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1、Scaling up APEC Sustainable Urban Development from Models to Results推动亚太经合组织城市可持续发展由模式向成果迈进,Steivan Defilla,President Assistant,APEC Sustainable Energy Center Tianjin,China,14th Conference on Urban Development and Planning,Zhengzhou,08.2018,2,APEC Sustainable Energy Center APSEC亚太经合组织可持续能源中心,APEC Su

2、stainable Energy Center(APSEC)was established at the 11th APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting in 2014,and mentioned in the 22nd APEC Leaders Declaration.It is a major achievement of the Chinese government responding positively to the initiative of APEC leaders to participate in energy cooperation in APE

3、C region.,23rd APEC Leaders Declaration,Nov.2015,3,APSEC MissionAPSEC的任务,To promote pragmatic cooperation on sustainable energy development among APEC economics;To act as National Energy Administrations think-tank on conducting strategic research and international cooperation in the field of sustain

4、able energy development,CCT Pillar ProgramClean Coal Technology,CNSC Pillar Program Cooperative Network of Sustainable Cities,Events:Two WorkshopsThe Annual Forum,4,5,APEC Sustainable Urban Development Report亚太经合组织可持续城市发展报告,Output of self-funded project EWG 11 2018 S,First draft presented at the 4th

5、 Asia-Pacific Energy Sustainable Development Forum,September 2018,Final draft endorsed by APEC-EWG,Electronic version https:/www.apec.org/Publications/2019/04/APEC-Sustainable-Urban-Development-Report-From-Models-to-Results,6,Urbanization trends in APEC亚太经合组织城市化趋势,Urban Population(Millions)1950-2050

6、,APEC:85%contribution of cities to GDP growth,APEC,2019,7,Per capita GDP 1990-2015,Per capita GDP vs%urban population(World Bank),Urbanized yet poor countries,Rural yet(a little bit)better off countries,APEC,World,Urbanization trends in APEC亚太经合组织城市化趋势,8,Role of concentration集中的角色,High-rise building

7、s,More and more traffic lanes,9,Vicious growth circle of cities城市恶性循环,Six of the twelve biggest citiesof the world are in APEC,Cities are engines of economic growth,More than 90%of all supertall builings(300 meters)being constructed,planned or envisioned are in APEC cities,Additional traffic lanes d

8、o notnecessarily diminish congestion,Lack of growth,10,11,General lack of circularity普遍缺乏循环性,Uncollected plastic waste,Municipal solid waste collection rate,12,Insufficient disaster resilience灾难恢复能力不足,Insufficient disaster resilience,High economic losses due to disasters,APEC harder hit than the res

9、t of the world,13,Insufficient GDP-CO2 Decoupling不足GDP-CO2解耦,CO2 not yet peaking,CO2 intensity improving,World,APEC,GT/year,APEC,World,Tons/million ppp USD,IPCC:phase out CO2 by 2050,1%improvement p.a.1990 2014 not enough,change,14,Danger of slum formation贫民窟形成的危险,Good news:%slum declines with incre

10、asing urban share.,Bad news:.But not below 30%.Reason:Income inequality not disappearingwith trade,15,Lack of SDG relevant data缺乏SDG相关数据,Overall average:27%SDG 7(Energy):bestSDG 13&14:worst(0)At urban level:even less data available,16,Synopsis of 5 sustainability deficits of APEC cities亚太经合组织城市可持续发展

11、赤字概述,Sustainability deficits,General lack of circularity,Insufficient disasterresilience,Lack of decoupling of CO2emissions from economic growth,Danger of slum formation,Lack of city statistics,17,18,Policy Responses by the UN:Sendai DRR Framework联合国的政策回应:仙台DRR框架,Adopted in March 2015 at the World C

12、onference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in Sendai,Japan,Endorsed by the UN General Assembly in June 2015,Quantitative targets:1)Substantially reduce global disaster mortality per 100,000 in the decade 2020-2030 compared to 2005-20152)Substantially reduce the number of affected people globally per

13、100,000 in the decade 2020-2030 compared to 2005-20153)Reduce direct disaster economic loss in relation to global gross domestic product(GDP)by 2030;4)Substantially reduce disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services including through developing their resilience by 203

14、05)Substantially increase the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020,Explicitly referenced in SDG target 11.b adopted in September 2015,19,Policy Responses by the UN:SDGs联合国的政策回应:可持续发展目标,Goal 13:Acknowledges that the UNFCCC is the primary forum for neg

15、otiating the global response to climate change,Adopted in September 2015 by the UN General Assembly as integral part of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,Comprehensively addressing development issues of the developing as well as developed countries,17 goals containing 169 targets,Quanti

16、fiable targets(e.g.“substantially reduce”)can be quantified at national or local levels,20,Policy Responses by the UN:Paris Climate Agreement联合国的政策回应:巴黎气候协议,Adopted in December 2015 at the 21st Conference of the UNFCCC in Paris,Objective:to hold the global average temperature increase“well below 2C

17、above pre-industrial levels”,with efforts to limit it to 1.5C above pre-industrial level,Invites contracting parties to submit intended nationally determined contributions(INDCs)for the time horizon 2030 and to update them every five years,21,Synopsis of the Policy Responses by the UN联合国政策回应概要,Inclu

18、ded in,Concretized by,22,APEC Policy Responses on Energy亚太经合组织能源政策回应,APEC Energy Ministers Meeting Beijing 2014:“We aspire to the goal of doubling the share of renewables in the APEC energy mix,including in power generation,from 2010 levels by 2030”.,2010:“We will create low-carbon communities in th

19、e region”.,2000:“We welcome the new energy security initiative”,2009:“We will rationalise and phase out fossil fuel subsidies.”,23,APEC Policy Responses on Urbanization(2014)亚太经合组织城镇化政策回应(2014),2014:“We endorse the APEC Cooperation Initiative for Jointly Establishing an Asia-Pacific Urbanization Par

20、tnership”.,2014 Ministerial Meeting also agreed to set up a Senior Officials Meeting(SOM)Friends of the Chair on Urbanization and to establish a cooperative network of sustainable cities in APEC economies,24,APEC Policy Response on DRR(2015)亚太经合组织DRR政策回应(2015),“We endorse the APEC Disaster Risk Redu

21、ction(DRR)Framework”,Explicitly referencing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction,25,26,Elements of the Results-Oriented Cooperative Strategy以成果为导向的合作战略要素,Objective:Scale up APEC sustainable urbanization within EWG and link it to other APEC bodies within and beyond EWG.,Method:Introduce r

22、esults-oriented monitoring(ROM)into the integrated urban planning of volunteering cities,27,Monitored Energy Indicators能源监测指标,28,Monitored Emissions Indicators监控排放指标,29,Monitored DRR IndicatorsDRR监测指标,30,Integration into the policy cycle融入政策周期,Provide assistance to cities at each step,31,Compatibili

23、ty with GPC:international reporting standard for cities与GPC兼容:国际城市报告标准,GPC has been specially created for allowing aggregation of local data to higher levels,avoiding double-counting or omissions,32,APEC Cooperation partners亚太经合组织合作伙伴,APEC Cities,Platform,Conceptor,Adopting authority,Interested EWG

24、bodies,Informed authorities,33,Desired APEC city spectrum亚太经合组织城市频谱,Geographic diversity within APEC:at least one city from each APEC sub-region;build upon the existing APSEC City Network CNSC,City size:Representing a mix of very large,large,medium and small cities,Sustainability Deficit:High Disast

25、er Risk or High per capita CO2 emissions or High energy intensity,Low level of Integrated Urban Planning:level felt to be insufficient,Enhancing city-to-city cooperation:choose a few advanced cities as knowledge partners,34,Possible Follow up projects 2019 20212019-2021年可能跟进的项目,Supporting Key SDGs a

26、nd APEC goals with Integrated Urban Planning Case studies for selected APEC cities Self-funded project to be submitted to EWGTimeline:June 2019-December 2019,Results-Oriented Monitoring of APEC cities APEC funded project to follow after completion of the preceding projectTimeline:2020-2021,35,THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!,“Joining Hands Toward Sustainable Energy Development in the Asia-Pacific Region.”,



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