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1、Meeting the challenge of supply chain disruption Deloitte,in collaboration with Manufacturers Alliance,examines how traditional manufacturing supply chains are evolving to balance costs,efficiency,and resilience.Disruptions over the past few years have exposed vulnerabilities in manufacturers existi

2、ng supply chains.Conventional approaches may no longer be enough to achieve the desired level of supply chain assurance.For this study,Deloitte partnered with Manufacturers Alliance to understand the impact of supply chain disruptions on manufacturing and what manufacturers can do to achieve supply

3、chain assurance.Read more on D.Executive summary 2Spotlighting supply chain disruption 4Key approaches for assurance of supply 6Strengthening existing relationships 7Engaging multiple and regionally diverse suppliers 10Enabling agility with digital capabilities 13Moving away from just-in-time approa

4、ches 15The road ahead:Optimizing for agility considerations 17Endnotes 18Contents2THE PAST TWO years have demonstrated that the familiar formula of minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency in global supply chains is often no longer enough.Now,redundancy and resilience should be added to the equati

5、on to address increasing supply chain disruption.To gauge the impact of recent disruptions and how supply chain executives are balancing this new equation,Deloitte and Manufacturers Alliance surveyed more than 200 manufacturing executives.Our study addresses the real impact executives have observed

6、in their own businesses over the past 18 months.This paper highlights a range of new approaches and tools manufacturers are deploying as disruption becomes the norm.What emerges are four components important to a successful supplier management strategy:strengthening existing relationships,engaging m

7、ultiple suppliers,deploying digital tools for increased visibility,and combining efficiency with resilience.These may be tried-and-tested tactics,but they are now being enhanced to meet new challenges head on.Executive summaryMeeting the challenge of supply chain disruption3ABOUT THE 2022 MANUFACTUR

8、ING SUPPLY CHAIN STUDYDeloitte and Manufacturers Alliance jointly launched a study(hereafter referred to as“the study”)in June 2022 to understand the impact of disruptions on the manufacturing supply chain and gauge the response of manufacturers to these disruptions(figure 1).On behalf of Deloitte a

9、nd Manufacturers Alliance,an independent research company conducted an online survey of more than 200 US-based manufacturing executives in July 2022.The survey findings were supplemented with a series of interviews with manufacturing and supply chain executives.Source:Deloitte analysis of 2022 manuf

10、acturing supply chain study data.Deloitte Insights| 1Over the last 1218 months,80%of survey respondents have experienced significant supply chain disruption90%of surveyed executives have agreed that the frequency of these disruptions has increased over the last decade,and the pandemic has exaggerate

11、d the impact80%of surveyed executives experienced a heavy or very heavy impact on their supply chain by at least one disruption over the last 1218 months50%of surveyed executives agreed that these disruptions significantly affected their productivity and profitsMeeting the challenge of supply chain

12、disruption 4Shipping delays59%Part shortages56%Transportation delays56%Talent shortage53%Restricted supplier network50%Cyber risk failure46%Supplier bankruptcy41%Excess inventory41%Source:Deloitte analysis of 2022 manufacturing supply chain study data.Deloitte Insights| 2Shipping delays had the bigg

13、est impact on manufacturers supply chains in the last 1218 monthsSHIPPING DELAYS,PARTS shortages,and transportation delays due to truck driver shortages and congested ports had the greatest impact on manufacturing companies in the past 1218 months,according to survey respondents(figure 2).Production

14、 and profits are the two key areas where this impact has been felt,and a majority of respondents report negative impact to profits of up to 13%.These factors suggest that supply chain executives are working to solve a new optimization problem with more stringent constraints:Costs still need to be mi

15、nimized,yet resilience and redundancy should be built in to assure supply.This calculation is ever more challenging given the rising costs of energy and materials and labor,current workforce shortages,and ongoing logistics challenges resulting from two years of pandemic disruptions.1Spotlighting sup

16、ply chain disruptionMeeting the challenge of supply chain disruption5The top operational concern(figure 3)among surveyed executives is rising shipping costs.Indeed,shipping costs rose by over 77%in August 2022 from January 2021 due to increased fuel costs,labor costs,and logistics challenges.2 Under

17、lying all these concerns is labor,where costs continue to rise.Indeed,total compensation cost per hour worked rose by 6.2%to US$42 in the manufacturing industry in Q1 2022.3The next category of operational concerns cited were those affecting inbound supply,characterized by suppliers struggling to me

18、et demand and the continued shortage of critical parts.These problems in turn translate into outbound challenges:31%of surveyed respondents mentioned the inability to fulfill ongoing contracts as one of their top operational concerns.Also high on the list were the challenges associated with implemen

19、ting contingency plans such as switching suppliers.Source:Deloitte analysis of 2022 manufacturing supply chain study data.Deloitte Insights| in shipping costs43%Product issues from suppliers who are struggling to meet demand43%Logistical challenges while implementing a new supply chain model or cont

20、ingency planning41%Continued shortage of critical parts40%Cost challenges while implementing a new supply chain model or contingency planning40%Limited availability of suppliers to form new relationships with31%Inability to fulfill ongoing contracts31%Excess or obsolete inventory due to inaccurate f

21、orecasting30%Limited ability to diversify suppliers27%Uncertainty in consumer demandFIGURE 3Top operational concerns range from rising costs to logistical issues in inbound supply challenges,affecting manufacturers ability to fulfill ongoing contractsMeeting the challenge of supply chain disruption

22、6Source:Deloitte analysis of 2022 manufacturing supply chain study data.Deloitte Insights| 4Key risk mitigation strategies companies are implementing over the next year83%65%76%81%Pursuing multiple and regionally diverse suppliersStrengthening existing relationshipsRelying on digital supply chain to

23、ols for increased visibility into their supply chain Moving away from just in time(JIT)methodology back to just in case(JIC)TopstrategiesMANY COMPANIES ARE pursuing four key risk mitigation strategies to address these operational concerns and reduce the disruption to their business:strengthening exi

24、sting relationships,engaging multiple suppliers,implementing digital solutions for greater visibility,and returning to just-in-case approaches(figure 4).These strategies are familiar,but they are being deployed with enhanced tactics.What additional tools are executives wielding to make these familia

25、r strategies more effective in a world of continuous disruption and rising input costs?How are manufacturers addressing the new constraints of rising costs,labor shortages,and logistics bottlenecks in this supply chain optimization problem?The study uncovered some encouraging findings.Key approaches

26、 for assurance of supplyMeeting the challenge of supply chain disruption7THE EXIGENCIES OF the current environment are bringing a new focus on time-tested skill sets.Several supply chain executives surveyed emphasized that in volatile environments,the familiar skill of supplier relationship manageme

27、nt can become even more important to avoid disruption.However,junior employees may need to be taught these skills as most are used to working in a demand-driven environment.The sudden shift to a supply-constrained business model meant not all employees were armed with the needed relationship managem

28、ent skills to work closely with suppliers as partners to manage forecasts,lead times,inventory strategies,and costs.In many cases,this partnership has developed as quarterly supplier reviews turned into daily calls between senior supply chain executives and the CEOs or CFOs of their suppliers,sharin

29、g information and helping each other navigate the business environment(figure 5).For example,one company worked through its supplier as a partner to find an alternate source of chips during the chip shortage,thereby achieving greater flexibility and visibility.Another company worked closely with sup

30、pliers as shipping options from Asia were reduced and freight was moved to air cargo,which incurred higher costs.4Strengthening existing relationshipsSource:Deloitte analysis of 2022 manufacturing supply chain study data.Deloitte Insights| 5A four-pronged approach to strengthen existing supplier rel

31、ationshipsTrain employees in supplier relationship management skillsEnable smooth sharing of information among suppliersCheck-in with suppliers frequentlyHelp suppliers navigate business environmentWays tostrengthen existingrelationshipsMeeting the challenge of supply chain disruption 8Proactively m

32、anaging multiple tiers Supply chain executives have been drawn into management not just of their primary suppliers,but increasingly of secondary and tertiary suppliers also.Several executives interviewed noted that previously they did not get involved beyond Tier 1,but the dynamics of the current en

33、vironment drove a need to increase visibility.For example,if Tier 3 suppliers were unable to give firm dates for shipping,often this potential weak point wasnt visible to primary suppliers or to the company itself,and potential delays were not flagged early enough.To address this risk,one company in

34、terviewed has begun working closely with its own suppliers to apply transparent decision-making based on metrics and benchmarking to that suppliers suppliers.This can provide the company more visibility and clarity in terms of the companies with whom its suppliers are contracting.Boosting local prod

35、uction capacity Boosting local capacity is a real and important strategy for todays manufacturers.US companies are increasing domestic sourcing.For the semiconductor industry,as other global industries,supply chain and logistics challenges are pushing manufacturers to build more local capacity.The s

36、olar energy industry,for instance,offers a case for using buyer power to increase production capacity.The US Solar Buyer Consortium was established to boost the domestic production of solar components.The group is focused on the procurement of US$6 billion of solar panels but is also enlisting manuf

37、acturers who can increase production to meet the growing demand for solar modules.5 Meeting the challenge of supply chain disruption9LED BY MANUFACTURING,FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN THE UNITED STATES INCREASED IN 2021 Expenditures by foreign direct investors into new US businesses totaled US$334 bi

38、llion in 2021,more than twice 2020 levels and above the annual average of US$290 billion from 2014 to 2020(figure 6).Manufacturing accounted for 36%of this figure,at US$121 billion.6 Moreover,manufacturing accounted for 20%of employment associated with this investment(47,400 new jobs).7 California r

39、eceived the most investment,totaling US$64 billion,followed by Massachusetts,New York,Pennsylvania,Illinois,and Texas.Note:All dollar values are in US dollars.Source:Deloitte analysis of Bureau of Economic Analysis(BEA)data.Deloitte Insights| 6California received the highest manufacturing-led foreig

40、n direct investment in 2021Meeting the challenge of supply chain disruption 10THE BENEFITS OF engaging multiple suppliers are well known but may vary according to company typeOEM or supplier(figure 7).Nine out of 10 survey respondents have multiple suppliers,but only 44%have regional diversification

41、 of suppliers.The study highlights that companies with regional diversification were less affected by recent supply chain disruptions than companies with suppliers concentrated in one region.However,dual sourcing may increase costs:43%of survey respondents noted cost as the top constraint in having

42、multiple suppliers.Engaging multiple and regionally diverse suppliersSource:Deloitte analysis of 2022 manufacturing supply chain study data.Deloitte Insights| 7Key considerations when selecting multiple suppliersOEMsTier 1Tier 2Business continuityDiversify the supplier baseImproved material flowImpr

43、oved material flowSource competitive pricingBusiness continuityImproved material flowReduce supplier concentration from one regionDevelop resiliency in supplier networkMITIGATING SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTION THROUGH SUPPLIER DIVERSIFICATIONCompanies are actively trying to have a diverse mix of suppliers

44、to tackle supply chain disruptions.For example,GM recently announced a deal with lithium supplier Livent and a separate cathode material deal with LG Chem.These contacts can provide GM with the battery materials it needs to help with its goal of building 1 million electric vehicles annually by the e

45、nd of 2025.8 In another example,Tesla recently signed a long-term supply agreement with Vale for the supply of nickel for its batteries.With this agreement in place,Tesla has a total of seven nickel suppliers,spread across multiple regions.9 Meeting the challenge of supply chain disruption11Building

46、“bench strength”in suppliers The semiconductor shortage,which has affected industries from automotive to handheld electronics,raises the question of how to achieve resilience when the market is highly concentrated.In the semiconductor supply chain,some suppliers are uniquefor example,worldwide,there

47、s only one epoxy supplier and two suppliers of cutting-edge chips.10 Moreover,the global semiconductor industry has been running at over 95%utilization since December 2020,which is well over the 80%utilization rate normally considered full capacity,suggesting additional production capacity is needed

48、.11The passage of the CHIPS Act in 2022 has helped jump start investment in additional production capacity in the United States.For example,a semiconductor manufacturer is considering four semiconductor chip fabrication plants(fabs)at a cost totaling nearly US$30 billion.Intel announced plans for an

49、 initial investment of more than US$20 billion to construct two new fabs in Ohio,a new region for chip-making.12 And it isnt just US-based companies considering adding capacity in the country:South Korean headquartered Samsung has proposed a US$17 billion fab in Taylor,Texas,and has also recently su

50、bmitted an application with the Texas comptroller outlining a long-term plan to build up to 11 chip-making plants in Texas and invest over US$192 billion in the coming decade.Arizona is also poised to receive investment for chip manufacturing.Supplier risk considerationsAs supply chains elongate and

51、 supply bases increase with new sources created,procurement teams are becoming more central to enterprise risk management.Procurement and supplier risk management functions should work more closely with suppliers and their compliance and risk management departments.Executives interviewed for the stu

52、dy are engaging more often and earlier with third-party risk management protocols.The historic approach of a point-in-time assessment,even if done annually,may no longer be sufficient for organizational risk management objectives.Companies must sense,monitor,and be ready to take action as needed.Sen

53、sing:Leading companies are beginning touse intelligent sensing of data,including socialmedia,in combination with assessments andinvestigations,to enhance the effectiveness oftheir suppliers in managing third-party risk.Monitoring:As companies identify theircritical risk domains,from financial health

54、 togeopolitics to cybersecurity,they can developtechnology-enabled processes to proactivelymonitor their third-party ecosystem andidentify the early warning signs that couldtrigger action.Taking action:For quick action,such asswitching to a new supplier,having apreapproved response plan can be criti

55、cal.Onecompany requested all its vendors participate inresponse planning,outlining COVID-19contingencies,such as if parts werent receivedand trucks stopped delivering.Similarly,additional suppliers need to be“prequalified,”such that the contracting work could be donealready,shortening lead times.Sce

56、nario planning:Management teams canalso identify potential scenarios in advance,along with subcriteria that help indicate thebest response plan in a given situation.Executives should decide in advance who hasdecision-making power in each scenario andhow to reduce downtime,address breach ofcontract i

57、ncidents,etc.Meeting the challenge of supply chain disruption 12Source:Deloitte analysis of 2022 manufacturing supply chain study data.Deloitte Insights| 8Among survey respondents,88%are concerned about legal,financial,privacy,IP theft,or cybersecurityYes,and have no strategy in placeYes,but have a

58、comprehensive strategyNo concerns60%22%OEM82%59%30%Tier 189%50%41%Tier 291%33%55%12%88%Concerned about cybersecurity vulnerabilityDigital technologies are a key enabler to risk mitigation and assessing external risks in terms of components or materials.Survey results showed that 88%of respondents ha

59、ve concerns about legal,financial,privacy,IP theft,or cybersecurity due to the supply chain ecosystem;however,55%have a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy in place for such concerns.According to our study,OEMs feel better prepared than suppliers on IP and cybersecurity(figure 8).VERTICAL INTEGRATI

60、ON AS A TOOL FOR ACHIEVING SUPPLY ASSURANCEMerger and acquisition deal activity in manufacturing continues to be strong,having increased substantially over the last three years;the industry recorded 52%year-on-year growth in such deals in 2021.13 Some of these transactions represent vertical integra

61、tion along the supply chain,suggesting a possible trend.One example of such integration is Teslas recent acquisition of ATW Assembly and Test Europe GmbH to enhance its battery cell manufacturing capacity,which highlights the integration to develop capabilities in-house.14 In an example from the aer

62、ospace and defense industry,Safran bought Aubert&Duval,a French supplier of metal powders for additive manufacturing and other powder-based part production technologies,from mining firm Eramet.The acquisition,jointly carried out with Airbus and investment firm Tikehau Ace Capital,was completed earli

63、er this year.15 Meeting the challenge of supply chain disruption13MOST COMPANIES ARE turning to digital capabilities for greater supply chain agility and visibility.Armed with real-time market intelligence and predictive technologies,manufacturing executives can better navigate current market volati

64、lity and pivot more quickly to their plan B.Most executives surveyed are implementing digital technologies for enhanced risk mitigation,such as increased illumination of the supply chain(figure 9).Increasing visibility with technologyGaining supply chain visibility is one of the top use cases for on

65、going digital initiatives,and 78%of surveyed respondents agreed using digital solutions and/or monitoring tools would enhance visibility and transparency throughout the supply network.For most survey respondents,the lines of visibility start to blur beyond Tier 2+of their supply network.However,ther

66、e is a strong correlation between visibility beyond Tier 2 and implementation of digital solutions73%of respondents with visibility beyond Tier 2 reported they had already implemented digital solutions.One executive mentioned launching a control tower that enhanced visibility into suppliers but also

67、 integrated different parts of the supply chain.Others are using Industry 4.0 tools such as AI and bots to integrate the supply network,as part of a larger digitization strategy for manufacturing.Several supply chain executives interviewed said that the early months of the pandemic helped them reali

68、ze they needed to enhance their digital capabilities to weather the disruptions,and their spending on digital technology has continued to increase over the past three years.Enabling agility with digital capabilitiesSource:Deloitte analysis of 2022 manufacturing supply chain study data.Deloitte Insig

69、hts| 9Three in four survey respondents have started utilizing digital solutions and tech automation in the supply chain as a risk mitigation strategyCurrent digital initiatives are aimed atReducing operating costsImproving product qualityIncreasing visibility and transparencyIncreasing resiliencyMee

70、ting the challenge of supply chain disruption 14Using technology to“design out”niche suppliers Companies have been undertaking value stream mapping of their supply chains for many years to determine where their raw materials come from and identify any potential points of failure in their supply chai

71、n.One executive explained that his company had developed a“scorecard”of its contracts,organizing them by age of contract,importance of the input to the final product,and history with the supplier.With this value mapping and contract prioritization,it becomes possible to“design out”reliance on niche

72、suppliers in certain cases.Emerging technologies such as digital twins can develop capabilities to run various simulations and assess multiple variables to determine where and how alternative materials or suppliers could be utilized.As companies continue to diversify their supplier base,the optimiza

73、tion process could become increasingly complex.The digital twin can help to identify underlying inefficiencies and bottlenecks and could assist in making an informed decision on selecting the desired supplier,right facilities,and transportation capabilities to achieve supply assurance.Meeting the ch

74、allenge of supply chain disruption15MANUFACTURERS SEEM TO be drifting awaymaybe only temporarilyfrom just-in-time approaches to help manage the constraints of higher labor and materials costs,logistics bottlenecks,and labor shortages.One executive explained that in early 2021 his team decided they n

75、eeded to move away from the focus on cost and orient increasingly on business continuity and customer satisfaction.Executives draw a distinction between operational challenges,which can be solved through improved supplier relationships and visibility,and logistics and external challenges,which are o

76、ut of the suppliers or companys control.However,to manage external challenges,supply chain leaders need to be well-equipped and strike the right balance between agility,resilience,and efficiency(figure 10).16Moving away from just-in-time approachesSource:Jim Kilpatrick,Paul Delesalle,and Adam Mussom

77、eli,The new supply chain equilibrium,Deloitte Insights,April 1,2022.FIGURE 10The agility-efficiency-resilience frameworkAGILITYEFFICIENCYRESILIENCEAgility creates the difference between operations that thrive with those that merely survive.An agile supply chain will have the ability to execute faste

78、r and better than the competition.Efficiency becomes key as global supply chains resynchronize with the inflationary headwinds in wages,transportation,and many key commodities.In an age of disruption,supply chains need to build in the capacity to reconfigure much more rapidly to keep goods flowing.D

79、igital approaches and new agile capabilities will enable desired and improved resilience.Meeting the challenge of supply chain disruption 16Building out agile processesAgility and flexibility are potential game changers.Flexibility of design could be used to standardize product-specific parts,allowi

80、ng a standardized part to be used across products that would require minimal customization.For example,Tesla uses a number of chips in its vehicles for various control and infotainment systems,and its self-driving software.During the ongoing semiconductor shortage,Tesla swiftly changed to new microc

81、ontrollers,while simultaneously developing firmware for new chips produced by new suppliers.17Mitigating transportation challengesThe persistent labor shortage in manufacturing,which has been exacerbated by the pandemic,has contributed to port delays,slower warehouse processing,and a truck driver sh

82、ortage.As one executive explained,no matter how reliable your supplier,a labor shortage at a port can still cause a shipping delay.To address this disruption,building redundancy or resilience is needed.One company shared that it is looking at diversifying supply routes on the West Coast,possibly add

83、ing a Canadian port.Developing resiliency To build resiliency,in some cases manufacturers are actively partnering with other manufacturers or are investing in their suppliers to support building more production capacity.Executives interviewed described a continuum of collaboration ranging from buyin

84、g capacity in advance from suppliers to actually taking equity stakes in certain critical suppliers.There have been several examples in which industrial manufacturers are expanding their activities into adjacent areas.Our study highlights that Tier 1/Tier 2 suppliers are likely to coinvest or partne

85、r with other Tier 1/Tier 2 suppliers in emerging technologies to develop new capabilities and advance through logistics and transportation challenges.For instance,the recent acquisition of Pleatco LLC by Pentair Plc allows Pentair to expand its presence through existing distribution channels,and als

86、o to expand in the aftermarket filtration space.In addition,including complementary air filtration products into Pentairs portfolio should serve the needs of existing industrial customers.18In other cases,investment is focused on fostering more competition in a given market,ultimately to build more

87、choice among existing producers.These additional investments could clearly have an impact on the industrys cost structure,but that reduction in margin could be worth the resilience ultimately provided through developing a deeper market with more producers.Meeting the challenge of supply chain disrup

88、tion17As manufacturing executives solve the current supply chain optimization problem,they are leveraging four familiar mitigation strategies to balance resilience with efficiency.But they are also wielding new skill sets and tools to manage the tougher constraints of rising costs,labor shortages,an

89、d logistics bottlenecks to achieve agility.Strengthening existing supplier relationships to increase resilience:Work closely with suppliers to help them applymetrics to their Tier 2,3,4 suppliers Agree on mutually beneficial KPIs so that allparties know what to expect from one another Help suppliers

90、 maintain data on their suppliersthroughput to boost transparencyand assurance Train newer employees onrelationship managementEngaging with multiple suppliers to balance efficiency and resilience:Correctly calculate the benefits of engagingmultiple suppliers with the costs of lowermargins and reduce

91、d control Use dual sourcing to achieve some cost controlwhere possible,evaluating investing indevelopment of additional suppliers in aniche market Have scenarios in place and alternativesuppliers preapproved,conducting practicedrills to make contingency plans more effective Locate additional product

92、ion or alternatesuppliers close to markets to reducetransportation costs and exposure toshipping delaysEmploying digital solutions to boost efficiency and resilience:Implement warehouse automation in response to workforce shortages Move to digital solutions that increase visibilitybeyond Tier 2 supp

93、liers Boost collaboration by initiating high-levelinformation-sharing between all parties withthe help of easy-to-use technologies Track potential sources of logistical disruption such as restricted routes and workforce shortagesManufacturing executives are acutely aware of causes for both internal

94、and external disruption and are taking steps to build redundancy into supply chains to assure business continuity.Though these efforts may lower margins,they can increase agility,reflecting the new balance that manufacturers are achieving between efficiency and resilience.The road ahead:Optimizing f

95、or agility considerationsMeeting the challenge of supply chain disruption 18Endnotes1.Stanley Porter and Kate Hardin,“Energy and commodities outlook:Disruptions from the Russian invasion ofUkraine,”Wall Street Journal,June 3,2022.2.Freightos Ltd,“Freightos Baltic Index(FBX):Global Container Freight

96、Index,”accessed August 16,2022.3.US Bureau of Labor Statistics,“Table 4.Employer costs for employee compensation for private industryworkers by occupational and industry group,”accessed August 16,2022.4.Insights gleaned from manufacturing executives interviews conducted in July 2022.5.Zacks Equity R

97、esearch,“AES sets up US Solar Buyer Consortium to promote solar industry,”Yahoo!Finance,June22,2022.6.US Bureau of Economic Analysis,“New foreign direct investment in the United States,2021,”news release,accessed August 16,2022.7.Ibid.8.General Motors,“General Motors and Livent enter long-term lithi

98、um hydroxide supply agreement,”newsrelease,July 26,2022;General Motors,“LG Chem and General Motors reach agreement for long-term supply ofcathode active material to support EV growth,”news release,July 26,2022.9.Fred Lambert,“Tesla releases list of battery material suppliers,confirms long-term nicke

99、l deal with Vale,”Electrek,May 6,2022.10.Deloitte,Anchor of global semiconductor:Asia Pacific takes off,2021,p.9.11.Semiconductor Industry Association,Increasing chip production:Industry shouldering in to addressing shortages,2022,p.1.12.Intel Corporation,“Intel announces initial investment of over

100、33 billion for R&D and manufacturing in EU,”news release,March 15,2022.13.Deloitte analysis of the data from Mergermarket.14.Edward Taylor,“Tesla to acquire German battery assembly maker:source,”Reuters,October 2,2020.15.Airbus,“Airbus,Safran and Tikehau Ace Capital sign an agreement with Eramet for

101、 the joint acquisition ofAubert&Duval,”press release,February 22,2022.16.Jim Kilpatrick,Paul Delesalle,and Adam Mussomeli,The new supply chain equilibrium,Deloitte Insights,April 1,2022.17.Lambert,“How Tesla pivoted to avoid the global chip shortage that could last years,”Electrek,May 3,2021.18.Pent

102、air plc,“Pentair completes transaction to acquire Pleatco,”news release,October 18,2021.Meeting the challenge of supply chain disruption19About the authorsPaul Wellener|Paul Wellener is a vice chair,Deloitte LLP,and the leader of the US Industrial Products&Construction practice with Deloitte Consult

103、ing LLP.He has more than three decades of experience in the industrial products and automotive sectors and has focused on helping organizations address major transformations.Wellener drives key sector industry initiatives to help companies adapt to an environment of rapid change and uncertaintygloba

104、lization,exponential technologies,the skills gap,and the evolution of Industry 4.0.He also serves as the managing principal of Northeast Ohio.Kate Hardin|Kate Hardin,executive director of Deloittes Research Center for Energy&Industrials,has worked in the energy industry for 25 years.She leads Deloit

105、tes research team covering the implications of the energy transition for the industrial,oil,gas,and power sectors.She has served as an alumni expert at Yales Center for Business and Environment,and she is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.Stephen Gold|sgoldmanufacturersalliance.orgSt

106、ephen Gold is the president and CEO of Manufacturers Alliance and has represented US manufacturers in a variety of senior-level roles over the past three decades.Stephen Laaper|Stephen Laaper is a principal at Deloitte Consulting LLP and a manufacturing strategy and smart operations leader in Deloit

107、tes Supply Chain&Network Operations practice.He helped build Deloittes Digital Supply Networks(DSN)methodology that uses existing and“next gen”technologies to drive efficiencies in operations and across the supply chain.Laaper is leading the firms Smart Factory services,including the 2021 opening of

108、 The Smart Factory Wichita,a groundbreaking,immersive learning environment for business leaders to experience smart manufacturing solutions.Aaron Parrott|Aaron Parrott is a managing director with Deloitte Consulting LLP.With more than 20 years of experience in supply chain and network operations,Par

109、rotts focus is helping clients complete large-scale transformation in the supply network,developing analytic solutions to address difficult business issues,and implementing digital solutions to manage complex supply networks.His areas of expertise include digital supply networks,IoT solutions,enterp

110、rise lean transformation,and supply network advanced analytics.Meeting the challenge of supply chain disruption 20Deloitte Manufacturing Supply Chain Study Advisory Board:Duncan Stewart,Aaron Addicoat,Heather Ashton,Louis Librandi,Ryan Bottoms,Kathryn Pavlovsky,and Adam MussomeliManufacturers Allian

111、ce Advisors:Erika Ruiz and John MillerThe authors would like to thank Kruttika Dwivedi,Anuradha Joshi,and Visharad Bhatia who provided research and analysis expertise in the development of this report.The authors would also like to acknowledge the support of Clayton Wilkerson for orchestrating resou

112、rces related to the report;Satish Kumar Venkata Nelanuthula and Sanjay Vadrevu for survey expertise;Kimberly Prauda and Neelu Rajput who drove the marketing strategy and related assets to bring the story to life;Alyssa Weir for leadership in public relations;and Rithu Thomas and Aparna Prusty from t

113、he Deloitte Insights team who supported the reports publication.AcknowledgmentsMeeting the challenge of supply chain disruption21Contact usOur insights can help you take advantage of change.If youre looking for fresh ideas to address your challenges,we should talk.Industry leadershipPaul WellenerUS

114、Industrial Products&Services leaderDeloitte Consulting LLP+1 216 589 1300|Paul Wellener has more than three decades of experience in the industrial products and automotive sectors.He drives IP&C industry initiatives to help companies adapt to an environment of rapid change and uncertainty.Stephen La

115、aperPrincipal|Smart Factory leaderDeloitte Consulting LLP+1 312 513 7900| Stephen Laaper is a Digital Supply Networks leader in Deloitte Consulting LLPs Strategy&Operations practice.He brings a unique mix of industry,consulting,and technology experience with a broad range of clients across the life

116、sciences,automotive,and consumer products industries.Deloitte Research Center for Energy&Industrials Kate HardinDeloitte Research Center for Energy&Industrials Deloitte Services LP+1 617 437 3332|Kate Hardin is the executive director of the Deloitte Research Center for Energy&Industrials.Meeting the

117、 challenge of supply chain disruption 22Deloittes Research Center for Energy&Industrials combines rigorous research with industry-specific knowledge and practice-led experience to deliver compelling insights that can drive business impact.The energy,resources,and industrials industry is the nexus fo

118、r building,powering,and securing the smart,connected world of tomorrow.To excel,leaders need actionable insights on the latest technologies and trends shaping the future.Through curated research delivered through a variety of mediums,we uncover the opportunities that can help businesses move ahead o

119、f their peers.ConnectTo learn more about Deloittes Energy,Resources&Industrials practice,including its solutions,thought leadership,and events,please visit: To receive email communications,please register at https:/ us on Twitter at:Deloitte4Energy and DeloitteMFG.About Manufacturers AllianceManufac

120、turers Alliance powers leaders.We bring together an unparalleled network of manufacturing executives to advance their careers,grow their companies,and support the whole community.We accomplish our mission through peer communities,education,and business insights on the topics that matter most to the

121、sector.To learn more,visit manufacturersalliance.org.About the Deloitte Research Center for Energy&IndustrialsAbout Deloitte InsightsDeloitte Insights publishes original articles,reports and periodicals that provide insights for businesses,the public sector and NGOs.Our goal is to draw upon research

122、 and experience from throughout our professional services organization,and that of coauthors in academia and business,to advance the conversation on a broad spectrum of topics of interest to executives and government leaders.Deloitte Insights is an imprint of Deloitte Development LLC.About this publ

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127、e or more of the US member firms of DTTL,their related entities that operate using the“Deloitte”name in the United States and their respective affiliates.Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting.Please see to learn more about our gl

128、obal network of member firms.Copyright 2022 Deloitte Development LLC.All rights reserved.Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LimitedDeloitte Insights contributorsEditorial:Rithu Mariam Thomas,Aparna Prusty,and Dilip PoddarCreative:Sonya Vasilieff,Rahul Bodiga,and Lnu Pooja N Audience development:Nikita GariaCover artwork:Traci DaberkoSign up for Deloitte Insights updates at DeloitteInsight



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