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1、PM-Summit 2019,Management are not able to understand the complete picture 管理不能理解完整蓝图3 years is an eternity for top management 3年在管理里面简直是不可企及的“永远”Sales are focused on the last customer 销售团队通常聚集于最近的客户Deliveries are about producing and delivering today 交付通常就是今天,马上!Development teams focus on the next sp

2、rint 开发团队通常聚焦于下一个“冲刺”Customers focus on their problems today 客户只关心他们今天遇到的问题,We are driven by short term priorities 我们经常被短期优先级驱动,Realities 现实,Management are not able to understand the complete picture 管理不能理解完整蓝图3 years is an eternity for top management 3年在管理里面简直是不可企及的“永远”Sales are focused on the last

3、 customer 销售团队通常聚集于最近的客户Deliveries are about producing and delivering today 交付通常就是今天,马上!Development teams focus on the next sprint 开发团队通常聚焦于下一个“冲刺”Customers focus on their problems today 客户只关心他们今天遇到的问题All of the profit is made further down the lifecycle 可所有利润的产生都通常不是当下,We are driven by short term pr

4、iorities 我们经常被短期优先级驱动,Realities 现实,PRODUCT MANAGEMENT IS VITAL FOR LONG TERM PROFITABILITY产品管理对于长期的利润是至关重要的,Product Management Issues,MISSED MARKET OPPORTUNITIES 错过市场机遇Missed opportunity due to lack of technology readiness Not able to respond quickly enough on market changesUnder-explored values in

5、products and technologiesLONG TERM THINKING DIFFICULT 很难长期思考Difficult to manage shifts in technology or infrastructural changesLong term deliveries are destroyed by short term measurable deliverables Short-term projects ruin the core of the product,undermining the defining technology,We are not perf

6、orming at our best 通常不会做到最好,ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES 组织问题Hard to coordinate teams with different perspective on time and successNot allowing individuals and resources to deliver.PROCESS ISSUES 流程问题Uncertain delivery date of development projects or featuresPromises are made on unrealistic deliveriesDeve

7、lopment predictability not good enough BUSINESS CONTROL 商业控制Business management is hijacked by development issuesHidden costs in the organization,Product Management Issues 产品管理问题,PRESENTATION,AGENDA 日程,PART 1 SWEDEN 走进瑞典,”WHAT HAPPENED IN SWEDEN LAST NIGHT?”,1,01,SWEDEN 认识瑞典10 million inhabitants 10

8、00万居民Too dark in winter 冬天很黑Too light in summer 夏天很亮,STRONG INDUSTRIAL BACKGROUND强大的工业背景,GEELY VOLVO 吉利沃尔沃=SUCCESFUL COLLABORATION 成功协作的典范Better than Ford.比福特好.,11,Alfa LavalSeparators,Heat Exchanger 分离器、热交换器,12,SCANIA New product line Always the Industries most profitable company新产品线,业界盈利最好的公司,SCAN

9、IAPulse Meeting similar to Daily Standup in ScrumFor the last 30 years 脉冲会议,类似Scrum 每日站会In all departments.30年历史了,在所有部门,“全员敏捷”“Agile Everyhing”,Different customer needs 不同的客户需求,MODULAR PRODUCT SYSTEM-MAIN COMPONENTS,SCANIAArchitecture is a religion 产品架构是一个信仰How you build it is as important as what y

10、ou build.“如何构建”与“构建什么”一样重要,VALUE FOCUS 聚焦价值,VALUE ENGINEERING in separate workshop价值工程,第二天的工作坊详解,Three SWEDISH SECRETS 3个来自瑞典的秘密,1,PULSE DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT 脉冲驱动开发,Different perspectives 不同的视角,ARCHITECTURAL BUSINESS THINKING 业务架构思考,Product Architecture,Modularisation,Configuration产品架构、模块化、配置,VALUE FO

11、CUS 聚焦价值,A process for developing Value一个开发价值的过程,2,3,02,HOW DO YOU CREATE HIT MUSIC?如何创作音乐?,Speed Layers,The HOOK is needed in all songs叠句在所有歌曲中都需要,HOW DO YOU CREATE HIT MUSIC?,Every hit has a HOOK 每一个hit都有一个叠句A HOOK makes you remember the song 叠句让你记住歌曲The HOOK can be anything and anywhere in the so

12、ng 叠句可以是任何东西,可以在歌曲里的任何地方,22,The HOOK 叠句,Speed Layers,HOW DO YOU CREATE HIT MUSIC?,23,Speed Layers,HOW CAN YOU RECOGNIZE A BAND?,The SOUND You must develop a SOUND声响,每一个音乐必须要有,Every succesful band has a SOUND 每个成功的乐队都有The SOUND can consist of anything 可以包含任何东西The SOUND is unique and hard to copy 独特的,

13、很难拷贝,24,The SOUND 声响,Speed Layers,HOW CAN YOU RECOGNIZE A BAND?,25,The CONCERTS.After Spotify.演唱会,Speed Layers,WHERE DO YOU MAKE THE MONEY?,Every CONCERT requires instant delivery 需要持续发布In the CONCERT there might be room for improvisation 可能会有即兴创作的部分Combination of rules and culture 混合了规则和文化,26,The C

14、ONCERT 演唱会,Speed Layers,WHERE DO YOU MAKE THE MONEY?,CONCERT,HOOK,SOUND,Music and Product Management音乐与产品管理,HORIZON 1,HORIZON 2,HORIZON 3,Horizons are defined by using the three Horizon Model by McKinsey,CONCERT,HOOK,SOUND,Inspiration from Hit songs and successful bands,Music and Product Management音

15、乐与产品管理,SPRINTS,RELEASE TRAIN,PRODUCT VISION,SAFe manages multiple speeds,HORIZON 1,HORIZON 2,HORIZON 3,Horizons are defined by using the three Horizon Model by McKinsey,CONCERT,HOOK,SOUND,Inspiration from Hit songs and successful bands,Music and Product Management,SALES,MARKETING,ECOSYSTEM,Sales and

16、 Marketing activities,SPRINTS,RELEASE TRAIN,PRODUCT VISION,SAFe manages multiple speeds,HORIZON 1,HORIZON 2,HORIZON 3,Horizons are defined by using the three Horizon Model by McKinsey,CONCERT,HOOK,SOUND,Inspiration from Hit songs and successful bands,Music and Product Management,CUSTOMIZATION,PRODUC

17、TS,PLATFORM,B2B Reality with architectural levels,SALES,MARKETING,ECOSYSTEM,Sales and Marketing activities,SPRINTS,RELEASE TRAIN,PRODUCT VISION,SAFe manages multiple speeds,HORIZON 1,HORIZON 2,HORIZON 3,Horizons are defined by using the three Horizon Model by McKinsey,CONCERT,HOOK,SOUND,Inspiration


19、AND,SPRINTS,RELEASE TRAIN,PRODUCT VISION,HORIZON 1,HORIZON 2,HORIZON 3,Multiple Speeds in a Product一个产品里面也有多层速度,1,2,3,CONCERT,HOOK,SOUND,Speed Layer 1,Speed Layer 2,Speed Layer 3,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,The Product SoundTrack Fr

20、ameworkProduct SoundTrack 框架,Speed Layer 1,Speed Layer 2,Speed Layer 3,PLAYGROUND,EDGE,CORE,Element,Element,Element,Element,The PLAYGROUND is the area for quick market adaptations,customizations and experimentation快速的市场采用,定制化和试验NEED FOR SPEED,The EDGE represents Concepts or Features which differenti

21、ates the product offering from Alternatives和竞品进行差异化的概念或特性KEEP THE EDGE,The CORE is the defining technology allowing continuous development of successful products支持长久成功的决定性的技术MIND THE CORE,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,Element,A Speed layer consists of key elements forming t

22、he key capabilities of the layer.The key elements are called PLAYGROUND,EDGE and CORE for the different speeds.In all layers supporting elements are part of the layer delivering necessary functions and capabilities.The speed layers have different decision making processes.,Product SoundTrack is a fr

23、amework for tech companies to manage different speeds within one product.Thus achieving excellent responsiveness while pursuing product leadership.管理不同速度,获得优秀的反应和领导力,Related work 一些专家的相关工作,Two-speed IT(McKinsey,2014)Fast-speed,customer-centric front endSlow-speed,transaction focused legacy back endT

24、hree horizons(The Alchemy of Growth,2000)Operative targets,Strategy themes and focus areas,VisionStrategic Buckets for resource allocation(Hutchinson-Krupat,2015)Strategic buckets can be defined using time/complexityResource allocation/investment call for each bucket done by top managementGovernance

25、/implementation of each bucket done further down in the organizationProduct Strategy for High Technology Companies(McGrath,2001)Definition of layers and defining technologyEach layer has its own set of rules,speed can be includedSAFe,Scaled Agile Framework(Leffingwell,2007)Development teams refining

26、 backlog 2-3 sprints aheadMarketing team works with 12-18 month roadmapsManage different release cyclesZone to Win(Moore,2017)Organizing according to different speedsConnecting organization with Life Cycle Management,03,Customization&Speedy deliveries定制与迅速发布,Customization:定制Delivery of unique custom

27、er requirements on integration,functions etc.to create buyer motivation 为客户需求量身定制Adaption to different Market Channels or Segments 为不同市场渠道或分段定制Can be structured into variances with established rules(configuration management,mass customization)以一定规则进行变体Enable speedy development:迅速发布Test new things,in

28、novate and experiment 测试,创新,试验The ability to offer new products(or features)on a timely basis has become an important competitive factor 及时提供新特性成为竞争要素Responsiveness,meet customer expectations on speed and agility 快速响应,满足客户对速度和敏捷的需求,Speed layer 1 with PLAYGROUND 第1层速度层 Playgournd,Rules PLAYGROUND 规则,

29、Or solution engineers for customization,Speed layer 1 with PLAYGROUND,Finding your EDGE-Differentiation找到差异化,Speed layer 2 with EDGE,Identify your edge 识别 EDGEUnique features normally not enough 独特特性,通常不够Ease of use,deisgn,Total cost of Ownership,Adaptability,delivery process etc 易用、设计、拥有者的总耗费、可采纳性,

30、发布过程Plan for change 计划改变Competitors will copy your EDGE。竞争对手拷贝Plan for upgrades that gives you a new edge 为升级规划Speed driven by markt pulse 受市场脉冲驱动,Rules EDGE 规则,Or solution engineers for customization,Speed layer 2 with EDGE,The CORE,Is the part of your product that 产品最核心的东西Provides uniqueness over

31、time 随着时间流逝最独特的Is very difficult to copy 很难拷贝Delivers sustainable differentiation 持续差异化The life-cycle of the product line(Platform)is dependent on the COREs continuing strength 整个产品线依赖于CORE的能力Continuous Competitive advantage is derived from the CORE 持续竞争优势It is difficult to understand the CORE 很难理解D

32、efining the CORE enables you to focus on whats most important聚焦最重要的东西,Speed layer 3 with CORE,Rules-CORE,Or solution engineers for customization,Speed layer 3 with CORE,SPEED LAYERS,Released in the weird and wonderful Swedish Market,Segment driven Product Strategy 区段驱动的产品策略 Accelerate technology dev

33、elopment for different segments,Parallel Development并行开发Experiment,Develop Products and Core simultaneously,IoT Startup 物联网创业Guiding investements in building capabilities for sales,products and technology,This is great.Keep.Also do a version with one of their lifestyle images.For that version,fade out the other logos so they are super faint.,Fighter PlaneFor structuring the Roadmap and technology development,Speed layers 速度层价值,



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