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1、Thai Union Confidential Page 1Page 1Thai Union Confidential 1SeaChange 拥拥抱抱变变化化,从善如流从善如流 Thai Union Confidential Page 2Page 2Thai Union Confidential 2你吃的每条鱼鱼和虾虾都可能沾着另一个人的血血和泪Thai Union Confidential Page 3Page 3Thai Union Confidential 3全球海产品企全球海产品企业业遍布全球的强遍布全球的强大品牌大品牌创新创新致力于可持续致力于可持续发展发展 成立于1977年;自19

2、94年在泰国证券交易所上市 销售收入达40亿美元 在美国、欧洲、非洲和亚洲拥有超过45000名员工 横跨美国和欧洲强大的品牌阵容 全球最大的金枪鱼生产商,在美国、欧洲、日本、中东非和澳大利亚有巨大的市场 道琼斯可持续发展指数(DJSI)成员 处在我们行业通过Sea Change倡议推动可持续发展的前列(www.thaiunion-)与玛希隆大学合作运营世界上第一个也是唯一的金枪鱼研究中心 拥有强大的创新产品组合,深深扎根于全球消费者研究 拥有全世界各地的创新成功经验,流水线上成功应用多项新的专利Thai Union Confidential Page 4Page 4Thai Union Con

3、fidential 4历史Thai Union Confidential Page 5Page 5Thai Union Confidential 5创业Thai Union Confidential Page 6Page 6Thai Union Confidential 6成就Thai Union Confidential Page 7Page 7Thai Union Confidential 7产品:金枪鱼Thai Union Confidential Page 8Page 8Thai Union Confidential 8产品:虾Thai Union Confidential Page

4、9Page 9Thai Union Confidential 9产品:深加工Thai Union Confidential Page 10Page 10Thai Union Confidential 10产品:宠物粮Thai Union Confidential Page 11Page 11Thai Union Confidential 11供应链危机Thai Union Confidential Page 12Page 12Thai Union Confidential 12供应链危机Thai Union Confidential Page 13Page 13Thai Union Confi

5、dential 13SeaChange 海洋改变Thai Union Confidential Page 14Page 14Thai Union Confidential 14安全安全,合法的合法的员员工工Thai Union Confidential Page 15Page 15Thai Union Confidential 15Verifying legal labor in our shrimp feed supply chainIn 2016,100%of our shrimp feed supply chain was externally audited by UL.As a me

6、mber of the Seafood Task Force,this is part of our work towards establishing traceability systems from the vessel to the feed mill.Protecting pre-processing workers In 2016 over 1,000 former employees from external pre-processing facilities have been employed to work in Thai Union factories in Thail

7、and.We ended all relationships with external pre-processing facilities so we have full oversight of all processing stages in the supply chain.Zero recruitment fees In 2016,as part of our ethical migrant recruitment policy,we launched a zero recruitment fees commitment for all future recruitment of w

8、orkers for our Thai facilities.This reduces the risk of workers becoming involved in debt bondage or forms of forced labor.Thai Union Confidential Page 16Page 16Thai Union Confidential 16挑战依然存在Thai Union Confidential Page 17Page 17Thai Union Confidential 17可追溯,负责任的获源Thai Union Confidential Page 18Pa

9、ge 18Our FIPs Roadmap Thai Union Confidential Page 19Page 19Thai Union Confidential 19负责负责任任的运的运营营Thai Union Confidential Page 20Page 20Thai Union Confidential 20负责负责任任的运的运营营Thai Union Confidential Page 21Page 21Thai Union Confidential 21Thai Union Confidential Page 22Page 22Thai Union Confidential

10、22海洋港口原料供应加工生产分销餐桌Thai Union Confidential Page 23Page 23Thai Union Confidential 23海洋港口原料供应加工生产分销餐桌Thai Union Confidential Page 24Page 24Thai Union Confidential 24海洋港口原料供应加工生产分销餐桌Thai Union Confidential Page 25Page 25Thai Union Confidential 25社区社区与社会与社会责责任任Thai Union Confidential Page 26Page 26Thai U

11、nion Confidential 26Thai Union Confidential Page 27Page 27Thai Union Confidential 27Thai Union Confidential Page 28Page 28Thai Union Confidential 28安全,合法的员工可追溯,负责任的获源负责任的运营社区与社会责任Thai Union Confidential Page 29Page 29Thai Union Confidential 29SeaChange:an overview People&Communities We want to have

12、a positive,practical impact on the communities in which we work.Our CSR programs,community work and local engagement will improve the lives and facilities of those living near us and working with us.Responsible OperationsWe have initiatives in place to ensure our operations are as advanced,effective

13、 and innovative as possible while minimizing our impact on the environment.Responsible SourcingCaring for our natural resources is critical for the health of the world for generations to come.We are working with suppliers to ensure that Thai Union and the wider seafood industry works towards maintai

14、ning the health of the global environment,including the protection of species and the marine environment.Safe&Legal Labor We take reports of human rights abuses in the global seafood industry very seriously and are determined to stamp out illegal and unsafe labor practices wherever they exist.Good G

15、overnanceRobust leadership,policies and processes will ensure our business is focussed on delivering our sustainability objectives and is ethical across all its operationsTransparencyWe will be transparent in all communications with stakeholders,customer and the industry,sharing our learnings and pr

16、oviding regular updates on our progressPartnerships and collaboration We will actively seek out NGO,government and industry partners to work with us on initiatives designed to deliver against our overarching objectives.We will share our findings so the entire industry can benefit from our experience

17、 and findingsThai Union Confidential Page 30Page 30Thai Union Confidential 30对标联合国可持续发展计划制定中期发展目标Thai Union Confidential Page 31Page 31Thai Union Confidential 31拥抱改变Thai Union Confidential Page 32Page 32Thai Union Confidential 32No.1 in Food Products Industry in DJSI in 2018 and 2019Industry best-in

18、-class 100th percentile ranking for total sustainability score driven by SeaChangeIndustry best-in-class 100th percentile rankings for:Codes of Business ConductMateriality,Health and NutritionHuman RightsSupply Chain ManagementRisk and Crisis ManagementPackagingWater-Related RisksGenetically-Modified OrganismsTalent Attraction and RetentionIf you want to know more,visit 泰万盛荣获道琼斯可持续发展指数食品类第一名Thai Union Confidential Page 33Page 33Thai Union Confidential 33Thai Union Confidential Page 34Page 34Thai Union Confidential 34SeaChange 拥拥抱抱变变化化,从善如流从善如流



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