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32.互联网下项目管理发展趋势-Des Smith-传统企业如何面对数字时代(34页).pdf

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32.互联网下项目管理发展趋势-Des Smith-传统企业如何面对数字时代(34页).pdf

1、How can traditional enterprise face the challenges in the digital era(in project management)Des SmithOct 21,2018Agenda Objective Introduction Company overview Traditional vs non-traditional enterprise Challenges Facing the challenges Examples Closing thoughts,Q&ATo share my knowledge and experience

2、with you and to create some positive,thought-provoking ideas,discussions and learnings to take with usObjective Graduated from University of Leeds in UK 25+years working/living in 6 different countries Led multiple projects,Project Managers,global projects Main focus operations needing change and ra

3、pid growth China for 4 years,PM Director Asia Pacific PMP Certified,PMI-ACP candidate Hobbies fitness,football,art,travel5Des Smith-IntroductionWork in“traditional”enterprise?Are involved in Project Management(PM)?Work with a PM process?Are facing challenges in PM new,different,more same old ones?Ar

4、e sometimes uncertain or frustrated in PM at work?How many of you:Company OverviewGKN Three DivisionsEmployee:59,800 people2017 Sales10.4 bn 员工59,800人2017年销售额104亿英镑90%We work with nearly every automotive manufacturerNo.1CVJ&AWDeDrive50%of the worlds cars contain GKN technologyGKN Driveline-Global le

5、aderGKN Driveline SystemProduct EvolutionRapid market changes we go from“traditional”,machined and assembled parts to systems adding electronics and softwareTraditional vs non-traditional enterpriseTraditional enterprises typically have or are:medium to long term history More stable orgmanufacturing

6、-orientedlegacy-based org structures and processes,slowRelatively longer serving,loyal employeeshave a short history,fast growingLess stable orgIT/knowledge orientednew org structures and processes,fastyounger generation,mobile Non-Traditional enterprises typically have or are:ChallengesExternal Cha

7、llenges(driven by market,customers)Competition is fiercer than everPrice pressureTime to market reducing,life cycles shorterNew start ups,new customers,new partnersTechnological changing at breakneck speedCustomers not knowing what they want or needCustomer expectations higherGlobalisation and local

8、izationVUCA (volatile uncertain complex ambiguous)Internal Challenges (in addition to external)Organisation culture and policyWhich PM process,tools,philosophies to useGrowing“pains”-more and different projectsLimited resources such as people,money,materialsCoping with documentation/duplication/audi

9、ts/gatewaysProcess and decision-making speedKeeping employees satisfied and motivatedTraining,knowledge,expertise what and how?Communication How to Face the Challenges?TipsConsider switch from traditional to non-traditional(strategic agility)Benchmark,network,including non-traditional companiesStart

10、 and support culture change in your enterpriseRecruit/train people-change leader,product expert,lean/agile thinkingPilot,show and communicate the“small victories”Document&train new,value-adding WoW/processesContinuously improve,look at new,value-driven indicatorsKeep learning the latest trends and b

11、est practicesMaintain the PM basics well and betterAlways put your people firstPotential trapsDoing nothing new,same thing and resisting changeThinking there is one standard PM solution out thereDiscarding current PM process and sub-processesThinking and acting like agile is a complete solutionBeing

12、 afraid of Agile,Lean,Kaizen Unaware of company strategyWorrying and stressExamples(of how we have faced challenges)EXAMPLE 1:Project Management process“Hybrid”Project ManagementStrong traditional processOver 160 tasks with RACIOverlapping/parallel phases,tasksUse with standards and governanceGantt

13、and critical pathProject InitiationProject PlanningSystem DevelopmentDesign ValidationProcess ValidationMass ProductionIntegration of Agile,leanEXAMPLE 2:Portfolio ManagementPortfolio ManagementMultiple“OT”events Feb to March=risk and opportunityMultiple“OTOP”events Aug and Sept=risk and opportunity

14、Portfolio ManagementUses and BenefitsAdvanced risk(prevent issues)and opportunities(seize them)Predict roadblocks in time to prevent them(shield the project teams)Multiple project and wider organisation benefitsResource planning people,equipment,materials,money,knowledgeVisibility,reporting,communic

15、ation,collaborationVisual,on-line,connectedPriority settingImproves the key indicators time,quality,financials,customer satisfactionEmployee motivation and satisfactionSupports agile mindset in traditional framework Scalability-can spread to other functionsEXAMPLE 3:Health improvement audit using le

16、ad indicatorsHealth Improvement AuditDefine Key deliverableDefine Rating CriteriaChoose project or progPMO conduct audit reviewRate deliverables constructivelyUse best examples to make recommendationMake lead KPI across multiple projectsPMO looks for opportunities across all projectsHealth Improveme

17、nt Audit ExampleData:Dashboard:Look at using more“Lead”indicators Lag Indicators=Measures the goalsLead Indicators:Predictive measures something that leads to the goal Influencing something that can influence the lag indicatorsLearn from foresight not hindsightEXAMPLE 4:Culture,PeopleCulture,people-

18、examplesWe focus on right quantity of team members in projectsWe focus on the quality of team members-training,visits,knowledge,PMP,ACPRecognition and encouragement PM leaders to PM,PM to Team members,Team member boss to Team memberWe work with and clear org roadblocks and decisionsjustify improveme

19、nts in$money still talks!Show example results through pilots,simulations,feedbackWe gain and use experienced people/expertsWe use language our co-workers,management understandsWe always communicate using agile mindsetTransforming from command and control to servant leadershipStrong process,agile mindset,great products,technology,great sales and profits,yet Peopleare the most importantThank You for this opportunityClosing thoughtsQuestions



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