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1、1Women in Business Report 2022WOMEN IN BUSINESSREPORT2022 CMYCMMYCYCMYKdiersity.pdf 1 2022/11/16 19:4322022 by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China,all rights reserved.This position paper may not be reproduced either in part or in full without prior written consent of the European Union C

2、hamber of Commerce in China.Cover image Harry Zhang,European Union Chamber of Commerce in China,all rights reserved.The information contained herein is based on input and analysis from August 2022 to November 2022.The information is provided for informational purposes only,and should not be construe

3、d as business or legal advice on any specific facts or circumstances.No users of this position paper should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included,without seeking appropriate professional advice.The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China does not assume any legal liabil

4、ity or responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the position paper.Survey Participants1Women in Business Report 2022BackgroundTo provide an overview of the progress some of the largest European companies operating in China have made in promoting gender diversit

5、y in leadership roles,as well as in their general workforce,the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China(European Chamber)invited members of its Advisory Council to participate in a survey(22 respondents)and interviews(five interviewees).The survey and interviews were primarily conducted between

6、August and November 2022.The findings are not meant to represent the whole of European business in China,but instead offer a sample of the current practices in place as well as the challenges companies face in their efforts to promote gender diversity in the workplace.This report builds on the frame

7、work of the European Round Table for Industrys(ERT)2022 report Women in Leadership Positions,and lists figures related to womens share in the workforce as well as voluntary targets set by companies to promote gender diversity,highlighting their commitment to further progress.IntroductionIn addition

8、to their state-of-the-art products and services,European companies also bring their company cultures to China when setting up operations.As part of their efforts to promote diversity and inclusion(D&I)at the workplace,many European businesses have already set up D&I teams,created various initiatives

9、 and implemented relevant in-house policies both in their global operations and at the local level.Increasing the share of women in business is an important facet of diversity and inclusion efforts,and one where European companies are especially well-placed to foster progress in China.Policies and i

10、nitiativesAt the most fundamental level,respondents put a special emphasis on communication as part of their promotion of gender diversity in the workplace.The language they use reflects their commitment to inclusion,and they regularly engage in positive messaging about gender diversity.For example,

11、a member reported that in their job postings for areas where men are overrepresented,they use a tone and vocabulary that may better resonate with female applicants.Furthermore,some members have run both in-house and external communication campaigns to raise awareness about factors like unconscious b

12、ias that can impede efforts to increase womens share of the workforce if left unaddressed.At a more tangible level,businesses set targets for increasing female representation.During an interview,one member company pointed out that specific targets are helpful because they can give a clear indication

13、 of how fruitful efforts at diversifying the workforce have been,as well as on the areas that are more challenging.Such targets,which some European Chamber members share in this report,also clearly indicate companies intentions to increase the role women play in business.To ensure that their targets

14、 can be reached,several member companies reported having quotas in place throughout the hiring process.One company reported that it relies on a set replacement rate to calculate how many women should join their staff once a female employee departs.Another company shared that it had a minimum quota f

15、or the percentage of women in leadership positions across all company functions.Another key action taken by companies against gender imbalance is putting policies in place to ensure equal pay.One member reported that its annual salary review includes several dimensions for checking if there is a sal

16、ary gap between genders.The company also has a special budget for eliminating any salary gap identified.2Women in Business Report 2022Challenges and solutionsAccording to members accounts,increasing female representation remains a challenge in some sectors.This is in line with the global picture.A s

17、urvey by the World Economic Forum(WEF)shows that the share of women in the workforce varies greatly across business sectors.1 According to the surveys findings,womens participation in job categories such as installation and maintenance,construction and extraction,architecture and engineering,and man

18、ufacturing and production are relatively low.Some European Chamber members with business activities in these areas described similar trends,while pointing out that other areas,such as financial services and administration,are often dominated by women.The WEF survey supports this observation,showing

19、female representation to be highest in office and administrative jobs,and business and financial operations,among other areas.Some member companies have partnered with educational institutions to attract female talent to career paths where they are currently underrepresented.These initiatives for yo

20、ung female talent include events as well as courses for students at secondary-school-level and up.One of the goals mentioned by a member in connection with initiatives focussing on young talent is empowering girls by creating awareness of gender stereotyping.The idea behind such programmes is that y

21、oung women will be more confident in the face of discouragement if they can identify that it is stemming from gender bias.Another way companies encourage young women to choose certain fields is presenting them with female role models who can share their own experience in the given field.One company

22、also mentioned efforts at dispelling outdated perceptions about certain fields:for example,while manufacturing is a work area frequently thought of as labour-intensive,due to technical advances and increased automation in recent decades,jobs in the manufacturing sector have largely shifted to being

23、focus-intensive,which requires a different set of skills.When discussing the question of womens share in leadership,some members highlighted that increasing the number of female business leaders can be challenging when women are underrepresented along the talent pipeline.One member reported that the

24、ir method of mitigating this challenge is to put effort into identifying the problems their female employees encounter in their career paths.Through targeted internal workshops that provide a platform for women to share their experiences and exchange their views,female members of staff can help thei

25、r company to find ways in which the difficulties they face can be addressed.One example given by a member for the issues predominantly affecting female employees in China was the way COVID-19-related measures can disrupt their work.As women are generally considered to be the primary caregivers in th

26、e Chinese family setting,when schools or kindergartens switch to online classesoften without prior noticeit is frequently the working mothers that have to stay at home with their children.Addressing this issue requires flexibility as well as targeted planning from the workplace.Another way one membe

27、r company is trying to help women move ahead in their careers is by encouraging all employees to apply for open internal positions rather than waiting for a promotion.This policy empowers all employees to take control of their own careers,and helps to dispel the lingering effects of gender bias.Cros

28、s-industry Mentor Initiative(CIMI)The European Chamber also actively takes part in promoting gender diversity among top leadership within its member companies.First launched in late 2019,the Chambers Cross-industry Mentor Initiative(CIMI)has already concluded three cycles,all focussed on improving f

29、emale representation at the highest corporate level.The programme partners mid-to senior-level managers in China with C-suite leaders of European businesses in China,who help to impart the additional skills and knowledge required for managers to take the next step in their careers.Each cycle of the

30、CIMI consists of a part-time course lasting approximately six months.1The Industry Gender Gap:Women and Work in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,World Economic Forum,January 2016,p.5,viewed 11th November 2022,3Women in Business Report 2022Target:Increase the share of women in leadership positions to

31、 30 per cent by 2030.All companies are listed alphabeticallyFigures and targetsPercentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChinaDec 2013Dec 2021Dec 2013Dec 2021Dec 2013Dec 2021Dec 2021Share of women in total workforce23.8%24.5%23.9%24.9%24.5%26.1%26.9%Share of women in leadership positions18.5%25.6%

32、28.5%4Women in Business Report 2022Target:Increase female representation at global management levels to 40 per cent by 2025.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChinaDec 2020Dec 2022Dec 2020Dec 2022Dec 2020Dec 2022Dec 2020Dec 2022Share of women in total workforce55.1%54.8%52.6%52.4%66.6%67.9%

33、Share of women in leadership positions36%37%31.9%33.2%59.8%60%Share of leadership positions in the total workforce22.6%21.7%5Women in Business Report 2022Targets:Achieve and sustain a diverse,open,collaborative and inclusive environment that ensures that every employee feels valued,supported and res

34、pected,and receives fair treatment.Reach a certain share of female leaders within our senior executive management levels with compliant and continuous monitoring and steering mechanisms.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina2019Jul 20222019Jul 20222019Jul 20222019Jul 2022Share of women in

35、 total workforce47%47%50%50%48%49%52%53%Share of women in leadership positions30%33%35%38%36%39%45%49%Share of leadership positions in total workforce14%15%16%17%16%Boehringer Ingelheim honours the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,where we work to reduce inequalities overall(with focus o

36、n SDG 5 to reduce gender inequality)and strengthen diversity and belonging in our company.We have integration of gender inclusion within our HR human resources practices,systems and processes to manage bias and have no toleration for discrimination.”6Women in Business Report 2022Targets:Achieve gend

37、er parity for the top levels of leadership(top 120 roles)by 2025.Achieve parity for all executive-level employees(group leaders)by 2030.Reach 40 per cent female representation(senior-level leaders)for the next layer of senior leadership by 2030.Take more steps towards attracting women graduates.Perc

38、entage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina20222022Dec 2019Dec 20212022Share of women in total workforce38%39%Share of women in leadership positionsGroup leaders25%32%Senior-level leaders26%29%First-level leaders and below39%40%7Women in Business Report 2022Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorld

39、wideChina2002220022Share of women in total workforce40%41%46%Share of women in leadership positions(director and above)18%28%17%31%Share of leadership positions(director and above)in total workforce0.8%1.5%0.8%1.6%Share of women in leadership positions(salaried)28%33%29%35%Shar

40、e of leadership positions(salaried)in total workforce27%20%14%19%Targets:Women represent half of the worlds population;however,women remain underrepresented in the global workforce.At Bud APAC,we recognise that we have a vital role to play in leading the way that we shape the culture of an inclusive

41、 workplace where everyone is valued.I am honoured to have signed the UN Womens Empowerment Principles because at Bud APAC,we are committed to womens empowerment that fosters an inclusive workplace.”Jan Craps,Chief Executive Officer(CEO)and Co-chair,Budweiser Brewing Company APAC 8Women in Business R

42、eport 2022I am glad to see what we do at Covestro makes us renown in leading the DEI diversity,equality and inclusion topic in China,with the adoption of the following pragmatic approaches:Cultivate the seedlings of DEI culture by extensive promotion;Nurture the ecosystem to enable and support femal

43、e career growth in the organisation;Extend best practices to communities.”Holly Lei,President,Covestro ChinaTarget:Increase the proportion of women in the total workforce to 40 per cent by 2029.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina2002220172022Dec 2021Oct 2022Share of women in

44、 total workforce32%32%Share of women in leadership positions39%38%Share of leadership positions in total workforce1%1%9Women in Business Report 2022Target:Increase the share of women in leadership positions worldwide to 35 per cent by 2025.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina20202022202

45、020222020202220202022Share of women in total workforce70.1%71.4%Share of women in leadership positions57.9%61.4%Share of leadership positions in total workforce31.9%29.8%10Women in Business Report 2022Eni is proud to work,through outreach and educational activities,on recogising the so called Uncons

46、cious Bias,the cognitive interferences which often adversely affect our ability to make complete and reliable assessments to overcomedifferencesamongwomenandmen.Onlybyintegratingagender-sensitive perspective into all our activities can we take advantage of all the opportunitiestomakeadifferenceinthe

47、workplaceandthelocalcommunity.Ourpeoplesskillsarethemosteffectiveleverforequalityandinclusion.”Gianni Di Giovanni,Chair,ENI China BV,and Executive Vice President(EVP),Eni China Representative OfficeTarget:Increase the share of women in total workforce by about three percentage points by 2030 compare

48、d to 2021.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina2002220022Share of women in total workforce21.9%25.2%24.2%26.7%22.5%26.2%38%49%Share of women in leadership positionsManagement Level25.9%30.6%25.8%30.5%23.3%28.5%20%24%Senior Management Level14.7%18.9%14.1%17.8%13.2%16

49、.7%8%12%Share of leadership positions in total workforceMiddle Management Level27.1%31.3%24.7%30.5%24.2%28.6%Senior Management Level3.6%3.7%3.4%3.5%3.0%3.0%11Women in Business Report 2022In view of demographic developments and a predicted shortage of skilled workers,particularly in technical occupat

50、ions,it is important for Knorr-Bremse to attract more highly-trained and qualified women.Knorr-Bremse exceeds the industry average for female representation,but there is still potential for improvement.Knorr-Bremse has been running vocational training projects every year to help participants gain in

51、sight into their own career paths by providing vocational training.”Targets:Ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and high-quality technical,vocational and tertiary education(including higher education)by 2030.Substantially increase the number of young and adult women with relevant

52、 skills(including technical and vocational skills)for employment and entrepreneurship by 2030.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina2022220222Share of women in total workforce20.2%22%20.2%18%Share of women in leadership positions15%15%14%12%Share of leadership positi

53、ons in total workforce20%20%11%11%12Women in Business Report 2022Target:Increase female representation at global management levels to 40 per cent by 2025.Note:Numbers only reflect office-based employees.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChinaQ4 2019 Q3 2022 Q4 2019 Q3 2022 Q4 2019 Q3 2022

54、Q4 2019 Q3 2022Share of women in total workforce27%26%38%41%43%46%43%44%Share of women in leadership positions25%24%30%31%32%33%34%35%Share of leadership positions in total workforce73%73%38%40%24%26%13%13%13Women in Business Report 2022Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChinaOct 2020Oct 20

55、22Oct 2020Oct 2022Oct 2020Oct 2022Oct 2020Oct 2022Share of women in total workforce38%38%44%45%43%43%51%52%Share of women in leadership positions33%35%33%36%35%38%40%47%Share of leadership positions in total workforce11%12%8%9%6%7%3%3%Targets:Increase women in leadership to reach gender parity by 20

56、30.14Women in Business Report 2022Targets:Increase the share of women in leadership positions to no less than 40 per cent in China by 2030.Increase the share of women in junior&senior positions worldwide to 35 per cent for Michelin Group by 2030.With“all sustainable”approach and with the deployment

57、of Diversity and Inclusion Management Indicator(IMDI),to promote equal opportunity and build Diversity&Inclusion mindset.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina2022220222Share of women in total workforce19.2%19.4%Share of women in leadership positions35.3%38.9%Share o

58、f leadership positions in total workforce0.3%0.3%InMichelin,diversityhasbeendefinedasoneofourstrategicmissionsandwehavesetcleartargetsby2030.Webelievethatadiversifiedteamisthefoundationofhighqualitycollectiveintelligencewhichiscritical in this VUCA environment.Feminization is one key element in dive

59、rsity.”Matthew Ye,President and CEO of Michelin China,Senior Vice President of Michelin Group15Women in Business Report 2022Target:Hire at least a 26 per cent share of women in our global external recruits in 2022.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina2002220022Share

60、 of women in total workforce23.2%20.6%20.2%21.1%21.9%22.5%34%35%Share of women in leadership positions22.5%23.3%15.5%17.2%15.2%15.9%24%24%Share of women on executive management board13%27%Share of leadership positions in total workforce7.0%6.5%4.2%5.0%3.1%4.1%Inclusion and diversity sit at the heart

61、 of Nokias value creation.The Greater China Women Forum programme build the platform to support our female talent growing,blooming”Markus Borchert,CEO of Nokia Shanghai Bell and President of Nokia Greater China16Women in Business Report 2022Targets:Continue to develop Zymers into a thriving,diverse

62、and inclusive community.Achieve gender balance globally by 2030(min.45 per cent women and 45 per cent men across all professionals and senior leadership)Percentage/RegionHome countryWorldwideChina2020Aug 20222020Aug 20222020Aug 2022Share of women in total workforce41%42%38%39%35%36%Share of women in

63、 leadership positions41%43%38%40%45%48%Share of women in senior leadership positions35%37%32%34%61%61%Share of leadership positions in total workforce12.5%13.5%Ourtargetisincrediblyambitiousandbuildsontheprogresswehaveachieved over the past decade.Reaching the target will require a continued and sus

64、tained focus,therefore gender diversity targets are reviewed quarterly and annually on global,functional and regional perspectives.Diversity,of course,has more dimensions to it than gender,and we encourage regions to definerepresentationprogrammesbasedonlocaldemographics.”17Women in Business Report

65、2022Targets:Increase the share of women in senior leadership positions to 30 per cent.Promote inclusion and diversity to foster a healthy and productive working environment.Develop women leadership to attract,grow and retain female talents,especially in business and in technology.Connect&Care:1)conn

66、ect women across businesses,functions and regions;2)care for colleagues,customers and organisation.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina2002220022Share of women in total workforce29.10%32.03%32.70%35.61%34.95%40.16%36%35%Share of women in leadership positions17.50%2

67、7.74%16.43%26.75%15.90%28.44%28%28%Share of leadership positions in total workforce5.57%5.39%0.50%3.22%1.75%1.76%At Philips,we believe a diverse workforce and an inclusive work environment are essential for a thriving,purpose-led innovative business.We can better understand our customers and better

68、identify their needs when we have a diverse workforce that mirrors our worldwide customer base.The Greater China Women Leadership Council is an employee resource group founded in July 2021 with the ambition of becoming the role model in promoting a culture of inclusion and diversity at Philips,and m

69、aking a real impact in attracting,growing and retaining female talents to foster a productive and innovative work environment.”18Women in Business Report 2022Targets:Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina20202022202020222020202220202022Share of women in total workforce45%59%Share of women

70、 in leadership positions10%16%Share of leadership positions in total workforce12%14%19Women in Business Report 2022Targets:Achieve gender balance of 50 per cent in senior leadership and 40 per cent of women in our executive teams by 2025.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina2019Jun 20222

71、019Jun 20222019Jun 20222019Jun 2022Share of women in total workforce49.8%51%48.2%50.4%46.2%48.5%55.5%56.4%Share of women in leadership positions47.3%48.5%44.8%46.8%44.3%47.3%57.5%59.0%Share of leadership positions in total workforce11.3%14%9.2%11%8.5%10.6%4.0%4.9%In Sanofi,we have Gender+community t

72、o provide career development,visibility and advocacy for women at all professional levels.Driving diversity,equity and inclusion for all Gender creating asustainableandcompetitiveadvantageforSanofi.“Grace GU,CFO,Sanofi Greater China,Core Team Member,Sanofi Global ERG Gender+20Women in Business Repor

73、t 2022Target:Increase the share of women in management positions globally to 30 per cent by the end of 2022.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChinaDec 2013Dec 2021Dec 2013Dec 2021Dec 2013Dec 2021Dec 2013Dec 2021Share of women in total workforce30.3%34.3%36.5%41.4%Share of women in leadersh

74、ip positions19.8%28.3%28.4%35.6%Share of leadership positions in total workforce9.4%9.7%Diversity of human beings is an expansive concept making each of us unique.Wewanttoforgeaheadinreflectingsocietysdiversitywithinourworkplace.We aim for creating equity in the workplace,creating programmes that se

75、rve everyone from an inclusion standpoint,and understanding the gaps we might have from a marketplace diversity standpoint.”“A diverse workforce at SAP that reflects the diversity of society helps us to innovate in alignment with the needs of the community.Gender equality is an essential part of our

76、 organisations ability to innovate as well as retain and attract top-level talent.We are proud of our continued commitment to foster a gender equal workplace and encourage other organizations to follow.”Clas Neumann,Senior Vice President,Head of Global SAP Labs Network;Guest Professor of Tongji Univ

77、ersity;and Adjunct Professor,School of Economics and Management,Dalian University of Technology21Women in Business Report 2022Target:Increase the share of women in top management positions to 30 per cent by 2025.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChinaSep 2020Sep 2021Sep 2020Sep 2021Sep 202

78、0Sep 2021Sep 2020Sep 2021Share of women in total workforce25%25%26%26%26%27%34%35%Share of women in leadership positions13.8%15%17%18%18.4%19.6%27.6%29.4%Share of leadership positions in total workforce9%10%9%10%9%10%8%9%A diverse team is much more powerful and I believe women have so much untapped

79、potential.It is our loss if we dont fully leverage their competence and skill sets.”Dr.Xiao Song Global EVP,President and CEO,Siemens Greater China;Chair,President and CEO,Siemens Ltd,ChinaIn Siemens China,we strive to leverage female strengths,e.g.,soft skills in empathy,resilience all essentials f

80、or leading an adaptive organisation.”Mr.Lin Bin EVP,Siemens Ltd,China;General Manager of Smart Infrastructure,Siemens Greater China;DEI Ambassador,Siemens China22Women in Business Report 2022Target:Increase the share of women on the Strategic Committee,the Executive Committee and in key positions wi

81、thin the Group globally to at least 30 per cent by 2023.Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChinaDec 2020Jun 2022Dec 2020Jun 2022Dec 2020Jun 2022Dec 2020Jun 2022Share of women in total workforce51.4%51.2%42.7%46.7%52.9%50.3%70.3%68.9%Share of women in leadership positions24.2%23.5%18.8%21.0%

82、19.2%21.0%44.4%37.5%Share of leadership positions in total workforce0.68%0.65%0.65%0.76%0.75%0.85%3.18%3.15%Whenwefocusonfindingtheverybestpeoplearoundus,wefollowanaturalpath to a high level of diversity.By detecting talent based on achievement,we open up the way for creativity to flourish through e

83、xchanges between individuals from different backgrounds,genders and cultures.This model leads to the most success.”Hugues De-La-Marnierre,CEO and Group Country Head,China23Women in Business Report 2022Targets:Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChinaDec 2021Jun 2022Dec 2021Jun 2022Dec 2021Ju

84、n 2022Dec 2021Jun 2022Share of women in total workforce14.1%14.2%15.4%15.9%16.1%16.7%17.6%18.2%Share of women in leadership positions13.2%12.7%12.5%12.5%26.4%24Women in Business Report 2022Target:Increase the proportion of women to at least 30 per cent at all levels of management by 2025.Diversity i

85、n our talents and management is a decisive factor in our competitiveness,attractiveness,acceptability and our capacity to innovate.”William Zhao,Country Chair,TotalEnergies China Percentage/RegionHome countryEuropeWorldwideChina20022201220222014Nov 2022Share of women in total workforce30.

86、0%35.8%36%42%2002220022Share of women in leadership positions12.0%19.9%26.9%25BeijingTel:+86(10)6462 2066Fax:+86(10)6462 2067Email:NanjingTel:+86(25)8362 7330Fax:+86(25)8362 7332Email:ShanghaiTel:+86(21)6385 2023Fax:+86(21)6385 2381Email:ShenyangTel:+86(24)3198 4229Fax:+86(24)3

87、198 4229Email:South China-GuangzhouTel:+86(20)3801 0269Fax:+86(20)3801 0275Email:South China-ShenzhenTel:+86(755)8632 9114Fax:+86(755)8632 9785Email:Southwest-ChengduTel:+86(28)8527 6517Fax:+86(28)8527 6517Email:Southwest-ChongqingTel:+86(23)6308 5669Fax:+86(23)6308 5669Email:TianjinTel:+86(22)5830 7608Fax:+86(22)5830 7608Email:



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