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1、Ed Finegold,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumIan Kemp,Managing Editor,TM ForumAnnie Turner,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumEditors:Author:Sponsored by:September 2022|www.tmforum.orgAuthor:Ed Finegold,Contributing AnalystEditors:Ian Kemp,Managing EditorAnnie Turner,Contributing Editorsponsored by:Ed Finegol

2、d,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumIan Kemp,Managing Editor,TM ForumAnnie Turner,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumEditors:Author:Sponsored by:contents03 the big picture06 section 1:understanding network lifecycle automation(NLA)10 section 2:some NLA use cases15 section 3:barriers to adoption and prioritizin

3、g solutions 18 section 4:examples of CSPs using NLA 21 section 5:make it happen strategies to get the best out of NLA 24 additional feature:the value of NLA examples of smart capex and 360 assurance 30 additional resourcesWe hope you enjoy the report and,most importantly,find ways to use the ideas,c

4、oncepts and recommendations detailed within.You can send your feedback to the editorial team at TM Forum via editortmforum.orgbigpicturethe3inform.tmforum.orgFor this report TM Forum surveyed 170 individuals employed in relevant network and operations roles from93 CSPs around the globe.The survey ga

5、uged those CSPs progress in integrating and automating networkplanning&optimization,testing&deployment,assurance&operations,and reporting&monetization capabilities-also known as network lifecycle automation(NLA).This domain is key because it could impact CSPs ability ultimately to derive greater fin

6、ancial returns,improve customer experiences,optimize capex and reduce incremental opex,because it employs automation in use cases that combine business metrics(like QoE,revenue churn)and network metrics(like performance,faults,coverage),so it enables senior stakeholders to optimize their decision-ma

7、king based on business outcomes.But CSPs face challenges that are highlighted starkly in our survey.While 92%of respondents say they have made a return on investment in their networks over the past five years(see graphics right),only 14%think they have leveraged that investment fully.And 39%say the

8、benefits are taking longer than expected to materialize.Communications service providers(CSPs)are continuing to invest aggressively in 5G network rollouts and now find they must better optimize planning,deployment and operations to meet ambitious return on investment(ROI)expectations.Many are turnin

9、g to Network Lifecycle Automation(NLA)as a new,systematic approach to realizing multi-phase and multi-silo automation use cases.4inform.tmforum.orghave your network investments delivered expected ROI in the past 5 years?Somewhat,network ROI has been positive67%25%Absolutely,network ROI has been opti

10、malNot really,network ROI has been negative5%3%Not at all,network ROI has been very poorhow would you characterize the outcomes of your 5G investments in the past 5 years?The benefits are taking longer than expected to materialize39%33%There is monetization potential that we have not been able to ex

11、ploitThey have not materialized due to skills,systems or vendor issues14%14%We have achieved the full potential of our investments92%of respondents say they have made a return on their investment in 5G networks over the past five years.5inform.tmforum.orgA further 33%say there is monetization potent

12、ial they have been unable to exploit fully,and 14%say they have not accrued the expected benefits due to issues with in-house skills,network vendors or systems.Many CSPs are looking for ways to drive greater ROI from their network investments while accelerating deployments and maximizing the revenue

13、 and customer experience potential of every 5G site.Some CSPs see NLA as a way of achieving these multiple goals.Many CSPs are looking for ways to drive greater ROI from their network investments while accelerating deployments and maximizing revenues.Read this report to understand:How CSPs can optim

14、ize their 5G rollouts What barriers CSPs face in deploying closed-loop automation How TM Forums closed-loop automation specifications provide a guide Which operational goals CSPs are prioritizing for 5G Which strategy CSPs consider best for automating the network lifecycle How and why some CSPs are

15、implementing NLA.In the next section we look at what NLA is and why some CSPs are deploying it.understanding network lifecycle automation(NLA)section 16inform.tmforum.orgThe number of technology systems communications service providers(CSPs)use to conduct their business keeps growing.As a result,the

16、y are forced to manage massive volumes of data about business,technology,processes and product performance which creates a noisy environment that is difficult to manage,navigate and improve from end to end.To counter this the CSP community,with leadership from groups like TM Forum,has responded by d

17、eveloping frameworks and standards for interoperability among functions and systems.For example,the AI closed-loop automation management specifications across the full range of operational functions to provide an automation blueprint in the domain of automated assurance&operations.The purpose of clo

18、sed-loop automation is to turn noise into actionable data,combine it with automated and integrated processes,then apply smarter,faster decisioning systems that run and improve those processes continuously.What is network lifecycle automation?Staying with the example of network planning&optimization,

19、most CSPs are still in the throes of deploying their 5G network deployments,particularly when it comes to 5G Standalone(5G SA)core networks which many say will deliver the real returns on investment.As they evaluatethe performance of the first phase,their assessments are generally positive,but below

20、 expectations.Some 58%of the CSPs surveyed for this report say they could have deployed their network assets faster;87%say they could have been deployed more efficiently;and more than 80%say the benefits have taken too long to realize or have not come to fruition due to business,technical and commer

21、cial barriers(see graphics right and on p.4 and p.8).7inform.tmforum.orgAs a result,CSPs want to improve how rapidly and cost effectively they can roll out 5G assets while maximizingthe coverage and revenue opportunities they achieve with each site.To achieve this they might choose to:Introduce new

22、cross-phase processes that automate tasks and workflows spanning multiple applications in network planning&optimization,testing&deployment,and automated assurance&operations.Move these operational functions from one-off activities to continuously improved lifecycle management processes Give disconne

23、cted but related teams like network planning,deployment,operations and revenue management a shared view of their responsibilities,processes,tasks and outcomes Create a data feedback loop across these operational functions to drive collaboration,observability and continuous optimization.do you feel t

24、hat 5G network rollout strategy has taken longer than it should to execute?Somewhat,we could have been quicker50%Not really,we deployed 5G as quickly as we could33%8%Absolutely,it has taken too long8inform.tmforum.orgIn summary then,NLA is the automation of tasks from across different phases in the

25、network lifecycle into end-to-end use cases,to achieve a given business outcome,from a common platform.Many of the individual elements of NLA are being worked on by TM Forum members,including:AI-based automated network planning Flow-through network build Automated network configuration/build/turn-up

26、 and automated end-to-end network testing/validation AI operations predictive and preventive operations AI-based,cross-domain correlation of events Zero-touch provisioning Self-healing,self-optimizing networks Cognitive smart field operations Unified network and IT operations Continuous monitoring a

27、nd improvement of automation through agile delivery processes and tools.Why NLA,and why now?In the past,operations followed predefined workflows that modeled processes as well as fixes and workarounds to known issues.Automation was deterministic,relying on pre-defined triggers and thresholds to exec

28、ute fulfilment,assurance or revenue management processes.But this approach could not scale and proved insufficient for cloud-native networks as specified for 5G SA.Instead,operations leaders have since looked to expand the remit of automation to span the full network lifecycle in a systematic way,to

29、:Increase productivity and performance at a lower cost by drawing on data from various workflows and tasks,the performance of closed-loops can be measured and managedImprove collaboration across activities workflows supporting different closed loops across varied activities can share data to break d

30、own silos,but avoid tight coupling of workflows which limits agility and the ability to adapt Increase agility workflows should be able to change dynamically,though not disruptively,in response to changes in demand or customer behaviors.Artificial intelligence(AI)may be used here for knowledge manag

31、ement,decisioning and dynamic scalingReduce risk and data redundancy automation helps visualize and manage workflows,makes business activities more visible,and helps to eliminate redundant and disconnected dataWorkflows should be able to change dynamically,though not disruptively,in response to chan

32、ges in demand or customer behaviors.could new network assets have been deployed more efficiently?Absolutely,there is lots of room for improvement43%44%Somewhat,there are obvious gains to be madeNot really,our network was deployed efficiently10%3%Not at all,no improvements could be made9inform.tmforu

33、m.orgImprove operations oversight control the intelligence that governs workflows and the data that drives dynamic decisions to ensure automation aligns compliance with customer requirements and organizational goals.In the automated assurance&operations domain,NLA touches on aspects of both closed-l

34、oop automated operations and autonomous networks,which go hand in hand.“Looking at the automation levels L0 to L5,it quickly becomes apparent that you could apply the logic and scoring to the planning,design,deployment and operation of networks,”says George Glass,CTO,TM Forum.When this logic and sco

35、ring is applied,it confirms that autonomous networks need to achieve the highest levels L4 or L5 in all dimensions to benefit from AI,automation and orchestration technologies.At this level,however,new opportunities arise.“It got me thinking about how efficiently we can actually run a network,”says

36、Glass.“Can I dynamically power down cells when they are not in use,and power them up again when I know users are coming?”He adds that connectivity-as-a-service models may also be enabled by NLA where service can be prioritized and even moved from 5G to 4G,for example,without interrupting the user ex

37、perience.This shifts a CSP towards“intent-based connectivity”rather than“technology-based connectivity”,says Glass,which is inherently more resource efficient and aligned with plans for intent-based,closed-loop automated networks and services.In the next section we look at which NLA use cases are mo

38、st relevant for CSPs,some barriers to adoption,and how CSPs perceptions of NLA are influenced by their priorities.A key piece of the work on the TM Forum Autonomous Networks Project is a six-step AN maturity model that CSPs can use to measure their progress.Each level has a set of characteristics de

39、scribing the evolutionary stage of the CSPs journey from fully manual to fully autonomous operations.The model progresses from Level 0 to Level 5,with degrees of operations autonomy increasing at each step as shown in the graphic.knowledgeREPORTin autonomousnetworksAuthor:Dana A.Cooperson,Contributi

40、ng Analyst Editor:Ian Kemp,Managing Editor March 2022 inform.tmforum.orgSPONSORED BY:Read the reports on autonomous networks and intent-based networking:REPORTAuthors:Sponsored by:Dean Ramsay(Principal Analyst)Editor:Ian KempISBN:000 from toautonomous networks:August 2022|www.tmforum.orgAuthor:Dean

41、Ramsay,Principal AnalystEditor:Ian Kemp,Managing Editorsponsored by:network lifecycle automation use casessection 210inform.tmforum.orgCommunications service providers(CSPs)do not rewrite budgets and rewire operations without good cause.There are compelling reasons they are now looking at automating

42、 network design,deployment,testing and lifecycle management using closed loops.Yet some operators have reservations about the approach:our research found that how they perceive NLA and its potential depends on their priorities.NLA and concepts like it may be applied to a variety of use cases that ha

43、ve immediate relevance to CSPs because of the urgency to expand and improve 5G networks.Some of the most common include:Smart capex using live performance,customer behavior and operations data to optimize network deployment and capital expenditure Slice lifecycle management continuously grooming net

44、work slices to maximize service level agreement(SLA)compliance Cross-domain root cause analysis detecting and resolving faults across multiple network layers and service domains Customer experience(CX)assurance managing changing conditions at the network level and avoiding negative CX impacts.Some s

45、ervice providers have a more complete,contiguous and integrated vision for NLA.Rubbyat Akram,Vice President of Infrastructure Management at Robi Axiata,explains that while NLA can play a role in optimizing aspects of network deployment,in the bigger 11inform.tmforum.orgpicture it is“one piece of the

46、 zero-touch operations puzzle”.Akram shares four clear examples of the pragmatic,near-term roles NLA can play to benefit CSP network operations(see graphic on p.12).An important part of the mindset shift behind NLA are the concepts of continuity and continuous improvement.If the network is itself re

47、garded as dynamic and evolving,rather than static,it allows for operations practices like continuous network grooming and resource optimization processes to be part of network and service lifecycles.As such,NLA may take on a greater role conceptually in the continuous improvement of how networks and

48、 services are deployed,managed,optimized and improved over time.There are compelling reasons CSPs are looking at automating network design,deployment,testing and lifecycle management using closed loops.12inform.tmforum.orgexamples of the pragmatic,near-term roles NLA can play to benefit CSP network

49、operationsEnd-to-end SLA automation and readiness for 5G B2X models An end-to-end network infrastructure solution is needed for all service level agreement(SLA)management tasks.It should provide flexible service modelling,multi-tenancy,access control and integration with billing for enterprise servi

50、ces,charging and active SLA assurance.It should perform periodic slice and service quality testing and trigger healing,as well as optimization and planning actions.Streamlining network inventory and configuration Network configuration activities should be consolidated into a single,automated workflo

51、w with discovery,design standardization,homogeneity and scalable compliance management for complicated radio,transport,core and IT networks.Standardized and scalable mobile network configuration is needed when deploying new cloud-and microservice-based networks.Automated diagnosis and optimization W

52、hile engineers are bringing 5G online,they are still managing 4G,3G and even 2G operations.Automating RAN diagnosis and optimization in these areas may free up engineers to focus on 5G challenges.And if an integrated platform spans network planning,operations,testing and optimization,it can automate

53、 tasks,flows,analytics and decisions across network lifecycle activities.Service assurance The platform should also support multi-level correlation for rapid troubleshooting by mapping physical and logical resources to services,functions and geographies.It should provide service-oriented navigation

54、and customer impact analysis.A unified network and service management solution can span radio,x-haul,core and cloud with performance and fault management and inventory functions,and add CX and application monitoring for true end-to-end service quality assurance.TM Forum,2022(Source:Rubbyat Akram,Rob

55、i Axiata)13inform.tmforum.orgMaximizing 5G deploymentsPerhaps the most immediate issue for some CSPs is that 5G deployments are just too slow,too expensive or have been detrimental to customer experience.Just over a quarter of the CSPs we surveyed(27%)say they have issues with slower than expected r

56、ollouts due to the difficulties of putting together business cases.Almost one third(30%)are experiencing high capex due to inefficient allocation,and 15%cite poor customer experience related to delivery and performance.These are fundamental business risks that can impact revenue targets,customer-rel

57、ated goals and financial commitments.A delayed 5G market entry not only has competitive ramifications,but also results in real cash implications for CSPs which incur higher costs for contractors,suppliers,warehousing and construction,as well as marketing and sales.Hitting delivery targets efficientl

58、y stops add-on costs from spiraling.These risks also conflict with the key benefits CSPs want to derive from closed-loop automation like NLA,such as accelerating time to market for new networks(18%);improving customer experience(45%);optimizing capex efficiency(20%);reducing opex(12%);and enabling S

59、LA-backed revenue streams(4%).But our recent research also shows that CSPs overwhelmingly see automation itself as a top goal.Some 83%of CSPs surveyed for our report Telco to techco:capex and opex considerations,for example,say automation of systems and processes are“an absolute priority”as they tra

60、nsform their businesses.what are the business impacts when 5G investments are not maximized?Slow rollout due to difficulty with business caseswhat is the top business outcome you would expect from NLA?Accelerate time to market18%45%Improve customer experience and net promoter scores(NPS)Improve cape

61、x efficiency20%12%Reduce opexPerhaps the most immediate issue for some CSPs is that 5G deployments are just too slow or too expensive.High capex due to inefficient allocationPoor customer experience related to delivery and performanceHigh opex due to over reliance on manual processesLower enterprise

62、 revenue due to inability to deliver SLAs27%30%15%22%6%what is the best NLA use case for your organization?Smart capex63%16%Closed-loop planning&testingClosed-loop service assurance15%5%Active assurance for critical services14inform.tmforum.orgIn our new research for this report almost two-thirds(63

63、%)of respondents say that smart capex practices comprise the most impactful use case NLA can deliver for them today(see graphic on p.13).Smart capex involves using data-driven decisioning to inform network expenditure,by prioritizing resources in areas where the data shows there is the most to be ga

64、ined in terms of coverage,customer experience and profitability.Meanwhile 16%of CSPs consider closed-loop planning and testing their top NLA use case,which leans a bit more toward network automation but is a close relative of smart capex in its intent to automate and optimize key aspects of network

65、deployment.In the next section we look at some of the barriers to NLA deployment.Almost two-thirds of respondents say smart capex practices comprise the most impactful use case NLA can deliver.barriers to adoption and prioritizing solutionssection 315inform.tmforum.orgIf most CSPs understand that an

66、 end-to-end integrated approach like network lifecycle automation(NLA)can help address shortfalls in 5G rollouts,why havent more implemented it?Our survey respondents cite numerous market and technology factors that create barriers to adoption.They include:Immature vendor capabilities Lack of a clea

67、r capability blueprint Lack of relevant standards Lack of skilled in-house resources Reliance on multiple software vendors that are difficult to integrate Over reliance on network vendor or systems integrator services.Improving operationsThe combination of the lack of skilled in-house resources and

68、over reliance on vendors suggest that many CSPs have a long way to go to realign their network,IT and operations organizations to achieve their automation and capital efficiency goals.We asked CSPs what are their top operations priorities to maximize their investments in 5G and accelerate rollouts.T

69、he answer is that to overcome the internal barriers they face to closed-loop automation,some have long lists of operations priorities they need to address.16inform.tmforum.orgwhat are the biggest barriers to implementing NLA(multiple choice)?Reliance on vendorsLack of skilled resourcesDifficulty int

70、egratingLack of standardsVendor immaturity49%41%50%32%3%34%18%Lack of clear blueprintNo barrierswhat are your top operations priorities to maximize 5G investments(multiple choice)?Go cloud-nativeRemove systems silosDevelop a mature 5G specificationLink planning,configuration&testingReduce time to de

71、sign,deploy,test etc.30%Remove process silosMonitor network KPIsRemove reliance on network equipment manufacturers28%22%33%28%32%17%26%17inform.tmforum.orgCSPs goals point to a recognized need for greater automation that results in a better aligned and more efficient organization.In fact,between a q

72、uarter and one third of our respondents share operations priorities such as:going cloud-native;removing systems silos;developing a mature 5G specification;reducing time to deliver network services;and removing process silos.Ultimately,then,the goals of many CSPs have common characteristics.They poin

73、t to a recognized need for greater automation across different teams and functions in their organization,that results in a better aligned and more efficient organization that leverages a cloud-native technology stack,including for 5G networks.Prioritizing challengesYet many CSPs differ in their oper

74、ations priorities,and they also tend to perceive barriers to NLA differently.For example,our research shows that:CSPs that prioritize the adoption of cloud-native technology see the integration of multivendor operations and a lack of in-house skills as the biggest barriers to NLA adoption Those that

75、 prioritize removing process silos see their over reliance on network vendors as the most serious hurdle Operators wanting to link network planning,configuration and testing first are more concerned about the lack of a clear blueprint than other groups And CSPs that most want to remove their relianc

76、e on network vendors are also,logically,those that perceive their reliance on network vendors as their biggest barrier to closed-loop automation like NLA.Although NLA can potentially bring benefits to a variety of applications that align with operators strategic goals,CSPs are split about how or whe

77、ther to implement it or similar technology.In our survey,we asked how many CSPs are already implementing NLA or something like it.Of our respondents,62%say they are using NLA or are moving in that direction,while the rest either havent started(32%)or say they will not pursue it(5%).Of those that are

78、 underway,15%claim to be pursuing a specific NLA approach now.One correlation of this is that NLA could provide rapid returns in the next few years by picking the low hanging fruit,which in turn could give it more credibility and momentum.The negative view,on the other hand,would be that it does not

79、 fully get off the ground as an accepted path to automation for many operators.In the next section,we look at some examples of CSPs that are already deploying elements of NLA and the benefits they expect.are you implementing NLA or something like it?Somewhat,we have started a similar idea47%32%Not r

80、eally,we havent started this yetNot at all,this is not a strategy we intend to follow5%15%Absolutely,we have implemented this concept18inform.tmforum.orgsection 4examples of CSPs using NLA 19inform.tmforum.orgA limited number of CSPs have made public announcements about how they are using elements o

81、f NLA to support and improve their 5G rollouts.In this section we look at two examples of what they are doing and their goals.Zain KSA is an innovative operator which has used the TM Forum Customer Experience Management Lifecycle Model and Business Process Framework(eTOM)to deliver better customer e

82、xperience.In October 2019,it launched its 5G network in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the third largest 5G network in the world at the time.The operators goal was to cover the whole of the country faster and with better customer experience than any of its competitors.In order to build and execute on a

83、 highly precise rollout plan,in the second phase of its network rollout in 2020 Zain worked with Infovista to bring together data and insights from the planning and operational domains,so that its 5G capex allocation for densification and expansion could be optimized not only for coverage and throug

84、hput,but ultimately for customer experience.This required the enrichment of its planning data,from the operations domain,using crowdsourced data including a large volume from social media.This provided a highly precise traffic map view,which when combined with the detailed coverage and throughput vi

85、ews of the radio network,enabled precise site densification planning.As a result,Zain was able to roll out 5G faster in new areas of the Kingdom,and crucially with the level of customer experience expected by senior decision-makers.The rollout is an example of what can be achieved by combining data

86、from multiple phases across the network lifecycle.According to the companys Q1 2022 earnings announcement,its quarterly net profit grew by 97%year-on-year to$21.5 million,which Vice Chairman and Group CEO,Bader Nasser Al-Kharafi,credited largely to 5G and the increase in“B2B customer and revenue gro

87、wth”.Zains rollout is an example of what can be achieved by combining data from multiple phases across the network lifecycle.20inform.tmforum.orgRakuten Mobile has attracted media interest due to its disruptive use of cloud-based technology and a willingness to talk about its strategy and progress.R

88、akuten Mobile is using an NLA-like approach to introduce automation across both planning and rollout of radio sites within a single platform.The operator integrated a sophisticated,cloud-native radio planning solution using a microservices architecture and open APIs into its Rakuten Communications P

89、latform(RCP)to automate planning,coverage and interference mapping,and to commission mobile sites in the context of other end-to-end business workflows.Sister company Rakuten Symphony,which sells technology and know-how generated by Rakuten Mobile,operates on the premise that systemic automation wil

90、l save time and resources in network deployment.The configuration of every site is standard and repeatable,so engineers can test and activate hundreds of mobile sites or edge data centers daily.Optimizing 5G rollout is crucial to Rakuten Mobile,which aims to break even in 2023,to maximize its invest

91、ment while keeping capex and opex and therefore its prices low and offering a customer experience that attracts subscribers.“When we have some trouble in the network,the first thing we ask is,was this not automated?”says Ashish Madan,Systems Integration Specialist,Rakuten Mobile Singapore,in an arti

92、cle by the company.“And you have to do it end-to-end.The moment something breaks somewhere and you have to let the human in,that is the failure point.”This mindset has been key to Rakuten Mobiles zero-touch,closed-loop automation strategy.In the next section we look at strategies to make the most of

93、 NLA deployments.inform.tmforum.orginform.tmforum.orgSponsors:Author:Mark Newman,Chief Analyst Editor:Dawn Bushaus,Managing Editor June 2020Read more about Rakuten and microservices:August 2022|www.tmforum.orgAuthor:Ed Finegold,Contributing AnalystEditor:Dawn Bushaus,Contributing Editorsponsored by:

94、21inform.tmforum.orgsection 5make it happen strategies to get the best out of NLA22inform.tmforum.orgIf CSPs want to advance the way they deploy 5G networks,in the same way 5G networks are advancing how they design and deliver services,there are some key things they need to consider.Reduce reliance

95、on network vendors and systems integrators Who controls your destiny?Nearly 71%of respondents to our survey say the biggest barrier to NLA is their over reliance on network vendors and system integrators.The lack of self-determination,pacing and resource prioritization that results is a common chall

96、enge as demands grow for CSPs to go to market with new technologies faster.Our survey shows that a majority of CSPs feel they could move faster and be more efficient if they did not lean so heavily on third parties to drive their time to market and operations improvements.Integrate network planning

97、and operations Our survey finds nearly a third(29%)of CSPs have little or no integration between network planning and operations teams and systems.Another 44%have some data exchange,but not to the degree they need to hit their efficiency,time to market and customer experience goals for 5G rollouts.I

98、ntegrating these two functions can be a good place for CSPs to begin down the road to closed-loop automation while reaping some early rewards.Influence standards Of our respondents,65%of CSPs say standards relating to NLA are either too fragmented or incomplete to help facilitate adoption;another 22

99、%say standards work is too slow(see graphic on p.23).But standards for NLA and related domains remain open for collaboration and can be influenced to suit CSP needs.TM Forum is engaged with multiple standards organizations to contribute to tangible solutions for its members.To get involved,contact G

100、eorge Glass.Our survey finds nearly a third of CSPs have little or no integration between network planning and operations teams and systems.are network planning,deployment&testing connected to operations so that actionable data is exchanged freely between systems?Somewhat,there is some exchange of d

101、ata44%25%Not really,there is a disconnectAbsolutely,they are linked27%4%Not at all,they sit in silos23inform.tmforum.orgUse the TM Forum specifications as guides The TM Forum Open Digital Architecture(ODA)and AI Closed Loop Automation Management specifications provide the sort of clear blueprints an

102、d assets,such as Open APIs,that CSPs need in order to implement processes like NLA.They can be used to develop standard ways to achieve predictable,measurable,positive outcomes repeatably,particularly in complex projects like automating operations with closed loops.Respect the complexityCSPs cite a

103、variety of options as their best strategy path to deploy NLA capabilities.Some will rely on their network vendors(8%),while others will work to integrate multiple vendor solutions(16%).One fifth(20%)will lean on an ecosystem of partners to deliver an integrated solution.Another 42%consider their bes

104、t NLA adoption strategy to be entirely an in-house build(11%)or an in-house implementation where point solutions from vendors fill in the gaps(31%).But it is important for CSPs not to underestimate the complexities involved in NLA and other forms of closed-loop automation.Striking the right partners

105、hips could be key to successful implementation.what impact do standards have on your ability to adopt NLA (multiple selections allowed)?Standards are fragmented41%24%Standards are not exhaustiveStandards are too slow22%14%We have a single standardwhat is the best strategy for establishing NLA capabi

106、lities?Developing in-house&closing gaps with vendors31%20%Developing a solution from a vendor ecosystemIntegrating multiple solutions16%11%Developing entirely in-houseAcquiring through a network vendors product8%Acquiring through a network vendors services offering13%Judging from the survey results

107、for this report,it is clear that Network Lifecycle Automation(NLA)is a vision that is shared by much of the global CSP community,and while the approach to implementing this may vary from one CSP to another,there is a common understanding of the blueprint for NLA,and its importance for maximizing ROI

108、 from 5G investments.In fact,the most commonly cited priority for unblocking the maximization of 5G ROI was establishing a common platform for automating between planning,deployment and operations systems(which is actually an excellent single-sentence summary of how NLA would be enabled by software)

109、.In this section we illustrate the value of NLA to the industry by looking at two of Infovistas outcomes-based solutions available,and used,today but some of the largest and most advanced CSPs in the world:Smart CAPEX and 360 Assurance.We describe how these solutions are aligned to the NLA vision an

110、d blueprint described in this report,and we offer a definition of NLA when fulfilled by a single,platform-based,modular and cloud-native software solution.Infovista Smart CAPEX:An NLA approach to ROI optimizationSmart CAPEX was a clear winner in the survey results as a powerful NLA use case to addre

111、ss the pressures CSPs face today in accelerating,densifying,expanding and optimizing mobile network roll-outs.This is no surprise,given the exponentially greater configurability and form-factor options of modern RAN architectures.The value of NLA examples of smart capex and 360 assuranceAdditional f

112、eature24inform.tmforum.orgIn a sentence,the traditional approach to designing and configuring mobile networks is quickly becoming unfit for purpose,creating an urgent need for a new,systematic alternative that enables data-driven CAPEX allocation decision-making optimized for ROI.The solution is a p

113、erfect showcase for Network Lifecycle Automation,and we announced it in February 2022:Infovista Smart CAPEX.Ed Finegold,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumIan Kemp,Managing Editor,TM ForumAnnie Turner,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumEditors:Author:Sponsored by:Bringing value to a networkUsersBenefitsKey Feat

114、uresCMO and marketing teamsCTO and network design and operationsOptimized network CAPEX ROIProactive churn avoidancePrediction of future business impacting network issues and TCO/ROI impactRapid,systematic what-if scenario simulation based on Digital Twin modelSmart CAPEXGeospatial visualization com

115、bining business and network metricsNetwork digital twin model-driven visualization and predictionBusiness metrics prediction i.e.revenue,churn,ROI and TCOAutomated cell planning optimized for business outcomes i.e.TCO and ROIHeatmap-based geospatial visualization of changes in business and network K

116、PIs over timeEngineering teamsAdditional feature25inform.tmforum.orgThe value of NLA examples of smart capex and 360 assuranceEd Finegold,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumIan Kemp,Managing Editor,TM ForumAnnie Turner,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumEditors:Author:Sponsored by:Our Smart CAPEX solution enabl

117、es customers to accelerate their mobile network roll-outs,avoid unnecessary CAPEX spend(with a blend of optimize-first and intelligent scheduling and prioritization),and capture more potential revenue opportunities.In this section we describe the key features of the solution,and how it illustrates t

118、he value of NLA.Combining data across lifecycle phases and automating analysis to optimize CAPEX for business outcomesCore to Smart CAPEX is that it supports a holistic approach to network planning,taking into account the impact of network performance on revenue,by projecting what we know about how

119、different customer segments respond to changes in QoE into the future.To do this accurately and repeatably requires three key capabilities:A network digital twin,a powerful scenario modelling engine,and a rich geospatial visualization interface.Creating a network digital twinThe first step in Smart

120、CAPEX is to create a network digital twin that combines business and network data,that can be used to discover relationships between network conditions and business metrics.In any business scenario,there are multiple factors that influence customer behavior.Quality of service is certainly one of the

121、 most important among these,but other factors like pricing and demographics are also influential.So immediately,there are two reasons why an NLA approach to CAPEX allocation is crucial.First is internal:the need to incorporate operational insights that would usually be limited to service assurance,i

122、nto the planning process.Second is external:the need to incorporate business data typically used for BSS processes and systems,like billing and CRM.Additional feature26inform.tmforum.orgSo,the network digital twin is not purely a facsimile of network data like cell locations,configurations and cover

123、age;it also incorporates business data like QoS and pricing.Combining these factors allows us to systematically and accurately identify the relationships between network conditions(coverage,throughput,reliability),operational conditions(QoE)and business metrics(revenue,churn,net subscriber adds).Thi

124、s in turn allows us to more accurately project how changes in these network conditions will influence these business metrics in the future.The value of NLA examples of smart capex and 360 assuranceIt would be infeasible to conduct this level of calculation and analysis on a regular basis without aut

125、omating the data collection,cleansing,modelling and analysis.Understandably though,its exactly this kind of input around sensitivity and probability that gives budget owners and decision makers the confidence they need to approve network investment proposals.So inevitably,network planning today is a

126、 lengthy,expensive process,leading to delays in roll-outs.By systematically automating the projection of business outcomes resulting from network expansion and densification,Smart CAPEX therefore reduces TTM for network roll-outs,reduces the cost of planning overall,improves the cost-efficiency of r

127、esource deployment,and improves the timeliness of capacity expansion(and therefore the avoidance of resource under-utilization).Visualizing ROI on a heatmap,and scheduling deploymentBy the time the what-if scenario analysis is done,most of the compute-intensive work is complete.However for this to b

128、e useful in the decision-making process,its necessary to do two things.First,summarization and visualization:providing a heatmap view of projected network conditions and business outcomes under different investment scenarios.Second:ROI projection and scheduling:Associating network TCO to each invest

129、ment scenario(which is a combination of CAPEX and OPEX)and producing the associated roll-out schedule that the CSP can use to resource the roll-out.Ed Finegold,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumIan Kemp,Managing Editor,TM ForumAnnie Turner,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumEditors:Author:Sponsored by:Figure 1

130、 An example of a QoE heatmap showing current QoE(l),and predicted future QoE(r)Conducting automated what-if scenario analysisWhat-if scenario analysis applies a range of assumptions to our digital twin model.It calculates the projected business outcomes for every combination of assumptions,therefore

131、 allowing the user to visualize the sensitivity of the projected outcomes to variations in certain inputs.So,if you want to visualize how important network reliability is likely to be to customer churn in each region,you can.Here is a third reason why Smart CAPEX is an excellent example of an NLA us

132、e-case.Network planning today is inevitably a lengthy,expensive process leading to delays in roll-outs.Additional feature27inform.tmforum.orgThe value of NLA examples of smart capex and 360 assuranceEd Finegold,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumIan Kemp,Managing Editor,TM ForumAnnie Turner,Contributing A

133、nalyst,TM ForumEditors:Author:Sponsored by:of assurance domain silos in a single platform,which enables cross-domain correlation of insights.Second,the introduction of automation,through workflow automation(for root-cause analysis),and automated remediation(for closed loop network healing).360 assur

134、ance from a single application suiteBy combining service assurance insights like customer experience,network performance,configuration and application performance,together with a common underlying automation engine that supports workflow,analytics,and orchestrator automation,our 360 Assurance soluti

135、ons provide a number of unique capabilities to our customers,which are made possible by the architectural principles that we applied when we designed and built Infovista Ativa,and that are closely aligned to NLA:Figure 2 An example of a potential revenue heatmapThe outcome of this is a projection of

136、 ROI,offsetting projected cost against revenue,which then delivers certain key metrics for the decision-making process like break-even point and NPV.Infovista 360 Assurance Solutions:An NLA approach to customer experience optimizationInfovistas 360 Assurance family of solutions,announced in February

137、 2022,provides a broad set of network and service management stakeholders and users within network operators with specific,outcomes-based and pre-integrated capabilities,each designed to support the automation of continuous monitoring,analysis,end-to-end troubleshooting,root-cause identification,res

138、olution and validation for a specific category of service.In this case,the principles of Network Lifecycle Automation(NLA)are applied in two ways.First,the combination Figure 3 360 Assurance:top-down and bottom-up analysis with automated workflowsAdditional feature28inform.tmforum.orgThe value of NL

139、A examples of smart capex and 360 assuranceEd Finegold,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumIan Kemp,Managing Editor,TM ForumAnnie Turner,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumEditors:Author:Sponsored by:Comprehensive domain coverage:The solutions bring together traditional silos across performance management,servic

140、e quality management,customer experience management,active testing,advanced analytics and network and service orchestration into a common framework,allowing for seamless correlation from the customer experience to the infrastructure layers,from the access to the core network domains.Detailed geospat

141、ial visualization:The solutions share a common user interface framework,with rich geospatial views that provide at-a-glance visibility of the variability of QoE across regions,with the ability to drill down into specific locations,including the locations of specific enterprise branches or consumer u

142、ser equipment(UEs).Comprehensive geographic coverage:The solutions,based on a cloud-native,by design,platform architecture,can efficiently monitor and assure networks and services from a local to a national and even multinational scale,as well as supporting distributed use cases involving services d

143、elivered at the edge,including those that involve Control and User Plane Separation(CUPS).Rapid solution onboarding and value realization:Designed to align with,and enable,specific business processes,the 360 Assurance family of solutions are use-case centric,with pre-configured KPIs,reports,dashboar

144、ds,workflows and alarms.Vendor-neutral:As an independent software vendor,Infovista 360 Assurance solutions are designed to provide comprehensive and impartial insight into the performance of any network equipment on an equivalency basis.This becomes increasingly important as the vendor landscape evo

145、lves with the arrival of new open technologies that enable new entrants to join the market.What makes an NLA solution?Infovistas perspective,as an independent software vendor(ISV),is that NLA encompasses systems from three high level phases:Network Planning&Optimization(NPO);Testing&Deployment;and A

146、utomated Assurance&Operations.For any software solution to be defined as an NLA solution,it must incorporate automation and at least one of the three characteristics described below(essentially,the incorporation of capabilities from multiple applications,either within one or across multiple phases o

147、f the network lifecycle).Additional feature29inform.tmforum.orgAbout InfovistaInfovista is the global leader in network lifecycle automation(NLA)for the next-gen networks era.With its unique NLA approach,Infovista allows communications service providers(CSPs)and enterprises to improve their network

148、performance and customer experience,optimize their productivity,and reduce their costs,while maximizing return on their investments.Spanning the entire network lifecycle,Infovistas products and solutions leverage an open,integrated,cloud native portfolio that automates tasks,flows,analytics,and deci

149、sions to the greatest extent possible.More than 1,700 customers,including 400 Mobile Network Operators,around the world rely on Infovista to plan,design,deploy,test,operate,support,optimize,evolve,report on and monetize their networks The value of NLA examples of smart capex and 360 assuranceEd Fine

150、gold,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumIan Kemp,Managing Editor,TM ForumAnnie Turner,Contributing Analyst,TM ForumEditors:Author:Sponsored by:Smart CAPEX and 360 Assurance are examples of use cases that meet the definition of NLA,and that illustrate the value that could be derived from acquiring capabili

151、ties that align to the blueprint of NLA.Since Infovista embarked on its journey to integrate its product lines into a single cloud-native platform architecture,our guiding principle has remained the same.We aim to provide CSPs around the world with end-to-end solutions that extract value from our un

152、ique breadth of functional coverage(our leading Planet,TEMS and Ativa product lines that cover the planning,deployment and operations domains).This survey clearly illustrates that this is a vision shared with the CSP community too,encapsulated by the NLA blueprint described in this report.Find out m

153、ore about our unique offerings,like Smart CAPEX and 360 Assurance.Visit our website at and book your meeting to discover our latest solutions and product innovations.tm forum open digital framework30inform.tmforum.orgThe TM Forum Open Digital Framework provides a migration path from legacy IT system

154、s and processes to modular,cloud native software orchestrated using AI.The framework comprises tools,code,knowledge and standards(machine-readable assets,not just documents).It is delivering business value for TM Forum members today,accelerating concept-to-cash,eliminating IT and network costs,and e

155、nhancing digital customer experience.Developed by TM Forum members through our Collaboration Community and Catalyst proofs of concept and building on TM Forums established standards,the Open Digital Framework is being used by leading service providers and software companies worldwide.Core elements o

156、f the Open Digital FrameworkThe framework comprises TM Forums Open Digital Architecture(ODA),together with tools,models and data that guide the transformation to ODA from legacy IT systems and operations.Open Digital Architecture Architecture framework,common language and design principles Open APIs

157、 exposing business services Standardized software components Reference implementation and test environmentTransformation tools Guides to navigate digital transformation Tools to support the migration from legacy architecture to ODAMaturity tools&data Maturity models and readiness checks to baseline

158、digital capabilities Data for benchmarking progress and training AIGoals of the Open Digital FrameworkThe Open Digital Framework aims to transform business agility(accelerating concept-to-cash from 18 months to 18 days),enable simpler IT solutions that are easier and cheaper to deploy,integrate and

159、upgrade,and to establish a standardized software model and market which benefits all parties(service providers,vendors and systems integrators).A blueprint for intelligent operations fit for the 5G eraLearn more about collaborationIf you would like to learn more about the project or how to get invol

160、ved in the TM Forum Collaboration Community,please contact George Glass.31inform.tmforum.orgtm forum research reports32inform.tmforum.orgAuthor:Dean Ramsay,Principal AnalystEditor:Joanne Taaffe,Editor in Chief,InformJune 2021|www.tmforum.orgSeptember 2021|www.tmforum.orgAuthor:Dean Ramsay,Principal

161、AnalystEditor:Joanne Taaffe,Editor in Chief,InformAuthor:Dean Ramsay,Principal AnalystEditor:Dawn Bushaus,Managing EditorAugust 2021|www.tmforum.org33inform.tmforum.orgmappinga path totelco revenueBENCHMARKimprovingin autonomousnetworksAuthor:Dana A.Cooperson,Contributing Analyst Editor:Ian Kemp,Man

162、aging Editor March 2022 inform.tmforum.orgSPONSORED BY:February 2022|www.tmforum.orgAuthor:Dean Ramsay,Principal AnalystEditor:Ian Kemp,Managing Editorsponsored by:next generationCEMnow!BENCHMARKSPONSORED BY:SUPPORTED BY:Authors:Mark Newman,Chief Analyst Dean Ramsay,Principal AnalystEditor:Ian Kemp,

163、Managing EditorMay 2022 inform.tmforum.orgThe search for value intensifiesJune 2022|www.tmforum.orgDigitalTransformationTracker6Author Mark Newman,Chief AnalystEditor Ian Kemp,Managing EditorSponsored byREPORTNext-generation telcoREPORT COVERCALL TO ACTIONAuthors and editors:xxxxxxknowledgeREPORTSpo

164、nsored by:for integrationsetting new standardsDIGITAL ECOSYSTEMSImage used on tileReport CoverKey WordsBridging boundaries with common standardsWorking together Handing over common standards to each otherLogistics chainsCooperationJune 2022|www.tmforum.orgAuthor:Dr.Mark H.Mortensen,Contributing Anal

165、ystEditor:Dawn Bushaus,Contributing EditorDIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS setting new standards for integrationsponsored by:on theedgeREPORTMEC:operatorsAuthors:Sponsored by:Rob van den Dam,Contributing AnalystAnne Morris,Contributing AnalystEditor:Ian Kemp,Managing EditorJune 2022|inform.tmforum.orgREPORTSponso

166、red by:Author:Annie TurnerEditor:Dawn BushausISBN:978-1-955998-27-7can telcos the into the future:August 2022|www.tmforum.orgAuthors:Annie Turner,Contributing AnalystDean Ramsay,Principal AnalystEditors:Ian Kemp,Managing Editor Dawn Bushaus,Contributing EditorREPORTAuthors:Sponsored by:Dean Ramsay(P

167、rincipal Analyst)Editor:Ian KempISBN:000 from toautonomous networks:August 2022|www.tmforum.orgAuthor:Dean Ramsay,Principal AnalystEditor:Ian Kemp,Managing Editorsponsored by:August 2022|www.tmforum.orgAuthor:Ed Finegold,Contributing AnalystEditor:Dawn Bushaus,Contributing Editorsponsored by:meet th

168、e research&media team34inform.tmforum.orgPublished by:TM Forum 4 Century Drive,Parsippany,NJ 07054 USAwww.tmforum.orgPhone:+1 973-944-5100 Fax:+1 973-944-5110ISBN:978-1-955998-35-2Report Design:Paul Martin 2022.The entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright.All rights reserved.Th

169、e Forum would like to thank the sponsors and advertisers who have enabled the publication of this fully independently researched report.The views and opinions expressed by individual authors and contributors in this publication are provided in the writers personal capacities and are their sole respo

170、nsibility.Their publication does not imply that they represent the views or opinions of TM Forum and must neither be regarded as constituting advice on any matter whatsoever,nor be interpreted as such.The reproduction of advertisements and sponsored features in this publication does not in any way i

171、mply endorsement by TM Forum of products or services referred to therein.Meet the Research&Media team35inform.tmforum.orgReport Author:Ed Finegold Contributing AnalystReport Editor:Ian Kemp Managing Editor ikemptmforum.orgChief Analyst:Mark Newman mnewmantmforum.org Customer Success&Operations Manag

172、er:Ali Groves agrovestmforum.orgDigital Marketing Manager:Anna Kurmanbaeva akurmanbaevatmforum.org Sponsor Success Manager:Maryssa Ramsey mramseytmforum.orgEditor in Chief,Inform:Joanne Taaffe jtaaffetmforum.org Digital Media&Events Coordinator:Ellie Hsu ehsutmforum.org Commercial Manager,Research&Media:Tim Edwards tedwardstmforum.org Global Account Director:Carine Vandevelde cvandeveldetmforum.orgFor more information about network lifecycle automation and closed-loop automation please contact George Glass



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