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1、地址: 中国北京三里河路15 号中建大厦邮编: 100037电话: (8610) 88082888传真: (8610) 88082789网址: Add: CSCEC Mansion,No.15 Sanlihe Road, 100037 Beijing,ChinaTel: (8610) 88082888Fax: (8610) 88082789Website: 拓展幸福空间 共筑梦想家园Expanding a Happy Living Environment Building a Common Dream Home本报告采用进口高级专业性环保纸。源自 100% 环保林(PEFC)并经以非氯漂白(E

2、CF)技术制造的环保化学纸浆。涂料所使用的各种添加剂成分,不含重金属、二恶英、甲醛等致癌物质,可回收分解。The Report is printed on high quality imported recycled paper.The paper pulp is 100% environmentally friendly. It comes from a forest under the Programme for the Endorsementl of Forest Certification (PEFC) and is produced with Elemental Chlorine-F

3、ree (ECF) technology.The addictives in the ink are recyclable and biodegradable, and do not contain any carcinogenic substances such as heavy metals, dioxin or formaldehyde.3共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home 在财富中国企业社会责任 100 强排行榜中位列第 6 位,列建筑行业首位。 蝉联中国“最具责任感企业”称号,是获得该称号的唯一建筑企业。 中国建筑 2012 年社会责任报告 / 可持

4、续发展报告获中国社科院五星级评级,位列中国上市公司社会责任信息披露榜 10 强,获评“金蜜蜂 2013 优秀社会责任报告长青奖”。 中国建筑情系农民工 拓展幸福凝聚动力获评国务院国资委“中央企业优秀社会责任实践案例”。 在财富“全球 500 强”排名中位列第 80 位,列全球建筑地产企业首位。 国务院国资委中央企业负责人经营业绩考核 A 级。 国务院国资委中央企业信息化水平评价 A 级。 在 ENR 全球 150 家顶尖设计公司排名中位列第 53 位,居中国建筑设计企业首位。 荣登“中国上市公司资本品牌百强”。 荣获第九届中国证券市场年会“金鼎奖”。 荣获第九届金圆桌“优秀董事会奖”。 荣获“

5、2013 大中国地区建筑及综合类企业最佳投资者关系奖”。 中海地产连续十年荣获“中国房地产行业领导公司品牌”,品牌价值达 297.74 亿元人民币,居行业首位。 Ranked 80th among companies in Fortune Global 500 list and No. 1 in the Global Property and Construction Industry. Awarded Class-A prize in Performance Evaluation of Central Enterprise Executives by State-owned Assets S

6、upervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC). Rated as Class-A information Central Enterprise by SASAC. Ranked 53 on ENRs Global Ranking of 150 Top Design Companies, the first in China architecture design enterprises. Won Chinese Top 100 Listed Companies. Won Golden Tripod A

7、ward in the 9th Annual Meeting of Chinese Securities Market. Won The 9th Golden Round Table “Excellent Board Award”. Awarded the 2013 Best Investor Relations among Construction Enterprises and Conglomerates by global well known IR Magazine. Affiliated China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. was awarde

8、d “The leading brand of China real estate industry”,with a brand value of RMB 29,774 million, first within the industry. Ranked 6th on the Fortune Top 100 China Enterprises of Social Responsibility, 1st among the construction industry. Awarded the title of “Most Responsible Enterprise” in 2012 and 2

9、013, the only construction enterprise winning thetitle. CSCEC 2012 Sustainability Report/CSR Report was awarded a 5-Star Report rated by Chinese Academy of SocialSciences, ranked Top 10 on the list of Social Responsibility Information Disclosure of Chinese Listed Companies; WonThe Everlasting Price

10、of Outstanding Social Responsibility Report Goldenbee 2013. CSCEC Caring for Migrant Workers,Expand Happiness,Gather Powers won “ Excellent CSR Cases of CentralEnterprises” by SASAC of the State Council.作为一家建筑地产企业,中国建筑“为何存在、为谁存在”?面对这一核心问题,“拓展幸福空间”的企业使命完美作出了回答。“满意客户、成就员工、回报股东、造福社会”,中国建筑将自身发展与利益相关方需求紧

11、密结合,构成了企业使命的主旋律,体现了公司的终极责任。中国建筑积极探索责任根植文化、文化引领责任之路,助力公司打开可持续发展之门。As a real estate construction company, for what and for whom China Construction exists? It is a core question which our corporate mission “Expanding a happy living envirnment” perfectly answers. The principle of satisfying our customer

12、s, helping employees achieve their success, paying back shareholders, and benefiting the society demonstrates that China Construction combines our own development with that of stakeholders. The principle not only constitutes the theme of China Constructions mission, but also displays our ultimate re

13、sponsibility. In China Construction, the corporate social responsibility is deeply rooted in our culture while at the same time our corporate culture provides guidance for corporate social responsibility: they together open the door of sustainable development. 中国建筑围绕“拓展幸福空间”, 努力打造“最具国际竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团

14、”,积极回应利益相关方的期许,将利益相关方的“价值之梦、 品质之梦、 和谐之梦、 发展之梦、 成长之梦、 进步之梦、 繁荣之梦”化为现实,与利益相关方共建和谐美好的梦想家园。Building around Expanding a happy living envirnment, we actively respond to expectations of stakeholders. Hand in hand with stakeholders we build the Dream of value, Dream of quality, Dream of harmony, Dream of de

15、velopment, Dream of growth, Dream of progress, Dream of prosperity. In turning dreams into reality, we are achieving our mission of becoming the most internationally competitive construction & real estate group .拓展幸福空间 共筑梦想家园Expanding a Happy Living Environment Building a Common Dream Home5共筑梦想家园Bui

16、lding a Common Dream HomeReporting ObjectivesThe present report is the fifth Sustainability Report released by the China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (CSCEC). It is aimed to have frank communication with our stakeholders on the sustainability philosophy, practice and performanc

17、e and respond to the important concerns of the stakeholders.Reporting CycleThe present report is an annual report. The previous one was issued on April 20, 2013. Reporting ScopeThe present report reveals the information of fulfilling of economic, social and environmental obligations of the 37 wholly

18、 owned subsidiaries and 15 shareholding companies of CSCEC, with related cases in point from its subordinate companies. The report period is mainly the year 2013, with some contents tracing back to previous years. The annual continuity measures shall not appear in the report. Please refer to the rep

19、orts of previous years if you wish to know about them. Reporting Data The data in this report are from the Financial Report 2013 of the Company. The calculation methods adopted are similar to those for previous reports. All amounts are indicated in RMB unless specially noted.Compilation ConformanceT

20、his report is compiled in accordance with the Guideline on Performing Social Responsibility by Central Enterprises, released by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council, and the Guidelines for Compiling Reports of the Practice of Social Responsibi

21、lities by Enterprises, released by the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Guideline on Sustainability Report (G3.1) from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G4), ISO 26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility (2010) by International Organization for Standards, and Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibil

22、ity Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR 3.0) are also used as a reference.Reporting CommitmentThis report is prepared by the Social Responsibilities Management Team of the Company, examined by the senior management and approved by the Board of Directors and the Supervision Committee. CSCEC a

23、ssures that the report contains no false records and misleading information.Reporting AssuranceThe present Sustainability Report has received third party verification by TUV NORD which gave an independent verification certification.Reporting CharacteristicsIn preparing the report, more attention was

24、 given to the participation of stakeholders through meetings and a questionnaire survey of the expectations and appeals of internal and external stakeholders. Each chapter of the report begins with “Dreams of Stakeholders”, revealing the survey results of the stakeholders, which can be responded to

25、in the body of the report, so as to increase the substantiality, readability and credibility of the report.References to CSCECFor the convenience of presentation, CSCEC, “China Construction”, “the Company” or “We” refers to China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited in this report. Acc

26、ess to the ReportThe report is prepared and released in two formats print and electronic and in Chinese and English. Welcome to visit the company website to download this report at .Contact UsChina State Construction Engineering Corporation LimitedAddress: CSCEC Mansion, No. 15 Sanlihe Road, Beijing

27、, ChinaPostcode: 100037Tel: (8610) 88082888Fax: (8610) 88082789Website: http:/报告说明报告参数eport DescriptionReport ParametersR目录ONTENTSC报告说明合规 诚信 增长 筑股东价值之梦承诺 精品 优质 筑客户品质之梦高效 低碳 绿色 筑生态和谐之梦尊重 关怀 成就 筑员工发展之梦协作 促进 共赢 筑伙伴成长之梦创新 分享 引领 筑行业进步之梦安全 关爱 和谐 筑社区繁荣之梦责任专题Report DescriptionCompliance Integrity Developmen

28、t Realizing the Shareholders Dream of ValueCommitment Excellence Quality Realizing the Clients Dream of QualityHigh Efficiency Low Carbon Green Life Building the Dream of Ecological HarmonyRespect Care Achievement Realizing the Employees Dream of DevelopmentCoordination Promotion All-winRealizing Pa

29、rtners Dream for DevelopmentCreativity Sharing LeadingRealizing Dream of Progress of the Construction SectorSecurity Care Harmony Building a Prosperous CommunityResponsibility Topics20324252647282592报告目的 本报告为中国建筑股份有限公司正式发布的第五份可持续发展报告。报告旨在对公司可持续发展的理念、实践和绩效与利益相关方进行坦诚沟通,回应利益相关方关注的重要问题。报告发布周期 本报告为年度报告,上

30、年度报告发布时间为 2013 年 4 月 20 日。报告范围 报告披露中国建筑股份有限公司的 37 家全资公司和 15 家控股公司履行经济、社会和环境方面责任的信息,相关典型案例来自公司所属企业。时间跨度以 2013 年度为主,适当追溯一些重要年份。年度延续性措施将不在本报告中体现,如想进一步了解,请参考公司往年可持续发展报告。报告数据说明 本报告财务数据来自公司 2013 年度财务报告,报告数据计算方法与以往报告一致,报告中如无特别说明,所有金额均以人民币表示。 编写依据 报告遵循国务院国资委关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见、上海证券交易所公司履行社会责任的报告编制指引等文件要求,参照全球

31、报告倡议组织可持续发展报告指南(GRI G4)、国际标准化组织ISO 26000:社会责任指南(2010)、中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS-CSR 3.0)等编制。报告承诺 本报告由中国建筑社会责任管理团队组织编制,由公司相关高管审核,经公司董事会、监事会审议批准。中国建筑保证报告内容不存在任何虚假、误导性陈述。报告保证方法 报告由德国汉德技术监督服务(亚太)有限公司进行第三方验证,并提供独立的验证证明。报告特色和改进 报告编写过程中更加重视利益相关方参与,通过利益相关方问卷调查、会议沟通,收集内外部利益相关方对公司的期望和诉求。报告内容在每个章节开篇加入“利益相关方的梦想”,展现公司

32、开展利益相关方调查的结果,并在报告正文中予以回应,进一步增强报告的实质性、可读性和可信性。称谓说明 为方便表述,中国建筑股份有限公司在报告中简称“中国建筑”、“公司”或“我们”。获取方式 报告语言为中英文,以印刷品和 PDF 电子文件两种方式发布,欢迎登陆公司网站 获取。联系方式中国建筑股份有限公司地址:中国北京三里河路 15 号中建大厦邮政编码:100037电话:(8610)88082888传真:(8610)88082789网址:http:/展望专家点评第三方验证报告指标索引反馈意见表关键绩效表评级报告OutlookExpert CommentsVerification of the Th

33、ird PartyReporting IndexFeedback FormKey Performance FormRating Report989100104致辞关于我们Chairmans MessageAbout Us8106拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment7共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home我们基于公司发展的社会背景、 公司战略和经营重点、社会责任报告相关指南和标准以及利益相关方需求分析,结合中国建筑社会责任管理指标体系,确定本次报告社会责任议题清单。根据利益相关方问卷调查,从“对企

34、业可持续发展的影响”和“对利益相关方的重要性”两个维度对社会责任议题进行分析,确定实质性议题。Based on the social background and the corporate strategy, CSR Report Guidelines and Standards as well, Needs Analysis of Stakeholders as well as CSCEC Social Responsibility Management Index System , we build the list of issues of the sustainability rep

35、ort. Based on the questionnaire survey, substantial issues were then determined based on the analysis done from the two dimensions of “impacts on the sustainability of the enterprise” and importance to stakeholders”. 沟通需求Communicating Needs 了解程度Understanding Level实质性议题分析过程Analytic process of substan

36、tial issues利益相关方对社会责任议题沟通需求和了解程度的评价表明利益相关方沟通需求满足情况优异(参加问卷调查人数:外部 110 人,内部 22 人)Stakeholders Appraisal of the Needs Communication of CSR Issuesand Understanding Level indicate that the communication needs of the shareholders are well satisfied.(Numbers of respondents: External 110; Internal 22)部分社会责任

37、实质性议题分析举例Parts of cases for the analysis of CSR substantial issues 对企业可持续发展的影响Impact on sustainable development of the corporation企业发展宏观背景Macro Background of the Company公司战略和经营重点Corporate Strategy and Focus of Business矩阵分析Matrix Analysis社会责任报告标准和相关指南CSR Report Standards and Guidelines问卷调查Questionnai

38、re Survey社会责任议题CSR Issues中国建筑社会责任管理指标体系CSCEC Social Responsibility Management Index System报告实质性议题Substantial Issues of the Report利益相关方分析Analysis of Stakeholders00.可持续经营 科技创新 质量 安全 环境 员工 社会 4.354.284.124.424.394.客户隐私保护Customer privacy prot

39、ection税费缴纳 Tax payment薪酬福利 Compensations and benefits 安全Safety客户服务Customer service员工职业发展 Personnel career development供应商管理 Supplier management绿色建造 Green construction房屋质量保证Housing quality assurance可持续经营Sustainable business防治污染 Pollution prevention科技创新Sci-tech innovation关爱农民工Care for migrant workers对利

40、益相关方的重要性Importance to stakeholders Sustainable business Sci-tech innovationQualitySafetyEnvironment Employees Society本报告在编写过程中,建立了由公司社会责任委员会牵头组织、社会责任工作办公室主要负责、其他职能部门和单位共同参与的可持续发展报告编制小组。我们邀请内外部利益相关方参与本报告编写过程,日常通过公司网站、报纸、期刊、业务报告、电台、电视和微博等媒体以及参与各种形式的利益相关方沟通会等形式与利益相关方广泛沟通,收集利益相关方关注的议题和期望。2014 年 2 月,我们召开

41、可持续发展报告编制启动会,开展利益相关方问卷调查,针对性收集公司内部员工及各利益相关方对报告的意见和建议。A Sustainability Report Work Team was set up for the writing of the report, which was organized by the CSCEC CSR Committee, taken charge of by the CSR Office and coordinated by other departments and agencies. We invited internal and external stake

42、holders to take part in the preparation of the report. We communicated with stakeholders through the CSCEC website, newspapers, journals, business reports, radio stations, TV, Weibo as well as meetings and other forms of communication, so as to collect issues and expectations of stakeholders. We hel

43、d a mobilization meeting on preparing the sustainability report in February, 2014, and carried out a questionnaire survey of stakeholders and collected comments and suggestions on the report from employees and various stakeholders. 召开股东大会 Convening General Meeting of Stockholders主办行业会议Hosting indust

44、ry meeting 组织员工茶话会Organizing Tea Party of Employees开展项目开放日活动Holding Open Day Project公司 2013 年可持续发展报告编制流程Preparation Process of the Sustainability Report 2013组建报告工作小组Set up Report Work Team第一次小组会议The 1st team meeting 确定目标和分工Set goals and divide labor召开报告启动兼培训大会Hold a meeting for mobilization and trai

45、ning利益相关方问卷调查Questionnaire survey of stakeholders设计报告Design report印刷报告Print report发布报告Release report制定报告工作计划Make work plans for report work选定报告名称和主题Finalize report name and subject收集资料Collect data撰写报告正文Write report完成内部批准、外部评估Accomplish internal approval and external assessment 报告编制过程Report Preparati

46、on Process8拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment9共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomeThe year 2013 witnessed great advance and achievements made by CSCEC Guided by the gist of the 18th National Congress of Communist Party of China and the corporate strategy of“one most and two entries, CSCEC has

47、kept advancing in a steady way while focusing on the growth of quality and profits. We have sped up structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading, improved management and met all risks and challenges soberly, thus made outstanding achievements and enhanced the sustainability of the company.

48、 CSCEC considerably improved its social image and brand value. CSCEC ranked No. 80 in the 2013 Fortune Global 500, 20 places higher than the previous year. It maintained the status of being the worlds largest real estate enterprise. In the performance appraisal for CEOs of State Owned Enterprises (S

49、OEs) organized by SASAC, CSCEC was again rated as Grade-A enterprise. It won 16 China Construction Engineering Luban Awards and 32 National Quality Project Awards for 2012-2013, keeping its leading position in the industry. CSCEC made better performance in expanding its core business. The value of n

50、ew construction contracts signed exceeded RMB 1.2 trillion for the whole year. operating revenues, profits and economic added value making new high. While expanding its scale of real estate construction as the core business, CSCEC has also improved the development quality. At the same time, the infr

51、astructure and overseas business developed very well. For the year, CSCEC scored a 52.9% increase in contracting infrastructural projects like high-speed railways, subways, roads, bridges and others over the year before. And the amount of newly-signed contracts in overseas markets rose by 16.2% year

52、 on year. CSCEC drove the transformation and urpgrading through our innovation for sustainable development. By making use of the advantages in design, development, housing construction and capital construction development, CSCEC contributed to Chinas urbanization drive. CSCEC explored a lot in green

53、 construction and expanded its innovative energy efficient and environment-friendly business and thus made positive contribution to ecological development, energy conservation and environmental protection. The company made fruitful results in high-tech innovations. It has obtained 1,675 national pat

54、ents, ranking No. 1 in central construction enterprises. Mr. Xiao Xuwen was elected to be an academician with Chinese Academy of Engineering, being the second after Academician Zhang Jinqiu from of. Xiao is also the first academician of CSCEC in the field of construction. CSCEC engaged in the CPCs M

55、ass Line Campaign to pool the driving force for scientific development. In accordance with the directives and arrangements made by CPC Central Committee, CSCEC organized a series of activities for the Mass Line Campaign. As required by the CPC Central Committee to “look into the mirror, make clothin

56、g tidy, have a shower, and receive treatment”, CSCEC focused on ethics development and strongly opposed bad working styles. CSCEC conducted criticism and self-criticism movement. As a result, the working style became more practical and honest. These efforts were pooling greater driving force, which

57、are sure to exert profound influence on the future development. CSCEC well carried on the corporate culture and Chen Chaoying Spirit. By pushing forward development of corporate cultural system with Credo of CSCEC as the core, all employees practiced the core cultural philosophy of the company. At t

58、he same time, CSCEC encouraged its employees to learn from the Chen Chaoying Spirit and engage in the Program of Chaoying Honesty Cultural Demo Points. The employees worked hard in an effort to realize the CSCECs goal of becoming “a conglomerate in construction and real estate with international com

59、petitiveness”. Planning is important. But implementation is even more important. For CSCEC, 2014 is a year of implementation. It is our hope that all stakeholders can understand, help and support CSCEC after reading the report. We will adhere to honesty, integrity and science-based operation to live

60、 up to your expectations. We will keep improving in all aspects, working for a better future and thus making new contributions to building a more beautiful China. 致辞hairmans MessageC2013 年是中国建筑意气风发、业绩辉煌的一年。在党的十八大精神指引下,在新“一最两跨”战略引领下,中国建筑坚持“稳中求进”的工作总基调,以提高经济发展质量和效益为中心,加快结构调整和转型升级,持续深化管理提升,沉着应对各种风险和挑战,

61、取得了优异成绩,公司的可持续发展能力进一步增强。中国建筑的社会形象和品牌价值显著提升。在 2013 年度财富全球 500 强企业排名中,中国建筑位列第 80 位,比2012 年度排名上升 20 位,继续保持全球规模最大建筑地产企业的地位;在国资委央企负责人经营业绩考核中,中国建筑再次被评为 A 级企业。公司荣获 2012-2013 年度鲁班奖 16 项,国家优质工程奖 32 项,保持了行业领先水平。中国建筑的主营业务规模效益再创佳绩。全年建筑业务新签合同额超过 1.2 万亿元,合同额、营业收入、利润和经济增加值均创历史新高。 房建主营业务在规模扩张的同时, 发展质量同步提高。 基础设施与海外业

62、务发展良好, 全年承接高铁、地铁、路桥等基础设施工程合同总额较去年增长 52.9%;境外新签合同额同比增长 16.2%。中国建筑创新驱动转型升级、可持续发展之路愈加宽广。发挥设计、开发、房建、基建“四位一体”优势,推动国家“城镇化”建设。在绿色施工领域大胆实践,节能环保创新业务之路愈加宽广,为生态文明建设和节能环保事业做出积极贡献。公司科技创新硕果累累,获国家专利授权 1,675 项,在建筑类央企排名第一;肖绪文同志被中国工程院评选为院士,成为继张锦秋院士之后中国建筑第二位院士,实现公司在施工领域院士零突破。中国建筑深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,凝聚科学发展强大动力。按照党中央的统一部署,

63、我们认真组织开展党的群众路线教育实践活动。按照中央“照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病”的总要求,聚焦作风建设,坚决反对“四风”,开展了批评与自我批评。公司工作作风更加务实与清廉,作风建设的新成效凝聚起科学发展的强大动力,对未来发展产生深远的影响。中国建筑弘扬上海品茶和“超英精神”,打造员工建功立业平台。推进以“中建信条”为核心的上海品茶体系建设,全体员工践行中国建筑文化核心理念。推动宣传和学习“超英精神”,打造“超英廉洁文化示范点”工程,广大优秀员工拼搏奋斗、激情工作,为中国建筑成就“最具国际竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团”的美好愿景建功立业。一分部署、九分落实! 2014 年将是中国建筑的落实之

64、年。我们希望各利益相关方借助报告,理解、帮助和支持中国建筑的发展。我们将继续坚持诚信、科学经营,真诚回应利益相关方的期望和关切,持续改进各项工作,努力创造中国建筑更加光明的未来,为美丽中国再创新业绩,再做新贡献!董事长CSCEC Chairman Yijun10拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment11共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home中国建筑股份有限公司组织机构图Organizational Structure of CSCEC股东大会Shareholder s General Meeting 经 理 层Mana

65、gers监事会办公室Ofce of the Board of Supervisors战略委员会Strategy CommitteePersonnel and Remuneration Committee审计委员会人事与薪酬委员会Auditing Committee办 公 厅General Ofce 人力资源部Human Resources Department 市场与客户管理部Marketing & Customers Service Department科技与设计管理部Technology & Design Department 资 金 部Treasury Department 投 资 部I

66、nvestment Department 法律事务部Legal Department 财 务 部Finance Department信息化管理部Information Technology Department审 计 局Audit Department上海品茶部Corporate Culture Department 海外事业部Overseas Operations 基础设施事业部Infrastructure Operations 房地产事业部Real Estate Operations 城市综合建设部Urban Comprehensive Development Operations 所属各

67、二级单位Afliated Secondary Units监 察 局Supervision Department老干部局Department of Retired Veteran Cadres 总部事务管理局Administration Department企业策划与管理部Strategy & Planning Department安全质量环境部Safty, Quality and Environment Department董事会办公室Ofce of the Board董 事 会Ofce of the Board监 事 会Supervision Committee公司概况组织架构关于我们Com

68、pany ProfileOrganizational Structurebout UsA公司简介中国建筑股份有限公司(股票简称:中国建筑,股票代码:601668)是全球最大的建筑地产综合企业集团。公司是国有控股重要骨干企业,由中国建筑工程总公司、中国石油天然气集团公司、宝钢集团有限公司、中国中化集团公司 4 家世界 500 强企业共同发起,于 2007 年 12 月 10 日正式创立,并于 2009 年 7 月 29 日在上海证券交易所成功上市,总部设在北京。公司现拥有 37 家全资公司和 15 家控股公司。中国建筑股份有限公司传承了中国建筑工程总公司的全部资产和上海品茶,拥有产品技术研发、勘

69、察设计、工程承包、地产开发、设备制造、物业管理等完整的产业链条,是国内唯一一家同时拥有“三特”资质(房建、市政、公路三类特级总承包资质)和建筑行业工程设计甲级资质的建筑企业。公司主营业务涉及房屋建筑工程、国际工程承包、房地产开发与投资、基础设施建设与投资以及设计勘察等五大领域,经营区域分布全球 40 多个国家和地区。About the CompanyChina State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (Stock Name: China Construction; Stock Code: 601668) is the largest

70、 construction and real estate conglomerate in the world. The company is a key backbone state holding enterprise, established with joint investment from four leading enterprises, all of which rank as Fortune Global 500 Enterprises. The companies are: (1) China State Construction Engineering Corp (CSC

71、EC) (2) China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) (3) Baosteel Group Corporation, and (4) Sinochem Group. CSCEC, officially established on 10 December 2007, is headquartered in Beijing. The company was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on July 29, 2009.CSCEC has inherited the superior assets a

72、nd corporate culture of China State Construction Engineering Corporation and possesses an industrial chain that ranges product R&D, survey and design, project contracting, real estate development, equipment manufacturing and property management. We are the only construction enterprise in China certi

73、fied with three Top Grade Qualifications (premium general contracting qualification, including housing construction, municipal construction and road construction), as well as Grade-A Qualification for project design in the construction sector. Meanwhile, we are the largest construction and housing c

74、onglomerate and real estate and construction contractor that has been among the top ranks in China for a long period of time. Our business scope includes housing construction, international project contracting, real estate development and investment, infrastructure construction and investment, surve

75、y and design, with business reaching more than 40 countries and regions in the world.12拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment13共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home我们以中建信条为载体,围绕“拓展幸福空间”的企业使命和“品质保障,价值创造”的企业核心价值观,从责任根植文化,文化引领责任的视角,在文化引领和驱动下,将社会责任融入管理和日常运营,推动各项社会责任管理机制的建立和完善。责任理念我们以“为利益相关方拓展充满幸福感的发展空间

76、”为己任,确立企业使命、愿景、核心价值观和企业精神,并作为公司在处理与客户、员工、股东、社区等利益相关方的关系时,信奉和秉承的最基本的原则与理念。责任推进我们建立健全社会责任工作体系,开展社会责任能力建设,积极与利益相关方沟通,推动社会责任理念融入日常运营和管理,使公司的社会和环境综合价值创造能力显著提升,走出了一条具有文化引领特色的中央企业社会责任管理道路。责任模型我们结合行业和企业特点,围绕“拓展幸福空间”核心理念,以构建责任文化为主体,以文化建设路径为支撑,全面推进社会责任理念融入公司战略、日常运营和员工日常工作,实现企业资源的系统规划和整合使用,打造文化引领型社会责任管理模式。We t

77、ake the Credo of CSCEC as the medium, focusing on the mission of “Expanding a Happy Living Environment” and upholding the core value of “Quality Assurance and Value Creation”. Driven by Culture-led CSR Model, we incorporate social responsibility into our everyday management and operation so as to pr

78、omote the establishment and improvement of the social responsibility management mechanism. Responsibility Philosophy Our mission is to “Expanding a Happy Living Environment” for stakeholders and we have set our corporate mission, vision, core values and corporate spirit, which shall serve as the mos

79、t essential principles for us to handle relations with clients, employees, shareholders,the community and other stakeholders.Performing ResponsibilityWe have established a CSR system and build up the ability to perform CSR. We actively communicate with the stakeholders and instill CSR concept into t

80、he daily operation and management, which highly strengthens our ability to create social and environment value and ushers us onto a culture-led CSR management road for Central Enterprises.Responsibility ModelWe inject the concept of CSR into corporate strategy, daily operations and routine work of e

81、mployees, realize the systematic planning and integrated utilization of corporate resources and forge a culture-led CSR management model by combining the industry features and corporate characteristics, centering on the core concept of “Expanding a Happying Environment ”, treating the construction o

82、f culture of responsibility as the main body and relying on the culture development path. 责任管理机制Responsibility management mechanism责任文化 培育机制Responsibility culture training mechanism责任绩效评价考核机制Responsibility performance appraisal mechanism社会责任信息披露机制CSR information disclosure mechanism作为全球最大的建筑地产综合企业集团

83、,中国建筑本着“诚信、创新、超越、共赢”的企业精神,紧抓发展机遇、积极应对挑战、 充分发挥自身优势、 不断完善推动管理提升,以为利益相关方创造价值为己任,推进公司可持续发展。As the largest real estate conglomerate in the world, we are dedicated to upholding our corporate spirit of “Integrity, Innovation, Excellence, and All-win”. We give full play of our own advantages, seize all avai

84、lable opportunities for development and actively face up to challenges. We keep improving our management, creating value for our stakeholders and advancing the sustainable development of the company. 机遇Opportunities挑战Challenges优势Advantages劣势Disadvantages 世界经济形势呈复苏态势 市场机制变动 国家城镇化政策有序推进 国有企业体制深化改革 国家支

85、持“走出去”战略 World economy recovering Market mechanism changing Urbanization drive advancing SOEs reform deepening Country supporting Going Global 新兴市场和发展中国家存在外需疲软、内生动力不足等问题 国内经济运行存在下行压力 Insufficient domestic demand and lack of internal driving force in emerging markets. Downward pressure of domestic ec

86、onomy 综合素质高的人才队伍 优秀的管理方式 较强的融资优势 较高的应对风险能力 Quality force of talents Outstanding ways of management S t ro n g f i n a n c i n g advantages H i g h c a p a c i t y o f countering risks 内部资源重复配置、存在同质化竞争现象 业务分布不平衡 与国际标杆企业相比存在差距 Repetitious allocation of internal resources, existing homogeneous competit

87、ion Imbalanced division of business Gap with international leading companies 坚持“一最两跨,科学发展”的战略目标,实施“专业化、区域化、标准化、信息化、国际化”的战略举措,加快自身转型升级的步伐,集中优势资源转方式、调结构、促升级,坚持保障品质,不断创造价值。We stick to the strategy of “One most, Two entries, Scientific development” , carry out the tactics of “Specialization, Regionaliza

88、tion, Standardization, Informationization and Internationalization”, speed up transformation and upgrading, concentrate resources on restructuring and upgrading and keep hold on quality and creating of value.可持续发展背景责任管理Background Information on Sustainable DevelopmentResponsibility Management中国建筑文化引

89、领型社会责任管理模式Culture-led CSR Management Model of CSCEC14拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment15共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home社会责任工作体系我们成立由高管和部门负责人组成的社会责任委员会,负责领导公司整体社会责任工作,建立覆盖公司各层级、各领域的社会责任工作体系。社会责任委员会下设社会责任工作办公室, 主要负责制定社会责任工作规划、 管理制度,组织实施社会责任实践,对外开展社会责任交流,编制发布可持续发展报告等。责任能力建设我们积极参加国务院国资委、专业机构

90、等举办的社会责任工作会议、论坛、研讨会等交流活动,学习先进经验,提升社会责任能力,持续改进社会责任绩效;组织社会责任管理专项培训,提升社会责任专兼职人员的认知水平和能力。责任融合我们根据2012年可持续发展报告/社会责任报告编制过程中发现的优点和不足,修订完善中国建筑社会责任指标管理手册,为公司各部门推进社会责任管理提供框架和指导。我们制定社会责任信息管理系统构建方案,完成总部职能部门的社会责任指标信息化报表模板,根据各职能部门反馈意见,调整后纳入信息管理网报系统。CSR Operation System We established a Social Responsibility Commi

91、ttee consisting of senior executives and department directors to lead the overall work of CSR. An operation system of CSR which covers all levels and all spheres of CSCEC is set up. Under the committee, there is a Social Responsibility Office, which is in charge of making CSR work plan, developing C

92、SR managerial system, organizing CSR practices, carrying out CSR communications, as well as compiling and releasing Sustainability Reports.Responsibility Ability BuildingWe actively participate in the CSR conferences, forums, seminars and other communication activities held by SASAC and other profes

93、sional organizations. We learn advanced experience, promote the CSR ability and continuously enhance our CSR performance. In addition, we organize a special training program of CSR with a view to promoting the awareness and performing ability of CSR workers, both of full-time and part-time.Responsib

94、ility IntegrationAccording to the advantages and shortcomings found during the preparation of CSCEC 2012 Sustainability Report/CSR Report, we revised the CSCEC CSR Index Management Manual , which provides a framework and guidance for all departments of CSCEC to progress social responsibility managem

95、ent.CSCEC set up a scheme of social responsibility information management system, making the report template of social responsibility index information for headquarters functional divisions. According to these divisions feedbacks, we adjust the reports and include them into the internet report syste

96、m of information management.中国建筑文化引领型社会责任模型Culture-led CSR Model of CSCEC房地产开发与投资设计勘察基础设施建设与投资国际工程承包共赢是伙伴与我们共同的价值追求、 共同的幸福。 我们全力保护伙伴的合法权益, 扩大合作范围、 深化合作领域, 与合作伙伴共同创造价值, 实现共同发展。拓展共赢空间Win-win outcomes are the common value and happiness we pursue with our partners. We are committed to protecting the leg

97、itimate rights and interests of our partners and to expanding the scope of our cooperation activities. We believe this will help us deepen the cooperation field, create value and realize common development with our partners.Contributing to the Win-win Space推行绿色建筑,共建世界美好家园是全人类的幸福。我们搭建绿色建筑整体运营平台, 实现建筑

98、全生命周期一体化服务,助力推进生态和谐的城镇化建设,服务国家生态文明建设。We believe that mankind s long-term happiness is connected to the development of green buildings and a beautiful world. We have therefore established an operating platform for the development of green buildings and realized integrated services in construction wit

99、h an entire life cycle, which will contribute to ecological harmony in urban construction while also serving the national ecological interest.Contributing to the Ecological Space拓展生态空间社会和谐与繁荣是全球社区与我们共同的幸福。我们重视安全生产,严格落实安全责任制;拉动就业, 减轻社会就业压力;热心公益事业, 扶贫助困;担当央企责任, 维护社会稳定;履行全球责任,共建幸福家园。拓展和谐空间Contributing

100、to the Harmonious Space满意的市值、持续的收益回报是股东和我们共同的幸福。 我们坚持科学发展策略,积极转变发展模式;推行精细化管理, 强化风险管控, 不断提升盈利能力。In cooperation with our shareholders we want to increase our common happiness, market value and sustained returns. We will continue to uphold our scientific development strategy, and we will work to transf

101、orm our development model. We will also promote our fine management approach in order to strengthen our risk management and control systems and improve our profitability. Creating common happiness and value that goes above and beyond quality is the goal of CSCEC for our customers. We prioritize cust

102、omers interests and provide customers with high-quality products that are culturally rich and technologically advanced, which regularly surpass customers expectations.拓展价值空间Contributing to the Value SpaceInternational Project ContractingReal Estate Development and InvestmentInfrastructure Constructi

103、on and InvestmentDesign and Survey公平的竞争秩序、科技创新与技术进步是我们整个行业的幸福。 我们自觉遵守行业自律规则,鼓励公平竞争政策的制定和执行,尊重并保护知识产权;不断创新体制、管理、技术等,推动公司与建筑行业共同发展。It is in the best interests of the entire industry to ensure fair competition while seeking technological innovation and progress in research and development. We abide by

104、the self-regulating rules of the industry, encourage the formulation and implementation of fair competition, and respect and protect intellectual property rights. We also regularly upgrade our institutions, management and technological advancements through innovation to better the company and the co

105、nstruction industry.Social harmony and prosperity throughout the world is a fundamental ambition at CSCEC. We will continue to strive to be a safe and secure company that adheres to all aspects of safety to ensure a safe working environment. We provide job opportunities to mitigate national pressure

106、s on social employment, and contribute to public welfare to alleviate poverty concerns. As a central enterprise we also have a responsibility to maintain social stability while fulfilling our global responsibility to build a happy homeland.拓展创新空间Contributing to the Innovation Space 拓展幸福空间Expanding a

107、 Happy Living Environment房屋建筑工程Housing Construction股东Shareholders客户Customers环境Environment员工Employees 伙伴Partners行业Industry社区Communities创造 “物超所值” 的价值是客户和我们的共同幸福。 我们始终将客户利益放在首位, 全力为客户提供富含科技人文内涵的高品质产品, 不断超越客户需求。拓展品质空间Contributing to the Quality Space帮助员工实现自我价值是我们与员工的共同幸福。 我们恪守以人为本的管理思想, 实施科学的人才发展策略, 为员工

108、搭建发展平台, 让员工充分享受企业发展带来的成果, 提高员工的生活水平。拓展成长空间Helping employees realize self-value is the common happiness we have with them. We are working towards improving our people-oriented management thinking, implementing scientific talent policy and building a career development platform, which provides employe

109、es with the opportunity to benefit from our corporate development, and improve their standard of living.Contributing to the Development Space16拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment17共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home各利益相关方沟通参与表利益相关方Stakeholders期望与要求Expectations and Demands沟通与回应方式Communication a

110、nd Response股东与投资者Shareholders & Investors收益回报Revenue and returns满意市值Satisfying market value权益保护Protection of rights and interests了解公司经营情况Understanding of operating conditions提高盈利能力Enhance profitability加强市场管理Strengthen the market management及时披露信息Disclose operational information in a timely manner客户Cu

111、stomers诚信履约Fulfillment of promises with integrity信息透明Information transparency高质量产品High-quality products高品质服务High-quality services合同执行 Fulfillment of contracts需求调查 Survey demands日常沟通 Offer daily communications建议与反馈 Provide suggestions and feedback环境Environment节能减排Energy conservation and emission redu

112、ction应对气候变化Tackle with climate change节约资源Save resources生态保护Ecological protection绿色设计Pursue green design绿色施工Implement Green construction保护生态Protect the eco-system绿色办公Build a green office员工Employees共同成长Common growth工资与福利保障Salaries and benefits健康与安全Health and safety人文关怀Caring for people权益保护Protect righ

113、ts and interests民主沟通Use a democratic approach to communication教育培训Offer education and training劳动保护Provide labor protection战略合作伙伴与供应链Strategic partners & Supply chain共同发展Mutual development合作共赢Win-win cooperation资源共享Sharing of resources公开公正Open and just协议合同执行Fulfillment of agreements and contracts高层互访

114、Offer mutual visits by senior management定期会议Conduct regular meetings多渠道合作与研究Provide multi-channel cooperation建议与支持Offer recommendations and support公开采购信息Disclose procurement information谈判与交流Support negotiations and exchanges行业Industry公平竞争Fair competition推动行业技术进步Promote technological progress in the

115、industry提升行业管理水平Improve industrial management提升研发能力Improve R&D capability参与行业发展论坛Participate in the forums on industry development管理提升Improve management政府、社区与公众Government, Community & the Public遵纪守法Abide by laws and regulations依法纳税Pay taxes in accordance with laws促进就业、教育培训Promote employment, educati

116、on and training公益慈善、社区参与Conduct public welfare and charities and participate in the community带动当地产业发展Boost development of local industries推动社区公共事业发展Promote the development of community public services合规管理Compliance management主动纳税Pay taxes on time支持与引导Offer support and guidance培训与宣传Conduct training a

117、nd propaganda沟通活动Provide communication activities公益行动Carry out public welfare initiatives公开采购Fair procurement信守承诺Fulfillment of promises保证付款Secure paymentsStakeholders Participation and Engagement责任沟通我们在公司网站开辟可持续发展板块,披露公司履行社会责任的理念、典型案例和成效, 搭建与利益相关方沟通平台;发布2012年可持续发展报告/社会责任报告,与各利益相关方进行全面系统沟通。我们积极推动下属企

118、业与利益相关方进行沟通。 2013年, 中国海外集团有限公司、中国海外发展有限公司、中国建筑国际集团有限公司和中国建筑第七工程局有限公司分别发布 2012 年度社会责任报告,促进了公司与利益相关方的沟通和交流。2013 年度中国建筑参加社会责任活动情况参加“第九届中国企业社会责任国际论坛”,获评“最具责任感企业”称号,并作为获奖企业代表参加论坛对话;参加“第六届中国企业社会责任报告国际研讨会”,并作为发言单位参与论坛对话。Responsibility CommunicationOn CSCEC website we opened a new module named Sustainabilit

119、y serving as a communication platform for stakeholders to make public our CSR idea, typical cases and achievements. Also, we released CSCEC 2012 Sustainability Report/CSR Report to ensure the comprehensive communication with all stakeholders.CSCEC actively encourages its subsidiaries to communicate

120、with stakeholders. In 2013, China Overseas Holdings Limited, China State Construction International Holdings Limited and China Construction Seventh Engineering Bureau released 2012 CSR reports respectively, which have facilitated the communication and exchanges with stakeholders.Social Responsibilit

121、y Activities that CSCEC Participated In 2013 Participated in the 9th China CSR International Forum, awarded as the 2013 Most Responsible Enterprise and took part in a dialogue session as a representative of prize-winners;Participated in the 6th China CSR Report International Seminar and took part in

122、 a dialogue session as a speaker.18拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment19共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomeConstruction Quality Awarded 16 China Construction Engineering Luban Awards, accounting for 16% of the total awards, added up to 193. Granted 32 National Quality Awards, accounting for 14

123、.5% of the total award. Granted 12 China Civil Engineering Zhan Tianyou Awards, accounting for 1/3 of the total construction engineering awards, added up to 45. Awarded 2 Gold Medals of Zhan Tianyou Award for Outstanding Residential Community. Awarded 42 Outstanding Project Management Construction E

124、ngineering Achievement Award. Granted 29 Gold Medals of China Steel Awards. 6 Installation Engineering of China won the Quality Awards. Won 1 National Waterway Construction Companies Excellent Construction Award.Environment Won National Green Building Innovation Award 6 times, 22 projects were selec

125、ted on the Plan of 2013 GreenConstruction and Green Building Demonstration. 75 projects were rated as National Green Construction Demonstration Project, first in the construction industry. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals - the Green Office Award, Global Love Enterprise Award, and the

126、United Nations and the Logo of Green Office Incentive Plan from World Green Organization. Won The Environmental Protection and Constructors of Grace Excellence Award, the yearly building award of Singapore Construction Bureau.Technology The Technology Applied in Railway Station Design of Integral Br

127、idge-station and Function Visualization to AchievePassenger Evacuation and the Application of the Key Technology of Ultra-high and Complicated Skyscraper Structure were awarded National Second-grade Prize for Progress in Science and Technology. Awarded 1 Prize for Science and Technology Innovation E

128、nterprise by SASAC. 2 Special Prizes, 17 First-grade Prizes, and 36 Second-grade Prizes for Science and Technology from the ChinaAssociation of Construction Enterprise Management. 6 Prizes for Innovation in Science and Technology by Chinese Quality Association. 51 Prizes for Technology Demonstration

129、 Projects in the National Construction and Decoration Industry from theChina Building Decoration Association, and 97 prizes for Innovation in Science and Technology. 5 Prizes for Science and Technology from the China Steel Construction Society. 39 prizes of Building Engineering Decoration of China.

130、2 Prizes for Progress in Science and Technology by Chinese Installation Association.Community and Safety Production Awarded Advanced Group for Poverty Relief as Central State Agencies and Other Units by Leading Group ofPoverty Alleviation and Development of the State Council. 65 Construction Sites w

131、on National AAA Security Standardization Honesty, 169 in all. Awarded Advanced Unit of National Construction Safety Production in 2013. Won 12 Quality Management Awards of Indemnificatory Housing Construction. Won the STEP Gold Safety Medal granted by the US Associated Builders & Contractors, which

132、is the most authoritative safety award in the construction sector of the US. Won the Award of Annual Security by Singapore LTA.Employees Awarded the Title of 11th “Top 50 Employer for College and University Graduates” by C. Awarded the Title of 2013 Chinese Real Estate Enterprise “Top 30 Employer Br

133、and”.工程质量 荣获中国建设工程鲁班奖 16 项,占奖项总数的 16%,累计达 193 项。 荣获国家优质工程奖 32 项,占奖项总数的 14.5%。 荣获中国土木工程詹天佑大奖 12 项,占颁奖总数的 1/3,累计达 45 项。 荣获詹天佑奖优秀住宅小区金奖 2 项。 荣获全国建设工程优秀项目管理成果奖 42 项。 荣获中国钢结构金奖 29 项。 荣获中国安装工程优质奖 6 项。 荣获全国水运工程建设优秀施工企业奖 1 项。环境 荣获住房和城乡建设部“全国绿色建筑创新奖”6 项,“2013 年绿色施工科技示范工程”22 项。 荣获中国建筑业协会“全国建筑业绿色施工示范工程”75 项,居建

134、筑业首位。 荣获“联合国千禧发展目标绿色办公室奖励计划”、联合 国“环球爱心企业”及世界绿色组织“绿色办公室奖励计划”标志。 荣获新加坡建设局“环保与优雅建筑商卓越奖”。科技 桥建合一及功能可视化立体疏解客流铁路车站设计建造技术、超高及复杂高层建筑结构关键技术与应用荣获 2013 年度国家科技进步二等奖。 荣获国务院国资委授予的科技创新企业奖 1 项。 荣获中国施工企业管理协会科学技术奖特等奖 2 项,一等奖 17 项,二等奖 36 项。 荣获中国质量协会科技创新奖 6 项。 荣获全国建筑装饰行业科技示范工程奖 51 项,科技创新成果奖 97 项。 荣获中国钢结构协会科学技术奖 5 项。 荣获

135、全国建筑工程装饰奖 39 项。 荣获中国安装协会科学技术进步奖 2 项。社区和安全生产 荣获国务院扶贫开发领导小组“中央国家机关等单位定点扶贫先进集体”称号。 荣获国家级 AAA 安全文明标准化诚信工地 65 项,累计获得 169 项。 荣获“2013 全国工程建设安全生产先进单位”称号。 荣获“保障性安居工程建设质量管理奖”12 项。 获美国建造与承包商联合会颁发的 STEP 安全金奖。STEP 安全金奖是美国建筑行业内最有权威性的安全奖项。 荣获新加坡陆交局“年度安全奖”称号。员工 荣获中华英才网第十一届中国大学生“最佳雇主 TOP50”称号。 中海地产荣获 2013 中国房地产企业“最佳

136、雇主品牌 30 强”称号。主要荣誉Major Honors优化公司治理Optimize Corporate Governance坚持诚信经营Uphold Integrity Management增强发展能力Improve Development CapacityCompliance Integrity Development Realizing the ShaReholdeRS dReam of Value合规诚信增长 筑股东价值之梦合规诚信增长 筑股东价值之梦Compliance Integrity Development Realizing the Shareholders Dream o

137、f Value22拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment23共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home中国建筑坚持合规经营,遵守商业道德,以诚信、稳健和高效运营,夯实公司可持续发展根基。公司健全股东权益保护机制,真实、全面、准确、及时地披露公司信息,增强盈利能力,以良好的业绩与股东共筑价值之梦。我们根据公司法、证券法等法律规定,建立包括股东大会、董事会、监事会、经理层和职能机构的法人治理结构。董事会下设战略委员会、审计委员会、人事与薪酬委员会三个专门委员会。股东大会、董事会、监事会权责分明、各司其职,按照明确的议事规则和工

138、作程序规范、协调、高效运转。According to the laws and regulations such as Corporate Law and Securities Law, we build a corporate governance structure, including shareholders meetings, board of directors, board of supervisors, management teams and functional departments. The board of directors includes strategy co

139、mmittee, audit committee as well as personnel and compensation committee. Each having their clear defined power and responsibility, the Shareholders meetings, board of directors and board of supervisors operate effectively and coordinately according to the rules of debate and procedure. China Constr

140、uction sticks to compliance management, complies with business morals, involves in an honest, steady and efficient operation and enhances the foundation of sustainable development. Moreover, the company makes a sound system to protect shareholders rights and interests, publishes real, detailed, accu

141、rate and timely information about the enterprise and strengthens profitability, making great performance to create value with shareholders. We strictly obey the state laws and regulations as well as the international customs, have business morals, keep improving management system and lay a solid cre

142、dit foundation based on compliance management and internal audit. On the top of that, we make information fully public by the long-term mechanism of information disclosure, keep ourselves under the supervision of shareholders and promote integrity management. 优化公司治理坚持诚信经营ptimize Corporate Governance

143、phold Honest Operation OU监事会Supervision Commitee 战略委员会Strategy Committee审计委员会Auditing Committee人事与薪酬委员会Personnel and Remuneration Committee董事会Office of The Board经营层Management Level职能机构Functional Organisations 股东大会ShareholdersGeneral Meeting我们严守国家法律法规、国际惯例和商业道德,不断完善经营管理体系,以合规管理和内部审计作为夯实诚信基础的重要手段, 以长效

144、信息披露机制促进信息全面公开,接受利益相关方监督,提升公司诚信经营水平。“能够参与公司的决策和运营是我们对公司美好前景充满信心的前提保证。”“我们乐于看到公司持续保持强劲的增长能力和增长势头。”“远离黑箱操作,以信息透明降低我们的不确定感。” “完善各项风险管控,保障投资安全性。”“希望公司继续严守国家法律法规,这是可持续发展的基础保障。”“中国建筑的五化战略符合未来企业的发展方向,希望公司能继续深耕细作,并及时通知情况。”“Getting involved in decision-making and operating is the prerequisite for our confide

145、nce in the prospect of the enterprise.”“We are happy to see the enterprise maintaining a great momentum and a sustained growth.”“Keep staying away from black box operation and make information transparent so as to make us feel less uncertain.”“Improve risk control system on all fronts to make invest

146、ment more secured.”“We hope that the enterprise can keep complying with state laws and regulations because this is the basic guarantee of sustainable development.”“The five-improvement strategy of CSCEC accords with the direction of the enterprise, so keep cultivating in this area and keep us inform

147、ed.”利益相关方的梦想reams of StakeholdersD合规诚信增长 筑股东价值之梦Compliance Integrity Development Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value24拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment25共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home商业道德我们按照 “融入管理、完善制度、注重创新”的工作原则,通过推进惩防体系建设、严格执行党风廉政建设责任制、深化廉洁文化建设等反腐倡廉工作,实现“规范企业行为,净化企业环境,服务社会发展”的目

148、标。全年开展反腐倡廉教育活动4,339场次,参加人数 123,727人次。Business EthicsUnder the principle of “management involvement, institution improvement and innovation encouragement”, we do a lot to fight corruption and build a clean government such as build a system of punishment and prevention, strictly implement the accounta

149、bility of an honest and clean government and further the probity culture, to achieve the aim of “standardizing enterprise behaviors, making a clean enterprise environment and serving the social development”.We carried out 4,339 educational activities on the theme of fighting corruption and building

150、a clean government with 123,727 participants in total.信息公开我们坚持“沟通创造价值”的理念,全方位完善投资者关系工作体系,充分利用业绩路演、反路演、接待机构来访、参加投资者策略会等多种互动方式,与投资者保持有效的沟通和交流,提高资本市场对公司价值的认知。在发布公司年报、半年报、季报的基础上,我们还针对投资者编制专题报告,持续拓宽信息披露渠道,丰富信息披露内容与形式。2013 年,我们共披露公司信息 96 份,社会公众平均每 2 个交易日可获得 1 份关于中国建筑的信息,是公司上市以来披露信息最多的一年。全年召开团体推介会 3 场,一对一推

151、介会 13 场,反路演 12 场。Information DisclosureWe stick to the concept of “communication creates value”, improve investor relation system on all fronts, make the best of performance promotion activities and inviting-in promotion activities, receive the visits of agencies, participate in investors exchange m

152、eetings to communicate with investors effectively and raise the awareness of enterprise value among capital markets. Based on the issuing of annual, semi-annual and quarterly reports, we complied report intended for investors, keep expanding the channels of information disclosure and diversify the c

153、ontents and reforms of information disclosure.In 2013, we issued 96 pieces of reports to make enterprise information public. Every 2 trading days 1 report on China State Construction was issued, its the year of the largest information disclosure since the year of our enterprise going public. We held

154、 3 group promotion meetings, 13 one-to-one promotion meetings and 12 inviting-in promotion meetings.美银美林调研团赴中建五局反路演 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Research Team Attended the Reverse Roadshow of the 5th Bureau of China Construction2013 年度中期业绩路演2013 Interim Results Conference合规管理我们将合规作为日常运营的重要部分,以企业总法律

155、顾问制度为核心,构建法律工作体系,支撑公司经营管理;通过法律管理信息化、标准化建设,普法教育,合同管理培训等活动持续推进合规体系建设,培育合规文化;积极推进法律管理制度标准化工作,编制 4 部管理手册和 10 类工程合同示范文本,实现法律管理标准化要求;信息化工作全面覆盖法律业务管理,为公司运营管理提供重要数据支持。全年未发生重大违规事件。我们建立项目法律顾问制度,逐步实现国内项目法律风险管理全面覆盖。2013 年,我们在海外试点推行项目法律顾问制度,探索将国内已成熟运行的项目法务管理经验推广至公司海外项目,最大程度降低公司海外项目的法律风险。内部审计和风险管理我们围绕核心业务和管理要求,强化

156、审计监督,从全局视角审视公司业务发展,充分发挥内部审计在风险管控和管理提升方面的作用,逐步形成以风险为导向的审计工作特征。2013 年,公司开展审计项目 687 个,通过信息系统实现审计问题整改的常态化,将重要审计对象、重大审计发现问题提交监督委员会,增强警示、强化意识,推动审计成果的管理转化。我们根据公司运营特点,收集和确定重大风险类型和风险来源,设立风险评估标准,评估风险发生的可能性和相应的影响程度,引入分级预警和应急响应机制,建立防范和减缓措施。2013 年,我们制定海外法律风险管理指引,从市场进入、市场营销、合同签署、项目履约到争议解决,全面梳理海外经营的法律风险,并提供全过程的应对方

157、案。Compliance ManagementWe regard compliance as an important part of daily operation, and have established a legal work system with the general counsel system as the core, to support the management and governance of the company. We keep promoting compliance system and cultivating compliance culture b

158、y carrying out information-based law management, standardized construction, popularization of law education, contract management training and more. We actively promote the standardized law management system and compile four management manuals and ten contract model texts written, having met the stan

159、dardization requirements of legal management. Whats more, our information-based work covers all the management on legal services and provides data support for operation and management. Not a single offense event has ever occurred during the whole year. We have established law-consulting system for p

160、rojects and gradually make the system cover all risks in the domestic projects. In 2013, we carried out law-consulting system overseas as pilot projects and explored how to apply our legal management experience in domestic market to the overseas projects so as to minimize the law risks of overseas p

161、rojects.Internal Audit and Risk ManagementCentering core business and management requirements, we tighten supervision through auditing. We view our business development from the overall perspective, make the best of internal audit to control risks, improve management and gradually develop a risk-ori

162、ented auditing work. In 2013, our enterprise finished 687 auditing items. Though normalizing the rectification of information system audit, we submitted significant audit objects and severe problems to the Oversight Committee in order to draw attention, raise awareness and help auditing results bett

163、er transform into management.We collect and identify major risk types and risk resources, set risk assessment standards and evaluate the risk possibility and its corresponding significance. We also build early warning system and emergency response mechanism and take precaution and mitigation measure

164、s. In 2013, we formulated Guidance to Overseas Law Risk Control covering all the law risks in overseas business in the fields of market access, marketing, contract signing, project performance and issue settlement and providing the whole-process response program.案例 CASEAudit Reform Benefits Manageme

165、ntCSCEC Xinjiang Construction and Engineering Co. Group Ltd (XCEGCL) marked one of the enterprises that introduced reform in audit system in an early time. This enterprise involved personnel specializing in audit, finance, commerce, law and engineering into the audit team. As a result, young and div

166、ersified staff members greatly improved the work quality and efficiency. The enterprise actively innovated incentive systems for internal audit, made every employer understand his work content, responsibility and effectiveness, quantified the results of audit items and builds rewards system for audi

167、tors, creating a positive atmosphere for learning from and competing with each other. After reform in audit system, XCEGCL transformed from simple audit to multiple analyses on the basis of audit, that is, risk management audit instead of traditional audit of financial revenues and expenditures.审计改革

168、,管理受益中建新疆建工是较早响应公司号召进行审计体制改革的单位之一,通过引进审计、财务、商务、法律、工程等专业人才充实审计团队,人员结构趋向多样化、年轻化,工作质量和效率明显提升;积极创新内审激励机制,将工作内容、工作责任和工作时效落实到个人,并量化审计项目工作效果,加分奖励审计人员,营造“比学赶帮超”的积极氛围。审计体制改革后,中建新疆建工审计方式从简单重复审计向“一审多果”转变,实现了传统财务收支审计向风险管理审计的转型。2011、2012 和 2013 年廉洁文化建设具体行动Measures to build a corruption-free culture in 2011, 2012

169、 and 2013廉洁文化建设具体行动Measures to Build a Corruption-free Culture201120122013廉洁文化建设示范点立项(个)Items demonstrating the importance of building a corruption-free culture(items)2454211,266警示案例教育(人次)Education campaigns with warning cases(person-time) 20, 52134,08156,630签订党风廉政责任书(份)Signing a“Letter of Responsib

170、ility on Building a Corruption-free Culture”( copies)253538各级领导人员实行廉洁承诺(人次)Anti-corruption commitments of all leaders(person-time)8,6369,76717,085领导人员述职述廉(人次)Leadership dialogue on the promotion of an anti-corruption culture(person-time)3,9505,4295,969合规诚信增长 筑股东价值之梦Compliance Integrity Development R

171、ealizing the Shareholders Dream of Value26拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment27共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home市场策略我们按照“大市场、大业主、大项目”的市场策略,通过大客户管理和增值服务,稳固占领高端建筑市场;通过加强内部管理,提高产品质量,加强技术创新,形成多项建筑产品的品牌优势和细分市场的专业优势。2013 年,我们的战略合作伙伴已达 90 家,与大客户签署合作项目金额突破 5,000 亿元;房建业务国内平均合同额 3.85 亿元、国外 1.07 亿美元。优化

172、布局我们通过优化业务布局,调整产业结构,积极寻找和培育新的利润增长点。在立足房屋建筑工程为主业的基础上,基础设施建设与投资、房地产开发与投资业务实现快速增长,国际工程承包业务持续推进,设计勘察业务稳中有升,经营开拓再上新台阶。房建业务在发展中得到优化2013 年,公司在国际国内中标一批具有较大影响力的标志性工程项目,在超高层建筑领域优势显著,在机场航站楼、文化旅游项目、超洁净厂房等领域的专业优势得到进一步强化。基建业务增长强劲基建业务同比增长强劲,铁路总承包市场不断巩固,成功中标海西铁路、渝黔铁路等铁路线路项目和站房项目;通过创新投资方式再创市场佳绩,获得南宁地铁二号线、武汉四环线南段等高端项

173、目。Marketing Strategy Sticking to the “big market, big client and big project” market strategy, we stabilize the occupancy ratio of high-end construction market with the aid of big clients and added-value business. We strengthen internal management and improve product quality and technological innova

174、tion to possess the brand advantage in varied construction products and the professional advantage in subdivided markets. In 2013, the number of our strategic partners reached as much as 90; the sum of our signed cooperation projects with big clients exceeded RMB 5,00 billion; the average contract v

175、alue of domestic and overseas construction business stood at RMB 385 million and USD 107 million respectively.Optimizing Business LayoutWe restructure the industry and take an active role in finding and cultivating new revenue growth by optimizing business layout. Based on the main development of co

176、nstruction industry, infrastructure, investment, property development and investment business have achieved rapid growth; the contracting of international projects carries forward; exploration and design business increases in a stabilized level. Business expands to a larger extent.Construction Busin

177、ess Optimized in DevelopmentIn 2013, we won the bid for a batch of iconic engineering projects of great influence. The company does a great job in ultra-high-rise building projects and strengthened its professional advantages in airport terminals, cultural tourism projects and ultra-clean plant buil

178、dings.Robust Growth in Capital Construction Business Capital construction business achieves a rapid year-on-year growth and the railway contracting market is constantly consolidated. We won the bid for Haixi railway and Chongqing-Guizhou railway and other railway and station building projects. We ma

179、ke innovations in investment and achieve the new goal of winning the bid for many high-end projects such as Nanning metro line 2 and the southern part of Wuhan fourth-ring road. 中国第三大火车站 - 乌鲁木齐火车站Urumchi Railway Station, Chinas Third Largest Railway Station中海紫御豪庭项目China Overseas Property: Ziyu Grand

180、 Palace Project 美国普拉斯基高架桥改造工程American PLAZA Viaduct Renewal Project青岛新机场设计方案New Qingdao Airport Designing Scheme北京第一高楼 528 米的“中国尊”The 528-meter-high “China Wine Wessel”, Beijings Highest Skyscraper1234512354我们紧密围绕“保增长,调结构”的主线,致力于质量效益型发展, 不断推进企业发展模式转变, 提升盈利能力,保障股东价值的最优化和持续性。增长策略我们遵循“稳中求进、提高发展质量”的经营发展

181、主旋律,以“五化”发展策略、“三大”市场策略促进公司主业做强做优;坚持稳中求进和改革创新, 拓展新型 “蓝海”业务,保持公司在建筑行业的领军地位。发展策略我们深入推进“专业化、区域化、标准化、信息化和国际化” 的 “五化” 发展策略, 提升公司内在品质, 保障 “品质保障、价值创造”核心价值观的实现。2013 年,“五化”工作在公司全体员工的努力下取得了一系列成果和突破,支撑了公司的科学发展和战略转型。Under the principle of “achieving economic growth in the course of restructuring”, we are devoted

182、 to quality-benefit development, constantly promote the transformation of development mode, improve profitability and maintain the optimization and sustainability of shareholder value.Promoting StrategyWe adhere to the principle of “seeking progress in stability and improve development quality” and

183、make our enterprise better based on the “five-improvement” development strategy and three market strategies. We steadfastly seek progress in stability and innovate in reform, expand new “Blue Ocean” business to keep our leading role in construction industry.Developing StrategyWe further promote the

184、“five-improvement” strategy, which is “Professionalization, Regionalization, standardization, informatization and internationalization”. We promote ourselves to preserve the core values of “guarantee quality to create value”. In 2013, “five-improvement” work has made a series of achievements and bre

185、akthroughs with the collaborative effort of the staff, upholding the scientific development and strategy transformation.增强发展能力nhance Development CapacityE2345区域化Regionalization标准化Standardization信息化Informatization国际化Internationalization实现专业集团整合升级专业板块整合上市取得成功地下空间专业公司组建成功Integrate and upgrade groupInte

186、grate the listed boardBuild a group in underground space构建制度体系树,实现分级分类分层管理项目管理标准化示范单位达标率 100%临建设施产业联盟初具雏形Build a tree structure of systems to achieve hierarchical classification and managementPilot projects achieve 100% standardized project management Industry association of temporary facilities tak

187、es shape顶层设计宣贯奠定思想基础完成 16 项信息系统建设工作规范主数据应用,加强信息安全防护The top layer design lay the inner foundation 16 information system construction work completedStandardize the main data application and strengthen the safeguarding of information security新签合约 111 亿美元,增长 16.2%海外并购实现突破海外风险管理水平持续提升Newly-signed contrac

188、ts reach $11.1 billion with an year-on-year growth of 16.2% Breakthroughs made in overseas merger and acquisition Overseas risk control keeps improving区域市场向发达地区集中区域总部强化服务和协调管理职能各区域总部差异化协调发展Regional markets centralize in advanced areasRegional headquarter improves service and coordinated managementRe

189、gional headquarters achieve differentiated and coordinated development1专业化Professionalization合规诚信增长 筑股东价值之梦Compliance Integrity Development Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value28拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment29共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home案例 CASE严肃处理管理失职事件2013 年,公司所属各二级企业加大责任追究

190、力度,对因失职、渎职、管理缺失给企业造成损失,又不构成违法犯罪的领导人员和直接责任人给予党纪政纪处分,责令经济赔偿。中建某土建项目施工现场管理混乱,人工费较高,项目出现亏损。所属公司纪委扣缴项目经理风险抵押金 8 万元,免除其项目经理职务,并给予三年职业禁入的处罚。Strictly Deal With the Misconduct CaseIn 2013, every affiliated enterprise at the second level enhanced the accountability. Leaders and directly responsible individual

191、s whose dereliction of duty, malpractice and absence of management caused a loss but did not constitute a crime shall be punished for breaching CPC party disciplines and bore corresponding economic compensation.One civil construction site of CSC suffered losses due to its chaotic management and surp

192、risingly high labor costs. The commission for discipline inspection of its parent enterprise withdrew project managers RMB 80,000 risk deposit, removed his post and punished him with a three-year no access to this industry.充分性监察Supervise Completeness有效性监察Supervise Effectiveness符合性监察Supervise Complin

193、ace适宜性监察Supervise Suitablity检查现有业务流程制度内容是否充分覆盖业务执行与管理全过程Check that whether the operation system fully covers the whole process of execution and management检查实际业务行为是否符合制度要求Check that whether the actual business complies with the regulation requirements检查业务执行实际结果是否达到管理与经济绩效考核指标Check that whether the ac

194、tual results of business execution achieve the goal of management and economic performance evaluation检查现有制度规定的业务流程设计是否适宜,即科学合理、经济有效Check that whether the business process design by current regulations is scientifically reasonable and economically effective盈利能力我们建立健全投资者权益保护机制,关注股东长期、持续的收益与回报,强化风险防控,不

195、断提升盈利能力,以良好的经营业绩保障投资者价值的最优化和可持续性。2013 年,每股收益 0.68 元,经济增加值 155.2 亿元人民币,资产负债率 79%。ProfitabilityWe establish a sound mechanism to protect the rights and interests of investors, focus on the long-term earnings and returns of shareholders, consolidate risk control and keep improving profitability. We imp

196、rove operation performance to make shareholder value best optimized and sustainable. In 2013, earnings per share was RMB 0.68; the economic added value was RMB155,200 million; the asset liability ratio was 79%.效能监察效能监察是企业实现管理提升,提高产能和增强盈利能力的重要途径。2013 年,我们按照 ISO9000 质量管理模式,建立效能监察体系。体系以业务流程的运行效能为工作单元,从

197、充分性、符合性、有效性、适宜性四个维度测试与评价企业管理效能情况,发现存在的问题,提出监察建议与决定,并逐项复查与验证整改情况。 全年形成效能监察报告894份, 间接增加经济效益2.93亿元。Efficiency SupervisionEfficiency supervision is an important way to help enterprises to promote management, capacity and profitability. In 2013, we built efficiency supervision system according to ISO9000

198、 quality control mode. We made the operation efficiency of business process as the working unit of this system. We tested and evaluated the management efficiency of the enterprise from the perspective of completeness, conformance, validity and appropriateness. When finding the problems, we put forwa

199、rd supervision suggestions and decisions and reviewed and verified the rectifications one by one. The total number of the annual reports about efficiency of the whole year stands at 894, bringing in an indirect income of RMB 293 million.Property Business Keeps Leading in QualityProperty and investme

200、nt business keeps a double-digit growth. The sales of China Overseas Property exceed RMB 100 billion ranking No. 1 in blue-chip enterprises and winning “a leading band in Chinese property industry” for ten straight years. Every engineering bureau begins to benefit from the investment in property bus

201、iness.The Ongoing Development of Overseas BusinessThe overseas platform promotes the coordinated capacity of internal resources. The overseas branches won the bid for many important projects. They have made breakthroughs in overseas merge and acquisition business and acquired American PLAZA.Explorat

202、ion and Design Business Keeps a Steady GrowthExploration and design business keeps a steady growth. We further carry forward the research and practice of green design, keep exploring “the great plan” urban development mode and make some positive progress. Whats more, linkage effect between explorati

203、on and design and general contract business has been greatly strengthened.房地产业务质量保持领先房地产开发与投资业务继续保持两位数增长。中海地产迈入年销售额千亿俱乐部,连续十年荣获中国蓝筹地产企业榜首,连续十年当选中国房地产行业领导品牌。各工程局地产业务进入收获期。海外业务发展持续推进大海外事业平台促进内部资源协同能力提升,各海外分公司中标多项重要工程,海外并购业务实现突破,成功收购美国 PLAZA 建筑公司。设计勘察业务稳中有增设计勘察业务保持平稳发展,深入推进绿色设计研究与实践,持续打造城市“大规划”发展模式,取得积

204、极进展;设计勘察与施工总承包业务的联动效应大大增强。合规诚信增长 筑股东价值之梦Compliance Integrity Development Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value30拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment31共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home项目ITEM201020112012全国Nationwide中建CSCEC占比Rate全国Nationwide中建CSCEC占比Rate全国Nationwide中建CSCEC占比Rate建筑业总产值(亿元)Gro

205、ss Product of Construction Industry (RMB 100 million)96,0312,9143.0%117,0603,9573.4%137,2184,8013.5%当年新签建筑业合同额(亿元)Value of New Construction Contracts Signed (RMB 100 million)110,3596,8306.2%128,7947,9776.2%146,7859,0616.2%房屋施工面积(万平方米)Accumulated Construction Area (10,000 m2)708,02436,3095.1%851,8284

206、7,6045.6%986,42758,8626.0%房屋竣工面积(万平方米)Accumulated Completed Area (10,000 m2)227,4505,5472.4%316,4296,1031.9%358,7368,0172.2%50,4406,4841,00118,4798,2756,19460,7608,1341,56218,52811,1016,71776,0019,4982,23324,9129,7036,7762011 年2011 年2011 年2011 年2011 年2011 年2012 年2012 年2012 年2012 年2012 年2012 年2013 年2

207、013 年2013 年2013 年2013 年2013 年年度施工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated Construction Area (10,000 m2)年度新开工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated New Construction Area (10,000 m2)年度竣工面积 (万平方米)Annual Accumulated Completed Area (10,000 m2)年度施工图设计面积 (万平方米)Annual Construction and Design Area (10,000 m2)期末土地储备 (万平方米)Term-end Lan

208、d Reserve (10,000 m2)地产项目累计入伙面积 (万平方米)Real Estate Delivered Area in All (10,000 m2)归属上市公司净利润(亿元人民币)Net profit of the Company (RMB 100 million )年末母公司可供股东分配利润(亿元人民币)Profit Attributable from the Parent Company to Shareholders at the End of 2013 (RMB 100 million )8,5664,9139,5945,71512,7486,8102011 年201

209、1 年2012 年2012 年2013 年2013 年新签合同额(建筑业务) (亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts (Construction Business)(RMB 100 million )营业收入(亿元人民币)Operating Revenue (RMB 100 million)261.6453.4301.6522.2388635.42011 年2011 年2012 年2012 年2013 年2013 年利润总额(亿元人民币)Gross Profits (RMB 100 million)利税总额(亿元人民币)Gross Revenue (RMB

210、 100 million)136.433.6157.436.920453.12011 年2011 年2012 年2012 年2013 年2013 年归属上市公司净利润(亿元人民币)Net Profit of the Company (RMB 100 million)年末母公司可供股东分配利润(亿元人民币)Profit Attributable from the Parent Company to Shareholders at the End of 2013 (RMB 100 million)奉献精品工程Commitment to Excellent Projects成就品质体验Achievi

211、ng Quality ExperienceCommitment Excellence Quality Realizing the ClientS dReam of Quality承诺精品优质筑客户品质之梦承诺精品优质 筑客户品质之梦Commitment Excellence Quality Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality34拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment35共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home过程精品 质量重于泰山Boutique procedures quali

212、ty is everything我们坚守品质承诺,关注客户的价值需求,努力将客户需求落实于工程建设的各个环节,为客户提供建筑一体化综合解决方案和增值服务,持续创造超越预期的价值。We adhere to the commitment to quality, focus on customers demand for value in an effort to meet customer needs in all aspects of project implementation in the construction, provide customers with integrated sol

213、utions and value-added services, and continue to create value beyond expectations. Commitment to QualityWe adhere to prioritizing quality and the firm commitment to building the engineering excellence. We adhere to the concept of fair marketing initiative to provide customers with real, objective, a

214、nd complete information engineering services, fairness of the contract to ensure the effective implementation of the contract. In 2013, we had a 100% fulfillment rate for construction contracts. This included all aspects of reviewing, disclosing information, fulfilling and planning contracts. Buildi

215、ng Quality ProjectsQuality building is the fundamental principle of quality engineering construction development. We provide customers with high quality as well as excellent work through comprehensive quality management process, as well as multi-angle capacity building. In 2013, we had a 100% pass r

216、ate from our customers in the acceptance of completed projects. 奉献精品工程ommitment to Excellent ProjectsC恪守优质承诺我们恪守“过程精品 质量重于泰山”的坚定承诺,塑造工程卓越品质。我们坚持公平营销的理念,主动为客户提供真实、客观和完整的工程服务信息,维护合同内容的公平性,确保合同有效执行。2013 年,我们的建筑合同履约率 100%(会签评审率 100%,合同交底率 100%,合同履行策划率 100%)。筑造品质工程 打造优质精品工程是建筑企业发展的根本。我们通过全方位质量管理、过程精细化管控以

217、及多角度能力建设,为客户提供一次成优的高品质工程。2013 年,项目一次交验合格率达 100%。全方位质量管理All-directional Quality Management过程精细化管控Fine Control of Overall Process多维度能力建设Multi-dimensional Capacity Building机构设置制度建设监督考核Organization SettingInstitution BuildingSupervision and Assessment设计过程采购过程施工过程Design ProcessProcurement ProcessConstruc

218、tion Process全体员工专项人员青年员工Whole StaffSpecial PersonnelYouth Staff35全方位质量管理我们持续完善质量组织体系、制度体系和监督体系等多层次、全方位的质量管理体系。严格遵守当地法律法规、满足业主合同要求,依照 ISO 9001:2008 要求,建立健全质量管理体系,为工程质量提供标准和制度保障。2013 年,质量管理体系覆盖率达 100%。Comprehensive Quality ManagementWe continue to improve the quality system, institutional system, supe

219、rvision system, and comprehensive quality management system. We strictly abide by local laws and regulations, meet the owners contract requirements. In accordance with requirements of ISO 9001:2008, we have established a sound quality management system to provide an institutional guarantee for the e

220、ngineering standards and quality. In 2013, quality management system coverage reached up to 100%.利益相关方的梦想reams of StakeholdersD“全方位、专业化的工程建设和服务是我们更为期待的。”“让高标准、高质量,包含美、艺术与文化的经典建筑物成为城市地标。”“建筑物不仅要具备基本的使用功能,还要能够带给我们愉悦和舒适的精神感受。”“住房本身的高质量将直接决定我们生活的高品质。”“入住后的服务体验至关重要,我们期待一个更为人性化的社区服务。”“我们理想中的建筑物能够与时俱进,更加关注

221、和适应我们的行为方式。”“希望建筑本身能够提供一个想象的空间,让人身处其中拥有梦想。”“All-directional, specialized engineering construction and services are what we expect to provide.”“Classic buildings marrying beauty, art, culture with high standards and quality, the landmark of our city.”“Buildings need to give their basic functions, as

222、well as sense of pleasure, and comfort.”“The quality of houses determines the quality of our lives.”“The services provided after purchasing houses is crucial and more people-oriented community services will be offered.”“Our ideal building can keep pace with the times so as to adjust to our behavior.

223、”“The building itself is expected to provide the room of imagination.”承诺精品优质 筑客户品质之梦Commitment Excellence Quality Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality36拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment37共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home案例 CASE案例 CASE全体人员Whole Staff专项人员Personnel for Special Project多维度能力建

224、设Multi-dimensional Capacity Building青年员工Young StaffMultidimensional Capacity BuildingWe carry out multi-dimensional training for all staff, staff for specific tasks and young employees. We also established an exchange platform in which we help to raise the awareness of overall quality and ability of

225、 staff. Quality training programs throughout the year were conducted more than 870 times with a total of more than 26,500 people.多维度能力建设我们对全体员工、专项员工和青年员工开展多维度培训,为其搭建交流平台,助力员工质量意识和能力的全面提升。 全年组织质量培训870余次, 累计培训26,500余人次。北京昆泰酒店项目 打造过程精品北京昆泰酒店项目组建从项目部到各分包方、各专业公司和作业班组的质量管理网络,完善样板管理、交底、质量检测分析等 11 项管理制度。在施工

226、过程中,项目部全面检查机械设备和原材料, 坚持检查上道工序、保障本道工序、 服务下道工序, 做好自检、 互检和交接检,建立分包自检、总包复检、监理验收的三级检查制度,实现全过程的质量保证。该项目获得全国建设工程质量最高奖鲁班奖。Beijing Quintiles Hotel, Excellent Project BuildingBeijing Quintiles Hotel Project set up network of quality management from the project department to the sub-contractors, specialized co

227、mpanies and so on. Efforts were made to improve management model, tests, quality control analysis, and other 11 management systems. During construction, the Project Department led a comprehensive inspection of mechanical equipment and raw materials, sticking to checking last procedure, safeguarding

228、the current procedure, and serving the next procedure, as well as self inspection, mutual inspection and handover inspection. The Department also established a triple inspection system that includes sub-contractor self inspection, the main contractor recheck, and supervision and acceptance to ensure

229、 quality of the whole process. The project won the Lu Ban Award, the highest national award for quality construction projects.全力保证 0.5 毫米精度兰新铁路第二双线是横贯中国西北甘肃、青海、新疆三省区的铁路大动脉,是世界上一次性建设里程最长的高速铁路,也是中国首条在高海拔地区修建的高速铁路。为保证列车高速安全行驶,轨道不但要坚固,其平整度必须控制在 0.5 毫米范围以内。中建新疆建工下属新疆建科院工程勘察测绘院应用高科技全自动测量机器人进行精调,考虑到强烈阳光影响测

230、量精密度,组织员工在夜间开展工作,标注记录大量白天需要调整的铁轨点位,并在白天根据夜间测量数据对轨道进行精调,全力保障轨道平整度。Spare No Effort to Ensure the Accuracy of 0.5 mmLanxin High-Speed Railway goes across northwest of China, including Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang Provinces. It is the high-speed railway that covers the longest distance for the first time

231、 in the world, and it is also Chinas first high-speed railway construction project in high altitude areas. To ensure the high-speed and safety of trains when traveling at 350 kilometers per hour, we need to ensure a strong track, its flatness must be controlled within 0.5 mm. Construction Research I

232、nstitute of Xinjiang Academy of Engineering Survey under the CSCEC Xinjiang Construction Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd applied automatic robot to fine-tune measurement. Considering that the strong sunlight might affect the measurement precision, we let staff work at night, recording a lot of tracks t

233、hat need to be adjusted during the day and ensure the flatness of the track by fine-tuning it according to the measurements from at night during the day.Fine Process ControlFine control of the process is to provide guarantee for fine works. We are committed to the combination of quality control with

234、 the design, procurement, construction preparation, construction and completion of the whole process to create fine work. Year-round project never saw anything negative in terms of quality.过程精细化管控过程精细化控制是缔造精品工程的重要保障。我们致力于将质量控制融入设计、采购、施工准备、施工过程和竣工的全过程,全力打造精品工程。全年工程质量未发生重大负面事件。组织体系Organization System制

235、度建设Institution Building监督考核Supervision & Assessment成立建筑工程质量标准化技术委员会,推进质量管理组织体系建设Technical Committee on Quality Standardization of Construction and Engineering was established to promote the building of quality management system制定质量管理制度,包括项目管理规定, 施工企业质量管理办法和企业 QC 小组活动指南Establish quality management sy

236、stem, including Project Management Regulations, Regulations on Construction Quality Management, and Guidelines on Enterprise QC Group规范考核,完善施工企业质量管理考核评价办法, 项目管理标准化考核办法We have standardized assessment, improved the Evaluation Methods to Quality Management of Construction, Assessment Methods of Project

237、 Management Standardization设计阶段Designing竣工阶段Completion of Construction采购阶段Procurement施工阶段Construction施工准备阶段Preparation for Construction设计前:掌握工程勘察地质资料,编制设计大纲,建立设计校审制度设计中:开展方案比选和设计方案优化,检查可能出现的问题设计后:从功能、安全、可实施角度开展评审Before the Design: understanding the geological data of engineering prospect, preparing

238、the outline of design, creating a design examination system During the design: election and optimization of the design scheme, inspection for possible problems After the design: carrying out the assessment in terms of function, security, and feasibility建立项目部质量管理体系,制定质量管理制度及岗位职责,配置质量管理资源制定项目质量目标,分析项目

239、施工特点与难点,编制质量策划书及质量管理计划编制施工方案、技术交底等技术、质量管理文件Establishing quality management system of Project Department, the quality management systems and job responsibilities, allocating Quality Management Resources Making project quality objectives, analyzing the characteristics and difficulties of the construct

240、ion project, preparing quality planning and quality management program proposalsMaking construction plan, technical disclosure, quality management documents按照条例规定 , 必须进行内部验收后方可组织建设、监理等各方共同参与的验收Internal inspection must be carried out and accepted in accordance with regulations before the inspection a

241、nd acceptance of the organization construction department, supervision department, and other parties involved建立统一交易平台,统一采购体系,统一基础数据库明确要求建筑材料性能和分包商资质监督建筑材料从加工到进入施工现场全过程严控分包商施工进度Establishing a unified trading platform, a unified procurement system, a unified basic database Explicit requirements of the

242、 nature of building materials and the qualification of subcontractorSupervision of the whole construction materials processing from production to entering the construction siteStrict control of the construction progress of subcontractors强化对施工作业层的工序、工艺操作管理坚持“样板引路制”、“三检制”、“质量例会制”等质量控制度和措施明确并落实各专业的工长、施

243、工员的工序、工艺质量第一责任人的质量管理岗位职责,前移质量控制关口Strengthening the processes, process operations management of field operationsAdhering to measures such as Model System Oriented Approach, Three Inspections System, Quality Regular System, and other quality control systems.Identifying and implementing the section chi

244、ef of professions, the working procedures of construction workers, the quality management responsibilities of process quality, advancing the quality control举办专题质量创优培训,请行业资深专家讲授工程质量创优的经验与做法举办质量通病防治专题讲座,讲授施工操作及管理要点Holding quality excellence training, inviting experts of engineering industry to pass on

245、 experience and practice in quality excellenceHolding lectures on Ill Quality Prevention, and on construction operation and management points举办规范、标准学习班,针对项目部青年员工对标准、规范的理解不准确的问题对常用标准、规范进行较深入的探讨Holding workshops on norms and standards for the young staff of the project ministry, who have inaccurate un

246、derstanding of standards and specifications科技设计人员:召开 2013 年中国建筑技术交流会;主办“超高层大型公建创新技术交流与工程观摩会”施工人员:开展全面质量管理小组活动;利用对项目的质量检查时机,深入指导施工人员质量管理方法、规范和标准等Technology Designers: holding 2013 China Construction Technology Seminar; hosting demonstrations on the exchanges of new technologies and engineering of pub

247、lic high-rises Construction workers: carrying out team activities on comprehensive quality management; conducting in-depth guide for construction personnel on quality management methods, norms and standards by taking the opportunity to check the quality of the project承诺精品优质 筑客户品质之梦Commitment Excelle

248、nce Quality Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality38拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment39共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home提供最优解决方案Providing Optimal Solutions项目立项 项目可行性研究 融投资咨询与服务编制工程使用说明书,方便客户熟练、安全地使用建筑及相关附属设施Continuing to enhance the ability to commercialize scientific findings, and making

249、customers use buildings and related facilities expertly and safely.项目勘察设计 项目管理招投标代理 造价咨询持续提升科技成果转化能力,在合理范围内,努力减少业主成本支出Making engineering manual, skilled customer convenience and safe use of construction and related ancillary facilities我们着力打造精品地产,将客户需求置于首位,并将其落实于项目策划、建造的全过程,不断提升专业水平和服务水平,用心为客户打造宜居体验,

250、筑造品质生活。了解客户需求我们调查分析项目所在地的自然环境和社会环境,明确产品质量等级和质量目标;主动、深入了解客户居住、办公过程中的需求, 并将其融入项目策划, 明确设计理念和设计方案;对同区域、同品牌、同时段、同业态、同品质的项目进行调查,提供适合客户需求和市场需求的质量和服务。打造舒适港湾我们将客户需求融入施工建造的全过程,依照客户需求对工程质量进行严格把控,努力为客户打造高品质的舒适港湾。We put customers needs first, and materialize their need on the whole process of construction and pr

251、oject planning. We also strive to create quality property and improve the professional level and service level so as to provide comfortable living experience for customers to improve their quality of life. Understanding Customer Needs We analyze the natural and social environment where our projects

252、undergo to get a clear picture on product quality level and quality objectives. We take initiatives to gain an in-depth understanding of customers needs at living and at work, and integrate their needs into project planning with a clear design philosophy and a design plan. We also conduct surveys on

253、 projects with the same brand, same section, same format, and the same quality at the same area to provide customers with quality service consistent with their needs and market demands.Building a Comfortable HarborWe will integrate customer needs into the entire process of construction, and strictly

254、 control the quality of the project in accordance with customer demand to create high-quality and comfortable haven for customers. 成就品质体验chieving Quality ExperienceAProject application Project feasibility study Consultation and services on investment and financing Project survey and design Project m

255、anagement Bidding agent Cost consulting案例 CASE应用 BIM 技术为业主节省 800 万元天津光大银行项目在建设过程中主动采用先进、深入的全方位 BIM 技术,不仅节约了工期,而且为业主节省费用达 800 万元,受到业主好评。该工程在基础施工阶段就被评为天津市观摩工地。BIM 技术是一种应用于工程设计建造管理的数据化工具,通过参数模型整合各种项目的相关信息,最大限度地避免时间浪费、有效地减少质量风险,精确地控制建设成本。BIM Technology Applied to Save RMB 8 million for Property OwnersTi

256、anjin Everbright Bank Project adopted advanced, in-depth, and comprehensive BIM technology in the construction process, shortening the construction period and the cost of RMB 8 million for the owners, who are very pleased in this regard. The project was seen as the exemplary construction site during

257、 its initial stage of construction. BIM technology is a data-oriented tool applied in engineering design, construction, and management. By integrating related information through various parameter models of various projects, the technology maximizes efforts to avoid wasting time, effectively reduce

258、the risk on quality, and precisely control the construction costs.提供优质服务我们秉承“以客户为中心,不断提升诚信履约能力”的服务理念,高度关注品质服务,崇尚绩效管理,不断完善客户服务管理体系,努力通过高品质服务与客户实现价值共享。2013 年,保修期内的工程抽样客户总满意率为 100%,其中客户满意度为 85.4%,基本满意度为 14.6%,满意度连续 3 年持续上升。客户服务管理我们建立健全覆盖公司各个层级的客户服务组织体系,健全客户服务管理制度,提升客户服务管理能力。 2013年, 我们进一步深化管理体系, 推出客户关系管

259、理 (CRM)系统,实现项目信息数据化,提高客户服务管理效率。与客户有效沟通我们通过高层直接交流,业务面谈、会议和现场交流三种主要沟通方式,与客户开展战略合作谈判、业务交流和事件性交流,实现更直接、更密切的交流和互动。我们建立专门机制和管理流程,对投诉采取分级管理方法,妥善处理客户投诉。Providing Quality ServicesWe adhere to the service concept of customer-centered improvement of the integrity of performance capabilities. We are highly conc

260、erned about the quality service, advocating performance management, and constantly improving customer service management system, working through high-quality service so that customer will realize the value of sharing. In 2013, we achieved total customer satisfaction rate of 100% of the sampled proje

261、cts during the warranty period, 85.4% of customer satisfaction, 14.6% of basic satisfaction, rising for three consecutive years.Customer Service ManagementWe established a sound customer service organization system covering all levels of the company to improve customer service management system and

262、customer service management capabilities. In 2013, we further deepen the management system, introduce customer relationship management (CRM) system, use information and data in projects, and improve customer service management efficiency.Effective Communication with CustomersWe conduct direct high-l

263、evel communication, business interviews, meetings and on-site exchanges to have strategic cooperation negotiation, business exchanges and events exchanges with customers and achieve a more direct and closer communication and interaction. We have established specific mechanisms and management process

264、es. Hierarchical management approach is taken on addressing complaint so as to properly handle customer complaints.Provide Optimal SolutionsFrom the perspective of high added value for customers, we give full play to the advantages of a four-in-one whole industrial chain, and provide customers with

265、the best solutions that create more value than expected.提供最优解决方案我们从为客户创造高附加值的角度出发, 发挥 “四位一体全产业链” 的综合优势,主动为客户提供最优解决方案,创造超预期的价值。立案Case filing规定时间内到现场核实On-spot verification in a given time若属实,立即安排人员处理If true, an immediate action will be taken to handle materials concerned by appointed personnel投诉方验收确认,

266、收到投诉单位销案Closure of the case after acceptance by those who filed the complaint收到投诉Receiving Complaint核实Verification处理Handling销案Case Closure承诺精品优质 筑客户品质之梦Commitment Excellence Quality Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality40拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment41共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home

267、案例 CASE案例 CASE舒心住房我们完善物业服务管理平台建设,健全物业服务管理制度,增强社区沟通,为客户提供满意服务,持续提升客户满意度。我们深入思考客户的个性化需求,探索客户的潜在需求,主动为客户提供差异化的增值服务。我们编制崇尚自然 敬畏生命环境因素和危险识别评价手册,组织各下属公司进行环境因素危险源的识别和评价,主动向客户提供房屋使用信息,明确危险源和危险处所,配备高科技安全设施,保障客户住房安全。我们为客户提供基础办公、便利支援、社会热点及生活服务信息、物业顾问咨询等,为客户提供增值服务,全方位满足客户需求。Living ComfortablyWe improve the prop

268、erty service management platform, improve the property service management system, strengthen community communication to provide customers with satisfactory service and enhance customer satisfaction. We think deeply about the personalized needs of customers by exploring the potential needs of custome

269、rs and taking the initiative to provide differentiated value-added services to our customers.We worked out the Handbook of Identification and Evaluation on Environmental Factors and Hazards. We organized subsidiary companies to identify and evaluate the environmental factors and hazards before provi

270、ding housing information clarifying the source of hazards and dangerous places. The houses are equipped with high-tech security facilities to ensure the safety of customers living environment.We provide customers with value-added services to meet customers demands in all respects by offering informa

271、tion on basic offices, convenience, social hot spots, life services, and property management consultation.中海物业增值服务平台中海物业增值服务以中海物业社区电子服务平台为依托, 在线上、 线下同时开展业务, 陆续推出净水器、有机大米等亲民商品的团购优惠活动。中海物业着重关注客户的生活价值和生活态度,经营重心从满足常规物业服务需求转移到专注客户潜在需求和物业服务增值的深耕上,通过归集、挖掘、甚至创造客户的个性化需求并提供针对性的解决方案,持续提升客户满意度。Value-added Servi

272、ce Platform of Zhonghai Property Zhonghai Propertys value-added services, which are based on its community electronic services platform, conduct online and offline business at the same time, and launch group purchase discount activities such as group purchases on water purifiers, organic rice and so

273、 on. Zhonghai Property focused on customers life value and their attitudes of life, shifting management emphasis from meeting the basic demand of property services to meeting their potential needs and value-added property services. We continue to improve customer satisfaction through collecting, dig

274、ging, and even creating the personalized needs of our customers with corresponding solutions.创建全国首个保障房“客户关系中心”保障性住房建设是满足低收入群体住房需求、关乎民生的大事。上海青浦崧泽华城项目以“建设比商品房更好的保障房”为标准,建立全国首个保障房“客户关系中心”。中心服务动迁居民,解决交房过程中的各种问题,提供居民与物业相关事务的协商服务,尽力满足客户需求。公司践行对市民及政府的承诺, 以实际行动传承 “与您同心筑家同行” 的客户理念。Creating Chinas First Custo

275、mer Relationship Centre of Affordable Housing Construction of affordable housing is to meet the housing needs of low-income groups, which is related to peoples livelihood. When working on the construction of Shanghai Qingpu Song Zehua City project at the beginning, China Construction Dongfu Company

276、established the first Customer Relations Center for national affordable housing at the standard higher than commercial houses. The Customer Relations Center Serves related residents by solving a variety of problems in house delivery, and providing residents with consultation services on property-rel

277、ated matters to meet their needs. The company practices its commitment to the public and the municipal government, acting in accordance with the philosophy of building homes with customers together with a concerted mind.上海青浦崧泽华城“客户关系中心”The Customer Relations Center of Shanghai Qingpu Song Zehua City

278、设计Design采购Procurement施工Construction竣工Completion将客户需求置于首位,注重设计创新 审查、优化设计方案,明确设计质量 Prioritizing customer needs and attaching importance to design innovation Reviewing and optimizing design scheme and making clear design quality依据工程竣工质量验收移交工作指引,督促承建商开展自查 开展多轮内部验收 Urging constructors to conduct self che

279、ck according to the Project Completion Quality Acceptance GuidelinesConducting rounds of internal acceptance checks建立供应商 / 承建商管理流程,增强资质考察和评审 制订物资采购管理办法,涵盖材料质量、到货验收、计划管理等 采用逐家约谈的方式与所有供应商进行有针对性的沟通,落实服务细节 Establishing the management process of suppliers / contractors, and enhancing inspection and asses

280、sment of qualifications Developing materials procurement and management plan, covering material quality, inspection of incoming merchandise, and project management, etcProviding considerate services through targeted communication with all suppliers by conducting conversations with them one by one实施“

281、样板封样”,进场验收和抽检制度,保障材料质量 组织承建商会审图纸、审查承建商专项施工方案 明确施工控制要点,落实施工交底制度、旁站监理制度、工序控制验收制度 推行实测实量工作,用仪器和设备精细测量在建项目的结构、砌体、抹灰、防水、安装工程质量Implementing model like closure, site acceptance and sampling system to guarantee the quality of materials Making contractors examine drawings, reviewing their special constructio

282、n programs Making explicit construction control, implementing disclosure system, side supervision systems, process control and acceptance system Implementing the measured amount of real work. Fine instruments and equipment are used to measure the quality of projects under construction, masonry, plas

283、tering, waterproofing, and installation engineeringProviding Reliable ServicesWe continue to enhance customer service management, and strive to provide comfortable home purchasing and housing experience with a sincere spirit of service and professional attitude in service.Customer Service Management

284、We have established Customer Relations Department with an improved customer service management system. Through the refinement of the front-end service and ongoing after-sales care, we provide branding and systematic customer services in an effort to improve service capacity and the level of frontlin

285、e customer service staff, and encourage customer service personnel to engage in accreditation. We have strengthened the management of complaints with the CRM system to follow up customer communication and information statistics, and expand customer complaint channels so as to timely and effectively

286、solve the housing complaints. In 2013, property service solved 98% of all complaints.House-purchasing Reassurance We take the initiative to reveal information of projects to customers to protect the legitimate rights and interests of house-buyers. We also take the initiative to inform customers of u

287、nfavorable factors of the project to protect the customers right to know so that customers will feel at ease when buying houses. We provide our customers with transparent and clear product information by conducting displays and demonstrations in sales activities. We also release information of house

288、s to customers through such media as Weibo (The Chinese version of twitter ), Wechat, and so on to ensure that customers will be the first to be noted the relevant information. 提供放心服务我们持续加强客户服务管理,用至诚的服务精神和专业的服务态度,努力为客户提供舒心的购房和住房体验。客户服务管理我们成立客户关系部, 建立完善的客户服务管理体系,通过精细化的前端服务与持续的售后关怀,开展品牌化、系统性的客户服务;着力提升

289、一线客户服务人员的服务能力和水平,组织客户服务人员参加资格认证。我们加强投诉管理,借助 CRM 系统跟进客户沟通与信息统计,丰富客户投诉渠道,及时有效解决住房投诉。2013 年,物业服务投诉解决率为 98%。安心购房我们主动向客户披露项目信息,全力保障客户购房的合法权益;主动告知项目周边的不利因素,保护客户的知情权,让客户安心购房。我们向客户提供透明、清晰的产品资讯,在销售现场通过展示、演示等方式进行说明;通过微博、微信等新媒体及时发布传递楼盘信息,方便客户第一时间掌握相关资讯。培育绿色文化Foster Green Culture实施绿色建造 Implementation of Green C

290、onstruction建设宜居社区Building Livable CommunitiesHigh Efficiency Low Carbon Green Life Building the dReam of eCologiCal haRmony高效低碳绿色筑生态和谐之梦高效低碳绿色 筑生态和谐之梦High Efficiency Low Carbon Green Life Building the Dream of Ecological Harmony44拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment45共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dr

291、eam Home奉献精品工程oster Green CultureF研究显示当前社会总能耗约 40% 来自建筑能耗。在城镇化进程加快的形势下,建筑能耗总量还将持续增长。转变建筑行业发展模式,推广绿色建筑,对促进生态文明建设具有至关重要的意义。中国建筑践行绿色建造理念,研发与推广绿色建造技术,努力促进生产空间集约高效、生活空间宜居适度、生态空间山清水秀,成为“幸福空间”的创造者。Research shows that about 40% of the current world energy consumption comes from the construction consumption.

292、 With the acceleration of the urbanization process, the total energy consumption of construction will also continue to grow. Shifting the development model of construction industry and promoting green construction are significant in promoting the ecological civilization.CSCEC practices the concept o

293、f green construction, conducts research and development and promotes green construction technology to make the production environment more efficient, living environment more comfortable, ecological environment more beautiful, becoming the creator of happy environment.In accordance with the policy of

294、 “Green Construction for a Harmonious Environment”, we continuously promote the construction of environment management system and extend concepts such as green procurement, green office and green construction to every employee, every link of construction project and every stakeholder, thus fostering

295、 green culture throughout the industry chain.Environment Management We establish a sound and complete environment management system incorporating organizational, institutional, monitoring and assessment systems, integrating environment protection into the daily operation of CSCEC. In 2013, we invest

296、 RMB 26.46 million for Environmental Protection, and achieve a 100% environmental management certification pass rate, with no environmental violation. 我们秉持“绿色建造、环境和谐”的环境方针,不断推进环境管理体系建设,把绿色采购、绿色办公、绿色建造理念延伸到员工工作岗位、项目施工环节和每一个利益相关方,培育贯穿全产业链的绿色文化。环境管理我们建立健全完整的环境管理体系,包括组织体系、制度体系、监控体系和考核体系等内容,将环境保护内涵融入公司日常

297、运营。全年环保总投入 2,646 万元,新建项目环评通过率 100%,未发生重大环境违规事件。环境管理体系Environment Management System 组织体系Organization System制度建设System Construction监控体系Monitoring System考核评估Assessment &Evaluation环保理念Environmental Idea 总部设立安全质量环境部,所属企业设立相关管理机构,各项目设立项目发展部Set up quality, safety and environment departments at the headquar

298、ters, establish relevant management departments in all subordinate enterprises, and establish project development departments for all projects编制绿色施工标准化图册、中国建筑绿色建筑2013等,设立制度规范Formulate Green Construction Standard Atlas and CSCEC Green Architecture 2013 to establish system norm制定环保监测指标体系,定期监测并报送监管部门Se

299、t up environmental protection monitoring targets, conduct regular monitoring, and report to relevant departments环境目标纳入年度经营管理考核项目,通过激励与惩罚推进环境管理工作Incorporate environmental management objectives into the annual operations management assessment project and promote assessment incentives to enhance our en

300、vironmental management倡导积极、健康的环保文化,节能降耗、低碳环保,致力于环境绩效的持续改善Advocate a healthy and positive culture for environmental protection, save energy and reduce consumption, and devote time to the continuous improvement of environmental performance45利益相关方的梦想reams of StakeholdersD“青山绿水,蓝天白云,是我们,也是全人类共同的追求和梦想。”“

301、在全国雾霾情况持续恶化的形势下, 我们希望看到中国建筑在节能减排、降低粉尘方面更多的努力。”“小区的建筑时尚大气,小区的环境更要清新自然。”“建筑行业需要在产品全生命周期中体现绿色环保。”“作为中国建筑的员工, 我们希望能在日常工作中为环保事业尽绵薄之力。 ”“我们和中国建筑一起努力,共同营造美好小区环境。”It is the common pursuit and dream of mankind to have green mountains and green water with blue sky and white clouds.In the case of the worsening

302、 foggy weather, we hope to see more efforts from Chinas construction to save energy and reduce emissions and dust.We need both fashionable buildings and fresh environment.Construction industry needs to embody the concept of environment friendliness in the entire product life cycle.As staff of CSCEC,

303、 we hope that we can contribute our part in environment protection.Let us work with CSCEC to jointly create a sound community environment.高效低碳绿色 筑生态和谐之梦High Efficiency Low Carbon Green Life Building the Dream of Ecological Harmony46拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment47共筑梦想家园Building a Common

304、Dream HomeGreen ProcurementWe realize environmental protection at the initial stage of green procurement by extending green industry chain, fully considering impacts on the environment while obtaining raw materials, as well as increasing weights of environmental protection in the material bidding. A

305、dditionally, we evaluate the environmental performance of our suppliers, incorporate environmental protection requirements for energy conservation and emissions reduction into our procurement contracts, and support green development of suppliers.Green DesignWe conduct the green design evaluation on

306、the basis of natural and social conditions and project orientation and carry out the design by green level. At the design stage, we make a computer simulation analysis and make full use of the passive energy-saving concept to ensure that buildings can gain as many favorable factors as possible to re

307、sist the environmental impact and reduce building energy consumption. We also adopt an integrated approach when designing our projects to make them as functional as possible and to reduce energy consumption and adverse environmental impacts associated with the building.绿色采购我们延伸绿色产业链条,充分考虑原料获取过程对环境的影

308、响,加大材料招标中绿色、环保的评分权重,实现采购源头的绿色环保;组织开展供应商环保评级,将“节能减排、环境保护”要求纳入采购合同,支持供应商绿色发展。 绿色设计我们基于自然条件、 社会条件与项目定位进行绿色设计评审, 分绿色等级展开规划设计。在规划设计阶段进行电脑模拟分析,充分利用被动式节能理念,使建筑在环境对其影响的过程中尽可能地捕捉有利因素,降低建筑能耗;采用整体设计方法,最大限度实现建筑功能,减少建筑物整个生命周期内能源的消耗和对环境的不利影响。合理利用土地资源,选用节水、节能、节材的建筑方式Use land resources rationally and adopt construc

309、tion form characterized as water-saving, energy-saving and material-saving同等质量情况下,优先采用当地建筑材料;加大绿色采购比例Give priority to local construction materials under the same condition of quality and increase the proportion of green procurement运用被动式节能理念,以遮阳设置、保温隔热、自然通风等非机械手段实现节能降耗Adopt passive energy-saving conc

310、ept and reduce energy consumption through non-mechanical methods such as sunshade set, thermal insulation and natural ventilation推行“建筑工业化”,采用标准化设计、工厂化生产、一体化装修和信息化管理等方式,增效降耗Promote construction industrialization and employ standardized design, factory production, integrated decoration and information

311、 management to increase energy efficiency and decrease energy consumption资源节约Resource Conservation物资采购Material Procurement技术创新Technological Innovation绿色理念Green Idea绿色开发Green Development环保能力建设我们高度重视员工的环保能力建设, 组织 “绿色营销” 、“绿色设计”等专项研讨和培训,提升员工环保意识和环保能力。 全年组织环保培训210余次, 参与员工6000余人次。绿色办公我们持续完善绿色办公制度,引导员工节电、

312、节水、节纸,营造绿色办公的良好氛围。Capacity Building for Environmental ProtectionAs we attach great importance to employees capacity building for environmental protection, special discussions and trainings such as “Green Marketing” and “Green Design” are organized to elevate employees environmental consciousness and

313、 capacity. In 2013, over 210 such trainings are held, which involves 6,000-plus employees.Green OfficeWe have kept improving the green office policy, guiding employees to save electricity, water and paper, thus building up a good atmosphere for green office.实施绿色建造mplementation of Green ConstructionI

314、We set up a green construction and energy-saving committee to coordinate the deployment of resources as well as guide and promote the work of green construction and ecological town building. As part of the Green Construction Action Project issued by the State Council, we initiate a life-cycle green

315、demonstration project to promote the building of a whole industry chain system including green R&D, green design and green operation, integrating green construction into every operation process. In this way we lead the development of green architecture.Green DevelopmentWith the consideration of the

316、theme of industrialized low-carbon, we introduce the concept of passive energy saving into our project development system step by step. We initiate a database and an integrated application platform for R&D of green products after giving full consideration to the local environment and other requireme

317、nts such as low-carbon, energy-saving, land-saving and water-saving.我们成立绿色建筑与节能委员会,统筹调配全系统资源,指导和推进绿色建筑与生态城镇建设工作;承接落实国务院出台的绿色建筑行动方案,启动全生命周期绿色示范工程,推进绿色研发、绿色设计、绿色施工全产业链体系建设,把绿色建造要求融入施工每一个环节,引领绿色建筑的发展。绿色开发我们将被动式节能的绿色建筑理念逐步引入项目开发体系,围绕低碳节能产业化的主题,结合当地环境,充分考虑低碳、节能、节地、节水等环保要求,启动研发绿色产品开发技术数据库,创建绿色产品开发集成应用平台。空

318、调改造Air-conditioning Rebuilding节约用电Electivity Saving门窗密闭改造Closed-door Reform节约用纸Paper Saving完成中央空调直燃机改造,制冷、制热效果显著提高。中国建筑大厦能耗同比大幅下降,节电 47,000 元,节水 9,100 元。Complete the reform of direct-fired machine within the central air-conditioning to greatly enhance its cooling and heating effects. The energy cons

319、umption of CSCEC building drops sharply compared with last year, saving RMB 47,000 on electricity and RMB 9,100 on water更换总部大楼门窗密封条,隔音、防尘、防冻、保暖效果明显提高。Renew the sealing strips in the headquarter building to greatly enhance its effects of sound insulation, dust prevention, freeze-proofing and warm-kee

320、ping淘汰高耗能照明设备,减少日光灯管的配置数量,有效降低照明设备能耗。改变会议空调的恒温方式。根据参会人员对气温的不同反应调节空调温度。Eliminate high-energy-consumption lighting equipment and reduce the amount of fluorescent lights to effectively reduce energy consumption of lighting equipment. Change the constant temperature of the conference air-conditioning ac

321、cording to attendees reactions鼓励电子化办公,利用内网办公信息系统传递总部公告、重要通知等,减少不必要的纸质和电子文件数量。2013 年各类文件简报数量同比减少 4%。Encourage e-office and deliver headquarter announcements and important notices through intranet office information system so as to reduce paper waste and the amount of e-documents. In 2013, the amount

322、of documents and briefings are reduced by 4% compared with last year高效低碳绿色 筑生态和谐之梦High Efficiency Low Carbon Green Life Building the Dream of Ecological Harmony48拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment49共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomeIncreasing the Resource Utilization RateWe follow the 3R pri

323、nciples of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling and reduce consumptions of materials, energy and water. Through site storage, usage management and recycling of materials, we can save material to the utmost while ensuring the construction quality. Moreover, we reduce energy consumption by the popularizati

324、on of energy efficient construction technologies and adoption of renewable resources such as solar energy and wind energy. We also reduce water consumption through techniques such as film covering and sack moisturizing. In 2013, total energy consumption was 9.90 million tons of standard coal, and en

325、ergy consumption per added value of RMB 10,000 was 1.7 tons of standard coal.Reducing Pollution and EmissionIn the environmental spirit of control reduction recycling, we aim to minimize our emissions, maximize our recycling of waste and reduce the impact of construction on surrounding communities a

326、nd the environment; we promote dust reduction during construction and popularize dust nets and close cars to reduce dust; we use reasonable lighting at construction sites, and adjust the direction of light in the construction area to reduce light pollution; we promote low-noise and low-vibration dev

327、ices to lower the site decibel value; we designate a place to store on-site waste, classify the waste, clear and remove all garbage and construction waste to reduce the generation of construction waste.In 2013, we emitted 14.923 tons of CO2, and 48 tons of SO2 in construction processes.Protect Biodi

328、versityIn the construction process, we make investigations of the ecological environment and conditions of animals and plants in advance and draw protection plans accordingly. We also enhance employees awareness on ecological protection, and label rare animals and plants in the construction areas. M

329、oreover, we implement measures, such as setting up reserves and wildlife channels and migrating rare animals and plants, to protect animals and plants in order to minimize the impact of our projects on wildlife and to maintain the original ecology of the project to the fullest extent.提高资源利用率我们遵循减量化(

330、Reducing),再利用(Reusing)和再循环(Recycling)的3R原则,减少施工过程中的物耗、能耗、水耗。通过材料的现场储存、领用管理、回收与利用等,在保障施工质量的前提下最大限度节约材料;通过推广低能耗施工工艺,应用太阳能、风能等可再生资源,减少能源消耗;通过薄膜覆盖,麻袋片保湿等技术减少施工用水量,降低水耗。全年能源消耗总量 990万吨标煤,万元增加值能耗 1.7吨标煤。降污减排我们坚持“控制减量再利用”的思路,减少废弃物排放,推进废弃物资源化,降低施工过程中对周边社区、环境的影响;采用降尘作业,推广防尘网和密闭车,降低粉尘;通过合理布局现场照明,调整灯光方向等减少光污染;通

331、过推广低噪音、低振动的器具降低施工现场分贝值;设置建筑垃圾堆放点、分类放置,及时清运生活垃圾和建筑垃圾,减少施工现场垃圾数量。全年施工建造过程中二氧化碳排放量 14,923 吨,二氧化硫排放量 48 吨。保护生物多样性在工程建设中,我们提前开展项目所在地生态环境、动植物状况的调研,做好保护预案;提升员工生态保护意识,标识施工区域内的珍稀动植物;通过设立保护区与生物通道、珍稀动植物迁移等完善的动植物保护措施;减少项目对野生动植物的不良影响,尽力恢复项目所在地的原有生态。案例 CASE未来方舟绿色施工现场Green Construction Spot of Future Ark Project贵阳

332、未来方舟项目引领绿色建造技术发展贵阳未来方舟项目总占地面积 9.53 平方公里,建筑面积约 850 万平方米,是集世界级旅游引擎、宜居新城和生态廊道于一体的贵阳城市副中心。在设计之初,我们申请并获批全国首批生态示范区 ; 开展塑料模板、新型模架体系、机械抹灰等多项绿色科技的研发与应用;使用同层排水、风力发电、中水回用、呼吸式幕墙、能源监测管理系统、户式垃圾处理等绿色技术,实现建筑物运行期的节能减排和生活垃圾的科学管理,降低能耗,减少污染。Future Ark Project in Guiyang Leads the Development of Green Construction Techn

333、ologyFuture Ark project, with a total covering area of 9.53 square kilometers and construction area around 8.5 million square meters, is the sub-center of Guiyang which integrates world-class tourist spot, livable city and ecological corridor.At the initial stage of design, we succeed in our applica

334、tion for the first batch of national ecological demonstration zones. Then we developed R&D and application of green technologies such as plastic formwork, new formwork system and mechanical plastering. Whats more, we achieve energy-saving and emission-reduction in the operation period of buildings a

335、nd scientific management of household garbage by the adoption of green technologies such as same-layer drainage, wind power generation, middle water recycling, breathing walls, energy monitoring and management system, household waste disposal.深圳中海大山地项目通过对建筑平面、剖面的设计,令许多家庭在炎炎夏日可以少用、甚至不用空调;济南中海国际社区项目根据

336、其位于泉城济南地下水补给区的特点,通过顺应地质条件的地下工程、加大地面植被覆盖等技术手段,保持并提升项目所在区域的水源涵养能力;苏州中海国际社区项目, 利用模拟分析手段,在设计中采用板点结合、平行布局方式,有效避免冬季风害,提高热舒适度,方便室内自然通风。绿色建造我们建立施工现场环境保护制度, 制定绿色施工方案,通过节约材料与资源利用的定量指标进行绿色施工管理;采用绿色新工艺与新技术,以最新的绿色科研成果助推中国建筑的绿色转型;制定废品回收计划,分类处理建筑垃圾和废弃物,尽可能在现场进行回收利用。我们加大精装修比例,避免零散家装对建筑的结构性伤害、资源浪费与环境污染。 Green Constr

337、uction We establish on-the-spot environmental protection system, make up green construction plans and manage green construction through quantitative indicators of material saving and resource utilization. By adopting new green technologies and techniques, we promote the green transformation of CSCEC

338、 with the latest green R&D achievements. Also, we classify and recycle construction waste and other wastes. Meanwhile, we increase the proportion of refined decoration to avoid the structural damage of buildings, resource waste and environment pollution caused by fragmented decoration.The internatio

339、nal community project in Suzhou adopts simulation analysis. The community design employs plate combination and parallel layout, which can effectively avoid wind-damage in winter, elevate thermal comfort, and make indoor natural ventilation convenient.By its design of architectural plane and section,

340、 The Dashandi community project of China Shipping in Shenzhen makes it possible for household to use less or even turn off air-conditioners in hot summer. Taking advantage of its location of being in the infiltration area in Jinan, the city of springs, the international Community project in Tsinan m

341、aintains and promotes the water conservation capacity in the region through techniques and instruments such as substructure work complying with geological conditions and increase in ground vegetation cover rate. 提高利用率Enhance Utilization rate生态保护Ecological Protection降污减排Reduce Pollution and Emission节

342、约建筑材料减少能源消耗节约建造用水Economize on construction materialsReduce energy consumptionEconomize on water for construction生态预防方案员工保护意识完善保护措施Ecological prevention programsEmployee protection consciousnessImprovement of protective measures降低粉尘降低噪音减少建筑垃圾循环利用Reduce dust Reduce noiseReduce construction wasteRecycl

343、ing高效低碳绿色 筑生态和谐之梦High Efficiency Low Carbon Green Life Building the Dream of Ecological Harmony50拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment51共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home案例 CASEResidential Co-buildingTo advocate a low-carbon lifestyle, we set up many pet feces collection boxes and waste battery

344、 recycling boxes in the community according to residents walking habits; we advocate our residents to dispose rubbish by types and drop it at fixed places and design classified rubbish bins with high image recognition; all these, accompanied with the distribution of publicity materials, will enhance

345、 residents consciousness and capacity of rubbish classification and recycling.居民共建我们大力倡导绿色低碳生活方式,在小区内依据居民出行习惯设置多个宠物粪便收集箱和废旧电池回收箱;倡导垃圾分类定点投放,设计形象辨识度高的分类垃圾箱,配合以宣传材料的发放,提高居民的垃圾分类回收意识和回收能力。亲子树木认领活动潍坊大观天下项目物业服务中心组织亲子园绿植认养活动。小区业主认养 1-2棵小树, 以自己孩子的名字命名。 业主在周末等空闲时间带着孩子给小树浇水施肥,通过自己的努力为小区的绿化做出贡献,潜移默化地培养孩子们热爱环保

346、的意识。Parent-child Tree Adoption ActivityThe property service center of Daguan Tianxia project in Weifang organized a parent-child tree adoption activity. Community owners could adopt 1-2 trees and name them after their children. During weekend or in their space time, they could water and fertilize th

347、e young trees with their children, making their contribution for a green community and cultivating their childrens environmental consciousness.建设宜居社区uilding Livable CommunitiesBNot only do we stress environmental protection in the construction phase, but we also attach importance to the green operat

348、ion of the community. Taking full advantage of experience from green property, we carry out all-around water-saving and energy-saving management as well as greening construction. Moreover, we also conduct environmental protection practical activities to foster residents environmental awareness and c

349、apacity. By practicing the low-carbon life, we and the residents together create a livable community.Green PropertyWe adopt various water-saving and energy-saving facilities and technologies according to different green building standards. We make innovation and carry out practice in respect of gree

350、ning, irrigation and landscape layout of the community, aiming to create a natural and environmental living space for our residents.我们不仅在建筑阶段强调绿色环保,也注重在所属社区追求绿色运营,充分利用绿色物业方面积累的经验,全面开展节水、节电管理及绿化建设;通过开展多种环保宣传实践活动,培养小区居民的环保意识和能力,共同践行低碳生活,打造宜居家园。绿色物业我们根据不同等级的绿色建筑标准,采用多种节水、节能设备和技术;在社区的绿化、灌溉和景观布置等方面大胆创新,稳

351、妥实践,为用户打造清新自然、环保低碳的绿色空间。屋顶太阳能光伏发电Roof solar photovoltaics户式新风系统 Fresh air system中水回用景观系统Water recycling landscape system屋顶绿化行动Roof greening权益保护Protection of Interests and Rights关怀生活Concern for Life成就价值Realize ValueRespect Care Achievement Realizing the employeeS dReam of deVelopment尊重关怀成就 筑员工发展之梦尊重关

352、怀成就 筑员工发展之梦Respect Care Achievement Realizing the Employees Dream of Development54拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment55共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home权益保护rganizational StructureO员工是中国建筑可持续发展的力量源泉。我们坚持“以人为本、关注个体”的用人理念,以职业规划、教育培训和考核评价“三个全员覆盖”为抓手,让每一位员工感受到企业和组织的关心、帮助和温暖,不断提升员工满意度和幸福感。 As empl

353、oyees are the source of strength for the sustainable development of CSCEC, we adhere to the people-oriented employment policy and lay great emphasis on employees career planning, education training as well as assessment and evaluation so as to bring care, help and warmth to every employee and elevat

354、e their satisfaction and happiness level. Employment EqualityWe respect and uphold international labor standards, abide by equal and non-discriminatory employment policies, treat employees with different nationalities, race, gender, religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds and refuse any kind of c

355、hild labor and forced labor. We strictly abide by Chinese and local laws and regulations, ensure equal employment and payment for male and female employees. We guarantee every employee with a labor contract in accordance with the Contract Law. 100% of the employees have signed labor contracts with t

356、he corporation. By the end of 2013, the company has had 216,824 employees including 10,373 overseas people and disabled Employment Rate is 1.7% Currently, the staff run-off rate is 5.8%.We honor laws and regulations like the Labor Protection Law to protect rights and interests of employees and spare

357、 no efforts in building an equal, healthy, safe and comforting working environment.我们遵守劳动合同法等法律法规,保障员工权益,努力营造平等、健康、安全、舒心的工作环境。平等雇佣我们尊重和维护国际劳工标准,恪守平等、非歧视的用工政策,公平公正对待不同国籍、种族、性别、宗教信仰和文化背景的员工,杜绝使用童工和强迫劳动。我们严格遵守中国及项目所在地法律法规,坚持平等雇佣,实现男女员工同工同酬,按照合同法规定,员工劳动合同签订率 100%。 至 2013 年底,公司拥有在岗员工 216,824 人,海外雇员 10,37

358、3 人,残疾人雇佣率 1.7%,员工流失率 5.8%。员工学历构成Composition of educational background of the employees男女员工比例Male and female employees ratio研究生及以上Post-graduate and above本科Bachelor大专Junior college graduates中专、高中及以下Polytechnic school graduates and below男Male女Female48.6%4.0%24.8%22.6%21.7%78.3%利益相关方的梦想reams of Stakeho

359、ldersD“作为一名刚毕业的大学生, 希望有前辈的指导助我在职业的道路上加速奔跑。 ”“领导的认可,同事的关心,办公环境的舒适,与付出相符的回报,这会让我更坚定的做一名自豪的中建人。”“一份与能力相称的薪水,一种激励进步的制度,一个公平公正的晋升通道,这是我们每一个员工内心的期望。”“在中国建筑,希望会找到实现人生价值的路;在中国,我走在追梦的路上。”“公司给我一份信任,我为公司献出一片忠诚。”“我从农村来,没什么文化,只盼着能有机会用上自己这些技术活。”“As a fresh graduate, I hope I can advance further from the guidance

360、of senior employees.”“Leaderships approval, colleagues care, comfortable working environment and salary in line with my effortsall these contribute to my determination to work in CSCEC.”“A salary commensurate with competence, an encouraging institution, an equal and just promotion channelthese are o

361、ur hope and what we can get in CSCEC.”“I hope I will achieve my life values and realize my dreams in CSCEC.”“I will pay back the trust of CSCEC with my loyalty.” “As a poorly educated man from countryside, my only hope is that I can support myself with my techniques.”尊重关怀成就 筑员工发展之梦Respect Care Achie

362、vement Realizing the Employees Dream of Development56拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment57共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home Occupational HealthWe are committed to promoting the physical and mental health of employees and improving occupational health services. We not only care about employee

363、s physical health but also focus on their healthy mental state. We advocate the philosophy of happy work and healthy life to train a healthy, energetic and efficient staff.In 2013, 100% of employees are able to receive regular medical checkups and have medical records. We provide regular health exam

364、inations for employees and have established occupational health records; we provide special medical forms for employees of different ages and positions to ensure their physical health. We care about employees mental health and teach them psychological knowledge through training classes and seminars,

365、 and provide psychological comfort, counseling and assistance for individuals to help them with their mental health. Privacy ProtectionWe strictly protect the personal information of our employees and guard against any leak of personal information and ensure their privacy security. To improve the in

366、formation security, we adopted a professional HR information management system for staff information; we worked out Regulations on Personnel Records and set up a file department for the graded management of personnel files and any leak of information is strictly forbidden to protect employees privac

367、y.职业健康我们致力于促进员工的身心健康发展,不断延伸职业健康服务,不仅关注员工身体健康,也注重培养员工健康的心理状态,倡导 “快乐工作,健康生活”理念,努力培养一支心态阳光、情趣健康、精力充沛、工作高效的员工队伍。2013 年,员工体检及健康档案覆盖率 100%。 定期为员工提供健康体检,建立职业健康档案;针对不同年龄段、不同岗位的员工,发放特殊“体检表”,保障员工身体健康状况。 关注心理健康,通过培训、讲座等形式传播心理学知识,开展个别员工心理抚慰、心理咨询和帮扶等工作,呵护职工心理健康。隐私保护我们严格保护员工个人信息,避免员工信息泄露,保证员工隐私安全,做好员工信息保密工作,采用专业的

368、人力资源信息管理系统,规范管理员工信息;制定人事档案管理办法,设立专门的档案库房,按照人员管理权限,对人事档案实行分级管理,严禁泄露档案内容,保护员工隐私。关怀生活oncern for LifeCWe advocate work with adequate rest and the balance between work and life, we care about our employees, helping them with obstacles they encounter in work and life; we also provide different kinds of cu

369、ltural and sports activities to improve employees sense of happiness in a relaxing and harmonious working environment.我们倡导劳逸结合、张弛有度的工作方式,重视员工工作与生活的平衡协调,帮助解决员工工作生活中遇到的困难和问题,关爱特殊员工;开展多种形式的文体活动,让员工在轻松和谐的环境中工作,全面提升员工幸福感。薪酬福利我们坚持按劳分配原则,重视发挥薪酬分配的激励和导向作用,做到与员工共享发展成果。我们积极完善薪酬制度,在坚持效益与兼顾公平的前提下,不断提高员工薪酬福利,充分调

370、动员工的积极性,增强企业凝聚力和员工幸福感。2013 年,公司社会保障覆盖率达 100%。Compensations and Benefits We adhere to the principle of distribution according to work and attach importance to the incentive and guiding role of compensation distribution, so that employees can share the achievements of the corporation. We actively rais

371、e the compestation and benefits for employees, kindle employeess enthusiasm, enhance their sense of happiness and the cohesion of the company, giving due consideration to efficiency and fairness. In 2013, all employees were covered by social security. Democratic ManagementWe actively promote democra

372、cy, listen to suggestions and demands from employees through the expanded communication channels and safeguard their rights of information, supervision and participation, giving full play to the role of employees in the democratic management of the company.We keep improving the democratic management

373、 system with the Workers Congress as the basic form and adopt a five-tier trade union system, namely trade unions in the head company, secondary enterprises, tertiary enterprises, branches and projects. In 2013, trade unions were established in 97% of all units, with 98% of the employees being the m

374、embers.We value the open and democratic management of company affairs, highlight and focus on Three Connections, Three Regulations and Three Focal Points and expand channels for making transparant company affairs. “Three Connections”: Connecting trade union establishemnt and negotiation of wages, co

375、nnecting the transparent party affaris and connecting developent of a harmonious enterprise). Three “Opens”: Making open and public major issues of reform and development, key problems of the immediate concern of the employees and the construction of a clean and honest party orgainzation. Three foca

376、l points: Focus on the main role of the staff conference, promote the further development of open corporate affairs and carry out the inspection system by employee representatives.民主管理我们积极推进民主建设,拓宽员工沟通渠道,积极听取员工建议与诉求,保障员工的知情权、监督权和参与决策权,充分发挥员工在企业民主管理中的作用。我们完善以职工代表大会为基本形式的企业民主管理制度, 实行公司工会、 二级子企业工会、 三级法

377、人企业工会、分公司工会和项目工会等五级工会组织制度。2013 年,各级工会建会率 97%,员工入会率 98%。我们重视厂务公开民主管理工作,坚持三个结合、规范三项内容、突出三个重点,不断拓宽厂务公开渠道。 坚持“三个结合”与“两个普遍” (普遍建立工会组织和普遍开展工资集体协商)相结合,与党务公开相结合、与构建和谐企业相结合。 规范“三项内容”公开“三重一大事项”所涉及的企业改革发展的重大问题、公开职工群众关注的热点焦点及涉及职工切身利益的问题、公开党风廉政建设问题。 突出“三个重点”重点发挥职代会主体作用、重点推进厂务公开纵深发展、重点落实职工代表巡视制度。薪酬分配Compensations

378、 and Benefits Distribution薪酬增加Increase of Compensations and Benefits社会保障Social Security带薪休假Paid Vacation建立健全基于岗位、能力和绩效统一的薪酬体系坚持薪酬分配与绩效考核结果挂钩,使薪酬水平充分反映企业的经营业绩和员工的个人业绩Establish a wage system based on posts, ability and performanceWage is connected with performance, making wage level truly reflect the

379、achievement and the performance 建立薪酬与效益联动机制和薪酬分配的正常增长机制Establish a coupling system of wage and economic benefits and the normal wage growth mechanism 提供养老、医疗、生育、工伤、失业等国家规定的基本社会保障 为员工建立企业年金,提高员工的退休保障建立补充医疗保险,提供大病医疗保障 Provide basic social security of endowment, Medicare, reproduction, work injury and

380、unemployment Prepare enterprise annuity for workers and raise the pension levelEstablish supplementary medical insurance and provide medical security of serious illness 在保证国家法定休假外,根据员工特殊情况制定合理的休假制度In addition to statutory holidays, we offer a paid vacation system oriented to the special needs of emp

381、loyees尊重关怀成就 筑员工发展之梦Respect Care Achievement Realizing the Employees Dream of Development58拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment59共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomeCare for Front-line EmployeesWe emphasize humane care for front-line workers and help them with problems of their immediate concern

382、, making them feel the warmth from the company.In the summer of 2013, we held caring activities to bring gifts and condolence money to those working under the burning sun. Over 3,200 such activities were held throughout the year, with the total fund amounting to nearly RMB 11.6 million.Care for Fema

383、le EmployeesWe focus on humane care for female employees. In our company, female employees account for 21.7% of the total employees and 22.1% of administrative personnel. The development of CSCEC is closely related to the contribution of these female employees.We take appropriate measures to protect

384、 female employees in pregnancy, post-natal miscarriage and sterilization. They can enjoy vacations no shorter than what are stipulated in national regulations. Female employees with children who are less than 1 year old can have 1 hour for breastfeeding. We hold seminars for female employees and lec

385、tures of female occupational psychology to develop the working potentials of female employees and help them alleviate working pressure. We provide our special care and attention to women by organizing checkups and lectures on psychological health of women, offering them books and holding outdoor act

386、ivities, etc. 为一线员工送清凉活动Sending watermelons and drinks to construction sites“幸福女人帮、健康秀起来”活动Happy Women Show关心一线员工我们注重人文关怀,关注一线员工,积极解决员工最直接、最期盼、最受益的问题,让兢兢业业奋战在一线的广大员工切实感受到企业大家庭的温暖。2013 年夏天,我们开展送文化、送清凉、送健康活动,为在酷暑中仍然坚守在岗位上的一线员工送去慰问品和慰问金。全年在 3,200 多个项目上开展相关活动,投入资金达 1,160 万元。关爱女性员工我们注重人文关怀,重视和关爱女性员工。中国建筑

387、女性员工占到总员工数的 21.7 %,管理人员中女性占到 22.1 %。中国建筑的发展,与这些女性员工在各自岗位上的贡献密不可分。我们对女性员工制定相应的保护措施,如对生育、妊娠后流产、进行各种节育绝育手术的女性员工,制定符合国家规定的休假标准;对有不满一周岁婴儿的女性员工,可每日提供一小时的工作时间为婴儿哺乳。我们开展女员工座谈会,举办职场女性心理学讲座,挖掘女员工工作潜能,帮助女员工缓解工作压力;为女员工提供专项体检,举办女性心理健康讲座,提供女性健康书籍,开展女性户外健康活动,给予女性员工特殊的关爱和照顾。案例平衡工作生活我们提倡“家”文化,努力营造“家”氛围,以组织文体活动为主要方式,

388、开展丰富新颖的文化、体育、联谊等活动,丰富员工工作、业余生活,为员工创造“快乐工作,幸福生活”的条件和环境,不断增强员工队伍凝聚力,激发员工活力。2013 年,开展 “体育健身季”活动,举办“装饰生活、幸福人生”主题摄影大赛、 “职工趣味运动会”、 “职工卡拉 OK 歌手赛”和青年职工联谊会、集体婚礼等丰富多彩的各类活动;成立职工兴趣爱好协会,组织篮球、足球、羽毛球、乒乓球等比赛;建立职工俱乐部,配备相应器材,为职工提供活动场地。 Balance between Work and LifeWe advocate the culture of Home and create an atmosph

389、ere of home mainly through activities including cultural events, sport activities and social interaction and so on, which are meant to enrich employees work and social life, provide them with happy work and life, and enhance their cohesion and vitality.In 2013, we held different kinds of activities

390、including the Sport Season, a photography competition “Decorating for Happy Life”, funny games for employees, a karaoke competition and a social club for young employees and group weddings; We have set up an employees hobby association which holds games like basketball, football, badminton and table

391、 tennis and so on. We also established a club with fitness equipment and sports venues.为员工举办生日聚会 Birthday Party厨艺大赛Cooking Contest绘蓝色梦想,拓幸福空间中国建筑微电影颁奖典礼2013 年 10 月,中建三局举行“绘蓝色梦想,拓幸福空间”微电影大赛颁奖典礼。 典礼评选出 “最佳导演” 、 “最佳编剧” 、“最佳男女主角” 等奖项, 俨然是一场中国建筑版的 “奥斯卡”颁奖典礼。 平日里和钢筋、 混凝土为伴的建筑工人身着晚礼服,脚踏红地毯,伴着优美的旋律,在闪烁的镁光灯下

392、,挽手走向颁奖台,成为最耀眼的“明星”。走秀红地毯Red Carpet ShowBlue Dreams, Happy EnvironmentThe Ceremony of Micro Films of CSCECOn October 2013, the 3rd Engineering Bureau of China Construction held the micro film ceremony of Paint Blue Dreams, Expand Happy Environment. Awards were presented including Best Director, Best

393、 Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress, etc; the whole event was like a Chinese construction version of Oscar. Construction workers who used to be surrounded by iron and concrete, walked on the red carpet to the stage hand in hand in tuxedoes. Accompanied by beautiful music and lime light, they ar

394、e the brightest stars.尊重关怀成就 筑员工发展之梦Respect Care Achievement Realizing the Employees Dream of Development60拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment61共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home Staff TrainingPersonnel development is inalienable from systematic and comprehensive staff training from the compa

395、ny. In connection with our development strategy, taking employees development demand into consideration, we continuously improve the training system, expand the training scope, innovate on training methods and enrich training courses. Various training programs of different levels, classifications an

396、d grades are provided for all the staff, thus laying the foundation for the cultivation of innovative and creative international talents. The training system covers all employees with the strategy of “specialization, professionalization and internationalization”. It musters all kinds of resources to

397、 develop leadership programs, professional capacity building programs and executive ability training programs, with cultivation of core talents such as leaders and project managers as the priority. We makes innovations on training system, course system and management system, training methods to bett

398、er the supporting role that staff training plays in developing talents of CSCEC. 成就价值ealize ValueRWe design career development path for our employees, broaden their vocational development space and comprehensively promote their professional abilities, qualifications and work ethics. We set up a plat

399、form for our employees to make progress and enhance their ability for lifetime employment. With these measures, CSCEC gives all the employees opportunities to stand out.我们为员工设计职业发展路径,拓展员工职业发展空间,全面提升员工职业能力、职业素质、职业精神,努力搭建员工成长的平台,提升员工终身就业能力,让每一位员工都享有人生出彩的机会。员工培训员工能力的提升与发展,离不开系统全面的培训。我们围绕公司发展战略,结合员工发展需求

400、,不断完善培训体系,扩大培训规模,创新培训方式,丰富培训内容,面向全员展开分层、分类、分级的各项培训,为公司培养创新型国际人才奠定基础。我们以教育培训覆盖全员为目标, 按照 “专业化、 职业化、 国际化” 的人才策略,集中资源开展领导力发展项目、专业力提升项目和职业力打造项目,重点培养领导人员、项目经理等各层各类人才;创新培训组织体系、课程体系和管理体系,使教育培训工作更好地支撑中国建筑的人才发展战略。员工培训绩效Staff Training Performance20013培训经费(亿元人民币)Training Expenses (RMB 100 million) 0.

401、911.131.42.3覆盖范围(人次)Training Scale (person-times)197,260208,370238,878484,5232013 年,我们投入培训资金约 22,584 万元,培训484,523 人次。In 2013, we invested RMB 225.84 million in staff training, and trained 484,523 person-times.案例 CASE帮助困难员工我们有计划地开展员工帮扶工作,关心离退休人员,重点关注困难员工,努力做好困难员工的帮扶工作。各级领导定期走访慰问困难职工和离退休员工,向其提供物质和情感帮助

402、;在员工面临疾病等重大困难时,发动员工爱心互助,共创幸福温暖的大家庭。Care for the Employees in NeedWe work by plans to help retired employees, especially those in need. Company leaders pay regular visits to needy and retired employees and provide materials and care for them. When employees suffer from great difficulties like serious

403、 illness, we encourage care and assistance from all employees so that they can feel the warmth from a big family. 全年帮扶困难员工 1,246户,投入资金达 316 万元。With the fund of total RMB 3.16 million, we helped 1,246 households that are in need. “超英爱心联盟”进工地Chaoying Charity Alliance on construction site“超英爱心联盟”为株洲添绿C

404、haoying Charity Alliance planting trees in Zhuzhou成立“超英爱心基金”2013 年,中建五局正式全面启动“超英爱心基金”,发布中建五局“超英爱心基金”管理暂行办法,将特困职工救济、困难职工帮扶、金秋助学等各类“送温暖”活动和员工退休、生日、婚丧及社会捐助等关爱活动统一纳入“超英爱心基金”管理,明确帮助关爱对象、标准、资金来源、资金使用程序、时间安排等,进一步强化“超英精神”的宣传力度和品牌爱心工程的长效机制建设。Chaoying Charity FundIn 2013, the 5th Bureau of China Construction

405、officially started Chaoying Charity Fund and issued Interim Procedures on Chaoying Charity Fund, which covered all activities for needy workers, donations for students, retirement, birthdays and society, drafted details on individuals, standards, fund sources, procedures and timetables, all promoted

406、 the publicity and long-term mechanism of Chaoying Charity Fund. 尊重关怀成就 筑员工发展之梦Respect Care Achievement Realizing the Employees Dream of Development62拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment63共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home案例 CASE职业发展我们建立科学合理的用人机制,努力营造良好的员工成长、成才环境;为员工提供多种发展机会,注重晋升机制的内部公平性和外部竞争性

407、,推动人才队伍的职业化、专业化发展。Career DevelopmentWe established a scientific employing mechanism, trying our best to create a sound environment for our employees to make progress and make achievements. We provide various opportunities for employees development and pay attention to the internal fairness and exter

408、nal competitiveness of the promotion mechanism, driving the proffesional and specialized development of talents.公司拥有中国工程院院士和全国工程勘察设计大师 11 人具有突出贡献的中青年专家6人享受政府特殊津贴专家 219 人11 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering and China Engineering Survey and Design Masters6 middle-aged and young spec

409、ialists with outstanding contribution219 specialists who enjoy a special government allowance职业生涯规划Career Plan职业发展通道Career Channel员工培养计划Employee Training帮助指导员工完成职业生涯规划,开展职业生涯规划交流项目,职业生涯规划覆盖率达到 100%Make and release regulation on career development, build career development for professional talents an

410、d provide seven career directions; Further improve approval and selection mechanism, choose excellent employees and provide large room for career development and promotion opportunities for employees制定发布职业发展管理制度,建立专业人才职业发展通道,提供七个职业发展方向;继续完善评审与选拔方式,择优选拔,为员工提供广阔的发展空间和晋升机会Make career development manage

411、ment system, open up channels for development of professionals; provide 7 occupational development orientations; continue to improve the appraisal and selection methods to select the best ones, expanding the space for employment development and promotion.推行“导师带徒”制度,实施“七类人才职业计划”、青年培养计划、特殊人才培养计划等多项员工培

412、养计划,为人才脱颖而出创造条件Implement tutor system, “career plan for 7 types of talents”, youth talents training, special talents training and other staff training projects, creating chances for talents to distinguish themselves专业职级圆了员工的“专家梦”中建三局针对专业技术人员职业晋升通道狭窄问题,成立专业职级改革工作领导和工作小组,构建员工职业发展双通道。通过薪酬体系、复审考核体系,将注重专

413、业技术水平、基层工作经验、岗位工作业绩、传承业务能力的导向融入到专业职级管理中,从工资水平、教育培训、专家委员待遇等多个层面,让专家人才真正享受到实在的“准行政”待遇。2013 年,中建三局共评定质量、安全、测量、试验、机械设备五个序列专家级以上人员(包括专家、资深专家和特级专家)82 人,各下属单位评定高中初级专业职级人员 1,300 余人。Professional Grade Helps Realizing Employees “Professor Dream”In order to tackle the issue of slim career promotion chance for

414、professional technicians, the 3rd Engineering Bureau of China Construction set up a Professional Grade Reform Leading and Working Group to construct double channels for employees promotion. Via salary system and review evaluation system, orientations like professional skill level, grassroots work ex

415、perience, working performance and business ability are integrated into the professional grade management. Professional talents can enjoy real “quasi-administrative” treatment from many aspects such as salary level, education and training, expert commissioner treatment.In 2013, China Construction Thi

416、rd Engineering Bureau appraised 82 experts of and higher of professor level (including experts, senior experts and super experts) in five fields, namely, quality, safety, survey, test and machinery. Its subordinate units appraised more 1,300 senior, intermediate and junior profession graded staffs.培

417、训类型 Types of Training培训对象Trainees培训形式 Training Form培训目标 Training Target领导力发展项目LeadershipDevelopment各级领导人员Leaders of all levels打造“栋梁计划”,举办领导力提升与发展专题培训班、党校班等;组织领导参加“一校五院”以及境外培训班等 Develop the Pillar Program; organize leadership development training programs, Party School training class; organize leader

418、s to participate in training programs offered by 6 higher institutions and overseas training classes.提升领导者的领导力水平,培养先进的管理团队Improve the leadership of leaders and foster leading management team专业力提升项目Professional Capacity Building 高端专业人才、核心专业人才以及职能管理类人才等。Senior professionals, core specialists and execu

419、tives以“培训 + 研讨”的方式举办海外市场业务、城市综合建设业务、会计领军人才、组织人事负责人培训班等T h ro u g h “ t ra i n i n g p l u s seminar”, offer training classes on overseas business, comprehensive business in cities, leading accounting personnel and HR leaders提 升 员 工 专 业 化 能力,培养核心专业人才队伍Improve professionalism and foster core work team

420、s职业力打造项目Executive Ability Building 全体员工All employees“书香中建”大讲堂系列活动;“海无涯网络学院” 、 专题演讲、学习沙龙;二级子企业青年学生入职培训、“海之子启航班”等“Literate CSCEC” lectures, “Boundless Sea Internet School”, special speeches, learning salons and so on提 升 员 工 的 学 习 兴趣,拓展员工的职业化能力Develop employees interest in learning and enhance their pr

421、ofessionalism“书香中建”活动海报 Poster for “Literate CSCEC”领导力培训Leadership training新员工入职培训Orientation training for new employees打造责任供应链Forging Responsibility Supply Chain推进战略合作Advancing Strategic CooperationCoordination Promotion Win-win Realizing paRtneRS dReam foR deVelopment协作促进共赢筑伙伴成长之梦Coordination Prom

422、otion Win-win Realizing Partners Dream for Development协作促进共赢 筑伙伴成长之梦66拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment67共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home案例 CASE打造责任供应链orging Responsible Supply ChainF中国建筑始终秉承“感知责任、优质回报、合作共赢”的理念,携手合作伙伴,建立长期的战略合作关系。我们不断创新合作模式,整合资源,与伙伴在合作中谋发展,在协作中求共赢,一起成长,共享价值。CSCEC always b

423、ears the concept of “perceiving responsibility, providing fine returns, cooperation and win-win” when we collaborate with our partners. We establish long-term strategic partnership with our partners. We continuously innovate cooperation model and integrate resources, seeking development through coop

424、eration and seeking win-win outcomes through coordination. Our partners and us develop together and share value together. Responsibility chain is for the corner stone of quality projects. We establish a supply chain management mechanism, realize transparent procurement, abide by contract commitment,

425、 ensure the legitimate interests of suppliers and subcontractors and enhance the CSR level of supplying enterprises to forge a responsibility supply chain of construction and real estate industry.Supply Chain Management In accordance with our procurement management idea of “finding value, cooperatio

426、n, win-win, transparency”, we make strict and standard management regulations, carry out the Manual on Central Procurement Management and Anti-corruption Agreement with Suppliers and continuously improve divided management to build up a perfect responsibility supply chain.责任供应链是成就精品工程的重要基石。我们建立供应链管理

427、机制,实行阳光采购,严格信守合同承诺,保障供应商、分包商合法权益,不断提升供应链企业社会责任水平,努力打造建筑地产行业的责任供应链。供应链管理我们秉承“价值发现,合作共赢,阳光透明”的采购管理理念,制定严谨、规范的管理制度,推行集中采购管理手册、廉洁合作协议,不断完善细化管理,倾力打造完美责任供应链 。高品质采购High Quality Purchasing分包商控制Subcontractors Management完善供应商选择标准,加强对供应商的考察和资质审评坚持公正、公开、公平的透明化采购,与供应商签署廉洁协议Improve supplier selection standard and

428、 strengthen the inspection and qualification review on the suppliersAdhere to fair, open, just and transparent purchasing and sign integrity protocol with suppliers创新分包模式,转变管理方式,落实分包商安全工作监督管理分包商的施工质量、施工进度Innovate subcontract model, change management model and ensure the work safety of subcontractors

429、Supervise the construction quality and construction schedule of subcontractors黄牌警告,红牌罚下严格把关选择供应商为加强对供应商的监督和管控力度,中建五局推行“项目供方分色预警管控方法”,对有“违规”行为的供应商给予黄牌警告,行为恶劣的红牌罚下。管控办法对 23 种供应商“违规”行为给予“黄色预警”或“红色警告”。收到“红色警告”的供应商半年内不得参加公司投标活动,失去评选优秀供应商的资格;一年内收到两次“红色警告”的供应商列为不合格供方,直接淘汰。Yellow Card & Red Card Given:Stric

430、t in Selecting SuppliersIn order to strengthen the supervision and control of the suppliers, carried out “colored regulation and control scheme for suppliers”, gave a yellow card warning to suppliers who violated regulation and gave a red card to exclude the suppliers who seriously violated regulati

431、ons.The regulation and control scheme specifies 23 “violations of regulations” as red card behaviors and red card behaviors. Suppliers receiving a red card are not allowed to participate in the bidding activities of the enterprise and are excluded from the candidates for excellent suppliers. Supplie

432、rs getting two red cards in a year are regarded as unqualified suppliers and are eliminated from the list of suppliers. 利益相关方的梦想reams of StakeholdersD“我们渴望得到公平公正的对待与回应。”“我们希望与中国建筑在人才培养、技术支持、理论研究等方面合作,同时也希望中国建筑能重视在学校奖学金,科研资助等方面的投入。”“与中国建筑合作,我们期待服务能让我们舒心,产品能让我们安心,质量能让我们放心。”“我们乐于为发展前景良好、信誉度高的企业提供多项融资渠道

433、,同时也利于我们自身发展。”“作为央企,中国建筑应该在城市基础设施建设和市政公用事业投资上加大力度,以改善民生为己任。”“希望我们能够与中国建筑在长期良好的合作过程中,彼此学习,共同发展。”“We are eager to get fair and just treatment and response.”“We hope that we can cooperate with CSCEC in the fields of talents training, technical support and theoretical research and we hope that the enter

434、prise can invest more on scholarships and scientific aids.” “We are expecting comfortable service, safe products and high quality in the cooperation with CSCEC.”“We are glad to supply various financing channels for enterprises with promising prospects and good credit, which is also beneficial to our

435、 development.”“As a Central Enterprise, CSCEC should invest more in the infrastructure construction and public utilities and take the improvement of peoples livelihood as its own business.” “We hope that we can learn from each other and develop together in the course of long-term cooperation with CS

436、CEC.”Coordination Promotion Win-win Realizing Partners Dream for Development协作促进共赢 筑伙伴成长之梦68拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment69共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomeBearing the spirit of “Integrity, Innovation, Transcendence, and Win-win Outcomes”, we bring the core competitiveness of CSCEC int

437、o full play and cooperate with governments at all levels, enterprises, financial institutions and research institutions in the fields of comprehensive development, large scale project bidding, finance and real estate development to fully realize complementary advantages and shared interests.我们遵循“诚信、

438、创新、超越、共赢”的精神,充分发挥中国建筑的核心竞争优势,与各级政府、企业、金融机构、科研院校等相关方在综合开发、大型项目投标、资金融通、地产开发等领域开展合作,充分实现优势互补和利益共享。全面促进供应链企业履行社会责任Fully Stimulate Suppliers to Perform CSR选择、鼓励负责任供应商Choose and encourage responsible suppliers实行供应商资格认证多种形式筛选负责任供应商以增加订单等方法鼓励负责任供应商Perform qualification identification of suppliersSelect resp

439、onsible suppliers through various waysEncourage responsible suppliers by giving more orders and other ways检查、测评企业社会责任履行情况Inspect and evaluate the CSR performance of suppliers 完善供应链管理体系评估供应链企业安全生产、环境保护、诚信等情况Improve supply chain management systemEvaluate production safety, environment protection and c

440、redit of supply chain帮助、引导企业履行社会责任Help and guide the enterprises to perform CSR增加培训,提高供应链企业社会责任意识加强监管,保障企业社会责任有序推进签订合同,约束供应链企业保证相关方权益Take part in training to promote CSR awareness of enterprises of supply chainStrengthen supervision to ensure the orderly performance of CSRSign contracts and control

441、the supply chain to ensure both parties interests.政府合作Cooperation with Governments银企合作Cooperation with Banks企业合作Cooperation with Enterprises高校合作Cooperation with UniversitiesDevelop with Enterprises in the Supply ChainSuppliers and subcontractors are our long-term and intimate partners. Under the ins

442、truction of “efficient coordination and strategic reciprocity”, we bring our special and industrial advantages into full play and help suppliers and subcontractors solve problems during the implementation of projects to fulfill the common development of CSCEC and suppliers along with subcontractors.

443、 In 2013, investment for training Subcontractors is RMB 151.5 million, participating in Training is 1.5 million person-times. Promote the Social Responsibility Level of Supply ChainWe not only pay attention to our own performance of CSR and at the same time try our best to inject social responsibili

444、ty idea and demand into our supply chain. We include content of respect for human right, environment protection and quality control into the subcontracts and procurement contracts. We encourage and guide the suppliers to actively take upon social responsibility and try to achieve the common sustaina

445、ble development for CSCEC and suppliers.与供应链企业共成长供应商与分包商是我们持续发展的亲密伙伴。我们以“高效协同,战略互惠”的理念为指导,发挥自身专业和领先的行业优势,帮助解决项目实施过程中遇到的难题,与供应链企业相互促进,共同成长。2013 年,分包商培训投入 15,150 万元,培训人数 150 万人次。提高供应链社会责任水平我们不仅重视自身履行企业社会责任,也努力将社会责任理念和要求融入供应链。我们将尊重人权、环境保护、质量控制等要求明确写入分包采购合同,鼓励和带动供应链企业积极承担社会责任, 与供应链企业共同实现可持续发展。相互依存共同成长Be

446、ing Interdependent and Develop Together创新完善沟通渠道,实现信息资源共享定期组织供应商见面会,听取意见与建议Innovate and improve communication channels, share the information recoursesOrganize suppliers meetings on a regular basis and listen to suggestions and advice与优质分包商建立长期合作关系 , 帮助其解决项目实施过程中的难题Establish long-term cooperative rel

447、ationship with excellent subcontractors and assist them in solving problems in the implementation of projects组织供应商、分包商开展多种形式培训帮助分包商提升施工能力,推进技术升级Organize suppliers and subcontractors to take part in various training programsHelp subcontractors to promote construction performance and to upgrade techno

448、logy推进战略合作romoting Strategic Cooperation P2013 年中国建筑主要战略合作伙伴Major Partners of CSCEC in 2013国外:巴哈马政府巴基斯坦政府国内:天津滨海新区、广东省、江西省、河北省、四川省、河南省浙江台州市、 湖北黄冈市、台湾新竹市Abroad:Government of Bahamas Pakistani governmentChina:Binhai New District of TianjinGuangdong Province, Jiangxi Province, Hebei Province, Sichuan P

449、rovince, HenanTaizhou of Zhejiang Province, Huanggangof Hubei Province, Hsinchu of Taiwan 中国银行国家开发银行中国进出口银行中国农业银行汇力基金科威特中央银行Bank of China China Development Bank The Export-Import Bank of ChinaAgricultural Bank of ChinaHuiLi FundCentral Bank of Kuwait协鑫集团美高梅集团中国移动万达集团陆家嘴集团中南集团GCLMGM Reports Internati

450、onalChina MobileWanda GroupLujiazui GroupZhongnan Group清华大学同济大学浙江大学哈尔滨工业大学天津大学华南理工大学中国矿业大学重庆大学Tsinghua UniversityTongji UniversityZhejiang UniversityH a r b i n I n s t i t u t e o f TechnologyTianjin UniversitySouth China University of TechnologyChina University of Mining TechnologyChongqing Univer

451、sityCoordination Promotion Win-win Realizing Partners Dream for Development协作促进共赢 筑伙伴成长之梦70拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment71共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home案例 CASECooperating with Colleges and UniversitiesCooperating with colleges and universities is an effective channel for enterprise

452、development. We establish long-term strategic cooperation partnership with famous colleges and universities. To make our own advantages and resources complemented, allocated and shared, we extend multi-level and extensive cooperation in the areas of personnel cultivation, scientific R&D, technologic

453、al innovation, transformation of achievements, employment, post-doctoral research station and engineering construction. 与美高梅国际度假集团签订战略合作协议Signing a strategic cooperation agreement with MGM Resort Group与清华大学合作签约仪式Signing contract with Tsinghua University高校合作与高校合作是企业发展的有效渠道。我们与知名高校建立中长期战略合作关系,在人才培养、科技

454、研发、技术创新、成果转化、学生就业、博士后科研工作站、工程施工合作等领域开展多层次广泛合作,努力实现双方优势和资源的互补、配置和共享。以企业为主体,以市场为导向,加深校企合作Centered by Enterprise; Market-oriented; Expand Cooperation with Colleges 推行“产学研”一体的学术交流模式,在高校建立学生培养实践基地Promote the integrated “production, study and research” scholar exchange mode and establish the practice base

455、 in colleges投资教育发展基金会,用于学科建设、奖学金和人才培养Invest in education development fund for subjects construction, scholarships and personnel cultivation 聘请高校优秀教授作为技术管理顾问Hire the excellent professors as the consultant of technology management与高校共建企业专业硕士、博士研究生、博士后科研工作站,为企业培养高层次人才Co-build professional graduate, doc

456、toral student and post-doctoral research station with colleges and cultivate excellent personnel与高校联合创新,共同申请、搭建国家级科研开发平台,开发科研成果 Innovate together with colleges, apply and establish national-level scientific research development platform to seek scientific outcomes与清华大学合作开展首个技术开发课题中建安装公司与清华大学于 2013 年

457、 10 月确定了首个技术开发课题“基于 BIM 机电安装工程的动态工程量计算机应用研发”。项目通过机电安装领域 BIM 技术的深层次研究与开发,达到 BIM 技术在石化、机电、钢结构、化工设备制造领域的全面进步与应用。Cooperating with Tsinghua University on the First Technology Development ResearchIn October 2013, China Construction Installation Engineering Co. Ltd and Tsinghua University cooperated on the

458、ir first technology development research project“computer applied R&D based on the dynamic project value of BIM M&E equipment installation”. We carried out in-depth R&D in the fields of M&E equipment installation to achieve all-round improvement and application in manufacturing areas such as petrifi

459、cation, M&E, steel structure and chemical equipment. 案例 CASE政府合作我们发挥品牌、管理、技术、人才等优势,与各级政府展开密切合作,签订合作框架协议,推动地区在绿色建筑产业、互联网电子商务、产融结合、新型城镇化等板块的发展,最大化地实现企业价值。2013 年 12 月,中建中东公司荣获阿联酋公共工程部 “最佳政府合作交流奖”。 银企合作资金是企业成功运营的保障。我们不断加深与金融机构的合作关系, 建立长期稳定的合作机制, 实现 “银企并进,合作共赢”的新篇章。我们与多家银行在房地产开发、海外收购、建筑、投资理财、金融市场、全球交易等业务

460、领域进一步展开合作,拓展融资渠道,创新融资模式,全面构建战略合作关系,不断增强市场竞争力。Collaborating with GovernmentsWith the advantages in brand, management, technology and talents, we cooperate with government departments at all levels, signing Cooperation Framework Agreement, which pushes the regional development in green construction in

461、dustry, e-commerce, combination of industry and finance, new urbanization and other modules, realizing the maximization of the corporate value. In December, CSCEC Middle East Company won the Best Government Cooperation and Exchange Award granted by the Public Engineering Ministry of UAE. Cooperating

462、 with BanksCapital guarantees the enterprises successful operation. We keep intensifying the cooperative partnership with financial institutions and establish long-term and stable cooperative mechanisms, opening the new chapter of “advancing together with banks to seek win-win cooperation”.We furthe

463、r launch cooperation with several banks in the fields of property development, overseas acquisition, finance and investment, financial market, global trade and more. We expand finance channels, innovate on finance mode, establish strategic and cooperative partnership and keep intensifying market com

464、petitiveness.Cooperating with EnterprisesWe keep expanding areas of cooperation. We make in-depth exchanges and explorations in the mode of overseas market expansion, planning & layout as well as cooperation, continue to increase resource allocation and enlarge the development scale by means of coop

465、eration such as merger and acquisition, and create broader development space with partners. We launch high-end strategic cooperation with many other enterprises and jointly promote market competitiveness. In 2013, we signed strategic cooperation agreements with China Mobile, Wanda Group and Zhongnan

466、 Group and more, providing a win-win cooperation platform for market expansion and complementary businesses. 企业合作我们不断拓宽业务合作领域,在海外市场开拓、规划布局、合作模式等方面进行深入交流与探索;通过并购合作等方式不断增强自身资源配置、壮大发展规模,与合作方共同创造出更为广阔的发展空间。我们与大量企业展开高端战略合作,共同提升市场竞争力。2013 年,我们与中国移动、万达集团、中南集团等签订战略合作协议,搭建市场开拓和业务互补等方面的双赢合作平台。参与建设巴哈马大型国际度假村在巴

467、哈马大型海岛度假村项目中,公司通过与中国进出口银行合作, 以融投资带动工程总承包的全新运作模式,在原项目投资人放弃投资的情况下,保障项目运作顺利推进。公司在整个项目中扮演投资和总承包商的双重角色,借助融投资的话语权,依托国际水准精英团队,成功推进项目建设。该项目实现了金融资本与产业资本相结合,开创了企业在海外项目经营中联合银行实施融投资带动总承包的先河,提升了中国承包商在全球的整体竞争实力。Participating in Constructing a Large-scale Resort in the BahamasRegarding the large-scale island resor

468、t project in Bahamas, we cooperated with export-import banks, switched to a new operating mode of general project contracting through finance investment, and guaranteed the smooth operation even when the former investor abandoned his investment. Our enterprise played a role as an investor and genera

469、l contractor in the whole project and managed to promote the project with the aid of the initiative gained by excellent team and financial investment.This project integrated banking capital into industrial capital, setting a precedent: the enterprise cooperated with banks to make financial investmen

470、t power general contracting in overseas project. As a result, the overall competitiveness of Chinas contractors was improved in the global market.维护行业秩序Maintaining the Industry Order创新引领发展Innovation Guides Development带动行业进步Promoting the Development of the IndustryCreativity Sharing LeadingRealizing

471、dReam of pRogReSS of the ConStRuCtion SeCtoR创新分享引领筑行业进步之梦创新分享引领 筑行业进步之梦Creativity Sharing Leading Realizing Dream of Progress of the Construction Sector74拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment75共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home维护行业秩序创新引领发展aintaining the Industrial Ordernnovation Guides Developm

472、entMI作为中国最大的建筑地产综合企业集团,中国建筑肩负建筑地产行业发展使命,承担服务行业职能。我们努力维护行业秩序,全面推进管理创新与科技创新,以创新实力支撑公司和行业持续、健康、科学、卓越发展,广泛拓展与国内外同行的交流与合作,带动行业进步。As the largest real estate conglomerate in China, CSCEC undertakes the mission of developing construction and property industry and performs the function of serving this indust

473、ry. We make efforts to maintain the industry order, carry forward innovation in management and technology, and spur our enterprise and the whole industry to achieve the sustained, healthy, scientific and excellent development by innovation. In a word, we extend our exchanges and cooperation with cou

474、nterparts at home and abroad, leading the industry to a better one.We take an active role in maintaining industry order, advocate rational competition and try to foster a fair, just and transparent environment in construction industry. Our business expansion aims mainly at high-end markets and some

475、midrange markets. We explore development space for private enterprises and direct the overall construction industry to achieve coordinated development.As a leading enterprise in this industry, we keep strengthening the capacity to carry out contract, guarantee the quality and security of constructio

476、n engineering, promote market competitiveness, setting an example for the whole industry and build a responsible brand.We explore the relationship between innovation and sustainable development, drive enterprise development, breakthrough in technology and advancement in industry by innovation in man

477、agement and technology, and make every effort to gain edges over the industry chain.Management InnovationWe actively upgrade management mode including restructuring, growth mode, centralized management, development goals and concepts. As a result, we enhance our control capabilities. Against the sev

478、ere external background. In 2013, our enterprise led to a big reversal growth, setting a good example of industry management.我们积极维护建筑行业秩序,倡导理性竞争,努力营造公平、公正、公开的良好建筑市场环境。我们的业务开拓以高端市场为主,兼顾部分中端市场,为民营企业拓展成长空间,推动建筑行业整体协调发展。作为行业排头兵,我们不断强化项目履约能力,保证建筑工程的质量和安全,提升市场竞争实力,以对工程项目高度负责的态度,为行业树立典范,塑造负责任的品牌形象。我们深入思考创新

479、与企业可持续发展之间的深刻内涵,将管理创新与科技创新视为技术突破、企业发展和行业进步的强力引擎,全力打造全产业链的创新优势。管理创新我们积极推进管理模式转变,全面实施管理创新,在结构调整、增长方式、集约化管理、发展目标和发展理念五大领域实现管理模式升级,增强公司的管控能力。2013年,公司实现逆势增长,为行业管理创新树立了典范。利益相关方的梦想reams of stakeholdersD“作为建筑工程行业的民营企业,我们期望拥有更广阔的市场发展空间。”“创新是企业进步的灵魂,也是适应时代发展的必由之路。”“以科技创新助推中国建筑的转型升级。”“作为公司的一份子,我希望有更多的平台发挥自己的创新

480、能力。”“我们期望通过更广泛的交流, 了解建筑工程行业前沿知识, 紧跟时代步伐。 ”“我们希望中国建筑积极共享发展经验,引领行业发展方向。”“As a private enterprise in construction industry, we expect broader market development space. ”“Creativity is the soul of enterprise advancement as well as the only way to keep pace with the development of our time.”“Transform an

481、d upgrade Chinese construction by the medium of technological innovation.”“As part of the enterprise, I hope that more platform can be provided to make full use of my creativity.”“We expect Chinese Construction to extend more extensive exchanges, understand the cutting-edge construction engineering

482、and keep pace with the time.”“We hope that CSCEC can share development experience and take a lead in this industry.”创新分享引领 筑行业进步之梦Creativity Sharing Leading Realizing Dream of Progress of the Construction Sector76拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment77共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomeTechnolog

483、ical InnovationWe positively carry forward and improve the system of technological innovation and the construction of management system. We build an open platform for technological innovation aimed at enterprise R&D and the combined development of production, study and research, and try to encourage

484、 innovation in culture. In 2013, we had 44,000 professional technicians in the company, accounting for 20.8% of our total number of employees. We invested RMB 5.48 billion in research and development. In 2013, we launched campaign called “technology reduces cost and promotes effectiveness”. We appli

485、ed advanced technological innovation into traditional low-tech such as architecture design and construction, and transformed technological edges into real advancement in operation quality and profits. We found out the features and difficulties of different items, classified them into four categories

486、 and 90 innovation technologies, and compiled CSCEC 2013: Technology Creates Profit, launched 15 typical pilot projects in Beijing, Tianjin and Shenzhen. The pilot projects in 2013 reduced RMB 20.2 billion project cost.主线Main line技术研发Technology R&D全面推广Fully Expand项目示范Pilot Project资源整合Resource Integr

487、ation目标 提升项目整体技术和管理水平Target: Improve the overall technologies and management skills科技助推降本增效Technology helps to reduce cost and promote effectiveness核心理念绿色建造Core concept:Green construction重点研发推广自有知识产权技术替代传统落后技术Key points:Research and develop the intellectual property technologies instead of backward

488、technologies案例 CASE工地上的科技创新工作室中建三局组建以项目技术总工和近 5 年分配的青年员工为成员的创新工作室。工作室根据成员各自特点,建立若干小组,分别对施工节能、电器、机械等进行革新和研发;定期组织小组成员深入各个项目,对一些习以为常的工艺、工法进行挖掘、提炼和总结,并将近两年的金点子汇编成册,发送至各项目供参阅和借鉴。Technological Innovation Studio at Construction SiteThe skilled technicians and green hands of CSCEC Third Engineering Bureau b

489、ecame the members of the innovation studio at construction site. They were divided into several groups according to their strong points, innovated, researched and developed construction energy conservation, electrical appliances and mechanics respectively. On top of that, the group members delve int

490、o every project, and explored, refined and summarized the accustomed techniques and craftsmanship. Meanwhile, we compiled the two years brilliant ideas into booklets and handed out to all the projects for reference.创新办公室成员A menmber of the innovation studio向媒体记者介绍工作成果A member of the innovation studio

491、 introducing research achievements to media案例 CASE我们落实“五化”方针,不断创新企业管理理念,推进管理模式创新,提高管理水平,释放企业跨越式发展的活力,引领行业发展方向。We lay down the “five-improvements” principle, keep innovating the concept of project management, especially management mode, make project management efficient, provide vitality to achieve l

492、eap-forward development and lead the industry.打造数字化中建,建立统一信息化平台中国建筑以“打造数字化中建”为目标,构建集中、集成化的信息系统体系,通过系统内的信息纵向、横向有序流转,及时掌握各层级企业和主要业态的经营信息,实现“信息企业、智慧总部”;通过各类系统固化全面预算管理、全生命周期项目管理模式等管理流程与专业化运营模式,依托系统普及使用,及时发现问题,逐步优化、完善管理模式。公司不断强化 “信息化” 对企业战略发展的重要性,满足公司管控集约化、标准化、专业化要求。2013 年,公司被国务院国资委评为“信息化 A 级企业”。Forge a

493、digitalized CSCEC based on an information platform CSCEC aims to become a digitalized corporation. It shall construct a centralized and integrated information system which keeps the business information updated through the longitudinal and horizontal flow of information, thus to realize the goal of

494、“Information-based company with Smart Headquarters”. Through the budgetary management of various systems, all life-cycle project management model and other specialized operation model and the popularized use of the system, it can disclose problems in due time and gradually optimize the management mo

495、del. CSCEC attaches great importance to informationization in the development of the corporate strategy and expects to achieve the goals of intensification, standardization and specialization. In 2013, the company was appraised as the Class-A Informationization Enterprise by the SASAC of the State C

496、ouncil. 科技创新我们积极推进和完善科技创新组织体系和管理制度建设,打造以企业为研发主体,产、学、研相结合的开放型科技创新实施平台,努力营造鼓励创新的文化氛围。目前,公司拥有中级以上专业技术职务人员 4.4 万人,占员工总数的 20.8%,2013 年,公司研发投入 54.8 亿元。2013 年,我们开展“科技助推降本增效活动”,以结构调整升级Upgrading and restructuring房建施工House construction增长方式升级Upgrade growth pattern建房Building house建城Building city集约化管理升级Upgrade i

497、ntensification management粗放管理Extensive management精细管理Intensive management发展目标升级Upgrade development goals参与国际工程承包Participate international contracting经营跨国集团Running cross-border group发展理念升级Upgrade development concept注重规模效益Focusing on scale benefit注重承担央企三大责任Assuming three major responsibilities of cent

498、ral enterprises实施“大市场、大业主、大项目”和“高端营销”策略Employ the strategy of “big market, proprietor and project”and “high-end marketing” 顺应城镇化建设新形势,发挥“四位一体”的综合服务运营优势Follow the new trend of urbanization and exert the advantages of“quaternity” comprehensive business operation整合臃肿机构 , 消灭亏损企业和挂靠项目集中资金管理、大宗材料采购、劳务招标“I

499、ntegrate the bloated organization and eliminate u n p ro f i t a b le f i r m andsubordinated projectCentralize capital m a n a g e m e n t , purchasing of bulk materials and bidding for personnel service 争做中央企业实施 走出去 战略的表率,在海外开展建设和投资项目Establish and invest in overseas projects under the principle of

500、 “taking a lead in going global among central enterprises”追求社会 “最大贡献值” , 将经济、政治、社会责任系于一身Make the greatest social contributions and shoulder economic, political and social responsibilities基础设施、房地产投资综合开发Comprehensive development of infrastructure and property investment转变Transformation措施Measures先进科技创新

501、成果改造传统建筑设计、建造等环节的传统落后技术,将科技优势转化为切实的经营质量和盈利水平的提升。我们挖掘不同类型项目特色和难点,整理形成 4大类 90 项推广创新技术,编制完成中国建筑科技创效(2013),在北京、天津、深圳选定 15 个典型示范工程,全年示范工程累计节约项目成本 2.02 亿元。创新分享引领 筑行业进步之梦Creativity Sharing Leading Realizing Dream of Progress of the Construction Sector78拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment79共筑梦想家园Buil

502、ding a Common Dream Home案例 CASE带动行业进步romoting the Development of the IndustryPWe attach great importance to the development of industry and play a role in leading the industry to scientific development. We take initiative in participating in domestic and industrial developmental research, drawing ou

503、t plans and criteria as well as promoting industrial upgrading. In addition, we hold and attend all kinds of professional forums and academic activities in order to facilitate the innovative development of industry.我们时刻关注行业发展动态,充分发挥行业科学发展的引领者角色,主动参与国家和行业发展研究、规划及标准制定,推进产业结构升级;主办、参与各项专业论坛和学术活动,致力于推动行业

504、创新发展。天津港国际邮轮码头客运大厦项目The project of international cruise terminal in the Tianjin Port科技之光闪耀天津港天津港国际邮轮码头项目将 BIM 设计全过程应用于工程建设,在设计阶段,项目部利用 BIM 软件深化设计每一个构件,逐区域、逐层、逐点地定位出每个大钢构件同外装饰面层之间的净距离,达到了施工控制的各项要求,实现“零”返工。在施工阶段,利用 BIM 技术深化设计图纸 12,880 张、编制方案 208 份、组织专家论证 9 次,成功解决了海边大型公建的建筑外形复杂、屋面结构特殊、机电系统复杂、综合排布难度高等技术

505、难题,确保了工程的最佳实施效果。该项目荣获中国土木工程詹天佑大奖。Up-to-date Technology Benefits the Port of TianjinThe project of international cruise terminal in port of Tianjin applied the whole process of BIM design into engineering construction. In the design phase, the department of management further designed every component

506、 by BIM software, located the net spacing between the steel member and external decorative wall, and met every need of the construction control with no rework.In the construction phase, we completed 12,880 pieces of design drawings, made out 208 plans, and organized experts to demonstrate nine times

507、. Finally, we succeeded in solving the technical problems of the large-scale seaside public building such as its complicated appearance and M&E system, special structure and difficult overall layout. Consequently, we completed this project successfully and received “Zhan Tianyou” award, we completed

508、 this project successfully and received Zhan Tianyou award.案例 CASE我们以打造“绿色中建”和“数字中建”为核心,全力推进绿色建筑、建筑工业化和 BIM 技术研究与应用,通过建立健全组织体系,组织编制各项制度和规范标准,推进示范工程等有效措施,打造全产业链的技术创新优势,推进公司转型升级,为推动建筑工程行业的技术创新发展贡献力量。We focus on building “green CSCEC” and “digital CSCEC”, and make every effort to carry forward green ar

509、chitecture, construction industrialization and the research and application of BIM technology. We take effective measures such as establishing a sound system, compiling institutions and standards and launching pilot projects so as to make the best of technological innovation in the industrial chain,

510、 upgrade our enterprise and make contributions to the innovation development of the construction engineering industry. 绿色建筑Green construction建筑工业化Industrialized constructionBIM 技术研究与应用BIM technology research and application 开展全产业链的绿色建筑技术研究,致力于研发智能材料Carry out the research on green construction techno

511、logies in the industry chain and remain committed to intellectual materials R&D 建立健全组织体系对内梳理专家资源,对外建立专门机构试点引领绿色建筑制度规范整合优势资源开展技术研究与应用技术落地,确定示范工程Establish sound systemsReview expert resources internally and establish specialized trial institutions externallyTake a lead in formulating the code of green

512、 constructionIntegrate valuable resources for technology research and applicationPut technology in place and confirm pilot project开展建筑工业化全面技术调研研发自有知识产权工业化技术Carry out research on the overall technologies of industrialized constructionResearch on and develop the technology of IPR industrialization组建 B

513、IM 技术委员会立项课题研发编制建筑工程设计、施工 BIM 应用指南等标准规范推进 25 项示范项目Set up BIM technology committeeSponsor project R&DCompile construction engineering design and enforce standards such as BIM application guidanceCarry forward 25 pilot projects以标准化生产方式贯穿完整产业链,实现造房全过程的工业化、集约化和社会化A c h i eve i n d u st r i a l i z a t i

514、 o n , intensification and socialization in the whole process with the employment of standardized production pattern in the whole industry chain通过整合建筑项目供应链各企业间信息流的技术手段,实现精确控制建设成本,降低质量风险Accurately control the construction cost and reduce the quality risk through integrating the information flow of en

515、terprises in construction industry chain建成行业首个科技管理信息平台我们遵循“横向到边,纵向到底”的原则,从企业需求和行业引领两方面入手,打造了行业内第一个科技管理信息平台。该平台集科技管理、海量智能技术查询和自动统计分析三大优势为一体,可实现 6 万科技人员上线多维度查询科技资料信息和科技信息交流、5,000 名科技管理人员网上办公、所有中建科技人才库的自动生成、有序管理及使用,各类繁琐科技统计数据的自动生成、准确统计和分析等功能。平台的建成为公司集中力量推动科技创新和效率提升奠定了坚实基础。Building the First Information

516、 Platform for Technology ManagementWe followed the principle of “assuming full responsibility” and built the first technology management platform in the industry considering both our demand and the industry guidance.This platform integrated our three edges, that is, technology management, intelligen

517、t technology bog-data inquiry and automatic statistical analysis. It could enable 60,000 technology workers to inquire multi-dimensional information and communicate online, and 5,000 technology managers to work online. Whats more, this platform realized the automatic generation, orderly management a

518、nd effective use of CSCEC talent pool. It had other functions such as the automatic generation, accurate statistics and analysis of all kinds of tedious statistical data about science and technology. The platform laid a solid foundation for technological innovation and efficiency improvement.年度专利授权数

519、(项)Annual Patent Licenses (Item)5001,0001,5002,00007382011 年2012 年2013 年1,1391,675创新分享引领 筑行业进步之梦Creativity Sharing Leading Realizing Dream of Progress of the Construction Sector80拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment81共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomeWe take an active part in multiple internat

520、ional exchange activities, meetings and forums. We strengthen the communication and cooperation with foreign counterparts and other stakeholders. While exploring the development orientation of global construction industry, we also carry forward complimentarity of strengths and sharing of benefits. 我

521、们积极参加多样化的国际交流活动,参与国际会议和论坛, 加强与多个国家同行业利益相关方的交流与合作,在持续探索全球建筑行业发展方向的同时,推进多方优势互补与利益共享。参加阿拉伯世界建筑峰会 CEO 论坛 Delegates of CSCEC attended Arab World Construction Summit CEO Forum参加国际基础设施投资与建设高峰论坛Attending the Summit Forum on International Infrastructure Investment and Construction第四届国际基础设施投资与建设高峰论坛The Fourth

522、 International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum6 月Jun. 第五次中美战略与经济对话框架中美企业家圆桌会议The Fifth China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue Framework of China-US Business Roundtable7 月Jul. 第八届中俄经济工商界高峰论坛The Eighth China-Russia Economic Forum 10 月Oct. 第三届中国 - 中东欧国家经贸论坛和首脑峰会The Third China - Cent

523、ral and Eastern European Countries Economic and Trade Forum and Summit11 月Nov.阿拉伯世界建筑峰会 CEO 论坛Arab World Construction Summit CEO Forum12 月Dec. 2013年国际交流活动International exchange activities in 2013案例 CASE2013 年,我们开展多项学术交流活动,作为主办单位组织召开了“第一届工程建设标准高峰论坛”、“全国超高层大型公建创新技术交流与工程观摩会”等 5 个百人次以上的学术交流会。我们联合其他多家单位发

524、起成立“建筑信息模型(BIM)产业技术创新战略联盟”,为我国BIM 技术的应用提供支撑平台,促进 BIM 软件开发企业的技术交流,为 BIM 技术与标准研发筹集资金,为全面推动我国 BIM 技术发展和应用提供技术服务。In 2013, we held many academic exchange activities. We served as the sponsor of five academic meetings of exchange, each involving more than 100 participants, such as “the first summit on eng

525、ineering construction standards” and “national demonstration for innovative technology and engineering of super high-rise public buildings”. Joined by other units, we established “BIM strategic industrial alliance”, which provides a supporting platform for domestic BIM, stimulate the technological e

526、xchange among enterprises of BIM software development, collect capital funds for BIM technology and standards R&D as well as provide technological service for development and application of domestic BIM.举办国内工程建设标准领域首个标准化论坛2013 年 11 月,以“创新推动标准化,全面服务新四化”为主题的首届中国工程建设标准化高峰论坛在上海召开。作为主办方之一,中国建筑在论坛上作了“标准化助

527、推中国建筑企业走向国际市场”专题报告,和与会各方一同分享标准化建设经验。本次论坛是新世纪以来中国工程建设标准化领域首次大规模、高层次的主题论坛。论坛为提升建筑工程企业标准化建设提供了良好的交流和互动平台,为促进行业的标准化建设开启了新的篇章。Held the First Standardization Forum on Domestic Engineering Construction StandardsIn 2013, the first summit of Chinese engineering construction engineering themed “innovation pro

528、motes standardization and serve the new four modernizations” was unveiled in Shanghai. As one of the sponsors, CSCEC delivered a special report on “standardization helping internationalize Chinese construction corporations” and shared the experience with counterparts.It was the first large-scale and

529、 high-level theme forum on Chinese engineering construction standardization. This forum provided a good platform for communication and interaction of improving Chinese engineering construction standardization and also added a new chapter for standardization construction.1122175组织撰写行业研究报告中国建筑设计行业发展研究

530、报告(2012-2013)We draw out the industry research report Research Report of China Construction on Design Industry 2012-2013年度主编、参与国家及行业标准 12 个 We initiated or take part in the compilation of 12 domestic and industrial criteria年度获评国家级工法 75 项,占比为 13%75 construction methods of us are rated in a national l

531、evel, accounting for 13% of national construction methods承担、参与“十二五”国家科技支撑计划等在研课题21 个We are responsible for 21 research projects of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan安全生产责任Safety Production Responsibility助力社区发展Helping With Community Development热心公益事业Ardent In Activities for Public GoodsSecurity Care Harmony

532、Building a pRoSpeRouS Community安全关爱和谐筑社区繁荣之梦安全关爱和谐 筑社区繁荣之梦Security Care Harmony Building a prosperous community84拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment85共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home安全生产责任afety Production Responsibility S中国建筑在开展自身业务同时, 始终不忘回馈社会, 通过提供就业、 完善基础设施建设、 带动相关产业发展, 为当地经济、社会发展贡献力量。中国

533、建筑高度重视安全生产工作,热心社会公益事业,努力为社会和谐稳定、持续发展贡献力量。When CSCEC tries to develop itself, we never forget to redound upon the society by providing jobs, improving infrastructure and stimulating relative industries in order to contribute to local economy and social development. CSCEC attaches great importance to

534、safety production and public welfare undertakings. We try to contribute to the harmony, stability and sustainable development of society.We insist on the safety guideline of “safety first, prevention, comprehensive treatment”, comply with the vision of “life first and safety first” to promote the st

535、andardization of safety production.In 2013, the Safety production situation is generally stable for China Construction. The production safety accidents and the number of deaths fell by 65% and 48% respectively. The mortality rate per RMB 100 million output is about 0.1%.We attach great importance to

536、 the implementation of contingency management in security incidents. In the event of accidents, we would activate contingency plans immediately and start follow-up settlements according to the accident type; accident-related information will be reported to the relevant government departments and hig

537、her-level units; investigations process would be started rapidly; while soothing the relevant employees and their families, we actively arrange medical treatment and reasonable compensation. In parallel with incidents settlements, we would carry out reflection and earnestly draw lessons from the acc

538、ident, summarize the case and popularize it throughout the company; We would also conduct relevant training and education targeting the construction site worker; We would examine the possible causes of similar accidents completely. All the above measures would prevent similar incidents from happenin

539、g again.Consolidating the Foundation of SafetyWe consistently improve safety management and organization system in order to promote the standardization of safety production. We concentrate on safety production to consolidate the foundation of safety.Safety Management SystemWe establish an organizati

540、on of safety management which contains a safety and emergency management organization system It can quickly respond to the accidents which have happened or might happen and decrease the personnel and financial loss. 我们坚持 “安全第一、 预防为主、 综合治理” 的安全方针,秉承“生命至上,安全运营第一”的理念,推进安全生产标准化建设。2013 年,中国建筑系统安全生产局面总体稳定

541、,生产安全责任事故起数和死亡人数同比下降 65% 和48%,亿元产值死亡率约为 0.001。 我们高度重视在安全事故中推行预案管理,在发生安全事故后,第一时间启动应急预案,针对事故类型开展后续处置工作;将事故相关情况向有关政府部门和上级单位汇报,迅速展开对事故的调查工作;同时抚慰相关员工及其家属,积极安排医疗救治和合理赔偿。在处理事故的同时,我们进行深刻反思,认真汲取事故教训,总结案例并在系统内通报,对施工现场作业人员开展针对性培训教育;举一反三,排查事故隐患,杜绝类似事故的再次发生。夯实安全基础我们不断完善安全管理和组织体系,大力推进安全生产标准化建设, 保障安全工作常抓不懈, 筑牢安全生产

542、基础。安全管理体系我们组建覆盖公司总部、所属单位和项目经理部的安全管理组织机构,设置安全生产应急管理组织体系,对可能或已经发生的安全事故迅速反应, 减少人员和财务损失。安全管理委员会Safety Management Committee所属单位 Owned Enterprises 安全应急领导小组 Safety Emergency Leading Group项目经理部 Department of Project Management安全生产应急办公室 Safety Emergency Office现场处置小组 Site Disposal Group利益相关方的梦想reams of stakeh

543、oldersD“我丈夫在中国建筑工作,我每天就盼着他能平平安安回来。”“现在就业压力大,对毕业生来讲,找一份称心如意的工作太重要了。”“解决贫困地区人民眼前的困难很重要,但更重要的是帮助他们找到致富的门路,提升致富的能力。”“我希望自己能有个温暖的小窝,希望中国建筑的保障房工程能够帮我实现梦想。”“中国建筑在我们国家提供了很多就业机会,我们也希望中国建筑更积极融入我们的文化,互相取长补短,共同发展。”“My husband works in CSCEC. I want him to come back sound and safe every day.”“Now, the employment

544、 pressure is overwhelming. For a graduate, its important to find a satisfactory job.”“Its very important to solve the immediate difficulty of people in poor areas, but its more important to help them gain the ability to be rich.”“I want to have a warm house. And I hope the project of security housin

545、g of CSCEC can realize my dream.”“CSCEC provides a number of job opportunities in our country. We hope that CSCEC can better blend in our culture, learn from each other and make a common development.”安全关爱和谐 筑社区繁荣之梦Security Care Harmony Building a prosperous community86拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living

546、Environment87共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home案例 CASETechnological Breakthrough in Safety Production Our safety production is supported by innovative hi-tech methods. Together with the Housing and Construction Office of Fujian Province, we compiled Three-dimensional Visualization Simulation System

547、for Construction Safety of Fujian Province, which focuses on the most dangerous construction and engineering projects and reappears 8 Construction techniques and safety points of standardization production such as temporary power, the template works at height, tower cranes, construction lifts etc at

548、 the construction site by three-dimensional simulation in a real, vivid and visible way.安全帽受撞击体验Helmet collision experience体验馆整体外观Overall appearance of the experience pavilion平衡木体验Mobile platform operation training 安全生产技术突破我们以创新的高科技手段支撑公司的安全生产,联合福建省住建厅编制福建省建筑施工安全标准可视化三维仿真系统,针对建筑工程中危险性较大工程,通过三维仿真等技术,

549、真实、生动、可视地再现施工现场临时用电、模板工程、高处作业、塔式起重机、施工升降机等八项标准化内容的施工工艺和安全防护要点。安全生产体验馆中建一局建立 “安全体验馆”,以体验式教育为基本形式,打破传统教育方式,对施工人员进行三维立体式教育,开创了国内施工企业现场安全教育的新模式。项目安全培训体验馆占地面积约 544 平方米,其中建筑面积为 27 平方米,内设 19 项体验设施,包括安全帽撞击体验、安全带使用体验、平衡木体验、搬运重物体验、移动式操作平台培训等。The Experience Pavilion of Safety ProductionThe first agency of CSCE

550、C established an experience pavilion of safety production. We take experiential education as the basic form, which breaks the traditional way of learning to deliver a three-dimensional education to construction staff. We create a new mode of safety education at the construction site in China. This e

551、xperience pavilion of safety production covers 544 square meters where the floor area is 27 square meters with 19 experience facilities in terms of helmet collision, use of safety belt, balance beam, lifting heavy stuff, mobile platform operation training etc.安全标准化建设我们通过推行安全生产管理手册,提升安全生产标准化管理工作水平。修订

552、施工现场安全防护图集,编制达标评价实施方案,评估各项目的安全标准化建设,助推安全生产标准化工作稳步推进。提升安全保障水平我们通过安全生产责任制、安全生产检查、安全生产培训、安全生产技术突破等措施,提升安全保障能力和水平。传递安全生产责任2013 年,我们与所属企业签订安全生产责任书,实现安全生产责任逐级分解;将安全生产管理目标纳入各级企业生产经营目标,与企业负责人的年薪挂钩,在干部任用、年终评比、绩效考核中实行安全生产一票否决,严格传递落实安全生产责任。安全生产检查我们按照“全覆盖、零容忍、严执法、重实效”的总体要求,统一部署 2013 年度公司安全大检查工作,覆盖面广、重点突出。检查共涉及成

553、员企业 340 家,施工项目 9,876 个,排查安全隐患38,624 条。我们通过安全意识到现场,领导检查到现场,制度落实到现场,安全配备到现场,清除隐患到现场,努力做到安全生产处处有支点、人人有责任。安全生产培训安全生产责任离不开员工的自我要求和自我管理。我们将员工安全知识和操作技能培训作为安全工作的重要部分,通过集中授课,播放安全宣传片,发放手册,制作宣传栏等形式开展安全教育培训工作,使得安全生产入眼、入心、入脑。Safety Standardization We improve the management of safety standardization by issuing sa

554、fety production management manuals. We revise safety atlas at construction site, compile evaluation of the implementation plan as well as evaluate safety standardization of all projects to advance the work of safety standardization.Improving Safety ControlWe improve the ability and level of safety c

555、ontrol through a responsibility system, safety inspection, safety training, safety production technological innovations, etc.Deliver the Responsibility of Safety ProductionIn 2013, we signed the statement of safety production with owned enterprises within the system so as to decentralize the respons

556、ibility of safety production step by step. Safety production management is made to be one of the operational goals for corporations at all levels, which is also related to annual salary of responsible persons and vital to leader selection and appointment, year-end appraisal of work and performance a

557、ssessment. We seriously deliver and practice the accountability system of safety production.Safety InspectionIn the spirit of “full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement and pragmatism”, we plan and carry out a safety inspection in the company. This inspection covers 340 member companies

558、and 9,876 construction projects and find out 38,624 cases of hidden danger. We popularize the safety awareness, practice the system, bring safety equipment, and wipe out hidden danger on site. We see to it that everyone has the consciousness of safety.Safety TrainingThe responsibility of safety prod

559、uction cant be done without the self-management of the staff. We make the safety knowledge and operating skills of employee a very important part of safety work. We carry out safety training by giving lessons, showing safety advertising videos, giving out brochures and making bulletin boards in orde

560、r to make it profound and impressive.安全关爱和谐 筑社区繁荣之梦Security Care Harmony Building a prosperous community88拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment89共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomePromoting EducationWe attach importance to education, concerned about the development of the next generation of the

561、motherland, and help build Zunyi Mingcheng Primary School, Luobao Hope Primary School and Lushan Primary School. We also actively support financially-challenged students in Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Tongji University.改造后效果图Renovation effect picture罗堡希望小学Luobao Hope Primary

562、 School新生村旧貌一角The old face of Xinsheng Village 遵义名城小学 Zunyi Mingcheng Primary School 助力教育事业我们重视教育事业 , 关心祖国下一代的成长,援建了遵义名城小学、罗堡希望小学、芦山小学等多所希望小学,积极支持清华大学、哈尔滨工业大学、同济大学等高校的贫困学生。热心公益事业rdent In Activities For Public GoodsA “Countless people at distance are related to me.” We are always ardent in activities

563、 for public goods and actively take part in poverty alleviation, helping build disaster area and staff voluntary activities. We offer material and spiritual help to needy people. In 2013, we donated RMB 31.2 million.“无穷的远方,无数的人们,都和我有关”。我们一直热心社会公益活动,积极主动参与到贫困帮扶、灾区援建以及员工志愿者活动中,给困难中的人们以物质、精神及能力上的帮助,授人以

564、鱼更授人以渔。2013 年,我们对外捐赠总额达 3,120 万元。案例 CASE助力社区发展elping with Community DevelopmentHWhen the national employment is quite intense, CSCEC takes proactive measures to offer jobs and bright prospect for college graduates and migrant workers, which demonstrates our social responsibility in terms of solving

565、job issue.Stimulating EmploymentWe recruit personnel in a fair, equal and open way, by holding on-campus job fairs and releasing information on online platforms. In 2013, we received 19,542 college graduates in all, 95.2% of whom have bachelor or higher degree, and 7.7% have master or higher degree,

566、 increasing by 1.7% year on year.Migrant workers are the main force of urbanization. They are indispensable to urbanization and capital flow from rural areas to urban areas. In 2013, we provided 1,028,801 job opportunities for migrant workers. Their annual average salary is RMB 59,600.Every time we

567、start a project in an area, we try to hire local workers and protect their legal rights and interests in accordance with local labor laws.Supporting Peoples LivelihoodWe take initiative to recognize important stakeholders and their demands in the community, and help the development of community with

568、 our profession advantages. In addition, we respect and protect the traditional culture and heritage in community to support its construction of infrastructure. We are actively engaged in redevelopment projects of old downtown areas, construction of affordable housing, innovative BT project and land

569、-linked urbanization development mode. We ease up the housing issue for local people, which achieve the unity of economic, political and livelihood interests.在全国就业形势趋紧的情况下,中国建筑进一步凸显了自己在解决就业方面的社会责任,积极采取措施为大学毕业生、进城农民工提供就业岗位和广阔发展前景。促进就业我们通过召开专场校园招聘会、网络招聘平台等方式发布招聘信息,秉承公正、公平、公开的原则组织实施毕业生招聘。2013 年,我们总共接收毕

570、业生 19,542 人,本科及以上毕业生占比 95.2%,硕士研究生以上学历人员占比7.7%,同比增加 1.7%,。农民工是城市建设的主力军,在推动城镇化建设,为家庭和农村回流城市资本等发挥着不可替代的作用。2013年,我们共向农民工提供就业岗位 1,028,801 个,年平均工资 5.96 万元。我们每到一个地方开展项目, 尽可能地雇佣当地员工,按照当地劳工法律规定,保护本地员工合法权益。支持民生建设我们主动识别社区重要的利益相关方及其需求,结合自身的专业优势全力帮助社区发展;尊重并保护社区传统文化和遗产, 助力社区基础设施建设, 促进社区可持续发展 ;积极投入到城市中心老城区的改造工程和保

571、障性安居建设工程,创新 BT 工程与土地联动的城建开发模式,缓解当地居民的住房难题,实现了经济效益、政治效益和民生效益的有机统一。即墨市棚户区改造项目中建八局与即墨市政府签订棚户区改造项目合作框架协议。该项目占地约 555 亩,总建筑面积约 130 万平方米,总投资约 40 亿元。该项目是修复即墨市古城片区的重要举措,建成后将彻底改善老城区的环境面貌和居民生活环境,是造福即墨百姓、丰富城市文化内涵的重要民生工程。Shantytowns Transformation Project in Jimo CityChina Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau

572、signed the cooperation framework agreement of shantytowns transformation project. The project covers 91 acres (555 Chinese mu). The total floor area is around 1.3 million square meters with the investment of RMB 4 billion. This project is of great significance to renovating old city center in Jimo C

573、ity, which will totally improve the ecological and living environment in old city center so it is to the interest of Jimo people and city culture.年度对外捐赠总额(万元)Annual Donation Amount (RMB 10,000)5001,0001,5002,0002,5003,00001,1282011 年2012 年2013 年3,1202,859安全关爱和谐 筑社区繁荣之梦Security Care Harmony Building

574、a prosperous community90拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment91共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomeVolunteering ActivitiesIt is a long-term project of CSCEC to organize volunteering activities, the purpose of which is to foster the staffs volunteering spirit and abilities. We are striving to syst

575、emize, institutionalize and normalize the volunteering activities. In 2013, as many as 40,000 employees took part in more than 3,200 volunteering activities and the service hours of our volunteers amounted to 100,000 hours.Charitable Activities Overseas CSCEC has operations in over 40 countries and

576、regions. Based on our own advantages and in combination with the situation in the host country, we make active efforts to promote local employment, community development and the cultural protection of the locals. Paying heed to the needs of the locals in the poor areas, we carry out aiding activitie

577、s accordingly. In 2013, our branch in Algeria donated all kinds of charitable funds and supplies for living and studying, which all together were worth USD 500,000, to the governments, communities, mosques and schools of Algeria. 志愿者与孩子们互动游戏Volunteers interacting with children in games志愿为一线工人免费理发Vol

578、unteers offer front-line workers free haircut志愿者活动员工志愿者活动是我们为了培育员工的志愿精神和能力所进行的长期项目。我们努力推动志愿者活动体系化、制度化、常规化。2013 年,员工参与志愿者活动达 4 万余人次,举办志愿者活动 3,200 余场次,累计志愿者服务小时数超过 10 万小时。海外公益中国建筑在 40 余个国家和地区开展业务。我们积极立足自身优势,结合经营所在社区实际,推动当地就业、社区发展、 原住民文化保护等。 我们关注所在国当地居民需求,针对贫困地区,开展援助活动。2013 年,阿尔及利亚分公司累计向阿国政府、社区、清真寺、学校等

579、各方捐赠的各类捐款和生活、学习物资金额超过 50 万美元。农牧民住房建设,交付入住时间第一、套数第一、施工速度第一The housing construction for farmers and herdsmen boasts earliest available time, most quantity and fastest construction speed农牧民住房率先实现竣工入住;城镇居民住房竣工率 91.33%,达到了竣工率90% 的时间节点The housing rate for farmers and herdsmen enjoys earliest available tim

580、e; completion rate of urban residents is 91.33%, just over the time node 90%率先如期完成青海省委、省政府制定的“630”和“930”城镇居民住房建设计划We completed the housing construction plans No. 630 and No. 930 proposed by Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government in Qinghai Province in advance圆满完成玉树灾后重建的各项任务 , 总计重建项目86

581、个 , 打造“新家园、新校园、新玉树”的目标全部实现We completed 86 projects of rebuilding after disasters in Yushu County and realized all the goals of “New Home, New Campus and New Yushu”20013案例 CASE案例 CASE康县旅游节点项目康县是中国建筑的定点扶贫对象,旅游业是其经济收入的主要来源。旅游节点建设项目位于康县南部旅游风情线上,是游客前往阳坝梅园沟 4A 级风景区的唯一道路。项目总投资 230 万元,全部由中国建筑捐资兴建

582、。目前,康县扶贫旅游节点项目已建设完成并投入使用。该项目的实施预计年创收入 860 多万元,户均收入 2 万元以上。Project of Tourism in Kang CountyKang County is one of fixed-point poverty alleviation objects for CSCEC. Tourism is the main source of income for Kang County. The project is set on the south part of Kang County, which is the only access to a

583、 4A scenic spot. The project is totally invested by CSCEC with RMB 2.3 million. Currently, this project is completed and put in use. The project is estimated to make RMB 8.6 million annually and RMB 20,000 for each family.定点扶贫我们以资金扶贫、技术扶贫、教育扶贫为重点,以重大专项建设项目为载体,全力支持和帮助定点地区的经济社会发展,初步形成了“资源共享、体系联动、共同推进”

584、的定点扶贫“大格局”。2013 年,我们向定点扶贫地区甘肃省康乐县、卓尼县、康县拨付专项扶贫资金 829 万元,用于开发建设专项扶贫项目。灾区援建我们注重发挥自己的专业优势,投身灾区援建,帮助灾区人民重建美好家园。2013 年雅安地震之后,我们第一时间向地震灾区捐款 500 万元,并派出多批次多位专家赶赴灾区进行民房鉴定工作。中建西南院参与芦山地震灾后重建规划编制工作,为编制灾后重建规划提供专业咨询意见。Fixed-point Poverty AlleviationBy major special construction projects, we do our utmost to suppo

585、rt and help the economic and social development in fixed-point areas through capital, technology and education. We initially form the poverty alleviation scenario of “resource sharing, system linkage and joint promotion”. In 2013, we donated RMB 8.29 million to fixed-point areas such as Kangle Count

586、y, Zhuoni County and Kang County in Gansu Province for developing poverty alleviation projects. Helping Rebuild Disaster AreaWe aim to give play to our special advantages in helping rebuild disaster area for people there. In 2013, we donated RMB 5 million immediately after the breakout of the Yaan e

587、arthquake. Additionally, we dispatched several experts to the disaster area for residence identification. The southwestern agency of CSCEC participated in rebuilding and planning of Lushan earthquake by providing professional counsels. 中国建筑三年玉树援建工程2010 年 4 月 14 日上午 7 时 49 分,青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树县发生两次地震,最高震级

588、7.1 级。中国建筑响应国家号召,迅速投入到玉树的抗震救灾以及灾后重建工作。 三年来, 中国建筑的援建将士不畏艰险、顽强拚搏、创先争优,工程质量、进度、安全整体领先,成为援建央企的排头兵,得到中央、国务院、青海省委省政府和玉树州各界的高度赞扬。中国建设玉树援建前线指挥部获得全国五一劳动奖状 7 个,全国五一劳动奖章 16 人,青海省玉树灾后重建先进集体 5 个等近百项省部级荣誉。A Three-year Project of Helping Rebuild Yushu County by CSCECAt 7:49, April 14th of 2010, earthquake occurred

589、 twice in Yushu County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province. The highest earthquake magnitude is 7.1. Losing no time, CSCEC participated in relief and rebuild work in Yushu County at once. For the past three years, our warriors are fearless of danger and difficulty, tenacious and

590、 active, so our engineering quality, rate of progress and safety are in the lead and we are given a commendation by Central Government, the State Council, provincial government in Qinghai Province and all circles in Yushu County. The headquarters of CSCEC in Yushu County has gained nearly 100 provin

591、cial awards including 7 National Labor Awards, 16 National Labor Medals and 5 awards of Advanced Group for Reconstruction in Yushu County.92拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment93共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home案例 CASE四川卧龙大熊猫救护与疾病防控中心四川卧龙自然保护区都江堰大熊猫救护与疾病防控中心项目,建筑面积约 1.2 万平方米。在项目实施过程中,以尊重地域文化、

592、推进绿色设计及满足熊猫疾控功能为设计指导原则, 综合考虑川西地区林盘建筑的自然、生态、民居元素,因地制宜采取双层保温墙体、可开启通风吊顶、植被通风屋面、大挑檐深窗洞等技术措施,有效降低建筑能耗,实现现代节能技术和绿色建筑设计理念的有机融合。该项目获住建部颁发的三星级绿色建筑设计标识(我国绿色建筑评定的最高等级)。 Green Building Materials R&DGreen intelligent materials are the mainstream materials for global green technology R&D. They are capable of sens

593、ing the stimulus in the surroundings and then make responses after analysis, handling and judgment, making lifeless building materials “feel”. With the support of Environment and Material Engineering Institute, we have set up a comprehensive building lab for green buildings and have developed a seri

594、es of green intelligent materials, rendering the green path of our company wider and smoother.The Center of Medical Care and Disease Prevention and Control for Pandas in Wolong, SichuanThe Dujiangyan Center of Medical Care and Disease Prevention and Control for Pandas in Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichu

595、an, occupies an area of 12,000 square meters. In the implementation of this project, it is our guiding principle in designing to respect the local culture, promote green design and realize pandas disease control, and our main concern to incorporate the natural, ecological and residential characteris

596、tics of Linpan in Western Sichuan into consideration. Thus, in light of the local conditions, we have adopted two-layer heat-preservation walls, openable venting ceiling and other technological measures to effectively reduce energy consumption of the building and realize the marriage of modern energ

597、y-saving technology and the designing concept of green buildings.This project was awarded the title of Three-Star Green Building (the highest rank in green building appraisal) by the Housing and Constructing Department of China.研发绿色建材绿色智能材料是全球绿色技术研发的主流方向。绿色智能材料能够感知周围环境刺激,在分析、处理、判断后作出适度响应,使没有生命的建筑材料似

598、乎有了“知觉”。我们以环境与材料工程研究所为依托,组建绿色建筑综合建造实验室,开发出一系列绿色智能材料,使公司的绿色之路越走越宽畅。绿色建材Green Materials“会呼吸的混凝土” “Concrete that can breathe”“会呼吸的水性功能涂料”“Water-based paint that can breathe”“会呼吸的混凝土”是我们研发的一种多孔透水材料,下雨时雨水通过孔隙渗入地下,在缓解市政排水压力的同时也补充了日益干涸的地下水资源。炎热的夏日,藏在孔隙中的水分受热蒸发,带走部分热量,可以缓解“热岛效应”。透水混凝土还可以结合雨水收集系统,雨水回收之后可用于日常

599、的洗车、灌溉和冲厕等。 “Concrete that can breathe” is a kind of porous water-permeable material that we have developed. On rainy days, the rain water seeps into the ground through the holes, relieving the cities drainage pressure and providing ground water supplies which are gradually drying up. On hot summer,

600、 water hidden in the holes evaporates, taking away some heat and thus helping with “the heat island effect”. This water-permeable concrete, together with the rain water collecting system, can also be used for car-washing, irrigation and toilet-flushing after the rain water has been recycled.我们成功开发出“

601、绿力士”系列水性涂料,避免了挥发性有机材料对环境的污染,解决了室内空气净化的难题。 这种“活的”光触媒涂料,能像绿叶一样进行“光合作用”,利用光能净化空气。在吸收甲醛、烟尘、病毒等之后,能在光的照射下分解这些物质,释放水和二氧化碳,长效净化空气,使室内环境更加健康。We have successfully developed a water-based paint, which can help avoid the pollution of volatile organic materials and which can help solve the issue of indoor air p

602、urification. This “live” photocatalytic paint can perform photosynthesis like green leaves and then purify air by light energy. It can discompose formaldehyde, smoke, dust and viruses by light after absorbing them and then release water and carbon dioxide, thus purifying air in an effective and last

603、ing way and making the indoor environment healthier.为建筑注入绿色 DNA我们推广绿色设计,根据建筑物所在地的自然、人文条件选择适宜的绿色技术。在设计过程中,我们综合考虑建筑产品在回收、利用和维护等方面的环境属性,在满足绿色、环保要求的前提下,保证建筑产品质量、功能和使用寿命等方面的要求,为整个建筑生命周期注入绿色 DNA。Instill Green DNA into BuildingsWe promote green design and choose the right green technology for our buildings

604、 in accord with the natural and human conditions of the host area. In the process of designing, we take into comprehensive consideration the environment attributes the building products have in recycling, utilization and maintenance and then insert green DNA to the life-cycle of the buildings while

605、meeting the prerequisites of greenness and environmental protection and the requirements in quality, function and life expectancy of the buildings.建筑业作为支撑国民经济发展的重要产业,在生产和经营中需要大量的资源和能源,对地球生态环境有着显著的影响。在资源环境问题日益严重的今天,建筑行业的绿色发展已经成为时代发展潮流。中国建筑作为行业排头兵,在践行“拓展幸福空间”使命、建设“最具竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团”的过程中,高度重视节能减排和绿色发展,致

606、力于成为中国建筑行业绿色发展的开拓者和引领者。绿色理念推进绿色发展中国建筑认识到,开展节能减排、推进绿色发展,不仅是履行社会责任的需要,更是公司实现转型升级、可持续发展的客观要求。中国建筑以科学发展观为指导,以提高资源利用率为核心,细化管理措施,构建节能工作指标考核体系,创建节约型企业,推进企业实现绿色发展。中国建筑引入 “绿色过程、 绿色精品” 的理念诠释 “过程精品” ,基于对建筑生产全过程的自主把控,把绿色理念融入建筑产品及其全生命周期,实现全过程介入。绿色发展打造新“蓝海”战略2013 年 7 月,中国建筑决定实施新的“蓝海”战略,将环保创新产业作为“蓝海”战略的重要内容,支撑公司未来

607、在绿色建筑领域继续保持引领地位。我们整合内外资源,努力打造节能环保业务的孵化和发展平台,环保新型业务正逐步成为公司新的业务增长点。绿色发展融入建筑全生命周期我们将节能减排和资源节约贯穿于建筑生命的整个周期,通过引入绿色建筑的全生命周期评价(Whole-life-Appraisal),从设计、建材、施工、运行、拆除等环节对建筑和地产项目进行绿色开发和绿色管控,树立行业绿色发展标杆。专题一:绿色中建,责任转型Topic 1: Green CSCEC, Shift of ResponsibilityThe building industry is the pillar industry of nat

608、ional economy, consuming plenty of resources and energies in production and management, thus exerting remarkable effects in the earths ecology. Today, with the problems of resources and environment worsening, green development in the building industry has become the trend of the times. China Constru

609、ction, as one pacesetter corporation, in its implementation of the mission of “expanding a happy environment” and the process of building itself into “the most competitive real estate conglomerate”, has attached significant importance to energy saving and green development and has been dedicated to

610、becoming the pioneer and leader in the green development of Chinas building industry.Green Ideas, Green DevelopmentTo save energies and reduce pollutant emissions and then promote green development, as China Construction sees it, is not only part of its social responsibility, but also an objective r

611、equirement for realizing its transition, upgrading and sustainable development. With the scientific concept of development as the guideline, high resource utility as the core goal, China Construction has specified the management measures and set up a system to monitor the indicators in energy conser

612、vation in order to build itself into an energy-saving corporation and accelerate the realization of green development. China Construction has introduced the concept of “Green Process, Green Fine Products” to interpret “fine products during the process”. Based on our own monitoring of the whole const

613、ruction and production process, we have incorporated green concepts into construction products and their life cycle and have realized involvement in the whole process.Green Development, “Blue Ocean” StrategyIn July, 2013, China Construction decided to carry out the new “Blue Ocean” Strategy, the key

614、 part of which was environmental protection and innovation industry. This new strategy was aimed to ensure our leading position in green construction in the future. We have integrated the internal and external resources and have made great efforts to create a platform for the incubation and developm

615、ent of energy conservation and environmental protection businesses. The new types of environment protection businesses are gradually becoming our new growth point of businesses.Green Development in Buildings Life-cycleThe guideline of energy and resource conservation and reduction of pollutant emiss

616、ions is reflected throughout the life-cycle of buildings. By the introduction of Whole-life-Appraisal for the green buildings, we, in aspects of design, building materials, construction, operation and demolition, develop and control construction and real estate projects in a green way and set up an

617、example in green development.94拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment95共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream HomeWith the rapid transition of economy and society and the increasingly faster urbanization process, migrant workers have become a special group of people and an indispensable part of the urban

618、 social structure. China Construction, recognizing the labor-intensive nature of the building industry, regards migrant workers as one of the important stakeholders and thus makes it our unshirkable responsibility and one key requirement for raising the companys administrative ability to care for th

619、e migrant workers. We strive to achieve the goal of expanding a happy environment and strengthen their sense of happiness in terms of respect, care and achievement.Expanding a Happiness Envirnment for RespectWe adhere to “the five equal principles”, i.e. equal treatment in policy, equal requirement

620、in work, equal enhancement in quality, equal gains and equal attention in individual life. The principle of respect is reflected in work and life and has won the recognition of the migrant workers. Also, we have extended the Credo of China Construction to the migrants in order to put “the five equal

621、 principles” into effect.农民工是伴随着我国经济社会快速转型、城镇化进程不断加快而涌现出的一批特定人群,已成为城市社会结构中不可或缺的组成部分。中国建筑根据建筑行业劳动用工密集、大量使用农民工的特点,把农民工视作重要的利益相关方,将关爱农民工作为不可推卸的社会责任和提升企业内在管理品质的重要要求,以“拓展幸福空间”为使命,围绕“尊重 关爱 成就”全方位提升农民工的幸福感。拓展尊重的幸福空间我们坚持 “五同原则” , 即政治上同对待、 工作上同要求、素质上同提高、利益上同收获、生活上同关心,把尊重落实到工作和生活中,深入到农民工心里去。我们还将中建信条宣贯递延至农民工兄弟

622、,助推“五同原则”落地。政治上同对待Equal Treatment in Policy生活上同关心Equal Attention in Individual Life利益上同收获Equal Gains素质上同提高Equal Enhancement in Work工作上同要求Equal Requirement in Work定期走访农民工群体,从伙食、住宿、工作和生活等方面全方位沟通,及时制定相应解决方案Visiting migrant workers on a regular basis, getting to know their difficulties in aspects of foo

623、d, accommodation, work and life and drawing up timely proposals 实行劳务实名制管理,对所有劳务队实行实名考勤,要求分部分项实测实量与结算单价挂钩We implement real-name management: real-name attendance check for all service teams; attach price with every project and work loads开展建筑施工青年科班生携手新生代农民工活动,实现管理人员与农民工素质的共同提升Organizing activities in w

624、hich the professionally trained young constructors work with the emerging migrant workers, realizing enhancement in value for both administrative personnel and migrant workers邀请优秀的青年农民工参与入党积极分子培训;参与年初工作会议,了解企业的管理思路;投标过程中免收投标保证金、直接议标等Inviting excellent young migrant workers to take part in training f

625、or activists who want to join the PartyAttend the work conference at the beginning of the year, allowing them to gain a knowledge of the companys management ideasGranting them No deposit policy in bidding and direct bid negotiation and etc出台“维权三举措”制度措施,开发智慧工地维权管理系统, 开展 “维权一块板”主题教育宣传活动,多角度构建起农民工工资保障机

626、制Passing of “three steps to defend rights”, developing rights-defending system on intelligent construction site, launching publicity activities themed on “rights-defending”, building a mechanism of salary protection for migrant workers from different perspectives专题二:情系农民工 拓展幸福 凝聚动力Special Subject 2:

627、 Caring for Migrant Workers,Expand Happiness,Gather Powers案例 CASE会呼吸的水性功能材料Water-based functional materials that can breathe会呼吸的混凝土Concrete that can breathe推广绿色施工当前,我国绿色施工还处于起步阶段,大部分施工企业对绿色施工还处在探索过程中。我们率先开展绿色建造过程的研究与推广,在提高资源利用率,减少废弃物排放,生态保护等方面做出了积极探索。Promote Green ConstructionCurrently, green constr

628、uction is still in its starting phase. Most of the building companies are still exploring ways. We take a lead in studying and promoting green construction process and have made proactive explorations in raising energy utilization rate, reducing the emissions of pollutants and protect the ecology.余料

629、回收利用系统 Excess Material Recycling System绿色施工创新工作室启动会Launch Meeting of Green Construction Innovation StudioYinTai Center in ChengduThe YingTai Center of Chengdu is situated in the core area of the city. The construction site is very narrow and small and the neighboring environment complex. The center

630、covers 740,000 square meters.In its constructing process, we made full use of footing groove precipitation, thus saving a great amount of water; we recycled the remaining concrete and constructing waste, reducing the production of solid waste and saving raw materials; we used reusable prefabricated

631、concrete site and road elements, saving raw materials and reducing the production of solid waste. This project has brought about overall good results in economic, social development and environment. It has passes the appraisal of “the third group of demonstration projects in green construction in th

632、e national building industry”, and has been approved by the Housing and Constructing Department to be “a demonstration project of green construction in terms of technology.成都银泰中心绿色施工成都银泰中心工程处于城市核心位置,施工场地狭小,周边环境复杂。建筑面积约 740,000 平方米。在成都银泰中心施工过程中,充分利用施工基坑降水,节约大量水资源;对混凝土余料和建筑垃圾进行回收利用,减少了固体废弃物的产生,节约了工程原料

633、;采用可多次重复利用的装配式预制混凝土场地和道路构件,节约了原材料,减少固体垃圾的排放。该项目产生了良好的经济、社会和环境综合效益,已通过第三批“全国建筑业绿色施工示范工程”评审,并成功立项住房和城乡建设部的“绿色施工科技示范工程”。96拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment97共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home拓展成就的幸福空间我们关注农民工个人价值的提升,通过农民工学校,开展集中学习、视频教育、知识竞赛等系列活动,采用生动的语言和鲜活的事例,提高农民工的专业技能,致力于引导农民工向新时代的建筑产业工人方向发展,

634、使农民工真正成为城市的建设者和新主人。通过技能培训,一些基础素质较高的农民工脱颖而出,逐渐从一个普通的农民工变身为企业管理人员。从 1987 年到 2013 年,26 年的时光让帅传发从一名普通的抹灰工变成了企业管理人员。他说: “这 20 多年让我受益匪浅的就是公司完善的安全培训和岗位培训,一千多次的培训也让我从一名普通的农民工走上了管理者的岗位。”Expanding a Happiness Envirnment for AchievementWe attach much importance to increasing the migrant workers personal value.

635、 By launching massed learning, video education, quizzes and other activities in migrant schools and using vivid language and examples, we aim to improve migrant workers professional skills. We are dedicated to leading the migrants to become the industrial workers of the new times and to become the r

636、eal builders and masters of the cities.Some migrants with a better command of the basic skills stand out from the rest after the professional training, completing a transition from an ordinary migrant worker to one of the administrative personnel. Twenty-six years, from 1987 to 2013, has earned Shua

637、i Chuanfa, who was an average plasterer, one spot in the administrative department. He said, “What has benefited me most is the well-developed safety training and on-the-job training of the company. Over 1000 trainings have made me, once a migrant worker, into one of the administrative personnel.”19

638、87 年抹灰工Plasterer in 1987参加第一个项目:彩电塔工程The first project:Color TV Tower Project负责整个现场的安全和质量管理In charge of safety and quality management of the construction site专门从事质量管理工作Specializing in safety management 负责整个项目的安全和质量管理In charge of safety and quality management throughout a whole project1993 年施工员Constr

639、uctor in 19932007 年管理人员Administrator in 2007今天项目部质量总监Head of Quality Management of Project Department now农民工子女暑期夏令营活动现场Activity site of Summer Camp for Migrants Children春运铁路售票流动车前排队购票Buying train tickets from ticket-office-on-wheels during the Spring Festival 一票暖人心Heart-warming tickets一票暖人心春节回家是农民工兄

640、弟辛苦一年之后最盼望的时刻,能够拿到一张回家的车票是他们最大的幸福。考虑到农民工订票难的问题,我们在春运前夕举办“一票暖人心,传递正能量”、 “e 键点击直通回家路”活动,帮助农民工在网上订购火车票;设置春运铁路售票流动车,让农民工不出工地就能方便购票;让他们的回家之路更顺利,更温暖。Expanding a Happiness Envirnment for CaringIn order to relieve migrants longing for their children, we have offered to provide an interactive platform for fa

641、milies and managed to launch a series of activities, such as summer camp for the stay-at-homes, charitable educational loans and train tickets booking for those returning to hometown in the Spring Festival, to continue to increase the happiness index of the migrants.Summer Camp for Migrants Children

642、We have organized a summer camp themed on “Caring Stay-at-Home Children, We are Making a Difference”, in which those stay-at-home children from Henan, Jiangxi and Chongqing were invited to take part in outdoor expend training, first-aid knowledge training, mental health education, film watching and

643、sightseeing. The summer camp has enriched the childrens summer holiday, helped with family reunions and childrens healthy development. At the same time, it has encouraged more individuals and companies to take actions to care for the stay-at-homes and create a bright future for them.Heart-warming Ti

644、cketsWhat the migrant workers yearn most is to return home during the Spring Festival after a years hard work. And it is the greatest happiness for them to get a ticket home. Considering the difficulties they have in booking tickets, we organized activities named “Heart-warming Tickets, Positive Ene

645、rgy Transmission” and “One click lands you home” to help them book their train tickets online; we managed to arrange a mobile ticket-selling van at the construction sites to facilitate their ticket-buying, guaranteeing them a more smooth and warmer journey home.拓展关爱的幸福空间为缓解在外农民工思念子女的情绪,我们主动搭建亲情互动平台,

646、设计开展农民工子女暑期夏令营、爱心助学、为农民工预定春节返乡火车票等系列活动,持续提升农民工的“幸福指数”。农民工子女暑期夏令营我们以“关爱留守儿童,我们在行动”为主题,开展农民工子女暑期夏令营活动,邀请来自河南、江西、重庆等地的多名“小候鸟”参加拓展训练、急救知识培训、心理健康教育、观看电影、旅游等活动。夏令营活动丰富了农民工子女的暑期生活,帮助农民工子女与父母团聚,助力他们的健康成长,同时带动更多的人、更多的企业行动起来,关爱留守儿童,为他们撑起一片蓝天。98拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment99共筑梦想家园Building a Commo

647、n Dream HomeIn 2014, China Construction will implement in real earnest the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Party and the 3rd plenary session of the 18th National Congress to realize reform and development. We will advance steadily to achieve reform and innovation according to the overall

648、 planning of the Central Economic Work Conference and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.Gathering our forces to transform our development mode, adjust our structure, promote upgrade and handling the weak link in management. We will focus our effort

649、s in controlling the growth rate of house building businesses, enlarging the operating scale of infrastructure businesses, steadily advancing investment and development businesses, actively expanding overseas businesses and earnestly improving developmental quality and benefits. We, by properly cont

650、rolling the development pace, will put more energies into the supervision of the companys weak links in its running and management, especially those “systematic weak links” , which would severely affecting the long-term development of the company, and in consequence promote the healthy and sustainab

651、le development of China Construction.Strengthening the control over human resources, ensuring the transition and upgrade. Upholding the people-centered core talent concept, we will control the total number of talents, adjust talent structure, improve talent quality, boost talent team building by car

652、eer planning and facilitate upgrade in team quality. We will pay close attention to the evaluation, career planning and educational training of every employee, letting every employee covered in those three aspects and feel the care, help and warmth from the company.Promoting the innovative developme

653、nt of the new industries. In the area of energy conservation and environmental protection, we will accelerate the pace of environmental protection in water supplies and strive to take off at a high starting point to achieve the overall goal of first-class state-owned key enterprise and leading enter

654、prise in the industry. Green construction is closely centered on the building industry and we will identify key projects and expand in earnest the boundary of new industries by the way of publicizing one once it has matured.Promoting clean and honest administration and safe production. We will stren

655、gthen innovation in the anti-corruption systems and mechanisms and the systematic guarantee. We will carry out strictly the responsibility system of a clean party, work ceaselessly to make sure of the implementation of “the eight rules” and persist in correcting “the four work-styles”. Build a sound

656、 safe production responsibility system. We will follow the principles of full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement and emphasis on practical efficiency.Preaching and implementing of the mass lines. With assisting the company in “realizing transition and upgrading and improving managerial

657、 expertise” as the goal, “breakthroughs in key areas though the guiding of examples” as the basic principle, fulfilling “the five transitions” as the task, we will play an important role in “controlling the scale, adjusting the structure, improving the quality and increasing the benefits”.Actively f

658、ulfilling and strengthening social responsibility. We should deepen its concept, define its main issues and strengthen its system and capacity-building. We should also seek to create and provide more job opportunities, continue to promote poverty alleviation work in specific areas, utilize our profe

659、ssional advantages in support of community development, devote time and money to public welfare, charity activities and social communication and foster harmony between our company and stakeholders.The year of 2014 is an essential year in which a new round of reforms will take place. As a leading cen

660、tral enterprise and an industry leader, we will seize the opportunities embedded in the changeable times, and with a strong sense of responsibility for the future of China Construction, we, hand in hand with other enterprises, will unswervingly implement the directions of the CPC Central Committee a

661、nd the existing strategies to push the all-round advancement of all kinds of work, to usher China Construction sustainable and healthy developing, to create new miracles and make new contributions to the building of a beautiful China.2014 年,中国建筑改革发展将认真贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届三中全会精神,按照中央经济工作会议的总体要求和国务院国资委的部署,坚持

662、稳中求进,改革创新。集中优势资源转方式、调结构、促升级,解决管理短板问题。着力控制房建业务的增长速度,快速提升基础设施业务的经营规模,稳步推进投资开发业务,积极拓展海外业务,切实提高发展质量和效益。通过适度控制发展速度,集中更多的精力来审视企业运营管理当中的短板,尤其是一些严重影响企业长远发展的“系统性短板”,促进中国建筑持续健康发展。 强化人力资源集团管控,保障企业转型升级。坚持 “以人为本”的核心人才理念,控制人才总量,调整人才结构,提升人才质量,以职业规划促进人才队伍建设,以教育培训促进团队品质升级。关注每位员工的考核评价、职业规划和教育培训,让三个覆盖工作落到每一位员工,让每一位员工感

663、受到企业和组织的关心、帮助和温暖。 推进新产业创新发展。在节能环保产业领域,加速水务环保孵化,按照央企一流、行业排头的总目标,努力实现高水平起步。绿色建造紧紧围绕建筑主业,确定重点项目,以成熟一个推出一个的方式,务实拓展新产业边界。 加强廉政建设和安全生产。加强反腐败体制机制创新和制度保障,严格执行党风廉政建设责任制,持之以恒抓好中央“八项规定”精神的落实,坚决纠正“四风”。继续加强安全生产体系建设,坚持全覆盖、零容忍、严执法、重实效。 做好群众路线教育实践工作。以服务企业“转型升级、管理提升”为目标,以“样板引路、重点突破”为基本原则,以继续做好“五个转化”为任务,依托群众路线教育实践工作,

664、在推动企业“控规模、调结构、提质量、促效益”中发挥作用。积极履行强化社会责任。深化社会责任理念,明确社会责任议题,加强社会责任制度和能力建设,努力为社会创造和提供更多就业机会,继续推进定点扶贫工作,发挥专业优势支持社区发展,热心公益慈善和社会交流活动,努力实现公司与利益相关方的和谐共赢。2014 年是新一轮改革历程中浓墨重彩的一年。我们作为行业的排头兵、行业发展的领先者,将抓住时代变革的机遇,以高度的使命感,同心协力,坚决落实中央有关精神,按照既定战略全面推进各项工作,推动中国建筑持续健康科学发展,与各利益相关方一道为美丽中国再创新业绩,再做新贡献!outlooK我们正在努力成为最具国际竞争力

665、的建筑地产综合企业集团We aim to become the most internationally competitive construction and real estate enterprise integration group展望100拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment101共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home专家点评Expert Comments中国建筑业协会副会长兼秘书长 吴涛Wu Tao, Vice President and Secretary-General of China Cons

666、truction Industry Association 中国建筑股份有限公司 2013 可持续发展报告(以下简称报告)展示了中国建筑为改善城乡居民生活环境、加快城镇化进程、带动相关产区发展,以及不断自主创新、提高工程质量、投身低碳绿色建造所做的努力和成效。报告主题与当前时代主题“中国梦”相呼应,报告内容紧紧围绕主题,与建筑行业热点问题相同步。报告披露了中国建筑秉承绿色、科技、人文理念,从绿色设计、绿色材料、绿色施工各个方面,在建筑工业化、绿色建筑全生命周期管理、绿色建材研发等方面取得的成果,凸显中国建筑以“绿色过程、绿色精品”诠释“生态文明”。报告介绍了中国建筑加强建筑劳务管理、提高建筑务

667、工人员素质,以及在关爱农民工方面做的诸多有益工作,解决了大量农民工的就业问题,为我国建筑行业培养了大批高素质施工技术人员。 报告也展现了中国建筑在工程质量安全、促进行业进步等方面所取得的成绩。城镇化是我国现代化建设和国家经济发展的重要引擎,建筑业作为国民经济的支柱产业,在实现我国新型城镇化目标的伟大历史进程中,承担着极其重要的历史使命。当前,全行业围绕新型城镇化建设如何进一步推进建筑业持续健康发展、实现产业调整与转型升级已成为热议话题。特别是今年又是中国建筑业协会与联合国工业发展组织共同开展中国建筑业社会责任研究项目启动开局之年,中国建筑股份有限公司作为建筑行业先进生产力的代表和领军企业,在努

668、力实现自身“一最两跨”和“五化”发展战略目标的同时,自觉履行社会责任,坚持诚信经营理念,加强技术和管理创新,开展节能减排,积极转变发展方式和转型升级, 对行业的改革发展起到重要的引领示范作用。 希望中国建筑进一步牢固树立科学发展观理念,不断探索新方法和新路径, 为促进企业转型升级与建筑业发展方式转变, 为中国建筑业又快又好发展做出新的更大的贡献!关键绩效表Key Performance Form类别 Category指标 Index201120122013经济Economy营业收入(亿元人民币)Operational Revenue (RMB 100 million)4,9135,7156,8

669、10利润总额(亿元人民币)Gross Profit (RMB 100 million)261.6301.6388.0利税总额(亿元人民币)Gross Revenue (RMB 100 million)453.4522.2635.4新签合同额(建筑业务)(亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts (Construction Business) (RMB 100 million)8,5669,59412,748年度施工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated Construction Area (10,000 m2 )50,44060,76076,00

670、1年度新开工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated New Construction Area (10,000 m2 )18,47918,52824,912年度竣工面积(万平方米)Annual Accumulated Completed Area (10,000 m2 )6,4848,1349,498年度施工图设计面积(万平方米)Annual Construction and Design Area (10,000 m2 )8,27511,1019,703地产项目累计入伙面积(万平方米)Real Estate Delivered Area in All (10,000 m2 )1

671、,0011,5622,233期末土地储备(万平方米)Term-end Land Reserve (10,000 m2 )6,1946,7176,776归属上市公司净利润(亿元人民币)Net Profit of Listed Subsidiaries (RMB 100 million)136.4157.4204.0可供股东分配利润(亿元人民币)Profit Distributed for Shareholders(RMB 100 million)33.636.953.1资产负债率(%)Asset Liability Ratio(%)76.678.679.0环境Environment环保总投资(万

672、元)Gross Investment for Environmental Protection (RMB 10,000)-2,5652,646新建项目环评通过率(%)Environmental Management Certification Pass Rate of New Project (%)100100100环保培训人次 Person-time of Environmental Training 2,000 2,000 6,000能源消耗总量(万吨标煤)Total Energy Consumption (10,000 tons of standard coal)-792990万元增加值

673、能耗(吨标煤)Energy Consumption Per Added Value of RMB 10,000 (tons of standard coal)-1.61.7CO2排放量(吨)CO2 Emissions (ton)-14,56614,923绿色采购比例(%)Green Procurement Ratio (%)-100100SO2排放量(吨)SO2 Emissions (ton)-4748社会Society员工总人数 Total Number of Employees 147,856192,194216,824女性员工占比 (%) Female Staff Ratio(%)22.

674、323.021.7合同签订率(%)Contract Signing Rate (%)100100100员工流失率(%)Staff Run-off Rate(%)残疾人雇佣率(%)Disabled Employment Rate(%)女性管理者比例(%)Female Manager Ratio(%)23.923.722.1社会保障覆盖率(%)Social Security Coverage Rate (%)100100100带薪休假制度覆盖率(%)Coverage Rate of Holiday-Paid System (%)100100100工会建会率(%)

675、Establishment Rate of Trade Unions999797员工入会率(%)Coverage Rate of Employees Participating in Labor Union (%)979798员工培训投入(亿元)Gross Investment for Employee Training (RMB 100 million)员工培训人次 Person-time of Employee Training208,370238,878484,523合同履约率(%)Fulfilment Rate of All Contract (%)10010010

676、0分包商培训投入(万元)Training Investment for Subcontractors (RMB 10,000) 9,45010,43015,150分包商培训人次(万人次)Person-time of Subcontractors Participating in Training (10,000 person-times)150149150国家专利授权(项)National Patent Licenses (item)7381,1391,675亿元产值死亡率 Mortality Value Per Output Value of RMB 100 Million-0.0030.0

677、01对外捐赠金额(万元)Donation Amount (RMB 10,000)1,1282,8593,120志愿者活动次数 Times of Volunteering 2,000 3,000 3,200累计志愿服务时间(万小时)Accumulated Time for Volunteer Services (10,000 hours) 5 10 10CSCECs 2013 Sustainable Report (hereinafter referred to as “the report”) demonstrates CSCECs effort and achievements in imp

678、roving peoples living environment, expediting the urbanization, promoting the development of related areas, promoting independent innovation, improving construction quality and implementing green low-carbon construction.The theme of the report echoes to the “China Dream”. The report is compactly org

679、anized. Bearing the theme all the time, the report synchronizes with hotspots of the construction sector. It reveals that CSCEC adheres to the concept of green, technology and humanity. It also presents CSCECs achievements in construction industrialization, the lifecycle management of green building

680、s and R&D of green materials. These achievements are won via many aspects such as green design, green materials and green construction, showing the CSCECs interpretation of “ecological civilization” with “green process and green quality products”. The report tells us that CSCEC is improving the mana

681、gement of construction labor services and construction workers quality. CSCEC has done a lot for migrant workers, such as in solving the problem of employment for a great number of migrant workers and cultivating construction technicians for Chinas construction industry. The report also reveals the

682、CSCECs achievements in enhancing construction quality and safety and promoting industry progress and other aspects.Urbanization is an important engine for modernization and economic growth. Construction industry, being the pillar of national economy, plays a significant role in Chinas new-type urban

683、ization. How to further promote the sustainable and sound development, upgrade and restructuretheconstruction industry in Chinas drive of pursuing new-type urbanization has become a hot issue. In particular, 2014 shall witness the initiation of the SCR Research Project of China Construction Industry

684、, which is jointly hosted by China Construction Industry Association and UNIDO. CSCEC is the leading enterprise in Chinas construction industry, representing the industrys advanced productivity. CSCEC not only pays much effort to realize its strategic goals of development, but also proactively perfo

685、rms its CSR, holds to the idea of operation with integrity, promotes the innovations in technology and management, makes contributions to energy conservation and emission reduction, and actively upgrades its development model. Via these efforts, CSCEC plays a leading role in the reform and developme

686、nt of the whole construction industry. I wish CSCEC could further carry on the outlook of scientific development, explore new ways and new methodsand make more contributions to the restructuring and upgrading of enterprises, the transformation of construction industry as well as the sound and fast d

687、evelopment of Chinas construction industry.102拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment103共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home中国建筑股份有限公司 2013 年可持续发展报告(以下简称“报告”)将可持续发展和社会责任理念上升为股东、客户、生态、员工、伙伴、行业和社区等利益相关方的梦想,从“价值之梦、品质之梦、和谐之梦、发展之梦、成长之梦、进步之梦、繁荣之梦”等方面阐述了公司的实践和绩效,进一步升华了对可持续发展和社会责任的理解,深化了可持续发展和社会责任与企业运营各环节的

688、有机融合。报告 层次鲜明, 内容丰富, 充分展示了成就每个利益相关方梦想之道:优化公司治理, 诚信经营,增强发展能力,以此增加股东价值;恪守品质,铸造精品,提供优质服务,以此筑造客户品质之梦;培育绿色文化,实施绿色建造,建设宜居社区,以此筑造生态和谐之梦;保护员工权益,关怀其生活,以此筑造员工发展之梦;打造责任供应链,推进战略合作,以此筑造伙伴成长之梦;维护行业秩序,创新带动行业进步,以此筑造行业进步之梦;助力社区发展,热心公益事业,以此筑造社区之梦。报告立意新颖,表现形式丰富多彩。开篇以生动、鲜明的平面图和立体图的形式展示了中国建筑各个利益相关方的利益诉求,让人一目了然、印象深刻;案例选用和

689、布局恰当,增强了可读性和可信性;图表丰富、设计灵活,充分展现了中国建筑的责任理念。祝愿中国建筑继往开来,为拓展各利益相关方的幸福空间再创佳绩。中国企业联合会企业创新工作部主任 程多生Cheng Duosheng, Director of Enterprise Management Modernization Office of China Enterprise Confederation这份报告紧扣利益相关方的期望和诉求,以“梦”为主线全面披露了中国建筑过去一年为实现利益相关方的不同梦想做出的努力和取得的成就。中国建筑通过具体的实践活动为不同利益相关方筑造梦想,以此实现中国建筑的梦想。在建设美


691、国务院国有资产监督管理委员会研究中心主任 楚序平Chu Xuping, Director of the SASAC Research Center of the State CouncilWith dreams as the main theme, this report centers on the expectations of stakeholders and reveals CSCECs efforts and achievements in fulfilling the dreams of the stakeholders during the past year.Through s

692、pecific activities CSCEC constructs dreams for various stakeholders, by which it fulfills its own dreams. On the journey of building Beautiful China and fulfilling China Dream CSCEC focuses on “Expanding a Happy Living Environment” and aims to increase the happiness indexes of the stakeholders. Whil

693、e creating more space of happiness for the stakeholders, CSCEC tries to attain the goal of becoming “a conglomerate of construction and real estate business boasting international competitiveness” and regards the realization of stakeholders dreams as driving force of the company. As the result, CSCE

694、C is progressing together with various stakeholders on the basis of win-win cooperation. With responsibilities deeply rooted in culture and led by culture, CSCEC integrates the corporate social responsibilities into management and daily operation, into each line of business of the company and the aw

695、areness of every employee, making social responsibilities an organic part of corporate behavior. Hence, as a central enterprise led by culture, CSCEC has embarked on the road of fulfilling its social responsibilities in an all-around way. CSCECs culture-led social responsibility model is worth learn

696、ing. I hope CSCEC can make greater contributions to the construction of a Beautiful China. CSCECs 2013 Sustainable Report (hereinafter referred to as “the report”) relates sustainable development and corporate social responsibility with the dreams of shareholders, customers, environment, employees,

697、partners, industry, community and other stakeholders. The report expounds the practices and merits of CSCEC from the perspective of “dream of values, dream of quality, dream of harmony, dream of development, dream of growing, dream of progress and dream of prosperity”, which not only deepens the und

698、erstanding of sustainable development and CSR but also integrates the linkages between corporate operations and sustainable development as well as CSR.With compact structure and rich content, the report fully demonstrates the dreams of all stakeholders: to optimize the corporate management, operate

699、with integrity, strengthen the development ability to increase the value of shareholders; to adhere to quality, provide high-quality products and services to construct the dream of quality for the customers; to cultivate green culture, implement green construction and build livable community to purs

700、ue the dream of environmental harmony; to protect the rights and interests of employees and care for their lives to construct the dream of development for employees; to forge a responsible supply chain and promote strategic cooperation to fulfill the dream of growing for partners; to keep the indust

701、ry order and promote progress in the industry via innovation to fulfill the dream of progress of the industry; to assist in the development of community and contribute to the public good to realize the dream of community.With novel concept and rich manifestations, the report impressively presents cl

702、ear graphs at the very beginning to demonstrate the appeals of all stakeholders. Proper cases are chosen and well arranged, making the report more readable and convincing. Various well designed graphs and tables fully show the concept of responsibility of CSCEC. I wish CSCEC will carry on the past,

703、open a way for the future and make more contributions to the happy living environment for all stakeholders.104拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment105共筑梦想家园Building a Common Dream Home第三方验证Verification of the Third Party评级报告Rating ReportTUV NORD德国汉德技术监督服务(亚太)有限公司中国社会科学院企业社会责任研究中心Research Center

704、 for Corporate Social Responsibility Chinese Academy of Social Sciences中国社会科学院经济学部企业社会责任研究中心 (以下简称 “中心” ) 受中国建筑股份有限公司 (简称 “中国建筑” ) 委托, 从 “中国企业社会责任报告评级专家委员会” 中抽选专家组成评级小组, 对 中国建筑2013年可持续发展报告 (以下简称 报告 ) 进行评级。 一、 评级依据 中国企业社会责任报告编写指南 (CASS-CSR 3.0) 暨 中国企业社会责任报告评级标准 (2014) 。 二、 评级过程1. 过程性评估小组访谈中国建筑社会责任负责部

705、门; 2. 过程性评估小组现场审查覆盖中国建筑总部和下属单位的社会责任报告编写过程相关资料;3. 评级小组对企业可持续发展报告的管理过程进行评价;4. 评级小组对 报告 的披露内容进行评价。 三、 评级结论 过程性 ()上海品茶部牵头成立报告编写组, 高层领导参与启动、 推进及审议; 编写组对利益相关方进行识别与排序, 并对利益相关方意见进行调查, 根据调查结果及公司重大事项、 行业对标对实质议题进行界定; 拟定报告发布方案, 将以印刷品、 电子版、 移动客户端和多语种等形式呈现报告, 具有领先的过程性表现。 实质性 ()报告 系统披露了 “建筑质量管理” 、 “产品创新” 、 “农民工权益保

706、护” 、 “承包商管理制度与措施” 、 “安全生产” 、 “噪声、 粉尘、 建筑垃圾管理” 、 “绿色建材使用” 等建筑业关键性议题, 叙述详细充分, 具有卓越的实质性表现。 完整性 ()报告 从 “责任管理” 、 “股东价值” 、 “客户品质” 、 “生态和谐” 、 “员工发展” 、 “伙伴成长” 、 “行业进步” 、 “社区繁荣” 等方面披露了建筑业核心指标的88%, 完整性表现领先。 平衡性 ()报告 披露了 “生产安全责任事故起数下降率” 、 “死亡人数同比下降率” 、 “亿元产值死亡率” 等负面数据信息, 并对 “管理失职事件” 的原因及后续改进措施进行叙述, 平衡性表现领先。 可比

707、性 ()报告 披露了38个关键绩效指标连续3年以上的历史数据, 并就专利授权数、 企业社会责任排名、 建筑业总产值占比等较多数据与全国行业水平进行对比, 可比性表现卓越。 可读性 ()报告 框架清晰, 篇幅适宜, 语言流畅; 运用图片、 图表、 流程图等多种表达方式, 设计风格具有建筑行业特色, 中英文版本充分考虑国内外利益相关方的需要, 具有卓越的可读性表现。 创新性 ()报告 开篇对报告编制过程、 实质性议题分析过程等报告管理议题进行披露; 各篇章均以 “梦” 为主线, 对各利益相关方进行全面回应; 篇尾以专题形式阐述了社会责任重点实践, 创新性表现领先。 综合评级 ()经评级小组评价,

708、中国建筑2013年可持续发展报告 为五星级, 是一份卓越的企业社会责任报告。 四、 改进建议 1、 进一步完善报告编写流程, 提高内外部利益相关方的参与度。 评级小组 组长: 中国社科院经济学部企业社会责任研究中心主任 钟宏武成员: 清华大学创新与社会责任研究中心主任 邓国胜 上海证券交易所高级经理 杨金忠过程性评估小组: 中心常务副主任 孙孝文中心评价部 翟利峰、 方小静评级专家委员会主席中心常务副理事长评级小组组长中心主任中国建筑2013年可持续发展报告 评级报告106拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment107共筑梦想家园Building a

709、 Common Dream Home报告目录 Report ContentsGRI 对标 GRI GRI Benchmarking中国社科院 CASS-CSR 指标对标 CASS-CSR Index Benchmarking承诺 精品 优质 筑客户品质之梦 Commitment, Boutique, Good Quality: Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality筑客户品质之梦 / 利益相关方的梦想 Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality/ Dreams of Stakeholders筑客户品质之梦 / 奉献精品工程

710、 / 恪守优质承诺 Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality/ Commitment to Boutique Projects/ Commitment to QualityM2.6筑客户品质之梦 / 奉献精品工程 / 筑造品质工程 Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality/ Commitment to Boutique Projects/ Building Quality ProjectsPR9M2.5/M3.4筑客户品质之梦 / 奉献精品工程 / 提供优质服务 Realizing the Clients Dream of

711、 Quality/ Commitment to Boutique Projects/ Providing Quality ServicesPR4/PR5/PR8M2.1/M2.2/M2.3/M2.4/M2.13/M2.14筑客户品质之梦 / 成就品质体验 / 了解客户需求 Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality/ Achieving Quality Experience/ Understanding Customer Needs筑客户品质之梦 / 成就品质体验 / 打造舒心港湾 Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality/

712、 Achieving Quality Experience/ Building a Comfortable Harbor筑客户品质之梦 / 成就品质体验 / 提供放心服务 Realizing the Clients Dream of Quality/ Achieving Quality Experience/ Providing Reliable Services高效 低碳 绿色 筑生态和谐之梦 High Efficiency,Low Carbon, Green Life: Realizing the Ecological Dream of Harmony筑生态和谐之梦 / 利益相关方的梦想

713、Realizing the Ecological Dream of Harmony/ Dreams of Stakeholders筑生态和谐之梦 / 培育绿色文化 / 环境管理 Realizing the Ecological Dream of Harmony/ Foster Green Culture/ Environment ManagementPR1/PR2/EN3/EN4/EN23/EN28E1.1/E1.4/E1.5/E1.8/E2.2/E2.4筑生态和谐之梦 / 培育绿色文化 / 环保能力建设 Realizing the Ecological Dream of Harmony/ F

714、oster Green Culture/ Capacity Building for Environmental ProtectionEN6/EN26/EN30E2.2筑生态和谐之梦 / 培育绿色文化 / 绿色办公 Realizing the Ecological Dream of Harmony/ Foster Green Culture/ Capacity Building for Environmental ProtectionEN5/EN6/EN7E1.6/E1.7/E1.10/E1.11/E1.12/E2.2筑生态和谐之梦 / 实施绿色建造 / 绿色开发 Realizing the

715、Ecological Dream of Harmony/ Implementation of Green Construction/ Green DevelopmentEN5/EN6/EN18/EN29/S4.1/E2.5/E3.4筑生态和谐之梦 / 实施绿色建造 / 绿色采购 Realizing the Ecological Dream of Harmony/ Implementation of Green Construction/ Green ProcurementEN6/EN29筑生态和谐之梦 / 实施绿色建造 / 绿色设计 Realizing the Ecological Dream

716、 of Harmony/ Implementation of Green Construction/ Green DesignSO10/EN5/EN6/EN29筑生态和谐之梦 / 实施绿色建造 / 绿色建造 Realizing the Ecological Dream of Harmony/ Implementation of Green Construction/ Green ConstructionEC3/EN5/EN6/EN11/EN12/EN13/EN14/EN18/EN25E1.2/E1.13/E2.2/E2.3/E2.6/E2.8/E2.9/E2.11/E2.13/E2.15/E2

717、.19/E3.4/E3.5/E3.6/E4.1/E4.2/E4.3筑生态和谐之梦 / 建设宜居社区 / 绿色物业 Realizing the Ecological Dream of Harmony/ Building Livable Communities/ Green PropertyEN6/EN18/EN29E2.6筑生态和谐之梦 / 建设宜居社区 / 居民共建 Realizing the Ecological Dream of Harmony/ Building Livable Communities/ Residential Co-buildingEN6E4.5尊重 关怀 成就 筑员工

718、发展之梦 Respect ,Care ,Achievement: Realizing the Employees Dream of Development筑员工发展之梦 / 利益相关方的梦想 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/ Dreams of Stakeholders筑员工发展之梦 / 权益保护 / 平等雇佣 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/Protection of Interests and Rights/ Employment EqualityEC7/LA2/LA1/LA

719、11/LA13/HR4/HR6/HR7P4.5/S1.8/S2.1/S2.2/S2.8/S2.31筑员工发展之梦 / 权益保护 / 薪酬福利 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/Protection of Interests and Rights/ Compensations and BenefitsEC1/EC3/LA3/LA14S2.9/S2.11/S2.12筑员工发展之梦 / 权益保护 / 民主管理 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/Protection of Interests

720、 and Rights/ Democratic ManagementLA5/LA4G2.2/S2.3/S2.4/S2.30筑员工发展之梦 / 权益保护 / 职业健康 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/Protection of Interests and Rights/ Occupational HealthLA7/LA8/LA9S2.17/S2.18/S2.20/S2.22筑员工发展之梦 / 权益保护 / 隐私保护 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/Protection of In

721、terests and Rights/ Privacy ProtectionS2.6筑员工发展之梦 / 关怀生活 / 平衡工作生活 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/ Concern for Life/ Balance between Work and LifeS2.29筑员工发展之梦 / 关怀生活 / 关心一线员工 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/ Concern for Life/ Balance between Work and Life筑员工发展之梦 / 关怀生活 / 关爱

722、女性员工 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/ Concern for Life/ Care for Female EmployeesLA15S2.13/S2.28筑员工发展之梦 / 关怀生活 / 帮助困难员工 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/ Concern for Life/ Helping Employees in NeedS2.27筑员工发展之梦 / 成就价值 / 员工培训 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/ Reali

723、ze Value/ Staff TrainingLA10/LA12/HR3/HR8G6.4/S2.25/S2.26筑员工发展之梦 / 成就价值 / 职业发展 Realizing the Employees Dream of Development/ Realize Value/ Career DevelopmentEC4/LA11/LA12S2.24报告指标索引Reporting Index报告目录 Report ContentsGRI 对标 GRI GRI Benchmarking中国社科院 CASS-CSR 指标对标 CASS-CSR Index Benchmarking封面 Cover报

724、告说明 Report Description报告说明 / 报告参数 / 报告目的 Report Description/ Report Parameters/ Reporting ObjectivesP4.7报告说明 / 报告参数 / 报告发布周期 Report Description/ Report Parameters/ Reporting Cycle3.1/3.2/3.3报告说明 / 报告参数 / 报告范围 Report Description/ Report Parameters/ Reporting Scope3.5/3.6/3.7/3.8P1.1/P1.3/P4.7报告说明 / 报

725、告参数 / 报告数据说明Report Description/ Report Parameters/ Reporting Data3.1/3.9P1.2报告说明 / 报告参数 / 编写依据 Report Description/ Report Parameters/ Compilation Conformance3.9P1.1报告说明 / 报告参数 / 报告承诺 Report Description/ Report Parameters/ Reporting CommitmentP1.1报告说明 / 报告参数 / 报告保证方法 Report Description/ Report Parame

726、ters/ Reporting Assurance4.7P1.1报告说明 / 报告参数 / 报告特色和改进 Report Description/ Report Parameters/ Reporting Characteristics3.11报告说明 / 报告参数 / 称谓说明 Report Description/ Report Parameters/ References to CSCEC报告说明 / 报告参数 / 获取方式 Report Description/ Report Parameters/ Access to the Report3.4报告说明 / 报告参数 / 联系方式 R

727、eport Description/ Report Parameters/ Contact Us3.4P1.5报告说明 / 报告编制过程 Report Description/Report Preparation Process3.5/3.9/4.15/4.16P1.4/P2.1/P2.2/P2.3/G1.3/G5.2致辞 Chairmans Message1.1P3.1/P3.2公司概况 Company Profile公司概况 / 公司简介 Company Profile/ About the Company2.1/2.2/2.3/2.4/2.5/2.6/2.7/2.8P4.1/P4.2/P

728、4.3/P4.4公司概况 / 组织架构 Company Profile/ Organizational Structure2.3/4.1公司概况 / 可持续发展背景 Company Profile/ Background Information on Sustainable Development1.2P3.1责任管理 Responsibility Management责任管理 / 责任理念 Responsibility Management/ Responsibility Philosophy1.1/4.8G1.1责任管理 / 责任推进 Responsibility Management/

729、Performing Responsibility4.2/4.4/4.12/4.13/4.14/4.17P3.2/P4.6/P5.1/P1.4/G1.4/G2.1/G2.2/G2.3/G2.4/G2.5/G3.1/G4.1/G5.1/G5.3/G5.4/G5.5/G5.6责任管理 / 责任荣誉 Responsibility Management/ CSR Honors2.10P5.3合规 诚信 增长 筑股东价值之梦 Compliance, Integrity, Development: Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value筑股东价值之梦 / 利益相

730、关方的梦想 Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value/ Dreams of Stakeholders筑股东价值之梦 / 优化公司治理 Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value/ Optimize Corporate Governance4.1/4.4/4.6/4.7/4.8/4.9/4.10M1.1筑股东价值之梦 / 坚持诚信经营 / 合规管理 Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value/ Uphold Honest Operation/ Compliance Manag

731、ement4.9/4.11/SO9S1.1/S1.2筑股东价值之梦 / 坚持诚信经营 / 内部审计和风险管理 Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value/ Uphold Honest Operation/ Internal audit and risk management4.9/4.11S1.4/M3.2筑股东价值之梦 / 坚持诚信经营 / 商业道德 Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value/ Uphold Honest Operation/ Business Ethics4.9/4.11/SO2/SO3/SO

732、4S1.3筑股东价值之梦 / 坚持诚信经营 / 信息公开 Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value/Uphold Honest Operation/ Information Disclosure4.11/PR6M1.2/M1.3筑股东价值之梦 / 增强发展能力 / 增长策略 Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value/ Enhance Development Capacity/ Promotion StrategyM1.5/S1.6筑股东价值之梦 / 增强发展能力 / 优化布局 Realizing the Sha

733、reholders Dream of Value/ Enhance Development Capacity/ Optimize Business LayoutEC9M1.4筑股东价值之梦 / 增强发展能力 / 效能监察 Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value/ Enhance Development Capacity/ Efficiency SupervisionG4.4/M1.6筑股东价值之梦 / 增强发展能力 / 盈利能力 Realizing the Shareholders Dream of Value/ Enhance Developmen

734、t Capacity/ ProfitabilityEC1M1.4/M2.11/S1.5108拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment报告目录 Report ContentsGRI 对标 GRI GRI Benchmarking中国社科院 CASS-CSR 指标对标 CASS-CSR Index Benchmarking协作 促进 共赢 筑伙伴成长之梦 Coordination ,Promotion, Win-win: Realizing the Partners Dream of Improvement筑伙伴成长之梦 / 利益相关方的梦想 Reali

735、zing the Partners Dream of Improvement/ Dream of Stakeholders筑伙伴成长之梦 / 打造责任供应链 / 供应链管理 Realizing the Partners Dream of Improvement/ Forge Responsible Supply Chain/ Supply Chain ManagementEC6/HR2/HR5M3.8/M3.9/S2.7/S2.23筑伙伴成长之梦 / 打造责任供应链 / 与供应链企业共成长 Realizing the Partners Dream of Improvement/ Forge R

736、esponsible Supply Chain/ Supply Chain ManagementHR5/HR6/HR7/EC6M3.5/M3.7筑伙伴成长之梦 / 打造责任供应链 / 提高供应链社会责任水平 Realizing the Partners Dream of Improvement/ Forge Responsible Supply Chain/ Promote the Social Responsibility Level of Supply ChainG3.2/M3.5/M3.6/E3.2筑伙伴成长之梦 / 推进战略合作 / 政府合作 Realizing the Partner

737、s Dream of Improvement/ Collaboration with Government/ Collaboration with GovernmentEC4筑伙伴成长之梦 / 推进战略合作 / 银企合作 Realizing the Partners Dream of Improvement/ Collaboration with Government/ Cooperating with Banks筑伙伴成长之梦 / 推进战略合作 / 企业合作 Realizing the Partners Dream of Improvement/ Collaboration with Gov

738、ernment/ Cooperating with Banks4.12/SO5筑伙伴成长之梦 / 推进战略合作 / 高校合作 Realizing the Partners Dream of Improvement/ Collaboration with Government/ Cooperating With Colleges and Universities创新 分享 引领 筑行业进步之梦 Creativity, Sharing, Leading: Realizing the Construction Sectors Dream of Progress筑行业进步之梦 / 利益相关方的梦想 R

739、ealizing the Construction Sectors Dream of Progress/ Dreams of stakeholders筑行业进步之梦 / 维护行业秩序 Realizing the Construction Sectors Dream of Progress/ Maintaining the Industrial OrderM3.3筑行业进步之梦 / 创新引领发展 / 管理创新 Realizing the Construction Sectors Dream of Progress/ Innovation Guilds Development /Innovatio

740、n In Management筑行业进步之梦 / 创新引领发展 / 科技创新 Realizing the Construction Sectors Dream of Progress/ Innovation Guilds Development / Technological InnovationM2.7/M2.8/M2.9/M2.10筑行业进步之梦 / 带动行业进步 Realizing the Construction Sectors Dream of Progress/ Promoting the Development of the Industry4.13M3.1安全 关爱 和谐 筑社

741、区繁荣之梦 Security, Care ,Harmony: Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous筑社区繁荣之梦 / 利益相关方的梦想 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Dreams of stakeholders筑社区繁荣之梦 / 安全生产责任 / 夯实安全基础 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Safety Production Responsibility/ Consolidating the Foundation of

742、SafetyLA7S3.1/S3.6/S3.7筑社区繁荣之梦 / 安全生产责任 / 提升安全保障水平 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Safety Production Responsibility/ Consolidating the Foundation of SafetyLA9/CA8S3.2/S3.3/S3.4筑社区繁荣之梦 / 助力社区发展 / 促进就业 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Helping with Community Development/ Stim

743、ulating EmploymentLA2/HR9S1.7/S4.5筑社区繁荣之梦 / 助力社区发展 / 支持民生建设 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Helping with Community Development/ Supporting Peoples LivelihoodEC8/EC9/SO1S4.4筑社区繁荣之梦 / 助力社区发展 / 助力教育事业 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Helping with Community Development/ Stimul

744、ating EmploymentSO1S4.10筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益事业 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public GoodsEC1/SO6S4.12筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益事业 / 定点扶贫 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public Goods/ Fixed-point Poverty AlleviationEC9S4.9筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益事业

745、/ 灾区援建 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public Goods/ Helping Rebuild Disaster AreaEC9S4.9筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益事业 / 志愿者活动 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public Goods/ Helping Rebuild Disaster AreaSO1S4.9/S4.13/S4.14筑社区繁荣之梦 / 热心公益

746、事业 / 海外公益 Realizing the Communitys Dream of Prosperous/ Ardent In Activities For Public Goods/ Charitable Activities OverseasS4.9/S4.11专题一 Topic 1EN5/EN7专题二 Topic 2展望 OutlookA1关键绩效表 Performance FormP5.2专家点评 Expert CommentsA2评级报告 Rating Report3.13A2第三方验证 Verification of the Third Party3.13报告指标索引 Repo

747、rting Index3.12A3反馈意见表 Feedback FormA4反馈意见表Feedback Form为了改进中国建筑社会责任工作, 我们希望得到您的反馈, 请将反馈意见邮寄至 或扫描二维码填写问卷。 这将成为我们改善和提高的重要依据。 希望您在百忙中对本报告和对我们的工作提出宝贵意见。We hope to hear back from you in order to help us to better fulill the social responsibilties of China Construction. Please send the letter to email:

748、 or scan QR code to fill in the questionaire . We depend on your feedback to make improvements to our work. Thank you for your time and your valuable comments.您认为报告总体上:In your opinion, overall the report is: 很好 Very good 较好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very Poor您认为报告在结构上:In your opinion, the structure

749、 of the report is: 很合理 Very good 较合理 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very poor您认为报告的可读性:In your opinion, the report is: 很高 Very readable 较高 Readable 一般 Average 较差 Hard to read 很差 Unreadable您认为报告的版式设计是否有助于您的阅读:In your opinion, the format design is: 很好 Very good 较好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very Poor您认为报告

750、披露的社会责任信息:In your opinion, the disclosed information on social responsibilities in this report is: 很有价值 Very valuable 价值较高 Valuable 一般 Average 价值较低 Of low value 没什么价值 Of no value您对报告中哪一部分最感兴趣:The part you are most interested in: 您想进一步了解的信息:Information you want to learn much more: 您对中国建筑社会责任工作的意见和建议,

751、 请在此提出:If your other comments on the social responsibilities of China Construction, please write below:地址: 中国北京三里河路15 号中建大厦邮编: 100037电话: (8610) 88082888传真: (8610) 88082789网址: Add: CSCEC Mansion,No.15 Sanlihe Road, 100037 Beijing,ChinaTel: (8610) 88082888Fax: (8610) 88082789Website: 拓展幸福空间 共筑梦想家园Expanding a Happy Living Environment Building a Common Dream Home



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