了解公司创先争优活动动态及员工事迹等信息,形成 “比学赶帮超、人人争上游”的良好氛围。案例:“大姐书记”陈超英中国建筑五局土木公司原党委副书记、纪委书记、工会主席陈超英,是国有企业领导干部的杰出代表。2011年

611、6月13日,她在慰问职工家属返程途中发生车祸,不幸因公殉职,时年53岁。中央领导贺国强、王兆国、陈超英同志事迹很感人,她既是国企干部的好榜样,又是纪检监察干部的好榜样,商请中宣部、国资委和湖南省委,进一步做好陈超英先进事迹的总结宣传工作。I am quite moved at Chens stories. She is a good example both for leaders in state-owned enterprises and for leaders in Discipline Inspection Committees. I have consulted and reques

612、ted the Central Propaganda Department, SASAC and Hunan Provincial Committee to further sum up and publicize Chens advanced deeds. 中共中央政治局常委、中央纪律检查委员会书记 贺国强 He Guoqiang, Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of C

613、PC Central Committee荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments 慰问制度公司落实定期慰问制度,帮扶困难员工,深入开展“三不让”活动,做到“五必访”、“五必知”、“五必帮”,帮助困难员工解决后顾之忧。2011年,公司总部发放慰问资金100万元,二级单位发放慰问金1054.95万元。“五必访”:对员工重大节日必访、生病必访、有困难必访、有思想情绪必访、工作情况必访。“五必知”:企业生产经营情况必知、员工家庭成员情况必知、员工工作学习情况必知、员工收入生活情况必知、员工思想情绪情况必知。“五必帮”:员工工作中有困难必帮,生活中有困难必帮,

614、思想上有困惑必帮,家庭出现重大变故必帮,提高技术技能必帮。张德江做出学习陈超英的重要批示,中宣部12月组织人民日报、新华社、中央人民广播电台、中央电视台、光明日报、工人日报、中国妇女报等媒体进行重点报道。在任职期间,她每年平均有200多天深入施工一线,先后8次深入金沙悬崖绝壁的公路项目,3次辗转20 多个小时、带十几大包急需物资和慰问物品深入刚果(布)项目。她被员工亲切地称为“大姐书记”、“群众的贴心人”,先后荣获“全国五一劳动奖章”、“全国五一巾帼标兵”,是公司创先争优活动中涌现出的先进楷模。Aiding SystemsThe Company implements a range of su

615、pport systems. These include the “Three-Ensure” policy, and the “Five Necessary Visits”, “Five Necessary Understanding” and “Five Necessary Help” to free needy employees from their worries. In 2011, the Company distributed a special allowance of one million Yuan to help employees with difficulties,

616、and secondary affiliates distributed 10.5495 million Yuan.不让一名员工看不起病不让一名员工子女上不起学不让一个员工家庭生活在当地贫困线以下“三不让”“Three-Ensure” policyEnsure each employee can afford to see the doctor;Ensure each child of employees can afford to go to school;Ensure each family can enjoy living above the local poverty line.“Fi

617、ve Necessary Visits”: visit employees during major festivals, visit sick employees, visit needy employees or employees in trouble, visit employees with unstable thinking and emotions, and visit employees working situation.“Five Necessary Understanding”: understand production and operation, understan

618、d employees family life, understand how employees study, understand employees income, and understand employees thinking and emotion.“Five Necessary Help”: help needy employees in work, help their living arrangements, help employees with thought, help employees deal with great change in the family an

619、d help employees improve skills.Student Aid ProjectThe Company continues to carry out “Student Aid Project” activities by understanding and investigating of the situation of needy employees children, and determining the benefits of our activities. In 2011, the Company invested 340,000 Yuan and helpe

620、d the children of 140 employees to continue their studies.China Construction set up a leadership group for the A-Good Campaign, and took the spirit of “being a top-rated enterprise among central enterprises and in the industry” to carry out the activities of “10-100-1,000 Project”. The Company inten

621、sified its efforts to publicize the A-Good Campaign so that employees can keep abreast of its situation and the deeds of employees. Through the activity, a good atmosphere has been formed in which employees can learn and help each other.Case Study: Chen Chaoying, Our “Sister Secretary”Chen Chaoying,

622、 the former Deputy Party Secretary, Secretary of Discipline Committee and Chairwoman of Trade Union of the Civil Engineering Company under the China Construction 5th Engineering Bureau, is an outstanding representative among the leaders of state-owned enterprises. On June 13th 2011, she unfortunatel

623、y died in a car accident on her way home after paying a visit to employees families. She was then 53 years old.The central leaders, He Guoqiang, Wang 6 recipients of National Labor Award7 recipients of National Labor Medal6 National Civilized Unit11 recipients of National Workers Pioneer1 National A

624、dvanced Grassroots Party Organization.7 recipients of Youth Civilization of Central Enterprise5 recipients of Skilled Youth of Central Enterprise13 National Ankang Cup Outstanding Enterprise2 recipients of National Internal Audit Advanced Worker获全国五一劳动奖状6个获全国五一劳动奖章7人获 “全国文明单位”6个获全国工人先锋号11个获全国先进基层党组织

625、1个获中央企业青年文明号7个获中央企业青年岗位能手5人获全国安康杯竞赛优秀企业13个获全国内部审计先进工作者2人Zhaoguo and Zhang Dejiang made important instructions to learn from Chen Chaoying. The Central Propaganda Department organized media of the Peoples Daily, the Xinhua News Agency, the Central Peoples Broadcasting Station, CCTV, the Guangming Dai

626、ly, the Workers Daily, the China Womens Daily, among others, to produce in-depth reports. During her lifetime, she worked in the front line for more than 200 days a year, paying eight visits to the site of Jinsha Cliff Road project, and travelling more than 20 hours to a project site in Congo with n

627、eeded supplies and goods. She was affectionately called “sister secretary” and “bosom friends of the masses”. She had successively received the “National Labor Medal” and the title of “National Labor Women Models”, and was an advanced model in the A-Good Campaign.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction E

628、ngrg. Corp. Ltd084全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011085社 会SOCIETY 促进就业供应链发展社区发展公益慈善支持西部发展全球责任荣誉及利益相关方评价Promoting EmploymentDevelopment of Supply ChainDeve

629、lopment of CommunityCharitable ActivitySupport Western DevelopmentGlobal ResponsibilitiesHonors and Stakeholders Comments 085087087088090091093促进就业Promoting Employment促进大学生就业公司积极促进大学生就业。2011年,公司共接收19,000多名应届高校毕业生,同比增长55%,其中本科及以上学历占95%。促进农民工就业及发展农民工是公司生产一线的主要力量,也是公司重点关注、关爱的群体。公司保障农民工健康权、劳动报酬权等权益,做到人格

630、上尊重、生活上关心、感情上贴近、思想上疏导。2011年,公司为农民工提供了150 万个岗位。公司海外业务带动农民工就业15,221人,出国培训11,746人次,人均培训3小时。案例:“阳光机制”发工资中国建筑二局西南分公司项目部实行“阳光机制”发工资,要求劳务分包商承诺及时足额发放农民工工资,提前预留农民工工资发放保障金,并指定专人监督分包商农民工工资发放情况,保障农民工工资按时发放。帮助农民工发展公司通过开办夜校、培训班等方式对农民工进行技能、安全等培训,提高农民工劳务能力。举办技能大赛,选拔、表彰优秀工人,吸收农民工参与企业管理,激发农民工主人翁意识。中国建筑在全球范围内推动可持续发展,促

631、进社会就业,扶贫帮困,改善社区环境,推动当地经济社会发展,树立负责任的国际形象。 Through its promotion of sustainable development around the globe, and its efforts to motivate social employment, help the needy and the poor, and improve the community environment, as well as its initiatives to boost the local economic and social development

632、, China Construction strives to build a responsible international image.Promoting Employment of College StudentsThe Company actively promotes the employment of college graduates. In 2011, the Company recruited over 19,000 graduates from colleges and universities, an increase of 55% over the previous

633、 year, of which 95% have undergraduate or higher degrees.Promoting the Employment and Development of Migrant WorkersMigrant workers are a major force on the Companys front line of production. The Company protects the rights and interests of migrant workers covering the right to health, to remunerati

634、on and others, and strives to show respect in personality, cares in life, close relations emotionally, and guide ideologically. In 2011, the Company provided 1.5 million positions for migrant workers. The Overseas Department made 15,221 positions available to migrant workers in 2011 and sent 11,746

635、workers for training abroad, with an average training time of 3 hours per person.Case Study: “Sunshine Mechanism” Ensured SalaryThe Project Department of the Southwest Company affiliated to the China Construction 2nd Bureau implemented the “sunshine mechanism” to guarantee the wages of migrant worke

636、rs, requiring its subcontractors to commit to timely payments for its workers, and reserving funds for payment of a security fund. The Company also assigned a staff member to specially supervise this and to ensure migrant workers wages were paid on time. Give a Hand to the Development of Migrant Wor

637、kersThrough night schools and training courses, the Company offered migrant workers skills and safety training to improve their labor capacity. The Company also organized activities such as skill contests, awards for outstanding workers, and extended invitations to migrant worker to engage in busine

638、ss management to stimulate a sense of ownership among workers.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd086全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011087关

639、爱农民工公司全方位关爱农民工,增强农民工的归属感。如:为农民工生活区提供物业服务,组织为农民工进行健康体检,按规定发放劳保用品,现场配备急救医药用品和急救人员,开展重大节日慰问、夏日送清凉文化娱乐活动,配置电视、VCD等文化娱乐设备。Caring for Migrant WorkersThe Company works hard to enhance a sense of belonging among migrant workers by providing property services in the living area, organizing medical examinatio

640、ns, distributing labor supplies in accordance with all provisions, providing medical supplies and assigning on-site first-aid personnel, visiting during major holidays, carrying out recreational activities in summer and providing recreational devices such as televisions and VCDs.为农民工免费健康体检Offer free

641、 medical examination to migrant worker案例:冬季运动会 快乐农民工中国建筑二局上海分公司第七项目部举办了首届冬季运动会,邀请合肥巴山等劳务公司20多名农民工参加,与项目部管理人员同台竞技。农民工拔河代表队夺得了拔河比赛的冠军。Case Study: Happy Migrant Workers in Winter GamesThe seventh project department of the Shanghai Branch to the China Construction 2nd Bureau hosted the first Winter Game

642、s, inviting more than 20 migrant workers from labor service companies in Hefei and Bashan to compete with management. The migrant team won the tug of war competition.Case Study: Couples Room for Migrant WorkersWhen building the Cultural Arts Center in Xinxiang city, the China Construction 7th Bureau

643、 built 15 dorms for migrant workers around the construction site. The dormitories accommodate over 800 people. The Company also designed “Couples Rooms” in the dorm, which meet the practical needs of couples who work on construction site, and foster a warm environment for the CSCEC family. 供应链发展Deve

644、lopment of Supply Chain中国建筑通过服务协作、信息共享、技术支持等方式,推动供应链企业在绿色环保、产业升级、科技创新等领域的共同发展。公司借助信息化平台,对供应商和分包商进行综合分析选择,设立奖罚机制,推动供应链企业发展。案例:促进供应商企业发展重庆市津北建筑工程有限公司广州分公司从2006年参与中国建筑四局广州西塔项目建设,在四局的指导帮助下,不断提升对工程进度、质量、安全的管理能力,年施工能力从2006年的不到10万平方米提高到2011年的50多万平方米。China Construction promotes its mutual development with c

645、ompanies in its supply chain in the areas of environmental protection, industrial upgrading, and scientific innovation through collaboration, information sharing, and technical support.The Company introduced a new development model for its supply chain, making use of comprehensive analysis of suppli

646、ers and subcontractors with the help of its information platform, and by establishing a reward and punishment mechanism that promotes supply chain development.Case Study: Promote the Development of SuppliersSince 2006, the Guangzhou Branch of Chongqing Jinbei Construction Co., Ltd., has participated

647、 in the west tower project in Guangzhou as a subcontractor to the China Construction 4th Bureau. With the help of the contractor, the Company has constantly improved its management capacity in areas related to project progress, quality and safety, as well as raised its construction capacity from les

648、s than 100,000 m2 in 2006 to about 500,000 m2 in 2011.案例:专设农民工“夫妻公寓”中国建筑七局在承建新乡市文化艺术中心的项目中,在工地附近修建了15栋农民工宿舍,可以安排农民工800多人,还专设了农民工“夫妻公寓”,满足了夫妻同在工地施工或探亲团聚的现实需求,让广大农民工切实感受到了中建大家庭的温暖。案例:组织海外农民工及家属代表参加全国农民工春晚录制2011年12月28日,中国建筑阿尔及利亚分公司组织海外农民工及家属代表参加了由文化部和中央电视台主办的温暖之春2012年慰问全国农民工春节晚会节目录制。国务院副总理张德江出席了晚会,公司农民

649、工代表与歌唱家刘秉义一同合唱了歌曲我和我的祖国,表达了海外农民工对祖国的眷恋之情以及努力工作、为国争光的理想。Case Study: Participating in Spring Festival Gala Recording for Migrant Workers China Construction Algeria Co., Ltd. organized overseas a Spring Festival Gala for migrant workers and their families themed “Warm Spring”. The event was sponsored b

650、y the Ministry of Culture and CCTV. Zhang Dejiang, Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the gala. The Companys migrant worker representative sang the song “I love my motherland” with Liu Bingyi, a famous singer, expressing his sentimental attachment to the motherland and his desire to win hon

651、or for the country.社区发展Development of Community中国建筑充分发挥企业管理、人才、技术优势,支持项目所在地基础设施建设、保障性住房、旧城改造等民生建设,促进社区发展。公司积极响应国家保障房扩建政策,参与经济适用房、限价房、廉租房、公租房等各类保障性住房的建设与投资,为中低收入人群提供高性价比的住房。Case Study: The Largest Affordable Housing Base in ChinaThe Huinan Minle Community project was a landing project after the Compa

652、ny signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Peoples Government of Pudong District. The project was the largest affordable housing base in Shanghai. The community covers a residential area of 5.1606 million m2, and has a public facilities construction area of 749,800 m2 and a municipal facil

653、ities area of 45,600 m2. The community has three community centers planned, and 33 roads with a total length of approximately 49 km.案例:惠南民乐社区项目惠南民乐社区项目是公司与浦东区人民政府签订战略合作协议后的落地项目,也是目前上海市最大的保障性住房基地。社区居住建筑面积516.06万平方米,公共服务设施建筑面积74.98万平方米,市政设施建筑面积4.56万平方米,设置3处社区(居住区)中心,区内规划道路33条,总长约49公里。China Constructio

654、n has implemented its advantages in management, human resources and technology, supporting infrastructure construction, affordable housing, urban redevelopment projects and the livelihood of people on the project site to promote the community development.The Company responded positively to a nationa

655、l policy to expand affordable housing, investing in and working to build various forms of low-income and affordable housing, fixed-price housing, low-rent housing and public rental housing to provide cost-effective homes to people with average or below average income.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Constructi

656、on Engrg. Corp. Ltd088全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011089公司积极参与城市发展的全过程,有步骤地改造和更新老城市的物质生活环境,改善人民群众劳动、生活服务条件,为百姓创造更加舒适宜居的生活氛围,实现城市资源更新换代、可持续发展。The Compan

657、y participates in urban development, transforming and upgrading the living conditions of the old city, improving peoples working and living conditions, and creating a more comfortable atmosphere in urban areas while contributing to sustainable development.中国建筑2011年参与旧城改造项目(部分)CSCECs Main Urban Redev

658、elopment Projects in 2011 (segment)所在地Project site项目名称Name of Project计划总投资(人民币)Total Planned Investment (RMB)规划建筑总面积(平方米)Total Planned Construction Area (m2)贵阳Guiyang大营坡旧城改造项目Daing Slope Urban Redevelopment Project40亿4 billion95万950,000西安Xian大明宫遗址保护和周边开发项目Protection of Daming Palace Ruins and its Su

659、rrounding Development Project40亿4 billion95.7万957,000河西岸老工业区改造开发项目Transformation and Development of Old Industrial Zone at West Bank of Chanhe90亿9 billion227万2.27 million河北Hebei中建温泉花园旧城改造项目CSCEC Spring Garden Redevelopment Project1.02亿102 million12.6万126,000公益慈善Charitable Activities对外捐赠公司通过组建基金会、与慈善

660、机构合作等方式对捐赠资金进行规范化、透明化管理。2011年对外捐赠共计1,128万元。通过企业慈善基金会、残疾人联合会等慈善机构捐助257.86万元,用于帮扶弱势群体、支持文化教育事业。公司通过建立希望小学、设立奖学金和助学金等方式,助力教育事业发展。案例:爱在都江堰都江堰中国海外新建特殊教育学校是中国建筑开展的“海无涯 爱无疆”公益事业的重点项目,也是“5.12”汶川地震后公司第一时间在四川捐赠的灾区学校。公司共投入2,500万元人民币,为学校建设教学楼、行政办公楼、宿舍楼、食堂等配套服务设施。考虑到学生主要是残疾儿Exterior DonationThrough the establish

661、ment of its foundation and cooperation with charitable organizations, China Construction has standardized a transparent management process for donating funds. In 2011, the Company donated 11.28 million Yuan with 2.5786 millon Yuan donated through charitable organizations like Corporate Charitable Fo

662、undations and China Disabled Persons Federation (CDPF). The donations were used to help vulnerable groups and support cultural and educational undertakings. In addition, the Company established the Hope Primary Schools, and set up scholarships and grants to promote the development of education.Case

663、Study: Love in DujiangyanThe Dujiangyan Chinese Overseas New Special Education School is one of China Constructions key public welfare projects and was the first school donated to the Wenchuan earthquake disaster area. The Company invested 25 million Yuan and built a teaching building, an office bui

664、lding, a dormitory and a canteen as well as other ancillary facilities. Considering that most of students at the school are 志愿者活动公司倡导“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿者精神,开展多样的志愿者活动,激励员工立足岗位,奉献社会。2011年,公司有2万多名职工参与志愿者活动,累计志愿服务约5万小时。案例:带孩子上班日公司为缓解农民工思念儿女、 留守儿童思念父母的情绪, 举办 “带孩子上班日” 活动。 在每年8月的第二个星期五,在保证安全的前提下, 将年龄在6-12周岁的

665、部分农民工子女邀请到工地, 与父母一同上班, 参观父母的工作环境, 学习父母的劳动技能。 该项活动被共青团中央收入 共青团关爱农民工子女志愿者服务行动工作案例 一书。Volunteer WorkAdvocating the volunteer spirit of “dedication, friendship, mutual help and progress”, the Company carried out volunteer activities to motivate employees to contribute to society. In 2011, more than 20,0

666、00 employees participated in volunteer activities, offering a total of approximately 50,000 hours of volunteer service.Case Study: Taking Kid to Work DayIn order to alleviate concerns about being away from their children, China Construction organized the “Taking Kid to Work Day” initiative for migra

667、nt workers, under the premise of safety. On the second Friday of every August, the Company invites the children (6-12 years old) of migrant workers join their parents at the construction site to visit the working environment and learn labor skills from their parents. The event was collected into the

668、 book Volunteer Service Cases of Caring the Children of Migrant Workers by the Communist Youth League.童,公司还多次举办员工、客户与师生们互动和交流的关爱活动,给孩子们带来关爱和希望。2011年,该项目入选国务院国资委“2011中央企业优秀社会责任实践”。handicapped, the Company also organized dozens of activities where employees and customers interacted with teachers and s

669、tudent to bring love and hope to the children. In 2011, the project was selected as the “2011 Excellent Social Responsibility Practice of Central Enterprise” by SASAC of the State Council. 中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd090全产业链创新 Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About

670、 Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011091支持西部发展Support Western Development助力新疆发展公司积极响应中央新疆工作座谈会精神,对原新疆建工集团进行重组,并通过企业发展增加当地就业、带动员工福利增长、参与当地公益事业。公司指导新疆建工在乌昌地区、北疆伊犁地区和克拉玛依市、南疆喀什地区和库尔勒市、东疆哈密地区,大力发展安全生产,以制度落实、培训教育、资金投入、现

671、场管理、应急救援五项工作为主线,改善当地基础设施建设,带动当地经济文化发展。2011年,新疆建工新签合同额同比增长超过50%,营业收入同比增长23%。支援玉树公司秉承以人为本,民生优先的玉树援建工作方针,积极选配管理力量,调配建筑物资,协调施工力量,通过开展“百日攻坚”等活动,保障援建工作的顺利进行。农牧民住房:援建的669套农牧民住房全部实现竣工入住,援建的安冲乡农牧民住房全面交工。城镇居民住房:共885户已经达到入住条件,竣工率91%,提前实现了节点目标。学校项目:援建施工的安冲乡中心寄校、玉树州红旗小学、玉树县第一完全小学共3所学校全部竣工。Power the Development i

672、n XinjiangIn order to respond to the spirit of Central Party informal discussion of work in Xinjiang, the Company reorganized the former Xinjiang Construction Engineering Group, and stepped up its development to enhance local employment opportunities, boost the growth of staff welfare, and involve l

673、ocal public welfare undertakings. The Company directed the Xinjiang Construction Engineering Group to speed up safety production in the Urumqi-Changji region, Yili area and Karamay city of Northern Xinjiang, Kashi and Korla city of Southern Xinjiang, and Hami of Eastern Xinjiang, focusing on the imp

674、lementation of various systems, training and education programs, fund investment, on-site management and first-aid rescue in order to improve the local infrastructure and boost local economic and cultural development. In 2011, the Xinjiang Construction Engineering Group increased more than 50% new c

675、ontracts over the previous year, operating revenue up 23%.Supporting YushuAdhering to the people-oriented, their livelihood first working principles in its Yushu aid work, the Company positively selected and dispatched managers, allocated construction materials, coordinated construction departments,

676、 and conducted its “100-day Fight” activity to ensure the smooth operation of its aid work.Housing for farming herdsman: allow herdsman to live in 669 sets of newly-completed homes, and hand over the housing project in Anchong village.Housing for town dwellers: a total of 885 households reached the

677、living standards, with a completion rate of 91%, achieving the goal ahead of schedule.School project: completed three schools: Anchong Central Boarding School, Yushu Red Flag Primary School, and Yushu First Complete Primary School全球责任Global Responsibilities中国建筑秉承“和谐共赢”的国际合作理念,推行采购本地化、员工本地化,带动当地经济文化发


679、ng the international cooperation concept of “Harmony and Win-win”, China Construction promotes local procurement and local staff to boost the local economic and cultural development.The Company has set up more than 20 branches in overseas markets. Its business is in 116 countries, and a number of pr

680、ojects included local landmark buildings.Localized ManagementIn accordance with the concept of localized operations and using local labor force and managers, the Company has integrated into local markets to achieve a win-win situation.The Company observes the laws of the countries where it has const

681、ruction projects, respects local customs, operates with integrity and boosts local employment by subcontracting work to local companies. In 2011, the Companys overseas departments employed nearly 7,757 local workers, and had a local employment rate of 33.64%.Case Study: Equatorial Guinea Horizon Dev

682、elopment PlanThe Company makes every effort to understand local political and cultural practices in Equatorial Guinea, and integrates itself into the local society. The Company takes an practical role in public activities, and supports the local government in carrying out the “Horizon Development Pl

683、an” and the training of 60 local youth at the first phase.案例:与阿职业教育培训部签署青年培训协议2011年9月27日,中国建筑与阿尔及利亚职业教育培训部签订以“共筑未来”为主题的框架合作协议,约定阿职业教育培训部负责组织各职业技术培训学校选拔、输送优秀学员到中国建筑所属项目进行实习、工作;公司负责接收、管理这些学员,分专业和工种安排实习。Case Study: Signing an Agreement on Youth Training with Algerian Vocational Education and Training D

684、epartmentOn September 27th 2011, China Construction signed a cooperation framework agreement themed as “Building the Future Together” with the Algerian Vocational Education and Training Department. It agrees that the latter is responsible for selecting excellent students from local vocational school

685、s and sending them for practice and work in China Construction projects, while the former is responsible for accepting and managing the students, and arranging practice and work that is in line with their majors and professions.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd092全产业链创新 Innovation

686、Throughout the Industry Chain关于我们 About Us安 全 Safety环 境 Environment可持续经营 Sustainable Operation质 量 Quality员 工 Staff社 会 Society2011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011093促进当地产业发展公司针对一些缺乏行业标准及规范的地区,把先进的管理和技术经验带到当地,填补当地空白,带动当地建筑业发展,促进中国行业规范标准“走出去”。根据所在地各方面条件不同、工程项目分类不同、项目要求不同等因素,公司加大当地采购比例,带动当地建筑市场发展。2011年

687、,本地采购率在25%以上。在中东等地区当地采购或从项目附近第三国采购率96%。海外社区发展公司积极参与当地社区建设,利用公司专业优势,支持当地交通、饮水、卫生、教育等公共基础设施建设,参与保障房建设,改善当地人民居住环境。公司投身项目所在国的公益活动,帮扶当地弱势群体,促进了公司与当地文化环境和谐相处。公司参与赤道几内亚的募捐活动,捐赠350万非洲法郎用于改善贫困居民居住条件、救助干旱受灾民众。 案例:刚果(布)国家1号公路刚果(布)国家1号公路项目位于自然环境恶劣的森林沼泽地带,面临物资运输困难、水电缺乏及疟疾等热带病困扰的诸多难题。中刚两国员工不畏艰苦,在当地修建出一条平坦大道,建立了村村

688、通网络。项目组还为村民修水井、修学校,改善了当地居民生活的综合环境。刚果(布)装备和公共工程部部长埃米尔乌奥索表示,1号公路是一条带领刚果人民从贫穷走向富裕的道路。案例:中国建筑建立刚果(布)希望小学中国建筑开展对玛雅玛区学校援建活动,建立了玛雅玛区希望小学。玛雅玛区议员、区长代表玛雅玛区人民,对此表示了衷心感谢,并将刚果(布)的国家格言“团结、劳动、进步”作为赠言,与项目部共勉。Promoting the Development of Local IndustriesSince some countries lack industry standards and specification,

689、 the Company introduces advanced management approaches and technology to these countries, filling local gaps and boosting the development of the local construction industry to promote the standards of Chinese construction industry to “go global”.In accordance with the actual conditions and project c

690、lassifications and requirements of the areas in which it has construction projects, the Company increases its proportion of local procurement to boost the development of local construction markets. In 2011, the local procurement rate was more than 25%. In regions such as the Middle East, 96% of the

691、Companys procurements come from the host or nearby countries .Development of Overseas CommunityChina Construction strives to be involved in local community development, and utilizes its professional expertise to support affordable housing and infrastructure construction projects such as building roa

692、ds, water supply, sanitation and education facilities to help improve local conditions.The Company actively engages in public activities in the host country, and helps local vulnerable groups in order to promote harmony with local residents. China Construction participated in charitable activities i

693、n Equatorial Guinea, donating 3.5 million African francs to improve living conditions for poor people and assisting people in drought-stricken areas.Case Study: National No.1 Highway in CongoThe National No.1 Highway in Congo is located in forest swamp areas with harsh natural environment. This mean

694、t that the Company faced many problems related to material transportation, insufficient power and water supply, and the disturbance of tropical diseases such as malaria, among others. However, Sino-Congo employees overcame these difficulties by building a flat road and then a connecting network betw

695、een villages. In addition, the project department built wells and schools, improving the living environment for local people. Amir Vuoso, Minister of the Congo Ministry of Equipment and Public Works, said The No.1 highway is indispensable for Congo people to fight against poverty.案例:资助阿尔及利亚最佳实习生到中国学

696、习考察2011年12月,首批阿职业教育培训部选拔的“十佳工人”在中国开始了为期7天的参观学习。工人代表们参观了央视新址、天津中新生态城、梅江会展中心等项目以及中建公司的考培中心,增长了见识的同时也增强了建设阿尔及利亚的决心。参观结束时,队长(阿职业教育培训部总监)奥斯曼先生表示非常感谢中建公司能够提供这样宝贵的参观培训机会,希望中建阿尔及利亚分公司敞开大门,多接受阿国工人与实习生,以促进阿尔及利亚职业培训教育的快速发展和现代进程。荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders CommentsCase Study: Financing Algeria Best Intern

697、s to China for StudyIn December 2011, the first group of students selected by the Algeria Vocational Education and Training Department began their 7-day visit and study program in China. The worker representatives visited the new site of CCTV, the Tianjin Zhongxin Eco-Park, the Meijiang Conference a

698、nd Exhibition Center and the training and examination center of China Construction. The visits contributed to broadening the students vision and consolidated their resolution to contributed to Algerias development. At the end of visit, Osman, the head of group (General Director of the Algeria Vocati

699、onal Education and Training Department) expressed his gratitude to China Construction for the training and learning opportunity, and extended his hope that the Company would welcome more workers and interns in the future to further promote rapid development and vocational education and training in A

700、lgeria.巴哈马大型海岛度假村项目开创了海外工程的新模式,项目的顺利实施将对中巴两国政治、经贸往来做出重大贡献,对进一步充实和丰富两国关系内涵、不断开创中巴友好合作新局面起到重要作用。中共中央政治局委员、中央政法委副书记 王乐泉中国建筑是建筑企业排头兵,什么工程都能干,干的都是放心工程!希望中国建筑再接再厉,永做援建先锋!国家发改委副主任 穆虹共和国(指刚果共和国)的年青人们要永远记住马永贝原始森林里正在书写的传奇故事,这是一个伟大的时代。要记住中国人的恩情。刚果(布)总统夫人 安特娃内特萨苏女士案例:圆了住房梦阿尔及利亚近20年来社会治安稳定,经济繁荣发展,人口从1961年的1100多万

701、激增到3300万。人口的迅速增长导致了住房严重紧缺,住房问题已成为当今影响阿尔及利亚社会稳定的一大民生问题。阿尔及利亚政府为此制定了大规模的居民保障性住房建设计划。中国建筑参与住房建设,响应并支持了阿尔及利亚政府的这一项民生举措,同时也帮助了众多的阿尔及利亚百姓圆了拥有一套住房的梦想。2001年至2011年,中国建筑陆续承接了800万平方米的住房,仅2011年度就完成了95万平方米。Case Study: Housing Dream Came TrueOver the past 20 years, Algeria has achieved environmental and social st

702、ability and is thriving economically. Its population has increased from 11 million in 1961 to 33 million in 2011. However, the rapid growth of its population has resulted in a severe housing shortage which is impacting social stability in Algeria. The Algerian Government is therefore committed to bu

703、ilding large scale, affordable housing. China Construction is involved in this project. The Company has helped realize the housing dreams of many Algerian people. From 2001 to 2011, China Construction undertook 8 million m2 houses; and in 2011 it had completed the construction of 950,000 m2 of housi

704、ng.Case Study: Building Hope Primary School in CongoThe China Construction 5th Bureau carried out aid activities in the Maya Maya, and built the Maya Maya Hope Primary School. The councils and Head of the district expressed their heartfelt thanks to the Company on behalf of local people, and sent th

705、e Congo national motto “Unity, Labor and Progress” for encouragement.The Large Island Resort project in the Bahamas has initiated a new model of overseas engineering. The smooth development of the project will greatly contribute to political, economic and trade exchanges between China and Bahamas, a

706、nd will play an important role in further enriching bilateral relations, and creating a new situation for Sino-Bahamas cooperation.Wang Lequan, Member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Deputy Secretary of Commission of Politics and Laws China Construction is the vanguard of the co

707、nstruction industry and is capable of undertaking any kind of project and delivering you with a quality project. I hope that China Construction can make persistent efforts and be the pioneer in aid construction forever.Mu Hong, Deputy Director of National Development and Reform CommissionThe youth o

708、f the Republic of Congo should remember the legendary story that is written in Mayombe forest. This is a great story and we must remember the kindness of Chinese.Antoinette Sassou, Wife of President of Congo中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd0942011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 201109

709、5责任专题Responsibility Topics专题1:承担国家责任 利比亚大撤离Topic 1: Taking National Responsibility and Great Withdrawal from Libya2011年2月,利比亚发生严重动乱,形势危急。根据党中央和国务院的指示,中国建筑10,241名员工执行全员撤员行动。公司科学组织,充分发挥党员先锋作用,创造了“十天十夜万人万里大撤离,无一人丢失,无一人伤亡”的奇迹。公司本着高度负责的态度,尽力帮助孟加拉、越南籍等第三国员工撤离,彰显了中国建筑负责任的企业形象。公司在利比亚首都的黎波里和第二大城市班加西承建了多项保障房项

710、目和住宅项目。鉴于利比亚安全形势发生重大变化,2011年2月23日,在利比亚的中资企业根据中国政府部署开始大规模撤员行动。In February 2011, serious turmoil broke out in Libya. According to the instructions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the China Construction Libya Co., Ltd organized for 10,241 employees to fully withdraw from Libya. Wi

711、th the leading role of Party members, China Construction achieved its goal of “No missing people and no injuries in the withdrawal of thousands of people within ten days from thousands of miles away”. The Company did its utmost to also help its employees from Bangladesh, Vietnam and other countries

712、withdrawal and upheld the responsible image of China Construction.The Company undertook a number of affordable housing projects and other kind of building projects in Tripoli, the capital of Libya, and Benghazi, the second largest city of Libya. In view of the great change in the security situation

713、of Libya, on February 23rd 2011, all Chinese-funded enterprises in Libya started a large-scale withdrawal according to the deployment of the Chinese government.撤离紧急 道路艰难Pressing Withdrawal and Great Difficulties撤员数量庞大。 中国建筑员工10,241名, 占利比亚全部中国人员的近三分之一。物资紧缺。 物资供应紧缺令大规模转移一度陷入困境。员工处境危险。 公司大多数项目所在地聚集在利比亚

714、首都的黎波里和第二大城市班加西, 是暴乱最严重的地方, 撤离任务十分紧急。交通、 通讯中断。 交通工具及通讯设施被抢走或破坏,造成通讯不畅、 交通瘫痪等困难使撤离工作雪上加霜。Large number of employees: the number of employees in the China Construction Libya Co., Ltd reached 10,241, accounting for one third of all Chinese people in Libya.Supply shortage: it got the large-scale withdraw

715、al into trouble;Risky situation: as most of projects are in Tripoli, the capital of Libya, and Benghazi, the second largest city of Libya, where the turmoil was the worst, a fast and safe withdrawal was very urgent.Interrupted transportation and communication: many transportation and communication f

716、acilities were destroyed, resulting in poor communication and heavy traffic, making the withdrawal more troublesome.困难挑战Difficulties and Challenges数量庞大Large number处境危险Risky situation物资紧缺Supply shortage交通通讯中断Interrupted transportation and communication众志成城 共渡难关Making a Concerted Effort to Overcome Di

717、fficulties准备充分Full Preparation与总部保持通讯组织巡逻队重要资料、设备安置与其他中资企业商议不抛弃、不放弃回国后争当志愿者科学组织Scientific Arrangement明确撤离顺序明确分工重要资料设备转移Define the order of withdrawalOutline clear responsibilitiesTransfer important documents and equipments国家物资、外交援助利比亚及邻国使馆当地员工、供应商等From motherlands support in supplies and diplomacyFr

718、om embassies in Libya and neighbor countriesFrom local employees, suppliers and othersMaintain communication with headquartersOrganize patrol teamSettle important documents and equipmentsDiscuss with other Chinese-funded enterprisesDo not abandon, do not give upStrive to be a volunteer after returni

719、ng home country团结互助Mutual Help多方协助Multi-party Assistance利比亚分公司Libya Branch中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd0962011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011097专题2:承担政治责任 打造安居工程Topic 2: Shoulder Political Responsibilities and Build Comfortable Housing Projects准备充分公司一直高度关注海外事业所在地的安全局势,在利比亚形势有

720、变的情况下,与利比亚分公司工作人员保持密切通讯。组织负责人启动应急预案,各项目经理部启动自保自救方案,做好组织巡逻队、进行抢劫演练、藏匿和保护重要资料及设备等防范措施,在保障员工人身安全的基础上,最大限度降低损失。 科学组织公司与其他利比亚中资企业一起,制定了系统的撤离方案,明确撤离顺序,确定指挥部人员分工,部署邮轮进港许可办理等事项。撤离途中,公司一直秉持“生命第一,财产第二”的准则,避免与当地武装正面冲突,保证了高效有序的撤离。团结互助在撤离过程中,全体员工发扬“团结互助,不畏艰险”的精神,不抛弃任何一个员工。公司还及时与其他利比亚中资企业沟通,尽力帮助其他中资企业员工安全撤离。安全回国的

721、员工争当志愿者负责下一批回国员工接机等工作。多方协助党和政府一直是中建员工的强大后盾,为撤离工作提供了大量人力、物资以及外交支援。当地员工、供应商也在危急时刻为公司员工提供了必要的物资和帮助,国内外各行各业和中国驻利比亚及周边国家使领馆给予鼎力支持,保障撤离工作的持续性。撤离顺序:女员工、伤病号第一;50岁以上的大龄员工第二;先进场的员工先撤,同时进场的年龄大的先撤;第三国员工第四;主要领导和主要管理人员最后。Withdrawal order: first, female members and wounded or patients come first; second, employees

722、 over 50-year-old; third, long-standing employees (if they joined at the same time, the older employee has priority; fourth, employees from other countries; fifth, main leaders and management staff.Full PreparationThe company is always concerned about the security situation in countries where we hav

723、e construction projects. During the situation in Libya, the Company maintained close communication with staff at our Branch in Libya. The Company assigned leaders to launch the emergency plan, and required project managers in each department to devise a self-rescue plan. Moreover, the Company took a

724、 series of protective measures such as organizing a patrol teams, preparing drills to prevent being robbed, hiding important documents and equipment to prevent losses, and securing personal safety.Scientific ArrangementThe Company developed a systematic withdrawal with other Chinese-funded enterpris

725、es, defining the withdrawal order, clearing the responsibilities of personnel in the command group, and deploying evacuation permits. During the withdrawal, the Company adhered to the principles of “life first, and property second”, to avoid conflict with the local army and to ensure that the Compan

726、y maintained a highly efficient and orderly withdrawal.Mutual HelpDuring the process of withdrawal, all staff carried the spirit of “helping each other to overcome difficulties”, and left no employee behind. The Company also communicated with other Chinese-funded enterprises in Libya and tried its b

727、est to help them. Many employees that returned to home safely, volunteered to meet the following group of employees at the airport.Multi-party AssistanceOur party and the government has always been a powerful ally for employees of China Construction, and made great efforts to help with the withdrawa

728、l, providing support in manpower, materials and diplomacy. At critical stages, local employees and suppliers provided China Construction with much needed materials and help. All industries at home and abroad and the Chinese embassies in Libya and neighboring countries provided great support. The var

729、ious parties ensured a smooth and continuous withdrawal.十年保障 百年为生10-years Guarantee for 100-years Livelihood 中国建筑采用创新承包工程、投资建设等多种模式,在20个省、市、自治区承接项目74个,建筑总面积1,857万平方米。其中总承包项目63个、总建筑面积1,283万平方米,投资项目11个,总建筑面积574万平方米。2011年累计施工面积1,155万平方米,竣工面积41万平方米。民生重任 中建担当Shouldering the Heavy Duty of Peoples Liveliho

730、od作为中央企业的排头兵、全球最大的住宅工程建造商,全面参与保障性住房投资建设是中国建筑的光荣使命,是主动承担政治责任、社会责任的集中体现,也是中国建筑为百姓筑家、为国家分忧、为天下筑福的完美诠释。中国建筑将保障性住房建设提升为集团战略高度,大力参与经济适用房、两限房建设和棚户区改造,积极探索廉租房、公租房业务,努力成为中国最大的保障性住房投资建造商。Through innovations in project contracting and construction investment, China Construction undertook 74 projects in 20 prov

731、inces, municipalities and autonomous regions. The gross building area was 18.57 million m2. Of these, the Company fully contracted 63 projects with a gross building area of 12.83 million m2, and invested in 11 projects with a gross building area of 5.74 million m2. The result was an annual accumulat

732、ed construction area of 11.55 million m2 and a completed area of 410,000 m2.As a leading central enterprise and the worlds largest home builder, China Construction is focused on the construction of affordable housing. This reflects the Companys desire to shoulder its political and social responsibil

733、ity, and build houses for the people of China and the world. Strategically, China Construction places a great deal of importance on the construction of affordable housing and is specifically involved in the construction of affordable houses and two-limit houses. The Company also continues to explore

734、 the business of low-rent and public rental housing, and is striving to be the largest builder and investor of affordable housing in China.一样的建造 不一样的责任The Same Construction But a Different Responsibility中国建筑移植海外保障房建设经验,充分发挥五大业务的协同优势,将保障性住房与城市综合开发结合起来,实现经济价值和社会价值的平衡和统一。探索融资路径公司努力探索参与保障性住房融资新路径,着力克服融资

735、困难,携手政府、投资机构共同推进保障房建设开发。公司中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd0982011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011099China Construction grafts its domestic experiences in the affordable housing construction to its overseas markets and gives full play to the synergetic advantages of its five major

736、 businesses, combining the construction of affordable houses with its urban development projects to realize a balance between economic and social value.Exploring a Financial PathChina Construction is exploring financial options for the construction and development of affordable housing and is seekin

737、g to overcome associated difficulties by cooperating with governments and investors. The Company has so far explored three new development models including the direct investment in urban comprehensive development and affordable housing, and the mixed investment in affordable and commercial housing.A

738、pplying Masterly Technical ProcessesThe Company has investigated affordable housing projects and taken the initiative to understand the needs and expectations of its customers so that it can integrate their “comfortable, low-price and environmentally friendly” requirements into the planning and desi

739、gn process while striving to give customers the best houses with the lowest burden.住宅间距适宜, 满足日照要求户型面积紧凑, 空间浪费少。户内功能分区合理, 面积利用率达到最大化。社区内配备娱乐设施, 配有多层次空间景观体系。Appropriate housing space to meet the sunshine requirement.Compact apartment and less waste space.Reasonable and functional indoor partitions, an

740、d a maximized utilization rate in the space.Equipping the community with recreational facilities, and a multi-layer spatial landscape system.将绿色理念融入保障性住房规划设计中, 推广使用绿色建材、 采用适宜绿色技术, 最大限度地减少住宅在整个生命周期内的能源耗费, 预防对环境造成的不利影响。Responding to calls for a low-carbon society, integrating green concepts into the p

741、lanning and design of affordable housing, promoting the use of green building materials, adopting appropriate green technology to minimize energy consumption throughout the life cycle of the buildings and its adverse impact on environment.优化设计方案, 应用推广 “工业化”生产等工艺, 减少建筑材料损耗。在保障质量的前提下努力降低建造成本。Optimizin

742、g design program, applying industrialized technical process, reducing the consumption of materials, and decreasing the cost of construction under the premise of good quality.高品质住宅High-quality Housing低价位住宅Low-price Housing绿色住宅Green Housing舒 适Comfortable低 价Low-cost绿 色Green客户低价享受高品质住宅Allow Customers to

743、 Enjoy High-quality Houses with Low-cost贵阳大营坡棚户区改造效果图An artists rendition of shanty town after redevelopment保障建筑材料品质: 明确建筑材料的性能要求, 严控建筑材料加工、 运输、进场验收、 验证和复检整个过程。避免建筑材料浪费: 制定精准的用料计划,加强建筑材料的储存、 领用管理。Assuring the quality of building materials: to define the requirements for the performance of building m

744、aterials, and strictly control the entire process of materials processing, transportation, on-site acceptance, verification and re-inspection.Avoiding building materials waste: to develop accurate material planning, and strengthen the management in the storage and usage of building materials.严把建筑材料关

745、Strictly control the quality of building materials人员意识: 全国范围内开展保障性安居工程建设劳动竞赛, 将竞赛机制引入施工过程, 以竞赛的形式增强员工质量意识。施工方法: 采取方案审批、 施工交底、 样板开路、 过程自检、 跟踪督促、 通病专控等措施, 监控施工过程各个环节, 努力打造过程精品。半成品保护: 在监理验收完分项工程后, 组织人员保护公共部位、 预留线盒, 标识出墙面的平整度、 垂直度。Staff awareness: to organize nationwide labor contest in the construction

746、 of affordable housing project, and incorporate the competition mechanism into the construction process, so as to enhance the quality awareness of employees in the form of competition.Construction method: to supervise each step of construction through the measures including program approval, clarifi

747、cation of construction technology, templates, self-inspection, tracking and monitoring, and special control over common defects, so as to create high-quality building.Protection of semi-finished products: upon the acceptance of sub-divisional work by supervision units, to organize personnel to prote

748、ct the common places, reserve the space for line boxes, and mark the flatness and verticality of the wall.严把施工关Strictly control the quality of construction高标准、 严要求进行自检、预验收。组织咨询工程师、 施工监理共同验收。开展保障性安居工程专项质量监督工作, 查看项目有关文件、 图纸、 工程技术资料,组织开展质量督查情况综合讲评, 严控安居工程的建设质量。To conduct self-inspection and pre-accepta

749、nce of the project with high standards and strict requirements.To organize consulting engineers and supervision units to jointly accept the project.To conduct special supervision over the quality of affordable housing projects, inspect the relevant papers, drawings, and technical materials, and carr

750、y out comprehensive evaluation on quality supervision, so as to strictly control the construction quality of affordable housing projects.严把竣工关Strictly control the acceptance of the project探索出城市综合开发、保障性住房的直接投资、保障性住房和商品房的混合投资等三种保障房开发模式。应用精湛工艺公司开展保障房项目调研,主动了解中低收入人群需求和期望,将“舒适、低价、环保”的需求融入规划设计的全过程,努力使客户低价

751、享受高品质住宅。打造安居工程公司以精品商品房的标准建造保障房,切实做到“三严一考核”,严控施工质量,努力为客户打造安居家园。Building Comfortable Housing ProjectThe Company builds affordable houses and commercial building to the highest standards, and earnestly implements the “three strictly, and one assessment” system in order to strictly control the construct

752、ion quality and build a comfortable housing garden.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd1002011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011101央企一流 行业排头A first-rate state-owned enterprise The industry leaderOUTLOOK2012年,世界经济形势仍不明朗,中央“稳中求进”的工作基调为中国建筑注入了机遇和希望。展望2012,我们将用进取再迈征程,以“一最两跨、科学发展”战略目标为驱动,不断



755、中央“十二五”发展规划,共同实现可持续发展。目标既定,信心百倍。责任重大,使命光荣。我们将坚定实现“一最两跨”宏伟目标的理想,诚信、精效、创新、争先,与各利益相关方携手共同迎接更加非凡的一年。In 2012, the world economic situation will remain uncertain, but the “stable but progressing” approach proposed by the Central Committee will bring opportunities and hope to China Construction. Looking ah

756、ead in 2012, we will explore a new journey with aggressive spirit, adopt the “one most and two entries, and scientific development” strategy as our driving force, and constantly optimize and refine our realization of this path. We will push forward our work in six major fields, fully pressing ahead

757、with our implementation of the 12th Five-year Plan, and write a new chapter in fostering an internationally competitive building and real estate group. Persisting in the “Quality assurance and value creation” development concept, complying with the requirements an goal of being the “vanguard of cent

758、ral enterprises, and top-rated in the industry”, continuing to implement our characteristic development strategy, establishing a strategic management system guided by value creation, enhancing our brand influence.Taking globalization as our direction, speeding up the implementation of our “Greater O

759、verseas” strategy, seeking the globalized plan, innovating our business model, intensifying our efforts in executing our approach, striving to achieve new breakthroughs in regional distribution and business structures, enhancing our competitiveness in international markets and continuously building

760、world-class enterprises. Persisting down the road of technology-oriented sustainable development, utilizing the link between science and technology, combining science and technology in line with the markets, deepening our construction of scientific and technological innovation and service systems, f

761、ostering new economic growth with differentiated advantages, striving to build a domestic industry-leading technology center, and extending our reputation and influence of our brand. Taking the opportunity to improve our standardized project management, sorting out the systems that cover our managem

762、ent and control models, the remuneration system, production and operations, and pressing ahead with our centralized management and control of our goals in safety, quality and environment protection, as well as enhancing our management efficiency, reducing our costs, and unifying our management.Persi

763、st in striving for excellence at our core, inheriting and carrying forward our excellent corporate culture, forging a more inclusive, open multicultural company, attracting talents and experts from home and abroad, and constantly enhancing our soft strength.Strengthening our social responsibilities,

764、 making greater efforts in the development of affordable houses, building the “Happiness Project” in Yushu after disasters, actively driving social employment, promoting the development of social public welfare, and promoting the construction of socialist harmonious society.As the vanguard of centra

765、l enterprises and the industry leader, we have the responsibility and the duty to promote the implementation of the 12th Five-year Plan in the construction industry so as to jointly achieve sustainable development. We understand our goals and responsibilities are as heavy and difficult as they are h

766、onorable. With integrity, high-efficiency, innovation and excellence, we will resolutely achieve our grand goals of “one most and two entries”, and cooperate with our stakeholders to ensure a more extraordinary year.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd1022011可持续发展报告Sustainability Repo

767、rt 2011103专家点评Expert Comments中国建筑业协会副会长兼秘书长 吴涛Wutao, Vice President and Secretary-General of China Construction Industry Association建筑业是国民经济的支柱产业,改革开放以来对推动我国国民经济增长和社会全面发展具有重要作用。中国建筑股份有限公司作为建设行业的领军企业,十一五期间各项主要经济指标实现了跨越式增长,不但为我国城乡建设做出了突出贡献,而且在引领建筑业全产业链创新方面的成绩斐然。中国建筑股份有限公司2011可持续发展报告(以下简称“报告”)集中展示了公司积极



770、步加强和扩大对外交流与合作,带动更多的建筑企业实施“走出去”战略,为中国建筑业的持续健康发展做出新的更大贡献。The construction industry is a pillar industry of the national economy. Since the reform and opening up to the outside world in China, it has played an important role in the growth of national economy and social development. As the championship

771、enterprise in the construction industry, China Construction achieved leapfrog growth in the main economic indicators during the 11th Five-Year Plan. Not only has China Construction made outstanding contribution to the urban and rural construction of China, but also made great achievements in pursuin

772、g innovations in the entire industry chain of the construction. China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd Sustainability Report 2011 (hereafter referred to as “The Report”) has revealed its active exploration of the development of the entire industry chain, its practice of innovations in concept, ma

773、nagement, science and technology and services, and systematically disclosed its efforts and outstanding achievements in pursuing its own development and the industrial development.The Report has fully revealed the practical effect of China Construction with its high-quality products and brand develo

774、pment strategy, assuming its social responsibility for governments, shareholders, financial institutions, employees, customers, supply chain, and environment, and making fruitful work and great achievements in compliance with laws, sound operation, the implementation of contracts with integrity, hig

775、h-efficient services, environmental protection and public welfare. In the terms of hot environmental and social issues, the Report has disclosed the leading role of China Construction in the green demonstration projects, its green concepts in the aspects of development, design, procurement and const

776、ruction, and its best practice in the application of green technology and the development of green products. This highlights the significant role of construction enterprises in promoting the construction of green and harmonious society. As promoting employment and caring about employees have an impo

777、rtant role in the social harmony and stability, the Report has displayed the great contribution of China Construction to the stimulation of the employment, and its fruitful practice where it focused on people, took measures to ensure the safety of employees, promoted the development of employees, an

778、d safeguarded the interests and rights of employees. Affordable housing building is one of the key national projects, so the Report has disclosed the great achievement of China Construction in responding to the national policy of affordable housing, and actively participating in the construction of

779、affordable houses. The Report has also revealed that the responsibility awareness and social value of China Construction as a large enterprise in China after successfully withdrawing 10,241 employees from Libya with its scientific and orderly arrangement.The Report has fully recorded the action and

780、performance of China Construction in 2011. To some extent, the Report has played its role for China Construction to communicate with the outside world and display its leading role in sustainability. I hope China Construction can maintain its leading position in the industry, actively explore the new

781、 path of sustainable development, and further expand its communication and cooperation, to encourage more enterprises to implement the strategy of “going global”, and make new and greater contribution to the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Const

782、ruction Engrg. Corp. Ltd1042011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011105国务院国有资产监督管理委员会研究局副局长 楚序平Chu Xuping, Deputy Director General of Research Bureau of SASAC, State Council中国建筑股份有限公司2011可持续发展报告报告围绕“奉献精品工程,营造和谐家园”的使命,较为全面地披露了公司的可持续发展的理念、行动和绩效,是一份充分反映行业特征和企业特色的优秀的可持续发展报告。在结构上,报告重点对可持续经营、产业链创新、质量、安全、环境、员工


784、建造和办公的全过程;在员工方面,体现出公司致力于为员工营造和谐发展平台以及员工创先争优的精神风貌;在社会方面,展现出公司作为国际运营商,不断推动业务所在地经济、政治、文化发展的行动和绩效。报告以专题形式披露了利比亚大撤离、保障房建设等内容,让利益相关方能够系统、深入地了解公司2011年重大履责实践。在形式上,报告注重运用生动的图形、表格等表达方式,重点突出,条理清晰,语言简练,具有较好的可读性。中国建筑作为行业领军企业,希望公司在今后的报告中能加大社会责任关键绩效指标的披露力度,进一步提升公司运营的透明度。期待中国建筑的下一份报告更加精彩!With the mission of “Provid

785、ing high-quality projects and creating harmonious homes”, China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd Sustainability Report 2011 (hereinafter referred as “the Report”) has fully disclosed its concepts, actions and performances of sustainable development. It is an excellent sustainability report that h

786、as fully reflected the characteristics of the industry and the features of the enterprise.In the structure, the Report focuses on the full disclosure of seven core issues including the sustainable operations, the innovation in the industry chain, the quality, the safety, the environmental protection

787、, the employees and the society, and the revelation of its mechanism related to value creation. In particular, the stakeholders comments have been added to seven main sections of the Report accordingly, which increases the credibility of the Report, and reflects the Company attaches importance to an

788、d strengthens the communication with stakeholders.In the content, the Report concentrates on the comprehensive information and makes more detailed disclosure of the measures to perform responsibility and the key performance indicators in its seven sections, specifically, the Report reveals the Compa

789、nys continuous enhancement of its profitability through the improvement of management mechanism and the win-win cooperation with stakeholders in the section of sustainable operation; its leading role in the development of the industry chain with four separate segments including concept, management,

790、science and technology, and services in the section of innovations in the entire industry chain; its first-class quality control in the fields of construction and real estate in the section of quality; its action and performances in safety management in the section of safety, its integration of gree

791、n concepts into the entire process of development, design, construction and office in the section of environmental protection; its commitment to building a harmonious platform for the development of employees and fostering the spirits of excellence in the section of employee; and its action and perf

792、ormance in promoting the economic, political and cultural development of project-sites as an international business operator in the section of society. Further, the Report discloses the relevant information on great withdrawal from Libya, affordable housing projects, so that stakeholders can make a

793、systematic and in-depth understanding of the Companys significant practices of responsibility implementation in 2011. It is the vivid graphics, tables and others that make the Report more readable with its salient points, clear structure and concise language.As the championship enterprise in the ind

794、ustry, it is hoped that China Constructions coming reports will further increase the disclosure of key performance indicators of social responsibility, and enhance the transparency of its operations. We look forward to seeing an even more outstanding report next time.中国建筑股份有限公司China State Constructi

795、on Engrg. Corp. Ltd1062011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011107第三方验证Verification of the Third Party评级报告Rating Report中国社会科学院企业社会责任研究中心Research Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Chinese Academy of Social SciencesTUV NORD德国汉德技术监督服务有限公司中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd1082011可持

796、续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011109GRI指标索引GRI IndexGRI报告指南G3.1版指标列表Table of benchmark sustainability reporting guidelines (G3.1) from the Global Reporting Initiative说明: 表示完全披露 表示部分披露 N 表示不适用。Note: Fully disclosed Partly disclosed N Not applicableGRI指标内容GRI Content Index披露程度Extent ofDisclosure在报告中位置Wh

797、ere Reported(Catalog of Report)战略及分析Strategy andAnalysis1.1机构最高决策者就可持续发展与机构及其战略关系的声明Statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organizationP0081.2主要影响、风险及机遇的描述Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunitiesP016机构简介OrganizationalProfile2.1机构名称Name of the organizationP0112.2主要品牌、产品及(或)服

798、务Primary brands, products, and/or servicesP0132.3机构的营运架构,包括主要部门、营运公司、附属及合营机构Operational structure of the organization, including main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint venturesP014/P0152.4机构总部的位置Location of organizations headquartersP0132.5机构在多少个国家营运,在哪些国家有主要业务,哪些国家与报告所述的可持续发展事

799、宜特别相关Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the reportP0132.6所有权的性质及法律形式Nature of ownership and legal formP0132.7机构所供应的市场(包括地区细分、所供应的行业、客户受惠者的类型)Markets served

800、(including geographic breakdown, sectors served,and types of ustomers/beneficiaries)P0132.8汇报机构的规模Scale of the reporting organizationP0132.9汇报期内机构规模、架构或所有权方面的重大改变Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure, or ownershipP0132.10汇报期内所获得的奖项Awards received in the reporting

801、periodP003报告规范ReportParameters3.1信息汇报期(如财政年度/西历年)Reporting period (e.g., fiscal/calendar year) for information providedP0113.2上一份报告的日期(如果有的话)Date of most recent previous report (if any)P0113.3汇报周期(如每年、每两年一次)Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc.)P0113.4查询报告或报告内容的联络点Contact point for questions regar

802、ding the report or its contentsP0113.5界定报告内容的过程Process for defining report contentP0113.6报告的界限(如国家、部门、附属机构、租用设施、合营机构、供应商)Boundary of the report (e.g., countries, divisions, subsidiaries, leased facilities, joint ventures, suppliers). See GRI Boundary Protocol for further guidanceP0113.7指出有关报告范围及界限的限

803、制State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the reportP0113.8根据什么基础,汇报合营机构、附属机构、租用设施、国外采购业务及其它可能严重影响不同汇报期及(或)不同机构间可比性的实体Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities that can significantly affect comparability from p

804、eriod to period and/or between organizationsP0113.9数据量度技巧及计算基准,包括用以编制指标及其它信息的各种估计所依据的假设及技巧Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations, including assumptions and techniques underlying estimations applied to the compilation of the indicators and other information in the report. P0113.10解

805、释重整旧报告所载信息的结果及原因(例如合并/收购、基准年份/年期有变、业务性质、计算方法)Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement (e.g. mergers/acquisition, change of base years/periods, nature of business, measurement methods)N3.11报告的范围、界限及所有计算方法与以往报告的重大分

806、别Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the reportP0113.12表列各类标准披露在报告中的位置Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosure in the reportP1083.13在可持续发展报告附带的认证报告中列出机构为报告外寻求外部认证的政策及现行措施。如没有列出,请解释任何外部认证的范围及根据,并解释汇报机构与验证者之间的关系

807、Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, explain the scope and basis of any external assurance provided. Also explain the relationship between the reporting organization and t

808、he assurance provider(s).P107管治、承诺及参与度Governance,Commitments, andEngagement4.1机构的管治架构Governance structure of the organization, including committees under the highest governance body responsible for specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organizational oversightP0214.2指出最高管治机关的主席有否兼任其他行政职位Indica

809、te whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer.( (and, if so, their function within the organizations management and the reasons for this arrangement).P0314.3如机构属单一董事会架构,请指出最高管治机关中独立及(或)非执行成员的人数及性别For organizations that have a unitary board structure, state the numb

810、er and gender of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members.N4.4股东及雇员最高管治机关提出建议或经营方向的机制Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance bodyP0184.5对最高管治机关成员、高层经理及行政人员的赔偿(包括离职安排),与机构绩效(包括社会及环境绩效)之

811、间的关系Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers and executives (including departure arrangements), and the organizations performance (including social and environmental performance)N4.6避免最高管治机关出现利益冲突的程序Processes in place for the highest governance body to

812、 ensure conflicts of interest are avoidedP0214.7如何决定最高管治机关及委员会成员应具备什么资格及经验Process for determining the composition, qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest governance body and its committees,including any consideration of gender and other indicators of diversity. P0214.8机构内部订定的使命或价

813、值观、行为守则及关乎经济、环境及社会绩效的原则,及其实施现况Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental and social performance and the status of their implementationP0074.9最高管治机构对汇报机构如何确定和管理经济、环境及社会绩效(包括相关的风险、机遇),以及对机构有否遵守国际公认的标准、道德守则及原则的监督程序Procedure

814、s of the highest governance body for overseeing the organizations identification and management of economic, environmental and social performance, including relevant risks and opportunities, and adherence or compliance with internationally agreed standards, codes of conduct, and principlesP0214.10评估

815、最高管治机关本身绩效的程序,特别是有关经济、环境及社会绩效Processes for evaluating the highest governance bodys own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental and social performanceP0214.11解释机构是否及如何按谨慎方针或原则行事Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organiz

816、ationP0214.12机构对外界发起经济、环境及社会约章、原则或其他倡议的参与或支持Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or endorsesP0264.13机构加入的一些协会(如业界联会)及(或)全国/国际倡议组织Memberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or natio

817、nal/international advocacy organizations in which the organization: Has positions in governance bodies; Participates in projects or committees; Provides substantive funding beyond routine membership dues; or Views membership as strategic.P0284.14机构引入的利益相关者群体清单List of stakeholder groups engaged by th

818、e organizationP0194.15界定及挑选要引入的利益相关者的根据Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engageP0194.16引入利益相关者的方针,包括按不同形式及组别引入利益相关者的频密程度Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder groupP0194.17利益相关者参与的过程中提出的主要项目及关注点,以及机构如何回应,包括

819、以报告的回应Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reportingP019经济EconomicEC1创造和分配的直接经济价值,包括总收入、利润、营运成本、员工薪酬、捐助和其它社会投资、留存收益、向政府和资本提供者支付的资金Direct economic value generated an

820、d distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governmentsP029/P030/P088EC2机构因气候变化而采取的行动所带来的财务成本及其它风险和机会Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the org

821、anizations activities due to climate changeP065EC3机构固定福利计划的覆盖范围Coverage of the organizations defined benefit plan obligationsP078EC4政府给予机构的重大财务支持Significant financial assistance received from governmentP036EC5在主要经营场所,按性别划分的工资的标准起薪点与当地最低工资标准的比率范围Range of ratios of standard entry level wage by gender

822、compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operationP078EC6在主要经营场所对从当地供应商采购的政策、制度和比例Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at significant locations of operationP092EC7在主要经营场所雇用当地员工的程序和聘用当地高级管理人员的比例Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior

823、management hired from the local community at significant locations of operationP091EC8通过商业活动、提供实物或免费专业服务而开展的主要面向大众福利的基础设施投资与服务及其影响Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagementP092EC9对其间接重大经济

824、影响的理解与说明,包括该影响的程度和范围Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impactsP091中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd1102011可持续发展报告Sustainability Report 2011111环境EnvironmentalEN1按重量或体积细分的原料总用量Materials used by weight or volumeNEN2所用原料中可循环再生材料的

825、百分比Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materialsP070EN3使用一次能源资源的直接能源消耗Direct energy consumption by primary energy sourceP075EN4使用一次资源的非直接能源消耗Indirect energy consumption by primary sourceNEN5 通过采取节能措施和提高利用效率而节省的能源Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improvementsP067EN6为运用节

826、能或可再生能源的产品和服务所进行的倡议活动,以及由于这些活动带来的能源需求减少量Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable energy based products and services, and reductions in energy requirements as a result of these initiativesP074EN7减少间接能源耗用的措施,以及措施所取得的成效Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieve

827、dP070EN8按源头划分的总耗水量Total water withdrawal by sourceNEN9因耗用水而严重影响到的水源Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of waterNEN10可循环再利用水所占的百分比和总量Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reusedNEN11 机构在环境保护区或保护区毗邻地区及保护区之外生物多样性丰富的区域拥有、租赁或管理的土地地理位置和面积Location and size of land owned, leased,

828、managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areasNEN12描述机构活动、产品和服务对保护区内及保护区之外生物多样性价值高的地区的生物多样性的重要影响Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value o

829、utside protected areasNEN13受保护或已恢复的栖息地Habitats protected or restoredNEN14管理影响生物多样性的战略、当前采取的行动和未来的计划Strategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversityP073EN15按照生物濒临绝种的风险,依次列出处于受机构经营活动影响的、被列入国际自然及自然资源保护联盟濒危物种红色名录(IUCN Red List)和国家保护名录的物种数量Number of IUCN Red List species

830、 and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction riskNEN16按重量计算的直接或间接温室气体的排放Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weightNEN17按重量计算的其它相关间接温室气体排放Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weightNEN18减少温室气体排放的措施,以及其成效

831、Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achievedP067EN19按重量计算的臭氧消耗物质的排放Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weightNEN20按照类型和重量计算的氮氧化物、硫氧化物以及其它对环境有重大影响的气体排放量NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions by type and weightNEN21按质量和目的地统计的总排水量Total water discharge by quality

832、and destinationNEN22按种类和处理方法统计的废物总量Total weight of waste by type and disposal methodP072EN23重大溢漏的总次数及漏量Total number and volume of significant spillsNEN24 按重量计算的根据控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约附录I、II、III、VIII条款被视为危险废弃物的运输、进口、出口或处理数量,及国际范围内运输废弃物的百分比Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste dee

833、med hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage of transported waste shipped internationallyNEN25受报告机构排放水和径流严重影响的水体以及相关栖息地的特征、规模、受保护状态和生物多样性价值Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats significantly a

834、ffected by the reporting organizations discharges of water and runoffNEN26 减轻产品与服务对环境影响的措施及影响减轻的程度Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigationP072EN27 可分类回收的售出产品及其包装材料Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaim

835、ed by categoryNEN28因违反环境法律法规所受到重大经济罚款的数额和非经济制裁的次数Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulationsP070EN29 机构经营活动中的产品、其它货品和原材料运输和劳动力运输对环境造成的重大影响Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other

836、 goods and materials used for the organizations operations, and transporting members of the workforceP069EN30按类型计算的环境保护的总支出和总投资Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by typeP065社会劳工措施和合理工作Labor Practices andDecent WorkLA1按雇用类型、雇用合同、地区及按性别划分的员工总数Total workforce by employment type

837、, employment contract, and region, broken down by gender.P077LA2 按年龄组别、性别及地区划分的新员工及员工流失总量和比例Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender, and regionP077LA3 按主要业务划分,提供给予全职员工的而临时或兼职员工享受不到的福利Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temp

838、orary or part-time employees, by significant locations of operation. P078LA4 受集体谈判协议保障的员工比例Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreementsP078LA5向员工通报重大业务变化的最短通知期,包括指出该通知期是否在集体协议中订明Minimum notice period(s) regarding operational changes, including whether it is specified in collec

839、tive agreementsP078LA6 在协助监管和咨询职业健康与安全计划的正式的管理劳资健康与安全委员会中,劳方代表的比例Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programsP056LA7 按照地区、性别划分的工伤率、职业病率、误工率(损失工作日比例)、缺勤率,以及工伤事故和职业疾病死亡人数

840、Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities by regionP079LA8 为帮助员工及家人或社区成员而推行的,关于严重疾病的教育、培训、咨询辅导、预防和风险控制的项目Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families,

841、or community members regarding serious diseasesP079LA9 与工会达成的正式协议中涵盖的健康与安全议题Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unionsP059/P060LA10 根据性别、员工类别划分,每位员工每年接受培训的平均时数Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by employee categoryP080LA11支持员工提高继续受聘能力,以及帮助员工处理

842、好退职事宜的技能管理和终生学习计划Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endingsP080LA12按性别划分的接受定期绩效和职业发展考评的员工比例Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews,by gender.P079LA1

843、3按照性别、年龄组别、少数族裔成员及其他多元化指标划分,说明各管理机构的成员和每类员工的组成细分Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversityP077LA14按员工类别、重要运营地划分,男性与女性员工的基本工资比例Ratio of basic salary and renumeration of

844、women to men by employee category, by signifi cant locations of operation.P078LA15 按性别划分的育婴假后员工返岗率Return to work and retention rates after parentalleave, by gender.P080人权Human RightsHR1 包含关注人权的条款或已经通过人权审查的重要投资协议与合同的总数及比例Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements and contracts t

845、hat include clauses incorporating human rights concerns, or that have undergone human rights screening.P049HR2 已通过人权审查的重要供应商、承包商和其它商业伙伴的比例,及机构采取的行动Percentage of significant suppliers, contractors and other business partners that have undergone human rights screening, and actions taken.P048/P049HR3 员

846、工在工作所涉人权范围的相关政策及程序方面接受培训的总时间,包括受培训的员工比例Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trainedP058HR4歧视个案的总数,和机构采取的改正行动Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective acti

847、ons takenP077HR5已发现可能严重侵犯、危害结社自由和集体谈判权的运营活动及重要供应商,以及保障这些权利所采取的行动Operations and signifi cant suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be voilated or at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rightsNHR6 已发现可能会发生严重危害童工的运营活动及重

848、要供应商,以及有助于消除使用童工的措施Operations and signifi cant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the eff ective abolition of child laborP077HR7 已发现可能会导致严重的强迫或强制劳动的运营及重要供应商,以及有助于消除所有形式的强迫或强制劳动的措施Operations and signifi cant suppliers iden

849、tified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory laborP049HR8 保安人员在作业所涉人权范围的相关政策及程序方面接受培训的比例Percentage of security personnel trained in the organizations policies or procedures concerning

850、 aspects of human rights that are relevant to operationsP051HR9 涉及侵犯土著人包括本地员工权利的个案总数,以及机构采取的措施Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and actions takenNHR10 取决于人权评审及/或影响评估的运营活动比例和总数Percentage and total number of operations that have been subject to human rights

851、reviews and/or impact assessmentsNHR11通过正式不满处理机制被提及并解决的人权方面不满情况数Number of grievances related to human rights filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms.P078中国建筑股份有限公司China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd112社会SocietySO1评估管理机构经营对社区所造成影响(包括进、出社区及营运)的任何项目及行为的性质、范围及有效程度Percent

852、age of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs. P085SO2 已作腐败风险分析的经营单位的总数和比例Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruptionP026SO3 已接受机构的反腐败政策及程序培训的员工比例Percentage of employees trained in organizations

853、anti-corruption policies and proceduresP026SO4 回应腐败所采取的行动Actions taken in response to incidents of corruptionP026SO5 对公共政策的立场,以及参与公共政策的制定及游说的情况Public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbyingNSO6 按国家划分,对政党、政治家和相关组织做出财务及实物捐献的总值Total value of financial and in-kind co

854、ntributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by countryNSO7 涉及反竞争行为、反托拉斯和反垄断措施的法律诉讼的总数及其结果Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomesP028SO8 因违反法律及法规而被严重罚款的总额,以及非罚款的制裁总数Monetary value of significant fin

855、es and total number of non-monetary sanctions for noncompliance with laws and regulationsP024/P025SO9 对本地社区具有重大潜在或实际负面影响的运营活动Operations with significant potential or actualnegative impacts on local communitiesP088SO10 在运营活动中为预防和减轻对本地社区产生的重大潜在或实际负面影响所采取的措施Prevention and mitigation measures implemente

856、d in operations with significant potential or actual negative impacts on local communitiesP088产品责任ProductResponsibilityPR1为改良而评估产品及服务在其生命周期各阶段对安全和健康的影响,以及必须接受这种评估的重要产品和服务类别的比例Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement, and percentage of

857、 significant products and services categories subject to such proceduresP047/P052PR2 按结果划分,在产品和服务的生命周期中,在健康和安全方面违反法规和自愿性守则的事件总数Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by ty

858、pe of outcomesP079PR3 按照程序要求的产品及服务的信息种类,以及属于此类信息规定的重要产品和服务的比例Type of product and service information required by procedures and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirementsP052PR4 按结果划分,违反产品及服务信息和标签的法规及自愿性守则的事件总数Total number of incidents of non-compliance

859、with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labeling, by type of outcomesP046PR5 有关的措施,包括客户满意度的调查结果Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfactionP046PR6 为符合与市场沟通(包括广告、推销和赞助)相关的法律、标准和自愿性守则而开展的措施Programs

860、for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorshipP051PR7 按结果划分,违反与市场沟通(包括广告、推销及赞助)相关的法规和自愿守则的次数Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communicatio

861、ns, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by type of outcomesP051PR8 已被证实的关于侵犯客户隐私权及遗失客户资料的投诉总数Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer dataP051PR9 违反涉及产品和服务的提供与使用的相关法律及规定所受到的重罚金额Monetary value of signifi cant fi nes for nonco

862、mpliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services. P051反馈意见表Feedback Form为了改进中国建筑社会责任工作,我们希望得到您的反馈,这将成为我们改善和提高的重要依据。希望您在百忙中对本报告和我们的工作提出宝贵意见。We hope to hear back from you in order to help us to better fulfill the social responsibilities of China Construction

863、. We depend on your feedback to make improvements to our work. Thank you for your time and your valuable comments.您认为报告总体上:In your opinion, overall the report is: 很好Very good 较好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very poor您认为报告披露的社会责任信息:In your opinion, the disclosed information on social responsibilities i

864、n this report is: 很有价值 Very valuable 价值较高 Valuable 一般 Average 价值较低 Of low value 没有什么价值 Of no value您认为报告在结构上:In your opinion, the structure of the report is: 很合理 Very good 较合理 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very poor您认为报告的可读性: In your opinion, the report is: 很高 Very readable 较高 Readable 一般 Average 较差 Hard to read 很差 Unreadable您对中国建筑社会责任工作的意见和建议,请在此提出:If you have other comments on the social responsibilities of China Construction, please write below:2011Sustainability Report/CSR Report可持续发展报告/社会责任报告



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