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TechStrong Research:远程工作和软件开发的未来(2020)(英文版)(14页).pdf

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TechStrong Research:远程工作和软件开发的未来(2020)(英文版)(14页).pdf



3、ISSIONED BY2THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTCOMMISSIONED BY3THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTO Executive SummaryBUSINESSES WORLDWIDE have been severely impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic,forcing them to rethink how employees can perform their everyday duties

4、without coming into a physical office.The forced shift from onsite to remote work required organizations to act quickly and do business through online meetings,digital collaboration tools and cloud applications,as well as put in place infrastructure and services to support workers at their home offi

5、ces.New patterns of communication,collaboration and staff and team management had to be established almost overnight.Under less than optimal conditions,organizations nevertheless rose to the challenge,making numerous decisions on the fly,building out infrastructure,creating processes and setting pol

6、icies around remote work to help employees quickly be productive and keeping business running.Of course,they had no other choice no one knew how long the mandatory lockdowns and social distancing requirements would last,and when or if employees would return to the office.Months later,many organizati

7、ons anticipate much of their workforce will continue working remotely rather than returning to the office.In normal situations,organizations would not have made these kinds of remote-work decisions so hastily.Ordinarily,companies would have devoted significant time and resources to plan carefully be

8、fore making decisions about shifting to a remote workforce.They might have looked elsewhere in the organization to learn from teams and job functions that already had a demonstrated track record of remote work success,like software developers.Many individual developers and entire software teams have

9、 successfully worked remotely for a number of years,and their insights and experience would normally provide valuable lessons for organizational leadership.To better understand the long-term impact of a decentralized workforce on software development and delivery,Accelerated Strategies Group conduct

10、ed research into how organizations and software teams are adapting to remote work.Between August 24th and September 4th,2020,Accelerated Strategies Group collected data from 347 participants in organizations from less than 1,000 employees to large enterprises of over 5,000 employees.Roles were split

11、 between leadership and individual contributor roles.Further,respondents were located in a total of 23 countries and regions.Finally,they also represented 20 different industry verticals.This research set out to answer three important questions:1.Were software teams in the organization working remot

12、ely prior to COVID-19 restrictions?2.Have the use and importance of remote work tools and applications changed since COVID-19 restrictions were implemented?3.In what ways has COVID-19 informed and changed organizations ability to create software?Accelerated Strategies Groups research revealed severa

13、l interesting trends.COMMISSIONED BY4THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTThe most striking is the shift in business and IT priorities and how that shift will potentially impact business,software development and other IT priorities.The majority of respondents(63.3%)noted that digital tr

14、ansformation objectives have significantly or somewhat increased in priority.Other priorities,including business automation(61.6%)and the need for investment in creating contactless services(60.1%)have significantly or somewhat increased.COVID-19 conditions also have raised a sense of importance on

15、other priorities:51.75%of respondents say they increased their focus on DevOps initiatives and 52.25%increased their progress on migration to cloud service providers(AWS,Azure,Google Cloud Platform).Also worth noting is growth in companies DevOps and Agile adoption,with 46.24%of respondents stating

16、they are using cross-functional teams,55.64%practicing daily stand-up meetings and 43.23%automating tasks.The research also revealed some other important trends brought about by the pandemic;most notably the pandemics impact on software team productivity.A majority of respondents,59.49%,said their s

17、oftware teams are significantly or somewhat more productive than pre-pandemic.And 42.6%of respondents said it has become somewhat easier to complete their work tasks in a timely fashion.However,feedback concerning respondents ability to manage unproductive distractions was mixed:39.7%said managing t

18、hese distractions was somewhat or much easier,36.36%said it was somewhat or much harder and 23.48%said theyd had no change in their ability to manage these distractions.In general,the data showed that software teams are working more closely with product management,project management,operations and s

19、ecurity.We saw unexpected results when it came to how the pandemic impacted some of the most common challenges software teams face.For example,61.37%of respondents found it easier to work across time zones,with 39.71%indicating it is easier to work with staffers on different continents and 37.18%of

20、respondents noted that it was easier to leverage“gig”or flexible part-time staffers to accomplish goals.Respondents also provided insight into the potential negative impact of the newly-minted remote workforce on productivity.More than one-third(38.6%)of respondents said there was no change,27.58%of

21、 respondents indicated that teams were slowed down significantly or somewhat and 33.83%said things moved along significantly or somewhat faster.While COVID-19 has had a traumatic impact on the well-being and health of respondents and those around them,including individual loss of life,and unpreceden

22、ted financial impact on businesses and economies globally,the shift to remote work gives us some insights into how business may look as they continue to adapt and recover.Software teams and other business functions have benefited from the shift to remote work in the short term,though it remains to b

23、e seen if these benefits are sustainable.This research can serve as a valuable resource to companies as they adapt and adjust their future business strategies and plan for a post-COVID-19 future.Whatever the“new normal”looks like,these massive shifts in priorities,business strategies,software strate

24、gies and global and local economic recovery conditions make clear that the new normal is likely to be anything but normal,at least as we knew it prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.63+37+S62+38+S60+40+SAcceleration And Shift Of Digital PrioritiesCOVID-19 has accelerated business strategies,both planned a

25、nd unplanned.Shifts in customer demands and revenue pressures have had a dramatic impact on business priorities since early 2020.IntroductionA majority of organizations increased the priority of and investment in digital transformation projects.Rapid changes in customer expectations brought the need

26、 for contactless service delivery to the forefront.Automation is also seeing significant increased investment as companies look for efficiencies.63.3%63.3%60.1%60.1%61.6%61.6%COMMISSIONED BY5THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT88+12+N34+66+N11+89+NPrior to COVID-19 remote work requirem

27、ents,most decisions about employees ability to work remotely were made by the employee or the employee and their manager.35+65+GSOFTWARE DEVELOPERS WEREEXPERIENCED AT WORKINGREMOTELY PRE-COVID-19Introduction20202001620152014of organizations software developers began working remotely withi

28、n the past yearof organizations said developers have worked remotely for five years or more 34.6%34.6%29.1%29.1%of organizations software developers worked remotely pre-COVID-19 for some portion of their workof organizations polled said that 20%or fewer of their software developers worked remotelyof

29、 organizations said their software developers worked remotely full time30%20%10%YES-employees choiceYES-employee/manager decisionYES-on exception basisNO-discouraged/unsupportedNo formal policy87.6%87.6%1/31/310.4%10.4%COMMISSIONED BY6THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTPositive Impact

30、 of The Shift To Remote WorkCOLLABORATIONIncreasing collaboration across the enterprise is fundamental to DevOps and Agile methodologies.The shift to necessary remote work requirements encouraged software teams to work more closely with colleagues from product management,operations,project managemen


32、ELF-ASSIGNED TASKSRAPID ITERATION OF WORK WITH SHORTER DELIVERY TIMES29.7%29.7%43.23%43.23%46.24%46.24%55.64%55.64%46.24%46.24%36.09%36.09%adoption of Devops and Agile principlesOrganizations are increasingly adopting DevOps and Agile principles.At the top of the list,as indicated by the number of r

33、esponses,are daily stand up meetings,asynchronous communications,and cross-functional teams.focus on MeasuringProductivityCompanies are clearly interested in how the organization is adjusting to remote work.Over half reported their organization increased focus on measuring the productivity of remote

34、 workers.1.09%SignificantlyDecreased22.63%SignificantlyIncreased35.77%No change5.84%Somewhat Decreased34.67%Somewhat IncreasedCOMMISSIONED BY7THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTSpeed of software deliveryWhile more than half of software developers saw productivity improve,the impact th

35、e rest of the organization is having on software delivery speed is mixed.1/3 of organizations(27.58%)are seeing some decreases in speedMost respondents(38.6%)are not seeing any change in speed1/3 of organizations(33.83%)are seeing speed increases in software delivery since implementing COVID-19 work

36、-remote policies.SignificantlySlowerSignificantlyFasterSomewhatSlowerSomewhatFasterNo change5.15%6.99%22.43%38.60%26.84%12.04%SomeDecrease16.79%28.10%SignificantIncrease42.70%SomeIncreaseNo change0.36%SignificantDecreaseDeveloperProductivitySince the onset of COVID-19 forced remote work,more than ha

37、lf(59.5%)of respondents have seen software developer productivity improve at their companies.Only 12.4%saw a decrease in productivity.COMMISSIONED BY8THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT4top five remote work tools since covid-19Software development teams already use a number of open so

38、urce,SaaS and hosted solutions when working remotely.When asked to rank tools that facilitated their daily work,a mix of general collaboration,project and software tools made up the 5 most critical remote work tools for software development teams.Cloud Task-Driven Project Management5Cloud or Hosted

39、Source Code Management3Collaborative Document Editing2Collaboration Tools1Online Meeting ServicesCOMMISSIONED BY9THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTSince COVID-19,Is Remote Work Easier or Harder?Since implementing remote work policies due to COVID-19,employees note benefits and drawba

40、cks to remote work policies.Some areas improved,including scheduling meetings and completing deliverables,while some others,like balancing work with meetings,became more difficult.A significant number of remote workers found managing unproductive distractions easier,but an almost equal number found

41、it more difficult.51+49+SScheduling Meetings43+57+STimely Completion of Deliverables40+60+S36+64+SManaging Unproductive DistractionsManaging Unproductive Distractions42.6%51.3%Easier48+52+SBalancing Work vs Meetings31+69+SGetting Decisions Made by Upper Management47.7%30.4%39.7%36.4%MoreDifficultCOM

42、MISSIONED BY10THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTHOW REMOTE WORK CHANGES OUR FUTURECan organizations put the remote work genie back in the bottle?A strong majority of remote workers(64.4%)anticipate they will work remotely three or more days per week,or permanently,once COVID-19 restr

43、ictions are lifted.Only 12.7%said they anticipate returning on-site to an office location full-time.40%30%20%10%Work remote permanentlyWork remote 3+days/weekWork remote 12 days/weekReturn to work on-site23.12%41.33%22.83%12.72%COMMISSIONED BY11THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTOUR R

44、ESEARCH brings together the unique intersection of accelerating digital priorities,the rapid adaptation to remote work and the experiences of remote software development during the global COVID-19 pandemic.As leaders of product and software teams,we recognized the opportunity to examine the influenc

45、e of one discipline already experienced in remote work,software developers,on the broader organization.The ability to create full functioning,local development environments on developers laptops and workstations,amplified by cloud-based development tools,workspaces and workflow pipelines,equipped de

46、velopers to work remotely pre-COVID-19.Many developers are comfortable working from coffee shops,flex workspaces,at home and even during travel.Our central questions were;has the rapid shift to remote work had a positive or negative impact to software delivery?Have the experiences of software teams

47、influenced the larger organization in their transition to remote work?As the broader organization rapidly adapted to remote work,our research suggests a positive impact on organizations and their employees ability to deliver software effectively.The use of Agile and DevOps methods,such as stand-up d

48、aily meetings,cross-functional teams and self-assigned tasks,are seeing growing adoption in the organization.Teams shifted to more collaborative work and increased use of information-sharing tools.And while a majority report increases in productivity for developers and the organization generally,the

49、 impact on the speed of software delivery is mixed during this immediate,disruptive period of changing priorities and working conditions.Given the significant depth and breadth of disruption from COVID-19,its economic fallout and the measurable acceleration of digital strategies,it is significant th

50、at much of the data shows organizations have adapted and adjusted quickly.Its our view that much of these changes are likely to remain,both due to workers personal preferences as well as productivity,efficiency and cost benefits to businesses.Though questions remain as to the shape and scope of the“

51、new normal”of how and when we work,its likely that the new normal will be anything but normal.The Accelerated Strategies Group ViewCOMMISSIONED BY12THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT?SURVEY DEMOGRAPHICSAccelerated Strategies Group conducted research into the impact of remote work whi

52、le organizations were grappling with work-from-home and business reopening policies during Q3 of 2020.We gathered a total of 347 responses to our survey.Survey responses came from a global cross-section of 23 countries and regions including US/Canada/Mexico(41.9%),EMEA(34.3%),India(12.8%)and South A

53、merica(4.9%).Respondents hold a variety of roles and come from a broad range of organizational sizes:of respondents came from small organizations(5,000 employees)350+650=35%of respondents self-identified as individual contributors445+555=44.5%self-identified as managers or leadership(up to Director/

54、Sr.Director)452+548=45.2%COMMISSIONED BY13THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTCOMMISSIONED BY14THE FUTURE OF REMOTE WORK AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTAbout this reportThis report is based on extensive research conducted by Accelerated Strategies Group to assess the current state of remote w

55、ork and software development in a COVID-19 world.Accelerated Strategies Group fielded a survey and conducted one-on-one interviews with key industry leaders and experts to gather and further refine the data on which this report is based.This research was commissioned by CloudBees.About Accelerated S

56、trategies GroupACCELERATED STRATEGIES GROUP is out to democratize access to industry expertise and knowledge.Our expert analysts leverage their experience-based knowledge to deliver insightful,intelligent and actionable information about digital transformation,DevOps,cloud-native and cybersecurity t

57、o IT and product organizations.Like open source software,we widely share our work products for free because we believe Knowledge Wants To Be Free.Contact Accelerated Strategies Group at and get more great research,reports,commentary,videos and more at https:/.About the authorSMITCH ASHLEY is a renow

58、ned strategist,speaker,advisor and technology executive.Mitchell has led successful IT,SaaS,and cybersecurity transformations.Hes led multiple teams in developing and bringing to market successful online services,cybersecurity,software,and networking products and services.Mitch serves as CEO Acceler

59、ated Strategies Group where he leads a team of preeminent experts in digital transformation,DevOps,cloud-native,and cybersecurity.In this role,Mitch works with companies to align digital transformation and technology strategies to achieve disruptive goals and high impact results.Mitch is in high dem

60、and as a speaker and is widely followed online on his popular Accelerated Strategies and DevOps Chats podcasts,Analyst Corner commentary,and interviews on the highly popular TechStrong.TV streaming video program where he engages with the top digital and tech leaders from across the industry.Speak wi

61、th the Author:Mitch Ashley at Frank J.Ohlhorst is an Accelerated Strategies Group Analyst,acclaimed author,and in-demand presenter.Frank is a long time emerging technology analyst and has extensive experience implementing enterprise level IT solutions and is also a former cybersecurity counterintelligence officer for the US Department of Energy.Speak with the Author:Frank Ohlhorst at



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