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1、 01.2023 Global IPv6 Development Report 2022 Measurement,analysis on socioeconomic impact and policy recommendations 2 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Table of Contents 1.IPv6:definition and value.5 1.1 Overview of IPv6.5 1.2 Necessity of transition to IPv6 Enhanced Innovation.6 1.3 Economic and

2、 social benefits of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation.7 2.Industry Economic Value by IPv6.8 2.1 IPv6 economic impact 2025 estimate.8 2.2 Major impacts and industry use cases of IPv6.9 3.IPv6 Development Index and Country Analysis.10 3.1 IPv6 Development Index.10 3.2 Benchmarking country analysis.22 3.3 Typic

3、al country analysis.26 4.Policy Recommendation.47 4.1 Challenges faced in IPv6 Enhanced Innovation development.47 4.2 General recommendations by group.47 4.3 Detailed recommendations by group.47 3 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Executive Summary With the advent of new communication and informat

4、ion technologies,everything in the world is more closely connected,forming a huge network that bridges people and things.Future-shaping technologies such as AI,5G,cloud,and IoT are like threads that connect us together.A fundamental enabler lies at the core of all these technologies:the IP address.I

5、t gives devices a key that they need to connect to the network;without it,they cant talk to each other.The previous protocol used for IP addressing was IPv4,which was designed in the early 1980s with a maximum total of only 4.3 billion addresses.The explosive growth of intelligent devices has exhaus

6、ted the available IPv4 addresses,and IPv6 was introduced to solve this problem once and for all.With 3.8*1038 total addresses available,IPv6 would be able to assign every grain of sand on earth an IP address.On the basis of providing massive address resources,IPv6 is also developing continuously.In

7、addition to providing basic IP addresses,IPv6 provides higher-quality and smarter connections through the combination of emerging technologies,namely IPv6 Enhanced Innovation12,offering more future possibilities and accelerainge the deployment of advanced business applications like 5G,cloud,and indu

8、strial IoT.At this moment,we find it necessary to reflect on how the world has progressed in this transition and summarize the concrete socio-economic value IPv6 Enhanced Innovation have created.We construct an IPv6 Development Index and reference data from public databases to calculate and provide

9、a country-level measurement of IPv6 development status.The framework is based on the well-acknowledged approaches previously adopted by the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Address Registry(LACNIC)3,the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD)4,and Cisco5.In terms of data sou

10、rces,we use data from Asia Pacific Internet Network Information Center(APNIC),Cisco and authoritative research institutions and organizations such as Routeviews,OVH and WOS as raw data input to ensure data reliability and objectivity.Based on datasets referenced from above databases,we used the Inde

11、x model to calculate Index result for 92 countries to measure their IPv6 development status,and conducted a quantitative analysis of the economic impact of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation in various industries.On this basis,we divided 92 countries into three groups according to the level of IPv6 developmen

12、t and identified 3 countries as benchmark countries,and performed an in-depth analysis of their development.In addition,this years report further analyzes the value,status,and reasons for IPv6 development in 15 countries around the world and puts forward tailored recommendations.In policy recommenda

13、tions,this report has been comprehensively upgraded compared with the 2021 study.Based on the common challenges and main differences between the development of IPv6 Enhanced Innovationin different groups of countries,we put forward detailed and executable recommendations for different country rankin

14、g groups of IPv6 Development Index.1 ETSI White Paper No.35“IPv6 Best Practices Benefits Transition Challenges and the Way Forward”,2020.08 2 ETSI GR IPE 001“IPv6 Enhanced Innovation:Gap Analysis”,2021.08 3IPv6 Deployment for Social and Economic Development 4Internet Addressing:Measuring Deployment

15、of IPv6,K.Perset,OECD digital economy paper No.172,Apr 2010 5Internet IPv6 Adoption:Methodology,Measurement and Tools 4 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 The results are strongly in favor of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation development though our analyses and estimates may be subject to limitations in sam

16、ple scope and size:In 2025,it is estimated that the total industry value brought by IPv6 Enhanced Innovation will reach 7.3 trillion US dollars.In conclusion,now is the perfect time for deployment of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation.Industry-wide adoption of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation has taken off.Major tele

17、com operators,internet content providers,and equipment manufacturers have all participated in the rush into a new digital world.5 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 1.IPv6:definition and value In todays world,IP address is an important basic resource of the Internet,the basis for identification and

18、 data transmission between systems,and an important infrastructure for high-quality development of the global economy.However,with the wide application of the Internet,challenges and constraints of the global Internet Protocol version 4(IPv4),such as the exhaustion of IP addresses and the difficulty

19、 in guaranteeing service quality,have become increasingly prominent due to the undervalued demand for both size and quality for IP addresses by the development of the Internet and the digital economy in the early stage of Internet design.In this context,it is gradually becoming a globally acknowledg

20、ed consensus that we should vigorously develop and deploy Internet Protocol Version 6(IPv6)following the guidelines and best practices from IPv6 Enhanced Innovation.This will provide sufficient network addresses and broad innovation space for Internet and the digital economy.IPv6 Enhnaced Innovation

21、 guide to a proper deployment of IPv6 protocol as a basis to other functionalities defined in IETF,like SRv6.Innovative applications will provide much more convenient,open,intelligent,and secure internet and to facilitate an intelligent world where everything is intelligently connected.1.1 Overview

22、of IPv6 The IP address is the basis of the IP protocol(Internet Protocol)and is the unique identifier for network devices to access the Internet or a local network.Internet Protocol version 6(IPv6)is the latest IP revision,developed as a successor to IPv4.While greatly enhancing the address pool,IPv

23、6 and its updated technologies can connect and empower more other technologies to promote the overall development of society.Figure 1.Development of IP technology IPv6 technical advantages:6 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 2.IPv6 technical advantages Advantages and technical features of I

24、Pv6 Enhanced Innovation Based on IPv6 massive addresses,IPv6 Enhanced Innovation comprehensively improves IP network capabilities in six dimensions of ultra-broadband,wide connection,determinism,low latency,automation and security,and provides services for governments,operators,enterprises and enter

25、prises in various industries and usage scenarios.The requirements of end users in various usage scenarios provide a high-quality foundation.Figure 3.IPv6 Enhanced Innovation advantages and technical features6 Key technologies in IPv6 Enhanced Innovation includes SRv6,IPv6 Enhanced Innovation Network

26、 Slicing,IFIT,BIERv6 and APN6,etc.1.2 Necessity of transition to IPv6 Enhanced Innovation To fully support the development of the digital economy,large-scale deployment of IPv6 is the basis and necessary foundation for realizing an intelligent world where everything is connected.Actively deploying I

27、Pv6 Enhanced Innovation innovative applications is an 6ETSI GR IPE 001“IPv6 Enhanced Innovation:Gap Analysis”,2021.08 7 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 important measure to achieve higher-quality development based on IPv6 to better facilitate the 5G and cloud era.Figure 4.Necessity of Developing

28、 IPv6 Enhanced Innovation 1.3 Economic and social benefits of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation Figure 5.Social and economic benefits of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation 8 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 2.Industry Economic Value by IPv6 2.1 IPv6 economic impact 2025 estimate 2.1.1 IPv6 industry-sector economic

29、impact model Today the scope of IPv6 is not only IP addresses,but also includes IPv6 Enhanced Innovations including SRv6 and other technologies.IPv6 development will positively affect virtually every industry sector.Since industries have differing economic and regulatory structures that will affect

30、the timing for IPv6 adoption,we chose 2025 as the analysis timeframe and focused on short-to-mid-term impact.After analyzing the micro-and macro-economic impacts expected by IPv6,we projected forward to 2025,and looked at the economic contributions of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation through three lenses in

31、 12 major industry sectors(See Appendix A for details).The first lens examined the value created by innovative technologies and their application scenarios,mainly focusing on 5G/IoT/cloud,empowered by IPv6 Enhanced Innovation.The second lens focused on the level of efficiency improvements enabled by

32、 IPv6 and IPv6 Enhanced Innovation.The third lens examined cost reduction by preventing data security issues with different issue type.The following provides an overview of the methodology for these three impacts.Figure 6.Methodology of IPv6 value creation by industry 2.1.2 IPv6 value creation by in

33、dustry result analysis Based on our model and expert input,we estimate that potential global value created across multiple industry sectors enabled by IPv6 could reach$7.3 trillion in 2025.This represents about 3.7%of all global real output in 2025.IPv6 industry value creation:The following figure p

34、resents the consolidated value enablement findings by industry,ranking from highest impact(information&communication,5.1%of its total sales)to lowest impact(construction&real estate,1.9%of its total sales).9 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 7.Global IPv6 value creation by industry 2.2 Majo

35、r impacts and industry use cases of IPv67 IPv6 as a fundamental enabler for other technologies have a wide range of impact on different industries.A detailed introduction of IPv6 Innovation enabled industry use-cases can be found in the full report.Figure 8.IPv6 enabled scenarios in each industry 7

36、Based on desktop research from various press release and official websites 10 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 3.IPv6 Development Index and Country Analysis 3.1 IPv6 Development Index Although IPv6 has great potential for economic value creation,each country has a different level of development.W

37、e construct an IPv6 Development Index that aims to provide a country-level measurement of IPv6 deployment status.The IPv6 Development Index is based on the well-acknowledged methodologies of the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Address Registry(LACNIC)8,the Organization for Economic Cooperation

38、 and Development(OECD)9,and Cisco10.3.1.1 Methodology Based on references to the LACNIC,OECD and Cisco,we constructed the IPv6 Index by measuring the specificity of IPv6 in three major areas of deployment.These three aspects are IPv6 pennetration(including IPv6 address planning,IPv6 deployment in ne

39、tworks,IPv6 deployment in content providers and user access to the network via IPv6),the performance of IPv6,and the level of innovation emphasizing on IPv6 Enhanced Innovation(including technical standards,policy,academics and pilot commercial projects of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation).Figure 9.Methodol

40、ogy of IPv6 Development Index 8IPv6 Deployment for Social and Economic Development 9Internet Addressing:Measuring Deployment of IPv6,K.Perset,OECD digital economy paper No.172,Apr 2010 10Internet IPv6 Adoption:Methodology,Measurement and Tools 11 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 11 Data set in th

41、is report are as of August 2022;source includes APNIC IPv6(https:/ v6pop(https:/ v6perf(https:/ roas(https:/ desktop research Index Type Level 1 dimension Level 2 dimension Type Index Indication Index Description Source11 Weight IPv6 penetration Planning Ratio of allocated v6 prefixes to allocated v

42、4 prefixes;Ratio of allocated IPv6 prefixes from which traffic has been seen to all allocated v6 prefixes Allocation of IPv6 prefixes Ratio of allocated v6 prefixes to allocated v4 prefixes APNIC 8%Dev.of advertised IPv6 prefixes Ratio of advertised v6 prefixes to allocated v6 prefixes APNIC 8%Netwo

43、rk Measure the level of deployment of IPv6 in the network,incl.data centers of telecom operators and cloud service providers Adoption of IPv6 transit AS Ratio of dual-stack IPv6 Transit AS to all dual-stack Transit AS Routeviews 17%Content Measure the level of deployment of IPv6 in websites from con

44、tent providers The websites support for IPv6 Weighted ratio of IPv6 enabled to tested top 500 websites OVH,Cisco,Google,Alexa 17%Users Measure the accessibility to the internet through IPv6 for end-users End-user accessibility to IPv6 Ratio of IPv6 capable users to number of internet users APNIC 17%

45、Performance Performance Measure the quality of network and effects of IPv6 deployment during end-users visits to the internet through IPv6 Speed of IPv6 network connection Average RTT difference between IPv6 and IPv4 on dual stack end devices APNIC 8%Reliability of IPv6 network connection IPv6 failu

46、re rate on dual-stack end devices APNIC 8%Innovation Standard contribution Measure the contribution to international standards of IPv6 and IPv6 Enhanced innovation by each country Standard contribution#of companies,universities and other institutions in working groups of IEEE and IETF IEEE,IETF 3%Po

47、licy support Measure the#of organizations and supportive policies to promote IPv6 and IPv6 Enhanced innovation by each country Policy support#of org.established and policies published by the gov.to regulate the development of IPv6 and IPv6 Enhanced Official websites 3%Academic contribution Measure t

48、he academic contribution to IPv6 and IPv6 Enhanced innovation by each country Academic contribution#of academic papers on IPv6 and IPv6 Enhanced innovation technology published in top-level publications WOS 3%Innovative application Measure the level of deployment of IPv6 Enhanced innovation innovati

49、on projects to evaluate the capabilities of future innovation Innovative application#of operators and enterprises with IPv6 Enhanced Innovation pilots or commercial use cases Desktop research 8%12 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 We use the weighting method to sum the sub-indicators involved in t

50、he three dimensions to calculate the final IPv6 development index of each country.The weight of each sub-indicator refers to the distribution of the indicator to balance different input variables.Finally,the IPv6 development index is calculated by normalizing different sub-indices,and the average va

51、lue of each sub-indicator is calculated to determine the weight of the actual application.The framework is based on approaches previously adopted by the OECD12,LACNIC13 and Cisco14.In terms of data sources,we use Asia Pacific Internet Network Information Center(APNIC),Cisco and other authoritative r

52、esearch institutions and organizations such as Routeviews,OVH and WOS as raw data input to ensure data reliability.3.1.2 IPv6 Development Index result The numerical range of the IPv6 development index is from 0 to 1,and a higher index value means a better development process of IPv6 and its innovati

53、ve applications.We selected 92 countries around the world and calculated the IPv6 development index for each country in 2022 using data from the Asia-Pacific Internet Network Information Center(APNIC)and other relevant sources.Based on the specific index values,we divide these countries into three c

54、ategories:frontrunners,accelerators and starters.The Frontrunner countries are the top 25%of the IPv6 development index,the Starters are the bottom 25%of the countries,and the rest are the Accelerator countries.For the sake of comparability of indicators among different countries,we measure the depl

55、oyment of IPv6 compared with IPv4 in the index.12Internet Addressing:Measuring Deployment of IPv6,K.Perset,OECD digital economy paper No.172,Apr 2010 13IPv6 Deployment for Social and Economic Development 14Internet IPv6 Adoption:Methodology,Measurement and Tools 13 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 202

56、2 Global country ranking&groups Figure 10.Country ranking of IPv6 Dvelopment Index 14 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 11.Country Ranking of Global IPv6 Development Index Regional country ranking Asia Pacific Figure 12.Country ranking of global IPv6 Development Index Asia P

57、acific Middle East Figure 13.Country ranking of global IPv6 Development Index Middle East 15 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Northern Africa Figure 14.Country ranking of global IPv6 Development Index Northern Africa Southern Africa Figure 15.Country ranking of global IPv6 Development Index South

58、ern Africa Southern and Central America 16 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 16.Country ranking of global IPv6 Development Index Southern and Central America North America Figure 17.Country ranking of global IPv6 Development Index North America Northern and eastern Europe Figure 18.Country

59、ranking of global IPv6 Development Index Northern and eastern Europe Western Europe 17 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 19.Country ranking of global IPv6 Development Index Western Europe Eurasia Figure 20.Country ranking of global IPv6 Development Index Eurasia Analysis of differen

60、ces among groups The average value of different development stages varies greatly,and the grouping method can better summarize and reflect the characteristics of the development stages of countries in each group and the elements that need to be completed.We categorize countries into three groups:Fro

61、nt-runners,Adopters and Starters.Among them,the leaders are countries that are relatively leading in the development of IPv6 and its innovative applications.18 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 21.Average index score by groups Driver analysis:At the sub-indicator level of the IPv6 Developme

62、nt Index,the differences between countries mainly come from the four dimensions of network,users,performance and innovation.This illustrates the importance of improving users ability to access the Internet through IPv6,deploying cutting-edge IPv6 innovative applications to improve IPv6 performance,a

63、nd making sufficient cutting-edge preparations for the future.Figure 22.Average index score by groups In the comparison of the various groups of the IPv6 Development Index,we found that performance and innovation are the main factors that separate the differences among the three groups of front-runn

64、ers,adopters,and starters:Performance:There are certain differences among the three groups End-to-end equipment quality:the quality of operator networks,content provider networks,and terminal equipment will directly affect the deployment of IPv6.The digitalization level of most starters and some acc

65、elerator countries is in the initial stage.Since operators have a relatively weak foundation in digital infrastructure equipment and applications,the deployment performance of IPv6 may be poor compared to the frontrunners.IPv4 deployment maturity:Since the deployment of IPv4 line equipment in many c

66、ountries is very mature,and IPv4-related optimization is complete,IPv6 equipment still needs time to be optimized.As a result,compared with IPv4,the performance advantages of IPv6 are difficult to fully reflect.19 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 23.Country ranking of IPv6 Development Inde

67、x Performance Innovation:There are certain differences among the three groups The development process of IPv6 Enhanced innovation pilot projects:the innovation initiatives of adopters and starters are more focused on carrying out commercial project pilot projects of IPv6IPv6 Enhanced innovative tech

68、nologies in line with the trend.Most of the front-runners already have IPv6 Enhanced innovation commercial pilot projects such as SRv6,which has achieved an intergenerational leap in technology.IPv6 Enhanced technical capabilities:Most of the leading countries are in the leading position in the accu

69、mulation of IPv6 Enhanced innovation and communication-related technologies and the degree of advanced disciplines,have strong capabilities to form technological breakthroughs and innovations,and deeply participate in the formulation of IPv6IPv6 Enhanced innovation-related industry standards.Figure

70、24.Ranking of deployment of IPv6 innovation In IPv6 penetration rate,the network and users are also aspects with large differences in the performance of different groups,but the specific manifestations are different:Network:There is a big difference between starters with frontrunners&adopters Digita

71、lization level:The digitalization level and the development requirements of 5G and IoT will increase the motivation of operators to deploy IPv6.Front-runners and adopters generally have a high level of digitalization,and their terminals have a high demand for 5G and IoT development.The motivation of

72、 their domestic operators to deploy IPv6 will also increase significantly.Operator industry concentration:Many countries among front-runners and adopters have a 20 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 high degree of operator industry concentration and a large average size of operators.Since the penet

73、ration of new technologies generally starts from leading enterprises and gradually develops to small and medium-sized enterprises,the resistance encountered during IPv6 transformation is relatively small,so the transformation speed is relatively fast.Figure 25.Country ranking of IPv6 Development Ind

74、ex Network Users:There is a big difference between the frontrunners and the starters,mainly affected by the level of digitalization and equipment supply Digitization level:Frontrunners have a high level of digitalization,and end users have high requirements for IPv6 and IoT applications.IPv6 deploym

75、ent in the public sector:IPv6 deployment within the government also widely exists in leading countries,which further affects the popularization of terminal IPv6.Ratio of terminal stock to increase:some frontrunners belong to latecomer countries and have accelerated the development of digital constru

76、ction in recent years;due to a large number of new users,new terminal increments can directly deploy IPv6 equipment,and deployment is more resistant than equipment replacement small.Concentration of operators:Among the starters,the concentration of operators in many countries is relatively low,and t

77、he market competition is full.Since terminal routes are mainly provided by operators,it will take a long time for IPv6 to be recognized by the market,and the speed of implementation and deployment in terminals is relatively slow.Figure 26.Country ranking of IPv6 Development Index Users IPv6

78、Penetration analysis In the IPv6 development index,the four indexes of planning,network,content and user represent the penetration of IPv6 in each link of end-to-end deployment.21 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 27.Country ranking of IPv6 Development Index IPv6 penetration 22 GLOBAL IPV6

79、DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 28.Country ranking of IPv6 penetration 3.2 Benchmarking country analysis Among many countries,we selected the United States,China and Germany from the front-runners group for analysis as benchmark countries,in order to summarize their strengths and provide reference ca

80、ses and leading deployment for other countries.23 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 3.2.1 USA The United States is a digitalization pioneer.It now has a highly developed digital industry,resulting in high demand for IP addresses.As a result,IPv6 was implemented early in the United States,and its a

81、doption rate is higher than in most other nations.On the other hand,the United States possesses a huge number of IPv4 addresses,and its equipment and services are optimized to meet the needs of IPv4,whereas the setup of IPv6 native equipment and services has not yet been optimized.Therefore,it will

82、take time for the relative penetration of IPv6(in comparison to IPv4)to increase.Implications The legislative priorities of early adopters with a healthy digital economy must be forward-looking,such as making the connection between IPv6 and other emerging technologies such as 5G and IoT.Pioneering t

83、he investigation of cutting-edge technologies and trial applications to transform the digital infrastructure is the means for leading nations to keep their competitive advantage.Undoubtedly,the growth of the digital economy is the driving force behind the development of IPv6.The necessity and econom

84、ic significance of adopting IPv6IPv6 Enhanced Innovations rises as the demand for IP inside the digital infrastructure rises.Enforcing end-to-end IPv6-only networks for government services,healthcare,and education,etc.,considerably increases the implementation of IPv6IPv6 Enhanced Innovations.IPv6 i

85、ndustry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in the US would total$2.4 trillion by 2025,equivalent to 5.2%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.Figure 29.IPv6 industry value creation in United States IPv6 development status

86、USA is ranked 7 out of 91 countries with a score of 0.53 and falls into the category of front-runners.This means that USA is considered a leader in development of IPv6.24 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 30.IPv6 development in United States 3.2.2 China The Chinese government has achieved s

87、ignificant results in driving the IPv6 transition among operators,content service providers,and key device manufacturers through a set of multi-level and highly binding policies.Implications National policies are observed to work the best when endorsed by a high-level strategic blueprint.The Digital

88、 China strategy outlined in the 14th Five-Year Plan is considered an example.To expedite the digital transition,it is recommended that governments embrace strategy that includes goals and support for the digital society,government,and economy.Binding policies with clearly defined targets and standar

89、ds can effectively accelerate the penetration of IPv6 among operators,service providers,and users within a short time frame.Among all stakeholders,operators are most prone to policy influence and play the largest role in driving the deployment at the network and users end.The active deployment of IP

90、v6/IPv6 Enhanced Innovations by the leading operators can have a substantial effect on the overall deployment rate in the national networks.Moreover,it secures the provision of an IPv6 network environment for content providers.The active deployment of IPv6/IPv6 Enhanced Innovations by the leading op

91、erators can have a substantial effect on the overall deployment rate in the national networks.Moreover,it secures the provision of an IPv6 network environment for content providers.Governments should also work to advance breakthrough digital infrastructure technologies.Government support for IPv6 En

92、hanced Innovations technologies and businesses,as well as pilot projects,will considerably ease the growth of the digital sector and boost the national digital economy in the future.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries

93、in the China would total$578 billion by 2025,equivalent to 1.7%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.25 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 31.IPv6 industry value creation in China IPv6 development status China is ranked 12 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.47 and falls into the

94、category of front-runners.This means that China is considered a leader indevelopment of IPv6 Figure 32.IPv6 development status in China 3.2.3 Germany Due to a relatively high degree of digitalization,the users natural demand for IP addresses becomes a potent driver for IPv6 transition.In addition,as

95、 Germany began the deployment process early and the active public sector has contributed significantly to the promotion of IPv6,Germany is at the forefront of IPv6 implementation globally.Implications The government should take the lead in deploying IPv6 and then encourage the private sector to make

96、 the appropriate change.As the digital economies grow,the modernization of digital infrastructures in major industries(e.g.,manufacturing)is projected to generate enormous demand for IPv6 capabilities.Therefore,governments should integrate IPv6 into industrial settings(such as smart manufacturing)an

97、d support pilot projects for its implementations.26 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Germany would total$288 billion by 2025,equivalent to 4.2%of the gross value of these indus

98、tries in 2025.Figure 33.IPv6 industry value creation in Germany IPv6 development status Germany is ranked 4 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.53 and falls into the category of front-runners.This means that Germany is considered a leader indevelopment of IPv6 Figure 34.IPv6 development status in

99、Germany 3.3 Typical country analysis 3.3.1 Front-runners France France has a solid digital basis,as well as a strong academic reputation and influence in the telecommunication field.As the French public sector started deployment of IPv6 since 2012,the private sector shows good IPv6 penetrati

100、on;however,due to the fragmented market of operators and content services,there are a large number of small operators and small websites that have not yet transformed to IPv6,and it will take time to further the penetration.27 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 IPv6 industry sector impact We estima

101、te that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in France could total$164 billion by 2025,equivalent to 3.6%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.Figure 35.IPv6 industry value creation in France IPv6 development status France is ranked 8 out of 92 countries

102、with a score of 0.51 and falls into the category of front-runners.This means that France is considered a leader in the development of IPv6 Figure 36.IPv6 development status in France 28 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Recommendations Figure 37.Policy recommendations for France Saudi Arab

103、ia Saudi Arabia has a high demand for IPv6 in the process of promoting the transformation of the digital economy.Around 2021,the government actively deployed IPv6 through the state-owned top operators,mandating quick IPv6 deployment and rapid penetration by the top operators.IPv6 industry sector imp

104、act We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Saudi Arabia would total$123 billion by 2025,equivalent to 6.5%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.Figure 38.IPv6 industry value creation in Saudi Arabia IPv6 development status Saudi Arabia h

105、as a high demand for IPv6 in the process of promoting digital economic transformation.Around 2021,the government will drive SOE head operators to carry out rapid IPv6 deployment,quickly infiltrate and lay out commercial pilot applications of IPv6 Enhanced Innovation cutting-edge technologies Saudi A

106、rabia is ranked 10 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.51 and falls into the category of front-runners.This means that Saudi Arabia is considered a leader in the global deployment of IPv6 29 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 39.IPv6 development status in Saudi Arabia Recommendations Figur

107、e 40.Policy recommendations for Saudi Arabia Malaysia Malaysia started the deployment process of IPv6 10 years ago and stepped up its policies in recent years.From 2020 onwards,IPv6 certification is made mandatory for all types of network equipment.However,due to a fragmented operator market

108、,the deployment of IPv6 still needs time.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Malaysia would total$108 billion by 2025,equivalent to 3.2%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.30 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPOR

109、T 2022 Figure 41.IPv6 industry value creation in Malaysia IPv6 development status Malaysia is ranked 11 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.50 and falls into the category of front-runners.This means that Malaysia is considered a leader in the development of IPv6 globally.Figure 42.IPv6 development

110、 status in Malaysia Recommendations Figure 43.Policy recommendations for Malaysia 31 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 United Arab Emirates Large international enterprises account for a large proportion of the UAEs network operators and content providers,enabling the government to lead SOE

111、 operators to rapidly deploy IPv6 when IPv4 addresses are relatively abundant.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in UAE would total$218 billion by 2025,equivalent to 6.7%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.

112、Figure 44.IPv6 industry value creation in United Arab Emirates IPv6 development status Figure 45.IPv6 development status in United Arab Emirates 32 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Recommendations Figure 46.Policy recommendations for United Arab Emirates Brazil As one of the first-movers

113、in South America,Brazil has a fairly substantial share of South American prefix resources.Nonetheless,development of 5G,AI,and other related industries that drive the growth of the user end demand began rather late,the level of government digitalization is also low.IPv6 industry sector impact We est

114、imate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Brazil would total$163 billion by 2025,equivalent to 1.1%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.Figure 47.IPv6 industry value creation in Brazil IPv6 development status Brazil is ranked 14 out of 92 countr

115、ies with a score of 0.48 and falls into the category of front-runners.This means that Brazil is considered a leader in the development of IPv6 globally.33 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 48.IPv6 development status in Brazil Recommendations Figure 49.Policy recommendations for Brazil 3.3.1

116、.6 Mexico Mexico is experiencing a time of fast growth in its digital economy.There are numerous new IP requirements for which IPv6 can be installed immediately,making it easier to popularize IPv6 on the user end.Due to the huge number of small operators,however,IPv6 upgrade on the network side will

117、 take some time.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Mexico would total$26 billion by 2025,equivalent to 1.1%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.34 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 50.IPv6 indust

118、ry value creation in Mexico IPv6 development status Mexico is ranked 16 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.47 and falls into the category of front-runners.This means that Mexico is considered a leader in the development of IPv6 globally.Figure 51.IPv6 development status in Mexico Recommendations

119、Figure 52.Policy recommendations for Mexico 35 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 3.3.2 Adopters Thailand Lack of IPv4 address incentivize both public and private sectors in Thailand to migrate to IPv6.Thailands continuing top-down IPv6 strategic planning has enabled a seamless IPv6 transit

120、ion,although frontier technology and forward-looking projects are still lacking.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Thailand would total$31 billion by 2025,equivalent to 3.4%of the gross value of these industries in

121、 2025.Figure 53.IPv6 industry value creation in Thailand IPv6 development status The Thailand 4.0 strategy proposed in 2016 focuses on consolidating existing industrial development capabilities(focusing on industries like automobiles and smart appliances),establishing new industries(focusing on indu

122、stries like robotics and digitalization),and forming high-tech value chains(focusing on industries like networking,electromechanical integration,and innovation and culture),which are in line with the IPv6 value plateau of information technology.Therefore,IPv6 implementation can in large facilitate T

123、hailands strategic change.Thailand is ranked 36 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.40 and falls into the category of adopters.This means the level of IPv6 development in Thailand is in the medium level in the world.Figure 54.IPv6 development status in Thailand 36 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 20

124、22 Recommendations Figure 55.Policy recommendations for Thailand Philippines Not high levels of digitalization and demand for addresses are observed.Because of the insufficient infrastructure,however,a substantial number of new end devices can directly implement IPv6,reducing transition cost

125、s and facilitating user adoption.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Philippines would total$25 billion by 2025,equivalent to 3.9%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.Figure 56.IPv6 industry value creation

126、 in Philippines IPv6 development status Philippines ranks 43 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.37,grouped as an adopter.This means the level of IPv6 development in Philipines is in the medium level in the world.37 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 57.IPv6 development status in Philippin

127、es Recommendations Figure 58.Policy recommendations for Philippines Italy Italy has an edge in advanced technology research and academic contributions,but due to its high number of SMEs and poor digital economy penetration,there is less demand for IP addresses and a lack of impetus in IPv6 d

128、eployment by big operators.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Italy would total$104 billion by 2025,equivalent to 3.3%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.38 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 59.

129、IPv6 industry value creation in Italy IPv6 development status Italy ranks 48 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.35,grouped as an adopter.This means the level of IPv6 development in Italy is in the medium level in the world.Figure 60.IPv6 development status in Italy Recommendations Figure 61.Polic

130、y recommendations for Italy 39 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Algeria The rapid growth of the ICT industry in Algeria in recent years,the strong government investment in critical ICT infrastructure and the constantly updated legal framework and regulations have all contributed in part t

131、o the deployment of IPv6.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Algeria would total$5.2 billion by 2025,equivalent to 1.0%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.Figure 62.IPv6 industry value creation in Algeria

132、 IPv6 development status Algeria ranks 52 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.34,grouped as an adopter.This means the level of IPv6 development in Algeria is in medium level in the world.Figure 63.IPv6 development status in Algeria 40 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Recommendations Figure 64.P

133、olicy recommendations for Algeria South Africa The general level of digitalization in South Africa is low,and in the lack of larger incentives,terminal demand for IPv6 is still modest,and operators are just beginning to switch to IPv6 due to the oversupply of IPv4 addresses in the country.IP

134、v6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in South Africa would total$45 billion by 2025,equivalent to 5.1%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.Figure 65.IPv6 industry value creation in South Africa IPv6 development

135、status South Africa ranks 54 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.34,grouped as an adopter.This means the level of IPv6 development in South Africa is in the medium level in the world.41 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 66.IPv6 development status in South Africa Recommendations Figure 67.

136、Policy recommendations for South Africa Spain Spain began the development of IPv6 technology early and has certain advantages in advanced technology development and academic contributions,but the major operators lack motivation in IPv6 deployment and there is no effective policy to promote t

137、he implementation;therefore,it has not yet surpassed the United States as the global leader in IPv6 deployment.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Spain would total$75 billion by 2025,equivalent to 3.3%of the gross

138、value of these industries in 2025.42 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 68.IPv6 industry value creation in Spain IPv6 development status Spain ranks 61 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.33,grouped as an adopter.This means the level of IPv6 development in Spain is in medium level in the w

139、orld.Figure 69.IPv6 development status in Spain Recommendations Figure 70.Policy recommendations for Spain 43 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Nigeria As the most populous country in Africa,Nigeria is valued by many multinational content providers of large sizes and leading expertise,resu

140、lting in satisfactory content support for IPv6.However,limited by its low level of digitization,in the absence of significant growth in the digital industry,IPv6 deployment in Nigeria remains at a medium level in the world.IPv6 industry sector impact We estimate that the potential value of IPv6 depl

141、oyment across multiple industries in Nigeria could total US$52 billion by 2025,which is equivalent to 5.8%of the total real output value of these industries in 2025.Figure 71.IPv6 industry value creation in Nigeria IPv6 development status Nigeria ranks 67 out of 92 countries with a score of 0.30 and

142、 is grouped as adopter.This means Nigerias IPv6 deployment level is in the middle of the world Figure 72.IPv6 development status in Nigeria 44 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Recommendations Figure 73.Policy recommendations for Nigeria Egypt The digitalization infrastructure in Egypt is

143、very limited,but the digital economy has grown fast over the past few years.IPv6 and digitalization have evolved concurrently.Due to the absence of a mandated regulation,the digital economys increased need for intellectual property must nevertheless be relayed to operators and end users.IPv6 industr

144、y sector impact We estimate that the potential value created by deploying IPv6 across multiple industries in Egypt would total$47 billion by 2025,equivalent to 5.0%of the gross value of these industries in 2025.Figure 74.IPv6 industry value creation in Egypt IPv6 development status Egypt ranks 70 ou

145、t of 92 countries with a score of 0.30,grouped as an adopter.This means the level of IPv6 development in Egypt is in medium level in the world 45 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 75.IPv6 development status in Egypt Recommendations Figure 76.Policy recommendations for Egypt 3.3.3 Starters 3

146、.3.3.1 Indonesia Due to the low level of digitalization among terminals and therefore lack of demand,Indonesia faces weak incentives from leading ISPs and content providers to migrate to IPv6.However,it is among the worlds leading countries in the deployment of cutting-edge IPv6 technologies.IPv6 in

147、dustry sector impact We estimate that the potential value of IPv6 deployment across multiple industries in Indonesia could total US$78 billion by 2025,which is equivalent to 3.0%of the total real output value of these industries in 2025.46 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 77.IPv6 industry

148、value creation in Indonesia IPv6 development status Indonesia ranks 74 in 92 countries,with a score of 0.29,and is grouped as an adopter.This means that IPv6 deployment status in Indonesia is in medium level.Figure 78.IPv6 development status in Indonesia Recommendations Figure 79.Policy recommendati

149、ons for Indonesia 47 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 4.Policy Recommendation 4.1 Challenges faced in IPv6 Enhanced Innovation development Figure 80.The three roles and nine initiatives of government 4.2 General recommendations by group In general,for countries in different development stage,the

150、government have varied emphasis:Figure 81.Policy focus for different segments 4.3 Detailed recommendations by group 4.3.1 Front-runners 48 GLOBAL IPV6 DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 Figure 82.Policy recommendations for front-runners 4.3.2 Adopters Figure 83.Policy recommendations for adopters 4.3.3 Starter

151、s Figure 84.Policy recommendations for starters 长风破浪,顺势争先12 PUBLISHER:ROLAND BERGER 23/F Jing An Kerry Centre Tower 1 1515 West Nanjing Road,Shanghai+86 21 5298-6677 EMLYON BUSINESS SCHOOL 2F,Global Education Center,East China Normal University,N.3663 North Zhongshan Road,Shanghai,China.+86 21 6260 8160 infoem-



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