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IEA PVPS:2021年泰国太阳能光伏应用调查报告(英文版)(27页).pdf

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IEA PVPS:2021年泰国太阳能光伏应用调查报告(英文版)(27页).pdf

1、 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in THAILAND 2021 PVPS Task 1 Strategic PV Analysis and Outreach Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY What is IEA PVPS TCP?The International Energy Agency(IEA),founded in 1974,is an autonomous body within the framework of t

2、he Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD).The Technology Collaboration Programme(TCP)was created with a belief that the future of energy security and sustainability starts with global collaboration.The programme is made up of 6.000 experts across government,academia,and industry

3、 dedicated to advancing common research and the application of specific energy technologies.The IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme(IEA PVPS)is one of the TCPs within the IEA and was established in 1993.The mission of the programme is to“enhance the international collaborative efforts which fac

4、ilitate the role of photovoltaic solar energy as a cornerstone in the transition to sustainable energy systems.”In order to achieve this,the Programmes participants have undertaken a variety of joint research projects in PV power systems applications.The overall programme is headed by an Executive C

5、ommittee,comprised of one delegate from each country or organisation member,which designates distinct Tasks,that may be research projects or activity areas.The IEA PVPS participating countries are Australia,Austria,Belgium,Canada,Chile,China,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Israel,Italy,Japan,Korea,Ma

6、laysia,Mexico,Morocco,the Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,South Africa,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Thailand,Turkey,and the United States of America.The European Commission,Solar Power Europe,the Smart Electric Power Alliance(SEPA),the Solar Energy Industries Association and the Cop-per Alliance are also me

7、mbers.Visit us at:www.iea-pvps.org What is IEA PVPS Task 1?The objective of Task 1 of the IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme is to promote and facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information on the technical,economic,environmental and social aspects of PV power systems.Task 1 activiti

8、es support the broader PVPS objectives:to contribute to cost reduction of PV power applications,to increase awareness of the potential and value of PV power systems,to foster the removal of both technical and non-technical barriers and to enhance technology co-operation.An important deliverable of T

9、ask 1 is the annual“Trends in photovoltaic applications”report.In parallel,National Survey Reports are produced annually by each Task 1 participant.This document is the country National Survey Report for the year 2020.Information from this document will be used as input to the annual Trends in photo

10、voltaic applications report.Authors Main Content:Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency,Ministry of Energy Data:Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency,Office of Energy Regulatory Commission,Metropolitan Energy Authority,Provincial Energy Authority,Electricit

11、y Generating Authority of Thailand,King Mongkuts University of Technology Thonburi Analysis:Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency,King Mongkuts University of Technology Thonburi DISCLAIMER The IEA PVPS TCP is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency(IEA)b

12、ut is functionally and legally autonomous.Views,findings and publications of the IEA PVPS TCP do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries COVER PICTURE The 45 MW(AC)world-largest Floating PVs(FPVs)System integrated with hydropower at S

13、irindhorn dam at Ubonratchathani province of Thailand in near-complete phase as part of the 2,725 MW(AC)plan of FPVs installation of Thailand by 2037.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements.4 1 Installation Data.5 Applications for Photov

14、oltaics.5 Total photovoltaic power installed.5 Key enablers of PV development.8 2 Competitiveness of pv electricity.9 Module prices.9 System prices.9 Financial Parameters and specific financing programs.10 Specific investments programs.11 Additional Country information.11 3 Policy Framework.14 Natio

15、nal targets for PV.14 Direct support policies for PV installations.15 Self-consumption measures.15 Collective self-consumption,community solar and similar measures.16 Tenders,auctions&similar schemes.16 Other utility-scale measures including floating and agricultural PV.17 Social Policies.17 Retroac

16、tive measures applied to PV.17 Indirect policy issues.17 Financing and cost of support measures.18 4 Industry.19 Production of feedstocks,ingots and wafers(crystalline silicon industry).19 Production of photovoltaic cells and modules(including TF and CPV).19 Manufacturers and suppliers of other comp

17、onents.20 5 Pv In The Economy.21 Labour places.21 Business value.21 6 Interest From Electricity Stakeholders.23 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 3 Structure of the electricity system.23 Interest from electricity utility businesses.24 7 Highlights and Prospects.25 Hig

18、hlights.25 Prospects.25 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper received valuable contributions from several organization including the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency(DEDE),King Mongkuts University of Technology Tho

19、nburi(KMUTT),Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand(EGAT),Office of Energy Regulatory Commission(OERC),Metropolitan Energy Authority(MEA)and Provincial Energy Authority(PEA).Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 5 1 INSTALLATION DATA The PV power systems market is d

20、efined as the market of all nationally installed(terrestrial)PV applications with a PV capacity of 40 W or more.A PV system consists of modules,inverters,batteries and all installation and control components for modules,inverters and batteries.Other applications such as small mobile devices are not

21、considered in this report.For the purposes of this report,PV installations are included in the 2020 statistics if the PV modules were installed and connected to the grid between 1 January and 31 December 2020,although commissioning may have taken place at a later date.Applications for Photovoltaics

22、In 2020 the development of PV systems for electricity generation in Thailand continued to grow in decentralized sector,where the BAPV in industrial and commercial showed the most prominent growth in PV installation.In terms of national target,by 2037,Thailand aimed to commission new power plant capa

23、city at 56 431 MW in which 18 696 MW of this would come from renewable electricity power plant.In addition,the target of new solar PV power plant capacity target in 2037 was set at 8 740 MW,plus additional 550 MW capacity target of solar PV hybrid with other renewable energy source according to comm

24、unity power plant project.Moreover,Thailand also established 2 725 MW solar PV floating target hybrid with large hydropower dams by 2037.Thailand cumulative PV installed capacity was at 3 939,8 MWp,consisting of 3 933,7 MW of grid-connected PV systems and 6,1 MWp of off-grid PV systems.Most of the t

25、otal installed capacity was ground-mounted PV systems.In 2020,Thailand annual grid-connected systems installation was 143,64 MWp.Data showed that rooftop PV systems for the commercial was dominated the sector with 127,25 MW of installation.In addition,there was 12,69 MW of floating PV systems and 3,

26、7 MW of ground mounted systems installed in 2020.When incorporating 80 kW off-grid installation in 2020,total annual PV installation of Thailand stood at 143,72 MW.The constructions for floating PVs system with the installation capacity of 58,8 MWp(45 MWAC)hybridized with regular hydropower generati

27、on at Sirindhorn Dam,Ubonratchathani province had been completed and the system came online since November 2021.Total photovoltaic power installed Data collection for the PV installed capacity of Thailand in this report used the secondary data from the Office of Energy Regulatory Commission(OERC)whi

28、ch were collected from the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand(EGAT),Provincial Electricity Authority(PEA)and Metropolitan Electricity Authority(MEA).Centralized:any PV installation which only injects electricity and is not associated with a consumer(no self-consumption).In Thailand,these a

29、re mostly ground-mounted PV systems with the power purchasing agreement(PPA)in utility applications.Decentralized:any PV installation which is embedded into a customers premises.In Thailand,these are comprised of rooftop PV systems,ground-mounted PV systems and floating PV systems.The implementation

30、 can be done in both self-consumption with the ability to sell the excess electricity back to the grid,and with the private power purchase agreement(private-PPA)aspects.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 6 Table 1:Annual PV power installed during calendar year 2020 Ins

31、talled PV capacity in 2020 MW AC or DC Decentralized 139,94 DC Centralized 3,7-Off-grid 80 kW DC Total 143,72 DC Table 2:PV power installed during calendar year 2020 Installed PV capacity MW Installed PV capacity MW AC or DC Grid-connected BAPV Residential 127,25 2,22 DC Commercial 125,03 DC Industr

32、ial BIPV Residential-Commercial-Industrial-Utility-scale Ground-mounted 16,39 3,7 DC Floating 12,69 DC Agricultural-Off-grid Residential 80 kW n/a DC Other 15 kW DC Hybrid systems 65 kW DC Total 143,72 DC Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 7 Table 3:Data collection pro

33、cess If data are reported in AC,please mention a conversion coefficient to estimate DC installations.-Is the collection process done by an official body or a private company/Association?The data is collected by official bodies primarily from(1)Office of Energy Regulatory Commission(OERC)and(2)Depart

34、ment of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency(DEDE)Ministry of Energy.Link to official statistics(if this exists)www.erc.or.th,and www.dede.go.th Table 4:The cumulative installed PV power in 4 sub-markets Year Off-grid MW(including large hybrids)Grid-connected distributed MW(BAPV,BIPV)Grid-c

35、onnected centralized MW(Ground,floating,agricultural)Total MW 2002 2,57-2,57 2003 3,13-3,13 2004 9,07-9,07 2005 22,11-22,11 2006 28,66-0,1 28,72 2007 28,90-1,6 30,53 2008 29,33-2,0 31,28 2009 29,49-5,4 34,84 2010 29,65-21,0 50,66 2011 29,58-174,0 203,62 2012 30,19-406,5 436,64 2013 29,73-954,8 984,5

36、 2014 29,15-1 342,2 1 371,39 2015 29,64 130 1 952,0 2 111,61 2016 33,8 135,63 2 861,1 3 030,48 2017 34,14 365,17 2 915,0 3 314,27 2018 30,14 599,43 3 060,2 3 689,8 2019 5,8*717,32 3 072,8 3 795,87 2020 6,11*857,26 3 076,5 3 939,82 Remark:*Excluding 24,38 MWp of Solar Home System project implemented

37、since 2005.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 8 Table 5:Other PV market information 2020 Number of PV systems in operation in your country(a split per market segment is interesting)n/a Decommissioned PV systems during the year MW n/a Repowered PV systems during the yea

38、r MW n/a Table 6 is the information about broader national energy market from 2017 to 2020 as follows.Table 6:PV power and the broader national energy market 2020 2019 2018 2017 Total power generation capacities MW 45 480 45 297 43 374 42 443 Total renewable power generation capacities(including hyd

39、ropower)MW 12 004,62 11 852,04 11 368,94 n/a Total electricity demand GWh 187 046 192 960 187 832 185 124 New power generation capacities installed MW 183 1 923 941 877 New renewable power generation capacities(including hydropower)MW 152,58 483,1 n/a n/a Estimated total PV electricity production(in

40、cluding self-consumed PV electricity)in GWh 5 867,18 5 652,81 5 494,85 4 935,61 Total PV electricity production as a%of total electricity consumption 3,13%2,93%2,93%2,67%Average yield of PV installations (in kWh/kWp)1 489,2 1 489,2 1 489,2 1 489,2 Key enablers of PV development-Task 1 National Surve

41、y Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 9 2 COMPETITIVENESS OF PV ELECTRICITY Module prices The module prices were collected in the local market that the lowest price and highest price of standard module crystalline silicon were 0,24 0,33 and 0,40 0,58 USD/Wp,respectively.The lowest price for l

42、arge scale order was ground mounted PV power plant and the highest price for small scale order was rooftop PV systems.However,most of PV module in local market was imported while PV module of local manufactured has higher price.The exchange rate as of 22th Nov 2021 was 1 USD=32,68 THB.Table 7:Typica

43、l module prices USD/Wp)Year Lowest price of a standard module crystalline silicon Highest price of a standard module crystalline silicon Typical price of a standard module crystalline silicon 2020 0,29 0,49 0,31 System prices Table 8 show typical systems prices of residential,commercial,and industri

44、al BAPV as well as small ground mounted PV system in Thailand.The range of systems price of residential was 1,07 1,38 USD/W.While the commercial,and industrial BAPV system prices were 0,77 0,92 USD/W.For small ground mounted PV system price was 0,61-0,77 USD/W.The price for large ground mounted PV s

45、ystem was not available due to no installation in 2020.The data was provided by local manufacturers who offered PV system installation services.The exchange rate as of 22th Nov 2021 was 1 USD=32,68 THB.Table 8:Turnkey PV system prices of different typical PV systems Category/Size Typical application

46、s and brief details Current prices USD/W Residential BAPV 5-10 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed on the roof to produce electricity to grid-connected households.1,23 Small commercial BAPV 10-100 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed mostly on s

47、mall size commercial building or industry plants rooftop.0,84 Large commercial BAPV 100-250 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed mostly on larger size commercial building or industry plants rooftop.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 10 Indust

48、rial BAPV 250 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed mostly on larger size commercial building or industry plants rooftop.Small centralized PV 1-20 MW Grid-connected,ground-mounted,centralized PV systems that work as central power station.This included SPP(Small Power Produc

49、ers,10-90 MW)and VSPP(Very Small Power Producer,1-10 MW)utility.0,69 Large centralized PV 20 MW Grid-connected,ground-mounted,centralized PV systems that work as central power station.This included SPP and IPPs(Independent Power Producers,90 MW)utility.However,there was no large-scale PV utility ins

50、tallation in 2020 in Thailand as the government tended to promote more on decentralized PV systems.N/A Table 9:National trends in system prices for different applications Year Residential BAPV Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV system 5-10 kW USD/W Small commercial BAPV Grid-connected,roof-m

51、ounted,distributed PV systems 10-100 kW USD/W Large commercial BAPV Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems 100-250 kW USD/W Centralized PV Grid-connected,ground-mounted,centralized PV systems 10-50 MW USD/W 2020 1,23 0,84 No installation Financial Parameters and specific financing progra

52、ms The energy conservation with PV rooftop systems was very popular in the commercial and industrial company.Commercial bank had the promotion of green energy and for SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises).In general,the rate of loans was 3-5%per year.Table 10:PV financing information in 2020 Different

53、market segments Loan rate%Average rate of loans residential installations 3 5%Average rate of loans commercial installations Average cost of capital industrial and ground-mounted installations Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 11 Specific investments programs In 2020

54、the decentralized rooftop PV systems installation were carried out by private sectors under various business models,and utilities,i.e.the Provincial Electricity Authority(PEA)and the Metropolitan Electricity Authority MEA.This resulted in more installation of PV rooftop systems in commercial,and ind

55、ustrial sectors of Thailand in 2020.The implementation of this scheme was aimed for both self-consumptions and with PPA/private PPA aspects.Since 2019,Thailand has launched the promotion of solar rooftop systems installation for Thai People Incentive Program for residential household for self-consum

56、ption purpose with the measure to sell the excessed electricity back to the grid.These projects were conducted by PEA and MEA.Commercial and industrial PV systems were carried out by private sectors that could be via renting and leasing PV systems.The power purchasing contract was developed and sign

57、ed between the land/building owner and the systems owner/investors.Additional Country information Table 11 shows the retail electricity prices for household,commercial and industrial company.The exchange rate as of 22th Nov 2021 was 1 USD=32,68 THB.Table 11:Country information Retail electricity pri

58、ces for a household USD/W Note:Time of Use Rate for a household,voltage level 1 refers to 12 kV for MEA and 150 kWh/month:Energy charge:0,099 0,13 USD/kWh,(progressive rate)Monthly service fee:1,16 USD/month Time of Use rate for a household:Voltage Level 1:Energy charge:0,08(Off Peak)0,18(On Peak)US

59、D/kWh,Monthly service fee:1,16 USD/month Voltage Level 2:Energy charge:0,079(Off Peak)0,16(On Peak)USD/kWh,Monthly service fee:9,5 USD/month Retail electricity prices for a commercial company USD/W Small General Service:(A maximum of 15-minute integrated demand of less than 30 Normal Rate of Small G

60、eneral Service:Voltage Level 1:Energy charge:0,099-0,13 USD/kWh,(progressive rate)Monthly service fee:1,40 USD/month Voltage Level 2:Energy charge:0,12 USD/kWh,Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 12 kW through a single Watt-hour meter)Voltage Level:1 refer to 12 kV for

61、MEA and 22 kV for PEA.2 refer to 12-24 kV for MEA and 22-33 kV for PEA.Medium General Service:(A maximum of 15-minute integrated demand from 30 to 999 kW and the energy consumption for three consecutive months through a single Watt-hour meter are not exceeding 250,000 kWh per month)Voltage Level:1 r

62、efer to 12 kV for MEA and 69 kV for both MEA and PEA.Monthly service fee:9,50 USD/month Time of Use Tariff of Small General Service:Voltage Level 1:Energy charge:0,08(Off Peak)0,18(On Peak)USD/kWh,Monthly service fee:1,40 USD/month Voltage Level 2:Energy charge:0,079(Off Peak)0,16(On Peak)USD/kWh,Mo

63、nthly service fee:9,50 USD/month Normal Rate of Medium General Service:Voltage Level 1:Demand charge:6,74 USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,097 USD/kWh,Voltage Level 2:Demand charge:5,97 USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,096 USD/kWh,Voltage Level 3:Demand charge:5,35 USD/kWh,Energy charge:30,095 USD/kWh,*Monthly servic

64、e fee of all voltage level:9,50 USD/month Time of Use Tariff of Medium General Service:Voltage Level 1:Demand charge:6,39(On Peak)USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,08(Off Peak)0,13(On Peak)USD/kWh,Voltage Level 2:Demand charge:4,05(On Peak)USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,079(Off Peak)0,13(On Peak)USD/kWh,Voltage Leve

65、l 3:Demand charge 2,26(On Peak)USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,079(Off Peak)0,12(On Peak)USD/kWh,*Monthly service fee of all voltage level:9,50 USD/month Retail electricity prices for an industrial company USD/W (A maximum of 15-minute integrated demand exceeds 1 000 kW,or the energy consumption for three c

66、onsecutive months through Time of Day Tariff:TOD Voltage Level 1:Demand charge:2,08(Partial Peak)10,12(On Peak)USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,097 USD/kWh,Voltage Level 2:Demand charge:1,79(Partial Peak)8,67(On Peak)USD/kWh,Energy charge:3,1471 USD/kWh,Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications

67、in COUNTRY 13 a single Watt-hour meter exceeds 250 000 kWh per month)Voltage Level:1 refer to 12 kV for MEA and 69 kV for both MEA and PEA.Voltage Level 3:Demand charge:0,91(Partial Peak)6,83(On Peak)USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,095 USD/kWh,*Monthly service fee of all voltage level:9,50 USD/month Time of

68、 Use Tariff:TOU Voltage Level 1:Demand charge:6,39 USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,08(Off Peak)4.3297(On Peak)USD/kWh,Voltage Level 2:Demand charge:4,05 USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,079(Off Peak)0,13(On Peak)USD/kWh,Voltage Level 3:Demand charge:2,26 USD/kWh,Energy charge:0,079(Off Peak)0,12(On Peak)USD/kWh,*Mon

69、thly service fee of all voltage level:9,50 USD/month Liberalization of the electricity sector Large scale of electricity generation is monopoly by the utility,but nowadays the electricity generation by distributed generation such as solar rooftop system has the liberty.They need to register with off

70、icial of Energy Regulatory Commission(OERC)to obtain the production licensing and the distribution licensing for prosumer that own the PV systems capacity is larger than 1 000 kVA.So,the PV system capacity is less than 1 000 kVA,the production licensing is excepted but they should notify to OERC.Tas

71、k 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 14 3 POLICY FRAMEWORK This chapter describes the support policies aiming directly or indirectly to drive the development of PV.Direct support policies have a direct influence on PV development by incentivizing or simplifying or defining

72、adequate policies.Indirect support policies change the regulatory environment in a way that can push PV development.Table 12:Summary of PV support measures Category Residential Commercial+Industrial Centralized Measures in 2020 On-going New On-going New On-going New Feed-in tariffs Yes Yes Yes Yes Y

73、es-Feed-in premium (above market price)Yes-Yes-Capital subsidies-Green certificates-Renewable portfolio standards with/without PV requirements-Income tax credits-Self-consumption Yes Yes Yes Yes-Net-metering-Net-billing Yes Yes Yes-Collective self-consumption and delocalized net-metering-Sustainable

74、 building requirements-BIPV incentives-Other-National targets for PV According to Thailand Power Development Plan 2018-2037(Revision 1)and Alternative Energy Development Plan 2018,Thailand aims to achieve new PV install capacity of 9 290 MWp(new PV 8 740 MWp and new PV hybrid 550 MWp)as well as the

75、2 725 MW(AC)of floating PV systems by 2037.This will contribute to around half of all electricity produced from renewable energy sources at 2037.When incorporating the project that already got the PPA of 2 849 MWp today,the total install capacity of PV system at 2037 is expected to achieve 12 139 MW

76、p.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 15 Direct support policies for PV installations 3.2.1 The Energy Plans of Thailand There are two main plans involved in managing the direction of energy and renewable energy in Thailand:Power Development Plan 2018-2037(PDP 2018)revi

77、sion 1 and the Alternative Energy Development Plan 2018-2037(AEDP 2018).The PDP2018 has set the target of new power plant capacity at 56 431 MW by 2037,with the target of new renewable energy plant construction at 18 696 MW(which will account for around 34,23%of total electricity demand of Thailand

78、in 2037).Of this target,PV sector will dominate the majority of renewable electricity at 9 290 MWp(8 740 MWp new PV systems and 550 MWp new PV hybrid systems),which is accounted for around half of total renewable energy capacity at the end of the plan,as well as the 2 725 MW(AC)target of installing

79、floating PV systems over 9 major dams of Thailand.3.2.2 The Solar for Thai People Incentive Program The Solar for Thai People Incentive Program continues the supporting scheme from previous years where residential electricity users(single home,non-collective)can apply for the program to install PV s

80、ystems on their rooftop area and be able to serve the role of electricity producers(thus,as prosumers).The program started since 2019 with the primary objective of utilizing electricity produced from PV system for self-consumption,while the excessed electricity from own use can be sold back to the g

81、rid at the FiT rate of 2,20 THB/kWh(equivalent to around 0,067 USD/kWh).The target of this program is 50 MWp PV installation per year and will receive the FiT for 10 years.However,the reception of this program is yet to be widely accepted as less than 5 MWp had been achieved since the first phase of

82、 this program in 2019.In 2020,the National Energy Policy Council(NEPC)resolution had approved the extension of implementation of this program to be used in academic institutes,hospitals,and agricultural water pumping systems in 2021.This pilot program will focus on the self-consumption of such utili

83、zation,with the FiT of selling the excess electricity to the grid of 0,03 USD/kWh(1 THB/kWh).The target of this program was also set at 50 MWp of PV install capacity(20 MWp for hospital,20 MWp for academic institutes,and 10 MWp for agricultural pumping),for the system size of more than 10 kWp but le

84、ss than 200 kWp with 10 years FiT contract.Self-consumption measures Table 13:Summary of self-consumption regulations for small private PV systems in 2020 PV self-consumption 1 Right to self-consume Yes 2 Revenues from self-consumed PV Saving on electricity bill (net billing scheme)3 Charges to fina

85、nce Transmission,Distribution grids&Renewable Levies none Excess PV electricity 4 Revenues from excess PV electricity injected into the grid Solar for Thai People Incentive Program FiT of 0,067 USD/kWh for Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 16(Household)FiT of 0,03 USD

86、/kWh for hospital,academic institutes,and agricultural water pumping.(pilot)5 Maximum timeframe for compensation of fluxes N/A 6 Geographical compensation(virtual self-consumption or metering)N/A Other characteristics 7 Regulatory scheme duration N/A 8 Third party ownership accepted No 9 Grid codes

87、and/or additional taxes/fees impacting the revenues of the prosumer Grid code of allowing less than 15%electricity from RE for local transformer capacity in that area 10 Regulations on enablers of self-consumption(storage,DSM)None 11 PV system size limitations Solar for Thai People Incentive Program

88、 Household:Less than 10 kWp/household Hospital,academic institutes,and agricultural water pump:more than 10 kWp but less than 200 kWp 12 Electricity system limitations N/A 13 Additional features-Collective self-consumption,community solar and similar measures None Tenders,auctions&similar schemes No

89、ne Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 17 Other utility-scale measures including floating and agricultural PV Thailand PDP 2018(revision 1)had set the target of 2 725 MWAC floating PVs(FPVs)by 2037 that will be functionally integrated with 9 hydropower dams of Electrici

90、ty Generating Authority of Thailand(EGAT).In 2020,the construction of the 45 MWAC(58.8 MWp)FPVs system integrated with EGAT Sirindhorn dam hydropower was completed and the system went online in November 2021.This project exploited double-glasses PV technology to maximize the efficiency and performan

91、ce on water as well as incorporates the energy management system(EMS)that will integrally function with traditional hydropower system to ensure improved capacity,stability and security of electricity production.EGAT will increase the proportion of renewable energy of the country by developing 16 FPV

92、s-Hydro Solar Hybrid Projects within the area of 9 EGAT dams with the total capacity of 2 725 MW(AC)at the end of the plan in 2037.Moreover,IRPC an industry player in Thailand petrochemical business also installed the 12,5 MW floating PV system in 2020,with its prominent application of IRPC-invented

93、 HDPE plastic buoys that offered strength against impacts and corrosion,UV-resistant,and environmental-friendly(food-graded materials test passed by US FDA).This is currently the largest floating PVs systems in south-east Asia.Thailand also applied solar pumping for agricultural purposes for quite a

94、 long time but only in small scale through various support projects and Royal Initiatives.Social Policies None Retroactive measures applied to PV None Indirect policy issues 3.9.1 Rural electrification measures Thailand has 99,8%electricity access but there are some parts of the region that are diff

95、icult in connecting to the grid,such as in high mountain or country border.Thailand had implemented a number of solar PV off-grid projects in the Royal Initiatives area,local community learning center,remote school,local hospitals,protected forest area,and border school to enable the access to elect

96、ricity where grid access was not applicable.The total combined power production from solar PV off-grid from the Ministry of Energy during 1993 to 2020 was reported around 3 974 kW.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 18 3.9.2 Support for electricity storage and demand re

97、sponse measures none 3.9.3 Other support measures None Financing and cost of support measures The Board of Investment(BOI)ongoing campaign on investment promotion measures to increase production efficiency had extended from 2017 to 2020.This measure allowed the Industry and SMEs to install solar roo

98、ftop on their area to save cost on their electricity bills.The benefits from this measure included a)tax exemption for imported machineries(10%import tax and 7%VAT)and b)3 years income tax exemption with the amount equal to 50%of investment costs.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Application

99、s in COUNTRY 19 4 INDUSTRY Production of feedstocks,ingots and wafers(crystalline silicon industry)PV manufacture in Thailand had no production of feedstocks,ingots,and wafers.The wafers were imported for cell production while the cells were also imported to fabricate the modules.Production of photo

100、voltaic cells and modules(including TF and CPV)Module manufacturing was defined as an industry where the processes of the production of PV modules(the encapsulation)are done.A company may also be involved in the production of ingots,wafers,or the processing of cells,in addition to fabricating the mo

101、dules with frames,junction boxes etc.The manufacturing of modules may only be counted to a country if the encapsulation takes place in that country.There were total 15 PV module manufactures in 2020 in Thailand,which were responsible for cell and module production and module fabrication.By estimates

102、,total module production was 3 938 MW,and maximum production capacity was 7 078 MW/yr.There were 7 of 15 manufactures are foreign investors and their main PV module productions were subjected for export.Note that cell production information was not available for Thailand,while most of module product

103、ion information was achievable due to market competition.Total PV cell and module manufactures,together with production capacity information,were summarized in Table 14.Table 14:PV cell and module production and production capacity information for 2020 Cell/Module manufacturer(or total national prod

104、uction)Technology(sc-Si,mc-Si,a-Si,CdTe,CIGS)Total Production MW Maximum production capacity MW/yr Cell Module Cell Module Wafer-based PV manufactures Canadian Solar Manufacturing(Thailand)Co.,Ltd sc-Si,mc-Si n/a 2 000 n/a 3 600 Gintech(Thailand)Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a 1 600 n/a n/a Jetion Solar(Tha

105、iland)Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a 200 n/a 200 Solartron Public Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a 100 n/a 700 Talesun Technology(Thailand)Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a n/a n/a 1 500 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 20 Trina Solar Science&Technology(Thailand)Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a n/a n/

106、a n/a Yingli Green Energy Holding Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a n/a n/a 500 Ekarat Solar Co.,Ltd.mc-Si n/a 9 n/a 15 Full Solar Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a 10 n/a 50 G.K.Assembly Co.,Ltd.mc-Si n/a n/a n/a n/a Irradiance Solar Co.,Ltd.mc-Si n/a 1,5 n/a 3 Pornjaroen Tempered Safety Glass Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a

107、2,5 n/a 2,5 Schetten Solar(Thailand)Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a 10 n/a 500 Solar Power Technology Co.,Ltd.sc-Si,mc-Si n/a 5 n/a 7,5 Total n/a 3 938 n/a 7 078 Manufacturers and suppliers of other components There were 6 local inverter manufacturers in Thailand,which were P.Y.Enginerring Co.,Ltd.,Chuphoti

108、c Co.,Ltd.,Daddee Power Group Co.,Ltd.,Delta Electronics(Thailand)Public Co.,599Ltd.,Leonics Co.,Ltd.and Thai Tabuchi Electric Co.,Ltd.When taking price consideration into the account,most PV inverters were found to be imported due to lower cost.However,in the case that the higher cost inverters wer

109、e chosen,the customer tended to expect superior after-sale service qualities instead.For battery energy storage,there were 3 manufacturers in Thailand,which were Amita Technology(Thailand)Co.,Ltd.(ATT)cooperate with Energy Absolute Public Co.Ltd.(EA),Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited(GPSC)

110、and Rojana Industrial Park Public Co.,Ltd.cooperate with EVLOMO(US)Co.,Ltd.The market of PV supporting structures is related to the steel manufacturing industry that has no upstream manufacturers.Most of them started at the electric arc furnace(EAF)in order to produce the steel.Steel and iron manufa

111、ctures represented two main industries in Thailand.As a result,the supporting structures supply of PV system is mainly depended on the steel market.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 21 5 PV IN THE ECONOMY This chapter aims to provide information on the benefits of PV

112、for the economy.Labour places Table 15 shows the estimated labour places that are related to PV activity by categories.Research and development group(not including companies)had about 14 agency and average of 20 labour places each,totalling 280 labour places.The second category was consisted of 24 c

113、ompanies including PV module manufacturers and balance-of-systems components(inverters and energy storage batteries)that the approximate of labour places is about 300 per company,totalling 7 200 labour places.The next category was consisted of around 100 distributors of PV production and installatio

114、n company that was receiving public interests especially the rooftop PV systems installation program,had about 50 labour places per company,totalling 5 000 available labour places in the market.Moreover,the PV system operation and maintenance in the PV power plants had about 6 000 labour places in t

115、otal.Then the total of estimated PV-related labour places in 2020 was estimated to create around 18 480 jobs.Table 15:Estimated PV-related full-time labour places in 2020 Market category Number of full-time labour places Research and development(not including companies)280 Manufacturing of products

116、throughout the PV value chain from feedstock to systems,including company R&D 7 200 Distributors of PV products and installations 5 000 PV power plant operation and maintenance 6 000 Total 18 480 Business value Table 16 shows estimation of PV business values in 2020,which was around 92 978,9 million

117、 THB(2 845,13 million USD),consisting of off-grid,grid-connected distributed and grid-connected centralized systems.The exchange rate as of 22th Nov 2021 was 1 USD=32,68 THB Table 16:Rough estimation of the value of the PV business in 2020(VAT is excluded)Sub-market Capacity installed MW Average pri

118、ce USD/W Value USD Sub-market MUSD Off-grid 6,1 0,918 5 599 755,202 5,6 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 22 Grid-connected distributed 857,26 27,5 721 378 518,972 721,379 Grid-connected centralized 3 076,5 0,688 2 118 153 304,773 2 118,153 Value of PV business in 202

119、0 2 845,13 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 23 6 INTEREST FROM ELECTRICITY STAKEHOLDERS Structure of the electricity system Electricity utilities in Thailand are consisted of the electricity production and electricity distribution sectors.The electricity production s

120、ector consists of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand(EGAT),the independent power producers(IPP),the small power producers(SPP),and some imported electricity from neighbour countries.These,included SPP from PV power plants(installed capacity of 10-90 MWp),were regulated by EGAT as well

121、as the electricity transmission systems and infrastructures.Moreover,some direct customers are also be able to sell the electricity back to EGAT.The distribution sector has two involved distribution utilities that are a)Metropolitan Electricity Authority(MEA)and b)Provincial Energy Authority(PEA).ME

122、A is responsible for 3 province areas-Bangkok and two other adjacent provinces(Nonthaburi and Samut Prakan)-while PEA is responsible for the rest of the country.In addition,the very small power producers(VSPP),the electricity producers in distributed renewable energy production,in which smaller scal

123、e of PV(installed capacity of 1-10 MWp)installation including solar rooftop PV from either household,commercial,or industrial sources were regulated by MEA and PEA.Moreover,the national energy policy of Thailand is integrally conducted by the National Energy Policy Committee(NEPC),Energy Policy and

124、Planning Office(EPPO)and Office of Energy Regulatory Commission(OERC).In 2020 the transition of electricity industry was occurring and seemed to be on the onset for the preparation of regulation amendments for prosumer aspect.The private sector tends to exhibit the trend to own both PV systems for s

125、elf-consumption and be able to own distribution system to response to the liberty of rooftop PV system under national energy reform policy.As a result,in the next few years,the new regulations for wheeling charge will be introduced.Regarding installing PV rooftop systems in Thailand,those that insta

126、ll PV capacity of more than 1 000 kVA needed to be applied for the licensing of electricity generation from OERC,either for self-consumption or selling electricity back to the grid.However,those that install PV capacity below 1 000 kVA needed to notify OERC for exemption of licensing of electricity

127、generation.Ground-mounted PV and floating PV were needed to apply for licensing of electricity generation for all capacity.Utility trading in Thailand is currently adopting Enhanced Single Buyer(ESB)scheme,by which EGAT acts as both power producer and electricity purchaser from large scale power pro

128、ducers(Independent Power Producers(IPP)and SPP)while MEA and PEA act as both power distributors for their responsible regions,and power purchaser for VSPP.In order to support effective power transition of the country towards digitalized economy and decentralized power systems,attempts had been made

129、to amend regulatory and legislation obstacles,as well as grid code adjustment to transform from ESB model into wholesale power market in the future.This would lead to the liberalization of prosumer concept that allow easier trading of electricity between private sectors or between households,as well

130、 as the grid access of third-party players(Third Party Access,TPA),with the specified wheeling charges,to support the forthcoming of prosumers in Thailand PV market.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 24 Interest from electricity utility businesses In 2020,apart from th

131、e Solar for Thai People Incentive Program that offered possibility of households to receive 2,20 THB/kWh FiT incentives for excessed electricity from installed PV rooftop systems operated under regulation of OERC,PEA and MEA,PEA also supported the installation of rooftop PV systems for social commun

132、ity centers under the“60 Years,60 Cooperations,60 Giveaways,for never-ending lightings”campaign.This campaign offered free investments from provided investors for those who are direct PEA customers who had more than 1 million THB electricity bills(collective bills applicable,no overdue bills require

133、d)with more than 10 000 m2 roof area to install around 1 MW rooftop PV systems.Moreover,the campaign also supported the installation of PV rooftops for social and community centers,such as academic institutes,religious places/temples,hospitals,or those that contributed the good deeds for local commu

134、nities.As Thailand is approaching the concrete expansion of electric vehicles(EVs),the development of electricity demand management system of the country was under development in 2020,where utility players were also key parts of this measures.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in

135、 COUNTRY 25 7 HIGHLIGHTS AND PROSPECTS Highlights To summarize PV market in Thailand in 2020,Thailand continued to support the installation of PV in various markets,especially those in decentralized or distributed systems,in order to fulfil the PDP2018 rev.1 target of installing new 9 290 MWp of PV

136、system by 2037.The Solar for Thai People Incentive Program started since 2019,with the prospect to use electricity for self-consumption while the excess electricity can be sold back to the utility grid,also received increase FiT rate from 1,68 THB/kWh($0,0514 USD/kWh)to the new rate of 2,20 THB/kWh(

137、$0,0673 USD/kWh)to attract more installation from residential sectors.This program will also be extended to be implemented in academic institutes,hospitals,and agricultural water pumping systems in 2021,with the FiT rate of 1 THB/kWh($0,0305 USD/kWh).In the meantime,the installation of rooftop PV sy

138、stems in private sectors,such as in commercial buildings and industrial plants,were also developed under various business models by both state-enterprise utility and private investors.This was primarily to reduce the expenses of electricity bills.Apart from EGAT target of installing 2 725 MW floatin

139、g PV systems,other players were also interested in developing and implementing floating PVs in their premises to save cost from electricity consumption.Finally,PV manufacturers in Thailand had seen increased production capacity from foreign investors due to the global market growth,while local manuf

140、acturers confronted with high competition with the imported PV module and system equipment.Prospects Solar PV in Thailand will continue to be an important player in energy market as Thailand had set the ambitious target of installing around half of its renewable electricity from PV systems by 2037.W

141、ith the suitable driving forces from policy implementation and private sector growth,the growth of PV market in the future is expected to be substantial.With the ongoing trend of self-consuming electricity produced from PV systems installed on the rooftop of the premises,implementing energy storage

142、system is now one of Thailand interests to achieve more reliable source of renewable electricity and match with consumption patterns of electricity users.Currently,Thailand is also conducting studies on PV module recycling as well as the establishment of pilot PV module recycle plant in order to pro

143、mote more sustainable use of PV modules,as well as to explore their second life potential.As per COP26,Thailand will introduce and adopt the carbon neutrality policy in order to achieve carbon zero by 2050 and will be zero emission by 2065,in the light that more PV systems will become a prominent player in this goal.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 1



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