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3. 白睿博-离岸风:荷兰的经验(10页).pdf

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3. 白睿博-离岸风:荷兰的经验(10页).pdf

1、Offshore Wind:Offshore Wind:The Dutch ExperienceThe Dutch ExperienceRob BerrisHead of economic affairs department,Consulate General of the Netherlands in GuangzhouThe tendering process De-risking 政府 降低风险The government reduces the risks and,in combination with a clear pipeline,this results in a signi

2、ficant cost reduction.o Introduces dedicated legal framework 法律制定o Defines wind farm zones.风电场选址o Creates a pipeline by means of a road map 发展规划o Provides grid connection(via TSO TenneT)电网链接o Provides site data 场地勘查调研报告o Puts wind farms on the market with tenders for permit(and simultaneous subsidy

3、if needed)招标并提供补贴o Performs consenting 许可和批准23 3Wind farm siteGWtenderoperational1BorsseleI and II2 x 0.35201620202BorsseleIII and IV2 x 0.35 201620203HK zuid I and II2 x 0.35 201720214HK zuid III and IV2 x 0.35 201920225HK noord V0.720192023Wind farm siteGWtenderoperational6HK west 2 x 0.720212024/

4、20257Ten Noorden vd Wadden0.7202220268IJmuiden Ver I and II2 x 1.020232027/20289IJmuiden Ver III and IV2 x 1.020252029/2030Clear pipeline of projects:Roadmap 2023(Energy Agreement 4,5 GW)Roadmap 2030(+/-6,5-7 GW,+Climate Agreement)The tendering process Tender results招标成果Results of first 3 tenders ex

5、ceeded expectations:rsted wins Borssele I&II at strike price of 72.7/MWh Blauwwind II wins Borssele III&IV at strike price of 54.5/MWh Chinook wins Hollandse Kust(zuid)I&II,first non subsidized OWF world wide Applications received for subsidy-free tender Hollandse Kust(zuid)III/IV4The Netherlands at

6、 a glance Excellent ports Good wind resource Shallow waters(40 m)Easy soil conditions(sandy)Strong supply chain5Dutch offshore wind companies involved in most OWFs at North Sea荷兰企业参与的海上风电项目6710-4-2019 IPF 2019 USABalance of plant 施工施工,安装:风机,电缆,安装:风机,电缆,升压电站升压电站Installation of foundations,turbines,ca

7、bles and substationsThe strengths of Dutch OWF supply chain The strengths of Dutch OWF supply chain 810-4-2019 IPF 2019 USADesign&manufacturing 设计设计和生产和生产Dedicated vessels,monopiles,substations,piling equipment,handling equipment,cranes,etc.专业船舶,升压站,吊装机,辅助工具The strengths of Dutch OWF supply chain Th

8、e strengths of Dutch OWF supply chain 910-4-2019 IPF 2019 USAThe strengths of Dutch OWF supply chain The strengths of Dutch OWF supply chain Operations&Management CTVs,motion compensated gangways,etc.Lets work together to utilise the full potential of offshore wind energy!Thank you for your attention!further contact:Rob.berriesminbuza.nl



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