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1、An Overview and Outlook of Virtual Reality in Games and BeyondNewzoo Trend Report 2022 Newzoo 2022Growth continued even after 2020s resurgence.SeveralVRdeveloperssharedrecordplayernumbersacrosstheholidayseasonin2021.Metaverse hype and investment also contributestoVRgrowthSomeoftheworldsbiggesttechno

2、logycompanies,including,areworking hard on the next generation of headsets.Meanwhile,PlayStationisreignitingitsinvolvement with its upcoming PS VR2.Now,the VR install base is growing fasterthaneverbefore,VRisbecomingamoresustainable platform for developers,and evenmore high-quality content is immine

3、nt.We willseefurtherdevelopmentsinVRhardware,software,andusecases(inandoutsideofgaming)in the coming years.In turn,.To explore this growth,this report looks at VRslatest developments in gaming and beyond.When(formerly)acquiredin 2014,it triggered a huge influx in VRinterest from investors and compan

4、ies.Yet,VRdid not quite live up to expectations;headsetswere based on very early technology,and thehardware required to run software was extremelyexpensive.ADeveloperswere unwilling to create VR content due to themarkets small audience,while the audience wasunlikely to grow because of a lack of cont

5、entatrue chicken-and-egg problem.However,the tide is turning.The VR marketenjoyed a resurgence in 2020.ingeneral,asconsumerscravedescapism and social features.Gaming acts as themajor touchpoint between consumers and VR,sothe platform attracted many(new)users viaimmersive experiences and social activ

6、ities invirtual environments.VR also saw its first AAAkiller app with the highly anticipated release of.Meanwhile,Metas affordable anduntetheredheadsetmadeVRmoreaccessible to the masses.Gaming has been and will continue to be the key driver of VRs growthCAGR 2019-2024 of the global active VR HW inst

7、all base.2 VR Market Analyst Game Dev.&Publishing Consultant Metaverse Market Analyst Market Lead Telecom&Mobile Services Market Analyst&Writer Editor in Chief Lead Visual DesignerEcosystem Infographics7Active VR Install Base&VR Game Revenues8Top 100 VR Game Analysis16VR Headsets Overview&Case Studi

8、es on VR Games19VR Game Development26VR Hardware&Peripheral,VR Technologies27VR Gaming32The Metaverse35 Newzoo 2022zXR is a term that encompasses any technology that alters reality by adding digitalelements into a physical or real-world environment to any extent.It refers to anytechnology that blurs

9、 the lines between the physical and the digital worlds.Currently,theterm XR encompasses all of VR,MR,and AR technologies.The computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment thatusers can interact with in a seemingly real or physical way via special electronicequipment,such

10、as a headset with an internal screen or controllers/gloves fitted withsensors.MR connects physical and digital worlds,using sensory and imaging technologies.Theblendedworldallowsuserstointeractwithphysicalitems,digitalitems,andenvironments using their own hands.All of this happens while wearing a he

11、adset.The number of directions of users positional tracking in VR.The positional tracking relieson built-in or external sensors to capture movement.While 3DoF tracking only measuresthree types of directional rotation(rolling,pitching,and yawing),6DoF adds three furtherdirectional movements(elevating

12、,strafing,and surging),allowing players to physicallymove around in a virtual space rather than simply standing in one spot.VR-only games refer to VR games/apps that can only be played through VR(e.g.,Half-Life:Alyx,Beat Saber).VR-Integrated games refer to VR games/apps that can be playedoutside and

13、 inside VR devices(e.g.,Resident Evil 7,Star Wars:Squadrons).4(P7)Manufacturers of consumer VR headsets,that are capableof 6DoF positional tracking and are required for consumers to engage with VR games.Content distribution platforms that offer players easy access toVR games.Platforms include the Me

14、ta Quest Store,Steam,and the PlayStation Store.Manufacturers of peripherals that provide haptics and/orenhance user immersion in the consumer VR gaming experience(excl.location-basedVR).These peripherals include,for example,controllers,haptic gloves,full-bodytracking suits,and treadmills.Gamified vi

15、rtual spaces whose core focus is meaningful playerinteraction and socializing,rather than on traditional gaming experiences.Studios that are responsible for planning,developing,andreleasing VR games and apps to consumers.Tools and services that enable and support thedevelopment of VR games and apps.

16、They range from game engines like UnrealEngine or Unity,which support the development of VR games/apps,to computergraphics software applications like Blender,which are used to model and simplify theplanning and development processes of VR game/app development.Cloud services and infrastructure that a

17、im to increaseaccess via cloud to high-end VR titles without requiring users to purchase the latestand most expensive VR devices.These technologies should theoretically enableplayers to stream high-fidelity PC VR-level games onto their standalone VR headsetsthrough their internet connection.Provider

18、s and manufacturers of the key hardwarecomponents that allow a VR headset to function by properly processing and executingcommands.These include Qualcomms Snapdragon CPU chipset(found in every MetaQuest headset),Intels processing cores,and NVIDIAs GPUs for PC VR.A definition of the key terms used in

19、 the VR market Newzoo 2022The methodology behind Newzoos active VR hardware install base&VR games revenuesFirst,Newzoos VR market-sizing scope coversand.Therefore,wethat can also be also used to play VR games.Degrees of Freedom(DoF)refers to the number ofdirections of users positional tracking in VR

20、.The positional tracking relies on built-in or external sensors to capture movement.While 3DoF tracking only measuresthree types of directional rotation(rolling,pitching,and yawing),6DoF adds three further directional movements(elevating,strafing,and surging),allowing playersto physically move aroun

21、d in a virtual space rather than simply standing in one spot.We believe that 6DoF is essential for immersive VR gaming experiences.Therefore,we;for example,all smartphone-based VR headsets(Samsung Gear VR,Google Daydream,and Cardboard)and entry-level standalone headsets such as Oculus Go.Our definit

22、ion ofat the end of each year.This means that we.For example,if an Oculus Rift owner purchased a Meta Quest 2 in 2020,the Oculus Rift would not becounted as an active install base if the owner did not play the Oculus Rift in 2021.Furthermore,in order to count headsets as part of the active install b

23、ase,headsetsneed to be produced by manufacturers,shipped by the manufacturers to retailers,sold by the retailers to consumers,and activated/played by the consumers.Thisthat some research firms use forreporting.We categorize consumer VR headsets into the following:,and.PC VR includes consumer VR head

24、sets thatrequire a VR-ready PC to run software,such as theand.Examples of standalone VR include theand,which do notnecessarily require a PC or connecting the headset to a PC to play games.Lastly,our forecasts only include potential successors of existing brands and works confirmed or hinted at by ne

25、w brands or suppliers.Both the new entry of game-changing headsets(brands)and introductions of high specs with aggressive prices could easily affect the market situation.To that end,Newzoo will continuemonitoring the market closely and reflect the latest developments into our forecasts at the best p

26、ossible time.5 Newzoo 2022Ecosystem and market sizing Newzoo 20227Source:Please read P4 for an explanation of the Consumer VR Ecosystem(Games).Newzoo 2022Thanks to affordability and easy set-up,standalone VR headsets will continue to drive further VR adoption8CAGR 2019-2024Global|2019-2024 Source:Ne

27、wzoo|Global Games Market Report|November 2022NewzoosVRmarket-sizingscopecoversand.Weexcludeenterpriseheadsets that are compatible with VRgamesandheadsetsthatuseonly3DoFtracking,includingallsmartphone-basedVRheadsetsandentry-level standalone headsets suchas Oculus Go.We define the active VRhardware i

28、nstall base as the number ofheadsets that are.This distinguishesour active install base numbers fromestimatednumbersinproduction,shipment,and retail sales.Please seeP5 for further details of our VR market-sizing scope.20022F2023F2024F Newzoo 2022CAGR 2019-2024Growing active VR headset num

29、bers will lead to more spending,while average revenues per player will also grow9Global|2019-2024 Source:Newzoo|Global Games Market Report|November 2022NewzoosVRmarket-sizingscopecoversand.Weexcludeenterpriseheadsets that are compatible with VRgamesandheadsetsthatuseonly3DoFtracking,includingallsmar

30、tphone-basedVRheadsetsandentry-level standalone headsets suchas Oculus Go.We define the active VRhardware install base as the number ofheadsets that are.This distinguishesour active install base numbers fromestimatednumbersinproduction,shipment,and retail sales.Please seeP5 for further details of ou

31、r VR market-sizing scope.20022F2023F2024F Newzoo 2022Demographics,VR usage,and general gaming behavior:VR headset owners&VR gamers Newzoo 2022All data and analysis in this session are based on Newzoos onlinesurvey conducted in the U.S.,the U.K.,China,and Japan.Wesurveyed 5,797 respondents

32、 aged 10-50 across these four markets.Based on respondents VR headset ownership and usage,we definethree groups of consumers as follows:Respondents who report owning any VRheadsets.VR headset owners who report gaming as one oftheir top 3 use cases.Respondents who dont own any VRheadsets.Newzoo 20223

33、4%18%21%11%15%39%20%21%11%9%Several times per weekOnce a weekSeveral times per monthOnce a monthLess than once a monthNearly 60%of VR gamers use their headsets at least once a week12Overall,VR gamers use their VR headsetsthan general VRheadset owners.VR gamings diverse content offering,combined with

34、 VRgamers general love for games,explains why VR gamers use theheadsets more often.Around.Base:Online population aged 10-50 across US,UK,CN,JP(n=5,797)VR headset owners(n=797),VR gamers(n=542)Source:Newzoo Consumer Insights Mini Survey:Metaverse and VR|June 2021 VR Headset OwnersVR GamersVR headset

35、owners vs.VR gamersOtherEducationWork related activitiesDesigningTravelingAttending virtualevents/performancesWatching video/filmsPlaying gamesUse cases that are ranked among top 3 by VR headset ownersfor VR users.This is unsurprising,as gaming is a major consumer gateway to VR.of VR headset owners

36、reportgaming as one of their top 3 most preferred use cases.We define this subset ofVR headset owners as.of VR headset owners state that gamingis their.Newzoo 202214-2021-3536-50As early adopters,VR headset owners share a similar profile to tech-savvy consumers 13Base:Online population aged 10-50 ac

37、ross US,UK,CN,JP(n=5,797)VR headset owners(n=797),non-VR headset owners(n=5,000)Source:Newzoo Consumer Insights Mini Survey:Metaverse and VR|June 2021(Not 100%stated)14-2021-3536-50LowMidHighAcross the four key markets,VRheadsetownersskewmale,while the gender split amongnon-VRheadsetownersismorebala

38、nced(slightlyskewingfemale).VRownerstendtoearnmore,whichmakes sense as VR headsetsand content can be expensive.With the introduction of moreaffordable devices(e.g.,MetaQuest 2,even after its pricebump),the gap may becomenarrower.Intermsofhobbies,bothplayingandwatching.LowMidHighPlay video games(73%)

39、Watch gaming video content/esports(63%)Watch sports on TV/online(59%)Reading(44%)Watch sports on TV/online(39%)VR headset owners vs.non-VR headset ownersPlay video games(48%)Newzoo 2022They are also more likely to continue/start playing in the future14Base:Online population aged 10-50 across US,UK,C

40、N,JP(n=5,797)VR headset owners(n=797),non-VR headset owners(n=5,000)Source:Newzoo Consumer Insights Mini Survey:Metaverse and VR|June 2021 VR headset ownersthannon owners(73%of existingplayersamongVRheadsetownersvs.48%ofnonowners).Theirintentiontoin thefuture is also higher(94%vs.74%).VR headset own

41、ers and nonownerssharesimilargamingmotivations.However,ifwezoom in on(VRheadsetownerswhoclaimgaming as one of their top 3VR use cases),isamongthetop5mostimportant gaming motivationsfor them.This is in line with theunique gaming experience thatVR provides.VR headset owners vs.non-VR headset owners(Ex

42、cl.VR gaming)YesProbablyNot sureProbably notNoYesProbablyNot sureProbably notNoTo relax/unwind(33%)Excitement of playing(28%)Socializing with friends(26%)Expressing creativity(21%)To fill time(21%)To relax/unwind(42%)To fill time(28%)Excitement of playing(24%)Socializing with friends(18%)Escaping fr

43、om everyday life(17%)1254312543 Newzoo 2022Top 100 VR game analysis,VR headsets overview&case studies on VR games Newzoo 202233 41 15 10 15-8 8 7 7-4 4 27 19 28 11 4 17 7 5 5-6 1 3 AdventureShooterSimulationSandboxRolePlayingRacingPuzzleMusicSportsFightingArcadePlatformerOthersTraditionally popular

44、subgenres(action-adventure)and niche,immersion-based ones(survival horror)are also prevalent16#of Games|Steam&PlayStation|July 2021 June 2022Ranked by#of Games|Steam&PlayStation|July 2021 June 2022VR-Only GamesVR-Integrated GamesSurvival HorrorNarrative AdventureAction-AdventureThe Walking Dead:Sain

45、ts&SinnersA Fishermans TaleTrover Saves the UniverseSuperhot VRStar Wars:SquadronsRez InfiniteFirst-Person Shooter(FPS)Vehicular CombatThird-Person Shooter(TPS)Vehicle SimulatorJob SimulatorSocial MetaverseMicrosoft Flight SimulatorJob SimulatorRec RoomThe most popular genres on VR seem to follow a

46、similar trend to traditional games.Adventure,shooter,and simulation are the top genres for VR-only games(on VRplatforms alone)and VR-integrated games(on multiple platforms)alike.The most popular subgenres for VR games include many traditionally populargame types,such as action-adventure and FPS,but

47、also niche subgenres likesurvival horror and job simulation games(benefiting from VRs immersion).Source:Newzoo|Newzoo Expert|For details of Newzoo Games Taxonomy,please visit here.Newzoo 2022Unlike top genres,top themes for VR-only games and VR-integrated games vary17#of Games|Steam&PlayStation|July

48、 2021 June 2022772504714111110VR-Only GamesVR-Integrated GamesSource:Newzoo|Newzoo Expert|For details of Newzoo Games Taxonomy,please visit ,Gamesbasedinafuturisticsettingthatresembleshumansociety,withsignificanttechnological advancements and possibly othersocietal d

49、evelopments that have a large impacton human society.Games that mostly take place in and aroundEarth and in a modern-day environment.Setmainlyorentirelyinouterspaceandincluding alien races.The emphasis is on spacewarfare,alieninteraction,adventure,orinterplanetary battles/exploration.These gamesusua

50、lly involve conflict between opponents withadvanced abilities,futuristic weapons,and othersophisticated technology.Compared to genre,there is more variance across the top themes forVR-only and VR-integrated titles.For example,VR-only includes morehighmagicalfantasythemesthanmoderndayones,andVR-integ

51、rated has more sports&athletics than advanced human society.Newzoo 2022There is no defined win condition in sandbox orfree play modes.Instead,players are largelypermitted to do what they want(if they adhereto the rules of the game).Storymodesorcampaignsseetheplayerfollowing a narrative,story,or an o

52、therwiseprogressive path to an ending.The sequence ofmoving from start to a certain ending in thestory,narrative,or path is key.Deathmatchisagamemodewheretheobjective is to defeat opponents,eliminate ordefeat the opponents units/army,or eliminatethe opponents as many times as possible to winthe game

53、.Defeating opponents is the sole wincondition.492703735631620Game modes for top VR titles are distributed evenly across VR-only and VR-integrated titles18#of Games|Steam&PlayStation|July 2021 June 2022Source:Newzoo|Newzoo Expert|For details of Newzoo Games Taxonomy,please visit

54、 ,VR-Only GamesVR-Integrated GamesGame modes for top VR titles are fairly evenly distributed across VR-only and VR-integrated titles.Narrative,creation,and competition aresome of gamings core concepts,and VRs can amplify all three.Newzoo 2022 Newzoo 2022Valve Index,PlayStation VR2,Meta Quest 2,and M

55、eta Quest Pro20June 28,2019February 22,2023October 13,2020October 25,2022$999(with controllers and 2 base stations)$549$299$399 from Aug 2022(128GB model with controllers)$1,499VR-ready PCPlayStation 5PC optionalPC optionalCableCableOptional(Cable/wireless to play PC VR content)Optional(Cable/wirele

56、ss to play PC VR content)FresnelFresnelFresnelPancakeLCDOLEDLCDQD-LCD1440 x 16002000 x 20401832 x 19201800 x 1920Up to 144HzUp to 120HzUp to 120HzUp to 90HzOutside-inInside-outInside-out Inside-out(with self-tracking controllers)Color passthroughBlack&white passthrough,eye tracking,foveated renderin

57、gBlack&white passthrough,hand trackingColor passthrough,hand tracking,eye tracking,foveated rendering,face trackingSteamVRPlayStation StoreQuest Store,SteamVRQuest Store,SteamVRSource:,(Last updated on November 2,2022)Newzoo 2022Pico 4,Pimax Crystal QLED,and Skyworth Pancake 1C21来源:pico-,Pimax Cryst

58、al Launch Event,September 27,2022(China)/October 18,2022(Europe&Asia)Q4 2022August 26,2022(Presale)CN2499/429(128GB model)CN to be announced/$1,599CN2999/$450Optional(VR-ready PC to play PC VR content)Optional(VR-ready PC to play PC VR content)Optional(VR-ready PC to play PC VR content)Optional(Cabl

59、e or wireless to play PC VR content)Optional(Cable or wireless to play PC VR content)Optional(Cable or wireless to play PC VR content)PancakeAsphericalPancakeLCDQLEDLCD2160 x 21602880 x 28801600 x 1600Up to 90HzUp to 160HzUp to 90HzInside-outInside-outInside-outColor passthroughEye tracking,foveated

60、 rendering,hand tracking,passthrough(optional add-on)Black&white passthroughPico Home,SteamVRPimax Store,SteamVRIn-house Store,SteamVR(Last updated on November 2,2022)Newzoo 2022Half-Life:Alyx has laid down the gauntlet for AAA VR games,and it will inspire future AAA VR content222020PCVR,various hea

61、dsetsValveShooter$59.99 at launchFans were practically begging fora new Half-Life game for over adecade.Making Alyx exclusive toVR was a(andits Index headset).Valve took thetried-and-truelinearfirst-person-shooter formula and packaged it inVR,taking inspiration from provenVR mechanics.This resulted

62、in aseminal VR game,one of the mostpolishedandwell-roundedVRexperiences on the market.WhatsetsHalf-Life:Alyxapartfrommanyothertitlesishowmuch it lets players interact withtheenvironment.Playerscanessentially,addingto the immersion.inValvesownIndexheadsetonlymakesthegame more immersive,thanks toextra

63、layersofinteractivitylikecrushingsodacansandevenplaying a fully interactive piano.A player using an in-game marker todoodle on a window(all optional).Half-Life:Alyx is a VR first-person shooter thatleverages one of PC gamings biggest franchises.Valvedevelopedthegamespecificallyforitspropriety premiu

64、m VR headset,the Valve Index(launched in 2019).Alyx,includingfingertracking.However,the title is compatible with arange of VR headsets.The seriestranslate wellinto VR,leading the game to be well-received.Italso supports mods.Alyxsimpressivevisualfidelity,includingmakes the gamemore immersive.However

65、,these features limit thetitles total addressable market,asplayersnotonlyrequireacompatible VR headset but also agaming PC powerful enough to runHalf-LifeAlyx.Thegamesrecommended.Fan-favoritecharactersinagap-bridging new story attracted many fans.High-end graphics and a sense of scalelet players see

66、 familiar locales like new.Source: Newzoo 2022The game empowers people to discover cultural heritage sites and enrich their worldview via XR and photogrammetry23Late 2021 Meta Quest,PSVR,PicoRealities.ioPuzzle$14.99-$19.99Puzzling Places is a relaxing 3D VR jigsaw puzzlegame that uses a mix oftorend

67、erof beautiful places from aroundthe globe.An early prototype was initially launchedinbefore the app wasofficiallyreleased,tocriticalandcommercialacclaim,in.Realities.iocontinuestoupdateandoptimize the game with periodic releases of newpuzzles,either added for free or as DLC packs.Source:realities.i

68、oPuzzling Places is the result of Realties.ios desire toshare astounding global sites with players,aimingtoThegamereceivedacclaimforits.It is one of the highest-ratedgames on the Quest Store.It currently features 21uniquepuzzlescreatedfromdetailedphotogrammetry 3D scans of real locations.Puzzlesare

69、available in.The game uses the,enabling players to continue playing while steppingoutside the VR environment to see a real-time view oftheir surroundings.The game is also;though,it is currentlyrestricted due to Quests hardware limitations.Futureplansincludetheto make the player experience smoother a

70、ndtakefulladvantageofthelatestinXRheadsettechnologies.Inaddition,thedevelopersplantocontinue supporting the game by adding a.Passthrough puzzlingBackground lighting+contrast features Newzoo 2022Standalone VR headsets complement fitness better;manufacturers like Meta are marketing their headsets as a

71、 fitness tool242020(formerly BoxVR)Meta QuestFitXRSimulation$9.99/monthSource:,FitXR is a,(high-intensityintervaltraining),andworkouts,featuring licensed/license-free music.Theapp adds one new workout every day,with classeshostedbyprofessionaltrainers.Aallows play sessions with up tosix friends,and

72、players can also join theto find players.The applaunched with a one-off purchase and optional DLC,but it shifted to ain April 2021.Pandemic measures saw gyms closing and peopleconfined to their homes.However,VR fitness appsfilled a gap for many people looking to stay fit fromhome.Thelaunchof,and the

73、 related success ofthe Quest 2,boosted the growth of VR fitness.Meta is even promotingand launched.The tracker allows users to monitorstatssuchascaloriesburnedacrossdifferentfitness apps e.g.,FitXR and Supernatural,enhancingthe usability of VR headsets as a fitness tool.Monotonous workouts make work

74、ing out long term abig commitment,in the real world and VR alike.allowed itsdevelopertomonetizeplayersstablyforlonger,keeping things fresh with new workouts,modes,andmusic.VR fitness games quantify workouts via scoringandbased onthese scores.Along with such features,FitXRs,motivating players to aim

75、for a higher score than theirfriends,building engagement and retention.Scores,level,hit counts etcReal-timeleaderboardFriends avatars e.g.,in the multiplayer modeOculus Move on mobileOculus Move in VR Newzoo 2022Key developments in VR software,hardware,and technologies Newzoo 2022However,performance

76、 and fidelity are somewhat lacking compared to higher-end traditional PC VR26Source:,launched its first 6DoF standalone headset,the,in May 2019.Oneof the major USPs for standalone headsets is.They dont requirea powerful PC/console or cables.The Quest has all the required componentsfor computing,trac

77、king,and sustaining power built directly into the headsetunit,allowing users to essentially.This easy setup,boosted byits successor the Quest 2s,helped lower VRs barrier toentry.Furthermore,continuousdevelopmentsinadoptedlenses(e.g.,pancake lenses)will make headsets lighter and more compact and opti

78、mizethe wearing experience.Thanks to these advantages,standalone headsets willfurtherin the future.Standalone headsets like the Quest 2,use,whichtracksmovementsthroughheadset-mountedcameras.Inside-outtracking does not require setting up external tracking devices(base stations).On the other hand,(lik

79、e the)has base stationstrack movements,leading toand.Users can also install multiple base stations for.However,standaloneVRsminimalsetuphassacrificesintermsofperformance.Standalone headsets use similar chipsets to smartphones(e.g.,Quest2uses).Whilecontinuousimprovementsinperformance are expected,the

80、se chipsets currently have less processingpower compared to a gaming PC(which is necessary for PC VR).As a result,even though many high-profile VR games were ported and launched forstandalone headsets,there are certain high-fidelity games,like,that simply cannot run on the markets current standalone

81、 headsets.Headset and two base stations(connectedto a PC via a cable)and two controllers.Headset and two controllers.Two(or more)base stations.Players placethem at the best angles to track movement.Movement must be within the sight of thehead-mountedfrontcamerastotrackeffectively(not behind the play

82、er).Newzoo 2022Both Unity and Unreal Engine expanded their offerings to facilitateVR app development as early as 2015/2016.,making it an effectiveoption for VR game development as VR must render two views ofthe same scene(one per eye).Therefore,developersfor PC and standalone VR alike.Unity alsobene

83、fits the Meta Quest line,which runs on an Android OS and aSnapdragon chipset and is currently the markets most popular VRheadset.for VR app development,as VR hardware becomes morepowerful(via better chipsets in VR headsets and better usability onPC VR).These advancements allow developers to take adv

84、antage ofvs.Unity.This allows for more complex andimmersive experiences on VR platforms like the Quest,especially forbigger titles on PC VR.Notable engines that support VR development include(used for their The Climb games),(used for Half-Life:Alyx,for which Valve even added VR modsupport),(successo

85、r to Amazon Lumberyardwhich was built upon the back of CryEngine),and(a freeopen-source engine with VR support since 2018 which receivedfunding from Meta Reality Labs in 2020).This list is by no meansdefinitive.As the VR market grows,the number of options availablefor VR app development will also in

86、crease.in the market to a select few.However,the growth in the VR market has encouraged other services,likeand(originally Oculus Medium),to increasesupport for VR app development.These services have lower costsand risks associated with them as against developing a new engine,and many offer functiona

87、lity beyond VR gaming.For example,theservices above look at sculpting and modeling in VR,which benefitsfrom the extra dimensionality VR adds.As the market for VR games grows,tools and support for VR app development also grow27 Newzoo 2022Early access for VR and its Quest app is in beta as of October

88、 2022Monthly subscription,starting at$30/month(256GB storage included)Over 50Mbps download speed,under 20ms ping,5GHz WiFi networkWhile emerging technologies have a way to go,they have the potential to unlock PC VR content for a wider audience28Source:,shadow.tech,These days,most standalone headsets

89、 can also play PC VR(e.g.,)content through connecting to a VR-ready PC wirelessly or via a cable.Forexample,Meta provides two official methods,(via a USB-Ccable)and(wireless).There is also a third-party alternative,.As is often the case,wired connections are more reliable.Wirelessconnections can be

90、less stable and reliable depending on several factors,including how many other devices are connected and custom user settings.High-fidelity PC VR gaming has been mostly exclusive to people who own apowerful PC.This high barrier to entry might be lowered in the future,thanks to VR cloud gaming.In fac

91、t,created its own VR cloudstreaminginfrastructurecalledtobringVRcloudgamingcapabilities to other cloud gaming services.As of July 2022,there are twoVR cloud streaming services available for consumers,and,for the Quest headsets.However,cloud gaming is dependent on a strong internet connection.Every m

92、illisecond counts in gaming for a player to send a command to andreceive a response from the server via cloud-streaming.Immersion isimportant for VR,and latency caused by poor connections can limitimmersion.Once these latency challenges are solved,cloud gaming couldopen PC VR content for a much wide

93、r audience.It could also help reducethe size and weight of headsets,as processing is handled via remoteservers.Early access as of October 2022Base rate starting at$1.99/hour;128GB subscription options starting at$9.99/monthOver 50Mbps download speed,under 100ms ping required&50ms ping recommended,5G

94、Hz WiFi network(WiFi6 recommended)Internet ConnectionEthernet CableUSB-CRouterWirelessWi-Fi 6 dongle(VR Air Bridge)Newzoo 2022Further improvements in headsets,controllers,and peripherals pave the way for more immersive and higher-fidelity VR experiences29What makes VR gaming distinctive from flatscr

95、een gaming isand meaningfulboth viainput and feedback.In this context,VR controllers play a pivotal role in theexperience.These controllers track users hand and finger movements andtranslate them into the virtual world.Some headsets,such as the,alsosupport.Most early controllers are only capable of

96、basic vibration feedback,and theQuest 2s hand tracking does not give any type of haptic feedback.Thesebasic features,along with limited tracking capabilities,can limit the potentialof immersion in VR.However,headsets and controllers are continuing to improve.For example,is capable ofand its controll

97、er adoptsandfeatures like those in the PS5s acclaimedDualSense controller.Its eye tracking will not only enhance avatar experiences,but it also supports.This innovative rendering techenables higher-resolution graphics with a faster performance by concentratinggraphics processing in the screen areas

98、that the user is looking at directly.Furthermore,several companies are researching,developing,and promotingperipherals like,and(to simulate walking).Most of these peripherals are expensive,take up a lot of room,and are B2Bfocused(some have limited B2C features).While it will take years forcompelling

99、 haptic and full-body tracking to become affordable for consumers,improvements are certainly incoming.launches a haptic glove,for consumers at$299 per pair in Q42022.The glove uses actuators on tips of fingers to deliver a sense of touchingobjects in VR via simple vibration on each finger(e.g.,guita

100、r strings in).Source:,Enterpriseandresearchprototypeglovesgomuchfurtherthantheconsumerexperiences.,such asand,resist against player finger movements when they touch an object in VR(e.g.,resistance of airplane controller).This enables them to feel the textures and propertiesof virtual objects(e.g.,gr

101、abbing something and crushing it with realistic resistance).Newzoo 2022More VR apps will integrate mixed reality experiences,thanks to technological enhancements in upcoming headsets30Thein VR headsets enables users to seea real-time view of their surroundings through head-mountedcameras.Meanwhile,A

102、R glasses let users see the real worldthroughtransparentlenses.PassthroughfeaturesinVRheadsets seamlessly blends real and virtual worlds,openingnew possibilities forexperiences in VRapps.Thes passthrough feature can currently only capturea low-resolution black-and-white view(e.g.,used for drawingsaf

103、etyboundarieswhileusingVR).addedtheexperimental passthrough API for developers in July 2021 andfully released it later that year.Since then,several VR gamessuch as,andhave alreadyintegrated MR experiences into games via the Quest 2spassthrough feature.Metas new high-end headset,the,is capable of.To

104、that end,we expectmore VR apps and games will be using the feature,thanks tonew innovations in upcoming headsets.Some developers,such asand,have alreadyannounced new games or updates on existing games that usethe color passthrough tech,including,and.It lets players solve puzzles with their virtualor

105、 actual hands(via hand tracking)in theirenvironment.Spatial Ops is a multiplayer FPS game thatuserscanplaywithothers inthesamephysical location.It turns a real-world space(e.g.,living room)into a custom arena.The mixed-reality mode enables players toplace the in-game board on a physical table.Source

106、:,cubism-, Newzoo 2022VR gaming and the metaverse Newzoo 2022VR is growing into a financially sustainable platform,thanks to its growing active install base.For example,one of the most iconic VR gamesearnednearly$100 million*in 2021 alone,thanks to licensedDLC and the games status as a VR must-have.

107、With thein development andon theway,andwill further boost their VR contentstrategies via first-and third-party studios(and theiralready popular IP).For example,aport isin development for the Quest headsets,following thewell-receivedport in 2021.Meanwhile,is due for the PS VR2,and we expect to seelev

108、eraging morefirst-party IP like Horizon.is also rapidly investing in its VR content library,supporting VR developers in porting their content toPico.Pico will also have its first major exclusive game,through a partnership with.Asalways,contentisking,sothesecompaniesincreasing investment into VR cont

109、ent will attractmore players,leading to more entries,investments inthe space,and bigger-budget game announcements(some based on renowned IP)toward 2024.32More engaging(IP-based)content will drive further adoption of VR headsets,leading more developers to enter VRSource:,half-, Dance VR Newzoo 2022VR

110、 games and apps follow the latest trends seen in traditional gaming,including hybrid-monetization mechanics33Most VR apps started off with this model,andthe majority still use it(e.g.,).DLCisbecomingoneofthemainstrategiestomonetize VR apps over time(e.g.,).Thesegamesaretypicallymonetizedviapurchasin

111、g in-game items such as in-gamecurrencies,cosmetics,and items(e.g.,as well as viasubscriptions/passes(e.g.,)and other uniqueservicessuchastheatreperformancesinThis technique is used in a wide array of VR games,both free-to-play and premium,but it is more common in live operation games/apps.This is e

112、specially popular with fitness and social apps.based on players spend or achievement during a set time frame.This has only been in a few VR games so far.All game/app-related purchasesaremonitoredbythedigitalstorefront the app is downloadedfrom.The Steam and Quest storesboth charge a flat 30%fee on f

113、ullgame purchases,with additionallevies charged on subscriptions,passes,and in-game purchases.Newzoo 2022VR games/apps are rapidly experimenting with new and more complex hybridized monetization mechanics34The last decade has seen massive innovations,from the early days ofon GoogleCardboard to.Added

114、 complexity enables more,.For example,many premium games now add extra DLC content to boostrevenue,retention,and engagement of their game/app over time.This experimentation shows the VR market is moving away from,.Now,weseemoreVRgames/apps adopting a,anevolution that took the traditional games marke

115、t decades to accomplish.Thesehybrid strategies allow VR developers to better monetize and support theirgame/app for longer.Developers have also used monetization strategies,such as free-to-play,toimprove.To that end,some VR titles offer.Many apps found popularity this way(a way for developers to add

116、 content to the Quest storewithout going through Metas curation process)or the(aplatform that allows players to sideload content onto the Quest),including thelikes ofand.In the future,we will likely see developers exploring even more diversemonetization options for VR games/apps,including.Trends lik

117、e the metaverse andWeb 3 are only underlining these monetization options further.Metaistestingnewmechanicsthatallowwithin theirworlds e.g.,accessories for a Fashion World.An immersive theatre experience in VR,that.Initially poised tobut withdrew due to fan backlashbecause Blaston is a pay-to-play ga

118、me andads could disrupt gameplay experiences.Zenith is an MMO that monetizes through;.Source:, Newzoo 2022Outside of VR,social games like Roblox,Minecraft,or Fortnite are currentlysome of the worlds most popular franchises.We have seen this trend startingto emerge in VR as well.Rec Rooma social plat

119、form which attracted over 3million VR MAU in April 20221is currently one of the most popular VR apps.,as other titles like Metas Horizon Worlds,Microsofts AltspaceVR,or VRChat try to build more engagement.This focus on socialexperiences makes sense.Compared to traditionalplatforms,These aspects arec

120、rucial for meaningful interactions in the metaverse.Glitch Mob performed a in Sansar,a VR social platform.Shows inside virtual worlds have already become commonplace for many traditional artists.A rising interest in inter-human VR communication is incentivizing game developers to shift their focus t

121、o social games35Though often used interchangeably,the metaverse and virtual worlds areseparate concepts.While the metaverse will be comprised of many individual andinterconnected virtual worlds,no singular virtual world can and will be themetaverse(for now).We further define theand that are populate

122、d by large numbers of users who interact witheach other via their 3D digital avatars.The metaverse,therefore,offers a,which is also one of VRs usecases.In the future,the metaverse will be accessible through different devicesor gatewayslike mobile,PC,console,or VR headsets.As more companies focus the

123、ir efforts on the next evolution of gamingand asplayers start gravitating towards ever more immersive experiences.RobloxLineage 2Rec Room provides users with a platform to from the ground up.Source:1 https:/ Worlds,Rec Room a),Rec Room b),Sansar a),Sansar b)The next evolution of games Newzoo 2022VRs

124、 use cases beyond gaming Newzoo 2022VR technology can prove essential for many industries,from retail and healthcare to education and tourism,it also has other use cases that extend farbeyond entertainment.Simply put,VR is already starting tobenefit society,and this will continue to be the case.The

125、internet led to the creation of new professions and theenhancementofalreadyexistingones.Similarly,thesectorslike manufacturing,automotive,city planning,and manyothers will benefit.VRisalreadyhelpingdesignersandarchitectsvirtuallyvisualize their real-world projects via high-fidelity,true-to-liferende

126、rs of buildings.These models arefor companiesacross the world.While on-site supervision will always beimportant,VR is pushing the planning process forward in theconstruction industry.Accessing these environments through VR is not only safer,helping,but it is alsomore efficient.(with relativeease).As

127、 you can see on the right,the examples do not endthere.37 Newzoo 2022VR technology can prove essential for many industries,from retail and healthcare to education and tourismSource:Matterverse,Osso VR,Labster,Immersion VR,Ford,aNUma38Digital in-store shopping will likely become more realistic and co

128、mmonplace as XR and VR technologies evolve.Consumers will be able to make better-informed purchasing decisions as more photo-realistic solutions becomeavailable.These innovations are beneficial for both accessibility and sustainability,leading toMatterverse enables brands to create hyper-realistic v

129、irtual stores.Surgeons and medical professionals are already using VR devices for(e.g.,visualizing surgerys outcome possibilities predicted by AI)VR can also be used to enhance consumer experiences such as.One use case is simulating stressful situations in VR to examine how people respond to stress

130、and help them to overcome anxiety.aNUma provides digital group therapy sessions combining VR with the science of psychedelics.As well as making education more accessible globally,Thanks to the immersive nature of VR,students can be instantly transported to various digital environments that fit the n

131、eed of the educational experience,for example,detailed 3D anatomy for biology and realistic ancient civilizations for history.Labster offers virtual science courses and simulations in VR.While the pandemic brought tourism across the world to a standstill,VR technologies allowed consumers to visit ne

132、w places virtually.VR now features through techniques such as spatial photography,democratizing by allowing individuals to virtually visit distant places from the comfort of their own homes.Immersion VR produces 360VR content for brands and consumers.Car manufacturers like the Ford Motor company are

133、 already adopting VR technology to enhance their operational and manufacturing capabilities from prototyping and up to the production stage.Some of the benefits of doing so include The Ford Motor Company uses VR technology as part of its vehicle design process.Newzoo 2022and AR/VR,have been adopted

134、to underpin thegaming experiences.Inreturn,thankstoitshighpopularityamongconsumers,andsuch as computer sciences,mobile technologies,sensor systems,and more.VRand other(game)technologies support and reinforceeach other in applications across all industries.In recent years,likeandthanks to their power

135、ful 3D graphic capabilitiesarebeingappliedinfilmmaking,automotivedesign,architecture,and much more,.With theincreasing support from these engines,they are likelyto become the key platform for VR app developmentoutside of gaming in the future.Weareexcitedtowitnessthegroundbreakingdevelopment and grow

136、th of VR technology in thecoming years,and how its immersion and interactivitywill benefit gamers and consumers across all sectors.With the technologys advancements,investmentsfrom big hardware,software,and content tech firms,and,mostimportantly,consumersdesireforimmersive virtual experiences,VR is

137、set to grow at ahealthy pace in the coming years.We forecast that,boasting an impressive+42.0%CAGR(2019-2024).However,;VR will continue to benefit industries likehealthcare,education,engineering,andotherentertainmentsectors.Meanwhile,in motion tracking,haptic feedback,andspatial audio,among others,f

138、urther enhance.a set of dedicatedsolutions and tools that is constantly evolving andstreamlining the game development processis.Throughoutthehistoryofvideogames,manytechnologies,including graphics rendering,artificial intelligence,xxxThe gaming industry embraces innovations and cutting-edge technolo

139、gies and,in return,provides a stimulus effect on the advancements of these technologies across sectorsThe global active VR HW install base by the end of 2024.39 Newzoo 2022Report Authors and ContributorsEditor in ChiefLead VisualDesignerGame Development&Publishing ConsultantMarket Lead Telecom&Mobil

140、e ServicesMetaverse Market AnalystVR Market AnalystMarket Analyst&Writer40 Newzoo 2022 Newzoo 2022Hero ShooterArt stylesAvatar numberCompetitivenessDeveloper/PublisherDimensionalityFranchiseGame MechanicsMonetizationPerspectivePlayer Number42Action-AdventureNarrative AdventureHack and SlashInteracti

141、ve StorySurvival HorrorSurvival ArenaOpen World Survival CraftStealth GameAction RoguelikeDungeon CrawlerGeo ARSource:Newzoo|Newzoo Expert|For details of Newzoo Games Taxonomy,please visit here.Story Mode/CampaignDeath MatchWave Based SurvivalCapture the FlagDominationAttack/DefendBuild&BattleBase C

142、aptureMission CompletionDungeons/RaidsSports&RacingBest ScoreLevel CompletionLast One Standing/SurvivalSandbox/Free PlayLevel EditorParty GameSocial DeductionEndless RunnerArcade RoyaleShoot Em UpBeat Em UpBullet HellMOBAThird-Person ShooterFirst-Person ShooterHero ShooterRoguelike DeckbuilderCollec

143、tible Card GameTraditional CasinoMeta CasinoAdventure CasinoReal Money CasinoColoring GamePlatform FighterTraditional FighterArena FighterSports FightingBeat Em UpHyper Casual Runner/RacingHyper Casual ActionHyper Casual SimulationHyper Casual PuzzleASMRHyper Casual ioIdle ManagementIdle RPGRhythm G

144、ameDancing GamePuzzle-PlatformerSide ScrollerMetroidvaniaPrecision PlatformerMatch 3Puzzle&DecorateBubble ShooterJigsaw PuzzleWord GameTrivia GameHidden ObjectsPhysics-BasedRoom EscapeColoring GamePuzzle RPGPuzzle-PlatformerDetectiveBrain TrainingMerge&BreedingArcade RacingKart RacingSim RacingDrift

145、 RacingCombat RacingDrag RacingStunt RacingAction RPGMMORPGTactical RPGPuzzle RPGCollection RPGNarrative RPGJRPGIdle RPGSouls-likeDungeon CrawlerAction RoguelikeTraditional RoguelikeGeo ARAdventure SandboxGame Creation PlatformSocial MetaverseArcade SportsRealistic SportsSports FightingLife SimTime

146、ManagementTycoon ManagementMerge&BreedingCity BuilderRomanceSports ManagementVehicle SimulatorDress Up GameJob SimulatorGod GameFarming SimPet SimSocial MetaverseBattle SimulatorSurvival SimBuild&BattleTower DefenseAuto BattlerSummon Battler4XReal-Time StrategyGrand StrategyTurn-Based StrategyBattle

147、 SimulatorBoard GameTraditional CardMahjongSolitaireDice GameThird-Person ShooterFirst-Person ShooterTop-Down ShooterHero ShooterVehicular CombatLooter ShooterArena ShooterSniper GameShoot Em UpBullet HellModern EraWesternMedievalAsian Imperial Age&DynastiesPrehistoricAncient HistoryIndustrial EraRe

148、naissanceMythologyDark FantasyHigh Magical FantasyLow Magical FantasyHistoric Science FictionAdvanced Human SocietyAlien GalaxyApocalypticContemporary WarSports and AthleticsModern DayPopular CultureGothic/Occult HorrorMonster HorrorPsychological HorrorSlasher HorrorParanormal HorrorMystery/Detectiv

149、eOther Theme Newzoo 2022Income Brackets|Newzoo Consumer Insights Mini Survey:Metaverse and VR|June 2021Yearly$40,000$40,000-$75,000$75,000 YearlyMonthlyYearly43 Newzoo 2022Global,regional,market key metricsMarket sizing,trends,forecasts75,000 Gamers surveyed worldwideMotivations,drivers,playing behaviorGames&Market Engagement Data Covering Thousands of Games PC,Console,Mobile,Viewership,RedditPlayer Demographics&Psychographic DataTrends,Market Sizing,Forecast Data44



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