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1、颠覆未来:市场变革下的品牌增长模式 Disruptive Growth Formula in China Beauty Market 消费者指数 中国快消市场加速,个人护理大放异彩 China FMCG market accelerates driven by premiumization; Personal Care outperforms. 6.9 6.7 6.9 6.6 4.1 3.6 4.7 5.2 购买频次稳定 Stable Frequency +1.5% -3.2% 购物篮缩小 Smaller Basket +4.6% 持续高端化 Continuous Premiumization

2、 2015 2016 2017 2018 国内生产总 额及快消品 销额增长率 GDP TTL Urban China Families, 2018 vs. 2017 GDP FMCG 护肤彩妆独领风骚,潜力巨大 Facial Skin Care and Makeup keeps strong growth with massive potentials. 数据来源:消费者指数个人美妆样组;全国城镇人口,15-54岁男女性;2018 vs. 2017 Data source: Kantar Worldpanel Beauty Panel; TTL Urban China; TTL Shopper

3、 1554 y.o, 2018 vs. 2017 面部护肤品 Facial Skin Care 彩妆 Makeup 染发 Hair Colorant 身体护理 Body Care 洗发水 Shampoo 沐浴露 Showering Gel 护发素 Conditioner 头发造型 Hair Styling 香氛 Fragrance 个护品类 市场表现 Personal Care Category Performance 快 销额增长率 Value GR 慢 渗透率 Penetration% 高 低 一线城市 二线城市 三线城市 四五线城市 20代女性是化妆品消费主力,下线增长迅猛 20s fe

4、males are the key group in cosmetics market; lower tiers show prospective growth driven by the young. 数据来源:消费者指数个人美妆样组;全国城镇人口,15-54岁男女性;2018 vs. 2016 Data source: Kantar Worldpanel Beauty Panel; TTL Urban China; TTL Shopper 1554 y.o, 2018 vs. 2016 15-1920-2930-3940-4950-54 +49% +37% +23% +14% +19% 2

5、018 2016 +22% +28% +29% +25% Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 social EC triggers shopping and breaks the barrier for low tiers. 数据来源:消费者指数个人美妆样组;全国城镇人口,15-54岁女性;2018 vs. 2017 消费者指数媒介画像2018 Data source: Kantar Worldpanel Beauty Panel; TTL Urban China; Female Shopper 1554 y.o, 2018 vs. 2017 Kantar Worldpan

6、el Media Profiler 2018 随时购买的习惯 Always-on Shopping P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10P11P12P13 分时间段线 上消费人次 增长率 Online Shopping Traffic GR by Period 3.8 6.18 11.11 直播平台 Live-streaming 社交网络 SNS 美妆社群 Beauty Community +30% +27% +89% 装机率 Download Rate 化妆品购买 渗透率增长 Red Book Cosmetics Shopping Penetration 化妆品购买

7、人次增长 WeChat Cosmetics Shopping Traffic 分年龄微信 购物渗透率 WeChat Shopping Penetration by Age 15-1920-2930-3940-4950-54 Lower Tier Upper Tier 消费者美妆知识不断积累,渴望更专业的护理和更高阶产品 Consumers knowledge accumulates; they pursue more professional treatment and advanced products. 数据来源:消费者指数个人美妆样组;全国城镇人口,15-54岁女性;2018 vs. 2

8、017 消费者指数个护使用样组;一、二线城市;13-55岁女性;2018 vs. 2017 Data source: Kantar Worldpanel Beauty Panel; TTL Urban China; Female Shopper 1554 y.o, 2018 vs. 2017 Kantar Worldpanel Usage Panel; Key+A cities; Female Shopper 1355 y.o, 逐步高阶的行为 Increasing Sophistication 43% 的20代女性喜欢阅 读最新的美妆信息 Of females love to read la

9、test beauty news +22% 女性去美容院/SPA的 人数增长 Number of females went to beauty salon/spa 渗透率上涨 品类 Category of High Penetration Incremental 精华 Essence 唇膏 Lip Stick 防晒 Sun Care 妆前乳 Primer 眼部护理 Eye Care 眼影 Eye Shadow 卸妆水 Makeup Remover 粉底液 Liquid Foundation 品牌选择愈加多样,多品牌叠加购买成为常态 Consumers are adding more brand

10、s into basket; shopping across brand nationalities and price tiers are usual. 数据来源:消费者指数个人美妆样组;全国城镇人口,15-54岁女性;2018 vs. 2017 vs. 2016 Data source: Kantar Worldpanel Beauty Panel; TTL Urban China; Female Shopper 1554 y.o, 2018 vs. 2017 vs. 2016 乐于尝新的态度 Loving to Try 2018年消费者 触及品牌个数 Number of brands h

11、aving reached consumers in 2018 护肤 Skincare +20% vs.2016 +22% vs.2016 9,907 彩妆 Makeup 2,762 多品牌叠加购买 Brand mix 60% 70% 女性跨价格带购买 Women buying from 2 or more price tiers 女性跨品牌国籍购买 Women buying from 2 or more brand nationalities +20% +10% 高端品牌渗透率增长 Luxury Brands Penetration 大众品牌平均花费增长 Mass Brands Avg. S

12、pending 升级“降级”同时进行 Upgrading and “downgrading” at the same time vs.2017 vs.2017 全体女性 Z世代 2018 2016 平均购买品牌数 Avg. # of cosmetics brands purchased 挑战和机遇并存的市场为不同的品牌提供增长机会 Challenges and opportunities co-exist for both emerging and big brands 数据来源:消费者指数个人美妆样组;全国城镇人口,15-54岁女性;2018 vs. 2017 vs. 2016 Data s

13、ource: Kantar Worldpanel Beauty Panel; TTL Urban China; Female Shopper 1554 y.o, 2018 vs. 2017 vs. 2016 *新兴品牌为2016年市场份额小于0.1%;大品牌为2016年市场份额大于0.2% 所有显示品牌2018年增长率均高于30% *Emerging brands had market share 30% in 2018 新兴品牌爆发 式增长 Emerging brands booming 大品牌坚守阵地 Big brands keep strong 解码颠覆式增长 Decoding Disr

14、uptive Growth 随时购买的习惯 Always-on shopping 多触点、多时机 触及人群 Trigger consumers everywhere using multiple touchpoints 逐步高阶的行为 Increasing sophistication 乐于尝新的态度 Loving to try 电商助力快速崛起的品牌扎根成长,并为传统品牌打开下线市场 EC facilitate growth of emerging brands and unleash lower-tier market for big brands. 数据来源:消费者指数个人美妆样组;全国

15、城镇人口,15-54岁女性;2018 vs. 2017 Data source: Kantar Worldpanel Beauty Panel; TTL Urban China; Female Shopper 1554 y.o, 2018 vs. 2017 线上销额增长 Online Value GR +50% 整体销额增长 Brand Value GR +45% 下线城市销额增长 Lower Tiers Value GR +47% 全国销额增长 TTL China Value GR +36% 的下线城市 新消费者来自线上 of lower-tier New brand buyers recr

16、uited online 81% 薇诺娜 线上销额占比 WINONA online value share% 50% 兰蔻线上线下 销额增长 LANCOME online TTL Urban China; Female Shopper 1554 y.o, 2018 vs. 2017 有效成分沟通 Ingredient communication 天然萃取 Natural Extracts 灵芝 Lucid ganoderma 红参 Red Ginseng 金盏花 Calendula +63% +74% 生物技术 High Technology 烟酰胺 Niacinamide 透明质酸 Hyal

17、uronic acid 氨基酸 Amino acid 神经酰胺 Ceramide +112% +115% 品牌人设打造 - Brand Characteristics 防晒专家 Sun care expert 底妆大师 Foundation expert 专利成分:玻色因 Patented ingredient: Pro- Xylaneb 文艺、小资 Artistic, niche image 销额增长 Value GR 销额增长 Value GR 颠覆性增长 = 持续创新和差异化定位, 最大化品牌价值 捕捉市场趋势,提供独特的产品优势和品牌形 象应对消费者日益成熟的美妆使用行为和场景 渠道融合,打造联通线上线下 一致的品牌体验 通过互动内容和线下交流,扩大品牌的跨渠道、 多触点销售机会 中国速度



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