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IEA PVPS:2021年奥地利光伏发电应用全国调查报告(英文版)(26页).pdf

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IEA PVPS:2021年奥地利光伏发电应用全国调查报告(英文版)(26页).pdf

1、 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in AUSTRIA 2021 Hubert Fechner Austrian PV Technology Platform PVPS Task 1 Strategic PV Analysis and Outreach Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY What is IEA PVPS TCP?The International Energy Agency(IEA),founded in 1974,i

2、s an autonomous body within the framework of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD).The Technology Collaboration Programme(TCP)was created with a belief that the future of energy security and sustainability starts with global collaboration.The programme is made up of 6.000 e

3、xperts across government,academia,and industry dedicated to advancing common research and the application of specific energy technologies.The IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme(IEA PVPS)is one of the TCPs within the IEA and was established in 1993.The mission of the programme is to“enhance the

4、 international collaborative efforts which facilitate the role of photovoltaic solar energy as a cornerstone in the transition to sustainable energy systems.”In order to achieve this,the Programmes participants have undertaken a variety of joint research projects in PV power systems applications.The

5、 overall programme is headed by an Executive Committee,comprised of one delegate from each country or organisation member,which designates distinct Tasks,that may be research projects or activity areas.The IEA PVPS participating countries are Australia,Austria,Belgium,Canada,Chile,China,Denmark,Finl

6、and,France,Germany,Israel,Italy,Japan,Korea,Malaysia,Mexico,Morocco,the Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Singapore,South Africa,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Thailand,Turkey,and the United States of America.The European Commission,Solar Power Europe,the Smart Electric Power Alliance(SEPA),the Solar Energy Ind

7、ustries Association and the Copper Alliance are also members.Visit us at:www.iea-pvps.org What is IEA PVPS Task 1?The objective of Task 1 of the IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme is to promote and facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information on the technical,economic,environmental

8、 and social aspects of PV power systems.Task 1 activities support the broader PVPS objectives:to contribute to cost reduction of PV power applications,to increase awareness of the potential and value of PV power systems,to foster the removal of both technical and non-technical barriers and to enhanc

9、e technology co-operation.An important deliverable of Task 1 is the annual“Trends in photovoltaic applications”report.In parallel,National Survey Reports are produced annually by each Task 1 participant.This document is the country National Survey Report for the year 2021.Information from this docum

10、ent will be used as input to the annual Trends in photovoltaic applications report.Authors Main Content:Hubert Fechner,Austrian Technology Platform Photovoltaic Data:Most PV-related Data from:Innovative Energietechnologien in sterreich Marktentwicklung 2021;Biomasse,Photovoltaik,Solarthermie,Wrmepum

11、pen und Windkraft,Report of the Austrian federal ministry of Climate Action,Environment,Energy,Mobility,Innovation and Technology,environment,energy,mobility,innovation and technology;Authors:P.Biermayr,C.Diauer,M.Eberl,Enigl,H.Fechner,B.Frnsinn,M.Jaksch-Fliegenschnee,K.Leonhartsberger,S.Moidl,E.Pre

12、m,C.Schmidl,C.Strasser,W.Weiss,M.Wittmann,P.Wonisch,E.Wopienka DISCLAIMER The IEA PVPS TCP is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency(IEA)but is functionally and legally autonomous.Views,findings and publications of the IEA PVPS TCP do not necessarily represent the views or p

13、olicies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries COVER PICTURE Ertex-Solar,Office Building Fronius International,Pettenbach,Austria,Baumann Glas 1886 GmbH sterreich,Benesch,Stgmller Architects Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 In

14、stallation Data.4 Applications for Photovoltaics.4 Total photovoltaic power installed.4 Key enablers of PV development.8 2 Competitiveness of pv electricity.8 Module prices in Austria.8 System prices in Austria.9 Cost breakdown of PV installations.11 Financial Parameters and specific financing progr

15、ams.12 Specific investments programs.12 Additional Country information.12 3 Policy Framework.13 National targets for PV.13 Direct support policies for PV installations.14 Self-consumption measures.15 Collective self-consumption,community solar and similar measures.16 Other utility-scale measures inc

16、luding floating and agricultural PV.17 Social Policies.17 Indirect policy issues.17 4 Industry.18 Production of feedstocks,ingots and wafers(crystalline silicon industry).18 Production of photovoltaic cells and modules(including TF and CPV).18 Manufacturers and suppliers of other components.19 5 Pv

17、In The Economy.20 Labour places.20 Business value.21 6 Interest From Electricity Stakeholders.22 Structure of the electricity system.22 Interest from electricity utility businesses.22 Interest from municipalities and local governments.22 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUN

18、TRY 3 7 Highlights and Prospects.24 Highlights.24 Prospects.24 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 4 1 INSTALLATION DATA The PV power systems market is defined as the market of all nationally installed(terrestrial)PV applications with a PV capacity of 40 W or more.A PV

19、system consists of modules,inverters,batteries and all installation and control components for modules,inverters and batteries.Other applications such as small mobile devices are not considered in this report.For the purposes of this report,PV installations are included in the 2021 statistics if the

20、 PV modules were installed and connected to the grid between 1 January and 31 December 2021,although commissioning may have taken place at a later date.Applications for Photovoltaics The Austrian PV market is still dominated by roof top installations,even though 2021 for the first time many larger g

21、round mounted PV systems were reported;nevertheless,more than 84,8%are still roof top,3,9%are building integrated(BIPV facade and roof)and only 11%percent are ground mounted PV systems.Other applications are in an infant state,first Agri-PV installations and some larger carport solutions are demonst

22、rated so far.However,the federal ministry and local governments are more and more promoting alternative applications,always with the feature of being integrated into the-already existing or planned-built environment.Currently,mainly due to the new national target to increase the PV installations by

23、11 GW until 2030,there is a high dynamic on all PV markets visible,dominated by a wide public discussion about the acceptance of large ground mounted PV systems and the discussions with the agricultural sector about Agri PV.Total photovoltaic power installed Data acquisition is done by a project of

24、a group of academic stakeholders on behalf of the Austrian ministry of Climate Action,Environment,Energy,Mobility,Innovation and Technology.This national survey is dedicated to the technologies of PV,wind,solarthermal,heat pumps and bioenergy and is done annually since the year 1992.The survey is ba

25、sed on data from the various national and regional funding agencies and the green electricity processing agency(MAG)as well as on surveys among planners,producers and installers.The market figures are also coordinated with the surveys of the regulatory authority.Data acquisition is done by a project

26、 of a group of academic stakeholders on behalf of the Austrian ministry of Climate Action,Environment,Energy,Mobility,Innovation and Technology.Centralized:any PV installation which only injects electricity and is not associated with a consumer(no self-consumption)-Decentralized:any PV installation

27、which is embedded into a customers premises(self-consumption)Table 1:Annual PV power installed during calendar year 2021 Installed PV capacity in 2021 MW AC or DC Decentralized 655,7 DC Centralized 83,5 DC Off-grid 0,5(est.)DC Total 739,7 DC Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in

28、COUNTRY 5 Table 2:PV power installed during calendar year 2021 Table 3:Data collection process If data are reported in AC,please mention a conversion coefficient to estimate DC installations.-Is the collection process done by an official body or a private company/Association?For PV:University AS Tec

29、hnikum Vienna Link to official statistics(if this exists)https:/nachhaltigwirtschaften.at/resources/iea_pdf/marktentwicklung-2021_web.pdf The survey was carried out by evaluating all national and regional funding agencies via a survey of planners and installers;Furthermore,a comparison was made with

30、 the figures from the regulator(E-Control),which determines these from the annual statutory reports from the network operators.Installed PV capacity MW Installed PV capacity MW AC or DC Grid-connected BAPV Residential 626,9 n.a.DC Commercial n.a.DC Industrial n.a.DC BIPV Residential 28,8 n.a.DC Comm

31、ercial n.a.DC Industrial n.a.DC Utility-scale Ground-mounted 83,5 83 DC Floating 0 DC Agricultural 0 DC Off-grid Residential 0,5 n.a.Other n.a.-Hybrid systems n.a.-.Total 739,7 DC Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 6 Table 4:The cumulative installed PV power in 4 sub-m

32、arkets Year Off-grid MW(including large hybrids)Grid-connected distributed MW(BAPV,BIPV)Grid-connected centralized MW(Ground,floating,agricultural)Total MW 1992 0,338 0,187 0 0,525 1993 0,423 0,346 0 0,769 1994 0,59 0,453 0 1,043 1995 0,755 0,586 0 1,341 1996 0,888 0,831 0 1,719 1997 0,992 1,196 0 2

33、,188 1998 1,193 1,648 0 2,841 1999 1,393 2,189 0 3,582 2000 1,649 3,219 0 4,868 2001 1,835 4,263 0 6,098 2002 1,962 8,357 0 10,319 2003 2,131 14,66 0 16,791 2004 2,645 18,415 0 21,06 2005 2,895 21,126 0 24,021 2006 3,169 22,416 0 25,585 2007 3,224 24,477 0 27,701 2008 3,357 29,03 0 32,387 2009 3,605

34、 48,991 0 52,596 2010 3,812 91,686 0 95,498 2011 4,502 182,67 0 187,172 2012 4,722 358,163 0 362,885 2013 5,19 620,784 0 625,974 2014 5,489 779,757 0 785,246 2015 5,535 931,563 0 937,098 2016 6,487 1089,529 0 1096,016 2017 6,963 1262,008 0 1268,971 2018 7,197 1439,935 8 1455,132 2019 7,697 1676,296

35、18,1 1702,093 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 7 2020 8,197 2030,337 30,5 2042,934 2021 8,697 2659,9 114 2782,6 Table 5:Other PV market information 2021 Number of PV systems in operation in your country 200.000 by end of 2021(est.)Decommissioned PV systems during the

36、 year MW-Repowered PV systems during the year MW-Table 6:PV power and the broader national energy market Data Year(last year of available data)Total power generation capacities in 2021 GW 27,051(+900)31.12.2021 Total renewable power generation capacities(including hydropower)GW 20 31.12.2021 Total e

37、lectricity demand TWh 72,423 including own consumption and grid losses(without pump storage electricity needs)61.204(Electricity end consume)31.12.2021 New power generation capacities installed GW 1,003 2021 New renewable power generation capacities(including hydropower)GW 1,003 2021 Estimated total

38、 PV electricity production(including self-consumed PV electricity)2,92 TWh 31.12.2021 Total PV electricity production as a%of total electricity consumption 4,7%of final end consume 4,0%of total electricity use 31.12.2021 Average yield of PV installations(in kWh/kWp)1050 Data:E-Control(Austrian regul

39、atory authority)EAG Monitoringbericht 2022 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 8 Key enablers of PV development -Decentralized PV-Storage systems 20.662 systems(Survey by Enfoss-company on behalf of the ministry of Climate Action,Environment,Energy,Mobility,Innovation a

40、nd Technology)-Residential Heat Pumps all heat pumps(residential and industrial)-31.721(2021 in numbers)-total:385.171(Survey by Enfoss-Company on behalf of the ministry of Climate Action,Environment,Energy,Mobility,Innovation and Technology)-Electric cars(number);battery only cars(no hybrid):76.539

41、 Statistic Austria,31.12.2021;2 COMPETITIVENESS OF PV ELECTRICITY Module prices in Austria Table 7:Typical module prices(in per kWp excl.VAT)Year Lowest price of a standard module crystalline silicon Highest price of a standard module crystalline silicon Typical price of a standard module crystallin

42、e silicon 2021(Austrian manufacturers)Global manufacturers 217 110 3700(specific module for Building integration)420 317 269 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 9 System prices in Austria Table 8:Turnkey PV system prices of different typical PV systems Category/Size Typ

43、ical applications and brief details Current prices/kWp Off-grid 1-5 kW A stand-alone PV system is a system that is installed to generate electricity to a device or a household that is not connected to the public grid.n.a.Residential BAPV 5 kW 10 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems

44、installed to produce electricity to grid-connected households.Typically roof-mounted systems on villas and single-family homes.1543 1297 Residential BIPV 10 kW Grid-connected,building integrated,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected households.Typically,on villas

45、and single-family homes.1800(est.)Small commercial BAPV 100 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected commercial buildings,such as public buildings,multi-family houses,agriculture barns,grocery stores etc.1000(est.)Small commercial BIPV

46、10-100 kW Grid-connected,building integrated,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected commercial buildings,such as public buildings,multi-family houses,agriculture barns,grocery stores etc.1500(est.)Large commercial BAPV 100-250 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distrib

47、uted PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected large commercial buildings,such as public buildings,multi-family houses,agriculture barns,grocery stores etc.800(est.)Large commercial BIPV 100-250 kW Grid-connected,building integrated,distributed PV systems installed to produce ele

48、ctricity to grid-connected commercial buildings,such as public buildings,multi-family houses,agriculture barns,grocery stores etc.n.a.Industrial BAPV 250 kW Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems installed to produce electricity to grid-connected industrial buildings,warehouses,etc.750(e

49、st.)Small centralized PV 1-20 MW Grid-connected,ground-mounted,centralized PV systems that work as central power station.The electricity generated in this type of facility is not tied to a specific customer and the purpose is to produce electricity for sale.600(est.)Large centralized PV 20 MW Grid-c

50、onnected,ground-mounted,centralized PV systems that work as central power station.The electricity generated in this type of facility is not tied to a specific customer and the purpose is to produce electricity for sale.n.a.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 10 Other ca

51、tegories existing in your country.Examples could be:Hybrid diesel-PV Floating Centralized PV Agricultural PV Industrial BIPV-n.a.Table 9:National trends in system prices for different applications Year Residential BAPV Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV system 5-10 kW/W Small commercial BAPV

52、 Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems 10-100 kW/W Large commercial BAPV Grid-connected,roof-mounted,distributed PV systems 100-250 kW/W Centralized PV Grid-connected,ground-mounted,centralized PV systems 10-50 MW/W 2010 3680 n.a.n.a.n.a.2011 2970 n.a.n.a.n.a.2012 2216 n.a.n.a.n.a.2013

53、1943 n.a.n.a.n.a.2014 1752 n.a.n.a.n.a.2015 1658 n.a.n.a.n.a.2016 1645 n.a.n.a.n.a.2017 1621 n.a.n.a.n.a.2018 1567 1270 900 n.a.2019 1560 1190 800 n.a.2020 1507 1190 700-1000 n.a.2021 1543 1297 900(est.)n.a.In the national PV market data there are analysis for 5 and 10kWp systems included.Therefore,

54、in this table,first row represents prices for 5 kWp System,second for 10kWp.There is a significant difference between 10 and 100kWp Systems,which might be better correspond to the data in row 4.(large commercial)the larger they are.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 11

55、 Cost breakdown of PV installations The cost breakdown of a typical 5-10 kW roof-mounted,grid-connect,distributed PV system on a residential single-family house and a typical 10 MW Grid-connected,ground-mounted,centralized PV systems at the end of 2021 is presented in the tables below.The cost struc

56、ture presented is from the customers point of view.I.e.it does not reflect the installer companies overall costs and revenues.The“average”category in Table 10 represents the average cost for each cost category and is the average of the typical cost structure.The average cost is taking the whole syst

57、em into account and summarizes the average end price to customer.The“low”and“high”categories are the lowest and highest cost that has been reported within each segment.These costs are individual posts,i.e.summarizing these costs do not give an accurate system price.Table 10:Cost breakdown for a grid

58、-connected roof-mounted,distributed residential PV system of 5-10 kW Cost category Average/W Low /W High /W Hardware Module 552,7 Inverter 356,1 Mounting material 380,6 Other electronics(cables,etc.)-Subtotal Hardware 1,289 Soft costs Planning 0,08(est.)Installation work 0,1(est.)Shipping and travel

59、 expenses to customer Included Permits and commissioning(i.e.cost for electrician,etc.)0,05(est.)Project margin 0,024(est.)Subtotal Soft costs 0,254 Total(excluding VAT)1542,8 Average VAT 20%Total(including VAT)1851,36 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 12 Financial Pa

60、rameters and specific financing programs Table 11:PV financing information in 2021 Different market segments Loan rate%Average rate of loans residential installations-Average rate of loans commercial installations-Average cost of capital industrial and ground-mounted installations-Specific investmen

61、ts programs See 6.1.Additional Country information Table 12:Country information Retail electricity prices for a household/W 0,18-0,24 Retail electricity prices for a commercial company/W 0,10-0,19 Retail electricity prices for an industrial company/W 0,10-0,13 Liberalization of the electricity secto

62、r Austria has a fully liberalized electricity market with free choice of supplier for all customers.Currently about 50 companies are offering electricity nationwide.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 13 3 POLICY FRAMEWORK This chapter describes the support policies aim

63、ing directly or indirectly to drive the development of PV.Direct support policies have a direct influence on PV development by incentivizing or simplifying or defining adequate policies.Indirect support policies change the regulatory environment in a way that can push PV development.Table 13:Summary

64、 of PV support measures Category Residential Commercial+Industrial Centralized Measures in 2021 On-going New On-going New On-going New Feed-in tariffs YES YES YES Feed-in premium (above market price)Capital subsidies YES YES Green certificates-Renewable portfolio standards with/without PV requiremen

65、ts-Income tax credits-Self-consumption YES-YES-YES-Net-metering-Net-billing-Collective self-consumption and delocalized net-metering YES-YES-Sustainable building requirements YES(only in Styria)-YES(only in Vienna and Styria)-BIPV incentives YES-YES-Styria:Obligation to build PV or Solar Thermal sys

66、tems,for PV.36 m per 100 m building floor-area.National targets for PV In 2020 a new law(Renewable Energy Sources Expansion Act)was designed,which enters into force finally in July 2021.It sees a PV target of additional 11 TWh coming from PV until 2030.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Appli

67、cations in COUNTRY 14 Direct support policies for PV installations The energy policy goal in Austria is set with 100%electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2040.Currently-depending on the yearly situation-around 75%is covered by renewable generation due to the hi

68、gh proportion of hydropower and the contributions from wind and biomass as well as about 3%from photovoltaics which needs to be increased by 11 GW until 2030.With the Renewable Energy Sources Expansion Act passed in summer 2021,the funding landscape in photovoltaics and electricity storage will be c

69、hanged.From 2022,either a market premium or the investment subsidy can be used to support a PV system.The market premium is the new subsidy for PV electricity fed into the grid and thus replaces the previously available feed-in tariff subsidy(current feed-in tariff contracts remain untouched).The ma

70、rket premium is applicable for new PV systems/extensions 10 kWp;it is a surcharge on the reference market value(roughly comparable to the average electricity price traded on the market).In the course of the application,the applicant must report the level of the economically necessary electricity pri

71、ce of the PV system(takes place via a bid in the course of the general tendering round).The subsidy applications are ranked according to the registered electricity price(cents per kWh).This means that the applications are awarded,starting with the project with the lowest registered electricity price

72、,until the funding volume of the tender is exhausted.A maximum value for the registered electricity price is specified by the legislature.Registered bids with a higher electricity price are invalid.The market premium is paid monthly over a period of 20 years.There are at least 2 auction rounds per y

73、ear with a total annual auction volume of at least 700 MW.The Investment-support is applicable to new PV systems/extensions up to 1,000 kWp as well as electricity storage up to 50 kWh(at least 0.5 kWh/kWp);The amount of the investment subsidy for PV systems varies with the size of the system.The amo

74、unt of the investment subsidy for electricity storage is fixed.The minimum size of the electricity storage is linked to the performance of the PV system.Fixed subsidy amount only for PV systems up to 10 kWp.For PV systems from 10 kWp there is a maximum subsidy amount,which can be undercut by the app

75、licant in order to be ranked higher in the ranking of the listed subsidy projects and thus the chance of to increase a grant.In addition to further funding in the nine Austrian federal states,promotion of the climate and energy fund,which has existed for many years primarily for small systems and ha

76、s supplemented the earlier feed-in tariff promotion;this was only available for systems 5kWp,and will continue to exist.An investment subsidy for innovative photovoltaic systems from the Climate and Energy Fund was set up for the first time in 2021 and is intended to build bridges between research a

77、nd the market and to initiate exemplary and model projects.A high degree of system integration and system usefulness and multiplicability are the goals of the funding.Through monitoring and reports,the knowledge gained should create a knowledge base for further innovative photovoltaic systems.Standa

78、rd systems are not supported with this grant.A jury of experts selects projects with a high degree of innovation and reproducibility.3.2.1 BIPV development measures There is just a 100 bonus for BIPV in the investment support scheme of the climate and energyfund scheme.Other measures to support BIPV

79、 can be found in the research sector with some projects on BIPV as well as some activities of the Austrian PV technology platform Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 15(www.tppv.at)to support the development of BIPV.With the new law a 30%bonus on the support was introdu

80、ced for“innovative PV applications”amongst them BIPV,Agro-PV and Floating PV.Since the first call was launched only in spring 2022,there was no effect on the 2021 market development.With the lighthouse projects of innovative PV Systems,the ministry of Climate Action,Environment,Energy,Mobility,Innov

81、ation and Technology supported innovative projects which are close to the market but still have significant finance needs.Self-consumption measures Table 14:Summary of self-consumption regulations for small private PV systems in 2021 PV self-consumption 1 Right to self-consume YES 2 Revenues from se

82、lf-consumed PV Electricity bill savings 3 Charges to finance Transmission,Distribution grids&Renewable Levies NO,as long as beyond the meter;(Up to an amount of 25,000 kWh per year,the generation of electrical energy from renewable primary energy sources(e.g.photovoltaic systems)has already been exe

83、mpt from the electricity tax,provided that this is not fed into the grid but is consumed by the user.)The 25.000 kWh threshold was removed completely in 2021,means no more electricity tax to be paid.Excess PV electricity 4 Revenues from excess PV electricity injected into the grid Yes,typically 3-7

84、Cent depending on the offer of the utility/Energy service provider 5 Maximum timeframe for compensation of fluxes No 6 Geographical compensation(virtual self-consumption or metering)-Other characteristics 7 Regulatory scheme duration ongoing 8 Third party ownership accepted YES Task 1 National Surve

85、y Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 16 9 Grid codes and/or additional taxes/fees impacting the revenues of the prosumer See above.10 Regulations on enablers of self-consumption(storage,DSM)None 11 PV system size limitations Not for PV,support for storage only up to 50kWh 12 Electricity syst

86、em limitations Just for Balcony-PV systems there is a 800W limit 13 Additional features-Collective self-consumption,community solar and similar measures The collective use of PV electricity in a multifamilyhouse within the individual appartments was enabled in 2018 by a new 16a at the Austrian ELWOG

87、(Elektrizittswirtschafts-und Organisationsgesetz);without using the public grid(and therefore no grid costs and taxes)collective-self consumption of PV electricity has been possible since 2018.With the Renewable Energy Sources Expansion Act,passed in summer 2021,collective self consumption by using

88、the public grid is possible.With the new regulations in 2021,energy communities,according to the European renewable energy directive and the electricity market directive was introduced in Austria.With the new legal framework,it is possible for the first time for people to join forces and energy acro

89、ss property boundaries to produce,to store,consume and sell.The new laws define two energy community models:the locally restricted“renewable energy community”(EEG)and the“citizen energy community”(BEG)which is geographically unrestricted within Austria.An EEG may generate,store,consume and sell ener

90、gy(electricity,heat or gas)from renewable sources.EEGs use the grid operators facilities(like the electricity grid),but they must always be located within the concession area of a single grid operator.Renewable energy communities are limited to the“close area”defined by grid levels in the power grid

91、.The participants in a local EEG are connected to each other within network levels 6 and 7(low-voltage network).If network levels 4(only the medium-voltage busbar in the substation)and 5 are also included,this is referred to as regional EEG.Members or shareholders of EEGs can be private or legal per

92、sons,municipalities,local authorities or even SMEs.They must be located in the vicinity of the generating plant(s).A lot is possible as an organizational form for EEGs,from associations to corporations,but the focus is on non-profit status.The main purpose of renewable energy communities is not fina

93、ncial gain,this must be enshrined in the statutes or result from the organizational form of the energy community.Similar regulations apply to citizens energy communities(BEG).In contrast to the EEG,the BEG may only generate,store,consume and sell electrical energy.It is not limited to renewable Task

94、 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 17 sources and can extend over the concession areas of several network operators throughout Austria.A National coordination office(“sterreichische Koordinationsstelle fr Energiegemeinschaften”www.energiegemeinschaften.gv.at)exclusively fo

95、r energy communities,was introduced in Mai 2021 by the federal ministry of Climate Action,Environment,Energy,Mobility,Innovation and Technology in order to reduce the barriers for the implementation of energy communities.In close partnership with all 9 public regional energy consulting services,this

96、 federal coordination office developed a lot of guidelines,information materials,videos as well as sample contracts;it also acts very successfully as a moderator between network operators,authorities,service providers and all other stakeholders of the energy community process.By October of 2022 abou

97、t 100 energy communities are operational,many more are still under development,most of them are driven by municipalities,some between private persons or at small and medium industrial estates.Other utility-scale measures including floating and agricultural PV Within the framework of the federal supp

98、ort programm on“lighthouse projects of innovative PV”several Agro PV and a few floating PV systems were financed.The start of operation will be in 2022.Social Policies No PV specific social policy in Austria Indirect policy issues 3.6.1 Support for electricity storage and demand response measures Th

99、e support for electricity storage systems is described in 3.2,there is no support for demand response measures so far.3.6.2 Other support measures CO2 pricing(“CO2 tax”)is a key part of the eco-social tax reform that the Austrian government presented in October 2021.From October 1,2022,CO2 emissions

100、 will cost 30 euros per tonne.The introduction of the CO2 price was originally planned for July 2022,but was postponed as part of a relief package to October 2022.The CO2 price is to be increased year by year(2023:35 euros,2024:45 euros)and gradually rise to 55 euros per ton by 2025.In the event of

101、sharp changes in the price of energy,however,a so-called price stability mechanism can also lead to a slower or faster increase in the price of CO2.Financing and cost of support measures The new law(EAG)provides for an application mechanism that,in addition to the renewable energy support fee(former

102、ly green electricity fee)from a percentage markup on that Network Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 18 usage fee and the network loss fee and costs for the guarantees of origin.The total amount was 913 Mio.in 2021.(Source:EAG Monitoringbericht 2022).For a typical hous

103、ehold with an electricity consume of 3.500 kWh,the financial burden due to the support mechanism for eco-electricity was about 3,5 Cent/kWh.(out of 24 Cent typically total electricity cost for a 3.500 kWh household.)4 INDUSTRY Production of feedstocks,ingots and wafers(crystalline silicon industry)S

104、ilicon feedstock,ingot and wafer producers production information for 2021 There is no Silicon,ingot and wafer production in Austria Production of photovoltaic cells and modules(including TF and CPV)Module manufacturing is defined as the industry where the process of the production of PV modules(the

105、 encapsulation)is done.A company may also be involved in the production of ingots,wafers or the processing of cells,in addition to fabricating the modules with frames,junction boxes etc.The manufacturing of modules may only be counted to a country if the encapsulation takes place in that country.Tot

106、al PV cell and module manufacture together with production capacity information is summarised in Table below.Table 15:PV cell and module production and production capacity information for 2021 PV-Module manufacturer(total national production)Technology Total Production MW Maximum production capacity

107、 MW/yr Cell Module Cell Module Wafer-based PV manufactures Total Si-Modules n.a.198 MW n.a.n.a.in 2021 in Austria photovoltaic modules with a total of 198.1 MWpeak were produced.Of this,94.7 MWpeak were exported,which is one export rate of about 47.8%.103.5 MWpeak or about 52.2%of those produced Mod

108、ules were resold in Austria in 2021.The share of domestic production in The domestic market thus fell slightly in 2021 compared to the previous year to 14.0%(2020:14.7%).Currently 4 manufacturers of PV Modules are operational in Austria:Kioto Photovoltaics GmbH,energetica-Photovoltaic industries,DAS

109、 Energy Ltd.as well as Ertex-Solartechnik GmbH;Sunplugged,as a start-up,develops flexible photovoltaic modules for integration into building envelopes,devices and vehicles.Sunpluggeds core product is a solar film that can be Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 19 indivi

110、dually cut to size and is based on CIGS(copper indium gallium selenide)semiconductors.Mass production is planned for 2023.Manufacturers and suppliers of other components Most of the relevant manufacturers are partner of the Austrian PV-Technology Platform.(www.tppv.at)Amongst them are:-Fronius:There

111、 is significant PV inverter production in Austria,3.5 GW of production was reported for 2021.The only inverter producer in Austria is Fronius International GmbH.Beside inverters,Fronius offers a wide spectrum of PV-Energy management solutions.-Aerocompact is a manufacturer of smart mounting solution

112、s-SolOcean GmbH is a technology company and deals with the development and marketing of an innovative system for generating electrical energy using photovoltaics on water surfaces.-Ulbrich of Austria Ulbrich is a world leader in PV Ribbon products that interconnect and transmit current for crystalli

113、ne solar cells and thin film.-Welser Profile is a leading manufacturer of special profiles,profile tubes and complete profile systems made of steel,stainless steel and non-ferrous metals.On average,up to 5 new solutions leave the Welser works per day and are used reliably in the PV and solar industr

114、ies,in agricultural and environmental technology,as well as in the construction industry.-Lenzing Plastics GmbH&Co KG is the worlds leading manufacturer of products based on polyolefins and fluoropolymers.Lenzing Plastics has been dealing with the development of photovoltaic films for several years.

115、-Eder-Blechbau is a specialist for Solar Facade systems as well as for PV carports-CALMA-TEC Lrmschutzsysteme GmbH produces and supplies PV-powered noise protection wall modules for roads,railways and industrial plants.-ATB-Becker e.U.stands for the development of PV application technologies since 1

116、987.Some more manufacturers and supplies of PV related equipment and technology exist in Austria,e.g.Neoom for PV-storage solutions,Levion for energy management solutions,Prefa Solar roof solutions,HEI Technology International GmbH,MY-PV Solar electronic,etc Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power

117、 Applications in COUNTRY 20 5 PV IN THE ECONOMY This chapter aims to provide information on the benefits of PV for the economy.Labour places Table 16:Estimated PV-related full-time labour places in 2021 Market category Number of full-time labour places Research and development(not including companie

118、s)429 Manufacturing of products throughout the PV value chain from feedstock to systems,including company R&D 996 Distributors of PV products and installations 3104 Other-Total 4.529 Source:Innovative Energietechnologien in sterreich Marktentwicklung 2021,Biermayr et al.,Austrian ministry of Climate

119、 Action,Environment,Energy,Mobility,Innovation and Technology 2022 Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 21 Business value Table 12:Rough estimation of the value of the PV business in 2021(VAT is excluded)Revenues from the sale of PV electricity in Austria in 2021:The pro

120、ceeds of the plant operators,which result from the sale of electricity to OeMAG according to OeMAG,the figure for 2021 was around EUR 169.6 million;Self-consumption is valued with the annual average price for electrical energy in 2021 amounting to 17.0 cent/kWh,according to Statistics Austria.In the

121、 case of self-sufficient systems,100%self-consumption can be assumed,with surplus feeders with one Self-consumption share of approx.30%.For surplus feed-in into the power grid,different prices are charged depending on the energy supply company paid,but an average of 4.5 cents per kilowatt hour fed i

122、n can be expected according to the federal association PV Austria.The opportunity cost of electricity calculated on this basis of self-sufficient PV systems and surplus feeders will amount to over 109.71 million in 2021.Sub-market Capacity installed Average price/W Value Sub-market Off-grid 8,697 MW

123、 0,17 1,5 Mio./a-Grid-connected distributed and centralized 2,774 GW 0,2 279,3 Mio./a-Value of PV business in 2021 280,8 Mio./a Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 22 6 INTEREST FROM ELECTRICITY STAKEHOLDERS Structure of the electricity system Austria has one Transmissi

124、on system operator(Austrian power grid)and more than 120 Distribution network operators.The balancing energy market in Austria is mainly determined by pumped storage power plants and gas-fired power plants.There are currently 16 natural gas power plants in Austria and 3,4 GW power made by pump hydro

125、 storages powerplants.E-Control is the regulatory authority in Austria responsible for the electricity and gas industry.The TSO and the larger DSOs are mainly owned by the federal od regional governments.Many smaller are private companies owned by industry or private persons.Unbundling is by law for

126、eseen,however,several interdependencies between network operator and their former joint energy provider and generator-company still exist;this situation is strictly controlled by the regulatory authority in order not to influence the market competition.Interest from electricity utility businesses Th

127、ere are a lot of activities by utilities in the PV sector.Many of them have founded own daughter companies for their renewable energy projects and services.From planning and installing of private and commercial PV systems up to citizens participation in PV powerplant projects.Many larger utilities o

128、wn and operate larger PV power plants,the currently(2021)largest PV power plant(14 MW,ground mounted)is jointly operated by the largest electricity utility and the large federal oil and gas company.Many others,slightly smaller are already in operation or in the planning phase.(e.g.a 50 MW system in

129、the east of the country)For energy communities some utilities are already very active,one larger utility has recently founded a new company exclusively dealing with services for the foundation and operation of energy communities.Others are active in the planning and service process as well,some are

130、in an infant stadium,since the law for energy communities was introduced only in July 2021.A few non utility companies offer peer to peer electricity trading.Amongst them the E-Friends who are a community that shares regionally generated green electricity with one another.E-Friends are either electr

131、icity producers(for example because they operate a PV system on their roof)or electricity consumers.A specific E-Friends technology is in the meter boxes of your houses and apartments.Ourpower(ourpower.coop)is a platform which brings together private energy producers and consumers who have to choose

132、 out of an energy portfolio of different renewable technologies.After entering the postcode and the expected annual consumption,they make an offer of 40%solar,30%wind,20%small hydropower and 10%biomass power(if available)from the power plants closest to the postcode on the OurPower marketplace.Inter

133、est from municipalities and local governments Specifically,the new regulation on energy communities,which enables private actors to share,sell,store and trade electricity(and heat),seems to be very attractive to industries.Hundreds of municipalities are in the process to found energy communities by

134、placing PV on the roofs of their municipality buildings in order to sell and trade local electricity.By that they address the Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 23 willingness of many people to use locally produced electricity,as well as they see a benefit in a much hi

135、gher price stability for PV electricity compared to the fluctuating electricity market prices.Moreover,in case of locally produced energy the price for electricity can be fixed by the organisation which operates the energy community.This creates possibilities for social motivated support by specific

136、ally addressing people living in energy poverty.Altogether,municipalities see a new field of activity by entering into the business of electricity.In a second step,PV together with other locally available renewable generation technologies(wind,bioenergy,hydropower etc)as well as with storage paves t

137、he way towards much higher shares of self-consumption.The implementation of the heating sector(by heatpumps and/or biomass/solar thermal etc)into this business as well as the integration of the mobility sector by the roll out of E-Charing stations might complete the new tasks of the municipalities i

138、n the energy sector.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 24 7 HIGHLIGHTS AND PROSPECTS Highlights In any case,the highlight of 2021 for photovoltaics in Austria was the resolution of the new Renewable Energy Expansion Act.The binding goal of having 100%electricity from r

139、enewable sources in Austria by 2030,with PV+11 TWh contributing to this,is for sure a milestone in Austrian energy policy.Other important developments in the PV sector were the start of the role out of larger ground mounted PV Systems,which did not exist before.Only in 2021,the first system largen t

140、hat 10 MW was installed in Austria,followed by many more PV systems in the range beyond 5 MW.As a third highlight one could see the start of a support scheme,which addresses“innovative PV systems”systematically;by a 30%premium on the standard PV support described in the new Renewable Energy Expansio

141、n Act as well as by the new support Scheme addressing PV lighthouses/innovative PV systems,which are close to the market.Prospects A survey conducted by the Federal Association of Photovoltaics Austria(PV Austria)among its more than 300 member companies analyzes their challenges:A total of 76 percen

142、t of the participating companies name the Price increases as a major challenge in day-to-day business.The bottlenecks in the supply chain were mentioned by 67 percent,Barriers to network access by 62 percent.The PV-Association has been criticizing the inadequacies around the topic of the power grid

143、for years,now they are becoming more and more blatant and the biggest obstacle to the energy transition with solar power,according to the federal Association PV Austria.It seems to be of utmost importance to prepare the grids for the significant enlargement of the PV sector,having in mind that the 1

144、3 GW to be installed in 2030 will not be sufficient for the energy transition,since it is just the step towards 100%renewable electricity.For climate neutrality(officially targeted for 2040)much higher numbers of PV might be needed,no official numbers exist so far,but a range of 30-60 GW of PV seems

145、 to be realistic in order to address the energy transition substantially.Concerning technology and local production of PV equipment,Austria needs to be connected to the European ambitions to relaunch a strong European PV industry.In May 2021,Austria federal ministry of Climate Action,Environment,Ene

146、rgy,Mobility,Innovation and Technology joined officially the EU-IPCEI PV process in order to support the enlargement of the Austrian PV industry.Beside this important step,fostering the national PV R&D seems to be crucial in order to support the upcoming of an innovative Austrian PV production.Task 1 National Survey Report of PV Power Applications in COUNTRY 1



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