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1、Ecommerce Stats Report I NTRO01 TABLE OF CONTENTS .032019 Ecommerce Trends it could be that theyre not ready to book at that time. TRAF F I C good user experience and well-designed checkout forms will always help to reduce abandonment. TRAVEL85.44% RETAIL84.63% FASHION88.46% FINANCE76.16% UTILITIES8

2、6.64% AVERAGE ABANDONMENT RATE84.27% Abandonment rates generally hold steady throughout the year, and are highest in October and November. This may reflect pre-sale shopping as most visitors to ecommerce sites in these months are aware that big sales events such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Sin

3、gles Day are coming soon, so theyre checking prices but waiting for bigger discounts to come. Abandonment rates are lowest in January, at a peak time from promotional activity for fashion retailers. Generous discounts and limited stock levels can encourage more people to buy on their first visit, th

4、us reducing abandonment rates. Abandonment Trends Across the Year JFMAMJJASOND O NLI NE A BA N D O N M EN T TREN DS33 70% 90% 80% Generally, abandonment rates are lower in the more established ecommerce markets of North America, Europe and Asia. O NLI NE A BA N D O N M EN T TREN DS34 N . A M E R I C

5、 A 85.5% S . A M E R I C A 92.7% E U R O P E 85.8% S E M E A 87.4% M I D D L E E A S T 90.8% A F R I C A 94.2% A S I A 85.0% AV E R A G E 88.8% Abandonment Volumes by Day of Month Looking at abandonment volumes by month, we see them remain relatively steady throughout the month, then peaking towards

6、 the end of each month and the beginning of the next, which reflects the days around payday where shoppers are more likely to browse and buy. 62232425262728 2930 O NLI NE A BA N D O N M EN T TREN DS35 Abandonment Volumes by Day of Week Abandonment volumes are lowest

7、on Saturday, closely followed by Sunday, which are also the days with the lowest sales volumes. MTTFSSW 12% 12.5% 13% 13.5% 14% 14.5% 15% 15.5% O NLI NE A BA N D O N M EN T TREN DS36 Low abandonment volumes coincide with low purchase volumes on weekends. Abandonment Volumes by Time of Day Abandonmen

8、t volumes begin to rise from early morning, peaking around 9pm, then dipping slightly after the peak time for sales (8pm to 10pm). 0000708 091011 12 1314 0212223 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% O NLI NE A BA N D O N M EN T TREN DS37 Online sales peak at 9pm, and are the lowest at 5am.

9、S UM M ARY38 Summary The data in this report highlights some of the key areas online ecommerce brands can focus on. Firstly, the disparity in abandonment rates between sites spells out the opportunity for brands to minimise this issue, and to convert more shoppers after they have abandoned. For exam

10、ple, while the average retail abandonment rate is 84.63%, we see some retailers with abandonment levels 10% to 15% lower than that. Basket abandonment can be minimised with a focus on user experience, which can cover everything from optimised product discovery and site navigation, to an improved che

11、ckout process. Even with the greatest customer experience on the web, customers will still abandon for a number of reasons, often because theyre simply not quite ready to buy. At this point, abandonment emails and SMS can keep your brand in the customers mind, and encourage them to return and comple

12、te a purchase when theyre ready. One very important area for retailers is mobile. Mobile traffic to retailers continues to grow, and in some sectors and regions it is by far the most important channel for ecommerce. Our stats on traffic and sales from mobile devices show that mobile sales volumes an

13、d order values lag behind smartphone traffic. In addition, stats show that mobile conversion rates are less than half of those on desktop. 10.4% of shoppers add items to cart on mobile, which isnt far behind the 11.8% that add items on desktop. Mobile users therefore are indicating an intent to purc

14、hase which is similar to desktop, but the fact mobile conversion rates are half that of desktop suggests that mobile checkout is a key area for brands to focus on. A well-designed mobile checkout, with time-saving features like guest checkout, streamlined forms, and easy payment can make the differe

15、nce. Sites now have the choice of payment options that suit mobile perfectly, from touch and face ID payment through Apple and Google Pay, to established payment methods such as PayPal and Amazon Pay which can save users the effort of entering payment card and address details. Some sectors, travel e

16、specially, face more of a challenge to convert mobile customers, but sectors like fashion show what can be achieved with a mobile-first outlook that focuses on the mobile user experience. Our mission is to inspire, shape and support the conversions that exist within every customer journey. www.SaleC Americas New York, NY +1 917 243 9974 NEMEA Durham, UK +44 (0) 191 500 7400 APACSEMEA SingaporeParis, FR +65 6635 2487+33 (0) 181 806 048 Get in touch.



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