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1、Sustainability Report/CSR ReportExpanding a Happy Living Environment可持续发展报告/社会责任报告拓展幸福空间地址: 中国北京三里河路15 号中建大厦邮编: 100037电话: (8610) 88082888传真: (8610) 88082789网址: Add: CSCEC Mansion,No.15 Sanlihe Road, 100037 Beijing,ChinaTel: (8610) 88082888Fax: (8610) 88082789Website: 本报告采用进口高级专业性环保纸。源自 100% 环保林(PEFC

2、)并经以非氯漂白(ECF)技术制造的环保化学纸浆。涂料所使用的各种添加剂成分,不含重金属、二恶英、甲醛等致癌物质,可回收分解。The Report is printed on high quality imported recycled paper.The paper pulp is 100% environmentally friendly. It comes from a forest under the Programme for the Endorsementl of Forest Certification (PEFC) and is produced with Elemental

3、Chlorine-Free (ECF) technology.The addictives in the ink are recyclable and biodegradable, and do not contain any carcinogenic substances such as heavy metals, dioxin or formaldehyde.TO DO MORE一幢建筑的寿命, 往往取决于内在含钢量的多少; 一个企业的寿命, 则取决于文化的优劣。 中国建筑构建了以 中建信条 为核心的新型上海品茶体系, 树立了 “拓展幸福空间”的崇高企业使命, 开创了责任贯穿上海品茶的先河

4、, 将 “满意客户、 成就员工、 回报股东、造福社会” 作为公司使命的主旋律, 主动寻求将对社会和环境的关注融入企业战略、 管理和日常运营的有效模式, 逐步形成了文化引领型社会责任推进模式。中国建筑围绕 “拓展幸福空间” , 以提升利益相关方幸福指数为目标, 从拓展价值、 品质、生态、 成长、 共赢、 创新、 和谐空间等 7 个方面, 为利益相关方创造更多的幸福空间, 服务公司 “最具国际竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团” 愿景的实现。拓展幸福空间It is said that the life of a building can be determined by the amount of st

5、eel that is used in its construction, while the long-term sustainability of an enterprise is determined by its strong and positive corporate culture. At CSCEC, we are guided by our new “Credo of CSCEC” culture system. Our mission is to expanding a happy living environment, and we are taking pioneeri

6、ng steps to embed responsibility into all aspects of our corporate culture. At the heart of this approach is our belief that we must “satisfy customers, help employees succeed, repay shareholders and benefit society.” We will do this by effectively integrating social and environmental concerns into

7、our corporate strategy, our management and our daily operations, while also adopting innovative approaches that will help us to develop a tailored culture-led social responsibility paradigm.In connection with “expanding a happy living environment”, CSCEC is increasingly raising the happiness index o

8、f our stakeholders by constantly evaluating our values and enhancing our approach to quality, development, ecological protection, innovation and harmony. CSCEC is also seeking a win-win relationship with its stakeholders to create a happy living environment that helps it achieve its vision of becomi

9、ng the most internationally competitive construction and real estate enterprise integration group.Expanding a Happy Living Environment探索文化引领型社会责任推进模式Culture-led Social Responsibility Progression ModelHAPPY LIVING在 财富 “全球 500 强企业” 排名中位列第 100 位、 列全球建筑地产企业第 1 位、 中央企业第 5 位、 中国内地企业第 9 位。国务院国资委中央企业负责人经营业绩

10、考核 A 级。ENR225 全球最大国际承包商排名第 22 位, ENR 全球承包商排名第 3 位, ENR 全球顶尖150 家设计公司排名第 59 位。国内唯一一家同时拥有房建、 市政、 公路三类特级总承包资质与建筑行业工程设计甲级资质的建筑企业。Ranked 100th among the Fortune 500 Global Companies, 1st among global building real estate enterprises, 5th among central enterprises, and 9th among mainland Chinese enterpris

11、es.Awarded Class-A Prize in the Examination of Business Performance by SASAC.Ranked 22nd on the Engineering News Records (ENR) Top 225 Global Contractors list, 3rd on ENRs Global Contractors list, and 59th on ENRs Global Top 150 Design Firm list.We are the only construction enterprise in China certi

12、fied with three Top Grade Qualifications (premium general contracting qualification, including housing construction, municipal construction and road constrction ), as well as Grade A Qualification for project design in the construction industry.Ranked 10th on the Fortune Top 100 China Enterprises of

13、 Social Responsibility.Awarded the title of “2012 Most Responsible Enterprise” at the 8th China CSR International Forum and Ceremony to Announce 2012 the Most Responsible Enterprise.Our Sustainability Report 2011 was awarded a 4.5-star report rating by the CSR Center of Economic Department of Chines

14、e Academy of Social Sciences, ranking 1st in the construction industry.At the Fourth Listed Company CSR Report Summit Forum and Unveiling Ceremony, our Sustainability Report 2011 was ranked 12th among A-share companies, and 1st in the construction industry.Our Sustainability Report 2011 was awarded

15、the title of “2012 GoldenBee Excellent CSR ReportLeader Enterprise”.文化引领型社会责任推进模式Culture-led Social Responsibility Progression Model拓展幸福空间Expanding a Happy Living Environment房屋建筑工程房地产开发与投资设计勘察基础设施建设与投资国际工程承包环境客户股东员工满意的市值、持续的收益回报是股东和我们共同的幸福。 我们坚持科学发展策略,积极转变发展模式;推行精细化管理, 强化风险管控, 不断提升盈利能力。创造 “物超所值” 的价值

16、是客户和我们的共同幸福。 我们始终将客户利益放在首位,全力为客户提供富含科技人文内涵的高品质产品, 不断超越客户需求。行业推行绿色建筑,共建世界美好家园是全人类的幸福。 我们搭建绿色建筑整体运营平台,实现建筑全生命周期一体化服务,助力推进生态和谐的城镇化建设,服务国家生态文明建设。帮助员工实现自我价值是我们与员工的共同幸福。 我们恪守以人为本的管理思想, 实施科学的人才发展策略, 为员工搭建发展平台,让员工充分享受企业发展带来的成果, 提高员工的生活水平。拓展成长空间伙伴共赢是伙伴与我们共同的价值追求、共同的幸福。 我们全力保护伙伴的合法权益, 扩大合作范围、 深化合作领域, 与合作伙伴共同创

17、造价值, 实现共同发展。拓展共赢空间公平的竞争秩序、 科技创新与技术进步是我们整个行业的幸福。 我们自觉遵守行业自律规则, 鼓励公平竞争政策的制定和执行, 尊重并保护知识产权 ; 不断创新体制、 管理、技术等, 推动公司与建筑行业共同发展。It is in the best interests of the entire industry to ensure fair competition while seeking technological innovation and progress in research and development. We abide by the self-

18、regulating rules of the i n du st r y, e n c ou r a g e t h e formulation and implementation of fair competition, and respect and protect intellectual property rights. We also regularly upgrade our institutions, management and technological advancements through innovation to better the company and t

19、he construction industry.We believe that mankind s long-term happiness is connected to the development of green buildings and a beautiful world. We have therefore established an operating platform for the development of green buildings and realized integrated services in construction with an entire

20、life cycle, which will contribute to ecological harmony in urban construction while also serving the national ecological interest. Helping employees realize self-value is the common happiness we have with them. We are working towards improving our people-oriented management thinking, implementing sc

21、ientific talent policy and building a career development platform, which provides employees with the opportunity to benefit from our corporate development, and improve their standard of living.Contributing to the Development Space Win-win outcomes are the common value and happiness we pursue with ou

22、r partners. We are committed to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of our partners and to expanding the scope of our cooperation activities. We believe this will help us deepen the cooperation field, create value and realize common development with our partners.Contributing to the Win-wi

23、n SpaceContributing to the Ecological Space拓展生态空间社会和谐与繁荣是全球社区与我们共同的幸福。 我们重视安全生产,严格落实安全责任制;拉动就业, 减轻社会就业压力;热心公益事业, 扶贫助困;担当央企责任, 维护社会稳定;履行全球责任, 共建幸福家园。拓展和谐空间拓展品质空间Creating common happiness and value that goes above and beyond quality is the goal of CSCEC for our customers. We prioritize customers inter

24、ests and provide customers with high-quality products that are culturally rich and technologically advanced, which regularly surpass customers expectations.Contributing to the Quality SpaceSocial harmony and prosperity throughout the world is a fundamental ambition at CSCEC. We will continue to stri

25、ve to be a safe and secure company that adheres to all aspects of safety to ensure a safe working environment. We provide job opportunities to mitigate national pressures on social employment, and contribute to public welfare to alleviate poverty concerns. As a central enterprise we also have a resp

26、onsibility to maintain social stability while fulfilling our global responsibility to build a happy homeland.Contributing to the Harmonious SpaceIn cooperation with our shareholders we want to increase our common happiness, market value and sustained returns. We will continue to uphold our scientifi

27、c development strategy, and we will work to transform our development model. We will also promote our fine management approach in order to strengthen our risk management and control systems and improve our profitability. 拓展价值空间Contributing to the Value SpacePartnersEmployees EnvironmentIndustryCusto

28、mersShareholdersHousing ConstructionInternational Project ContractingReal Estate Development and InvestmentInfrastructure Construction and InvestmentDesign and Survey拓展创新空间Contributing to the Innovation Space 社区Communities在 财富 中国企业社会责任 100 强排行榜中排名第 10 位。在 “第八届中国企业社会责任国际论坛暨 2012 最具责任感企业颁奖典礼” 上, 获评 “2

29、012 最具责任感企业” 。中国建筑股份有限公司 2011 可持续发展报告 / 社会责任报告获中国社会科学院企业社会责任研究中心四星半评级, 列建筑行业第 1 位。在第四届 “上市公司社会责任报告高峰论坛暨授牌典礼” 上, 中国建筑股份有限公司 2011 可持续发展报告 / 社会责任报告 名列 A 股上市公司第 12 位, 列建筑行业第 1 位。中国建筑股份有限公司 2011可持续发展报告 / 社会责任报告 蝉联 “金蜜蜂 2012 优秀企业社会责任报告领袖型企业” 。拓展价值空间Contributing to the Value Space 拓展品质空间Contributing to the

30、 Quality Space关于我们About Us拓展生态空间Contributing to the Ecological Space拓展成长空间Contributing to the Development Space拓展共赢空间Contributing to the Win-win Space拓展创新空间致辞责任专题Contributing to the Innovation SpaceChairmans MessageResponsibility Topics拓展和谐空间Contributing to the Harmonious SpaceCONTENTS目录8

31、7689684报告目的本报告为中国建筑股份有限公司正式发布的第四份可持续发展报告。 报告旨在对公司可持续发展的理念、 实践和绩效与利益相关方进行坦诚沟通。报告发布周期本报告为年度报告, 上年度报告发布时间为2012年 4月20日。报告范围报告披露中国建筑股份有限公司的 37 家全资公司和 15 家控股公司履行经济、 社会和环境方面责任的信息, 相关典型案例来自公司所属企业。 时间跨度以 2012 年度为主, 适当追溯一些重要年份。 年度延续性措施将不在本报告中体现, 如想进一步了解, 请参考公司往年可持续发展报告。报告数据说明本报告财务数据来自公司 2012 年度财务报告, 报告数据计算方法与

32、以往报告一致, 报告中如无特别说明, 所有金额均以人民币表示。 编写依据报告遵循国务院国资委关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见 、 上海证券交易所公司履行社会责任的报告编制指引等文件要求, 参照全球报告倡议组织可持续发展报告指南 (GRI G3.1) 、国际标准化组织ISO 26000:社会责任指南 (2010) 、中国企业社会责任报告编写指南 (CASS-CSR2.0) 等编制。报告承诺本报告由中国建筑社会责任管理团队组织编制, 由公司相关高管审核, 经公司董事会、 监事会审议批准。 中国建筑保证报告内容不存在任何虚假、 误导性陈述。报告保证方法报告由德国汉德技术监督服务 (亚太) 有限公司

33、进行第三方验证, 并提供独立的验证证明。报告特色和改进报告以 “拓展幸福空间” 为主题, 包括 “价值空间、 品质空间、生态空间、 成长空间、 共赢空间、 创新空间、 和谐空间” 七个部分,以独立版块的形式披露公司在拓展利益相关方幸福空间方面的实践和绩效, 突显公司将引领和推动行业发展作为对全球可持续发展所肩负的基本责任。称谓说明为表述方便, 中国建筑股份有限公司在报告中简称 “中国建筑” 、 “公司” 或 “我们” 。获取方式报告语言为中英文, 以印刷品和 PDF 电子文件两种方式发布, 欢迎登陆公司网站 获取。联系方式中国建筑股份有限公司地址: 中国北京三里河路 15 号中建大厦邮政编码

34、: 100037电话:(8610) 88082888传真:(8610) 88082789网址: http:/关于本报告About This ReportReporting ObjectivesThis is the forth sustainability report officially released by China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited. The report aims to openly share our sustainability concepts, practices and performa

35、nce with our stakeholders.Reporting CycleOur sustainability report is published annually. Our last report was released on April 20, 2012 .Reporting ScopeThis report covers economic, environmental and social responsibility news and information of China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., in 201

36、2, including 37 wholly owned subsidiaries and 15 shareholding companies, some of which trace back to some important years. Related case studies from the Group subordinated companies. Annual continuity measures will not be shown in this report in 2012. If you want to learn much more, please refer to

37、the sustainable reports in former years.Reporting data The financial datum in this report are taken from the companys Financial Report 2012, and all calculations are consistent with the previous reports. All amounts are indicated in RMB unless otherwise specified.Compilation ConformanceThis report i

38、s compiled in accordance with the Guideline on Performing Social Responsibility by Central Enterprises, released by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council, and the Guidelines for Compiling Reports of the Practice of Social Responsibilities by En

39、terprises, released by the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Guideline on Sustainability Report (G3.1) from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), ISO 26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility (2010) by International Organization for Standards, and Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting f

40、or Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR 2.0)are also used as a reference.Reporting CommitmentThis report is prepared by the Taskforce of the Management of Social Responsibilities of the Company, examined by the senior management and approved by the Board of Directors and the Supervision Committee. China St

41、ate Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. assures that the report contains no false records and misleading information.Reporting AssuranceThe 2012 Sustainability received third party verification and was given an independent verification certification by TUV NORD .Reporting Characteristics“Expanding a

42、happy living environment” is the theme of the report. The theme includes seven parts: value space, quality space, ecological space, growth space, win-win space, innovation space, and harmonious space. The report systematically discloses the practices and performances of the company in its contributi

43、on to the happy living environment, and highlights our basic responsibility to global sustainability and our goal of leading and driving the development of the industry.References to CSCECFor the convenience of presentation, CSCEC, “China Construction”, “the Company” or “we” refers to China State Co

44、nstruction Engineering Corporation Limited in this report. Access to the ReportThe report is prepared and released in two formats print and electronic and in Chinese and English. We encourage you to visit the Company website to download the report at .Contact UsChina State Construction Engineering C

45、orporation LimitedAddress: CSCEC Mansion, No. 15 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, ChinaPostcode: 100037Tel: (8610) 88082888Fax: (8610) 88082789Website: http:/关键绩效表Key Performance Form展望Outlook100102专家点评报告指标索引评级报告反馈意见表Expert CommentsReporting IndexRating ReportFeedback Form第三方验证Verification of the Third Party1

46、063At present, the corporate social responsibility presents the trend of globalization, and has become an important trend, a business standard and an effective way to enhance corporate competitiveness in our times. As a building real estate model enterprise in China and even in the world,

47、 China Construction has been well aware of its bound duty to be the vanguard of social responsibility. With its 60 years of cultural accumulation, heritage and innovation, China Construction has passed on the torch of social responsibility, embedded the social responsibility implementation into its

48、corporate culture and deeply ingrained it in the mind of employees.2012 was the year with complicated and severe international and domestic situation. Internationally, the global economy came into a slow growth period under the shadow of financial crisis, while domestically the economic growth rate

49、slowed down, the investment growth went downwards, and the real estate regulation became tighter. Against such a global situation and stricter macroeconomic environment in China, CSCEC unswervingly adhered to its strategic objective of “one most and two entries”, steadily advanced its social respons

50、ibility, and successfully was among the top 100 of Fortune Global 500. It has further enhanced its social image and brand reputation, and increased its capability of sustainable development. In 2012, China Construction made new heights in its main business scale, achieved continuous growth in the bu

51、siness scale of housing construction, and created a new record in the newly-signed contract value, operational revenue and net profit. It maintained a good development momentum in infrastructure construction business, and advanced steadily in real estate business. While steadily promoting its PRSII

52、strategy and transforming development model, it also increased both the scale and the benefits in overseas businesses.In 2012, we drove the transformation and upgrading through our innovation and made positive contribution to the construction of “beautiful China”. While implementing the strategy of

53、driving development through innovation, and seizing the strategic opportunities of urbanizing development, we upgraded our products and transformed our business models. With greater efforts in the innovation 当前, 企业社会责任呈现全球化趋势, 已成为重要的时代潮流、 商业规范和企业提升竞争力的有效途径。 中国建筑深刻认识到作为中国乃至全球建筑地产行业发展的标杆企业, 担当社会责任的排头兵

54、义不容辞。 经过 60 年的文化积淀、 传承和创新, 履行社会责任的文化基因薪火相传, 承担社会责任已经深深植入中国建筑上海品茶的根脉和广大员工血液中。2012 年是国际国内形势严峻和复杂的一年。 面对国际金融危机的阴霾和全球经济进入相对低速增长期的世界形势, 以及国内经济增速放缓、 投资增长下行、房地产调控从紧等宏观经济环境, 中国建筑坚持 “一最两跨” 战略目标, 稳步推进社会责任, 成功跻身世界500 强前100 强, 社会评价和品牌美誉度进一步提升,公司的可持续发展能力进一步增强。这一年, 中国建筑主营业务规模效益再创佳绩。 房建业务规模效益持续增长, 全年房建业务新签合同额、营业收入

55、、 净利润均创历史新高; 基础设施业务保持强劲发展势头; 房地产业务灵活应对稳中求进; 海外经营实现规模效益双增长; 稳步推进 “五化” 发展策略, 转变发展方式。这一年, 中国建筑以创新驱动转型升级, 积极贡献“美丽中国” 建设。 我们实施创新驱动发展战略, 抓住 “城镇化” 发展的战略机遇, 进行产品升级和业务转型。 大董事长CSCEC Chairman Yijun 力开展经营模式、 产业和技术方面的创新, 探索推进建设全产业链 “绿色中建” 、 “数字中建” 和建筑工业化, 努力为生态文明建设和新型城镇化建设做出更大贡献。这一年, 中国建筑担当社会责任的排头兵, 履行社会责任稳步推进。

56、深入履行保障房投资和建设的责任。 全年设计、 投资、 建设保障性住房项目124 个, 总建筑面积约 2,728 万平方米, 保障房建设的质量、 工期、安全、 环保受到广泛赞誉, 荣获 “2012 年度保障房建设推动力企业大奖” 。 克服高原缺氧、 环境恶劣、 保障受限等重重困难, 率先基本完成玉树灾后三年重建任务, 受到青海省政府的好评和社会各界的高度赞扬。2013 年, 中国建筑将坚守 “品质保障 价值创造” 的核心价值观, 肩负 “拓展幸福空间” 的使命, 坚持稳中求进的工作总基调, 以提高发展质量和效益为中心, 以转型升级为主攻方向, 以创新驱动为主要举措, 以管理提升为基础工程, 以人

57、才建设和党的建设为重要保障,持续推动各项事业全面协调可持续发展, 努力为客户、为员工、 为股东、 为社会创造价值, 拓展幸福空间。我们希望各界借助报告, 理解和支持中国建筑的发展。 我们将坚持负责任经营, 积极回应利益相关方的期望和关切, 真诚与各利益相关方沟通, 持续改进各项工作, 在新的征程中实现新的跨越和发展!致辞Chairmans Messageof business models, the industry and the technology, we explored the way to “Green and Digital CSCEC” in the whole industr

58、y chain, and the way to building industrialization, so as to make greater contribution to the construction of ecological civilization and new urbanization.In 2012, China Construction steadily advanced its implementation of social responsibility, and continued to perform the responsibility of investi

59、ng and building affordable houses. Throughout the year, we designed, invested and built 124 affordable housing projects, covering a total construction area of about 27.28 million m2. We have been widely praised for the quality, schedule, safety and environmental protection of these projects, and awa

60、rded “2012 Annual Prize for Promoting Affordable Housing Construction”. Having overcome such difficulties as high altitude hypoxia, bad environment and limited security, we first completed the three-year reconstruction after the earthquake in Yushu, which was highly praised by Qinghai government and

61、 all walks of life.In 2013, we will uphold our core values of “quality assurance and value creation”, and shoulder the responsibility of “contributing to a happy living environment”. We will persist in the general working tone of stability but progressing, taking the improvement in quality and benef

62、its as the centre, taking the transformation and upgrading as the main direction, taking the innovation and motivation as the key approaches, taking the improvement in management as the basic engineering, and taking the talent building and Party building as the important guarantee, so as to continuo

63、usly promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of Chinese Constructions undertakings, and strive to create value and expand a happy living environment for customers, employees, shareholders and the society.By means of this report, we hope all walks of life can understand and

64、 support our reform and development. We will operate in a responsible manner, and make positive response to the expectations and concerns of stakeholders. We will also sincerely communicate with all stakeholders, and make continuous improvement in our work in order to achieve a new leap forward.8拓展幸

65、福空间Expanding a happy living environment9拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment11拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment公司概况Company Profile公司简介中国建筑股份有限公司 (股票简称: 中国建筑, 股票代码: 601668) 是全球最大的建筑地产综合企业集团。 公司是国有控股重要骨干企业, 由中国建筑工程总公司、 中国石油天然气集团公司、 宝钢集团有限公司、中国中化集团公司等 4 家世界 500 强企业共同发起, 于 2007 年12 月10 日正

66、式创立, 并于 2009 年 7月29日在上海证券交易所成功上市, 总部设在北京。 公司现拥有 37 家全资公司和 15 家控股公司。中国建筑股份有限公司传承了中国建筑工程总公司的全部资产和上海品茶, 拥有产品技术研发、 勘察设计、 工程承包、 地产开发、 设备制造、 物业管理等完整的产业链条, 是国内唯一一家同时拥有 “三特”资质 (房建、 市政、 公路三类特级总承包资质) 和建筑行业工程设计甲级资质的建筑企业。 公司主营业务涉及房屋建筑工程、 国际工程承包、 房地产开发与投资、 基础设施建设与投资以及设计勘察等五大领域,经营区域分布全球 20 多个国家和地区。Brief Introduct

67、ionChina State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (Stock Code: 611668) is the largest building real estate conglomerate in the world. The company is a key backbone state holding enterprise and was jointly established along with four other leading enterprises, all of which rank as Fortune G

68、lobal Top 500 Enterprises. The companies are: (1) China State Construction Engineering Corp (CSCEC) (2) China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) (3) Baosteel Group Company Ltd., and (4) Sinochem Corporation. CSCEC is headquartered in Beijing and was officially established on 10 December 2007. The

69、 company was first listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on 29 July 2009. CSCEC has 37 wholly-funded companies and 15 shareholding companies.China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited has inherited the superior assets and corporate culture of CSCEC, and possesses an industrial chain th

70、at covers technology, R&D, surveying and design, project contracting, real estate development, equipment manufacturing, and property management. We are the only construction enterprise in China certified with three Top Grade Qualifications (premium general contracting qualification, including housin

71、g construction, municipal construction and road constrction ), as well as Grade A Qualification for project design in the construction industry. Our main businesses include housing construction, international project contracting, real estate development and investment, infrastructure construction an

72、d investment, surveying and design. We conduct business in more than 20 countries and regions in the world.ABOUT US关于我们公司概况Company Profile可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development责任管理Responsibility Management利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and Engagement公司概况Company Profile 可持续发展背景

73、Background Information on Sustainable Development 责任管理Responsibility Management利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and Engagement13拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment12拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment作为全球最大的建筑地产综合企业集团, 中国建筑本着 “诚信、 创新、 超越、 共赢” 的企业精神, 勇于抓住发展机遇, 积极迎接挑战, 充分发挥自身优势, 努力为各利

74、益相关方创造更多价值, 推进公司可持续发展。As the largest real estate conglomerate in the world, we are dedicated to upholding our corporate spirit of “Integrity, Innovation, Transcendence, and Win-win Outcomes”. We seize all available development opportunities and actively tackle challenges. We also utilize our competi

75、tive advantages to create much more value for our stakeholders and to promote sustainable development.可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development组织构架Organizational Structure中国建筑股份有限公司组织机构图Organizational Structure of CSCEC以 “培育最具国际竞争力的世界一流企业” 为要求, 坚持 “一最两跨, 科学发展” 的战略目标不动摇, 坚持深化改革、 创新发展,坚

76、定品质保障、 价值创造, 积极推进经营结构优化和经营布局调整, 实施 “专业化、 区域化、 标准化、 信息化、 国际化”的战略举措。To become a world-class, internationally competitive company we must adhere to our One Most, Two entries, and Scientific Developmentstrategy. We will reform and innovate our approach to business while providing unrivalled assurance in

77、 quality and value creation. We will also take the initiative to promote the optimization of our business structure and the reorganization of our business distribution. We will do this by proactively implementing our professionalization, regionalization, standardization, informatization and internat

78、ionalizationstrategy.股东大会Shareholder s General Meeting董 事 会 Ofce of the Board经 理 层Managers监事会办公室Ofce of the Board of Supervisors监 事 会Supervision Committee战略与决策委员会Strategy and Decision-making CommitteePersonnel and Remuneration Committee审计委员会人事与薪酬委员会Auditing Committee办 公 厅General Ofce 人力资源部Human Reso

79、urces Department 市场与客户管理部Marketing & Customers Service Department科技与设计管理部Technology & Design Department 资 金 部Treasury Department 投 资 部Investment Department 法律事务部Legal Department 财 务 部Finance Department信息化管理部Information Technology Department审 计 局Audit Department上海品茶部Corporate Culture Department 海外事业部

80、Overseas Operations 基础设施事业部Infrastructure Operations 房地产事业部Real Estate Operations 城市综合建设部Urban Comprehensive Development Operations 所属各二级单位Afliated Secondary Units监 察 局Supervision Department老干部局Department of Retired Veteran Cadres 总部事务管理局Administration Department企业策划与管理部Strategy & Planning Departmen

81、t安全质量环境部Safty, Quality and Environment Department董事会办公室Ofce of the Board公司概况Company Profile 可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development 责任管理Responsibility Management利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and Engagement公司概况Company Profile 可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Develop

82、ment 责任管理Responsibility Management利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and Engagement机遇Opportunities挑战Challenges优势Advantages劣势Disadvantages国家有序推进城镇化等大政方针国家将会继续出台一系列稳增长和调结构的政策措施国家推广绿色建筑技术 国家加大保障房和重大基础设施建设的投入国家支持央企 “走出去” 战略 完整的建筑产品产业链条 优质的品牌 国际化、 专业化的人才队伍 较强的应对风险能力 较强的融资优势 较强的管理优势 欧债危机持续加剧、 全球经济下行 国内经济

83、增长下行压力和物价上涨压力并存 房地产调控措施持续产业结构不平衡 公司内部发展不平衡 与国际标杆企业相比存在差距China will press ahead with urbanization and other policies in a systematic and orderly wayChina will put forward policies and measures to stabilize growth and adjust the national structureChina will promote green building technologyChina will

84、increase investment in the construction of affordable apartments and infrastructureChina will support strong central enterprises to carry out the “going global” policyPossess a complete industry chain of construction productsPossess a strong high-quality brand and a great reputationPossess a profess

85、ional and elite international teamStrong capacity to deal with risksStrong advantages in financingStrong advantages in managementEuropean debt crisis continues to intensify, and the global economy will remain in a downturn for the foreseeable futureDownward economic growth is expected to coexist wit

86、h inflationary pressure in ChinaChina will continue to tighten real estate regulation measuresUnbalanced industrial structureUnbalanced internal development within the companyLagging behind global benchmarking enterprises15拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment14拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living en

87、vironment责任沟通中国建筑将对内、 对外的责任沟通作为企业社会责任推进工作中的重要内容, 不断完善沟通机制建设, 使股东、 员工、 客户、 合作伙伴、 政府和社会公众了解公司社会责任履行情况。我们发布了 中国建筑股份有限公司 2011 可持续发展报告 / 社会责任报告 , 向利益相关方系统传播公司社会责任理念与实践。公司领导参加企业社会责任工作会议、 论坛等相关活动, 交流公司社会责任工作的成效和经验。Responsibility CommunicationChina Construction considers internal and external communication

88、on responsibility as an important part in promoting its corporate social responsibility. Therefore it improves its communication mechenism continuously to make stakeholders such as shareholders, employees, customers, partners, goverments and the public know its CSR practices in time.We have released

89、 CSCEC 2011 Sustainability Report/CSR Report to better disseminate information about our social responsibility concept and practices to our stakeholders.To further exchange our achievements and experiences, our leaders participated in the Working Conferences on Social Responsibility of Central Enter

90、prises as well as a number of other activities.中国建筑参与第八届中国企业社会责任国际论坛China Construction participated in the 8th China CSR International ForumOur mission is to continue “expanding a happy living environment” and to improve and strengthen our social responsibility system and approach to communication a

91、nd innovation. We will integrate corporate social responsibility into our corporate strategy and daily operations and management to raise the happiness index of our stakeholders. System of Social Responsibility InitiativesWe have established a culture-led social responsibility system that covers all

92、 business units and all fields, and have set up the Social Responsibility Committee. The committee is made up of employees from top management and department heads and is responsible for steering our approach to social responsibility. The Social Responsibility Committee has also established a Social

93、 Responsibility Office. The Office is responsible for the planning and implementation of all social responsibility initiatives, formulating our management system, and carrying out all practices and external exchanges related to social responsibility, as well as compiling and releasing reports. 我们以 “

94、拓展幸福空间” 为使命, 完善社会责任工作体系、 加强责任沟通、 推进责任创新, 将企业社会责任深入融入到公司战略、 日常经营管理当中, 不断提高公司利益相关方的幸福指数。社会责任工作体系我们建立覆盖公司各层级、 各领域的文化引领型社会责任工作体系, 成立由高管和部门负责人组成的社会责任委员会, 负责领导公司整体社会责任工作。社会责任委员会下设社会责任工作办公室, 主要负责制定社会责任工作规划、 管理制度, 组织实施社会责任实践, 对外开展社会责任交流, 编制发布社会责任报告等。责任管理Responsibility Management中国建筑社会责任管理工作架构2012 年度中国建筑参加社会

95、责任活动情况The Social Responsibility Activities CSCEC Participated In In 2012公司总部Corporate Headquarters二级单位Secondary Units三级单位Tertiary Units 项目部Project Department社会责任委员会Social Responsibility Committee社会责任委员会Social Responsibility Committee社会责任工作办公室Social Responsibility Office社会责任工作办公室Social Responsibility

96、 Office职能部门、 事业部Functional Departments, Business Divisions接口部门或单位Interface Departments and Units接口部门或单位Interface Departments and Units接口部门或单位Interface Departments and Units相关负责人Relevant Persons in Charge相关负责人Relevant Persons in Charge相关负责人Relevant Persons in Charge相关负责人Relevant Persons in Charge上下级关

97、系 Relationship between Superior and Subordinate业务指导关系 Relationship of Business Guidance参加 “第八届中国企业社会责任国际论坛暨 2012 最具责任感企业颁奖典礼” , 并作为获奖企业代表参加论坛对话Participated in the 8th China CSR International Forum and the Ceremony to Announce 2012 the Most Responsible Enterprise and a dialogue session as a represent

98、ative of prize-winners参加 “第五届中国企业社会责任报告国际研讨会” , 并作主题发言Participated in the 5th China CSR Report International Seminar and presented keynote speech参加 “中国企业社会责任报告评级年度总结会暨 中国企业社会责任报告编写指南 (CASS-CSR3.0) 研讨会” ,并作主题发言Participated in the Summing-up Conference on Rating China CSR Reports and the Workshop on C

99、ASS-CSR3.0 and presented keynote speech参加 “第四届上市公司社会责任报告高峰论坛”Participated in the 4th Summit Forum on Social Responsibility Reports of Listed Companies参加 “第七届中欧企业社会责任圆桌论坛” , 并作主题发言Gave keynote speech at the 7th Sino-European CSR Roundtable Forum 参加中国社科院 中国企业社会责任蓝皮书 发布仪式Participated in the Ceremony to

100、 Release the Blue Paper on China CSR of CASS公司概况Company Profile 可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development 责任管理Responsibility Management利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and Engagement公司概况Company Profile 可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development 责任管理Responsibility Mana

101、gement利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and EngagementSocial Responsibility Management Framework of CSCEC17拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment16拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environmentParticipating in Compiling Writing Guidance for China CSR Reports (CASS-CSR3.0) to Enhance Efficiency and

102、 Quality of Compiling Social Responsibility ReportsWe compiled construction and real estate industry index system, parts of Writing Guidance for China CSR Reports (CASS-CSR3.0), which help construction and real estate companies to enhance their efficiency and quality during compiling social responsi

103、bility reports.Compiling the CSCEC Management Manual on Social Responsibility Indexes to Improve Industrial Social Responsibility ManagmentFollowing an investigation, we compiled the CSCEC Management Manual on Social Responsibility Indexes(hereafter called The Manual) to explore to establish a socia

104、l responsibility management index system for CSCEC and the whole industry. The Manual establishes a comprehensive social responsibility index system which aims at improving the basic understanding of social responsibility management among our staff and guiding them to conduct the social responsibili

105、ty index management in their daily work. The Manual defines eight fields, 38 issues, and 188 indexes, and helps us keep abreast of real-time performances so as to better diagnose risks and correct shortcomings associated with our operations. It also enhances our ability to mitigate risks and achieve

106、 sustainable development while providing a reference point for counterparts who wish to promote social responsibility management. 参与中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS-CSR3.0)建筑、地产两大行业指标体系的编制,助力行业提高社会责任报告编制效率与质量我们参与 中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS-CSR3.0) 建筑、 地产两大行业指标体系的编制,为建筑、 地产企业提高社会责任报告编制效率和质量提供支持。编制中国建筑社会责任指标管理手册,促进行业社会责任

107、管理提升我们开展了 中国建筑社会责任指标管理手册(以下简称 “ 手册 ” ) 的调研、 编写工作, 探索构建中国建筑乃至行业社会责任管理指标体系, 为行业社会责任管理提升做出努力。 编制 手册 的目的是构建完整的社会责任指标体系, 普及社会责任指标管理基础知识,让公司社会责任管理人员系统了解社会责任内容,指导员工在日常工作中开展社会责任指标管理。手册明确了公司社会责任指标体系所涉及的 8 个领域、 38个议题、 188 个指标, 有助于公司推进所属企业社会责任工作, 实时掌握社会责任各方面指标的履行情况,及时诊断公司运营中面临的风险和不足, 进一步提升公司的管理水平, 有助于增强公司抵御风险与

108、持续发展能力, 也为同行推进社会责任管理提供借鉴。社会责任管理指标体系Social Responsibility Management Index System由社区参与和沟通、就业和培训、 社区发展、 战略合作、 文化和教育、捐赠救灾、 安全生产等7个议题、33 个指标构成It is made up of community involvement and communication, employment and training, community development, strategic cooperation, culture and education, donation a

109、nd disaster relief, safety production, including 33 indexes.由公司概况、战略及分析、 公司治理、责任管理等 4 个议题、 18 个指标构成It is made up of company profile, strategy and analysis, company management and responsibility management, including 18 indexes由行业推动、 国际影响、 公平竞争、 尊重知识产权等4 个议题、 17 个指标构成It is made up of industry promoti

110、on, international influence, fair competitiveness and respecting intellectual rights, including 17 indexes.由经济绩效、 发展能力、 依法合规等 3 个议题、 12个指标构成It is made up of economic performance, development ability and compliance with laws and regulations, including 12 indexes.由员工权益、 员工发展、 职业健康安全、 员工关爱等4 个议题、 28 个指

111、标构成It is made up of employee rights, employee development, occupational health and security and caring for employees, including 28 indexes. 由环境管 理、应对气候变化、提高资源利用效率、 防止污染、 保护生物多样性、 绿色物业服务及绿色办公等 7个议题、 27 个指标构成It is made up of environmental management, tackling climate change, enhancing efficiency of re

112、source consumption, preventing pollution, protecting biodiversity, green property services and green office, including 27 indexes. 由权 益保护、 责任采购与责 任分包、 合作共赢等 3 个议题、 11 个指标构成It is made up of protection of rights and benefits, responsible procurement and subpackage and win-win cooperation, including 11

113、 indexes.建筑类包括公平营销、 建造质量、 建造服务等 3 个议题 21个指标; 地产类包括地产质量、 购房服务、物业服务等 3 个议题、 21个指标Construction industry is made up of fair marketing practices, quality and services, including 21 indexes. And real estate industry is made up of quality, purchasing services and property services, including 21 indexes.员 工

114、战略与治理环 境客 户 CommunityShareholders/ InvestorsIndusty Supply ChainEmployeesStrategy and ManagementEnvironmentClients中国建筑社会责任管理指标体系图公司概况Company Profile 可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development 责任管理Responsibility Management利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and Engagement公司概况Company Pro

115、file 可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development 责任管理Responsibility Management利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and EngagementSocial Responsibility Management Index System of CSCEC19拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment18拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment满足利益相关方的合理要求、 为利益

116、相关方创造价值是我们的不懈追求。 我们创新与利益相关方的沟通方式和渠道, 主动了解利益相关方的期望与要求, 并对其诉求做出积极回应, 与利益相关方形成良好的互动关系。利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and Engagement各利益相关方沟通参与表Stakeholders Participation and EngagementWe are committed to meeting the reasonable requirements of our stakeholders and creating value for them. We have es

117、tablished communication channels that help us better understand their expectations and demands, and are proactively responding to their needs to strengthen our relationship.Releasing Credo of CSCEC to Explore Our Culture-led CSR ModelThe Credo of CSCEC concept stresses the importance of “embedding r

118、esponsibility into our corporate culture”. It reflects excellent management thinking and embodies the expectations of all of our employees. It is a key principle that must always be upheld when dealing with our relationship with customers, employees, shareholders, society and other stakeholders. The

119、 concept systematically answers the basic questions we face in our development. It provide us with important support and basis to promote culture-led social responsibility model and explore social responsibility with Chinese architectural characteristics.责任创新Responsibility Innovation发布中建信条,探索文化引领型社会

120、责任模式中建信条一脉传承优秀的上海品茶基因, 充分展现了 “将责任根植于文化” 的创新性理念, 精心梳理了卓越的经营管理思想, 承载着全体员工共同的期冀。 中建信条 明确了我们在处理与客户、 员工、 股东、 社会等利益相关方的关系时, 必须信奉与秉承的最基本的原则与理念, 系统地解答了企业发展过程中最基本的问题。 中建信条是我们实施文化引领型社会责任推进模式, 开创具有中国建筑特色社会责任管理推进路径的重要支撑和依据。公司概况Company Profile 可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development 责任管理Responsi

121、bility Management利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and Engagement公司概况Company Profile 可持续发展背景Background Information on Sustainable Development 责任管理Responsibility Management利益相关方沟通参与Stakeholders Communication and Engagement利益相关方Stakeholders期望与要求Expectations and Demands沟通与回应方式Communication and Respon

122、se股东与投资者Shareholders and investors收益回报 Revenue and returns满意市值 Satisfying market value权益保护 Protection of rights and interests了解公司经营情况 Understanding of operating conditions提高盈利能力 Enhance profitability及时披露信息Disclose operational information in a timely manner遵守市场规则 Abide by the rules of the market客户Cus

123、tomers诚信履约 Fulfillment of promises with integrity信息透明 Information transparency高质量产品 High-quality products高品质服务 High-quality services合同执行 Fulfillment of contracts需求调查 Survey demands日常沟通 Offer daily communications建议与反馈 Provide suggestions and feedback环境Environment节能减排 Energy conservation and emission

124、reduction应对气候变化 Tackle with climate change节约资源 Save resources生态保护 Ecological protection绿色设计 Pursue green design绿色施工 Implement Green construction维护生态平衡 Maintain ecological balance绿色办公 Build a green office员工Employees共同成长 Common growth工资与福利保障 Salaries and benefits健康与安全 Health and safety人文关怀 Caring for

125、people权益保护 Protect rights and interests民主沟通 Use a democratic approach to communication教育培训 Offer education and training劳动保护 Provide labor protection行业Industry公平竞争 Fair competition推动行业技术进步Promote technological progress in the industry提升行业管理水平 Improve industrial management提升研发能力 Improve R&D capability

126、参加行业发展论坛Participate in the forums on industry development管理提升 Improve management战略合作伙伴与供应链Strategic partners & supply chain共同发展 Mutual development合作共赢 Win-win cooperation资源共享 Sharing of resources公开公正 Open and just公开采购 Fair procurement信守承诺 Fulfillment of promises保证付款 Secure payments协议合同执行 Fulfillment

127、 of agreements and contracts高层互访 Offer mutual visits by senior management定期会议 Conduct regular meetings多渠道合作与研究 Provide multi-channel cooperation建议与支持 Offer recommendations and support公开采购信息 Disclose procurement information谈判与交流 Support negotiations and exchanges政府、 社区与公众Government,community and the

128、public遵纪守法 Abide by laws and regulations依法纳税 Pay taxes in accordance with laws促进就业、 教育培训Promote employment, education and training公益慈善、 社区参与Conduct public welfare and charities and participate in the community带动当地产业发展Boost development of local industries推动社区公共事业发展Promote the development of community

129、 public services合规管理 Compliance management主动纳税 Pay taxes on time支持与引导 Offer support and guidance培训与宣传 Conduct training and propaganda沟通活动 Provide communication activities公益行动 Carry out public welfare initiatives优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate Governance坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations增强发展能力Enhancing Dev

130、elopment CapacitySHAREHOLDERSContributing to the Value Space股东拓展价值空间23拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment22拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment中国建筑关注股东长期、 持续的收益和回报。 我们致力于建立良好的投资者关系, 健全股东权益保护机制,真实、 准确、 完整、 及时地披露公司信息。 我们不断提升盈利能力, 强化风险防控, 以良好的经营业绩保障股东价值的最优化和持续性。We have a strong tradition o

131、f focusing on shareholders long-term and sustained returns. We have build good relations with investors, constantly look to improve our protection of shareholders rights and interests, and disclose information in an accurate, complete and timely manner. We aim at increasing our profitability, and ar

132、e regularly strengthening our risk prevention and control system to ensure optimal and sustained value for shareholders through good operation performances.优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate GovernanceIn accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law and other regulations, as well as the institutional requ

133、irements for modern enterprise, we have established a standard corporate governance structure. We have also set up Shareholders General Meeting, Board of Directors, Supervision Committee, Management Level and Functional Organizations. Moreover, we have established three special committees including

134、a Strategy and Decision-making Committee, an Auditing Committee, and a Personnel and Remuneration Committee under the Board of Directors to discuss major issues and provide formal proposals to the Board for consideration. We have clear and standardized rules of procedure and working processes for ou

135、r Shareholders General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Supervision Committee.我们按照 公司法 、 证券法等法律规定和现代企业制度要求, 建立健全规范的法人治理结构, 设立股东大会、 董事会、 监事会、 经营层和职能机构。 董事会内部设立战略与决策委员会、 审计委员会、 人事与薪酬委员会三个专门委员会, 研究讨论提交董事会审议的重大事项, 形成正式提案。股东大会、 董事会和监事会均制定了明确的议事规则和工作程序, 运作机制规范, 机构运转协调。我们不断优化和完善治理机制, 充分发挥董事会在公司治理中的核

136、心作用, 对投资项目和运营管理进行全过程监控, 控制风险, 助力公司实现可持续发展。We are optimizing and improving our governance mechanisms, utilizing the role of the Board, and conducting full-process monitoring in all of our investment projects and optional management to control risks and help us in our pursuit of sustainable developmen

137、t.利润总额进入中央企业前 10 强。连续 7 年获得中央企业负责人经营业绩考核 A 级。公司信用等级被中国对外承包工程商会评定为对外承包工程企业信用等级评价 AAA 级; 被中诚信国际信用评级有限公司, 中国工商银行、 中国农业银行、 中国银行、 中国建设银行、 中国交通银行评定为 AAA 资信等级。在第八届中国上市公司董事会金圆桌奖中, 公司荣获最佳董事会奖, 公司董秘荣获最具创新力董秘奖。 在上交所2012 年度公司治理专项奖中, 公司入围董事会奖前 20 位。面对市场基础建设投资下滑和房地产调控, 公司积极调整业务结构, 保证了业务盈利的稳定性。 东兴证券股份有限公司行业分析师 郑闵钢

138、与其他建筑和地产公司相比, 中国建筑业绩持续增长, 确定性强。 中国国际金融有限公司行业分析师 丁玥中国建筑房建业务稳健推行 “大项目” 战略, 充足在手订单保证收入稳定增长。 同时, 商品房开发领域良好的品牌和管理优势, 也将平稳应对市场波动。 中国银河证券股份有限公司行业分析师 罗泽兵中国新型城镇化规划在未来有望逐步落实, 中国建筑在房建工程领域引领行业创新发展模式, 有望在中、 西部地区城镇化率提升过程中显著受益。 国泰君安证券股份有限公司行业分析师 韩其成Ranked among the Top 10 central enterprises by gross profit.Awarde

139、d Class-A Prize in the Examination of Business Performance 7 years in a row.Rated as AAA Chinese international contractor by China International Contractors Association (CHINCA) and rated as AAA credit rating by China Chengxin Credit Rating Co., Ltd., Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricul

140、tural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Bank of Communication.Our Board of Directors was given the “Prize for Best Board of Directors”, and its secretary was granted the Prize for the most Creative Secretary in the Eighth Selection of Golden Round Table Prize for Board of Dir

141、ectors of China Listed Companies. The company was nominated as a “Top 20 Board of Directors” in the selection of 2012 prize for corporate governance among the companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Facing an investment downturn in the infrastructure construction market and tighter real est

142、ate regulations, the company made positive adjustments to its business structure to ensure its stable profitability. Zheng Mingang, Analyst of Dongxing Securities Co., Ltd.Compared with other building and real estate companies, CSCEC has maintained steady performance. Ding Yue, Analyst from China In

143、ternational Capital Corporation LimitedChina Construction has steadily promoted “big project” strategy in housing construction business, and its sufficient orders in hand have ensured the stable growth in its operating income. In the meanwhile, with its good brand and management advantages in the fi

144、eld of real estate development, China Construction will also steadily deal with the fluctuations in the markets. Luo Zebing, Analyst of China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd.China is expected to gradually implement the new urbanization planning in the future, and China Construction is leading the innovat

145、ion and development model of the industry in the fields of housing construction and engineering, so it will be expected to significantly benefit from increasing the urbanization rate in the central and western regions. Han Qicheng, from Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd.荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakehold

146、ers Comments股东大会Shareholders General Meeting监事会Supervision Commitee 战略与决策委员会Strategy and Decision-making Committee审计委员会Auditing Committee人事与薪酬委员会Personnel and Remuneration Committee优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate Governance 坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations 增强发展能力Enhancing Development Capacity董事会Office o

147、f The Board经营层Management Level职能机构Functional Organisations 25拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment24拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment2010、2011 和 2012 年廉洁文化建设具体行动Measures to build a corruption-free culture in 2010, 2011 and 2012我们重视诚信经营, 遵守国家法律法规、 国际惯例和商业道德, 不断完善自身制度和管理体系, 使企业诚信经营有章可循;

148、强化运营管控, 夯实诚信基础;建立信息披露机制, 接受外部监督, 以诚信经营提升公司内在品质和价值创造能力。 全年未发生偷税漏税事件。合规管理我们以总法律顾问制度为核心, 制定和执行合规管理制度, 培育合规管理文化, 防范合规风险; 将信息化全面覆盖法律管理业务, 初步实现法律管理信息化;建立海外法律管理体系, 健全海外法律风险防范机制,不断推动合规管理工作标准化、 信息化和国际化。Making investigations before deciding to invest in major projects:independent directors make on-the-spot in

149、vestigations at the investment evaluation stage to reduce decision-making risks;Focusing on the performance of invested projects: fully evaluating the performance of invested projects, and tracking the implementation of decisions and changes to the decision-making process to effectively control inve

150、stment risks and recover expected investment returns;Monitoring the entire process for major operational activities: utilizing the supervising role of independent directors, monitoring operational and management activities, participating in risk management and internal controls.We conduct all operat

151、ions in good faith, abide by state laws and regulations, international conventions and business ethics, and always seek to improve our internal structure and management system for honest operations. We regularly strengthen our operational management processes, and are consolidating our credit basis.

152、 We have established an information disclosure mechanism and accept supervision from external bodies to better improve our internal quality and value creation capacity. Throughout the year, no tax evasion occurred at CSCEC.Compliance ManagementWe make centralized legal consultation system at the cor

153、e, formulate and implement a complicance management system to prevent compliance risks. We have raised legal awareness among our staff and implemented an information management system for legal affairs as well as established an overseas legal management system. We are working to improve these mechan

154、isms so as to prevent overseas legal risks and standardize our international compliance management system.重大投资项目决策前调研: 在投资评审阶段, 公司董事实地考察项目, 减少决策风险;关注已投资项目情况: 全面评估投资项目实施情况,跟踪了解公司决策意见落实和决策条件变化情况, 有效控制投资风险和预期投资收益回收;全程监控重大经营行为: 发挥独立董事事中监督作用, 参与并监控风险管理、 内部控制等重大经营行为,与监事会事后监督职能形成互补。坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest O

155、perationsAbide by all laws and create a company-wide compliance atmosphereEstablish compliance working standardsControl all major legal risksPrint and distribute Intellectual Property Management Manual and Contract Management Handbook and sub-contract template for construction engineering建立合规工作标准印发

156、知识产权管理手册 、 合同管理手册 及工程分包分供合同范本Organize the June 5th Legal Knowledge Debate Contest组织 “六五” 普法辩论赛Promote the legal consultation for all projects and establish a mechanism for reporting the legal risks associated with projects推进项目法律顾问工作, 建立项目法律风险报告机制营造守法合规氛围控制重大法律风险我们规范合同管理, 严格遵守合同规定, 履行合同义务, 全年未发生重大违规事

157、件。内部审计我们重视内部审计监督, 在深化审计体制改革,加强审计信息化、 标准化的基础上, 重点关注投资、 工程项目治理、 干部监管、 结算收款、 绩效考核等领域。2012 年, 我们开展审计项目 620 项。 通过审计监督, 不断完善企业内部控制、 改进风险管理、 规范公司治理、促进公司可持续发展。商业道德我们坚持标本兼治、 综合治理、 惩防并举、 注重预防的工作方针, 全面推进惩防体系建设、 廉洁文化建设、 廉洁风险防控等反腐倡廉工作, 促进 “规范企业行为, 净化企业环境, 服务社会发展” 目标的实现。我们深入开展廉洁文化建设, 宣传陈超英先进典型, 对领导人员、 监督系统人员和普通员工

158、开展针对性培训, 推动党风廉政建设责任制全面覆盖公司总部,事业部, 二级至三级单位和项目管理部, 初步实现了廉洁文化建设工作常态化和标准化。 全年开展反腐倡廉教育活动 2,531 场次, 参加反腐倡廉教育活动 98,319人次。We standardized our contract management system, honored all provisions in our contracts and respected our contractual obligations. In 2012, no significant violations occurred in the comp

159、any.Internal AuditWe pay much more attention to internal audit supervision and focus on investment, project management, cadre monitoring, balancing accounts, performance assessment,and other fields on the basis of deepening audit system reform, strengthening audit informatization and standardization

160、. In 2012, we audited 620 items to improve our internal control and risk management and regulate corporate governance, through which we urged the sustainable development in our company.Business EthicsAdhering to the principles of seeking both temporary and permanent solutions, carrying out comprehen

161、sive controls, taking measures that prevent and punish wrongful acts, and paying close attention to preventative measures, we have fully implemented anti-corruption initiatives that standardize our corporate activities, clean our corporate environment, and serve our social development.We have taken

162、extensive efforts to embed a corruption-free culture throughout the company. By publicizing our advanced Chen Chaoying model, we have set targets and conduct tailored training for leaders, supervisors and other employees. Having a corruption-free culture in our headquarters , all business department

163、s, secondary and tertiary units, and project management departments made us realize a standardized approach to anti-corruption. In 2012, we conducted 2,531 anti-corruption education activities for 98,319 participants.优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate Governance 坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations 增强发展能力Enhan

164、cing Development Capacity优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate Governance 坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations 增强发展能力Enhancing Development Capacity廉洁文化建设具体行动Measures to Build a Corruption-free Culture201020112012廉洁文化建设示范点立项 (个)Items demonstrating the importance of building a corruption-free culture (items)1882454

165、21警示案例教育 (人次)Education campaigns with warning cases (person-time) 29,24320,52134,081签订党风廉政责任书 (份)Signing a “Letter of Responsibility on Building a Corruption-free Culture” ( copies)252535各级领导人员实行廉洁承诺 (人次)Anti-corruption commitments of all leaders (person-time)3,6888,6369,767领导人员述职述廉 (人次)Leadership d

166、ialogue on the promotion of an anti-corruption culture(person-time)2,5893,9505,429学习 国有企业领导人员廉洁从业若干规定 和党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则 (人次)Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations for Senior Management of State-owned Enterprises and the Anti-corruption Rules & Regulations on Political Practices for Party Leaders(person-t

167、ime)17,76412,41030,20027拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment26拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environmentAdhering to the PRSII and “Three Big” (Big market, big proprietor, and big projects) strategy, we are committed to offering quality that benefits our overall development and promote the tran

168、sformation of our corporate development model. By implementing a detailed management system that features “one cutting, two eliminations, three centralizations”, and creating the N+1, N+2 value with N-1 resource consumption and costs, we intend to increase our profitability, strengthen our risk prev

169、ention and enhance our control mechanisms to ensure optimal and sustained value to shareholders.Development StrategyIn combination with the strategic objective of the “One Most and Two Entries” approach, we have formulated the PRSII (professionalization, regionalization, standardization, informatiza

170、tion and internationalization) development strategy, which sets the direction for how we aim to become the most internationally competitive building real estate group in the world. In 2012, we went on promoting our PRSII strategy further. We set up specialized companies possessing superior resources

171、 by means of internal integration and external merger and acquisition. We continued to strenthen resource allocation in important regions to maximize our benefit and realize sustainable development at regional level and promoted standardization and informatization simultaneously to improve our ways

172、in production and management gradually. We realized scale expansion and benefit increasing in overseas operation, which enhanced our internationalization further.Marketing Strategy We are committed to our “big market, big proprietor, big project” strategy, and see strategic cooperation and key custo

173、mer marketing as an essential part of our future success. Through high-end marketing initiatives, we have transformed from focusing solely on big markets to regional markets, from being a big proprietor to a cooperative owner and from focusing on big projects to projects that are mutually beneficial

174、 to all parties. We have done this to optimize our project structure and regional distribution.In 2012, we increased the quality of our contracts and the number of big projects that we were involved in. The value of contracts signed with key customers exceeded RMB 450 billion, accounting for nearly

175、50% of the total value of contracts that year. The average value of a single housing construction project contract was RMB 350 million, an increase of 21% over the previous year.发展策略我们围绕 “一最两跨、 科学发展” 战略目标, 制定“专业化、 区域化、 标准化、 信息化和国际化” 发展策略,为成为最具国际竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团指明了前进方向。2012 年, “五化” 发展策略继续向纵深推进。 我们通过内部整

176、合和外部并购的方式, 成立了具有优势资源的专业公司; 不断强化重点区域资源配置强度, 努力实现区域层面的效益最大化和可持续发展; 交融推进标准化和信息化, 企业生产和管理方式逐步提升; 海外经营实现规模效益双增长, 国际化水平进一步提高。营销策略我们坚持 “大市场、 大业主、 大项目” 策略, 将战略合作和大客户营销作为重要内容, 努力提升营销层次。 通过高端营销, 我们实现了大市场向区域化市场、大业主向合作型业主、 大项目向效益型项目的转变升级, 产品结构、 区域布局不断优化。2012 年, 合同质量进一步提升, 大项目比重明显增加。 与大客户签署合作项目金额突破 4,500 亿元, 占总合

177、同额近 50%。 房建承包单体项目平均合同额达 3.5亿元, 同比增加 21%。增强发展能力Enhancing Development Capacity我们坚持 “五化” 发展策略和 “三大” 市场策略,致力于质量效益型发展, 推进企业发展模式的转变。实施 “一裁短、 两消灭、 三集中” 等精细化管理, 通过N-1的资源消耗和成本费用去创造 N+1、 N+2 的价值,不断提升盈利能力, 强化风险防控, 保障股东价值的最优化和持续性。信息公开我们秉承 “诚, 而后沟通” 的原则, 以投资者关系管理、 信息披露等制度为基本保障, 构建全方位的投资者关系管理体系。 通过定期报告、 临时公告等信息披露

178、渠道,路演、反路演等直接沟通渠道, 真实、 全面、 及时披露公司信息, 建立与投资者和社会公众全面沟通信息的桥梁, 同时充分满足资本市场、 监管机构等利益相关方的信息需求。2012 年, 我们按规定披露信息 68 份, 其中定期报告 4 份、 临时公告 49 份、 其它信息15 份, 平均每 7 个交易日有 2 份信息与资本市场见面; 举行 3 次大型业绩路演及10 多场反路演, 面对面满足投资者的深度需求。2012 年度中期业绩推介会 2012 Interim Results Conference法国巴黎银行赴郑州富士康项目反路演BNP Paribas Held a Reverse Road

179、show at Fushikang Shopping Mall in ZhengzhouInformation DisclosureInformation disclosure is vital to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of shareholders and to promoting standardized operations. By means of information disclosure channels such as periodical reports and interim announcemen

180、ts and direct communication channels such as roadshow and reverse road show, we disclose information in a comprehensive and timely way, and are always building bridges to help us better communicate with investors and the public. We believe these are the best ways to meet the information needs of sta

181、keholders such as capital markets and regulatory agencies, among others.In 2012, we had disclosed 68 copies of information in accordance with regulations, including four periodical reports, 49 interim announcements, and 15 copies of other information. Two copies of information were released to the c

182、apital market in an average of seven days. We held three big performance roadshows and more than ten reverse roadshows to meet the further needs of investors face to face. 应用电话邮件短信等方式By telephone, email and SMS 业绩路演主动向投资者推介公司信息快捷传递信息、 增进了解资本市场研究报告反路演投资者策略会投资者接待会对研究机构撰写报告给予全面支持和帮助组织投资者对项目进行实地考察沟通交流公司

183、发展状况、 行业前景等以专业知识解答投资者各种疑问和难题Actively introduce company information to investorsDeliver information rapidly to increase overall understandingCapital Market Research ReportsReverse RoadshowInvestor Strategy MeetingInvestor ReceptionSupport and assist research institutions that compile reportsOrganize

184、investors to make on-the-spot project investigationsCommunicate about company developments and industry prospectsAnswer investors questions and problems with professional knowledgePerformance Roadshow向投资者公开信息的主要方式Main channels to disclose information to investors优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate Governance

185、 坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations 增强发展能力Enhancing Development Capacity优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate Governance 坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations 增强发展能力Enhancing Development Capacity29拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment28拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment2012 年, 我们实施效能监察立项 466 项, 提出效能监察建

186、议 6,598 项, 监察决定 165 项, 形成监察报告 423 份, 完善改进制度 336 项, 新建制度 131 项,直接挽回经济损失 718.9 万元, 避免经济损失 4,062.5万元, 间接创造经济效益 4,530 万元。风险管理我们加大风险管控工作, 将财务损失、 内部控制、人员安全、 企业声誉及持续发展能力等重大事项纳入风险评估范围, 设立风险评估标准, 收集和确定重大风险, 统计分析风险发生的可能性以及发生后对目标的影响程度, 制定防范和应急措施。 我们拟定 资本市场突发事件应急预案 , 识别各类资本市场突发事件,引入分级预警和应急响应机制, 进一步完善突发事件应急管理体系。

187、效能监察图板Efficiency Supervision Bulletin公司承办中央企业效能监察工作推进会The Company Organized the Conference on Promoting Efficiency Supervision among Central EnterprisesIn 2012, we established 466 items, received 6,598 efficiency monitoring suggestions, and made 165 supervisory decisions that resulted in 423 supervi

188、sion reports, 336 improved systems and established 131 new rules and regulations. As a result, RMB 7.189 million of direct economic losses were recovered and RMB 40.625 million in economic losses were avoided for an indirect financial gain of RMB 45.30 million.Risk ManagementWe have intensified our

189、risk management and control efforts by incorporating financial losses, internal controls, personnel security, corporate reputation, sustainable development capability and other major items into the risk evaluation system. This has resulted in the development of prevention and emergency measures such

190、 as a risk evaluation standard, collecting and defining information on major or significant risks, and providing statistical analysis on all potential risks and their possible impact on our short- and long-term objectives. We have also formulated the Emergency Plan for Capital Markets, identified re

191、levant emergencies in capital market, and introduced a level-to-level early warning and emergency response mechanism to improve our emergency management system.创优评奖效能监察工作方法效能监察工作体系Working System for Efficiency SupervisionWorking Methods for Efficiency SupervisionA-Good Award结合 ISO 9000 质量管理体系,运用风 险管

192、理、 内部控制等现代企业管理理论与技术覆盖勘察设计、 施工、 地产、 装饰、 园林等核心业务成立效能监察学会Combine modern enterprise management theory and technology like the ISO9000 quality management system, risk management and internal controlsCover core businesses such as surveying and design, construction, real estate, decorations and gardening,

193、among othersEstablish an efficiency supervision society充分性监察, 看 “有没有” 健全 的制度规定适宜性监察, 看制度规定得 “好不好”符合性监察, 看业务行为过程是否按照制度执行有效性监察, 看业务执行结果是否实现绩效考核目标Monitor adequacy to check if systems and regulations are adequate or notMonitor suitability to check if systems and regulations are suitable or notMonitor co

194、mpliance to check if business activities are done according to relevant rulesMonitor effectiveness to check if business results meet the objectives of performance assessment两年举行一次效能监察成果金奖项目评比给予金奖税后 25 万元奖励组织效能监察高级评审员考试, 确立高级评审员资格 Appraise a golden-prize project every two years to ensure it meets our

195、 efficiency supervision performance targetsAward a bonus of RMB 250,000 (after tax) to gold prize winnerOrganize a senior assessor examination for efficiency supervision and establish a senior assessor position运营类风险战略类风险应收账款风险Risk of accounts receivable宏观经济风险Macroeconomic risks投资风险Investment risks项目

196、管理风险国际化及海外运营风险Project management risksRisks of internationalization and overseas operation税务风险Taxation risks财务类风险Operational risksStrategic risksFinancial risksCase Study: Strictly Deal with Regulation-violating Investment EventOne subordinate company of China Construction did not abide by relevant

197、procedures for examination and approval of CSCECs Regulations on Investment Management seriously when investing in a BT project for a bridge. In addition to a notice of criticism, the Supervision Committee suspended its investment right on new project development in a year, made deductions in the pe

198、rformance assessment in accordance with the provisions and urged it to make timely rectification.We abide by investment rules, strengthen corporate investment management in the system and deal with illegal enterprises strictly, which help us evade investment risks fully.我们严肃投资纪律, 加强所属企业的投资管理,严格处理违规企

199、业, 全力规避投资风险。案例:严肃处理违规投资事件中建某下属公司在投资某桥梁 BT 项目时, 未严格按照股份公司投资管理规定履行有关审批程序。公司监督委员会对此除给予通报批评外, 按照规定暂停其一年新项目拓展投资权, 并在业绩考核中给予扣分处理, 督促其及时整改。效能监察我们将效能监察作为促进企业管理提升、 核心业务管理标准化的重要工具, 推进效能监察工作的 “三创”活动: 创建效能监察工作体系、 创新效能监察工作方法、创优评奖, 不断提升效能监察工作的制度化、 规范化和专业化水平。 Efficiency SupervisionRegularly supervising our efficie

200、ncy is an important tool that helps us promote improvements to corporate management and standardize our core business management model. We have prioritized efficiency monitoring activities, including the establishing of a working system for efficiency supervision, the innovation of working methods a

201、nd A-Good Award, so as to systematically improve our efficiency monitoring, planning and professional conduct.优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate Governance 坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations 增强发展能力Enhancing Development Capacity优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate Governance 坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations 增强发展能力Enha

202、ncing Development Capacity31拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment30拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment2012 年2012 年2011 年2011 年2010 年2010 年157.4136.493.6归属上市公司净利润 (亿元人民币)Net profit of the Company (100 million RMB)归属上市公司净利润157.4亿元人民币The Company made a net profit of 15.74 billion RMB36.933.

203、624年末母公司可供股东分配利润 (亿元人民币)Profit Attributable from the Parent Company to Shareholders at the End of 2012 (100 million RMB)年末母公司可供股东分配利润36.9亿元人民币With 3.69 billion RMB of profit attributable from the parent company to shareholders at the end of 20122012 年2012 年2011 年2011 年2010 年2010 年10,5739,4368,095新签合

204、同额 (亿元人民币)Value of Newly Signed Contracts (100 million RMB)5,7154,9133,773营业收入 (亿元人民币)Operating Revenue (100 million RMB)2012 年2012 年2011 年2011 年2010 年2010 年301.6261.6196.4利润总额 (亿元人民币)Gross Profits (100 million RMB)522.2453.4347.7利税总额 (亿元人民币)Gross Revenue (100 million RMB)2012 年2012 年2011 年2011 年201

205、0 年2010 年60,76050,44038,496年度施工面积 (万平方米)Annual Accumulated Construction Area (10,000 m2)18,52818,47916,105年度新开工面积 (万平方米)Annual Accumulated New Construction Area (10,000 m2)2012 年2012 年2011 年2011 年2010 年2010 年8,1346,4845,822年度竣工面积 (万平方米)Annual Accumulated Completed Area (10,000 m2)11,1018,2756,237年度施

206、工图设计面积 (万平方米)Annual Construction and Design Area (10,000 m2)1,5624254376,7176,1945,365期末土地储备 (万平方米)Term-end Land Reserve (10,000 m2)2012 年2012 年2011 年2011 年2010 年2010 年地产年度入伙面积 (万平方米)Annual Real Estate Delivered Area (10,000 m2)项目 ITEM2009 年2010 年2011 年全国Nationwide 中建CSCEC 占比Rate 全国Nationwide 中建CSCE

207、C占比Rate 全国Nationwide 中建CSCEC 占比Rate 建筑业总产值 (亿元)Gross Product of Construction Industry (100 million RMB) 76,808 1,981 2.6% 96,031 2,914 3.0%117,060 3,957 3.4%当年新签建筑业合同额 (亿元)Value of New Construction Contracts Signed (100 million RMB) 85,248 3,642 4.3%110,359 6,830 6.2%128,794 7,977 6.2%房屋施工面积 (万平方米)A

208、ccumulated Construction Area (10,000 m2)588,594 26,517 4.5%708,024 36,309 5.1%851,828 47,604 5.6%房屋竣工面积 (万平方米)Accumulated Completed Area (10,000 m2)245,402 5,073 2.1%227,450 5,547 2.4% 316,429 6,103 1.9%主要指标在全国建筑业完成情况占比Completion Rate of Key Indicators in Construction Industry Nationwide注: 表中全国数据来源于

209、国家统计局国家统计数据库网站。Note: National data in the form comes from statistics database website of National Bureau of Statistics of China.盈利能力我们建立健全投资者权益保护机制, 关注股东长期、 持续的收益与回报, 不断提升盈利能力, 强化风险防控, 以良好的经营业绩保障投资者价值的最优化和持续性。 2012 年, 每股收益 0.52 元, 经济增加值105.8 亿元人民币, 资产负债率 78.6%。Profitability We have established and c

210、ontinue to improve our mechanism for the protection of investors rights and interests. And we pay close attention to shareholders long-term and continuous returns, regularly improve our profitability and strengthen risk prevention and controls to ensure optimal and sustained value to investors throu

211、gh our good operational performance. In 2012, the contribution value of per share was 0.52, the economic value added was 10.58 billion RMB, the asset-liability rate was 78.6%.优化公司治理Optimizing Corporate Governance 坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations 增强发展能力Enhancing Development Capacity优化公司治理Optimizing

212、Corporate Governance 坚持诚信经营Upholding Honest Operations 增强发展能力Enhancing Development Capacity(合并财务报表中的 2010 年度及2011年度的比较数据已重新列报)(The compatative data of 2011 and 2012 in the consolidated financial statement is presented again.)CUSTOMERContributing to the Quality Space客户拓展品质空间建筑领域Scope of Construction地

213、产领域Scope of Real Estate35拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment34拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate 建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate Awarded 13 China Construction Engineering Luban Awards 13.13% of all such prizes in Chi

214、na, including three Overseas Engineering Luban Awards.Granted 22 Silver Awards as a National Excellent Project 11.51% of all such prizes in China.Awarded eight China Civil Engineering Zhantianyou Awards57.14% of all such prizes in China.Granted five Zhantianyou Golden Prizes for Best Residential Dis

215、trict.The Laos International Convention Center project, the main venue of the Ninth Asia-Europe Summit, was a large scale, high-quality, and time sensitive project. Within a few months the quality of the project had already started to take shape. I thank the builders for their hard work. He Guoqiang

216、, the Former Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central CommitteeIt is a miracle for Xiangyang, an ancient city, to build such a beautiful cable-stayed bridge on Hanjiang. CSCEC 3rd Engineering Bure

217、au has made strenuous efforts and accomplished an amazing achievement. Fan Ruiping, Secretary of CPC Xiangyang Committee and Member of Standing Committee of CPC Hubei CommitteeSeeing such a beautiful and magnificent modern building, I feel as if I am in the dream. In the history of Laos, it is the f

218、irst building to be built so fast and to such high quality. Yao Bing, Vice Chairman of Laos Vientiane China Executive CouncilThe Bahamas project plays an important role in the communities, society and economy of the Bahamas. Your work was a great achievement. I am very proud of you. Hu Shan, Chinese

219、 Ambassador to BahamasCombining with abilities of local suppliers, all the Chinese builders endeavor to build a transformable project which Bahamians are proud of. I thank Chinese builders for their sustainable effort to strengthen relationship between China and Bahamas. And I think China for its gr

220、eat contribution to Bahamas all the time. Chrystie, Prime Minister of BahamasHow great Chinese people are! Its amazing! praised by the president of Equatorial Guinea when visiting NEDPCC building built by CSCECThe construction, the quality and the design are second to none. Praised by Prime Minister

221、 of Ethiopia when visiting the project of the Conference Center of African Union built by CSCECBenazir Bhutto International Airport in Islamabad is the expectation of previous federal governments. The relevant work has started before we came into power. However the terminal, the most important secti

222、on of the airport, will be constructed by our most trusted Chinese friends. I am sure it will be finished on time and I am filled with anticipation. Mukhtar, Defense Minister of PakistanTianjin Tower has become one of the most important financial centers in North China. Its construction is an honor

223、that belongs to us, but especially to you. Tianjin Tower is labeled as one of the most important landmark buildings in Tianjin. We are very proud of this achievement and so you should be. Lv Hongbin, General Manager of Tianjin Tower Real Estate Co., Ltd. at Financial Street荣获中国建筑工程鲁班奖 13 项, 占奖项总数的 1

224、3.13%, 其中包括 3 项境外工程鲁班奖。荣获国家优质工程银质奖 22 项, 占奖项总数的 11.51%。荣获中国土木工程詹天佑大奖 8 项, 占建筑工程类奖项总数的 57.14%。荣获詹天佑奖优秀住宅小区金奖 5 项。老挝国际会议中心项目作为第九届亚欧首脑会议的主会场, 规模大、 质量要求高、 工期十分紧张、 建设任务光荣而艰巨。 短短几个月时间内, 项目已初具规模, 工程质量也很好, 感谢建设者们的辛勤努力。 时任中共中央政治局常委、 中纪委书记 贺国强在汉江上建造这样一座美丽的斜拉索大桥, 对于襄阳这样一座古城是一个奇迹, 中国建筑不容易、 了不起。 湖北省委常委、 襄阳市委书记 范

225、锐平感觉就像梦幻一样, 这么一个美丽壮观又现代化的建筑, 在老挝历史上从来没有建得这么快这么好的建筑。 老挝万象中华理事会副理事长 姚冰巴哈马项目在巴哈马各界、 社会和经济中起到了十分重要的作用, 做出了很大的成绩, 我为你们取得的成绩感到十分的骄傲。 中华人民共和国驻巴哈马国大使馆大使 胡山建设一个让巴哈马人民自豪的工程, 结合当地政府供应商的能力, 真正创建一个有改造力的项目。 感谢中方员工在增强两国关系方面做出的持续的努力, 感谢中国对巴哈马一直以来做出的巨大的贡献。 巴哈马总理 克里斯蒂中国人太伟大了 , 太了不起了! 赤道几内亚总统视察中国建筑承建国调中心工程时称赞 一流的施工, 一

226、流的质量, 一流的设计! 埃塞俄比亚总理视察中国建筑承建的援非盟会议中心工程时称赞伊斯兰堡贝布托国际新机场是几届联邦政府的期望, 现在所有工作都在眼前开始运作, 而且由巴基斯坦最信赖的中国朋友来实施其中最重要的航站楼标段, 我对此表示放心并满怀期待。 巴基斯坦国防部长 穆赫塔尔津塔已成为华北最重要的金融中心之一, 这份荣耀属于我们, 也属于你们; 津塔被称为天津最重要的城市标志之一,这份骄傲源于我们, 更源于你们。 金融街津塔 (天津) 置业有限公司总经理 吕鸿斌荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments建筑领域Scope of Constructio

227、n37拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment36拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment全方位质量管理我们持续推进质量管理组织体系、 制度体系、 考核体系建设, 全方位地保障工程质量。 2012 年, 质量管理体系覆盖率 100%。Overall Quality Management We regularly promote improvements to our quality management system, the institutional system and assessment syst

228、em to ensure the quality of our projects. In 2012, we had a 100% pass rate in our coverage of the quality management system.客户的高度认同和充分信赖是我们价值的来源。 我们始终将客户利益放在首位, 将客户要求融入到施工建造的全过程, 为客户筑就精品工程、 提供最优服务, 努力为客户创造更多价值。坚持公平营销我们将公平理念贯穿到与客户合作全过程, 主动向客户提供详实工程服务信息, 坚定履行对客户的每一份承诺, 全力保障合同的公平制定与有效执行。 2012 年, 我们建筑合同

229、履约率 100% (会签评审率100%、 合同交底率 100%、 合同履行策划率 100%) 。Upholding Fair MarketingFairness plays a vital role in our cooperation with customers. We provide detailed engineering information and services, honor our commitments and ensure that our contracts are formulated fairly and implemented effectively. In 2

230、012, we had a 100% fulfillment rate for construction contracts. This included all aspects of reviewing, disclosing information, fulfilling and planning contracts.Having the trust and recognition of our customers is our strongest source of value. We prioritize their interests, integrating their requi

231、rements into the construction process so as to provide them with high-grade engineering and world-class services that provide exceptional value.筑就精品工程我们恪守 “品质重于泰山、 高于一切” 的信念, 通过全方位质量管理、 全员能力建设、 全过程质量控制,为客户奉献精品工程。 2012 年, 项目一次交验合格率为100%。Building High-grade EngineeringQuality is a top priority and we

232、always conduct holistic quality management in order to build capacity among our staff and provide full-process quality controls that guarantee high-grade engineering to our customers. In 2012, we had a 100% pass rate from our customers in the acceptance of completed projects.全过程质量控制Full-process Qual

233、ity Control全员能力建设Overall-staff Capacity Building全方位质量管理Overall Quality Management制度建设Institutional Improvement机构建设Institution Building设计Design设计人员Designers采购Purchasing采购人员Sourcing Staff施工建造Construction施工建造人员Construction Workers能力建设Capacity Building质量考核Quality Assessment加强科技设计质量管理体系建设、 完善科技设计质量管理制度St

234、rengthen the scientific and technological design quality management system, and improve all quality management institutions提升科技设计人员质量意识能力Enhance quality awareness of scientific and technological personnel and designers加强设计方面的质量控制Tighten quality controls for design开展设计质量考核Conduct assessments on desig

235、n quality加强采购管理制度建设Strengthen the procurement management systems提升采购人员质量意识能力Enhance quality awareness and capacity among sourcing staff加强采购方面的质量控制 Tighten quality controls in procurement开展采购质量考核Assess procurement quality提升施工人员质量意识能力Enhance quality awareness and capacity among construction workers加强施

236、工建筑过程中的质量控制Tighten quality controls in the construction process开展施工质量管理考核Implement assessments related to the construction quality management加强施工质量管理组织体系建设和制度体系建设Strengthen the construction quality management system and the institutional system设计: 经住房和城乡建设部批准, 成立建筑工程质量标准化技术委员会施工: 推进质量管理组织体系建设Design:

237、 establish a Technical Committee for Construction Engineering Quality Standardization approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural DevelopmentConstruction: promote the construction of a quality management system设计: 设立专门施工图设计文件审查机构,完善审查制度, 加强对施工设计文件审查采购: 完善采购流程, 分置采购核心权力;使用交易平台, 定期公布采购质量施工: 完善

238、 项目管理标准化考核办法 ,将项目管理标准化考核纳入二级企业绩效考核中Design: establish a special censorship on construction design documents to improve review mechanism and improve workProcurement: improve procurement procedures, decentralize core procurement rights, and utilize our trade platform to regularly publish information on

239、 sourcing qualityConstruction: improve the Assessment Rules on Project Management Standardization, and incorporate all assessment into performance evaluation of secondary enterprises设计: 制定 中建设计集团工程总承包项目评审办法 , 推进设计 -施工 一体化采购: 完成 中建股份集中采购手册 ,同步推行标准化手册与集中采购平台试点施工: 修订完善 中国建筑股份有限公司施工企业质量管理考核评价办法Design: f

240、ormulate the China Construction Engineering Design Group s Appraisal and Examination Rules on General Contracted Projects to promote the integration of the design and construction processProcurement: compile the CSCEC Central Procurement Manual, and implement pilot projects on the standardization ma

241、nual and centralized procurementConstruction: revise and improve the CSCEC Appraisal and Assessment Rules on Quality Management of Construction Enterprises机构建设 Institution Building监督考核Supervision and Assessment制度建设Institutional Improvement全方位质量管理Overall Quality Management招投标阶段At the bidding stage合同制

242、定阶段At the contracts formulation stage 施工建造阶段At the construction stage配备专人复核项目的各类信息, 为客户提供真实完整的工程业绩档案;制定招投标内部管理办法, 完善对外报送资料的评审机制, 配备专人审核招投标文件的真实性Assign staff to review all project information and provide customers with accurate and complete files on engineering performance;Develop internal regulation

243、s on bidding management, improve all mechanism for reviewing declared documents, and assign staff to review the authenticity of the bidding process and documents在合同制定前与客户洽商, 提出合理化建议, 帮助客户预防工程施工过程中可能出现的难题;在合同制定过程中, 将合理化建议、客户合理要求纳入到合同中, 有效解决工程专业性的信息不对称问题Negotiate with proprietors before formulating co

244、ntracts and put forward suggestions to prevent problems in the construction process;Incorporate suggestions and customers reasonable requirements into contracts related to the construction process and resolve any engineering information asymmetry成立重点工程督导组, 按照合同要求严控项目进度、质量,增强合同履约能力Establish a project

245、 steering group for key projects, strictly control the project schedule in accordance with the contract, and enhance contract performance建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate 建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate 39拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment38拓展幸福空间Expanding

246、 a happy living environment全过程质量控制精品工程源于过程控制。 我们将质量控制融入到设计、 采购、 施工、 竣工的全过程, 全力铸造精品。Overall process Quality Controls High-grade projects stem and succeed from professional process controls. We incorporate quality controls into the design, procurement, construction and completion process to create hig

247、h-quality projects.全员质量管理能力提升我们开展科技设计人员、 采购人员、 施工人员的培训, 不断提升员工质量意识。Overall-Staff Quality Management AdvancementWe provide training programs for all designers, procurement personnel and construction workers so as to raise their awareness on the importance of quality.科技设计人员Scientific and Technological

248、 Designers采购人员Sourcing Staff全员质量管理能力提升Overall-Staff Quality Management Advancement施工人员Construction Workers通过与施工技术杂志社合作举办“高层与超高层建筑论坛” , 组织召开 “中国建筑 2012 年技术交流研讨会” 等形式, 为技术人员创造学习交流平台Hold High-rise Building Forum in association with the Construction Technology Magazine Publishing House, and organize the

249、 “2012 CSCEC Technology Seminar” to create a learning platform for technicians.编制建筑材料采购教材, 组织采购人员开展原材料采购专项培训Prepare building material procurement training materials, and organize training sessions on sourcing.开展全面质量管理小组活动, 召开基层企业的质量专题会议; 推行 “以查代训” , 利用对项目质量检查的时机, 指导施工人员质量管理方法、 技术标准等Carry out total q

250、uality control group activities, hold conferences on the importance of quality in grassroots enterprises, promote inspections instead of trainings, and take advantage of quality inspections so as to train construction workers about quality management methods and technical standards.设计前: 掌握工程勘察地质资料、

251、参数、 水文特征等相关资料; 编制设计大纲, 建立设计校审制度;设计中 : 积极开展方案比选和设计方案优化,检查设计中可能出现的问题;设计后: 从功能、 安全、 可实施等角度开展评审Pre-design: master relevant materials of engineering investigation such as geological data, parameters, hydrological characteristics, compile design brief and establish censorship for design;Design: prioritize

252、 and optimize design scheme so as to find problems that may occur;Post-design: evaluate the design from different aspects such as function, security and operability制定质量管理制度、 落实岗位职责、 配备质量管理人员;制定项目的质量目标, 分析项目的施工特点与难点, 编制质量策划书及质量管理计划;编制施工方案、 技术交底等管理文件Formulate a quality management system, implement job

253、 responsibility guidelines, and arrange quality management staff;Set quality objectives for all projects, analyze anticipated features and difficulties during the project construction phase, and prepare a quality planning and management plan;Prepare a construction program and technical clarification

254、 paper and other management documents建立集中采购管理中心, 制定集中采购平台建设方案, 选定 15 家单位作为集中采购试点;对建筑材料性能及分包商资质提出明确的要求;监督建筑材料加工、 进入施工现场;严控分包商施工进度与质量Establish a centralized procurement management centre, develop a building program for the centralized procurement platform, and select 15 companies to participate in pil

255、ot project;Put forward clear requirements for the performance of building materials and the qualification of subcontractors;Supervise the manufacturing process and the delivering of building materials;Strictly control subcontractors construction progress and quality强化对施工作业层的工序、 工艺操作管理;落实 “样板引路制” 、 “

256、三检制” 、 “质量例会制” 等制度;明确并落实各专业的工长、 施工人员、 工艺质量第一责任人的质量管理岗位职责, 前移质量控制Strengthen management of the construction procedures, technical process and operations;Implement the “template guiding system” , the “three-inspection system” and the “regular quality meeting system” ;Clear and implement quality managem

257、ent job responsibilities for professional foremen, construction workers, key person liable in charge of the technical quality process参照内部验收制度, 重点检查隐蔽工程质量;组织客户、 监理等各方共同参与工程验收Focus on examining the construction quality in hidden projects according to the internal acceptance system;Organize clients, su

258、pervisory agencies and other parties to perform the acceptance system together设计阶段Design Phase采购阶段Procurement Phase施工准备阶段Preparation Phase施工阶段Construction Phase竣工阶段Completion Phase提供最优服务我们完善客户服务体系、 健全客户沟通渠道, 不断提升客户满意度, 全力与客户构筑长远、 共赢的伙伴关系。 2012 年, 保修期内的工程抽样客户总满意率为100%, 其中满意为 84.7%, 基本满意为15.3%。客户服务管理我

259、们建立了由董事长为一把手, 覆盖公司各个层级的客户服务组织体系, 不断健全客户服务管理制度,优化客户服务管理机制, 持续提升客户服务管理能力。我们颁布 中国建筑保密管理办法 , 设立保密机构, 明确保密机构职责, 划定文件保密级别, 与相关人员签署保密承诺书。做好客户沟通是留住客户、 提升客户忠诚度的重要举措。 我们完善客户沟通制度, 规范与客户交流的方式、 方法及流程, 实现与客户密切的互动。增值服务我们发挥 “全产业链一体化” 的优势, 主动为客户提供建筑一体化最优解决方案和综合服务, 不断满足、超越客户需求。我们为客户提供项目立项、 项目可行性研究、 融投资咨询与服务; 协助客户开展项目

260、勘察设计、 项目管理、招投标代理、 造价咨询; 向客户介绍新工艺、 新方法,在保障工程质量前提下降低施工成本; 编制工程使用说明书, 方便客户使用。Providing Best ServicesWe have improved our customer service system, customer communication channels and customer satisfactory, and will continue to build long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with our customers. In 2

261、012, we had a 100% customer satisfaction rate in the sampling of projects that were within the warranty period, of which we received an exceptional satisfaction rating of 84.7% and basic satisfaction rating of 15.3%.Customer Service ManagementWe have established a customer service system covering al

262、l levels of the company . The Chairman of the Board sits at the head and steers all improvements in customer service management system. He and his team also optimize the customer service management mechanism, and work to enhance our customer service management capability.We have enacted the CSCEC Re

263、gulations on Confidentiality Management and established confidentiality organizations. We follow all responsibilities related to confidentiality and grade all confidential documents to ensure privacy. And we also sign confidentiality commitments with all relevant personnel.Good communication with ou

264、r customers is vital to retaining their business and enhancing their loyalty towards our company. To this end, we regularly make improvements to our customer communication system, standardize our methods and procedures to achieve closer interaction with them.Value-added ServicesWe always utilize our

265、 competitive advantages fully to develop the entire industry chain, and actively provide customers with optimal solutions for integrated building and comprehensive services to satisfy and exceed our customers needs.We provide customers with services related to project application, project feasibilit

266、y studies, and financing and investment consultation in order to help them with project surveys and design, project management, bidding management and cost consulting. We have also introduced new technologies and methods to help customers reduce construction costs and ensure the quality of their pro

267、jects. For the convenience of our customers, we are preparing an engineering manual. 客户沟通方式、内容及特点The Channels, Content and Features of Communication with Customers沟通方式Channels沟通内容Contents沟通特点Features高层直接交流Direct communication with top management礼节性拜访、 战略合作谈判Courtesy call and strategic cooperation ne

268、gotiation实现与客户各层级的直接交流与沟通Realize direct communication with customers at all levels业务面谈、 需求调查Business interviews and surveys on demands业务主体内容交流Communication about the main business最直接最有效的沟通方式The most direct and effective communication channel电话、 网络、 短信交流Telephone, network and short message事件性交流Event

269、communication时间短、 效率高、 内容量大Short time, high efficiency and much information 建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate 建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate 41拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment40拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment中国海外第三次蝉联香港 “杰出上市企业大奖 2012” 。中海地产荣

270、获 2012 中国房地产开发企业品牌价值 20 强第 1名, 连续九年荣获 “中国房地产行业领导公司品牌” 。中海地产北京中海尚湖世家项目荣获第 49 届全美 Gold Nugget 奖项最高奖最佳社区奖。中建地产荣获第二届中国房地产家居口碑榜民意价值企业奖。2012 年 11月 21日, 我在外地出差, 老母亲一人在家。 由于早上家里电话一直没人接, 我担心老母亲安危, 情急之下联系客服人员小张。 小张和秩序员马上去了我们家, 在询问邻居、 看过监控记录后, 及时告诉我母亲外出了 ; 在母亲回来后, 他们又告诉我一次, 使我放下心了。 非常感谢这样负责的物业和员工! 北京中建琥珀天地项目业主

271、 郭先生楼房的质量, 结构比较不错, 住了这么多年, 没有质量问题, 窗户都很结实, 不变形。 深圳中海丽苑项目业主 曹女士房子设计不错、 施工不错, 外观来看, 5、 6 年没变化。 空间很合理, 建筑格局还可以, 小区的间隔比较大, 采光日照都比较满意。 北京中海城中海苑项目业主 薛女士荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments 地产领域Scope of Real Estate打造宜居典范Creating Livable Model Buildings品质策划我们主动收集、 分析客户产品需求和物业服务需求, 明确产品定位, 确定适宜的定价方式和产品

272、特点,全力打造有竞争力的产品与服务, 提升客户未来入住的舒适度。案例:客户需求调查在西安中建尚城项目开发前, 中建地产根据地块的属性及规划指标, 走访 50 余个城东社区,了解潜在客户的年龄、 职业、 收入、 家庭情况、 购买意向, 结合周边在售竞争项目的产品特点, 确定社区档次、 楼栋规划方向、 户型分布、 面积区段大小、价格等, 优化项目产品结构, 减少面积浪费。客户是企业价值的提供者和最终评判者。 我们按照客户的需求, 提升产品品质和服务能力, 努力为客户打造宜居典范。Our customers pass the final judgment on our corporate value

273、s. In accordance with our customers needs, we must strive to improve our product quality and services, and build livable buildings that help them maintain .Quality PlanningWe strive to take the initiative in collecting and analyzing customers demands on our buildings and property services. We aim at

274、 clearing our product positioning, and determining an appropriate price and our product features. We do this to create competitive products and services that enhance the living conditions and comfort of our customers.Case Study: Customer Needs SurveyBefore the Shangcheng project in Xian was started,

275、 CSC Land Group visited more than 50 communities to know the age, occupation, salaries, home background and purchase intention according to property of the land and planning index. Combing with the product features of competitive projects for sale nearby, we intensified the grade of community, build

276、ing orientation, house style, room area and price, which optimized the product structure and reduced the waste of building area.调查分析项目所在地的自然环境、 交通设施、 区域配套以及当地的气候与居住风俗习惯Investigate and analyze the natural environment, transportation facilities, regional support, local climate and living customs at al

277、l project locations确定产品质量等级、 质量目标, 明确社区档次定位、 楼栋规划方向、产品户型分布、 面积区段大小、 价格等Determine product quality and objectives at the community level, analyze the direction of future building plans, and investigate all aspects of housing distribution by type and segment size, and price将规划落实到设计理念、 设计方案中, 明确方案评审及图纸审

278、查重点, 确定技术、 施工工序等相关要求Integrate comprehensive planning into the design concepts and programs, clear all key program points and prepare for all inspections, and determine the technology and construction processes and other related requirements自然环境、 社会环境考察Inspection of the Natural and Social Environment

279、产品规划Product Planning产品设计Product Design开展潜在客户的产品需求调研, 了解客户对房屋的朝向、 面积、 价格、 设施的需求方向Investigate the product demands of potential customers to better understand their housing needs in building orientation, square footage, price and facilities产品需求调查Product Demand Survey向客户进行物业服务问卷调查, 了解客户物业服务需求; 对同区域、 同品牌

280、、 同时段、 同业态、 同品质的项目进行调查Conduct customer questionnaires and surveys to better understand their property service demands;Investigate projects of similar quality that were built during the same period and in the same area to gauge our current standing against similar brands物业服务需求调查Property Service Deman

281、d Survey建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate 建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate For the third year running, China Overseas Development was awarded the “2012 Outstanding Listed Enterprise Award” in Hong Kong.China Overseas Property ranked first among Top 20 real estate b

282、usiness brands in China in 2012, and has been the “Leading Brand in China Real Estate Industry” for nine consecutive years.Beijing Shanghu Villa Community of China Overseas Property was awarded the “Best Community Award” which was the highest ranked enterprise at the 49th American Gold Nugget Awards

283、.CSC Land Group was awarded the “Prize for Enterprise with Best Public Opinion Value” in the Second China Real Estate Home Reputation List.On 21 November, 2012, I went to another city on business and my old mother was alone at home. As nobody answered the phone one morning, I was worried about the s

284、afety of my mother. In my anxiety, I contacted Xiao Zhang, a customer service representative in my residential area. He and his colleague went to my house immediately. After asking neighbors and checking the camera records, they promptly called me back to tell me that my mother had gone out. When my

285、 mother returned, they phoned me to set my mind at ease. I am extremely grateful for the responsible property company and their exceptional staff. Mr. Guo, a resident of CSCEC Amber Land Residential AreaThe quality and structure of the housing is really good. Having lived in this residence for so ma

286、ny years, I havent had any problems with the quality of the building. The windows are strong and have kept their original shape. Ms. Cao, a resident of Shenzhen Zhonghai MansionThe house is well designed and the construction is world class. From its appearance, nothing has changed in five years. The

287、 space is reasonable and the building is beautifully designed. We are very satisfied with the daylighting effect that was built into the design. Ms. Xue, a resident of Beijing Zhonghai Mansion43拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment42拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment品质采购我们持续完善采购制度, 健全供应

288、商的考察与评价流程, 加强对供应商供货质量、 供货能力、 服务能力的监督考察, 全力采购高品质的产品与服务, 打造高品质的供应链。 2012 年, 供应商 / 承建商资质审核率100%、 建筑材料合格率 100%。质量控制我们视客户要求为产品质量的要求, 努力将客户要求贯穿到施工建造的全过程, 以客户需求优化产品质量。 2012 年, 项目工程质量目标实现率 100%, 质量管理体系覆盖率 100%。Quality ProcurementWe will continue to improve our procurement system, perfect our procedures for

289、the inspection and evaluation of suppliers so as to strengthen our supervision of supplier quality and service. We do this to procure high-quality products and services and to create a high-quality supply chain. In 2012, we had a 100 % inspection rate of supplier/contractor qualifications, and a 100

290、% pass rate for all building materials.Quality ControlRegarding customers requirements for product quality, we strive to ensure that all requirements are incorporated into the construction process in order to optimize the product quality according to their needs. In 2012, we had a 100% realization r

291、ate of our project quality goals, and our quality management system provided 100% coverage. 完善物资采购管理办法,明确规定物资的前期选样、供应商考察、招标流程、材料质量、到货验收、计划管理、供应商评估等Improve all regulations on material procurement and specify the early sampling, supplier inspections, bidding procedures, material quality, site acceptan

292、ce, planning management and supplier evaluations制定招标采购计划,编制招标文件和技术要求,开展供应商 / 承建商资格审查,确定供应商 / 承建商的供货能力、供货质量及服务能力Make plans for bidding and procurement, prepare bidding documents and technical requirements, conduct inspections of supplier/contractor qualifications, and determine their delivery capacit

293、y and their overall quality and service加强与供应商沟通,明确建筑材料各项性能标准,监督供应商建筑材料制作过程;考察承建商人员素质、执行设计理念与方案的能力等Strengthen communication with suppliers, specify performance criterion of building materials, and supervise suppliers production process for all building materials; Inspect the quality of the contractor

294、s employees, and their capacity to implement all design concepts and programs制度System流程Procedures落实Implementation加强对营销服务商营销方案的审核, 考察咨询服务商的服务质量Strengthen the inspection of the marketing of our marketing service providers, and evaluate the quality of their services营销阶段Marketing Phase依据 工程竣工质量验收移交工作指引

295、, 督促承建商开展自检;组建联合内部验房小组, 逐户查验房屋质量的缺陷, 知会承建商整改解决Urge contractors to conduct self-inspections in accordance with the Guidelines on Quality Acceptance and Delivery of Completed Projects;Establish an allied internal building-inspection team to conduct door-to-door inspection of quality defects, and insis

296、t that contractors rectify all outstanding issues竣工阶段Completion Phase明确设计质量、 材料供应质量、 施工质量, 制定监督、 检查、 奖惩制度;成立项目发展部, 严控施工质量Ensure the quality of our design, material supply and construction, and sign the supervision, inspection, rewards and punishment system;Establish a project development department

297、to control all aspects of quality during the construction phase施工准备阶段Preparation Phase提供最优服务我们用感恩的心善待每一位客户, 用一流的服务回报每一位客户, 努力让客户在购房、 住房中感受到愉悦和惊喜。客户服务管理我们持续完善服务管理体系, 积极开展客户满意度调查, 加强对客户投诉的受理, 不断提高客户服务管理水平。我们以客户的视角, 加强投诉管理, 完善投诉管理制度, 采取针对性措施解决购房投诉与住房投诉。我们通过电话回访、 发放调查问卷等, 定期开展客户满意度调查, 了解客户对销售人员接待质量、 物业客

298、服人员服务质量、 产品质量的满意程度, 持续完善服务机制, 努力实现产品质量与服务能力的同步提升。Offering Best ServicesWe thank our customers for using our services. We repay them with the best services that we can provide in order to ensure that they admire what they have purchased and can enjoy their future living environment. Customer Service

299、ManagementWe regularly improve our service management system. We conduct surveys on customer satisfaction and regularly strengthen our supervision of customer complaints.To better serve our customers we are strengthening our complaint management system, and taking targeted measures to handle complai

300、nts in the purchasing and living departments. By conducting telephone interviews and questionnaires, we evaluate the satisfaction level of our customers and assess the quality of our reception salespersons, the service quality of our property and customer service staff, and our product quality. We d

301、o this to improve our service mechanism and enhance our product quality.Case Study: Three-level Complaint Supervision ModelChina Overseas Development established a three-level complaint supervision model that is made up of the Group, regions/areas, and management departments. Led by Companys Quality

302、 Department, the company coordinates business sectors to categorize customer complaints, organizes them for follow-up visits, and then responds to the complaints directly. By publishing a complaint telephone hotline and a customer message board, the company collects suggestions from households and p

303、rovides regular feedback. In 2012, China Overseas Development successfully handled 93.7% of all complaints made by its customers.Case Study: Customer Year2012 is the Customer Year of CSC Land Group. The companys central theme is Unite Our Heart, Share Our Future” and it uses “Unison Tree” as its mai

304、n logo. It 中建地产主题语与主题标志Theme and Main Logo of CSC Land Group案例:客户年2012 年是中建地产的 “客户年” 。 中建地产以 “与您同心 此生同行” 为主题语、 “同心树” 为主标识,组织开展了 “倾听为您” 、 “三十而 利 ” 、 “与客户同行” 等活动, 更好地了解客户的期望和要求, 增强产品的针对性, 提升客户服务水平。案例:三级投诉监督模式中海地产建立 “集团区域 / 地区管理处”的三级投诉监督模式。 公司品质主管部门牵头, 协调各业务部门对客户投诉进行分类、 组织回访、 跟进与解决; 通过公布投诉电话、 设置客户留言栏等形

305、式广泛征集客户意见, 定期予以反馈。 2012 年,中海地产客户投诉解决率 93.7%。实施 “样板封样” 、 进场验收和抽检制度, 保障材料质量;明确施工控制要点, 落实施工交底制度、 旁站监理制度、 工序控制验收制度;推行实测实量工作, 用仪器和设备精细测量在建项目的结构、 砌体、 抹灰、 防水、 安装工程质量Implement the sealed template, site acceptance and sampling inspection systems to ensure the quality of all materials;Specify construction con

306、trol points, and implement the technical clarification, side-standing supervision, and process control and acceptance systems;Conduct tests and measurements, and use instruments and equipment to check the quality of the project in construction, including the structure, masonry, plastering, water-pro

307、ofing, and installation施工阶段Construction Phaseorganizes activities including “Listening to you”, “Benefit All on the 30th Anniversary”, “Accompanying with Customers”, to better understand the expectations and demands of its customers and to enhance its products and improve its customer service.建筑领域Sc

308、ope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate 建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate 45拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment44拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment安心购房我们主动向客户披露项目信息, 保障合同的公平制定与执行, 全力保护客户信息安全, 努力让客户在购房中享受到尊贵、 专业、 细致的服务。我们主动向客户提供透明、 清晰的项目信息, 严格落实 项目及周边不利因素提示工作指引 ,

309、强制性地向客户公示项目及周边不利因素; 加强广告宣传材料内容的审核。 2012 年, 广告合规率 100%。我们颁布合同示范文本, 明确合同结构与内容;建立合同评审机制, 重点审核协议条款表述、合同附件、附图等内容; 为客户提供专业资料以供了解房屋建筑专业知识, 设置专人为客户解答签订合同过程中的疑问, 全力保护客户合法权益。案例:房证一起交接中建地产在中国建筑组建 30 周年之际, 积极推进潍坊中建大观天下项目房证一起交接, 即客户在接房当日就拿到所购房屋的房产证, 成为潍坊首家 “房证一起交接” 的房地产开发企业, 实现了 “政府高效、 企业诚信、 业主满意” 的三赢效果, 获得了市场和业

310、主的广泛认可。Purchase House PeacefullyAt CSCEC we actively disclose information about our projects to customers to ensure that our contracts are fulfilled and to protect the safety of customer information. We do this so that our customers can enjoy our respected, professional and meticulous services when

311、purchasing homes.We have taken the initiative to provide customers with transparent and clear information about our projects and have implemented the Working Guidelines on Noticing Unfavorable Factors Relating to a Project or Its Surrounding Environment to better inform them. We are also strengthene

312、d Case Study: Dual Delivery Homes and Ownership CertificatesTo celebrate the 30th anniversary of CSCEC, CSC Land Group promoted the dual delivery of the Zhonjian Grand World project in Weifang. The project allows customers to obtain a house and its ownership certificate on the same day. The company

313、is the first real estate development enterprise to offer this dual delivery service in Weifang. 向客户介绍购房信息Introducing house-purchase information to customers央视报道 “房证一起交接”“Dual Delivery” was reported by CCTV物业服务管理平台我们以持续提升客户满意度为目标, 不断完善物业服务管理体系, 健全物业服务管理制度, 提高工作人员服务意识与能力, 加强社区沟通与民主建设, 为高品质的物业服务打造支撑平台。

314、提供差异化、个性化服务我们依据客户的不同需求, 提供差异化、 个性化的服务, 持续满足常规物业服务需求, 积极探索客户潜在需求, 努力为客户提供物业增值服务。我们主动向客户提供房屋使用信息, 明确危险源、危险处所, 配备安全设施及保安人员, 全力保障客户的健康安全。我们构建立体式物业管理服务体系, 为客户提供基础办公、 便利支援、 资讯等基础性服务, 还为客户提供物业顾问咨询、 物业资产经营等增值服务, 满足客户的家居生活基本需求与高层次需求。Living ComfortablyDrawing on our open attitude, professional spirit, and sin

315、cere communication, we continue to improve our property service management platform by offering customers value-added services.Property Service Management PlatformOur objective is to improve our customer satisfaction rate and regularly improve our property service management platform to provide a so

316、und property service management system. We also work hard to improve employees awareness and to strengthen our communication with communities and have constructed a democratic support platform to ensure high-quality property services. Providing Differentiated ServicesBased on the needs of our custom

317、ers, we provide differentiated services to meet their property services demands. We also actively evaluate their needs and strive to provide value-added services.We have taken the initiative to provide customers with information about the use of houses, and regularly clear all sources of danger by i

318、nstalling safety facilities and arranging security personnel to protect customer health and safety.We have established a three-dimensional property management service system that not only provides customers with basic office services, convenient support services, information services and other basic

319、 services but also gives them value-added services such as property consulting and property asset management services. These services meet the basic and high-level demands of home life.西安中海华庭项目物业服务中心为客户提供全方位的服务In 2012, Xian Zhonghai Mansion was recognized as a 2011 National Property Management Demon

320、stration Residential Area.物业服务 管理平台Property Service Management Platform设立物业服务培训中心, 宣贯物业管理手册、 开展知识竞赛活动, 全力打造专业化的物业管理经营团队。 2012年, 管理人员持证上岗率100% ; 特种作业人员持证上岗率100% Establishing property services training centers, publicizing our property management manual, and conducting property knowledge contests to b

321、uild a professional property management team. In 2012, 100% of our management and operations staff had qualified certificates推进质量、 环境、 职业健康安全等三个管理体系整合, 颁布一体化管理手册及程序文件; 完善管理手册, 明确职能部门管理职责; 颁布写字楼、 别墅、 普通住宅三业态管理手册Promoting the integration of our quality, environment, and occupational health and safety

322、management systems, and promulgating the manual and procedures of our integrated management; perfecting the management manual and clearing all functional management responsibilities; releasing management manuals for office buildings, villas and common homes制定并落实客户沟通管理办法, 设立服务热线、 网络论坛、 意见箱, 开展特约服务回访、

323、 社区文化活动, 方便社区与客户、 客户与客户之间的沟通Formulating and implementing customer communication management regulations, setting up a service hotline, online forums, and suggestion boxes; carrying out special follow-up services, and community cultural activities to facilitate communication between communities and cu

324、stomers每年按合同约定收取相关服务项目费用, 公布收取标准; 与项目所在地街道或乡镇政府等相关部门沟通, 推进业主委员会的成立Charging only for annual related services in accordance with the contracts, and releasing the service charge; communicating with communities and township governments at the project site, and promoting the establishment of a proprietor

325、s committeehow we inspect advertising materials. In 2012, we had a 100% advertising compliance rate.We have released a contract template so that all contracts are structured with clear content and have established a contract review mechanism to review the articles, attachment, and drawing elements o

326、f the contract. We provide customers with professional information so that they better understand the details of housing and building, and have assigned staff to answer any questions before the signing of contracts. We do this to protect their legitimate rights and interests.The approach achieved a

327、triple-win effect with “a highly-efficient government, an honest enterprise and satisfied owners”. The project was widely accepted by the markets and owners.舒心住房我们以坦诚的态度、 专业的精神、 真诚的沟通, 持续完善专业化物业服务管理平台, 全心为客户提供常规服务、 增值服务。建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领域Scope of Real Estate 建筑领域Scope of Construction 地产领

328、域Scope of Real Estate ENVIRONMENTContributing to the Ecological Space环境拓展生态空间加强环境管理Strengthening Environmental Management奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat共建绿色社区Building Green Communities Together49拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment48拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment加强环境管理Strengthening

329、Environmental Management 奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat共建绿色社区Building Green Communities Together 应对和减缓气候变化已经成为全球共同的课题,降低建筑物能耗是应对和减缓气候变化的关键。我们作为全球最大建筑地产综合企业集团,一直以来致力于绿色建造理念的传播、绿色建造技术研究与推广、节能知识的宣传与普及,努力与各利益相关方共同拓展生态空间,服务生态文明建设。Responding to and mitigating climate change has become an important global

330、topic. The importance of reducing energy consumption in buildings cannot be understated. As Chinas largest building real estate conglomerate, we are committed to constructing green buildings, conducting research and promoting green construction technology. We also regularly publicize and popularize

331、energy-saving knowledge to preserve and expand ecological space with our stakeholders and to serve the construction of an ecological civilization.我们不断推进环境管理体系建设, 通过环保培训、绿色采购、 绿色办公, 将绿色建造理念延伸到员工、社区、 供应商等利益相关方, 与利益相关方携手打造蓝天碧水的美丽家园。 2012 年,公司万元产值综合能耗下降 3.5%,超额完成国资委下达的 3% 指标。环境管理体系 我们秉承 “绿色建造, 环境和谐为本” 的

332、环境方针,不断推进环境组织体系、 制度体系、 监督统计体系、考核体系建设, 提高环境管控能力。 2012 年, 我们环保总投入 2, 565 万元, 新建项目环评通过率 100%,全年未发生重大环境违规事件。加强环境管理Strengthening Environmental ManagementWe continue to push forward the construction of our environmental management system. Through environmental training sessions, green procurement, and gre

333、en office space, we are extending the concept of green construction to our employees, communities, suppliers and other stakeholders, and are working with them to build a beautiful home with clear water and blue sky. In 2012, our energy consumption per output value of 10,000 RMB reduced by 3.5%, exce

334、eding the SASAC target of 3%.Environmental Management SystemOur “Green construction focuses on environmental harmony” environmental policy ensures that we are pressing forward with the construction of our environmental organization structure, our institutional system, and our monitoring, statistic a

335、nd assessment system to improve our environmental management and control. In 2012, we invested 25.65 million RMB in environmental protection and achieved a 100% environmental management certification pass rate. No environmental violations occurred in the company in 2012.荣获中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部颁发的国家一星级绿色建筑

336、设计标识 2 项。荣获全国人居经典综合大奖 5 项, 全国人居经典规划、 建筑双金奖 7 项, 全国人居经典方案竞赛建筑、 环境双金奖 2 项。生活在中海的小区, 这里每一天都在为生活充满绿意, 每一个月在小区都让你有惊奇的发现, 在这里四季都有花开,每日都能看到辛勤的花工在侍弄小区的植物。 深圳中海怡瑞山居项目业主 王女士物业服务中心组织的亲子园绿植认养活动非常好。 我们用宝宝的名字命名了一颗小树, 抽空带着孩子一起去浇水、陪土。 在这个过程中, 通过与宝宝的一问一答的互动, 逐渐的将环保的意识传递给了宝宝, 使他从小就爱护大自然。 潍坊中建大观天下项目业主 张先生住在棕榈园小区感到很温馨

337、, 每天在小区散步时看到小区的绿色植被、 小桥流水, 听着悦耳的背景音乐, 真有点日子缓缓、 生活散散的感觉, 内心原有的压力和不快会被美好的绿色环境冲散! 深圳中海阳光棕榈园项目业主 李先生荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments环境方针 Environmental Policy环境管理理念Environmental Management Concept绿色建造, 环境和谐为本 Green construction focuses on environmental harmony倡导积极、 健康的环保文化, 整合内外有效资源, 遵章守法、 防治污染

338、、 降低消耗、 减少废物, 致力于环境绩效的持续改善Advocate a positive and healthy culture for environmental protection, integrate effective internal and external resources, abide by laws and regulations, prevent and control pollution, reduce consumption and waste, and devote time to the continuous improvement of environmen

339、tal performance.在公司总部设立质量安全环境管理部, 在所属企业设立相关管理机构, 在各项目设立项目发展部Set up quality, safety and environment management departments at the headquarters, establish relevant management depar tments in all subordinate enterprises, and establish project development departments for all projects组织体系Organizational S

340、tructure编制中国建筑环境管理节能减排管理条例 、中国建筑节能减排管理工作导则 , 规范节能减排工作Formulate the CSCEC Management Rules on Environmental Management, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction, and the CSCEC Guidelines on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction to regulate energy conservation and emission reduction制度体系Institut

341、ional system将环境管理目标纳入所属企业、 项目部年度经营管理目标责任书, 通过考核激励及惩罚推进环境管理工作Incorporate environmental management objectives into all of our letters of responsibility related to operations management in our subordinate enterprises and project departments, and promote assessment incentives to enhance our environmenta

342、l management考核体系Assessment System制定环保监测指标,定期监测指标,并报送相关部门Set up environmental protection monitoring targets, conduct regular monitoring, and report to relevant departments监测统计体系Monitoring and Statistical SysteAwarded two National One-star Green Building Design Marks by the Ministry of Housing and Urb

343、an-Rural Development of the Peoples Republic of China.Received five National Prizes for Classic Habitat, seven National Golden Awards for Classic Habitat Design and Construction, and two National Golden Awards for Classic Habitat Program and Environment.Living in the residential area of China Overse

344、as Property, you see greenery every day and have positive environmental surprises each month. The flowers are here year round, and you always see workers taking care of the plants in the residential area. Ms. Wang, a resident in Shenzhen Zhonghai Yirui ResidentialPlants adoption in parent-child gard

345、en organized by property service centre is very good. We water and earth up a tree named after our babys name when we have spare time. We imbue the consciousness of environmental protection into him gradually in order to make him protect the nature as a child through Q&A interactions. Mr. Zhang, Chi

346、na Construction Grand World Project in WeifangLiving in the Palm Park Residential Area, I feel very warm and sweet. Every day I take a walk in it, the green plants, little bridge andmurmuring water strike my eyes, and the background music is pleasant to ears. I really feel my days and my life are dr

347、ipping into the stream of time. The original pressure and unhappiness are dispersed in the green environment. Mr. Li, Proprietor of Shenzhen Zhonghai Sunshine Palm Park Project51拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment50拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment我们根据工程项目全生命周期整体运营需要, 搭建绿色建筑整体运营平台, 建

348、立基于统一资源调配、质量标准、 信息交换的产业联动机制, 实现 “开发设计建造运营” 全生命周期一体化运作, 不断推进绿色社区和生态城镇建设, 打造具有中国建筑特色的绿色社区和生态城镇品牌。绿色开发绿色开发需要在开发的过程中充分地考虑低碳、节能、 节地、 节水等环保要求, 难度大、 成本高。 我们致力于传播绿色开发理念、 探索绿色开发途径, 携手同行共同提升绿色开发建造水平。In accordance with the overall operational needs of a projects lifecycle, we build operational platforms for gr

349、een buildings, and establish an industry mechanism that are based on uniting our resource allocation, quality standards and informational exchanges. We do this integrate our operations for the lifecycle of project. The integration includes all aspects of investment, development, design, construction

350、 and operations. We also promote the construction of green communities and ecological towns, and are creating new brands with the green characteristics of CSCEC.Green DevelopmentGreen development is often characterized by great complexity and high costs. However, we accept that we must give full con

351、sideration to low carbon development, energy saving, land and water resources, and other environmental requirements as we develop. We are committed to disseminating green development concepts, exploring new ways to further green development and improve construction with our counterparts.We have impl

352、emented the CPC Central Committee and the State Councils calls to improve green office systems, and are actively conducting green office education and publicity as well as promoting the integration of green development concepts into our daily work so that we can save electricity, water, paper and oi

353、l. In 2012, the headquarters saved RMB 1.392 million (exclusive of traveling expenses) on our conferencing budget, and reduced business travel equivalent to 365 person times.奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat我们贯彻落实党中央、 国务院的号召, 完善绿色办公制度, 积极开展绿色办公教育与宣传, 推动绿色发展理念融入到日常工作中, 使员工自觉地节电、 节水、节纸、 节油、 节气。 2012 年, 仅

354、公司总部会议预算节约139.2 万元 (不包含差旅费) , 减少出差约 365人次。环保能力建设推行绿色建造离不开员工的支持。 我们高度重视绿色建造培训, 首次举办绿色建筑专题会议中国建筑绿色建筑论坛暨 2012 年度总工程师培训班, 宣读 推进绿色建筑, 拓展幸福空间 的倡议书。 2012 年,我们组织环保培训 150 余次, 覆盖 2,000 余人次。绿色采购我们积极组织开展供应商的环保评级, 将供应商是否通过环境管理体系作为重要考核标准; 主动将 “节能减排, 环境保护” 要求纳入采购合同, 明确建筑材料的加工和运输过程中的环保要求, 优先选择带有环保标志的产品。我们致力于提升整个产业环

355、境管理水平, 积极与供应商共同开发、 推广绿色环保技术; 督促供应商推进环境管理体系建设, 通过认证审核, 促进供应商提升环境管理水平。Capacity Building for Environmental ProtectionOur approach to constructing green buildings is supported by our employees. Green construction training is important, which is the reason why we organized the first green building confer

356、ence, the CSCEC Green Building Forum and 2012 Training Sessions for Chief Engineers, and the reason why we publicized the Initiatives on Promoting Green Building to Expanding a Happy Living Environment. In 2012, we organized 150 environmental training sessions for more than 2,000 staff.Green Procure

357、mentWe evaluate the environmental performance of our suppliers, and view the implementation of an environmental management system as essential to our evaluation standards. We also incorporate environmental protection requirements for energy conservation and emissions reduction into our procurement c

358、ontracts, defining environmental requirements for processing and transporting building materials, and giving priority to products with environmental certifications and markings.We are committed to improving environmental management in the industry, and are jointly developing and promoting green tech

359、nology with suppliers, urging them to drive the construction of environment management system forward by getting environmental certifications to improve environmental management among our suppliers.统一资源调配、 统一质量标准、 统一信息交换United Resource Allocation, Quality Standards, and Information Exchange 绿色建筑Gree

360、n building绿色开发Green development绿色设计Green design绿色施工Green construction绿色运营Green operations建立会议管理体系, 印发会议管理办法, 积极推进视频会议, 严格控制外埠会议和现场会议的数量及规模Establish a conference management system, print and issue the conference management rules, actively promote video conferencing, and strictly control the number an

361、d size of on-site conferences and conferences in other cities加强办公信息系统建设, 推进无纸化办公。 2012 年, 仅总部节约 10 万元左右的纸张费和邮寄费Strengthen the office information system and promote a paperless office. In 2012, headquarters saved about RMB 100,000 in paper expenses and postage总部推进绿色机房建设, 优化机房布局, 便于机房散热; 创新技术, 提高服务器使用

362、效率Promote the construction of a green equipment room and optimize its layout to efficiently cool the equipment room, and make technological innovations to increase the efficiency of servers按需采购办公设备, 不断提高办公用品的使用效率Purchase office equipment as needed , and increase the utilization rate of office suppli

363、es核定公务车编制, 优先选用低能耗、 低污染的车辆Check the organization s official vehicles and give priority to energy-saving and environmentally friendly vehicles推广节水型器具, 设置雨水回收系统回收雨水Promote water-saving appliances and install a rainwater recovery system to collect rainwater绿色办公Green Offices加强环境管理Strengthening Environme

364、ntal Management 奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat共建绿色社区Building Green Communities Together 加强环境管理Strengthening Environmental Management 奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat共建绿色社区Building Green Communities Together 53拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment52拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment绿色设计设计是

365、绿色建造的源头, 主导后续建筑活动对环境的影响和资源的消耗。 我们注重建筑与绿色技术的有机结合, 倡导根据项目所在地的条件选择适宜的绿色技术, 采用整体设计方法, 最大限度地实现建筑功能,减少建筑物整个生命周期内能源的消耗和对环境的不利影响。案例:瓦努阿图国家会议中心瓦努阿图位于南太平洋, 气候温和湿润, 太阳直接辐射强, 年平均气温 24.1。 中建西南设计研究院根据海陆风的昼夜变化特点, 在设计中注重遮阳、 通风。 通过建筑布局修正风向和风速, 利用屋面良好的隔热机理和热稳定性消除太阳辐射。 瓦努阿图国家会议中心有望成为低纬度海洋性气候地区低能耗绿色建筑的典范。Green DesignDe

366、sign is the first phase of green construction and dominates the environmental impacts and resource consumption of all subsequent construction activities. We pay attention to architectural design and green technology and advocate the use of suitable green technology on a project-by-project basis. We

367、always use an integrated approach when designing our projects to make them as functional as possible and to reduce energy consumption and adverse environmental impacts associated with the building.Case Study: National Convention Centre of VanuatuVanuatu, located in the South Pacific, is characterize

368、d by typical low-latitude oceanic climate with mild and humid climate, strong radiation solar and an average temperature of 24.1. According to characteristics of diurnal variation because of land-sea breeze, China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institution (CSWADI) pay much attention to

369、 sun-shading, ventilation in the design. They modify the wind direction and speed through architectural composition and eliminate solar radiation through insulation mechanism and thermostability of roofings. The national convention centre of Vanuatu is expected to become a model of green building wi

370、th low energy consumption in low-latitude oceanic climate region.案例:营造绿色社区环境景观天津中建滨海壹号项目在开发时被定位为绿色社区, 工作重点是营造绿色社区环境景观。 通过推行低碳开发框架理论, 运用低碳设计、 低碳用材、植物碳汇、 低碳营造、 低碳运营和低碳排放六大策略,减少社区环境景观生命周期内能源消耗, 提高植物绿化固碳释氧能力, 避免人工景观破坏原有土地的生态基底。Case Study: Creating a Green Community with a Good Environmental LandscapeThe

371、 Binhai No.1 Community project in Tianjin was selected by China Construction to be an exemplary green community. Our goal was to create a harmonious environmental landscape. By implementing a low-carbon framework and using low-carbon designs and materials, as well as plant carbon sinks, low-carbon c

372、onstruction and operations and low-carbon emissions, we successfully 物资采购Material Procurement土地资源利用Use of Land Resources技术应用Technical Application绿化景观Green Landscape在保障质量的前提下, 优先选用当地的建筑材料, 减少建筑材料运输过程中的环境污染Give priority to local building materials on the premise of safeguarding quality to reduce envir

373、onmental pollution in the transportation of building materials合理利用土地资源、 科学建筑选址, 优化场地设计Make reasonable use of land resources by selecting the project site in a scientific way, and optimize the site s design根据项目所在地的自然环境与社会环境、 项目预算, 选择适宜的节能、 节水、 节材技术Adopt suitable energy saving, water saving, and mater

374、ial saving technology in accordance with the natural and social environment of the project site and the project budget根据场地环境中通风、 日照、 热环境等条件, 建设绿色生态环境景观, 最大限度地保留场地内的原生树木, 避免对周边生态环境的破坏基础: 项目所在地的地形地貌、 气候、 工程地质等自然条件, 以及经济社会条件Basis: ensure the natural conditions of the project site such as topography, cl

375、imate and geology, and its economic and social conditions are maintained.确保房屋宜居性与功能性Ensure the Livability and Function of All Building规划布局: 分析热、 声、 光、 风场等因素, 做好空间布局和朝向; 合理开发建筑物地下空间, 提高土地的使用率Planning layout: analyze heat, sound, light, wind and other factors when planning the space and direction of t

376、he building, and develop underground space that increases the utilization rate of the available land.节能: 选择适宜的技术充分利用太阳能、 风能、 浅层地热等可再生清洁能源, 推广使用节能设备与灯具, 提高能源利用率, 减少二氧化碳排放Saving energy: select technology that utilizes renewable and clean energy such as solar, wind and geothermal energy, and promote en

377、ergy-saving equipment and lamps to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.节材: 优化建筑造型, 选用高性能、 低材耗、 耐久性好的结构体系, 推广绿色建材; 加强建筑工业化政策研究, 制定相应发展规划,持续推进建筑工业化, 节约建筑材料Saving materials: optimize the architectural design, adopt a high performance structure system with low material consumption and goo

378、d durability, utilize green materials, strengthen policy research for industrialization of construction, and make corresponding plans to promote industrialization and save building materials.节水: 创新节水技术, 应用节水器具, 收集雨水、 废水, 减少自来水消耗Saving water: use innovative water-saving technology and water-saving ap

379、pliances to collect rainwater, and wastewater to reduce water consumption.绿色建造我们将社区、 环境要求融入到施工中, 加强施工管理、 创新施工技术, 努力节约资源, 减少废弃物排放,尽量避免影响城市景观与社区居民。Case Study: Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground Project of Hong KongComparing with other areas, the same amount of solar radiation in Hong Kong has a small scatter

380、ing area and unit area of the earth surface can get much more energy from solar radiation. Zhongjian Hong Kong make full use of local advantage to realize the effective utilization of solar energy through solar-energy-and-heat-pump hot water system, solar energy photovoltaic power system and energy-

381、efficient lighting system.Green ConstructionWe integrate community and environmental requirements into our construction, regularly strengthen our construction management procedures, and use innovative construction technology. We also strive to save resources, and reduce waste discharges to avoid neg

382、atively impacting the urban landscape and community residents.案例:香港将军澳运动场项目香港地区太阳高度较大, 等量的太阳辐射散射面积小, 光热集中, 地表单位面积上获得太阳辐射能量多。 中建香港充分利用当地太阳能优势, 应用太阳能 - 热泵中央热水系统、 太阳能光伏电系统、节能照明系统, 实现了对太阳能的有效利用。绿色开发Green Development天津中建 滨海壹号项目CSCEC Binhai No.1 Community in Tianjin瓦努阿图国家会议中心项目 National Convention Project

383、 of VanuatuBuild green ecological environmental landscape that is in line with the conditions of project site, including ventilation, sunshine and hot environmental conditions, which will retain all original trees at the site and avoid damaging the surrounding environment.reduced our energy consumpt

384、ion throughout the lifecycle of the project and enhanced myriad plant life that benefited carbon fixation and oxygen emissions and avoided damage caused by the artificial landscape to the local ecology.加强环境管理Strengthening Environmental Management 奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat共建绿色社区Building Green Co

385、mmunities Together 加强环境管理Strengthening Environmental Management 奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat共建绿色社区Building Green Communities Together 55拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment54拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment提高资源利用率我们增强员工节约意识, 推进精细化管理, 创新施工工艺, 推广环保设备, 尽力减少施工建造过程中的物耗、 能耗、 水耗。 2012 年,

386、我们能源消耗总量 792 万吨标煤, 万元增加值能耗 1.6 吨标煤。降污减排降污减排是我们打造绿色建筑的重点环节。 我们本着控制减量再利用的环保思路, 坚持达标排放、尽量减少排放、 最大化推进废弃物资源化, 降低施工过程中对周边社区、 环境的影响。 2012 年, 施工建造过程中二氧化碳排放量14, 566吨, 二氧化硫排放量47 吨。达标排放我们在施工现场设置专门的人员、 采用专业的技术, 严格监控粉尘浓度、 噪声强度、 建筑垃圾产生量、废水排放量, 努力将其控制在国家标准以内。减少排放我们完善废弃物管理制度,引进先进的生产设备,推进技术升级,尽量减少废弃物排放。Increasing th

387、e Resource Utilization RateBy enhancing employees awareness on conservation and promoting detailed management processes, as well as creating technical processes for construction and popularizing the use of environmentally friendly equipment, we are actively reducing the consumption of materials, ene

388、rgy and water in our construction processes. In 2012, total energy consumption was 7.92 million tons of standard coal, and energy consumption per added value of RMB 10,000 was 1.6 tons of standard coal.Reducing Pollution and EmissionReducing pollution and emission is essential to the creation of gre

389、en buildings. In the environmental spirit of control reduction recycling, we aim to exceed all discharge standards, minimize our emissions, maximize our recycling of waste and reduce the impact of construction on surrounding communities and the environment. In 2012, we emitted 14.566 tons of CO2, an

390、d 47 tons of SO2 in construction processes. Reaching Discharge StandardsAt our construction sites, we assign professional staff and adopt professional technology to monitor the concentration of dust, noise intensity, and the amount of construction waste and wastewater discharges to ensure that we me

391、et or exceed all national standards. Reducing EmissionsWe regularly improve our waste management system by introducing advanced production equipment and promoting technological upgrades to minimize waste emissions.Enhancing the Image of Construction SitesThe construction site is an important visual

392、platform that shows how we take social responsibility for our surrounding communities. On site we improve our CI management to ensure that project operates in harmony with the surrounding areas.Case Study: Creating a Garden-style Construction SiteWhen building the Strait Exchange Center, the Souther

393、n Company of China Construction 3rd Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. established a corporate image demonstration team at the construction site. The team ensures that everything is in accordance with the CI standards, separating the office area, living area and construction area with enclosure walls, bui

394、lding a gallery 案例:打造“花园式”工地中建三局南方公司在承建海峡交流中心项目时成立专门班组, 严格按照 CI 规范做好施工现场的企业形象展示工作, 用围墙将办公区、 生活区以及施工区分割开来, 制作样板展示长廊, 对所有道路、作业区进行防尘处理, 在工地范围内种植了大面积的绿色植物, 打造花园式工地。中建三局南方公司海峡交流中心项目Strait Exchange Center Project Undertaken by the Southern Company of China Construction 3rd Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.节材 S

395、aving Materials节能 Saving Energy节水 Saving Water节约建筑材料Saving Building Materials做好材料的现场储存, 加强材料的领用管理,及时做好可用材料的拆除、 回收和使用,尽量避免不必要的浪费;不断创新施工工艺, 优化施工方案,在保障质量的前提下尽量节约材料Provide on-site material storage, strengthen our use of advanced management techniques, and dismantle or recover reusable materials to avoid

396、 unnecessary wasteInnovate our construction technology, optimize the construction program, and save materials to the fullest extent while maintaining quality优先使用节能、 高效、 环保的施工设备, 推广低能耗施工工艺;加强太阳能、风能等可再生资源的应用Prioritize energy savings, use high efficiency and environmentally friendly construction equipm

397、ent, and promote energy saving construction technologyStrengthen the use of renewable resources such as solar energy, wind and others.设置废水收集系统, 加强废水、雨水的循环使用;创新节水工艺, 采用薄膜覆盖, 麻袋片保湿养护顶板混凝土等技术减少水耗;建立施工用水台账, 将节水作为考核项目管理人员的指标Establish a wastewater collection system, and strengthen the recycling of wastewa

398、ter and rainwaterUse innovative water saving technology, and use film covers and sacks to ensure the moist curing of concrete so as to reduce water consumptionKeep a record of all construction water use, and incorporate water saving targets into management performance evaluations减少能源消耗Reducing Energ

399、y Consumption节约建造用水Saving Construction Water美化施工现场施工现场是展示我们形象的重要平台。 我们全面加强 CI 工作, 推进施工现场管理, 促使项目真正融入城市景观。减少建筑垃圾Construction Waste Reduction降低噪声Noise Reduction减少光污染Light Pollution Reduction降低粉尘Dust Reduction在施工现场设置建筑垃圾堆放点, 分类放置、 及时清运生活垃圾与建筑垃圾 ; 加强建筑材料的使用管理, 减少建筑垃圾的产生Designate a place to store on-site

400、 waste, classify the waste, clear and remove all garbage and construction waste, and strengthen the management of building materials to reduce the generation of construction waste制定控制人为噪声的管理制度, 推广使用低噪音、 低振动的机具, 采用隔音与隔振措施, 减少施工噪音和振动Formulate management systems to control artificial noise, promote the

401、 use of low-noise and low-vibration devices, and implement measures that negate or reduce the impact of noise and vibration合理布置现场照明, 调整灯光照射方向, 透光方向集中在施工范围, 减少对周围居民生活的干扰Use reasonable lighting at construction sites, and adjust the direction of light in the construction area to reduce its impact on th

402、e life of the surrounding residents推广降尘作业, 采用防尘网封闭覆盖土方, 使用密闭车运输土方; 在施工现场大门出入口设置洗车槽, 清洗车辆的灰尘,避免车辆影响市容Promote dust reduction during construction via the use of a black dust net to cover earthworks and transporting earthworks (with green label trucks), and set up a truck-washing pond at the entrance to

403、 the construction site to remove dust and lessen our impact on city appearance项目成立 CI 工作小组, 开展施工现场 CI 总体策划, 将 CI 工作任务分解到相关部门和岗位Set up a CI working group, conduct CI planning, and designate CI tasks to relevant departments and positions组织管理Organizational Management组织全体项目员工开展 CI 工作培训, 提高项目员工 CI 意识和实施能

404、力Organize CI training for project staff to enhance their overall awareness and practical expertise培训管理Training Management将 CI 工作融入项目整体工作中, 具体落实大门、 围墙、 品牌墙、 文化墙、 施工图牌、 内围挡、 会议室、 办公室、旗杆、 标志牌、 安全帽等Integrate CI work into all aspects of our projects, including entrance gate, enclosure, brand walls, cultu

405、ral walls, construction signs, interior enclosure walls, meeting rooms, offices, flagpoles, signs, and helmets落实管理Implementation Management分级开展项目施工现场 CI 工作达标考核, 同时进行创优评选, 不断提高 CI 工作水平Carry out standard assessments of CI management on the construction sites in different levels and A-good evaluation a

406、ctivities to drive CI construction forward考核管理Assessment Management减少排放Reducing Emissionsto showcase construction models and templates, providing dust proof treatment apparatuses in all operational areas, and planting green plants to create a garden-style construction site.加强环境管理Strengthening Enviro

407、nmental Management 奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat共建绿色社区Building Green Communities Together 加强环境管理Strengthening Environmental Management 奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat共建绿色社区Building Green Communities Together 57拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment56拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment生态保护

408、我们在工程建设过程中遵守项目所在国的相关法律和国际公约, 尊重项目所在地的生态环境和土地属性, 不断提升员工生态保护意识; 完善动植物保护措施, 尽力减少项目对野生动植物的影响, 尽可能地恢复项目所在地的原有生态。案例:打造绿色工程基础设施事业部在承建武汉四环线西段后观湖高架桥工程时, 开展员工生态保护培训, 严禁员工捕捞水生生物; 在施工现场设置警示牌, 防止桩基施工过程中泥浆进入湖中, 严禁向湖中排放生活污水和施工废水; 全力保护当地水资源和现有植被,打造景色怡人的绿色工程。Ecological ProtectionWe abide by the laws of our host coun

409、tries and all international conventions related to the construction industry. We respect the ecological environment at our project sites, enhance employees awareness on ecological protection in new regions, and implement measures to protect animals and plants in order to minimize the impact of our p

410、rojects on wildlife and to maintain the original ecology of the project to the fullest extent.Case Study: Building a Green ProjectWhen building the Houguan Lake Viaduct project in the western part of 4th Ring Road in Wuhan, the Infrastructure Business Department provided training sessions on ecologi

411、cal protection for employees and prohibited employees from fishing for aquatic life in the area. The Department also set up warning signs at the construction site, prevented mud from being disposed into the lake when constructing a pile foundation, and forbade the discharge of all forms of wastewate

412、r into the lake. Our efforts protected local water resources and existing vegetation, establishing a green project with pleasant scenery.循环利用我们视废弃物为放错位置的资源, 通过加强回收管理、 创新回收工艺, 最大化地回收建筑垃圾, 实现变废为宝。 Waste RecoveryWe see waste as an opportunity to reuse valuable resources. Our recovery management and inn

413、ovative recycling technical processes maximize the recovery of construction waste, turning it into useful resource that can be reused by the company.Case Study: Dust ReductionTo avoid dust and the scattering of pollution caused by construction vehicles, China Construction 7th Engineering Bureau has

414、installed roller-type truck washing equipment at the construction site to clean the dust and lessen the impact on the citys appearance. We have also installed automatic spraying devices around the main road at the construction site and spray water at regular intervals to reduce dust pollution caused

415、 by construction.案例:降尘为避免将车辆泥土带出施工现场造成扬尘和遗撒, 中建七局在施工现场土方施工阶段安装滚轴式车辆清洗设备, 清洗运输土方车辆, 减少车辆灰尘影响市容; 在施工现场主要道路四周安装自动喷淋装置, 定时自动喷淋, 减少施工扬尘。循环利用Recycling加强回收管理Strengthen All Aspects of Recovery Management创新回收工艺Use Innovations in Recycling Technology执行 “领出多少材料, 交回多少包装” 的规定, 统一收集、 集中储存胶桶包装等物品, 通知供应商及时回收Abide b

416、y relevant provisions, collect packaging materials, store rubber buckets and other packaging items, and notify the supplier of timely recovery采用先进的工艺, 利用相关设施, 将大块混凝土、 土方、 碎石等建筑垃圾加工成粗沙子、 细沙子、泥沙等可再生材料Use advanced technology to process mass concrete, earthworks, gravel and other construction waste into

417、 different renewable materials like coarse and fine sand, and sediment做好施工计划, 避免在野生动植物保护区内、 繁殖季节施工 ;逐步清退基本生态控制线内不符合规定的建设用地Create a plan to avoid construction in protected areas where animals and plants thrive or during the breeding season of wildlife;Gradually return all improperly acquired construc

418、tion land to the ecological control line设立保护区与生物通道 ;将野生动植物迁到适宜生存的地方, 安排专人看管 ;禁止捕猎, 保护水源Set up protected areas and paths for wildlife;Transfer wildlife to suitable areas during the construction phase and assign individuals to look after them;Prohibit hunting and protect water resources开展野生动植物保护宣传 ;介绍

419、野生动植物保护法规 ;标识工程区域内珍稀动植物Carry out public initiatives for wildlife protection;Introduce laws and regulations for wildlife protection;Label rare animals and plants within the project area做好生态预防保护Ecological Prevention and Protection Measures提升员工生态保护意识Enhance Employees Awareness on Ecological Protection完

420、善动植物保护措施Improve Wildlife Protection Measures我们贯彻落实国家推进生态和谐城镇化的建设要求, 在打造绿色建筑的同时, 更把绿色理念延伸到社区的运营管理中, 积极倡导客户选择绿色环保的生活方式, 为客户创建绿色社区、 打造宜居家园。碳中和项目二氧化碳是全球变暖加剧和气候异常的根源。 碳中和是人们减缓全球变暖的行动之一, 园林绿化是我们开展碳中和的主要途径。 我们在保障社区景观质量的前提下, 选择固碳能力强的植物, 提高社区绿地固碳效益; 注重不同植物固碳能力的互补优势, 提高植物群落的整体固碳能力。共建绿色社区Building Green Communi

421、ties TogetherCarbon Neutral ProjectCarbon dioxide is the root cause of global warming and climate change. Carbon neutrality is one way people can mitigate global warming. While landscaping is a main way to develop carbon neutrality. By ensuring that our landscaping projects utilize plants with a str

422、ong carbon fixation capacity we can benefit the environment and greenery in the community. We also pay attention to the complementary strengths of different plants in an effort to improve the carbon fixation capacity of the plant life.We adhere to all national urbanization requirements by constructi

423、ng ecological and harmonious towns. When constructing green buildings, we extend our green concepts to all aspects of our operations and the management of communities, and recommend customers adopt a green lifestyle to create green communities.废弃物处理装修垃圾、 生活垃圾、 废旧电池、 宠物粪便的随意丢弃不仅对土壤、 水源造成污染, 更影响客户的生活安

424、全与居住品质。 我们在每个社区配备生活垃圾中转站,方便客户投放垃圾; 在每栋楼宇前放置分类垃圾桶, 倡导客户按照标识分类投放垃圾, 加强垃圾回收管理。Waste DisposalThe careless disposal of decorative garbage, daily garbage, waste batteries and pet feces not only pollutes soil and water, it affects the safety and quality of our customers. Our domestic waste transfer station

425、s in local communities help customers to collect garbage and use classified rubbish bin to dispose of rubbish by types and strengthen the overall management of garbage.上海中建 大公馆项目Sample Area of Zhongjian Big Mansion in Shanghai加强环境管理Strengthening Environmental Management 奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habita

426、t共建绿色社区Building Green Communities Together 加强环境管理Strengthening Environmental Management 奉献绿色人居Dedicating Green Habitat共建绿色社区Building Green Communities Together EMPLOYEESContributing to the Development Space员工保障员工权益Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees关注职业健康Focusing on Occupational Health助

427、力全面发展Boosting Comprehensive Development注重人文关怀Focusing on Caring Culture拓展成长空间61拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment60拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment中国建筑恪守以人为本的管理思想, 尊重人、 关心人、 成就人。 尊重员工的合理诉求, 全力保障员工的合法权益; 努力为员工成长提供全面的职业发展通道和广阔的发展空间, 助力员工成就自我价值; 与员工共享企业发展成果, 促进员工与企业共同发展。我们严格执行相关法律法规,

428、尊重员工劳动, 坚持平等雇佣, 持续为员工提供更具竞争力的薪酬福利,妥善处理员工来信来访, 维护员工民主权益, 保护员工个人隐私, 不断提升员工的幸福指数。平等雇佣我们不因性别、 年龄、 民族、 国籍、 宗教、 文化背景不同而对员工差别化对待, 严格遵守项目所在地国家相关法律规定, 抵制雇佣童工, 禁止强迫劳动。 2012 年,劳动合同签订率 100%, 员工流失率 4.7%, 残疾人雇佣率 1.5%。2012 年, 公司自有在岗员工 192,194人, 男女员工比例为 3.4:1; 管理人员154,807人, 女性管理人员占比 23.7%; 海外雇员9,088人; 年度新增员工 21,293

429、人,占员工总数的 11.08%。We uphold a people-oriented management approach. We respect our employees, care for them and work hard to help them succeed. We respect the demands of our employees, and protect their rights and interests. We provide them with plans for comprehensive career development and offer the

430、broadest development space possible to help them achieve their career goals and share in the success of the enterprise.We implement all relevant laws and regulations, respect our employees and respect equal employment opportunities. We also provide employees with competitive remuneration and benefit

431、s, safeguard their democratic rights and interests, and protect their privacy in order to improve their overall happiness and satisfaction.保障员工权益Protecting the Rights and Interests of EmployeesEqual EmploymentWe treat all employees equally regardless of their sex, age, nationality, religion and cult

432、ural background. We abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the project location, boycotting child labor and prohibiting forced labor. In 2012, 100% of our employees signed labor contracts, our staff turnover rate was 4.7%, and we had a disabled employment rate of 1.5%.In 2012, CSCEC had 192,1

433、94 employees, with a male to female ratio of 3.4:1 and 154,807 management personnel. 23.7% of our staff is made up of women and we have 9,088 overseas employees, along with 21,293 new employees which accounts for 11.08% of our total number of employees.员工年龄构成员工学历构成男女员工比例 保障员工权益Protecting the Rights

434、and Interests of Employees 关注职业健康Focusing on Occupational Health助力全面发展Boosting Comprehensive Development 注重人文关怀Focusing on Caring Culture51%6%18%25%24%27%49%23%77%30 岁以下 30 years old and below31 岁至 40 岁 31-40 years old41 岁至 50 岁 41-50 years old 50 岁及以上 50 years old and above 大学及以上 bachelor degree an

435、d above 大专 college degree 高中及以下 high school and below 男性员工 male 女性员工 female荣获第十届中国最佳雇主排行榜建筑行业 “最佳雇主” 称号。荣获第十届中国最佳雇主排行榜全国 “最佳雇主 TOP50 ” 称号。从加盟中建美国公司 6 个月以来, 我发现这是一个乐观向上并对未来充满抱负的公司。 这种乐观向上来自于我们这支优秀、 勤奋的团队对于包括建筑工程、 房地产投资与开发以及房地产金融顾问业务多方位的远见卓识。 从刚刚踏入职场的年轻助理到经验丰富的高层管理人员, 齐心协力, 付诸实施。 我很荣幸可以加入这支人才济济的团队,一同展

436、望一个由我们丰富的想象力与激情构筑的未来、 一个充满无限可能的未来。 中建美国公司副总裁 Phillip Gesue对我来讲, 中国建筑有种 “家” 的感觉, 刚到公司的时候, 公司就给予了清晰的职业定位和明确的发展渠道, 让我看到了未来职业的发展方向。 经过努力, 伴随着公司的大发展, 我逐步成长为一名带领团队的项目经理, 感谢中国建筑。 中建三局北京公司项目经理 陈明留加入中建六局这个大家庭快半年了 , 在这半年的时间里我学到了很多工程方面的专业知识, 也了解了中国企业的管理模式和中国人的思维方式。 中华民族宽容博大, 中国企业的管理非常国际化, 和中国人在一起工作很开心。我爱中国! 我爱

437、中国人民! 我爱中国建筑! 中建六局刚果 (布) 国家 1 号公路钢结构项目经理部外籍员工 麦格罗我参加工作 30 年了 , 这是第一次和这么多同事一起参加自己的生日聚会, 心情真是太激动了。 公司总部老同志于正乾在中国建筑总部首次集体生日会上的幸福感言中国建筑给了我良好的发展平台, 让我学以致用并不断得到锻炼, 在不足一年的工作里我感到自己迅速成长起来,我会好好努力, 在这里成家立 “业” , 与中国建筑共同成长。 中建钢构 2012 届入职毕业生 孔欢荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders CommentsAwarded “Best Employer” titl

438、e in construction industry on the 10th China Best Employer List.Awarded title of “National Top 50 Employer” on the 10th China Best Employer List.Since I joined CSCEC US Company six months ago, I have found it to be an optimistic and ambitious company. The optimism stems from the foresight of an exce

439、llent and hard-working team and its impact on building projects, real estate investment and development, and our real estate financial consulting business. The foresight cannot be separated from the concerted efforts of the team, which is made up of fresh assistants and experienced senior management

440、. I am honored to be a part of this elite team, and I look forward to a bright future full of rich imagination and passion. Phillip Gesue, Vice President of CSCEC US CompanyFor me, CSCEC is like my own home. I still remember the time when I came into our company, it offered us clear career orientati

441、on and channels for development, which made me see my career in the future. With the great develop of the company, I was promoted to be a project manager leading a team gradually. Thank CSCEC very much. Chen Mingliu, Project Manager of Beijing Company undertaken by CSCEC 3rd BureauI joined CSCEC 6th

442、 Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. about half a year ago. Since then Within six months, I have increased my engineering expertise, and come to understand the Chinese management model and the thinking of Chinese people. The Chinese nation is tolerant, and Chinese enterprises follow international managemen

443、t standards. I am very happy to work with Chinese people. I love China, the Chinese people, and the 6th Bureau of CSCEC. McGraw, a foreign employee of Steel Structure Project Department of Congo No. 1 National Highway Project undertaken by CSCEC 6th BureauI have been working for 30 years. I recently

444、 had my first birthday party with my colleagues, so I am really excited. Happy speeches of Yu Zhengqian, an old comrade of the headquarters, at the collective birthday party of CSCECCSCEC offer me a good platform. Here I can use what I learned and practice myself. In less than one year, I feel that

445、I learn much more than ever before. I shall continue to work hard here and witness the development of CSCEC. Huang Kong joined China Construction in 2012 as a graduateAge StructureEducation Background of StaffMale/Female Staff Ratio63拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment62拓展幸福空间Expanding a happ

446、y living environment与心理咨询师面对面Face to face with Psychological CounselorProtecting PrivacyWe have safeguarded our employees privacy by establishing an information management system that requires staff permission before information can be shown. Staff no longer need to fill in family addresses and othe

447、r private information. We have also strengthened our management of personnel files, setting up a professional archives room, conducting level-to-level management in personnel files, establishing management rights, and formulating approval procedures to avoid any leaking of staff information.Case Stu

448、dy: Employee Assistance Program (EAP)China Construction Steel Structure Co., Ltd. started the EAP program in its BBIA project in Pakistan. Psychological research, mental counseling, education and training, as well as themed activities, helped overseas staff relieve any negative feelings associated w

449、ith living and working in a new country and facilitated a better outlook on mental health and career development.We attach great importance to the health of our employees and arrange for them to take medical examinations. We have also established occupational health files. By means of training and l

450、ectures we disseminate psychological knowledge to our staff to enhance their mental health and keep them in a positive mood.我们高度重视员工的健康, 安排员工进行体检,建立职业健康档案。 通过培训、 讲座等形式传播心理学知识, 增强员工对自我心理健康的关注, 帮助员工保持良好的情绪与心理健康。关注职业健康Focusing on Occupational Health案例:员工 EAP 计划中建钢构巴基斯坦 BBIA 项目启动了员工 EAP(Employee Assista

451、nce Program, 员工援助项目)计划, 通过心理调研、 心理疏导、 教育培训、 主题活动等形式, 释放海外员工的负面情绪 , 疏导压力, 引导海外员工树立正确的心理健康观和职业发展观。薪酬福利我们建立薪酬与效益联动机制, 使员工更好地与企业共享发展成果; 完善薪酬福利管理体系, 按时足额发放员工工资, 为员工提供基本社会保障和补充医疗保险, 社会保障覆盖率 100%; 鼓励员工带薪休假,带薪休假制度覆盖率 100%。我们充分保障海外员工的福利待遇, 不断完善休假制度, 提供海外员工回国探亲假, 承担员工往返交通费。 根据项目所在国 / 地区实际情况, 在当地重大节日时, 为员工提供假期

452、; 海外各机构休假制度实现100% 覆盖, 员工正常休假超过 95%。民主管理我们坚持完善民主管理制度, 建立健全各级职工代表大会制度, 成立民主评议领导干部委员会、 征集提案工作委员会、 职工经济技术创新工作委员会; 坚持履行民主管理程序, 保障员工民主权益。 员工入会率97%。 2012 年, 我们征集精细管理语录 1,132 条、 合理化建议金点子 2,067 条, 将其中 197 条语录和 113 个优秀金点子编辑成册, 创造了 7,330 万元经济效益。我们注重倾听员工心声, 通过意见箱、 调查问卷、座谈会等形式了解和回应员工的期望与诉求; 不断创新与员工的沟通方式与渠道, 主动公布

453、员工申诉渠道, 方便员工申诉。保护隐私我们通过设置信息系统管理权限, 取消填报家庭地址等隐私信息, 保护员工隐私权; 加强人事档案管理,设立专门的档案库房, 对人事档案实行分级管理, 设置管理权限, 制定审批程序, 避免员工信息泄露。Remuneration and Welfare BenefitsWe have established a link between remuneration and economic benefits in order to share our prosperity with our employees. We make regular improvement

454、s to our remuneration and benefits management systems, pay employees in full and on time, provide them with basic social security and medical insurance, and encourage them to enjoy paid holidays. We cover 100% of our employees social security and holiday-paid system.We provide and guarantee full ben

455、efits for all employees who work abroad, and constantly improve our holiday system by providing staff with home leave and a roundtrip travel allowance. In accordance with the location of the project, we provide employees with holidays during local festivals. In 2012 our holiday system for overseas a

456、gencies provided 100% coverage; more than 95% of employees used their holidays at the correct time.Employees Engagement in ManagementWe are improving our employee management system and use of the employee representative congress at all levels. We have established the Democratic Appraisal for Leaders

457、 Committee, the Proposal Collection Working Committee, and the Employee Economic and Technological Innovation Working Committee. We adhere to the procedures for employees engagement with management, and diligently protect their rights. 97% of our employees have joined trade unions. In 2012, we colle

458、cted 1,132 comments and 2,067 suggestions on our approach to management, of which 197 comments and 113 suggestions were included in a management book. Implementation of the comments and suggestions is estimated to have resulted in an economic benefit of RMB 73.30 million.We listen to our employees.

459、By means of suggestion box, questionnaires, seminars and various other tools, we get to understand and respond to their expectations and demands, creating more efficient communication channels in the process, and publicly publishing information on how we resolve issues to better facilitate employees

460、 complaint in the future.特殊人才Special talents中国工程院院士和全国工程设计勘察大师10人 10 Academics from the Chinese Academy of Engineering and China Engineering Survey and Design Masters有突出贡献的中青年专家 6人 6 middle-aged and young specialists w i th ou t s t an din g contributions享受政府特殊津贴专家 208人 208 specialists who enjoy a s

461、pecial government allowance教授级高工 1,107人 1,107 professorate senior engineers一级注册建造师7,192人 7,192 first-grade registered construction engineers助力全面发展Boosting Comprehensive Development员工是我们所有价值的创造者和实现者, 是我们持续发展的核心动力。 我们积极为员工搭建发展平台,努力实现 “考核评价、 职业生涯规划和教育培训” 三个体系全员覆盖。Employees create and drive our values a

462、nd our approach to sustainable development. We are actively building a development platform that encourages the full involvement of our employees in our assessment, career planning, and education and training system.员工培训我们遵循 “专业化、 职业化、 国际化” 的人才战略,以教育培训全员覆盖为目标, 努力构建集入职培训、 专业技能培训、 职业发展培训为一体的职业教育培训体系,

463、致力于打造经营管理、项目建造、 勘察设计、 地产开发、专业管理等五支人才队伍, 提高公司竞争力。Staff TrainingOur human resource strategy focuses on specialization, professionalization and internationalization, and gives employees opportunities to further their education and training through our vocational education and training system. The syste

464、m is comprised of induction training, professional skills training and career development sessions. We also built five teams in our operational management, project construction, survey and design, real estate development and professional management divisions to improve our overall competitiveness. 保

465、障员工权益Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees 关注职业健康Focusing on Occupational Health助力全面发展Boosting Comprehensive Development 注重人文关怀Focusing on Caring Culture保障员工权益Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees 关注职业健康Focusing on Occupational Health助力全面发展Boosting Comprehensive Development 注重人

466、文关怀Focusing on Caring Culture65拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment64拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment我们利用覆盖全公司的视频会议系统, 邀请知名专家学者、 政府机构官员举行专题讲座, 带动员工参加网络学习培训。 2012 年, 公司共组织三期 “书香中建”大讲堂活动。By means of our company-wide video conferencing system, we invite well-known experts, scholars, and

467、 governmental officials to give lectures and promote employee participation in online learning and training. In 2012, we organized three “Literate CSCEC” lectures.培训内容Training Content知识类培训Knowledge Training与员工岗位工作相关的专业知识培训Offer relevant training about professional knowledge related to work of staff使

468、其具备完成本职工作所必需的基本知识和迎接挑战所需的新知识Make them possess the basic knowledge for their own work and new knowledge for challenges使其在充分掌握理论知识的基础上,能自由地应用、 发挥和提高技能Make them apply and develop what they learn on the basic of possessing adequate theoretical knowledge建立企业与员工之间的相互信任关系,满足员工自我实现的需要Establish mutual trust

469、relationship between company and employees and meet their needs of self-fulfilment对员工的职责、 操作规程和专业技能的培训Offer training about the responsibilities, operational instruction and professional skills对员工进行的心理学、 人际关系学、 管理学、 价值观等方面的培训Offer training about psychology, human relations, management, values, etc技能类

470、培训Skill Training素质类培训Quality TrainingCase Study: “Sea Son” ProgramChina Overseas Property used the Sea Son program to attract new talents from colleges and universities. The program draws on its Research Plan, Internship Plan, Experience Plan, Sailing Plan and Tempering Plan. Each sub-plan has a cle

471、ar function that supports and depends on each other plans.案例:“海之子”计划“海之子” 计划是中海地产对校园招募的潜质人才的吸纳、 培养、 使用计划, 由 “研习计划” 、 “实习计划” 、 “体验计划” 、 “启航计划” 和 “锤炼计划”组成, 每个子计划都有清晰的功能定位, 并且彼此之间相互支撑、 相互依存。职业发展我们尊重员工个人的发展意愿, 结合工作岗位需要, 规范人力资源职业生涯管理活动, 不断推进职业生涯设计全员覆盖, 努力平衡公司人力资源需求和员工个人职业生涯发展, 满足企业生产经营与员工个人发展的需要。 除管理序列发展

472、通道外, 我们为员工提供项目经理、 建筑原创、 科技研发等七个发展方向,逐步建立相应专业人才的职业发展通道。Career DevelopmentRespecting the aspiration of each employee and combining the needs of each position, we regulate career management activities to make sure each employee has their own career planning. We endeavor to balance the human resource ne

473、eds in our company with career development of each employee in order to meet the needs of company operations and personal development. In addition to development access to management sequence, we provide them with seven development options. These include project management, construction design, rese

474、arch and development of science and technology, among others. The options help us establish occupational development channels for professionals.We actively promote pilot programs at our headquarters. In 2012, our headquarters examined 18 departments, 35 department heads and 182 regular employees for

475、 their performances in 2011 via all-round evaluations and single-item assessments. We also promoted competition for positions. In 2012, we held an open competition for 17 departments at the headquarters involving152 candidates, of whom 118 were interviewed and 15 took up new management posts.Case St

476、udy: Special Training Session for Leadership DevelopmentIn 2012, on the basis of customized development, China Construction organized its first special training session for leadership development. It conducted the training session by stages in the forms of discussion, recommended learning materials,

477、 group tutoring, action learning and others, and also incorporated the companys strategy and business into the training courses, so that the trainees can improve their own leadership while solving strategic and business problems.我们积极推进总部试点先行。 2012 年, 公司总部通过 360 度考核与单向评价相结合的方式, 对 18 个部门、 35 名部门负责人和 1

478、82 名普通员工进行 2011年度考核; 继续推进公开竞聘工作, 完成了总部 17 个部门副职公开竞聘, 共有152人报名, 118人参加了面试,15人通过公开竞聘走上了领导岗位。案例:领导力提升与发展专题培训班2012 年, 中国建筑在定制化开发的基础上, 举办了历史上首次领导力提升与发展专题培训班。 培训班采取分阶段的方式开展, 综合运用活动研讨、 推荐学习资料、 小组辅导、 行动学习等方式, 将中国建筑的战略和业务内容融入培训课程, 让学员在解决战略问题和业务问题的同时, 不断提升自身的领导力。领导人员Leaders重点加强领导力培训, 发展和提高参加者的战略思考能力Focus on l

479、eadership training, develop and enhance strategic thinking项目经理Project Manager项目运作与管理、 团队建设、 专业技术等Focus on the operation and management of the project, team building, and professional technology建筑原创人才Architecture Designer专业理论知识、 国内外先进经验、 创造性思维开发与管理等Focus on professional theory, domestic and foreign a

480、dvanced experience, and the development and management of creative thinking投资运营人才Investment and Operation Talent投融资、 资本运营与管理、 工程管理等Focus on investment and financing, capital operation and management, and project management高技能人才Highly skilled Talent操作技能、 安全知识、 管理技能、 团队合作等Focus on operational skills,

481、safety knowledge, management skills and teamwork商务法务人才Business and Legal Talent经济学、 市场营销、 法律等理论知识, 以及商务沟通技巧、 团队协作和工程管理等Focus on economics, marketing, laws and theories, business communication skills, teamwork and project management科技研发人才R&D Talent专业理论知识、 国内外先进经验等Focus on professional theory, and dom

482、estic and foreign advanced experience中海地产员工培训Employee Training of China Overseas Property员工培训绩效Employee Training Performance培训经费 (亿元人民币)Training Expenses (100 million RMB)覆盖范围 (人次)Training Scale (person-time)20100.91197,26020111.13208,37020121.4238,878保障员工权益Protecting the Rights and Interests of Emp

483、loyees 关注职业健康Focusing on Occupational Health助力全面发展Boosting Comprehensive Development 注重人文关怀Focusing on Caring Culture保障员工权益Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees 关注职业健康Focusing on Occupational Health助力全面发展Boosting Comprehensive Development 注重人文关怀Focusing on Caring Culture67拓展幸福空间Expanding

484、a happy living environment66拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment我们持续为员工拓展以人为本的幸福空间, 从关心员工日常生活入手, 充分体现人文关怀, 不断地将各种关心员工的措施制度化、 常规化。女工保护为女员工提供更加符合性别需求的工作环境, 拓展女员工幸福空间。案例:“最美”女设计师中建六局所属天津中建建筑设计院副总工程师、 院长助理杨瑞华荣获全国行业 “最美女设计师”称号。 杨瑞华是国家注册公用设备工程师 (暖通空调) , 被设计院推荐参加中国勘察设计协会主办的, “CCDI 杯首届全国勘察设计最美女设计师评选活动

485、” , 当选本届百名 “最美女设计师” 。Protection of Female EmployeesProviding female employees with a safe and suitable work environment to expand their happy living environment.Case Study: “The Most Beautiful” Woman DesignerYan Ruihua, Deputy Chief Engineer and Assistant to the President of Tianjin Architectural De

486、sign Institute affiliated to CSCEC 6th Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., was awarded the National Best Woman Designer title in the design industry. She is a certified public facility engineer (HVAC), and was recommended by the Design Institute to participate in “CCDI Cup First Selection of Best Woman De

487、signer in National Exploration and Design Industry, organized by China Exploration and Design Association. She was selected as one of the “Top 100 Women Designers”.We continue to contribute to the development of a people-oriented happy space by caring about the daily life of our employees. We are in

488、stitutionalizing and normalizing a series of new measures related to caring about our employees.注重人文关怀Focusing on Caring Culture2012 年公司员工获得国家级荣誉情况 National Honors Our Employees Received in 2012奖项Honors 数量 (个)Numbers 颁奖单位Awarding Units全国五一劳动奖状、 全国五一劳动奖章、 全国工人先锋号National Labor Award,National Labor Me

489、dal, and National Workers Pioneer25中华全国总工会All-China Federation of Trade Unions全国青年文明号、 全国青年岗位能手、 全国五四红旗团委National Youth Civilization, National Skilled Youth, and National Red Flag Communist Youth League 5共青团中央The Communist Youth League Central Committee 中央企业十杰青年岗位能手Top 10 Skilled Youth of Central En

490、terprises 1中央企业团工委The Communist Youth League Working Committee of Central Enterprises薪酬待遇Remuneration and Benefits生育休假Maternity Leave晋升渠道Promotion Channel方便哺乳Breast Feeding女性讲座Lectures for Women开展针对女性员工的讲座,为女员工提供健康保养、 心理疏导等方面的知识Provide health care lectures for female employees and offer healthy and

491、mental counseling向女性员工提供平等的晋升渠道Provide female employees with an equal opportunity and promotion channel向女性员工提供具有竞争力的薪酬待遇, 实现男女同工同酬Provide female employees with competitive remuneration and benefits, and implement the principle of men and women enjoying equal pay for equal work有不满一周岁婴儿的女性员工,规定 “每日可用一

492、小时的工作时间为婴儿哺乳”Provide an hour working-time for infant feeding for female employees with infants below the age of one丰富生活我们将丰富业余生活视为拓展员工幸福空间的题中之意, 帮助员工平衡工作和生活。 我们积极开展登山、郊游、 运动会等多种文体活动, 组织员工成立读书、 摄影、 书画等各种协会和兴趣小组, 不断提升员工幸福感。2012年, 我们举办了中国建筑组建三十周年系列活动,以文艺演出、 演讲比赛、 摄影比赛等 13 项活动来庆祝中建三十年历程, 丰富员工生活。Colorful

493、 Social LifeA healthy social life is an intrinsic factor in contributing to the development of a happy living environment. We aim at enriching the social lives of our employees and try to help them to achieve work-family balance. We organize recreational activities such as mountain climbing, hiking,

494、 and sports meetings and have established reading, photography,and painting associations and groups to improve their happiness. In 2012, we organized 13 activities including staff performances, public speaking contests, and photography competitions to celebrate the 30th anniversary of CSCEC. 案例:举办员工

495、集体生日聚会12 月 21日, 中建总公司工会、 团委和总部事务管理局联合为总部四季度过生日的 41 位员工举行了集体生日聚会, 这是公司总部员工首次集体过生日。 生日会上惊喜不断, 游戏环节热闹非凡。 大家用拥抱将祝福传递, 用笑声将幸福拓展。Case study: Holding a Collective Birthday PartyOn 21 December, 2012, the Trade Union and the Communist Youth League of CSCEC and the Headquarter Administration Bureau jointly he

496、ld a joint birthday party for 41 employees who were born in the fourth quarter of the year. This is the first time employees at the headquarters had such a birthday party. The party came as pleasant surprise to all and included lively games. 困难员工帮扶我们将帮扶困难员工作为长期、 系统的工作, 定期慰问困难员工, 将 “春送祝福、 夏送清凉、 秋送希望、

497、冬送温暖” 常态化、 规范化、 制度化, 推动各级工会建立 “扶贫济困” 专项基金和困难职工动态档案。 2012 年,我们累计投入资金 2,000 余万元在全系统开展 “四送活动” , 包括农民工在内的 4 万员工从中受益。案例:成立“信和”关爱基金2012 年 2 月 3 日, 中建五局安装公司工会第四次会员代表大会暨四届一次职代会通过了 中建五局工业设备安装有限公司 “信和” 关爱基金管理办法。基金管理办法规定, 因自然灾害、 重大疾病或者家庭重大事故而导致生活困难的员工将会得到基金救助,藉此让他们感受到企业发展带来的幸福感。Helping Needy EmployeesHelping o

498、ur employees is seen as a part of our systematic approach to creating a positive work environment. We regularly visit needy employees. And trade unions provide aid activities in a normalized, standardized and institutionalized manner. Moreover, trade unions have established a special fund to help th

499、e needy, and track information and requirements. In 2012, we invested more than RMB 20 million to help the employees with difficulties.The allowance benefited 40,000 migrant workers.Case Study: Establishing “CreditHarmony” Care FundOn 3 February, 2012, the Regulations on the Management of “CreditHar

500、mony” Care Fund of the Installation Co., Ltd. of CSCEC 5th Engineer Bureau was approved at the Fourth Member Congress of Trade Union and the first session of the Fourth Workers Congress. The Regulations state that the fund can be used to help needy employees who are suffering from the consequences o

501、f natural disasters, serious diseases and/or major accidents. 对生育、 妊娠后流产 、 各种节育绝育手术的女性员工, 制定不低于国家规定的休假标准Provide maternity leave for female employees during pregnancy, childbirth, or following an abortion or sterilization operation, and ensure that maternity leave is not below the national limit保障员工权

502、益Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees 关注职业健康Focusing on Occupational Health助力全面发展Boosting Comprehensive Development 注重人文关怀Focusing on Caring Culture保障员工权益Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees 关注职业健康Focusing on Occupational Health助力全面发展Boosting Comprehensive Development 注重人文关怀F

503、ocusing on Caring CulturePARTNERContributing to the Win-win Space伙伴拓展共赢空间助力供应商成长Promoting the Development of Suppliers与分包商携手Achieving Win-win Outcomes with Subcontractors推进战略合作Promoting Strategic Cooperation71拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment70拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment我们建立供

504、应商管理机制, 实行阳光采购, 严格信守合同承诺, 保障供应商合法权益; 审查供应商资质,鼓励负责任供应商, 打造责任价值链; 建立沟通机制,共同解决难题, 共享信息, 共同成长。保障供应商权益我们积极推行阳光采购, 通过规范采购管理流程、分置关键环节核心权利、 推进信息化平台建设, 努力营造公开、 公平、 公正的招投标环境; 严格履行合同,及时支付合同款项, 维护供应商合法权益。2012 年, 我们实行现场旁站式监督, 由纪检监察员在开标现场监督检查投标文件和中标人推荐过程,确保采购过程公开、 透明。助力供应商成长Promoting the Development of Suppliers

505、与分包商携手Achieving Win-win Outcomes with Subcontractors推进战略合作Promoting Strategic Cooperation共赢是中国建筑的价值追求, 是对利益相关方的承诺。 我们坚持与各利益相关方在分工与协作中谋求共赢,形成利益共同体, 汇集力量, 整合资源, 共同承担责任, 共同创造价值, 实现共同发展。Protecting the Rights and Interests of SuppliersWe continue to press ahead with our approach to sunshine procurement.

506、By standardizing our procurement management process, decentralizing our core procurement rights, and building an information platform, we are creating an open, fair, and just bidding environment. We strictly fulfill all contracts, make timely payments, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interes

507、ts of our suppliers.We have established a supplier management mechanism that contributes to our sunshine procurement policy, honors all contracts and protects the legitimate rights and interests of the suppliers. We inspect the qualifications of all of our suppliers and encourage them to responsible

508、 suppliers that contribute to the value chain. We have also established a communication mechanism that jointly solve problems, shares information and achieves common development.In 2012, our Discipline Inspection Department supervisors conducted on-site inspections of all bidding documents and super

509、vised the winning bid process to ensure open and transparent procurement.We always aim at achieving win-win outcomes with our stakeholders as collaboration helps us build a community of interests. By pooling our efforts and integrating resources we believe we can share our responsibility, create val

510、ue and achieve common development together.助力供应商成长Promoting the Development of Suppliers大剧院是一个政治工程、 民生工程, 这样的重点项目交给你们中建来做我们放心, 希望央企在济南建设发展上多尽一份力。 时任山东省委副书记、 省长 姜大明近年来, 中建股份积极参与门头沟区多项工程建设, 有力改善了门头沟区社会建设基础设施条件, 缓解了城市建设压力, 为地区经济社会跨越式发展奠定了基础。 北京市门头沟区常务副区长 陈国才中建总公司作为专业的建筑施工企业, 在技术、 人才、 管理等方面形成了显著优势, 特别是海

511、外市场拓展迈出了坚实步伐, “走出去” 成绩可圈可点。 国电集团愿与中建总公司进一步深化合作, 推动双方实现互利共赢。 中国国电集团公司总经理、 党组副书记 朱永过去几年, 中国建筑不仅高效地完成了工期, 创造了工程建设的奇迹, 而且在质量上也取得了很大突破。 今后两年将是万达集团在建工程质量年, 希望通过各个项目的建设, 使万达集团与中国建筑的战略合作伙伴关系更加稳固。 大连万达集团董事长 王健林荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders CommentsThe Grand Theatre is both a political project and a livel

512、ihood project. We are assured to entrust such a key project to China Construction. I hope the central enterprise may make more contribution to the development and construction of Jinan. Jiang Daming, the Former Governor of Shandong Province and Deputy Secretary of CPC Shandong CommitteeIn recent yea

513、rs, CSCEC has been actively involved in the construction of several projects in Mentougou District, which has greatly improved the infrastructure conditions of social construction here, eased the pressure on urban construction, and laid the foundation for the local economic and social leap-forward d

514、evelopment. Chen Guocai, Executive Vice Governor of Mengtougou DistrictAs a professional building construction enterprise, CSCEC has formed its own striking advantages in the technology, human resources, management and others. In particular, it has taken a substantial step forward towards overseas m

515、arkets, and made remarkable achievements in the policy of going global. China Guodian Group hopes to deepen the cooperation with CSCEC and promote both parties to achieve mutual benefit and win-win outcomes. Zhu Yongpeng, Deputy Secretary of Party Group and General Manager of China Guodian Corporati

516、onIn recent years, China construction has completed its projects on time and has created miracles in engineering construction as well as breakthroughs in project quality. The next two years will be important for Wanda Groups under construction projects. I believe the construction of these projects w

517、ill consolidate our strategic partnership with China Construction. Wang Jianlin, Chairman of Dalian Wanda Group统一发布 集中采购管理手册Issuing the Manual on Central Procurement Management建立信息化的采购业务平台Building a procurement information platform分置关键环节核心权利Decentralizing the core rights of key links与供应商签订 廉洁合作协议Sig

518、ning an Anti-corruption Cooperation Agreement with suppliers为公开、 公正、 公平采购提供制度保障Provide an institutional guarantee to open, fair and just procurement system采购工作阳光透明、 全过程可追溯Ensure procurement is transparent and traceable确保具有公正的采购工作流程Ensure a fair procurement process预防商业贿赂及其他腐败发生Prevent corruption and

519、bribery in business73拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment72拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment分包分供合同示范文本中保障分包商合法权益的措施提供按月支付和按阶段 / 形象节点支付两种方式供分包商选择, 充分保障分包商订立合同的自由选择权;严抓安全责任关, 关注分包商职业健康, 保障分包商生命健康;要求分包商提交农民工工资保证金担保, 保障农民工工资按时发放;公平设置双方违约条款, 对承包人违约情形, 给予分包人合理工期或费用补偿。我们遵循 “诚信、 创新、 超越、 共赢” 的

520、精神, 推行强强联合, 与央企、 国企和地方企业展开合作; 在投资、城市综合建设方面, 与地方政府合作建设开发; 在银企合作方面, 与多家银行签署了战略合作协议, 获取资金支持, 谋取合作共赢。推进战略合作Promoting Strategic CooperationMeasures to Protect the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Subcontractors in Contract Template for SubcontractorsProvide two options of payment, that is, the monthly

521、payment and stage/image payment for subcontractors to fully protect their freedom of choice when signing contracts;Focus on safety responsibility, pay attention to the occupational health of subcontracting, and protect the rights and interests of subcontractors in life and health;Ask subcontractors

522、to submit a migrant worker security deposit to ensure that migrant worker pay is paid in full and on time;Establish a default clause that is fair to both sides; if default by the contractor occurs, the subcontractor will be given reasonable time for rescheduling or cost compensation.In following the

523、 spirit of integrity, innovation, transcendence and achieving win-win outcomes, we have pressed ahead with our association between strong enterprises and continue to make cooperation a central focus of our business dealings with state-owned and the local enterprises. In terms of investment and urban

524、 construction, we cooperate with local governments and banks and enterprises. To date, we have signed strategic cooperation agreements with several banks for financial support and win-win cooperation agreements.案例:将社会责任要求纳入供应商合同中建地产在与供应商签订的合同中, 增加保障社会、 环境和农民工权益的约束条款, 内容涉及环境保护、 农民工工资支付保障、 反腐败等。 通过签订合

525、同, 公司监督供应商善待农民工、 保护环境, 引导其履行社会责任。与分包商携手Achieving Win-win Outcomes with Subcontractors分包商是我们持续发展的劳务主体。 我们积极转变管理方式, 以大项目部建设为核心, 全面开展各项劳务管理工作, 努力实现双方共生共存、 共赢共荣。2012 年, 我们培训分包商投入10,430 万元, 培训149 万人次, 培训覆盖率 100%。Develop with Suppliers TogetherWe focus on communicating with our suppliers through the organ

526、ization of regular supplier meetings and the building of a technology-sharing platform. We also share information with suppliers, negotiate the resolution of problems that occur in the process of implementing a project, and discuss how the industry and markets can best move forward to achieve mutual

527、 promotion and common development.Subcontractors are a key part of labor services and play an important role in our approach to sustainable development. As such, we have transformed the structure of our management model to enhance the construction of big projects. We are also rolling out a labor ser

528、vice management system to achieve mutually beneficial win-win outcomes and common prosperity.In 2012, we invested RMB 104.3 million in subcontracting training for 1.49 million people, achieving 100% coverage for our all subcontractors.Case Study: Incorporate Social Responsibility Requirements into S

529、upplier ContractsCSC Land Group added binding clauses in the contracts it signs with suppliers to protect society, the environment and the rights and interests of migrant workers. The clauses cover environmental protection, guarantees on payments to migrant workers, and anti-corruption. By signing t

530、he contract, the company ensures that its suppliers protect migrant workers and the environment, and indirectly guides its suppliers on how to perform social responsibility.促进供应商履行社会责任Encourage suppliers to fulfill their social responsibilities.鼓励负责任的供应商Encourage responsible suppliers.评估供应商履行社会责任情况E

531、valuate suppliers performance implementing social responsibility.引导供应商履行社会责任Guide suppliers to improve their social responsibilities.通过增加订单等方式, 鼓励负责任的供应商Encourage responsible suppliers through incentives such as increasing orders.建立健全供应商管理体系, 开展供应商资格认证, 审查供应商诚信经营、安全生产、 环境保护等情况Establish and improve a

532、 supplier management system, carry out the supplier certifications, and inspect their business credit, production safety, and environmental protection.通过培训, 提高供应商社会责任意识;在合同中增加约束条款 ,保障社会、 环境和农民工的权益Enhance their awareness on social responsibility through trainings, and adding binding clauses that prot

533、ect society, the environment and the rights and interests of migrant workers in contracts.与供应商共同成长我们注重与供应商沟通, 通过定期组织供应商见面会, 建立技术共享平台等方式, 与供应商共享信息,协商解决项目实施过程中的难题, 研讨行业及市场的发展方向, 与供应商相互促进、 共同成长。开展相关管理技术培训、 岗前培训和安全培训, 提高管理水平Conduct skills trainings, pre-job training, and safety training, and improve our

534、 approach to management.制定 分包分供合同示范文本 , 依法签订合同, 保障合法权益Formulate the Contract Template for Subcontractors, sign contracts in accordance with laws and protect all legitimate rights and interests.扩大海内外市场, 带动分包商 “走出去”Expand to overseas markets and drive subcontractors to go global能力建设Capacity Building保障

535、权益Protect Rights and Interests共同发展Common Development共赢Win-win OutcomesPromoting Suppliers to Implement Social ResponsibilityWe demand that supply chain enterprises fulfill their social responsibility, and help SMEs in our supply chain analyze and improve their contribution to sustainable development

536、. We also believe in responsible procurement and integrating social responsibility concepts and requirements into the entire procurement process in order to improve social responsibility initiatives in supply chain.促进供应商履行社会责任我们积极影响和带动供应链企业履行社会责任,协助供应链中小企业发掘可持续发展的潜力。 我们推行责任采购, 将社会责任理念和要求融入采购全过程,促进供应

537、链企业提升履行社会责任水平。助力供应商成长Promoting the Development of Suppliers 与分包商携手Achieving Win-win Outcomes with Subcontractors推进战略合作Promoting Strategic Cooperation助力供应商成长Promoting the Development of Suppliers 与分包商携手Achieving Win-win Outcomes with Subcontractors推进战略合作Promoting Strategic Cooperation75拓展幸福空间Expandin

538、g a happy living environment74拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment赤几马拉博会议中心 Drawing of Malabo International Conference Center赤几超市Drawing of Supermarket in Equatorial Guinea银企合作企业的业务运营需要金融机构支持, 金融机构的发展壮大离不开企业。 我们与中国银行、 中国建设银行等多家银行签署了战略合作协议, 合作涉及授信业务、 现金管理服务、 中间业务及金融顾问业务等领域。通过银企合作, 我们拓展融资渠道, 与金融

539、机构一同开发市场, 增强国际市场竞争力, 实现合作共赢。高校合作我们与清华大学、 天津大学等高校展开合作, 在科技研发、 人才培养、 成果转化方面与高校签订了一系列战略合作协议。 2012 年, 参与组建大连理工大学、东南大学、 重庆大学 2011 计划协同创新中心, 与东南大学等 20 家单位共同签署2011 计划现代建筑工业化协同创新中心组建培育协议等多项协议, 在协同创新中逐步发挥企业的主体作用。中央企业我们与中央企业开展高端战略合作, 共同提升市场竞争力。 2012 年, 与中国华能集团公司、 华润 (集团)有限公司等签订战略合作协议, 搭建市场开拓和业务互补等方面的双赢合作平台。 2

540、009 年以来, 与中央企业合作项目 247 个, 金额达 920 亿元。案例:参与政府房建项目建设中建赤道几内亚公司通过与赤几政府合作, 参与赤几当地各类房建项目建设, 为赤几国家和人民创造美好家园, 带动当地基础设施发展, 提高当地人民生活水平。Case Study: Involved in the Construction of Governmental Housing ProjectsOur cooperation with the government of Equatorial Guinea through the CSCEC Equatorial Guinea Company r

541、esulted in the local construction of various housing projects that contributed to building a beautiful homeland for the country and the people. The projects boosted the development of local infrastructure and improved peoples living standards.Cooperating with BanksThe business operations of an enter

542、prise need the support of financial institutions. We have signed strategic cooperation agreements with credit businesses, cash management services, intermediary business, and financial advisory businesses and several banks such as the Bank of China and the Construction Bank of China. Our cooperation

543、 with banks allows us to expand our finance channels and develop new markets with financial institutions that will enhance our competitiveness in international markets.Cooperating with Colleges and UniversitiesWe have cooperated with Tsinghua University, Tianjin University and other colleges and uni

544、versities, and signed a series of strategic cooperation agreements in the field of research and development, talent cultivation, and the transformation of technological achievements. In 2012, we were involved in the formation of the Collaborative Innovation Center (2011 Plan) at Dalian University of

545、 Technology, Southeast University and Chongqing University. We signed the Agreement on Establishment of Modern Building Industrialization Collaborative Innovation Center with 20 colleges and universities in order to play a key role in collaborative innovation.Cooperating with Central EnterprisesWe h

546、ave entered into strategic cooperation with central enterprises to enhance our competitiveness in new markets. In 2012, we signed strategic cooperation agreements with China Huaneng Group, Huarun (Group) Co., Ltd. to develop a market development platform and complementary businesses. Since 2009, we

547、have cooperated with central enterprises on 247 projects worth RMB 92 billion.合作政府Cooperation Government7 个省级政府7 provincial governments16 个地市级政府16 governments at the prefecture-level city8 个省会城市8 provincial capitals3 个国家级新区3 nation-level new areas2 个计划单列市2 cities separately listed in the state planC

548、ooperating with GovernmentUtilizing our advantages in the integrated industry chain we share our expertise in planning and design, investment and development, infrastructure construction, and housing construction with governments at all levels for urban complex development, real estate development,

549、and affordable housing projects. This helps us to promote local economic and social development and the development of related industries and results in win-win outcome for both the private and public sector.政府合作我们充分发挥规划设计、 投资开发、 基础设施建设和房屋建筑工程四位一体全产业链综合优势, 在推进城市综合体开发、 基础设施建设、 房地产开发、 保障性住房建设等领域与各级政府开

550、展合作, 推动地区经济社会和相关产业发展, 实现企业价值与政府职责双赢。与福州市政府签订战略合作框架协议Signing a strategic cooperation framework agreement with the government of Fuzhou助力供应商成长Promoting the Development of Suppliers 与分包商携手Achieving Win-win Outcomes with Subcontractors推进战略合作Promoting Strategic Cooperation助力供应商成长Promoting the Development

551、 of Suppliers 与分包商携手Achieving Win-win Outcomes with Subcontractors推进战略合作Promoting Strategic CooperationINDUSTRYContributing to the Innovation Space行业拓展创新空间倡导公平竞争Advocating Fair Competition推动科技创新Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation实施管理创新Implementing Management Innovations引领行业发展At the For

552、efront of the Development of the Industry开展国际合作交流International Cooperation and Exchanges79拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment78拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment统一开放、 竞争有序的市场环境, 是建筑业健康发展的保障。 我们秉持 “信誉至上, 坚守责任、 恪守行规、合作共赢” 的理念, 实行理性竞争, 努力为行业的创新和发展营造良好的环境。我们在业务开拓中以高端市场为主, 积极响应建设行政主管部门 “建立

553、良好建筑市场秩序” 的要求,兼顾部分中端市场。我们注重以树立品牌信誉和负责任的企业形象,提升行业竞争力, 巩固行业领先地位。 我们严格遵守商务约定, 系统推行项目管理标准化以强化工程履约。倡导公平竞争Advocating Fair Competition 推动科技创新Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation实施管理创新Implementing Management Innovations引领行业发展At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry开展国际合作交流Internation

554、al Cooperation and Exchanges中国建筑秉持建设 “最具国际竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团” 的愿景, 努力营造公平竞争的行业氛围, 持续推进科技和管理创新, 积极开展国内外同行间的交流, 不断拓展行业创新和发展的空间, 共同推动公司与行业的持续健康发展。Upholding our vision of “being a most internationally competitive building real estate conglomerate” in the world, we strive to create an environment of fair com

555、petition in the industry, continuously promote innovation in science and technology and management, and actively carry out exchanges between domestic and foreign counterparts. We aim at expanding industrial innovation and development space in our industry and are keen to jointly promote the sustaine

556、d and healthy development of the company and the industry.A unified, open market environment that thrives on competition is the only way to guarantee the healthy development of the construction industry. We uphold the “Credit first, holding fast to responsibility, abiding by line disciplines, and ac

557、hieving win-win cooperation” concept, and believe that rational competition fosters a healthy environment for innovation and industry-wide development.We prioritize high-end markets in our approach to business development, and give consideration to mid-market opportunities so as to “keep good order

558、in construction markets” as proposed by the administrative department of construction.We are developing our brand and reputation as well as our responsible corporate image to enhance our competitiveness and consolidate our leading position in the industry. We also honor all business contracts and wi

559、ll continue promoting a standardized approach to project management in order to fulfill all project contracts efficiently and effectively.倡导公平竞争Advocating Fair Competition“上海环球金融中心关键技术” 荣获国家科技进步二等奖。“钢 - 混凝土组合结构技术” 荣获国家技术发明一等奖。荣获中国施工企业管理协会科学技术奖特等奖 1 项, 一等奖 23 项, 二等奖 14 项。荣获中国建筑装饰协会全国建筑装饰行业科技示范工程奖 7 项

560、, 科技创新成果奖 10 项。荣获中国钢结构协会科学技术奖 6 项 。各单位获省部级科学技术奖 70 项。获国家专利授权 1,139 项。主编国家及行业标准 18 个, 撰写行业研究报告1 份; 协助住建部审查国家、 行业标准共计 25 项, 主持召开国家、行业标准审查会议 11 次, 提供了10 余份技术咨询报告。施工了央视新址, 就没有干不了的项目。 中共中央政治局常委、 中央书记处书记 刘云山中建南洋公司作为一家杰出的国际承包商, 其所取得的杰出成就可喜可贺, 并在新加坡建筑界起到了标杆作用。 新加坡国家发展部长 马宝山阿尔及利亚国际会议中心项目意义重大, 它将成为中阿两国经济、 文化合

561、作的又一典范。 阿中友协主席 伊斯梅尔德贝什央视新址工程将成为 “ 人类文明成果和世界著名遗产” 。 日本森大厦株式会社社长 森稔The “Key Technology of Shanghai World Financial Center” was awarded National Second-grade Prize for Progress in Science and Technology.The techonology of steel-concrete composite structure won the first prize of national technological

562、invention.Granted a Special Prize, 23 First-grade Prizes, and 14 Second-grade Prizes for Science and Technology from the China Association of Construction Enterprise Management.Awarded seven Prizes for Technology Demonstration Projects in the national construction and decoration industry from the Ch

563、ina Building Decoration Association, and 10 Awards for Innovation in Science and Technology.Awarded six prizes for science and technology from the China Steel Construction Society.Achieved 70 provincial and ministerial science or technology awards.Achieved 1,139 national patents.Compiled 18 national

564、 and industry standards, and wrote an industry research report; assisted the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development in reviewing 25 national or industry standards, held 11 conferences on national and industry standard inspections, and provided more than 10 technology advisory reports.After

565、building the new CCTV tower, there is no project that you cant build. Liu Yunshan, Member of the Standing Committee As an outstanding international contractor, China Construction (South Pacific) Development Pty. Ltd. has played a benchmarking role in the construction industry of Singapore. Its outst

566、anding achievements deserve congratulations. Ma Baoshan, Minister of National Development of SingaporeThe Algeria International Conference Center project is of great significance to us, and it will be another example of the economic and cultural cooperation that exists between China and Algeria. Ism

567、ael Debushi, Chairman of Sino-Algeria Friendship SocietyNew CCTV Tower project is an example of “the fruits of human civilization and of world famous heritage”. Minoru Mori, President of Mori Building Corporation荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments科技创新是我们实现建筑技术突破、 引领行业发展的重要保障。 我们营造 “勇于创新、 宽容失败

568、” 的企业创新文化氛围, 培养员工积极推动科技创新的崇高使命感, 激发员工的创新热情。 我们加强科技创新人才队伍建设, 完善科技创新机制, 加大科技创新投入。目前, 公司拥有中级以上专业技术职务人员 4.1 万人,占员工总数的 20%。 2012 年, 仅公司总部研发投入2,143 万元。推动科技创新Promoting Scientific and Technological InnovationAdvancements in science and technology guarantee our ability to lead the industry. We are working ha

569、rd to create a business environment that thrives on innovation and welcome and inspire our employees to be enthusiastic about scientific and technological innovation. We are also strengthening our talent team, improving our mechanisms for technological innovation, and increasing our investment in th

570、is field. Currently, we had 41,000 professional technicians in the company, accounting for 20% of our total number of employees. In 2012, we had invested 21.43 million RMB in research and development only in our headquarters.81拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment80拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy livin

571、g environment我们关注超高层施工技术由工艺探索创新向精细化管理、 智能化建设施工转型。 2012 年, 我们重点对绿色施工量化控制、 BIM 技术行业应用创新等多项超高层施工前沿课题进行系统的研究与应用, 带动超高层施工技术的持续创新, 成为国内新一轮超高层建设高潮的领跑者。案例:卡塔尔多哈高层办公楼项目多哈高层办公楼总高度为 238 米, 其外立面是带有多层次古伊斯兰文化图案的具有遮阳功能的金属幕墙 , 结构采用螺旋柱及预应力环梁支撑系统, 最大限度地提升内部空间利用效率, 是目前采用钢筋混凝土交叉斜柱结构的世界第一高楼 , 获得世界高层建筑权威机构 “世界高层建筑和城市住宅学会

572、” 颁发的 “2012 年中东及非洲地区最佳高层建筑大奖” 。We are concerned about the transformation of high-rise construction technology from technical process exploration to fine management and intelligent construction. In 2012, we focused on the research and the application of forefront topics with regard to high-rise build

573、ing construction such as green construction quantization control, and BIM technological innovation in the industry. We hope that this approach will drive innovation in high-rise construction technology and help CSCEC become a leader in a new round of high-rise construction.Case Study: Doha Tower Doh

574、a Tower in Qatar is a 238-meter-high office building. Its faade is multi-level metal curtain wall containing an old Islamic cultural pattern. The Tower has a spiral column and a pre-stressed ring beam support system to maximize the efficient use of the interior space. It is currently the worlds high

575、est building using reinforced, cross shape concrete diagrid columns. It awarded the Best Tall Building in Middle East & Africa by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, a world high-rise construction authority.Case Study: Building an Implementation Platform for Scientific and Technological

576、 InnovationThe CSCEC Technology Center is an open implementation platform for scientific and technological innovation. The Center focuses on corporate research and development and combines production, study and research, which has been identified as a state-level enterprise technology center by SASA

577、C. In national assessments and examinations, the Center has ranked first among enterprise technology centers in the construction industry for several years running.案例:打造科技创新实施平台中国建筑技术中心是以企业为研发主体, 产、 学、研相结合的开放型科技创新实施平台, 被国家发改委等部门认定为国家级企业技术中心, 连续多年在国家评估考核中位居建筑业企业技术中心首位。案例:中央电视台新台址主楼创建筑业奇迹中央电视台新址项目总建筑面

578、积约 55 万平方米,最高建筑 234 米,共推广应用“建筑业十项新技术”中的 10 个大项,33 个分项,50 个子项,创新技术 21 项,荣获全国建筑业新技术应用示范金牌工程。中央电视台新台址主楼被美国商业周刊和英国泰晤士报评为“中国十大新建筑奇迹”和“当今全球建设中十大最强悍工程”,获“中国建筑经典工程”和“北京十大新地标”称号。Case Study: New CCTV Tower a Miracle in the Construction IndustryThe New CCTV Tower covers a construction area of 550,000 m2, Its t

579、allest building is 234 meters high. The project adopted and promoted 10 major items, 33 items and 50 sub-items in the 10 new construction technologies, and created 21 new technologies. The project was recognized as a national golden demonstration project for its application 我们强化 “商业化、 集团化、 科学化” 理念,

580、全面实施管理创新, 成功实现经营理念、 结构调整、 增长方式、 经营方式、 集约化管理、 发展目标、 发展理念七大管理模式的转变和升级, 增强了公司管控力, 树立了行业管理创新的标杆。实施管理创新Implementing Management InnovationsWe regularly strengthen our commercialized, collectivized and scientific management concept in order to innovate our approach to management. We have successfully trans

581、formed and upgraded our management models including our business concepts, structural reorganization, growth models, business models, centralized management, development goals and development concept. Our management models have enhanced our management and control capabilities, and established a benc

582、hmark for management innovation in the industry.传统企业Traditional enterprises房建施工Housing construction注重规模效益Focusing on scale benefits“建房”Building houses分散资源经营Distributing business resources粗放式管理Extensive management参与国际工程承包Participating in international project contracting现代企业Modern enterprises基础设施、房地产

583、投资综合开发Infrastructure, real estate investment, and comprehensive development“建城”Building “towns”整合集成内外资源经营Integrating internal and external business resources精细化管理Detailed management经营跨国集团Operating multinational corporations注重央企三大责任Focusing on three responsibilities of central enterprises经营理念升级Upgrad

584、ing business concepts集约化管理升级Upgrading intensive management结构调整升级Upgrading structural reorganization发展目标升级Upgrading development goals增长方式升级Upgrading growth models发展理念升级Upgrading development concepts经营方式升级Upgrading business modelsIn 2012, we strengthened our scientific and technological innovation man

585、agement organization, and assigned full-time R&D staff in the fields of green building research, product line standardization, and the application of BIM technology. Taking into account the objectives of building a “green and digital CSCEC” , we issued The Decision on Further Promoting Scientific an

586、d Technological Innovation in CSCEC, as well as other papers. We also developed concrete plans for scientific and technological innovation to ensure our sustained and healthy development and to support technological innovation that contributes to more advanced technology in the industry.中央电视台新台址主楼项目

587、New CCTV Tower卡塔尔多哈高层办公楼项目Doha high-rise office building projectof new construction technology. The New CCTV Tower was also recognized as a Top 10 Wonder of Chinese New Architecture and The Most Striking Work in Todays World, by American magazine Business Week and British paper The Times. Moreover,

588、the project was awarded the titles of “Classic Chinese Architecture Engineering” and “Beijing Top 10 Landmark Building”.2012 年, 我们强化科技创新管理组织建设, 逐步在绿色建筑研究、 产品线标准化研究、 BIM 技术应用等研究领域均配备专职研发人员。 围绕打造全产业链“绿色中建” 、 “数字中建” 和大力推进 “建筑工业化”的目标, 出台了 关于进一步推进中国建筑科技创新工作的决定 等文件, 在总结公司科技创新工作基础上,明确公司发展需要集中力量推进科技创新, 并对下一

589、步科技创新工作做了具体规划, 保障科技创新支撑和引领 “中国建筑” 持续、 健康发展, 努力为行业发展贡献更多先进技术和经验。倡导公平竞争Advocating Fair Competition 推动科技创新Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation实施管理创新Implementing Management Innovations引领行业发展At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry开展国际合作交流International Cooperation and Exchanges倡导公

590、平竞争Advocating Fair Competition 推动科技创新Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation实施管理创新Implementing Management Innovations引领行业发展At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry开展国际合作交流International Cooperation and Exchanges83拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment82拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy

591、 living environment我们作为建筑行业排头兵, 致力于成为行业科学发展、 转变模式的引领者。 主动参与国家和行业标准的制定, 组织举办专业论坛和学术活动, 分享创新经验和成果, 引领行业发展方向, 共同拓展行业创新和发展的空间。我们积极创造条件促进同行间的专业交流, 全年举办了 “高层与超高层建筑论坛” 、 “全国桥梁工程技术交流会” 等多项具有行业影响力的学术活动, 带动行业专业领域的发展。 加强与重点高校的合作, 发挥企业主体作用。 与重庆大学联合主办了 “土木建筑施工学科发展高端论坛” , 与清华大学等高校共同主办 “第四届全国钢结构工程技术交流会” , 引领行业科技发展

592、方向。引领行业发展At the Forefront of the Development of the IndustryAt the leading company in our industry we are committed to scientific development and transforming the development model. We have taken the initiative to participate in the formulation of national and industry standards. And we regularly or

593、ganize professional forums and academic activities. We also share our experiences and achievements, and guide the industry so as to transform its innovation and development space.We create conditions for professional exchange among our peers. In 2012, we held the High-rise Building Forum, the Nation

594、al Bridge Engineering Technology Exchange and other academic activities to promote professional development throughout the industry. We also strengthened our cooperation with colleges and universities. In association with Chongqing University, we organized the High-end Forum on Civil Engineering Con

595、struction and we also held the Fourth National Steel Structure Engineering Technology Exchange with Tsinghua University and others to lead and empower technological development in our industry.案例:曼谷中国文化中心中建泰国公司经过两年的紧张施工, 克服了泰国水灾等多重不利因素影响, 圆满建设完成曼谷中国文化中心项目, 并得到了各方一致好评。 时任国务院总理温家宝表示, 曼谷中国文化中心是中国在东南亚地区

596、设立的第一个文化中心, 具有示范意义。 泰国总理英拉表示曼谷中国文化中心的建成, 将把中泰文化交流推向更高水平。全国桥梁工程技术交流会National Bridge Engineering Technology Exchange第四届全国钢结构工程技术交流会The Fourth National Steel Structure Engineering Technology Exchange我们大力实施 “大海外” 战略, 对海外事业经营理念、 管理模式和业务模式进行调整和转型, 以管理、 技术促效益, 带动所在地建筑工程行业的发展。我们广泛开展国际交流, 参与国际会议和论坛,加强与国际同行的沟

597、通和交流, 共同探讨全球建筑行业专业领域发展方向, 为行业的创新发展拓展更为广阔的空间。We have modified the strategy of our “Great Overseas” plan, adjusted and transformed our business concepts, management models and business models, and increased efficiency via our approach to management and technology. This has enhanced the development of

598、our overseas business and boosted the overall development of construction industry overseas. We conduct international exchanges, participate in international conferences and forums, and have strengthened our communication with our international counterparts so as to discuss global construction trend

599、s, and facilitate innovation and industry-wide development .Case Study: Chinese Culture Center in BangkokAfter overcoming floods in Thailand and many adverse factors over past two years, China Construction Thailand Co., Ltd. successfully completed the Bangkok Chinese Culture Center project. Wen Jiab

600、ao, former Chinese Premier, said, the “Chinese Culture Center in Bangkok is the first cultural centre that China has established in Southeast Asia, and is of exemplary significance.” Yingluck, Prime Minister of Thailand, said, “With the completion of Chinese Culture Centerin Bangkok, Sino-Thai cultu

601、re will move toward a higher level.”Case Study: Information ConstructionAs a information technology consulting service company with ten new technology in construction, CSCEC held totally 16 seminars on information application in construction enterprises。These seminars always paid much more attention

602、 on technological advancement and management improvement through informatization to realize institutional innovation, technological innovation and management innovation in construction enterprises, which enhanced the core competitiveness of enterprises, urged enterprises to realize development in a

603、sustainable, rapid and healthy way and offer a good platform for companies to communicate. After years of efforts, China Construction has become a famous brand to boost the development of informatization in the whole industry.开展国际合作交流International Cooperation and Exchange2012 年公司参与的重要国际会议和论坛Key Inte

604、rnational Conferences and Forums that CSCEC Attended in 2012第三轮中美工商领袖和前高官对话会 The Third Annual US-China CEO and Former Senior Officials Dialogue中俄贸易和投资促进会议 Sino-Russia Investment and Trade Fair 第四届中日韩工商峰会 The Fourth China-Japan-South Korea Summit中非合作论坛第四届中非企业家大会 The Fourth Entrepreneurs Conference of

605、 Sino-Africa Cooperation Forum中国海湾阿拉伯国家可持续发展论坛 China - Gulf Arab National Forum on Sustainable Development中阿合作论坛第四届企业家大会暨投资研讨会 The Fourth Entrepreneurs Conference & Investment Seminar of China-Arab States Cooperation2012 年世界城市峰会 World Cities Summit 2012时任国务院总理温家宝、 泰国总理英拉共同出席曼谷中国文化中心揭牌仪式Wen Jiabao, t

606、he former Chinese Premier, and Yingluck, Prime Minister of Thailand, attended the Unveiling Ceremony for Chinese Culture Center in Bangkok.案例:信息化建设中国建筑作为建筑业十项新技术企业信息化技术咨询服务单位, 成功组织举办了16 届建筑行业企业信息化应用发展探讨会。 该探讨会一直把利用信息化推动行业技术进步和管理提升作为第一要务,为实现建筑企业机制创新、 技术创新和管理创新,提高企业核心竞争力, 促进企业持续、 快速、 健康发展提供了一个良好的交流、 互

607、动平台。 经过多年努力,该探讨会已经成为一个推动行业信息化发展的知名品牌。倡导公平竞争Advocating Fair Competition 推动科技创新Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation实施管理创新Implementing Management Innovations引领行业发展At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry开展国际合作交流International Cooperation and Exchanges倡导公平竞争Advocating Fair Competi

608、tion 推动科技创新Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation实施管理创新Implementing Management Innovations引领行业发展At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry开展国际合作交流International Cooperation and ExchangesCOMMUNITY Contributing to the Harmonious Space社区重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety促进社会就业Offeri

609、ng Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assisting Community Development热心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare拓展和谐空间87拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment86拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environmentReceived 66 national 3A Safe awards for having civilized, standardized and honest construction sites and more than 40

610、0 awards for safe and civilized construction sites. The number of awards China Construction received was far ahead among counterparts.The CSCEC US Company was awarded the STEP Gold Award for Safety by the American Association of Construction and Contractors, the most authoritative award for safety i

611、n the American construction industry.Awarded the title of “Beijing Best Employer for College and University Graduates”.Awarded the title of “Advanced Company for Poverty Alleviation”.China Construction is in the vanguard of the construction industry, and is capable of undertaking any project and del

612、ivering it to you with quality. I hope that China Construction will continue to be a pioneer in aid construction forever. Muhong, Deputy Director of National Development and Reform CommissionChina Construction stands for the level of central enterprise to provide assisstance. It also stands for the

613、SASACs. Jiang Zhigang, Vice Director of SASACThrough loving-care and a charitable bazaar activity, young league members used their wisdom and strength to solve challenges faced by migrant worker and their children. Charitable donations and public welfare activities brought endless pleasure to the pa

614、rticipants. The activities positively reflect the love of China Construction. Wu Qinghua, member of Working Committee of central state organsI have worked at numerous sites for large and small, private and state-owned companies, but China construction has the best working and living environments, an

615、d the most reliable salary. We also frequently get surprise gifts. Its really good. Zhang Daikang, a carpenter at Chengdu Guojin project site of CSECEThe Caring for Migrant Worker Activity created a good social environment for the growth of our migrant workers. We must seize this golden opportunity,

616、 strive to be informed workers. Li Zeliang, a migrant worker representative of CSCEC 7th Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.荣获国家级AAA安全文明标准化诚信工地66项, 获得省部级以上安全文明工地400余个, 获奖数处于同行业前列。中建美国公司荣获美国建造与承包商联合会颁发的 STEP 安全金奖。 STEP 安全金奖是美国建筑行业内最有权威性的安全奖项。荣获 “北京高校毕业生就业百佳用人单位” 称号。荣获 “扶贫开发先进单位” 称号。中国建筑是建筑企业排头兵, 什么工程都能干, 干的

617、都是放心工程! 希望中国建筑再接再厉, 永做援建先锋! 国家发改委副主任 穆虹中国建筑代表了央企援建的水平, 也就是代表了国资委的水平。 国务院国资委副主任 姜志刚青春情暖, 爱满中建。 同心义卖活动, 用团员青年自己的力量和智慧, 解决农民工和农民工子女的实际困难, 义捐、义卖、 义演既是公益活动, 也带给每一位参与者不尽的乐趣, 丰富了生活, 这体现了中国建筑的大智和大爱。 中央国家机关团工委委员 吴庆华我做过无数工地, 大、 小公司, 私人、 国有都做过, 就中国建筑的工地干得最安心, 条件好, 生活环境也好, 工资也有保障, 平时常有慰问品, 蛮好! 中建成都国金项目木工 张代康关爱农

618、民工服务活动, 为我们农民工成长创造了良好的社会环境, 我们一定抓住大好机遇, 努力成为知识型工人。 中建七局农民工代表 李泽亮荣誉及利益相关方评价Honors and Stakeholders Comments重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety 促进社会就业Offering Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assisting Community Developmentt热心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare我们深知安全生产对自身及社会的重要意义, 始终将安全生产工作放在首要位置, 坚持 “安全第一, 预防为主, 综合

619、治理” 的安全方针, 秉持 “生命至上, 安全运营第一” 的价值理念, 推进安全生产标准化建设。 我们注意对发生的安全生产事故深刻反思, 从中汲取教训, 将加强防护措施和教育培训作为安全生产的重要保障, 不断健全安全管理体系, 严格落实安全生产责任制, 深入开展安全隐患排查治理, 持续强化安全管理和监督, 努力将安全生产事故发生可能性降到最低。 2012 年 , 全年未发生较大及以上生产安全事故, 生产安全责任事故起数和死亡人数同比 2011 年分别下降了 27.8和 33.3, 亿元产值死亡率约为0.003。夯实安全基础我们健全安全管理组织体系, 加强安全教育培训,全面落实安全生产责任制,

620、筑牢安全生产基础。安全管理组织体系我们建立了覆盖公司总部、 二级单位和项目经理部的安全管理组织机构。 公司总部安全生产管理机构由安全生产管理委员会作为最高管理决策机构, 公司主要负责人担任主任, 各部门负责人为委员会成员, 安全质量环境部负责日常安全管理。 各二级单位围绕现场的管理风险设置相关管理程序和管理人员。 安全工程师、 安全员的配置数量与行业其他企业相比, 均相对较高, 有效降低了工程现场安全风险。中国建筑热心公益事业, 努力为社会和谐稳定、 持续发展奉献力量。 我们在海外业务上坚持属地化经营,带动当地经济发展。 积极执行国家的方针政策, 恪守现代商业伦理和行业规范, 以实际行动承担起

621、国有企业的政治、 经济、 社会责任, 做优秀的企业公民。We are enthusiastic about public welfare, and take concerted steps to improve our approach to social harmony and stability, and sustainable development. In our overseas businesses, we seek to boost local economic development and actively implement national principles and

622、policies. We respect modern business ethics and industry regulations, and always assume the political, economic and social responsibilities of state-owned enterprises in order to be a good corporate citizen.We understand that production safety is of great importance to us and to society so we always

623、 give it top priority. Adhering to the safety principles of “safety first, prevention crucial and comprehensive treatment” and the value concept of “life supreme and safe operations first”, we have standardized the construction of our production safety system. We pay attention to deep reflections on

624、 the safety accidents, and learn from them. We also strengthen protective measures, and education and training, and take them as an important guarantee for production safety. While constantly improving safety management system, and strictly implementing the responsibility system for production safet

625、y, we deepen the inspection and elimination of hidden dangers, and intensify safety management and supervision to minimize the possibility of production safety accidents. In 2012, no serious production safety accident occurred. The numbers of accidents and deaths dropped by 27.8% and 33.3% respectiv

626、ely over the previous year, and the death rate per output value of 100 million Yuan was about 0.003. Reinforcing Safety FoundationWe regularly update and improve our safety management system, strengthen our safety education and training, and implement our safety production responsibility system to r

627、einforce production safety foundation.Safety Management SystemWe have established a safety management system that covers our headquarters, secondary units and project manager departments. The top safety decision-making organization at our headquarters is the Production Safety Management Committee wh

628、ich has company leaders as the directors of the committee and department heads as members. Safety, quality and environmental departments are in charge of all daily safety management operations. The secondary units set up management procedures and personnel in connection with onsite management risks.

629、 The number of safety engineers and safety officers in our company is higher than that of other similar companies, which helps us reduce safety risks at our project sites more effectively.重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety89拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment88拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living

630、environmentCase Study: Making Innovation to Our Safety Management Model and Exploring the Team Management ModelThe Lujiazui Central Building Project was characterized by its short project schedule and high safety requirements. At the peak of construction, hundreds of steel worker had to work at the

631、same time. The traditional approach uses one subcontracting team equipped with one onsite safety officer. However, the CSCEC Steel Structure Shanghai Branch Company set up working groups for every 6-12 workers. Each group was equipped with a full-time head and a safety officer. The group approach el

632、iminated a number of hidden safety dangers and achieved its objective of zero hidden dangers and zero accidents.Conducting Safety Education and TrainingWe attach great importance to the safety education and training of our staff and view safety knowledge and operating skills as an integral part of a

633、 safe work environment. By giving lectures, watching educational videos, distributing publicity books, a producing publicity board and newspapers, we have conducted safety education and training sessions that have effectively put an end to “three violations”, and guaranteed the “three not hurts” and

634、 “three persist in”. In 2012, we organized more than 1,200 companywide safety education and training sessions for 71,800 employees.案例:创新安全管理模式,探索班组化管理方式陆家嘴中心大厦项目工期紧, 质量安全要求高,钢结构施工高峰期需同时投入几百名钢结构作业人员, 传统的一个分包队伍配备一名现场负责人已不适应 “大兵团” 作战。 中建钢构上海分公司项目部结合钢结构施工工序、 作业工种特点, 以 6-12 名同工种作业人员为单位, 建立施工生产作业班组, 配备不脱产

635、班组长和安全员进行监督管理。 项目部通过推行安全生产管理班组化建设, 消除多点作业安全管理隐患, 实现了 “零隐患、 零事故” 的目标。班组谈话Group talking与班组长沟通Communicating with the head of group开展安全教育培训我们高度重视安全教育培训工作, 将员工安全知识和操作技能培训作为安全工作的重要组成部分。通过集中讲课、 播放宣传教育片、 发放宣传书籍、 制作宣传栏、 报刊等方式开展安全教育培训, 杜绝 “三违” ,做到 “三不伤害” 和 “三个坚持” 。 2012 年, 我们组织企业层面的安全教育培训约 1,200 余次, 培训教育人数达到

636、71,800 余人。岗前安全培训Pre-job safety training一对一访谈One-to-one discussion安全技能培训Safety skill training为农民工讲解安全知识Explaining safety knowledge to a peasant worker增强保障能力我们深化隐患排查治理, 加强重大风险防控, 强化监督管理, 不断提升安全保障水平。安全检查活动我们运用科技和信息手段, 建立健全安全生产隐患排查治理机制, 强化监测监控, 严密排查治理起重机、 吊罐、 脚手架等设施设备安全隐患, 及时发现和消除安全隐患。 全年组织开展安全隐患排查 3,60

637、0 余次,排查项目8,300 余个, 发现和整改隐患约 96,000 余条。重大危险源公示 Notice on Major Sources of Danger危险性较大分项工程安全提示牌Notice on Dangerous Sub-projects案例:定期公布重大危险源中建二局土木公司加强在施工程的安全管理工作, 对各项目 “危险性较大部分分项工程分布及风险控制措施” 实施定期公布, 重点监管。 公司针对基坑支护、 土方开挖、 拆除爆破等不同类别工程实际情况, 分类别逐一陈述、 分析重大危险源、 可能导致的事故、 风险控制措施等。Enhancing Protection Capabilit

638、y We regularly deepen our inspection and treatment on hidden dangers, strengthen the prevention and control of major risks, and intensify our supervision and management to improve our approach to safety protection.Safety Inspection ActivitiesBy means of technology and information, we have establishe

639、d and improved our inspection and treatment mechanism for hidden dangers, strengthened our supervision and monitoring, and inspected hidden dangers in cranes, hanging tanks and scaffolding to effectively eliminate them before they become a safety concern. In 2012, we organized over 3,600 safety insp

640、ections, inspected more than 8,300 items and rectified more than96,000 hidden dangers.Case Study: Regularly Releasing Major Danger SourcesThe Civil Engineering Company of CSCEC 2nd Engineering Bureau strengthened its safety management work for all under construction projects, releasing information o

641、n its sub-project risk and control measures, and highlighting its targeted supervision method. With regard to the foundation pit, earth excavation, and demolition blasting, the company explained its approach to each one by one after analyzing all major sources of danger and possible accidents and de

642、veloping risk control measures.三不伤害不伤害自己;不伤害他人;不被别人伤害Three No Harmnot hurt yourself; not hurt others; not be hurt三个坚持坚持上岗前培训;坚持特殊工种持证上岗;坚持平时的安全学习教育Three Persistencepersist in pre-job training;persist in working with special certificates; persist in regular safety study and education杜绝 “三违”违章指挥;违章操作;

643、违反劳动纪律Three Violationsviolate command; violate operations; violate labor discipline重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety 促进社会就业Offering Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assisting Community Developmentt热心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety 促进社会就业Offering Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assis

644、ting Community Developmentt热心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare91拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment90拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment安全应急管理我们设立安全生产应急组织机构, 建立安全生产应急预案体系, 组织应急演练, 促进员工掌握应急基本知识, 提高突发事件处理能力。 2012 年, 公司制订和修订各类应急预案 2,280 余项; 组织应急救援及预案演练 4,000 余次, 参与人数近 15 万人。防台防汛应急演练Emergency

645、 Drill for Typhoon and Flood Prevention安全事故应急演练Emergency Drill for SecuritySafety Emergency ManagementWe have set up production safety and emergency organizations, established production safety and emergency plans, and organized emergency drills to help staff master basic emergency knowledge to impr

646、ove their ability to handle emergencies. In 2012, we formulated and revised 2,280 emergency plans and organized more than 4,000 emergency drills for nearly 150,000 staff.综合应急预案Overall Emergency Plan综合应急预案Overall Emergency Plan专项应急预案Special Emergency Plan专项应急预案Special Emergency Plan现场处置预案On-site Disp

647、osal Plan现场处置预案On-site Disposal Plan事故的应急方针、 政策, 应急组织结构及相关应急职责, 应急行动、 措施和保障等基本要求和程序Includes emergenc y guidelines, policies, an emergency organizational structure and related emergency duties as well as emergency actions, measures and safeguards and other basic requirements and procedures依据项目现场风险评估及

648、危险性控制措施, 结合现场情况,根据总体应急预案、 专项应急预案而制定的应急处置措施Includes emergency handling measures that are based on the overall emergency and special emergency plans, and stipulates that all measures should be in accordance with the onsite risk assessment and risk control measures and in line with the actual situation

649、 at the site针对具体的事故类别、 危险源和应急保障而制定的计划或方案Includes the plans and programs for concrete accidents as well as sources of danger and emergency protection measures安全应急管理体系Safety Emergency Management System营造安全文化我们注重发挥文化的引导和塑造作用, 积极开展各类安全文化建设活动, 分年、 月和周定期开展各类安全活动, 不定期组织安全生产竞赛。 充分利用各类传播媒介, 借助电视、 互联网、 报纸、 板报

650、、 杂志、 广播等多种形式开展安全基础教育, 营造浓厚安全文化氛围。安全文化展台 Safety culture show安全生产月活动“Production Safety Month” activityCreating a Safety CultureWe pay great attention to the important role that culture plays in ensuring safety and carry out weekly, monthly and yearly safety culture activities as well as production sa

651、fety contests at irregular intervals. Through media such as TV, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, blackboards and broadcasts we have conducted comprehensive publicity and education campaigns to create a strong safety culture.就业是民生之本。 中国建筑将拉动就业视为自己不可推卸的社会责任, 积极采取措施为大学生、 农民工提供就业岗位。促进社会就业Offering Jo

652、b OpportunitiesEmployment is the source of the peoples livelihood. We view offering employment opportunities as our most important social responsibility. For this reason, we take active measures to provide job opportunities to college students and migrant workers.Promoting the Employment of College

653、StudentsWe actively recruit college and university graduates and provide them with a solid platform from which to develop their career. We provide job opportunities through the recruitment platform, and offer open, fair and impartial recruitment. In 2012, we recruited 18,913 graduating students, 91%

654、 of our new hires were university graduates or above.2012 年新员工训练营2012 New Recruits Camp促进大学生就业 我们积极吸纳大学生就业, 为他们提供良好的职业发展平台, 通过招聘平台发布招聘公告, 进行公开、公平、 公正的招聘。 2012 年共招收应届毕业生 18,913人, 其中本科及以上学历占 91%。重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety 促进社会就业Offering Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assisting Community Developmentt热

655、心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety 促进社会就业Offering Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assisting Community Developmentt热心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare93拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment92拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environmentBoosting the Development of Migrant Workers

656、We respect our migrant workers and protect their rights and interests resolutely. In 2012, we provided 920,822 jobs for migrant workers in 4,813 projects. Migrant employees received an average monthly salary of RMB 4,100.直接签订用工合同 (27,967人)Employees signing contracts directly劳务派遣形式用工 (31,583人)Employe

657、es in the form of labor dispatching劳务分包或业务外包 (861,272 人)Labor subcontracting or business outsourcing不断将劳务管理制度化、 规范化, 拥有劳务管理人员约 5,000人;帮助劳务企业建立规范的劳务制度, 在合作中树立了 “共生共存、 共存共赢、 共赢共荣、 和谐发展” 的新理念Institutionalize and standardize labor service management, and use about 5,000 labor service management staff;He

658、lp labor service enterprises to establish a standard labor service system, and cooperate on the “mutual existence, mutual win-win, mutual prosperity, and harmonious development” concept.劳务管理Labor Service Management与劳务分包商签订不拖欠农民工工资协议书;建立农民工工资支付责任制;建立工资支付监控制度和工资保证金制度;各工程局成立劳务决算小组, 全面开展农民工工资支付专项检查工作Sig

659、n an agreement with subcontractors to ensure no delay to wages for migrant workers;Establish a responsibility system for the payment of migrant workers;Establish a payment supervision system and wage deposit system;Each engineering bureau must set up labor service accounts group and carry out inspec

660、tions on the payment of wages for migrant workers农民工工资Wages for Migrant Workers指导监督劳务分包企业为农民工建立意外伤害保险、 工伤保险, 并按时足额缴纳保费;未参加工伤保险的农民工发生工伤, 按照工伤保险规定的标准支付费用Guide and supervise labor contracting companies to purchase accident insurance, industrial injury insurance for migrant workers, and pay premiums for

661、 them in full and on time;Pay the required cost for migrant workers who are not put on insurance and injured in the work in accordance with standards in work-related injury insurance provisions多渠道改善农民工居住条件, 做好生活区规划;不断丰富农民工业余生活内容, 安排健康有益的业余娱乐活动Improve the living conditions of migrant workers through

662、multiple channels and develop new plans for the living area;Enrich spare-time life of migrant workers by organizing healthy recreational activities日常生活Everyday life积极创建建筑工地农民工业余学校, 持续为农民工提供安全知识等各类培训。 2012 年创建农民工业余学校约 5,580 所, 共计培训 249 万人次, 发放证书 57 万个, 投入资金约 1,254 万元Set up after-work schools for migr

663、ant workers, and provide them with safety training etc. In 2012, we set up 5,580 after-work schools training 2.49 million migrant workers, issuing 570,000 certificates and investing about RMB 12.54 million技能培训Skill training助力农民工发展我们尊重每一位农民工, 坚决维护农民工权益。2012 年, 我们向农民工提供了 920,822 个岗位。 农民工分布在 4,813 个项目,

664、 月人均工资 0.41 万元。案例:农民工夫妻的马拉松之梦“我们夫妻终于圆了马拉松之梦, 感谢中国建筑对我们农民工的关爱。 ” 中建七局交通公司农民工夫妻王东雷、 刘彩英参加完郑开国际马拉松赛后,露出了灿烂的笑容。农民工夫妻王东雷、 刘彩英平时喜爱运动, 最大的梦想是参加中国郑开国际马拉松赛。 七局交通公司积极和郑开国际马拉松组委会联系, 为包括王东雷、 刘彩英在内的 10 多名农民工缴纳报名费, 免费提供参赛 T 恤、 存衣包以及参赛保险。Case Study: Marathon Dream of Migrant Worker Couple“Our marathon dream has co

665、me true. Thanks to China Construction for its care of our migrant workers.” said Wang Donglei and Liu Caiying, with smiles after they took part in Zhengkai International Marathon.The couple is fond of sports,.Their biggest dream was to participate in Zhengkai International Marathon. CSCEC 7th Bureau

666、 Transportation Company contacted with the organizing committee, paid the registration fees for more than 10 migrant workers including Wang Donglei and Liu Caiying and provided them with competition supplies, including T-shirts, bags and personal insurance.Case Study: Migrant Worker Winning 2012 Nat

667、ional Labor MedalHuang Ming, a migrant worker at the CSCEC 5th Engineering Bureau, received the 2012 National Labor Medal and became one of 54 migrant workers to win in Hunan province. Ordinarily, Hu Ming loves technological innovation. He said, “Although I am a peasant, I cannot work blindly. I hav

668、e to learn to work by intelligence.我们在运营过程中注重与社区建立和谐友好、 互利共赢的关系, 积极识别社区中的主要利益相关群体,主动了解社区需求, 全力帮助社区发展。我们主动承接保障性住房的设计、 施工任务, 为实现 “居者有其屋” 的理想而努力。 将加强保障性住房工程质量管理工作放在重要位置, 明确勘察、 设计及施工各方的质量责任。 2012 年, 承建保障性住房项目124 个, 总建筑面积约 2,728 万平方米, 分布于21个省、自治区、 直辖市。助力社区发展Assisting Community DevelopmentWe strive to bui

669、ld a harmonious, friendly and mutually beneficial relationship with the communities in which we operate, and actively identify the key stakeholder groups to better understand their needs and to positively contribute to community development.We take the initiative designing and building affordable ho

670、uses, and strive to give everyone affordable “Home ownership” opportunities. In 2012, we undertook 124 affordable housing projects with a total construction area of 27.28 million square meters in 21 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.案例:农民工黄明获 2012

671、 年“五一劳动奖章”中建五局农民工黄明获2012年 “五一劳动奖章” ,成为湖南省54名此项荣誉获得者中少有的农民工。黄明平时最喜欢干的事情就是搞技术革新, 他常说:“我是农民出身, 但也不能光出傻力气, 还要学会动脑子干活。 ”农民工参加马拉松 Migrant workers participating in marathon社会保障Social Security31,583人27,967人861,272 人重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety 促进社会就业Offering Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assisting Community

672、 Developmentt热心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety 促进社会就业Offering Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assisting Community Developmentt热心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare95拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment94拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment中国建筑保障房建设获得奖项CSCECs Awards fo

673、r Affordable Housing案例:保持与大明宫风格统一西安中建开元壹号项目紧邻大明宫遗址公园,在总体规划、 外立面设计、 售楼处建筑设计、 景观设计方面, 力求保留唐代城市规划和建筑的文脉。整体建筑造型具有汉风唐韵, 气势磅礴、 宫阙俨然,又具有现代建筑简洁、 明快的时尚感, 是房地产界建筑设计的佳作。我们尊重并保护社区传统文化和遗产, 推动社区文化塑造, 促进社区可持续性发展。We respect and protect the traditional culture and heritage to shape community culture and realize sust

674、ainable development in communities.Case Study: Keeping the Uniform Style of Daming PalaceXian Zhongjian Kaiyuan No.1 project is adjacent to the Daming Palace Heritage Park. For this reason, the company sought to retain architecture that was similar to the Tang Dynasty when designing the faade, sales

675、 offices, and landscape. The architecture now bears the style of Han and Tang Dynasty combining the magnificence of a palace with the simplicity of modern architecture. It is a masterpiece of architectural design in the real estate industry.我们积极履行社会责任, 主动参与帮贫扶弱、 援助灾区、 志愿活动等, 爱心回馈社会, 拓展和谐空间。全年对外捐赠金额

676、2,859 万元。定点扶贫2012 年, 我们定点对口帮扶宁夏回族自治区盐池县、 同心县, 动员员工为两县捐款 486 万元。 在少数民族聚居地区同心县建设剩余劳动力技能培训中心, 帮助当地剩余劳动力学习工作技能。热心公益事业Devoting to Public WelfareWe proactively implement social responsibility initiatives that benefit poverty alleviation, disaster relief, and volunteering in order to contribute to societys

677、 harmonious space. In 2012, we donated RMB 28.59 million.Poverty AlleviationIn 2012, we were responsible for assisting Yanchi and Tongxin counties in Ningxia Hui Autonomous region. We mobilized our employees to donate RMB 4.86 million. In Tongxin County, an ethnic minority area, we established a ski

678、lls training center for the local workforce to help them learn new job skills.参加活动 Events主办单位 Organizing Units获得奖项 Awards保障性安居工程建设Affordable Housing Construction国家发改委主办National Development and Reform Commission所属企业获全国保障性安居工程建设优秀组织奖 7 家; 劳动竞赛先进单位 17 家; 优秀工程项目 29 个; 优秀工程项目 28 个;Seven Prizes for Outsta

679、nding Organization in National Affordable Housing Construction, 17 Advanced Units in Labor Contest, 29 Excellent Engineering Projects, 28 Excellent Builders( 第二届) 保障性住房发展高峰论坛The 2nd Affordable Housing Development Forum新华网联合中国房地产研究会、中国房地产业协会、 经济参考报举办Xinhua Network in association with China Real Estat

680、e Research Society, China Real Estate Industry Association, and Economic Information.2012 年度保障房建设推动力企业大奖2012 Award for Promoting Affordable Housing Construction优博集团UB GroupCIH, AF2012 中国住交会 (第十四届)The 14th China International Real Estate & Architectural Technology Fair中国房地产社会责任杰出贡献大奖China Real Estate

681、 Award for Outstanding Contribution to Social Responsibility玉树援建工程进度Working schedule for reconstructing YushuDisaster ReliefWe are actively involved in earthquake relief activities to help people in the disaster-stricken areas rebuild their homes. At the end of 2012, we had completed a total of 85 r

682、econstruction projects with a construction area of 404,100 m2 and an investment of RMB 1.674 billion. In each of the projects, we paid attention to safety management, quality, scheduling and environmental protection.抗震救灾我们积极投入到抗震救灾各项活动中, 帮助灾区人民重建家园。 截至 2012 年底, 玉树灾后重建任务总计 85 项,总建筑面积 40.41 万平方米,总投资16

683、.74 亿元。农牧民住房建设, 交付入住时间第一、 交付入住套数第一、 结构封顶率第一、 施工速度第一Achieved first place in delivery time, the number of delivered houses, the rate of structural capping and construction speed in the construction of houses for peasants and herdsman2010 年In 2010农牧民住房率先全部实现竣工入住;城镇居民住房竣工率 91.33%,达到了竣工率 90% 的节点目标;安冲乡中心寄

684、宿学校、玉树州红旗小学及玉树县第一完全小学全部竣工,保证了孩子们能够按时在新校园上课Achieved a 100% completion rate in housing for farmers and herdsman and a 91.33% completion rate in urban housing which reached our objective of 90%;Finished the Central Boarding School in Anchong County, the Red Flag Primary School and the First Wanquan Pri

685、mary School in Yushu, which ensured children had classes on the new campus2011年In 2011率先如期完成了青海省委、 省政府 2012年提出的 “630”(2012年6月30日) 和 “930”城镇居民住房建设全部完成以及在 2012年基本完成三年重建任务的目标Completed the construction of urban houses in 630 (June 30, 2012) and 930 plans as proposed by the Qinghai provincial government,

686、 completing the entire three-year reconstruction mission in 20122012 年In 2012青年联合会在玉树八一孤儿学校捐赠CSCEC Youth League are making donation to Yushu Bayi Orphan School.援建的玉树州红旗小学Yushu Red Flag Primary School aided by CSCEC志愿者活动我们注重对员工志愿精神的培养, 致力于将志愿活动体系化、 制度化、 常规化, 激励员工立足岗位、奉献社会。 2012 年, 员工参与志愿者活动达 4 万人次以上,

687、 举行志愿活动 3,000 余次, 累计志愿服务时间超过 10 万小时。Volunteering ActivitiesEncouraging staff to show their volunteering spirit and work to systemize, institutionalize and normalize volunteer activities is one way that we motivate employees to perform their duty and contribute to the society. In 2012, we organized m

688、ore than 3,000 volunteer activities with about 40,000 people offering more than100,000 hours of volunteer service.重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety 促进社会就业Offering Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assisting Community Developmentt热心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare重视安全生产Focusing on Production Safety 促进社会就业Offeri

689、ng Job Opportunities助力社区发展Assisting Community Developmentt热心公益事业Devoting to Public Welfare97拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment96拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment全球责任 幸福家园Global Responsibility, Happy Homeland 志愿行动 拓展幸福Volunteering to Expand Happy Space全球责任 幸福家园Global Responsibility,

690、Happy Homeland 志愿行动 拓展幸福Volunteering to Expand Happy Space中国建筑致力于国际化运营, 在 20 余个国家和地区开展经营业务。 我们立足自身优势, 结合经营所在社区实际, 推动当地就业, 促进当地产业发展, 采取措施保护原住民文化, 积极参加志愿者活动, 努力营建全球幸福家园。汇聚全球人才人才是企业发展的核心优势。 我们坚持企业人才多元化战略, 致力于属地化运营, 积极促进当地就业。我们建立并完善以岗位为基础, 绩效为导向, 符合当地经济发展状况的薪酬体系; 提供符合当地法律规定的社会保障, 购买商业保险, 设立企业年金; 依法与员工签订

691、劳动合同; 为他们提供科学、 合理、 系统的职业规划方案和各类教育培训机会, 拓宽晋升渠道, 促进本地员工的发展。责任专题Responsibility TopicsCommitted to international operations, we have spread our business to more than 20 countries and regions. Based on our own advantages and in combination with the situation in the host country, we provide job opportunit

692、ies for local people and promote the development of local industries. We also take measures to protect aboriginal culture, actively participate in volunteer activities and strive to build happy homes in the world. Bring Together Global TalentsTalent is a core advantage in the corporate development.

693、We pursue a diverse talent pool and aim to localize our operation to promote the local employment. We established and improved the job-based and performance-oriented remuneration system in line with the local economic development, provided social security and business insurance for employees in acco

694、rdance with the local laws and regulations and set up enterprise annuity. We signed labor contracts with employees, provided them with a scientific, reasonable and systematic career development plan and offered education and training to promote the development of local employees.专题一:全球责任 幸福家园Topic 1

695、: Global Responsibility, Happy Homeland文化融合我们尊重当地员工的风俗习惯、 宗教信仰、 文化传统, 努力实现属地化运营, 积极促进不同文化融合。促进当地员工发展Promoting the development of local employeesCultural IntegrationWe respect the customs, religious beliefs and cultural traditions of local employees to achieve localized operations, and actively promo

696、te the integration of different cultures.利用中外重大节日、 公司重大庆典等场合举办形式多样、 内容丰富的员工活动Organize diversified staff activities which enrich Chinese and foreign festivals or major company celebrations.树立公司统一的上海品茶理念, 营造 “不分国籍和肤色,不分语言和文化, 人人平等竞争” 的共同价值观Establish unified concept of corporate culture in the company

697、and create common values among employees regardless of their nationality, color, language and culture.积极接受当地先进的管理方法和经营理念Accept local advanced management methods and business concepts.建立包含文化、 语言、 团队建设在内的项目培训体系Establish a training system covering corporate culture, language, and team building.价值理念Valu

698、es员工活动Staff Activities文化融合Cutural Integration培训体系Training System内派干部培训In-house Leadership Training巴哈马第 17届国际文化节现场 the 17th International Cultural Festival in the Bahamas案例:参加巴哈马第 17 届国际文化节中建美国巴哈马公司积极参加巴哈马第 17 届国际文化节, 超过 60 名管理人员以组织、 表演、 义卖等方式参与志愿者活动。 活动结束时, 公司将义卖全部所得捐赠给文化节组委会, 用于支持文化节组委会的日常运营。Case S

699、tudy: Participating in the 17 International Cultural Festival in the BahamasCSCEC US Bahamas Company took an active role in the 17th International Cultural Festival in the Bahamas. Over 60 management personnel participated in volunteer activities in the form of performances, a bazaar, and other even

700、ts. At the end of the event, the company donated the money raised at the bazaar to the Culture Festival Organizing Committee to support the daily operations of the organizing committee.促进当地产业发展我们优先采购当地的产品和服务, 推广先进的管理和技术经验, 促进当地发展。Boosting the Development of Local IndustriesWe give top priority to lo

701、cal products and services in our approach to sourcing and procurement, and offer our advanced management and technology experience to boost local economic development.海外社区发展我们秉承 “诚信守法、 规范经营、 开拓进取、 合作共赢” 的本地化经营理念, 了解并尊重当地政治、 文化习俗, 融入当地社会, 积极参加当地各项公益活动, 举办各种属地化人员技能培训, 支持当地社区公共基础设施建设, 努力实现与当地社区的共同发展。Ov

702、erseas Community DevelopmentAdhering to the business concepts of “observing the law faithfully for standard management and making pioneering efforts for win-win cooperation”, we understand and respect local political and cultural practices to integrate ourselves into local society. We also take an a

703、ctive role in public activities, organize localized skill training sessions for employees and support infrastructure construction in local communities to successfully achieve common development.促进当地产业发展Boosting the Development of Local Industries建立评价分级制度及区域采购平台Establish a scoring and rating system,

704、and build regional procurement platforms对各采购项的本地分包商及建筑材料供应商进行充分调研Conduct a full investigation into local subcontractors and suppliers of sourcing items and building materials优先向本地的分供应商发出询价邀请Give priority to the local sub-suppliers与当地的大型分包商建立战略合作关系 Establish strategic cooperation with local large sub

705、contractors123499拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment98拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment中国建筑以共青团为载体积极开展志愿活动, 培养员工 “奉献、 友爱、 互助、 进步” 的志愿者精神, 开展“带孩子上班日” 、 “幸福空间义卖” 、 “心手相连海外农民工子女关爱活动” 等品牌活动和特色做法。 我们本着助人自助的理念投身公益事业, 承担企业公民责任, 持续拓展幸福空间。幸福空间义卖“幸福空间义卖会” 是一个涵盖 “义捐、 义卖、 义演”等内容、 任何企业员工都有能力参与的社会

706、公益活动。We actively carry out volunteer activities to cultivate the spirit of “Dedication, Friendship, Mutual assistance and Progress” among the Communist Youth League. We have successively organized “Taking a Child to Work Day”, a “Happy Space Charity Sale”, and “Hand in Hand and Heart to Heart Caring

707、 for the Children of Migrant Workers” activities to showcase our belief that “helping others is helping ourselves”. We also devote time to public welfare and shoulder our responsibility as a corporate citizen to help expand the happy living environment.Happy Space Charity SaleThe Happy Space Charity

708、 Sale is a social welfare activity that each employee has ability to take part in. It covers charity donations, charity sales, charity performances and other activities.义演Charity Performance员工捐出自己不常用的二手物品, 提高闲置物品的使用效率, 实现节能环保Employees donate their used goods to improve the efficiency of unused goods

709、 and realize energy-saving and environmental protection以打工子弟学校孩子们为主、 企业员工和农民工兄弟为辅, 共同组织演出, 慰问工程建设者The charity performance is done by the children at migrant schools, with assistance from employees and migrant workers, to express support for the builders由志愿者组织将义捐物品以超低价格转让给工地上的农民工, 所得资金全部捐献给打工子弟学校改善教学

710、设施, 让农民工得实惠的同时, 有机会参与社会公益活动The volunteer organizations sell donated goods at a very low price to migrant workers on site. All money raised at the charity sale is donated to migrant schools to improve teaching facilities, by which the migrant workers get the chance to participate in social welfare ac

711、tivities while getting benefits幸福空间义卖会“幸福空间义卖” 将企业使命融入到志愿活动中,用员工力所能及和自愿自觉的方式, 调动一切可以动员的社会力量 “奉献爱心, 照亮别人, 温暖自己” , 打造了一个立体的幸福空间。 部委、 中央媒体、 中央企业的青年志愿者都报名参加了幸福空间义卖活动, 提升了我们通过品牌活动服务社会的能力。专题二:志愿行动 拓展幸福Topic 2: Volunteering to Expand Happy SpaceThe Happy Space Charity Sale incorporates our company mission

712、into its volunteer activities and mobilizes our employees. By “devoting loving care, lighting others and warming ourselves”, the activity creates a three-dimensional happy space. Young volunteers from ministries and departments, as well as central media and central enterprises all participate in the

713、 activity to enhance our contribution to serve society.义捐Charitable Donations幸福空间义卖 Happy Space Charity Sale带孩子上班日“带孩子上班日” 活动邀请农民工子女来到施工现场, 参观父母工作环境, 感受父母工作生活。 2012 年,“带孩子上班日” 与 “安康杯” 结合, 演化为涵盖人群更多,内容更为丰富的 “亲情呼唤安康” 活动, 让亲情牵引安全文化落地, 把亲情元素融入竞赛过程, 变安全规定为情感引导, 让农民工深刻意识到自身的生命安全与家庭幸福利害攸关, 为安全再添一道亲情保险。Taki

714、ng a Child to Work DayWe invite the children of migrant workers to the construction site. Accompanied by young volunteers, the children visit the workplace of their parents to better understand how and where they work. In 2012, we combined “Taking a Child to Work Day” with the “Ankang Cup”, a safety

715、 competition. By adding a human element to the competition, migrant workers become deeply aware of how their safety is intrinsically tied to family happiness. The activity directly impacts safety in the workplace. 前期准备工作 Preparatory Work入场安全教育Admission Safety Education工地亲子体验Parent-child Experience o

716、n Construction Sites提前安排好农民工子女往返车票及住宿, 方便家长与儿女团聚;为农民工子女购置统一服装 , 满足施工现场统一着装要求Buy round-trip tickets and arrange hotels for children of migrant workers ahead to make family union much easier;Purchase uniforms for migrant workers and their children to meet the requirements on the construction sites在进入施

717、工现场前, 项目安全总监对农民工子女进行安全教育培训, 教授安全帽的作用、 如何佩戴安全帽、进入施工现场时的服装要求等;志愿者全程一对一看护孩子以保障安全Project safety director will offer training to the children of migrant workers on the effects of safe helmet, how to wear safe helmet correctly and clothing requirements before they enter into the construction site带孩子参观物料堆码

718、整齐、 环境较为安全的施工现场, 让孩子对工地有一个初步的认识;选择一些轻巧、 简单的工作让孩子尝试去做, 学习父母的劳动技能Bring children to the construction sites with orderly material stacking and safe environment to make them have preliminary impression on the construction sites;Select some lightweight and simple work for children to learn labor skills123

719、带孩子上班日Taking a child to work day心手相连海外农民工子女关爱活动中国建筑作为全球化运营的建筑地产综合企业集团, 外派农民工散布在世界各地, 我们启动 “手拉手心连心” 情系海外农民工子女志愿服务活动, 为孩子们邮寄领导签名的自制贺卡和学习用品, 鼓励孩子们给在海外的父母写信。 100 多名海外事业部员工子女还与海外农民工子女结成对子, 小朋友们之间互通信件, 建立了深厚的友谊。 通过实施关爱行动, 让海外农民工更加安心工作, 营造相互信任的幸福空间。志愿者活动获得主要荣誉:Honors for volunteer activities中央企业金牌青年志愿者 2 名

720、Two persons got Central Enterprise Young Volunteers Gold Awards公司团委获中央企业青年志愿服务优秀组织单位Companys Youth League Committee was awarded the title of Outstanding Youth Volunteer Organization among Central Enterprise“带孩子上班日” 获中央企业金牌青年志愿服务项目Taking a Child to Work Day was awarded the Golden Project of Youth Vol

721、unteer Services among Central EnterpriseHand in Hand and Heart to Heart Caring for the Children of Migrant WorkersAs a global building real estate conglomerate, we have expatriated migrant workers all over the world. We started the “Hand in Hand and Heart to Heart Caring for the Children of Migrant

722、Workers ” volunteer activity, sending cards with leaders signatures and stationery to the children of migrant workers, encouraging them to write to their parents. More than 100 children of employees in overseas development departments paired off with the children of migrant workers. These children w

723、rite to each other and have made deep friendships. By organizing this activity, we try to make migrant workers set their minds to work abroad and create a happy space with mutual trust.义卖Charity SaleHappy Space Charity Sale全球责任 幸福家园Global Responsibility, Happy Homeland 志愿行动 拓展幸福Volunteering to Expan

724、d Happy Space全球责任 幸福家园Global Responsibility, Happy Homeland 志愿行动 拓展幸福Volunteering to Expand Happy Space100101拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environmentOUTLOOK我们正在努力成为最具国际竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团We aim to become the most internationally competitive construction and rea

725、l estate enterprise integration group2013年是 “十二五” 发展规划承上启下的重要时期,也是推进中国建筑持续发展的关键一年。 展望2013年,中国建筑将以 “拓展幸福空间” 为使命, 坚守既定战略,凝心聚力, 创新发展。重视质量和效益, 弱化规模性指标考核。 强化企业短板、 风险防范、 核心竞争力和可持续发展能力考核, 坚持和深化 “三大市场” 策略, 实现企业发展模式的转变, 走集约式、 内涵式、 节能环保式发展道路。加强绩效管理, 构建绩效文化。 通过团队和个人价值的提升, 实现中国建筑集体价值的持续提升,提升盈利能力, 以良好的经营业绩保障股东利益

726、。建立鼓励创新的机制, 营造支持创新的宽松氛围, 树立充满活力、 不断创新的企业形象。 扎实推进建设全产业链 “绿色中建” 、 “数字中建” 和建筑工业化的各项举措, 加快推进科技研发平台建设和重大研发项目。推进向节能环保新业务的转型。 推动绿色科技研发, 启动从投资、 规划开始, 到设计、 施工、 物业管理的绿色全产业链示范项目, 用实际行动为 “生态文明”建设贡献力量。推进管理提升活动。 进一步完善项目管理标准化, 以 “一裁短、 两消灭、 三集中” 等手段实施精细化管理, 加强集采体系建设, 提高管理效率, 创造更大综合价值。强化社会责任。 努力为社会创造和提供更多就业机会, 继续推进定

727、点扶贫工作, 发挥专业优势支持社区发展, 热心公益慈善活动, 努力实现公司与利益相关方的和谐共生。我们作为行业的排头兵、 行业发展的领先者, 有责任为推动行业发展贡献自己的力量, 持续刷新建筑的高度、 跨度和体量。 我们将更加主动地与利益相关方沟通, 持续提升公司运营透明度、 品牌美誉度和综合价值创造能力, 与各利益相关方共同努力为 “美丽中国” 建设做出更大的贡献。展望Outlook2013 is an important transition period for the 12th Five-Year Plan, and a key year for us to promote susta

728、inable development. Looking ahead, we will take “expanding a happy living environment” as our mission, honor our established strategy, and continue to innovate so as to achieve our comprehensive development. Paying attention to quality and benefits, focusing on the shortcomings of our enterprise and

729、 risk prevention, enhancing our core competitiveness and evaluating our sustainable development capability; deepening our “three markets” strategy, transforming our development model, and taking the centralized, connotative, energy-saving and environment-friendly development road. Strengthening our

730、performance management and culture, achieving continuous improvements through CSCECs collective value by improving the value of our teams and individuals, enhancing our profitability, and ensuring the interests of our shareholders with good business performance. Establishing a mechanism for encourag

731、ing innovation and creating a relaxed atmosphere for innovation, building a vibrant and innovative corporate image, promoting the construction of “green CSCEC” and “digital CSCEC”, and building industrialization in the whole industry chain, while speeding up the construction of our scientific and te

732、chnological research and development platform and major R&D projects. Advancing our transition to new energy-saving and environmentally friendly businesses, promoting green sci-tech research and development, commencing with green demonstration projects in our industry chain from investment and plann

733、ing to designing, construction and property management to contribute to the construction of an ecological civilization. Pressing ahead with improvements to management, further improving the standardization of our project management, implementing detailed management featuring “one cutting, two elimin

734、ations, three centralizations”, strengthening the construction of our central procurement system and improve management efficiency so as to create greater comprehensive value. Strengthening social responsibility, striving to create and provide more job opportunities, continuing to promote poverty al

735、leviation work, utilizing our professional advantages in support of community development, devoting time and money to public welfare and charity activities and fostering harmony between our company and stakeholders.As a leading central enterprise and an industry leader, we should be responsible for

736、contributing our share to promote the development of the industry, continuously setting new records in building height, span and size. We will continue to communicate with stakeholders in a much more active manner to enhance the operation transparency, brand reputation and comprehensive ability to c

737、reate value of our company. And we also will go on working together with stakeholders to make meaningful contributions to the construction of beautiful China.102103拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment专家点评Expert Comments关键绩效表Key Performance Form类别Catego

738、ry指标 Index 2012经济Economy营业收入 (亿元人民币) Operational Revenue (100 million RMB)5,715利润总额 (亿元人民币) Gross Profit (100 million RMB)301.6利税总额 (亿元人民币) Gross Revenue (100 million RMB)522.2新签合同额 (亿元人民币) Value of Newly Signed Contracts (100 million RMB)10,573年度施工面积 (万平方米) Annual Accumulated Construction Area (10,

739、000 m2 )60,760年度新开工面积 (万平方米) Annual Accumulated New Construction Area (10,000 m2 )18,528年度竣工面积 (万平方米) Annual Accumulated Completed Area (10,000 m2 )8,134年度施工图设计面积 (万平方米) Annual Construction and Design Area (10,000 m2 )11,101地产年度入伙面积 (万平方米) Annual Real Estate Delivered Area (10,000 m2 )1,562期末土地储备 (万

740、平方米) Term-end Land Reserve (10,000 m2 )6,717归属上市公司净利润 (亿元人民币) Net Profit of Listed Subsidiaries (100 million RMB)157.4可供股东分配利润 (亿元人民币) Profit Distributed for Shareholders(100 million RMB)36.9环境Environment环保总投入 (万元) Gross Investment for Environmental Protection (10,000 RMB)2,565新建项目环评通过率 (%) Environm

741、ental Management Certification Pass Rate of New Project (%)100环保培训人次 Person-time of Environmental Training2,000能源消耗总量 (万吨标煤) Total Energy Consumption (10,000 tons of standard coal)792万元增加值能耗 (吨标煤) Energy Consumption Per Added Value of RMB 10,000 (tons of standard coal)1.6CO2排放量 (吨) CO2 Emissions (to

742、n)14,566绿色采购比例 (%) Green Procurement Ratio (%)100SO2排放量 (吨) SO2 Emissions (ton)47重大违规事件发生次数 Environmental Violation Frequency0社会Society合同签订率 (%) Contract Signing Rate (%)100员工流失率 (%) Staff Turnover Rate (%)4.7残疾人雇佣率 (%) Disabled Employment Rate(%)1.5女性管理者比例 (%) Female Manager Ratio (%)23.7社会保障覆盖率 (%

743、) Social Security Coverage Rate (%)100带薪休假制度覆盖率 (%) Coverage Rate of Holiday-Paid System (%)100员工入会率 (%) Coverage Rate of Employees Participating in Labor Union (%)97员工培训投入 (亿元) Gross Investment for Employee Training (100 million RMB)1.4员工培训人次 Person-time of Employee Training238,878合同履约率 (%) Fulfilm

744、ent Rate of All Contract (%)100分包商培训投入 (万元) Training Investment for Subcontractors (10,000 RMB) 10,430分包商培训人次 (万人次) Person-time of Subcontractors Participating in Training (10,000 person-times)149国家专利授权 ( 项 )National Patent Licenses (item) 1,139亿元产值死亡率 Mortality Value Per Output Value of RMB 100 Mil

745、lion0.003对外捐赠金额 (万元) Donation Amount in the Overseas (10,000 RMB)2,859志愿者活动次数 Times of Volunteering3,000累计志愿服务时间 (万小时) Accumulated Time for Volunteer Services (10,000 hours)10中国建筑股份有限公司在本报告中完整披露了 2012 年履行社会责任的具体实践, 展现了公司积极与各利益相关方构建和谐关系, 与其实现共生共存, 共赢共荣, 共同发展的努力和实力。报告显示, “中国建筑” 将自身可持续发展与政府、 股东、 员工、 客户

746、、 供应商、 分包商、 环境和社区等相关方的利益结合, 在实现自身发展同时, 努力为相关方创造和实现更多的价值。 其中, 公司注重和加强劳务管理工作, 制定了规范用工行为的政策措施, 在施工工地创建了农民工业余学校, 组织开展各式培训, 提升劳务队伍素质。 此外, 公司还指导监督劳务分包企业为农民工提供社会保障, 改善农民工工作生活条件, 保障务工人员权益。 “中国建筑” 的这些做法值得肯定。 建筑劳务人员是制约建筑业可持续发展的关键因素, 也是企业履行社会责任的重要体现, 从政府到协会, 都比较重视建筑行业劳务管理工作。“中国建筑” 在这方面不断创新探索, 提供了很多好的经验,希望公司再接再

747、厉, 为规范建筑市场和提高工程质量安全工作水平, 促进建筑业健康持续发展贡献更大力量!中国建筑业协会副会长兼秘书长 吴涛In this report, China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited has fully disclosed its concrete social responsibility practices in 2012, and reflected its efforts and strength to actively establish harmonious relations with all st

748、akeholders, and to achieve coexistence, win-win outcomes, mutual prosperity and common development with them.It is shown in the Report that the Company has combined its own development with the interests of stakeholders such as governments, shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, subcontracto

749、rs, environment and communities, and strived to create and realize more value for them while achieving its own development. In particular, the Company focuses on and strengthens labor service management, develops policies and measures to regulate the employment, establishes the site school, and orga

750、nizes various trainings to improve the quality of workforce. Besides, the Company guides and supervises subcontractors to provide social security for migrant workers, improve their living and working conditions, and protect their rights and interests. All these practices are worthy of recognition.Co

751、nstruction worker is one of key factors restricting the sustainable development of the construction industry, and also one of aspects reflecting the corporate social responsibility implementation. From the governments to the Association, they are all concerned about the labor service management in t

752、he industry. The Company has made continuous exploration and provided a lot of good experience. I hope the Company make persistent efforts and make greater contribution to regulate building markets, improve project quality and safety, and promote the healthy and sustained development of the industry

753、.WuTao, Vice President of China Construction Industry Association104105拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment中国建筑股份有限公司的这份报告, 针对企业股东、 客户、 供应商、 分包商、 社区等利益相关方的关切和需求,从拓展价值、 品质、 生态、 成长、 共赢、 创新、 和谐空间等七个方面, 全面地披露了企业履行社会责任的实践和绩效。最可喜的, 是报告数据详实, 披露的数据数量大、 数据质量好。

754、数据无言, 但是表达能力最强, 反映现象最真。在信息化的今天, 除了神仙, 都要用数据说话。 一串串闪亮的数据, 点亮了报告, 更展示了中建股份强劲的可持续发展实力。 孤立的数据意义不大, 连续的丰富的数据形态才能揭示真实, 体现高水平的管理能力。 中建股份的报告体现了这个趋势和特点, 在信息化时代, 社会责任工作更需要注入数据要求和色彩, 通过大数据分析, 去掌握信息、获取洞察、 采取行动、 提升绩效。数据背后的生命, 是中国建筑股份有限公司的企业价值观。 公司以 中建信条 为核心, 以 “拓展幸福空间” 为企业使命, 突出为各利益相关方创造价值, 在生产经营的每一个细节落实 “诚信、 创新

755、、 超越、 共赢” 的企业精神。这是中国建筑股份有限公司的企业之本, 是中国建筑企业的希望, 也是中国企业的希望, 是中国企业贡献于世界的东方式社会责任管理价值。在信息化的今天, 无论是政府促进美丽中国建设, 还是企业促进可持续, 还是学术研究, 都需要通过数据分析进行沟通和决策, 开始社会责任管理的量化进程。 这份报告开了个好头, 希望中国建筑股份有限公司百尺竿头更进一步, 为建设美丽中国、 实现中国梦作出新的更大的贡献。国务院国有资产监督管理委员会研究局副局长 楚序平Taking into account the concerns and needs of stakeholders suc

756、h as shareholders, customers, suppliers, subcontractors, and community, CSCEC has fully disclosed its practice and performances of social responsibility from the aspects of value, quality, ecology, development, win-win, innovation and harmony. Most delightfully, I find the report is full of detailed

757、 and good-quality data. The data are silent, but more compelling and more credible. In the digital and informational days, nobody can deny the fact that data speak louder than words. Chains of glittering data have made the report more attractive, and showed the strong strength of sustainable develop

758、ment in China Construction. The isolated data are not meaningful, while the rich and continuous data can tell you the truth, and reflect the high-level management capability. This report has represented such trend and features. In the age of information, we need to put the requirements and role of d

759、ata into the social responsibility work. Through analyzing a large number of data, we can grasp the information, gain insight, take action and improve the performance. What is behind the life of the data is the corporate values of CSCEC. With “Credo of CSCEC” as the core, and the contribution to the

760、 happy living environment as the corporate mission, the Company has given top priority to the value creation for stakeholders, and earnestly implemented the corporate spirit of integrity, innovation, transcendence and win-win outcome in every detail of production and operation. This is the foundatio

761、n of CSCEC, the hope of Chinese construction enterprises, and the expectation of Chinese enterprises, as well as the eastern social responsibility management value that Chinese enterprises contribute to the world.In the age of information, whether promoting the construction of a beautiful China by g

762、overnments or achieving sustainable development by enterprises, or conducting academic research, we need data analysis before communicating, making a decision, or starting quantitative process of social responsibility management. This report is a good start. I hope China construction make greater ef

763、forts and make new and greater contributions to building a beautiful China and realizing the Chinese dream.Chu Xuping, Deputy Director General of Research Bureau of SASAC, State Council中国建筑股份有限公司 2012 可持续发展报告围绕 “拓展幸福空间” 的企业使命, 从拓展价值空间、 品质空间、 生态空间、 成长空间、 共赢空间、 创新空间、 和谐空间等维度披露了公司过去一年可持续发展取得的新进展。 报告内容详

764、实, 议题全面, 表现形式灵活, 行业特色鲜明, 是一份充分体现中国建筑与利益相关方沟通诚意的高质量报告。报告 系统披露了中国建筑过去一年可持续发展取得的成效: 关注股东利益, 依法合规经营, 不断提高盈利能力; 坚守品质, 努力为客户提供优质的产品和服务; 积极探索绿色设计、 绿色开发、 绿色施工的新途径, 应对气候变化, 维护生态平衡; 营造平等、 尊重的企业氛围, 为员工发展提供良好的平台; 与供应商、 分包商密切合作,提高产业链发展水平, 实现共生共荣、 互利共赢; 加强与国内外同行交流, 营造 “勇于创新、 宽容失败” 的企业创新文化氛围, 促进行业技术进步; 完善社会责任管理机制,

765、 引领行业对社会责任管理创新, 积极投身社会公益事业,履行企业公民责任。报告 披露内容符合联合国全球契约对人权、 劳动、 环保、 反腐败等方面的要求, 为国际社会提供了一个了解中国建筑的平台。 希望中国建筑在新的一年中笃信而行, 继续深化文化引领型社会责任推进模式, 持续提升社会责任管理水平, 为各利益相关方创造更多的价值!全球契约中国网络执行秘书长 程多生With the mission of contributing to the happy living environment, CSCEC Sustainability Report 2012 has disclosed its new

766、 progress in sustainable development over the past year from seven dimensions including contributing to value space, quality space, ecological space, growth space, win-win space, innovation space, and harmonious space. The Report has systematically reveal the progress of sustainable development that

767、 China Construction made over the past year, paying attention to the interests of shareholders, operating by laws and regulations, and constantly improving profitability. In the aspect of quality, it strives to provide high-quality products and services. The company has actively explored the new way

768、s to green design, green development and green construction, coped with climate change and maintained ecological balance. It has created equal and respectable corporate environment, and provided a good development platform for employees. It made close cooperation with suppliers and subcontractors to

769、 improve the development of industry chain, and achieved mutual existence and prosperity, and mutual benefits and win-win outcomes. It has also strengthened communication with the counterparts at home and abroad and created an environment for innovation featured with “brave to innovation and toleran

770、t of failure” to promote technological progress in the industry. Furthermore, it has improved social responsibility management mechanism, led the innovative social responsibility management in the industry, devoted itself to public welfare and fulfill the responsibility as a corporate citizen.The Re

771、port contains comprehensive issues, detailed information, rich representations, and distinctive industrial features. It is a high-quality sustainability report that has fully reflected China Constructions sincerity to communicate with all stakeholders. The Report has also provided a platform for int

772、ernational community to understand China Construction. What is disclosed in the Report meets the requirements of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labor, environmental protection, anti-corruption, and other aspects. I hope China Construction may act with its commitments in the new y

773、ear, continue to deepen the culture-led social responsibility promotion model, and constantly improve social responsibility management to create more value for all the stakeholders.Cheng Duosheng, Executive Secretary-General of Global Compact Network China106107拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environ

774、ment拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment 中国社会科学院经济学部企业社会责任研究中心 (以下简称 “中心” ) 受中国建筑股份有限公司委托, 从中国企业社会责任报告评级专家委员会中抽选专家组成评级小组, 对 中国建筑股份有限公司2012可持续发展&社会责任报告 (以下简称 报告 ) 进行评级。 一、 评级依据 中国社会科学院经济学部企业社会责任研究中心、 中国企业联合会、 中国石油与化学工业联合会、 中国轻工业联合会、 中德贸易可持续发展与企业行为规范项目、 WTO经济导刊、 中国企业公民委员会联合发布的 中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CAS

775、S-CSR 2.0) , 及 中国企业社会责任报告评级标准 (2013) 。 二、 评级结论 完整性 () 报告 从 “价值” 、 “品质” 、 “生态” 、 “成长” 、 “共赢” 、 “创新” 及 “和谐” 等方面, 系统披露了建筑业核心指标的88.28%,具有很好的完整性。 实质性 () 报告 涵盖了 “建筑质量管理” 、 “产品创新” 、 “农民工权益保护” 、 “承包商管理制度与措施” 、 “安全生产” 及 “绿色建材使用” 等建筑业关键议题, 叙述详细充分, 实质性表现卓越。 平衡性 () 报告 披露了 “员工流失率” 、 “较大及以上生产安全事故” 、 “亿元产值死亡率” 等负面

776、信息, 并对安全生产方面的预防措施做了简要叙述, 平衡性表现较好。 可比性 () 报告 披露了公司多个关键绩效指标连续3年的历史数据, 纵向可比性表现良好; 同时披露了 “当年新签建筑业合同额” 、 “房屋施工面积” 及 “房屋竣工面积” 等多个同行业横向比较数据。 可比性表现优秀。 可读性 () 报告 结构清晰, 逻辑清楚; 表述流畅, 设计风格切合行业特色, 并采用数据表、 流程图等多种表达方式; 语言为中英文对照, 适应了海内外读者人群和企业海外发展的需求, 可读性表现卓越。 创新性 () 报告 以 “拓展幸福空间” 为核心, 构建了利益相关方模型的七重空间, 既符合企业责任实践, 又凸

777、显建筑行业特点, 空间感强, 做到了内容与形式良好结合, 具有很好的创新性。 综合评级 () 经评级小组评价, 中国建筑股份有限公司2012可持续发展&社会责任报告 为五星级, 是一份卓越的企业社会责任报告。 三、 改进建议 1、 增加负面信息的披露及对负面事件预防应对措施的叙述, 提高报告的平衡性。 2、 增加对关键绩效指标连续多年数据的披露, 提高报告的纵向可比性。 评级小组 组长: 中国社会科学院经济学部企业社会责任研究中心主任 钟宏武 成员: 北方工业大学经济管理学院副教授 魏秀丽 证券时报 中国上市公司社会责任研究中心秘书长 张旺评级专家委员会副主席中心常务副理事长评级小组组长中心主

778、任中国建筑股份有限公司2012可持续发展&社会责任报告 评级报告评级报告Rating Report第三方验证Verification of the Third PartyTUV NORD德国汉德技术监督服务(亚太)有限公司中国社会科学院企业社会责任研究中心Research Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Chinese Academy of Social Sciences108109拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environ

779、ment报告目录Report ContentsGRI 对标GRI Benchmarking中国社科院 CASS-CSR 指标对标CASS-CSR Index Benchmarking封面 Cover荣誉 Honour2.8/2.9/2.10P5.3拓展幸福空间 Expanding A Happy Living Space文化引领型社会责任推进模式 Culture-led Social Responsibility Progression Model4.8关于本报告 / 报告目的 About This Report/Reporting Objectives关于本报告 / 报告发布周期 About

780、 This Report/Reporting Cycle3.2/3.3P1.1/ P1.3关于本报告 / 报告范围 About This Report/Reporting Scope3.5/3.6/3.7/3.8P1.2关于本报告 / 报告数据说明 About This Report/Reporting Data3.1/3.9P1.4关于本报告 / 编写依据 About This Report/Compilation Conformance3.9P1.5关于本报告 / 报告承诺 About This Report/Reporting CommitmentP1.6关于本报告 / 报告保证方法 A

781、bout This Report/Reporting Assurance4.7P1.6关于本报告 / 报告特色和改进 About This Report/Reporting Characteristics3.11关于本报告 / 称谓说明 About This Report/References to CSCEC关于本报告 / 获取方式 About This Report/Access to the Report3.4P1.7关于本报告 / 联系方式 About This Report/Contact Us3.4P1.7/ P1.8致辞 Chairman s Message1.1P2.1/ P2

782、.2关于我们 About Us关于我们 / 公司概况 / 公司简介 About Us/Company Profile/Brief Introduction2.1/2.2/2.4/2.5/2.6/2.7COM2.11/ P4.1/ P4.2/ P4.3/ P4.4关于我们 / 公司概况 / 组织架构 About Us/Company Profile/Organizational Structure2.3P4.5关于我们 / 可持续发展背景 About Us/Background Information on Sustainable Development1.2关于我们 / 责任管理 About

783、Us/Responsibility ManagementP3.1关于我们 / 责任管理 / 社会责任工作体系 About Us/Responsibility Management/System of Social Responsibility InitiativesG2.1/G2.2/G2.3/G 5.2关于我们 / 责任管理 / 责任沟通 About Us/Responsibility Management/Responsibility CommunicationG4.3/G5.3/G5.4/G5.5/G6.2/G6.3关于我们 / 责任管理 / 责任创新 About Us/ Respons

784、ibility Management/Responsibility InnovationG3.1/G3.2/G 4.1/G4.2/G 6.1关于我们 / 利益相关方沟通参与 About Us/Stakeholders Communication and Engagement4.14/4.15/4.16/4.17G5.1拓展价值空间 Contributing to the Value Space荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders Comments2.10M3.9拓展价值空间 / 优化公司治理 Contributing to the Value Space/Opt

785、imizing Corporate Governance4.1/4.4/4.6/4.7/4.8/4.9P4.6拓展价值空间 / 坚持诚信经营 / 合规管理 Contributing to the Value Space/Upholding Honest Operations/Compliance ManagementM3.6/S1.1/ S1.2/ S1.4/ S1.5拓展价值空间 / 坚持诚信经营 / 内部审计 Contributing to the Value Space/ Upholding Honest Operations/Internal Audit4.9拓展价值空间 / 坚持诚信

786、经营 / 商业道德 Contributing to the Value Space/ Upholding Honest Operations/Business EthicsSO2/SO3/SO4M3.8/ S1.3拓展价值空间 / 坚持诚信经营 / 信息公开 Contributing to the Value Space/ Upholding Honest Operations/Information Disclosure4.11拓展价值空间 / 增强发展能力 / 发展策略 Contributing to the Value Space/Enhancing Development Capaci

787、ty/Development StrategyS1.5拓展价值空间 / 增强发展能力 / 营销策略 Contributing to the Value Space/Enhancing Development Capacity/Marketing StrategyS1.5拓展价值空间 / 增强发展能力 / 效能监察 Contributing to the Value Space/Enhancing Development Capacity/Efficiency SupervisionS1.5拓展价值空间 / 增强发展能力 / 风险管理 Contributing to the Value Spac

788、e/Enhancing Development Capacity/Risk ManagementPR9M1.4拓展价值空间 / 增强发展能力 / 盈利能力 Contributing to the Value Space/Enhancing Development Capacity/ProfitabilityEC1M1.1/M1.2/M1.3/ S1.6/ P5.2报告目录Report ContentsGRI 对标GRI Benchmarking中国社科院 CASS-CSR 指标对标CASS-CSR Index Benchmarking拓展品质空间 Contributing to the Qua

789、lity Space荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders Comments2.10拓展品质空间 / 建筑领域 / 坚持公平营销 Contributing to the Quality Space/Scope of Construction/Upholding Fair MarketingM3.10拓展品质空间 / 建筑领域 / 铸就精品工程 Contributing to the Quality Space/Scope of Construction/Building High-grade EngineeringCOM2.8/COM2.9拓展品质空间 / 建筑领

790、域 / 提供最优服务 Contributing to the Quality Space/Scope of Construction/Providing Best ServicesPR5拓展品质空间 / 地产领域 / 打造宜居典范 Contributing to the Quality Space/Scope of Real Estate/ Creating Livable Model BuildingsPR6M3.1拓展品质空间 / 地产领域 / 提供最优服务 Contributing to the Quality Space/Scope of Real Estate/Offering Be

791、st ServicesPR6/ PR8/PR4M2.1/M2.2/M2.13/M2.14拓展生态空间 Contributing to the Ecological Space荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders Comments2.10拓展生态空间 / 加强环境管理 / 环境管理体系 Contributing to the Ecological Space/Strengthening Environmental Management/Environmental Management SystemPR1/PR2/EN28/EN30E1.1/ E1.6/ E1.9/

792、 E1.12拓展生态空间 / 加强环境管理 / 环保能力建设 Contributing to the Ecological Space/Strengthening Environmental Management/Capacity Building for Environmental ProtectionEN26E1.4/ E1.5拓展生态空间 / 加强环境管理 / 绿色采购 Contributing to the Ecological Space/Strengthening Environmental Management/Green ProcurementEN29E1.2/ E2.1拓展生

793、态空间 / 加强环境管理 / 绿色办公 Contributing to the Ecological Space/Strengthening Environmental Management/Green OfficesEN26E2.10/ E2.11拓展生态空间 / 奉献绿色人居 / 绿色开发 Contributing to the Ecological Space/Dedicating Green Habitat/Green DevelopmentEN6/EN26COE1.8拓展生态空间 / 奉献绿色人居 / 绿色设计 Contributing to the Ecological Space

794、/Dedicating Green Habitat/Green DesignSO10/EN26E1.1拓展生态空间 / 奉献绿色人居 / 绿色建造 Contributing to the Ecological Space/Dedicating Green Habitat/Green ConstructionEC3/EN14/EN26/EN29E1.3/ E2.2/ E2.3/E2.5/ E2.7/ E2.8/ E3.1/ E3.3/ E3.5/ E3.10拓展生态空间 / 共建绿色社区 / 碳中和项目 Contributing to the Ecological Space/Building

795、Green Communities Together/Carbon Neutral ProjectEC2/EN57E3.7/ E3.8/ E3.9拓展生态空间 / 共建绿色社区 / 废弃物处理 Contributing to the Ecological Space/ Building Green Communities Together/Waste DisposalEN27拓展成长空间 Contributing to the Development Space荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders Comments2.10拓展成长空间 / 保障员工权益 / 平等

796、雇佣 Contributing to the Development Space/Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees/Equal EmploymentEC7/LA1/LA2/LA11/LA13S2.1/ S2.2/ S2.5/ S2.12/ S2.14/ S2.15/ S2.30拓展成长空间 / 保障员工权益 / 薪酬福利 Contributing to the Development Space/Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees/Remuneration and We

797、lfare BenefitsEC3/LA3/LA14S2.3/ S2.10/ S2.11拓展成长空间 / 保障员工权益 / 民主管理 Contributing to the Development Space/Protecting the Rights and Interests of Employees/Employees Engagement in ManagementLA4S2.4/ S2.8/ S2.24/ S2.25拓展成长空间 / 保障员工权益 / 保护隐私 Contributing to the Development Space/ Protecting the Rights a

798、nd Interests of Employees/Protecting PrivacyS2.6拓展成长空间 / 关注职业健康 Contributing to the Development Space/Focusing on Occupational HealthS2.16/ S2.17/ S2.19拓展成长空间 / 助力全面发展 / 员工培训 Contributing to the Development Space/Boosting Comprehensive Development/Staff TrainingHR8/LA10/LA12S2.21/ S2.22拓展成长空间 / 助力全面

799、发展 / 职业发展 Contributing to the Development Space/Boosting Comprehensive Development/Career DevelopmentLA11/LA12S2.23拓展成长空间 / 注重人文关怀 / 女工保护 Contributing to the Development Space/Focusing on Caring Culture/Protection of Female EmployeesLA15S2.13/ S2.27拓展成长空间 / 注重人文关怀 / 丰富生活 Contributing to the Developm

800、ent Space/Focusing on Caring Culture/Colorful Social LifeS2.28拓展成长空间 / 注重人文关怀 / 困难员工帮扶 Contributing to the Development Space/Focusing on Caring Culture/Helping Needy EmployeesS2.26/ S4.8报告指标索引Reporting Index110拓展幸福空间Expanding a happy living environment报告目录Report ContentsGRI 对标GRI Benchmarking中国社科院 C

801、ASS-CSR 指标对标CASS-CSR Index Benchmarking拓展共赢空间 Contributing to the Win-win Space荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders Comments2.10拓展共赢空间 / 助力供应商成长 Contributing to the Win-win Space/Promoting the Development of SuppliersHR5/HR6/HR7/EC6/HR2/HR5/HR6/HR7G3.3/ M3.4拓展共赢空间 / 与分包商携手共赢 Contributing to the Win-wi

802、n Space/Achieving Win-win Outcomes with SubcontractorsHR5/HR6M3.3拓展共赢空间 / 推进战略合作 Contributing to the Win-win Space/Promoting Strategic CooperationM3.2拓展创新空间 Contributing to the Innovation Space荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders Comments2.10M2.5/ESM2.7拓展创新空间 / 倡导公平竞争 Contributing to the Innovation Sp

803、ace/Advocating Fair CompetitionM3.7拓展创新空间 / 推动科技创新 Contributing to the Innovation Space/Promoting Scientific and Technological InnovationM2.3/M2.4/ COM2.10拓展创新空间 / 实施管理创新 Contributing to the Innovation Space/Implementing Management InnovationsCOM2.10拓展创新空间 / 引领行业发展 Contributing to the Innovation Spa

804、ce/At the Forefront of the Development of the Industry4.13拓展创新空间 / 开展国际交流合作 Contributing to the Innovation Space/International Cooperation and Exchanges4.12/SO5拓展和谐空间 Contributing to the Harmonious Space荣誉及利益相关方评价 Honors and Stakeholders Comments2.10拓展和谐空间 / 重视安全生产 / 夯实安全基础 Contributing to the Harmo

805、nious Space/Focusing on Production Safety/Reinforcing Safety FoundationLA7S3.1/ S3.3/ S3.4/ S3.6/ S3.7拓展和谐空间 / 重视安全生产 / 增强保障能力 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/ Focusing on Production Safety/Enhancing Protection CapabilityCA8S3.2拓展和谐空间 / 重视安全生产 / 营造安全文化 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/ Focu

806、sing on Production Safety/Creating a Safety CultureLA8拓展和谐空间 / 促进社会就业 / 促进大学生就业 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/Offering Job Opportunities/Promoting the Employment of College StudentsS1.8/ S1.9拓展和谐空间 / 促进社会就业 / 助力农民工发展 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/ Offering Job Opportunities/Boosting th

807、e Development of Migrant WorkersS1.8/ S1.9/ S2.9拓展和谐空间 / 助力社区发展 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/Assisting Community DevelopmentEC8/EC9拓展和谐空间 / 热心公益事业 / 定点扶贫 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/Devoting to Public Welfare/Poverty AlleviationEC9/SO6S4.7/ S4.3拓展和谐空间 / 热心公益事业 / 抗震救灾 Contributing to

808、 the Harmonious Space/ Devoting to Public Welfare/Disaster ReliefEC9拓展和谐空间 / 热心公益事业 / 志愿者活动 Contributing to the Harmonious Space/ Devoting to Public Welfare/Volunteering ActivitiesS4.10/ S4.11专题 / 全球责任 幸福家园 Topic/ Global Responsibility, Happy HomelandEC8/EC8S4.2/ S4.3/ S4.4/ S4.5/ S4.12专题 / 志愿行动 拓展幸

809、福 Topic/ Volunteering to Expand Happy SpaceSO1/LA8S4.10展望 Outlook A1关键绩效表 Key Performance FormP5.2专家点评 Expert CommentsA2评级报告 Rating Report3.13A2第三方验证 Verification of the Third Party3.13报告指标索引 Reporting Index 3.12A3反馈意见表 Feedback FormA4反馈意见表Feedback Form为了改进中国建筑社会责任工作, 我们希望得到您的反馈, 这将成为我们改善和提高的重要依据。希望

810、您在百忙中对本报告和对我们的工作提出宝贵意见。We hope to hear back from you in order to help us to better fulill the social responsibilties of China Construction. We depend on your feedback to make improvements to our work. Thank you for your time and your valuable comments.您认为报告总体上:In your opinion, overall the report is:

811、 很好 Very good 较好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very Poor您认为报告在结构上:In your opinion, the structure of the report is: 很合理 Very good 较合理 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very poor您认为报告的可读性:In your opinion, the report is: 很高 Very readable 较高 Readable 一般 Average 较差 Hard to read 很差 Unreadable您认为报告的版式设计是否有助于您的阅读:In

812、your opinion, the format design is: 很好 Very good 较好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very Poor您认为报告披露的社会责任信息:In your opinion, the disclosed information on social responsibilities in this report is: 很有价值 Very valuable 价值较高 Valuable 一般 Average 价值较低 Of low value 没什么价值 Of no value您通过报告是否了解公司的可持续发展理念和实践特点:In y

813、our opinion, the concept of sustainable development and practical characteristics are: 很好 Very good 较好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very Poor您认为报告对利益相关方关注的问题进行回应和披露的程度:In your opinion, the extent of information disclosure and response to problems the stakeholders are concerned about is: 很好 Very good 较

814、好 Good 一般 Average 较差 Poor 很差 Very Poor您对报告中哪一部分最感兴趣:The part you are most interested in:您想进一步了解的信息:Information you want to learn much more: 您对中国建筑社会责任工作的意见和建议, 请再此提出If your other comments on the social responsibilities of China Construction, please write below: Sustainability Report/CSR ReportExpanding a Happy Living Environment可持续发展报告/社会责任报告拓展幸福空间地址: 中国北京三里河路15 号中建大厦邮编: 100037电话: (8610) 88082888传真: (8610) 88082789网址: Add: CSCEC Mansion,No.15 Sanlihe Road, 100037 Beijing,ChinaTel: (8610) 88082888Fax: (8610) 88082789Website:



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